:5pwrfi f t . i tH -ei,'1 ..,. r'( A I i ,1 i i 7 r J vrim vij f ft lUi n. -JA wnm LuZltyH 3k fcT2 31 IXOOfl raxr. .! ? I V r i VOLUME XXIIINO. FRANK WI'ITICK SKNTKNCKI) HIH HK.MMIMI AS UVTIVRH IS 111 tllSVIUHIIK lit III IIVt. Ill llrand Jury riml a Omen Itila UUU Austin! Kela ami (Inrlllthl ler Untie Me.illn-;, llurnlttjr ami Ijiiteii), mill Ixuuta I'lve Mull. JWl.nv , ft,-, in,, i. -Cuiilt 10 assembled nt .JUIO o'clock, Willi tlm Heur I'. Cen tad felonious as-uull mill ballery rum en trial. Ilofero Kiiy wllnos'ei were uv.imliied llm plea l net guilty wat withdraw u hiuI llie commtinives.lth accepted plea ut nlmple as Mull nml I i.ittery. Meutouie wat defuned ii til Wediinsduv . l'linrle.1 Brisk, n young man who kept out nt thu way nl ttiu Hiuirlll fur aotetal days, was brought Inte court and put en trial for commuting an ai-uult nml bsttery en hi wllu. Nhe testmed lliat en tilt il rat (I y (if 11 Kelirniry lir liu-hind brought hoiiie njsters home, Sim remonstrated with lilm lur nut swing sumo ul tlm oysters fur tlm children nml Me mii at liiir, caught held of liur ami choked her. Mm managed in jet nwny iriiin lilm ami mi tun iiulghhiii'ahotise Ii ir protection. Ilnn'k went en tliu witness aland and loiti leiti lled lliat w liun lie arnvuil home un tliu day in question Mi wiiii began quunellng with lilm. Alter some words In'tween them alie labbed him with a fork ami threw it main lailliiallilin iiml it urn only after alie illil that he took liuhl of hit wlle In prevent her Irein harming him. 'llm jury rendered a verdict ul txit K"llly. but illruutiil Iho defend aul te rrny Iho i usta of pruvvutlen. A CO I t UUIA MAN At U.I I I ll.l. 'Ihueilnru law, el Columbia, was put un trial lur loleuiuus iis-inull atut battery. Wesley Aumcnt, I aslilngten borough, testllled that tin June . he was atrm k In Iho face with a lirkk tliiuwn by law at Mluhaal llurk'a aaleiin, Culuuibliv He a )tltilu tint I, in threw Iho bru k but he inul no DirrolHirHtlTe tiwtlmeiiy te utter un that eliil. "rum the pliyfrlxn'" titluieny It appearmt that Auuifiit w.n tii'lly IiiJiii.mI. lilt henl at tut nml lu ailillileu he Iml xuveral tcith auit Iii"eiiiNh hr aeral heiiii, tlm rrult el Iho lilun . Tbe iluh-ut'i r I'mt uuiMiit went te llurk'a place ainl bem abiiaiitK that Knnlln iiihii. He ami ilurk llnally imiiie tebluna ami I aw epnratxl the pnrtlim ami pu'heil Aiiuiutit out ul the allev nay. The i;ale at thin alley-way wilt tlineil ueluiitly nml Vu inunt net utittuiu out of the iiwil, It una i innumi un wrti airil'-K uy 1110 JjalO, tllCII III nii'lwl the uijurliu the iloelor toalilleil U). I he jury rniulrreil n enllct or net K"Uty. Kill MhiA'a Ohkll.u.Mi.1 ui.ia 10 MOKTIls, (rank Wiltiik, ihe eluinUla iloxperaJu, n aa cjillait for trl il en four i harRiw or atsault anil battery nml uuu of reslatlui; ail ulllcer. He pleaj millty te n.iult ami battery uu I rixlerick Mlllur ami te tvaltliiK an efllcer, ami ai put en trial en the luroe reiiialiilUf; I'tiarRea. 1 he p.mlm iii-niiltiil were Kllan ileiiiil, Marli Mann ami Mary Mann all reahlpiita ut ( IuiiiIim 1 ieiii the iik1(iiice it appoareil tliat Wutuk waiunablK aprwi ami hhhuIIiI thorn) imi tic without any pro pre pro M:itleii. Tiiore wni m UvleifM) oireii1 ami t!ie cxe wni hubuilttthl te the jury uniUr the limnirtleni of the ceurL The uiry cenMctcd en tweihar;inml iiiittnl tiliu of the Keit.il imiuit. ile waihoulemv,! b M inniitha Imprisonment for relxthiK the oltlcer, ami for ttiothiue at.iult aul battery i ara tli(a ami , Ui ,-ie iiiihsih1. Jehn Hhaitler, a young in in of rikhI ap. pfnratiie, wji put mi trial for atealliiK a Mir el treuvra anil tt,lhopinperly of ex Sherltl Jiuseb S. Slrlne, of Columbia. The artlclui werB atnlen en U e .iltcruoeu ul the 'fill of Uili month, anil uore net iiil-ne. until Mr. .Sutne reraUeil tolepheno luch-wne Ireui Marietta akliiK whtttier he had any ilelhluu "ilolen Irem blin. ThoiJethniK wna leuiul In (ni. flvlllu or thoHccuaed Hlii larlelta hotel by the cenaMbln of tint tioretinli. Theili-imlant deultil haling tolen the srlli'lii, ami tcalirtud that he Ihiiiiu the aitl clfi lern plug of UilMnijHlid ... ivntn. Juiy out. A UlMl N I u li 1 l.li N II K M.i l( June I'orilney w.i. imltcttHl ter lanenyai bailpe. Mra. Sanih It Dcvker jpMred ha itiMetiulrix nud Irem hoi ICNtliueDy It ep IhmiixI tll.il en tbe I'tth el Mari h Iho doluud deluud aul IxirrewtMl a xhawl, uiubteltn and aun lam u el te ki) de a n aireut, preuiiiiiiK te ro re turii tlicui at tnam the ainedar. Mra. I erd- uy Ulle ! te return nud wiu net aeen ngalii until tin ,ul of thH iiiunUi, when ihe wai arrtwted.U Jlui I.itii tin til'i heu, en Seuth '-iueeu Btroet, ami Uie uuibrtilia m U nud m bur pnHi.len. 'lbe ahawl ami b uiiiet worn net rn;.veri'd. Tbe atvmml went en tl.s wilueas aland and admitted that nhe ha 1 neon e ilnnted with tlie ariljlea ch.irge.1. hhe nai nlae lioueat erniUKh te adinitthat alie get drunk and lest the article and she then went te Heur Hill adelphla where alie remained unlit the nth of thla month when alie returned te thii clly and waa iirroited. Tnejury ronderod a vor ver (Ih't of KUllly. She wat aoiitmu'ej te undergu an impiikeniiieut of three ami .1 hall inenlln. llell. AND ill.lll.lizril A' .(l 11 n.i) or il i II IK. i s Iho jury in the Kote and t.tirlilkl kI het se alealing nud tolenioua eutry ciaei pre teried by Aiiim H, Mc.Vllinlernui Jehn II. Myeia, nltrr a di'liboialieu el aciuial heura, lemlered n enln let net nilly. Frank ami l.iucelii Velleta, Iwn i iloreil uii'li, weie put en trial fui Hteillug il t hore, the pieiiurty or Henry Kruider. Kit II. Weaver apjearcil ut the broker In the i. ise for Mr Kruhleraud he wild thoheraoaud when the Yelleta get the herac, they threw him down lu payment nn old nole which iVeawirowed, according te the Htateuient el the Vtillttlt and which nole wat jmld, accord accerd nig tothelotlmouy el Veaer. ThudlHtrlcl attorney abandoned ilie cae nml ii Mini let el net guilty waa entered. I' I.LAI Ol flfll.l i, I'etei A.WIIaeii pleaded guilty tOHlealingn toil from t alharlue Ackerniaii, nml waa atn leneed te undergo nil imprisonment el lour uieiitha. Harry Deebler ploaded guilty toiunlteiously breaking window and annulling a Mr. Italr man, ami wat sentenced te jwy a line of feU and ceuta et proaeuuUou. Htiuuel Joluifieii ami Uehi Dotter, who pleaded guilty te ioienlousontry el the peanut stand el hhriiiau lluber, ut the Northern market, were each anntonced U) undergo nn imprisonment or tour months. (IHAVI) TfBV !li:Tl.'IIN-. live IJills Krank Wlttlck, aujault anil battery, (I ImlletiueuU) nml retiatlng au olllcer, Theu. Law, lelouleua ntaaillt nml battery , MicImeI Ilurk, ntsa'tlt nud battery ; Jehn Hhaellnr, larceny , Adam Wellzel, lar ceny , Henry Debler, usaault mid battery ; Jane l'ordney, nnhmilt and buttery ; Ainet Hull nml l.oergoll. Mlllur, horae utealliig: I'eter Wilsen, larceny; Kachul lielr, Jar Jar ceny; Ooergo Heldltiger, uwnult nnd bat tery; Lincoln Yellott, et ul., horae alealiug. I'jnurrd llilla.llvu Deslnr and h.iinuel JehtiHOu, larceny, Knuik M. ' Itusch, lar cen valid emliczzleiueut. H'ciftMieV .VeriiiHjf Court met at y e'cliH'k nud the Jury lu the onto ngaliiht Jehn hhoatler, forsteailngHhorlll Htrlne'a clothing, lemlered a verdict of net guilty. Wllllmu li Holworthy, n young KuglUli. uiau, wut ludlcted for the larceny nf n horae clipper, the property of Chnrlet .MacNay, the North (Jueeii atreet grecer. Accord lug te the testimony el the iximmou iximmeu we.ilth'H wituoavjten Januarys, Holworthy. who worked ler MacNay, went teLiuiiuul told lilm he needed a pair nf horae cllpperu. MauNav Haul there waa no ntceatlty ler hla fi iiircuating cuppera, out iioiwenny went te dlciiHel HuixTiiUbh'a and bought it pair of cllppera ler f.l J... Tlilt amount wut charged te Mr. MncNay. Holworthy lett MaeN'ay'a oinpleymenl lu the aprlng, mid hoiiie limn alterward he Held the cllppera te Lzeklnl lirewn, uuu received f.'l for them. The deleuae wut that at Mr.Mai-Nay would net buy the olIppeiH, Holworthy went te Haherbush'H Ptore and bought a lulr ur clip pers ler himself. Holworthy Bald he did net direct Mr. llaberbusli te olmrge the cllpiKiru te Maeny. After having them for aotne ilme delenilant aeld thorn te ltrewn. Heme tline liter the Hale the nccused met with an aecl ilentand wntceiillnedU) the houae for ten weekH. He thought nothing further of the clpperH until July ethf whea he i ww told by hi brother that MaeNay wat inaklug a tun about the cllpjiers, 00. ami he Ihen went te Mr. llatxirbiuli anil paid lilm let IhncllpiairH. On that dale there waa a warrant IhiuikI for hit arrnut en a charge or alealiug the tllnper, but no ne ctlhiid clalinixl that he had no kuowleilgnel n ault being euUirvd ngalimt him wluui he paid Mr. Hiberbuali for thn'lltiKirt. It wut alie Ihewn that all the lacla ut the vane were utmiltted te Jeiin Wanuiiiaker ami lie waa Bontrengly In 11 noticed with the young man's IcniHienoe that lie gae him a retpotiiilble position In lilt establishment In riilladelphls. The Jury had nut agreed uixm n verdict when court adjourned. rersvuTi:ii or i.aiichnv. Jehn Krelder, a boy, wt put en trial for larceny. The coiniuen wealth pieied that a checker beard, chcckeit nml n ItKik, the property or William Ilany, waasUildn Ireni Ihoelllconf H. K. Yumll, where Harry waa employed nserraud Ixiy. 'Iho property was recovered from a laiy named II. I , Ileuedlct, hi whom Kinkier had given llieui. There waa no dofeuto olletod ami the Jurr reudored a verdlct nf guilty and tecum. momled lilm te the luerev or llui reiirL The H.I1HO ilnleiidaut wat put en trial ler luaticletit iiilwhlermid itttiull ami battery. The testimony nt te ihe malicious mischief was that Krelder and Harry Dablnr, who pleailml guilty totheulleiitn nn Tuesday, en the llh of Ootnl'er inallcleutly breke the ihair nf II. Ilalrmau'a rosldenre, Ne SOU Kecklauil nttoel. by throwing atonet against It. Ileiijaiulu Mer, also mi Inmate of the s.ime heusw, te-itllled that Krelder struck him with n Mone en September 1.1, '1 he accuted drilled having ciminltted the utleiiana charged and alleged that Harry Dahler, who plead el guilty and wat en. tenced, wat the only guilty iwrty. On trial. ri.KA et tlfll.TV. Ahraham 11 r cen ploaded guilty te entering the chicken hetisnt of David Martin and William Geed, and alealiug M chickens. HouMen Iloet, llriu's nccompllce lu the larceny, has net jet been arrested. eiiAMii Ji-iiv nKli nn. 7'iir lillt. Housten Heet., larcnny and feluuletia eutry ; Jehn Krelder, larceny, ma licious mischief and asiult and battery , ltichard Hade, et al., larceny . Oeurge (tor (ter lltzkl ami l'eler Hel, larceny, leleuluut entry and horae Ntetllug, U Indlctmenla , Calilu llaMt, et al , fHluiiliius entry . r.inan r.inan uel Steltlet, etal, rebliery , (leorge Mlii.il, liirrtiiiy. Iiiunt't IhI'i Sdlemii Buck, larceny, Jehn A. Yackley, n eiving stelen goods, Autlrnw Harilnnle, et. al , Harry Krayblll, her-Mi nleallug , Win. Mann, larceny ; (leorge (Jerlllzkl and I'eter Hele, larceny. lelonleus eutry ami horse stealing, 5 Indictments , Uoergo Mlstall, tnirg'n 7. 1 I ItllKMr lll'tlNI.SH. The taxrrii license el ChrlsUipher Hauer, Marietta, wnt translerreil te (Oeurge Wall, and a rmtaurant llcoiifeiu the Klghth ward wat transferred te Jehn S'njder. (Ml. SI A Ii: At A (II. t Mil: est luove, t'healer cjunty, IsUihate a knitting factory te employ 2S hands. Jehn Werth, cashier of the Wyoming Na tional bank ul Wilkeabirre.dled en Tuesday, aged IS ytsira. t'barlet MlIIIkve hat resigned the o're taryahlp of the 1'htladelphla niuulclpal loun leun ell or the Irish National League, and Harry oTeunor wat chosen In hit atead. I.euis Hammer killed his brother-in-law, William Heath, in l'lttsburgun Monday, ns the reault or a grudge. Hammer's widow Is In n delicate condition nnd may die. The I'rohlhtlleu tele of I'etiusyUania at the tail election wat mero than twice as large at that 1 1st in ISSI ler the St. Jehn electors. The teUl reachisl .CUS, falling short of the lewtMl Prohibitionist oetlmalo (lt),000i, but exceLtliiig the general estimate put 111111 It by aclne imlltlclans. Iho vote polled fur iroiernei al the lale election fiaila up SID.JJt. (ieneral Heaver falls Ul, Ipfiielnw lllalue's vote, and I.inutnu aiit (luveriiur lllack lallt -t, Vel below C'levo C'leve land'a nte. lllack trx'olves 1,11 mero votes than were glv 011 te 1'attlsen four years age, when 1'attlseii was elected by ever 10,000 plurality, and Heaver receives e.t,ltvi mere etOH than vvere given te Imu and Hlevvurt lemblned in ltfA Jluuhea tsuiuiKii is it.ti i.nui r, Ill Kr.lilFiiin nt Mil haul Mlltl, nn tlif Klra, lintK TiirnUKn Knlrrfil ami Miinej Stelen. The houte of Michael MltleN, en the Htrav burg tiirnplku n low miles trum this city, vas robbed en Wediie'day. Mr. Mlttels w ai atvieul fimn home working lu a quarry audthoelhei iiimatu.t wero also away from the houte during the day. In the afternoon Mlttelt went Ui the heuse te aee if the llrea lu the stoves required attentluu, and he leuun mat tneie wat a tliler 111 tliu lieuse. As he went up Htalra tu capture lilm the thief jumped out uf n second sUiry window, ran l thu weeds near by and made hit escape. Au inanimatien showed lh.it Mr. Mlttels' daughtei'a trtiuk had l'n broken npeu ami 1 10 stolen au I a few dollars belonging tenlin were also taking. Thelhiet, 11 wat Utirned eilectixl an ontranee te the heuse by climbing un thu rnurul the (Kirch which gave him ac cess te the heuse through a window ever the isircli, which vow net fastened, There Is no clue te the thief. Itiibbsrr urar .sieiintilllf. Ileury l-Yiher, realdlug a mile tlilt side of Mountvllle, en the Columbia pike, had his heuse robled nn Saturday helm-en and .1 p. m. The thlovet lire.iu a window paue and then readied in and unlatched the deer. They took from Je te 7 lu money, and lull en the table 1111 old sliver quarter and a piece el paper . urrency el Uie hamu deiiotiiluatieu. Ne one was in the house at Iho time. The w ui k it laid at Iho deer of trauut. II 'K.VIT.1 OS THIS HA3lV.it K. Inn llsvna I- risky Time Without IIeIiik ij Murli lsiitf;e. This ineriiliig Jehn Dougherty, n bulcher el Oregon, loll his horse standing lu front ut Kvana' butcher shop en North Queen street, above Lemen. The animal frightened and alarted en a run down alreet. In front of Arneld Haas' saloon he collided with several ether teams, one of which had a vvheel broken Irem thu wagon. At the isomer of Walnut street he fell heavily te tbe ground, but seen regained hisliet, nud alarted down towards 1'rluce street. A number el poenlo tried te step him but were unauccestliil until he reached A roll alley, where he wat caughL The herse had his leg badly out lu falling, but that wat the only damage, ns the wagon wat net broken. (lallepril lleiii from NefT.ttlla. doergo I'lapg, the tinsmith of Uoergo M, Sleluiuaii v Ce., waslu NetUvII'e en Tuot day en business. On returning home Tucs day afternoon his horae took fright In hoiiie umiccotintable way nnd get beyond the con trel of the driver. He galloped nil the way home nml at the Kehror heuse the herse struck n telegraph jule mid the driver vvns thrown out. The latter escaped without In jury. The horae belonged te Frederick llriui mer anil Is somewhat bruised. Tlia btiMub-Vaglx Nuptials. The marriage of Mr. Jehn Khaub, of the firm uf Hliau b A Hums, the enterprising shoe dealers, te MUw LUzIe, daughter of Dr. Henry C. Yeagley, took plaoe nt the real delicti of the bride's parents oil North I'rlnce Htreet at 0 p. 111. en Tuesday. Ouly the rela tives and close friends of the happy pair were prcsenL The ceremony wat performed by Hev. J. H. T. Gray. The newly married counle were the recipients of many hand. bouie presents, among them a very substan tial check from the brlde'a fatber. Mr. and Mrs. Hhatih left in the 7:10 train for Harris burg. They will visit Washington anil ether jielntu en thelr bridal tour. They will occupy the handsome new residence receutly built for Mr. Sliaub ou the corner of Orange and Slilppcn streets. Hale of lit at Eitate. Henry Bhuuert, auctioneer ami terI attate agent, Held nt iiublie sale, Novetuber Hi, nt the Wm. l'cnn hetel, North Mulberry street, the properly belenging te the t state of Jehn King, deceaseil, situated Ne. -tlti and 113 North Mulberry Btroet, te Jehn Arneld for ?!,'.! 10. A (Jae.tlen of Pele., I Kim llui Philadelphia Telegraph, Mr. IUalnu It called magnetic A magnet, It la proper te observe, hat two properties. It repels quite as much an It attract. It is only a quettleu of poles. LANCASTER PA., WEDNESDAY, BOTH LUGS WKKE CUT OFF. JUHBI'll M'MKII.HS M.OHKH II I H I.I If H IS JVUI'ISII IIPV A THAIS. Til Matt Fate of Popular Vming llnjr uu Ills rirst liar's Wutk for lh 1,'iiliui Ntni llenipanj A r'atal Jeinp at Ilia I'luin Hireet L'reealiig, A teirlbln mviileiit, by which a premising young Isiy lest his lift-, laxitirred at the Plum atreet crusting n) the Ten 11 ay I van In railroad In this clly, last eveulng. The victim wat Jeseph McMcllun, seu nf Captain Lliat Me Mellen, the well known contractor, whose home It nt S Last Vine street. The deceased was In Iho employ nfthe I'nluii News com. pany and he beAtdi-d the hecuuiI aectlen of Day Kxprett east, which arrived hore alxnit eulU, lu soil his geed. An ether boy wat alsu working en the train and when It started he JuttiKxl elf. Yeung McMelleti did net get oil' forsemo reason, nnd it Is quite llkelv that he waa dolayed In making change. When the train reached the I'lum alreet creaaing the Ixiy was aeen te Jump Irem the -tlatlerm of a car about the middle of the fast moving train, ile foil under the whoelant the car which iwsied ever him. Ile was seen te J 11 mp by a young man named Herner, who netliled seme men em ployed at Hest's shop, He wan picked up and placed en n wagon after which he wat taken te the passenger station whsre he waa placed in the baggage room. Ijntcr he was romevrsl te hla home, I Irs. Welchans, Cem p ten and llolenlus atlnnillng 111 111. Hetli or his legs were cut almost entirely oil twlew the ktieea; there wat n terrible cut en his head and he was badly bruised about the body. Although he received every atlautieu jiotslhle he died this morning nt i o'clock. The deceated was fllteen years of age last July, yet he was very large fur his years, and wat supssil by many te be eldor. ile was a pupil nt the high K'henl and wat a bright boy. Yesterday was the first day that he had worked ler the Union Newacempany, havlngjusttstiii given the Jeb. It waa his Intention te get out of school at four o'clock, after which he would work. He waa n pepu lar young Isiy, with many Irleuds, who worn shocked le hear uf his Had fate. The blew It n heavy enn le hit parents, who have the sympathy of the whole community. 'Ibis morning Corener Henatnan euipan. oiled a Jury consisting of Martin H. Fry, Oeorge W. Hunter, Charles F. Kberman, Adam J, Hleker, Hfraiu Skeen nnd W. L. Krelder. They viewed the remains nnd will meet again te-morrow when the train men will be liefore them as witnesses. Ne effort was made le amputate the yeuug man's legs, but it was decided te wait until alter reactieu net In. He died befere this occurred. Captain McMellcn's wile has for n week past been lying dangerously 111, nud It la leared that the terrible fate that baa befalleu her son may have n very serious ellect en her.t Capl. Mc.Mellcn, the boy's father, was nut nviare that hit boy wat In the employ ur the 1 niuu ews company, ami weutii net er er inltted htm te have taken such n dangoreua employment had he known It. It is said also that Captain MrMellen will bring suit against the news I'euijwny for damages. Cut InTnu by the Cars. James Kewan, of Mauayuuk, a bricklayer, who had been lu the empley of Kiuamtel Swede, while attempting te beard the one o'clock train, which was moving Irem Main street station, Norrlsteivn, for I'lilladelpbla,, un the Heading railroad, Tuesday afternoon, accidentally tell uuder the wheels of tbe Hecend pasxenger coach mid wat cut In twu at thehlw. Onnnl thenrma also was cut oft. He was n middle-aged, married man, and was en hit way home alter having liten dis charged by his euiplnver. One 11I Kf-ller.V Itrlll-r'a .Men Killed. Al oe'cluck Tuesday afternoon, whlle oi ei civatlng for an underground bridgent Deveu Htalien, hve lataireiH employeil by Keller t Ilellly, el Lmoiftter, contracteru, were burled byncave-ln. One of them, JehuO'Cuunell, was net rewiiesl fur hall au hour and waa then dead. The ethers were roseued nllve. Twe Tees Taken tin. I'eter Smith, who works at Mountvllle, lame tn Lancaster Tuesday and started home en Iho 10 o'clock train, lie attempted te get oil at ItolirerHlewn alter the train had started nnd he lull. One ul the car wheels passed ever hit foul, mashing twolees se badly thnt Dr. Ilingwalt, who atteuded him, found It ueceasary te amputate them. His head waa also badly cut. i.nCAt. miners. Mr. iieu. 1. Kaohler, ut the Lancaster ( yclu leuring club, waa registered nt the Shuler beuse, 1'ettstuwn, ou Monday. W. s. Smith, newly elected member of the leglslatuie Irem Lancaster, was at the Capi Capi eol in Haiilsburg vesterday te aecuru his seat. Miss Lnnriue Delker and brother Uoergo, of llarrlsburg, aie visiting trieuds iu Lancas ter. The Y. M. C. A. lyieuin meets at Y. M. C. A. hall at 7ie p. 111. Thursday, wbeu an orgauizitieu will be loriued. The ioslelUco authorities state that the trains ler the west, south and east having beeu changed by a recent ratlread schedule, hoiiie mall changes have resulted. The mails i.ewclntant 1"::10 p. in. Instead of UIO p, 111, The mail for tjuarry ville closea nt 1.10 p. m. Instead I JO p. 111. .IOO.oeo for Stiuiiel (irulir. A dispatch from Wabash, lud., nays that Samuel Umbe, nged S3 years, residing near there, hat geno te Heme, Switzerland, toso teso tose curo a forluue el about JOO.OOO. Mr. Uriilm'ri grandlather came te this country lu liS'J, nnd sottled iu Lancaster, I'a. Twe bachelor brothers, the last of the family lu Switzerland, died iu 1&S5, leaving the fiirtune, w hlch hat sluce thou been await ing n claimant, all truce of the American brother having beeu lesL Mr. Orube read last Wednesday iu a Swisi nowspaper an ad vertisement asking for information concern ing the heirs el his grandfather. When he secures hit fortune lie will return te America. There it only one Umbe In the city direc tory, Franklin S. Orube. There nre several ut the tintiie lu the northern and oasteru end.t uf the county. A I'leiuant HurprUe. Mr. 1 rank Sutten waa very pleasantly sur prlKed nt his home Ne. JJOj West Orauge street Utt evening by n party el thirteen couples Thuclilermnuseiuent of the oveu eveu lng were the banjo huIeh by Mr. Sutten, anil Hevernl KnuInr HengH which wero rendered lu line Hlyle by Mr. Klnier Winevver. About Vi o'cleoic a line table wat spread that was thoroughly unjejcil. MHnnerclier Itazaar Te-nlgtit. Tlie longnwalled Mtennercher bazaar opeiis lu Micunercher hall te-night and a very pleasant evenltig It expecteil. The Liberty band will tumuli the Instrumental niiisiu and the Micnnorcher society tbe vik'jiI music New atlmctient will boputen overy evening. Till; I.AWYEIfS AVDlllMl. " 1 li ivu an altiichineut for yej," The lawyer told Ethul ene nlKbt, " Ami ter your mlucttens, 1 aue My ease b of love ut nm sight. " And lu ui beat Suit I have cemu ToOeuit-but.'Mholawyur low spoke, " I alt by your stove ery dumb Anil burn your pa'a Blackstene and Coke. " My Koelsc-iip I wear llke n iluiiee I haven't thu ceurniie te Plead And Uie will bobrlef If tblsonce Yeu don't take the Will for the Ueud. " Consider, I've ' pepped ' ana Dccldu II von will Itctnln moor net ; l, .1 udgu hew a lever U Tried he cauuet Appeal from bis let. " I'm told, Blr, you stand at the Bur And Ciiwj Quostlens ask," said the maid, " And make peeple Swear, and you ate loe ree lllll te Hve, I'm afi-ald." " O, idIsi, I Object and I take Kxcoptlenstoall that you fay A Motion te go I shall make I f you de net giant me a Stay." "Well, thou, 1 won't Wltneu your wee." 6he said, " and my words I wltbdran l'll Try you be Cause, sir, I knew Yeu need auelber-ln-Law." ItUAItU Ur TMAIIK MKKT1ZU. Hire Itoema Ranlcsl In Kihleman's llall.Mnrlli llukn Hireet, for JSO 1'er Annum, A special meeting of the Lancaster Heard ofTrade wat held Tuesday eveulng In the hall of the Y. M. C. A., le hear a repert of the trustees relative te sorting a isjrmanent place of meeting. K J. Housten in behalf of the trustceii re ported that II. K. Kshlcinan, esq., offered te lease te the Heard of Trade three rooms en the second fleer of Iishleman's uw building, Ne. t5 North Duke atroet, and furnish llghl. hontandjanlturferlliosuiu of tiM) per an' nilin, the ImnI te have the daily ue (,f the rooms If they desire, and the use of the large hall en the third fleer once or twlce a month If occasion doinanded It, without extra charge. Mr. Kab Ionian would also furnUh chairs, hut the beard would have te furnish carpets nnd whatever ethor furnlture they might noed. Mr. llousteu also reimrbsl that Hhenk A llauxuian, Insurance agents, whose elllcea are In IheKtovens heuse, corn or West IKIng and I'rincoatreotH, olleroil i give the beard the dally use of their back efllce, and the use of both front and back offices during the OTenlug for an annual rout ulll7,i -including tight, heat, and n Janitor. Jehn I). Mkllea moved that tlie trusteet be Instructed te lease the rooms In Kshleinau'n law building at the rent uttered. II. F. llreueman, In aocendlng the motion, aaid he regarded the rooms at the most ellgl ellgl bie In the city for the puri-ose el the beard. Uoergo N. Koynelds preferred the toems or Kbenk it llsusiuau at being mero central and lieslden there would always be Homebody there te dlteet strangers coming te tbecily where te llud the officers aud members of the beard. Mr. HkllOA thought Lshleman's building about as central as Uhenk A Ilausmau'a. Dr. J. P. Wlckershain wat decidedly In favor of Kshleman'n rooms, Ihey are mero convenlcntly located nnd arranged, The Heard of Tradesheuld haves home et lta own whero the busluess men of the city could convene and consult with business moil from abroad without Interfering with the private business, at they would have te de it they met at Hhenk A, Bailsman's ; bealdes the beard should net depend ou these gentlemen, esti mable as they are known lobe, te perlerm duties that belong te the beard. He repeated the beard should have a home of Its own, where It could entertain its uwn mem bers mid their guests, and he under stood there wasa lliioceoKitig range In the r.suiemau uuuuuig, wmen ceuta be bail ir occasion demanded ; and everybody, includ ing the K)lillclana from tbe time of Jeffersen un, knew that a geed dinner Is the best means el making meti wurk harmoniously tegether. L. li. Herr had no doubt the Lshleuian rooms were the liest, but at It it net certain that the Heard el Trade will contain at many membnrH at wat at first supposed it might lie well te koep down the mrrent oxpenseH for a time. He understood that many of the original niembers hail withdrawn Irem or had net taken much Interest lu the success et the benrd. Secretary Moero stated that only two mem bers had formally withdrawn. K. J. Housten said he wat briniy 111 favor of leasing the ofllce et Shenk V Hausman. Nearly all the merchants and ethor business moil who 001110 te town step at the Stevens heuse and tbeiofere necessarily pass the deer or Sheek it Hausman. He thought the beard could net ter $1,000 pet another place be eligible. The roema are en the ilrst fleer and people will net climb up stairs ir they can avoid IU He granted that if we are te consult the personal convenience et meinbcis Lshlo Lshle luati'rt building hat Heme advantages, but If we are te consult the growth of our city by coming In easy contact with strangers who have money tu Invest tn new enterpriset the S'henk A. Hauaman rooms are prelerable. The question waa railed fur un Mr. Skiles' motion te leiie Lthlemaii s rooms ami it wat carried almost unanimously. On motion uf Mr. Skiles the trustees wero ordered te furnish the rooms in tbe Lshle man building with tbi necessary furniture. Mr, Housten wunteu te knew hew much money the trustee1 should eipend for this purpose. Twe bundled dollars wat first suggested ; then three hundred, and tiually the matter wat lelt te the discretion el tbe trustoeH. President I lager suggested that it might be a geed thing te have estajt prepared by inemberMnnd reud at Iho in iiitiili or semi monthly meetings. Dr. WlckerHhaiu moved that 11 special meeting be held mi the third Tuesday iu Decemt er, mid that the pietidenl npiKJint au essaylst fur the oecaslou. At the tiiue named comes only a few days befere Christmas, ether dates weie uauusl, and finally the fetirtti Tuesday lu Hocember wnt named ler the special meeting. Adjourned. tlnw They Un In llaril.iiurK At Tuesday night's meeting et the Hams burg Heard el Trade it was des ided that all meiuberu wboareslx months or mero lu ar rears hir dues be uetllied by the secretary that unless they were paid up 111 lull IsjIiue next meeting night their names will al thnt time be dropped Irem tl.e nil el member ship. Te Drills Lener turk County Nearer. Kclerrlng te the action of the Lancaster Heard of Trade In advocating the bridging el the Suaquehannunt Yerk 1'urtiace te bring the people of lower Yerk county nearer te Laucaster than they are te their own county neat, the Yerk UmcUc nays . More than ten yearu age the ioenlo et that enterprising region completed, "largely at thelr own expoiise, thu Teach llotlem rail way which', with the Maryland Central read subsequently built, bat lerever deprived the atald old city or Lancaster et the trade which Mr. Haumg.iriluer thinks heukl Hi drawu te that city. We would net be Hitrpntml, alter this, te hear of Mr. Haiimgardner, an Wlnkle like, Inquiring for lilt "Llttie 1) g Snyder." As te the genial Dr. Carpenter we are simply amazed at hit knowledge el local geography. llnr.n Itreevered ami I liter Csiluretl. YeliK, Nev. 17. On (Ateber huh, a iiorse wat Htolen from rjainuel Maniteld, of Lewer Cbaticefurd, this county. Suspicion at the time retted upon Jehn V.. l'.ddings, who left thu place rather mysteriously. Con stable Gluter, or tills town, was immediately employed te recever the herse and capture the thief, and hOBuccoeUed yesterday. Hehat been watching the movements ui Kddiugs, and learned that tbe herse was m possession of J. Scutter, In Harford county, Mil. Frem him it wut transferred te a pirty named Andrew Kiubnrt, el the aaute county, who wut in in Btrticted by Kddings te deliver the herse at the Kagle holel, Uultlmere, at 1 i o'clock yet yet terday. Kddlnga started from bis hldiug place lit Middletown te Haltlmere, passing tlireugh this place ou tlie early train yester day morning. The officer kept track or him and reached Haltlmere In time te meet the thiel and herse at the L'agle hotel. He ar rested Kddlnga and brought lilm here last evening, ami seut by Justlce Thompson te jail for a hearing en Friday. Kddlnga was Heme time age iu the employ of Mr. Mani fold, but had been selling herse and hug lilodicine recentlv. and claimed te bu a veterinary surgeen. "I'lie Tourists lu a I'uhuaii 1'aUie Car." On Tuesday oveulng a iirty jilaylug "The Tourists In a 1'ultnan l'alace Car" appeared in the opera beuse. Although the house waa net crowded the audience wat of geed size. Theso who attended were agreeably disap pointed In the performance. The company 11 small and of ceurse It it net as strong as was that In which Meslayerhlmself aiqieared here. It, however, contains clever peeple In cluding the two comedians, Charles Kirke and Harry Clark 0, who appeared lu n number et dltlereut characters nud did vvell. A. Denier made n geed negre lxirtur and the remaluder of the ceinpuiy did very well. This 0 ironing the company appears for the last time, and as thelr prices are low they should de well. A tloeil Skater, Last evening Miss Jetiuie Houghten opened a three nights' engsgement at the Lancaster rink. This young lady Is a re markably flne artist en skates, and shn per forma all kind el wonderful and difficult feats. These who have seen ber proneunoa her tbe best professions! rekater that hta ever appojted bere. NOVEMIJEK, 17, 1880. FllANKLIN AND MARSHALL viiunvit MitKTinti iy aid utr riir. lax- VAST Kit Itr.iflSAltr. Tlie llalherliig uf tlie Juniata Claml. nt Al- tuniia anil AliitracU el the AtlilreMes llc- llerd Ke. .lehniuu auil Ilulilisat t'eika.lle-31, ICliureli Kxteniluu. Tbe Ilrst nossien of the educational conven tion, uuder the auspices of the committee ou theological seminary ondevvmoiit and Franklin and Marshall college, appointed by the Juniata claatlt of the Keferined church, wat held in Christ Keter med church, AlUxuin, en Tuesday ovening. Quite a fair ntidlence was In attoudance and the convention wat npened lu tlm usual manner with Invocation and hyuin.arter which an nddroise! welceme, roplelo with historical Interest te mombera of tlie Kefurmed church, wat delivered by tbe atUrr loci, Kev. D. H. Dlellenbacher. After singing the hymn 'All Hall tbe 1'ower of Jesut' Name," Hev. F. A. Iltipley, of Mar tlnsburg, was introduced, who ler half an hour held the clese attention or the audience en the subject ur "The Theological Sotnl Setnl uary lta Karly Struggle." Iu bis addresN Kev. Kupley took up the early history of the Kofermod church at tbe leliit whero Kev. Dletlenbacher left off', and briefly sketched the origin of the Theological seminary, and tbe struggle between the L'ug llsh and Uerniau elemeuts in thechurcli for and ngalnst Its establishment He doscrlbed lta early struggles against unpropltleus and adverse clrcumslances, peverty and even per secution, first at Carllsleand then at Yerk, until It for a tltne found n home and made n world-wlde name at Mercersburg, Pa. Then touching upon the causes which led te its final rouievnl te Inncaster, the speaker closed hltaddreat with a few carnest nnd rorcible remarks upon the necessity of the endow ment or nn additional prolessorshlji in the seminary at Lancaster, if the Kofermod church desires te keep pace with Iho CLrlt tiin (V'tlvlty el the age. The address of Iter. Itupley wat lnllowed by a very interesting talk from Kev. C. J. Mus ser, uf Huntingdon, Pa., during which he earnestly and cloquently advocated the telling or the early history of the church te Its membership, te the cud that they may knew and appreciate the struggles amf dlfff dlfff cultletef the fathers of the church, and be lei te ouiuiate their example. In steadfast ad herence tu lit doctrines, and assistance te its work. After singing the doxology the Ixmedlctien wat pronounced by Rev. 1". A. Kupley, and the convention adjourned until this afternoon at J o'clock. A VIIUUVII UKU1UAT1US At Ythlch Item. Warren J. Jehnsen aud Ur. Dulibt rrenctied Henueiir. The dedication of the church erected by the Kofermod congregation of Perkasle, Bucks county, took place ou Sunday afternoon last. The sorvice began en Saturday evening, when an interesting sermon by the Her. Warren J. Jehnsen, late of Sellersville but new er'Manheltn, wat preached from the text, "Worship Cled in tlie beauty of holi ness." Although the weather wat cold and blustering the attendance at this service wat very geed. The services or Sunday began in the morn ing at 10 o'clock. The sermon uu this occa sion was delivered In the German language by tbe Kev. N.Z. Snyder, of Bethlehem. The llev. Mr. Hea-t, pastor of the Methodist church at Bridgetown, assisted in the ser vice. Thechurcli during the afternoon was crewded te overflowing, many net abie te gain admission. The dedication service wat read by the llev. Deugler, pastor of tbe church. Thochulrel the Sellersville church furnished the mtisle ukiii this occasion as well at that of the evening. The sermon nt the afternoon was delivered by Kev. Dr. J. II. Dubbs, or the Franklin and Marshall coliege.ef Lancaster. Ills discourse, which was au excellent one, was concerning " Some of the bulwarks and palaces of the Keferined church." It wat well recolved, the large audieuce giving him the closest at tention throughout the en tlie discourse. The Kev. Dr. Klley, president or the Allen town femalu heminary, preached the sermon of the ovening. He Ht,Hke Irem the words, " Whero dvvellest thou, and He said unto theiii coiiie nnd see," I'uluu Cliurcti luteii.leu A millenary. Tbe chinch extension auuiveisary held 111 the Duke street M. L. church Tuesday even ing wat well attended mid spirited addresses were made by Kev. U. W. Gue, of Illinois ; Kev. P. A. II. Fruuklln, of Utah, member of tlie general beard of church extensiun, ami Kev. W. Siiencer, assistant corresponding secretary of tlie Imard. Tbe speakers guve encouraging accetmtt of the work being dene iu lhec;iue of oxteiidlng church Influences Inte new- tleldt nnd et the wants that are ueoded te continue tbe work. Several similar meeting have been 'Hclil in the eastern part of the state under tlie auspices of the abeve named geutlouieu, who guheucole llarrlsburg, Altoeua and ethor places west te continue thelr labors. The meetings are Intended te stluiulate the zeal et Christians in the work, rather than te so licit contributions In money. At the meet ing last evening seme line music was rend rend ered by the cbulr of the M. K. church. Case of I'urty Hours' DeTotleu, The forty hours' devotion at St. Antheny's Catholic closed ou Tuesday ev oiling with Impre-i.iiie ceremonies. The sermon was preached by Father Schmltt. Among the clergy present vvere Fathers tlrotemyor, of St. Jeseph's church, Schmelz, of St. Jeseph's hospital, Helper, et Columbia, Pape, of Yerk, Feln, ul P.llzabethtew n, and Christ, uf Leb auuti. At the conclusion uf the sermon there wat a prueossien or the sodalities and congre cengre congre gallen and the exercises were closed with the benediction. lleiv te l'ren flowers. A writer lu Gurdenuig Illutirnled uses cotton battling Instead et bibulous paper In which te place Iresli flowers for pressing. "I have had," he lays, "much exorleiice In llewer drying, and 1 never round any kind or paper answer, however carelully used, and ler the following reasons : First, the paper of any kind is, however lightly pressed, tee hard a substance te touch the dolicate bloom of substance et the jielals el nuy llewer, and at ence Injures the tender skin, causing the liquid te oxudeaud saturate the leal, which tends te decay it, at well as te in jure or destroy tlie flower. Secondly, paper doea net absorb tbe natural moisture rapidly enough, but remaiut damp about the llewer, thus allowing the air te pass through, whlle damp air injures both color and leaf. 1 have tried a great mauy different ways, and one only hat proved really successiul namely tbe use el cotton wool. 1 take n small tolle, In which I have folds of newspapers, four sheets thick. Between ouch el these lelds I place te sheets of soft, line, clear white cotton wool. 1 have this out witb me, nnd as I gather the flowers I want te press 1 lay thorn out carefully between the sheets el cotton wool, tilling the sheet up as quickly as poesl peesl poesl bie. 1 clese It up tu the newspaper, carefully turning It up all around the cdneH. When 1 geinomei laaouie imcuetseut 01 tlie lolle, and place thorn iu large books, under geed pressure, and leave them se long nt I deem iiccenarry. Seme flowers need n much longer time theso el a llesby nature, for In stance. The great secret Is uel te allow the air te touch them (by no means leek at theut te see hew they are getting ou) uutU they are quite dry. I have scarlet geraniums, violas, etc., which have been dene mere than two years, as Iresh In color as at Ilrst, although In use en candle shades.,' Will tackle Oratorio. The Cecllian held Its regular woekly prac. tlce Tuesday evening, and n large number et moiubers attended. The exercise hat se far beeu en short compositions, but next week u new oratorio "St. Cecilia's Day" will be beguu. The orchestra during the Interims, sleu rendered several beatitllul selections. I'nlKe le Act fur Military. Lo.vue.v, Ner. 17. Gen, Itebeils lnteudste organlze a polleo force In Bur mah which will be largely subatltuted for military, doing duty iu that country. 'lludd"3letrger lu Tumi. Jehn K. Metzger, formerly of this clly, arrived here from Minneapolis this morning at 0;Q,and he li looking very well. SMW UAH II HAM. IIVLEH. Iltery Italt Criming the I'late Itetwreii HI1011I iters nud Kuee fair Six llalla and Three Strikes AuolUlied. The rulet committee of Ibe National League and Ainericau Hase Hall Association resumed its session In Chicago early Tueidny morn ing. The following changes wero made : The high and low ball system of delivery hat been abolished, any ball new being con sidered fair that basses the nlavnr between Ills shoulder and kuee and that pAtses ever the plate. Hunting will In fitttire net be allowed. Any obvleus'atlcmpt te make a foul lilt will lie scored as a strike. C'lttbt will net toss mr ciielui uf position hi luture, Iho right or choice Invariably resting with the home Club. 1'lve balls and four stilkeH will be allowed Instead of six balls and three strikes as hore tolero. Wbeu a Imenmii taket hit bate en halla be shall be credited Willi a base hit, A batsman shall take bit base when struck by a pitched ball. Any motion whatever ou the part el the pitcher made te decluve the batter shall la) considered a balk. If In running ten hase the runner touches and detaches the base-bag, without being touched by the baseman, he will be safe Only captains or clubs can question nuy de. cislen el the utnplre. The old rule requir ing a runner le return te hit bise en a run when 11 foul hit It madn wat rescinded. Herearter the runner can walk te hit Imse. Ne runner can have a subttitute run ler lilm In case of Injury, but II hurt mutt re re ro tire from the game. A batter It out ou the fourth strike under the new rules, whether the ball Is dropped or passed by the catcher. Tlie question or having two umpires and a reloree wat brought up, but n majority of the commltlee voted ngalnst the scheme and it was dropped. A modlhcatieu of Hie umpire's rules of both organlz-itiens wat adopted. The pitcher's box watshnrtcned te five and a half lect, nnd the pitcher will be required te keep his forward feet firmly en the ground when about te deliver the ball. Hit rear feet mint be en tlie back line of the box and he will lie allowed te take but ene step when delivering the ball. The ball must be held In plain view of tlie umpire. The pltcher cannot, as heretofore, deliver tbe ball tn the batter after making a lelnt te threw te tirst base, but must resume bis posi tion In hit box. Only two catchert will be permitted, and tbey shall have the right te talk te baseruu nert only. Fer tillklug te a batsman tbe coacher will be reprimanded for the first of fense and be forced te give tip his coaching and Hnntber man put in bit plaoe en a repeti tion of the fault. In scoring when a batter Is given his base en celled balls, ahitlscrodited lu the batter, and au errer glven te tbe pitcher In the summary only. All battery errors are charged In the sum mary, at are earned run, two and threo-base bits, home run, double plays, bases en balls, hit by pitcher, passed balls, wild pitches, time et game, and the name t f the umpire. A pitcher will be given no credit ler a strlko-eut. Iu the places et total ba;es tbe record of stelen bases will be kept. Any attempt made bv a player te Kte.il a base must be credlted "whether au error it made or net, if the runner it success ful in reaching a base. The committee also passed 11 rule loquir lequir lugeaih association te appoint a joint rule committee at each annual meeting, they te act for tbe year. James U. lllalue anil Civil Settled Kaftirni. A letter is published from James U. Blalne te the the editor of tbe Konnebee (Me.) JVur.i i ' correcting certain misstatements of -Mr. Ulaine's utterances en the question el civil nervice reform, particularly iu the report of a Hpeeeh made by him iu Huntingdon, Pil, en Ojtober leth. Mr. lllaineaayt: It li Hcircely necessary te say thnt 1 have never repudiated relurni iu the civil serv ice nor abated my Interest therein, nor have 1 ever regarded the Bneer at a forcible mede of argument. Were I tempted te re sort te it I should direct It net against theroterui et the civil service, but against the hypocrisy or theso who wish the condi tions el that aervlce te be enforced against their political opponents, but nut against their political friends. The point which 1 sought te establish iu my speech ut lltiutlug lltiutlug deu was entirely oentusod and obscured iu the Independent circular. Iu effect I falil that tlie English civil sorvice, which was l'C.d up at a model for our own government by tlioi-e who lett the Republican party two yc.ira age, is new uuder investigation and apparent rotuuiendatinu by the English themselves ; that the British ministry have instituted a commission te oxatnlne into the alleged abuse-), and that Mr. it. W. Smalley, apparently agreeing hlthei te w ith the Ameri can admirers of the Kuglish service, new declares the belief lu Kugland te be that the chll sorvice It werse In all the departments uf the government than it was forty jeaiH age. Mr. Smalley gives a somewhat do de do talled recital of the defects aud abuset alleged te exist in the Knglish service delects nud abuses which vvere never attributed te our own civil service even by Its most merciless censer. My argument implied mid was In tended te Imply that the Republican party had been vvlie in net adopting the English system with its Hie tenure and lta large pen pen sten list and all the attendant evils which have nt iast demanded Investigation by 11 ministerial commission. Ner would justlce aud lair courtesy have been dene te my speech even if my re marks ou civil sorvice, tern from thelr logical connee ion, bad been correctly quoted by tiie;ti.uepenuent committee. TDese re marks were but jiart etati argument lu which I eudeavered te illustrate hew truly Auiori Auieri cau in its best soute were thu whole iielicy and history el the Republican party, auit hew", under tlie lead of the se-called ImiepeudenU', tbe Democratic party, both Iu its 10 venue syjletu and Its civil sorvice rules, was 'e be conformed te British policies Just nt the very time when the British themsalves are ffudiug u lata! weakness lu theso jwlicies. lu short, th'ttgh I did net Hay se iu words, 1 meant te convey my belief that the very worst leulers mid guides for a continental republic are theso who persist in seeing the perlectlen of human government lu an Insular monarchy, whose conditions are in all respects radically differ ent from theso of our own bread land. The Massachusetts Independents should learn that American inspiration ends where Imita tion et England begins. "Very respectfully, "James O. IJlain'u." UEAnl.yU' JIKUMIASI!AT1U.. Au Asueft.innnt of Twenty I'er Cent, te He Lev ied Conn the stuck of the Itead. Pitit.vni:r.rni v, Nev. 17. The amend ment cemmittee or tbe reorganization trusteet et the Heading lUilread company, met yes terday, but ndjourne.l alter a short session with the understanding that a report should be made te the beard 1 f reorganization Uus Uus tcet at the earliest opportunity. One of tbe members of the syndicate te reorganize tbe Heading pioperty stated that the work of re ro ro organizatien bad been greatly simplified and that It could be accomplished n geed deal easier new than could have been dene tbree months age. The plan, It H understood, will absolutely levy an as3e8ment of 'JO per cent, upon the stock. The docreo In fore closure ou the Keadiug property will be ob eb talucd, It la stated, befere the expiration of this month, and If the plan of reorganization la net accepted by the creditors of the company the order for the sale el the property will 10 made. Creditors el a llrekeu Shue firm Sleet. Bosten, Nev. 17. The croditersof Weed it Merrill, shoe nianuficturers, of Trey, N. Y., beld a meeting In this city yes. terday. Couiifcel for the firm stated that their liabilities bad reached $100,300, with assets 5121,000. The uou-prelerred creditors Iu Bosten complain blttorlyef tbelr treatment by tbe firm, saying that their out look Is peer. A cemmittee was appoluted te visit Trey In tha lntorest of the creditors. Will It Iteault In a Heine Autobiography.' Vienna, Nev, 17 The will of Iiaren Heine, proprietor of the Fremdemblatt. -who died en MeudBy, directs that tbe writings of his ancestor Helnrich Jielne, the poet, may be utilized. It Is believed that among the writings au autobiography of the great poet will tie leuud. LHUOE TWO .OEOT8S TUB COMUUDGK TIUAltt ?, 1 ....w... r.n nVAXHAI, SHAV M SOW Ji-:"VH JVi lbs Letter Hal laird Chief Ju.llre Veltuii"f;h ' ........ ... .,.,. , ,rr un Daughter. 2I-. M iruui .narrjing chart Warden .IllRlllt. I !! AiuiaLt.J .. ...-.,, ..,. vvtT,.trv euiiqr, "a Tn Lo.vde.v, Nev. 17. Tbe court of nun bench la crewded today by a faahleaaMa audlcnce te bear tbe tosllmenv In thn sniinf 111... I ,-.l a .. .. 1 . . ..... j "CO I juaiic-i tt moon .Vilnius ngnius. uera Uhm 7Ji Justlce Colerldgo, his fatber-ln-lnw, for I.WL "S ' based upon certaln damaging latement "q.f iiuiue 111 a letter written by tue lord, chief vs jiisuce in an eueri te urcax tip 1110 ceuriftbln f. between Mr. Adams and Miss Cellrldge, Uij' v.4! daughter of the chief Justlce. UI10 plnlRlId rf tlnclnrnit fhnf (tin itnfAn.t.1,1 mimI. m IaA.aet. .j3 .. .H.,w ... iiviviiiinii. n.u.v m ii.u y.nvil alleging that he (Adamt) wat nndoaverlhff ,. t'3 te obtain the money possessed by Mia CeU-.f-iJ ....fte ujr com premising nor cnaracter hhujj,, thnt compelling her te marry lilm. Th'JfJ puuitsiiingorihellbol, he furtber asserted, ZS .fltitilaln.l I. tl.rt .1 f .1 .-1. . Zii - v. in iuu aiiuniug in uie leiier ici. 'H1 Lords SollKirne and Iddcslelgh, who ceni' W,. Bented te act at roferoot In the matter. 'iSfcl --- Vil ."uiiiciureiir ur ttrveiriUK. wS ..u ...,...,, autrtieiT iiemrteil Itetvreen lllm sviraiiil Mliil-ter .lackanu. Li, Paso,Tex.Nov.17. A proinlnent inem ber or thu American coleuy at the City of Mexico, said horn last night that JuhI befere leaving Mexico Minister Jacksen gave him the following account or tbe Interview be tween Jacksen and Sedgwick. The day nffer Sedgwick'n alleged otcapade he came Inte Jacksen's i lllce and stld i 'f.Oeneral, have you heard stories about niri7" Jack Jack seu replied : " Mr. Sedgvvlck, I am very sorry te say I have. " Will you call at my hotel le hIievv the piople that theso roperU have net estrauged us?" asked the envoy. "Mr. Sedgwick, I cannot de be," replied Ja'ksen, " I sympathize with you deeply lu this thing, but I cannot oeuiprouiN) my olll elll clal position. I advlse you te make a cleau breast of It and admit your fault. I bollevo Ieople will be cbariUble with you." Sedgwick brought his hand down with a violent jetture aud replied ; " l have made up mind te deny the whele affair, and call It all a He." lSTEItKITlSII F.KOTJUtST CASK. 1 he Supreme Court Stirs L"ji the Memery of a Vurk County Jtemance, I'lrrsnune, Nev. 17. Tet, years age two sisters named McMulleu lived In York Yerk county, aged respectively 70 and 75 years, They owned botween them a farm valued at about ? 15,000. About the time nientleueil ene of the sistera died and a young man named Jenes, who was employed en the farm, made leve te and married the surviving (sis--ter, who was mero than double his age. The preperty It appears was purchased from Wm. Penu, and wat enlailcu land. The ether slster dying, the preperty passed Inte the IKjasestlen of Jenes by will. The holes at law, residing iu Nevvnrk, Ohie, resisted bis; right, claiming that the preperty loll te their" undo. After eight years litigation the court decided iu favor of tuu heirs and dispossessed. Jeucs, t'adiljr Itjiiu Taken Ailrantage Kit. San FiiANttbce, Nev. 17. Sullivan aud Kyan attended the races yoslerilay nnd atter wards met In a bar-room whero they drauk together, the chanipieu taking soda water. It loaked out that Ityan was Imposed en In the recent mutch, at the arrangement wat that the light should be stepped ou the second round, tsheedy and " Besa" Iluckly had manors fixed, bowevor, and wbeu Jobu bo be gan te slug tbe Trey boy iu the second round Captain, Douglas and hit corps of pelice were tue much ougressed with the aclonce of tbe exhibition te cee nuy illegal mevea In It, The result wnt thnt Paddy lust bis ropufatlen at n slugger. Ile dues net hesitate te express, hit dissatltfuctieu. VAUIIIIT i.V AS AfAI.ASVUt:. A bUge Carried (Iter u I'retiliilcs aud rire l'.i.flengers Hurt, Drj.NVitn.Cel., Nev. 17 A stage containing nlue paasengers wat caught in au avalancbe late last night 1. mllcj east of Ashpeu nud i-.irrleil ever 11 precipice le loot high. Five passengera were he severely hurt that It In expected that they will die. Their names are: Hubert Divyer, Chris Conn", Duncan U, Reberta, S. A. Hirdwcll, Lilly McL'horsen. The stage loll Leadville ler Asbpen yimter day aud was ou top of a mountain when thu uvalancbe caught It, earrylug the whele euU lit with It te the bottom of the precipice. A roller party from the home st.ige station hiie ceeded lu digging the pissougers and driver out ! our w ere unhurt. Itecrults Fur 1 he Cutting lUpedltlefl, Wash inoie.v, Nev. 17. It has beeu re, rairted at the department el luttlce that agonlsureat work ameug tbe unemployed v'jfV, laborers or st, Leuis, te secure recruits for tbe filibustering expedition against Mexico, said te be headed by the renowned Cutting, and that n great mnny of the old empleyes of the Missouri Paclllc, who wote left out of a Jeb when the strike failed are enlisting. The attorney general hat directed Deputy United StatCH Marshal Miss I'hoelw Cetiziut te lit lit vettigate the matter and repert speedily. A VJ,lril lluib.lml's i:ud. Sanucskv, O., Nev. 17. Harntiy Cook, borrewod ?I,JO0 from hit vvlfe te payjihi ileum, no m:ui iu xuieuu nuu a .ui&wimu y m woman miu squandered tue money, jilt .,,; wife followed him. Ile stepped into a lfUKtii store, bought a half otmce of arsenic, anal- ,;rvj low en it, nnrsc into team and died botero medical assistance could be rondered. lalltura tu Cnter Hie .lltnLtry, Kalamazoo, Mien,, Nev. 17. Ex-Cen-gressuiuu Geerge Wlllard, editor of tbe Bat- j tie Creek Journal, it is authoritatively an ' neunced, will seen enter the Episcopal min istry, and Gee. W. Buckley, nuether Battle " Creek editor, will seen become a Unitarian clergyman. , Tenant. I'litclmtn Their Helding. ? rii-ii, IV 'Vn- 17 Tlin Innnnla m f,.. nU' "Vi'i ...An nt .V.n .Mnvnnla nt Ullrvi I.aha ......1.. -II IIB ulDi3uiiiiu iiiaiiiti-ui ?iu imiD iiiuaiijr m( 4N purchased their holdings en the termsollerod 'lrt inuiu uy iuu uiai(iiii. "i'J KiiipiTer William lta. a Celd, "&? BERr.l.v, Nev. 17. The Emperor WillIaiH?ji' hat been con lined te his room since Mnnil.v.K'."! II 1 .nll'.,.ln frn, a nnl.l .au.II. -.."t'H www e,.v,f, iiuhi wm liMiuiljr uunn 11 ui. li. n. , i..,a a. IVIIUBUIIMI 1 1UIUI, J- ' ? T WASitisaieN, Nev. 17. The:preaident (e-l nay appointed jes. i-uuen 10 bacuiofer ui '-".?! bureau et previsions and clothing and psywj 1 master coneralot the navv. !CenuIs. Cbam'Xl'. Jonas, of Wis.. atPraeue: C. T. Greltln. at ..! Cala., ut Algiers ; Edmund Jobusen, of Newr ia Jersey, nt Kehl; Aloxander Jenes, of WleiV'-', -"a atChlnKlang. Wh" H A. t'ellili Tuwu In I'Utuet. I.ONUOX, Nev, Poland, in repei den, Nev. 17. Tbe town of Makew.j' a , Is reported by dlspatcbet recetrM J m here last night te be In flames. The town it.. cuieuy iniiauiieu uy jews, )TMATUEH JSJHVAT1USM. n WASiUNaTON. 1). Gi Ner. 17.f-l EMternPennBylraeln, NewJWTWf 'awirA and Alftrviflna. iUUi OTm utterly wind. ' -r t -La. ym K sr.a ir-. x -'4f - ?. tfW. lit.'Zt j.