Tr?' .v '"" vvntaBiihnBS cei isr .. ',. 'w?irrr-teww&jmi'mi.r- "," sr" a?"i!-fj. pi-l . . -T"W' i ' J' '-s ' . w ak ! -J- . v . .. u . -e aaaa - . J ';.- a : -. vs vm wr-'. , ... - ". 'a - . - fV' " 4. 1 Kf Thfc5u'HHAl C4 fwT hflil9"HFVBl -aw, ai HM TTTI71 Ml I MX H ! ! j ! H ' in1 ''l3fTBfW'WBBite3' u VOLUME XXUI-NO. G7-SIX PAG EH. LANCASTER PA., SATURDAY, NOVEMJJEU, 0, 1880. SIX PAGE3-L4UOE TWO OENm UK WAS A SKYENTH SON. aaaaae " . rTii2Cy;i - AlVll VUXlUUahY tatOUtlll, AM ir J Jlifl fATHKn iiuFuun uui The hlntrrllijc Mini rruieruua Caieer uf a Well Knumi Iren .Mmiufiu tutor A Man Hhu Fought llunu Katie Onalailea ml Soen Cutiiuared Altlittuie. It Is ulways pleasant te chronicle tlm caieer of h Minn whehy lil honest euergy mitt In the race of grunt difficulties lint raised hluiself te a position oraffiuenco and respon sibility in u community. Tlie man who un un un dorge tills crucial test of citizenship eome out trim! a liy ilie, tlm tlrtw of luicr luicr fectien melted away nntl lliu tnllneJ geld re using, These are tlie moil who Isveiuu a isiwer in tlie community In which they llve ami their catcers ate a shining oxaiuple te ambitious youths lliat count nlter tliem. Tbl tytt) of man It Alexander II, Peacock, tlie subject of Hum week's Illustration In the I.itki Mfii'tc kii portrait gallery Though Mr. Peacock la new ivprospreii Iren inmiu inmiu rturer. tow Hin awnre of the arduous en n I or th it we. needed te teiu'h 111 present -4oallleii. Iteru In Heading en June 20, lsJI, lie hail but a (utv jears lu lliu schools In which te equip hluiselt ler tlie ballle el life. He Han hut hoveii jeara or age wheu hit father died, tivatliiK n wliletv ami oteveu clilldreu te ntrugKlu Unuiigli tlm weililaa bit tliey might. 'I III uilnfettutip, im wat alternant maul. fcatvil, wat only a IjIemIiik hi itlKUitfl, ler it taught the atcru lowten el aelf rcllauce te the young family. Iho tiiuluuiM irter of Alex. ander lxi;au III hit elghth jetr, the Holiuyl Heliuyl k 111 canal belni; the acoue of hit actio(ife ler the Biiiweillni; tlilttwu yejtn. Ititt tlie young man llke all who hae the true mettlo Hi theiii. had (loteriiiliieil te Invouie hit own tst , ami h e Hint him In IM7 with eneugh meney laid atlde le cuilurk In liutlnc.ii ler hlumelt. llsoK!iied up n gitienl inorcantlle hutl ihwi In Keadlui:, which eccupltM hit II me and onerglet until ly. Then ler two and a half yeara aflvr that he w a meiuhur of the tlrm el UutitertV 1'txKeck, ivhoirarrled en an lien manufactory In Mnioiem, llerka county AtthOHame tluiualergd III Uley tewnthlp that county, lormetly enuwt hy Jacob K, Nwiitc, wateivratint ty tlie maihe ueuiauy HIXICM TO l.A.NClsrKH. Mr. I'eaceck had olten cat, longing nye en the beautiful tun M le which he nttbi)'ueully rouievod, and In 1)7 we llnd him iMtely bh bh bh chored In IjamaMer, the linn of TlieiuiLtiV. I'e aceck having purchai-cd theblant ftiruace In the neuthcrii cud el the city. The 11 nil conducted the hutment until Istn when en account el the dealti that year of hit mrtur it. II. Themas, the tlrm iiame wanchaiigeil in IhT'Jte 1'eHcnck V Tliemit, the lalhet m tutor tt being ropriteutod by hl meii, Kelxiit V. Tliemat. I'rmierlly HiulIM upeii Uie new Ilriu, and undnr thulr luaiiagumuiit tint ImtliiPMn douliled ami In hM, ita weekly jlcld at ene hundred and hlty tout of pig iron ier week, giving employ ment te 1 x) men. llie homa hema homa Ille oren UikhI in the I'onentega furnace, at it It called, are mined en the line of the ijimrry- llle Hatlread cemiauy, the tuition being en tied by tlie ceiniwuy. a ix eTiii.n iron i s rfiitiuiMt.i. Net only hat Mr. 1'ujcixW bean iloeply In In tereated In the Ilrin te which alliifileu h&t been made, but he hat Ikhjii largely luter luter eated In Iren uuturprlnca with ether well known luauulactureri. He haa tiecu for yeats a tuaunger uf the Punn Iren werkn, wtiicti dak long iwneilcinliy lull lilt geel Judgment in matteta pertalnlng te the Iren Initie, l'er hoiiie years he wat ene of the operators of the Heward Iren works, In Centre county, in 1SH1 be wait largely In In lereated 111 the Mount t'nlen fitrnaceH, In JIuntlngdnii county, and all the tlme that he waaelaowhero InlermUnl hit IixmI enter prlaet were kept up le a high Htala ofelll efelll ofelll clency. During Mr. IVmeck'ii luMdciiie In Ian Ian caster he liat nut biken an aclhu iart In the municipal adiulniHtiatleu of the city, whtlit in Heading he nerved ler eeral yeara at a member of the beard of control of that city. Iloadherei te the hepubllciu party in atate and national allalra, but lu municipal curt teata HeiiHibly picka out lliu laitt man ler whom te caal bit ballet Mr. l'oaeock wan one of the lucoreratora of the Lancaster A Keadlng narrow guage railroad, built lit 1ST-, el which he hat lieeu preiideut aiucu the (lentil of H. W. hlietik lu leStl. Mr. l'oaeock iimiw of an old Iren family, Ilia lather, Ihumat I'oaceck, (177U 18'Js), having renlded in Heading and having been a manufacturer el cutjualla a-t early aa mil. Til It btiaiuest he continued until machinery wat lntr(Klucel, about ISIS, and HUpplied the northern part el the atate with nalla. Ilia wlfe, Margaret Urth, (1701 1S7I). of llarrttburg, bore him eleven children, of which the sub ject of thlrt sketch was next te tlie yeungest. Hit dlatluctilaliliig chnrnclerlttlci in hit Vpislnest carver have lieen lilt aelld hoiise and "! jM "crupuleiiH honor. He la a matt modest man and never IhrtiHla himaelf ujten public attontlen. The notice we make of him today la without hla content, but we feel that in our Kllcyef noting the careers el our worthy public. cIIImiih we ciunet be roslralued by Individual roluctance te be Ulimtraled us ox ex emplaia or the worth of our ten u. IIIH iamii.v. It would be hard te liml a morn typical family man liUbe length and breaJlher Ian easier than our geulal subject. At hit pleatant home en East Urange street, after the butluett caret of the day are evor, lie Is the loved centre of a most lutoreHtliig family group. He was married In 1819 te Charlette K daughter or Jacob Hpang, an Iren manufacturer lu HerkH county, by whom he had seven sous and four daughters. One of the latter died In early youth and an other in the full llUKh of young womanhood. Twe of the sous nre also dead and seven children remain. Harry is connected with the tlrm or Donaldsen t Themas, 1'hiladel phi coal doalersEdward Is a civil engineer recently connected with sotueoftho great railroad enterprltet el the Southwest Wil liam and Jacob are connected with their father's buslneHt t the Conestoga lur u ace and Charles Is a machinist A daughter Is marrled te J. Frank ICeller and a siugle dntighter ruinains tlie idol or her jurenlsttt bonie. Mr. l'eaceck Is lu creed n strict l'resbyterian and it an active member el the First Presbyterian church. Many have doubtles wondered at the tltle "doctor" by which tlie subject or our sketch la most commonly known lu the cir cles In which he moves. It It dun te the fact that he U theseveuth Hen of a seventh son, such being popularly beliuved te have occult knowledge of the healing utt Howevor that be "Dr." Peactick stands high in the estimation of his fellow townsmen ler genial manners and solid wertli that Imve been tlie llewera or his prosperous buslucsi caroer. JniiUHl Ultldciiil litr Ilia (laarrjtllle Hank, 'Tlie Quarry villa National bank hasdeclarcd a three per cent, seml-annual dividend en their capital stock. The bank's surplus is ?1U,000. l ida !Hll)Uflb nvni.rmiut. vumvAKf I'ltMlni I'crlarmanr te An Auitlrma That Hlmulil !! lt iJtrjfr. Friday ovenlng Ida Hlddens' liutlesipie company aptoared In Fulton opera heiisn, The audlence was uf geed sl, lint the heuse would liavoBcceiniiKMlatetlagiealiiianymoro persons. Last mviseii Mlsi Hlddens iiame le this city with a very strong oeuipiny. They lcltageiMl repulatlen Itflilnd Hlid It was bellnved that It would have tlie i Hecter draw ing a very large nudlcnce till tlme. 'Iho prices el nduilstleii were very reasenable yet ler seme iiukitewii caitie tlie eniiipniiy did netdlaw Ihn alidlunin that llsheuld. 'Iho troiie Is lully a stietig at It wai last seawn and It Includes uulut n iiiiiuber of clever vtople. A mitt of a liurliwuoejiora entitled "A Ktrlkn lu thollaiein," nnsgiven. It Is of the tegnUtleu kind tutiitlly pr(seulel by thlsclakaorreiiipanleH. Ilteiitalim oonsld eonsld oensld oiablo ImmIi and a greit ileal of Inn. The Jokes and hlU upon topic el tlie day wero new, The ladle weie sll well formed and very scantily atllied. 'Iho vury limited i-estiuutvs, however, woniliaudiwiiie. Hoveral Isdles had gtssl vekesaud Hang popular song. Pauline Patker wa encored several limes ler her banjo playing and siuulug. Ida Hid Hid dens inadea very hnmlsetiiu J'idire Alrel. One or Iho best urt of the ladles work wa the Amnretilau march which was loudly applauded. I'ayetle Welch, Jepi Delane and Theuia Ailams made lets of luu lu the male chaiaclers. llolwemi the acts el the Oltera a uuiulsir of sihh'IsHHeh were Intro duced. MltsNiddeiis gave her very pleading skipping inij dance, lu which she scam te Impiove every tlme she cemes here. Jeppo and Fannin Delane, are a pair of sketch artlnta whoie faces are famlllur le l.sutasler (hxijiIe although they had net been seen here lu soreral years until last evening. Their work lsa finished as evor and I hey pleated every one. Fer seme unexplained reason A da Henry did nelapar lu her "oxpreatlve vecalltms'' and her plaet wa taken by M'lle l.ament, who gracerully swung club. Julia I'mmeiid sang suvural song ami dautetl Jigs. Fayettn Welch, who Is an eld-tlutir, tint still a geed ceinedlsn, tickled the audi encn with her Millar siieciilly. Kmma A I (red (i i-orfe tmed gracelully en tlie bar and she Is said te I i tlm only lady en the stage tlelng an n:t of Iho kind. Hlie wa aMtlxted by Matter Jehn l.smeut, a clown, who really wa very liiuny. The big hits of the evening wero made by the ihroe I.imeuts ami Mlat Alfrede. They ale a wonder wender ll party of gymnttbt and iHirferuied many dlllicult feat Matter Jehn l.ament thten thlily fceineiHvulbt in twenty seconds en ft KHltwtal thrie leet sipiare. M'lle. Lv ment fully convinced the audlence that she wat entitled te tlm iiame of the female Her cules, a alie It very strong. 'I he company lull this morning ler Harris, burg ami will go thenu) le lewlsburg. It is said that the show I tswked In towns many of which are net sulllcleiitly large and the result 1 thai their busliies I uet what It should he. The company I larcoandex- Iinslve and mutt draw largely te succeed. The l)ltre (turtle el this woek has an ex cellent picture or Pauline Parker, who played .SMfy .Shitty with the cempnuy last evenlng. As the tendinis will have Iho opera heuse every night next week, nxcept Hsturday night, the show business will have a rest The town can easily stand that, as there I no doubt that this place could get along Willi lea shows thsn we have hail already and the biMnets would be much better rer these who would visit tit. ritr. yi. or' .iirrtji.Y. A rj IIwhI Kililliltluii ul Chr;wtiitliFiiiuiiii lu llnllslil In Tills till. Thuchrysaiitheinuui exhibition te be held lu the Lancaster link next week, beginning en Tuesday afternoon, will likely engage, as It detervm, the Interest or thousands from city and county. There have Iheu successful shows of this Hew er In ltosteu, New Yerk, Philadelphia mid Pittsburg for sev oral years, and thelr cltireu are this season moie enthusiastic than ever. This one will have the samu varletlotte bnsoeti lu the alsive clllen ; for the professional and amateur llerista procured their Need and plants from these who Imported them, livery ene who hat an oye or two for the beautiful will certainly meve Blewly through the capacious building U net miss feasting le rullneaa iihiii this wemlerfiil dlr- Clay. It will iKtremarkable without doubt ecatise enough entries have already 1mu hamtett te the secretary te till the large halt An 1nii.i,!,iekm-i:ii reporter has seeu the collections el three who Intend ceuiietiiig ler lliu libera! preiuliui. One ha 2,000 planls, J70 variellet s another 'M0 varieties, and another e, tsjtldes Innumerabln unnamed plauta. The tlrst erthetu is n profeHtlonal, and they aloue Imve sulllcleul fur a flrsl.cla.14 show. In all there will be about J00 varieties ; Chinese, Japanese, single and uui-x-ne. The largest standard plants will moa-ture four feolinillamutar,andthe same In height. Some of the (lowers have a diameter exceeding six Inclins. K ulg Ill's erchestra will be lu attend ance. ui.u Titixirwa iseTit tmah. In Olf-bist-i In Pilling bljrle the Nriiiil-C'n lemilal ul tlis cliuriti. One hundred and lllly stroke en the old bell In 'lrinlly church steeple, which we cast In Knglsnd in lTi.'J expre.sly for thi church but which ha been entirely out or uie fur seme year past, w 111 be sounded, 10 stroke al a lime, le limes, te morrow morn ing boleru the ringing or the chime, lu honor el tliusesiul-ceiitenulal of theday when the congregation was organized, Novembor 7, 173'). 'Ihu still eldor bell, the Urat which Trinlly churchever had, will he displayed en a ped estal lu the chancel, together with a number of ether ancient relics, such a the old Her man pulpit Bible, the first communion ser vice, made or iew ter according te the custom In these days, etc The walls el the church, the very same that were built a full century ami a tpiarter nge, will lsar in beautirul black letters and Ilgures of black the names and dalea el the eleven pasten which old Trinity has had during the jiast 160 years, ami the ether decorations will be in keeping. All tliej:ii(-ls1i Lutheran congregations of the city will unite lu tlie service of the morn ing, at which the musiu will be rendered by the combined choirs, the service participated in by alt the tatUirs ami the sermon preached by the Kev. Dr. Jacob Fry, el Headline, Pa in the afternoon at -:.i0 n grand Joint leslival of all the Lutheran .Sunday schools will be celebrated, at which the members or the schools will se llll Iho church that all ether persens will have le wall until the school are sented belers socking admission. In the evening the sermon will be preached by the prvsler, en the theuie of the character of the men who have lllled the venerable pulpit lu patl generations. It 1 thounlversnlsentlmout that the best twsslble memorial of this netable anulvor anulver sary will be the election of a handsome uew organ. A. 31, K. Cliurih Fair. A lair for the bcneUt of the Alrlcau Methodist Kptscepal church was openod en Friday venliig in their church en Klraw berry stroet The committees in charge or the arrangements have been at work for Beveral months preparing ler the event The result is that a large number of articles, both useful and ornamental, are ler Hale. The attendance was geed ler the opening night Btid the rocelpu satisfactory. The objeci of Iho fair Is a worthy ene ami should receive the patronage of our citizens. Church Dedication, The dodicatlen of the Welsb Mountain chapel will take place en (Sunday altorueou, nud a number or prominent divines will be present Addressea will Im delivered by Hev. C. Hlemensnyder, or Lancaster, Prlce Z. Hupploe, or Houeybrook, aud ethers. I'leilljr of (lame, Charles Jellrlet, the well known railroad conductor, roturned last ovenlng from a gun ning trip In Cloarileld county. He wa very Mi(-oesrul,nud brought with him a large let or pbeuanUand sipilrrelt, a number or which Iiu gave te friends In this city this morning. Among the siutrrelH waa una that was ui black us coal all ever. THIS DEMOCRATIC CLOUDS auis aLUWi.r i.irrintt Ann tub bum i lUUNIHtt UVT. l.tliT ;ueluiii Htiiitr Tlist Nvsrl Kvcrjwbsm llul In rniiltrsiil Ida II imirriwj In. crrsted lis llelil-Ths Pedsral Hums le ami (Ulns In the nnalc. All but ten cotliille-i have rowj!ted llielr ulllcUl llgures el lliu vele cast en Tuesday. These are Allegheny, Armstrong, Clearlleld. Llk, (Iteene, Huntingdon, Ickawana, Mont Ment Mont KeiuorHulilvaii and Philadelphia. Frem Ihose cetintlu.'! them are clew) esllinale., se that Heaver's plurality or IJ.8STI will net be materially changed. PaUlsen's plurality was luJirj, se Hist Iho Itnpuhtlcati gain Is M.fTM. There wern Democratlegalnsliithroo reuutles only, Caiubtla showing up with Ml, Carlsm with Vi and Menteur with .vj, a total el ITil. The vote for Cmigress In the Choster dis trict ate.s DailiiKteri, 0,'iVlj Dickinsen, ,aO; Kverharl, .sn j Marshall, SOI f Dar Dar Ien's plurality , t.l Heteniefii llrinui rsllc. tisjuili. The latest returns of the congressional elections are much inore faverable le the Deuieurats ami, utiles. roversed by efllclal count, gire the parly soventeoti majority In the next Heuso el KeprosenlallveH. The gains net tieroleforocredlled te them are the Second and Fifth California districts and the Soceud North Carolina. In the Hovenlh Ohie, wlilcli had Ixmn roteitod i-arrled hy Little (Hep) the efllclal count glves three majority le ('aiupl-ell (Dem.) lu the dis puted 'lenlh Illinois district the face of the returns shows a majority for Pest (Hep.) ever Worthlngteu (Dem.) a Hepubllcau gain. Sir. Carlisle Is ie elected bya majority el 76C .New .1 --' l.rKllature Democratic The revised elllclal return in New Jersey give the Dt'tnccrnlsU scimters aud 32 mem bers of assembly, which Is a majority of 1 en Joint ballet I bis they have without a sonaler from Atlantic, where they will con test the seat of (,ardner (Hep.) whom the face of the returns elect '1 hey also have an even show ler another tnomlier from the Third asdeinbly district of Passaic, wliere a tie exists ami a new election mutt be held. The Hepublicans will demand a recount In the Senumt Mercer district, where Walters (Deiil) ha only 'J majority, and In the Saleui district where Newell, Democrat, ha 13 majority. I hv also claim the election of (iuniflter In llurllugleu, although the ro re lurns, according te Democratic authority, glve their candidate ever IXn) msjenty. The slliiatlea suinmarl7ed is therofero about as fellows. If the Democrats maintain the strength given them by Uie elllclal returns. 41, they will have a majority el ene en Joint billet vvhlle II they secure the tie district or Passaic in the new olectlen they will have 12, or three majority en joint ballet Against this the Republicans have 30 en the elllclal returns, a lighting chance rer the tle district and the desperate hepe el counting out one or inertj Democrats. California llrinerrat-i (lain lien Cuuftiinaii ami Klcct Their (loterner. The corrected returns Irem San Henlte and Stanislaus counties, California, glve Bartletf, (Dem.) for governor, 32:1 mere than was at first ropertod. The Hepubllcan new concedo the stale te Hartlett There is ue doubt new that the legislature is Democratic en Joint ballet by thirteen majority. This Insures the olectlen oKieorgo Hearst as I'nlted States sonster. The last congressional returns show ene Dom.-cratle gain. A Senatorial (lain Alse In ludlans. Complete returns Irem all counties in In diana except oue glve Kobertaen (Hep.) ler lleutenaul governor 3,f-7 plurality. The Demecrata have the legislature by two major. Ily en Joint ballet The llgures are: Senate, Democrats, ,11, Hepubllcau, 10; Heuse, Deiuis'rnts, l; Hepiiblicans, W. II theso return are conlirmed by elllclal tigures n Demecrat w III sucewsj Hen Harrison lu the I'nlted States Senate. Mlnuctcit still In Doubt Three days have passed slnce the polls have cIehhI and it i net et known who i te be the next governor of Minnesota, lteth parlies still claim the election of their rospes' respes' rospes' llve candidate", and charges or fraud ami tirespect el protracted contest and pestihlu litigation are looming up unpleasantly. Writ Virginia l.rglnlnture Deiiiiirratu. Frem Uin mint reliable lnlormatleii, the next West trglnta legislattlre will tie Dem ocratic en Jelnl ballet by nine vote. This will elect a Democialie successor te Senater Camden (Dem), Why lleinetisU huille Kli.m Iho t'lillaitelpblal Hues, The Democrats carried all the northern slate which voted for Cleveland, with the single exception of Indiana, and by majorities largerthau wero given te thelr candidate for president. New Jercey nearly deuble her presidential Democratic majority ; Iho Demo cratic candldate lur governor In Connecticut has an Incrcased plurality and New Yerk largely liicruase the Cleveland majority and ler a distinct Clevelnnd candldate. The rigurrs In Dakota. Si. Paui, Minn., Nev. ti. A Canten, Dak., special te the Pioneer I'rcsa says: The Can Can eon -tifcucitic'.v summary of the elllclal and estimated returns glveUltlerd lil.OOO majority iu Seuth Dakota and 0,000 lu North Dakota, or 20,0001u the territory. nina uitva yuNEitAL. IheClualiigSceuaula Lungaud Useful tulurA. tlunal Career. The fuueral of Mis Maria K. UUI, the old eld est el Uie public school teachers lu Lancas ter, leek place this morning at 10 o'clock, from her late residence, Ne.. I 111 West Chest nut street The funeral discourse was made by Hv. J. Max Hark, of the Moravian church. The teacher and a number or the impll of the girls' high school, or which Nils C 111 waa teacher, attended the funeral, together with u delegation el the beard of di rectors. The pill-bearers wero Prof. J, P. Me. Caskey, principal or the boys' high school, J. 11. Kevliiski, muslcial Instructor of the schools, G. M. .alim mid James A. Miller. The burial casket was covered with black cloth with sliver mountings, and there were many beautllul ileral pieces presented by Irleiuls of the deceased. Tlie amoral train moved down Chestnut te Prince, down Prince te (lerman up Uor Uer man te Seuth Quoeu, and out Seuth Quecn te Woodward Hill cemetery, vvbore the Interment was made. Celebrating the Third Aiinltemary. On Friday oveulng the third anniversary ur tlie Yeung Ladles' Missionary baud was celebrated lu the Duke stroet Mothedlst church. Thore was a very large audlence present, tlie church belng crowded. The opening prayer wa made by Kev. Malllsen, of the; West Mission, and Kev. J, K. T. Oray, of the Duke stroet church, followed in n few remarks. Miss Mulner, or Camden, a missionary who but recently roturned from Mexico, made tpiite an interesting address In which she s'xikoer the missionary work done in the City el Mexico nnd vicinity. Hev. J, T. Satchel), new or Philadelphia, but formerly pastor of the Duke street church, also deliv ered an address. A creditable collection for missionary purposes wa taken up and sev eral new members wero admitted te the band. Alter singing, by Hev. Satcbell anil wife, and prayer, the Interesting meeting wa brought te a close. The Yerk Walking match Kudeil. The BO-hour walking match which began in the linsterii market heuse, Yerk, en Thurs day evonlng.came te a sudden clese last night miur iuu uieu uau uoen ou lue track 21 hours, There wero hut reur men In the inatclt They wero Charles Miller and Frank Hebeid, of Lancaster, and two colored men named Hay. ler and Alexander, of Yerk. At the clese of the match the number of miles made by each man was as. fellows : Miller, 77; Alexander, 71; Hayler, 74, and Hebeid, 01. The cause el the Budden ending of the match was lack of patronage. The men were all In geed condl cendl condl Hen when they lelt the track and arrange ments were made le pay them for their Ber- Jl ADAMS rVICHVlt MADI, " "rr - Oueul IhebUvrs of (lira, a Faineui Drauiatlc Hnpnine, The second season of A met lean grand opera, which 1 aniiotinced te be Inaugurated at Iho Philadelphia Academy or Muslc,under the management of Zimmerman A Nixon, ha s host of new singers who will be heard for the first tlme, and also sumo of the leading meinbers of last Boanen. An Impor tant engagement Is that of Madauie Fursch Madl, the famous dramatic soprano and di rectress of the National conservatory, livery, thing 1 being dene te make this season of American opera a netable one, and from the L-reat amount e! luterest which Is known te exist, and which is actually displayed In the welfare of the onterprite, a bril liant season may be anticipated. Madauie Fursch Madl, whose popularity lu this country Is continually growing, has un doubtedly uniisal merits te doservo It She ha npieared before the audiences or thl country hovers! times. Chicago, New Yerk, and Philadelphia audiences have seen her In the national singing festivals, whero she as sumed the leading role. She was born at the small town el Bay en no, en the Franco France Spanish frontier. Her family Is or Alsatian origin and from this she may be said te In herit the Oerman aptltude ler music In ad dition te all Ibe nerve and animation that are conceded te the French. Her father dis covered her romarkable talent for music, and lest no tlme In developing her musical edu catien, and entering her as a pupil In the Pari cnnsorvatelro. In less thou a year her sicciallle was osiaunueu ami rcoegnlMHl by her teachers. Heth her veice aud her molhed were admirably adapted for render ing proleund musical thought Se clearly was thl recognized that I'asueleup, the great symphonic concert master of Paris, at ence olfered her an ongagemont with his world ro re ro newed erchestra. Although her success was se brilliant In Kurepe, the operattc career of Madauie Fursch Madl really began In this country at New Orleans In 1971, where she remained rer a season. Returning te Paris, she wa ongaged for the rand Ojsira, and made her debut In "Faust," with a most pro nounced success. Her subsequent appear appear ance In " Kebort le Diable, " "Huguenots, " " Frleshuu" etc., only cenllrmed the geed impression, and before the season wa con cluded the Parlscrltis universally proclaimed lier ene ul the greatest singers produced by 1 ranee. VDVIHN DM rULSUV. Who (lul the Appelntiueut ul Luttetl htU Cemul at bhetrleld, KugUml. Mr. Ilenjamln Folsom of llullale, who ha rocelvod the appointment of I'nlted States consul at Shellleld, Knglaud, te succeed Mr. C. H. Webster, Is the cousin of Mrs. Clovo Clevo Clove land. He accompanied Mrs. Fotsetn and her daughter In their recent travels through Europe, and also accemiauieil thetu ou their homew-ard bound trip lu June last The ap pointment naturally oxcites much Interest el partly pellllcial and partly soutluiental na lure, as the appolnteo la se closely allied lu relationship te Mrs. Clevelnnd, and he U ev ery w hore widely and favorably known and designated by the familiar ephlthet of Cousin Hen. He llgured at the wedding et Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland as the only male representa tive of the brlde'a family. He is said te be a goed-hoarlod,easy-nuturodyouuggeutleman, and thore are lew Democrats w he w Ul grudge him his otllce or lis pecuniary compensation, although all indications point very streugly toward neitttlsm ou Mr. Cleveland' action in thl apKiintineut lu the fermer days et Mr. Cleveland's administration, he was decidedly opjiesod te giving a relative of his own. or any relative of the cabinet or ether elllclal, a position, ou account el the alleged favoritism te relatives, which he wished te avoid. Mr. FoIbeiu has been a candidate fur several itosltlens and for the Sheilield con sulate, especially, ler year. He worked hard te elect Mr. Tllden in 1S70, oxpectiiig te obtain tills olllce as his reward, but hit plana wero frustrated and went far astray en this occasion. Again In lbSO he worked ler lieu oral Hancock with the same object In view, and wheu Uraver Cleveland was nominated, Mr. Folsom put all his ouergios te work and at last wen his appointment through the election or President Cleveland. Till Is the alleged elllclal explauatlen, which tioue but the sorely disappointed will prosuuie te dis credit, as the appoiiitment was wen by the ollertsof Mr. Ileuj am In Folsom alone. Bale of Ileal Katate. Henry Shubert, auctioneer aud real estate ageut,Held at the Leepard hotei, for Philip F. H lousing, asslgnoe or Adam Obleuder and wile, the property; situated en the southeast side or Church stroet, Ne, 631 aud jAJ, te Mary C. Wagner for f2,D50. KnlgbU of the Reldeu Kaele, The list of acceptances of nomination made at the last session of the Knights or the (lolden Kagle has been published. The elec tion will occur In December when each past chief in geed standing will be entitled te vete. Sent (int. Delly lloevor and Clara .oil will spend the next thirty days as bearders of Keeper Hurkholder. They wero drunk aud disor derly en Friday night ami Aldermau Harr couuultted thorn. .furors lur Xeit Year, J udge Pattorseu and Jury Commissioners Dlller and lly us will meet ou Monday and begln the seloctleu of names for Jury duty for the year 1RS7. Fourteon hundred names will Ihs Nelected. A Ilrukeu Truck. Ou Friday a truck en a freight car broke at Mill Creek, and the car was thrown from the track. Thore was no ether dauiage, and the track was blocked ler half an hour. flkkBkmZ' L jkkWkv&kS3kwF&' sSlffsvT KSkkkkkkwMkwGKkW THE FALLING SNOW. FBATUBHt fl.AKKH HBVUUTKD MllUit a nu am Kit or t'f.Avr.a. ItiMoilrJftllens It Melts as lUpldlr as It Pall. Ilutliiitnrulu, New lerk, IheHlrcett lie tii in e Covered With Hluth Whi ter II New at Hand Ili'l'FAl.e, N. Yi, Nev, ). Snow liegan falling eaily this morning and continued steadily throughout the forenoon. It moiled rapidly and the streets are covered with a vast quantity or slush. Watkhtevvn, N. Y., Nev. (l.Hnew ha been falling hore In large Itakes slnce 1030 o'clock this morning. Thl is tlie llrstj snow fall et the soaseii here. Cincinnati, Nev. tl Thore was a fall of snow here about 3 o'clock this morning. It melted as it fell, but ou the hilltop the ground I covered. PlTTHiiuiKi, Nev. e Snow has been fall ing at Intervals all morning. It melts a seen as it rails. Clinten, III., Nev. 0. The llrst snow or the Boaseti In this locality fell hore last night. Dktheit, Nev. fl Over half an Inch of snow roll during the night at this place, hut Uen the rising of the sun It disappeared. ArutllEH VHUPKMUVNA1, SHUT C. W. Iluilil, a rruinltlnt: Markaman uf the nest. Who 111 Challenged ItegsrUtu, VUMtr.XT llUaiNBHB TJCAfBAVrjSD At This Aluminas SeMlun el Cuurt Opluluus Delivered ami Itules UUcharceit. Court met this morning ler the transaction or current business. In the suit el Nell vs. Land Is, the rule for a new trial was rolused. In the forcible entry and detainer case of commonwealth vs. Jacob, the rule ler a revision of the sentence imposed was denied. Counsel for the prosecutor wanted the sentence se rovlsed as te Include restitu tion el the projerty In dispute, but the court ruled It could net be dene aud that Iho pros ecutor's roiuedy te get ihwsossIeu el the prop erty Is by an action orejectment Abraham Slefty, et Kast Lanieter town ship, was appoiuted guardian of the miner children of Amanda Huber, who are interested In the estate et Wm. Iluckwalter. I. C. Arneld was appointed guardian et the miner children of Jes. Ilolstein, deceased, late of Illinois. The county reward of f 20 for the arrest and conviction el horse thieves, wa awarded te I. (. Hreuelser. He arrested Peter Kote for stealing a herse belonging te Mr. Krb, and Kotewa couvlcted at the last term of the cuurt He.iseus for a new trial wero tiled in tbe case of the commonwealth vs. Frank Frltch, convicted of selling liquor te miners. Issues todetermtne the ownership or cer tain property levied upon as belonging te Martin Myers en au execution issued byLevl Seusenig wero granted. The claimants are Hettie Myers, Ames Myers, Jacob 11. Mvers, Catherine Myers, Geerge Myers, Jehn Hutchisen and GoergoW. Worst Henry Klefler, of Marietta, wa granted a transfer of a liquor license. Court adjeurned te meet next Saturday at 10 o'clock. Anether Crematleu. Thore was anotber cromatlen hore te-day. The Ixxly wa that of Ansen Ilecb, who died at hi home J22 Kace stroet, Philadelphia, Thursday. The doceased was beru iu Ger many and was 07 years or age. The body arrived in Lancaster at 2 o'clock thi after noon, accompanied by two sons aud a friend or the deceased. It was taken te the crema torium and the incineration, which was pri vate took place at once. A Swindle Through the Pualunlce. Washington, Nev. 0. Judge Bryant, el tlie ixwtoillce department, has discovered an ingenious swindle which some parties calling thomselves the Mechanic Manufacturing company, of Farmlugten, IMe., have at tempted te carry en through the mails. They sent out circulars advertising a corn nheller and a wowing machine knlfe sharpner which they would sell for (2 each, or they would send a Bample for Jl, te pay the ex pense of packing, etc. Sema peer fellows sent a dollar aud get in return a small piece of Bheet-iren te held iu the hand and a plue stick with a little emery and gluoeuouo end. The knowledgo el this swindle coming te the authorities It was quickly suppressed. The Jae el ruatmatter Vilas. CmcAoe, Nev. 0. A Washington special te the Kews says: " The friends or District Atterney Hen toil, el Missouri, who was removed rer violating the president's order prohibiting office holders from making campaign speeches, are Inquiring what Is te be dene with Pestmaster General Vila who did the same thing. The attorney general said that any ethor elllclal against whom complaint was made ter vio lating the president's order would be remov ed as Itouten was, and Senators Cockrell and Vest propeso te submit te the president copies of new spapers containing political epoechea el Vilas." Al'laceWuuId Have Ileeii Peuud for Carlisle. Washington, Nev. 0. Gossip ha it that If Mr. Carlisle had failed el ro-electieu the proeldent would have been asked te appelut Mr. Hreckeurldge, of Kentucky te the Turk ish mission, be ;that a vacancy might have been created te prev ide another way te Con gress ler Mr. Carlisle Mr. Morrison Is new mentioned as a geed man te be mlulster plenipotentiary and envoy extraordinary te Turkey, In the rlace or S. H. Cox, who comes te Cengreas, possibly te succoed Mr. Morrison as leader of the Democratic party In the Heuso. Sljiterleui Escape or 0O Ban Still VVurkineii. Eau Claim:, Wis., Nev, 0.X tearful ox ex ox plesion occurred yosterday In the Valley Lumber company's mill, by the bursting of the ponderous ily wheel, welghlng 20 tens. The ferce of 200 empleyes wero thrown Inte the wildest contusion by the fragments Hy ing In overy direction, manypioces welghlng Koveral huudred pounds. Mysteriously no per son was seriously Injured, though the onglne heuse was semewhat wrocked. The total les will reach f30,000. Tebe WHcht Again la Trouble. The Irrepressible Tebe Wright was again arrested for drunken and disorderly conduct en Friday evening and locked up ler a hoar hear lug bofero Aldermau Deeu. GA HI fill A IIHKCK fir A IllWKBH uau AM.n urn .ivsiva. The Train at the Time Was ltminlee Twenl; Allies an Heur A Tramp Arretted While I teeing With it Orecer'a Onions Mlat Kale 1lelit te Lecture, CetUMiilA, Nev. a Jehn McCall, a brake man or the 1'ennsylvaula railroad en the freight train drawn hy engine Ne. 601, met Willi an accident yesterday aflorneon while en his train going towards Philadelphia, The tislu had ncared the brldge at Mill Crt-ek whenanailoel Iho car upon which McCall was tiding was breken. The brake man thought the car would go evor the bridge hy reason or the broken axle and Jumped from Iho train, which wa going at the rate of twenty nitlcsaiiheiir. McCall wa thrown violently te the ground receiving soveral bruise about his body, and was picked up by onglne Na 821 and brought le Columbia. Howasableto walk te hjs home en Walnut street, abeve Seventh, with the atslstance el two men, Mr. McCall complains of sovere pains about his back and Is receiving atten tion by the railroad physician here. A Tramp HlealsOnlnna. Last evening two tramps went into the store or Jehn Temple, en Seuth Third street, and whlle one or the fellows held the pro prietor In conversation the ethor ene selzed a basket or onions; and ran out Third strcet at a rapid rate. A the man neared the corner of 'Xhlrd aud Mill streets, he ran Inte several men who were walking along the street 1 he man was captured and brought back te tlie store. He had a heariug at the efllce of Squire Frank, whero he gave his name as i ran K Uenkllng. He was committed te Jail ler a trial at court The Lecture Cuurae. Ou Thursday evening next, the locture and entertainment ceurse will be openod In the open heuse by the celebrated lecturer, Miss Kate Field, who Is widely kuewn a a popu lar and talonted lecturer. The subject for the locture will be "The Mermen Monster." ilohlers el recelptsean have them exchanged for ceurse ticket at Kluhards' book store. The epera heuse should be crowded en this evenlug. huUely Meeting. Iho Yeung Felks Bociety of the Soceud street Luthersn church, held a meeting last eveulng at the residence of Mr, Milten Wlke, corner Third and Locust streets. A large number wa present and enjoyed the occa sion. An Interesting pregramme consisting or vocal and instrumental music, reading, etc , w as rendered. Town Netea. Texas Harry, the Wostern Scout, will ap pear hi the epera heuse this evening. Hev. G. W. Knders, or Yerk, will preach lu the Second street Lutheran church, en Sunday morning and eveulng at 10:15 and 7 o'clock. Rev. Enders Is ene el the most eloquent divines In the Lutberan church. Frank H. Musser, superintendent el the Klectrle Light company, wa helplug te unload electric light pole from a wagon yes terday aflorneon, when ene or the poles struck him a sovere blew ou the left side, causing a painful bruise. New bollers have been placed lu the sta tion of tlie Heading it Columbia railroad In town, rer the puruose el heating the building by steam. llllK MAHTKHKD IS Tlile. A Calcium Light i'lrea the hlage IJurlug Au entertainment ihe Audience In Panic, lit it A i.e, N. Y., Nev. ft A narrow os os cape ireui a herrible conflagration occurred in the old art gallery last evening, w here a large company of amateurs were engaged lu the presentation of tableaux vivants toalieut three hundred sioctatere, composed of the ollte el Hullale society. Just a a young lady, daughtoref Dr. Drewn, rector of St Paul's cathedral, was posing te represent Homl Heml Homl phere's picture "Orphellne," the calcium light broke and a pioce of white heat dropped te the carpet en the stage near tbe curtain. In a moment the .vhole front of the stage was ablaze, but with presence of mind the cur tain was tern down and the tire stamped out, though net until Dr. Urewn's face and oyo eyo oye brons wero sev erely singed and ene lady's hand severely burned. The audience began a precipitous rush ler the deer, but the room net being very full the poeplo were recalled berore auy oue wa Injured and the play proceeded with au imprevised curtain. A Sllsaeurt College Destroyed. STEVVAHTSMLLi:, Me,, Nev. t AbOUt tj o'clock yesterday morning Stewartsvllle col cel col lege wa discovered en tire, and the building and itn conteuts were soeii In ashes. The first intimation et tire te the inmates came from smeke pouring into the recitation room and examination show ed the cupola and greater iortieu or the reef surrounding it te be In n blare livery etlertjwa made by the students and college ompleyoa te save the building, but the ilames gained tee much headway. Less evor $10, 000 ; lusurance fe.OOO. A Farmer's Keiuslna Vakeu Prem a llarulug ltaru, JeMirr, Hla, Nev. 0. The bam el Henry Mlnge, a rich Uermau larmer, living near Matlorsen, twenty miles east of here, was discovered te be lu llatnes yesterday morn ing. Ills sous, awakened by the light, hur ried te the Bcene aud uen entering the burn ing building, feuud the lifeless body et their father lying upon the barn tloerwlth his cloth ing en tire. The body was dragged from tbe llauies te a place where the burulng clothing could be extinguished. The members of the family also discovered bleed en the besom of the man's clothing, aud that there was a gaping wound In the breast The legs and one arm were burned te a crisp and llfe was ex tinct when be wa found. The baru and contents were burned te the ground and con cen con siderublo mystery surrounds the case. The family state that they constder It a case of suicide, as Minge has shown Blgtis of In sanity for a few days past KILLED lit A CUXSTAIILB. Au Unknown .Man, Probably Inaaue, bliet While Attempting tu Aaaault a Weman. Ntw Harmony, Ind Nev. ft Wednes day, whlle the wlfe of Mr. Fred. Hick man, a resident of this place, was aloue lu her kitchen, she was sur prised by the outrauce of a tall, well drossed aud prepossessing man who at ence asaulted her with felonious Intent She ro re ro pclled hi advances, but he again attacked her. bhe succceeded lu seizing a butcher knlfe, with which she wounded hltn. lie then lelt the heuse, but threatened te call again. Mrs. Hickman lest ue tlme lu noti fying her husband aud neighbors, who searched for the miscreant without success. Mr. Hickman steed guard Wednesday night but saw ue signs of the mysterious visitor. Thursday he secured the servlce of the vil lage constable. Yesterday the stranger put In an appearance and attempted te ferce an entrance Inte the house. The con stable orderod him away, but the man only redoubled his dibits te ferce an entrance Inte the heuse. The constable then ilred two shots at him, both balls taking effect, causing iustaut death. Who the man was cannot be discovered, as no ene rocellocts or having seen him betern. The man was probably deranged. .Second Crepa of Strati berries ami Flowers, Srr.lNeriutD, O., Nev. G, The long spoil or Indian summer In Central Ohie has rlpeiied a second crop of straw berries aud brought violet and lilacs Inte lull bloom iu seme places, u elrcumstauca never bofero known here In Novembor, The berries are of geed llaver and soil ler 30 cents a quart WBAI11BH IXDlUATlOXa. tj WAsniNOTON, D. u., Nev. ft Fer 9 1 Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, 'local ralua followed by fair weather, i""""" "uiui euiitui m, uoriiieny. UTIIIIt.Mitt mt a .Vl -uurviMW aiANLUNlj UUI. J.VH VBHraUHMMLr. t'lf The l.tteat Features el the III. Heel Btrlk lat Chicago Arceajlena le the Ksnkaetthe Discontented I'e ilerlr's Agent le Nellie the Trouble. CmuAde, Nev, ti Thre.wa a psacelul, calm evor everything at the yAtd: The p were nearly all einpty, no stock tospeaVef was being unleadod, and everything aeemxt te ielnt te a long contlutied malntenance et their rospectlvo )osltlens by masters and men. The town of Lakojpelleo are pe-tad within no obvious or objectlouablo promi nence, but promptly dispene any gathering of men about the liouses. Their orders are cheerrully ebeyed and there I very lit lit tle Intoxication seen lu the town. Plnkerten men will net be visible outslde of the barracks In Washington butcher house unlets property Is menaced lu Mitch a way as te Justify the calling together of a sherlfTii pesse. 'I hey may be under orders of Captain Feley se laras llielr Interior discipline U con cerned, but lu thelr relation te the commu nity their movemoiits will be directed by the sherlll. Tlie Btrlker rocelved accessions this morn. mg in the shape or Iho flremen and engl irem Armours, who wero orderod et night, having returned te work after n tue obect for which they hail struck. The toamsterH at Merris' alto struck this mom- lug, refnslng te handle meat slaughered and dressed by non-union. Hn Ill's heuse was In actlve opeiatleu but with n comparatively small ferce. Lsrge wagon convertod Inlo omnibuses worn perambulsliug the town this morning. They bore signs a nil lows s "Froeridostoworklngnion teSwIlfa.' They picked up a lew men who wero driven te the packlng-house district Merris place Ijore no ovidenco or any work belng done within. Goneral Master Workman Pewderly soul an agent te the stock yards thl morning te 30ttIe the existing dllllcullies. Up te 11SJ0 thore ha been no centlrmallau el the report that the strlke hn baeu sot set tied. A Derrick Fatli en I'lva Men: Cemjmhi's, Ind., Nev. 0 Whlle work ing with a derrick, putting Iu a framework of a water tauk, the repe holding the derrick In an upright position was snapped by holds; caught by the smoke Black of a JeUerson JeUersen JeUerson vllle, Madisen it Indianapolis train. The derrick and a heavy timber fell en the heads or live meu, killing Jake Weaver, of this city, crushing the skull of Milt Koblnien, of Seymeur, and seriously Injuring William PonnUen, William Hlllett aud Charle Whlpper, allot thl city. Kob Keb Kob Inseu will probably dle. A Defeated Candidate's Chargep. Chicago, Nev. ft Daulel F. Gleesen, who ran against Frank Lawler for Congress in the Second district, made some startling asser tions te a United Press reporter this morning Mr. Uloesen wa In tbe election cemmlav sloners' rooms early and said that be lore the day was ever he would produce affidavits from men who would swear that they law election Judges iu some el the precincts erase the llgures crodtted te Gleeseu and put In smaller. Mrs. Cleveland UO Fer lloaten, Ni:vv Yenic, Nev. (3. Mrs. Cleveland, wife or the presldent, and Secretary and Mrs. Kudlcett left here this morning at fla il), for Bosten te participate in tbe celebration of Harvard college's sequl centennial. WaShinoten, Nev. 0. The presldent has uet decided whether te lcav e here at 2 or 4 p. tn. te-morrow ler IScateu. He will Le ac companied by Secretaries Bayard, Whltuey and Lamar and Cel. Lam out. The It j Citr Itacea. lw Cn v, Washington, Nev. ft The last day's races of the Natleual Jockey club's ex tra meeting epeued te-day with threatening weatber. The track was iu excellent condi tion aud atteudance fair. First race, for two-yerr-olds, sev en fur longs; Dunblne wen, Count Luna 2, Helax J. Time IvJO. Mutual f 13. 10. Second race ene tulle, Uermlttige wen, UessIe'J, Harry Kussell 3. Time, 1:11. Mu tual, fe.T5. Ilia Modesty May Wlu Him the Place, Wasuinoien, Nev. ft ltisseuil-oilleialiy announced that the president he, ellered the position of surgeon geueral of the array te Lieut Jehn Moere, new Btationed in Man Francisce. He Is said te te be the only officer of the medical corps above tbe gradoef major who has net preseiited his application and also brought Influence te bear upon the presi dent lu hi behalf. Dined With the 1-realdeiit. WAsniNOTON, Nev. ft Ex-Cougress matt. Frank Jenes, et New Hampshire, and ; .? Messrs. K. S. Lldrlch and Parker C. Chand- 'h4 ler, or Jiosten, uined with the presldent at the executlve mansion last ulgbt The Japanese Party. Wasiiinqien, Nev. ft The Japanese party,Iucluding Mlkado's.uucle aud his wile, the Princes' and suite, will be presented te the presldonCen Wednesday next ; and re turning te New Yerk, will sail at ouce for Kurepe the lollewlng day. Died Frem Ills Injuries, Ni:vv Yeiik, Nev. ft Charles Uabiu, the Aster house chef who was shot en Monday night last by Jeseph Ott, a waiter, who after wards commuted suicide, dled te-day lu Cbambers street hospital. I'ateuts ler Lud Kutrlef, Washington, Nev. ft Mr. Sparks of Iho beard of rev low et laud matters, granted C.TbS entrle for the lest month. These la la clude a number of pre-emption outrle. TKLi:ail.l'UIC TAl'S. Pleure pnoumeula Is epidemic iu Cliuten county, Indiana. Theodere Koesovelt sailed from New Yerk for Kurepe te-day. He will uiairy Mia Kdlth Carew betore he returns. The elllclal vote of Allegheny county, !'., shows Heaver's majority vte be 110. Magee'a majority for judge fs 212. At Lima, Ohie, Richard l'lach wa lieateu terribly last night aud robbed of f 100. A three-year-old son of William Jllack, el LauBlngvIlle, O., vvhlle playing with matches last night was burned te death, A greatslerm raged through Great Britain yesterday, doing much damage te property and shipping. .... P.Hausen, Kiss A Ce., Irnpertera aud inau ufacturera of furniture, draiterle, etc, have failed in Baltimore. At Marlboro, Mass., the house, Willi lta contents, of Uephen McComber, waa burned this morning. Less, 12,000; lusurance, fe,&00. t At Lement, Ills., Clemens Klaner was In- ' I stantly killed this morning by the prematuie .. A (loetl Newauaper, ' , The Lancaster Inquirer la always a Reed newspaper but when toachers' Institute ' comes around It Burpasses itself. Te-day It preaents lta readers with an eight-page aup- ; nlement tilled with Information and sttIUet)K' , of great value te the public school teacbera nutl Bt;uuei uiiecvuin ui uauuati liuuuij, Sadden Death ela Farmer's Wile. Jt ,.' Mrs. Jacob Pertuer, realdlnga mile abere ' MerleltA. illnd auddantlven ThuredaV apoplexy. She evidently waa goleg e- bare, uui leu ueau u uw 0 , . til m S4 . -f.'i ii4 .vl f '.!? m tj x? is: m m .i 58 . a hl $M ft? ,3 i te;d 4'4j -2M (,' M ,',: ?i lt! m HVA 1 i (-! V3,' AS 2: ... .nt-1"" JZei