Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 02, 1886, Image 1

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I, jw aw H
dBt vW.vM. .eflsfjK.'
Att - -Vl "ft. - -trltt
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T 7. r.
1 Vn
! 4
rr in . vi i ik, turn 10 nit, itr.vrtir
riMKi.r kain. 111,1 liilistm Sul.l IjiiI lurk llisu -ur
Hum lliue-lh New teth Market
llull-llie Ciinilltlnii til Hie liaile
lli-putti-d I.Uenltete,
'I hn scleral rainfalls we lint ulml tnil week
moistened ttie tohaeeu ihi tint It t'eiilil tin
liHinlleil and examined un tlm peles. Anient
many stew et liiek down n pettinii ul tlivlr
crops Irnm 20 tn IMI Utlin- ami stripped It
te sen what the uiilcnme would be when they
ceme te strip the eulliu crop, which will nut
I ie itenii Imfore there comes n geed
' fleeting spell." Tlm reports Hint
liive I'imi'i te in ntu te tlie illoet
Hint tlie nun tubarce leeks very well, though
there Is uioieiliwd leaves In some nl llin
rteps than wero exited, In preparing
Ihclt tobacco ler innrket farmers should Ihi
i sinful te thtew out from thelr w nipper nil
ilrnd in otherwise defective leaves, hi these
me Hiiro te decrease thu market ptl.-e el tliulr
gissls, l,t tlie lmpeilis.1 l.ike Its
place among tlie soeonds or lllleis.
lheie linvti Ihmhi no sates el Issn leal Hint
e ham heard of, though Instwcek wn mi
active nut) mining tleatnr In old cnis. it.
11. ilruunker mnl his New Yerk partners,
Hpltiner.t eiiis bought h number of ack
mga el SJ lent. Tlie lelliiwlug me heiiiu el
them . 1 rem Abrnin Cellins, 100 cases, i;i
liortier, HO e.neH , Jnceli 1 ry, -n) iaii ,
Ih.uvj Kaiiirninn, 7U chjiixi , lnnr hllrk, UJ
two, mid HSierul Hiiiiillur leti from ditlurenl
pnitlmi, IM.iklMK tlie rtKKH'Knte .'Hl('nei.
Skllraiirtey Held fcOcAifw el 'ft; nul 's.1
i-ed leaf mid 100 imea uf llie Ma cns iii'nrlj
nil el nlileli wni Hnvnnn.
Seiernl ntlier ilpnlem, luith loom mid lot let
(ikh, nre rnertiHl te liaie IkiiiIiI mill wild
-'iixMiintile old tobneco, tint tlie tiAiiniictleiiit
hiie net hten inadti putilU-.
Neir Aurk Mittki.
I Kiln tlie t' H Tuliacce Jeilllial
llie tnnrkel J'levinl void el nil llitetcul dill
I iik' tlie nook. Tlie Imllilny, tlie inlny
"oallier mnl gonentl niitliy ineKnitcd nny
li.uiai-tliilin of uote and nil told hut alniul
I iWuwii Imnnml liiniln el tlineu 0 win
. 1'eiiUHjliniiliiHt I- te IS Ionia, (xci'itltiK
nl casm nt Is centi iilwi eX) e.inn 'H.S ntate nt
II te l'liintK, Uitmioe mostly old roiiniiyl reiiniiyl
aiil nt i te 1 iccnlnmid hqihe modern tltlet",
pimide Ilavniu, nt 10 te lrtcentn.
siminlrii nlwi niillered Irein tlie temnnl
lellmirfy mid trniDuictleiiH nore renlliuil te
Keinti i'iO balm nt tl.20 te 1 .
llavntm quiet, 'llie oxclteuiDiil regnrdlUf;
rid tobacerx linn nuhtlduil, llie low retiialului;
IMtx-eN tielinc held "nt high IIkuie. Kouie
tray 'W. loliHeoox, axiantlen te llie rule, neld
at tt nuiln te tl.u... Tlm 'M tobnceei nlie.
t'olter dally, and It In tnle te nnle te niy Hint
no liner crop lini ever beau net-n in IUN
I rem thn Tobar. e l.eaf
t-'lRnr Liuf -Tlie uiarkel iiniun iiinntire
mil llie total mIiw ler tlie neek am imall.
Inuinday Ihiiiik a Iiellda3', liilorlerod hoiiio heiiio hoiiie
nhal with lmiltii"ia. of ehiipik, hut thorn
would linie Ihii llttle dilltironce eieu If it
had net bven. lluyoranre wnltliiK lef noinu neinu
tiling, npparently,bul nit whal U n enlinn.
lolweio ft Reed, luckern and diwliim are aat
iitied with minrren innriilu or pretil, and n
fair IiiuIikwh nlieulil tt'sult.
Hanua 1 illern ivore Ukon te llie ex Unit
of ..M) Ixilra nt from ie . te Jl e. lall-cndN
of thn Ps;orepmo IkiIiir neld te rlcar lln
latin manufacturers, nuii appear te kive aatln aatln
fai'tleu. I'tie Viieltas, while nuscepllble te
improleiuunt lieui age, make n Nrry H'nl
aiiieke. Thonreiua li net primoiiui.ed, hut
thu tAntu la mild and neL riime kikhI ail
at ti5e. up. liuporteri fcrtuiialn enough te
haioeld koeiIh, dlpes) of thorn rendlly nt
callslactery prieci,
Hitiiialrn-lhe up ults) n.ile. ptncvllie wick
nlengtdde of many erillnniy, iiuiikmiIIiiI mini
that haie smui Iwlnre. AIkmiI SM tsilea wme
taken at Irem ?l .'i) te (1 t'al Old coeda nre
practically out of the market. l.rge lu lu lu
okeaof IKit'rep niu beliiK reilnl by 1 til
irtci, and with the priwent clock therii la
aiHoitmeiit ntitlKlvnt te Katufy nny ene who
ifnlly means te buy. Ne nxi'iiae ler n t
I'liVllIK mil l' laid te wnnt nl HliH'k, anil I Iik
arlety or that iteck 'I be A'.fi.a, irmu
Aiuiterdmii, whl.-li reii'lied here Mendaj,
brought letwetin l,iaM mid I, .no balea. In
i IU'IIiik thlararite, we iiave linitirled el the
lrV Sumatra crop l.JXW balci. It wa
thought mimmer that the entire Impert
for tlie i ear would uet eicned that number
fbalea. Mill there In a wide dilloieiiei Im
iwevu tliunuiuiiut of mil liiiorlntleun thin
and Inntyear. I ..nt 3 car we luiurttd -U,mi
Iwlen, 111 round uuuibers and we will hard I r
nxcenl l.,"00 te Is.nOO bnlen thu year, nil
(Jin. rklT H-wirl.
f'llea nt ik1 iMf lob.icce lepeited b J. S.
t.ailV Seu .V Ce., tebwvn binkern. Ne.
WHter Mrwt, New Vnrk, ler the week cml
niK N'eieuiber 1, lvw.
lOOfjmen KSI, l'linnnylvanla, p.L, Inecanen
1-J, renu)lanld, He, UIWuimw lssri, I'enii
ilvntila, NIJ,-, AM caaen. 1'euiiHyliniila
llaiana, tjIOei, JW eww, hVi, Wisconsin
Havana, 7C,I0c, lOOca.HO'), hlate llainua, p U,
jIAiwh 1NVS Ohie, &VlV . "0 I 110H Hllll
drlen, Tri.'sc. Total, Juuvaaim.
l'hllailrliliU .Market.
hteil J.eaf -The prchent beeiua te le nil oil
month for HiellneiH In tlie leaf IniMnesx, nud
jet the aggreKate salon feet up exielleutly
wheti tlie usual ilulfUess cniienl nt thin
ea.sen of the year Is Ukon Inte account,
nealern claim that the trude they nre lining; Is
i ery Ballsractery, btcause el llie fcnllng el
coulldencetliat money retiirun will fellow.
All clninen and RrniltiH of goeiln recelve
proper ntlentleu mid Unit nppruclntlie
buyern. 1'rlces rule low butMeaily.
Hiimntra always 1I111U IrleuiN.
llnrann-.SIiewH us iiuilltynud ll(0i;ietl
aie "old.
Ilillliiiure IMaikrl.
'I here tunllniU'H nn aulhe dciiiHiul fur
deairnble Krndei of Maryland tobnece ler oa ea oa
peit, etc , but tillorliiKsare Hinalland holdern
"ty ft-in Tlie busluebH In Ohie tobacco lias
lieeu IlKhl, mnl the market la dull. (Sales el
leO hhds nre lepertisl for tlie week.
An I'liibrellaln Ilia Jntr.
A remaikahle caie la ropeitol by a tellable
physician, Dr. I'cole, of Humboldt, Tenii.
About eiht munllin nt; n uoRre living tliore
had a personal encounter i,u. n nable brother
mid wns badly wounded In the face by a
thrust from uu umbrella. Tlie wound wns
"owed up, and In n few weeks wns entirely
healed. The iiorie ralsed a geed crop this
year, working all the time, hevernl days
age he becmi te sutler conslderablo pain
Irmu the old wound nud 01 inonced great
illlliculty In openlng his mouth. Hi" dm ler
made mi Incision Just belew the cheek-boue
nud extracted n plece of the uinbrellaliandle
nueut flve inches In length. The handle
had penetrated the lace mid broken oil. The
broken plece was about three-fourths of an
Inch in dlauioter.
Tlm Maine ill Llberl1 Uglilsd
lhe display of lire works which was te
hne rounded eir Liberty day last Thursday,
but which waa postponed en account of the
weather, leek place Monday erenitig from
(lovernor's Island, llodlew'n Islarut and tlie
llittery. Thousands of poeplo witnessed the
spectacle from the Battery, the Kaat Itlvei
brldge, various tall buildings, vessels in lhe
harbor, wharves and ether points, The pre.
ceedlugsopenod by the lighting for the first
time of the torch of the statue of Liberty.
The tire works display, which lasted for an
hour or two, was very creditable, and was
accompanied by the shouts of the inultltiide
and thoHieaiii-whlstlesef countless locum o e
llies, factories, tugboats, etc The statue is
new rrgular llght-lieuee.
Sale ul Iteal l:late.
Henry bhuberl, auclleuer, told at public
fiale Monday evetilujf, at tlie ICeystone hotel
the property belonging te tlie citate of Jehn
Kixderr, deceaaed, situated en lhe west side
of North I'rluce street, near Jauiet, te Ames
Oast for f 1,300.
tint of l-ropertliin.
A Chicago young lady was gazing at lhe
llartheldl statue.
"Q rand !" he oxclaimed ; "aurorbllevoly'
tee swoet but, Goergo,sho said, turning te
her escort, "liew very small U10 loot seem."
A Vllilii te Aiilrln Viiiiii .leiitnnlHH nl
Ilia llnllgtiU of thn Han 1 1 11 m
III tlie last IssDe or the Ilullnle tVallnw
ll'iiid no find the fellow Ingi
"Willi this number the tliiionneinslo hae
fully arrived at which te cense llie public illen
of this pIer. Many or our nubsctlbeis will
tiotevon get till paper. Te be lirlef nlmutlt,
we were net permitted te remeve our ptlut
pnpei from the Adams Kxpress nlllcn this
week, RlthuiiKh we hae never In these mi
liums said aught ngainnl Mr, Adams or his
Justly i-elfthrntd eipiivil. Wn ImMi pi Id
many n dollar Inte llie C. U I) ilrpaituiMnl
of this man's oxpress company, Helme no
catne Went our physician told us Hint we
0011111 net me wiiiieui con iner oil, and, in
deed, he wnarlsht. ler hale wn net been a
CO. I). Iherell tlie Hum "luci we nlarted
this paper ?
"Hits last remark isellered as a gratuitous
Insult te every uiihii1 milmcrlber. I'ald up
subscribers may emit It. Or wu will gote
them persnnally and apelnglre.
"Hut let us seriously reiiuw Hut past two
years' history el llie llVi-fif. Whnt hsie we
net done te aid mid euaiurHgu our In
Mnl Industries mid advance the Hugging
coinuiercoof Hullalu Wallow
" Ijvleur lllosshew whether we lime itnne
what we say or net. Let reluctant capital
(sjur iner our pages, coloring the past, and
ntiswei If what we new stale be net accurate.
" llnin no net, nt the Instlgallmi el lending
cllUeus here, boomed thu condition el trade,
when trallie wns dead, and ciirrem-y uethlug
but a hollow memory T
"llnie we net, through lhe columns el the
H'erfif, asked that a bank Imi nt unto
cstabllslied here, when, as a iiialtoretfncl, Ter
a year the ponUilllce hem lins had te Kell
stamps and lake the pay out el the stele'
"llave wn net Isteu gay and frolicsome lu
tliesoceliiiuns lhe w-irld nt large might
net tumble te the wee within iih T llaie wn
net Jekist nud punnid and Irollcked lu print,
when the shrill north wind was wliispeiiug
nbrend with his Icy breath, 'he hath tieunilei.
clelhlug whatever T
"We kept ipiiet when the coin oiillen made
Its nomination for inemlier of the assembly
last year and Asslsled In his election Isxause
he was 11 ltutlale Wallow cltUen, well know knew
lug 01011 then that he would be tlie llml iiinn
te put lilmneiriiii the lliemnt i-iunler. We
knew then that he would Uke auvlhliig Irem
a pass te nn unguarded watermelon.
" Mine thnu all that, e haie sit up nightf
te tslit nud correct mid reilsenud punctuate
the alleged 8ieecliesul this man, si that tils
fellow men would net think linn tlie intellac
tual blight that he Is. All through the cam
palgn his Imitation brains iloateil about lu n
IhxjI of rod-eied nun, Uke the stmclmens In
it doctor s oflke dancing uu the besom el a Jar
of alcohol. '1 lien tie would emit n speech '
I'e-dny, as the lesultuf our tell, he Is gat and
free In Cannda, while we go lerth te deglii
life's baltles once mole, with the bitter
uiemei of baling assisted nn Intellectual
angle-worm Inte a place where he could
market his motti-ealen soul,
"We liaie steed by lhe peeple el llullaln
Wallow In eiery way while we have been
running this pa)cr. We have maintained
that geed order prevailed here night and
day when the lai Is would hardly warrant
tills statement. We have (smited with pride
te our isjiicefiil record nsntewu wheu the
Ien retrain el thu six-shooter ciming te Its
male came stealing through the ipitet nlKhU
We have asktsl thn pious and prudish i:aL
te come and dwell with us when wn well
knew that no stranger ever walked Hie
length of our street lit a plug hat and Hied te
tell his Irleuds about it unle-w the hat wns
made of boiler lien.
" We haiu also lasiuied our gloiletis ell
mate when It had iiiithlug.te warrant iudoise iudeise iudoise
inent. We have written iwge niter page
nboiiteur pum tiraclug ineunuin air when
we had been llllng 011 Italian nuiiseta and
ozone for two da a. Hubsirihern who de uet get
their papers hereafter will knew why It Is
that way. 'I hey will understand that their
subscription!! anil Hie pap'.'r also have ex
plred. These who think that n publication
Is a public trust will de well te apply eluo elue
w here.
"Headers el lhe lli.rM who Hint a large
red cress and n nelle of sale en the Irent
deer of this elllce will knew that their sub
scription has explied.
"We resign here te nocepftlie poitfntie of
biscuit shooter In n testaurant, where feed is
an eveiydny occurrence.
" Tweyisirs age we Joyfully ralutateiiud.
Twe day we hate Inieluiiuarllv lalisllc
birted. Iln'i Nil. "
l.lsbllll) il .Sallminl llank hluiklinlileia
de isieti was rendered by lhe supreme
ceuttnl Hie I lilted SUtesen Monday In the
mules el 1 known as the I'aulic National
bjnk lases brought by njip'-al Irem the
I nited states circuit court lnr llie dlstrlit ul
Mas.sachusetl.s. Theso were suits Instituted
by thn recoiierof the liuel vent I'acihV Na Na
llenal bank, of Ilonteu, ngalnst stockholders
of Isith the eriulu il and the Increaned i-jipilal
nn 1 k el the bank standing iieu lis hooks
In then names. The stockholders main
tained, when the cases were tried in Hie court
below, that they were net liable 011 the
charges of I IH r cased capital stink held by
them ler the reason that the Increase el the
i.ipiUl Irem tM.10,000 te l';i,oeo wns ntiH.11 ntiH.11
theriud aud Illegal, and they were '' par
ties te it. This court holds thv i.m -.
holders nre liable upon then naic- el in
creased capital stock; thai Hieileleuxuai la
nud lhe nllegetl greiiiul of rellel in txpiity
me alike Insulllclent, nud Hint the Judgments
nud decrees or lhe circuit court in laver of
the receiver must Is) alllruied lu all the
cases, and II Is he ordered. This division
colors ten canes lu this court and several liun
drtd pending suits lu tlie courts ul Massa
chusetts 'lhe opinion was deluded lij
Justlce Matthews.
.Slarlrlla Nelm.
M. nil 1 i., Nev. 1. The II, L. Hnldeman
Domecratlc club held anetlier meeting en
I'tiday evening at Abram t'ellius, cigar fac
lery. Theio was a goetl atleudauce.
Hellew e'en was recegnled here en Kitur
day eveningly lhe usual carrying oil nil
movable things etpesed 011 the street and a
generous distribution el corn ever the pave
ment". iimuterul inlermal parties weie
held at various places.
Itev 1 1. M. Ilickiiiau has relumed from
l hestur 1 nuuty where hellas tKtbti spending
Ills vacation, lie preached lu the I'rcsby
terlau church yeanlsy.
Yesterday was "l'emperauce Miudny" in
tlie M. 1 church. Appropriate services wero
held them In the morning and evening.
The lair held by the ladies of the fit. Mary's
church ileaed en .Saturday night It was
trausterred lieui the church te the mil. uu
Saturday. The lair wns well nttended.
Jehn A. HiesUud, esip, and Dr. II. M.
Alexander, io.ive town in n few days lei mi
extended trip in the far West. Their obtc ebtc obtc
llve point is Dakota. They will go Irem
here directly te Minneapolis, Minn., tlicnce
te their destination.
A number of prominent Salvation Army
elllcera nre lu town te attend the bampiet and
Jubilee this evening.
Voters are busy preparlug their tickets for
election. The sticker will play a prominent
part in the make-up of the ticket lu this
I.imuf Unclaimed Letter..
Tlie following is the list or unclaimed let
ters remaining In tlie jiostetllco, ler the week
ending November 1, 18S0 :
Latliei' List, Miss Mary K. Hrubaker,
Miss Mallnda Geed, Mlas Klin Ira Kreiiler,
Miss Kuhn. Miss Hese Larabheru. MIssMny
Lawrence, Mlxs Mary li Miller, Saleme Heed,
Mrs. Hannah Smith.
Gcnllcmen'3 List, (.'has. II. Heufer, iTank
Henner, J. II. Uurkhumer. J, K. llurkhelder,
Hauiuel Cecbran, Harry D. Kvaus, l.eander
I'arlew, Mr. Kuhn, Supt. H. M, McNeal, 1
A. Trolchler, Martin Trien.
Decrease el the l'ubllc Debt.
The public, debt statement Issued reports a
reduction of debt duriug the month ul Octo
ber of f 13,'JOl.OUI.Gu, Tlie prosent Intorest.
Iicariug debt is tl,103,UJ,lll, en which the
interest ameunU te t8,yG3,W1.71. Debt en
which Interest baa oeased since maturity
aggregates ?12,518,027.W. Debt bearing no
interest amounts te WI9.-li3.8fi2.5I. Aggre.
gate debt and Intorest are tl,721, 419,10.1.72.
Less cash lteu of rJ17.'2S8.31&.aS and 10e..
U0O.00O reserve held for rodemptlon of United
SUtes notes the debt la f 1.407,131,117.61, from
which la doducted net cash In the treasury or
WJJSJ. WJliW, leavlng a net debt or fl,35 1,3 17,-
1 iik Hr.uKNv haiu 1 a run hik i.uirmn
A lilt'itutrl In Hie Ictiiiinlnlniia Ail
ulllliltken Slrnllng-rsrlin Ittreiill Held
nt lm t'llcrt lialn That Apparently
Fell nt the Wrung Time..
Rprclal (.oiiOflpetiActuoot IsraLLiiiiKLiri,
Winn: Heck, Nev, I. The welcotue lain
has-omeat)lasl, In time, It is hoped, te save
the wheat lately sewn. Much lear has been
oxpressed the past low weeks ns te the possi
bility e getllng a geed m tn it or wheat from
many Holds, which though down In tholalter
part of September, had, up bi the Hme of U10
rain, shown but llttle signs of ilfe ; and It Is
yet te be seen whother they will,
niu i:a(ii.i: cAfitjiinu.
I;d. Theuias, marketman, of Whlte Heck,
leek te Philadelphia en Friday a splendid
ssclnien of the black eagle. It was cap
tured by Jas. Sampson, of C'eleraln, who, by
n geed shot, brnke his v, lug. It was really n
magiillk'Oiil bird , measuring six leet six
Inchen spread or wings, and equipped with
an oye, beck, ns n Uleus Hist well befit the
king of birds. Wern It net that he was cap
tured In the Ignominious business of chicken
stealing, he would have been kept te grnce
lhe pnrnde at Hlack's Inauguration.
I here have been n great many farms sold
In this section this fall, suns of iheui at re
markably low piices. We nole the follow
ing : 1'ariu el Jes. Andrews, deceased, 102
acres, te Arthur Jehnsen, nt J I- per acre,
farm or Adam llarkness, ilereased, 113 acres,
altll periicre , (annul William Hegg, do de do
ceasid, 1H0 bi.iis. In II '. Patterson ntflj per
acre 1 home lann el same te Mrs. Hegg, nt
(i.'i n)r acre, farm el 1 nii'l Hegg, 130 ncres,
te Lm&iiuel Kllllau nl N7 per ncre, 'Ihese
nre nil goeiirarius.midnro sold at trorneudous
depreciation from the price they would have
brought ten yenrs age. showing what rail
read discrimination is iMpg (or Eastern
mi. HA in nn 1 hit It.
'I hn ism en Trlilay was a bid dauijer en
the all day wixals meeting l-i Iki held by the
I'rohlbilleiilsts at Little Krllaln , for although
they are the cold water party mid prescribed
II in Lepluus drnughts ter the inner man,
they de net Uke te it in showers nny mero
kindly thnu the Domecrator Hepubllcan.
Dennis X Heek, of Klrkwoed, nre building
n large addition te tlielr store at Klrkwoed,
te make mero room for goods, and te better
aeommedato their growing trade. A large
number of frlentls and neighbors came to
gether nn Monday adernoeti nnd dugout the
Milteti Lby had a sale of stock, fresh cows,
springers and steers, en Saturday, but very
low prices were reallreil and the sale was
stepjied bofero half the stock was disposed
A report was circulated that a horse belong
ing in William Wilsen was stelen from
I'earhltitlem while standing hitched thore
Saturday night, and the Llttle Ilrltaln herse
empatiy was called out, but befoie they get
slartisl word ceme that the hersi was leuud
te have only wandered oil.
Opens lis KiiKSgettienI Willi n I're
entatlun nt '(iliutW-tlltulU "
the three nights' eiigsgeiuent of tlie
t 1 rlntie epern company opeuod lastevenlng.
The eiera house was comfortably filled, but
the audience would have been much larger
had It net lieen ler lusittant events which
were going 011 outside. 'I hn number In the
gnllery was small compared with theso
usually seen at cheap show s. The reason of
this was that thore was a big boys' parade
In the slreeb. and nearly all lhe youngsters
were either lu It or taking eneugh intorest te
let an epern performance go by. A great
many worn also uluerit because they wero
busily engaged making preparations for lhe
The eera presented was "itlrolle ttirella"
and it was lury well guru. The company Is
laige and probably stronger than It was last
venr. It includes n ilien or mero girls who
nte pretty nnd well lermed. In the second
net the young ladles were given an oxcellont
uppertilully of displaying their forms which
were seen te m' vantage. Miss t'orlnne, who,
bv the wav is telling te iie n young lady,
assumed Hie dual role of r, 1 and CVirefbi.
1 be young lad sings well nud wis w Ith tier
usual vivacity. Mine I iske. who established
himself as 11 lav orlte with Lancaster isjople
ukjii the iX'iVsleu of his lirst visit te this
city with thisceuiaiiy, crcMed lets of fun ns
Dum fieteri), the fattier of the Iwln girla.
I rank Hayden acted mid sang well the part
el .U'iiiUvin. Janies Sttirgei did cloverly
as J'iKr-oeri, the Misir, nnd Miss Husle
Parker made n capital Aurera.
Tills evening tlie company will sing "The
Mikade," The young man who madothe an
nouncement last eienlng abated that Corltme
has nnv or heard tlm opera. Shn has lier own
lilcsalsnitthocliaracter el 1 11 in Yum mid does
her work accordingly. Te morrow aflorneon
the saine bill will be given at n inatlnoe mid
niu engagement closes with "Capers" lu lhe
Hie rtallunal llurse stinir.
'lhe fourth Hunual exhlbllleu of lhe Na
tional Hoike Hhevv Hssociatien eened Men.
tny morning at lhe Madisen Square girden,
N'nw Yerk. The building was prelusely
decorated with Hags nnd bunting. Thore
were about three hundred exhlbits, which Is
n lading oil Irem the previous shows, owing,
no doubt, te the fact that a show is new being
held In Chicago. It Is In the classes for
heavy draught horses that the exhibits have
dts-t eased, but the entries for carriage horses
and thoroughbred stallions in Hits year's
show liavu never been surpassed. Thejudg.
lug el the animals began in the Hlteruoen.
lliree lliiiulretl Irun Vtefkeri Stilse
The empleyes of C !:. Peuneck A Ce ,
Weilh Brethers nud Husten A Sen's Iren
nulls struck ler an advance of wages Mon
day morning. Theso Include all mills in
Ibis section Willi the exception of the L'oatos L'eatos L'oates
ville Iren I'e.'a mills, whose men Hre new
working out their two weeks' netice. The
ptlie paid by theso firms at present Is f3 75
r ten and the men ask lerfl. The strlke
tin own ever 300 ineu out of employ iiient, aiid
the llnal decision of the manufacturers Is
anxiously looked for.
A New Ailerelil lllBimereil.
A lelegram received at the Harvard collego
observatory nnuouuees the discovery of a
newnstoreid fNa 201) by Professer C. II. I'
Peters, el Clinten, N. Y. Its position at the
tiuieel discovery was October ,11st, 11 hours
Washington mean time; right ascension, llu
in ., declination North, I deg. 20m. 13s.;
dally motion in right ascension, h's.; In
declination Seuth, 1m. 11 Is of the oleventh
Tlin HaiiHiia I'enl.
Fieiu Puck.
It is well te bear in mind at this season of
the year that If you threw lhe banana skin
en thu sidewalk, the banana skin may threw
you en the sidewalk. Turn about Is fnlr
1 10111 the New Orleans runyune
The crab has a slde walk, and that is about
the only side walk that Idiots de net threw
banana peelings en,
IN .NKAll Kill M.
The Yerk borough schools are closed en
election day.
A portion of the wall of the new .ion
Lutherau church, llarrlsburg, foil lu un
Monday, injuring Thus. U. McL'lure, a car-
Kmlly .acharias, a live- car-old Heading
girl, Is missing in the dreadful railroad
wreck at Hlo, Wis.
Tlm Harrlsburg Kulglits or labor have
issued tickets containing the names of Black
lorgevornor, Hlcketts for lieutenant gover
nor, Africa for secretary of internal allalrs,
and Htovensen for congressaian-at-large.
Mrs. Catherine Taswel), wife of Jehn Ths.
well, a neacliBian In the employ el (Jeerge
I'iilller, president or the l'Irst National bank,
or Uila city, was murdered and probably out
raged en Hundey night, near llavorferd Col
lege station, en the Pennsylvania railroad.
Its Vele In ISllirar Hie renr Oanrllrlatea Itefure
the I'eeple,
l."ll,iwlntf la llin viiIa In t ....!..
in the election of lesion the auto candidates :
I UuTr,lw' I ev. iMe.
e 3:3 a a ?-
DUTIIIUIS. 113 5 !( -ft ?
: i j I : :
Ailain.tewii 101 Oil 3 ..... 7777
itait 111111 ai
llnckneck l 117 17 . .
C'mrnarven 181 isi in'
Cla 1W M lu1 1....I ...
Cocallce KasU Ill1 171 nil L.J ,
Cot allce West 181 HA a I
l.olemln......... VI), a Ju
1st Want Ul 27S fi7 1
I1 Ward : jjn1 sl
M Wnrd I J hi .... . ,
Conestoga 31 1 30 t
Ceney ... - ' 17i He I
Dmir-jrnl, Kast. 1 1 ,
Jlnytewn IV. II; t '...,1 ...
stitlnavtlln .... si 31 2:
l.lnceltiH. II .. I II 71 12
Denegal, W-Heet's HI tm' 31
Dniuiein 33i jwi 3s I ...
Druiiieir, Kast , ....,
Kar 3JI Ha 7
Knrl, E-Terre Hill . . 312 1M 7;
lllue Hall '
Karl West. 91 a is 1
tden H" Hi s
Kllabnth , l Mi 31 .... 1
Kllxabatbtewu la nl d
Kphrata '' 19l rci
KllltOII I lf7 IKI 43
Ilnnprlrilil. Kast. lis l ss,
Lanrtlsvllle ' . ... ...J ....
Itohrerstewn ....1 1
l'elrisbiiiir 131 A7 KO 1
Hmupflrlil, iVest. 1 1
Meuntvllln I Hi s 4 ... .
Nerthwestern .... V 1; 10
Norwood TV 47, si
Silver Springs .. n ? 41
Lancaster. ,
1st Want . 20 i'd .in ....
;1 Warn n z7, i
3d Ward .M7 ill Zl
Hli Waril 2 J17 M
3th Ward 317 .'II, '
nth Warrt. ... 3.1 te ie1
7th Ward, -jib srl n
rth Wnrrl. . 117 MI 10
9th Waul 3,v jvi -j)
Ijiinpeter, Knst xn 7 H)
Iaiiupcter, VV etl. srvi 31 ....
LnncnMci twp 67 3 2J'
Lea cock 310 lm
I.eaceck, Upper Vti 107 23
Little UrIUiln. 11.-173 I'j
Mnrtle 17 1M 7
Manbelm ber. iX Hi IV, I
UtVVar.l I .. .
Cd Ward 1 ...I ..
3d W a 11I
Manhelui I p.. . . II! HI, 79
Maner. I ,
Indian te n . . .i: il 33
New. . ' ' mi IJi
Mlllcisvllle ill '.;: 31
Marietta s 33' m ... . .
Ml. Jey ber . ' 101 is ...
Mt. Jey twp, II. ! 31 7
ML Jey twp., 1, . HI en te
l'arndfe ' . Mil M
I'eiiu 137 131 m
I'equca 15I 3h' 2i
I'revldence J." llu 13
linpbe. 1
Newtown 7- 9 li
Snorting Hill .. ' 1
htrlckli-i'sS. II.. .. S3 ii u
Union Square .... , 01 77 J7
"ailsbiiry ' 119 137 01
-Salisbury. 1 1
i ambrldge ........
Snrlna Garden
White Herse ISJ 1M 6:
Mrnsbuig ber.
lsiwaid IT 73 37
ai Ward '
3d Ward.
stnubnrg tw-p .'47 V, 51
Watwlck. ... 4 Jul UU
Wnshlnxten bir.
Upper Want .. Jl 4- I .... '
Lewer Wnld. ... U l !
Total ... 1 0-i iia
Themas A. Aruislieni.-. Ureeuback I. abut, U
Alfred C. l'elllt, I'rebtliltl-in. te vote.
rn HAUHinnvitii t u.tfjcitisnuK
Of the Ksit remifyltsnl Sjnuil In Mrtslen In
Maniiuiji, Nev. J.-The Harrisburg con
ference of the Kast Pennsylvania synod of
the Lutheran church, opened Its sessions last
lest evening lu the Lutheran church, this
borough, of which itev. J. Peter Is pastor.
There was a large attendance or clergy and
citizens. About LI) ministers nre in nttend nttend
ance utsm the conleience Irem Lauiaster
are Heys. Stall mid Kckeru
1l.ACnr.11V i"siniiK,
The teachers of Kapbeandl'enu townships
mid MHnheim borough lieldn very successful
Institute In the high sclusil builduig onHatur enHatur
day last. The exercises were opened with
devotional oxerciso by Hev. Jehnsen, el St.
Paul's Reformed church, this borengh. An
address el welcome was dellvered by Prosl Presl Prosl
Jehn II. Howe.
Essay " De We Glew I'lutesslenally ' 31lss
Ida J. Ilutderrr.
Discussion "Should Lllvraiy Societies be K11 K11
ceuragtxl," Miss SallleCuli anil A rt' Leaher.
Lessen by Primary clasi In
KntleM. Hostetter.
Hew Teachers Waslo rim,' W. Kelrr Nau
man. ' Te What Extent Should Authut i Hay be Ob
seivcd," Miss Kate Met rear)
What benefit de lilrecier Dorive by Scheel
VUliAtlea 7" fcxra llel-t, Ulri-cter, and II S.
llanner, cbij.
Lepsens til Physiology n ltelfT Nauiiian.
" Hew Should Tenchei 's Vacation bu bllllifd,"
Mils Jennie Uayward
The essays were carefully prepared and the
discussions participated in with much spirit.
In the eveuing In the lecture room of the
Kofbrmeil church before a ;goedsijd audi
ence Miss Kllzalxith Kenitier, or Litlti, re
cited with eflect ''Archie Ileen."
Hen. Henry Heuck, ileimty stale suporln superln suporln
tendeul, dollvered hlscelebrnted lecture, the
" Old and the New," which, although heard
bofero by some, was much approclated.
Kxcellent music was furnished at the so se so
slensol this Institute by the High Scheel
club, under the ellicient leadership of Prof.
Key. I). I). Levvery, of lhe lT. 11. church, at
the requester Presiding Klder Italtzell, held
a rpaarterly conference in Sleelten last Satur
day and Sunday.
Win. J. Connelly, levveler, well known In
Lancaster county, died or consumption en
Sunday alternoen at 1 o'clock, aged 31
years. Ills funeral vv ill take place te mor
row morning. Service te be held In SL
Paul's Heformed church
Many persons Irem this borough went te
Lancaster last eveulnjr te see the Domecratlc
boys' parade. The Liberty baud of this
borough, who furnished the music for the
boys, returned early this morning.
The monthly mcelln? of the teachers of the
Reformed Sunday school whs held last
evening. It .was decided te held weekly
moetlngs for Instruction en the lessens, Uie
pastor readlly consenting te be the Instruc
tor. The meeting will be open te all per
sons. a tat) u a 1. vuhaiw."
i:. II. Uegler, Uuable te ' Loek the Future In
in the Face,' blioeli Ulintelf.
The mysterious suicide or Hdvvard H.
Gegler, el Ne. 231 Marriett street, Pblladel
phia, who Bhet himself In a passenger car en
the Heading railroad 011 Sunday night, was
explained by the discovery of two letter In
his coat pecket addressed te Miss Kstella U.
Smith, en Uread street below Huntingdon, te
whom be had been paying attentions for
Berne time past. The first said :
When you read this I will be past the trou treu
ble and anxiety ei this world that have made
my;llfe a burden te me. 1 am amoral
coward. I could net leek the future In the
face, and I would sooner die than have you
brought te distress, and 1 bolleve that If I
married you I would have brought trouble by
my ill-luck. Forgive me If you can, and
don't be tee hard ea me. Kemember that I
am only human and must leek te Ged ter
mercy, and If Qed forgives me, for lie knows
my trouble, why surely you may tee. I am
net worthy or you, Oh ! why did I ever bring
this trouble en veu ? (loed-by, love, and for-
glve one who loved you hotter than his llfe.
The second letter rend ;
It is my last and most earnest wish that you
will keep, In case of my death, all money or
property of value belonging te me. Yours,
with love. .
Geglor, who had just pasBed his 21st year,
was a printer employed by the firm el Ill
well cV Ce , at Sixth and Arch streets.
Ireu Workers SatWIIeil.
The empleyes of the I'enn Iren company
have dotermlnod te accept lhe wagon oflcred
by the company.
m mrrRtmiKUK Hr.renmn ruu this
(lath HcraldihiR 11 1 the Tlikct Ufpetttil In
Allfglmny Unnnly-Unlurtd raters llelllng
ths Itfpulilluiii Tbkrt In Ifarrlubnrg,
llfstj Vete Unit In I'Mlsitrlptils,
I'lTTHiivnti, Nev. U. TmJny's beautiful
woaUier lias had the ollect el bringing uiltu
unusually large number of oters in both
Pittsburg anil Allegheny City, Intense on en
thuslasm is manllested. There Is consldor censldor conslder
ablo scratching by all parlies. On the state
ticket the vele Is decidedly mixed.
Colored Helt In llnrrUlmrg ,
HAniUsntmu, Nev, 1!,--The wnather Is
most propitious and a large vele Is lining
polled, but much scratching pievails. TLe
contest centres lu lhe election of roprosouln reprosouln ropresouln
tlvo nnd district attorney, and the result will
bocleso. The colerod voters or the Klglilh
ward are belting the Republican ticket.
Henvy ete In riillsilelptila
Plltl.AliKl.flll.v, Nev. 2. Tlie wealhcrin
this city mid throughout the state this morn
Ing Is all that could Ihi desired, A v ery vete
is being brought out.
nEHnv timeuuK.'A vanvahs.
Driving Around te the l-ells With Twe Clergy,
lien nnd T V. Ten-ilerly,
Nlw Yenir, Nev. 2. Henry Geerge, after
voting te-day for himself and the Irving Hall
candidates ontered an open carriage
with McUIynn, lhe well known
Catholic clergyman, and I). ICrnmnr,
mi Kplsuepal clergymau, and visited
all the Killing places en Third HVenue Irem
li.AU te COlh street. Mr. 1'ewderly, grand
master workman el the Knights el Laber,
was taketi Inte the carrlage at his hotel and
lhe party were then driven te Geerge's head
quarters In Kast Klghth street After re
maining there awhile all Tour started lu
make a tour or the down-town districts.
Mauyefthe men Insist en standing at tlie
ballet box, but are driven out by the United
States marshals. At Geerge's headquarters
at 10 o'clock complaints were made or a lack
el tickets at many down-town veUng places.
At Mr. Roosevelt's headquarters thore is but
little doing, and everything is rejiorted
quiet- Mr. Hewitt was at his headquarters
but a lew tnomeuU te-day.
New YenK, Nev. 2. Te-day isa very per
feet autumn day. The morning opeuod
cloudless with balmy breezes, making over ever
coals superfluous. Most of tlie veters were
out early, and In the first hour or two after
the polls were epened the voting was very
brisk. In the down-town wards, below
Housten street, west of the Bowery, thore
was the quietest election that has been known
for many years.
Kxceptlng a small row at Mulberry and
Hester streets there was "no fun," as the
boys Bald. One reason for this was the lau
that the men who had usually been rolled
upon te get up lhe rows, were sober and
peddling Ocorge stickers. The henchmen
of that candidate wero net numerous except
ing In the early morning, but the lact was
that much fewer voles than usual had been
polled, the statement being made that If
the polls had been closed at 'J o'clock Geerge
would have been elected by a handsome
majority. In many el the election districts
the Uewitt ineu worn dljappoluted in the
votes they had oxpected te control and which
were thrown for the Laber candidate. The
unknown quantity was the ruling quantity
in the first, Second and Filth assembly dis
tricts. Arrests for illegal voting in many districts
nre lrequentaud befere nightfall Un roiue or
lhe low or districts trouble is anticipated.
Suntet" Cot's Opinion
Ni:vv YeliK, Nev. 2. Congressman S. S.
Cox gave the following rstluiate of the vete
In New Yerk: Geerge's Is nn unknown
quantity and can only be surmised, lie will
probably loll 65.0C0 ; Roosevelt, 70,000, and
Hewitt, 90,000. The Prohibition slreugtli Is
unknown "ay .',O0O votes making a total el
Through New Vetk stale,
S tsr;, N. Y., Nev. 2. The woather is
Hue, but no marked Intoret is shown In the
election. The principal light of this county
is in the Second assembly district, where
State Committeeman Kirk is making a hard
tight against SUcey, Republican.
Al iifiiN, N. Y., Nev. 2. Weather very
line. Kleclieu proceeding very quletly.
The only interest is lu the election el shnrlll
of the county.
IlOL'iiKHiEK, N. , Nev. 2 Weather
line, vete light, interest centered en congres
sional contest bctween Haker and Bacen.
Hlikai.e, N. Y., Nev. 2. Weather clear
nnd pleasant, electien proceeding quletly
with light vete being pelled. Chlof intorest
ceuters In the light for police justiceship and
much scratching is being doue. Klug(lein.)
Is conceded te be running ahead of his ticket
for that eflice.
BxnAioe.v, N. Y., Nev. 2. The weather
Is hue, and elections throughout Saratoga
county are progressing quletly. The vete
is comparatively light up te midday. Judge
Daniels will get a geed majority In the
county. The centest Is clese lu- the Tirst
assembly district between Onntld (Hep.)
and Ilurke (Dem.i. Grillln, fRep.), lu the
Second assembly district, has su bstantlally
been elected.
Amsteiuivm, N. Y., Nev. 2. The weather
Is beaulirul. Idle workmen line the streetn
tn consequence of the knitting mills lock-out.
LTectleu proceeds quietly. The Indications
point te a hard fight betvveeu Llddle and
Memple for thu assembly.
All Democratic In Georgia.
Macen, Ga., Nev. 2. James H. Hleimt,
(IWm.), is elected te Congress from theCth
district without opposition.
Chas !'. Crisp, (I)em)., ad dlstilct, re re re
elocted. Very llttle lutorest manifested in
the election In general.
AtnurtN', Ala., Nev. 2. Hen. W, C. Gates,
(Dem)., Is ro-electod te Congress irem this,
3d district, without opposition.
Full Vete 111 Ohie.
Cincinnati, O., Ney. 2. By ten o'clock
o'clock hair the registered vete or the city
had been thrown, and there was a prospect
or a full vote. The pencil la being used te a
considerable extent, and straight tickets are
the exception rather than the rule. Geed
order is being maintained.
Teledo, O., Nev, 2. Weather clear and a
heavy vete being polled. There Is much
less scratching than was expected, and the
Hurd men are mere sangulne than ever ej
his election. It is believed that McBrlile,
(Dem.), for secretaty el state, will carry the
county, and that part erthe Democratic ticket
will be olected.
Cheering News (rum VVUcemlu,
Milwaukee, Nev. 2. Dispatches te the
Daily Journal rrem lifloeii large places in
Wisconsin indicate that Woodward (Dem.)
(or governor is running ahead of his tk-kat,
receiving part of the labor vote. There are
no Democratic farmers voting for Rusk, in
the Second congressional district Delaney
(Dem.) will be elected. In Milwaukee 'a
heavy vote Is being polled and Woodward
(Dem.) Is running ahead of his ticket,
Smith, Laber candidate for Congress, is
I polling a heavy vote, and at Republican
headquarters leaders think Smith will Le
In Virginia
NoureLK, Vs., Nev. 2. Kleclieu today Is
progressing very quletly.
Wamiinote.v, Nev. 2. A upeclal from
Richmond, Vn., says J "The withdrawal of
Millien, the Latwr cnndkIato,gtvea Wlsssome
800 mero vetes and his election Is certain.
Mnss meetings, addressed by prominent
Knights of Laber, were held all evor
the city last nlghL It Is the most
excltlug congressional centest we evor
have had. In the First district where
Crexten had been oensldored shaky, the
latest ndvlces point te his electien, In tlie
Second, Marshal Parks is making a gallant
light and will reducolheiifBjorlty. In the
fourth, Miinn Pope has worked hard, but
the result is dmihirul In Mahene's strong
hold. Tliore is no doubt or the election of
Cabell In tlie filib, Grillln In lhe Sixth and
Lee In tlie Klghth districts. O'Ferral and
Henry nre considered safe In the Soveuth
and Ninth districts. In thoTenth, Yest has
made an nctlve contest, but Humgardner Is
coulldent el election, 'lhe Indications are
that the ielltlcal complexion or the delega
tion will retnaln unchanged. The Republi
cans and Democrats both feel tlie moral eflect
el the pewer of having control of both the
national nnd state governments."
retr Clerks (lu Heme te Vele
Washington, Nev. 2. I'ovver of the de
partment clerks have geno home te vete llils
year than ever bolore, and very lew of the
higher oftlclnisaie absent from thelr desks In
Washington, whlle their fellow citizens all
ever the country nre casting their ballets at
the polls. The president went te Bullale last
November te vete ter Oovernor Hill, but
there Is no govorner te be voted for this year
auu tne president stays In Wellington. Ills
private secretary, Cel. Lament, nlse stays In
Washington. The only calfinet ministers
about te-day nre Secretaries Whitney, Bayard
and Lndlcett and Postmaster General Haf,
Solicitor General Jnks left hore ler home
yeslerday. Hardly any of the chiefs or
bureaus In any of the vti is departments
have geno home.
Lecal Option 111 Hrtittitftj
Paris, Ky., Nev. 2. The vete en local
option is being taken In this, the only re
maining precinct In Bourbon county wheie
whiskey Is sold, and excltement runs high.
A thousand children, black and whlte, are
carrying banners mid parading the streets
headed by brass bands, nil in llie cause or
temperance. Tomperauce hoadquartersnear
the iells Is crowded with wlves, mothers and
children singing " Held the Fert " and ether
popular airs.
I.euismlle, Ky., Nev. 2. Llectien day
is very qulet. Cruth (Dem.) was about
uOO votes ahead or Wlllsen (Rep.) at neon.
The situation In Michigan.
Di.inuiT, Nev. i Kloctlen psslug oil
quletly bore. The principal contest Is bo be bo
tweon Chlpmau (Dem.) and Robinson
(Laber and Vm) for Congress. At neon
indications favored the latterV election.
The Vete In Illinois.
Cnii age, Nev. 2. The workers rer the
United Laber party were first en the ground
this morning and their ticket Is being liber
ally supported In the FlHh, Sixth and Four
teenth wards. The Republicans appear te
be casting a large vole, but the Democrats
are net dismayed and are working hard ler
their candidates. The Prohibitionists cut but
llttle figure in the race.
In the Hay hUle.
Hener-, Nev. 2. The Republicans el Uie
Ith congressional district have nominated as
a candidate te ruu against Gen. P. A. Cellins,
Dr. Win. B. Cutler, a promlneni aud jajp
ular Seuth Knd physician.
In lenncsAee.
Mlm nt is, Tonu., Nev. 2. Kloctleu Is pass
ing oil quietly nud many of the principal
stoics are closed. Indications nt neon de net
point te a heavy vote, very llttle scratching U
being dene, although many negrecn are
voting the Domecratlc ticket. Prohibition is
cutting no flgurn. The strnlght Democratic
ticket will undoubtedly be elected.
a ma Tiuxe run HT. LUV1K.
I'lupnaltlen te lUtnlillihn Lrge Cattle Yard In
Si. Leus, Nev. i-An eveuiug paper
prints an article stating that a woll-delliied
movement Is en loot by the International
Uange association te establish a large cattle
yard In this city. The movement grew out
of a suggestion made by Guv. Reut, el Col Col
orado, seme mouths nge, and lis ebject is te
overcome tlie alleged monopoly, ro re
sulliug from the combinations between
the stock jards and dresed beef
il en in Chicago, by which rangemen
say they are choated out U 510 te 15 en each
head el their cattle that gees te that city.
They also claim that the same syndicate of
Kastern capitalists owns and controls the
stockyards In LastSL Leuis, Chicago, Kansas
City aud Denver, nud that the capital In
vested at Kast St. Leuis is lnvested thore te
keep out outsiders aud te cencentrate the cat
teo trade at Chicago, where they can control
IhomarkeL The propesod yards here will
be lltted up entirely by range meu and will
be controlled by them with clese relations,
howevor, botweou them and commission
men hore. The schome also Involves con
tracts with railroad companies for through
rates from the ranges te points el consumption
in the Kast, with the priyllege of unloading
here, where eastern buyers can purchase and
re-shlp te the through Instead el local rates,
the ebject being te make SL Leuis n great
distributing point ler Kastern markets.
As Many nt the Cur Would Order.
Sei ia, Nev. 2. Ueneral Kaulbars ad.
dressed a nole te M. Karavelefl and telej
graphed te the ethor members of the Bulgar
ian regency yesterday, stating that If the laud
ing of Russlansnt Varna was opposed the town
would be bombarded. M. Karavelefl ad
dressed a nete te General Kaulbars In reply
asking hew many Russians would be landed
at Varna, and recolved an answer te the effect
that as many would land aa the czar might
be pleased te order.
IllrldeuiU te Creditor otluielvont Itiiitn.
Washing ion. Nev. 2. The comptroller of
the currency has declared dividends te the
crediters of Insolvent national banks as fol fel
low a . tha Mechanics National bank of New
ark, N, J., a tilth dividend, 1', per cent,,
making in all ul ( per cent en claims proved,
amounting te 12,0.7,7 08. 3G. The First National
of Union Mills, Union City, Pa.., a lllth dlv dlv
ldend, 5 per cent , making In all 65 per cent,
en claims preved, amounting te $162,153.11.
The Czar Would Accept Waldemar.
Londen, Nev. 2. The iSfancfarif claims te'
have reliable ad vlces from Tlrneva that the
czar Is willing te accept Prlnce Waldemar as
ruler of Bulgaria. The prince, however , '
unwilling te accept.
1 he U rtdlleri or JItrl' Late lilne.
SIl nick, Net. 2. It Isannounced that the
creditors or lhe Iato King or Bavaila
must accept Immedlale cash payments with
an abatement or 15 or 20 per cent, en the full
amount spread out In various sums in four
years time.
A Herman I'rleit'i lUiape.
BniiLlN, Nev. 2. The Catholic prlest Ta
bouret, of Vienvllle, who was iccently lm lm
priseued for publicly praying for Ged te aid
the French In recovering Alsace and Loralue,
has escaped te France.
An Indian Hank nebbed.
ISitANaiiAi, Nev. 2. The chartered Mer
cantile bank of India was attacked by robbers
yesterday, nud a large amount Of specie
r ,a
rjiKit XJV TMM
They listen Mautter Demetial ration '
ilnyUteiiltig-lliiiidreililnMii an
Ing That Marrrd Hie Genirat
reeling of Ilia OiciMleh,
Kxtonslve preparations were la
ler days past te make the parad (
juvonue ueuiecraia last evening whMH
a marKea success. Thelr display all
Uiat in 1631, aud the several hundred Jti
cuuiu ii ei nnyu ueen mero enillUSIIHKV hi:
The parade formed en Kast Chestnut timl
and moved ever the entire route pnblleheA
en Monday. When It came down North
Queen street, pa.s.ed through thegqurne
euteicd Seuth Queen the Belglaa Meekl
nnd sldewalks wero completely eemwt
with peeple onger te wltnessC t
demonstration. Tha bautiers, some bMttag
comical dovlces mid olhers mers ebwrM(
ends, created much comment, N early Try
marcher carried n torch, and there wertaM
numerous Chinese lanterns,, and flgaA
the head or the column roile the cbleilMM'
hal, DaulelMarksand Bids, Harry WendM&t'
uusuiiu mewari arm Kit. flery, TMy
handled the precession with much ablMfcjr.
auu get the parade lu motion in time. &H "
Manhelm band, consisting or eighteen
pieces, lurnished music, but the "buslneen
meu," Immediately rollewlng it, were Ue-;
.mjr uiieu nuu succeeded in iceeMMf
step te IL There wero mero than fifty. 3ki
" men ei eusiness, ami with their hil
Bilk hats and canes made a tlne appearatwe. ffr
'they carried banneiB Inscribed "Ne Htwev?
Orders Taken by Us", "We Are the Busl-VS,'
ness Men of Lancaster." Next were olerenW-'
h&rsemeni First wnrd club, with banner "A &
Public OfUce Is a Publlu Trust"; eight 3tV V
lorsenlnns carrying unmeunted American f-
cuiers. uie emer watu clubs rollewedln 'i',
erder, and lu the line wero a two-hertef i
wagon centnlnlug Georgia mlnstrels, weerit'v
Willi nlrmtlii. a...-. ... .. . . It . T i.'
...... v.. w....n ennnuifnilguu IO OUai IOB lOOS-Jf'V
Irtttl. Mfif.f.ti urllK n....r, .1 1.,--. ... (I- v i
, .....,.. lw, UT ,m unwasuililis -t,,'
at work, clowns en horseback, peny1' ;
anu cart, lour mounted knights. The s"
banners, bearing "Men Die. But Prlncli.'
pies Never," "Heys Will Be Men Beme'S
Day," "Store Orders ler the Convenlenoe of rtVa
erklugmen," and a atore erder cartoon ni
were held as high in air as the peles weu!UjS
j.m inn. me inu wue preuaiy carded w
crewing roestor, was happy until nearljeuv
the mill nf llinrnnlfi Tlmn lm -., t.M- l1.'
Inte a profane mood by seme scamp wearing -
a Beaver badge chopping Mr. Roester'a heia'ff-
Oil With H Club. I.esllv chnnrn n !' J"
for Chauney F. Black at brier Intervals ami &
. nvumcu uijr UUIIJUOIJUSIIU. XUO pmmTmlWi
" unuiiMet.1 uuuui iiau-)aa( leu
. i
nurn r.MtAOK is rsaanna.
Seme Serious Ulslurbaiires That Marr ed, tavf.!
i-nrnun ui xietnecr4iiQ javeniles. v
During the parade there was seme UuhtlD :'
between boys who wero In the line and ethers vp,-;
w uu w eru en me siuewaiits; stones anu clube ;
wero used nt dlllerent points and several.'
.,.. .... i..i, ,i - T. ... 1'
ujn "ia U.IUI lujiueii. n uppe&rn inateTj.j
crowd of boys followed the parade areu8dSj
town and threw missiles, btone throwing. 'I
nrst began en Lew street. Several beyatel
anu norses wero hit but net sorleusly injured.-1
In Mulberry street thore'was another iiinirnr J
or stones which, howevor, did net de a greets?
deal of harm. The meat serieus trouble oeX '
curred en Maner street near DerwartS
William Wiley, a yeumr man. was en a'3
wagon lu the parade with the Third ward,,.
ciuu. rjuvurai niones uau eeen thrown i
111,,, nltil at Ihla .r.In I.a !..... ---a, tt.4
u..u u.tu .. wn i'iui UU JULUJ.IVU 1TUIU IHSIV
wairen. He csucrht nnn Iiav whm i,ail-
belleveil ll.lll thrnivn nt Mm anH nrMAAjAa-? ;i
,r. i..n 1.1... n . . ii.n. K-i .. . -.
v gnu...,!. Liuiiiiciug. vviiiifs uuing uimv-
atlAllint. l,e- nlri,ntj l.lni .-.III. u ..I.. I. ...A,'-.
..u...v. .... .... uva uiui niui -. uuv un.-
tlm ItAarl nllllM.1 lfnn.1.1 I.I. 4.HA . 7-H
uftlnliH Tlln. ...... ..(.... .n .,.. -.-n
niuua. .. lluy naQ LnlVUIl LU LUB lllllf'fl riltW
Dr. McCermlck, nnd It was teumd that kefi.J
IX lAlvTfll A llllfi lli-. In 1.1 t.t. . I - . . i
... v.vit.u a wi nun uui scalp OlSJfl. ,j7J
He was cevered with bleed nud presented m
"H'jr "iniuaiuucu. unarms ureau auu Wll-fllt'a
41am Nickel, two boys, worearrcsiod for ae-w-na
eaulting Wlley. Graell admlu he struckis" 'i
Wiley and used n cluli, but says thatjtfl
he was aisaulted by WIIev ilrst. Nickel 1S
S3ysbe was badly handled hlmself but ditl'tM
,,w. n,u n.wuun. ivm uviya nuiuii. luai. mejrfjjt
had been lollew lug the parade around tewn'ffwS
nearly all evening. AldennanMcGllun wllt"Ai,
dlspose ofthe case against the boys. -AS'h!
.iuen ;eii, wue was en ene of the wagons,"?
wivsairucK uy several fliones en west Klngiii5
Btrcetnenr Maner. A boy nauied Dally, re -Jmi
eiuiuH uu v. iiuicii nueui, was aise mi several i,
tlmes. N'olther was Injured badlv. Several t
ethers wero mero or less Injured by nylngi"'1i
'"'"D "
le-ilHT'fl llei.tlans.
The election Is nreLrressInirutmulv. In thellv'
Ai,t .....I .. i....... ..flin i. i.. i... ii... i it .ii.'
VI i' uvn.j lutunuvillHI'UIIUU, UIM.
parlies are actively at work, and hacks art
kept running in all directions. Dr. Davie,
the Republlcan candidate for legUlaturf, lerf
ii'is uiieiiuimu miuri ie win ana umt-ifjM
nrenlnrr hn Issiind thn frdtrtwtt.i. ..Iw.iilai.c..
n - "- -.. -i...u,,.mq VHVSIS. '
which was sent te numbers or perseni", pr-
Blllllalllv llfinr III.! lm liaa atlnn.le.l te..f'.Mt:.
..I It... 1u--iV-'
sieunuv : 'rv
LAMAsrun. Nev. 1st. lHSel'fef''
Di-.vii Hut : In Hme past when you needed -',J
a irienu in sicKness anuaistress, i always leva
sjsjiiueu uy uny or uigni, l uover presaeu JOm
ler money, Knewing that ir you could aeusl
me seme you would come te me. New ,
neeu a inenuiy act en your part. Simply,
your vete, Will you ? -CV
Oblige yours truly,
u n i . ...- .d.'5
Following Is the vete In thn savsmI nriiavl
up te 3 li. ui., as coiupared with ths vntaa
cast In the gubonaterial olectlou el 1832 and. 3
the legislative contest of 18il
l'rAM flntr. Jd
... 381
. ..480
188I l6S6.ji
First ward
Second ward .
Third ward...
Fourth ward..
Filth ward . . .
Sixth ward..
Soventh ward
Eighth ward
Ninth ward
:ua -ym
..3889 Wl
Several suits resulting from alleged Illegal 1
vetlnir have been breucht te-dav. la th ..
Sixth ward Ofllcer Rellly prosecuted Brlfltem, j
Jenes, a colored man, who Is said te Bate ,
voted under ego. Henry Faealg was arrest-?: .
eu alter voting at tne 1 irsi waru, wnere 11 m
claimed he has no residence. These SuHe
are before Aldermau Ferdney. The colored-)
man get out of town bofero he was arresteav :
The election returns will be exhibited IkH
evenlng rrem the north slde of the iNTKLLl-
uiii .11 uuuuiiii:. j.
Verdit-t Aca'u't a rhlUdelphlae. 0i,
Terente, Nev. 2. Declslcns In frer,f3
the nlalntilU with costs, were given ;eer
day In two associations or the Angle-Caaadtaffx .
musical publishers association agalustW. W, t
Shaw, a publisber of Philadelphia, wke'imt!'
a publishing house here rer lmperUBg I
the United States certain copyrighted BMMka
tt thn nlatntllls anil nn nflantsttm mjnA 'BMTi?
rangement thereet, and for damages, ete, J '!1
HurvfTer IlMittl' Wound. ?' i
new yeuk, jnev. 'i. word was reset
- - ."
at the Western house this morning that)
S. Hostile, who was Bhet by Leula;J
yesterday, was Improving. The lUetr)
been round with a probe, and Ike
hoped te be able te oxtrlcate It durieg
ceurse of lhe day. Mr, IJeitue itasaed 1
comfertablo nJght thaa bad been esf
It 1 new thought that the chaneee are
lv In favor of lilt ultlmste recovery.
Mortally Weaudeil. - 5
Little Reck. Ark., Nev. 2,-FeW
at tern d ted te arrest Jehn IngrMBf
lequab, Cherekee nation, Hnaden
was believed te m an sjk
resisted, wounded two of tbe
finally mortally wounded.
xtnt$4br&-i.uih. .i.