.' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, F1UPAY, OCTOBER 130, 1880. -if a : w ;r- " W ry i 'A The Intelligencer itbt day m (Amtfey Jhsrpfrd.) THBTKA i a n. vm DetiAM rut., firrt lAfMrfg. UTMITCAnim-A- , AH Alt AMOKIM TIACW. r tlMUl CWMtO AIMIWM1F lu RnMnm, " enmiiswnw. ADTMITlSmO RATES: Ktn. lln.t ln". ln. sln.l m. m Mr . fwaer fkm Dart.... rear Pays...... rireDaya , ees Week Twe Weetw... Three Weeks. One Menth.... Twe Menth!.. Threw Months. BU Months ... Ona Tear 0 7& im'2isreisr m m ion lie I 128 11 S iv 15 300 4(0 SIS BO 780 II SH 8 45 TOO Btfl SCO 1050 is hi ls.ve 17 0n an SO SO 00 WW 17 00 SI 110 Si 00 38 00 IB 33) Jin 5 INI 7 SO 1000 ew 4 DO III! 7 01 10 se IS 60 3(D tee UOO lsce BOO 600 900 10(O 12 00 17 Wl an oe 28 00 22 00 an oe S0UI wen lien suv lsoel moo &( lie MWII l" The Weekly Intelligencer Publish te Every Wednuday Merninq. HMATiAH.tl.oeroimxiioimw. cirss e Tin, SIS no. ad a oerr i te risaens ammo cr OHM. Oosaasrenmca selicitsd fe bvsst r a kt e tb i CTATI AID OOCirrET. ALL AKOKTMerS LKTT1RS will u coniame te thi wastb rabbit. Aildntl alt Letter and Telegram te THH INTBLUOBNOER, Intelligencer Building, Lancaster, r& CI)C atuaetcr DntclHgciutf . LANCASTER. OCTOUElt S. 1RXV A Great Meeting. Tlicre was a lessen for all citizens in the splendid outpouring of the eple at Micnnerclier hall last evening te hear the discussion of the issues of this c;nn'uigii from a Democratic standpoint. It was no mob of wild partisans ready te cheer te the echo a party cry. But It was a calm, deliberative body of men who hud come te get the fullest possible information ou the questions of the hour in order that they might most intelligently vote thereon. The mechanic, the laborer, the farmer, the business man were all there, and as the speakers touched upon the questions that affect the hearts and homes of the people, the ringing cheers of the audience showed that a responsive chord had been struck. Ter this Is peculiarly a people's campaign. Laber every day is made te feel that its fate is in its own hands. Never will the ballet be mere potent for the workingman than this year, when the Democratic party is making the light in his behalf. Shall it be said that the great party of Jeffersen in se doing labors in vain ? AVe much mistake the temper of last night's audience, if such is shown te be the case en Wednesday next. The cheers that greeted the forceful remarks of the speak ers had the true ring in them, and the tremendous enthusiasm that tlioek the walls or the building when the name of Henry Drachbar, for assembly, was men tioned, shows that the Democratic party in this city is safely anchored in the labor ing man's heart ; and that a great victory next Tuesday is certain. But let no Democrat lag because of tins gratelul assurance. '.The enemy are pre pared te contest every inch of ground. Sleepless energy is required in order te vyin, and from new until election day let every effort be made te bring out the Democratic vote. Ter eternal vigilance will this jear be the price of liberty. m m m Why The) Mere Angry. The Republican leaders are se much dis turbed at the thought of damaging effect upon their cause of the iissault made by their partisans upon the Bellefonte Wutchinnn office, which was placarded with the Belle fonte Iren company's store order and with Grand Master I'ewderl 's denunciation of such means of raying workmen, that they hasten te send out by the telegraph afli davits declaring that P. Gray Meek, of the Watchman, had arranged the placard with express intent of provoking te violence the friends of Beaver in the precession which welcomed Blaine te Beaver's home. It w net very apparent wlierefeie this affords an extenuation of the Republican violence ; and as the affidavits show that the obnox ious paper had been posted in the Watch man's 'vindew for some days before the proces3ien,it is net clear hew they prove that Mr. Meek put them there te provoke the ire of the precession. The fact doubtless is that they were posted for the general information of the ieepIe of Bellefonte as they passed the Watchman's window and that Mr. Meek declined te take them down when the precession came along. Of eourse, he was right in that. The men in the precession were entitled te the beneilt of the knowledge of Beaver's doings, even if they were determined te vote for him anyway. If the store order and Grand Master Powderly'e denunciation aggrieved them se as te incite them te steuu the Watclnnan't windows, it is a fair inference that they believed them te be damaging te their candidate or else they would net have been se angry. In Bad Condition. The condition of tilings in the r.ijette-Westmerelaud-Greene congressional dis trict does net seem te liave been improved by the intervention of the state committee, and its anointing Itatlerty as the regular candidate. Tiiey buried Lathi, but the dissatisfied vetera have put up Don Den nelly in his place, who is a wealthy physi. cian of J.atiebe. It is net te be presumed that either of these candidates will be elected, and the strong probability is that- this Democratic district will beiepreseuted in Congress by a Republican. This is little less than a crime upon the part of the selfish interests that are respon sible for it. There does net remain a ques tion that this responsibility chietly rests upon Itafferty, who should have declined the nomination when he found hew unsat isfactory it was te the vetera. Hisstubborn Hisstubbern nes3 loses the district, which he says he can stand if the people can. The devotion te party which such a declaration shews.is of the very thinnest kind. There is hardly a veneer of the thing en Itafferty. If he should be chosen by the Democrats of the district te Congress, they may expect htm te vote Rafferty's politics right alengt whether Democratic or etherwise, and then te ask the people what they are ceiim te de about it. 6 It is lamentable that the sensible course of nominating a Democratic candidate who can command the party Yute has net been possible in this district ; but when passion drives felly rides. Terrorism in the Seuth. Senater Sherman in Philadelphia, made a great paint of the terrorism in the Seuth, ma I waved the bloody shirt In true Blaine fashion. If the terrorism he speaks of existed, It would be an evil of such menac ing character as te outrank all ether national Issues. It Is a simple question of fact ; Jehn Sherman and Ids friends assert it, but have only their insertion te sustain them, which is lamentably insufficient. The Seuth is Democratic, though a large body of the voters have received the ballet from Republicans. Therefeie Itisargued that the gratitude of these voters lias been suppressed by force. This conclusion reached, the partisan becomes deaf te rea soning and blind te fact, and will continue sincerely te believe that teirerlsm prevails ever the will of the people in that section. Many of the colored people of the Seuth are Intelligent enough te see that if the gift of the ballet carried with it the condi tion that It should only be used as ordered by men who might claim the credit of the gift if its price was political bondage It was a privilege tee dearly bought. Tiik Democracy had hoi J of the town last night, and they snoek It up in lively fashion. Tiik lc.t el geed things In the Saturday lNTKLLlUKNCEIlOf tills week will be uiwt notable. The biographical sketch will be of one el l.ancaiter's most prominent busi. nets men, who Iretn small beginnings lias built n Ktore that has no rival in the state, outside of Philadelphia. Tba Intkllkikncf.u's political prophet tails some of the true Inwardness of oeunty politics that waken mighty In terestin' readln'. " " I'ticaV'i laj s a tender fiower at the shrlue of Washington Irving, oneef the swi-etest of English writers. One who has Been them writes of the Susquehan na, the Hudsen and Kblne In entertaining style. Prof. Kerahuer comes back te reply te the last sally by lluli In the astronomical war. The school beard fathers erlal Is con tinued In a sketch of one et the mct notable of Its presidents. Yeung ladles will find much te interest them In the bright fashion article; and there will be poetry, miscellany, thebestef local news, markets, etc., suited te every taste. Send In your orders early. Is Dr. S. T. Davis for or against the sub mission plank of the Hepubllcan platform ? That Ib what the people of this town want te knew Just new. Arueh Dat seems te be losing its grip. Ita observance In Lancaster was etily In eue school, and the reports from tbe state de net show that It was recognized. It was a mis take te have an Arber Day in the spring and also in the falL One would have been enough for All purpesus, and It would have steed xeui chance of general recognition. In rhllAdelphia, Sujerlntendent MaeA lister re ports that the parenU take no Interest In the movement and the pupils pas Arber IMy In idleness. It would be a Kreat pily if this most excellent project should le alionedto go Inte decay. The political situation in New Jereey is said te be decidedly intxed,tbvre beiug many bitter fit his In progress between tactiens of all parties. Mr. lllalue has been advertised te travel through tbe state and the result must be the union et Democrats and the lur tber demoralization of Republicans There, as In this state, the real Issues bvfore the people are of tee great Importance te be dwarfed by the ilap-trap and b!z ug eutbu slasui of lllalue. of Maine. Tub value of backbone In the slate depart ment has again been emphasized by the sud den collapse of Spain ou the discovery that such a thing existed In America. Fer many years the policjl'ef the United Slates In deal- tag with Kurepeau governments has been conciliatory In tbe ejtreme.and loreign diplo mats bad come te believe that w e could be dealt with like tbe Chinese and were as little te be feared ; se that the president's proclamation luipeilug dis criminating duties must have been a startling eye- opener for tbe Dens. Diplomacy is proverbially slew aud Spanish diplomacy the slowest of tbein all, but the rapidity with which the Spaulards were brought te terms by this firm, aggre9lve measure is truly startling. It is an acknowl edgement of the value of our couctjsslens te Spain and provokes regret that for se many yeus we have received no equivalent ier thoxe concessions, simply becaue former administrations lacked the nerve te adept President Cleveland's manly course. . I'EBSONAL. Hi.ai K and KleketLs received an oatlen In Potlsvllle en Thursday evening. Hkknhaiuit's son hasfeughtand wounded In a duel a French painter who hrd ridiculed bis mother. J. M. lil'SKV, el I'ltUbiirg, who died en Wednesday, wasene of the best known phi phi lanthrepists et that city, his gifts 10 tbe peer amounting te ever J10.C00 annually. Si.C'KtTAiiv Manmxu is preparing a plan for securing the circulation of national banks and government deposits In tliHui when the bends held by the bankers are pud. RenErtT YeLNn, colored, who sought te be admitted te Dickinsen oellegu and created the opposition of the BludentH. has been al lowed place In the preparatory department. AS A MATlDSAt, IJVEliTIUS rhe Streng Ileiiincratlc Position Ktpn Vleirfd Frem That Standpoint. Frem tbe Wllkesbarre Leader The election is but a week oil, and the time for last appeals Is almost here. Our last appeal Is and will continue te be : Vote for your state's best Interest, which is your best lnterast. Judge by facts, net premise. This is a state olectlen. State etllcers are te be filled ; htate Issues are te be de"lded. The state constitution Is brought te the fore, The question Is, shall It be enforced? We have had four jeara of Deuieeralic adminis tration of the. state and as le it entire hon esty aud eflideucy there has uet been and Is net new a shadow of doubt The iiuexilen is, shall we have four years mere of the same kind of administration, or shall we restore the Quay-Coepor regime, with lla riot bill bribery, Its pardon beard infamy, its treasury despoliation, its infamous recorder and de linquent tax and ether bills mercilessly op pressing the taxpayer lu all direeiiens. The Kepublicaus are, heaetcr, net halls fled that tbe election shall be decided ou state Issues. They insist that it is partef the great national battle for the presidency in lss Well, let us htve It that way ' Wiwt change de the ceuntry'B Interest call for .' There are two changes jiesslble one Hill make the administration mere completely Democratic the ether will make it Hepubllcan. Why should It be made Republican? Has tii country sullered sluce Cleveland euue In' Is net business booming as It hasn't boomed lu years 7 iron aud coal are the gloat shinies ofthlHKtate, As te iron, listen te the New Yerk JTcratil : " Pituburg is crewing h ippler every day, and pig iron is the solid foundation en which she builds her prosperity Nu mere half time ler the workmen. They ciu shake their lists at the coming winter, for all the mills are going, and the sparks are Hying from under the triphammers se brightly that the stars are becoming ashamed of themselves." Ah te coal, listen te the Philadelphia Ilecerrt Ne better evidence of the Increasing pn. perlty of the country is uoeded than the ener. meus demand for fuel. The Introduction of natural gaa Inte I'itUburg, which was a great coal consuming tnarket, and the use or ether artificial fuels have net dim n shed thedr. in and for coal. Bituminous and snlhrsclte are being sent te market as rapidly us posll'e te meet the call for thorn, aud se active Is the demand for coke that new evens are lisli g built and put In operation. The syuulcain controlling this artlcle of f usl has ordered 011 all restrictions In its manufacture, and the evens will be operated te thelr grestest capacity. The anthracite preduc rs have been oemelled te increase tbelr output ler 'u pieuv muiiiu uy jhj.ixxj teus. There la no restrictive combination in bituminous coal, and the fuel tonnage et the I'ennul. JrVJVri?l.ifeaa. Py ibis year will be j,wn,000 tens In excess of that et last year. rao5.riTHt'et..n00Tdor "lu'"'"''t wltlithe railroad is In the transportation of UisL larrrer T.!Unr)ie!i0.,,!uvernu,0t larger. In proportion te Its amount the coat of collecting was never as littli ti!.. debt Is being paid oil mere iapldly tl an oe? before. The uewa from Wal!lgf"a," Vbt the revenues se far this month have avoraued 11,000,000 a day, andaronew about 112,000,000 In oxewn of the exicuditurw) during the naine period. There have leeit no defalcations el Demo cratic enlcJaK All the departments of the federal HPtoreuienl ie lit the keeping of henrat men and able men who are proving thelr honesty and ability, net In words, but Insets. Whatdoyeu want with a lllaine, or any body cIbp, when you have lliee things from a Clevelaud VtltVs lclcr A lady who took exception te her bus. I atld's habitual wakelulness tsttttllted with the Inv eutien of a mechanical de Ice that UN premised shall de mere te Induce sleep than all that opiate, chloral hydrates, and even raw onions have ever done, r tie ma chine leeks like a very long H. and is made in harU rubber, wltli a pul en ene of lis Inner rnrves. AL nun mid i h &'( lPAthet slral ; at the ether, lis curve forms n handle, in use, the lelt hand pulls duvwi the strap after the Instrument Is pi vhhI en the neck -and the right hand laid nu the li mdle presses down firmly, but net bsi tlriiily. the id which rests" en the carotid nricrj. e bs te diminish the tlnw of Meed te the brain. D"r lng sleep, the brain is entirely bloodless. A rush of bleed te the brain ertatrs tusemnia. It tttiit tint r,minrti hl much as SU excess of bleed In his head that kept the Ihaue or Cawdor awake. The " sniutu'llzer" keeps back the bleed and sleep ensues naturally. A CxnTlrt V It Frem the Montpelier iV t i imiiua A geed story is told el an !nter lew et the Hen. W. H. U. Bingham with one of the state boarders at Windser. Nuue el the pris oners were at work lathing the guardroom during a recent elUeial visit of the "gever nor," and the latter w as inspecting the work. Aflnr renteinrtlHtitit; the process for a few minutes, liev. Bluchaui remarked : See here, my man, veu are laying tbee laths tee near together , that sort of work w 111 never da" The prisoner calmly laid down his im pleinenus, and said : -Loverner, I am will ing te be turned oil" and discharged if my work don't suit: I never applied for this job or the situation, .uul It my worn iniwu iniwu factery I am willing te nuiL" 1 no eiler was uet fcccepled. A lUj ami Frrllte IMltur. Frem the Lenlstewn (Me.) Journal Things have ceme te an interesting jms In Dexter. Editor Skinner, of the i3tern iUUc, having made public a Jeke at tbe ex pense of a certain Chsrlei S. Lane, Mr. Lane has written a letter te Skinner threatening te print a history of his Waterville lire. Te which Editor Skinner replies : "Ue ahead. We solemnly premise net te kuk se long as it's Interesting, and it will be jour lault if it isn't" A picturesque o3iuple of the soft answer which turnelh away wralh. A tloeil story Fruui the Mentrcsl WUncs A story Is told of a Krench-l'anaJian doctor In this city who had an account against a printer, which he could net collect. The printer ettered te work it out, which, the doc tor agreed te. Alter getting all the printing done he needed there was still a balance The doctor's wife was sick at the time, aud he ac cordingly decided te get some blank luneral notices with her name en them. These he locked In his desk. The wile reentered, and the luneral notices were forgotten ty the hus band. One day he ungardedly left his desk open. Discovery was the result and ttie wile new taias ei suing ier a sepnrauuu. Jtr Ornt te sir. Chllili Frem the I'hilslelphla l'res- Mr. Geerge W. Chllds has nisi mt-lved from Cel. Frederick Dent iir.mt a tine Kentucky mare and colt" The mare was a creat favorite w It b the lite ieu. rant, aud the animals were sent te Mr. Lhllds by Mrs. Ortnt, They are new at " Wootten," Mr. Chllds' country place. It Is purposed te call one of them Julia, a'ter Mrs. U. s. Grant, and tbe ether Ida. after Mrs. CeL raut. A careless nnte cannot pol.en a (.riMJ wlih Ked btar Cough cure Neupiatf- Frum Philadelphia, Pa 1 am s Ulng mie el Lr Hulls cough )ran than all niiier tough remedies combined, and the demand is still in cnaslDg H I i leuuLDr, Dnigglst, W -eulh Second street. " There's suchdlvlnlty ditb hedge a king that treason " feats te teuih him. But rheum.ill,ui Is no respecter of person, and Iti.jalty wenld de well te patronize salvation oil, the great pain cure. IVBV1A1. iurivr.1. A remkdv ter Indigestion, Cen, uutptnn, Dys- Cpsla, Weakne-s, teKit Aue. ic c.ilden's Puld Ueef route il'ludoelw A CHEAT DIaLOVLM. Thegreatest dlScovee of the nm-leeuth cen tury Is Or. Leslie's Specld Prtstrlptku fei sick headache, which Is the dli-cewry ei an eminent physician and used by blm for ever thirty jears before giving It te the paL.Hu, and 11 atunus to day without a rival. Itutd adrcnUemeut in another column. CUOUl', WUOOIMNOCOIOH and Ureuchltls Immediately relieved by shllehaCtiie ersale by It 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne Lrl North Queen street. HucklFii Arnica Nsl.e The Hest Salve In the world for Cut", Brnljes, Seres, Ulcers, Salt llhuum, (ever Snip, letter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pesltivel cun-s Pties, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed teglte iwrfeu satl. faction, or money retunded Price 25 centa per box. Fer sale by II. If Cecnran, Druggist, 137 and 12 North Qucen street. Lancaster, Pa. VVhes the mc.hIj) li annejeil with dandimf, Glenn's .sulphur soap wlllb) te n.d Infallible Hill's Hair fj)e, black or brown, tllty cents slu-lwdeedAw 3II1LOI1S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us en a guarantee. It cures Consump tion Fersaleby II. B. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 133 North Queen street. WILL lOU SUFFhll with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint t shtleh's ViLallzer Is guaran' Ued te euro you. ter sile by II. II. Cochran. Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. SHlLOH'3 VlTALlZKKls what you need ter Constipation, Less of Appetite, Dtzilnuss, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, l'rtie w and 7S cents per bottle Fer sale by II. II. Cochran Druggist, Ne. IS) North Queen street. The Impending Dauger. 1 he recent statistic of the number of duaths show that a largu majority die with Consump tion This disease may commence with an ap patently harmless cough wbkh can hi cured in stantly by Kemp's Jtalsain for the Thre it and L.uug9, wnicn is guarauteeii 10 turu anil relluye all cuses. , ntu t uuuui mm ti. iriat size jree Fer ajile by II. II. Cochran, druggist. Ne. Lt7 ri urtu iueeu street. e" iwdAltw AUK lOU MAI MAlit miserable by Indigestion, Dizziness, Less of Appetite, Vel llnh'A V'lLallzerl4 a nuxlflvft nnr. .v..iiiink,Jii, ,'!, ew skint Shlleh'g Vllallzer Fer sale by It. It. Cochran. DruKKlst, Nel 137 North Queen street. "Jack shall pipe and GUI shall d mre " lust as longeut In the open bain ns they pliase The free born American citizen dun'i ii.jr neuralgia with Salvation Oil te the trent Price only 25 cents A erjf Narrow lupe had a very narrow escape." said a les, I premtuent citizen te a friend "I was confined my bed for a your aud my fi lends gave me up ler a consumptive's gruve, uiilll 1 began using Kemp's lUisam for the Threat und Lumrs. and nuuip s iKiismu ier tue xnreai unu Lungs, nere 1 um, sound and hearty." Price Um. and I. Fer sale by II. H. Cochrun. DrugKlst.Ne. 137. North Queen struet, Lancusler. Active, I'ualiliig aud ItelMDle. II. U. Cochran, Druggist, 1J7 and U3 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa, can always be re lied upon te carry In stock the purest and best goods, and sustain the repuutltuu of being ac ac tlve. pushing und reliable, by ri-ceiiiiueiidlng articles with well cstabllahtd merit and such us are popular. Having the agency for thocclo thecclo thoccle bruted Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, colds and coughs, will sell 11 en npeslllvu guarantce. It ulllsuiely euro an and every affection of threat, lungs, and chest, and In order te prove our claim, we ask you te call and get a Trial liettlu Fieo (n THAT HACKING COUlili can be son curoauyshlleh'sCure, We guarantee lu Fer sole by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. FOK DVSl'El'SIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee en u ery boltle of 6ht 6ht leh's Vftallzer. It never rails te cure. Fer sale by II, II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. DHOPOSALS FOK bTKKKT HAILWAY, JL Proposals for laying the track of "The hast End Passenger Hallway' (the company furnishing' the material), will be received unto 7 o'clock p in., en SATUTDAY, OClOHEllai, at the offleeof Allan A Ilerr, Ne. 108 East King street, wheie full particulars cut bu had. e.7-Ud pONTRAUTOK AND tiUiUUEH. GEORGE ERNST, CAIll'ENrEIt, CONTUACTOK A HUILDKU. lleeldence Ne. 5, West King str-'et. Shep East Grant street, opposite station house. WOUDKN MANTELS AND G K.NE11AL 11 Alt!) WOOD WUltlv A SfKClALl V. ."A1I work secures my prompt and personal RtiS?i,len-..UtawlDl5 ani IfsUmaUs furnished. MKtllVAL. A QUESTION AIIOUT Brown's Iren Bitters -t n - Witt:n. 1 he question his probably been askid thou amis et times. " Hew ran llrew n's turn Hitters euro everj thing s" Well, it doesn't lint 11 ilws cure any disease, for which n iviutnlileph)l elan would prescribe IKON I'hvslcUns tveog tveeg nlse Iren as the best restorative agent known le the profession, and Inquiry of any leading chemical nrm will subatantl.tte the assertion that there are mere proparnllens of lien than el any ether substance tucsl In inodUlne. This shows eeurlUflTely that Iren is acknowledged te Im the most Important tailor In surewsful medical practice It In, hnwcwi, a ivmurkitliln fart, that ptter te the dlscecrv of IlltOW VS IHO.v lllTTKIts no perfectly satisfactory coin- T iiuin, ii'ii u-u et erern tennil initie iue.-i 111 rTKUS does net Injnre th teeth, t-aiise head ache, or pnxluce ronstlpatten-ai ether inrdb clnesdn liliUWN'a litAs nmklis unvs In. digestion, llllleusnrss. Weakness. Iyspepsls, Msilarl'V Chills nnd Fe-crs, Tlreil Feeling, lien eral Peblllty, Pain In th side. Hack or l.luibs. Headache and NeumUla for ail these ailments Iren Is inscribed dally. 11UOW N S IKON III l Thlis. however, does notcue in a tnlnute. Like all ether thorough medicines, it mts nlenly. When taken by nen the first svmvtetn of tnmiv nt Is reuewed energy ihe musiUsthcn beconie nnner, thodlgnstleu tmprines, the bowels are active In toemrn the ettect Is usu illy men rapid and tuarkeil. The eyes begin at once te brighten ; the skin clears up healthy color comes e the eheeks; nerveu-mes dlsip dlsip peers i functional dmngements become r gu lar, and If a nursing mothei. abundant uie nauce Is supplied for the ihlld Ueinember ltruwn's Iren Hitters Is the I'M Y Iren medi cine that Is net Injurious. viMiriittiiafiddriiy gl Jti reeentme rt w. The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed led lines en wrapper. TAKE M) OT1IKK tS) maiJild.w glMMONS' L1VKU KEUt'L.VTOR. BUSINESS MEN. Merchants and these engaged in office wiTk arv ubject te Uyspvpila, Constipation, a Icellng of despondency aud nutlemipss. all caused by adUerdered l.lverandstemsch. Simmons Liver Hegulater removes these csuus by establishing a c ixd Jlgcslleu aud no interference te business WUl blleUklug it Simmons Llver Uegulater Is a V Valuable mineilv fur tlrn!. sla, sick Headache, Torpid Liver una tuch Uke liLseMes ' w li"' t, 1'resldent of S. Vt . K. It Ce Of Gv. PILES. Hew many suffer torture day alter dsy, mak ing ilfe a burden and robbing existence et all pleasure, owing te the secret suCerlng trem riles. 1 et relief is ready te the hand of almost anvone who will sys tcmatlcally take Simmons l.ner Hegulater. It has permanently cured iheusanOs. Ne drastic, violent rurge, but a gen ue aula taut te Nature. -0NLY GKNU1NK -.8 Has uut Stamp In red en Wrapper EU.1N A CO , Philadelphia. V J 11. LEUATt -vercr. A LDITOR'S N.OTICE. JacenUsiaL Common Pleas et Laniii.tcr vs. County, August term, l-, Jcwiru stark ,e. H The undersigned auditor, appointed te di tribute the proceeds paid Inte court under the above execution te and among these legally en titled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en TUK1IIAV. N'OVKMHKK 2, l?(i, at 10a.m,ln the Library Keem of the court Heuse. In the city of Laucasler, where all persons interested may attend. VV. A. WILSON', ectS-Udr Auditor. TJlbTATK OF JACOB MRIKL, Sit., citv of Lancaster, de JULi lain of the ceased, having Letters tesnimentarv- en said estiite becu gnuitcd te the uudemlgucd, all pcrsuiis ludebled thereto arc n.iuesled le make Immcdlalg payment, and thu-e having claims or demands against the s.tme. will prei ut them without delay for settlement te the under signed, resldtug In Lancaster citv JOHN F OKI El., JaCuCeKIKL. IR . Cbas 11. Kuss, txecuters. Atlcmey ectiitdF N TOT1CE IS IlEKEHY t.l EN TUAT Charlea II Fisher, of the Ulaze et Kuhraut. county of Lancaster aud slate et l'ennsUanla, ry detd of voluntary assignment, 1ms assigned te LeiiH A. Llvlngoed, of the bin uti et VVomelsdert, county of Iterks and itat. it .re said, in trust for the benefit of the crr.1 w - .1 the said Charles D. Fisher, all thurstate, real and personal, of the said Charles it 1 Uher. All rwneas indebted te the t.ald Charles II Fisher will make Immediate pavment te the fall assignee, and these having claims or demands wUl present the same without delav. LOUISA I.IVI.SUOOD, olI-etdTh Assignee of Churlea 11. t Uher. riHKS Afflt LKJUUUM 2) -OOTO- -2.) Reigart's Old Wine Stere Fer l'emmery Sec, Uouche'cc. piper Heldiieik, O H. Mumm X Ce., andallether leading braudii of Imported Champagnes. Alse, Madeira, SheiTy and Pert Wines, Clarets, bauternes. Ales and E touts. sole A gent ler Special Great Western Cham pagne, produced by the Pleasant V ailey VV Ine Ce., the finest American Lhampague lu the United States. Flerida Orange Wlne. the lineal In the market. A lull line of llrandy, Whiskv. (,1ns and llunm Callfnrult Claret and WhltdVWne, et N'apa V al ley, California. H. E. Slaymaker,i6r. Ne. 20 KAST KING ST , L ANCASTEU, PA. TOBACCO CUTTINOH, SCKAl'S, SIFT INOS AND I'ACKKitS WAST K, Dry aud Clean, bought ler cash. J S. MOLINH, Ne. 273 I'earl Street, New lerk. tteference Fred. Schutte, Ne. 113 Pearl street. Mew Yerk. rehW-lyd rlOKN KEMOVKB. vicrenu CORN UEMOVEU. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the most obdurate corns, hard or son, without pain. Sold by (Joe. W. Hull, chas. A. Lechcr, Jehn It. KaulTman, Dr. Win. worm ier, And. O. IFrey, Chas. J. Shulmycr, and at UECHTOLD'S DltUO BIOKK, decl-lyd Ne. 01 West Orange St, ILKOHlSTKiN, IJtl'OIlTING TAILOK. y selection for the coming season Is new ready, comprising en5 et the finest sleck ever shown In this city. The stock Is entirely new and well worth your Inspection, ily prices lira moderate, and workmanship or the besL The reputation or the house ter 11 no work will be luily maintained. Having secured for the com ing season the services el tlrst-CIass Tailors, I can guarantce the very best of work. Sole proprietor for the Patent strap Panta loons, warranted net te draw up when sitting down, nor bag al the knee. A. U. llOSENSTElN,37Nerth Queen 8L CsKAhOXAUIii: GOODS. O Just received, at prices te suit tbe times, renslstlng In part or Ladles', Gent's, 3llsaes and Heys' Hosiery and Underwear In Lamb's Weel. Camel's Hair and Cotten; lien and boys' Shirts aud Overalls: late styles Cardigan Jackets In Worsted, Weel and Cotten. Some very fine and new styles at reduced prices. Gloves, 3IIU8, lates styles Neckwear, Cellars, Cuffs, smpendcrs and notions generally, at HECHTOLD'S, Ne 12 North Queen Street, 2car the rosteincu. TT OKHUAKT, Fine Tailoring. A Full and Complete stock of Imported an Demestic EultluK and Ovorceatlng Fer the Fall Trade new ready te select Irem. Call early te secutu Hest Styles, H. GERHART. Ne. 13 N. QUKEN ST., Opposite the Poslelllce mar.7-lvdK TyTUSlUAL INHTItUMKNTM. MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS Fer Cash, at 178, US, 193, $102, 1108. Jia), 4c. AVOIIUANB ON INSTALLMENTS. -e HOC II0.G0 Every 3 Months. 19J 112.(0 Every 3 Months. n tissu 1130 11310 KvervSMniiths. Every 3 Months, Ac PIANO! at 3, IOT, 3.S,len, Ac. Amirlcan Sewing Machines at rJ3, UO, 135 4 110. -AT- W. D. Messer's Masic Stere, NO 1J1 NUUTH lftEE.V BTl'.EKT, LANCASTEIt, l'A. ft) DlS-lJ dR T30TK IS MAKlNfJ OABINBT PHOTOGRAPHS ax B3joe a peim. 106 NOUTH QUEEN BT11KET. Lancaster, I'a AT NO, IsnlUld amnion.. UK HWUT SI'KOIFIO COMPANY. 1836. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC. 1886. s s s A RKMKDY NUT FOR A DAY, BUT FOR HALF A CENTURY. s s s RELIEVING SUFFERING HUMANITY s s s s s s AN IN1LHLS1ING TltLATISL ON ULOOD APPLICANTS IT SHOULD BC S S3 THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. VAllMlAtln HOKllt. A MOriX) THAT ALWAYS WJN8. HONEST WORK I HONEST PRICES I Philip Docrsenfs Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KINO STREET, (NSAULV Ol'POSlTK TUB LKOl'AUU IIUl'KL), LANCA3I Kit lA. Nene Bui Firsl-Cl&ss Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and Thai Only, Used riUCKjJTOSUlTTHKTlMl'.S. ALL VV 01th UUAUAN t'KKIJ, BUGGIES, PHATONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. 1 have new ou hand and for sale cheap the following tliat i lass aevend hand work One l.lxhl One-ilan Wagen, suitable lertrack purpose, one Inn.liiti Xf-it, Ph.,iti,n. tlte Mirhl Jumi np-seai carnages glw, both side bar and end springs, business which will be sold at the MOST llKAsON A1IL.K chise or nut. Ne uoublelo show Urn work. PAHTICULAU A1TENTIUN PAH) TO UKL'AIHINU. rf)U.vr tVKUKT run i'LAVlCi Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 rud 128 SUH KALIt UM MKyi, Pvin.icsAu: ei vaiaaiilk ruer KIU. C's Mesi'lt, N will be sold at put ' tieti I. North Oucen si.. Ivy!, lit . u the hejslone t i.ii ( ground, situ all-dun the west tide if Smih Prime street. Ne 412, fruntlng en Prlm-e ntxet ii feet, mere or less, and In depth lite leet te let el ilechtnl s, en whlth Is orettedatMO-iitery UitlCK DWELL ING, with slale roer, containing eight rooms ; gasand nxtures all through thoheusot nwellel nover-f Ailing water, with pump , Irult trwi. Sain te commence at o'clock, ben coudltleus will be mnde kuimn b MU8. MAM A. ULerii. Hisrt iuaiKT, Auctioneer. e25-2wd pi' M..U' SM.V- U.S t R1KAT, NOVIMDSK 12, lhrs, by virtue of an erdei of the Orphans' Court of Lancastei leunty, III be sold at public sale, al the Leepard Hetel, ou East King street, the fol lowing property, te wit That thne-stery UK1CK KESIDF.NCK. wltha two-steiy Hi lik Hack Building and monitory Frame htlchen nttaihed. situated Ne. SU VV est Orange t reel, lietween Pine and Nevln streets. Hall, with Vestibule, Parler, Dining room and two Kitchens ou first rtoer . geed dry Cellar, etc.; front and back Stalrwajs, Closets In each chamber. Healer In cellar, Gaa through the wholeheuse, lldrant VV ater In the kitchen and l'ave-wssh lu (tout, in the heue. This house Is unusually well built, with geed material, solid walnutduers In trout, and ether work te cerre spend. Let 22 by 113 feet, extending te a ten leet wide alley, line variety et Fruit Trees, eti. sale te commence al 7 o'clock p m., when tonus and conditions will be made known by LI CI KILL1NGKK Administratrix el Jacob l'. Ktlllnger, decerned. H.Sucsskt, Auctient or. e"2sttd pL'ULICSAMi OM SATrKOAV, NOVSMBXR 6, lS ny virtuoef anoider of the Orphans' Court uf Lancaster county. Pa., Uie undersigned, admin istrator et the estate el Jehn Jtcl.ane, dee'd, will expose te public sale at the I.eeparil hotel, Ksthlug strict. In the city of Lancaster, the lollewtug described rcat estate, te wit : All that certain let or piece of ground situ ausl en the north slde el East Orange street (Ne. 711 ) In the city or Lancaaler, Pa., contain lng In front en said East Omngu street 42 ft it. uioreer less, aju extenuing in ueptn te .-uanun street 213 leet, mere or iesi, en w hlch is erected a larae substantial deuble two-story I1U1CK 1IVV LLI.ING HOLSE, fronting en said Orange street about 'JA feet, with a depth of 23 feet, le whuh Is attached ulai go twestury llilck Uack Hulldlug, 17 by 21 feet. The heuse has hcautl tul ba windows, with plate glass and walnut Inside shutters, a large circle head front deer, granite stone slops, laige balcony, Ac The llrst story hAj a largu deuble parlor, sitting toein and large dining room, with u cenvenleut base Luent kitchen. Ihe parlor and silting room each have a " Sunn) side ' healer, with registers te feeiend xloei liuuseil In polished slate man tels , also gas throughout the entire house Most et the lnstde woodwork Is beautifully gialned lu walnut Ihere Is also a large hall and winding stairway, with heavy walnut rail ing running te third fleer. The second fleer has four nice large rooms and a hallway, sta tionary closets, large finished attic with four denner windows, and throughout Is well laid out and convenient for bed chambers, Ac There is also en the premises a clitern and pump and necessary outbuildings, 'the whole let Is filled with a variety of the ben kind el tnitt trvesjusi coming Inte flist-class bearing condition, this Is nu elegant opportunity ler persons desiring a nice comfortable home in a pleasant location. Sale te begin at 7 o'clock In the evening, when terms and conditions will be made known by rK.t.Mt u. iiccA.ir.. Joel L. liaises, Auct- elB-tfd DHT UUV11M. J. 8. OIVLKIIA CO. NEWESTSTYLES -I.N L;iHc.'' ami Children' Goats .and Jackets. JohnS.Givler&Ce., Ne. 25 East King Streot, LiHOisTis, Pa. WALL VAVMU. c an't k hi:at. OUK ELEGANT LINK UF Wall Paper & Wiudew Shades, AND UUU Very Modest Prices Are the things that can't be beat by any heuse In the clly, WWE INVITE INBPECTION.-tH ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO, 131 NOUTH QUEEN BTKEET, LANCASTEIt, 1'A) ALFRED SIBBER, Mr Stere open uvery Monday and Saturday evening XTMH A MISTAKEN IDEA Phut the purpose of business colleges Is only te tit Yeung Men and Ladles te nil situations as clerks and book keepers. Ne young man can afford te be without the knowledge that can be acrjulred at u school making a specialty of Heek Keeping, Corres pondence, llualness Arithmetic, Etc. It comes into dally use In the lives of muiclmnls, me chanics, manufacturers, farmers and proles preles proles sleuol men. ltomeve any doubt bylcelltngat rooms of LANUABTKll CUMMEUC1AL COL LEUK, Ne. 10K &t King street. II. C. WEIDLEB, ITlnClral. s s s s s s s s s s s s AND KN DlbEAbLS bLNT HILL 10 READ UY LVLRYBODY. ADDRLSS ALL til lyilttv l.lghl r out rassenger nrag, one rirst class Kx- Alse, M'cenu nana top nnu 1 retting iuig. Wngnns, sporting Wagons and Market VV ngena, l'iUOhs. tilve tu a call whether J oil wish te pur. EAST KINO STREET. IJJ lyd. VVHXITUKB. TTU'llNrirKF. VAAKKKOOMH. UL't V.OLU-H.r A'.l'AUl Ut lliUJfc Mding Dress Pillows. C 1.1 KMILV At' HeiTnieier's Furniture Warerooms. Thy air thenliesl thing out and we have lust received anelhei let of thorn. JO BAST KINO STHBirr. L AT1CSI IU.NU..NS AND 11N1HII. WIDMYER'S. S Gn-I, aud t luNh u al Hit Latest and Let IK IR.IH PL VIS ASH, ANriQLt A- I'L.VIN OAh. A1N CHt.Hlt'l, IMU'AlleN MA1IUI.A.S1 ANDWALNLI, As well as Cheaper Painted Sullcs. FANC1 ISOChKUS.ln I.EAIIIKIiand PLLsll tASCY 3lAIIUUA.Nl TAItl.t.8 In Uieal Variety, and ethei New and Desliatle Goods. J-CALL AND SEE I1U.J1.-4J WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, EASTKIHO AND DUKD 8TRKBTS. -Personal attention gleu le ITndertak feptAljd lng. ItUtlVKUIJSg. F1U1TCAKK.S. Where hail 1 go te buy ui fiuit take order : W e should suggest WIANT'S UHOCLKV lu doing se you will find there a largu ktetk of new goods. Needless ltulslns, citron. Currants, Li uien and Orangu Peel, New t rench Prunes, i um uiuuiiu niiiiui, (iuu riuveriug E.xirail9. id Me Hese Vvater, W hlie Clever IIuuev In one taiund cap", cheap. Please call at ug--llu tiu. na West King StrwL T BUHSX'y. NEW FRUITS, Etc. New citron. New Currants, New Seniles IPtl sins. New Pitims, New Prunellas, iNew KUu Dried Cern Meal, Decker's helMlutsIng Ilui k wheat. New aud resh Oat Meal and Aveim, or Hulled I) its, New Canned Cern and frcub Canned 'tomatoes. Wn will have the Finest Diunds el ( ein lu ihe Markeu Pride of Maine, Duw Diep, 1'nrU Hugar Cern, W'luslen's, lUkcr , W m. Penu and reli A Sens. Our TOMATOES Orleans Hiand fspeclal), Dew Drep. Whole Tomate und llesUiu Market Tomate. 'Iho lioslen Marknt alu the largest aud heaviest cans In the market. New aud Fresh UoedsurTlvlng dully. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCABTKU, I'A. tf I'olephenu Connection. "PION DKKSMITH'S. 1,500 " 1,500 Bexes Writing Paper Of tbe very Latest Designs, ranging In pilctB from 10c. te $1.00 Per Bex. riveQiilies Paper and Five Packs Km elej.es, Marcus VVaide A Ce. Irish Linen, lur'JUc pet lkii. F0N DERSMITIi'S, Ne. 16 EaBt Ktris Btroet. (Opiieslte Court Heube) LANCASTEIt, PA. aug-ai-ttd UUHOOIj HUl'l'LlKH. JOKBT BAER'S SOUS, Nea, IS and 17 North Queen Btroet, LANCASTEIt, l'A., Otlsr, Wholesale and lletall, at Lew Prices SCHOOL BOOKS UBEU IN LANCASTEIt CITV AN1J C0UN1Y. Old Hcadera tlxohanKed, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, LMuld Slating, Chalk Crayons, Copy Heeks of All Kinds, Writing Inks, Steel Puns, Slates Noiseless Slates, Slale Pencils, Drawing Pen cils. Composition Heeks, Writing Tablets, Lead Pencils, Scheel Satchels, Companions, und evcrythini: else In the llnoel Scheel Stationery. SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK. S nnr (itniim. Tiii: North Eud Dry Goods Store. In Selling an Kirullcul SuiL el' rnnitrH lltilr Uittleinwtr ten j net. 1. Aits, J.W HVUMC. Ne Stl North Queen slteet. liuvMtd ITA lil. DltliSS tlOOIP. NEW FALL DRESS GOODS -AT 11 IF. fflHW YORK STORE, nucer ci.mil BirriNus Ale the most popular goods et the season. VVn eiler I lie I'tsltHMstbluvuluelnntllhe uew stiade and uilxtiiiis, .... . I hlily eight Inch Tricot Hulling, MV. a ant t Itty liuli I rlcel hutting. 75e itntd. Hitv-teur lu suporrine Irlcet bulling, II i a tt A Special Hargsln, ALL MODI, CLOIH Bl'ITIffllB, Flilv IniliiM wide, all colors, tec a yatd, and SILK ANI) WOOL MtML'KES, lu Pin snipes mid Checks are very desirable We eiler 2U dllleieutiolerliiRS, 3s Inches wide, nl "tK a) aril FINt. FKF.NCH eKIlGK SUITINGS, Jl Inches wide. only JSe a jard. ALL WOOL DIAGONAL tU IT1NGR. elegant tunlllt, beautllul lolers, M Inches wlde,7&u.n nrd All Weel aud SllkandWoel BTKIPKB and CIIKCKS mid PLAIDS for Combination Bulla. t'lllVtVtlSG VKLVt.rS, HTHIPF.l) VKI VMS, HltOCADKM V F.I.V KiS al Lewest Clly rtli e WATT&SHAND, (!, b and 10 Last King Street, LANCASTEIt PA. N Tl.W 1 A 1. 1. DHKH8 UOODa. New Fall Dress Goods -At- STAMM BROS. & CO., os. 'JO ami 'JS Nel til Ijiiecu hi. BOSTON STORE. SPEIIAL HAUUAINS' n 111. h lilceliillliig, 37Xc ayaid. is Im.u I rKel Suiting. Sue. a vard. M liuh tine Irlcet Suiting, 73c. a vaid. 31 Inch superfine Tricot Bulling, ll.tea yaid ALLSIIADhS AM) MIXTURES. je I'lrcea mom Mlkiile Cleth, 13 Inches i Ide, S a aid colors are tirey. sll.k AND WOOL MIXrUKF.S. .V a yatd, M uitl i wide, very deslniUle ivtolers V.l Weel and silk and Weel Chcrks, Plaids and strtiis fei Com'ilnalteii lulls. 11! -n.k aud llretudcd Velvets for VV inps al Lew I'll IS Him k t I nl'le rnngis, In varlnty at sjieclally Lew 1'IKI - AT THE Bosten Stere. COATS, COATS. PI USH COA1S U our siH'Clalty al Bettem Pi It I'M l.srv,!! Assertinenl of Ladles and Children's New msik, t, Jai Wets and Wraps UNDERWEAR lidliH Starlet and Metluii Uiulnrsvear, Gent s Sniilei and Merine L udiirwear. Children's scar In Vrrliie I uderwuarat the ,V ery Lewest City I'll! if viDel EN HOslEK I .idles' dent's and Chll diun s Woolen Hosiery In large variety at out pep tin Lew Pin BOSTON STORE. t eiinmlY al the New V erk Stere, J."" M All UN A CO. Clwk; BeirtM Wu ure new shewinjj en Ele gant Stock of Ladiea' Seal Plush OeiitB, Wraps, Jacketa and New New niarketa. Ladies' Jackets, tailor-made 83.00. Ladiea Seal Plush Oeata, $18.50. Ladiea' Beucle Jackets, $3.60. MisaeB' and Children's Ilavelecks, Jackets and New New marketa. Pretty Styles, Large Variety. Cor. West. King A; Prince 8U? tOpposlte Btevnus Heuse.) LANCABTKU. Ft, TltVNHS, tO. TritKCJKKl.'H. ROBES. HUriAI.O, WOLf. JAPAN IIOAT. Alse the C'elebrate-1 DYK.lt, TAYMIH A CO.'S EAhTEltN UOIIES. (iuarauteed net te lese their huir, from 110 te M. A Clne Assertment of Plujh Lap Helies, from tJ up tells. The Itest Dellar Herse ItlanUtln theclty, KRECKEL'S, NO i HAST KINO STltCET. LANCASTEIt. l'A. ttUg!t-3uid J. I). Martin i Ce, i yn-rtf-?!rxnmtmtrt'vrF'ii?Eiw.T.m ".' v""'ms"IM't'''wwaaiuw,n'MUImwawii''l"IMilil'1''"' i w i Vi !" ummsmassaz