"iftiWs .vTSs! t'j?rlMjf i v:.ca-'iw 5 V nt.- -t p, ,i w M a ri""1! . 1 THB LANCASTER DAILY INTBLIIGlSyOgBt WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1886. ,'-! Sh if K'.i- :..VJ V iv 5 ' yi iV Ihtelligbngbr I BVMY DAT IN TM TBAB i'ivm. wm peuam a teas, nrtt lAsstfUL BUTdTCAJUUSs)I1tla. . ' ' . . - A t . !! V1 lb whmiviubi rfcynav aw i oevnono. m :?AtrrmmBwa rates ijfr"j; in.'l'in. ln. ln. in. tin, Hdnnn e t i $ & Hi.',... ml IIS S 1291 4 4J 8M KK.... SO ISO S"' 4S0a 7 60 HBLu, loe in ite tis e bu fiStiM... no iue H EKb,,,,., ise ssn 4 no gse 8 se loco ftUBw.... M 7 SO 10 SO 1 J SO 1980 llfMti,, (00 600 10 00 150 1700 20 80 BawSnTi. I ee 7 en n oe is en ei moo iBw.n tOO 1000 1700 M00 27 00 M00 BKMksV BOO 12 00 30(0 9100 M 00 3800 WEiM..... 900 1800 00 MOM 44 00 S2UI Jr is oe wee ueh w aw 9 n lift Weekly Intelligencer a- NMMMCO Every Wednesday Mernine. AIAJ,1.00lOBSIXllOirTlIS. CLCBS 0 TH, I, AT A O0TT FSS TO riuexs OSTTISB IT ISOlICtTlD OMlTBRT P AUTOTU MM AID OOOXTIT. AIL AHOXTVOTS lTrSA ,;WIV00HinDTOT WIST BASKTT. JUUrHttU Lttttri and Telegram te, ;.$t TM INTELUaBNOBB, ft! '-'--' -- Bnlldlnr. Lancaster. Pa. tt)C Cantaetct intelligence tliAftCABTXll, N0VEM11KB 17, 1SS3. The Indian Scheel. J The superintendent of the Indian schools Wd7 expressed an opinion of the Carlisle ?:'"id Hampton institutions that inu net 'faVerable te their educating and civilizing rM Influence upon the Indians. We de net !t.V.snsirir hnw nrmnrl f hlq nnlnlnn Is. lint llip S.Jfacfc that his name is IUlev, lias stirred up raj&the doctors of divinity te declare that the KMMUIt is prompted by tne reason mat Mr. PJjfeKlley Is a Catholic, of which there is no EH,'''! evidence outside his name, and that is net IpS .Spelled right te bespeak his Catholic Irish iff, origin, but would rather testify te a Preten jra$. tant north of Ireland descent. But whatever may be ilr. Ililey's SL nfirtvAfi If- la n vavr trt- ,. in nnairBp LS-ihlm te charufi that his nninlnna nn ;thereby prejudiced, without first adducing Ipf net be mere substantially based. We have fef ' net understood that these Indian schools ! are sectarian and we presume that EE,, M government institutions, they are ;,., net ; ana we .klew that, as such M'i'iheuld be no morn reason for ji Catholic than for a Pietestant te be prejudiced against tbem en account of their religious , teaching ; and the fact that the Protestant divinity doctors fly se fast te the defense of the institutions lends color te a suspi cien that they are wrongfully using them ," as means for a Fretestant preselyting of V , 7 . ' V. '. i i aecmrB m.iv lnsiiv ninii:iin Captain Tratt, who superintends the fU!U l.nnl l. 1 t 1.. t.t- Vnl,v Kallfifa anrl .lnae nnf lnf l.la Trllnn n...Ue V-?" WWUUUVW UUb iCb U13 lUUlllU JIUJ'IU &'Crink or smoke or de anything else he m deems te be evil. They listen daily ft$fte prayers and en Sunday go te is churches of their election. Ave de net V VllAW liiaf tin nnti A Itietlr- nnsicrr.A na f MIUTI W1MW UU MtU UV JUW UtLUaCU i3 it ' Protestant preselvter, though he is a stout Protestant. lie is doubtless as fair in this as can be reasonably expected. But the kasUjef Protestant clergymen te denounce Superintendent Riley's peer opinion of the results of the Indian schools, as due te re ligious prejudice, is calculated te create the impression that they regard t'lese schools as their special hunting grounds ; and it is injudicious in them te se expose them selves. Blaine en the Civil Sen ice. Mr. Blaine's letter ou the civil service question is a fine specimen of the art of beating the devil around the bush. He says that he has never repudiated clyll service reform ; which is his way of saying that he don't like it, but is net feel enough te say se. Then he rambles off in a discourse bout the evils of the English 5 civil service system, which he thinks it Vl ,would be wrong for U3 te copy, and with patriotle pride announces that the policy sbt auu uisiury ei me lie nuuucan diuiv wflre $9& truly American in its best sense.' Svi- Tfa JiTlfla liv nn eltnnlr r. Hw A nln SSM i 1 ""..vm. w . ...fc.u w t:z. ..::,..: , "irr- h--' .uuuiiHtzx wiin iirt Kn Hm.'in nrwi rmia a ftnit je uu.nuiunuuicfusu uig Uligut auera fi, te let them alone. : pi,i. i. ...hi ,. ...... ... ... ... uu unci win ue iiitueii ey ins wer- euitci3 .is u ciear anu siaiesmanilKe Kim' treatise en civil fervice reform, but peenle Egj who have net lest their Judgment will be MS at a less te knew whether Mr. Wain If-W fnennrnnnnuj llef (.,. r .. v.. Kv nttiftlnr. t Yilu Ult,.. lia .trr,K.ln i ih. """ vi ...a mirai no 1'icicuus uj reguru 5. It with favor but near the end he refers te me twenty years or partisan Hepublican jsg. rule when none but men who voted fiBira'gutheia enice as the years when the policy was American, and therefore jh.t feet. "American Inspiration ends where Eng lish imitation begins." Very geed. Hut where does American Inspiration begin ? Surely net in the days of Bibceck .t Ce ! m m Their Tireless Laber. The reporters had Mr. Buckalew se curely posted in the attorney general's office, until Secretary Lament could be communicated with, when it n-ni fmm,i sgwi? that the appelutment had net yet been heard of at the i hite Heuse. Ker even a rumor of its rnntprnnliitimi. Air buckalew having just been chosen w -,- te Congress, it is very unlikely that either he or the president has had It In view te put him in some ether place. He has btru available for two years past for presidential eelectien and has net been chosen : new 3f that the people have taken him, they ex- pect him te f erve where they put him, in a CenCTMK tlmt. trill tll.,.l u.r (lr nlim 'feDemecrat that has been chosen te it. j It U surprising that the newspapers de vnes gemreu et lemeviug Atternty Gen--''''ral Garland from the cabinet. They v,hiye had such experience of the pres iVUmt's stability aud of his dlsiwanl . their groundless liewlinm that. nn ,ia think they would tire of their at- !,"" iwmuauB tne people that he ,, going te de what the intelligent portion of them knew he has no thought of : doing. Before Attorney General Garlaud Uredthe cabinet he had the eraisAnf ou. iu iiu iuace lie lias dena neth. 'J,"Nf te displease even the newspapers, save .mmjmg me lien telephone monopoly 9 aceeuut for Iti fraudu'ent ptitent. " Tuis and his Democracy are hh offences, Mi the extent of an editor's hatred of Democracy and love of Bell telepbone H T tt tunteljr exhibited In the liber ality of ita assaults upon Uie attorney general. ' The llarrard Inrldenl. An Interesting account of the excitement that was caused by Oliver Wendell Helmes' poem read at the IUrvard cele cele bratien, and the causes that led te It are elsewhere given. While the tight did net possess the muscular realism that is the chief attraction of the encounters in which that ether distinguished llosteulan, 1'ref. Jehn L. Sullivan, figures, the Harvard in cident gave premise of an intellectual com bat that would shake the pillars of the educational temple. Hut the expectation wis born te blossom without fruitage. Dr. Helmes explalus that he only meant the two lines 0"r I'rlncpten' nnln the fr reflection twl, W here mighty drartlaUuipml his linu hel. te refer te Princeton, and the caustic lines that fellow, he says, arc applicable only te the creed of Andover. The venerable Dr. McCosh, of Princeton, accepts the expla nation and peace reigns In the Intellectual arena. It will be noted that while Dr. McCosh thus drops the upraised hatchet, he does net let the " autocrat of the breakfast table " se without a gentle reminder. In acknowledging the sufficiency of Dr. Helmes' explanation, he uses the expres sion, "as I heard him Helmes read without the punctuation new in his printed poem." Dees this impale the dis tinguished Bostonian as a sorry reader, or I uees it covertly imply tiui me punctua tien was missing in the original dra't of the poem ? There are some fine points in this Intel lectual wrestling that premised great re sults, had it net come te such a sudden termination. l'HlLADKLriilA bread-makers are en the verge of a strike. When bread-makers strike, what are bread-winners te de ? Jkalecs Enolaxe u trying te belittle the colossal size of the IUrtbelJI ptatue by Baying that it Is surpv8l by one e( two gigantic statues of DuJdba at Bauilan en the principal read between Cabul and Balkh. These statues were cut out of the solid rock at least eighteen hundred years age. One of them is 120 feet high, while the ether Is 173 lect high. As the Statue of Liberty "meas ures only 151 feet from the bottom of the plinth te the tip of the torch, It is Inferior In height te one of these ancient ikens at BiiiiUn. Hut even If tne big Huddba, chiselled out of solid conglomerate and washed centuries age with crude gilt paint, be a few feet taller than the torch-bearing Liberty, it is only when the pedestal is left out or account The tip of IUrtheldl's copper figure rUOT 30i feet 11 Inches above Ibw-wnter mark. beME of Connecticut's old blue laws are coming back te plague the descendants et their inventors. A series of elaborate Sun day concerts were recently arranged for In New Haven when It was dug out of the stat ute books that under an old law that was still in force every jersen attending a con cen con certer ether diversion en Sunday or Sunday evening made himself liable te a fine of four dollars. It was then discovered that the temperance organization of the Geed Samari tans, which holds Sunday night meetings, enlivens lis proceeding with music and takes up collections at the deer, was Included within the scope of the statute, as also the German societies, which have concerts there en Sunday nights that are largely attended. And new there is a pretty row going en In this classical Xew England city. m The Democratic labor candidates ran lowest en the ticket at the recent election, though it was believed they would lead all ethers. Tilt cbrysauthetnutn show Just closed showed that the lleristi or Lancaster were wideawake and full v able te maintain their geed reputation. Wonders have been ac complished in the development of new and rare varieties of flowers, but tin success In the changing jf form and color suggests that thorn is another Held for the energy and en terprise of florists, where success would bring wlde fame and sure fortune. If the many improvements In lerin and color would be accompanied by correspond ing chan km In perfume, the chrysanthemum would excel the rose. It loeks'llke a simple matter, but must be dlfllcult,er It would long age have been accomplished. Try again. GKRMAxr'i army en a normal peace foot ing numbers 127,271 men. They are prepared te maintain peace, if they hare te fight for It. PERSONAL. Heui;nT Ri-i-rjANAX is about te publish a critical volume entitled " A Loek Round Literature." Adbet Uilary I'liAEMiLKbaibeenchesen te the head of Ueuedlctlne order of monks In this country. General Jami:s H. I'nv has written for the next number of "The Magazine of Amer ican Hlttery," a psper en the misunderstand ing of Grant and lialleck. He.v. Charles 11. Buckalew is said te have been appointed attorney general In place el Garland, but CeL Lament denies the rumor. OovEHNen CcnTiN explains that the delay in the report of the congressional com mittee en the Southwestern strike is due te the nines of Sir. Heile, the manager or the Gouid system. Mr. James I'ay.n thinks that when the ice has once been broken it is probable that we i-hall have a life of Thackeray. Perhaps but the man who shall write It In the fc or Thackeray's ex press prohibition will hardly gain renown worth having. Muver Karl vex ReiriM iiilii was the proudest member of his hnua Fer a time he was the only baron en 'Change, Hnd alter Krlanger was made a baron he refused te lie seen there, net wishing te recognize the new nebla SoheKot the king of Wurtemburi; te give one of his clerks a bsreny, and sent him en 'Change te deal with Krlanger. Hev. Dr. C. II. I'ARKiiinsr, In his lec ture lelere Cernell university students a lew day s 8ke, said : A man does net succeed uu ess he succeed In belnp a man. Man! oed is the Uinst commodity thatcan be preduced. arid when we meet around the casket and discourse momerlaily upon the dead we rec rec eguize that fact. We are carelul te avoid any remotest allusions te assets. nn,i u ..,.. . an Ingenuity that U semetlines scarcely sus pected by the mourners In making the most ,.wiDU4 lunMuue, npiuuiing growths el maullnet-s that have lived a choked life amid maUrlal engressments." W. K S. Kalsten in mentioning the hv hv berbellcat fury which Mr. CarlviM iui sometimes te jiretend te leel," says that he has often heard Carlyle "si)eak of Berne per- B'm wuu uau suguiiy unneyeu mm as of the greatest scoundrel Ged evercursed the world with. Mr. Carlyle did net really mean what he said en such occasions. Alter uttering one or these phllllppicij he would l.iuau heartily, showing that he at least could s-e me point eiuis own joke. Yet see the bit terness which has been produced by grave and serious (may I say Kieurtish T) setting forth et such uuchrlstUu-like seutimeuts propounded by one or the kindest men who ever lived 1" Mrs. Cleveland at Uosten is thus de scribed by a cerrespendent el the Detroit . .' If"s "Mr- Cleveland greets each with a smile and a nod, but Mrs. Cleveland I the lode star. All are capllvate-l at the nrst glimpse. There was something rr splMident in her whole bearing. Her fice is thinner, mere delicately pointed, refilled and Ki;uiuiauwe had Imagined. Her sweet lJJijht,I,lUy y00'1 description. Be ntck and ileevn n,i'.i,r Tr.l- coeeglng dress with nrlg, or a dMk'w cole?. KS I by looping, et dark green and garnet rlbK ?" WAB VMLM'COH IKMVLtmUt OttllDg at lb Traa Inwmttluew el the rtfriint llarrard IncHUnt Frem the New Yerk Sun. Every llanard graduate who cherishes the geed name or his mil erlly, would be pained te think that the celebration of Its rounding had been marred by an liiteiulenal ofiense te man se Justly eminent and se widely respected at t'r. MeCfwh, the presi dent of rrluceten wltege. That Dr. McCeli tillered such au oiretne te have been glviu Is unhappily cerUiln, but Ur. Hilmes Insists that nothing et the .ort was Intended u can ralrly te Inferred from the p.iage of his poem objected te. Let us sea what the facts are, and whether they may net bear a con struction entlrelv consistent with the ilutlis of hospitality whU-h Harvard CiiUeislty un doubtedly owed Its guesU. Dr. McCosh was present by tin tta'i-n at thecoiumetiiertlvoexeri'les In his cmels.1 capacity of president el I'rlnceieii jvllege. That he supposed hlme!l. and tlie tiistitu tiistitu tiistitu Honer wlile"! he l the head, te liave b"en Insulted, Is clear Iretn the fart thst lie tell the ball as seen a ixv.llile atter the teadipgel the poem, and, without attending the ban quet te which also he bad In'en iiimuhI, re turned te Princeton, whence be iddred b letter el polite leninr.urance te PreslJeut Eliet. We may bs sure that be did net pre sume te take te task the Harvard auibetities for emitting te confer any honor upeu I'rluceteu In their long desree lit, although the emission would naturally be a disappointment. If be meutiene.l the slight at all, It was doubtless only for the purpose of Justltvleg his impievsmn that what he took for " di'ivsr.islng allu-len te Princeton In Dr. Helmes' rxwm rt tl-cted the opinions cf the faculty and corpiratien. He understood the theoegy of Pr;t"-eten te be aimed at In the following eight l;ii, which he deemed, under theclrcuuistani-e, strange ly caustic and vituperative The lines which we here append fellow a eulogy el Hanard's recent Innovations In the form of an almost complete elective system and el non ivinpul ivinpul serv attendance at prayers innovations which many Harvard graduates disapprove of, and which Princeton has nrmly devliued te adept : ' O'er Princeton's sAndi the far reflection steal. Where mlihtv Edwanl. stHinm-d his Irna Ktr Mr, en the hill where old Ixjlwls were bound ra.t II Styx hd lrt taem nine times renna, lturstsuchs lVht thst trembling eal Inquire If the whole church of Latvia Hen flie' Well may they ask, for hat e .nhtl inrns AstL dry creed that nothing ever learns " New, one cut easily understand that as these lines were read or 8xjken, an auditor might reasonably think them all applicable te Princeton, which Is, Indeed, the euiy col lege or setnluarv spciflel by name in the lour couplets, but Dr Helmes, in a note te the Bes' n Pvit, pelata out that the only reference te Princeton in his poem was a recognition nf Its memorable association w ith the strongest Intellect produced en this side of the Atlantic in the eighteenth century a reference cemprlsel m the following two lines: "O'er Princeton sands the fir reactions stAl, Where mlf My Edwardj stamped tu Hen heel. ' Theauther's assertion Is conclusively borne out by a careful Inspection of the passage te which exception was taken, and since he has had an opportunity of -eeing It in print, we have no doubt that this Is manifest te Dr. McCeeh. Te say nothing of the long step alter "heel,'" It Is obvious that Princeton's "sands" cannot be Identified with the "hill" at which the rather severe strictures in the following six lines are directed. Tint "hill,' as be will at once perceive, Is the eminence en which stands the Andover theological seminary, and It Is the new thee' egy preaebed by Prof. Smyth and his colleagues, r,0 are about te be tried for heresy, that the poet has In mind when he speaks of "such a light that trembling souls inquire if the whole church of Calvin Is en Ura'1 That th.s allusion te the movement toward liberalism at Andover ts pressed the Icellng et the Harvard authorities is unquestionable, be. cause President t Het had just eerlerred en Prof- Smyth the degree et doctor et di lnitv.s Hut this, If a reflection at all, was net , .i't en Princeton or Dr. McCosh, but ou thene trustees or Andover wheareeallicg te account Prof. Smyth and some of his fell"W teaebers. While it turns out that the brief mi'sien te Princeton in Dr. UolmeV p'teiii was noth ing If net Mattering for Harvard had no president in the last century . illustrious as Edwards It is a curious fact thst Mr. Lewell, the orator of the day, placed him self squarely en the ground occupied by Dr. McCosh In rtlatien te the elective system and the educational valueef Oreek. It was the orator's duty te speak en this op.nien ou a qnenUen of te much moment, though be must have felt It an ungracious and unpleas ant thing even te hint a criticism and hesi tate dislike of a course deliberately 'pken by his alma mater. et, while Mr. Leweb's language was in lerm and tune unex.ption unex.ptien able en the score of courtesy and deierence, its purport was unmistakable, and sheulu have convinced Dr. McCh that manv Har vard alumni of weight and distinction ap prove of the position unswervingly maiu lalned by the president et Prlneet.m touch ing the elective system and tLe compulsory skuuy ui ureeK Harvard college made Dr. M,'C,5sb a doctor of laws eighteen years age, and her sons are well aware that by that she honored herself quite as much as the recipient e a conven tional title. She could net lusu.t Inn. with out Impeaching her own dicernejent and her own dignity. Even while smarting under what he considered an attrent. Dr. McCosh acknowledged that he considered Dr. Helmes the chief etlender in the matter. He will new own as frankly that here, tee, he was mistaken. It was through a lt-isun-UersUndlng el the meaning of words sp-iken which, printed, could net be miscon strued that he imputed te their author an intention of wounding a ciistmuuishtd scholar and honored gue.c Dr. Helln.s Kiplalm III. I'neiu. Letter te the Editor of the Bosten I'esi Sir : The only reference te Princeton in my poem was in thee two lines, which were written and read and exactly as they are found In the printed copy published with The Atlantic Monthly. O'er Princeton's eands thn Ui ri-a-i ti.,ns tei Wheiemlgnty Edwards stauipea nl. lien Leel. The " star, " In the newspaper copies of ex tracts were only te separate the independent paragraphs, unless some or ihe papers may have seen fit te strike out lines ler which they had no room or which they chfjesu te leave out ferreauns of their own. I cannot believe that the excellent and venerable president of Princeton would take eileuse at the suggestion that a ray, or the re flection of a ray, irem Hsriard wliuh lighted the llrst torch In the wilderness, and baa certainly been one et the centres of Illu mination for two centuries and a hall, Ins blended with the ether lights; which make Prlnoeten brilliantly conspicuous among our educational Institutions. '1 he "sands" of New Jersey were only a geological remin iscence of a recent visit te that state, and the reference te Edwards was Intended te typity the profound impress which that extraordi nary man left en the Intellectual world In which he moved aud ever which he still exerts a commanding influence. Yours truly, e. W. Helmes. Kntlrely vegetable. Ne poisons. Ucd gtai Cough Cure. NelMdetJeus. 1'ilce, 2) cents. Antntellgent person when hurt will atence procure a bottle of t-alvatlcm oil. 111. the beat thing te cure swelling., burns or wounds, Al drugg-UUsettltat tweuty-nve cents uUAUe. Ur. Hull's Cough Syrup should he kept In every family- A slight cough, It unchecked. Is ertt-u tt lererunner et ei.nautnptlnn. one dose, of this wonderful medicine has rescued man liem ifBUlAl. HUTIOCK. SlULOirU UATAKKIi KEMl!lM- positive core for Catarrh, Dlptherla, and Canker Meuth. C-erf? if by ".' a. t-'ecbran, Uruggld. Ne. 1S7 North Qumin streeL JOUs) Elj's Cream lialiua lilal. 1 his lustlv celuhrated remedy for the cut u of cauirrh, iuy lever, cola In the head, ft a, cun he otitutuedef -- --i;uu.uirjMiuKiisc nuu may eerellea upon pleusant remedy (or thn above. 11 Villi O-IVU lllilIIUi1l,.tj ...11,. . caiuplalnu an .UVXVi V'Qla',"ul1 '" Powder, has no mronslve t,'..'il V --& imuirmaieiriirii. it suits. -- um mu w UHU Ml unV tllllM with i,ru.i ... SA thflU.l.n(lN n.n ,M.ir. u. .7. rc... ' 'in-in iu uiiae.ne, et tnu eQlce -(pirir of f njrjnm.s M y a. Isxl. nsjivuiGaAw " ' A'i'iM KTACK a lasting and iragraut Mr. fume. Price '23 and SO cents, rersaleby 11 n Cochran, Druggist. Ne. si North Queen strisit. An Kud te IIuub tjcrupluK, Kdward Shepherd, of llarrlsburK, 111, mii " Having received se much benefit Hern Kleciile Hitters, I feel It my duty te let sulTerlng. human ity knots It. llavefaad a running seru ou iny ItK for cluht years j my doctors told met neuhl have te have the bone scruiu'd or lerf amputated. I used, tusleail. thiwi bottles of fciccuic Hitlers and sevun boxes llucklen's Arnica Salve, uud my Ick 1' new sound und h ell." fclectrle Hit t res are sold at fifty cents a bottle., and llucklen's Arnica bslve at itSc pur box by It. 11. Cochran. DrUKKlst, .Ves. 137 uud lel North yueen street, Uu&uter, P. (j) THK UEV. UEa"ll7TiiTvi:it. oriieurborl .,"?V.l!lly..!..""olb,ny,M,lfandwlluewooiirllvea " "A11.-?0'-'S CONSlMl-riON COIIU." yer sale stjet. Cecluun' Umggut, Ne. vn North iiueen .-..-. .. :r ----..-.. j, wniwiiK luaiii MMBiOAX, T Your Children Am lenstanlly exposed te danger Irem Colds, hoeping Cough. Croup, and due.e.s peculiar te Urn threat and lungs ler such ailments, Ajer's Cherry l'eotenu, promptly administered, atlerds speed- relief and cum As a remedy ler whooping I'nimti, with which many of our children weie sfflk-ted, wnu.est. during thn past wluter, wltri much sstlstsctleti, Ayei's Lhetrv I'octeml. Ter this affecllnn, we consider this preparation the most efflcaclens of n.ltthn tneillcliies hl)t h..- rumxt tmiurkluisl- edee-Mary Tackhurt- 1'recevtress, lleuie for ett Id i.iiiin Vnnderens, llencaster, My children luiv been iw.euii.silv sutilectte attacks of Utuup, and 1 failed te Ond nny etlec ttve remedy until 1 commenced sdmlntsterlng Ayer's Cherrv Pectoral. This prepainUen le tleVesUiedtRlcutty of bisatlilng sut lurtbly cures t he cmnplatnt, lavld ti. Mat xs, Chatham, Columbia Ce., .N. T. 1 hae used Ayet's Cherry Pectoral In lny lamtiy for msnv years, and have found It esre, daily salnahle In Whooping c emh. This medi cine adtys all Irrttalleu, prevents innammallea iiiiuiv.i.iiiuiTKuiuiHiuiiif,, ana huh-ij r .. dues snv tendency te Lung Complaint. '. entusten, t'Ulnvtlle, llch 1 Une tin medlelne se eiTectlve, for Croup and U hoeping Cough as Ayer's cherry l'ectenl. It w thn means et saviug the lite of my little boy, only six months old. carrying htm stely through the worst case of Whooping C'eiijth I ever s.iw. June M alone, l'lney l'lat. Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared bv lr. J. n. Aver A Cl. Lewell. Mm old by all Druggists. Price, l . li bot bet Uas, l-S uevlJ-ls T IRUD OCT' Physicians and Druggists Ueceiiune ml BROWN'S ISM BITTERS! ASTHE BEST TONIC. At this season neerlTTnr-r one needs louse some sort of tonic IRON en-ers in'e almost ever 7. v.? Xslclan's prescription ter thes who Inrr ue. ueei! 1 nulla "or Weakness.Lassltude 'Lack of Energy.Etc, tt HAS NO EQUAL, and Is the enlv Iren meill- cine that Is net injurious. It Enrlehsi the bleed. Invttrenitet the Svstem, He.teres Apne- m.. .ius uisesiien. liaees nex nACKen or in luie the teeth, cause headache or produce con- stliwUen s ether medicines de. l'a. J. II. Ms-rxxT, a leadins physictsn et Sprlnefleld, Ohie, says ! " Brew n's Iren Bitters is a thoreughlyjrood medicine. 1 use It tn my practice, and find It action eirels another forms el iron. In weakness, or a lox condition of the system, ltrewn'g Iren Hltteis Is usually a pewtttve necessity. It Is aU thM Is claimed ferIL HI. W. N Wxtxrs, U19 Thtrtv second Street, (ieorgetewn, H C-, says " llrewn's iron lltt lltt ters Is the Tentc of the age. Nothing better, it creates appetite, gives strength and Improves digestion. The Genuine has Trade Mark nd crossed red lines en wiapper. Take no ether. Made only bv BROWN CHEMICAL CO. (I) ltaltimere, Md. HUUaKrUKttLSUl.Iti uuune. lALL AND SEE -THE ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Caudle-Light , Ik-iu them all. Ancther Let el cniCAP GLOBES fcr Gss and OU stoves. THE "PERFECTION" MKTAL MOULUl.S'tl AND III IIBEK CUSHION WEATHER STRIP bests them alL This strip out veaxs all ethers. heeps cut the cold. Step rattling of windows. Kxctudt) the dust. Keep out nw andrdn. Any one can apply It no wrc,te or dirt mads tn ap- Clvlnfflt. tan be tlttei any-here-no holes te eie, reaily for ue. It will net .pllt, warp or shrink a enshteu strip Is the met perfect At tr-.a ttee, Healer and Uange Stere -OK Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QDEEN ST., I.ANCA3TBB. PA. F ACTS. 500 500 Cook and Parler Steves. MUST JiE SOLI) KKUAKDLEJaer l'KICETO MAKE ltOOM leR Christmas Goods I We are new getting through ubeuittat tueli and will be ft bio te push our Steam and Cellar Heater Werk MORE PROMPTLY. FLINH & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, LANCA8TKB TA. WM A. KIKKKKIt. AL.DU8 U. HKIIH KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Cenrt Heuse). lavlUiall Housekeepers te Call and Injrect theU Stock of HouseftLTnisliing Goods. A Complete Line constantly en hand. COOK hlOVEiJand UANOK8, PAKLOit BTOVKB, HKATKUband rUUNAUES. STIMHR COOK STOVES. Alter carefully examining the merits of all offered te the trade, we have selected TFfD "ARGAND," for GASOLINE, and THE ''DANGLER," rer COAL OIL, As the Heat, when all points are considered, te Oder u ou r patrons. Call and see us. We love te show enr goods, and are net offended If you de net purchase. Uemumbur, we are agents for The " Splendid Heater. Mauulactured by fuller A Warren Company, Ttuy, N. V., which has no rival In durability, economy of fuel and control of gas. New Is the time tn nxamlne and become posted for Autumn purchases. UKUtUIIKU THE t'LACEl 40 EAST KING ST., (OPI'OSITK COUllT HOUBK.) au-JH-tfdAw r a pm.r.vu v-uw itinvnuiiui vvm Jrl. and " first Jtose " are the pepulsrScent Clfurs at Hotels and Saloons. Try them. ilAHKLKV'S Yellow 1'rent," Ne. Si North Queen street, (Formerly Hartuan'e.) MBMVAU UK HWiri' 81'EOIKIO COMPANY. 1836. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC. 1886. s s s A REMKDY NOT FOR A DAY, BUT FOR HALF A CENTURY, REUEV1NG SUFFERING HUMANITY ! s s s s s s s s s AN INTERESTING TREATISE ON BLOOD APPLICANTS. IT SHOULD DC (3 S THe SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. irVMT THE While seated tn hi- palanquin. Rede I.ing Gum 1 oe, i inamlarip , beine laundrt poi It ei'ni , m!i Were hanrrnm c-enicai. cvit te Jrv, II- becVeneil with In- -relrk-n tin And th'i adJrc-cd ! n. nc-' man W 1 1 v 6i iIk- teix- ii)X i ,n.M i.'i : I.iU gUcirit. et .M.i.Va -.I'.iik r Smi .m. i.: w it lie.n . m Te l.un, A WORD OF WARNING. Te' 3' rriey wh'te scapj, each represented te be "just as geed as th 'l. cr';" they ARE NOT, but hke ill counterfeits, lack the peculiar and lemark-abl-.' qualities of the genome Ask for " Ivcy'1 Seap and irt'tt tpen retting1 it. , . i. . i . ., i I'rvtUi L i...u.llj. UilUtlXJtlJ FRUITCAKES. Where shall 1 go te buy my trult cake order T We should suggest WIANTS OKOCL'ttT. In doing se yen will find there a large stock of new goods. Seedless Uaudiu, Citren, Currants, Imea and Orang reel. New UTench Prunes, Pure ground Rplces. rine flavoring Extracts, Itrxe Water, White Clever Heney In one pound caps, cheap. Please call at dg-JLUvu Me. UJ West KtnzBtreat AT BUKHK'a FINE CANNED CORN. We desire te call attention te our various brands el Canned Cern, some or which Is very SUfKKIOK. The I'lldeef Maine. Dew Drep and Paris Sugar Cern are our three finest brands, away ahead el ordinary corn. The W lnslew comes next : and Is known sen. emily by !the trade. Then cemes baker's, led A Bena and the Win. Penn . thee three last are geed corn, bat the three first re s very Superior Article, Our Evaporated Sugar Cern, fold only by us, has noee.ual. STOCK LIM irED. If you want any, eeur It seen. BURSK'S, MO. 17 EAST KINO STREET, LANCA8TKU, PA. srTelephene Connection. OAMMAUMa. s TAJfDARD UAKKIAOE WOKK. Edw. Edgerley, CARBIAErE BTH1BER Market Street, Rear of PoeteCQoo, XUanoaater, Pa, My stock comprises a large variety of the Latest Style Muggins, Phntens, Carriages, Mar ket and Business Wagons, which 1 offer at the very lowest figure and en the most reasonable terus. I call ipeclsi attention tn a few of my own de signs, en of whlcnls the KDUKKLKY CL08KD PHYSICIAN COUI'K, which Is decidedly the naatest, lightest and most complete Physician's Carnage tn the country. Persons wishing te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear In mind that they take no risk In buying my work. Every Carriage turned out In eighteen years a geed one that Is the kind of guarantee I have te offer the public. Ail work fully warranted. Please give me a call. KEP.UB1MQ PKOMITLV ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose piHTABLISHEU 1913. 8. W. lltick, W. B. Altick, fl. R. Aluek. D, A. ALTICK'S SONS, (Successors te D, A. Altick A Sens.) Wholesale Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, -AND- McCAULL WAGONS, Nes. 42 and 44 East Orange Street, L A.NCASTEU, P A AND Oer. West Bread any Broughten Sta,, SAVANNAH, OA. WA large and varied stock win be carried In both our Uerxwltetics, which will be sold at the LOWEST riUCKS. ecmitndAltw TUOHKB, AC Trr-RKCKEL'H. UUrFALO, WObr, JAPAN OOAT. Alse the Celebrated DYEK, TAYLOIt A CO.'S EASTERN ROUES. Guaranteed net te lese their hair, from tie te W. A Une Assortment of Plush Lap Ilobes, Hern 12 up te m Thellest Dellar Iloise blanket in the city, KRECKEL'S, NO. 0 EA6T KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA, angM-Smd -11TE OUAUANTEK OL'K &e. CIO A US ff llrunds 'JMla querlda" and I" Gelden Llou ;" Clear Havana I Uler, hand made. DEUUTH'S OiOAK STORE, . . . . . ...Ne. JHEait King Street, -EsUibllhcf, lJTU. leblS-W AStfd ROBES s s s 5 S S s s s s s s AND SKIN DISEASES SENT FliLC TO READ DY EVERYBODY. ADDRESS ALL slllydtw BUAV. S MANDARIN. A finer tfiht I have net fceen!" "We tvashctl tlieic uarments," answered he, ith soap tlut's made beyond the sen. The Iverv Se.vr they call it there. We nnd it geed beyond compute." 1 tun said the mandariii proteuud : ' de order me a theiiKand eund, And thev who uw another kind shall prison cell and naiTelJ t'md!" rVMJIlTCSK. w.c- BAl'I'. U It. ROTE. FURNITURE ! rer the IIK1T n.HHAIN4 In tURNlTL'IlE of ALL KIN l)d, go loins NEW FURNITURE STORE, Oer. Seuth Queen aid Vine 81a. We are selling for a short time, at ASTONISH- Q LOW rn Hiur.s. Kieirant walnut ima-uoem Bultes, Marble Tep.tSSCUi fine Haircloth Par Par eor Suite. r 00 ; Elegant Lsunge, 17 CO ; . and ether gewt at the same Lew Prices. naimd HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, 27A.S9.Senth(jueen.St., LANCASTER, PA. X ATESTDEBiaNH AND KINISII. AT WIDMYER'S YOU WILL riND A Large and Well Selected Sleck -or- FURNITURE IN ALL THE latest Styles and Finish. W0ALL AND EIAMINE.-W WIDMYER'S PDRNITURE STORE, Cerner Kast King and Duke Sta.. LANCA8TEU, I A. scptfl-lyd YOUNQ liADIEH AND GENTLEMEN The attendance at the Lancaster Commer cial College Is greater by ever 60 per cent, than last year Course thoroughly revised. Instruc tion Individual, ltoems pleasant and centrally located, Evervtblngflrat-class. Kvenlnj sessions en Tuesday, Wednesday and rriday Day ses sions every day excepting Satnrday from a te US and X te , Yeu can spend an houjerso pleasantly at the rooms, or send your address vn postal card ande u 'iffife.pai. Ke. 10X KMt Klni street c.erHi. TlURNKK A BUl'TOM. AN AGBEBABLB CHANGE. HAS HIE COI.ll WKAlHKIt UR. MtNllKll KOU THAT il)U IVH.I, WANT A Fall Suit or Overcoat ? 11- BO, WE AUK JUST IN TIME KITHElt IN KF.A1IV MADE OH MADE TO OUD Kit. WK AUK (I1V1.NU KX UKLLK.NTCjUAl.lTV AT LOW l'UIOEH. IT WILL TAT YOU TO I AM. ANII KX AM1NK OUK STOCK, llKrOHE l'tlll CHASING ELSKWHRltR. WK AKK P081T1VK WE CAN TLKAHK YOU. BURGER & SUTTON, HerchaQt Tailors utl Clothier, NO. 24 OENTRE SQUARE, LANUASTEIt, PA. M YEU3 A riATHKON. Institute Week Was a Hard Week en Onr Stock. IT MADE A IIIU HOLE IN OURBTOCK OK SUITS AND OYERCOATS! 'I 1 WHAT WE WANTED We won't let this liileifete with the customers' wants. We'll tp. Vletilali. and you'll Uiitl our Stock ill as geed trim next wtek as ever. Our Reeds, judging fiein the quan tity sold, must have met the point, lur wants. ,'e complaining about prices tee high, or no geed a.sett. uietil. Kverybedy Iwught as It they wcie gettiug Iwrgalus. Myers & Rathfon, renuit cLeiiiiEif. NO. 1 J HAST K1NQ STREET, LANCA8TEK, PA L. UANHMAN A HIIO, Rare and Surprising Bargains ! Or'lEHED AT L (3ANSMAN & DRO. AT Tit Kill MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. SATE MONEY ON MEN'S 8 1 ITS. Our 111 Suits te order cannot be bought else where lets than lis. They are All-Weel, Lined with Bilk finished Pers-u and cut In the latest style 10 different patterns. Our 1.1 Sutt cannot be bought elsewhere for less than tsi. They are lemarkable value sn different patterns. Our lis and Kuanlt are sold elsewhete for IM and I3 U different patterns. We make te order Ovetceats for 111, lis, lis and 1. The great variety or materials includes Chinchillas, Iksvers, Meltons, Worsteds and Csstlmeres. SWl'erleet fit and Satisfaction Ousranteed. We Invite your prompt Inspection and compari son. Yeu cannot fall te be satisfied. L. GANSHAN & BR0 MEUCHANTTA1LOKS, MANUrACTUUBKSOr UEN'S 11018 AMI CHILDIIEN'S CLOTH1NO, 66 & 68 NORTH QOEEN ST., (Illghten the Southwest Cor.ef Orange SL) LANCASTEB, PA. M-Net connected with any ether clothing house lu the city. VUAU TD B. MARTIN, WBOLHAtl AID ISTAIL DS4LSS I All Kinds of Lumber und (Jeal. -Yad: Ne. 120 North Water and Prince Streets, abeve Lemen. Lancaster. uMvd -OAUMUAUDNEKH A JEKyKHIES. COAL DEALERS. Orncs i Ne. l North Queen street, and Ne. H4 North Prince street. TAXDSt North Prlnce street, near lle&dlng Depot. LANCA8TEU, PA. anglMfd TJKMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Ceal Orflee teNalUNOKTH QUEEN BTltKET (brimmer's New building), where orders wlU be recel ved for Lumber and Ceal, WHOLSBALS AMD BSTA1U M. V. U. COHO. ms-ua JJJABT KND YAKD. 0.J.SWMR&00. GOAL. - KINDLINQ WOOD. Office: Ne, OENTttK SQUARE, "ethyard and offlee connnetod with TeJephens Exchange aprlMydMAr.U MUTIOKB. GE ENT'H FUKNISIIINO STOKK. E. J. BBISIAFS Gent's FurnisLiiDg Stere, NO. 7 WEST EINQ STREET. kXfr 8tirAOnll KTArv Kvfmlni ATMnit Riii.u 1 Tsnlegs. r ' I t Basftftirt;tritrr-ir' js -ii-1S& riw t5sai ' flSAAilen KZetSfiOmZmx