Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 19, 1886, Image 1

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1) wtttfa$fc
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VOLUME XX 1 1 1 NO. 08.
LANCAJ3TEK, l'A. 1TJUDAY, NOVEMJiBl?, 1!, 1886.
k. v aflsm.
uf mn en a mi tut et ntiKtn.Aitv,
Iliiheit.l. I'mtirYrr AuulHe,t til it lllKh Clime.
A Halllhilljr TtnihliMiln CninHlPill)! Mo Me
llis the rmlirr nl 1 11 liin-Oltlrer Itelllr
(mllly of simple .i,iull n( Halter?,
fhun-litti Aftrrn-in 1'kiii Iho reas
Humbling el court tlm trial l Jltilrtiit I'riMt
berry, for committing ii rH"J l.lllle
Themas, was resumed. The oeminnnwrnltli
ollert'd seme nililltkimil testimony te show
tlint the girl communicated te her fnllier by
loiter tlie farts of tlin outrage hi hoeii Bfler
they lmijmiivtl ns It wns jKjnlble ler licr le
de mv,
The dofuise denied nil tin) iiiihh idol's
allegation mill said iki Mintiiillouse was com
in lib d ni had been (eslllled te by her. It
was also shown that tlie girl esw Piesberry
and lib wire tlie (lay fellow )iii the rape and
iiul net ar-otlse lilm of Iho nlltiiKii ; that llui
t Ileum was allcgid te have Im ii committed
en the I. Ml of July and complaint vmii nut
made until August i, iiuil then only after
Mis. Piesberry mill the prescutrl had n
quarrel and l.flllii wns ordered away Ireni
tlm house liir htlnglng whisky there; Unit
she l-unled with lliu I'msherrys ler hoiiie
tune alter il (i alleged rape, hikI (tint she
Mtitinl 1'nwiKiriy licqilently tt the stable
where lie was employed. Presberry hIme
dinned by it number el witnesses that tiln
hanieter ler chastity wns geed, Thn jury
iniiilereJ n verdict of nut guilty.
"i i n UKii.i.i mlnikmih
".li or WlilUm H. Uullly,wliow.iilinlleloil
I'Thii Bi;ijr.iVatel mini It nml Imttery, ollerel
in oiiter h pleii of flinty of Hlmple iniilt nmt
I'dttrry, nud Unit ili ivii'. iiertipteil by tlie
timiiiientMuUiriiulU.'erx. Tlm illlllculty, it
will bu reiimiiibcretl, lmp"'UC(l tit tlin lair
ground In hoptnuiber, nud Hi h Kiiuenil row
wtil.h Ollkcr Ilellly tilid te iiuell, HylM.tur
Neii;rt wni fitriu'k en tliu luiml with A
lilrl(ja Ic In the ruVvr'M lwndc. Sweiart
- gnud n potltlen te the court n'kltii: Unit n
lu(ht Nvnttmee bu IiiihvmI eh Hsllly, im hu
did net dt-Hlrii te ireMiutii tlm vamh. Tlie
(Mirt 'AIM tllll IlKtXlnt HI'llUlllOll Htlouiible
n tlnuerft iinii cnt, Hlilcli tlinllli'urMla.
'lhti bill erivwti hi tll'i li
Tliojudgeln wiiIuk oetiti'nco Raid It nm
bIuiejI liuKMxitie ter mi cllloer le pick out
l tlm prtrty Ktillty nf rnlitiiK a dlitiirunnre In n
rrewd. mid tlm UH'er oituime utti only mi
error et jud);ineuU
111 til" telUOOO InlK'l piKtllOKO fVW llffHlllht
( liiirlet A. Kiwe mid Iiuu" ll,ich, MjrillcU
"I net KUllty wvru riiture.l,H.i tlie potties liae
fi.ttu.i th'lril!lliciiltl!.
II. il VM .11.111 1 11,1.
ori;e iii'rlllki nd 1'eter ltute wcreimt
en 1 1 lnl te answer h iiumlier of liidlctiiimibi
i li.irijIiiK burlnry, relnmeux entry mid lar
i uii J-. The liRrKi"i trlid vfre the rebbery
oiilieMoroor IU M. IliU'liiiim), nl Willow
S'roet, en Mny JUh, wlidii a lur no let of htore
K'hmN ix-re prtileu ; the robbery nf thotlnell.
mi; liniiw l Mnrllu itrtubiirir, tit the HIk
s.'rinjf, en Jiiuc itli . tlie rebbery of the
lioune of Klmn llsrninh en the Hiiine nlKht .
tee fiiloinetM entry of tlie oiit-heuvi
.I Dptiraim It. Kehrei, near Nollsillle, en
the nlht et June Mill All the koeUn ntelun
t're rrtewrt'd ul the heuvi of Jniuli llu
. nd, en Jehn mreet, xcept low iirtlelcM
nliii'h wero aehl te dill Tent pirtlei by Kote
and Urlltz!il. TlitiM) urtlrle, U wnHxhewn,
worn breilKhMO HurJiard'H lioune by the no.
tiMid, ivhn innde tlint houe thelr lie,il-
I'mriiTK. A larne uuuibnr wero Idiiutiliwl
iv tlm prosecutorH lmhK Ueu flolen
r-m thuiu. On trlil.
hi. MrMiillen plendiul guilty te ferlui;
Hi" liame of lilarn .V iierdccr le h uhwk,
mid bm Hvntciictil te undort;e nil
niHiit e dlj-liU'cn iiienths.
eiivvn ii u v in it ns.
lrurltitli.- Jehn 'I nKcrt, lornlrfttlen
and liaurdy , Win. McMiillun, lorery :
I'rank llejd, Urreny mid horie HteallUK ;
Jehn I'.itteu, l.irueny j Arthur ttruen, selling
liiier wlthei't UceiiMtHnil en Sundn , Sim
uul Miller, axiultiind batterj ; Joepli.S'ark,
faiie pretenae ; IlarUir.i lleu k mid M.itthliii
Cillrey, fornlnillen ; I Mae Hctsluger, niiault
and battery.
f 'ii'iml Hill Itcl' PrealxiiM, assault
and twitery, witJi l.illiu Tlieinas piosfi-uter,
ler C'Ih , Jehn l'alteu, Inroeny , Martin
Suvder, lolling liquor en Sunday ; l.urlnda
Jenklni, pnijury, with Mary l.leytl, ppnei'ii
lt ter, lur et
ir-.'it 'iih,. I'pen the re-a.-.4tMii
bluiK el ivuirt tlie Knteuiid iiurlluki ciei
with rt'iiliuvd. Additional U'nlliueuy Was
etlnred proving tboewnurstjlpol tliopreporty
leimd at IluziirU'H lieu.i en Jehn Mrwu
1'hoenly preiurtv net I'le.irly iduntltUnl was
that of Martin iirt'cnburg. '1 bnre wai no
dofenae ellurud. Jury out whi-n court iid iid iid
joiirned Kalph Andersen v. at put en trial mid ceri-
ii-ttxl of the larceej of n jmlr of troiiier-, pair
et boetHHndriK'Ht. Thoae artleliw wero aloleu
(rum I'a'per llartiiiau, en his lilaint in the
Sii luulianna rUnr, en o-tetmr l Anduraun
had been In the (Mil ploy el Mr. llartiiiau
only k low daja bi-lere the thelt waacom waacem waacom
uillled. The aiviMdl denied having coui ceui
iiilttwl the ollento eh irged. He wasaonteiu'od
te iindeign an tniprl-Miniuunt of nlne luniilliH.
I rank iieyd ploided guilty te Htealiui:
loe of ciirtire (nun J. W. Hull, 2,WK)
clirari from II iidii)ln Wl-alur, and
J,(M) clgara from llalibinttelu V Ce. Thli
thelt win committed at the Kphntiu malum.
Scutonce w ai dufarred.
Arthur (irenn.a W elnlr mountain coon, iviis
put en trial fjr culling liquor en .Sunday,
and without llcenne. It wan hIiewh tint Im
111 ei near thu " H laeafrax," ami at dlllerent
t hum he sold liquor te ether coeux, who
ninde it thelr looting place.
Tlie defeuiUiu denied having cold liquor
utauy tliue, but Rdmltted that he had en a
number of occaileiu treated !iii Irlunda when
tlmy called en him. Jury out.
'nitm Mnrmii Court met at tl o'clock,
nud thejury lulhe Arthur Oreen liquor canon
rendered n verdict of net guilty, and dlvlded
the cejld equally botweou the prolocutor mid
The jury In the Hots nud (Jerlltzkl cases,
- a verdict of guilty en nil the lndlcttneuts o.x e.x o.x
cept that of Martin (ireeiiH hurg, of which
charge he wai uiiuuted.
JetmTaggert, or SalUbury township, was
tried loraiideunWctod of lorulcallen and bas
tardy. Tlie presecutrix was Maggle Slay,
maker and her testimony allowed that alie
gae birth te twins a boy nud a girl.. Tliere
was no tostlmeny ollerod en the part of the
delcnxH and the Jury rendered a verdict
of guilty. The usuall aeuteiice directing
him te pay for the support of the two babiea
wai Imposed.
Henry Welfjr. wai charged with being the
father or an lllegitlmate child Uzzle Wlitteu
girl 16 yuan old, nnponred m the prosecutrlx.
She itweru positively tlut the child was hN.
He went en tliu witness stand, denied tiie
paternity and claimed that he did net knew
the girl at the tlme ahe alleged the oIIeumo
was committed. He alie denied that he
went te M.inlieiin, whero the girl lived, be be bo
fero the birth of the child and Hgroed te
marry tlie girl.
The common wealth called Hqulre Umner,
of Maulieim borough, who win present at
the Interview, and Uncentradicted Wolf, Ids
testimony belug that Welt did premise te
wed thu girl. Tlie Jury rendered n verdict
of guilty.
I'liAitnun wirit win:
William A. Christ wm put en trlnl ler com
milting an usaaultauil battery en hla wife,
hhe testilied that ou the morning of Novem
ber nth alie withdrew two charges ngnlnst her
husband en toiidttieua that he would atay
nwny from her. loiter ou the sunn day he
called en herut her father' house nil Middle
blreet, nud caught her violently by tlie wrlata.
She Haul he wai under the liilluence of liquor
nod tu anger when lie cilled at the heusu.
The acquted denied that he cetuinllted nil
nsaault ami battery en hla wlle. llliBtery
wai that he went te the heuse nud asked her
II bhe would net live with him. Hhe uld alie
Would net. lis llien nsWml linr In civil llllll
giHMl-bye, ai nhe would net again aee htm,
and he took held of her bauds te glve her
i poed-byo. He denled that he wai under the
inlluouce ofllquer or angry when he called
en hu wlfe. J urv out,
llenjataln Mer was put en trial for com
mitting en nsmiuU and battery en Jehn
K relder. The prosocuter testiaca that en the
Ith of Oolebor Harry lonblerwaariestil for
nuiiilng llioliimred ll Iliilrmnii en Itiak.
Undilreet WIIiiexh lullewed lliwbler and
the olllier toward the kUIIeii Iiouke mid when
near the court limine he alleged that Mer
aald te him, ' hnre'a another ene of the Ixiya
who nteiied the hoiine" nml Mruck him In the
The ilelendaut denled that he atruck
Krolder. When he ftaw Kieliler 111 the
.crowd following Harry Doehlcr he nieiely
taiqied hliu en tlie nliuulder and (mlnlcd lilm
out In NlormleItK i ene (if the p.ittleti who
aluueil the houe. On trlnl.
(iitANii .tinv itrri'tiN.
7Vnc Iif.1. -I-evl Sicily, lte piclcnm,
Miller Hhlmler, lalie prnlense mill forgery,
Adam Wcllul, lelonleiii entry and larceny ;
ClmtlesA. Ileis'e, ilelraiiillng croilltera, two
Indletmmila , Win. Ornhnin, lalee pretense j
II. 1'. Iluwe, eiulii ..lenient, Jehn 1. I'.vaui,
asMaultand li.itlnry.
Jnnernl llilll. -Adam We'rM, liireny
nnil felonleui entry , Jehn Jo'inseu, et. al,
neglect of duty, with Abraham lllrnh, prose-
ciltor,fer C(ti , Jmiiit'llrey, bawdy home,
i I khi:n i in
Kllribtth M. Wigxlnnrd, wlle el A. W.
WiKxIwatd, wivi grauUsI tlie benefit of the
act of iwnembty of April .1, H2, giving te
married women the beuelll et thulr aopaiate
1 lif t'i. ami llen-ua ul Mfimtnr June
rteietfin New eik Tiltninc.
Thore It cinslilnrable geislp here nbeut
Sounter J. 1'. Jenes, of Nevada. He has had
mere upi nud iIewiik, peril)", than any
ether rich man In thuceiiulry. Ile wai aiip aiip
pexed te be worth J 15,000,0011 te tJU.OUU.OOO,
and agnln te be a jKKir ai n church mouse.
Ills method el doing hiisliuws nib ae Ioemi
that he xcarcely ever knows whether he Is
Molvcnter net. I 'or four or II ye years It has
lioen well iiiidemte xl that he was tar fiem
proHwreiiK, Then It Ixx'mne known that hu
had xtiucku geld mine tu Alaska, with aome
California jeeple, which wax lilting
him aliter his dltllciiltleii The ndni;e thai
It never rains but It ixiuns xneina te held
geed In his i.ike. Ile dlxcuvored n lew
d.iVM age, II is iexrted, that he held the
title te hoiiie )ireH'rty ne-ir fjes Angul(,
California, with an extent or hoiiie ,',0ne or
100,000 nor., which In lnsilajxef treuble he
moitgage 1 te the bank of Nevada. The land
was thvu coiixldered worth about fO nn ncre.
Jenes never p dd any attention te the mort
gage and Hiipnsed that the property had
been gobbled op long age le pay It. Hecently
he dlxcovered thai he held the title and thai
the property had gene up in value and la new
worth tl5 or t."0 an acre, enough In itself te
make him h big lertuim alter tlie lean Is paid
eir. On top el this comes the rise In value
of the Consolidated California and Virginia
mining mock, In which hu has hoiiie Interest.
The slix'k has Un down ax low as leceutx.
lt li new Helling nt JIO. OfcourHeevcrylxxly
who knows. Mr. Jeuex is gratllled with his
preHpiclx, us he is one et thu most genial men
In public lile.
A lllll I'ur IrrUnil.
A t'euiinittix) et the llrlllBli twbluet, com
ed nf lierd Hsudelph Chun-hill, Sir
Michael lllcks Ileach, Lord Axlllxjurne and
the Itlght Hen. William Henry Smith, is
preparing a land bill for Ireland. The tlrat
dratt Is ImmmI Hkjii an et tension of the Axil Axil
Ixiurneact. It limit the tenant's purchaxe
of landi te holdings under Hlxty ucren. If
the commission sanctions the transfer the
Imperial treasury will ndvance the amount,
the cemmNxlDii paying leur-llfths te the
Inndltrrd mid retaining the ether litth until
the tenant's animal Installmeuta amount te
ene 1 1 f t ti cl the stipulated num. The tenant's
repayment ahull extend ever thirty nlne
j earn, with Intorestat I percent, peranuum,
as In Iho Ashbourne act. The total neces.sary
te Id guaranteed by the treasury is tnlluiated
at i-AtOO.Ooe. The fale(i under the Axh Axh
Ixiunie act hav leg already euhaiisted the par
llamentary grant of t ,,uoe,onO, it is revertixl
that the government, trusting le I'arllament'x
letracilvoaanctlen, has ordered the treasury
le continue te make advance.
If the rejxjri is true this action o.vpeos the
get eminent te n critical attack for a breach el
tin) constitution.
una it iiKMir tutsis.1
A lau Who lUaluiril te l.l)e 111
Attempt bulrlile In ruiuttitsn.
I retn the i'ottxtewn Leilgei.
Shortly before neon today, Thursday,
Henry Hentz, a man nbeut 10 years of age,
was breuglil le ttie drug store of Dr. J. M.
Cunningham, Ne. 117 High atrect, sutlerlng
from the ellects of tin overdone of laudanum.
It booms that Hentz, who fays he la from
Lancaster, I'a., imiiie te I'ottstewu te procure
work, and net being Hiiccenslul concluded te
end hia troubles by taking his life. He
accordingly procured the drug named and
h will lowed a large done el the xmne while
nearthoell heuse of l'ottxtewn Ironcempiuy.
Dr. S. II. Swnvulv was culled In the cae, and,
a-slxted by Dr. Cunningham, druggist, lias
nlnce been doing all he can te arouse Iho man
from his stupor. Kuinedies have been ad
ministered and llentz lias Ixxin walk (hi up
and down the xtroet pretty lively nud the
probabilities nre that he will pull through.
IVIijr Thry Like Illin llm.Sew Yerk
The American people like hetiext, straight
forward vvnys in cindldntus ler otllce. They
have great respect Jer a man, whether they
agree with him or net, who nays what he
means mid means what he Hays.
Thai Is what they like in Ornver Cleveland.
He may net be as "magnetic" aH Mr. Hlaluc,
and cannot l regmded as a dangerously
brilliant xtiitesmau. Hut hu acta and thinks
en the level or the average citizen. He is
endowed with n sort el despornte common
sense mid has something of the old fashioned
homely honesty regarding public service.
Fer these leaxens he will probably be the
Ieople's candidate two jears hence.
t'errt rtlng a ltasf)l,s Ituiuur,
I rein the Heading Knglu.
The roiert that Mrs. i:ii.i, wlle of Jehn
Krick, of Muhlenberg, had txcomeu mother
ertriplels, Is liicorreot. The Item wascircu.
lated liy a woman who wrs i neighbor, mid
la i-iiid te Ixi net resH)UxIble for hersbito hersbite hersbito
luenlH. Mr. Krick says he would prratecutn
the person were It net ler her irresponsi
bility. A Nrw Church rur llrlckrrvltle,
fienl the bill moil Timed.
Hev. M. 1'eriiHler, who nx;eutly moved
from l!rlckornvllle;to Shaellcratewn, hei
Hiieu county, states that thore has been $'J,TbO
already pledged towards building a new
l.uthernu church nl llrlckervllle. The re
mainder nereaxnry will Iki fortlicemlng and
tlie erection of Iho heuse of worship com
menced. lh (lull Killed Ilia lierne'ii llvarlug.
Kl Din tlie I. lilt. Itcceid.
Last wee): Moureo Shreluer, of llnllvllle,
drove aw ay Irem home, taking his gun with
lilm. Sliding a corey of birds, he llted lrem
the wagon w hen he notlced that the horse he
was driving moved his ears In u peeuliar
manner. In a short tlme be also dlscovertHl
that the horse was entirely deaf, and has re
mained ke since, probably nover te regain his
Severe Arcldeut te a Weman.
Frem the Sentinel.
Thursdiiy morning Mrs. Frank Frltch, el
the Prussian heuse, Manlielm, whlle clean
ing heuse nnd In the act of lemevlng a trail trail
Hern, stiqqied en n chair, which tilted, nud
alie tell heavily te the Heur, aoveroly sprain
ing the ligaments of her right nnkle Joint.
Adam Oblemler Will ten a Hearing.
Thursday evening wm the tlme set ler n
hearing bofero Alderman Deen or the charge
or embezzlement laid against Adam Oblun
der. Mr. Oblemler, acoemininied by counsel,
put In an npponrance, waived n hearing and
entered ball in the until of f 1,000 te answer at
Will Ilemaln All Week,
Jennle Houghten drew a large-sized audi
ence te the Lancaster rink Thursday even
ing, and Mr, llalbach has mude arrangements
te have her remain te appear this and to
morrow oveiilngs nnd nt a matlnee te-morrow
Tim fJUMuwiriiM iAutiiar.
The llnliiilimntn Man Wai L'Kfimlnjc n feme
When III) nll'ir.l xml Itrirliril Ilia I'abil
Wiiiiml-Nti Oiin Near lilm When
lln Met Ills Hail rale.
Coienor lleminiaii nud Dr. Win. Comp Cemp Comp
len, starled Thurslay alleruiiau rer Helten,
te held an luquesl ou the body of Albert
Kelt, who noi'ident.tlly shot himself
thereen that day. On the way down Seuth
iuecn alreet they met with an ncoideut,
breaking their bugL'i. They returned nud
tx)k the l-.'iil train ler Helten, whero they
arrived between live and six o'clock. The
txxly was placed in the xlatluit and a jury
was at emu einpsiielhsl ixiuxlxtlug of if, (1.
Heek. HU ilenedkt, David Ooed, F. 11.
Miller, Albert M Huiltli slid J. A.HamllUm.
The place where the aeciilent ixxurrtxl was
about n hair mile from Kefton botweou
tlint place and Martinsville. Thoevldonce
Ixirore tlie Jury xliowel that a low days be be bo
eoro the aeclilent hell, had Isieu down In that
uolghberhoixl. He Htepeil at the Green
Tun hotel (which Is Just a short distance
from Hofteu shilleii) ami told Mr. Geed, Iho
proprietor that lieiieslrixl te eonie down en
h gunning till) cud nked him
te allow llrjnmfn Miller, In hla em
ploy, le accompany him. The arrange
ment was made and in pursuance of It Sell.
went le Iho pIsce Thursday mid he nnd
Milter started out hunting. Miller first
crossed the lence whero Iho sheeting occurred
nud had gene n short dlslunce when he heard
the rexirlef St'l''s gnu. He (lrst thought
that he had shot ul a rabbit, but ueii retrac
ing bis foel-xtujM found that the man had
killed blm-eir. The lead of shot hadjuitered
the lull sldeel his face and passed up rough
the top or his head spilling his brains. The
mmi's ilratli was IiislAiitanoeus. It Is su
xwed thai when Sellz was crossing tlie lence
he missed his bxilliig. The trigger or his
gun struck n rail, ou which tlie mark can be
plainly seen, and tlm accident resulted. The
jury nller hearing the evidence round that
Hollzcamute his death by tlm accidental ills.
charge of his gun while crossing tlie lence.
After the Inquest the body was brought te
this city by Ciidortaker llenry Wolf, who
was accompanied by the coroner nnd doctor.
It was taken at ence te the rosldenco of the
deceased. Soen tiller the reixirters lelt the
house Thursday afternoon Airs. Sellz was
notilled et her husband's death. Since then
she has been nlment crazy with grlef, al
though she Is constantly atleuded by sym
pathetic friends.
Many of the hnckmen or the city, with
whom the diTeaX'd associated se long dur
ing his life tin e, have decided te attend the
funeral ou Sunday allorneou al J o'cleck: and
will send their carriage! fiee of charge.
A Uirleue baeeps Through the Weiului;
Vallpj Lltx IjibU
A cyclone, a -cempanled by a ram storm,
prevailed in Wllksbarre and in tlie Wyom
ing Valley Thursday tnerming, causing In
tense excitement whlle lt lasted. The rixefs
of houses In various parts of the city wero
tern oil, telegraph and telephone wires te all
puts were greatly daniaged, and trots were
snnpped in two whlle Iho xterm lasted. At
Kingsten, ene inlle from tliere.anew Catholic
cbiitvh, thodlniensloDs el which were I'idx
ii01i)t, with li Inch walls, was blown down
and totally wrecked The les.s, which falls
upon the contractor William O'Malley, Is
estimated at 111,0001
Al I'arsenx, three milex lrem Wllkoxbarre,
where tlie Delaware A Hudsen Canal com cem
piny is putting up a new Ne. 2 shaft, the
ttmlirrs mid planks were tossed about
promlsceusly, mid KelKrt Jehnsen, carpen
ter, whA struck by n Hying plank and In
stantly killtsl. Thu steeple or tlie Methodist
llplxcepAl church, one or the highest In that
section, was blown down and completoly
At Mill Creek the head-houxe of Ne. 3
xhnlt nud the reef of Ne. 'J shaft nl the Dela
ware A Hudsen company were blown down
and destroyed. The damage dnne at theso
two collieries has caused a suspension of
work for the present.
The wind-storm created sad havoc In Oley
township, Herks county. 1'er hair n mile In
the track el the storm lences, trees nnd small
outbuildings were destroyed. Spebn A
(iroxemer's tobacco warehouse was vvrecked,
and its (smtenlx xcatterisl In all directions.
Thecliurch at Swartrwald was iiarllally uu uu
meled, and many small buildings were
wrecked. Thu total le-s by the storm there
abouts will reach 10,000.
At Chambeishurg it damaged bennes and
Kirns, and In seme cases lurim wero blown
le plpisis. The ilamage will amount te nbeut
7,000. A heIiihiI house ueai teivu was com
pletely wrecked.
At Leck Haven much damage te prejxirty
resulted. At the I'cnuaylvauia I'ax)r Mills
com pan j 'a w erks two large Iren smoke stacks
7 i feet high were blown down. One el them
fell en the evaMiratiug building, demolish
ing it unit Injuring lour meti ; the ether stack
fell aenws the boiler heuse and crushed It.
The Ilremau, II. llennett, was badly Injured.
One of the lomale empleyes was blown Inte
me basin, but was rescued. Many buildings
are damaged nnd a large tobacco shed owned
by l'recuir Myers was domellshod. HeperlH
lrem the country are le the cllect that the
farmer hnv e xullered sevorely by the dam
age te fences, trult trees mid outbuildings.
The river nt Vllliaui8ert is readily rising
and the indications are ler a Heed el at
thirteen leet. legs nre roixirted en the way
down lrem abeve, and liimbormen exlsjct
all the sleck back te uome in. The boom of
Corcerau A Hichards, ou Lycoming creek,
broke, letting "li.OOO loot of legs emiH).
The vitriol works or the Jehn lu Thotinv Thetinv Thotinv
sen ClninH'Jil company, near Trey, New
Yerk, were douiellshod. Sixteen men were
badly burned by the vitriol unit cut by Hying
irlass and timbers. The less en property is
flO.OOO. A canal beat captain was blown Inte
the canal by the same tormtde nnd drowned.
Thn M.i'unerrlmr 1'alr
The attendniiue ul the Mionnerclior lair
last oyenlng was much larger than at
the opening. The Lllxirty baud inarched
around the streets in the ovenlng, but did net
attend tlie fair. The members et the Men Men
uercher Hang a number et selections, mid
tliern present were kept busy looking nt the
Hue display of goods. As yet no articles
have been chanced oil. This evening Tayler's
erchentr.1, which will be made large for the
(xHMxieu, will furnish the music, io-inerrow
alleruoeu tliere will be special attractions ler
children, and a very low pnee el ndmlsslen
will be charged. In the evening the Llberty
baud will attend.
A huclal latent In Ilradlnir.
Library hall, Heading, was elaborately
ill conned and festooned Thursday evening
in honor of the party given by Hen. nnd Mrs.
Daniel F.nnontreut, the party belug ene of a
series given by the Ladles' Assembly during
the reason. Among theso from lvncusler
were: W. V. Heuse!, J, L Stoinmetz and
Itichard Maloue. Over IM couples wero
present. The evening was fiient In dancing,
ban quitting and pleasitit converse.
Ileal lUtate Market.
Henry Shubert, nuctloneer and renl estate
ageut, sold nt public Halt1, November IS, nl
the Leepard hotel, the property belonging te
IheoHlaluet Henry Drachbar, deceased, situ situ
ated Ne. lOil Hast ine street, te Anna
Drachbar, for 1,561.
The Hreiiemau property ou West King
street, was ellered at public aule en Thursday
ovenlng by Auctioneer 1 1 slues, it was bid
up te 10,050, at which iigure it vms with
drawn. Will Ita Wrdiled swm,
Kiein tliu Ucnillng Timet,
Mr. Adam 11. Ilnum, ail Seuth Third
street, wilt be married in a few weeks te
Miss Maud Owens, of Lancaster city. The
ceremony will be porlennod at the rosldenco
of the bride's parents and be followed with a
IMmage Cauied liy a Fraitleui Iler.e.
Wednesday James U. Ilucb, living en
Lotnen street, hitched a young herse te n
cart He ran away, breke both shafts oil the
cart and tere the harness. Thursday he
hitched lilm te a wagon and ugaln he get
away, breaking the wagon badly.
TIIK VUVNTt VtlUaillltUMeUl.
A Number el ArUtu be I'reiented nt the Next
l.Kl.lRtiirel7 "'" Memiiiuiuumiiilitee.
The momerlalcoiiinilttcapx)tiilod by Iho
convention of county oemiulsslonors lately
held In llarrlsburg, llnlshed Its lalsjrs en
The (Xiuunlttee nppniied the roselullons
which the convention adopted for tlie pur pur pur
K)xoef securing a uniform method of trans
acting business In all Iho Ixiards of commis
sioners throughout the slale. It Is proba preba proba
blelhatannct will lx) silppiemonled ler the
rex)al el the law allowing te assessors pay
for attending the polls en election day ns
assessors. An act will lxf presenled
regulating the election or assessors In
this slnle providing rer an election en
February 3, bHA, and lilennially thoreattor,
and loiniike the triennial assessment ou the
final year of his term. 'I he act also provides
for the election el two assistant assessors
toservn for ene year. This will net apply te
cities or the llrsl, second, third and fourth
classes. A recommendation te equalize
charge for mlleage legally payable from the
county lunds which nroinmle ny shorllls.con sherllls.con shorllls.cen
stablox, Jurers, witnesses, return Judges of
election, lowers, county auditors, enroners,
elc, was npproved. it provided for an
allewance el six cents ixjr mile circular.
The recommendation icgardlng an act "te
regulale assessments el property and regu
late the burden of laxntlen In this common
wealth," was rejected hy the adoption of a
roselutlon which states tliatlt Is deemed In In
exixxJIeutatthls time te suggest legislation
providlng'Ier the taxation of prefxarty net
made taxable ler local purposes, ler the rea
son that it Is proposed te make such changes
in the act of lb-SJas will materially allect the
local and general rovenues." The plan pro pre
ixjsed Is te have nil act passed te pay one-hair
of all taxes coliectod en money at Intorest,
carriages, hacks, omnibuses, oveks furnl furnl
ture and watches, Inte the treasury of the ro re ro
sixjctlve counties In which they are coliectod
for thouseof the countle.
The coininltteo approved n rocouimonda recouimonda roceuimonda
tion for the repeal of the a t for the destruc
tion of foxes, hawks, etc., and giving a re
ward for each ene killed which, u belngtaken
advantage of by some shariiera along some
of the Ixirder lines of the sute. It nlse np
proved nsoctlen le another act oiupeworlng
the cellcsiUirs or state, county, read, Ixiretigh,
sjx'clnl and school taxes te collect by distraint
any of sild taxes at any place within the
county in which the collection district Is
A laige number of recommendntlons
which seemed net se Important as the abeve
nt this tune wero rejected and will probably
be taken up later. The following committee
was appolnted te draw up the abeve ap
provals In suitable shape for prosentatlon te
ihe legislature : Captain Cyrus Straw,
Scranton ; Captain K. II. Watt", Carllsle ;
Sonater li. H. Watres, Hcnntnn ',. II. 1'rice,
Krie, and 1). C. llennlng, Schuylkill.
li. iv in nu.LKH'it nAiitr iivnxr.i).
A DlMstrmi I'lre Seuth ul lUnllntillle of
Gieurlr' Origin.
The large barn of David Miner, who lives
en Iho State rend two mill's south of Hawlins.
vllle, was destreyed by Oreen Thursday ovo evo ove
nlng. The llre was started between eight
and nlne o'clock and lt was with the greatest
dilllcultythatlhesurrcunding buildings were
saved. The entlre contents of the barn were
consumed consisting or hay, corn, wheat,
eats, two acres of tobacco, farming implemcnbi,
Ac The livestock that perished wero threo
horses, live cows nnd ene calf. All that was
snved weren uumberef higs which had te
he carrried from their in. The llre was un
doubtedly the work of an incendiary and
when It started the family wero all In bed.
W. I-enir, a neighber, wns at Mr. Miller's
Thursday evening and he wm the last
ene te retire. I'.etere going te bed lie
heard n nolse ns though semu ene had
thrown a handful of bblei against the
window. Mr. LengraLMsl the window and
asked who was there. As he received no
answer he made the remark, " A lead or shot
might make you talk." The deg then
barked nnd rati out the lane as though he
was after some one. Mr. Leng thought little
cf the matter nnd seen retired. Less than an
hour alterwnrds the whole household was
awakened and the barn was then in tlntncs.
The barn was Insured m the l'enn Mutual
company ler It full value, but Mr. Miller did
net have a cent of Insurant e en either the
contents or live stock, se that bis less will be
quite heavy.
It Organizes lu V. M.C. A. Hall and Klecls Its
The Lincasler Lyceum met in the hall of
the Y. SI. C. A., Thursday evening, and or
ganized by the electien of the following otli etli otli
ers : President, II. W. Sveln, vice presidents,
C. O.StrlcklorundThea. hitsen ; secreUiry,
SIKs Sue H.uklin j oveoutivo committee,
Sllsses Kuiiuer V. liaker, llsuuah H. l-mger,
City Kuxriiitendent 11. K. Iluehrle, deerge
Hlemcnsnyder and 1'. S. i.nednian.
The following questions were discussed at
some length ; First. The p litical condition
or L'uglaud at the present tune. Second.
The advantages and disadvantages el Chau
tauqua reading circle. Third. Heards el
Ooergo KlomeiiMi viler was apixilnted
oditeroriho Lyceum I'm ., a weekly paper
te represent the lyceuui, nve members et
which will be named each week te con
tribute matter ler the paper.
The question for general discussion al
next meeting will be "Should lerelgu emi
gration be encouraged T"
Sevjrnl ether questioes, relerted le nielli
ben of the lyceuui, will also lie ausvv ered.
Mount Je) ete.
Mui'NT Jev, Nev. l't Kvery day this
week, with but ene exception, ML Jey has
bad either n herse or cattle sale, all of which
were largely attended and the stock sold at
geed prices. Te-morrow M. Hildebrnndt
will sell a large let or line cattle at his stock
viird in thn reur nr thn Washington heuse.
This will be Sir. HUdchratidt's last sale ler
this season.
OIngrlcu A IHrte hud a herse sale at tlie
Ked Lien hotel yesterday altenuxm.
The members nnd friends el the M. K.
church had a pound party ler their pastor,
Hev. O. H. Cixik en Tuesday evening lesL
Frem all accounts tlie reverend gentlemau
and his family wero pretty well pounded.
Hrandt A, SlaunlugV lleitring mlli.oppeslto
the P. IL IL passenger btatien.has lately been
A. N. Cassel, of Marietta, vv lie seme tlme
age started n lumber yard here, will also
start n coal yard iu u few weeks with Mr. A.
S. Flowers as the manager.
The borough authorities are macadauiizlng
Slain streeL This Is a decided Improvement.
i. et. J. t. sanrerd will leciure iu uoijeng's
hall ou Thauksgivingeve, under the auspices
or the Ladles Aid society of the SL Mark's
U. H. church.
MshuiiIc Funeral at New Helland.
The funeral or Jacob U Shiller took place
from his late rosldenco iu New Helland at
oneo'clock this attorueon. Forty members
of Lancaster Commaii(iery,liulghts'loiuplar,
of which decoased was a member, lelt Lan
caster at 10 o'clock lu closed carriages te nt nt
tend the funeral. They wero met at New
Helland by the band of that place and n large
number et kulgltts, residing in that town and
vicinity, who are nlse members of Lancaster
Cemmandery. Services were held In the
Lutheran church and the sermon was
preached by Hev. J. W. Hnsslcr. The
usual Masonic Horvice was nlse held nnd the
Interment was made in the Lutheran ceme
tery, ihe luneral was very largely at
tended. Wedding Hells lu Oxford.
SlUs Kiln Thompson, daughter el the Inte
Dr. Themas II. Thomp-ei, was marrled le
li, Ireu.eniiB DIckey, biiissriiitoudeut et the
Peach 1 lotto m railroad, atthe bride's home In
Oxford, Thursday afternoon. Hev. W. M.
Jacobus, of the First l'rosbyterian church of
Oxford, elllcliitcd. Sir, and Sirs. Dickey lelt
ou the evening train for Pittsburg.
Jehn Kemler, jr., has enteral ball belore
Alderman A. F. Dennelly for a hearing te
Hnswer a charge of assaulting Sllchael Mar Mar
keret. The prosecutor alleges that whlle be
was at work at the l'enn Iren werka Kemler
eutnn there under the intluonce of liquor and
struck him with a brick.
isTMKr. in ynir vviik iiAitmur.
While Alleniillng In (let Out IJuh (Illirr'e
Wnj the Wind Interferes The lleststns
Held Has a Ills llnln Kneikeit In Iter
nml Mink In l.enr Water.
Niivv eiih, Nev. 10. -Thore was a big
collision Isitween Iho steamships lleacons lleacens lleacons
Held and llrlttanla this morning about hair
past y o'clock lietween the llallery and
tlovemor's Island. The collision ntse
forced the sleatnslilp Vaudyck ashere ou the
roel Just oil the Unitary. The Ueaoeusllold
Is ceuimaiiduil by CapL Celt and Is 1,11s
Ions. Hhe was eutwnrd Ixitind from Derr's
stores, Hroeklyn, le Abordeen, Scotland,
with general cirge. The Hrltannla Is a
French stoamer and wai assigned te J. W.
Klwell, el this city, with a general cargo from
France and (llbraltar, which place alie lelt
N'evemlxjr 1 nnd nrrlved this morning.
It appears that the Heoeonsllotd was pre
coedlng outward, and the Hritantiln coming
In, both oil' tlie 1 lattery, and the Heaoensfield
xtoirned straight ahead. The Urittanla tried
te cress her bows, but the strong wind swept
her right down, and then her bow crashed
through the Iren plate en the pert side of the
Uoacensllold oppeslto her boilers, and cut
her from the deck clear te Iho
water's odge, making a hele large
enough te drlve a row through. The
Hrlttanla suirered but little through the ao ae ao
cldent, m she only had a hele through her
stern pioce abeve the water's odge. As seen
as the collision was notlced live or six tow
beats immediately steamed out te the Re
sistance of the dlsablei stoamers. The
stoamers were get npart vvheu lt was found
that the Hoacenohold was In a sinking con
dltlen and that the water was putting out
her ilres. Sovernl tug beats Immediately
gave her lines nnd started rer the Hats oil
Kills' Island, se that she could net sink hi the
deep water. There the Hcaconstleld sank.
The steamship Vandyck was proceed
ing down the East river bound te
Llvorieol with a general cargo and
her pilot noticing the collision tried
te keep te ene slde el the channel, but
lt was net wldoeuough te pass by, and con
sequently she ran ashere en the reef right off
the battery, where she remained for seme
time, with six or seveu tug beats trying te
pull her oil. It Is thought that a mlstake
may have been made In the signals of the
two steamers and that the collision was
caused in that way. The Hrlttanla's gross
tonnage was 2,132. Her hailing pert was
Slarseilles, France.
llUJiltJSU TO JIBAlll.
1 no. Men Found Iu the lCulns el Twe llulIiN
Indian, Nev. 10. Schnoider's
blacksmith and wagon shop In the southern
part of the city was burned yesterday, and an
hour later the remains or a man were found
In the debris. The body was burned te a
cinder, but was oventually recognized as that
el Jasper Hremmerman, au empleye, whose
family resides In the northern part of the
city, but who for seme uuocceuntablo reaen
slept in the shop last night When round
the body was lying near the deer and the
doceasod had evidently been tryiug le oscape
when oyercemo by heat and Uame. The lire
Is supposed te have been lnoendlary.
A I tedy I-"e nml in the Itulns.
Cllir.vue, III., Nev. 10 J. K. IlUSSOll it
Ce's. plaining mill, 78 te SI Fulton stroeLwas
burned lest night, causing a less of 3,000.
F.arly this morning a watchman empleyed
about the building discovered tu the ruins the
body of n man burned beyond the possibility
of recognition. It is thought that the dead
man was eithei n proprietor of some, ene of
the shops in the building, or a bookkeeper or
Ihe Incitement anil Kuu Canned liy a lirm's
Advertising bcueme
Buchanan A Lyall, a New Yerk tobacco
linn, te-day took a novel way of advertising
their new brand of smoking and chewing
tobacco in this city. They Idled up ene or
Dan Twew Itz's large 2-herse wagons with to te
tobacco, and dreve It through the streets. The
horses aud wagon were gaily decerated. A
number of men steed en top of the wagon,
and as It passed along they threw out pack
ages and plugs el the vv cod. The wagon be
came very popular In a short lime and crowds
el men and Ixjys followed it around town.
Many amusing sights were wituessd during
the struggles te precure seme el the tobacco.
The iuiin having It lu charge eudoavered te
place the packages into the hands or men
where they thought It would de the most
goeih The beyH wero en hand, however, as
they nlvvays are, and mmiaged te get their
share. When the wagon stepped lu Ceutre
souare tliere was a tremendous crowd
around 11, aud all jolned In the scrauible for J
high In the nlr n hundred hands were
btretched te recelveit. It wns captured by n
tall boy who received it just as a man with
glares missed lt aud had his stiil-rinimed
hat badly mashcxl against the tobacco wagon.
Why latmuuiM Hpeke Net fur Illaliie,
from Ills Letter or April 15, 1&S.
'it is true my position was trying, for en
relloctien 1 felt that lt was tar better that the
Republican ticket should succeed (whatever
my inirsenal opinion had been and was con
cerning a candidate) than that the govern
ment should go into the hands of the Demo
cratic party ; but 1 could net under any circum
stances or tompuiUen say that I belluved
something about a candidate that I did net
believe, and If I wero te make speoches and
say what I did bolieve as te certain transac
tions' A3 , or was (se spaaklng) te rpfuse te
answer questions en these topics, lt would
be especially werse for the party than stay
ing at hema I knew, therelere, that I did
tlie best thing for the party that an honest
man could de."
Taken te Mar) land rer Trial,
sherill Slackey, of Cecil county, Slaryland,
arrived lu this city te day with a requisition
ter Ames Dull aud Qoergo II. Sillier. Theso
men are charged with stealing a horse from
Mrs. lilllesplc, of Cecil ceuuty. They sold
the stelen 'herse In this Iceunty and were
arrested for the otlenso in Providence town
ship. An indictment was found against
them this week, and the district attorney
stated te the court that they could net be
irieu in una county, anil al ins suggestion
the Maryland authorities were untitled te
uome for them. Sherltl Slackey left for home
this evening.
Talk About the Weather.
from the Ellziibuthtewn Clnenlclu.
We are glad te have our friends call aud
aee us, but we de net llke political leafers te
argue politics lu our elllce, ler we have
neither the tlme nor Inclination te listen,
neither have our empleyes. It intorferos
wiui our weric.
Larcenytas ltallee.
Hertie Haymond was arrested en Thursday
by Censtable Slerringer ou a warrant issued
by Alderman A. F. Dennelly, The charge
against her Is larceuy ai bailee, and the arti
cles entrusted te her were a dress aud ethor
clothing. F.llzabeth Sprechtls the prosecu presecu
trix, llertle was unable tn ItirnUh ball and
wai commllted for a h oaring.
Stnln HIS, lint Only Una j.
Frem the Kiihrntaltovlew.
On Tuesday while Sir. and Sirs. Cauiuiauf,
of Hrownstevvu, were absent from home,
seme ene eitered the beuse, epened tlie soe
reury aud took thorerrom 15 In meuey.
Alter leavitig the heuse this person locked
the deer aud put the key In Its accustemed
place abeve the deer. At the gate the tiller
dropped 10, which was afterwards found.
run i.atk ciirnrrit a, ahtiiuh.
h " a1ssB
Iho rrralilrut Issues a I'rnrlaiiistlnn Aiiniiiinc
Ing the i:x-rrtslilenl'e Death.
The denth of Coneral Arthur was the only
subject of discussion at the cabinet neetlng
in Washington ou Thursday, nnd It was
agreed te lsue au cxecutlve order an
nouncing the death of thu ex-presidont
and directing the government buildings te
Is) draped In mourning for a period or
thirty days, and also that public business be
suspended en the day Hd npsrt rer the
President Ulovelaud has issued the rollow rellow rollew
Ing proclamation.
It Is my painful duty le announce the
death of Chester Alan Arthur, lately the
prosldent of the Culted SUtes, which oc
curred alter an Illness of long duration at au
early hour this morning, at his resldonce In
the city or New Yerk. Sir. Arthur was
called te the chair el the chief 'magistracy of
the nation by a tragedy which cast Its
shadow ever the ontlre governmenL His as as
sumptien or the grave duties was marked by
an evident and conscientious aouse of Ids
responsibilities and nn earnest desire te meet
them In a patriotic nnd benevolent spirit.
With dignity and ability he sustained the
Important duties of his station, and the repu
tation or bis personal worth, conspicuous gra gra gra
clotisnesa end patrlotie lhiellty will long be
chorished by his fellow countrymen.
In token of rospect te the memory of the
deceased, It is ordered that the oxecutlve
mansion and the several departmental build
ings Ixs draped In mourning for a licried or
thirty days, and that en the day of the funeral
all public busine&s in the departments be
Te Attend the ruuentl.
Washington, Nev. 19 The president
and all of the cabinet oxcept Sles'r'. Manning
and ( iarlnnd will leave this city en Sunday
evening, for New Yerk te attend President
Arthur's funeral.
The Funeral te He (inlet.
New Yeuic, Nev. 10. In nxerdunce with
the wishes of the family of the deceased ex
president all escert la decllued and tlie
lttncral services will be ns prlvate and
unostantatleus as possible.
The list of poll-bearers Is net coinplelo, as
no word has been received from eoveral gen
tlemen who have been requested te act iu
that capacity.
Kx-Secrotarles Llneln aud Chindler, nnd
Attoruey Gonernl Ilrewster and ex-Postmaster
Oenernls Hatten nnd (Ireshniii have, how hew how
ever acrepted. The total number of pall
bearers will probably be ten.
'ostemies te Ile Closed.
Washington, Nev. 10. The following
order was Issued at the pcstuUlce department
te-day :
" Ordered : On Slenday, the 22drNovem 22drNevem
ber, lsi, the iostelHces of the I'nlted SUtes
may be closed betweeu the hours of 10 o'clock
a. in. nnd 1 o'clock p. m., in moinery nt the late
prosldent of the Cnlted States, Chester Alau
Arthur, and the usual emblems of mourning
displayed. Wm. F. Vilas,
" Postmaster Ueneral."
lmllUmeuU Against Tell I'ur Iliitrieck'a
Sim Cit, l.u, Nev. 13. The grand jury
reutined their report en the Haddock mur
der case yosterdoy. They found Indictments
against Jehn Arensderf, murder and con
spiracy ; Albert ltismarck, conspiracy ;
llenry Sherman, conspiracy ; Paul Leader,
conspiracy ; V. Muuehrath, Jr., conspiracy ;
Sylvester Uranda, conspiracy ; (Jee. Trelber,
conspiracy ; Henry Peters, conspiracy ; L.
Plath, conspiracy; H. L. Lenvitt, conspiracy.
These ure the persons present when the
crime was committed, two of whom, Lenvitt
and ltismarck, claim that Jehn Arensderf
lired the fatal shuL Besides the charge of
conspiracy, enh of the parties Is charged
ou a separate count vv 1th murder.
The Ilreadway !siuenlers.''
Ni vv Yekk, Nev. 1'.). The threo alleged
" squoalers," Charles IL Walte, Hudulph A.
Fullegrall aud Michael Dully, were en
hand early this morning te testify in
the case against Arthur J. McQunde.
They had remained with their families last
night under police surveilance. lu bis
alleged coulesslen Dully stated that he had
received sums ranging lremfls,000 te 10,
000. He received the fermer amount Dully
admits receiving .'0,000.
The Jury wero brought lrem the Aster
heuse at a quarter te eleven this morning.
Iii'L' ullgralt's confession be implicated a num
ber of ether aldermeu, showing that they
given Ftillgratf 1,000 for his vete in favor of
the Thirty-fourth Btreet railroad. When the
confession was shown te Fullgratrhe told al
to District Attoruey Slartlue In the presence of
Inspector Ilyrnes and Assistant NiceL lie,
however, did net de this until he
was premised Immunity by Sir. Slartlne.
Twe Londen Items.
Lonten, Nev. 10. The iwkm announces
that Sir llenry It ilfeur has been admltted te
the cabinet
Iu te-day's proceedings of the libel suit in
stituted by Charles Slantull Adams against
his father-Iu-law, Lord Chief Justice C'olo C'elo C'ole
rltlgo Sir. Davis, employed as assistant of
the plalutltl, ou taking the stand denied most
emphatlcally that he had been sent out el
the way te ouable Sir. Adams te meet the
daughter or the defendant aloue in a
dark eued room.
TlCl.r.df.Al'lIIU TAl'S.
i he tnlli'la are te loave Chicago te-day.
The Ch.cage grand Jury declined te indict
auy of thu iiellceuiun ler the killing of
Terenee lteclev lu the recent riot.
SIlss Jeanua SI. O'Neill, at Contennlal, aud
II. SL Farge, at Olllerd, wero fourth-class
postmasters appointed te day for Pennsyl
vania, Secend Lloutenant J. P. Fluley hai been
ordered te assume charge of the New Yerk
city signal Btatien.
K'nnans win have 300 mere drug stores this
year than last year ; which will be sad news
te the Prohibitionists. , ,
Last week thore wero 242 fallures reperted
throughout the Unlted States aud Canada.
Drank tee Much VI hi. liy.
J auies Delau, a stranger, was artesled en
Sllddle street en Thursday evening, for
drunkenness nnd disorderly conduct, by
Olllcer Derwart. The man had a cut ou his
lace, and It looked as if he received It iua fall.
Delau was at the station heuse but a few min
utes when he was takeu suddenly 111 and lt
was thought he would die. Station Heuso
Physician Stewart and Dr. Carpentor were
summoned and after working with the man
for n long tlme he was pronounced te be out
ofdanger. Delan's aliment was tee much
whisky. He was discharged this morning
en payment of costs.
Congratulated by Cleveland.
Nerinau Halt, congressman-elect of the
Twenty-sixth district, basj received an auto-
grapu louer ireni rre-sident Cleveland con
gratulating Ulm.
Of mil
- z.
All. Ills ami
lli,,fMr Vltl !.. t-.. -''iJ S
B-- ..... . n.,1 WW SIMS IVi 7"
lain at I'ewlhle In Knahl lb "-tin if
Ntstes le Heroine Inilepadttil-.TIiMU 4$V
iiri.iviii ui mv, iitiiy;rrBn Xlimcslllf. Jt1- 1
.. -.. . . &i
l'Kii il, Nev. 10. Count Kalnoky, tM' '' (
Austrian foreign minister, In clesln Ik ''
debate en the budget In the 1'nlfiiiMfinMe ef'"' J
said that the policy of the Mrlrr llimwiHl 4 '
government Is te upheld the stipulatleC'
the treaty of Herlln aa the leeal barta
In dealing with allalra In lh' 'fi:
Ililkaus. en thew AtMlrla and Hixft-yp
would nroserve peace m leac
as ixwlble se as te enable the BalkM'xV
sValeJ, which the treaty croated te bMOBMs tfij
i the treaty croated la beeM
. This iK)llcy had ae far Ma
ludeendenL This iolley had ae far sIM'.J.j
This jiolley had ae far 4l-f.J
i ravored (tie malnt ;
In order te ptMrW
....... ....,.. . .,.,. r ra...v. ,
ance or the status quo In order te plata'a; tm
peace in me naiKaus. li was a ceruxiniT '-
n DAlllnnin.l ..r .!. T . . 1 .... -I .. .IIM.Um V
n nviiiuiiiufib III U1U DUIKKIUU UllllUSltVy i)4 '
"wi'i iiefc iiiveviw neiiieuieiiv ui wvwMiv' i
hstern question. This fact wm aa a4tlri
tlenal reason why Austria should proeaeetiVt;
I'aiiuuuy biiu iiusuanu ner resoureai. ,i,v
nn-,KM. iu UIII.-1 V wailllUK BK1 IQ9"
great optimism.
iioaumiueu iiiat tiussia was mere larer. ri; vj
ably Bltuated m resiect le commanding
: 3
greatest inlluouce among the people of tM
Halkiin states. Austria or Hungary did;
nothing In the direction of extending their
Inlluouce among theso people. The relation
of Austria and (I or many have been tun
changed slnce lbTO and the trust of both gov
ernments In the alllauce was complete.
It was Impossible at the prosent moment
te fully explaln the subject publicly, but he
would say this much, that the basis of the
agroemont was rendered much stronger by
being founded en mutual Interests. Each
had a vital Intorest In the oentlnued exlet
ence of the ether as a strong aud independ
ent power. He denled that Hussla In Joining
the alllance bad prejudiced the relations of
Austria and Gennauy, The friendly group
Ingef the threo states sprang from the idea
that It was most Important fee Austria aaeV
tiermany te stand en the best possible relay
tiens with Russia. When lie (the speaker)
took cilice, the relations het ween Austria and
Hussla were net of the most pleasant charac
ter. We welcomed Russia's meeting aeaatl
enable us te oxtrlcate ourselves from this po
sition which In ue way n fleeted our relatiene
with Uermany new. Continuing he eald i
"I attach great value te our friendly rela
tionship towards Hussla without prejudice
te our relationship with CJermany, whleh la.
ofqtilte adlllerent character." In oenolu-.
slen Count Kalnoky said : "The roUtlenaof
Austria-Hungary with the United State
wero friendly and that the appointing of
ministers at Washington and Vienna by the
respective governments was Imminent"
The budget was then ndepted without
rlilf.R FlUUTBBA Ait.vr TO JAIC
One (liven Three Months, and the Olhar MX .
Weeks The Uenipaey-IInrke Match.
San Francisce, Nev. 19. Quite a ripple ?,
was created in pugilistic circles yesterday by
a case in Alameda, bofero the superior court 1
In which two well-knewn local pugilists
were concerned. Sllchael Costelle, the "ituf- ?
lale," and Tem Cleary, convicted of feleey ?f
for prlre lighting, were sentenceJ, Cleary ,
te serve threo months In the state rrleed 'J
at t-ViantT) anil (fiiln11n hi MrTfl Silir svsuiBrBl .jlj
In the state prison at Sanquentln. Tale H ';J!J
llin Hrat nntivlpflnn In thin Hteitn far nrlsE JS
lighting. The judge said the manner la W
which two inen nan iiesnueu lnnuencea dib .wayq
In thn Knntnnre. Cnstnlln had evldentl ff'.'H
told the truth that he did his best te knock..
Cleary euL He was therefore sentenced te
only six weeks. Cleary had lied en tbe
stand lu saying he was net knocked down,
but.lay down se as te bring the light te a cler
en account el the prsonce of the police. The
Judge therefore gav e lilm a heavier sentence.
This will have no effect en the Dompsey Dempsey
Ilurke match. Davies showed tbe license
last ulf.;ht, and llurke, who was present, ex
pressed great coulidence Iu his victory. Few ',
people bellove the light will be a knock-out. '
though au opinion li well founded that i
Dempsey is net lu as geed condition aa he '
ntn ii vi ni fur n brd ten-round batlla.
.,.... ' .. ... 3SM
A l'ellca (inicer. While Drunk, Is Oullljr et."if.S
l'uilce Oniter. While Drunk, U Oullljr el1
(ha II .it 1r,l.r
I'irmiiuiKi, Nev. 10. Charles Jenea, U-$5
inemher of the city police force, shot and &sC
Instantly klllevl his wlfe at 5 o'clock 'lata' .$
IUV U11UJB B illlslllVI)
itinrnlfir.. nt thn wtnil.nn nf ATI ltallin hall In
Tumor hall, en Ferbos street. Jenea at UwM
lime was verv much under the Influence ef'Sfe
"""ll "- -- ' 1- -- -.--- - . , . r
liquor and became angered at the pretests eiSSa
UIS WHO against ine reuKiesa ukuuiiuk ui uh -j-e
revolver, uut rer the timely arrival Ofwji-
auether iolice eflicer the infuriated ltallaa.'?;
would have made short work of Jenea. Mra-Vi'
.innM wm tbrt (iRiiL'bter nf ntis of tha aaai'Vit'
iiillueutial citizens of this city. ' i?f$yi
. i. UfiS
Mr. Vex Suggests Ills Socccster.
CiUOAOe, Nev. 10. A special te the JTeiM
from Wnslilnirlnil. ) I' Mv 8. S. COX rv
mm Hint In Ills Interview with the nraaldsslti i
he did net discuss politics, but cenaldered $-$$
tl.n IriMlu will, O'nrlAt- nnrl HUtrcrfWUia. mi "I
....i.-,.i- .... l.l .... a.,AnAiin I. Ika .S.7
HUliaUlU 1IOIIHJU 113 UII UI)llH'IWwvi,l.iwv.j.l
. ... ,, . t.. TT- .1 1 AJ ft mmmtm. !T!l i
I uricisn minisiersuiji. jie uctnueu winwr i
wiiem he rccommended. Mr. Cox aaye that .fiM
Sir. Hewitt informs mm mat ue wm requirvw
the speaker te put Mr. Cox en the waya aadr-JWa
means committee in Mr. Hewltt's place. j rfa
II. Warn Vnl IllirlMl AllfS). t-il 1
CKNTnAHA, lit-, Nev. 19.-Dr. R. H.'-!
Scott, who died here Wednesday, eitea exs
pressed a horror of being buried alive, and 1st Of,
order te preclude such a thing be asked tatt,K5
hla heart should be cut out after life waa ex-
lIUCu TU1S was ueue, im urgnu uviug ura ..--
out and being replaced In the dead body. He ;S,
was buried yesterday, the beard 01 eaucauea ,. j
and Masen iu aud professional orders eC'-5"
which he was a member, with teachera and j
eV,.,! nhllitrntl. nllAnilllK'tnn lledV. : 1
Atteiliptnl Wlia anil unnu nuiisn
CINCI.NNAII, Nev. JO. About II O'deuk j
last night Peter Knglehart, enraged at ,Bsat
wlfe because she was about te sue ferdlveree, .:
Hhnt her and llreoVtwe shots at blschlld. O..
of the bulieweuiereu ni wiieBjnw sun ""j
may die. The child was uuuun. caanaafii;
naanruvl ' Zl's'
v,, ,..;,,
Net a UolUrLest. K''.
Wasihsote.v, Nev. 10. Paymaster Oea,
eral Hochester, of the array, In hla ttMeg
report for the year ended June se, uhw,
disbursements aggregating ti:),lU,733,
without the less of a slngle dollar te tbe geSK
ernment. 'i
Fire In the Uustn'i falaca, ''&-
Lu.sbek, Nev. W. A Are thia mernlat ,
Hampton Court palace destroyed umj
menu which abutt ou tbe Tennw
f-f,,utiiaruiiln ilntnat?e was done lean
the ether apaitmenta before the tleaws.'we.isj'y!
g- Wasuwqtex, D. O., Net. 19.
. Kastern Pennirlvanla I Fair
warmer, westerly winds. '
1 .v
" Karl, tbe ftniaier," ,.
The ageut of the company playtaff -)
the Peddler," was iu iew J-
raiiKlng for the prouucuen
lids ciiv en ThauksglvtaiT :
! JE
. m
t4ji&Zti&tf&lt .?.