f s' 'VfV "mt .-t,.ifi-:- -H vr rs si -r t? ws fr. r. hi wtm T,AWnABTgB DAILY prTJIiUGgNCKJ WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBEB17, ,. rf :J rap" 5A m i-&. r" pi ntf ET & . MtVr Wi J & m ? , r . C0UJ1BTANS HURT ,t i weeeiku im xmm cuebikvt bee cemvahva quab&y. Miliar aad Jehn Hammer Tsrrlbly ! Taey On te Iba rise of mrt i kit ChW(M arc Kkl'lortM-TTre J ,' Wrc-ttH of J. D. CetttelL id Correspondence et IXTiLltatacxn. Columbia, Nev. 17. A terrible accident cm Tuesday afternoon at the atone Of the Chestnut Hill Iren Ore core , aUnted about one mlle east of Celuu fWblohlwe men recened injuries et a Mrteu nature. Geerge Miller bad ft Matt of rocks which tailed te have the I effect; alter waiting the usual tlrae te all danuer of fire te disappear, he at- Wyt I a te apply aiocend charge et powder. ttaaV. A 4 11 j a.susuk kail rt call , am iii irem ins um oune uv PttMcmt and suddenly a terrible explosion SiMmd. The full force of the powder was .rr-Maaivad bv Miller, terribly eoercblOK bis w i'rlhtts. face, arm and breast, at tbe aatne time V C Matting can of powder which be held lu t; - lJBed. The powder c nre te ms ciem- Kilmm, which wa tssUeftulihed alter cousin - sraWa,J.Iffieulty by the ether workmen. ;J,iAjreUir empleye, named Jehn Ilararuer, w fan ri In ! nrir hv at the time et tbe ex '. jn.im and was also severely burned about iBri anna, leg" ami face. His clethlnft . 5;aJaeset en Are, but he succieded In ext.u Ssrntahintr the fUmp bvthrewluc Llnfif lnlt JSp at puddle et water. ftv The tnen were oenvoved te tbe'.r heffee '7Vswd Dra. Bruncr and Market summoned, i r who gave theiu tbe necessary medical atten r Im MlllAPtaa marrlnl man with n larct M amllv. living en Ninth street, timr Maner it- Hammer la a single man about IS years o e .' age and lives en Uarbr street. Miller va " terribly burned about tbe iace and bis fsce ! entirely black with powder ; tertunstely tbr alght was net injured. It la feared that bt Inhaled the fire and bas received Interna burns. Tbe men are net much improved li their condition this morning. Kallreacl Njtrs. The wreck crew did net return h&tue yes terday until 3:15 p. in. from tLe wrtcS at Mountvllle. A wreck occurred en tbe Pennsylvania railroad at Cellins Btatlen yesterday after neon, caused by engine Ne IPO, cemliiR east running into tbe rear end of tbe freight trail drawn by engine Ne. 821. One car was thrown from the track and the cabin cai broken. Last evening about saven o'clock anetbe wreck happened en the Penniy Uapta rallreni at Ked Hill, a short ditau-e cat of Fa mouth, caused by engine Se. 2 i geirg e running into the rear end of the freight trat drawn by engine Ne. 213 Tecar er thrown Irem tbe track and the cah'.n ca wrecked. Ibese wrfckaorea,,ccdtj te pj theMlddlelewn wreck crew. Once LJltd Here. Werd was received In town, yetriiav. announcing tbe death of Mr. J. Duncai Cottrell, of Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Cott xell waBa most brilliant lawyer, being graduate of Princeton college. Fer evera years be resided in Washington city, ant was admitted te practice at tbe supreme court or the United States. Mr. Cottrell then re sided in Columbia for some years and re moved te Minneapolis about three years age. where he met with signal success Town Notes. A goed-slied audience v. as in tbe arisen last night at tbe acloptlcen exhibition am lecture for the benetlt of the Church e' Ged. Tbe exhibition was very instructive and the humorous pictures greatly please tbe small portion or tbe audience. Ibe ex liibltien will be Riven In Washington ber eugh en 1'rlday night Werk was commenced at Pence's ic house In the erection of a steam ise elevator. The painters of town are busily engsgec at tbe present time and a number of boiue beiue are being Improved with paint. The rain e te-day has put a step te their work. Bailey, the photographer, took n picture e' the Celumblatlreenglneycsterday alternecc. Nelsen Divine, employed ns engineers tbe Columbia Iren company's mill, wet wlt a painful accident this inermrgi by be!n. struck by a pile cf het Iren. He, was walk leg across the mill when the beater rai against him with the het iron. His r!gh leg above tbe knee Has burned. Subptenw la DiTerc. There 'was only one subj-cena in divorce imued during tbe past tuenty-leur hours. The applicant wm Mary Hutz, and she seeks a (llvorce - a, Jubti Butz en the ground of desertieu. aWaer Krai I'..lap, U. llaberbesb, nxiLiitoret I'hlllp ItLs-e -will sell at public sale this evening at sxeu i clock, attbeCennty Heuse, a let or ground wlthlm prevements en tbe west nda of south cjucei. street, between Herman and Conesteea, and a piece of ground with luiprevemenu. Ne Hj Jllddlostreit. Kev. A. K.Kaul, cxecuicref Ursula 3olec-.on, will svll at publle aale at tbe I. epard bete!, tal eveblng at stiren o'cleok.a two-story dwelling bouce and pirrl of ground, situated ea tni northeast corner of Le and (Tcibcrt' streets , A C'lianpa ler IfUilneisMcn. Tomorrow evectng. at the Cooper beuie, Allan A. llerr, real tttte agent, will offer tbe " llrenemsn " preperry, Ne. ii and 10 West King itreet, for sale Its lare frontage en the finest business e'iuare et tbe cUy, with the In created width et ever 61 feet en Mtaia sutet, tbe substantial 4 ttery bjltdlug with t's 54 roetn and the commodious ambling tn tun icar a'l comblne teiuukaU u iiuet dc-irable prepei. l'orjea inteiettd am levlted t jetan.lne tb property. The terms of payment u.. te vn-j reasonable. ItlUHeluf litil Maggie Mitchtll Frtday Uremnt.On rrldtj evening Maggie .Mltchull plays ". Mingle, tbe Midget." In tbe epera Iieukj. Tbe Uroeklyn Eaglt says: 'Tbe prln:lpal cbaraetcr i-ffjida MU Mltrhll abundant opportunity ter tht dliplsylngef herarch and piquant myle of act lng, beritenlmentanQbrltbtne-B. and bei pa thotleas Wfll aii her coundypewir Jheflist act closes with a daht" g cb iru and findacge bymuleters and gltanos.tnthecourtoo' wtUh the Mllget and lba.uel ihe uptiy, Qiulo Qiule their graces aud agility In the bail flMer'. dance,' and tbe sce e Is inltstlf siOlttcui te carry the play successfully " "'I Xtght Off" A flnoceTipany will bebe.c en Saturday evening In Aegustln Daly's ?rfat comedy entitled "A Night Off," which has always been se popular with Lancaster people. It will ue doubt be largely patrojjUed. Life Insuraucx I'ald. Q. N", Beynelfls, general agent Nerthwulern Mutual I.lfj luurauce enmpiny. pld il cee to day te the widow of l-hblp l)luklberg, that being tbe amount of his lih Insurance in that company. MAHKlAIIK'i. BnACB-YEaeLET At ihe rtMuuce ffihe 'rl'lH s pimnta, suvomber 19. lri by tlev Jas K.Taylert.ray.Mr JnhuShaub. te MIjs Llnle. daughter of lr Uuuryu surflny, both of thti cl'V' IU ntsAilla UoMsLLXH-Neembir 17. lue, lu tliU coy Jestpb C, Kin of Kllasuni Aiiults E MeMilltii. aged JJjtam, months and 7 dsj h. The relatives and friends of the family (alan the Heys' Jilgh tchoeljuro respectfully lulud te attend tbe funeral, from the residence or hi parents, Ne. 13 ksst Vine street, en baturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woedwurd Hill cemetery. STOga. November 18 l8is. In this city, Ifarrr C, seu of Jehn i and AuuuU.tnider.st'tdi years and 7 daj s The relatives and friends of the faiullv ant t specttully luvitd te attend tbe funeral, from the resident of his pireuta, Ne. tt l'eplar street, en Tbursday alUrnoen nt'JX o'clock. In urment at Lancaster cemetery. 'xha relatives and frlmi. nt e, ..., SuuVUlJL.1,nVlUd te ueua ,b0 funeral, from his late residence at New He land en Friday ;, November 19, t 1 o'clock '' J ..I?F?'.-Neyemberlti.lS- atltsnek'.Mtii. ffusx,?'? "h .! -ttil"" ."is: s5i?,'? lll.ve ana f ,,nu " famUy are re 'tr. asltuliy tnvluid tf, nlt.,., ,w I.."'. -" .ssss?si .'' Jten Ver Klatart. s. NswTea. Nev. 17. lour dull at unchsimpii prices ( lne. l -j,at 70i fcup. rflue. i C Seiw T, wmmen te jjoed eura i su rn. ii fiiaiVs ' Wheat Ne 1 hed fctate, isXGS9et Ne i n V.HT'.S?-1 Wbll Slate. Hiee A' Ymtlr- f , Oa4s Ke. l White Bute, i;Me ; Ne. S de, te Kp. Use., Sc Hurley nominal. fork dull; newmrss, linrwrtlDn. l.arfl .Nev., 10 13 Ijpc, a ?Oi.Mn .Vttl. Holiuiiea firm ! new crop Hen Orleans, 40Oiic. Turpentine pntet at Te. llnstnaullt trnlnca toRrel, llCOSliin. retroleora flrm i Kenned, In c-ac. fe. Iluttersteadn Weitsrn cieatrrry.SWe. Cbceie dull ; Western riat, IIHOIM .. Igts qult( Stale, tsctei Western, ttc. 8ugHretanri neflnea Untleaf.e'tc , urann latra.sii-iteia Tallew steady j rrlmoCltr.e. , ,, rrelgbUcnlvti grain te Liverpool, 4e. lttcennmtnal Coffee firm , fair cargoes, ISc drain and tvnrlitetia. rarnlshed by 8. K. Tundt, lireker. Cbioaem Ner. 17. 10 o'cleok p. m. Wheat. Tern. txt. rerk. I ard. November Kecember January . February .. May : M 2.1V 40 8 H) e 16 ZV ' WJ, V IW .... 10 Wt . .. iv i-t MM 1S H'f ... . Uccalpu Car Lela. ,. tJ IM 7 winter Wheat "P'lng- Wisest .. Cern al Hjs IVtrlcy Olillty cruda Otl Keeelpts-ncgi S te Itead. tlO'Inp Trlies-J o'clock p m Vliat. Cern. Oats fork. I.ard. ft 6 IU NeTmr "ecember 7l!i 6W SS " lannarv 75 tes chruarv 10 15.S Mar OUCity CruleOi: tl't H , :H StecK MarkelK Q iotitlen by llecd. McQrann A Ce , baikrc .aacnwer. is MW TfRK L!T. lUi IK lr 7-U '"ansda I'aciac CUtl Colerado Ceal cn'ral 1's.n . ... CattftdH euttn ... bt M t. i rh en ft Rin (i el. L d: W -Tie Srte, indi er C K A T Leu A T, pbert .... Mlci Cn ltenrl I'HClSc v V S. V ITcf Wei , v T C a.t leuiicsjtc C Mnaba reisen Tranportallen Inttrte A W 'aclflc Mali Rech A I" t. raul .. rei l'ac nlen l'ac abath em ... . VabHh P'ef .. . 't.rn V A est -hee Uendd rniLiDXLruia list Lei. l .... ii, - A I'hlU k It K HCifilig . Ln NaT iUtenv.ra f A E . v tent I'eep fa V&$3 itdg Gen la. . . 'JU 5S 4S 6lS tin H)', !." (US w lll- 4i HIS it" SA, H llMi M TA lCSl M't S7 flW ("I 11 11H w :e ; si" r.:v M SIN, ft VSi 2 ,s KVVi JTr. I" -lS 1S ni s;K 5;S 103 Chlrae rrednce Market. Csi aec. Nev. 17, 930a m.. markii ejened Mheat-Vec, 75375c; Jan., 74ic , May Sle. ,l-ev .Jlc Dec , J7c , Jan , STije . May, 2 , Oats Dc,;c Jan. & Hav, '0c t-orK-l)ee . R ti , Jan , s.C is May. '" 41. 141-1 Net ',IOlM Ehrt lllb-Jan., 13 1!'. excerxs, 73KS,c;Dec, Wieat Nnv "5c : May, M'-ic 7';Ge , Jan., se.He: Cern ev , V! lay, 41Sc tts .net., re . tv. SJWe. Dec., WHc ; Dec, WSet Jan, Jan., Ferk .nev r.' 4,1 Dec , ! 15 Jan , W 07K Lara Nev . M J , Ure , JJ sJ Jn , i K. lUtji-Jun , ii 15 Uemttiuta Market Di.IKT. Creamery Ilutttr . Inttr j ? Datcbchecre lump reuitBT. petnir Ch'riens, p pr Vkkeas V lal-(Iivm) txieiM Y piece (oieaeed) ues pr (live) l) icIcs (clan'd) . . Tcrkcjs fnli-aned) tuikess (live) . . . 1C .....'e3Je .... mice KSCitll 0 K6I1CI) . ?0C .U0175 II C1 00 Occss (ei-aned) 60aJWa ueetfe (lire) . aisoiiiAMers. Vpple Ilutter ? qt- Kggs Vder PIT SO ....15c .. te J .... tl ....la 5c ILK11P W IV: Cld-rVgal -auer traut it Vrple X P I4nn dez . 1 te a"u., each . . l-.ninn&Vder OTicgedez 'imWS . 1'ears p H pk VXOITASLI.S Llmilleais Vlt 'abba, p head tt VbntiCb Caniiaeaer, p had -wee t' rat .spj-plc Tirulps tl Turrlpi. p Kba.tel " Uwi SP "w et Hi e, p a p . r .a e f V W pa - e-q-li v4 (eieb) )i n a p itpc Carrots w bunch CU 17 l bunch Ileciuj P(il rLere amd erm r.eur V bbl Fancy itelier flour (' Oat i i ru (-heilfd) i i rn p X pk 10 OBA5Sl Hay V ten ' I verse-u V bus i'tmeth V b'i Ilciil ijrar p bu- i hiid brin p bun Mlxt d Lawn Giaj. p bus llur .ilnUrafs p bus Mra p ten 'l.xtccd p bu rtrii. Halibut a S Lath-hS. Kiesh Maekerul P S , lams V HO . .. inlte .... iMi'.v HJioe ... e 4KJCUO trfi Pe 181c U-) . .. Utie 5QI0O ... K-asvs ae . Ufi'OO . C-c .... IOrtiSc .... tft Oe .... MjlOu 5a 10" .... l'c 13 f0 I5 4-) .75iJ fO- 40. UK ffl0 54C f7iO tiut 11 50 .. IJ50 flOO US' ... 112 U-') . .1S.79IC 130 h)0 FllfBIl Oystra f) i f f.icSIl 10 ea LtAt4 lOe .10c loe IOC e iimn-h t lTrf,OIl 'leunduis , Ijimbpit . ... Mutten V& -lVia litefVli ausugtf p ? ,,,, l'uadinif p Ham V & wbeln Hatn p fit sliced.... llar-en ft ... . Dried uttf p qr.... l"ifl 10MtO t.ilOO . Uu lu.; ... agiAe le 113 lOe Live Bleck MaikeL. Cnicaue, Nev 18 Ite flretert' Jwrnnl re pcrta ca'tle Ilecelpts. 7u u t.tad , shipment. l.lOi bead; market weak and 0- lower sblppli'j; tecrs, W0 te l,5t0 tn , MSTCSOi, stock ere and tei dei. Hits M ; cows, built, ana mix d. II 42 7U . bulk, HClgJ'M, threnitb Texas ttterK, IlixtHu. Histein rantters weak , lwilvcnand a t bind. 12716373, cews,J3iii, wlntited 1Znr, llji 11 gt luelpts J7,te head . shipments, ll.rw bta.l niuiket wa very streua ; reuxh and tied, I tiwi, paeklngand sMnpltiK. W711f 4C5 'U'bt.lliudtie -klps.Rilluea) tfccip Itecelpts, 6U) nead ; shipment, IOC head liiarkiitsu-ady : natives, (1 (rtce, -t. ern.ueurJSO), Tvxsns, Vdi i), lambs, U3 aBT LmsrTT ratue-Uectpts, '70 head i ahtiiinents. 141! head , market dull nnd le i r , vhlpmeuts te le Tnrk, none. lli-KS-Keculpts, l.iei head , hlpments, 1.2 0 read . market Arm ; I'hllaclelDhUa. i avti r.t lerM a, limit 15: oeinmon tellubt. fitp.fl !. sblpuieni Is te .New lerk.tt carload -ICeLXlDts. 'HOt heail . itilnmnnt. 4lM M'ep- bead ; market fair and 25a klirher than lait A K H AH VEX riHUl E.S TH. Wj-ah rcDTizs hi:ad or hebsf.s T? tekeepdurlnif the a Inter, en teasenable terms (July seven uille from I nneaster. nl7-lwd Afr. ATTIlieOryiCK TUV IASK OF OANhS"AT Vm x.1 l-rlces 1 he latest styles lu KiiKllsallaii l and Oraiiiiu ttoed Plain and terliier Hler Mounted liEMUlH'.ictKAKH' TOHK Ne. 114 Kest Klnx strut, Etttbllshed 177J. It'blltVAattu UiOli KENT Till KD AND IOUUTH 4J lloersof lllrsh A llrether's llulldliiir, os. e aud 8 North (Jueen striet, uoweecuplml bv Ih'H OuminlnKa tu a first cU-s phoiegiapli gaJin vsiil beienlud tera tormefytiais. "7ttdlt HlHall.t UUUHIKICS. rTJY TKK. KIN EST 'I O UK FOUND- --' nilSKl It A It IIllK WUlfKY WltleKV IlOUIttltSLItJUOUHlORK, SJCtNluK .yUARlf, Lancinter, I'a. i sans?- "A7Lr SEW ADrXRTIfiEMKXTS. B AKINO l'OWDHK. ROYAL BAKING Absolutely Pure. "T"ni rewder rarer raite A mirvt--. of I rurliy, tr ....... a.M..,M an.l Whn.ALVI.rina., Mnm eeonemluu thn the ordinary kind., and cannot be eldln cetnppuibn wttnthenn'tltuJtef 'cw tst. saeri weigQT, aiuui or id n,m in,w.-i is Id enlv ra-v Ket-- 11akie I'ewdh ie, lirt i. -inet. New .erk maj tl )0.tw DElTUiriT'nAYl'KKSS FOK nu.r. Hay 1'rtss. aime't t hw il b. i coeip tallat i II wi.numi I K . .vnt III it North I'rinceSi, Laucastsr niTJtd ROPOsXiTs "lOfl ADVirTriSINO !-ivvc Ml ths a.trsrtl'ln. rscclntfce ratrn MarKet lleu t 1 Ni let t tts bc-t bidder for one vsr from .'en ar 1, W I'm. p als rrclvii uj te ne,m en -it u Hr, . vcnberJO AUL.VVA HeUK, nevl.vStd Secretary THE BIGQIST THINfi TOR THK Meney t Herehiund Candy at five cents a sllek Tfceslis of the tt ks would lead one te suppose that a Mies wea.d care ths erst kti d of a cold Cutemer eMTy the preats away nhsa they bnv the candy rr.ui ET'.t easi kid rn iemact. TJ-lydK.r,M,M Oppctlts Eastern Marset. JACOB F. SHEAFFER'S PURS RYE WEISKT, sug17 1ydK I'nke Sttt 1 1 )"-" etef TU.VT OL'K KrFOrlTS TO GIVE OIK custom's the Best Ovs'ers for ths leat nenev, have been appreciated 1 fully a'teitcd t"bylae mny eutemers vtt ave fwl ur Mertis Klrr teres 1 hf r u-d urred tbe best evstsr tn tb markrtt, and at5ct'iiw per hundred, delivered V- tbe h u-e taey are certainly tbe ebespest Fresh l)er ree vej dAUy direct from the Merris Klver 1 Nieriej K A UVNelVt. Wholesale and Rf's' Trt-tt, 1 th d eys'er Dealer. nltlwd LATEES itAT.SET. HAVANA t'IGAKs MAKRLKYN new brands, " Amerlta and "lene old clear Havana Clears are th bss tc and 10c Cigar In th market Try them MAKKLKI -. lell-rwrixrat," Ne.ll NerUi Uueen Strc.it (rennatly llsxtrr.at's) CKEK NO rtJRTUKK. FOB IIIilEEISNONE Htirtl. I1IAN Ruppert's Estra New Yerk Beer, Fer sale txeUslTely at CHARLIE UOSTEifSCOaNEK 9A7.1. V. Eeref the Centrtl Market. Fresh from the Eej and Warnnteil Pn:e. HyJ-tldtt.M V 3 POSITIVE Pl'DUr isALl. or VALPA 11LECITI PIterEf.lt Ul MlOMOlt. CTXXBSa 21, At tte Leenard Hetel, will be m.i3 a t we--t ry P.KI' K Dtt KLL1.1M, wfb a two ste-y url s Dick Itulldlnrf. se 437 North Miry ;r et. b v leir ball and three looms en fl.s' rim. r, '1; ee roeiii en second fl'Xir. jerd dry eel ar, C'Tct gas. hydrant. A:, trail lu al . C.ie. 1 .. 1. 18 by 111 fet. sale positive. Attend T'-hea' (V 'ale&t? e clock r m ALL n a ll"itlt. Age.-' f r Msr Fl e Jex: llis Ana niTl"l-a TJ GERUAP.T, Fine Tailoring. A Full ai.fi Ccmp'ote j'cek of Impervdan Demestic Suitlujf fvnd Ocrceiting Fer tbe Fall Tra.- new rwidy te seitct trern. Call carlj te secure rf. tj ,e H. GERHART, Ne US QUEEN ST., Lppxllet Postrdesj -r-tvCK AH. KOSENbTEIN, s IMPOltTlNi. TlLuP. Mjr selection for tte cem'ai a(jn U new rendy, eemprtslrisc one of tjit ri.,' st-ica ev.r shown lu this city lhe iteck ts "n'lrvly a aud we'i worth rm.r l-.spee-l t llj prAe re moderate, ana werkmamtip r its n. st The repntA'lOl Ot thO house te K- wr-t T.il be fully maintained Having terurrJ f r Uf oe-i. InsTSeswMiu tbe servlujs et llrct i lasa Ta. nrs, 1 can guarantee the ver bT of work sole proprietor for the 1'swi I irsp r&r..a loons, warranted net te draw .,iins! tln dew-n, nor ba at tbe krjiti A. 11 KOfcNeTS,lN, T7N.nbuinsL Public sale of VALr.vm.E bumi-NEf-S PHOrEIi y 0" TnCSSDiT, NOTSMS'S l"-, At the t-eper ltuase,tui vves Kiurf s.raM, thp nuderslKned will offer a' rubllu ula ej' that certain rour.terled HUlcK iTerti: ,i DWELLl.M., with thre sterlxd llrlek Hack llulldlnit. situat Nes Saandli tv r,t E. ,ine'. The b lldtng c n alns teuty I..t.r i's li.-cludlt-K two rterw rrwms a-id en tli fourth fleer two very larprn rooms f r iterea;e , water, icm. turnace and ether convenient. s IncludluK excellunt ewerif" u.e et r-eris e Weal Kln strtet vi leei an : .. Iner-e r'n eluding the 9-ftet d-lvewa , ail .xt. idiot that width in ten, wt,. e it w'.l, us M feet, IX Inches, and extends of thai wti'.th te 5llfZln street There is i lnr U"t fctat .en the rear, sufficient te acce.i.U'0'ate at least M hertrn 1 here is also a (reed wen of water, lth pump, in ard Sale te commence at 8 o'e'ock p in. wMrt at tendance will be K"ea and ten s mid., kr in by ., . ALLAN A HKlill, I'.wU Estatn Acnt. 10s Eisthlnir ttreet. Agent ter A. N llrenemsn BaMrct Ilrss, Auctioneer nl7 lid J. a GrVLER ft CO FOR BARGA1N3 -iv Ladies' & Children's Coats. EHAWL.3 AMD SKIUTS.' UNDER WEAR AND HOSIERY. DRH33 OO0D3, BLANKS TS -in- COMFORTd, TFOU CAf 11, GO TO-6 JolmS.Givler&Ce. Ne. 86 Ebb. Ktnff Btret, LaariSTsk l's JDUJlrON OI'EIIA HOUSE. Saturday Evenlnu, Nev. 20, 1080. ONE NIUHT ONLY. TI1K COUEUr EVtNT Or THE BKA-ON. AUGUSTIN DALY'S OKEATE6T SUCCESS, lik NIGHT OFF." 0. B. Sheppard's Stsr Specially Coap any. Iltauttful Cestumes. EleKant'taire Effects See It I lliarltl J.auahat It I TIIOS. J.BIIKPl'Allli.., ULAKKNCfc. 1IAUN hr . . ..VanaKur. etuuMuuaier. 1'lilCKS 35, tOand 71 Centa Unserved Beats. 7S cents. New ou sale at the epera keusa office. OT17"4tfl mew ADrEmriHEMEnn. ITOCliU OOODS. ? All the Latest Novelties in riNK 11LL1 r.a at WKIKKI.'S Mil t INKHV 8TOHK. eSmdB Ne. S3 North yuren?titet. t?OME ni:v anddki u nvrs ki.euai. KtrscUl bnlk Ai. h. r. Virs, Aibutut, Mignenefe, slattha a t igii, Opepana. hlteH4e Mang Mn M. pU lepvey tlue. ete, with a artfty of e r t 'tiled and balk ii tract, at HUltl.LI mtU.4 MOltE, .1 IVethlngtret THK SIR KNIOUTS OK IANCSTKil Ceinmanasry, Ne IS. aiv rpgacted tetneet si the Masonic. Hall, Laneaver, Va, en Itldsv morning November IS itiweflMr, t" attend ILotutHiiulet elr KnlKht 'se 't 1 tblftt Labs wilt Irare here at leitii b-ip, tepnweed te Newllei'fttid lhende U'" t.'te wlllivetlty in 4 Marshall. K com , n. t i 'r than Thurs day crrmngat 7o'cJedk Hv ideref um n i! Alull ILL. K C Attest ItranS. Qitu, liere der lilStdU rUARIvS ALWAYS AlinATU DON'T READ THIS! That', tt you hive alrtat r 'eharad tbe tn. trcdlOHU (or Itaatug jeui . ' alfi NBVTCITKON ONLTMe B NhtV ritH, W sad IS . j I f. NEW CURRANTS FOU IV. B. COOKIXO KAIMN9 t-. . SEItHLS-t K.ltV. S'e. rLAVOUlNQEXTRAPT', l'CKF, Ke. and We UOTTLE QltANDLATKDsruAK, V i TISICTLY riTBE SPICK- tiisir TrrCt. MtKF.'SKW. TK V and t eint 1liiv COtl "Eat Ue. . We are sure m i Ibe p'pd Three round cnuKr Skim tv Clarke's Tea and Coffee Stere, l-O. 1! ACEST KIN". CTRKKT asfTe'ephen. mirlJ.y.'.Aw -gJCTKA NOTICE. Lancaster Rink ! WEST KING ST. Miss Jennie Houghten, lie Famous little Lsdv ?vr- and the win rei and holder of tv IXstrn ' 1 i'w, lensblp Medal, will appar here three aV-'. 1'i'iiij. WeJctsJiy i Thirdiy Ftscidk xnrEXBEit ;, r, i 1b exh'bltlen given bv Miss llous-iten 's en tireiyuevr, something uner before s.n I' Ln Ci5te- HONT fAlLTOStE nEK. MUSIC BT BIN'K BAN I AND ORCn&STr.A. pancing ror.e.NEUorn ADMISSION .. 30 CENTS. Children, 10 Cants. Skates Free sptvlydr. . M JENN'ERCnOR HALL. NATIONAL BAZAAR -OF Hi"- Lancaster nwm OPEN KVTSKT Ml, ITT Fl.'it 7 ru 10 ;e il' i. Nevenibir 17 te November 27, I:uhve, T- Msnnercher Hall. Al'MtsMOV TICfTST3 SK.vaONTicKers . te cris-TS 73CK.VTB. Each admission tteltet fntu.es the ihtrtuf, at the cleie of ihe llaaar, lu A Ohance in tha nevll-iA I'u-te nev27 S15 Geld Prise. c ATd. ftl'ECIALBAhviAlS" LADIDS COAT S 1HVU1 ON THK I - 'K GAIN 9, T F')H blE- WATT & SHAN D, , S ami 10 llnst Klnr Mreet. 11 a te made several adTf nta Ine the ra.t w uipuietascsdnr MANCrACTUUEIts- ASU nU'OKTEUS SC2- ri.ua biem. Which have b'en marked y ics thst w'.ll effect a speedy Ui.tilbutlen LVLIHb' BOCCLE J.UK"In fl 75 ech. re dnced from (3 Ui LAI'IFS' DIAGONAL NEMtEKETa. Full Length. Perfect Klttlnr, 5 couch , real ralue 17 LADIES' BODCLE NKU M 1IIK ETS, V P) each : reduced from lq en tTOR3TEDUIGOVAL NEW J!P.KET3. tAOT taeht nsual price, t, m Imported Tstler-Made BERLIN NEWMAIl KtTS, 0Ueaeh; theu.'iit eheap a' I I Se. Imported Ta ler-fade BEELI.v NEWMAtt EEIriJlOSO each; usual cl y prlee, lliwi. tVe eMer t-u Immense Stecc of Children's and Misses' NEW FALL CLOK!. JACKETS AM) NEW MAKKhl 4, LADIES' SEAL i'LU "II hAUljLES. Inallthe Lateslbtyles. Uell Made, at Bettem Prices New Yerk Stere. AXU.IKSIKVTH. TJIULTON OPEKA HOUSE ev-rire xiaitTaexLr-n TUESDAY AND "WEDNESDAY, N'OVEMBEIl If AND 17 The oemedy event of the season , en(rsi(0ment of the world renowned and eier popular Tourists in a P. P. C, Introducing the popular comedians, OH AO. KIRKB & HARRY CLARKE, Bnppertcd by a great company of comedians and Vocalists. "Tbe Dynamite Caruldxe of un." " 3 hM Laughing Cyclone." ihe Unat Pullman cartbeeucabv Day und N'lht , Wa are all ltlght up te tbe Present Time," ADMIW1N 15andCENTS. UEbEUVEI) HEATS SSCENTS. New en sale at Opera Heuse. nU4td PULTON OPEUA UOUHE n-exe siaiiT exi.r.-c Friday Byenlnff, Novembor 10, 1800 Eogrgemcnt of America's rarorlte Artist. Maggie Mitchell, r'uppitedby Her Kverrepu'ar Company. 11EU LATEST SUCCESS, " Maggie, the Midget." Endorsed by Press anil Publfe, and pronounced the equal et "Funchen. ' I'HICES tl.OO, 75e.. 600. A Sir, llESEUVED SKATS 71c. All.W, lteserred Heata sirt isIa st nnsrs hmisntlrA '.yi.l?1"11' 1cur your stats early te I AVOID RUBH, nlstd T fiP-ADlNW CUOAK HAZAA1U New Cleak Bazaar ! Nes, 136 and 138 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ir you nre lu doubt wuerote get the beat value for the moaey lu LADIES' CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. Boe the Lm-gest, the Entlrely New, the Popular collection of gariuenta we noweffor at Veiy Lew Prices, JOSEPH L. RAU & CO., Nes. 136 aud 138 NORTH QUEEN STREET. The New Cleak Bazaar. Open Every Evening. TUa SAJ.M eat MCHX. -nvm sai nT a" liAur.nY eitimt, AJ cir.sisttnst of horse, waen. and everything med In a Srst. cjn.i t xerv Applvat nlMd III SOI Til ql LhN SIKKKT IOKSATiTiN'sTKAsiirKe iioiferoli, : a Tin nnd sheet Iren Kstabll.hment (for rusrl known as Alei Kchulu) or further ptrtlculars ea.1 en or address. JesKi'ii ii w ir, nistwd" Strasbnrn, Lancaster Ce Pa T5riMi-SLEOKNOTKSHEl.ONUlM X- te the assign;! estate of Jacob HlldPt-mtid, of tu .w Hireet, lAncaster county, I'a, en .aiuia.y, NetemberM, i"af, at l oeper Hetel, Nesi lle(r street, lAneaster, l'a. at I e clock 1 rn s Notes of Hand drawn by Jehn Sales amenuttnz te abent -Vi OiVitd JOHN M nF.HMAN. Atltnee xkitter's sai.i: or rea"i, r.- E 1ATX0N WKlSrPDAT. NOVKM11KH 51th. tw, will be se.d at tee rrnnklln Heuse, Sorts Queen strset, Lanssster cttv, l'a , the fel low tne real estate, late the property of Mary Ann Ml'tan l.rsase.t,te wtt , All tht certain two-story libit l PMML1SO 111)1 SE, with nacthulldlmt. well wlih pump therein, hydrant. frrapeTlnes. Ae , and 1 t et ground thereto be en.;tn?, siiuate Ne 112, ou the west side of North Mulberry street. In ihe city of l-anceMrr, containing tn front en ald Mutnerry street J) tet, and In depth ft) ft-et te a four feet wide alley, adjelntn propertv of Mrs Maratet Maney, 11 C Kresdy and ethers. Pale te commence at 7 e c'uek p m of said dar when attndiuoe srll. be tilven audttims made kne-ru br 8AMI KL t KltlSMAN, Hfrsr "ti-assr, A' ct aiecuter rv . JMtUi AI'MIVISTHVTOK'N rr.iriiHTi ni y. or t ii y et fpmvr I.irifssrali lv, at the Leepard Hetel, en Ka.t Ktnirstieet. the undartlcneJ, admlntstraler of balemn J. ltur rewes, dee-ased, wtii tun at public sale all that certain two story Hhllh 1KLLI1. Hel'sE and let of crreund, situated Ne $2. Kast King street rentatntnit In fronton Kast Klnu street, II feet SS Inches and tn depth te erant street, bounded en the east by property of hdward Kdjeney and en the west by property of Mrs lieuJamln llcht. The house has six rooms, K,,.,., n.... u.iu ,,,,u. n.i,T,v.. s;n,i. 't. rit . het and cold w iter, kv, heater tn cellar, choice frnlt In yard, side alley, etc. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p, m , when at tendance will be gtven and terms madn known by Isaac 11 liritROWEs, Administrator of Saleme J HuTOwes, deed. Fei t'irth-rparitculars apply te ALLAN A nEUK, lfjrl Eaet Klurj Strei L n Sn-BT Auctioneer. e7tdt7.3rm i 13.17.19 PUHLIC .SALE OK DEblUAULE IITY 1'KOPEKTV. Ox wiDsutiT, HrniM I 11M At the Leepard hotel, East Md.- street, Lancas ter. Ne 1 Let of Orennd. 1 feet e Inches In front en cast side et North Deke street by 213 fet In depth te vberry alley, en which it freits IS feet mire .r less, with the Twrtery llltll K ltWELIINO, NO Sll North Huke sirtet.wlth Irrtek IU-k ftnlldlng, cenulnlnjr nine rooms, with rain cistern, nydrant, bitta and water closet. The property Is In oed condition ; eren te view. Ne. 2. The let of ground en th f. entbeast slde cf Middle street, between Ltme fcnd ehlppen streets, or. which Is a double two-story ItitfLK I1WKLLING, with Hack Buildings te each. Ne. IS) and III Middle street. Let Is 41 fet front en Middle street, and extandlng In depth 113 feet Inches m.'b te commence at 7 o'elecir p m. Terms rish April 1, In;. JAMB' BLACK. Executer e! Jehn Black nST SnrnssT, i-tloeeer n'.O 13 17 i).3l,,:f r.S.Stdl I3UBLICSAI.EOF VALVABLE KEAL Estate. OS WDSX6DsT, N'OTIMBra 17, 1 will beseld, by virtue of an orderef tbeOrpbans Court of Lancaster cenntr, attbeCennty Heuse, en East htn street. In t're city of Lancaster, the folios Init described real estate, te wit Ne 1, All that certain let of ground situated en the west side of Seuth Oueen street, between Herman and Conestoga streets, tn the city of Lancaiter, containing In front II fret andv lcehcs, and In depth te IWaver street . 'lift et, meie or less, en which street It has a fren' of 11 teet,2W Inches, en which are erected a ene and a half s'ery I'AUT BKH'K AND I'AHT I'KDie liw) I.I 1st. HOUSE AM STOKE, nnmbeied a-rndlt), wlihaoae-stery llrt.ilc Uaca liulld Inz and Frame Kitchen attached. .Se 2. All thit certain let or piece of ground tit uated en the southeast ride of Middle street, betw prn Duke and KoekJand atretrts, In the City of Lancaster, centalnlntt Intronten said Middle street thirty lent and six Inches, and In depth te a public alley, two hundred and eight feet, mere or less, en which are erected a one aud 'aha!( story rame UwttillnKhouse.numburedatt, with a one and d-half story frame back bulldlutf attached. We te commence at 7 o'clock p in, when terms will be made known by M HABE11BU3H, f.i iri) m l'hl.lp Itlsie. dec d Jest, IIUI3B , Auct o7neTl,10.17 AbSIONEE'S SALES OFVAMTAHI.K proptrtlssceuslstlneot Umli and Hour Heur Inrf Mills On Friday, NeTuKBrn 1!. at 1 o'clock p. hl, the nnderstirntd will otter en the premises, at publle sale, Ihe farm situated In Lpper Leacock township, en the north side of the sew Helland turnpike read, and former ly owned by Marks O U'enger.enntatnlnK tr) ACfti, mers or less The MANSION HOUSE li fine two-storied Dwelllnir. the Barn, lately Improved, is as geed as new. together with To Te btsKOhbed and ether outbuildings In gcxrd con dltlen. The entire tract Is divided Inte five fields, from each one of which tbe cattle bave ac css tea slieamef running water There Is a cistern Kt the barn and every convenience about the piemlses A se a hne orchard of well saleeled frulU. 0 BATtTBDAT, N0VBVBSB 3fl, at 1 o'clock p m , the undersigned win also offer at rnbllc side, en tbe respective premises, tbe lollewlrist valuable real (-statu A two-storied llltlOK DWH.LISG IIOLSE. situated en tbe Philadelphia turnpike, east of ths limits of Lancaster city, at tee corner el Kanck's avenue, and adjoining Clark's Villa, re cently erected and In hist-rute condition. There Is a geed Birn en tbe premises and all the ri'c essary outbuildings, with geed water supply. The new proposed East Mng Street ltallway will pass Immediately in front of the premises. Ills uoweocupled by Hamuel Itancir. Alse two twosteiied BB1CK DWELLING HOC.1K3, situated en Ilanck's avenue, aoleln lng the premises of llehrer, tbe nerlst, and op. peslte tbe above described dw elllng house. The houses are new, well arranged with beautiful side lets and young fruit tress In healthful con dltlen A'se one of the largest FLOLltlMi MILLS In the county f Lam aster, situated ubeul euu mile cast of tbe lit y of Lancaster In Lancaster township, en tke Concsteva eriek Ihe mill Is a four-storied lll'.ICK BUILDING, with first. elais machinery throughout and In geed run nlng order The water pewar is ene of the finest that can be found In thn state 1 here are about 13 ACKER of land connected with the mill, nn elegant HOUSE and geed Harn, spring of water, with sufficient Sheds, Wagen Heuse, etc., and the premises have for many years been known as ' lUnck's Mills." Alse, Immediately opposite this mill, situated nn the Conestoga creek. In lb township of hast Lampeter, will be sold lit the name time en the premises, by the undersigned, a tract of land, whereon Herected the old "Ilanck's Mill," with tenement houses belonging tbnrete aud where on U erected a complete two-steilod HltlCK DtVKl.l.INU IlOU.Sh, and Hani, both nearly new, and new occupied ey isaae itanck. inn prepsirty contains about llAtuaset land and is i II lu every sense a desirable property. If these prepettlis a te net sold thi ey will be for rent. Persons desiring te view eald prepertlts, or te make any Inquiries oenoernlng any of thorn. win can upon or auuress timer or me under signed. fale te commence at the uleresatd hours of said dys, when attendance will be glvea and tcrurs'made known by I1ENKY IlAUMdAltDNEH, JONAS r EHV, Assignees of Samuel IUnckand wife. nllld -jmUKNlTURU WAREKOOMS, buy reuKSKLir a pais or TnOSE Felding Diess Pillows. CALL KAULY AT Oeffmeier's Farnitnre VYareroems. They am the nicest thing out and we have I nt recel red another let or thorn., 30 EAST KINO STREET. eew ABrMmrummMKra. UHT UUUVS. J I" YOU WANT TO JUT V THE MKST Black Cashmeres! I or the least money no te the North End Dry Geeda Stere J. W lITflNR, Ne S:i Neith Queen street. nOTMyd 'te.Mr.vHK rmi'i-s. -Al IHE- BOSTON STORE, os. 20 and 'Zb erlh (Jticcn SI. tin account el our room being tee small te give Coats the space necessary ler their dlsplaj.wM will CLOHKOUT Ladles' Newmarkets AT AM) ilt.LOIVltT In the future our specialties will tie PLUSH COATn and ClllLDIlKS'i LO.n f t e will have an Immense Assuitment at BoireM mica. MIJKE NE TIUNliSlN Dress Goods. "fcKE.HUlK ' Deuble Width, lleman ntrlpes, leielv giad, Ific a ard , would be cheap at Jic ENOl 1311 CHECK Dies. Novelties, Iwent) five Styles, at 12SC a artt FOB Ttt K.STI DAIS wn will liai n a Oteat Special Bale of BLACK CAH MKKKH. Ue offer the Orwatest Bargains lu BLACK CASlIMEIttSoercaettd In t Ills city. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. filUl,EANl DOUULIC SHAWLS An lnuucm Anrtuint Al i.efc, I'Mct Blankets and Comforts. Our Assortment s Complete ery l,e S'ld Prices aie UNDERWEAR. brec'al Bargain lu a ladles Si am' s V each worth t' ' trit at Stamm Bres, & Ge. sJsT-yormerly at the New tetk Stere. J.a .MARTIN it UO. WINTER UNDERWEAR Al- J. B. Martin & Ce. IEFS UNDERWEAR Men White Merine Underwear at 'He. Jlen's While Merine Underwear at-Vc. Men's White Merine Underwear at tjc Men s White All-Weel Underwear at 73c. Bel ter Oradea at II ue. II 23, II M.tt 73, i:.C-0. Men's Hcarlet Underwear at lH Men's Scarlet UnderwearalOirc. Men's Hcarlet Underwear al lien. Men s Hcarlul Underwear al II J3. Kitty Dnten of a Special Htrgatn In Men a Scarlet Underwear at 11.12 . n-al value, 11.50. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Twenty five Deen Ladles' Merine eat., 811k ' aced. at 2Fe . cbsap at 6O0 I. allies' All-Weel Vests at 75c ladles' Scarlet Vests and Pauls at II. w, ll.. II 00, lite. Children's Underwear. Metlne ests, sizes IS, is, 3), at lkc Merine Vests, sites 'ii, lit, J, at lie. Merine Vests, sires S3, SO, 32, at Xia. Cblldten's Scarlet Vests, All SUei, All Prices J. I Martin & Ce., Cur. West King & Prltire S.A., lOpiKMiw Hievens llensa.) LANUAMI'lll, FA. WAhl, fAfMM, VHTALL rAI'Kll. ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. 151 NOHTII QUEEN BTUEET, The time of high prices for Inferior grades of Wall Papers Is a tiring of the past. Elegant Wall Paper and Window Shades at lowest mar ket prices. We have In stock the finest as well as tbe cheapest Paper made. II you Inlend papering your hense coma andloekatourgoods and our prices will surprise you. All kinds of Window Shades ready-made and made te order. We bave an elegant Hue or Cur tains In heavy and light weight. Poles, Chains. Heeks, Pins, Vestibule Iteds, Stair lieds and everything belonging te a first elaaa Paper and Shadellouse. rEiumlnuourgeodsaud coin cein cein pure prices. ALFRED SIBBER, 134 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, FAJ tauruijvi. H IRHH A IlHOrilElt. LOWER! LARGER SALES I LOWER PRICES ' BETTER GOODS i And It was a sight te seethertnwd thai tame alter our Itpllable Clothing en Saturday One lusteiuci sais "1 bought an Oretceat fieru you five ) pars age, and beie It Is lllvn tne another ene Just Ilka It- He was (ulckly served, be caiun we manufacture our own geed. year alter eAr, and of course we could give htm the same make. Aiiolhercuslemer-alad "with four boys), alter receiving her goods, i claimed "ten couldn't have a big ueiciundil ou worn gltlng Cleth lng away Ibis ts net surptl.tng te us, bet-iusn we bau made leady for Just sucha business Nut only full and plenty of everything, but ate constantly get ling Better Clothing, anu at the same lime keeping prices at a le er level. en will remember the "IflON CLAD ' Bt'lTSat 13 and OVKKCOATA at lie, em BOVs btlTH al II M and DVEUCO VTiatlJ These nre net te be eiu tiled let tha menej . Ssrln em INDEI.MEAU and (ll.ON E, aud all of our department, we offer tbe same Inducements u knew It means something when we sigu our iiame te this adveitlsa rnenl ONE-PRIOE Clothiers and Furnishers, con. NOinii yUEEN sr. and cenire 8QUAUE, LANCASTKU, PA w ii.liamse.n a lesrnu. TELErilO.VE CUNNIsCIiOM. WILLIAMSONS FOSTER. EXCLUSIVE ini.Es IN CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS. Light and Daik hides- ie., II ue. Koe 2 te , li vi, OHIL.DRBN'8 BUIT3 Pit-ale! en Plain Tunic Sizes, ( le 1.', All Weel, UN), lti, MtU FLANNEL SHIRT WAI8TS. 7VC , II ii, II - BOYS' OVERCOATS. Cetkecrews, 1 wills and Beiveis Plain and raucy Celers. HUrs, B te is, l se, id ii, I. Qents' Wlnter Ovorceata, Ket.eys, Venetian Twills, Heme.puns, Light aud Dirk Meadevllle, Netctied lUiaveis, Fancv Elyslaiis and Irish f-r'rnHlertn Kings sites. 81 loll, tin m, 111 CO. 115.01. IIS l.l, I.D00, M l". Honrlet Modieated Uudtrwear, I.fO,l, IIJ& Cnmel'e Hair Underwear, 75c,ii(i, n.ji.riw Wblte Morlne Undorwear, 15C.,i"C, 75c. QLOVES AND MITTEHS. Kid, Caster. Joisey Cleth, Baranac and rij rij meutb, Buck, Sheep Skin, Woelon Knll. BILK NEOKWHAR, S5c..iee, 76c. MEN S, BOVS AND CIULDKEN a HOSIEHV UA NIJIUAN JACK KIM. -MEN'S JEltShlS, OVKIIALLS AND JCJIP- Kll-.. TUB CAPE? AND COLLAItEl'TKb, MUrrS AND BOAS. Fur and I'oather Trlmnilua. UENTI.PMEN S REAL SKIM et.OVEB, EUK DRIVING UI.OVE9 AM) COLLA11H. The Latest Winter Styles SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS. CLOTH CAPS AND HOV8 POLOS. ROBES. WOLI.ULtrALO AND PLUSH. DIUVINO AND BTAI1LK BLANKE1S. RUBBERS I RUBBERS I RUBBERS 1 BOOTS AND OVKIfHIOKS JOK LADIES, MUSES, HOYS AND OEN1S. Ladles and Mis.es Gossamer Overshoes, rieeie Lined Alaskes and Butten Oalteis. Children's Overshoes In All SUes. MEN AND llOVH ItUIIIIKIt OVEH3HOKS, BOOTS AND Including the Il'uenlIIat oemockol Kub V-i'est nullities and Lewest Pilccj 19 WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. 32, 34, 30 aud 38.Kast King St., LANCASTKU, PA. LARGER HR' IJlA 1 I Lilt; i HIRSII k Mil rh V . rftna" v AMSISfSu. ,)H)BisprMi--is-i fitjK i r jttV-r . IBiiirjSiBiAE'jaiWrat' svii'siraiaui' "" - si- MftSSMSHUttUUfiiSttK4, -