'? . Vv's'i.W Vi,C-,r"'...,F i ' .. t, ' tji.j. -,: ; -. vv: VP-- y-& ' rptTW T. A ittn A RTHRR T. A TTT r" : ..""'t-.r'n rsrTETxLTGKirOER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, I860. (v; kwv t -" r mfc.Tj'LT"-'. ?: ' r. "y i? &v m . " r, .LIGENCEH MBVMIT DAT IN THH YKAH (tftmslat Mxttptid.) '. A wiwu vira teiuu a tab, nm ASMWTI. MUTnDBTOAaiMlHLA- A tu Anrenrrs-si rum spurts rmm. iiwii oetmisaiosf ailewbd te M mSTMOHa COllltKTlOH. ADVBBTlSmO RATH8:; IKL- '"'l lln. tin. ln.,ln. STnT HSIZI! I se nTel'tlW S7i BBr ee lift i m m JhI.,., ISO 300 4 80 tO. 7M MWmfk..t. i " is " s m 110 4 TO MO J BO B40 Pat...... 1 J SO 4 50 890 850 1050 VHfib.... 1 4 SO 150 1050 IS50 18 50 ffMla.. 100 800 1000 1850 1700 30 Se lplfrMtk..... IR8 Ten moo moo 9000 moo MpB Hm... n loeo 1700 an noe wee wilemtka. 8 00 tloe 1000 wee saea asoe sfrmtlu in tee Moe m 00 as en 4401 6200 fBtTtr l30oire 4500 as 00 wee wee f The Weekly. Intelligencer ' 'KltJUtMtO Every Wednesday Morning. ,' 'ti MiATA,l.aoresixiioirra. cixsa or Tin, t . ad a oerr rsis te iiueh arrrise vr ioeticmDrBOjiiTmnTrAirroTBi ,'-,,fAt Ae cecrraT. iu AKOnmers Limn wtt am oeotmubd te tm wiiti uun. , Ammrtit mH IMttrt and Ttltgramt fa rs$? THss INTBIiLIQENOER, .(MHtftncer Building, Lancaster, ra ,f tl)c n(Qstxt Jntclligencw. LAHOABTXK. OCTOBKK 2s, ISC J.7e... IU LIIT HIlll LDLIIiri. ?. isft we have been particularly impressed. ,!?- daring this canvass, by the personal ..nature of U10 claims made, by candidates &for Congress, upon the people for their S support. This office of representative is iw peculiarly a party and political one and A,--" naturally confines the candidate te his own iii mrl In litq snllfltjitinn nf vulva IVr- 'ffi talnly it la an anomaly te see him seeking net only the votes of his political opponents but even their nomination. It is bewilder ing te find a candidate for Congress Who is the nominee of both the Democratic and Hepublican parties ; jet there is one iu New Yerk who enjoys i . this distinction; and furthermore b the yj- nominee or a cneice assortment 01 oilier . organizations. lie has fairly gobbled them (s 'all : and yet does net seem te be happy or ir'ph te have secured his election beyond per- iv. itf. IftCrelnaf Ittm l-Tift v,i..a na mi (I Tinlntuin.l .nt," in ueiauitei any remaining parties I?, te nominate him. The muqh nominated fe& candidate is named Campbell Tim Camp Ks?, bell; he Is at present a Democratic renre- ittHetative in Congress, elected, we believe, IffiJ Byiammany Hall. Afterwards he became a M ''County Democrat," and new is both; and ; a Itepublicau and a Laber man, and every- i?$r 4.tilnm.lex. Iitif n Trfillilt;nlaf ITn ta I-ff .-""& -" " muiiuuuuei, ilO je um pjj that; when lie received the Republican HVLUUMMUJi UD 1 iJ VIllt.t IUMJ IUC UltXklU and Invited everyone down te take some " wet groceries." His rival, Mr. Tem G rady, has net taken up the temperance banner against him; Bjfr there de net tseem te be any temperance 1 A' 'constituents thereabout. W-r. We Incline te think th.it tlila i.lfa nf I'&m' . . .. . .,,- suing a canuiuaie ier represeuuitive ihe - unanimous nominee of all the parties Is latrictly confined te New Yerk at present, h though we find indications that it mav fe" 'SDreadTHi the aiinannt rel.itinn nf n.irtv sc .'..,' , :; " ; .. ..':' ujveuuii in me reprtseniative canuiuaie. Iu staid e'd CliesterMr. Darlington and Mr. Everhart, Uepublicans, have each ether by the ears in an effort te get te Congress; and upon the Democratic side, a defeated candidate for the nomination, eue Forwecd, mayor of Chester, is said te be working for Darlington instead of fei the candidate of his party. He is evidently of the order of Hessians, and apparently this order Is spreading. There are many of the kind turning up and interposing their personal desires against t'lft narfv imnd rriinr iu nefrrf.. nf $'; .Pittsburg, who has thrust himself upon jrayeue and Westmoreland, displacing a very fit congressman, llejle, while himself very unlit te be a congressman ; jet net knowing it, or net minding it, if lie kuews it. He expected the Democrats of the dis trict te elect him, because the eeufenees chose him; but they will piebably refuse te de it. There is loe much independence and self respect left iu the voter of ktlie country congressional district, te let himself be $t treated as unceremoniously as the city Sj'-W . w, vj iiuiuiuavfukj (.ui.trilkiuua .!U1 5 self-seeking politicians. There needs te jsu? 00 a veil et decency iiirewn ever ielitlcal r. onerauens In the ceuntrv. It. will net. itn 1W,! 'there for a man te ask both a Democratic re?i.s"ttnd Rennbtirjin nninltmtinn fur I'mnimiie itfi?:. theueh he mav buv or tev in u. mvert jway votes from any source. That Drrnrv I'nrnriui. L$ Mr. Blaine had a long tour through Ui wu;iviuuj, ..in. M.nii, n,u 10 UH il VCrj" KjsVB'i1u anu eiiecuve siroKe or ihe Itepubli- fi$: can state chairman's genius, w.is a dreary laUure. The caravan luis our sympathy 'There is no contending against the weather. ' Enthusiasm the wet is net a manufac- v turable article. It was net prebable be- K rnuse the performance was Hepublican that it was a failure ; we de net suppose that if jiBlack had been there instead of Heaver . that the weather would Iiave been any better. But l'revldence seems te ri'f-"' have had -Black in iM-ttr L-..t.im i.n f Beaver, since it was their 15 uud net ours ??. . that was drnwnnl nut. U'nam.n, 11...1 sp. :r . ---- ..w.... lllllv ;- 5 mey ure m bucu eau iuck. ve de net wisli :fe them bad weather iu addition te the R" wvirci iwuiicej iuejr uiu ueir 10, VI11CI1 -9 .i-vrBaAa tkinlttAi-.i 41. k dA.. t..a- a 'X'- Am nnlf a unmmli tn ltn !,.., h ' We should like the people te see Mr. Blaine. They have heard a great deal Of him and have a big conception of his proportions. When they see and hear him Ij,k- taey are disappointed. It is net the Blaine 1 Otafewyears.age. The pristine vigor is gSt-'et there, and would net be, even if the 's weary rain and railroad cars were net en fiiikiai. te drain it. ?& ' . - ",., me uariueldi Stalne. HauM anmaan1lnl,Unn.1 m , ,v,. uu.uu cuntjuicucu nuveier irem an '.mknewn land see the million gathered ' h waters and the short nf timim--- '-XOtlJew Yerk. hPAr tlm nwlnm.ii,,.,. S ..ift PPle and the rear of the cannon as EL Sn 4b WaII fk!1ia -.. At.- M ... , x"-" " "" " "" iace or me statue of liberty Enlightening the World, would he , Iftet say, "I have found a nation of idnu. ttn, but their Ged is the greatest ever t Wrought by hmnau mind, and iu symbol us ysfftet as nanus et men can fashion V" V-.M, Hr left nana law, in the ether light, Hits" tjbddeas is a worthy daughter of tlm g,)-6MtHitnlty that has made education and 1 the right of all -yr Ighteen hundred year J men strug- j M for that willghtenment of all that was tfcelr right; it came te France, nnd the mtlcss nation half awake took license for liberty nnd the glow of dawn for bleed. But America had heard the voice across the ocean. When the llgiitcame westward with the sun our people were awake, and with an earnest purpo.e they sought and found truellberty. They armed the goddess then with knowledge and the law. The first and greatest, held high abere her In her strong right hand, is fast awakening the Christ Ian world te bow before this maiden's noble majesty, and by its grace te win the last, the tcrfect law. CnAtiscBV Hlack Is gtinltig veIm In the name proportion In which Oen. Hearer is losing tlieni. The Quarryvltle JM, which N growing brighter and belter every dy, has au article In Ita laet Imue en the subject et railroad discrimination. It sevprvly crltlcltes th management et the Quarryvllle branch el the Head In 1? rallrraut. ami un lh l.tinr kv lta high rates Is driving trade away from Quar- Tine. AiiorsiiKingeuue rilgb. rales lnv lnv lnv posed en lumber and phosphate, the resl aays: "Bealdes puttlnis an unreasonable freight en coal (76 cents a ten from Lancaeter, 15 miles) this iwporatlen, when they well a dealer coal, glvehlm nexecurily as te wbat he pays or when he geU It at all, reserving the right te cancel all orders without notice (.wnicn tuey always de en a rising market)." Tiik Democratic wae Is gelling bigger as election day draws near. Tun out te-nlfcut at Ma-nnercher ball, and hear a brilliant discussion of campaign Issues from a Democratic standpoint. A iilsanACEt-i-b Hepublican exhibition of campaign teeling was glveu at lleltefoute en Wodne-iday. Mr. Blalne was te speak there and a number et his and Heaver's supporters were gathered In the neighborhood el the elllce of the Helletonle U'atrhman, in the window of which hunc a fac-slmlle of Heaver's store order. This creatly excited the IiMer mob and when they had been worked up te a violent pitch, stones weigh ing several poundseach werelhronnthreugh the w ludew, tearing the placard and breaking the large glass te pieces. These were Im mediately followed by ether stones, scatter ing the class ever the lloer and breaking things generally. One et the stones came near hitting l Gray Meek, the proprietor of the Watrhman, and went through an open deer into the composing room, wbere the compositors were at work. Unstated that the secretary and treasurer of the Heaver Nail mill company incited the lawless pro ceedings. The occurrence has had a bad eirect en Heaver stock there. QmIIe a number who had put en badges favorable te the store order candidate, with the intention or partici pating in the Hlalne reception, tore them off and declared that they would vote the entire Democratic ticket. Yale Collkek win hereafter be known as Yale University. Plain people will fall te tee the need of the change. TiiKstOAtner British Klug has landed eer 300 Mormons at Philadelphia and a great miny people have beeu wondering what the authorities would de about it, as It has been darkly hinted that the "city of brotherly love" would be leund tee het for them. The authorities can de nothing whatever, as the religious bellel of emigrants can net be questioned, and in splte of its name and fame, Philadelphia has about as large a pro portion or wickedness as New Yerk, where the Mormons have been w out te land. There is some talk of prohibiting the lauding of Mormons, but no sensible man can entertain the idea as it Is evident that tbey might land In any capacity and become Mortueua after wards. If the geed people of Philadelphia who are se scandalized by this passage of Mormons, would aRandeu all notions that make the remedy of this evil thecaroef the state, they might accomplish remnlng by meeting it en Its own ground ; but first they had better make their city such a model of virtue as l'euu and the Friends des'giibU that It should be. IS wiTiiei.Dl's girl will probably have her dreas spoiled by the rain en her first public appearance. PERSONAL. Hev. K. T. I'ieiice, jiaster of a Methodist church at Hutier, O., was killed by falllnif beneath a cable street car at Kansas City Wed nesdaj. Da. Hevp-CAiiPKNTBn, bishop of Rlpen, when laying a corner-steue rivf utly, was in vited by the architect te becniiin an "operative mason" for a few mlnutes. -N ," Hilit he, "1 cannot bean epernthe misen ; bull am a working Carpenter." Ok ite.s 1 ie pronounced "lleerenmi.i," it la claimed, is correct; but in San Augele, Cal., where they ought te knew hew te pronounce the name, leads the Standard te exclaim : "Heed hracleusl what Is he hiving us? What a hay and a biddy style of talk this hentleman would het us Inte. Hy hesh. we won't have it He te! He top' Hev. Jehn Ciieli. Balm, who died in Philadelphia en Tuesday, w.w born in Mld Mld dletewn, Dauphin county, in lsei H!h early education was acquired at the Yerk oeunty academy, and iu ISiW he entered the Pennsylvania college at Gettysburg, gradu ating In 1ST2. He then entered upon a three years course of study at tlm Lutheran thto thte thto leglcil ftemlnary at (JettTBtmrjr, and was or dained a minister In 1S75. He wax a Irequent contributor te "Scribner V and ether maga zines and periodicals, and rurnished uketcbes te Illustrated humorous paperH. HillNyi:, who has wriltuu a new book, has also written a proapectus Jer IU We quote : " The book will explain a ceed many things that have heretofore remained unexplained, such as spots en the sun, hew te make a geed paste for wall-paper that w ill net shrink the room when applied, hew te win the affections or capital, hew te write for the press, new te set bread, hew te purify the liver without removing If. Personal remlnlscdnceH, experiments with starvation In all, ever six hundred jujges of thinks that I have thought" Spall. Uad Kit. Frem the Indianapolis Journal. One day a North Merldan street man 11 his way te his office noticed a tolerod mini leading spalls, cuttings from stones, from lu front of a neighbor's new house. The col ored man told him he had been hired at twcnty.flveceuu a lead, te haul them oil ten dumping ground. The North Merldan street man thought he could use a couple el leads or them, and, gelug te hU rich neighbor, said ir he would let him have a couple et leads he could ute them te make a walk In his back yard, and he would pay the colored man ier hauling the two leads. His neighbor said, " All right." The leads were hauled and the colored man was paid tilty cents. Next day, meeting bis neighbor, the North Mnrlilmi man I unlinrl Liu ...i,'i. . .. spalls. The neighbor didn't appear satisfied, and said : ' "V!lV. Sir. that ilrau.. nA Much surprised the N. M. stieet man mid: "But you have beeu having them hauled oil and thrown away." "Se I was," said the awfully shrewd bust, nessman. "That's one thing; It's another thing in your case. They're worth some, thing because you need them." Suppressing his rising indignation at this unnelgbberly exhibition of acute thrift, the N. M. street man tnnrtv tn bnnur .. i.u ... spalls were worth. He was told J5, which he promptly paid, and new the two old neighbors don't speak as they iass bj The Jletert I'aralleJ. DTeiu the Chicago Hews. TeurUt An' new me letter or credit Is cawshed,canyeu direct me te some blawsted country that will equal Mi e-w eed-under-Tay-oenae-Herfprdshlre heath, North StaUord StaUerd ah j. Kegumd, for a flip at a .almeu T lnomId.fOUr-hana''-reun,,'"', ' W The OitheHc rnlrvraHT. The Catholle university beard met Wednes. day In Baltimore. Thore were present Car dtnal Olbbens, Archbishops William, ltyan, and Cerrlgan, Bishops Spalding, Kraue, Ire land and Marty, Monslpner Parley, Kevs. Dra. Feley and Chselle, nnd Messrs, li Waggamau, Kugene Kelly and Michael Jen kins. CaulInaUllhbens presided. The plans for the unlveDlty were discussed, and many mluer details arranged. A letter was pro pre jwed, addressinl te the jsip- asking htm te bless and approve the new liistltulieii, and submitting details of studlers, dlsclpllue, or er or ganlzstleu, ivc ; also one te the cardinal prefect el the propaganda of similar tenor. Bishop K earns of Htcbmeud, nud Ireland, of SU Paul, will turrv them te Heme, sailing from New erk net Situr-daj-. They will spend thrie mentlis in Kurepe, nud will visit all the noted universities and confer with tlie nut distmgulshed students lu regsrd te the forma tion of a cerw et pitile'ser". rchblshep Williams, of Bosten, nud Bishop Ke,ne were authorized te mke contracts for the I utldlug, te be commenced next spring, the plans ler which have already beeu prepared. It was stated at the conference thalfsVO iim hsd been subscribed, lu addition te Mls Caldwell's original contribution of MC0 000 Arvhbisheps Elder, of Cincinnati, Ketirlck, et St. Ixiufs, aud Salpeinte, of New Mexico, liae arrhed In Baltimore and wilt, with the bishops already there, held a conference te-daj-, wheu "it Is understood that the Knights of Laber will be the subject of discussion. Failure uf S. si. i:ilrr In 1U'.I1ek. S. M. Kpler, deiiler In asrlcultiiial imple ments farmers' supplier, etc , In Heading, falleil Wedue-da-, the sheriff closing his store upon executions Issued bj- his father nnd l.ee A Bre., n;rlcultiirai Implement manufacturers of BslUmere, amounting te nearly fOOO. Tliere are auumber of ether unsecured creditors. The assets, 11 Is believed, will about cover the executions. Mr. Kpler came from Ellzsbethtewn, l.ancaster oeunty, last January. He gltes as the cause of the failure his selling en credit aud taking long, time notes which he could net negotiate, man-of thorn baviug prmed worthless. Mi A r llcK.hstatler, Philadelphia l' . until his cold by using Hed Star l ouch t. uu- "There was a sound 01 rwvelrj lij nluht and she had a cant but couldn't go, all m muniiitul neuralgia, iter favorite dude, however, hsd a level head, and. Instead of a leuiut, brought fralvatteu Oil. They went, aud ere happy iu(.e mera- The proprietors of the Tarboro' Southern r, Tarboro, N. C, writes " lr. Hull's Ceuh: rp gees selait our druglits can't kcip supplied farmers tindluK erur tee plough mil find their I'acks sirengtheued by u Jaccbs ml irneiAL xuTJvr.i. A hmm Mr Indigestion, consuuipileu, U4 lepsls. Wejikues, rever, Ague, ftc Cildeu 9 Liquid Ik-el tonic 9l0-ldeed. w- AUKEAT DlS-COVKK. The greatest discovery' of the nineteenth ceu turyls Dr. Leslie's special 1'rvst.rlptien ler sttk headache, w hlch Is the dlsceer of an eminent physician and ued by Win for v er thirty 5 ears before giving It te the public, audit unds to day without a rival. Ileud advertisement la another column. tiUOUP, WlIOOl'IMi tut Oil and ltrnnchitla Immediately roliecd by Shilehst-'ire tertile by It. n. t'eihran, Druggist, e. IJa.NeiihUueen street. UucAleu's Arulca blr The l!et Salve In the world for luu, Ilrul.j, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Uheum, tever bores, letter. Chapped Hands, ChUblalas, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively euro l'Ues, or no pay required. It Is gnarantef-d te give perfect sutls sutls factlen, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. rer sulu by U. U. Cecuran, Druirglst, m and 133 North Uuetm street. Lancaster. I'a. Wni the scalp Is annejed wub dandruir, O'enn's Sulphur soap will bs found lnliUIMe Bill's Hair Dye, black or brenu, tlfty cents. slO-indeedAw SUILOU'S COUGH and Consumption Cure Is old by us en a guarantee. It tures censump. Uen. lTersaleby 11. U. Cochran, Druggist, .vl, 1S3 h'erth gueen street. WILL VOU SUKKtlt with Dy-iiepjla and Liver Complaint T Saiteh's Wtallzur Is guirau' teed te care you. for s lie by 11 U. Cochran Druggist, Ne. Lif North Queen street SlIILOH'S VlTALIZEUIswhat you need ler ConstlpaUen, Less el Appetite, Dizziness, and aU symptoms el Djsiwpjla. I'rtte lu and 75 cents per bottle. or sile by 11. II. Cochran Druggist, Ne. IU North Uueen etn-eL The Impending Daup r. The recent sutlstltsel the number of deaths show that a large inajeitty die with Consump tion This disease may commence with an an parently harmless couch which enn be cured In itantly by Kemp's Italsam for the Threat and Lunps, which ts Kuarautefd te cure and rellnye allcaees. l'rice se cents and Jl. Trial me frtt for sale by 11. 1!. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 North Queen street. el-ldUw AUE IOU 11.1IH miserable by Indlirestlep. Constipation, Dizziness, Less of Appetite, Ye.1 ew Skin T Shlleh's Vltallzer Is a positive cure. Ter sale by 11. a. Cochran, Druggist. Ne. 1S7 North Qnen stnwt. b H au" "' " Jack shall pipe and Hill shall dance " Just as long out In the open barn as they please 1 h tree born American citizen don't lear neuralcla with Salvation UU te the front t'rlceenlySS cents ' A V ry Narrow Ocnp. "Yes, I had a very narrow escape," said a Eremluent citizen te a lrlend. "I was cennned 1 my bed for a year and my friend gave me up lpr a consumptive's grave, unlll I beijan ustntr hemp's llalsum for the rhreut and Lunirs, and here 1 am, sound and hearty." I'nce Jee and D .J3.r.a,e ey " " "-hran, DruKKlst, Ne. 137, North Queen street, Lancaster. ' Attltr, rushing and Itelutnle. II. I!. Cochran, Dru(,'lst, 137 and 13D North Queen etreet, Lancaster, Pa., can alaays be re lied upon 10 carry In stock the purest and best goods, and sustain the reputation of betnu ac tive, puehlnif and rellablt), by receinmcndlnc articles with well established merit and such as are popular. Having tlie atfeiuy ler thu cele brated Dr. Klnx's New Discovery for consump tion, colds and coughs, win sell it en a positive guarantee. It will surely cure an, and every affection of threat,IunKs, and chest, and in order te prove our claim, we ask you te call and ift a Trial llettle rt. (ij THATHACKINCJCOLi.llcau be se eulckly cured by bhlleh's Oftre. We Ruarantee IL for sale by II. It, Cochrun, Druguu Ne. 137 North Queen street. roll DVSPKI'SIA and Liver Complaint, yen have a prtnled (fuaranlee en evuty bottle of Shl Shl 'en Wtallzer. It never falls te euro, t or sale by II. 11. Cochran, Drugslst, Ne. 137 North Queen TOBACCO CU'ITINOS, NCKAPS, HH-'P-1NOS AND PACK KIW WASTE, Dry and Clean, beiiKbt ler cash. ' "'J "" I 8. .1IOL1NB. Ne. .'73 l-earl Stn-.il, New Verk. Keteronce rn.d. SchutUi. Ne. ilj l-earl street. Hew lerlr. leblMyd QOKN KKMOVBH. TICT0HU C0HN UEM0YKK. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the meat obdurate corns, hanl or oft, without pain. Sold by Uee. W. Hull, Chas. A. Lecber, Jehn U. KaurJuian, Dr. Win. tVorm tVerm ley, And. Q. .'Krev, Chas. J. Shulmyer, and at M , , IIKCIITOI.D'S DUU sfei'.E, ac'-lvd Na 1 Wnst Uraniiu Bt. AIL KOSKNSTKIN, lill'OUTINO TAlLOlt. y selection for the coming e.isen Is new ready, cjimprlslnBens nf ibe nniist stock eer shown In this city. The uteck Isenlliely new and well worth your Inspection. Sly prices are modem e, and workmanship of the bVst. Tha reputation at the beu.e ler due work will be fully inalntutned Havinif .ccuted for the torn tern Inn season the sorvlces 01 Klrst-Class Tailors. I can guarantee the very best or work. Sole proprluter for the Patent Hiran Panta loons, warranted net te draw up when sittlnir down, nor baif at thu knee. ' " "B A. U. UOSENBTEIN.JffNerth Queen St. SKASONAHIiiHJOODS. Just received, at prices te suit the times, ranslttlUK In part of Ladles'. Gent's, Misses nnd Heys' HeHlery- and Underwear in Lamb's Weel. Camel's Hair and Cotten ; Men and Heys' Shirts uV1'8 1V?.s,'lel, -'r0'Kan Jackets In n ented, Weel and Cotten, bouie very nne aud new styles at reduced prices. Gloves. Mitts, tates styles Ntckwear, Cellars, Cuffs, Suspenders and notions Kenerully, at IIKCIITOi'd'S. Bk. . , NeH North Queen Street, N ear the I'osterUce. 29 29 -GO TO- Reigart's Old Wine Stere for Poinmery 80c, Douche 8ce, i'ipet llcldsloek, G.ll. MummA Ce., and ull ether leading brands of imported Champagnes. Alse, Madeira, Sherry and l'eit Wines, C'laieU, Sauternes, Ales and 9 te ifl b. Sole Agent for Special Great Western Cham pagne, produced by the tlcusant Valley Wlna Ce., the UncBt American Champagne In the United States. Flerida Orange Wine, the finest In tbeuiurket. A lull line el llrandy, Whisky, Ulna and Hums. California Claret and Whlta Wine, et Napa Val ley, California, H, E. Slaymaker.AQT., Ne. U EAST KINO BT., L A.NCASTKB, PA. KBUffMlt YKlt'S UAUSA1AKU.1jA. Pimples, Beils, And Carbuncles rrsiili inun a debilitated, lm ImpoTerlstini, nr lm .1110 condition el Ihe bhx4 Ayer Saisunuilll t prteuta and cures Ihcse erupUeiia and patnfui tuiueis, by removing their cause 1 the only cITeetlisI way el 1rtatlng tkein, Ayvrs Sarsatwrllla has iirtminled the usual ctnirse of llmls, whleh htve palnrd snd dl tressed nie every season fur several years, ilea Stales, I'lalnvllle, Mich. 1 was badly treubbxl with I'tinplvs en the face 1 also, with a discoloration el tlm skin, which showed ItMlf In ugly dark icvtchtw Ne external treatment did tnem than temporary geed. A j er's sarsapatllla eilecled A Perfect Cure, m"',.1 .V" ,let ln troubled slu.cv.-T. W. Uetlily, litver street, Uiwrll. Mass. I was tieublrd with Hells, and my health was much Unpaired. 1 began using Asers Saranpa una, and, In due time, the eruptions all disap peared, and tny health w as completely restored. -Jehn It. Klkius. Editor .s.in.ry tnur, Albc marle, N c. Jwns troubled, fera long time, with a humor which appeared en tnv isie m nglv rtiuples and lilotches. Aver's s-irsapartlia cured me 1 con aider It the host btiKHt piiiiner In the world Charles U. smith, Meilh (.laiubur), N U Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all dnigglsts and dealers In medicine. Ask ler Ayer's enrapartlla, ard de net be per suadnd te take any etliei Prepared by Dr. J. c. A vet A . ... Lewell, Mas. rrlce,i slxbetUes, o.-.'lelS WOMKN NEP.DINO KKNKWKI) Strength, or sunertng limn Innruittles peculiar te their sex, should try BROWN'S IRON BITTEES! PlIiMUA.NS AND Dill uuisls KtcOM MEND IT. ASTHE BEST TONIC. This medicine combines Iren w 1th pure ego table tonics, and Is Invaluable for Diseases pecu liar te W omen, and all who lead sedentary' lives. It Enriches aud Purines the Meed. Stimulates the Appetite, Strengthens this Muscles aud Nervi's-ln fact, thoroughly InMgerates Clears the complexion, and makes the skin smooth. it does net blacken the teeth, cause headache, or produce constipation u. vtftrr lre iitcfi cinerrte. Mrs EuzABrrR IUird. Tl Tarwcll Ave , Milwau kee, W Is., aaj-s, under dale of Dee 2MM I have used Brown's Iren Hitters, and It has been mere than a doctor te me, having cured me el the weakness ladles hae tn life Alse cured moo! Liver Complaint, and new mvcompleilen Is clear aud ceed. Uas also beeu beneficial te my children." Mrs. Lecisa C Iraiinpe-c, East Lockport, N. Y., says 1 have suffered untold misery from l"e l"e uiale Complaints, and could obtain relief from nothing except llrewn s In n Hitters The gonulne has Trade Mark and cned n-d lines en wrnppi-r. lake no etliei. Madeenly by UflOlVN CUEMICAL t O., UaJtlm.ire, Md. t) Uiai-3-iydxw ruu Hjms uu hkxi. Pl'HUCSALi: OK VAIAABLK l'KOP ERTY. Os Mo.seat, Nevcvssb S-, In", will be sold at public sale, at the Keystone Hetel, North Queun street. a let of ground, situ ated en the west side of North Prime street. Ne. Hi, fronting en I'rtnre street s: feet, mere or less, and In depth lu feet te let nf ilechtel'a, en which Is erected a tsvo-etory 11KICK DWELL ING, with slate roer, containing eight roems: gas and fixtures all through the house a well of never-filling water, wltbpump Irult trees. l-ale te commence at 7o'cleck, w hen conditions will bu made known by MU.S. MAUI A ULOIK. Hkxk SucasnT, Auctioned eiJwd Pl'BLU' HAhi: OF - ALl ABI.K CITY 1'liOl'EUTIES. OS t'BIDAT EVISIMJ, O.T-BIR i', 1st, w IU b sold by public sale, at the Leepard Hetel, the following properties belonging te the lale A. W . Itussel, deceased . A three-story UU1CK HOL'SK. Ve. ?J East James street, Lancaster, Pa The main building Is IS feet front, en the north side of East James by a feet t the back buUdlng Is SW sterlM, IJ by 2s feet, with a Irame kitchen -,ii 1 1 feet, containing ten rooms, bath loom, het and cold water, range, fireplace, heater in dining mom, gas, etc The let is 31'ibyli feet, te an Meet alley, mere or less. Alse, a three-story IIKU K HOUSE, Ne 31 East James street, urns as Ne. l EastJame-i Ibe let Is XX by la leet, te a d feet alley, mete or less. Alse, a two story 1IKICK HOUSE, Ne. SB East rrederlck street. The main building Is 2: by 30 feet, w lth a one-story lrame kitchen !, by U feet, cenUklnlng seven rooms and two rooms In the garret, sin, water In kitchen, gas ,tc The let Is 9) feet front by PM feet, te a I feet alley, mere or less. Alse, a two-story BKIt'K Het SB, Ne 2)5 East 'rederick8treet,tameasNe iu East i rederlck. Thu let Is Si feet by 101 Htt, te a l feet alley, moreerless. Alse, a two-story IIUICK HOUSE, Ne S3 East Frederick street, Ihe main building Is 16 by 2s feel, the back buUdlns, two stories, II by 16 feet, containing six rooms and garret, sink, water In kitchen, gas, etc. The let Is 3u by lul feet, te a 4 feet alley, mere or less. Persons wishing te see the aN.ve properties can de se by calling en the premises or en either of the undersigned. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. m. JOHN IS. KUSsEL. IO N. Qeeen St , GEO. P. KUSSEL. SM N. I.lme St., Executers of estate of A. vr. llnssel. dee'd. Ukxrtsucbskt, Auct. ectll,l5,.M,j;,is,Wd UBLIC SAIjli 0 Satcriiat, Nevzmbir 6, 1x0, Ily virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county. Pa., the undersigned, admin istrator of the estate el Jehn McLane, dee'd, wUl expose-te public sale at the Leepard hotel. East King street. In the city of Lancaster, the following described real estate, te wit: All that certain let or piece of ground situ ated 011 the north side 01 East Orange street (Ne. 711), in the city of Lancaster, l'a., contain Ingln front en said East Orange street 1: feet, mere or less, and extending In depth te Manen street -U feet, mere or less, en which Is erected a lame substantial double two-story JIliiCK DWELLING HOUSE, fronting en said Orange street about 3(1 feet, with a depth of 25 feet, te which la attached a large two-story lirlclc Hack: Building, 17 by 21 feet. ihe house has beauti ful bay windows, with plate glass and walnut Inside ahulturs, a large circle head front deer, granite stone steps, large balcony, Ac. The first story has a large double parlor, sitting room and large dining room, with a convenient base mem kitchen. The parlor and sitting room each have a " Huuuyside " heater, with registers te second fleer incased in polished slate man tcls j also gas throughout the entire house Most or thu Inslde woodwork Is beautirully grained In walnut. There Is also a large hall and winding stairway, with heavy walnut raU lug running te third fleer, The second fleer has four nfce large rooms and a hallway, eta. tlenary closets, large finished attlu with four dormer windows, and throughout Is well laid out and convenient for bed chambers, Ac. There la also en the premise a cistern and fmmp and necessary outbuildings. The whole et is rilled with a variety of the best kind el fruit trees Just coming Inte first-class bearing condition. This li an elegant opportunity for persons desiring a nice comfortable home In a pleasant location. Sale te begin at 7 o'clock In the evening, when terms and conditions will be made known by JrllAMt Ik McLANK. J OIL L. IlAIHES, AUCt. Olfl-tld -pUBUC SAliK. OM SATl'BDAT, OCTORXn 3U, lst!, the undersigned, surviving partner of the firm of Kussel ft Hliuttnyer. wllit-xpese te public sale, at Cooper's Hetel, en West Ktug Btreet, Lancaa ter city, I'u., the following real estate, te wit Ne 1. All that certain two-story IIHICK DWELLING HOUSE, with a two-story llrlck Hack Building, rrame abed, Wagen bbed, Cern Crib and ether necessary outbuildings, Well with pump therein, hydrant, etc, and let of ground thereto bolenglng, situated Ne. 5: 1 011 the southeast utile of Maner street, Lancaster city, containing In front en said Maner street, 31 leet, mere erless, and extending In depth 230 leet, mere or less, te fafayette street, adjoining property pf Wagner Ne. 2 aud ethers. Ne 2. All that certain one-story IIHICK DWELLING HOUSE, with a one-story rrame Hack Hulldlng attached, rrame llarn and ether outbuildings, Well of Water with pump, etc , aud let et ground thereto belonging, situated Ne. bi), en the southeast slde of Maner street, Lancaster city, containing In Iren ten said Maner Btreet, 31 feet, mere or less, and extending In depth 230 feet, mero or less, te Lafayette street, adjoining property of Mrs. Jehn Decrr Ne. 1 and ethers. Ne. 3. All these certain four Two-8tery IIUICK DWELLING 1IOUSKS, with two-story back buildings attached, and ether Improvements thereon erected and let of ground thereto be be lenglng, situate Nes. 111. 43, 423 and 437, en the east side of Cherry alley, between Lemen and James streets In the city ofLancastcr.ceDtalnlng In front en Bald Cherry alley, it feet, 1 Inch, and extending In depth U1K feet, mere or less, te a 12 feet wide common alley. Adjoining prop erty et Jehn Mercer, public alley and ethers. Ne. 4. All these certain two two-story UttICK DWELLING HOUSES, with two-story back buildings attached, and ether Improvements thereon erected, and let of ground thereto be longing, sltuale Nes. 433 and 415 en the east slde of cherry alley, between Lemen and James streets. In the city of Lancaster, containing In front en said Chciry alley 20 feet 6 Inches, and extending In depth 112X leet, mero or less, te a 12 leet wide common alley, adjoining property of Jehn W. Musser. J. II. Myers and ethers. These properties will bu told as numbered, or sepa rately, as may bu deemed mostadvantugeeus. Sale te commence ul 7 o'clock p. in., when at temlancu will be glveu and terms made known by UhOltUEbllULurElt, Survlt lug partner of Kussel A shulmer. II. SlIt'UXRT, Auctioneer. elMtdTul'bAS TJOTB JH MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT SJ3.00 A POXM. AT NO. 108 NOliTII QUJtIN BTUEKT, lanbtfd Lancaster, Pa mmvietu rnilK SW1KT Hl'KUmO COMPANY. 1836. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC. 1886. s s s s s s s s s s s s A KEMKDY NOT FOR A DAY, BUT FOR HALF A CENTURY, RELIEVING SUFFERING HUMANITY ! S S AN IN1LHLS1ING THCATISC ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISCASCS SLNT mEE TO ALL APPLICANTS. IT SHOULD BL READ BY LVEhYUODY. ADDRCSS THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. , , ,. sSllydJkw tX.tMKI.4MJf WVHIIH. a survrv that always wins. HONEST WORK I Philip Docrsenfs Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KINO STREET, (NKAULY OlTOSITlt TUB LKUl'AUH HOTEL), LANUABTEK PA. Nena Bui First-Glass Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used riUUKSTOSUITTllKTltlfS. Al I. WOKK UUAKANTKKP. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, I hive new en hand and for sale cheap the Une-.Man Wajren, suitable fertrack purpose.iine tension Tep rtuoteu, two ukd gles, both side bar and which wl'.l Ins sold at the hlch wl'.l Ins sold at the MOST UKASOHAHLK enu chase or net. Ne trouble te show the work. I'AJ.TtCULAIl ATTENTION IMII) IX) KKLMUUM.. ITIIO.VT rOKUKTTJtK VLA l'A- Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 120 and 128 Ilf tlODDt. J. S.U1V1.KK A CO. NEWESTSTYLES -IN- Lntliet' ami I'll i M reif Beats and Jackets. JolmS.(iivler&Ge., Ne. 35 East KitiK Streot, Lasusstsb, l'i. umtitr.Li.As. TTMUUKLLAS. A NICK UMBRELLA Is a Useful WEDDING OITT. A NILE UMBRELLA Isal'sefalllir.THDAYairr A NICE UMBRELLA Is an Acceptable and Useful tilt T at any time, and the place te get It Is atth MANUrACTUEEUS, ROSE BROS, & HARTMAN, JS'0. 14 EASl KING STREET, LANCASTEll, 1'A. tlAOUIXMUT. JlwrAUlUNKUY, &r. re STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improved IN6LNFS.--TrMt.ei, PerUlli ir SUtieiary. Mi w or aecendllsjid BOILJiKa, WATfCB TANKS, SETABATOKB. Mauaiaa or I'.srus Wum such u done and kept In Machine shops. CALL OK OB HDUU, Ezra F. Landis, WOBKH tWf NOBTH OHEBBY 8TBHKT, Lavuibtsb I'a. n7tfd4vr WUT1UMM. i KNT'H FUUNISUINU HTOKI5. E. J. EEISMM'S Gent's FarnishiDg Stere, NO. 7 WEST KINO STREET. Mr Stere open Every Evcnluir except Uunday evenings. WATUIIKS. "W-ATCUKH. Lancaster Watches in Geld. Sliver and Nickel Cases will be sold at a UUKAT KEDUCTION. Alse, Elgin, Waltham I Aurera for which I am Bele Airent), and ether 'lratrClass Watches; ilest Watch and Jewelry Ue pairing. TCeriect time by Telegraph Dally. L. WEBER, 1WK North Queen St., Near I'enn'a. It. li. Depot. Spectacles, Eyeglasses and Optical Goods. A kinds of Jewelry. fTOIUS QUAI.ANTKKD. RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by UU. J, II. HAYEU, Ease al once i no operation or delay from busi ness i tested by hundreds of cures. Main office. (01 AllCU ST., l-IULA. Bend for Circular. MHydAw UTUKAUB -1WD- OOMMISSION WABEHOUBH. - -. DANIEL MAYKK, aecJ-Iyd Ne.10 West Cbestnut sue U s s s s s s s s s s s s s HONEST PRICES I lollewliiK first cliiss second hand wetk One Light I.lnht reur l'asensrcr IirnK.one First-class Ex. ugnt juiup-aeaiuarnages .iso,?ecenu nana lop ana l roiling nnR end "nrlniiB. Iluslnens aeens. HiHirttnu Haiseus and Market Matrons. 1'KICES. UWuusacall whether ou with te pur- EAST KINO STREET. nt-tyd. rumtiruMK. TC1UKN1TUKE WAKEKOOM8. liuv leuiiSKLr ai'air or mess Felding Dress Pillows. CALL EAKLV AT HeiTnieier's Fnrnitnre Warerooms. They are the nicest thin out and we have Just recclt ed another let of them. MO HAST KINO 3TTIHET. ATESl' UKSIONN AM) KINKSIL WIDMYER'S- .New uel-i in all the Latest and lk4t Deslitus and I'lulsn. I'LAI.V ASH. ArUlO.Ul.A'-ll, PLAIN OAK, I'LAIN CIIKUKY, IMITATION MAIIUUANT AND WALNU1'. As well as Cheaper Tainted Suites, f'ANCi KOChKlla, In LEAT'llElland PLUSH. rANCV MAHOOANt TABLES lu Uu-At rvilt'ty, ami eUrr Sew ami Uvstmble UtHxl-i. W-CALLANU SEE TIIKM.-fte WIDMYER'S FORNITDRE STORE, 10ASTKINO AND DUKB 8TBEBTS. -I'crsensJ attention given te Undertake lK- sepUVlyd uuuvKHima, FKUIT CAKES. Where shall I go te buy luy fruit cake order t We should suggest WIANTS QIIUCKIir. In doing se you will And there a large stock of new goods, heedless Halslns, Citren, Currants, lA-men and Orangs I'eel, New French Prunes, l'ure ground Nnlces, rine flavoring Kitracts, Itese Water, H htle Clever Heney In ene iieund caps, cheap. Please call al aug-ju-ivu Ne. IU West King Street. T HUKHK'H. NEW FRUITS, Etc. New Citren, New Currants, New Secdluss llal sins. New I'lutns, New Prunellas, iNew Kiln Dried Cern Meal, llecker's Selt-llalslng lluck wheaUNewand fresh Oat Meal and A vena, or llelled (Uts, New Canned Cern and fresh Canned Tomatoes. We will have the finest Ilrands of Cern In the Market. Pride of Mslne, Dew Drep, Paris sugar Cern, Wlnslew's. Uaker's, Wui. Penn and fell A Bena. Our TOMATOES . Orleans Ilrand (special). Dew Drep, Whole Tomate and Itosten Market Tomate. The liosten Market are the largest and heaviest cans In the market. New and fresh Uoedsarrlvlng dally. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER I'A. irTolepheuo Connection. 11UUKB. JION UKIWMITU'S. 1,500 1,500 Bexes Writing Paper or the very Latest Designs, ranging in prices from 10c. te $1.00 Per Bex. Five (julies Paperand Flve Packs Envelopes, Marcus Warde A Ce. Irish Llnun, ler Hec. per Dex. F0N DERSMITfi'S, Ne. 40 East King Streot, (Opposite Court lleusu) LANCASTEll, PA. aug'JS-Ud SCHOOL HUIU'LIEH. JOOT BAER'S SOUS, Nee. IS and 17 North Queen Btroet, LANCASTIU, FA., OtUr, Wholesale and llet&ll, at Lew I'rlces SCHOOL ROOKS USED IN LANCASTKlt CITV AND C0UNT1. Old Roadera Ebcobanged. SCHOOL SUPPLIES; Llrjuld Slating, Chalk Crayons, Copy Beeks of All Kinds, ritlng Inks, ateel feus. Slates Noiseless Slates, Slate Pencils, Drawing fen ells. Composition Beeks, Writing Tablets, Lead Pencils, Scheel Satchels, Companions, and everything else In the line el Scheel Stationery. SIGN OF THE BIG BOOK. uewmJtvmMUHiiiv siuud. JOUN 1. 80HAUM A HON. StevcB, Heatcrs and Ranges AT LOW I'HICKS. CallaudapelliuScliaiitnlinpteviid Wteiislit-Iiun fold Case tiadlatlug Portable Furnace, The ltesl rimisceln ttsct Msikel. Mamitsctured Exclusively by JOHN P. SOHAUM & SOU, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. VA. AT Just trcelvcd a let of New SSe, Uleties. rplli: "NOVELTY" lU'KNACK. l-'or Sale by A. 0. KEPLER. the celehrated; "NOVELTY" FURNACE Toek the FtllAT I'UKMItIM at ths fair, and Is decidedly the brat HOT Alll rUlll.'ACH In tha market. Call and soe them, get our TESTIMO NIAL3, and examine carvfully before purchas ing I sew here. NEW AND LAIlllf. STOCK Or Steves, Heaters & Ranges, Of the Latest Designs and Patterns. Guns, Pistols aud AmmuniUea a Specialty. IIAIIIMVAUE. OLA8S. PAINTS. OUJ, IIELTINU, Ac l'ersnns having BTOVEHnr rtfllNACES te lepalr, will de well te have (saine attended te bvfote cold wtather. A. C. KEPLER, Nee. -10 & J!3 North Queen Bt, eIlmdAw LANCTSTElt, I'A. ptLlNNA HKKNKMA. CARD. We would Uke our friends aud custom, ers te visit our store and exumtiie our large stock or Steves, Heaters aud Hatigefl; we li.tvti tlm Uuest line of goods ever shown in tins city, mid our prices are tlie lowest en line goods. Our Xew tKitutre Steve " The Liturel," is having a grcit sole and giving geed B.itisf.tcMen, we will net be able te till all our orders. The "Therms" 1'arler Heater is equally popular, lmndseme, dur able and low priced. Our " New Fllnn " lUnge is uiimliiK friends wherever It gees. Our "Triumph" Cellar Heater, while . is sold at about the price of inferior goods, is u itheut doubt the best Cellar Heater in the market. Years of exerience in tlie Heating Business gives us great advantage ever any ether heuse in tills city. Our new style of Steam Heating saves ene-third the fuel. All weik guaranteed. FLIHN &BRENEMAN, UK EAT IIKATl.MJ WAKLKOUSK, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER I'A. w M. A. KIKKFKK. ALDUS V. HKKK KIEFFER 8c HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invite all Housekeepers te Call and Inspect their Stock of Houseteiisliiiig Goods, A Complete Line constantly en hand. COOK STOVES and HANUES, I'AKLOlt STOVES. UEATEllSand EUUNACES. sineEBa cook stoves. After carefully examining thn merits of all offered te the trade, we have selected TFfE "ARGAND," Fer UASOLINE, snd THE ,l DANGLER," Ter COAL OIL. As the flint, when all points are considered, te offer te our patrons. Call and see us. We love te show our goods, and are net offended If you de net purchase. Bemember, we are agents for The " Splendid " Heater. Manufactured by ruller A Warren Company, Trey. N. r.. which has no rival In durability, conemy of fuel and control or gas. New Is the tlme teeiainlneand become posted for Autumn purchases. UEMEMUEU THE 1'LACE I 40 EIST KINO ST., (Ol'l'OSITE COUKX DOUSE.) OUAU "O ICMAHTIN, wueLasAui Ann una dsxlib m All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. sTVabd: Na 4 North Water and I'rfnce Streets, abeve Lumen. Lancaster. uS-lvd OAUMOAKDNEUH A JEKiTEUIKa. COAL DEALERS. Yasds! North Frlnca street, near Heading Dopec " LANCASTEU, I'A. augis-ua R EMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Ceal Office te Na IBS NOKTil QUEEN 8TUEET (Urlmmer's New Dulldlng), where orders will be roeelvod for Lumber and Ceal, WHOLBSAll ASTD KXTAIL. M. V. H. COI10. ms-tld JJJAHT END YARD. 0.J.SWARR&00. GOAL. KINDLINa WOOD. Office : Ne. CENTRE BOUABB. Beth yard and elllce connected with Telephone Exchange APrtHydMAr.tt TT IB A I MISTAKEN IDEA Tliat the purpose of business colleges Is enlv te lit Yeung Men and Ladles te nil situations as clerks and book keepers. , Ne young man can atrerd te be without the knowledge that can be acquired at aschrtet making a specialty of Koek Hoep'oAT Vmna. jwndeuce, lluslness ArlthmeUc, Eta it come, Inte dally use lu the lives of'mehtnti?me. chanles. manufacturers, fanners ind mefesl slenalmen. ltemeve any doubt by leufing at LEGE NO WuSfSVi V1 )K leue, we. IQX East King street. XL C. WEIDLBB, rrlhClpU. J ftJ 1 ?miHmU$igrfZ- - .rvjVariaat. wz sjBtTjii '. jj