'JC-,1 ,VB, i.L.M,"l " - "-.- '-Tr : s- TT7AVI -&.--. v v r-v.tj N't &- " MJJ rJ . ,'CW '' .' U V. ' f. A & THE IiANOABTEtt DAILY mTELLTaENOEB, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1886. iV - tn, "W-JWEat fc?l 'ni. T. TT T WfliLLIGENCER DAT IH TOE YEAR ituntmy Mutpitd.) ' A mtm, rtra'neLLiiw 4 mi, tirrr DBLITCIUoareAKIIIEM IK LAU- iu arueisisa rLAciu. smru Utnu (xmmssieM ailewsd te TLireK cokksctie. . v f V PVmBPIO uateh:; jS.f. Hln, Un, ain. alu ln.Mp. HL.:..... 1 40 7s iTr. i2 isen'isn ...... n 1 1A JU Itt i 5M IMn.... 8U ISO J DO IM 6 0 7 50 m&..... le in xne ir eee s R,,.,,, 110 IB) 400 580 7 HO 9 40 Jpb...... 1 21X1 480 eftO 890 10 se LmpM.... (M 7 BO 10 60 13SO 19 SO IfWMta.. sne em 10 00 1350 1700 wsn Mfe;.;. ISO 700 lJoe in ei' sea 74m HEmIM... 500 1000 17DU 2200 7tt tlUO HHbUm. 600 11 m 20(0 wen med saw 0Ms...,. BOO 1800 SM00 SB 00 44 00 5200 tnjt 1500 gOU 430" 5500) WOO t " J Weekly Intelligencer MNCD Eveey WEDNESDAY1 MeRNINO.. lYAfLCOrOBSrXMOJrTIUl. CLUBS Or T, LAioAeorrrRMTO nasess m n inaMUnne rne nrtT rARTerms Aits oetnrrT. all akokthecb Lnniv COniSHD TO TBI WA8TK BABKKT. Lttltrt and TYlr prami (e THH INTBLIilQENOBR, incer BaUdlng, Lancaster, l'a. 4ije (incestci:3ntlligcncw ( UUIG-9TKK, KOVKMREU 10, UvS, -tT .. i Te an OW Soldier. i2J a print elsewhere n communication 'nam kn anonymous person, who says that JH te a Democrat and was a soldier In the lH war. lie is in favor of tue Rr.intinc ' tM- pension te every soldier, and wants the 'Democratic party te advocate this policy. ".He ays that it was beaten in the lastelec- '. Wen because it has net done se, and that ' knows of several Democratic cx-seldiers A-be wema net voie uecauseet tneir uis- ' '; nnetftnt with tlin nn!Umi of lhr mrlv nn r "vr. :: : ' v jjee question ei voting every man a pension , K"Aimd he knows of ether Democratic ex-sol- aters who voted for Heaver from the same wwseef discontent. Our correspondent ftdvises the party te come promptly te the Midlers of the civil war w ith a premise of a ,,!? Mionieran. .W flrt Tlftf .Irt.ilit 41nt M.Aht - $P? " " "-"' '""" 'd ii" B-"' w;imiuiinuu nuuiu line 10 uave me fevernment support them. This weak- is testified te by the rabid hunt for And it has been abundantly shown f?Vl the grant by Congress of the back in. Mi akn te the Beldiers; which vas made bv fevibUi parties because neither had the juk earage te make itself unpopular with the BpJN soldier element. si. But it seems from what our correspond. Q-.mA say3 thatthe Republican party has the , ,raeait of a willingness te vote v pension te every soldier, and tliat h.tXl fffitfl thn vntflq ef llnMAAtu &&$"? r wv v cu--iiiii MWMldiers thereby, "We de net knew that ty;ni3isse. e Hardly think that the lie- ,IV,le 1. n ft&PuMican leaders would care te proclaim .xVA a r enenlv te the ennntrv tliat (f fh.n 1.0.1 V'fe ' .- J ui.,.. fcMVJ UWJ tepiraiueniauu me majority in Congress, K ieBir would liensinn nrerv .mi. iri,, 1,.1 keen a soldier. They would be likelv te h.: ... . " " snore citizen votes that thev would soldier votes. Xe doubt thev trv te Ptrete the impression among the soldier -creuicut um. iuey are ineir friends and Veuld de mere for them than the Deme- Stw, ,crats; ard they eetn te hae succeeded. s&sf O ill til nnssililv flu. rlnm u .,. n-. tsts-fi tnlnlr Ihnf tr. elintil.l n.l..tr. ..11 -., t. i..., pj .........,. . wum (tut raj mi itUlf-IKHlieU ggy -" .. ...... tauuu IU .UIO iUr llt- Jgif publican congressmen. They mayhaea caaiice ler 11 wm mat pari, thev have s? none at all with the Democratic iiaitv. 'Bi It is JQOt SOUnd DemeemtiR ilaclrnm (ln LV i "w " w -"." ... BHhe able-bodied citizen should be supported ey tue government. All the maimed and it infirm who are un.ihlp. tn n.imfnr ihem. i selves are thn nrnrwr nnranr tii.r.m.a.n St mCTlt. All ROhllVrS trim tram Crt !.,r,l fef1? disabled, are justly entitled te ask for ,a pension according te their disability. Te Wfe all such itsheuld be given.but te no ethers. fc aneaoie-ueuieu ex-selditr who demands a 4A pension from the cevernment Is nnt .1 T)(..n. MP ecrat, whatever lie may call himself. lie KVunv )ta a Ttiniililli.in lt' .1 ... ., , , ,,-j -.. .,uu,lumi iiuuuu". luint;. -therefore, that our ffirrp;tinnlunt la .,.f IflP.Jj. ' .-1'WHUWU.WmilH.k gHdnJsaylng that Black lest u number of Oteiiiecratic votes that Heaver get because hm democratic unwillingness te pen pen "iBien every soldier. Thern wmn nn kpi. Democratic vets for iiineV t i.w. v. ;j would net be happy te think that the party KSf?,uitruereaanysucn mercenaries. A man ri?ffii. .. . ... .,i..u nans u tieusien ns me price of JiU vote : i a citizen of tlin s.imrt hmjIik. -w i, i. Lals his ballet at the neils for mmwv. Ssreely the one is u liiht-r.i ip.i nm,,.., Iff 'jthan the ether. We suggest te our cerres- gpendent that tliis is net geed company te w liA in ntil f liif It ifnuM iv. .. r.n . , . . . XjWOrfVlnQlrldr lil nnlltnn e.wl . t.f. -.t. ... w.tiuuuuu Hi Jt-peui uim- mi 01 ins Bin. ,ve assure him that se l&Jeeg a he feels that he eucht te h.ivn n. npanslen for vetiug vhe Democratic ticket, jusi be long is no luc-iigiijie te membership 'in iue jjemecranc party. .- . et the liest Sert. Tbe account given of the execution of WjjAi General Delgade and three cemm.if. i p, Honduras is ery soul-moving, if true. Lue govern- bis life if i m-jlriA tin .effort te overturn it ; which certainly was C ," .cuuimuie iC4Utl, UUU 0110 WOUIU ;wink Delgade, as a practical man, would VMre accepted hislifeen the couditleu.wlth KaJacrJty: for certainly he could net de iaach towards overturning the Honduras ' 10VO1UU0UI313. 'J ,viBent offered te Delgade te spare Prfce would premise in fiiturn tr Mfeverameut after he was Bhet. And there was his wife by Ids side, nleadinir with jfclm te accept his life. JJuthe would net. vHe would see the Honduras government in .ahAAl hAfrtra lia ,imiil.l lfi.n n.. ..!. IjATIib four men steed nip beside their ww. v.v.v .u .wuu ji, u uu duvii iciiua. .foams te tie shot, and as Delgade gave the taertetiretuey fell. (0lTliat was courage no doubt; but cour ceur ;,M Of a kind we fail te appreciate. It hardly necessary that a man should be rjfflly and hard-hearted te be brave. Yet it common obsenuttentbat tim niit.i. f brave are apt te be se. Such was the km who shot the sun ejer of the pert rYerH the ether dav. uini -nri.... ! herein limi-nrv innu, 1 .... Wyef Colonel Bak;VBairsBl . "" Jff Dtl8f,0 8htUa'e Per Per tltte4temake Jiis election te di i L 4an te live in peace with his i?nil.m,n. KsWlUwut criticism eflds taste, but for n. iWx heart tiiat suffered in that peer wife. tHwasabriilal thing te die with such iuen ;e,wJieu dying might honerabl I been avoided ; and General Delgade's very, rjetwithttandlng iU dnimatic was net of (lie noblest kind : as '5 fcS' his soul wm BOt of the noblest sort nor his head of the wisest. (ioeil In a Calm. The decision of the attorney general of the United States, that the national banks can not retain the called three per cent, bends as a basis of their circulation will result In the withdrawal of the 11.1tien.tl bank cur rency and the substitution for it of the sil ver certificates of the government. The tiauks were willing te keep thegeternuient bends without Interest for the prlilege of keeping their circulation. Wherein their profitweiildh.no been is net cry clear, but they seem te have found It. The result of substituting siher notes for bank notes will net be noticed in the country in the present condition of things, but mayhae iuiIertant consequences in the future. The slh emote is money as long as everyone takes it its such ; but it is net a legal tender for debts, and would be use less whenever geld or greenbacks should be demanded. That time is riulte sure te come. There is a periodicity in finan cial movements which teaches us always te have things ready in a calm for the day of storm. There will alw ays be a risk in tak ing something for a debt which your debtor ma) refuse te take. Meney is supposed te be something that every one will take and what ever one will net at all times take is net money. Sdcr certificates are net money, but the semblance of it that takes Its place when peeple are calm and amiable. m IU nn 111 for the flower that blooms In the fall the chrsanlhemum ! Tiie first annual report of the state beard of health tiliews that beards of health have rxen lerined where none exUted tfore and rule and regulations for sanitary work In small towns have been teat out, Numerous Inspection have been made and through the agency of the beard numerous outbreaks of coutsgleus diseases have been nipped in the bud. The state has been divided Inte in spection districts, and special inspectors have been appointed te preent transportation et lutected passengers and goods. m m Kern PennsyUaeIa railroad clerks at Pittsburg have been dlcbars;ed for selling their parses. Let state legislators take warn ing. It Is becoming the fatbleu new te have laces painted en costly window shades. Umikh Democratic administration, at the congressional elections en Tuesday last, se far at herd from, there was no complaint from any responsible quarter of force or fraud In any el the large cities faurli has net been the casj for twenty year In New Yerk, the largest city in the country, and where there were se many ceutlictlng'inter. ests involved In both the local and gensral elections, there has net been the slightest whisper of any impropriety. In Cincinnati, where two j ears age, the Kepubllcan United States marshal appointed a perfect army of ruffians nud put revolvers In their hands, with instructions te sheet, no complaint comes el any brew-bf-atins or ballet-box smiling. Coeriii's red head will go down under Quay's mailed hand. Feu a very geed reason the trustees of the Brooklyn bridge have concluded te make the bridge free for feet passenger?, as the revenue from that source at the present rate el tell is only tl8,777 per yeir, while the expense of telltaker, tickets, boxes, etc., is -16,791 per jeir. The wagon way and cars are a source of prod table revenue. Colem.l CnARLts Lo.ne, who has been lecturing In Philadelphia en Egypt and the East, says that he has geed reason for be lieving that General Gorden was net killed at the iall of Khartoum and is still living In Central Africa. He argues that it the here had been slaughtered the Mahdi would net have failed te give proof et tbe fact, which new reata en the uncorreljorated testimony of a few savages who cannot be proved te have known Gorden by sight, One -would expect the rerocleus Seudanese te send the head et se lauieus a leader into the enemy's camp, or te exhibit itin triumph w here their enemies might bear of IU Itefugees from Khartoum speak of heads en spears, but of no one trophy raided high above the rest in a public place, as Gorden's would have been. Net long age a German explorer who had been reported as killed in Central Alrlca six years before, turned up alive and is new reeling en his laurels. If such should be the strange for tune of General Gorden he may return te leek upon his own memorial In Westminister Abbey, the schools and hospitals that have been founded in his honor and te And what few geed men discover before they die, the value of their lives in the animation of thelr fellow men. Ir is amusing te read that Quay's candi dacy ler the I ulted States Senate is still in doubt, Tin. coal barons of Ohie waited patiently te see hew the proceedings of their 1'ennsylva nla brethren would be received by the people. Therosultel tbe elections showed thatthe impcbitien would be borne, that the masses were blind te the real Issues before them in a state election, and content te rest under the bondage el monopoly. Ne sooner was this result known than the barons of Ohie, in council assembled, formed a combination and raised the price or coal fifty cents a ten. 80 rapidly by toleration dots the evil spread that the future may see combinations or com. btnatlonHevor the whole country, and the nation taxed at the will, and ler the sole benellt of a small number of monopolists. The apparently unsuccessful edert of the Democratic party in this state te check the growth of monopoly will net dtweurage It, foritisse plainly lu the right that the eud for which it strives must eventually be reached, and that net iar iu the future. Gathering boldness lrem success, the barons will go en combining and raising prices until some great uprising of the people will astonish politicians and uiocejiollsis. fhs most daugoreus enemies of the government are net mere the Socialists and Anarchists than the monopolists, who by making the necessaries of Ue artificially dear have in creased the ceulrast between ihelr easily acquired wealth and the hard-tamed wages et the poorest laborers. Thai portion of the Presbyterian church which is opposed te the use of organs in church services Is new in tesslen in i'lttt burg. The deliberations premise te evolve some spirited music Tun presideut takes frequeut occasion te exprets disgust at the mede or con duct of many et our journals, and the tinlversal opinion of the community is that the censure is just tied. Hat the news. papers themselves de net think e,and berate tbe president ter his berating. At Harvard he denounced "the silly, mean aud cowardly lies that are every day found in the columns of certain newspapers which violate every instinct of American manliness and In ghoulish glee desecrate every sacred rela. lien of private lite. Which makes all the galled Jades wince tearfully. Hincb the statute or Liberty has been erected, It appears that there is net money euoughen baud te keep it lighted. J'.'!,0 i!,!?!?1 te .C0D"t Carlisle's seat The oenr ir - la",v" U1,u POrbups. wauisifcu rt-tlectlen te though itsheuld net be rtlewea 'tehw Z. Ilia u. .t . . ttlect, being se utterly baseless. ,ng rEHSONAL.. Ok.x. Conne" was Inaugurated governor of Georgia en Tuesday, with much military display. Tem Coernn savs he will net b a candi date for United States seuater It iuv is an avowed candidate, Pnep. Kestkii, a lluilii'Hteu, l.'wa, prophet, predict n severe ftterui pound I10111 December 1 te December IT. KnKn AliniKii, the dead I'-ngllsli .teikrv, leaves a fortune of A-:.VV,0ia lie killed I1I111 self whlle deranged from tjpheid lever. Mr.Jiliai Hum, well known n the author el the German turner sketilie In the New Yerk .Sum, is reputed te be the bet re potter in New Yerk. Suri.nlNTKNKUST Ulllv, rl the Indian schools, In his ripjri te the secretary of the Interior, expresses the belief thst the schools at Carlisle, Viv, and Hampton, V 1 , could be closed without detriment te the work. J H.ILDII K-s .11)1 11 r Mariili't llie liuernIU I'attj te lit.tl nut t'ennleu vler rrrrly. Kb lrKLHu.MEn. In reheuse te it qulrles what was the cause of the defeat of the Democratic nominee en the Jd lint, I am able te tell you the caue and ev ery body sees It plainly. 1 think it Is thl-, that the Democratic adinlulittratleuandala lis journals or papers discourage and tight sgauist giving the Union soldiers n penojeu, while en tbe ether hand all the Itepublicun t tlU-ers and all Republicans aud Keptiblk-.m Journal or papers advocate or are stl in ftver of giving every In Ien soldier a pension, whether di abled or net, or If they eulv did serve ttutty days aud havu an honorable discharge. Thee things Ihe Republicans encourage and are lu lav or of. Itut the Demi -rats begrudge it te the peer Union sildieu aud de all they can against the soldier , this 1 wbt kills the Democratic party. The Deuiiiiat.i ail mini-., tratleu des it themselve-, and are alone te blame. They w ant te five tbe money aud let the peer, half-s.arveJ soldier leek out ler blmselt and appronr'ste the money te New Yerk harbor bl'is, etc, and ie it te the rich who have plenty aud ler Hrge buildings for rich peeple te tuake inenej out of aud enjiy themselves. They de net need It mid the peer soldier it left out in the cold or ki.ked eutil he should happen te enter one of these I ig buildings. And II Cengrcrs lusses pension b'li, whj Clev eland vetoes them. Is this encourage ment for the Union Deruccralic soldier te support or te for Democrat", who atw the election will uetk alt aalu-t tue si Idlers interests, Ae I knew tie soldiers lu my township who are all hard Democrats, anil always voted the Democratic ticket uuul last election, n hen three of them etet for Heaver, and twestajt J at home. The three that voted for nearer slid that they are sure that lleaver won't go against them in pension alfalrs. The day has come when every p t t sen gets a paper and reads and .Indies for himself between the two parly journals, and can plainly see who or which p.rty Is the sol diers' frieud. Yeu must remember thst there are in the state of Pennsylvania atone, up wards of 100,000 soldiers belonging te the U A. It. Nearly every two in three are Deme cratsand all of them would willingly sup port their party man If the Democrats would encourage their interests hke the Republi cans de. Out It seems that the Democratic administration wants te be sating. This is all right te be sav lng, but deu't rub the peer soldiers. This Is the wrong place te beglu at. Save at the spigot aud let It run out at the bung, aud through it break up the Demo cratic party. Bear iu mind that the G. A. IU is strong, and besides they have live times their number et lullueuce. 'I am a Democrat myself, and sorry tosee the Democratic nartv ruined or thrown back Inte the old ditch again just through such felly as being down en the soldiers in giving them their dues or pensions. I say give every honorably dis charged soldier a certain amount et ptuien no matter, able or diarled, or hew long he served, the same as the Mexican s. 1 Jiers get and let all the Democratic papers encourage it and the administration and you will lind when election comes again that the Deme cratic nominees will get all the Demecrauc Jldlers support, and besides plenty Reput- iicanseiuiera weuiu support the Democratic ticket, where en the ether hand they will lese both. What geed will it de thesoldtersandlaber- Ingclass if the U. &. treasury Is full of money and Is net In circulation ? We might as well have none In the treasury either , then what geed will their alcg de and break their own necks AVe have plenty of rn.li men through the country. Seme make use of their meney and put It in circulation and de some geed by their riches, and are a benefit 10 me community, umer ricb men are misers and a uuisance aud no geed te no one, because they held ever cent tbey git and keep it there- Tnr such ru Ii meu it would be a pit te spoil a rnpe te bang them. TrteM a DtMiM. 11 vr. Lt ix if, Ne. J, INDIAN si VIVIMl Why Indian summer- Did Itu nd men build Their camp n res In thevoeda these later days. And se with warmth the pleaiant land was tilled, And the blue smuzt, spiead 10 a thla nhlte haze4 Hew sped the hunttr aarre mid Ihe trees. And the ripe leaves aunselil) overhead And atlll they sing the old tlniB symphonies. And drop their garlands eti the nameless dead. And thus may Mether Kurth. and ak and ait. Kep sacred many an annlver.ary dy. The' heedlen9 merula hear nor bmn nor prayer, .or read the Un along ihe ucLustuined way O mystic charm, that cren'ns tn purpls htll ' O breath of balm, from some sweet hidden place Bend ths clew bleed the lutikenlng lulse 10 the dull tense3 by the spirit a grac. Old nsbtrmen alnra supply of st Jacobs OH. take with theuia geed Mfhnmnr, wltand hnnity could s.ivu' lrem the Ills fltnh Is heir te, what a geed pil.u ib..y i brlnit lu the marltit. Mill tfenty nvi teut. will buy a imnacea balvaltim Oil A merchant down town ell mole of Ur Bull's Cough syrup than all ether mediiltm pui to gether Itsarely must ha tfcn Ik-i rem. dy r.ir u cough, cold and ether similar atfoclleut l'rlce 23 cents. VAltlilAUKfi. E STAUL1HHED1SIS. S.W. ilhck, W. B. Alhck, H.R,Altitk. E A. ALTICK'S SOIS, (Succissers te D. A. Atllik A Seus.) Wheltsa'e Manufacturer et Carriage?, Buggies, Phmtens, -ANO- McCAUIiL 1VAG0NS, Ncb. 42 and 44 Uaat Oratgu Htrec-t, LANCASTER, r A- A.S O- Oer. Went Bread any Brouyhten StB SAVAN.VAII. GA "A Urge and varied ateik will bu curried In m'Ihtkvi iVLKi7 .'Wiles, which will t.sel.l ht tte l-OWKSl rulCKb. iH-tlllmdiltw yrANDAUI) CAH1UAMK WORK Edw. Edgerley, CARRIAGE BUILDER. Market Streot, Rear of Poateffloo, Lnnoaater, H. My stock eomprtees a large variety of ice Latest style llug(rts, 1'hmtnua, Carrtiges, Mar ket and llnslness Wagons, which I odor at rXe very lowest figures and en the rnewt roasenublp terms. I call special attention w ion iu my own dtv ! -jus. one el which li the KDUKJU.K VUMMhU I'rtlSlClAN ejOUI'B, which Is deilrliidly the neatHsUllgbtestand most complete l'hyslutan's Carriage lu the cimntrj. I'nrseui alahlug te ,Uj a ga1, hennst and jubatantUI article, .hml.l new li u.lnd thut thev uike no rink In buying my work Kvisry nK.". i2Vi':,..eni ln e'Khtwe years a g thTTiijiV" 'a3!, k1n', "' Etmrant, ( ha e looker "?neeuil'. " ""r ,UU warT,1"u- '' iiKr-Aiuif.it 1'Uijiii-ri.v vrrcMimi tti trurtpuri1,1,r0I,"DnMpljU empleye 10.' .lapfrt, fyij .v- Vat'tfr-fi.fTifflrittef'Vii " '&l&mtbte.a&r illlll MtJWfitSJB&J""" '"- ' "'-'-'- j . "I I ill '" i itl'llif' i 111 'VfidlalaWiil ?-'' ;.?' 1.?. . "- -S- 't"iBE'7W.il, -?ai1iyf''l!B'ri8'iTt'7 iri1E"l'gliaTM8aB?taSaWara1PWLHI r ft - -i ir i ' "- '-si8;-;;fa?SSrTBTMllBaMaaBaaB XK IT AD VSR TJSEilKXrS. YKU'S SAHSAl'AKU.UA. A CREAKING HINGE Is dry and turns hard, until oil It applied, alter which It moves easily When the Joints, or hinges, el thubedyarutttireucdand InlUuied bv Ulietiiiiatlsui, they cannot be tuetcd ultheiit causing the most etcrucUtl ig pilii .Vjei's .-iirMpArtlls, hj lUKitlenmi lhlilrHsl,lvlleves this (.mdttteii, mid leateres thi J0I11U te geed working enlvr Aer's faripauil(i his etieitid. In our iltv, nisuy most remarkable i uies a number et hlih nattltd tbeetTnrtset the uii eaperlenced ph)nUti. W ere It tieee..r 1 letild gUe the iinuirsi f many Indlrlduals who bin rbein cured bj taking this medicine, in my en 11 case H has "") iw woneeis, ivilcving me 01 RHEUMATISM, Alter lulng tumb'ed with It ter sens lnthls, and all ether dlxm.es arising from tuipulu bleed, there Is nn rmnlt. with nhlrh I Hlnnn. (uninii,inai atrnras such reltetas .. . . .. . - . .-J .... - . ,Vet s Sar- spar II -it 11. Lawrence, M U , lUltlmere, 11 a Ayer s Rsrsaptrilta cured me et (Seul and Ktieiimsttsui, when nothing else would 11 has eradicated every trace of disease from my y. tern it. It fchert. Manager Hetel llelinent. Lew, 11, Mass 1 wss, during many innnihs, anrr,rer from Chronic Itheumattim 'Ihe dli.e attlicted in grlwieusly, lu splte of all the teinedles 1 could Bnd uutll 1 commenced using A er s Sarsapa partita I took snveral bottles et this prepara tion and whs ftwdily reatered te health J. ream, lndepcndence.Va. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Prepared by llr J. c. Aver 1 1.. Lewell, Vlx.s M.ld by aU DruggUU, ITti-e, II si v: bot tles, tv uevsil PHYSICIANS AND D1U iarisiTKFU OMilEM) BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! ASTHE BEST TONIC. Ibis medicine, combining li i with pare vig eUble tonics, quickly ami .eiuuletelv t utvs JiWi'S1 V' MIOTION, MVLVUIA. 5V;.K.NKs;'' .lM'UKK ULOOK, CUlLL-i and 1 LV Klt.nnd M.UKAL01.V. Uv rapid and thorough as-tmllatten with the Weed, It reaches vxerr part t trie v stem, purl ties an.l enriches the blcfcd, strengthen the mns ilea and nerves, and tones and invigorate the sstem. A nne Appetiser ltt tonic known It will cure the weiit c- el livspcpsi. le le mevlng all distressing symptoms, such w la.it liig the liKxl. Ikdchlng, lfeat lu the Stetnaih, Heartburn, ote I he only Iren medicine that v ill net blacken or injure the tieth. It Is Invaluable for diseases pecular te women, and teull persons who lead sedentary lives An untaUlng remedy ler diseases of the Liver an.l Kidneys Persons suffering lrem the effects of ever wertt, nervous troubles, less of appetite, or de bility, experience quick rellel and reuewed energy by Its use. It nees net cause Headache or produce Con st Ipatlen-OTH Kit Iren medicines de It Is the only preparation of lrea that canses no Inlutlnus effects. Physicians and druggists lecemmend It as tlie host. Try tt. 1 he genuide has Trade Mark and crossed led Hnes en wrapper. Take no ether Made only by 11KOVV . CUKMICAL CO , Baltimore, WiL (11 inWlyd.tw PHILADELPHIA. CHRISTMAS RESERVED GOODS DEPARTMENT As eath ear tbe business ut the Christmas Reserved Goods Department has increased, Messrs. Caldwell & Ce. have opened the department earlier this season than has been their custom hitherto that the full advantage may be taken of .1 complete stock and the liuri v consequent upon the month of December n voided. All out of town gifts OUT will be forwarded by ok e-xpress in suillcient TOWN time te insure their de livery bv Dec. 2. Lecal gifts will te IN delivered December 23 or 21, as preferred. TO W N J.E. CALDWELL & CO., 002 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA. B.H' MAllTXN, wneissiLi ana asriiL uialss i Kicds of Lumber and All Oea). stIaeu We. SJ North Waler aud Prince treet. above Lemen, Lancaster. n3lyd OAUMOARDNKKH dt JEMKKIKh. COAL DEALERS. Urnus: .Ne. 12J Kerth Qneen Utet.axidMx Ml North Prince street, afuw: .SerLb Prince street, near Ueadlnir UipOU LANCASTER, PA. augii-un RK MOVAU M. V. B. OOHO ba lemeved his Coel Offlce te Ne. 15ft NMUTil VlUKEN STttEET (Urlmmer's uw Uulldlng). where orders will be reculved for Lumber and Ceal, srUOLaaALS ABO SSTalU M- f II. COHO. E AMP KND YAUD. 0. J. SWARR & 00. GOAL. KINDLING WOOD. OtlKM! t.e.9)CKNTKK HgUAKB. Ueth yard and otflce connected with TeJepheiiM Kjtch&nce aprls.lydilr.U HUT J UK A. v KNT'H KUKNISUINU BTOKH E. J. ERISMAFS Gent's Furnishing Stere, NO. 7 WEST KING bTREET. - store open livery Evening except Eunday ev. nlugs. HVtrefijrsi. yATCIlKH. Watches, Clocks Chains and Jewelry Hi less than mictien pilccs until January 1, 187, line let et lilncs. .1e. Altie. Kluin. WRiti.am ips, chl Klln, VValtliain renlt. and mhf.r (Aureru for which 1 uui Sele Aueut), and ether r 1 Irjt-Chifj Watches, Hest VVattfa aud Jewelry lleimlrlnir. "Correct tluie by Telegraph plain In cily. Dally, only L. WEBER, 1S0X North Quesn St,, Hear J'enn'n. U. It. Depot, Spectacles. Kyeglssxiii and Optical Oceds, kinds of J e weir. 411 trout III !;A iii M lf (OTi Wmm 1101 n lAsr TO III T WHICH .' "Veur in tiniiicndatmn i tcrl.tinly especially glnil te knew u t! net u,c 'vnsliuij powders ' I lie last laundress I had, I diMiutrid. Ihi.iu-.c --he wetiltl use them, con trary te my instruction-!, and tempUuly ruined the house linen anil the clothe of the entire family." Lu.'uiniS "I never uc any kind of vvnihing powder' or .eip pevvdir I aivv.is use Iver v. Svvr, for it 1- as easy te wash with as .untiling I ecraivv, and it de. . net bum my hand- nor make them ;m A WORD OV WARNING. Thr. n- mry whi; seapj, each rccretcnted te be "but as geed as the ,' ' .,. Alr -nr . 1. ,11 ....i.,.r.li l,,L ll-.. nrrnli.ir ami reirutV- lery able ' thtv APE r.01 t II.C ..! M'.l .f t f-r j ruic;.i.' plTR't HA lUMUDlKS. Prem 115 lbs. te 161 lbs. Te Iho f uiicura Keinedies I One My Health, My Hiiiinliies!, and my Life. A nay neter pusstvs mat 1 de netthlnk and speak kludl) et the Cctkcra lluisDisa. Set en )ears age, all et a ileien lumps lenned en uiy neck, runKtDK In size from a cherry stone te an orange The large ones vere (rightful te hek a', and painful te bear rx-enle tumea asldn hen they saw roe, lndtsruat,and t was ashamed te be en the street, or lnseclet. Phvslclans te be en the street, or hiiiI their treatment, and and their treatment, and all medl. tnes failed in de anv Keed. ln a moment et despair 1 trted the CvtnTBA Usmediss Ci-rtcru, the (treat Skin Cure, and CniiTuSeir.an eaqulslte Skin Iteautlfler, extrrnally, and Cnirt'U lltseLVXST, the new liloed l'urlrler. Internally the auialt lums(as I cull them ) gradually dlsppcared, and the large ones broke. In about two weeks, dls charging lure quantities of matter, leavlmr two slight scars ln my nee tidsy tetelltne story of my sntTertng SI7 Height then was one hundred and fifteen sickly jwunds my weight new u ene hundred nnd sixty-one selia, healthy pounds, and my heteht Is only live leet ne Inches In my travels 1 praised theCCTtciRA KiMSDIits, North. Seuth, Kmt, and West. 10 ( CT1CT.RA liEUXMIS 1 OWS XT HSALTU, SIT UATTt isss and XT un A prominent New erk drujUt asked me the ether da," De J oil still use the CCTict-Rt Kixcmss yea leek te be In prftct health' My reply was. "1 de, and shall alwajs 1 have never known wh.itelck neas Is since 1 commenced utlutr the LrricCRA Kisebiis" bemntlmesl am laughed at by prats InK them te people net acriualnled with their merits, but sooner or later they wtll come te their senses and believe the same as lbn-e that u-e them, i dozens have whom 1 have told. May tbe time come when there shall be a large Cciiccrv supply Uouee ln evsrj city ln the world, for thu bencflt of humanity, where tbe Ccticcra ItiMlMis aball be sold uslt, se that thre will be raiely a need el ever entering a drug stele. M I1USII.MS. 1' O Ilex 1697, New 1 erk, N. X. CniciBi Kimcdies are ajxjiltHecnreef every lormef Skin and liloed Dlseaaes, from Uniples te Scrofula, Sold everywhere. Price Cert cfBA.50 cents ; Eeir 3 cents Ubselvxst, (1 ut, Prepared by the Iettsb Ubie ah Chsupal Le , Ues ten, Mass. Semi for M Iletv te Cure skin UUeasea " TJTlVn'PI'KS, Illackhcads, Skin niemlsbes, and XXiXL tsany uui umers, use CcricrsA te p. KIDNEY PAINS With their weary, dull, aching, llfele-i, all all gene sensation, rulleved ln one minute by the Ccticcra A"ti I'Aia Plastsr. Warranted At druggists, tB cents. 1'etter Drug Ce , Uosten Sneezing Catarrh. The distressing snrcze, snrvze, sneeze, the acrid, watry discharge from the eves and nose, tbe painful Inflammation extending te the thrnut, the swelling of the mucous lining, caus ing choking sensations, ceush, ringing noises In the head and splitting headachea hew famil iar these symptoms are te thousands who suf fer periodically from head colds or Influenza, and who live In Uneninrfl of the fait that h sin sin sin gleapnllcatlonef SANfOKD's. KA.11CAL,CUKK i elt C ATA null will afford Instantaneous rellet. nnt this treatment ln cases of simple Catairh gives but a faint Idea of what the remedy will de In the chronic lenns, whcie the breathing Is ob structed by choking, putrid mucous accumula tion, the hearing affected, smell and taste gene, threil ulcerated and hacking rough grad ually fastening Itself upon the debilitated sys tem Then It Is that the marvelous curative povteref MA.VrOIIU'S KAUICAL CL'KKnianl teats Itself ln Instantaneous and grateful relief Cure begins from the first application. It Is rapid, radical, permanent, economical, sale. BANKOKD'S KAIHCAL CI UK consists et one bottle et the nedical Cure, one box Catarrhal solvent and an Improved Inhaler; price, tluu. I'.ttzr Dbce A Chsmicai. Ce , licsvruy. I AOHB ALL OVER. " I mustglveup i 1 cannot bear these pains 1 ache all ever, and netht'1 1 try does me any geed." llackache, Ulcrlnd fain. Hip and side Pains, herenens, I.nnieneaa, Weakness and In. flamumtlen relieved ln one minute by that new, original, elegant and Infallible antidote te pain and Inflammation, the CUTICU11A ANT1 PAIN PLssrKK. At drugglati. iV ! nve ler 11 ). Petter Drug and Chemical Ce, liojlen. nevl lmdW.SAw -1UKK UUAKANTKKX). RUPTURE. Care snaranteed br lilt. J. 11. MAYKU, Xoseatenco: no operation or delay from buil ness i tesuxl bv hundredsef cures. Main efflce. 831 AKCU ST., I'HILA, Send for Circular. fJO-lvdAw QOUN KKMOVKlf. VICTORIA COUN IvEMOVElt. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the most obdnrate corns, hard or soft, without pain. Sold by Uee. W. Hull. Chas. A. Lecher, Jehn U. Kautlman, Ur. Wm. Worm Werm ley, And. li. '.rn.y. Chas. J. Blnilmyer, and at liKCIlTOi.D-a DHUU BTOUK, daclS-lya He. 101 West Orange St. ItAUUMMUI. s. TA0H1NKUY, AO. STEAM HEATING .Latest and Meat Improved IN'GINrS-Twli'ei, i'crlilli tr Sdiicnr;. New or Second-Hand DOILE11U, WATKB TANKH, HEPABATOK.S. MAcaiss or UsrAis Wen aacb u aene ana kept In Machine Sheps. cau, en ui Aliens. , Ezra F. Landis, WOBKH 637 IIOnTH CITEnriY BTBEET, LAKCAiTXB I'A. n7tfUAvT nvAr. IS GOOD .1 goeil one. 1 mil "tver" Seap and intiit upon getting it. V'M(ll - I.C.. - ....', ',w ,' -- irM. VLUlHlttU. w 1 1.1.1 AMSON A KOSTKK. TELKFHONE CONNECTION. WILLIAMSONS FOSTER. A Coel, Crisp Nevemlr. 0VER60AT GOHFORT Cllll.DIU.N a OVr.KCOATS -Dean CHSslmetH, Kancy Chelet lleutespuns, and Vial n T n UU, M il, 1 1 , S3 1". S". e HOYS OV KHCOAT8 rancy VV nraU-d, Cork Cerk acrt.ns. Mixed Cns-.tmerts and Plain lliewn r wllla IM,tXavJliSil,tvAi. OENTSOV EKCOATS-llrewn.Oray and Sll ir Uray herseva, Kljs'an litavtrs and storm Irlexe, 111, I1.V.1I3, l-M. Furs, Furs, Furs. UENl afLHCOLLABS ANOULOVLS, l.ADIKS'COLLAKKTTKS AM) MUITS, Fl KCAI'KSANII I10AS, rUU AND ri.ATIIEUTItIMVII.SO, SEAL SKIN CATS AJtO P0L03. GENTS DRESS DERBY HATS. Iliiiilnp's Fine Silk Huts. MEN'S AND BOW FAXCV CLOTH CAI'S. CAUXIAOC KOI1ES Silver Uray and lilsck Wolf, Buffalo, ret aud Deuble flush, lloiee lilaukeu and W hips. VVINTEU U.NDKKVVEAK-Mcdlcatid Surlet Mannel, fine Camel's Hair, All Wee' Hlay Mixed and White Merine. Oenl's VYiel Ilote ln Plain and fancy Celers. SlbK NECKWKAK-Prlncn Tecks, the PuB Scarf, the t our In Hand and f Ut Eiarl. New SJ J lea Cellars and Ciilfn. SILK AND COTTON SUSPENDERS. The Largest Asauitmeut el Ladies' & Gent's Beets and Shoes, Something ep ielblngepcclally geed for Ladles' Wi htludeiphla Toe nnd ether popular st zes. l'rlce, I1.U). ear, the I les. Alls! OKNT3' DUKSS SHOES In Lace Hals and Buttens, bole lieveltd Kdge Very neat nud dressy ln appearance. Price, fj.00. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. :i'.', ill, eOand :8 Lust King St., I.ANCAHTKIt, I'A VUBMELUkS. TJMHBKLI.AS. Scheel Teachers, -VVK AltE- HEADQUARTERS -10R- UMBRELLAS ROSE BROS, & HARTHAN, NO. U HAST KIXO STltEF.T, LANCASTER. rA. T HIH I'AI'KK 18 1'KINTED WITH INK U an n facta red by J. K.WRiaHT&OO., marlHja astound HaraU. muaaelpklft. V MIX tIDOIIK. c I.UAKH. HUA.N1) Dlbl'l 1 01 Jackets, Newmarkets, -A.NH- SKALPLUHU HAOQUES Al "lllb- HEW YORK STORE. Idlest hilr leielved tnery any. Upwaids el thlity new and doatrable allea In Ulll.lHlK.VHCOAl's. ln n .ti nt Mlllely et shapes nnd ttllillillllni. Iloni 1 te laventsHl vety low pilirs. MlSHl O'LOAIS AN1,NKVVM.IIKE18. An Immense atoek of Al.l-WOOI. JKI11KY JACKK1B, Made te our special eidei during the summer nnd new setiltignl less thau thu piuseut loatef materials LADtKS' net cl.K J.VtKKls, l,.Vl)lt.3 ASrtlALII VN J.Vt-KKlfl, LAiuhs niisEr. J.vuKna. nei i i.r, vvn pk, As-IUACHAN VVKVP.s, i itiksr. wit a Pa I.AIIIKS' NEW IIAKUKIS. 'these gtstds have all t.tt.n beiiMht lercaah from the beat lunnulantulnr and me btlug sold at our well known pepulat pities KI.KO NTtsEl. PLl'ill WltAPSnndiKVL PLUSH S.M IJl l.S at aaleulshlngly low prkes, WATT&SHAND, tl, b mid IU IjisI hlii); Sited. sJ-IOMrAHKl'KICISI. Stamm Bres. & Ce,, us. till mid 'JS ut tti (Jiiicii St. We Invite compxil.en belniell our ptlcea nnd anv Extraordinary Bargains .New being Olleltd lu Ihel.lty. HOVlbSPU.N btlllM.S, Ijlncliej VV tde, .-0 a lard StLKRTItll'El) AKSll HEX, lllihcs Wide. 3I.Sc. a V al d ALL-VVOOI HLATHLi: 6U111M1, I: Inches Wide, Uc n laid 11 ill Ll.Sr. rtl'IIIMI?, II Inches Wide, SH a 1 ard. ALL-VVOOI CLOlll 8LlTI.Nt.tt, l luihes W Ide, MX- a V urd ALl-OOI. CAMELS HAIL BU111NGS, s Inches W Id. ,Uc a laid These co, L ale m.t diMlnible DrraaSturia en themarkil Plain or lu tetublnallfli, andean be tudeulr ut the BOSTON STORC. PIN POINT ri.eriis.jii Inches Wide. llc. n yard' Werth .Sc a aid, two shades my OurTltlCOrswerecentrsrted fur after ihnriiah of uirlvsprius;. aud ureas nne aud chcaiM:r than any eileivd in thlsclir. .NOI K IlltSK I'llILKH-'M Inch All oel Ttlcets, ".V laid il Inch Alt Weel 1'ilcel, ?3c aan1 nenetwller at fl Uiavsrd. COATS, COATS. Lintlis, JINscs mid Uilldren'i Jackets and Wraps. l'LL'SII CO ITS al Sieml low I'ni U.NDLItW LAU-I.uiue Aasertmeul. Piles Lew HOSIKI.V. AND t.I.OV CR Ladlt. Ml.aea' and Crilldr. n -. W etilen llo-tlery and ttleves. An Immense K-. nluiiut at out popular jukes, -Ai i lie- BOSTON STORE. -teriiii i al the .Spur )eik btdie Stme open ut'i i t v nlnrf u it wuk I). MAI UN A CO. Dry Goods DEPARTMENT. WE PrilUl.VhKD IIKrilllK TIIK ItliK.M ADVA.NCt I.N WOOL. A LA1K.K HlULIvOl Erench Black Cashineres, And e Quete a rw el Oiu 81'KtlAl. UAUl.Al.Ne All Weel 1'iench Cashuieie, eiln wide, .c a yurd. All Weel liench Casliruuie, lain, it lde, 1'u n yard. All-Weel trench Cnshiueie, i) In. nldu.iuc h yard. All-Weel riench Cashmere, III lit, lde,7uc.n urd. All-Weel liunih Cnjbmeie, lulu, wide, Mc a jatd. Tricot Dress Goods. A New Invoice of these kcJj, which will he sold al tliu.ui uui ters their value. Uariraln Ne. l. All Weel Dress liltet, ull shadLS, at 25c a j urd '.7 In, wide. llarjriln Ne. '. All Weel Tricot cloth, lu plain and mixtures, nt aec a yard-H ln. wide. HargalnNe J All-d'oelTrlcot Cleth, In k lay andbrowuinlxtuie.at loe a jard, worth II no one yard and a hair wide. Bargain Ne. 4 All-Weel Dress Irket Cleth, ertra heavy, plain shades, ut JSc a yard Ml In. wlae. J. B. Martin & Ce.,' Cor. WwJ lilugiV rrlmeHlB., lOppelt Hteveni Heuse.) LANOASfBK. TA. X IN09 AND I'ACKKUS' WAB1K, ury and Cleau, bought ler cash. fl ,, Ne OT Pearl 8treet, New 1 eik. Kolerenee ried. Bchutte. Ne. 313 Pearl street, M,w verk. fehlT-ly.1 NOT1CU TO TllKSl'AtSSKKH AND UUNNKUS. All persons are lieietiy for bidden te trespass en any of the lands of tnr Cornwall or Hpie.lMcll estates, In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whethtr luolencd erunln closed, either for the punune olsheotlim or deb liiK. as the law will be rigidly enforced aualnat Jltreapesslng en sold lands of the undersigned sltur this notice. WM.COLBMAN ritKKMAN, U. PhltOYALDLN, ' K'JWAUD C. ITItKKHAN, 'AtU eiy ter IV. W, Colemsn's heirs MUldfttAiT I a i 1JH i HJUjunnm Hi1