WtJBM! Mvf 5' '-.J-?' 3 d'-y s iSWi&Sf "" 1MB LAHOABTMl DAILY INCTIxMWBCTB; THUB8PJLY; OCTOBlfclt 18? 1W. i j t Z.JL mmr-&$ "& w:tfm k,- "?"! :W r.sm fe.-- mu.. if3".saK.n ,.: ,5,-?i ?;., $& .JKK. I.t , i.itiVL'ft k VrS w-trt; ,X3t C.P StMt p;T( r. r' AT WORK. ra e- wiLLiAm be- w bbtbbbb lat meht. ItoteMT Mera Tbsa a Ilaier, 8U- I hHl Maspt Securing Lcc- t MM W later Conns lleUl ,? rartan M ritUcnir. rCorrespendonco e( ItutLiiuKscca, DJiaiA. Oct. 2& A robbery vm com I ttattag lMt night at Uie warehouse of Ijjteebewi situated en North Firth i rebbm secured very litue 01 r trouble, The entrance te the made by breaking open a M UM rear of tbe building, and by ef a candle, ransacked tbe place. M of Mr. Kocbew was entered i two deem which are left unclosed. l Ibey aecured a rarer, a pair of scissors sage "sampa le tee niw ui uiiy wu"i dmrwaa forced enen with a large ItettMa place contained nothing but i wnicn were net umuiure. ' I Ume tbal tbe warebeuae lias eecu t ijjS. 1 wi" 1 n kcture coarse in tbe opera house uur- (IfceveailBf winter arrears te de a sure hM tbe cemmltlce 01 arrangement 01 iMerbil association will seen he able full details or tbe course, cornea cernea ls being had with IlebL J. Rur- , Men. Daniel Dougherty, Iter. Jeseph . tbe Menaeisenn ituinietie cum, 01 B SU1U VUJUIBi 1IULU TIIIUUI U1D lit V- (me will be arranged. C'', -V Ended In Fight. MvyTwe colored porters, of two or Hie hotels el .ten a commenced an argument en North ' Treat street yesterday afternoon, relaltve te -.tbe quality of the dinner they had cuteu en "iafcat day. The matter was discussed with Nat earnestness en the turt of the rer Ij -Wfte, when one offered te wager fitly cants r vuaw nis was ine best, 'rue argument was ' vkeftnpuntll the men catnn te blows. They " ;;' punched each ether for some time. $VP" Town Nete. Er f On Friday evening a lecture win no given 7.5 tif m the opera bonse under the auspices of the , .ueiumiim asscmuiy 01 jtuiguu 01 i.suur, ujr St, jwv. J. a. Amies, 01 nenning. me buujcci .3. ne lecture win de iue mguis 01 me ''' .Samuel Meckley and twelrlends, el liar ..risburg, hare arrived In towueu a fishing f rldlllen. : . " A tinainfllM tia rwinti tint tin of Mia ril. -jpateher's office el tbe Pennsylvania rallraul iy at thm wnat varfln fur lh IwMinMt (if tlm ren. 4& UIDIVI1IVV usr uuv u - " v .- "?' doctors. Messages and ether intormatlen 'i:l for the conductors can be received at this ixi eftcev c A new gutter creasing bas been put down M' at tbe corner of Fourth and Locust streets. -'&? PeteF. Baker and company will appear In ;T tbe opera house en nest Tuesdav evening in $J?nfee comedy of "Chris nnd Lena,'" -V ' Arber Cay will net be celebrated In any '"rfft MHierml manner br the noeule of tetrn. Ky t The herse attached te tbe ice wagon of .V,;v JaoeDU. reuce eegau DacKing wnue it was ;-0 wDUB; acruw ruuuu siivei) uiin u,uiuiu&, ' WOICU nwuiuu lu u urautuunu. add uuimj 4 aheved the wagon against a hitching pest, WSa bold leg the vehicle fast and then attempted ii'fle turnaround, when the front wheel en the Til MUQ UI Ut0 TTnauU Tl t)V3 muauu ni IUO S ' .iplndle. Te-night at Micrmereher hall icill be the last ehante te hear Democratic issues dis cussed IBB XVISOUVALIAH VOXrKXTlUX. " Ifsasaa. trntt tha Itl.Knna ItairarHlnn & ft P vSt . el l-'n'Viuenled Wine. M ' tT JSB1 W aWSOBBB. W i V1U OIIV VUVB'S U Mm .0)V ado geuerai cuuveuuuu ui iue i feifsuuit Eptaoepal church roautued 1U sessions at Ceatral Musle ball, Chicago, en Wednesday fnrarirvin A tueciuarvA uqd rwKilireH Irftm tha U V- wvie . uikaenv " afcJ.vM aawta uv "'tpJiQ, beuse of bishops declaring that In the judg. . '.hbv Beat or the bishops the use or the unier- 7,f- mented Juice el the grape In the sacrament '-A-4 u Bet warranted by tbe eiample of, and was unauthorized departure from the pmctlce 3s. llia Pathntl rtVitttvli uttfl ttitat t lia ml dura -v?" f water with the tiftA of wliift was net nhlfw Tlteeable, previdtnl tt net be dene ritualisti- caliy until authorized ny a cbange or tbe TithHeB The rnnBiiann iliil tint raniilra anv action by tbe deputies. A rewjlutien was ndepted te appoint a committee te present a plan of urnklug notltlcatien te tbe dioceses of ' the chauges adopted In tbe prayer book. A resolution was adopted providing for a joint cemmittee of three bishops three cleri cals and three laymen, te which should be recommitted the whole subject et marrlnpe and divorce, te report thereon te tbe general convention en the vecend day thereof. Tbe house tb(U resumed its centlueralluu or the proposed uuiendtnen Is te the Boek el Com mon Prayer. une preposition te suhstuute, in tbe order for evenlngservicc, a prayer for civil authority , In place or the existing prayer for the presi dent of the United States, excited much debate. Tbe prayer, as reierted Irem com mittees and as tent down by the house of bishops, mad e no mention of the clilet execu- IvfeK Ue by his office, but Instead centulued the fesKJi? "-follewing: "Se rule the hearts of all theso jfitW- wnem iueu nasi set in authority ever us mat they," etc. The beuse llually rejectetl the j&t form prejKwed by the beuxe of bishop i '; fvSL. "depteii the prajer contained In tbe Ixwk and of St ,(,; auuucauuu. BMae- This prayer, vtlilcli, If Hgree-1 te by the KsjSa-w house or bishops, at once become tbe prop prep RSwT w of tue church ami n part of Us revised ,1 v pibjqi uuub, icauitL-iiununn; " oil rule lliu p,.J5'" bearlaef Thy servantB, the president of the -j-iuniieaHiates, iiib governor or timcuie, and .-Ijg?1 ali ethers in authority, that they," etc. it N -,t Huteu iuh uie riiuviiigei iue jinrH.se, tue ,,?& governor of this state," in Italics cenvejH V'y w juxiud uim ivt ue l jwrujiniit, nuice iXVraf,Ka uinj ariau uawi niimi iue imu ui IU1S inst -'"phrajse would net be applicable. S- AmesxaKe from tbe house of l)Ibeis was received during the evening sssieu non-cen-currlng with the resolution or the deputies en the canon concerning marriage and di vorce. The message recommended that the matter be passed ever te the next convention aa.unOnlshed business. The work ofrevls efrevls Mfftbe prayer book continued until a late hour. Alilerumn BIcQIIuu's Court. Gedlried Chambora has brought a suit against Martin Hesb, charging him with ma- F; Ucleus prosecution and false imprisonment, , "Bd the hearing Is set for Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Geerge JUbel brought suit agalust Grace, P? jJj.i' JI rlfe charging her wttb assault and bat lIj'U " Tt an- sgalnjt bis steivsen, (Sea I.ewe, iur aureiy in iue jiuuca anu afisauu anu oai eai tery. Tbe eae was beard yesterday after- v - neon ana msmisseu. imew urace KiDei anu j?t Geerge Lowe.have entered suit against Kibel -j,S charging htm with surety of tbe peace. Tbe Hearing taxes piace r nuay evening at T.M. William lielda has been complained gainst by biB wile, who charged him with threatening te de her bodily barm. The hear lmrwlll albe. take nlAee Kriilav eveninir. iWlj. Lena Ohie brought suit against Ignatius ri"Jf unr, Ter surety et iue ieace, but the suit was njujuiavvu uuii iaujeiii ui ijsih. W-'-riS, Urnvncri In m tlllrli. WZ&- An unknown man was found dead this l&t.,.-. morn in ir en the reid near Jonathan Kaiifl'. man 'a residence clese te Paradise. The sup position Is that he fell into the ditch some time last night, while under tbe influence of liquor and net being able te help blmselt was drowned. Deputy Corener Kehrer impanel led Geerge V. Worst, Jehn T. Lefever. G. .W. Mowery, E. Martin, IJ. F. Keen end C. , H. Each as tbe Jury. They rendered a ver dict in acoerdanca with the nhnra facta The Hal bec,y WM brought te tbe almshouse for inter ne Meat. ;" , fc .'i" A Weman'! Sudden Death. "&b!rt?wn' t00k Place tb'8 morning, interment was made In ih 'iVkeran graveyard at that dace. Mr.icnt' ' igg!L!?? ye,y lden. OnBunday evening - ,'i went te call en her HUixr iufrm i..i. Ml i f S!r',.t-ome.deot wy. After she had rMe tbire two hours she complained ir.- - j-rrr ...w.ie Keiiun unweu and aeemed te nave uimcuity in cettlns .Suddenly abe.ftl ever 3",, dUe , taaunpesed te have been the cause et her l ! death. her breath. St. Sudden Death el Child. , ,. The intaut child ct Jehn Miller, of West Beaeg township, wta found dead In bed -M Wednesday. Deputy Corener Hhenck "BeUiledand be euinacelled a lurv and hMaa inquest. The verdict of tbe Jury was ,at death riMulled from apoplexy of the r XBB UVMKA BOVBB. Mas Lealsa Anet In "The Child Stealer.' Leah " te lis Glren Te-ntghl. The attendance at tbe tppra house te see 1Ouls Arnet and company last evening was netaa large aa these that the treu pe has been having. There were two very geed reasons for this, however. The play presented was "The Child Hlcaler," which is net well known te Lancaster people, and tbe weather was of tbe most miserable kind. These who did attend, however, nete highly pleased with the play's production. Miss Arnet ap peared as June Jluthcrfertt Itiechild stealer, and as usual her acting was of the best. She was given geed support throughout. This evening tbe oemny appeara in " Leah, the Forsaken," with Miss Arnetas Leah, the Jewish maiden, a cbaracte'- in which she has few If any equals. A large number of seats have been old te the per formance, and tbere Is no doubt of a large audience. Theatrical Kela. Jee lleyer, of this city, and Frank Casey, of Adams it Casey, new with Simmons A Slocum's mlnHrels, Philadelphia, have sued Simmons for back ralary. Mr. Heyer wilt leave the company en Saturday evenlng and gote Waldman'a theatre, Newark, ler tbe rajuaiuuer ui tutj Btrasuu. Charles L. Andrews te-day booked bis large company te produce "Mlchsel Strogefr In this city en December 2d. This is the treupe that gave the play at the Academy et Music, Philsdelphla, for two weeks last seisen. A minuet carnival In Introduced In tbe play by this party. K. i. Haker, of tbe LmUe Arnet com pany, besides being a geed cemediaii Is a capital crayon artist. He draws pictures very rapidly en tbe stage and be will introduce that work for tbe Brat time durlne the week en Saturday evening, when be will draw the faces or prominent local people. yllftti(lic big Democratic meetiug te night at Miinnercher halt. Accident te blrp-Wlhtri. from the Lancet. It seems strange, en tbe first blush en the matter, that se very few accidents befal sleepwalkers. The proportion of Instances In which any Injury Is sustained by the sub jects el this remarkable state of semi-sleep Is very small. The explanation of the im munity Is doubtless te be found In the fact that it is a state el seml-sleep lu which the sleep-walker makes his excursion, lie Is sleeplneenly se far as parr of bis cerebrum is concerned. The rest of his brain Is awake, and therefore it is really net a strange feat te walk carefully and escape injury, doing all the ;necesaary acts of avoidance while carrying out some dream purpose, Just as a waking purpose Is fulfilled. The hypothesis obviously requires a very full explanation of such an accident as that by which a sleep walker recently came by her death namely, falling out el an ejeu window. It is net likely te haveWfu part el tbe dream te get out of n window. There must bave b?eu some error in the carrylug out of the pro cess; such for example, as turning le the right Instead or the lelt enl?arlnga room and thus walking through a low win dew, Instead of through a doorway. As a rule, the semes are suffi ciently ou the alert te enable tbe sleep walker te take all precautions for safety and, when he comes lace te lsce with a dim culty Involving mere thau automatic or bue conscious Bell-control, be awakes. We should like te knew mere el the case which has Just ended latally from some competent medical observer who bas studied the devel opment or this Interesting disorder In this liarticular Instance. Surely a practitioner was consulted. Ne case of sleep-walking should ever be left without medical scrutiny and counsel, lu sleep-walking tbere is tbe making of madness, and lu Its iuceptiun this disorderly sleeplessness ought te be stayed. Lj.nrat.ter Men lu the Seuth. We clip the following from the Savannah Evening Pregramme : "D. A. Altick's Sens are re arranging tbe Interior of their mammoth wareroens They are also enlarging their office quarters which was a necessltv, owing te the enormous growth of business with them." 'One el the neatest and most attractive of tbe new houses of recent erection U that of Jes. Gerbam, manager ter Gee. V. Ilecker & Ce., tbe Heur manufacturers. Tbe situation Is most desirable, belnir en Whltaker ntret hieing tbe park, between Hall and lluutiug- mm iuiru,- .ir. ueruam it a son-in-law el D. A. Altlck, et this city. The Democratic Iteji lu Line. Tbe campaigu in this city will be wound up en Monday evening by the Democratic boys, who will held a big parade. An ex cellent bra-ss band has been engsi;ed for the occasion, and hundreds el bevs will partici pate In the demonstration. 'They are busy new maklnir lire miratiens and old tnrrhn. are all being resurrected and new ones pur- tuiiseu. i um evening at ocieck a meeting will be held at the hotel et Theodere Wen. ditz, en Chestnut street, te complete tbe ar- raugcuueuiH lur me paraue. Heard of Trade Cutiunltiee. On Tuesday evening the committee en manufactures or the beard or trade met and organized by tbe election or Capt. O. M. Franklin as chairman and W. 11. .Miildletnn secretary. Several communications rrem par ikh expreiseu a wllllnsne-u te locate manufacturing establishments here provided sufllcient financial aid Is given. The-e pro pre positions were iIIscusmsI but no eenclimim. was reached. The committee en commerce win mee. le-mgui. Te-mghl at Mannereher hall will be the last chance te hear Democratic issues fu- cii,i.;c((. A Hey Thrown Frem a llnr-. On Wednesday Geerge, a twelve year-old eon el Geerge Marlen, or Frederick stroet, was riding a horse belonging te G. U. Marrow, the Kast Orange street confectioner. The animal frightened at a dug, throwing the boy oil'. He bad bis rlKbt arm broken and bis head badly cut. Dr. Welchaus at tended his lnjuriea, Taken te the Inwue .tnjlum. Margaret He, the young girl who was acquitted, en tbe ground of insanity, et tbe charge of burning the barn of Isaiah HhaefTer, at Ilareville, was taken te the Insane asylum at Harrisburg by Rherlll Tomllnseu this morning. Sound en L'onilltullenal Knierceuient The committee of members of the consti tutional convention which bas been Interro gating legislative candidates concerning their views en tbesubiect or constitutional enforce- tllAtlf liai? lAlltlll fliA rla..'i f II . . m. w .-.uum uu .luneui iir-my liracn bar, U. M. Illack, Kdward M. Painter and Geerge W. Walten sound en that subject. They are all geed Democrats of this city and county who will poll big votes nsxt Tues day. A Heme With the LecJnr, About a week sge a valuable horse belong, lug te G. M. Stelnman A Ce., stepped tiien a nail which was driven into Its root. Seme days later lockjaw set in and the horse Is ex jwcted te did. Messrs Kteinmau A. Ce., paid t3S5 for the animal. 'Ou Werk! Started. The Consumers' Gas company of Heading, in which several Lancastrians are Interested, is supplying that city from its plant complet ed en Tuesday. The gas is made by a new process. Tobacco Trani'ilauter. Victer P. ltlchardsen proposes te exhibit Smith's Tobacco Transplanter In this county at an early data Secretary Vall's Accounts Among theso who found tbe accounts of Secretary Vail, or the National Tretting asso asse asso elatien, Imperfect, was E. S. Kit wards, brother of A. L. Kd wards, of Ibis city. Menth's Mind." The late Bishop Shanahan's "Menth's Mind" will be celebrated in Harrisburg en Friday morning. Archbishop Jtyau will participate. JTeer JTepkins, Beck and llensel at Man Man nercher hall te-night. BAXUBBUntlVATIOIIa. CWAHniNQTOrr, D. U., Oct. 2S.V,r hastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey local rains, followed by Uir weather, variable winds, becoming northerly, colder! A l.aneasiQT VevalUt Abroad. Tbe Montgomery teachers institute is hi session at Pottstown. Prof. W. H. Hall, ei this city, Is attending, and the J.tttger wya "bis volce seems le retain all Its old lime sweetness aud purity, and he is decidedly popular with everybody. l.eug llve the genial professor." lr. ShuinnHet'" Nrrt Chart. The Philadelphia claasls at a special meet ing held In Norilstewn approved the call el Kev. J. It. Sbumaker, D. 1)., of lncaster, te the pastorate of St. Luke's itelermed church at Trappe and appointed the following te In stall him : Kev. II. W. Super, J. 11. A Hern berger aud S. D. Wettach. Ibree Rilled bra llumtlng shell, Caire, Ce L VS. Three Kgyptlsn fuslleers were killed yesterday by the bursting et a shell. Haed for Slander. Careline Gedda this merulug eutered' a suit for lnder against Julia Herds, In tbe court of common pica. Plaintiff alleges that the delendant circulateil reports allectlng her character for chastity, w hereby she sutlertsl great damages. Ittar JIepKins, Beck and JUntclal -Vir-ntrcficr hall te-night. Venlen, Jehn A. Tiltsler lecelredn flae (Uhi tieni his sen Harry, of Clearfield ceuntv, which will be nerved te his customers and ethers at the West ern market, or his meat market. Sails North Mary street, en Saturday morning. 31AJUtlAUi:S. McvixsvKs-t'iiixnxTis.-At the rrrohj-leitan Memerial parsonage. Se. i;i Seuth tjueeu street, October ST, 1S, hj- Iter Themas Thoiupeon, James Mclicever aud Kllle '. ihamber, both et this city. ltdAw tVtnsRT-(irsnAKiR. October .?, lS.-, by the Kev. Mr. It. K lnne, et St. ilary's kplscepal church, of rhlladelphta. J. Menleu Wlngert. of Lancaster, l'a., te hilar. Uuedaker, or l'Miadei phla. ltd 11 CAT 113. Diiul -Octobers?, 15?5,ln IhH city. Hem y t , oeiiot Victeria and the late LhrlitUn Uluhl, In the llth year et hU iirc. The relatives and trlend of thelsmlly are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, fimn his mother's residence, Ne. l); High street, en Saturday morning at S JO High majs at St. Jeseph's church. Interment at St. Jeseph's cemetery. Iei;t VULltlVAL. TIIK STATE TICKK1. Uowner.. CUAUSXEV T. l'LACK.ef Tetk. Xaruenaitr Gotrruer. 1L BKUUE KICK KITS, of Luzerne. A udlter General : WtLLIAUJ HKEVMJS-.el Allenheny. Secretary qf Internal Aain J. SIMPSON AritlCA, et Huntingdon. Vengrettinan-at-lAirgc MAX WELL STBVKNSON'.et Philadelphia. Ceuntj Ticket. ir Omrfj.-COL. EOW.Ml-UOVEK.V. State Senater (XIV)-K. W HULL. Ammblj tlt) HEMtY UllACHUAlt. tM)-IJK H. M. BLACK. DK.A.S.MtLLEU. " (5d)-EDW. PAIS'TKB. GEO. V. WALTON. II. N. MOULEK. iJiilrirt .4ernv-JNO. jj. MALONE. J'oer X)ireerj-JAC. SNEATH. It. J. BARNES. TVIien ininfc.erj-GEO..rOMi. J. V. WISE. County Survyerr. It, WHITE. UAUKCTt. Chicago 31arftei. Ca'.CiOO. OcU f.OOO a. m. Jtarkut epened: Wheat Kev JjVie, Dec., 75'iC.s May. .'c. Cern Nev., 3SJc : Dea, 3dHc: May. tc Ottf Nev., SBc ; Dec.. 'J7cs laj-, Vic. Ferk Nev., Itsl ; Dec., s 3J. lArd-Nev . 5 75. Ulbs Nene. nrmiu auil f rutiaiuua. rnrnlj!e.l by 8. K. Vumlu Breker. Chicago, Oct. 2?, le o'clock p.m. Wheut. Cern. OaU. Perk. Lari?. October as,; ... a te Ne-ember T Xi "Jiv-, 9 WW s.s) Uecembflr T JT. T.'.i OJW January 7tn j;., r.ii 10 WJ 4 95 May n!i i: 3H, .... .... uecelpu. Car Ixiu. WlnterVhmt 3ii Spring Wheat km Cera.... is? Oats loe liye I Barley j; Oil City CraCeOU tlj; liean Secelpts Hogs r,l"0 Closing I'rlces 1 o'clock p. te. Wheat. Cern. Oat. Perk. Lard. October 731 25i ie s se November 7JM rj; w 9 en 5 no December 7Vi SIM w 9 05 4 8,K January 76 iT'; '.TVi lu e:K 5 95 May 5JS ax SI .... .... OU Ctty Crude OU tS)i Live Slee .tiaraeu. Chicaoe, OcUI7.-The Droreri'Jeurtial reports : Cattle Bee-lpu, 1J, head j hlpraent. sew . market lewer: shipping steera, S50 te 1..-XJ0 ft j, 13 luQi 30 : meckera and feeder at t! :5 63 60; cow., linlln and mixed at II JuOi 90; bulk at t.' atK 7t: Uireuch Texas cattle steady: cee, liaM SO: steers, l.'QliS; Western rangers lower , natives aud h.ilf breeds n 80ff. Wj cows, J ,-Jji5, inlnteied Tcxans r.'iaesie. Hei receipts, sa.ue heads shipments, 6.0M hend ; market slew much and mixed. (tMuaJNi; packlntr and uhlpplnar, 3 75GI CO, light, S3 3HQIU): skips, I2SU0315. Sheep Becetpts, 7.0UO head; shipments, 20) ; market was ulcady : native, li nai 75; Wesuirn, I3S083 te, Texans, t: Sai 00; lambs. It 000175. ast Ljbibtt Cfttllerecelpts, IS heads shipments, axi; market ratr ; piline, II 40 ttlW; fair te giKid.ll a common. tO e; ateckern. 13 3J u . feeders, 13 7531 ; shipped te Mur Yerk, none.; Heita rwcelpu. 1.70J ne&d ; shipments. J Ji) head: market clew , 1'hUaHelphlas at II JJ 130: Yorkers, II UW14 10. common W&-ai;j: shlpmsnU te New erk te-day, none. Sheep reelpu.s,0) head! shipments, 2,0) head : market dull : prime, tlfil 25 . lair te geed. U 'rfJ3 75; common, j:G"-W: lambs, fiat CO. New Tork Hteeki, New Y'ere Oct. 23. Wall atreet, I JO p. in. Meney leaned at 505 per;cent. Exchange dull at II 81XQI &5; Uevernmenta were nrin Currency 6's, II Mblds fa cenns. Il5 bid. OCs coups, Ulji bid The stock market this morning opened quiet but strong. There waa geed buying of Richmond and 'iermlual, Norfolk and Western preferred and Keadlntt, and prices advanced i teSJi percenL The market has since continued strong, with Ulcbmeud and Terminal tbe fea tures at a further advance el 1VJ, making 4 per cent, for the day. Bleck naraeu i ilu-e,A,U0n,'. by Koea' McOrann A Ce., bankers, Lancaster, l'a. ' Vsw TOUk LIST. Canada Pacific, C C. C. I CoLCeal Central Pacific Cinada Southern Chi.. HUL-APgh. Denver A Itlnilrfmin II 4 . WH ,'. ti.-S II w. t r.u. 704 IJJ 3Uj . 46 Del , Lack. A WetUiru.','.'.'.'.'.' in Wi 35 i'll'i Mil 93J 0 llOJi iti'ii 117 Irln ErieM...,.""v."..:.v.::::: New Jersey Central K. A I...... ....' Lea.A N Lake Shere Michigan Central , M'Meurt Paclflc. Northern Pacific N. P. Pref " n. w .".: New Yerk Central East Tenn Cem Omaha , Oregon Trans Ontario Western Paclflc Mali KoehesterAi'itUeurg su Paul Texas Paclflc Union Paclflc Wabash Common Wabash Prelerrud , Western Union Telegraph, west Shere ..,.. miADSLrHU UBT. Lehigh Valley ,.., B.,K7Y.APbUa.....:"..,. Pennsylvania aeadtng. Lehigh Navigation Hestenvlile I'hlladelphUAErln... Northern Cent , People's Paasemrer wart Oen'U M't'i ,,. SI'i ill U-M 93).', W 4 m" up, 21 WX 77 1WX ssyt 63Ji i" 'IK iiii taw 18 7-10 1'H S3. k sijj tax iJi tt A'JS ' AD VUllTJHKMliS'TK ' f-UlAND CONOKUT WILL BK GIVEN M thlsevenlngby the Italian Trie, big Mis sion will lmllate tbe unto by blowing In his hands. Come and hear I hem at ..a..- , JOHN A. SNYIJElt'S, "M3ld Ne. 113 North yueen Street. POH RKNT-ONR OK THE MOST DK si rabln Btorerneirs In the city ; also rooms en second lloer j possession kIveu Immediately s lent reiuenabls. 81IAUU A BUliNa SSoeatia U Werth queen tit,, Lalctiuri Va. rn. 11AK1NQ rX)VDKH ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. T-1113 powder .never atlc. A marel el purity, strength and whole.euiene.- Mere uujuuuiiciu inaa me ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In compettUen with tbe mnltltudeel low test, short weight, ainm or Phosphate powders. fr'L0?.' in 'ant. Keval lURisii I'owpisCe., 10J W alt street. New Yerk. tnartMydA w T OST. J-J Monday eTenlnc, en rrlucestnet, a Held KlnR.set with Pearls and Tui.,uelse. Llbetal reward rer return te this office. It" T ST-ON SUNDAY, SlTll. TWO 1'OIN .Li TEKIIITtilt PUPS, one black and white, the ether whtte with liver markings. A suitable reward will be paid rer their return te JOHNTtUSSLEK, ltd Ne. JJ) North Mary Street. T3WU KENT OHEERKl'L 1) AND 3d TT:..',,ry "Y"" rer ledgers lth prlvtleeef bath ; hoi and cold water, call at I'd Ne. 616 WEST CHESTNUT ST. AKIRST-CIiASS TOILET VAVEK, wire looped, at 10 cents a pack, the best value ler that money In the city. Anether case Just opened at UUIU.KY'3 DRUG BTOKK, S3 West King street. TANTE1) BY AN EXPERIENCED Uuk Weaver a partner with liw.0 or JJ.tlO. LrHHl psvlnu business. Call at e."7Itd N0.2S WEST aTKAWHEBKY ST. WE OFFER THE FIRST MORTGAGE 6 per cent. Geld ltends of the Sharen, PA., and Peruacela. ria.. Water Cemivanles, te rid M Iaa Mlkf 4 aaa a . &". IL.iTOwi-BiiiuK eaw investment, r uner ivir iculars furnished en application. . . WM li. HOPPER A CO. eM3tdTu,TbAS Ne. SS 8. Third St, PhUa. FOR RENT FROM Al'RIL I. IS7, THE elegant store room. Se. Si North Queen street, heated by steam, new occupied by Jehn Hlemenz as a shoe stere for particulars call at the nfllce et the oBSdeedlt 1NQI IRKIt PU1NTING CO. PROPOSALS FOR STREET 'RAILWAY. Proposals for laying the track of "The East End Passenger Hallway " (the company furnishing the material), will be received up le 7 o'clock p m., en SATUTDAT, OCTOBER 31, at the efflc el Allan A. Herr, Ne. IW East King street, where full particulars can be had. en-ltd XMrOKTKD IN BOTTLES-FINE OLD IRISH WHISKY AT KOUBEIt'S LIQUOB SI ORE,' 3 CENTRE HgUARE, Lancaster, Px PROPOSAta FOR FURNISHING AS much Raid Nut Ceal as will be necessary te heat the mayor's efllce. city treasurer's office and council chambers, and as much Lykena Valley Egg and (Hard Egg Ceal, mixed, as wui baneces-ary te heat tbe station house during the coming winter, will b received at the may or's efllce, until Monday. Nev.l, l?se, at 5 o'clock p m. The committee reserves the right te re ject any or all bids. HT OliliEK OP TU E COMMITTEE. J. M. CuiLiAS, Clerk. Ud DON'T KAIL TO ATTEND THE Pl'B LIC SALE OK ReVrt Templttea'i SI Citice Biildisg Leu In the Eighth Ward, at Kohlhaas' Hetel, cu Maner street, THUUSUAY EVENING at seven o'clock. BEE HAND BILLS. ei3Hl ATTENTION, YOUNG DEMOCRATS ! The young Democrats of the several Wards will meet THIS EVENING at Tbee. Wenditi's hotel. East Chestnut street, opposite Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot, at 7 o'clock, te make ar rangements ter the parade en MONDAY EVEN ING, n ARE YOU r Are yen taking anything ler your cough f Don't leve it run en, it may lead te Consump tion. Try COCHRAN'S COUGH CUKE, a Safe and Sure Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Sore ness of the Chest. Hoarseness, Croup, Whoop. Ing Cough and all Bronchial affections. 53crr Bettle, at OOOHRAN'S DRUG STORE, Nes.lST A 139 North Queen EL, Lancaster, Pi, mays-lyeedu "PROHIBITION MEETING IN THE COURT HOUSE, TO-NIGHT. Speakers: REV.OEO. K.MORRI. D. D., pas tor Tabernacle 31. E. Church, Philadelphia. A. A. STEVENS, State Chairman Prohibition Party. n CLOSING OUT! CLOSING OUT! PoeltlveSaleef KntlreSteck el BOOTS & SHOES At and Belew Ceat en account of removal and change et business. Corneal once and avoid the rush en Saturday. 4,050 Bexea of Geed Shee Blacking At 1 Cent Per Bex i Werth S Cents. JOHN HIEMENZ, Ne. 31 North queen Street, (Inquirer Building.) eJHId pURLlO HALE. On raiDAT, Nuveibib 12, Una, by virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, will be sold at public sale, at the Leepard Hetel, en East King street, the fol lowing property, te wit : That three-stery BRICK RESIDENCE, with a twotery Brick Back Building and two-etery frame Kitchen attached, situated Ne. 113 West Orange street, between Pine and Nevln streets. Hall, with Vestibule, Parler, Dining-room and two Kitchens en first fleer i geed dry Cellar, etc.; front and back Stairways, Closets tn each chamber. Heater in cellar. Gas through tha wholeheuse. Hydrant Water In the kitchen and Pave-wash In front. In the house. This beuse Is unusually well built, with geed material, solid walnut doers In front, and ether work te corre spond. Let 21 by 115 feet, extending te a ten. lect wide alley. JTlne variety of irrult Trees, ete. Pale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when terms and conditions will be made known by LUCY KlLLINOEtt. Administratrix of Jacob P, Kllllnger, dercased. it. HiicsiBT, Auctioneer. ca-tta M VENNERUUOR RINK. WITMER BRO'S, Acrobats and Gymnasts, AKDTBIIR Great Deg Shew ! M.VNNEnauen iwsk. Saturday Night and Matinee, OCTOBER 30, 1690. S-DOGS-S MOST WONDEltrUL ON EARTH. The, World Astounded LAUY." the Deg V, ender, walks a rope. Meney refunded If this testis net done, CHAS. WITHER, Great Acrobat and Gym. nasi, performs many wonderful arts, and walks acablelru. He will Introduce the great Bar Children's Matluce , Only 6 Cents. Evening Admission .10 Cents. Atternoen Skates a Cents. EVENING SKATES ritEE. -Dancing, U.30 te 10:3U. 028-314 MBW ADrBBTllBBBUn, TT GERM ART, Fine Tailoring. A Full and Complete stock el Imported au Demestic Suiting aud OveroetUlug Fer I he rail Trade new ready te select lieuu Call caily tosecme Best Styles. H. GERHART, Ne. UN. (JU KEN ST., Opposite the 1'o.temco luar.'ftvdR M US1CAL 1NHTUUMENTS. MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS Fer Cash, at ITS t tM, tH'i I1W. I1A, Ac f ORGANS ON INSTALLMENTS. Sin! llft.60 Every S Months. SIS) 111(0 Every 3 Months. tin .(UN... Every J Mouths. UN) I1U0 Kery S Months, Ac PIANOS at rxe, r.TNWAHOH, Ac American Sewing Machines at 3, K0, 133 A . -AT- W. D. Messer's Masic Stere, NO. 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, I'A. sepls-lydtl IAU.VCE OF FASHION. GRAND Ml Opening ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion 13 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTEB, TA. NOVEMBER 3 & 4. fsb ' 'K if if Wednesday & Tluirsday, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Netice Is hereby given that the part no i. shin between Daniel A. Altlck. Samuel W. Al tlck and William B. AlUck, late trading as D, A. Altlck A Sens, was dissolved this (llth) day of OCTOUEU, se far as relates te tbe said Daniel A. Altick, who has retired from business. All debts due te the said partnership are te be paid, and these due from the same, discharged at Nee. J and 41 West Orange street, Lancaster, l'a., and corner of West Bread and Broughten streets, Savannah, Oa, where the business will be con tinued by Samuel W. Altlck, William B. AlUrk aud Henry u. Altlck, under ths firm name of D, A. Altick's Sens. D. A. ALTICtt, BAM'LW.ALTICK, . . WM. B.ADT1CK, Lamcastix, fa. October 11, uet. iel34iraTu&s vluak nArr.Av, MBW niJl'ARTMKNTH AT ' " THE CLOAK BAZAAR. . SHAWLS I - -e I WRAPPERS AND- READY-MADE AND OUR I'Oi'lJl.AR LINK OF A CLOAKS WRAPS A , - . PliUSlI COA'IS AND WRAl'S AND AN KXURLhKNT STOCK OF (Mil l.HUHN'H COAIH JOSEPH L. THE LBADIMG 130,130 ituil 110 NORTH KKHr A lit KUTIaK3tKTll. H eusi: for ri:nt. m m ,& .riVll'll.illl Dill, iiiiu.i', .iuilitlinii andcUtein, Ne. 315 East frrdeiirk stirel In liilte at Nix ill East KmUllcV striel.ernt Allan A. Herr's, East King St. or; tld y"tk(0 TKKl'lf ARK AH UOODS can be purchased In I.inraster ter H3ie. Call and be convinced. All work warranted. Has administered. W. L. riSHEU'S DentlsL aplflyd Ne. CI North (Jneen 8Ur.il 17tAil.M FOR RKNT WITHInTa 11FAR ter ni a luiloet Denver Station, ltncasu-r county, l'a., tu a geed state el cultivation . con venlcnt te sterv, milt, railroad. Te a geed farmer great Inducements wlllbeglren. Apply te Ne. 11J North Queen sticet, Lancaster, l'a. elllfdlt JOF.I. U H.V1N1CN, Auctioneer, Kin' Insurance and Ileal Estate Agent. ha shown morn energy than all etheis combined In advertising ami working up uu en thusiasm In the public saleut real estate. My bulletins aie larxe nnd arn read by hundreds every day ; In fact, all see what Haines has be fore buying elsewhere. e3 lwdll Dfflce-Ni. NOU'fll DL'KE SI'. , -u. .... .u.. I,a It. ...... ll. !..,... ... c NTRAITOR AND ItUII.DKR. GEORGE ERNST, CAKl'ENrEK, CONTUACl'OIl A BUlLIJElt. Resldencn Ne. iSl West King street Shep East Orant stroet, oppesltu station tioue. WOODEN MANTELS AND I1KNEKAL II AUD WOOD WOUK A SfECIALTV. 4VA11 work secures my prompt and perinuHl attention. Drawings and Esliuiatvs lurnlshed. ecL!7-lydU A SSIlSNKh'.S SAM-;. Ox Fkidav, Nevxvnsn , Usui, The undersigned, assignee et Ad.iutObleiidei and wile, of I.an usler city, l'a.. In purnuaucu et an order of the Court or Common I'lras of Un caster county, will soil at the Leepard hotel, In said city, the lotion Ing valuable Ileal Estate, te wit All thorn tetlnln two Twe story llltICK DWELL1M1 Hetel's, with te-story ba-k buildings. Mm. .Ml and oil C mirth stieet, In the cltyel Lancaster, ceubiluliig together In front en the southeast side of said Chinch street .11 feet, IK Inches, mom or less, and extending In depth te Mlddle street r7 leet, mere or lus. I There Is upon the premises a large unmbiiref fruit trees, grape vines, Ac Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p in , when erms will be made known by I'lllLIf r. HLhSSlNO, AMlgnee. Hcssv SncsisT. Auctioneer. ectl'All 1,S1, ii,VSt no v,S T ANUASTRR RINK ! Lancaster Rink I OPEN EVERY NIGHT. ON WEDNESDAY AND0ATUKDAY Mr. OeergeCiiinmtngsaud Wtln will glvenn ex hlbltlen In Tumbling, Club Swlnglug, Wire Walking and many dinicult tculs nuver bieught before the public. ADMISSION 10 CENTS. Skating troin7.eu le ! JO. Dancing from 'J te 11. Uoed Music. sep:i-l)itllD e AK HALL. A Hive ok Indi stiiy. O.ik Hull Is ha ulii uur tore for making uiul Belling reliable cletliliiR at retail. Our stejidy tr.ule keeps our work leeple going i buyers busy in tlie stoie ; work jieople busy in workrooms ami homes. Wages gelug out at ene end, substantial, long-wearing clothing at the ether. We make workrooms ami homes cheerful with steady employment and geed wages for geed work. We turn capital and labor into friends and avoid strikes. Our only strike for highest qualities and lowest prices. See our " Wire Twist " Stuta, at $11.00, and Overcoats, at SlL'.OU. They'll waken your admiration for strong, sturdy wearing quality and the little money they cost. Wanamakei: & Iihewn, Oak Hall, Southeast Ceiinkr Sixth and Mar ket Sts., riULADELI'lIIA. ' CHOICE GROCERIES. Every variety of this season's canned goods Imported Itellshes, Dew Drep and llauner As paragus, Queen Olives, French l'uas, llytleu fialad, salad Dreeslng, Salad Oil, Herso Itudlsh and Celery Halt. P0TI1D MBATS & POTTED SHRIMPS. Drelled Mackerel, Soused Mackerel, Salmen, Lobsters and Oysters, bardlncs, Helland Her, ring. Codfish, Mesa Mackerel and iiusslan Sar dines. CHICAGO CANNED MBATS. rrtme Hams, Dried lieot.Bmekod Tongues and Bacen. Fine J'reserves, Jellies and Canned Fruits. Queen Table Syrup, Comb Heney, New Citren, Trunes and Dried Fruit, Epp' Cocea and Ueyal Cream Chocolate. Extra Fine Toea and Oofleoa. The Finest 60c. and Clc. Fleur In tbe city. Buckwheat, Cornmeoi and Oatmeal, GENUINE IMl'OUTED 8WB1TZEU CREESE, New Llmberger Cheese, Edam and 1'lucapple Cheeses ; New Yerk Full Cream Cheese, -AT ma6nay's CIIKEVE EMPORIUM, Nm. Ii5 k .147 Nrth queen Street. . JERSEYS A DRESSES. . - . - A - JACKETS RAU & CO., CLOAK HOUSE, CJUUHM ST., LJ.NOA8THn, N K A n ran T1H KM KH I ft. 1 1 YOl WANT YOL'RCUvrilKHliAUN. X diiid In tlisl class style jeu should go te DO TOU. uSHwd Ne. North DukoHtreel. TAfOR F. HUAKFrKlfH PURE flYE WHISKY. aug;;iydlt DUKE HTltEET LIQUOlt STOKE fDI.AYlNU-CARDS A Ft'M, f.fNKOF A. Deiiilierly Lelubrateil Playing Cards. Ivery Chip. Ac. Caidt Hern te up. u lit Edge C.iids at i , i MAUK LEY'S, "Yelltiw mint," Ne. M North queen Street (etiuerty llirtinan's) TTLVlib GOODS, JL! All the Lrtlesl Nevel NKin at titles In rtNE MILL1 WEIKKI.'S MII.I.INEUY8T0KE, ui Omdlt Ne. S3 North queen Btruef ( R A V Kl. Y'N 1'fJA IN OAVKNDISU Oraely's riue cured Smoking Tobacco Seil el North Carolina, Tcrl'iun and ail the Standard llrmidsef Cbewlng Tobaccos, at MAKKLEt'S lellew Irent," Ne. si North quoeu BlreeL triinrnrly Mailman's) c l.ARKE AIiWAYB AHEAD ! CLARKE, lilt LhAllEU OT LOW I'KICES, INTENDS TO hEEf AHEAD' Quality Ihe Fiarsl nd I'ricts the LewmL (illKAT KKDLCTION IN SUOAUS-LlghtSc Sugar reduced te IXc per lxiuml . 5c. Sugar reduced te Jc. tier pound 4c. Whlle nugar ro re ducvd teXc. per pound SUindald Uranulated Biignr, fce. tier pound. CLAIIKk'S I. a) and c COFFEES cannot be eicelled. Try them. CLAItKE'SSALKSOKFLOUUatwslllllncreas. Ing. our New iimnds. at fc a quarter, will pimsojeii. Clarke's AA Heller Fleur, at bio. a quarter, is put up expressly for our trade, and li gimranl.-ed In make as geed. If net better btead than iinyiue t lour In the market. Nnir Seedless Ikitslns and Citren. New French Prunes, reaches and Trundles, Meckel's Self liaising llnckwbcat and Columbia County buck wheat, 6c per pound. Uelden l'ropared Mus Liuil, IV. a (juiru NE1VCA11D- nils WEEK. CLlllEE'S TEA STOKE NO. M WEST -T'elcphoue. KINO srilEET, marlJ-lydAw I'ULITIVAU rKMOl'RATH! RAlil.Y I BLACK AND RICKETTS. Brennen, Africa, Stevenson, Drachbar and Victory ! A DEMOCltATIO MEETING, In suppeit u thu Statu and Lecal Tickets will be held In MOERGHOR HAIL, North l'rluce St., LaucASter, Thureday Evening, October 28, AT 8.00 O'CLOCK. IT WILL 11E ADDIIESSED BY HON. JA8. H. HOPKINS, of Pitts burg. JAMBS M. I3EOK, of Pbiladelybla, And W. U. HENBBIi, Barj. -Tnrn out and hear the Issues or the state Campaign discussed. eO-tld<w ' " AatUBBBiMT"' "piUIrON OI'ERA. 1IOUSB. MfFOli OXE WKKK.-U CemiuciicluK Meuday, October 25, 1880. Ituturn of thu Favorlte Actress, MISS LODISE ARNOT! Supported by her own Excellent Company, who will present the lollewlng choice playg aelected fieui tbe lady'a extensive repertoire" nursuuy i.CAIl,-J'HK FORSAKEN iriiii(v Turn ,, ,, . . Saturday FUN ON THE l'OTOMAU ADMISSION 10.50andM(!ENTH BBBBBn.tiBUiiJ: BlB SbbbwbHbbbbc saVe0at"rVXusre,,te8CrVCd 8ett, New en Matinoe en Saturday at 2. p. m. Oii6td IT '-' .t & saHMsassMisjwaakMi cxtmiMu. .nAJyuj,, n f i,i) ...in.iinr.fri Vi'".ii fil tiillrill'i, tfttM -VJvt , ,