jwwrs! fH ' '-jgyy 'tf jrsrreprggjgiTT jprww &&' .-viV'V spp";' iV' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1806. jL y ny Epfsr? yiyT,i fJ MMMMMIlgBaBgyCT -Vsraraw;",. " tfawr, tf E & J1 w iu w t is t INTELLIGENCER BVSBT DAY m THBYKAR (Amrfay Ibtrpttd.)', I A WM, FtTk DCtLiM A till, FirtT laVOHTB. BIUV(IWDBT01IIIUBMttA- . Aire all AMeimna runs, si Mr u I MH LlBftAL OCmMIRIIO AtLOWSD TO Wnium Tuxrnexa oenicTtoi, MS. v mmm ?. S?" $$ ADVEHTIBINO RATES :; Iftktr ' Stn.llln. lin.l Sln.l tin I S e. mtmar. tsM riiTwiTavf a te ITS nHlu m uk in s w Ss, SMI ... K IN' l(l M 7) FaSS!-.... tO) IM SW MS H u h mptr no i!" ' w 76b I.. KlTTf ITI 125 2 VI 4M BM1 8S.) ION SlfiMWMkl., StO Brtl 1000 18t) 17lm 204.1 a OK Menth SN) ia ii en ln : fwu Months... ra ion. 17 n w w M f J"1 v if Months,, eon ueii ane Kim jH M 1 ii Months cn ism HMwlf Hw , pais Tear e wvej tMM bii H " vjr The Weekly Intelligencer K i E .C. ..,... Every Wednesday Mernine, f-tfwi,ivntv iKiATA.ll.00roMXeirTB. CtCBS of Ta, . i fU.ng, A kD A OOrT KM tu rvH ... .. ?" OUTS, ,Vjwireirptsrc roucrnie rnex svanv rAiiT rm 1 WWTAT AWD OOtNTTRT. AIL AKOKTMOTS IITOU . W? . wnr fmrilfliaCD TO TBB WASTE BASSET kV"". . .. .... WilMmi e" sti end TVIrtrram le iT- THH INTELUOENOnU, M tatelllsencfr Building, Lancaster, 1'n. rH?T - ftl)c aiuefltcr3iUdUgni;5 LANCASTER, N0VKMHKU 15. IK. The Collapsed Strike. TI10 great Chicago strike has come te ' an eTimnfc und llpifim In nnan .liPi itira nf p .-tha clearly expressed opinion of the ex ecutiva beard of the Kulglita or Jaber against the demand for elqht hours it vas Impossible for that organization te con sistently upheld the strikers. Yet they ap pear te have felt the utmost confidence in the strength of their position and te have thought that because of their numbers and influence Powderly would be afraid te act firmly with them ; but they have found as many ethers hae before them that their leader Ls net easily frightened. In the Judgment of the re&t of the ceuntr they have been acting very foolishly. The sensihle men among them admit that the Btrike was all wrong, but defend their course by saying that the manufacturers have " given them the right " by refusing te employ members of Litwr organizations. This will net de, for the fight was plainly en the eight hour question ; but the ether point may easily lie made the ground for farther trouble if bV.h parties are spoiling lira fight. la this ca?e the value of the organization of the Knights of Laber with the empleyi r has been very clearly shown ; and it is a question of p irticular interest te the em em pleying interest of the country whether this organization of labor will net, in the long run, be of nJvantage te employer as well as employed. It all depends upon hew the labor is led. If confidence could be felt that It would be always checked in Us unreasonable, and only be supported in Its reasonable demands, the organiza tion would certainly be a lienefit all around. But It will be hard te inspire such confidence among these who employ the labor that is thm organized teAand up against them. The theory of the labor or ganization 13 well enough. They combine tosecure their rights, and their rights they ought te have. But there is naturally a wide timet en 10 of opinion between employer and employed a3 te what their respective rights aie, and an organization of either is most likely te insist rpen rights that the ether will net concede. l'h CJi-age empleves of the meat packet'3, for instance, nut en'y think that they ei'ht te lab r but eight hours a day, but that no ether men shcu'd take their p!ace3 who jre wilinig te work ten hours for the three or lour dollar of fired by the ptckers for that term of la bor. The packers tL 'iik that such a posi tion taken by laborers sj well paid is un reasonable. And there will be no one out side the 6tnkers te dmy the unreasonable ness of their demand. Of this nature are very many of the demands of labor. They aresuchas cannot le granted them, be cause the cmplejer caunet give what he cannot get. The utility of a mixriei order te the ordinary werkitigman's ledge lias been well proven in the case of this Chicago strike. It has been disapproved and or dered off by the executive beard off the Knights of Liber. This is a case of wis wis dem of the head enforced upon the felly of the crowd. It the order of the head is obeyed, and the btnke ceases, two tilings Will be shown ; that the Knights of Laber are wisely led and that they are wisely obe dient. The country weds but te be satis fled that the organization is obedient te its chiefs, and that the chiefs aru men of geed sense, te feel a safe reliance upon its con duct, and te believe that it will be bentli- cent institution. This confidence is net jet felt. The order has net been led with un varying wisdom. It is tee nuvtly geared te cause us te expect peifect steadine-ss In its performance. The machine may be very powerful erwiy we k , it may be a Kroat geed or a great evil. Oue great dan ger threatening it is that it will become a political maehiue, which would ba a total perversion from its object. It certainly may be a power iu politics aud It is proba ble that it will try te bthis power. The at tempt will be disastrous. There cau be no political squeezing of employer and em ployed; any mere fian there can ba a tqueezJng of eggs fiem a lieu. Elected I5y One Vete. Iu the closing days of a political cam. palgn it is the custom of campaign paper3 te call special attention te the necessity of getting out eveiy vote, in the fear that the marglu of victory or defeit may ba se nar row that oue vote nay inake or break the result. The wisdom of this policy Is elsewhere eihiblted in the account of hew a legisla tive district In Xew Jersey was captured br a Democrat, the latter havimr a ninrni. 11 iff of one ever his Republican competitor. '! U.U1S was in a 101:11 vnunf morn t mn J ten ..Bit the ines' rmark.ililn fvahim r 5PfVii Incident vm that in the success fAr theDwnemt may depend the election by the Democrats of a TTmtAi Hi-,. ...... s.ter, Sjthatihaens mere vete that was fy cat for the Dtmecrafc aiMnaVilymau cau 'L d.date may havi tlie effect et p'.aulng a ,'. . ijimecrat in ilb nrst legis'ative tilbunal of it' t. ..41 ., y Tite fiieudd of the defeatnl canill.ltn ; vUestaycdat licmathluklnj "their votes fy ' would net be uilsjel'' will have some tine tlle-gnawins new. Tke Tetinl rtrB)tf. Mr. Barbour thinks that the president has done the Democratic cause harm in Virginia by his lack of vigor In swinging the decapitation axe. Mr. Donebue, of New Yerk, and Mr. Bourke Cockran, said te be Democratic leaders, are of like opinion ; nnd there are a great many ether Democrats recorded as of like views. Mr. Harbour ve knew te be 11 man of cry geed Judgment. He has been the execu execu tive leader of the Virjnia Democracy and 11 reemlier of Congress. He desired te be a senator, but Mr. Daniel was chosen in his stead. Mr. B itbeur naturally feels that the political worker should be rewarded.fer he was a worker and was net rewarded when Mr. Daniel was chosen. The accusers of the president ate gener ally among the workers; and we have a great deal of sj m pa thy w ith them. We lielieve that litlcal workers should be rewarded, all ether things being equal. But the trouble U that geuerally ether things are net iqual. We regret te say that tlii? political worker is very often net fit te be tewardtd as ha wants te be. Near ly all the workers who wetk for a reward in office are of thi kind. The workers who are fit are these who work for the love of the cause and country, nnd when they have wen leek for office, but like many honest people strangling with the tariff question, are for protection incidentally nnl net for itself. If all political workers were geed men for office it would be an easy thing for the presideut te appoint them all. Majbahe did net appoint enough in Virginia. But we knew ether places where he appointed a ureal many, aud did net de his party an go xl either. It is rather interesting te bee hew impar tially the party has been injured by the dis tribution and non distribution of federal patronage. It bhews us what a very deli cate thing it is te handle. There are se many fellows who think they are deserrine te be made raving mad when somebody else get3 the place their fiagers were almost en, that it seems just about as profitable te make the whole crowd move moderately and by net appointing anyone, a course which has been followed In regard te the Puiladelphia marshalship, which Mr. Sainuel Josephs considers te be his and which the powers knew it would never de te ri e him. Philadelphia get a great deal of federal pap, and the howling was fear ful. Seme fine plums were net given out and the howling was fearful. The net result at the polls was net gratify ing. We think tint the lessen te the party is te take its eyes off the offices and te try te get along as it did for ever a scoreef years with a consciousness of its merit alone te sustain it. Puei. Jenv I SrLLTVw seems net te have lest the knack of hlttiug a trip hamm6r blew. A KEvfiVvKe rumor of attempteU uprls in a?alnst tbe government of Spain shows that tlieclemencr of the queen ba net wen the devotion el the people se thoroughly as was expecteJ. This is no doubt owing te the w,de ly diUerent character of the revolu tionary movements, the ctlicers pardoned net long ase having p'arneJ a military coup d etit aud the present disturbance bar. ing their origin iu the dis'-ttWactlen of the pTpl ever trestiei recenlly concluded with foreign countries. The mases of Spain are ignorant in the extreme and easily led, by de-.lguirjg and reckless men, te believe that thes.1 treaties will taUe away their means of support, and that the powers that be have sold their prosperity te foreigners It will be pleaslnir te the friend et the Keadiuc railroad te learn that under its new manasement means hate been discovered by whice entrenchment will beeitectedamount beeitectedameunt iDK te 12,000,000 per annum. This economy will rind expression in the meat marked de gree lu the management ofthe idle iron fur naces, which will be made te yield a revenue li neail 01 bfiirjK a drag en the company's re re se.irrn. PresUent Certln, tl.idingthat the Schuylki.i Valley N admirably adapted te th manufaeture of Iren, owing te iu near near near nestoceal, limestone aud ere bedsel supe rior quality, has arranged te receive proposi preposi tions Irem manufacturers et Iren for the lease of the tbirty-seven furnaces In that al ley owned by the Reading Ceal and Iren company. Twe of these luruaca will be taken poneailen el by etpIUl sis at an early day, aud very seen theiealter it Is hoped the ethersi will be taken up au d put in operation. We have received from Keet Jc Tinkers fine rncMvinir, entitled "The World's Kx changes," in eventing picture of the great banUir. place el the world. It N a work of art that U worthy of eareiul preservation. Tun New Yerk Jfirrer, " the organ of the dramatie preresiiDn," make a suggestion that Hbeuld at once bs taken up by ihe phil anthropist who are ceuhUnily s'mlng te Improve the moral tone of the hiah. Ttili 1 that Hie matter of costuming be takeu in charge by the management, and salaries re duced proportionately. The tlle-jt would be that talent would Ix-o-sme mere essential te siic-es-, and less would depend upon elabor ate and, expousive cestum, although the uianjtemeiit would el courts provide such e-wtumex where the play required it. The Mirror forelbly adds thut many a Uleuted jeuugnctrefssees "the chanca el her Hie slipl.y while another, lew gllted, perhaps, bat also less scrupulous eu-t her ly ferca or mero dressing. Te MuiiT the chrjtanthemum show ilese'. Nene should miss lu The nht betweeu the Weuiais Chriitian Tetnieratiee Uuleu In this state and li.(nnr li.(nnr sslleri seems net te have resulted In u.ucb ter the llrt nauicd in general results, hs thurelsauet lncreatn for the past year of rS llCRnsiHl drinking jilacta aa ce-npared with the jetr deieru. Hut thx women at the back of this temperance movement dernu consola censola consela tlctn from the lact that tot out of a teUl of 18,331 lliwisas were rejected lu ISjG, and they oeiicliule that a geed portion el the re jected applications might have been granted, hid It net been ler their active opposition. Iiiut'ater ceuuty Miews a dicreae et 2, the iiuics beuii; applications J7", licenses granted 07, total at present Jt7. Tun senatorial light In New Jersey is las' andlurieu, but the Democrats have the In bide truck. The Dwyer ilrothere wen f JOa 511). ID en the turf this year, the largest ever wen in this country by a single stable. Hut their Dewdrop is dead and Mis Woodferd Is broken down, se that the net remits may net be se great alter all. Patti has arrived in New Yerk prepared toixHkea vocal decent upeu the pocket books et the mulropelU. Ohie U sbiut te establish an Intermediate penltentUry ler the confinement or these w he lue been nenteuued ler the first time or for BUert terms. The e ll that must reult from the aiisiiclatlen et thete who have been guilty of but mmm lbiue, with the morn hardeued preres,ia criminal., Is tx evident te need proof; and the sncee , ,h8 reforma'ery InslHutlea at F.lmlra, New Yerk, should lead inu2dSriy,"t0 uk0 "m,lar m"u" ' wiui IMPORTANCE OF OXE VOTE. nuir ir itill ztKxi.i Mrurtiera;. .veiK Attnerr tntXALit. A Itsrauat lu th Cc or llir lie In n New Jrnrj lllilli l).tut-eirull, the Drmeirst. I emul te IU Itr.n Klftlnl In MJlll'y lit One A reoeuut e the eie lu the fiiii.1 iivrk't of 1asIj efiiuty, N. J , where there was tie between Kugene lluiley, Iti'pulillen, nnd It. A. Car ml I, lemecratlc Latur cnuill.Ute for tlie nsi-tubly, wai intJe la the 1 nirt houe at l'atersen attirtlay morning by Justice Dlinn, et the snpreuie eiirt. J isttee Dixen njieued ti.e box. au I reiJ 1 1 the ballets In person, a.i l at luiaile sit Me ander nillett and Krsnc S-.It, the eni-ne! for Carrell aud Kmley rn-jH-viiteU t unij Clert Smith and Ipu'y t'i..ity Clerk HUutelt talMed for tbe slate, II. J. Hepper ler Mr. drrell, snd W. 1 l.isfr Mr. Emley. The iiunty mid Ufe executive cemuiittee al-e had legal representative present, en account of the l-npirtance of the result, ler en It depended t'i i ieti i whether t.en SewellerUn Ab.u h.'uld go te the United Suits S.'natp. Before this recount the II ne ft .sin' It stOvxlSl DemivnttsHnd .7 Kepuii1 .-ai' with DoneltUH, the newly ele,-tet Li'ir stinll man from Pai'tic reun't. m 'edge la -t 1111 certain. If Kmley kIkmiIiI tn i end t' b" elected, the lleuvi wei Mian 1.U I.utivrt is Republican, and Iinihue list is t ssy, the Dt'iiiivrat.i weuul bate a uii rity 111 the Hniutf uuder any iiriuini ani". ltui the Senate stands 1J Rtpitbli'ti. aud 9 Ocu -ecrat, a msjenty et three ter the Republi can, aud m If K'mle.v heul 1 t leuuil te ! elected the lejlsltture would s an 1 a tin en Joint ballet, the three lVnuxra'ic j iu.a tt.v in the Heue lalaucing theRepui lu-au nm'inty In the senate, wltueiit iniudmic Di'hu who would therelere bold the twlitiei of power In the United Sutet ncmunr'stiip con test. If, en the ether hand, Cirr .11 aheuid be teund te lie elected, the Democrat w..uld have a clear majority iu Jepeudeiit 1 f Ioui hue. The rectiuut bad net prx-elt rsrwhxii the Indications beati te crew laventbls ter Mr. Kmley. The district icemp.iHl el ihe Fourth and Kiflh wards et Paterson, the First, Second, and Third wards .l I'a-sia.' City, and Acquackanenk township, lu Pas sale Cltv Kmley 011 the recount hud a cnin of 5 and Carrell agalnet 1, inaiug I r Kuney a net pain of 4 Ot thee ete tw.i w'eie twn loose Republican tieke's lean I in 'he t Hern of the box, which were allowed It! mle, becaue the number of strune ti -Keu in the box were two les tnm the nuai'ier cert tied toeu the pill list, there was 10 c'ltuicein Acquackanenk, he that Kmley ctme up into Palersen with tour tote in bis fat or. In the First district of trie Fifth ward el Palernen the recount showed one les ler Emley, which left him leadiug Carn.ll by ihre. lu the Second district of the Filth wnrd Carrell gamed and Emley lest 1 ne, whlcn left Emley leading Carrell bv enlv one. The proceedings here became iutensely ex citing. When the First duTict of the Tilth ward had been counted, E ml fly wa J ahe-id of Carrell, but lu the be. mil ilitrkt f the Filth ward Carrell gamed 1 and Emley lt L This lelt Euilej 1 ahtad. Pel. nuns flecked lute theceurt room. Iu the 1 mtdls t'ict of the Fourth ward Em ej l.t one aud that made a tie. The 11 ite'tient 111 111 creaed accordingly, lu the Seciud district of the Fourth ward Carrell gamed 1 and Em'ey lest 1. This put Carrell 2 ahead. In the Third district of the Fourth ward Carrell lest 1, but he was Jet I ahead, nod that wai enough, for tae whole distrkt hat been Mu lshed. UetoreanDouming the h; al result Justice Dixeu ordered the spectators lu Itidu'ge in no demonstration, but no sooner bad he an nounced that Carrell was elected by one majority than the audience arie aud in dulged in applau-e that Jus ke Dixen evi dently despaired of repression, ter he nuuj no attempt. It took irem lOo'cle-k a m. t' 7 n. iu t.. count the vote which nunibere I 1 u ) iu the district. In the original returns Ein.ey aid Carrell had l.SSti apiGce. The rtit w.re ler the Prohibition candidate and bcatterlna The recount shows 1 yu fur Carrell and 1,837 for Emley. Justice I.xen tens. eery tieKet out of the box pfrseua'ly and exseiined 1L Ne exception caa be taken t the aecuracy of the count. This apparently ieure the elec tion of Gov. Abeetl te ihn United State Senate te succeeud Wen. Sewt-.1. The recount was grahted en the petiti n d M.. Eml-.y. PERSONAL. Victeria. ScnELLixt ssaid te be irat til ing In Eurete, aud 1 well aud bap; y. The Prlsidlnt will hate four jutlees et the supreme c urt te appe.ut ltwe.u new and the Ith of March next. Mcmwui, the painter, 1 a moil prod hearted au 1 amlibiu man, si u; , unpreteu unpreteu tieu, but far irem b-iii ank Dr. Wee u be tv has in fe 1 d u Hy rf herey lu hi evolution b-li"fi.i ; ..vj, Ly the Georgia Presbj terlan ay nod. I.iect -Ge.v. SukKieAH', aenuai report shows that at the dtc of the Ij" returun the armyet the United bialea cjUeiattxl of J lvr. officers and Zi,'Jib mem Rev. Alfred A. Ccnii-,, the newly ap pointed bin Hep of the Catholic di.e el 11 11 miugten, Dek, wan oensec-rateil lu ihe cathedral at Baltimore, Md., en aundaj. Rev. 1. E. K.neiir, one et the most promi nent divines of the hvauyeiii-al a.M.ciatlcn in the state, died Friday u..it in Lebanon, of au absce of the liter, agbd 4S years He was presiding elder of the K-adin0aitl P.Htr P.Htr Mlle districts for eigM yra s, pst.rct tuu Cbentuul street church, in L.luuea, ter tub pait three jeara, aud was a trustee et Fredericksburg cillege lie liravn, aw de and four children. Fred. Archer, the dead Lnglmh J ckey, pessetsed extreme oleacueM In money mai lers. A cabman who was etten honored With patronage has said that there was noth ing but thn honor in it. Aftyr winning tbeusauds of pounds he w uld ride 10 the cab until he reached the limit et n shilling ride, lie would then blight, juy Just a shilling, an 1 walk the rest et iuu ty tie would appear at meetings where lie hid no engagements and ride for a'eurdly small sums, ailing with sorrow -.ne bean 01 ouiig euiig sters thus deprived et tna ep'irluu ty te make a reputation. Jen.s Oei'0!iKRT et Mount Un ou, Pa, whelnveuted the iortabie iron atctieu ucals aud devued the inclined plant s ever the Al legheny Mountains lu the .l.ijs et the old Portage railroad, died In Pitisuuru en 1 n dayatthe ageefbi jears. Mr. U mgherty 1 credited with mggestiu the routeorthe Pennsylvania railroad, and iu 1nj7 ebuinwl a charter ler thedherruau's Valley and Round 1'ep railroad which by acta et assembly w a Oually merged lute theSeutu PennsyltuLli read. Mr. 1) mgberty was ene et tee meat active and lutlueu lai bus. ties men In cen tral Pennsylvania. At one tune he was con sidered a millionaire, but be died 1 oer. Au Kjigllh llNhnn Kawir Creumlluu. Krem the Louden Telegraph The bishop of Dever, preaching at Canter bury, observed that the q loitleu or the dla dla Ieal of the dead was bocemlng 0110 el press ing ImperUucu In inipuleu places. Uy the gineral adoption of creuiailen we should es cape many diillculties, and, although net hii advocate el the system, he wa willing u, H(i. mil that there was tery much mere te 1.,, K,ia ler the proposal than many thought. It was Slid that the Idea of cremation ,s iry re re telling, but what count bj mero Mivmtlng than the burial el the dead, 11 we allowed our mluds te rest 011 the subject T Till: HL'LLDOII '1 be bulldog Is a savuge Leutt, He never lutur or rants Hut hu will leave the daintiest ft-ml Teltar a lever's panls (We trust our geed Uostentan ft lends Will pardon us this tlmu, Fer "trousers" weuia net tnli our ends, Uecauee they would net rhyme ) Aud when he gets a solid grip (We mean theputp, jeu knewi Until these nether garment r r Up, lie uever will let go. llut sets hit teeth, and gretsli and gretylt, llh mallie ill conce-dud, Uemlndful of the lovei'-i limij. Until the cloth doth yield. And then the lever climbs the fence, And lsunleith te step, Hut rapidly iuiundcr h mu t Unto the tailor's Uep. Soeutof evil L'exl dnlh jeme, Ker, though the lever swestrs. It makes the tailor's btulnuss I111111 Te mend the bulldog's tears. FTem tht Himtritlli Journal, A Itner (IittlDC Tired, Frem the Chicago Xew. "Yes, I knew It," exclaltuM the elerati barber. "1 knew this raier was getting 'llre.1. " "Se'm t," mill the reporter, Willi asperity. "llel as if you htd bten iiinultlg al.twit iiiewer exer uiy fact" "That's what 1 aM," rei'ied the b.irl-er. "Thisrinr Is tlred.' " W h.f are you talking nueui " ' "O, rsnrs etten get tint way. t have umd tbts ene for three at-, and a li'llcr ptece ' teel wa neter boned I'uitng that lime It has Ixteu tired' iu-t four II inc.. What de 1 miHii by 'lliee ' Well, te all al al pearauee this razor I a shai p a litis! b, built won't work. Ne nia'tcr tn.w much 1 hene It there will be no improvement, and the 011 1 thing te de Is te giteltaresk First, I cle.tn It with mero tb.au erdinar; cartv, Then 1 open It and put llnwa.t 111 a dinner with n geixl bent 1 lixk tlie'dianer and lcatelt ler live Oats. Al the imd el tl.at lime 1 OIHUI thediHtver and takoeiit t'lenuer. It will be a sharp as any tI.de you eter saw." Ir Hall's Cough Svrup Is 1 ii tskli g the place et all ihn old lishteuett muIi i.iiii'dtes. It tietci fa' ti nlk'Mi thx u -1 si 'lent imiIU. and fr threat dliucs It li n t ..inbU' ruce li cnt "1 husam t deublv srnied hit iles'h nd Ufn, Mv b.troumlauildein are iwtti below tne " tt r-other te sit alone sutTttiiK- with uearalats Or buy euu bolUeot Saltauea Oil. Mr 11. Msddeck, Detroit, M'ch , cured his ce'd with three den's of lied Star ceuijh Cine As Thjr cannot rlbly niakeapnreui iilasterhtvlnnavlhlng II ke 'he uirJICInil 'lualltles of llense'i . the amp fol lowers of the pharmacmitual protsleo pr pr pr dacetonef worthless pluters, and gitetheiu nt-ne which reetnble In print thtt et the gen ulnr, md, when carvle!? nen eund like Ik ler 111 npl". Cheep Jehn dcugnlit wUl eUcr 5011 train variously Myled " earwU'im. ' Ca(v (Kin," "Capslclne " or ' 1 ipucln plasters, arefaced some. lines with the nam " Benten's or Hurt in'." tv e earnest a lauuen thn pub hea-atnt the whelettltient hciu 1 hi-y re ad u.itr y u-ertblci as rvnitdi tcr di.eis 10 li u'w they are cheap. it 1 lain muslin I rlna-.Hir and Jmt as etll an a As for lkn n 1., watch the spe 1 ,f n t leek ler the Ihi-oe Ctals" tradeiua'l. "I '!' word "Cap cii.u u tn the centre et t' ,t?uu.ue H..M.W.S ter Uvblc. Use Da Hairs tee.alug Letien te baths baby's gutns New aud sun-. The only safe medicine ler chjldrsu is Da. Had s Cough and Crenp. rru2cenl or Je by II. Ik Ccchmn. Pniltt. Ne. 1J7 and IU. North ejuicn street, Laacajtur, I s. net 1 luidAir Its Un Veur tlusrd Iknsen CaKlne l'lsjter are widely luilta ted I hat Is the (act. New, why are they linl tatetdf llecaUAe they are tfce only porous plas ter In exutuncu that Is really trustworthy and va uahle llennu'a tiater) sre Miihij and set failtlciliy medicated, and cure tn a few hour ki! ukiii ujHin Hhleh no ethf- bare had any tXcut tv rtnitiver. The publu are thsrelera ctu tinned awtnsi plasters bt-ant a the name of " tu In," " Capsicum." "eapsklne, nr ca piKln, which are me-tnt te pass ter " eapclne ' ipeaie note the dllTerenrt 1 and ale against piasters Oeatingthe name " llenten ' llur llur len'ii' etc. When buying as ter Htnsen's Plas ter and protect veursell bj a personal exanilna tlnn The ennlne ha the mnl" cipctne " cut or poreiiied In the body el tl-n plaster and the Three seals ' trailetnark en the lace doth. ti) VV3VIAL a tint r..- L r VKU1I CUUKI). health and i.it erwth wturvrd, Oy shUeh's Caksrrn It nc.ly Price Hi . 1 :. Nasul Injector fri-e. ler sa.e b 11 It Imuran, Druggist. Ne. la North yufen streeL t?e.Hl nesnlts In 1'ttj Case. I A. Bradford, wheltsale psper.twUeref Chat Chat Chat tanoegs, Tenn., srrltes thai he was rnrleusly alfllrted with a severe c id that settled en his lungs naa triearnany reme itesvittheat eneal lUluglnducett tetryDr King New IUcevery lorCetnsauiptlen, did se and was entirely cured hy u-eef a lew bottle, since hii.h umehehss ud It In bis family for a I coughs and Leids with best results. This 1 the n rVnte of thou theu a.nts v hoe llverf have tn-ei vviI t y this W on en derful Discovery. Trial Uettii Ine at II II. 1 echran s Drug store, Nes .-.' and 1SJ North viae u street, Lancaster, Ta (5) MUILOH'S CUUE will lmm.Jiateiy relieve Crenp, Whooping Coagh aat llmnchltls. I'er -a'eby 11. IkCecuraa, Drejgu'., Ne. Ul North cjiicen street, An Hud te ttetis "craping. I'd Turd shepherd, of I' rr'sl'iirg. III. pav " II vvuiir received se much inefli from hiectrlc Outers, I ttel it tny duty Ui let ltfenugbuuian it Iciiew lu Have had a ranul ig sere en uiy Ie4 fur eight yuats ; tny doctors told me 1 would has e te have the bone scra;d or lcgamputatel. I ued, Instead, three bettls of Electric Hitters and seven boxes llucklen s vrutca Salve, and my leg Is new- sound and w e 1 ' Klictrle illttres are sold at hfly rents a bottle, and Dui-kleu's Arnica saiv, ai i5c per box by H 1! eech-an, I)ruggtt S.s. U"aad L0 North e ;een stnet, Uiucatcr, l'u. tS) ferlatne btek, sldoer cheji, no hlleh's 1'or 1'er us fliutur l"ric 25 cents tee saie by 11. U. .e-amn. Dragglst,Ne.lS North Qjeea ueuu ttucklen's ArulrH ale. I au l'et Salve lu the world for Cuu. UruUes, Vires, L'kvri. salt llheuui, fevei sun-'S, Tetter, shipped Hands, ChUblalns, ceris, and all Skin Srnntlen. and positively c ires Piles, or no pay ve-inlwd. It la guaiuntned Ui give perfect eatl ttk tfen, or money retundea I'rlcei S centa per M ei ssJe Dy II. B, ceenmu. Druggist, U7 iiid .J rth eiuten stre't Ijim u'er Pa Caution We would caution the Hu' I'e te Leware of Hm,i eduiing Kctnp'a II-uvin. it ie-n than the regular Price, 50 cents and II, aa oftenitiet liul uatiuns or Inferior articles ureal .Ida. the genuine in order te unable them le i-ll cheaply II II. Cochran, diniggleU N'e. 137 N .rth CJueen atieet Is our agent for Lancaster. Sauipie bettle given te your eli-lud.tw SLKt-l-CKSS MO Ill's, made uiL-ernljlu by i!.al tviriblu cough- ShlluU aCaieu the remedy ter jeu. ersaleby II. B.ceehran, Druggist, Ne k.7 North Queen street. Tlie Cxclteuieut Net Over. Tt-e n'-h at II II. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 1S7 North iueen street, still cemlnue cm aeeeunt of poiNeus ahilcted with Cough, colds, Asthma, llrenchlUs and Consumption, te procure a bottle 01 hemp's llalsaui for the Ihrtcii Hud l.ungs, slilpb is neld ou a guarantee and is giving entire satisfaction It Is a standard family remedy l'rtculu cents and II. Trial iierce el-lwdAw "vVlIY WILL YOU cough when Shbeh's Cure will give limundlale rellitl. l'nee U cu , '') eta., aud It, for sale by 11. II. Cochran, Druggist. Ne 1J7 North Itueen street. lilt I'.EV. OKO. II. TIItHt, et lleuiu.in I ml , says llethmysell and wltnoweeur lives toslllI.eH'SCON.SlJitl'TIUN cLJlh." ker sale ny 11. II. Cochran, Dragglat, Ne 1J7 North ynecn st rei t. Us lUfrtLta Wern bTsri-, "ure'y vegetable, pleasant t. take, will expel worms If any exUt, no purgative required alter using Price, 24 cunt, by all druf gists. bs-3indJlWAr SH1I.OH") CATAUUH UK5IKI)V-tt positive cure ter Catarrh, Dlptherl 1, and Canker Meuth. Ker sale by II. U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1S7 North epiuen street. (live 113 Cream ttalm a ulal This luslly celebifetid rumi dy for the cure of catarrh, hiy 1. ver, cold In the head, Ae, an be obtained of any rejiuuible drugglbt, and may beirlled upon a a sain and pleasant runedy for the above c mii'lulnu and will give Immediate lellet It la net a liquid, snuff or pewdi 1, ha. r.e offensive odor and can beuflfdatany time with geed re suits, as theusauds cm n-tm , among them rfim cf thn attaches Of this elllie ' nirlf of iht Tim-t. May , lsal uc iwdeediw iim iwita tutors ti -llr Oscar E. 11. Kech, of AUcntewn, 1'a, was bedfast with In. rlaiatiiaterj rheumatism In the winter of lta3 Docter could de nothing te relieve him. He commenced using Gress' Rheumatic Remedy. Hy the time he had used halt h bottle be could leave, his bed ; w hun he had flnliLed the bottle ha was cured and haa net had a return of the dlsuuie since. Inhls own words, 1 teel better than ever betore " Price II, by all druggists. leb-MmdMWAr lllt.iWN'. llOUhKHDLIl PA.NACKA. l tLotniwieifectlvePaln Destroyer In the world' 'eilt most surely quicken the bleed whether tus-en Internally or 'applied externally, and thereby mere certainly KKI.IEVK PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain Minviater, aud It la wurrauled double the strength of any similar preparation. it euros pain In the Hide, Hack or iiewels, Sere Itu.a.t, Uhiiuinatlsui, Toetliachti and ALL scllES, and Is The Great Reliever of Pain. UlteWN'S IIUUHKHOLD I'ANACKA "should ie iniivmy umliy. A maspoeutul of the Panacea in a luuibler of net water awe-en ned, uiur 01 ut v wiwi isiveei. neu, 11 n r&- ir-ee.i txKun at uoetunu, wu. ' 11 1 1 . Kut. a bottle. UBkAK UP A ' 1 VM.,i l'eur-Finii. Ot our American people are aihiited with sick bcuuuche tn either Its nervous, bilious or con. fietlve tonus, cuiued by irregular habits, high vlng, etc , aud no remedy haa 1 ver conquered .1 until Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription was dis covered. Uivella trial, bee advurtlsument In aiieUnirciluiun. (3) mu niicit' 110 111 ic its 1 1 Mermcuaiu Ai. )nu iiiatureed at nigntaud broken et your 'est by a sick child suifutlng and crying wltli ihe exetuebittug dn of eultlng tielht II se, go uluueii jj 1 getu nettle of Mrs. W IN ci LOW'S jO'iIIUMi eYUUP. It will relleve the peer little sutlerur luinedlalely de ud upon II Ueie Is no inlatuke about It. Thtre Is net a methui eniarth wbehas ever used II, was will net tell you ul once thut It will regulate the beauls, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It is perfectly tafu 10 use In all cases, una pleasant te the taste, and Is the piuscrtpllen el ens el the ciflest and Lust female physicians In the United 3UU. nole everywhere. 10 cents a bottle. mayll-lydU.W.UAw aUBICLIX. ATULOPllOHOSRilUEUMATISM A New Lease of Life. bon Dim hii ticen sutTetlng the agonies of a cveritteatet ihniiiuitlsm, nauta'gtaersclatlcs, and ri lb I cnuie. it seeius as It a new lease et lite hd been granted Mich have been the feel ing of theu.ands, who, niter trjlng physleiaus and uuiiibeiles ivmedles, htte ii"ed Athlophe. tea and found te Ihelr guest Jey that this lucdl line reall did mile their diseases v r leesT , ltsiH'KtvR, N. . Alter sufleilng for neatly te veals with a continuous ami kef rheutnalism t ancr trying almrst uvcty specltli, dnmesttt and foreign, which the crrdulttv of a wl, man. or feel, might Undene te tmt in.lt was wasAdnub'e p!csme te tun le Und a leutedy which, erlglna ting In the famous " City of Kluis 'Iho home of mv nncntnr slid Its nrit leundcrs-has proved se Invaluable a blessing. It 1 nearly lt months sine.) 1 was led te trace oulthestg eulthestg tiincauen of that word Athtopbero. It lis proved te me. In a geed drgree.a teuewer of uiy former vigor and strength, se that 1 have been ensbled te move about with almost youthful actlvliy, and te feel, vhtle approaching tny "three score) cars and ten,"lhst I hsve a new held os life. I believe your philosophy of the dleae te be correct that It has Its eylgtn tn the bleed, and that yenr remedy tiuic-hc then Joints and raiKfli". loeeulng the nodes, which hsve been linnmti. Inte subjctleu te thl drvadfnl dlefte. und sets them ftre as no ether le'tuidy that 1 hve trlct. 1 have been cautious fur se long a time In recommending It te ethers till 1 had tiled Its efheary In my own case t and 1 am new tree te stale the ettlintte 1 put upon it, as th 1 safest aud most iftlelcnt cv.re 1 hsve any knowledge of A It. DAVRNPOKT Every druggist should keep Athlopheros aud Athlopheros lills, but where they cannot be bought of the druggist the Athlopheros Ce., Ne. Ill Wall street. New Yerk, will send cither (car (car rlageerptld) en receipter regular price, which tiilCOper bJttle for AUdopheios and 50c for l'l 1. ler liver snd kidney diseases, dyspepsia, lu dlgetlen, w 1 akms, nervous debility, diseases of wemeu, constipation, hradsehe. Impure Moe-1. Ac , vthlophercu Pills are unequaled. neviMweiHl A YEK'S UIKKKY PEt IORAL. Your Children Are cemtantly expeied te danger from Colds, vv hoeping Cough, e teup. and dtases lHeullar te the threat and lung ler such aliments, AVer's Cherry l'ecternl promptly administered, affords speedy relief and cure As a remeity for vv hoeping t cesh, with which msuv of enr chtldrvn weie aitliteHl. weuisl, during the past winter, with much ttf action. Ajet s t herry l'ecteral. rur tlit aiTeollen, we censlde- lhl prcparstl n l'.e mesi efflcacleas of all the medicine w hu h h'.v v eme teeur knewl. edge Marv l'ackhurt, Preci-ptress, Heme for Ll'Tle Wandsrers, Ditm-aster, aid My children have been peculiarly subject te attack of Croup, and I failed te find any efleiv tlveriiinedy until 1 commenced administering Ajers ehcrrv Pectoral. This preparation re lieves IhedlRlcnlty of hrsathlng and Invariably cure-, t he complaint. David U. sturks, Uhstham, Columbia Ce.. N Y 1 have used Ajer's Cherry rccteral In tny tsinlly for msnv years, and have found It escc, clally valuable In v hoeping Cough. This m dl rlne allays all Irritation, prevents In&ammatlen Irem extending te the lungs, and quickly sub due any tendency te Lung Complaint J 11 elllngten, lialnvtlle, Mich. I find no medicine se effective, for Croup and W hoeping e eugh as Aver t. e herry Teetotal 11 wis the means of saving the life et my little, boy. only six month old. carrj Ing him safely through the wert case of W hnepluir Cough 1 ct or saw Jane Malene, liney liau, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I'rejiared by Dr J C. Ayer A l e, I ewell, Mas "-old ' y all Druggtsb:, 1'iice, li six bot tles, ti neviMJ CIMMONS MEK REGULATOR. If a Dyspeptic Will Take Sim. mens Liver Regulator. "L'ptea few weeks age I considered u.ysclf the champion Dyspeptic of America During the j ears ttit I hive been aSHcted 1 have trled almost everything claimed te be a specific for Cyspepslalnthe hopeel finding fomethlng that euld afford penranent tullel I had about made up luy mind te abandon all medicines when 1 noticed an endorsement of folmmens Liver Itognlster by a prominent (.eergl.su, a Jurist whom I knew, and concluded te try its effects In my case I have ued but two bottles, and am satisfied that I have stiuck the right thing at last. I felt lu beneficial effects almost Immediately. Cnllke all ether preparations of a similar kind no special Instructions are re quired as ti whit one shall or shall net eat This fact alone ought te commend it te all treu bled with Dyspepsia " J. N IleLMK, nlO-lweedAw Vlneland, N. J. 0 "1URK GUARANTEED. RUPTURE. Cuie guaranteed by DR. J. 11. MA 1 EK, Ktseatence: no operation or delay from busi ness ! tested by hundreds of cures. Matn office. J31 AUCII3T.. JPUILA. bend for Circular. rx-ivd&w rlURK KOR THE DKAr. V Peck's Patent lmprevrd Cushioned Ear Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform thewoiket thenatnral drum. Invisible, com fortable and alwajs tn position. All conversa tion and evon whispers heard distinctly. Send fur Illustrated book with testimonials, ntKK. Address or call en , HISC'OX, S5J liroadwey, New Yerk. Mention this paper. lunelO-lyeedAlyw piXllAUHTED VITALITY. EXHAUSTED YITALITY TIIESCIKNCKOIf LIITK, the great Medlcal Werk of the age en Manhood, Nervous and Physical Debility, Prematura Decline, Krrersnl teuth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon. Sun pages sve. lis prescriptions ter all diseases. Cleth, full gilt, only ll.au, by mall, sealed. Illustrative sample tiee te all young and xnlddte-iiged men for thn next vsldays. Address DR. W. II. PAllKKlt, I liulnnch Htreet, ItoMen, Mass. myW-lyeedAw irjreiirs -TrATCUE.S. Walche3, Clocks Chains and Jewelry at less than auction juices until January 1, I'M. flue let of Kings. Ac. Alae, hlgln, Waltliam (Aurera for whlcn I am Sele Auent), and ether irtrst-Class Watches, ltcst Watch and Jewelry lie pal ring. -Correct time by Telegraph Dally, euly plate lu city. L. WEBER, 1WX North (Jueen BL, .Vear I'enii'a. K. It. Depot. Spectacles. Kyeglasses and optical Goods. 411 kinds of Jew elr. rnOHAOCO CDTTI.NOS, MORAPH, HIFT X i.neb AND 1'ACKEUS' WAiiTK, Dty and Clean, bought for cash. .J.t. MOL1NS, Ne. 2T3 Pearl Street. New Yerk, lielerencc ITred. Bchulle. Ne. 213 Pearl street, Nh rtk fbl7-lvd lOR.N MEAL. Ask your Grocer ler LEVAN'S KILN-DRIED CORN MEAL. A flltSr-CLASS AltTICLU. il.TLAS TOEL U HAINi:-), LANCASTER'S 'I Gieatest Auotlencer. Collccteijof lients and Fire Insunmee Agent, Is ruay te serve his f rlendsand tbnpuhlleln the most satisfactory manner. 1 believe In work; Ibtt inn 11 thtt don't work kcu lelt If you want 11 house told 1 will threv my whole strength Inte It, go and see parties who bid at teriner sales, pest sale bills en uiy bulle tins and red auctioneer's flsg. The rallying cry el my agoney Is ")iel theie " Office, Ne i) NOKilI DUKE UT . Lancaster, Pa. it lwd QONTKACTOR AND HUILDER. GEORGE ERNST, OAIIPENTKU, CONTltACTOlt ft UL1LDEIL lleatdeuce Ne. f-tl West King street Shop Shep East Grant street, oppeiltu station house. WOODEN MANTKL8 AND OKNKIIAL 1IAKD WOOD WOUK A SrEClALTl. -All work secures my prompt and persona attention. Drawings and Estimates furnished. ect27-lydlt jreitr . I! tS5C'U 1 m) j U l fj mmi7)l m iwl 1 vJ Xl X tZj-ZXsS rrTl -ri! Oik advice te consumers of Iveuv Seap is, buy .1 eleren cakes at a tune, take efT the wrapper, and stand each cake en end in a dry place, for. unlike many ether soaps, the Ivekv improves by age. 'Ict this and 011 will find the twelve cakes will laat ns long as tint teen cakes bought singly Tins advice mayappcai te you as bein given against our own interests; en the contrary, our interest ami desire 1, that the patrons of Iveky Sep shall find it the most tic sirablc and economical soap they can use Respectfully, PKOCTL'lt & OAIIBLi:, Cincinnati, O. A WORD Ol" WARNING There are many whita soaps, each represented le be "ust as geed as the 'IveryY' they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remark able qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivery" Seip and insist upon getting it. ceprtjht R-d, ly I'rertcr A .u. r uUAjta tTAMK. H 10 li A MARTIN. CHINA MIL DINNER WARE. l)cs:or.iteJ Cairnl Dinner beta iu Ilavl land China, at Lewer l'rlcea tlutn ever efieretl in Itncaster, 113 promlsed, are new rady te show. The tlo-eratlons arn new and neat. Tbe price compares with Atnet iean Porcelain , quality 13 fur superior. Should these net suit te can give you seU with liner decorations and higher prices. Should yen prefer White or Geld Band China, you can select a full or part of a set, r any pieces you desire. If American is desirable, we can show you different styles of decoration. If your tastes and wants cannot be satisQed from the above, jusl take a leek as you pas3 along at the Lustre Hand and Sprig, or the Geld Baud en W. (J. ware, either of which will make a beau tiful and substantial set. Don't pass along tee fast or you will mi33 the Printed seta en English Porcelain. The English and American Porcelain and White Stene China In Plain White in a variety of Shapes and Styles, are of the Best. Makes In the market. Take a leek at thfce gel3 and be convinced of the above facts before purchasing. 1IM1 15 EAST KING STREEr. I.ANOASTKIt. I' A. VAKMAUZB. OTANUARU OARRIAUK WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CARRIAGE BUILDER Market Btroet, Rear of Poatefflco, Lanoaster, Pa, My stock comprises & large variety tif tne Latwst Style llUKKlf. l'hwUms, C'ariiaKDS, Mar ket and Imslncsi Wagons, which 1 erlur at the very lowest figures and en the most reasonable term. I call ipeclal attention tn a lew of mv own de signs, one of which Is the EDUEULEYCLOSKD 1'IIYBICIAN COUI'E, which Is decidedly the nttateat, llKhtest and most complete I'bystclan's Carriage In the country. Persons wishing te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear In mind that they take no risk in buylnc my work. Every Carriage turned out in elghUxin years a geed one that Is the kind of guarantee f have toeffer tbu public. All work tally warranted. 1'leaM rt..utT. ... ui uuniftnil V Awpvutllirri Tt nftrjiiumu 4vy.j ....-.- .... One set or weramen especially euijuujeu thatnnrpes ler E HTAULISIIKU 1818. 8.W. iltick, W. aAltitk, H.R. illicit. D. A. AMICE'S SOIS, (Successors te D. A. Altlck A Seus.) Wholesale Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, PhaBtens, -AND- McCAULL WAGONS, Ncb. 43 and 44 East Oraage Struet, LANC.t8TEIt,l'A -AND- Oer, West Bread any Brougbten 8tB HAVAN.VAU, QA, r large and varied stock will be carried In both our Ui-iHwlterlus, which will be sold at tbu l.OWLSTlMUOICa. nctUlmdftltw HAVANA UJUARS MAKKLKYH new brands, " Amerlta " and "Done Sold rluur Ilnvana Cigars are the boss tie. and luc Cigar In the market. Try them. MAUKLK Y'8, yellow Frent," Ne. 11 North Qumd Btroet (rennerly Hartman's) ceatr. c-j: t'i.urjff.vf(. B URUKR A HUIIO.N. II JON w mmu HAS TUB COLD VVCAIHKK HE MINDED YOU THAI' SOU WILL U ANT A Fall Suit or Overcoat ? IT bO, WE AUK JLST IN TIMS KITHEIt IN HEADT-MADE OU MADE TO OltDElt. WE AUK OIVI.SU EX CELLENTQUALIT1 AT LOW l'UICKl. IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL AND EA AMINE OUU BIOCK, UETUltK PUK CIIASINIJ El.KHHE!lB. WE AllE POSITIVE WE CAN PLEABt )U. BTJBGEE & SUTTON, lltrtuint Tailors aid Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. T UANHMA.N A uae. Rare and Surprising Bargains ! OT! EKED Al L GANSMAN & BRO. Al T II Kilt MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. SAVE MOSEY ON MEN'S SUITS. Our 111 SutU te ntdir cannot b bought else wlmre Ins than lis They are All-Woul, Ltned with Silk rinlshed Berge and cut In the latest style 10 different patterns. Our I & Utilt cannot be bought rlnewhere ter less than til. They are lemarkable vaiue Jl dltfeient patterns. Onr 119 and tx Suits are sold elsewheie for li) and 13) 23 different patterns. We rnaku te erdsr overemu for IU. 11 lis snd 13). 'iliegr alvarlrtyef matrtlals Indndva Chinchillas, Il.avurs, Meltons, Worsteds aud Casln.crns. Wl'erfect Fit and Patlstactlnn (luaranlprd We Invite our prompt Inspection and eoiuparl eeiuparl eoiuparl sen. Yeu cannot fall te be satisfied. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MEuc'iiANTTAiLeiiu, MANUTACTUUEUS Or MEN'S UOY8 AND CIULDUEN'S Cl.OTHINU, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( Might en the Southwest Cor.el Oiangu 8L) LANCASTElt, I' A. 4VNet eenimcted with any ether clothing house In thu tlly H'AIJ. VAl-MU. VyALLl'Al'JLR. ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. IU NOUTil tJUEEN STUKtr, Tbe time of high prices for Inferior glades or Wall 1'apers Is a thing of tbe past. Elegant Wall Paper and vvindew Shades at lowest mar ket prlcsis. We have In stock the finest as well as the cheapest 1'aper made. If you Intend papering your house eniric and leek at our goods and our prlcvs will surprise you. All kinds or Window abades rcady-tnade and made te order. Wobaveantlegantllneef Cur tains In heavy and light weight. I'els's, Cualns, Heeks, Tins, Vestibule Itnds, Stulr Heds and everything belonging te a first cla'S Taper and fibade Heuse. -Eainlne our goods aud com pare prices. ALFRED SIEBER, 134 North Queen Street, LANC'ABTEIt, PA; T HIS rARKR IH P1UNTKI) WITH INK Manuiacturvd by J. K. WRIGHT J OO., maiM-lya wtbna liars) St PhlladslDiils, r J s.1 . t V '$. 1 T A - t