Wt Vi'v-J &$$ "..y '' ?HB LANCASTER DAILY ESTEIiLTGENOER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11 1886. -" p .f-. vt sV,"n ! lirt. m SWB m ss !.,' - MP & wt; ? INTELLIGENCER r i IVKT DAT IM THB TKAB (ftwwyJtMy-).' , kiraaettAM a ta, iftt pBTCAaxiaw 1 " Ail AWemipa rucis. mufti UMHUt CCKMISSIOF Aiuiwiu iv ntSrSOKI COBHICtlOK. BT? raaname bate3i; BUg'tr" H in l"l In" " In In I 4 In 1 e in". RBL.,,,." e,rw 1 M I I 8 W I S J ML mi lis 2 J IB 5V, nSn..,. SO 1W 3 0) ( 6l 7 50 nsc.r... loe txs im i bj NStTt 11" 29) 10' 6W 7H0 40 KlPS".. 5" 7 80 10 tin HIM 1W U TMk.. urn low iss 170n w.v BflCiUi.. oe lieu aioe 9)e ssw BUmET.. wl ISO) 0U TBWl 4400 i B3Cr7: 1W MW43W MW WOO ft I' .The Weekly Intelligencer 'iWiliin Every Weenesdat Mernins fAygAa, 1 OoreaitxKOirrHS. extras e ti, AVSAOerrrsuTv rsus iw - selicitid me ivanr rs.RT thi I ATO OOTKTir. All AltOTMOCS LETTERS I M oemaxiD te the wast basset. I ill Litter t and TtUgramt te '& THB INTELLiaENOBn, laMHgencar Building, Lancaster, l'a. ! tip eiuastcc Intelligence t iAXCABTKK, NOVEMBER 11, 1VC ?( J2v Let There be Pence. j?We regret te see the spirit e crimination .i 1. .11 1.1-1. 1. ll.J- llnAlf u tpunst eacii etuer vvuruu cvuiuna iimtu iu -fcdlne Democratic actors in the late elec- If'tien contest, and which is exemplified in lv& Itta nnnrta nf interviews with Lieutenant ?,& Governer Black, as printed in the Ajt, of fStt.iV.u-lr nn,l tilDi nY-Senntnr"V.ilInre. as lie B' .,"" ,.. - --- - - fa M reported hy Geerge Alma Tewnsenu EJil'(Uie Cincinnati .Enquirer. We de Pnet believe that Mr. Wallace u cer- v f? 'unll- MivrlAf1 no It la ii At nt nil an &t?Kdiiiff te bU pnident habit that itlV .- -I 1J K.1 n 1.41. . t.A ,l IP, aa buuuiu iciv wj uiuru m ue - B Mid te have done, and neither the Enqutrtr S- mm fi rPrtwnceil ero Tint D.I nr Rntmi. flWI. JULIA. AUlTI.i7V.UV HlVUVVli WW 4" W" iWrleus accuracy of statement. Still there is i$" doubtless borne basis for the sentiments at- l Jtcflmted te Mr. Wallace. He Is made te Sv'V lU1' lUO UlLUiaiU HU3 UiiUiJ lUUUk UJ KStrMJE' 4Wik TVarrtit-ta ami nifl lifinrlinsnrvxl nttfi ! 4 Tl BV AV4AIW1UW) tuvt iiiwuuiiuivu'i.u " ; ; candidate who was incompetent fei Ikb l41i AanriMaAtf ItV lOfL" nF r.llltl.1 If Jl j UJV MU1UIUOI.J IJ ...wn Vfc 'VWV iOJj.WMaem bdu lerce , inu cuHiriuuu ei lue &J4JUt6 committee he thinks wa3 mere tih- 1 cient in talk than in work ; and that tiie Influence of the federal administration was Bidly and badly handled. The indictment. jftsJj. It 'will be seen, runs trern tue presiaent down, and it is tee bread and violent te be the production of Seuater 'Wallace, and &i BMbesafeiyueetQCdtohaetlieeJalentIon efMr. Tewnsendin its especial spiciness. Aiieuienani ue enier nuica comes unuer enr criticism because he attributes his de feat te the notion et the anti-administration Democrats in the state. There was no $J? mich cause for it. that we can discover. There nra no anti-administration Deme, mats in Pennsylvania. Senater Wallace would doubtless be named as one, if there are any, and his criticism of the president, ISy. as printed in the Cincinnati Enquirer, raav give greunu ier se classing nim . though if all who criticise the ad ministration are considered te be its fees, thpre would be a great host of them. "We have freely criticUeJ it our selves, and yet deem ourselves among its warmest friends and supporters. It is the function of friends te criticise , and there is the difference of black aud w hite betw een friendly nnl hostile criticism Senater "Wallace took no actlve part in the late canvass. lie was known te feel aggrieved at bis treatment by .Mr. Iiandall in the gubernatorial nominating convention, lie charges that Mr. Randall asked him te be candidate and then refused without reason te support him when he became a candi date. As te the truth of this we knowiiething If true, Mr. "Wallace has geed cause of complaint against Mr. Randall. But there Is no ev idence that ha iertnitted his griev ance te carry him lurtherthan te withheld his pergenal exertions fei the candidate -whom Mr. Randall finally favored. Tue &3 vote in Mr. "Wallace's count of Clearfield ts v ,,- h,-l -r ill..!, , n i, T Mjune vuab -ui. .main yuv uu 113 jvcuiu- " cratic votes. Cleveland's majority there was 60S; Black's was six hundred mere. Jt can hardly be uned that seuater Wal lace was without iutlucncu in Ins own county te take vete3 from HI i k if he had chosen te exert it. We de net believe that Mr lilatk did net have the Democratic support. There was no sign of disaffection te him among the people. He was considered te be a geed candidate, as he was, and he received ; the hearty support of his party. The isolated disgust of some Democrats with Randall ei Cleveland, or any one else, supposed te be near te the candidate, was impotent of important lnflu ence ever the result. Black was Uaten bj the full Republican vote and the merceiiar floating vote, drawn out against him by the "energy and unlimited cash against him In a canvass which also involved the elec tion of United stales seniter, for which place there were divers Republican candi dates, labermg zealeuslj fei the pxrty and themstlves, alongside the bi ineukej, Quay, for whom they were eanustlj draw ing tue chestnuts fiem the flie "We waut te say with emphasis aud de cision te nil w he deem themselves leaders of the Pennsjlv.inla Democracy that the party is generally haiiuonieus, and that it is wholly unwilling te see any exhibition et lack of harmony among these aspiring te lead it. They must control themselves te amiability if they expect te obtain its smiles. And the v i-e w ill de se. Mill Bute a .Stormy Time. If the relationship of sovereigns n-.illv 0 had much Inlluence en Luiwean nelitlcs. By, the election et Prince Waldemar of Den B mark te the throne et Bulgaria might be ta, iuue luiv.inia me preservation jK"Jjf peace.fer one of his sisters is the empress .,4k uussia anu another Princess of Wales. uu brother, the King of Gteece, lias t &VO fmtntl nut !. i ii....... ti.i t i, " """ '""' '"0" tilings IIlAKe ;iioaUterenceindinlem.vnv. nn.i n.i, . ?? J"1 " lU.it he censldHied - H cua .j n u.rBai oeay, tUcie Is little Biuuuu iui iiuiw mat anjimng tliey mtv de .wlll meet with hi3 apprei al. i.'0 doubt It vv.13 necessary te elect sam.. ,'ltine te rule Bulgaria, for itsgevernrntnt by the minister! ami deputies U tee ne,ir "t approach te republicanism te please the monarchical governments en which Bui- fftrfa relies for supiwrt. Royalists have 'ltfe,ed with (utisfdct e i upon the dt.vtt.eu m&pffttr"?.f..-r,. efjBu1gatians te thctrjirinca andgjuve spoken of the country as being in a sUvte of anarchy since he left it. They will be sure te hail the crowning of Waldcmar as a sign of the restoration of order, but the people themselves, who have only observed anarchy in the neighborhood of General Kaulbars, will net be likely topievo as loyal te the nevy ruler. The joungDaneluis scen stormy times of latent the court et his fathei, where everything it ripe for revolution and the Parliament and prime minister nt swords' points all the time , se that he should be well fitted for the turbulent telgii he Is bound te have if he should really become Prince of Bulgaria. An I'lillplited Maine. The ludicrous situation is presented in New Yerk of a splendid statue of Libert) Enlightening the World with no money te carry en the enlightenment. Ne arrange ments were made te provide a fuud for keeping Libert 's torch lighted, and In consequence a collection has te be taken up dally among the down-town merchants te defray the expenses of $12 per day te keep the virgin's lamp burning. This em barrassing process of collection will have te be kept up until the meeting of I di gress, aud if it fails the jeung woman en the pedestal is bound te be wrapped in I unmerian darkness. New Yerk is fend of boasting of its big ness and its enterprise but in the whole Bartholdi statue business, it has shown a public spirit that would net be quoted at par in I'aegleysv ille. Tnr Prison Cengres iu AtlauU-v, Oa , have reported lu laver of a federal prlwu for vio vie vio laleri of Inderal statute. It seeius cheaper anit bettuMe pay state for their safe keep ing. fceML one who has net the fear of the fair ex before his eyet lu writing et the curloeity et ducks says the proportionate amount poa pea Besaed by the leuiale ever the male U as usual with the box generally. Out et a tell made en the Gunpowder river lat easeu -7 percenL of the killed ilucks were fomaled. Kv cm one is new talfcleg of the evolution of the chrysanthemum, ruauy florists being able te recall hew a little mere than twenty twenty flve ye n age the se called J upancse varieties were first imported aud at flrst were ridi culed for their laek of symmetry and wildly disheveled leek. Hut they brought new tints, and wheu crosed with the mere for mal C hint e species the uetdllngs displayed a certain untamed naturalness which brought them mero nearly in harmony with modern ideas et beauty. Tut aj,ent of the Pennsylvania secietj for the prevention el cruelty te animals has just made a lengthy auuual report full of statl tics of the BUbJecU With regard te the trans portation of live stei.k the report says the agents have inspected at the various drove yards the arrival of 12.SJ5 car leads of live hicK k the nuuilier of animals killed in trans portation was VJ6, and disabled, "ZO, smaller than during the previous year. The work has nearly doubled as compared with last year, and the largest In the history el the society Tic l pastoral letter issued by the Protest ant Episcopal church at the close of the gen eral convention in Chicago, contains much that should be taken te heart by all classes of Christians. The bishops think that the fam ily bus been tee loesolyguarded, and house hold religion and morality have changed, One cause of this is the disparagement of the Christian idea of marrlage by the spread et the two theories one declaring that the indi vidual Is the supreme unit of society, that every individual of eltiier sex should have complete aud equal freedom, and that the "only ground of marriage is the consent of the contracting parties," the ether, equivalent te the lagan doctrine of Plate places marriage absolutely under the sanc tion and supervision et the state. On this point the bishops speak at length. They siy " Ileth theories entourage an un limited facility el divorce. Beth theories loosen the ligaments and eerrupt the Inmost flters of home life by rebblug it of its re ligious sanction. After iiartles haTe been lawfully Joined together, according te the will el Ged, divorce, with permission te marry again, is net conceded by the church, unless the ground of divorce be adultery, and In that case the guilty party Is absolute ly excluded from marrying again during the llfetiine of the ether, and te the Innocent party only Is iermlssien conceded te con tract another marriage." A meltenvnt el militU in Chicago ordered bis men te lead with ball cartridges when the little squad of twelve were being pushed from their station by a crowd of five hundred strikers. This was an Instance el the right man in the right place, and there can be no doubt that this order, given in a loud, ilrm voice, was the only thing that pre vented a recurrenceef the scenes of bloodshed that have se etten accompanied great strikes. The soldiers found themselves unreunded by fees who nurgined that they were afraid te use the weapons that tbey held, and no doubt this wai the case. The eitlzen neldiers knew that no matter what the provocation tnlB'htbetbH first firing en the mob would be the signal for an outbreak el popular wrath against them, and that the crowd was no doubt well armed with revolvers. The order was a sharp reminder te the mob that thej were playing a dangerous game with a mau who knew his duty and would de it regardless el ceutequenrca. If we had home means of selecting tnen of this kind fur iln.ers there would be no trouble or danger In the use of mlluu te iire iire serveerder, ler in that service nearly ever thing depeudt, upuu the skill and judgment of the eUuers. PERSONAL lUin.KTvs campaign for Lencttes is sid te have test hliuf 11,000. Si t nil n OniAitii's nephew has luen n ported In very reduced circumstauce, le Urn Philadelphia beard of city trusts. Mils Laneiiiv, plaiiiK In ln,t ,U hs beu urderral by Uti physicians net te aut ler sev eral da s en account of a sev ere cold. n,l8nA' ''.',B "S l''au''rg, has been for the third time elatwi j.resiilent ,f Ul0 tlen Ul"au"rOIal'' Workers' HsifKia- iiAlini, in SoirnayearaKein New yerk lfl'r.r,m1 CVr Site" "kt H j ears. He died Tuesday in the village of Hhrub Oak. The widow, who still w tars short clothes, has a J months old baby, Pulsidlm (,vui.Aii)ti, of the National College ler the Dtnt and Dumb at WashlnK WashlnK teu, apptared en Tuesday before the royal commission in Londen, te ixglu nis testl testl meny regarding the advantages of the Amer ican kstem traiulng ler deal mutes. CoM3Ussfe.Mi,K Omni.r, of the civil ser-vli-e eeiiiinfsslnii, who has re id the charges made by the Civil Service Ileferm association of Philadelphia, against Pestmas'er Harrity, add that it was likely that one or all or the coiiimniieners would go te 1'hlladeliibla te exainlue lute the cae. J vMjsTltOMT, a fashionable eung man pf Hiundale, (Ja, was In daURer or liavimr hs beauty disfigured by the less et one of his front tecth. Ju the dilemma he paid a friend cl5 ler a Round teeth. The two then went te a dentist, who extracted the friend's tieth and inserted It In the mouth of Truett. The operation wap successiul. Pui.vfEWvr.bi mau, vvhosuewdste the i King Christian's veuimest son known in Denmark as the ''Sailor Prince," and held" hm'hu "rBt lluutuua' ' "'a Ian ish the worm tim100"'"0 Premlnenily bolore Lutheran and the bride a Cn olfceTuni? jiensatlen was necessary, rpsUU''' Jens BnAvn, a member of the Kenslng. ziiimzmiM&mBir-JL, ten (Londen) vestry, says that scavengerlng It the healthiest of all the occupations of the people; and he adds: "As te the iHhl uess or the calling 1 have the authority or a gentleman descended from a tenis line of dust contractors, ami a near rotation te Mr Ileum, Immortalize! b I'inkpii in 'Our Mutual I'rleml ' as the 'Uolilen Ihlstmau lie attributes It te some piopertles thrown ett by the burnt coal, and thinks that thy dCKters who prworlbe chareewl bavii eutv stumbled en a small tuition or what it Is tajMbleet doing." jt.itti ci UMiitute r. iLAJir.ss lltt Uuena W the Lttrratj VVuild I uilr tli llll MrK Titilli Mr. SAmuel Lsncherne t le liens, wl v tit read before the Military service mmtu nn el the t ulted btates, at Cevernnr's Island, te-day, a piper entitled ' " iut ar Experience or a lutinet.tli.ut Yankee at King Arthur's Court," is btter known te the world at large by his nnn deguerre el " Mark Twain." He was beru at 1 lertda, Me., evember 30, 15.1 At the a?e et thir teen he was apprenticed te n ri'iter, aud worked at the trade in u loins, lim.ln natl, Philadelphit and New Vrk. lu 1n5 he beo-une, for a short tune, pilot en the Mississippi river, 'jnd in lvil vent te Nevada as private ecrefcir t. nis brother wne vasscereiar ei tue lerriii rv tie men went te the mines aud for "everal months acted as rejwrter ler the I altferi U ui'W paperx. He srentsK ineutbs in the Hawaimn islands lu W I and alter d el iverlnirhuuioreu'. lectures In I atllernla and Nevada returned tetheEvtiu Is" T where he puelished tLe "Jumping 1 rej;, ' a humorous sketih. In this year be emearkeil w ith a lnre number el ether passengers en a i .easure excursion up the Mediterranean te ivpt aud the Ilely Lmds whUb he do.-iribes in the "inneeents Abroad' (ls.y ter a time he was editor of a daily newspaper, pub lished lu lSutlale, N "l , where he mairil a lady possessed eta Iiuke fortune. In K2 he visited England, ctvtug several humorous lectures, and a Londen i ub isher made a coUev-tieu, In four volume, et his humorous papens adding however, many which the author asserts v ere never written by blm In Wl, he produced tn New ierk aceme.lv "Tbeuuilded ge," ubkii hidareiuarkab 8 success, owing mainly te the personatien, tn Mr. Raymond, or the lea ting Lhjraiter 'til. Mulberry s,Wier ' MarK laiu is a Ire quent contributor te the magazines aud in addition te the be iks mentioned above, has published, "Roughing It in WJ, " vdveu vdveu vdveu tureaorTem Sawyer l"n, Pun h Brether, Punch" Kv "A Tramp Vt-nwd 1-sO, "The Prince and the Pauper' in ls., '! u Ste en White Elephants and Other lale-. lvj, and "Life en tne Mississippi ' In ls-s... He his been a retident of numerous t is of the United Slate, but new resides at llirtferd, Connecticut Wlilucteu a Ileadquartprs I ree uf IJabt. Washington's headquarter at alley 1-erge is new the prejitrt or the Patriotic Order of Sens of America. The mortgage was satisfied of record in Norrinewn Wednesday morning, and a Jelut meitieg l the trustees of tne order and the (.euteunlsl Mtuierlal bsrecIj lien, of Norrlstewu, ratified the action of the two bodies. Prier te the meeting in Joint session the Valley I-erge Memerial Assecla tlen reorganized and elected the following etllcers Regent, Mrs. Anna Hels'eln, or Bridgeport vi s regents, Henry J Stager, or Philadelphia, mid Mrs II r Hueven, el Norristown secretary, t rank I Murphy, of Norrlstewn , trr.muer, t rant i. Hntsen, nf CellegevlUe. The headiiusrtHrs will be re paired aud beautified and ke,t as a ihev place. m:it en vLi.t.si.i The uiwden sat se atai uy m in Areuud her "lst I threw It Aud thu, net meaning any barm 1 kliaed her e'er she iinw it She threw an angry glanrft at me, lier face grew red. aud then She (rewncd and calif, ' 1 d like te ee V ou Juit trj that again " W hy certainly, stt rnalJ, 1 mid, 1 dld-ceuld I be blamed 1 hU time she uclj Liu, lied i d uid, " ou ought te be ashamed J-rem the nuU if) rir Bt J uebs Oil does net simply deaden puln but makes the lame w all. The Mayers Message, Mav we ti ianl,m-d for re'iuestlnglriit Mayer te Inueipurntn In bU next message the taet thai luiny el our most prominent eltUens hire been i urea et ibeuma ttsin, neumlgli ind k I ndrel tern plaints by al vatlen Oil, aud te recemminrt this valuable mtdlclne. It must b goe.1 loieterybed) n teiumniida it Ue nit m In Hull tCuuib iiiuii 1'ilte M cents HI'BVIA.1. XUTlVrf 11I.VI 11 VCht.SU COLUllCJln tu se quick y cured by bhlleh's Cuti. Wn guarantee U for sale by U. H. Cochran, Drugtat, .Ne Ij7 North Oueen street. AUh OV U IDE lui'.enitjlu by lu digestion Lensllnutlun, l)lz.lni., l.esj til ApiwiHe Vel nw akin r Shlleh's V luilizur Is n pe.ittvn cure rer sale by II II Cochran, lruggL.t, Ne is; North CJUMHii trvHi. "Jack shall pipe trid ill h ill d inn Juntas longeut in the eptn bdinasthe plmte l he tree born American Ult..-ii Ueu t tear iiuuralgta with balvalteu oil te the fient Prtte enl y a tents ' A Iteinarkauls Omul Man Is he who attends te ihti ceintnrt el bis lamlly and will net lathis little ones nuffer with aitti tlen of tb lhre.it and I ung, wbireliy tbilr lives uiav be endaiigeim, but wne heul.t at all times glve them that seveielgn reiu it, Keinn s llaUam 1'rlte t tents and (I 7Vuifuierrr erBttltibyll II Cechnui, driirijli, Ui N.,rUi yueunsliiet. ) lli Mystery xiliril It has always been understood Hut cousniup ceusniup tliinwiu Incurable, but It has ie.ntly been discovered that Kumps IWUnui ler the IbiiMt and Lungs Is giving rumeitllel thn any Known remedy It is fiuarantetd te relieve and cuie Asthma, llrenchltU and toughs Cull en II H. Cechian.drugKUt, Ne LI7 North CJueen stieei, and get a trlallotlle fne of ee-u Large size '(5 con id unci fl, i. iHKOe V' " " V.01' ' G te L twTnTllrerichltlB mmei utely relieved by Shlleh s Line r or sale sfrisit. CeUirul1' Urnlst, .Ne u-j N ixa tjueen ICenmta Ilrr V.iulli ?'r" l'fi'e',Chesleyll'eten.eu, ti ij lu.inwa, tells the lollewlng ruuarkable still, th truth et whlth is vouched ler by the itMdouUel ih L,VM,c.lftux7J "',r ell. have bten tumbled with kidney cemplatnt mid laiueness lur mnnv years: could net dress myself without helii ,.m,Ii!1!J".'J".e T,""1 a" nul" ttn'1 "eitnessund uuiablu te de all my own hou.ewerk I ewo my lhauks te hleetrle Hitter, ter having"?, lmwed my youth, and lemeved cemnlutily ill tllseuse and pain " lry a bottle only 8m , at Cethruri's Ilrug store, 137 and i North Oueen street. Lancasttr, I'a (4J VVII.L VOU SUrrKK with Iyh.psu and Liver Complaint T Shlleh's Vltallzer Isguaran' teed te cuit) y ou. rnr sale by II II. ( echrun. Druggist, We. 137 North cjuweii street. SIIIMM'S ViTAUZKIllswlial you needier C'oustlpatleu, Lojsef Appetite, Dlzzinetia, aud all symptoms of DyspepaU 1'ilee lu and 75 tents pur bettlu ter ilu by II 11, Cochran llruggist, Se. 1st North tfutmi rrtit AN UNHtinUSAlE PfcltO-S The most uurerttinatii person in the world Is tineamicttd with kick lieadaLhe, but they will be relieved at once by using l)r Leslie a (special J lescriptlen. fciu adetliaemeiit lu .another columns in h.iJ?,9.,JS,su ana Liver complaint, you n?v.u ? !rl,Vu"a V'ln,I,le en uvry bottle of 6hl. MW"?'' Hnevertalls te cure, ier silo street. Cecl,nlin' UruBKtt, .No.lS7Nerthtjucn mmutOAL, "iiiowvsiueN mrrr.Ks BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! WILL curtL UEADAUHE, IMHUKSTION, MILIOPSNESS, tnSPKPSl.V, M'UVOl'S PUOMUMION, M L.VHIA, I Illl.t-SAM) KKVI.Hs, TIUEDFEKLlNn. 44l.VKK.Vt. DEH11 in, P VINS tv thkIIACK A Si ULS IMPURE III.OO I), tONsTIPATlON, PEMALEINriRMlIU-N RHEUMATISM, NEUKALOIA, KIDNEY AM) Ll 1 It TROUBLES'. s-reu sale nr ALL oiaeuisis the. Genuine has ttade Mark snd ctescd lied Lines en wrapper TAKE NO OTUEIt (J-mi: lvdtw A KU'S SARSAPARll t. V A CREAKING HINGE Is dry and turns hard, null "U l applied, alter which 11 moves east t Wheu the Joints, or hinges, of the body are stiaened and InOsmed b ltr umatlsm, they cannot e met ed without causing the met eicruclitine pains Ayefs ssrsapartlla, by Its action en the wl, rellet es thtse mdltlen, and niitOie- the Jetnts te goeil wnrklugerdsr. Ayer s sarsaparlllt has effe. ed In our cltv, many most remarkable tures a number 01 whllhtUtd theetTortsetthe mesteiperlenced physlctan. VV ere It necessary I could give the nanusef mvny Individuals wbehaiebeen cured t v tnktng this medicine In my own cse It has certainly worked wonders, lellevinj meet RHEUMATISM, Afiei being troubled with It ler vetis In this, and all ether diseases arising (tern Impure Meed, there ts no remedy with which Ism sc qiiatnt.!, that affords suih re lei as Ayet ar -pinua.-li 1L. Lawrence, M 1 MJtlmeie, Mil. Aycrs Rinapartlla curel me or i.eut and Kheumattsm, when nothing el e would It has eradicated every trace of dtsetse trem my sv tern K 11 abort, Manassr Hetel Uelment, leiTtli Mass I was, during many nmn'tis a surerer from Chronic Uheumatl-m lhi diwase afflicted me grlHeusly, tn spite of all the remedies l could And until I commenced using Vyer s arssiia partll. 1 took feveral belt e of tht prepara tlen and wss sneedlly restored ti health J t iMm, lndependence.Va. Ayervs Sarsaparilla. rieparwd by Ilr. J C. Aier A C 1 . Ixiwell, Mass sold by aU Druggists I'Uci II sti bot tles, f5 net V ll e URE UUAJIANTEED. RUPTURE. Care guaranteed by DK J B MA1EB. Ease at eucei no oiwratleu or delay trem busi ness ; tested by hundredset cures Main office, KI AUCU ST, l'UILA. Send ler Circular RO-lVdAw rOKN REMOVEB. YILTOIUA CORN HEAOVEU. Warruitcd te eradicate complstely and tn a short time, the most obdurate corns, hard or tort, without pain. Sold by uee vv Hull, Chas. A- I.ecbt r, Jehn U. Kaurlman, l)r W in. W one ley, And. G. yrev, Chas. J. Stulmyer, and at UCCUTOLD'S DKUO STOUK. declS-lyd Ne Jl West Orange St, mtiiKKrvusiBuiya uuuin. e ALL AND SEL THE- ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Candle Light Ileal, them all Anether Let of CHKAl CLuiJES ferGss snd oil stoves THB "PERFECTION MET VLMOULDI.NO AD HL BllER CI sIHON WEATHER STRIP BeatsthemaU. This "trip atwears alletbers. Keeps out the cold Step rattling et windows. Kxclude the dust. Keep out miw andrdn Any one can apply It no waste or dirt made In ap- E lying it- eanbe flttea anywhere -no holes te eie, leiv'y for use. It win net split, warp or hrlnk ft cushion strip Is the most perfect At the Ktcve, Heater aud l'.ange Stere OF- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER I'A. ATTM. A. KlEPrKR. ALDUS V. UERR KIEFFER 81 HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, lOppeslle Coutt Hoase), Invite all Housekeepers te tall aud Inspect their Stuca et Heiisei'LLTiiisliiiig Groeds. A Complete Line constantly en Iiand. COOK BTOVtland ItA.NOKS, PVHI.OK SIOV KS. IIKAThltSand rbUNACKS SUMMER COOK STOVES. Alter carefully examining the mmtu et all offered te the trade, we have teleclt d THE "ARGANLV rer UASOLI.NK, and THE lf DANGLER," rer COAL OIL, As the Hest, when all petnia ate considered, te otter te our patrons. Cttll and e us. We love le show our goods, and are net offended If you de net purchase. Lemeuiber, we are agents for The " Splendid " Heater. Manulactiiitsl by fuller A Warren Company, Trey, N. V, which has no rival In durability, ncouemy of! ued and control of gas New is the time te examine aud become posted for Autumn purchases. KBMKUHKlt TUB PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (ot'i'esite ceuur house ifATcnrn --ir"ATcni:s. Watches, Clocks Chains and Jevelry at less than auction prices until Jauu&i y 1, lf87. riae let of (tings. Ac. Alse, Klgln, Waltham (Aurera for which I am Sele Agent), and etner rlrsuclass Watches. Uest Watch and Jewelry and Jewelry ue pairing -(kirrct time place in city. by Telegraph Dally, only L. WEBER, kh CJueeu 8L, Weai 1'enn'a. B. 1WXN It. Depot, Spectacles, Kiglju..w nndOptlcsilUoeO. kinds or .low Jr All TOTi; IS MAKINtJ OADINCT PnOTOORAPrirJ AT M3J00 A POlIlf. AT NO. 108 WOUTU QUEEN BTUEET. lnl-ua Lancaster, 'a ?Sfe- - i-fteasfet: SZJZ23&2i&Ai2&JiXi' MMBtOAU T UK HWIIT HPKOiriO COMPANY. 1836. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC. 1886. s s s A REMEDY NOT FOR A DAY, BDT FOR HALF A CENTURY. s s s RELIEVING SUFFERING HUMANITY s s s s s s AN INTLRESTINC. TRLATISL ON ULOOD APPLICANTS. IT SHOULD BE s s THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. nr e oet. p you w.vvnx) m y tup inr Black Cashmeres! J et the least tnuner go te the North End Dry Goods Stere. J W llVltNK, .VO.M North Queen ttieet. nevVlyd J. S.OIVLERA CO. LADIES, OEN1LEMEN CHILDREN S MERINO UNDERWEAR, I.N r AM 8 FINE Cashmere Underwear AT VEK LOWEST C VSH I'KICES JolmS.Givler&Ge., Ne. as Htat Kiu Streot, UiscAsrsi, I'A c LOAKS. GHAND DISI'LAI Of Jackets, Newmarkets, AN D- SEAL PLUSH SAOQUES -AT THE- HEW YORK STORE. I atest Styles received everyday Upwards el thirty new and deslrable sty fes In CHILDREN'S COATS In a great variety et shapes and trimmings, from 1 te 14 years at very low prices MlSSLS'COATS AND NEW MARKETS. An Immense stock of ALL-WOOL JERSEY JACKETS, Made te our special order during the summer and new selling at less than the present cost el materials LADIES' HOLCLK JACKETS. LADIES ASTKACIIAN JACKETS, LADIES ylUs.EE JACKETS cot cle wuvrs, ASTKACIIAN WRATS, FKISSE WRAPS LADIES' NEWMARKETS 1 heae goods have all been lwiught for cash from the best manufacturers and ire being sold at our well known popular prices ELKO ANT SEAL l'LUSH W ltAl'8 and SEA L I'LL SHBACQUES at astonishingly low prices. WATT &SH AND, 0, 8 and 10 East king .Street. "tOMPARE PRICES. Stamm Bres. & Ce., ea. '.Mi anil 'J 8 Aerth (jiieen St. We Invite companion and any between our prices Extraordinary Bargains New Lelng OfTeied In the City. HOULSrU.V BlUTiM.8, 43 Inches W ide.IO. a Yard HILKBTIUI'KD AltMURES, 3C luches Wide, 37XC. a 1 ard ALL.WOOL HEATHEIl 8UITINO, ti Inches Wlije, tic. a Vaid UAli; LINE SUITINGS, 41 Inches Wide, SOc a v. ard, ALL WOOL CL01II SUniNOb, II Inches WldH V)C H tLItl alL-woel camels hair suitings, si Inches Wide, Wc a 1 aid. These goods are most deslrable DressStutTsen the marked l'latnetln Combination, andean be had only at the BOSTON STORE. I'lVI'OINTCI.erilS.J-ilnches Wlde. iyc.a yaidi Werth Sc ayard, tweshades Gray, our TRICOTS were contracted for after the rush of early spring, and are as One and cheaper than any offered In this city. NOTE THESE l'KICKS-M Inch All Weel Tricots, 00. a yard . 61 Inch All Weel Tilcet. "Scayard, none better at ll.cu a yard. COATS, COATS. Ladle', .Misses' ami Children's Jackets and Wraps. l'LUSH COATS al Special Lew Prices UNDERWEAU-Large Assortment. Prices Lew. HOSIERY AND GLOVKS-Ladles', Misses' and Children's Woolen Hoslery and Uleves. An lmmeute asseitment at out popular prices, -A r TIIE- BOSTON STORE, WFormerly at the New Yerk Hteru. Stere open every evunlng next week. TO-OTiijK ae THESPAbSKRH ANIJ O-l GUNNERS.- aii persons are heicby for bidden te tresDass en anv of lhn lnmia ni hm Cornwall or Speedwell estates, In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whethtir 1nrirMiui nr,.ni. closed, either for the purpose of sheeting or rish. ing. as tnu law win ue rigidly unforced against m HniwwiuK uuBiuuuus ei tne unaersliruea alter this notice. sll WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN. It I'll (HIV I ,,L "-", EDWARD U. FREEMAN, ttnrney for U, w. Celeman's heir. A erttl-tW s s s s s s s s s s s s AND SKIN DISEASbS SENT FflEL TO READ BY LVERYBODY ADDRESS ALL HlydAw rUMMTVHB. r C HA Pi'. U R. ROT K. IT FURNITURE ret the Itlf.1 HVHliAlNS In MJKMtlHP. of AL1 KINDS, go te the NEW FURNITURE STORE, Cor. Seuth Queen nnil Vine Bis. We am selling for a short time, at ASTONISH ISO LOW rnit rs, Elegant Walnut rted Keinn Suites, Marble rup,.utv. rine Haircloth Tar ler Suite, aa) Elegant lxmngn, 17 1, and ether ftoeds at the same Lew Pi Ices n'J lmd E URNITURE WAREHOOMS. UUY 0UKSKLr A PAIR Of THOSE Eelding Dress Pillows. CALL KAKLi AT Hoffmeier's Ferniture Warerooms. They are the nicest thing out and we have Just received another let el them.. Me EAST KUNQ BTnHtTT. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, ,J7A.29eutblueeiiSt LANCASTER, I'A. Al EST DESIGNS AND FINIBU. AT- WIDMYER'S 10U WILL riND A Large and Well Selected Stock OF- FURNITURE, IH ALL THE latest Styles and Finish. AWCALL ANU EXAMINE.-? WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Cerner Bast King and Duke 8ta LANCA8TER, PA. seplS-lyd XUVMK8, Ct. jritKCKEL'a. BUFTALO, WOLF, JAPAN GOAT. Alse the Celebrated OVER, TAYLOR, A CO 'S EASTERN ROUES. Guaranteed net te lese their hair, from .10 te ti A Fine Assortment of Flush Lap Robes, from .2 up te 118. The Best Hellar Herse blanket in the city, KRECKEL'S, NO. 5 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. I'A. ang-u-smd M18CBLLAHKUV8. rWRN MEAL. Ask your Grocer for LEVAN'S KILN-DRIED CORN MEAL. A f lltSr CLASS ARTICLE. M,Th48 "TVON'TBUKPER ANY LONUER Frem Your Disordered Kidneys, lilack Barren Mineral Spring Water Is a l'rempt, Efflclent and Cheap Remedy, Its Tonic and Invlgnmnt Powers make It an excellent Dyspepsia Remedy. Dr. Regnault,e! France, writing te Gen. Ren, ef the U. e. Army, says : "Yeu need net come te Europe for Wateis le Cure Dyspepsia ; we have none better than HI.ACK liAllRKN SPRING WATER." I'ersens supplied and vessels rurnlshee. r.B.GOODslAN, Manager, Ne. tl East GrantTitreet, Fer sale by JNO. K,KAUFrMAM,UrugKlst, North Oueen Street, Lancaster. I'a. liLAUK JIAUREKSI'sllNU UO0B new open Apply te MIB80UJtMTtK BOMBBBQB, Pleasant Greve, Lncaster County, ra. nnelMma s tiLortfuve. jCTiiisu ,t imurup.it. OVERCOATS T1IK ntllKS DOWN, The Quality and Style Up. Out sty In t su atwavs be depended upon !. tug first and loirmesi At this time em sleck Is eemplelt Our Prices ale the Lewest Overceats Made te Order AT THE SHORTEST rOSMBLE NOTICE. mux ins llncst Melten, kcrser, llliic nmt Itlnrk. lltnvri, lile)Hli' IHnKeual ami (lilnttillla. Our lilmmlng and eirellid Weikmamhip cannot be Men s Ready Vlade Melten Oveireats at. I Men Ittady Made llnaver Oterceals at ta. Men's Ready SI ado Reversible Overcoats at II.'. Men s Ready Made tdo-Wale Diagonal Over coats atli: Meri Heady Made Skeleton Overcoats at is Men s Head) Vlade lluslnesi Overcoats at l VI. toys Ready Made Melten Otererau al.ltl, Heys Iteudy-Made Heaver OTereeats at 14. Heys Heady-Made Iteverslble Ovetceals at t lkys l.cady-Made W Ide Wale Diagonal Over coats at tn. Heys Heady Made Skeleton Ovetrentaal M lleys Ready Made KveiydayOverctsvUat .1 MC t. hi Id i en Overcistts at all prices aud In all styles and luallttts E1RSII k BROTHER, ONE-PR10E Clothiers and Furnisbers, COR. .NOR 111 C1UEF.N hi AND CENTRE SClUAItr., LANI.AS1 F.R, 1' V w 1LI IA.MSON A K)SIKR. TELKl'lIONE CONNECTION. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. A Coel, Crisp November. OVERGOAT COMFORT CHILDRFN S OVERCOAIS - Hemespuns, Dean Casslmere, Tancv Cbsvlet and rlatn Twills, 3M, II 50, 3ii, M te BOYS' OV EHCOATS Taney Weisted, Cerk. screws, Mlxtd CasMmcret and I lain lltewn Twills !J', )X.(tibsn,PJ GENT SOV EKCOATS ilrewn. Gray and Fit ver Grav herseys, Klys'an llesvers and Storm Frleie, 14, lis, l,l. Furs, Furs, Furs. GENl - rbR COLLARS AND GLOVES, I ADIFS COI.LVRErrES ANDMUrrs, 1 1 I: CAI'F.S AND IIO.V-, ( UR A.ND FEAIHER IR1MMINO, SEAL 5K1N CAT AND I'OLOS GENTS DRESS DERBY HATS. liiinliipN 1'lne Silk HiiIk. MEN'S AND 1101 e' FANCV CLOTH CAPS CARHIAGK iitaii ttiirr..t, HIAGK ROUES Stiver Gray and black Hurrale. lei and Deuble Plush, Herse Ulankets and Whip WINTER U.NDF.RW EAR-Mwllcated Setllel Flannel, Flne Camt I s Hair, AllVVtxil t-iay Mixed and W hlle Merine Gent a Weel Hese In l'laln and ( ancy Celuis SILK NKCKWEAR-I'rliicn letks. the I'utl Scail, the lour 111 Hand and tlalSentl New HI) Ics Cellars and ChIFh. SILK AND COTTON SUSPENDERS. The Largest Assortment ul Ladies' & Gent's Beets and Shoes. Something espci lally goe.1 lei Ladles Weai. the 1'hlladelphla loe and elhel popular style). All sues, nice, jw GENTS' DRKHS 8IIOFR 111 Ijiie Hals and nuttens. hole Heveled Kdge Vciy neat and dressy In appeatante. I'llce, MW. WILLIAMSONS FOSTER. a'.', 31, t)G ami U East King St., LANCASTER. I1. W1NKH AND LlUVUftB, 2lJ -CO TO- aWS-F Reigart's Old Wine Stere Fer l'etumeiy Sec. Douche Sec, lh'ei lleldsleck. O. II. Mumm A Ce . and all ether lead In "J Sher or imported ctiampagnes. ". "-, ""ri, and Pert Wines, Clarets, bauttirnes. AH es and Hele Agent for Special "W..!;rn Cham, nnene nreduced by tbe fleasanl vauey nine Ti. thePnnes" American Champagne In the Ur in'rtA1 tifange Wine. the rtnest in the mai ket. AUllllie0e7lTndV.VVhlskv- California Claret and Whits Wine, el .Napa Val ley, California. H. E. Slaymaker,aer, Ne. EAST KING ST., L ANO 8T ER, PA HUH PAPER 18 PRINTED WITH INK Manufactured by J. K. WRIGHT & CO., marW-lyd JethnQ Hare SU l'biladelphla, l iAfc"iut , nyi.iii.T'.,j, iSTBi iSKliiiiiiyiiit.jiiffMWsiM V m nnVK -i ..i.i,.-.. ... -- wfcifcH