-y,J- ?" f'V? SW . .. v .r -a & i-t.i (" r--. xt fur clf.r 'A-1" V -If tm l Ay cAmat DAILY va,: . i . Jfct, a. . . - W f n, 9- $mt'TM&,py'- T m L. Vl TUB nIWKK.1 rAllMHOUSK. llhest .it ft dead '"" l"" thimiRll It lirokeit IIkIiI " wt'l lwil Whole old tiinu lmtveiu Kluw t nplowed, unsown, liy acjlliuuiialiuin, '1 he peer luisakcu latin fields Ha. Onciiilclmiid Hit) with golden coin Ami pale kiii liieadlhaiii'r)e HI hcallhlul limit biuI Hener luiietl, 'I he maiden jilut no tietisunltu keep. Ihttmuh tieedainid taiiu.li' only li It, '1 hn viiitktt, It U'imiil, i it eps A llinc spiay, unce lilintMiiii ilad, Hwnya bale lieliiiiilheeinply looms 1I lil" tlm inotless peich a itmli Pallietlt ii-it unit blooms. Ill tint k, In iniiulil hiiiI du.l el dlniith, nn fleer and hearth the iittric1 leave", Anil In Ibii ntetras i'hltiine)'s inuutli lilt ni'li tlie spldci weave. 1 llO l0(hltlt IjSI II, Hlillllt til iKll, llr.iiiiiids no Innri) oil hii.kli'i? etre. Mi cattle te In J nul eratalt, .Vethtfliir hulls hHslicaes. r'uand.sndirar' llriinia1iiMiil (oiiie bamitltiK' I'li'sence inakra III lB" llinl tliiwu ),iithadey laiieauiiia Khml illulit ililtt) 111" spulial kltti' ' -Jehn tlinnlrm MMHHr. 11,1,1 I ell,,,.. In ti.a.l.m I" rhl'iwlll. Tlie (.rami I-odKe of l'l.iiiiaylvaiila, llttle. ifii.leut Ortler til O.UI rolleN held the r semi annual tmsMen I" "J'l ' ulluw" lml1' I'lillnilelplila, -' Monday. The Imaliiwui transacted was nullity f prlwite character. Tlinatloiiilance et riipreaeiitattMi. wa tery IniKtt. (iniiiit Master I'lintlen XV. HUlKOWny prmliliHl. The follewllK nomination of iilllmrM worn timiln : (IrwHluirwtur, Jelin w. llaney, I'lttilmrs. deputy B'"1 nnwter, Jaine 1'. llelililim, Philadelphia. Brand warileii, Henry Htmteriianln, Alleurieny , Jehn It. UbixluR, Itli'ii llliille. . II. l.eyil, I'lillndelphla; J. Mtlen Jamisen, lluckii county M. U. Wiley, Allogheny i (leertfuj. ItU'er, UarilaliurK , It. D. Armer, HettVHburK , I'liarUa Moere, Poltfilewn ; IC J. l!rliiiin, l,nueasttr Tlimiiifi Cerrnan, Carlisle j XV. tiayleril Themas, Hcraiiten ; Jehn T. Ileo, tiVrittitmt , J. McireKr Ulb'. riillAdelphla , Jehn I. Hi-KB", llarrUtitirij ; t'riarieM. llaimH'k, Hillailelphla s W.I. Marsh, (t.try, T. hpHUKr, Jr. buaque. lianna, XV. 11. Hern, 1 atamuiiia ; Jehn Wiinch, Hlrilaberii. lluneral J. 1. H. flown, lhHiien llnv. tUWd I'rall. WvaluiiliiK.il. II. (trabam, I'hllailulpbUi XV. Nelf, lleUilc. hem ; Krand m-crcbiry, JaimiH 11. McIieIkiii, Philadelphia, grand tritanrer, Colonel M. Uk-harda Murkle, IMilladelphla , Kranil rep titiHiilaUe Trancii M. Ilea. The nloctlen for nllliwH will Uke pUre In Uie BUtKirdlnale I.Hlgfn la March, 17. lnTftlliln' UitlelanilSurBliJ! Initllula. 1 hU wnlPlf tlhratr.J liiMltntlen, l(catj at Iliiiraln V Y . U eruanlt with a lull larr of tlKlilc.Mi eiM'ttniiirtl uiitl Vllllnl I'byalelana anil HurKMHn.nieUtliiBlb meat toinpleta or KanltMien et itictlcal anil u'B'cal aklll In VMiiuriCH, for tUe uttitmant nl JI chronlodU chrenlodU chronledU pp.r, hutht n-'iuiilnir mtilleal or aurglcal inrana l"r Ihrir cute Manrleua aucciwa baa toen i hlevml In thu i ure of all naal, tlirual WtAiit Imiic illMa.t, llviT ami kltlnry dliwaaea, illianin of tun illK'vill eralis, bjadacr ai r.'9,ilUii3PJ iHicullarte wemi'ii. blwul talnU ami akin iHii-ase. rbmiiiiatljm, neuralgia, iiiirvemilnMllly.pa-TUvala.rpllepay.ftlla). aixir-inuterrtin-i iiniMtuinry ami kinilrea ancctlena Tbeuannda am tun-il at their liuiuca tbreUKh ii.irfiiwiiulmic. Tim enroll the werat run tiirn-i. ltilu tumera, iIhmtIc, hyilreyeln ana irlriuiMtaKiiarnnti'iO, Willi only a aluirt rnal ilriKfi at tint tnlltutleti Bend 10 cunta In atnnipa lei tun IiiTallit .iiulde Itoek (liW paywi), which Klvt?a all partlrnlan. Ailtlrtaa, W erlil a ''I'lx'n aary Mutual Aaaoclallen, IluITile, t.. W.bAw MMcheatn the Snuilan haMt l-"ii llKhlencd lml te tiaoef St lai'ub nil Nidt Kite up Iho ahlp lr Hull t'micb ')iup lll i ure ji.'ian li h. dune ettn'ra. 1'ilcfl i tenia A lUlllineitt lliiiilinra KxiHitlenut I have vitTnrcd with nad heail.it bes l'-r jears and have turd many r inudlei without eMatuluic tollef 1 tiaaadtUrd le kive t ilailtin oil a trial and It liiaentliely cun ill Kit HAlr., Iji tayitle Maiktit, UalMinett. 3Id. lt On lour tiuatit Iton.ei, a tHit.ln I'laaittia am lillv luilta td. 'I hat la tlm fact, Miw, why am tlmy lml latrd ' lliiause tht-y am tlm only peiuua plan tct ItiKHaloncellial li lf.illy trtulwerlhy and alualle. Itenaen a l'la.l.T ure hlxhly and at. enllfli ally uiedliat.'d, and iinti In a tow hours alltntmta upon tahun no "Iheta hae had any oITeot Mbateier Ihit tllilli- all thull'fulu CttU ilKnmt acalntt p'aateM lumtlnu the natni-a of M BiaiTii. ' " tapalvutii," "Cajulitne, 'or "la tiicln," w hit h art- ttieant te Mtii9 Uc ' Cap Ine ,f (nlo.ue iiiili- the dllfetwIRO) and alae Kalnat plailt ta tieartujc the naiiiei " llt'nUtn'," " Itur iin."fU h n IiujIiik ank fei IU.imen'a I'laa. mr and pieut t yeuiwlf hy a imiaenal eiainlna. tten Iht KKiiiiIne hjut th" ni.nl-I ipcltnt " out in poteu.til In tht ImmIv el the platte! ami thu "1 htie Tills ' Inulaiuark en the lai-e clelb. i in: .uemi:i or i.t .tni.Miti But Hit ebN tiibi lliin, .San . ha Mich le, 1" 1' tle u.e tin tl i loafiute 1" add in) te.ll lnMi III la,'l '! Jinn iflj .aliialde I'liuti ra l.Hit UttoUer I haU a lery acitueallaik e( l.utn l.utn tiaj;eand autlrred untold utrt'iiy could net turn in bed erRtt In any imillleii wltbeittawlstancf, and ulth palim ulmiMt uutroarnhle ; the fnlka p, "luitf'ti'd ALt, a a 1", Bi-i" l'i man. aaoen a imaalhle 1 badonfBiplleil totheMiiill et luy l.uk, and te my unit aiupilae I axpurtnnceil aliiinjt In. taut lollel , 1 luiitlnued nuarlng It tiiilllonlltel) cureil, and am happy te aylhill hme net lud the niwhliiat tyiupleina el l.inn l.inn liaK'tatnee. 'tbe aie a wunderful and valuable 1'laslerfni I.umlmi;!). and 1 teke iniieh pliajtite In ivi einiurii lliic iheiu W.N I'llll.MI'H. Aa They Cannet IVmalhly inaktia porous iilailnr havliiK anytbliiK Uke the tuiMlclnal qualltlca of lUinaeu'M, thu camp ful ful learii el the pharmaceutlcal piofvaalen pro pre duco tens of werthhai plaalura, and Rive thein natm-a whli'h rraeuibln In print that el the en itlne, and, bon uueleaaly piRen eeund IlketL I'er oiainple, theip Jubu drunijlsla will eiler eiilrftHhiarlimly atyled " C'apsleiiin," "Cav alclii, ' "Capnlelne ' el "Cnpucln plaalera, an-farrd Mitnetlinea wltb the niune " Iliinten'a " or " llnrteii a. We ivirniatly ratttlnti the put. Iltagalmt the wliulotrlbeof ihem 'I hey atead aolutely nortbleaa u9 reiiiedlva Im dUtme I e be auto they are cheap, hut plain tuiiallii la theaiH,r ami ttiat ua filltaivluu. Aak ler Hen aen'a, natch the apellltiK, and leek fur the "'Ihien Heala " trademark, and the weld "Cap "Cap elne " cut In thocentruol the gcnulne. nevliM.tV.S nt'rOIAL KOTJVA.l. The Jiptr Trlcyrle. I hla iiitchlni la propHlled by aU'aui and will cany ttve pwuple tMenty miles In an hour. It la autd. It la iiultean litventlun butduvatiet com cem cem pate with Jlurdeck JIloeU Hitter; which will carry the Invalid aleni! thoiend lohualtlitebral all. Koriale by II. II. Cochran, driiffKlat, U7aml U'.l Nei th Hum n atlt et, l.ancaiter. Ilrlpnt Her Out. 'for jeara bitu heeti aauere anlleicr liem pallia In the biuk 'ltlt-d larlnua applications line buttle of rAeMJ J.'clcctrie Oil eutltely enred tne. C'tired ethera equally itilck." Mrs Hcnnlni; el lllli ataeet, Unftalu. wrole this. Ker nile hy II. II. Cochran, drngglst, XV and Ul .N el th gtieen atreut, Luticaater. "" Wimld Have Hern Set Upen. Had net "llutdeck llloed lllttcra" been a in inedy of unquestionable merit they would have been am down upon by the publleaa theuaauda el iiu-dlcluea have been wheu Ihelr norihleaa nerihleaa ueaa was dlaievurcd. " llutdeck Weed Hitters" have leculvud uuboiinded praises Iteut the alck, thus ealablMiliiK thi'll merit buyeml dlapuln. leraalnbyll II. Ceclitnti,iliiiKi:lsl, Ul and U'J -Nurth tjuevn atreet, I alienator. M lui la 11 tloed Fer? I.et us tell you whs.t Iir Themas' Kctcttric (Hi ISKOOdfer. 11 la death te ibeumatlaiu ana lieu ralRla. It will euro a burn, bite, or pain, and la equally geed for apralna Ker aale by II, It. Lochtan, druggist, U7 and I'M North Qneen ttleet, bancaatei. Ilaa Cenlldence. 'In mie iane perKeuallv known te me the sue sue reaael Jlurttecl Jllued Illlttrt waa nluieat Incre dibit). Him lady described them a wet th bun ilreda of dollars. I myeelf havethu Kieatfml con llileuce lu them. K a. Kctatcn, iltiiKKlal, lluth lluth veu.Ont feraale by II. II, Cechrau, druggist, IP and 1X1 North (jueeu atleet, Lancaster OMneTTi. KrrairrsA uuim. Mr. Oscar K. II. Kech, of Allentewn, Pa., was bedfast with In flammatory rheumatism In the winter of 1B&L Doctors could de nothing te relieve bhn. He commenced lutnK Uress' Hheumalla llemedy. Ily the time he hud used halt a bettle he could lenveblsbcd; when he had finished the bottle he was cmud and has net had a return of the dlseiueBliiie. In his own wetds, "1 tool hotter than evor boleiu." l'tlcef 1, by all ilrtiisKlsts. Iub8-3mdMVr 'Ilia leepl Aateulalieil, Many peeple ure nstenlthed Mbeu they ills. (Mivvrihe wldoLlriulatlen of 7'ienim Ikietlrm tilt. 'Ihere lahanlly aditii; hoiise lu the cenn, try Hut diM's net hae this icmedy upon Ua ehelvea. 'ihe publle havu leund It la a oed IhltiK and atlck tell, lorsale by II. II Cechian, drucHlat, 137 und I?) .Neilll Uueen stleea, ban caster. , Da. iUsaLiia Wehic btner, t'uruly vek'etable, ' pleasant te wke, will ex pel worms If any exlst, no purgative required alter using. Price, 25 i'tinu,liy all ilruifRlaU. Miniimrar UATAKKH CUKKIi, bealtb and Tvrel breath secured, by bblleh's Catarrh llemedy. Price fcu cents. Macal Injector tree. Fer aale bv II 11. Cochran, Drecelat, Me, IX) North Queen etreuu MMDlCAt.. H UOU'H HAllHAl'ARlMfA. Chronic Cxttuli !' InflAmmatlett of the mureui mcmtiaiie, allcmlrd with lnftcffl rcirtlen, lliuj eMitth m.iy affrct the licatl, threat, stomach, bowl, or any pait of the bmj where tha muceui mfmbrane Is fetiml. Hut extarih el the hMd Is by fr the most common, coming en se Rradually tht ellcn Its pirs ncs ll net suspected till It his obtained a arm bold en Us victim. It li earned by a Celd, cr a succession of enhh, combined wllh Impure llloed. When nrmly eslalilHlied the dlseise Is e tetdlngly illJSRtMable, caiulng flew from the note, dijnm ul the tliteit, headache, less of rpcllte, teaihm and biuilnR noises In the rats, etc. Ill Heed's BatiAparllla may be found a prompt and peinianrnt cute for ratailh. It ptirlflctatnl rnrlrhM tlie Meed, aoethCjamtlfbulliHIlin dljeased inembtane, amllhtu neon cutea Iho dle.ise. Atlhesame lime It relrettics and tenrs then hole system. The reraatkabte aueccss et this peculiar medicine entitles It le jour confidence. Jlte Heed's SartapulllA atrial. Heed's Sarsaparilla BeMnyallilniuliti yi iliferf? rrerrilenlr I Snldhf atMrnggliis. l sir ferll. ritrflenly IjC 1 HOOD L'0,AethBcaili,tll, Mall , tj L I 11001)4 C04AMtiecatlei,Lcwall, atisi, 100 Dobeb One Dellar I 100 Dobeb One Dellar' HATB, AU1KS1 AND OUNT'H l'UHH. Furs ! Furs! Furs ! LADIES' FINE FURS. l.atgest and most beautiful aaaetllnent of rtllt TIUMM1NUS and I.AHIRS' MUrraintha city, hvety pleioef Tilmuilnii Kuaiauieed. Our Miiflsamleitly, andlu piove our asieitmenl thelargeal, we only Invite you tit call and aee. GENT'S FINE FURS. r I'll 0 1.'l V Ri, COM. A US and UAI'8 In ev ery UMivsnitiii an no ier aien ami ininiiti. ri.NK KOIIKH ANP LAP HLAMIETS at aiaertment te aelecl 1mm HTAt;rrElt A CO.'dCKbKHHATKl) HAT d inability they aieumtirpaaced. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., LKADixa Ji.tTrrns Nen.31 ami 33 North (Juwn Strwit. atitmu.li. A' THLOPIIOltOS l'OH HHKUMATISM. A New Lease of Life. When oue hss been tutTeiiug the agonies of a Severn leal of ilieumitisui, neuralgia ersclallca, and rolletceuioa, It aoeins as It a nowleaaeef life had beeti granted Hurh bave been the feel. Inga of thousands, who, alter trying physicians and numbnrlea.s remedies, have used Athlopho Athlepho Athlophe roa and found te their gloat Jey that this medi clne really did euro their dlieaacs. Ne. S87 rcXTOX Bt , IlnixiKLTif, N. Y. Afler suffering for nearly tne years with a continuous attack of rheumatism ; after try Ing altnrat every specific, detne.tlc and feielgn, which Iho credulity of a wlae man, orfeol, might lead ene te tiust In, It waa nan a double plcaaute le tne te find a ii'inedy which, etlgtna ting 111 the fainuua(,lly of Kluia "the home el my ancestors and lu flnt feuiiderH-hai proved e Invaluable a bleaslug It Is nearly all months Iike 1 naa led te trace out thualg nincanrn of that netd Athlopheroa, It has proved te me. In a geed degree,a renoneref my former vigor and atmugih, ae that 1 have been enabled te tiievii about with almost yeulhlul activity, and te leul, while nppixiacblng my " three acoiey etra and ten, ihatlhayea new holdealllo. I iHdleve your philosophy of the disease te lie cenn t Hist It has Its eylgln 111 the blend, and that your remedy touches these Jelnla and musclca, loosening the nedca, which have bmin brought Inte suhjcillnn te this dreadful disease, and seta thein Iree aa no ether letuvdy that 1 have tried. I have been cautious lorae lung a lime In lecomuieudlng It te ethers till l had tiltal Ibj efficacy In luy own caae , and I am nunr tree te atale the oatliiiale I put upon it, as Ihtfsateel and most iftlcleul euro 1 have any knowlcdge of. A. II. llAVK.VrflllT Kvery dtugglat should keep Athlophenw and Athlopbeioo rills, but wheie they cannot be bought el Iho druggist thu Athlophure te , Ne. Ill Yt all street, .Suit Verk, will send either (car rlagoer pild) en luielplef tegular ptlie, which I. II ui per bjttle for Atblopheion and Mi let Pllla. I'er liver and kidney dtsoeaoe, dyspepsia. In dlgeatlen, weakness, netveua debility, dlaeasea el nomeii, cotiattpatlen, headache, luipuie bbai1, Ac Athlophetoa Pills are uneqiialeil. llevlS Ineed S" 2'lU.MACIl AND LlVini PAD. Fur luiligoslieii, Ililiunsiipss, SK.K lIKAIiACIie.erany el the ayiopteiiu el adlaordeicd stomach and liver, tise HOLMAN'S Stomach & Liver Pad. It will rIve tone, vigor and elasticity te your w hole ay a loin, romevo all Mitliiri.il Talnl Frem the llloed. Ptevent Fever, bmall Pox and all contagious diseases. Warranted te CUKK and I'llKVENT t HOI, KHA INFANTUM, COLIC, MKA8LKS, and all CHILDREN'S DISEASES. PATKt KASll.V W0I1.N I KKLl A1ILK ! nit. lewis Aiinnis iicnunin wiTMiam. rt'LTOM, Arkanaas. After carefully watching, for a iwrleil of four months, the effect of " llu). man's Auueand Liver l'ad.' In at least ens nuif' it ei. guei bRsnuAniui under my tinmedlatn obeenatlen, I havoueheslluiicy In leceiiimeiidlng It asasafn and snt'edv cut no In all cases et ague, blllousneas all cases et ague, blllousneas and Indigestion In all cases of enlarged and Inflamed anleen. It is par oxcellenco. Ker all diseases arising from u disordered condition et the liver, I cheeifully ivcomuietid Ua uae. Vety truly. JAMES O. LKW1B, M. 1). ajarllowate e( IMgus and Imitation Pads. Aak your druggists for the Uenulne Ueltnan's Pad, and take no ether. If he docs net keep them, send fit") le the HOLMAN TAD 00., 120 William St., New Tcrk. aug2MindM,WA3 yOLlNA C011D1AU VOLINA CORDIAL CUIIES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVER, MALA RIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM, ltl.lnvl, and delightful te take, and of great value as a Medicine for weak and Ailing Women and Children. It gives new Ufa te thu whole System by tttrengtbenlng the Muscles, Toning the Mel yes, and completely Digesting the feed. This Itotnedy contains no hurtrul Mlnerals, Is composed of carefully selected Vegclable Medi clnea, coinblned skilfully, making a Sufe and Pleasant Kemeilv. A HOOK, Veltnft, balling hew te treat a bv leading Physicians. laeasea at 11011 K, mailed, tegninu with a set of handsome cards bv new llelletype process, en receipt of 10 cents. rer sale by all Ul uggtsu and O rocers. Should the dealer near you net keep Velina ConeiiL, lemli tl.ue, mid a lull-ilze bottle will busvnt, c hinges paid. rr.srAnEuetiLT iir Vellnn Dru and Ohemleal Oempnuy, 1IALTIM0KE, MD., U. S. A. eillydAw T0I1ACCO CDTTINnH, HOIlAIfs. HIFT. INlia AND PAUKKKH' WAHTK, Dry ana Cltan, bought ler cash. JBMO Ne. 273 Pearl Rtreet, New Yerk. Uefercncc rind, Hchuttc, Ne. S13 l'earl stient. Kew Yerk, leblMyaa Catarrh "I am lurry te state that I hied Iloed'i Harsapailll.i fur cakirih, wllh which I bate been troubled many yeats, and itcelved great relief and liciirrH from lb The eatanU was my disagreeable, especially In the winter, causing constant dlKharge from my nose, ilnglng noises In my ears, and pains lu. the back of my head, The ellert te clear my head In the morning by hasi king and ipltllng was paluful, Illy Rtecsr adrlsed me le try Heed's Siirsaparllltts and It gate m relief hnmedlalcly, while In time I was entirely cured, I am never with out the medicine In my house, aa f think It li worth Its weight In geld." tliti. CJ. II. (Jinn, 1029 Klgltlh Blrcc t, N W , Washington, D. 0. "I liave used Heed's Haisaparllla for catarrh wllk cry sallnlaclery results. I hate yecclsed mere permanent benefll from It than from any ether remedy I hare ever tried." M. P.. Head, of A. Head & Uoti, Watiieetl, Olire. K II. He net be Induced te take any ether preparation, but be iuie te get Iwdtwl CAM, AC. style, at Uotteui Prices A laige ((Oiieial line or all prtcea-prlCf s that will surpHse you Kverybeity knows tlictn, and that for Largest wear and axd trmienx. Lmicaslcr, F: MIMICAL, QUI riCUUA IlKMEDIUS. Erem 115 lbs. te 161 lbs. Te the Cutlnira Itcnicdies I Owe Hy Ifcallli, 3Iy laj)iiiica, and my Lift?. A day never passes mat I de netthlnkand speak kindly of the CrnccnA ltaxinisa. Bavcn years age, all el a deien lumps formed en ray nack, ranging In alze from a cherry atone te an orange Iho large ones were frightful le leek at, and painful te bear; people turned aside when they saw me, Indlagust, and Iwas ashamed te ba en the street, or In society. Physicians and their treatment, and all medicines railed te de any geed, in a moment et despair I tried the Cctklka ItaxcDlla-LlTIctRA, the great Skin Cure, and CuricvaAKeAr.an exquisite ekln Ueautlrler, externally, and CtrricraA niaeLvircr. the new llloed Purifier, Internally; the small liiiuiiafas 1 fall themigraduallydlappeared, and the latge ones brekn. In nboutlwe wecks.dls. chatglng large quantities of matter, leaving two slight stars In my nee today te tell the story ul my autfetlng Mywelghtlhen was ene hundred and Olteeti alckly pounds my weight new Is ene hundred and slxty-ene solid, healthy pounds, and my height la only rlve feet tlve In, hes. In my travels 1 nralsed the CltIccka. IlsxitMEi), North, Seuth, Kast, and West, le Lttltt RA ILMEIHI leWK NV UIALTH, MT ItATrt. Ksas and sr Lira. A piumlnent Jiow York Yerk druggist asked me thoether diy," De you still use the Cttkcra Kevaeiaa you leek te be In prrlect health My reply was, "1 de, and shall atnays 1 have never known what sick. neas la alnce I cotniiieuced using the CtTlcTRv iiKMimts " Miiiietliuil am laughed at by prats Ing thorn te eepla net acquainted with their merit'., but .oentr or later they will ceme te theli nucs and bolleiethe aame as these that use them, n dozens have whom I have told. .May the tlnincoiiie when them shall be a large CtTicirtA Hupply Heuse In every city In the world, ler the benefit of humanity, where the Cl'TicVHi ItiManiKH shall de sold i'ilv, se that Ihore will be raiulr a need of ever entering a diugstoie. 11. HUSn.l.NDS, I' O. llex It37, .New i erk, N, Y. Ct'TU fas II em sdics are a positive cmoef every lonnel Skin and llloed Diseases, from Flmples le Bcrelula, Sold everynheifl. l'rlce Ccti i cra, 10 cunts , gnAr. '. rents UrsiavsMT. 1.(0. Prepared by the Tetter Iirtcu akii LnEntcAL Ce, Uosten,MaaH, Hrud ter " Hun te Uure iskln l)lseaaea.r illackheada. Skin lllemlshea, and rlM lUbylltiu met a, use ccticcra beat. KIDNEY PAINS With their wcarv, dull, aching, lifeless, all all all gotieaenaatlon. relieved In ene intntite by the CtTiit'RA Auti Pain Plaster. Warranted. At drttgglate, 2) Lunts. Petter Drug Ce., lloileu. Sneezing Catarrh. The distressing snieze, aneaze, sneeze, the acild, watery discharge from the eves and noae, Iho painful lutl uninmleil oxtendlng te the threat, theswelllng or the inticeus lining, caus ing iheklng sensations, cough, ringing noises in the head and splitting headaches hew famil iar these symptoms are te thousands who ant ant ler periodically iruui head colds or Influenza, and whnllveln Ignoranre of the fact that a sin gloappllcatlenorbANroitD'dKADlCAL.CUHC t OK OAl'AUKll will afford Instantaneous rellet. Hut this tieatment In cases of simple Catarrh given but a taint Idea of what the remedy will de In the chronle terms, where the breathing Is ob eb ob mrucledby cbuktug, putrid mucous accumula tien., the hearing auccted, smell and laate gene, thieal ulcerated and hacking cough grad ually fastenUm Itself timm the dobllltated a vs. tetii. Ihen It Is that the marvelous curative ponerol HANtOHD'd 11AD1C AL Ll'KK uianb li-ata llaellln Instantaneous and grateful relief Curt) begins from the Hist, application. It Is rapid, radical, permanent, economical, sale. HANlOltD'S KAIHCAL CUKK consists ( ene bottle of the l.adlcitl Cuiu, ene box Catarrhal bulvt'iitandun Improved Inhaler; price, ll.tw. Tetter Dnvu A Chemical Ce., Hosten. I AOHB ALL. OVER. " I must gtve up : 1 cannot bear these pains ; 1 ache all evor. and nothing 1 try dees me any feed." uackache, Uterlne Pain, Hip nnd Slde 'alns, Hereneaa, Lameness, Weakness nnd In ftainniatlen relieved In ene nilnute by that new, original, elegant and Infallible antidote te pain ana Inflimmatlen, the CUTICUUA ANT!. PAIN 1'1,'HTHIl. At druggist!, SlO! flVO ter 11.00. Peller Druiriuid Chemical Ce., ltosten. nevl llndW.SAvr iriIA''H CHBAM HALM. CATARRH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM Ulves Uollel at Once and Cures COLD IN HEAD, CATAUKII, HAY rEVKH. Net a Liquid, Snuff nr Powder. Kree from In. lurtetts Drugs and Otlonstve Oders. A partlcle Is applied te each nostril and la agreeable. Price Ml cents at druggists j by mall, registered, UO eta. Circular fiee. .".LY HltOS, Druggists, Osvioge.N. Y. July-iS-lyeedftlyw pUKK OUARANTKKD. RUPTURE'. Cure guarantee! by DU. J, U. I1AYEU, KAsoatencei no operation or delay from dubI nnst t lsttxl by hundroaaef cures. Main office. ftf skaaU& UtM S, Utlails Send Xer Circular. RO-lVdAw CUKK VOll THE DKAK. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear urums peiiecuy restere hearing and perform Iho win ket the natural drum. Invisible, com. fortable nnd always in position. All conversa tion and uvonwhfsperii heard distinctly. Bend for Illustrated boelt with tosllmenlala, KHKK. Addrens or call en IT. IliacOJt. tMilreadwav! New Yolk. Mention this pape- Wl lunole-lyoodAlyw AFRKSII SUPPLY OF FALL AND , ,V&aU!Vi?ea-Jutt received at llechleld'a. Ne si North Queen street, such as Ladles' and tlent's Underwear, lloslery. 1'ants. Vests Dre.u llleves. MIU, Neckwear. Huspendera, Cellars CutTs and staple goods generally. AH cheaper than ever, at. . HKCUTOLD'S, ,. a . , J """""oueu.near rosienico. 1 8. Chuloe Uulialnu Steuv audSaua ler nole. aaJaaS''Wja'iaNri.a. F K TIIK I'ALti ANU W1NTMI HEABON. ,-. Vkv-VS. Fall and Winter Season ! OPFKK A LA KM 13 AND WLLISKLLOTKI) LINK ul-' Men's DrcsB Suits, Busiucsa Suits, Boye' Suits, Overcoats, Obildrca'e Olethiug. UNDBRWHAIl In Merine, Weel and 811k ; Hoslery and Qloven. NBOICTIUH Urepa Uoektlos at Popular PrloeH. An Attsertment tbat oemprlsoa all the Lateet Deslgna In I'utTa.Tccka and Feur-lu-lland. " Geld " and " Silver" Bblrta and B, Si W, Cellars and OutTa In the New Blitipen, HAGER & Nes. 25 and 27 West King Street, rAhh OPMHlHtl. p.VLACH OF FASHION. ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KINO ST., LANCA81EII, TA. MOREIIAIIUAINSI PltlCES LOWEU 1HA.V E Jjlt EVEllY DAY IHILVIW ANOrUEa I'llOOr Til AT Lew Price3 and a Large Assortment AUK TIIK rOtl.VPATION OT SUCCESS, and that TnE MANY llAUQAlNa Which we offer are the AttraeUens which dlaw the crowds that are CenstanUySeen in Our mere. ONE ""'i'LLVpUR1JUTr0N KID GLOYES, At llltllTY-NINK CENTS A PAIR. Ported Uoeds. Regular Price, 7Jc. ONE HUNDKKl) DOZEN THUEEBUTTON ri.SK ITALIAN KID GLOYES, In all ihe Leading ("hades of Tan andUrewu, TlUKIY-NlNE CENTS A PAIU. ONE IIUNDKED DOZEN INO FIVE HOOK LAC- KID GLOVES, I'lnesteiiallly, In all the tadlnz Shades and lana.atBliTYTtVO CENTS A PAIR. nrrY dozen Gent's TTnlaundiied Shirts, Geed Linen lUwem, Ilelnfeired and Lined Hack, Linen Hands, ONLI Tlllltti N1NECENT1! TWENTl FIVE DOZEN WHITE HEM aillCHED CHINA SILK HANDKERCHIEFS LatReSUe. TIlirY-NlNE CENTS. One Hundred Dezen TINE CAMllltlC LAWN HANKKKUCHlKys, New Deslzus. Neat Ilerdeia, riVE CEN rs APIECE. rilty Dezen SILK IIANDKKItCHlKlS, Ure- ended, Warranted 1'ure Silk and Lare die. All Celers, TWENTY HVE CKNTB APIECE. IUTV DOZEN LADIES' ALL WOOL HOSE, Hccular .Made, lllaca and CeIkivI, only 1 EN l'Y riVE CENTS A PAlli. 1 inv DOZEN All-Weel Oashinere Gloves, Teut Uulten l.en; ths. FItlELN l'Altt. LEN19 A JERSEV Call'S, 10c. All-Weel, Fiiie Quality, All Colei, rir 1ELN CENTS FIvoHuudiedllandCrechot'lOllOiiaANCAl'l', All Celers, Cic. and 7ic. ALL-LINEN TOWELS. Ileavy gualil, lh.ee for Twenty-Ove Cents. OPENED ANOTHER CASE HEAVY OF LADIES' MERINO VESTS, Bilk Btltched, Kine Quality, llllitTT SEVEN CfcNIB. AN IMMENSE STOCK OFd MILLINERY. All Urn LATEST STILKS In Fell, Salln, Pluih and Heaver Hats and llenuuls, Wlns nnd Feathers, Fancy Velvets, Plushes, Etc., Etc. M-TELEPI10NE CONNECTION.- Special InducGments IK OUR Cleak Department. WE OFFEU SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS In this Depaitineut. llelew we mention a few el the many Lew Prices which no put en ALL OUU GOODS. LADIES' VEUY riNE Boucle Walking Jackets, In Illack and Ilrnwn, heavy quality cloth, well made and trimmed First-class, only T-7S (worth II.6U) Ladies' Newmarkets. With Plush Trimmings, the wonderfully Lew FlRtiroet only TllltEE 1J0L1. Alts CHILDREN'S OOATS As Lew aa ll.W, 11.50, riw and an ElfKant Line of upnaid. Alie LADIES' COATS AND WRAPS, And all the Latest Neol lies In DOMESTIC AND 1MP0UTED GAUM EM'S, rjJRU REMOVKH YICTORU CORN REMOVER. Warranted te eradlcata completely and In a short time, the most ebduratu corns, hard or aelt, without pain. Sold by Oeo. W. Hull, Chas. A. Lecher, Jehn K. KaurTman, Dr. Wm. Werm, ler. And. u, trrey, Chaa. J. shulrnyer, and at llECUTOLU'S I1UUO STOltK. declJ-lyd Ne. lul WcetOranKi'ISLr jar s0Bf. HAGER &, BROTHER, -POH '1111!- tHt WUUiJS. M ETZQKK A IIAUUUMAN. OTTB, LADIES' SEAL PLUSH COATS -AK13 Fer Beauty of Fiuiah, E'er Elegauce of Fer METZGER & HAUGHMAN, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Horae Hetel. Lancaster, Pa. -tW?;xTij6eK te tub"coukt'iieusk. FAHNESTOCK'S. ShaAls ! Shawls ! Shawls Heavy Blanket Bbawls, Slngle and Deuble Plata and Gray. Large Stock. Alse, Heavy Goods for Celd Woather, Blankets, Bed Comforts Flannels of overy description and for all purposes. Alse, an ImmenHO Btoek of Underwear, all at our Usual Lew Prlcee. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer (e tlie Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. ,TKVKLR. Ha7" HUOADS, JKWELKH. Loek at These Prices ! Genta'81lverHunt!uSleui Wind WaUh Ladles' Geld Hunting American Watch .. Ladles' Silver Chatelaln Watch Ladles' Geld chatelaln Watch Ladles' Nickle Chatelaln Watch Queen Chains, Geld. Queen Chains, Geld, set with Diamonds In Late Diamond Kings Diamond, Kuby andfiapphlie Kings Pearl Circlet Mers Turquoise and Peail Clrelct Hliirfs Garnet Circlet Kings! Diamond and Turquolse Circlet Kings Diamond and GarnetlClrclel Kings Diamond Set, Till and Eat lilies Pearl Set, Pin and Earrings Seil Lai re Pearl Earrings Solltalre Diamond Earrings Solitalie Diamond Lace Pin H, Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 4 West King Street, VAUKIAUA MOTTO TUAT ALWAYS WJNH. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES I Philip Doersenfs Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, INEAULY Ol'l'OSlTK THE LEOl'AKD HOTEL), LANCA8TKK I'A. Nene Bui First-Glass Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used I'UlCKSTOSUlTTUKTIalES. ALL WOKK UUAKANTEED. BUGGIES, PHATONS. BDSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, I have new en hand and ler sale cheap the following flrst-class secondhand work : One Llaht Onn-Man Wajtnn, suluihle lertraclc purpose, one Light Kour-Passenifer I) rait, one Ktist-claas K tension Tep Phailen, two Light J ump-SeatCarrlaKe. Alse, Second-Hand Tep and Tretting Hug. ales, both slde har and end springs, lluslneas wnireiis, peitlnir Wagons and Matltet Wagons, which will he sold attheMOSTlSKASONAllLK PKICES. Give us a call whether you wish te pur pur pur cliose or ueL Ne trouble te show Uie weik. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. WflO.VT FOHUET TUB Fl.AVK.f Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 120 and 128 iiuuaxrujw CJUJHIi'a OAKl'ET HALL. CARPETS ! UEOI'ENIMJ Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Beet Selected Line el Carpets ever eT, hlhlted In this city. WILTONS, VELVET 8, all the Trading Makes et DO DY AND TAP E8TKY UUUSSKLS, THllEE-l'LY, All-wool and Cotten Chain KXTUA SUl'KKS, nnd all qualities of IN. GUAIN CAUPKTS, DAMASK and VENETIAN CAUPETS. ItAU and CHAIN CAKPETSef our own tnannlaclure a aiwclalllv . Special Attention paid te the Mauulacttire et CUSTOM OAUl'ETS, Alse a rail LlnoeJOILCLOTiIB. KUUS, WINDOW SHADES, CO YEULKTS, C, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sta., Lancaster, Ta. WATvava. yATcmcH. Watches, Clocks Chains and Jewelry at less than auction pikes until January 1, 16C7. riiie let of Ulnits. Ae. Alse, Elulu, WHllliaui (Atuorafer whlcli 1 am Sele AReut), and ether first-Class Watches: ueui watcn aim juweiry UAnalrlnar. ..I'nmwt tluie by TeleKrapU Dally, only place in city. L. WEBER, 159K North Queen SL, Near renn'a, R. It. Depot. Spectacles, Eyegluf es and Optical Goods kinds et Juw ulr. All - CVMMsvVs BROTHER, Lancaster, Pa. NOIKD - Fit, Superb Quality. Fer Oheapue88 of Price. 110 CO jM.ne .... $7.20 J12W .... I I.N) . I5.0U (II 40 fleeOand Upwatds. $12.00 8-W $810 $0 10 tltlui , tllSO flF.OItltid Up. $10.(0 and Up. IH.IOand Up f24.ii) and I p fliSOand Up. Lancaster, Pa. ITUHH8. EAST KING STREET. KZ-lydAw imitmi uuunn. CARPETS ! frthlVUnflAw MY J&OO TKKTil AUK A8 GOOD AH can be purchased In Lancaster ter 13.ua. Call and be convinced. All work warranted. (ias administered. W. L.riSHKIt'S DentlaL apl7 Iyd Ne. el North Queen Street. iieib lb OlAKiMi OABINET PnOTOOnAPHS AT 3.0O i, nexa. AT NO, IDS NOUTU QUEEN STHKKT, lanl'J-tfd ; tAncaatnr. I'a s TORAQB OOMMIB8ION WAREHOUBH. DANIEL MAYKB, Ma le west Chestnut suin. OecS-lyt) .. iiJ-.- - ' waw mamm s. "'1 iMMrnt i,ijwaauaaaJvyiiaJwv ' ieh a kAivrm, DINNER WARE. J)ccemleU Cliliuij Dinner Sets lu IUvla taint C'lilnii, ul Lewer 1'ilcca than evev, t efferctl in Liincitsler, as premUictl, ittu ueWi)- 5iSJI muly te show. Tlie ileforalleiiH nt new '-j and neat. Tlie lirice conipares with Amcr icnn 1'ercclaln ; quality i.i far superior. Sheultl ttiose net suit we can give you sets with finer decorations ami higher prices. Should you prefer Wliite or Geld Band China, you can select a full or pat t of a set, or any pieces you tloslie. If American is ilcalntble, we can show you different styles of decoration. If your Utslea ami wants cannot be satisllcd from tlie above, just' lake a leek aa you pass aleiiR at the Lustra Hand and Sprlfj, or the Geld Hand en W&" (5. ware, either of which will inake a beau tif ul and substantial set. Don't pass along tee fast or you will tnlsa the Printed sets en English Porcelain. The i:ngllsh and American l'eicelaiu ami AVhlte Stone China in I'l.tln "White In a vaiicty of Shapes aud Styles, are et the Best Iakc3 in the inatket. Take a leek at there poeds and be convinced of tlie above fads bofeio puichasiti. tiMMii 15EASTKINQSTREEr. LANCASTEIt, I'A, ptOX DEKSJUTIi',". 1,500 " 1,500 Bexes Writing Paper or the veryLalesl Deslzns, ranglnj In pilcea Irem 10c. te S1.00 Per Bes. rive Quires Panerand rlve Packs Envelopes, Marcus Wards A Ce. Irish Linen, ler'Jt'cner Uex. FON DERSMITIi'S, Ne. 46 East Kins Streot, (Opposite Court Heuse) LANCASTEIt, VA. ati2i ltd ttUUOOL HUl'l'lilKS. JOIN BABll'S SOIS, Nee. 16 mid 17 North Queea atreet, LANCASTEU, l'A., OU'Ji, Whulosale and lictall, at Lew Prices SCHOOL BOOKS U8EDINLANCA31E11CT1Y AND COUNTY. Old Ronderu Exohivnged, SCHOOL SUPPLIES; M'lltld Slatlne, thalk Crayons, Copy lliaikg el All Kinds, vt ililnir Ink", ftiwil Pem, Plates Noiseless Males, statu i'cuclle, DrawliiK l'en ells. Composition Heeks, Wrlllni; Tablets, Lead Pencils, Scheel Satchels, Companions, and averylhlui; clee lu the line el Scheel Stutleuury. SIGN OF THE BIO BOOK. U31IIHM.Z.AH, UA JlliUKLliA. II' 10U IVAM'A KEiLLY UOUD UMBRELLA, -ULY A- GLORIA CLOTH. lilmii Is niadu of Silk mid Weel, and will neither cut or lade. Them la nil IMITATION ULOKIA, inade ii( Silk and Cotten, which soma, houses lu this city nie .elllitisler lllerla. We ' have It If you want It. u k1e 11 Us propel n.tme-HELVETIA. ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, XOS.IJ EAST KIXa'.iSTJtEET, LANCASTEIt, I'A. llISVr.l.LANXUVH. pONTKAUrOl AND BUlIiDEH. GEORGE ERNST, OAKPENTKIt, CONT11ACTOU 1IU1LDKU. Uosidenco Ne. Ma West KlnK street. Shop Shep East Urant street, opposite station heuse. WOODEN MANTELS AND OKNKKAL HAUD WOOD WOKK A SPECIALTY. WA1I work secures my prompt and persona attention. Drawings and Egtliuutcs lurulshed. ect.7-lydlt Mc OSlOAb UAUG.VINy. -BUY TllK- MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. It U ccttalnly the best Oinn niailu and net higher In price than the cheap fcradu new sold ul the siunu price. l.oetc nt our prices and be cnuNlnced. Oikuiis at 173, t3, JJ,,si9,luH,ui, Jia, etc. Iluy a Piane at my place and sava lu porcent.'en the best Pianos In the market. American Sewing Machines at a, fju, fw, -AT- W, D. Messer's Music Stere, NO. Ul NOIITII QUEKN STUEET, LANCASTEIt, I'A, seplS-lydlt n-jxmi Axii Liuuuua. 2ltJ -GO TO- 29 Reiki's Old Wine Stere rer I'euuncry Sec, ltoucheScc, Piper Huldslecrc, U. H.Muiuui A Ce.. and allether leadlna bruuda el Imported Chuuip.tues. Alse, Madelia, Sherry and l'ert Wlnus, Cluiets, Bautemet, AJca mm! . ' Bteuts. ., f- SoleAKent ler Special Grunt Wesleni Chaui- l. Iiagne, preuueeu uy ine I'lcasant vatiey svina -:e., the finest American Champagne lu thu . ; United SUlcs. , Ylerldu eran ire Wine, the Snest In the uiarketa. A lull line el Urandy, WbUky, Ulna and Uanf'l CalHemla Claret and Whits Wine, et Napa yK lu ..alirit-nla Wi "J, ..W.M. , i't. H. E, Slaymaker,A8 Ne. M EAST KINO ST., .ancasmb; . - 9 m Ji n&- V'.1 .V.?.; W m M i-SX M L &-! 1-5 '.Xfl li-. - ,4f;t y MS AMfchr ' .Jt i "titfv -'dfe -.. ''taJtrtjC Wl4-J 1 A V , iv,vt,A . . ft .jitetaJl'-WC f. N Mr -