P43OT? 1- TSCSW; 'ft. ?,rxf i,.,iS -a' -T- ' ' f .W i .?-' " - ! ' -., v t T?HB IiANOASTER DAILY IOTlilLcLtGENOER, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1886. v S9SE I. H1." i. aw " i F V ' ' $&K 1? 1 ift U lvi i- Intelligencer IT DAY m THB YEAH UMsilaa Mutpted.), W, fTTB DOLLAta A Tall, VIFTT MLrTTaaD arcaaalaM l LAB. IsVM AU. AMetaiaa i-lacxs. unru LIMAAt. OOMIiaslOW ALLOW1D TO Tatameaa coreac-nen. T2t ' " " )" AUVBT1BINO B&TK3 :', E"' Hn.lln. 2 In, ain. I In am. KinnT!l W 7!1 Tk 1 2? I J (O, 3 ! ....., HO I1& SIS IU 5 .VI Dm.,i. be lte spd ee 7 se BHL.t.. 100 IK IU MS 6 811 au MB 110 290 100 6 HO 7 CO W KM 1 ion tee 8 be 8 no low Whi, IM 4CO 7 9" 10S0 1.1 Ml 18 SO MWaaka.. ion eon loeo is se wee ae M.,;!, 8 BO 7 0" 1100 isa 00 e 54 en HEMM.i. 600 1000 I7 0 2100 2700 8100 MHMM.. 600 1100 9000 WOO MOO ssoe HbI.h, 900 H00 H00 MOO MO' MW HHBTT..;.. 18oe aioe ioe mw moo i the Weekly IntelUgencer fcm Mil Every Wednisday Mcrninu. kTa, 91.00 ten ixMeimj. extras or tb, AOerrraiSTO raaeeaa errrma ct toucrraDFaeM ariar riBTerrni ; HtM AM OOOITTET. AU uomeci LKTTaU :.. 9MMM oenisaaD te tni wartb baskst. tUltUr$ and Ttlegrami te ,VTH1 INTBLIJaENOEB, Beer BnUdlng, Lancaster, Pa. tfc Catuaetcr 3ntclliscn( LANCASTER. NOVEMBER", 1SSS. $ The Treatment or Mcasts. The arrival of cold weather is always ac ' XMBfnled with proof most positive of the t Shah 4V4al jbiaI flrfiBsn AAA rt . i t& t IbsiIm a 1 in 1 Iiiae - jwKh the brute creation. new many nerses win wilt, ter Hours ft unManketed for a master toasting his tees ibjr the fireside of a friend; hew many .'' chickens will sit en the Hmb3 of trees in - (Urn open air when the mercury is down 41MV xere and their feet and combs are nvMDi wniie meir owner is enjejini; a sup per of eggs en toast. Dogs that have el veu B rare sport In the huutinc field, will shiver h 'f'd mean for many a night in the corner d of a stable yard or an oeen kennel. Man i-'ta very slew in finding out that ether anl- nmMs have feelings worthy of consideration, AisvA even from his selfish point of view it tf.must be evident that hordes, dogs and V chickens can be made mere healthy and -.therefore mere valuable by kindness. fir .. ... it.i i ... .. . . :-' juanseis mat uucme ever me ureast. it & shelter and straw in winter-quarters tight iMiahtekens: thnnuli thn lnttnr inrw fnfr ,r the blankets. This matter of cruelty te !' animals is nnt n. trifl nnlv rvnrthv tlm nt. ffl tentlen of cranks, but should and does rt, claim the careful attention of every true K Beraemanand every one who knows the i: ''- value of animals. pjs A man who draws a kemble rein se E5 ' flcvflf 4haf tha lmr Innla in t!iM.r.li de Tin1 p swallowed an umbrella.is net worthy of the v care of aherse. In the handling of cattle i there is a vast amount of unnecessary cruelty that reacts upon man in a manner -. that is daily becoming mere plainly evident & asd calliDg for remedy. Vast herds of jj.eattle are shipped long distances by rail, pjand the previsions for their comfort are 0 . bad and they are se roughly managed that it has been shown by the American Humane association, whose ninth an nual report Is before us, that from six1 te ten per cent, of them die; many ure lendeml unmerchantable and the hide3 and meat are greatly in jured. The injurious suspicious of Ameri can beef in ferelgu countries are largely due te the barbarous method of handling the live stock. The act of Congress pre idii ig that cattle shall be uuleaded and watered, fed and rested, every twenty, eight hours, unless Sc carnea in cars wnere tuu may be done, is beasts trample and gore each ether fear fully. The meat of these animals sold in Eastern markets can net be as healthly as that of cattle that have net parsed this terrible ordeal. Anether piece of unwarranted cruelty Is thesawlng'ef the horns of young cattle, a very painful operation and ene that is net approved by the leading cattle men, as the exposure of the mucus membrane In the ftii ,horn te the cold air is very bad for the cattle. It can be readily shown that care of animals always pays in the long run, and with these who have no kindly feeling for the brute creation It may be possible te overcome selfishness by appealing te selfishness. The Flew of Gas. The report from 1'itUburg of the trouble Ibat has come te the consumers of natural gas from the sudden failure of the usual supply, will cause the somewhat envious people of regions net favored with this natural light ai.d fuel te ccuhi ei . " I told you se." It has been the constant pro pre phecy,siuce natural gas has been discovered and utilized se largely for fuel and light, that its baueflt would be transitory since the supply would iu time become exhausted. Tew jiersens have cared te deny the probability that sonie time or ether the uatural bupply of gas would be useless, but the companies that pipe it and the people who use it believe that this day will net been come, and that before it does they will have a rich benefit from nature's gift te them. After it has gene, if it gees, they expect Providence or their ingenuity te take care of them. Sufficient uute the day is the evil thereof, is their sensible motto, and they freely use their gas and freely give their compassion te less lucky people. If It was untveisally believed that the supply of natural gas was permanent or that it would even last through this generation of men, there would be nearly a universal exodus of the heavy censumeis of fuel te the regions that produce it; unless the railroad companies cau se reduce the cost of coal transportation as te put the Eastern manufacturer meie nearly en an equality with the AVestern in the matter of fuel thun be is Just uew. It is the uncertainty aUI til 111 A nnntltllt'lnna r9 l, MsWPly that keeps inauy Induatrips tn ihr anchorage in ether regieLS The in- ,r- awupuouei supply te winch the natural f, --"unuiumj euuject eners A, a very serious objection te the fuel. iVhM. ;' the maeufacturer needs abeve ullthlugsh ,? a steady supply, lie cannot afteid te usn 1 t COMD fuel ttiat may fall him. and tint. nni 'ftfep bis works but rulu his product iu nre. -, Cms of manufacture. Natural gas, te lie a mauufacturer'a fuel, mint have steadtuess 'Af atinnlv In Hilflif Inn tit Itn nthpr rrruiir. vW- " tu. And. it mightas wellcease te flew us T te flew tee uta'eadlly te furnish u stable I futd. f " Tkt MIR ta (he Coceunt. The strike of the perk packers at Chicago throws twelve thousand men out of em ployment, and naturally gives the police force a great tle.il of work te de. This usual efforts of the strikers w 111 be em ployed te keep new men from taking theit places, and the state troops that have been asnt te the scene are no doubt needed te a'dthe pollce In their preset vatlen of the piace. The packers li.vtoiesehctl te employ ue men hereafter who belong te labor organi zations. If they keep te their lesolve the strike is likely te be a large one. But the public can never knew hew honestly such declarations are made en the part of employers. AVe are inclined te doubt the sincerity of this oue because it declares what the employers knew ery well they cannot de. The packers of Chicago cannot keep their men out of labor organizations and very well knew it . and when they say they aie going te de it they give geed cause for the suspicion that they are playing a game. They siy In Xev Yerk, among the speculators, that Armour, who is the chief of the pack ers, is doubtless making his profit out of the strike en the short side of the stock market, and quite probably incited it for the pur pose. The Ac ices of this class of men te hood wink the parties that may line their pockets are of every kind. And it is net unusual te incite labor disturbances that they may profit by them. Jay Gould is supposed te have worked the great Southwestern strike for hts profit, and the Chicago millionaire butchers are net tee geed for a like plot. When their profit will let them get down from the lefty stand they have taken, the strike will be ever and their peeple t ill get about all they want. Lancaster's Chrjsanthciunm Shew. The opening of the chrsanthemum ex hibition in Lancaster te-day marks nu epoch in local floriculture. Xe Pennsylva nia towns have attempted a show of this nature except the big cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, aud Lancaster's exhibition fairly rnals these at the points above named. The love of llewers is implanted In every soul aud a pretty phut will bring a smile te the face of poverty and cheer the occu pant of the sick room like an au;el guest, The beauty and purity of the llewcr have something of the celestial about them and their teudency is te soften the asperities of life. It U, therefore, net only a beautiful, but a morally healthful act te encourage their cultivation. The evolution theory is well manifested In the development of the chrysauthemum, which was once a comparatively neglected flower, and which by cultivation has tie come oue of the ldel3 of the fashionable world. Euthustastic flerist3 say that the deelepment of this "queen of the au tumn " Is still in its infancy. The Lancaster exhibition is solely one of chrysauthemums, and it U such a one of which all the people of this town ought te be proud. They should encourage it by frequent attendance that it may net be said that iu this large forward step in local floriculture Its projectors shall have spent time and money in vain. It loeka as though Van Wyck and Kiddle berser will held the balance of jeiver in the cow Senate. Perhaps the meanest Insult ever eileiej te the Democrats of thla city w at jtlven Ihem by their own organ, the IvTELLieEcr.n, the day alter the election, when it declared many or thetn ere beubt and " the price paid n-ned from a driuk or bad whisky te a ten-dollar bill." The imputation cenulued lu that sentuuee Is net mere a compliment te the party than It is te curtain individual members. Sen Era, Sci. The INTELLIQESCEU has no apology tn make for what it has said about the ete purchasing at the recent city election. The crime was committed In the most open and sbamelets manner. Our Pharisaical con. temporary well knows it, but dares net say se. There was a time when the -Vew J-.Ve was ready te go Inte a uuu.partlsan plan te step the wholesale corruption at our city election. New It can nud nothing letter te dothante belittle a Journal that points out the evils and demands a remedy' Why Is this thus ? JiTJOESGetiDON and Msgee's success at tbe polls en Tuesday last In Republican districts, la a flattering vindication of the wis dom of their Bolectleu by Governer raltisen. Tut arrest of Alfred, alias Tiiemvi and J. Itlchardaen lMrke, In 1'hlladelpbla, the ether day for counterfeiting patent uiedidnec, puts a step te a lllalneus rchetue of making money. They were accustomed, en the pla el needing new labels for willed ones, te ob tain new slips which they would put en bogus compounds. Their detection was an excellent plece of dotectlve work. The Impressions that prevail abroad of the ways of American politics and the relative Importance of New Yerk In them is far Irem correct, but at the fume time It Is readily un. dorateod. The sale by lorelgners of large blocks of American stocks aud securities during the last week cau only be attributed te alarm at the lmmeusa vote polled for Henry Geerge lu New Yerk, and wheu we remember the fact that a very large majority or the holders et securities abroad ure ttjeple who beiiexe in monarchy and leek upon an approach te beclallnm as the deem of all republics, it Is easy enough te understand tlielrpaulc wbeu they see the metropolis el America se nearlj carried into that whirlpool The fact that iu Kurepe, and mere particularly lu f'rauce, the fate of the nation depends upon the jeeple of the metropolis leads (ereluners te apply the same rule te A merica, and the great importance of the vote of Ne Yerk In the present e en balauce of parties gees far te cenBrm their conclusion. The e.iimrneu ui,l. .. 1.1..1. ... e . ....,, nuitu me securities were snapped up lu the American market Is the best refutation that we could give them, and It is a matter for congratulation that the con cen con dltleu et the money market made It lessible for the capitalists et New Yerk, where the danger wai Imagined te be greatest, te show their ixiufldeuce in the strength of our gev. eminent and contempt for the llttie cloud that had frightened Kurepeau royalists. Tjik less by tire In the United Mates In the month or October aggregates f 12,000,000. Au alarmist multiplies this figure by twelve aud then gravely announces that the 'preseut system of insurance will net stand a less of fl-H,000,000 per annum, and we might well make up our mluds te pay mere or save mere, lerthw 1th." In the matter of Urea, October Is one of the worst months in the year, and the ngure reached In 1SS0 Is one or the highest i but te reaeb the total annual less by multiply, ing that amount by twelve Is net Jtistitltble Hkbe are some llgures that the Uay stale will net very proudly exhibit whlle Mr. Cleveland Is sojeurulug Ja that common wealth. In 1350 the bital mnnliitinn .,i st.. Uaehussett wm 091,611 aud tbe number et ,.. iiiiuaies was 1,'Z30, or a criminal le every 801 Inhabitants, lu 1810 the population wq.lv?' ttnd tUe '"""eret criminals 7flI"'POuPonle,, or ene erlmlnal te 4S7 liihablunts, showing that In thirty vears the criminal class of Ma.sachussetU had growth of the Vf hele population. PEHSOMAL. KltAHK iw Eli, Democrat, bai been to te elected te Congress lu Cnicige t'y iuJerlty of Mx otes. Hb.vater KknnkpVs grave lu Philadel phia will be marked ty n beautltul monu ment In a low days. McOlt-l's mnlerll.v for Roiirner of Mln ur nta Is i;,;M I buee the Kepiibllcaiia could easily ceinuiaud twenty times that tigunx. (Jl'4T Is new avenedlv lu the Meld lur t'nlled Wate euter. The 1'hllndelpliU JVmi says Cattlu Wellihad no theuiiht of It. Aeassiz, iljiec. said, "Write iiwi my tomb but oue wvrd, 'Teacher.'" lllsaiulil lllsaiulil tlen crael m hlgtier pralse tliftn te N the ackuenledctnl teacher et Ms iftitv Ner Is there loftier place. Mu, 11. K. Jamisen, the l'lnlaJtilphla banker, lias terwarded te Dem l'evtre, em perer or llratll, a liaiulaoiue trnne niedsl tearing a llkeuess of Presldeut t levulaud. It was made at the mint. Wll.ll AM M SlN0l.nL. ir tlie Philadel phia Recerd, it is Mid by the AVilkt!trre .Viinitav Ltattei, will mrry Mls Carrie Dleli Ick, who h-w be u one el the rentit iuc rsw et tlie operatic stage iu " The Little Tycoon." A FF.M .SI'ATI. 11K.MS The tailure et natural gs Ht a place In nttsburg and in Mead ille, caused shlterlng citizens te resort te ccal and weed. The case of Vea er s. the Peunsyhauta Schuylkill Valley reid for damages te tlie former's preirly Id i:ast l'lkeland town ship, Chester county, has beeu compromised lerttsuand costs The backlwne of the htrlke aiuenR the Iren-workers of Ceitesvllle is hreknu. Te of the largest tirms, MeM t- K. I'onneik ,t Ca, and the CeateMillH Iren company, grantwl the advani-e of f4 rr ten. The mills et Husteu.V bensaud erth Brethers are yet shut den u. Daniel Harrison, of I'ottstew n, and his three little children drjuk, as a iure ter colds, what was supposed te be tKneet tea but v.w jimson weed and 6oeu were taken dtalhly sick. Thev arn in a Titled ronultien. The I,ehlsti alley's prep-st new Hue te the Wtst lschartere! uuder the uame et the Seaboard A Atlantic Milreai, uud one of its advantages ever nil ether reiii's is that It en be built without a tunnel. The pregramme was that if the Seuth Pennslvanu railroad were net built these Interested lu that scheme would loin the Lehigh Valley in buildius the route Irem Ashland, but it is non tated that the Lehigh Valley jeeple hive found ethers who will join them and that the read will certainly be built, een without help treui the Seuth PennsyUanla capital IMS. I'Unnlrc a w Mery 1'iern the I'!ira1elibU 1'iejj Mr. Ueury t. Keeuan, the novel st, nssted through tow u a day or two age en the te his writing deu iu birauteu. Although he siys there isn't mere than 51- n week eviu lusuoce.-fui books, the spirit his control el him and he is all tied up lu the i let et a uew s'ery. a ernunt:R apikiioe The ler: and ad week's wind, like sn child. llis (ehbd Use f te sleep. Tbl merninc's rain Has strewn the siatiTay with the peta's wtu, Ked, raggf d ,e(niyst, lat roe 1 he lane She s me the fall thorn bush, blackened and bare. Clasped te Its heart adangllntr, eiipty er.u A few dull yellow leaves stir here and there, And all the atr U clear Ireni ra.1 te west. The year, I think, llss dreaming of the Hay, As old men dreatn of yenth, that loved, lest tblutc A spring-like thrill Is In thU weather griy, I wait te bear some thrush begin tealng And half expect, as up and down lge, Te see my neighbor's cherry bough. hie ilrt L. IT Retf tlerk Matu-len Heme, Entrain, , T.cumda bad cold with a bottle lied Mar tough Cure It speaks ferlbclf u what a lady said of !r. Bull Cough syrup the niberday A single bot tle had currd her child of a most dreadful ciugn. It never falls te give specdr relief and permanent cure. OneanDllcatlonef Salv.it'-m 011 -r,ti r,ih,Aii in curcu me 01 rneumatm i- . . . . --- n the arm. of tin months standlDc 1 never Intend te Is wtih- out It 11. B. hit VMKK, naahlnglen, D C. Itl'JSVUl. NVTJLtH. A BIX EDI ler ImligFStln .Comjinptlen, !s Ague. rte C.ii1n's frln.lwdoed.tw pepsiH, wAKne, few.. 1.11 u inld B-ef fenlc AKK leu MUK mtjeratjle b) Indigestion Contiputlen I)Urlni'-, Iibs of tpiH-itte, Yel Yel ewbkint bhlleh's MtalUer la a pe-Ulve cure rer sole by H. 11. Cochran, Druggist, f.e. 1J7 North Uueen stnt. " Jack shall pipe and ! Ill hall dsn-e Jmtas long out in the open barn at thy plea. i he freeborn American citlzea den t tear neuralgia with Sanatien Oil te the frunt. l'rtceenly 25 cenU ' THAT IIACM.SO COCttll can te se quick v cured by bhlieh's Cun vt e guarantee iu ti't sale by II. U. Cochran, UrugrfU.1. e. 1j7 North Queen street. AN ir.MOML.SATt I'bHMi.N The most unfortunate irr.n In the world l pne urHlcted with sick heudaibe. but thej will be relieved at once by u.lng lr I eaiin , SpvcliU x inscription, eee aarertUement In another column. tl) r0U OIBPKI'SIA and LU-r Complaint, ou have a printed g-uarantee en every bottle of hhl J?8' 'tller It never lull, te cure ler sale by 11. B. Cochran streeL Druggist, Ne. (27 North Cfuccn A Captain fortunate lllscetrry. Capt Celeman, schr Weymouth, pijlnK be twen Atlantic City and N Y , bad Ven trr.u, blett w 1th a cough se th it he was unable toaleen tealeen and was Induced te try Hr king , . w uucov uucev cry for Consumption It net only gmM hiu. In stant rcliHf, but allayed the citrc-ui.- serene,s et his breast- HIscblMren wereslmllaily aifn'ttd and a single dee had the same happy effect Hr hint's Aew Hlcercry is new the suindird remedy in the Celeman household and en Uurd the schooner ree trial bottles of this standard remedy at II It. Cochran's Drug Mere, 137 and U3 North queen street, Lancaster. Pa. (I) SlilLOH'SCOUUIIand Consumption Cure Is apldbyuseua BUarantne. It cure. Censump- ?1iSrtt,u by "' ,J -echmn, Hrugglst, c. ISi North Queen street. WILL iOU 8Ur-rK.lt with Djspepsla and Liver Cemplilint T shlleh s ttalli. r ts guarau' YSJ?,c!l'IZr",1;!re'La b " 11-Cochran-Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street BltlLOH'S VlTALIZKIUswhat ou need trr Constipation, Le of Appetite, Dizlnuss. and all symptoms of Dy.js,p,ia. Price lu aud 7S cent sr bottle, rer sale by 11. li Cochran DrugK-t, Na LO North Qltren street ""t"'"u Mass the sculp Is annejed wiih daudrutr, riM.neii .uV:hur.'',"P 'lbi fem.d Infallible liUl. Ilalr D)e, block or brown, tllty cents. stu-IwdeedJtw CItOlP, WlloePl.M.coui.ll and ltrenchltls lium.j.lU.t.ay relieved hy ahUeh s Cuie Ker sale by It. U. Cochran, DruggUt. Ne. lii NorthQueen street. K1DNKV IHOUIILK-s. A Case el Blany Vears Standliig Ourl llh SU ltettlM, lu it Mali 00 Ye.r. ! .j;e. AUCKTOWK, !., Jluy s, lata. DASnitlOM IJlTTKKS Ce. UentH . I hill l,e..n V troubled Ith my kldnej s for a number of ycais. .u.uv nrciyuiiug wuneut much benefit mill 1 tried Dandelion Hitters. I used six bet Jes and am pleased te say I am entirely rid et the kidney treuhle, besides my sjsteiu m ing toned up se that I feel llke a different person. 1 cheeifutly recommend the same te all ahllcud VbSa,.Tw, JAU)" ucMrz. Hucklen's Amtiw si Tlie llcst Balve In the world ler tuU. liiulses Seres, Ulcers. ealtltbeQiii. sever Sers. T. iter Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Cerns, ttndallHktn llru pileus, and jwslUvely cure. Pies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te j?ive iwrfect satls satls Iwtlen, or money relunded. frlce s, cents t"ir aJ',f r LW " " Cecnrau, Druggtst, n and 133 North Queen street. Lancaster, l'a. Itenews Her Youth TVflJ''j!"'C.b,'"1''y',,eterBOn. Clay Ce. Iowa. ".thv"ew,1'..r,,Ina,'kl,'l tery. the truth et which is vouched for bvr the residents el the ,0.WKDi.,'i1,lm" SI - troubled with kidney complaint aud lameness for many jearst could nei dress myself wlthenthelp howl aid free from all pain and setencBsaud amable te de all my own housework. I ewe my thuuks te Klectrte Hitters ler bavlnK n nuwed my youth, and removed cempleti li all disease and pain." Try a bottle t only fun? at Cechruu's Drug Mere, 137 aud 1S3 North Quern street, Lancaster, i'a, (ij Damdeiien LITKR I'kllitjs ter sick headache erpld liver, hllloiisucssandliidigestlea Small andejuy tnswallew. One pill a luce. Prlte.ic, by all druggists. IcDS-fniJ I'u.'UlH , OIe Hlj's Cream lUlma tlt) This lu.tly ueleljialed remedy for the cure of caurrh, hy refer, cold In the head, Ad, can b'l eliulutul of any repuiable druggist unduity hen-lied upon as a sale nud pleasant iximdy for the above complaints and will give Immediate u lief it Is net a liquid snuff or powder, has ee ottsnslve odor and can be used ut any time with geed re. suits, as thousands tn t.tiry, umeng ihem jpmpt the attaehes et this elUce "-ejilrli of A nmff.aUyw.lML u.'lwdeedw nmitcAj AY UK'S SAUSAPAHILLA. A CREAKING HINGE li dry and turns bard, until Ml Is applied, atur which It tiuncva easily when the lelntu, or MnKes.ut ttiu body me itlncuisl ami lutl.Miied by Ulieuiuiitlsui, they cauuelbe uned without cautliiB the most ricruclilln; pilns Ajers arHiurllla, by lis action en tlie iliiMlaiillTes tbH ceiiilllkm, aud U'jleici the JeluU te geihl npiklug erJr Aet hars.,uillta lit, rtTiHted, in our cllr, many most, remarkable cum- nuinbfr et enhhbsincd thrtTniUettti i esietwilenced tihiclnii. Were It w-s.ai), I ct'uM Rle the uamrs' finniiylniUTtiluals who hat plxH'ii runs! b.T taktn this itii'dlclne. In my onnwe 11 his verlMliiiy weikid wenden, ivlletluc 'u"0' RHiSUMATISM, After bcliii: liouti'ed w-ithlt ter itrua In this, tuipuie iiiu ii eiuur uitS9es atni : li blixM, there Is no reuifdywtlb whiihlaiuac liiniHitKi.xnaiairores suehreitel Ajet'i Oar lialtluiere, 'nnartla-K 11 Lawrence, M ! .uu. Ajtrs dsraisrtlla eunM me et i.eut and Itheiiuiatlsui, whun nethlnir rl-r would It has emdlcnted ivory tracn of Jiii(ie fnnu mv svs teiu K It. short, Mauasri llettl lieluieut, I, (mill. Mats. 1 wa, durlnit many ninntht, anuffifr from Chronic Khtmuiallsui lhudltve atllicted me Kf1eiusly, tn spite of alt the remwllcn I could ttud until 1 commonest unliin Aier- srsapa psrllls 1 took several bottles et thl prt-para -,11,, & ieuk several e( Ien and waa iTH'tstUv ,-. nn itni was, sTH'tsiuv releifa xe neajiu t vcaui. Independence, Va. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. l'rp,ired by Dr. J. C Ayrr A C v, Lewell, Us feldby allltrugxUU. 1'itie, It , six but tics. O S5 ueMll you fl.tj.f. PI'IU.IC S.VL,UOFDESlKALE KKlu ESTATK OS SATCRDAT. "-OVlMlEa IS. K-, at 7e clock p. in., wilt be sold at the I eepsid Hetel, all these ihree lets of isiennd en the north tilde of .Vuw street, between Puke and Ltme streets, containing In front ea h Is teet and I Inches, and tn depth te a 10-feet common alley, lie fret, en which rmpwii,! inr,-, two-sterr HUH K I tLl.l.Ml iiuUbK-. Ves tS7, 1 and 111, -with two-sterv brick bsrtlulidlu. i w se neuses nave seven recni, i.n.a thej hare been recently papered, ait' tn sxd icpali, anil will be sold en very ease lenus . . Jl'tl.N A COYI.K JulL II ims, Auet ti-S.h'.l id TDt BLIC MA LET- 0 Tbidat, N'eTsiaa ... lfc. by Tlituoet an order or the Orphans' Ceuit el Lancaster cennty, w til be sold at public sslc, at the Leepard Hetel, en Kajt King street, the lot let tow tnir property, te wit ! lhlthree-atery tllltCK KEStDESCK, with a twtvitery llrlck Back lluUdlne aud two-tery t ramuhttchenattxehed. sltusted Ne MjHeit Oninge Hn et. between fine and Nevln streets. Hilt with Vestibule, ra'ler. Idnlng room and two Kitchens en first ttecr kes1 Jry Cellar, e'e , trout and back Stalrwajs, Ll"ets tn each emimtwr. Heater In cellar, uss through the whole house. Hydrant Mater n the kitchen and l'ae wash In front. In the houe This heue Is unusually well built, with gesl material, sellil walnut doers In front, and ether wok te corre spond. Let a by 115 feet, extendlne te a ten tie! wide alley Fine variety of rrult rrees. ftc lale t-i commence at 7 oil wk p tn when teima aud conditions wilt e tns,ti known by LtCl KlLLISuhlt AdmluUtrtitrlx of Jacob f MUlnger deceased. H.bHCauT, AucUencer. ei-ttd ADMlNlSTRATOK'b b.VLK (.'I CITY rilOftKTY Os Tbidat, N'evriiBiR is, lf, at the Leepard Hetel. en Kast Klngstieet. the uudertlgned, administrator of Saleme J. bur row es, deceased, will salt at public sale all that certain two story ItKlCK DWtLLIMi HOUSE and tot of ground, situated Ne Sil Kast King street containing In rronten Kast Mng street, ?J ltHt SX inches and in depth te crant street, bounded en the east by property of fcdward hdgeiiey and en th west t) pr iperty of Mrs. Heulumtn Llchty. The house Has six rooms, kttchen and bath room, plastered est ret, etc, hrt and cold water, gas, heater in celUr. choice fruit In ard, tide alley, etc. sale te commence at 7 o'c'eck p. m , wheu at at tendancewlll begtvenand trnne made ki own by ISAAC li Bt KltuWfcS, Administrator of Palecae J Punuwcs, dceih 1 or 1 lather particulars apply te ALLAN A HEBK, lue east htug StreeL II. Sat tiKT, Auctioneer. CTtd."" J0n3 91: 17.13 Mlnvr.LLAyr.uv.. TOl NO LADIES AND GKNTLKMEN --L Theattendsnceat the Ijimsstel Cemmer clal College ts greater by ever "e per cent than last year course thoroughly revised Instruc tlen IndtvIduU. Koenu pleasant and centrally located Kvervtblngflrst-class Evening sessions en Tuei-dsy, Wednesday and rnaay Day ses tdans eveiy dsy excepting iiturday from 9 te US and S te 4 Yeu can sptnd an hour or se pleasantly at the rooms, or .end our addicts cu postal card and get full Information II. it. w IDI.hK. Krinetpa' Se. 10 East King BUcel. T WILLHLX'EIVK A Carload of Western Herse3 O.V SATUUDAl. riLST CLASS .VND HEAt DliiJ 1. Alse, a let et TvtS rEIl.V HOUSES en band. GEOKGEGROSsMAN. THK KL.KCTION IS OVL'K, AND ALL psrtles hsd a fair chinee e hew their strenath. The very pleasant das Te hid brought some et our venerable Kep'iMkKin, Democrats and ethers te the polls, soine sited from W te S) years and upwards. Itepxthev may live te cat thnlr votes at the next rrceideutlal Klectlen. fcr th men of their choice, wn(e-r thev may tx Meantime we extend a cordial Invitation te all te call And secure fall and M Inter Ooed., at lttduccd l'rlces tesult the times at BECHTOLD'S. San North Queen Fit , .Near fosterflce "tONl'KACTOK AND HUILDElt. GEORGE ERNST, (JAKl'ENTfclt, CONTHACTOtl A HLILDEII. liesldence Ne. 533 West King street Shop Shep East Grant street, opposite station house WOODEV MANTELS AND HKNKKALHAKD WOOD VYUICK A HPKC1ALI. -.MI work securea my prompt and (M-rsena attention Drawings and KjUmaus lurulshed. em lyd It rr UJJUHAIIT, Fine Tailoring. A full and Complete stock of Imported an Demestic Suiting and Overceating for the Kail Trade new ready te select Irem. Cull early te secmellest Stjlta. h. geWhart, Ne. UN IJUEKN ST., Opposite the I'esUirllce uiar.'7-ldtt DlShOLL'TlON OF IAKTNEUSHIi Netice ta hereby given that the partner ship between Daniel A Altick. Samuel W Al tick and tS llllam U Altick. late trading as D A Altick Sens, was dissolved this (11th) day of OCTtlllElt, solar as relates te the said Daniel A. Altick, who has retired Irem business. All debts due te the said partnership are te be paid, and theso due from the same, discharged at Nes 12 and It. West Orange street, Lancaster, I'a , and corner of West Ureid and Hroughten streets, savannah, Ua, wbere the business will be con tinued hy Samuel W. Altick, imam II Altli k and Henry It. Altick, under the firm name of D. A AllltL'sSOUS. D. A. ALTICK. SAM I. W. ALTICK, VM II AL1ICK, LAncAtTKE. I'a , Octeberll, lwe elJwdTuAS -V USICAIs INarUUMENTS. MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS rei Cash, at V8, S3, 33, UK, I1W. 1W, Ac i-OUOAN'a ON INSTALLMENTS. - liul 1U6) Every S Months. IIju jiiiO averyaMentha. in IM.V) EveryKMenths I1M I15UJ Every 3 Months, Ac, I'lAKOJ at I3J, l.'75, t323, !, Ac American Bowing Machines at 23, f.ji, $13 AIM. -AT- W. D, Messer's Masic Stere, NO. 131 NORTH QUEEN 8TIIEET, LANCASTEK, I'A B'lpli-ljdlt JO.N'THUFFEK ANY LONOEH rrem Yenr Dlseidcred Kidneys, Black Barren Jlluerul Hprlng Water Is a 1'reiupt, KtncieutandCheapltemedy, ItaTonleand Invlgnrant Towers make It an eiiellent Dyspepsia ltemudy Dr. Hegnault, et trance, writing te Oeu. Keff, el fhu U b. Army, says t " Yeu need net come te Europe ter Waters te Cure lpepsla, we havu nenu better than lll.ACK lll'.UK.VHt'ltl.NU W A If It." t'eraens supplied and vessels furnished. l'.S. UUOllllAN. Mauuger, Ne. 87 East Oraul MtreeL for sale by JNO. K. hAUKKMAN, Druggist. Ninth Cjueeii Street, Ijincaster, l'a. ULACIv 1IAHUKN Hl'UlNU 110 U.IK new open Apply te MISS CIIIUITIK ItOMOEItQEU, l'lunsant (lrevi, Laeniwter County, Fa, neelB-Qund JIBS OOi). M KT.UKlt A UAUUHMAN, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S GOATS AT- Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere Seal Plush Goats, Boucle Jackets, Newmarkets, Children's Goats, FOR FALL MD WINTER. Our atoek of Oeata wfta nmile oxpreealy for tin by the Deat Makeru of New Yerk ruid I'hllttdelphltt. METZGER & HAUGHMAN, Ne. 43 West King Street, Botweeu the Ooeper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. T ADIIIS' AND UillliDRKN'8 CLOAKS, Ac. Coats, Jackets t UK l.VDIES, .Mi!sNl'..S In All the Newest Styles at Our Larae Oent Roem le Btoekod fttll or overy doelrnble style orLadleo', Ohlldreu'a and Mlaaea' Oaata, te wbleb we invite the Special Attention of theso in want. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer le tlie Court Heuse, LaucaHter, Ta. iiara, rNSTiTtn'K SPECIAL TO Ti-jE The Lcadei-s hi Furs rerdtally Invite the TEACIIKHS te call and see ready en MONDAY sna continue during tne week DQnWD-SbAI, Ul I AS, ll&A t An, Ul . li CIILCHIl.A, IIRI K J , .IU lit, l.U.1 M, T HALIAN Ol'OSSVM, COON', SWAN- DOWN, Ac MUrfS TO MATCH THE T HI St Ml Ml . ...... .... ..u..v.. .. ,..Lr.t,.,,i ., m- ,. (T-a.k nni .v LADIES' SEAL 8AQUE8 and rUK-H.VED ClUCULAltS In Bteck and Made te Order Our Asortmentef OEN'TS' rUtt UOODS was never mere complete, rtllt CATS, COLLAK, WUIstLEIS aud GLOVES at Lewest l'rlces. Including a ruil Line of ri.VE HOUEb In HATS We Are Unsurpassed, lielng the Acknowledged LEADERS All the MeweU Styles, Including the Deautllul Hosten Lightweights Alte, a f ull LIueeniU'NhSandTKAVELl.NU IltUS W. D. STAUFFER &CO., Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street, .... Lancaster, T. OAHHIAOB A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WJNtf. HONEST WORK 1 Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 aud 128 EAST KING STREET, (NEAliLV OI'I'OSITE THE LEOI'AHD HOTEL), LAMCASTEH V . Nene Bu Firat-Clasa MKhanlcs Employed. Ne. 1 M&terial, and Thai Only, Dsed I'UICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL WOUE OUAUANTEED. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, 1 bave new en hand and for sale cheap the following flrsbclass second hand work One Light One-Man Wsgen, suitable fertrack purpose, ene Light reur-raasenger Drng.enn rirst-clasa Ex tension Tep I'tueleu, two Light J uinp-Seat Carriages. Alse, Second-Hand Tep and Tretting Dag gles, both side bar and end springs, business Wagons, Sporting Wagons and Market V agens, which will be sold at the MOT KKA80NAULE I'UICES. Give as a call whether you wish le pur chase or net- he trouble te show the work. rAKTICULAH ATTENTION PAID TO HEl'AIUINU M9D OA" T FOKUKT THB PLA OK- Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 uuvtmrvMHiaitiHU hevd: s slUKK'S UAKl'KT HALL. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! UKOI'ENIHU or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We aie new nrenivnxl te ibew tne trade tbe htbtuid tn this city. itv. WILsTOWB. VBl.VlM.r3. Oil aitUSSEl.B, Till i C b tit sr . um.1 , f'mtnn GUAINCAUPETS. DAMASK and VENETIAN UfcE- TS, D own mannfactnre a sr reasnectalltT. Special Attention Alies rail Line of OILCLOTHS SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, U r. Weet King and Water St3,, Lancaster, Pa. out uuuhm. c LOAKH. UllANUIlI8t,I.A OK Jackets, Newmarkets, -AMI- SEAL PLUSH SAOQUES -AT TIIE- HIW YOEK STORE. Latest Stj les received every day. Upwards of thirty new and desirable styles lu CHILDREN'S COATS In a great variety of shapes and trimmings, from 2 te 14 years at very low prices. MISSES'COATB AND NKWMAKKETS. An Immense stock of ALL-WOOL JEItSKY JACKETS, Made te our special order during the summer and new selling at less than the piesent cost of materials. LADIES' 110UULK JACKETS. IiADlEh'ASTUAC'HAN JACKETS, LADIES' ritlSKE JACKETS. BOUCLE WRAPS, ASntACUAN WHAI'B, SUISSE WUAl'B LADIES' NEWMARKETS. 1 bese goods have all been bought ler cash from the best manufacturers and are being sold at our well known popular prices. ELEGANT SEAL l'LUHH WRAPS and SEAL I'LUrill SACQUES at astonishingly low prices. WATT&SHAND, G, 8 aud IU Kast Kliifr Street. T HIH PAPKB IS 1'KINTKI) WITH INK Manufactured by J. K. WRIGHT & CO., rnarlMyd th.ana llsre 8U,, rhUaOelpbU, r and Wraps AMI (1I1L1IKK.N. the Very Lewest Prices. cars, u. TEACJjERS ! and Fur Trimmings their HEAVTlrUl, E.XUiniT, which will be hvery Desirable Specimen In the Line will he AUS WUHlta. HONEST PK10ES 1 EAST KING STREET. OTlydAw Larvuat nna Iteat B lee tea lAxxn at Cftrneu vnr nx me AnwiinK bmct vi uuwi a.iii i- rAl'ESlltY PKatn rTTHA HII PlT.ItS finrt ll ni CABI - ETU. KAG and CHAIN CAltl'KTS of eni paid te the Mannfactnre of CUSTOM CAUriTS. liUtiS, trlJIUun auAiswy.cjsjvaiisAiaiAo.sseH AT tx'.t.s.itraij VMBBXLLAB. u miiui;i,i,a.s. Scheel Teachers, -WK ARE- HEADQUARTEFIS -FOR UMBRELLAS ROSE BROS. & HAR1IAN, XU. U XA'ST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, I'A. WIIfMM AJtn LIOUOUH. 29 29 -ae te- Reigart's Old Wine Stere rer remmery Sec, HeucheScc, l'lpei Heldsleck, (J. H.Mumm A Ce., and all ether leading brands of Imported Champagnes. Alse, Mndelia, Sherry and l'ert Wines, Clarets, Sauteinet, Ales and B touts. BoIeAgent for Special Great Western Cham Eagne, produced by the Pleasant Valley Wine e, the finest American Uhampague lu the United States. rinrtda Orange Wine, the finest In the market. A lull line et iirandy, Whisky, Ulna and Uuini, California Claret and WhltaWlne, el Napa Val ley, C'allfurula. H. E. Slaymaker,AOT.. Ne.EA6TKlNQ BT LANCA8TER.PA MIT UOUVH. rrnnis North End Dry Goods Stere. Is BellluR an Kicollent Hull or CanierH Hair Underwear ten i nei.i.Aim. J. W. IITKNB, Ne. .T.'J Ninth Queen sUveL neMnt t KtUVI.KIlACO. f w bticis, Ulissci' and (hildrrs'i Coats, Jackets, -AND- WRAPS. Largest Assortment, Newest Styles, Lewusl I'llcis FOR OASH. JolinS.6ivler&Ce., Ne. 230 Geat King Htroet, LAKvisraa, I'A. neMi'AnErmur-s. Stamm Bres. & Ce., Nes. 'Jl and t2S North (ucen bt. We Invite cotnpaiisen and anv between our ptltet Extraordinary Bargains Ne Ixlng Otlerrd tn thrill). HOMESI'L'N UlTINHS, II Inches VHde, Ji a Tard HlLKHllIU'EH ARMUKE5, X Inches Wide, JTXca laid ALL Weel HEATHER RL'ITINO, i:inches Wide, lie a tar I IIAiU LINE SUITINGS, il Inches Wide, Mica lard. ALL-WOOL t'LOril SUITINGS, 91 inches Wide, Vic a Yard ALL-we.H, CAMELS HAIR SU1T1NUH, SI Inches Wide, Me aTaid These goods are most desirable DrtssBluflTs en the marked, l'lslnerln Combination, andean be had "Mr at thu BOSTON ST0RG. PIN POINI t l.Ol US. Inches Ide, UKc. a j ard: erth 15c a yard, two shades Uray. OurTllICOIBwereoentraeted for after tne rush of early spring, and are as fine and cheaper than any offered In this city. NOTE THESE PitlCKS-M-lnch All-Weel rrlcels, Mc a yard SI lnrh All-Weel Tricot, 75c aystd, nonehettcr atll COayatd. COATS, COATS. I.mlle Misses and llillilren't Jackets and Wraps. ILISU COVTS at fecial .n Prices UNDERWEAR Large Assortment. Tides Lew HOSIHn AND tlLON Kt lilies , Misses' and Chlldreu W oelen Hosiery and tlleves. An Immense a'jrtmentat our pepuiai ptlces, -A I THE- BOSTON STORE. aa-reniierly at the New leik Stele epeuevery evening next week. Stere J." MAUT1N A CO. Dry Goods DEPAETIENT. WE PI KCI1ASKI) IIF.rOltF. THE RECENT ADVANCE IN UOOU A LARUE STOCK OT French Black Cashmeres, And we Ouetea'rew ni Our SPECIAL 1IAROA1NM. All Weel ttench Cashmeic, 14 In wide, J3c. a yatd. All Weel rteuch Cashmete, lOln. wlde, 'e a yard. All-Weel trench Cashmeie, in In. wlde,60c a yard. All-Weel French Cashmete, 10 In. wide, 70c. a yard. All-Weel French Casbmeie, loin, wide, Kc. a yard. Tricot Dress Goods. A New Involce or these gee, which will be sold at three ijimrters their value. nargala Ne. 1. All-Weel Dress Tricot, all shades, at Sic a yard 27 In. wide. Ilargiln Ne S. All Weel Tricot Cleth, In plain and mlztures, at Me a yard 33 In. wide, bargain Ne 3 All-Weel Tricot Cleth, In gray and brown mixture, at ue a yaid, worth It oe one yard aud u half wlde. Bargain Ne. I All-Wee! Dress Tricot Cleth, extra heavy, plain shades, at 75c a yaid 10 lu. wld. J. B. Martin t6 Ce., Cor. West King & Prluce Ste, (Opposite elevens Heuse.! LAN0ABTIH. FA. NUT1UK TO TKKSPABSER8 ANO U UN NEKS. All persona are hereby for bidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall or Speedwell estates. In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed eruntn. dosed, either fur the purpose of sheeting or fish ing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against . all trespassing en said lauds of the undersigned after this notice. WM. COLEMAN JTltEKM AH, R, PERCY ALDEN. EDWARD U. rilEKMAN, ..AAtnrDeylorlt.W.celemaii'ibelri ecUl-UdiV i-'V &Oc. h iiMtisy jsM -.Agaifc ijl' tnHniiTi. ?$&'&tS aaisi taut:si ut ... . -w, ,TtT;:-iiCi?rT-'' " .