w s TJBIS LAltd i . DAILY INTELLIGENT TUKDAY, OCTOBEK 2.J, 1880. f If'-' i . ftt CITY SCHOOL FATHERS. ;;. went ni km nnu Din yvctt :M" nn evn oieoc mhtku. 4 HMBHfi . Dale, who wu in SMnnti f ''; '',lrMnt et lb Lancaster Scheel float d, -" u BacctMeta Beu. Jehn Mathlet ' atid Mr, ftebert Medcrwell. &i.f T 'iik U.M..I IS T.l . l.- ....... -.1 7M MUM UIJJlli;t A ASAIV V1IVY LUO IWUUU ,ii yrtafctetit of tht Lancaster Reboot beard. He ' Wis tMeetet. June 22, 1S33, te all the vacancy V- -Tflal by Mr. Jtttlgarl'a resignation, and he x - MrYd Mprfiildent until May 10,1831". JmlRe . 'Dl-WMbetti In Cheater county, July If'. , 1773 1 represented Mercer and Venanip , CMiBtlM In the legislature from 1S07 te 1313; TO lleateeant colonel of mtllila In the war l 1812-141 rameTed te Lancaster 1SU; was i pointed asoclate Judge of the Lancaster county oeurla In 1819; was an active director of the tiirjcaater county acboela under theai't of assembly of 1822; was Incorporator of the Iincaater county acidemy under the act of 1S47, and wm oue of the original director under the common school law when It vm accepted by Lancaster city In 1S33. During Judge Dale' presidency of the cuuel beard much Important school work ,WMilene. The common school sy stetu wai formally accepted by the city; the l.trd reorganized te conform te existing lana; the flrat school tax levy ($3,000) was made; rule ter the government of tlie benrtl and et the schools (many of which are yet In ferct) were formulated; the schools operated by tht old beard, (the " LincasterUu" school Rt Prince and Cbestbut, and the "Academy" en L'ina street near Orange) became se crowded with pupils thittiietv free school had te be opened In the Trinity Lutheran, Morat Ian, Kefermed, l"plsoepsl, Presbyterlau vestrj and session room. The school were graded and ordertvai tireuglit out of chaos tiy Judge Dale and the noble band of directors who as slsted him. J ml go Dale died September 1. 1&.2. It wa en the 10th of August 1333, under Judge Dale's piesldency,that the tlrst putillc school teachers (itixteen In number) were elected, mid it may be montlenod a a leuisrk leuisrk feble ctrcumstauce that oue of them, Mis Marl K. Oil), is yet a teacher In the employ of the beard, having taught continuously tut a period of ferty.elght j earn. The leading members of the beard under Judge Dale's presidency were Jehn F. Stein man, ur. jeuii u. aiioe, nav. rt.tiniiei new man, Mayer Jlalhlet, Judge A. U Hajes, Christian Keller, and CapL Jehu K. I'lndU, secretary, te whose ilnely kept record we are Indebted ler many of the facU herein recited Te Jehn I'', Stetnmau belongs thecrcdit or ilrnt having suggested the establishment of a , high tchoel. On the lt or August, 1S3S he ellered the follewlngresolutlou : "Resolved, That it is the eenfe et tbl teard that a high school should be cstab llsbed a seen alter the common school are In operation ns may be practicable." Te Mr. Steiiinmii also belongs the credit et proposing the abolition et the I.aticasteriab sj stem et teaching aud the adoption et mere modem mid etstbumtlc method. ne.v. JOHN MATIUOT. Jehn Mathlet, the third president of the school beard, was beru In Lancaster in 17S0 In 1813 he wa elected sherltl of Lancaster county. Alter hi? term or office expired he opened a scrivenlng office In Lancaster. lit waaelected an alderman or the cltv ami served In that capacity mnn years, in 131 the city councils elected him mayor of tin city, and he wa re elected annually fei eleven years, and held the rtllce at the tlun tlun ef his death, January I1, 1313. Msjet Mathlet wa a member of the school beard from Its organization In JS33, and wa electee president of the benrd May 10, 1533, ann served until January 22, ls!3, when he dim During hi presidency the schools weic grenlly Advanced, and the grade et Institu lien raised; new brandies were introduced, nawteachtirsemplejed, and great care exer clod in the elimination ei applicants, 'fin let e( ground en which the Seuth link. street schoelsstand wa purchased in 1U for J 1,050, and three of the live school heue were built at acostet fi,0s7.41, and occupied for school purpose ulter being JurnUhed a' considerable uxren&e, and measure for ortK'tlugtwemnro school houses en Seutl Dulcestreit .e ,iiaiiiiratt'J. The lmv' high school wa organized and 'William"! Mackej chosen prinupal. A teacher's as-ewauun va erganlZ"d rule for the government or the beard am the schools were revised, printed and dif trl butcd gratuitously net only te director am teachers but te every patron of the -choel-Wlien President MatUlet died, Jauuarv 22 1343,aspecialmeetlnget the beard whchU-,; the lollerlng day te make preparation t attend the fuueraL Jehn V. l'ernry prt prt pesed the following resolutions which wen unanimously adopted : Jleselvat, Tnatthe memher or thl Imam have heard with tiulelgned regret of th. death of Jehn Mathlet, ucfj , major el ll.N city, and iire-ident of tills beard : snd iha- we consider the less of such h man, roes teemed ler hi virtue and be va'uable for hi publlcsplrlt aud cfllclal Integrity, a publh calamity. Resetted, That we sincerely condole with tbeaflllcted iamilv or the deceasud iu this dispensation of Diviue Providence. Jteselved, That we will wear the tnuai badge of mourning en the lett arm for thirt da a Jteselved, That the several school be rinsed te-morrow alternoen iu order te permit the teachers te attend the funeral. Jleselced, That when thl beard adjeurrs It adjourns te meet tomorrow aftoriiyen ai 2M o'clock te attend the luneral. Jehn TV. Ferney, then editor of the Lsn cater Intelliebnckr, In announcing thi death of Maj-or Mathlet turned the cel mm. rules el the paper, and wrote an obituary no tice Iu which alter paying a high tribute te the memory et deceased, he print the reso lutions of respect adopted uy the city cenn ells, the beard of aldermen, tiie school beard, and the Lancaster bar. The bar meeting wa- presided ever Dy Hen. A. L. Hayes, anil tin resolutions of condolence, passed w ern Ir.nnwl by Wm. Jenkins, ,T 1. Munigemcrv, Heal. rarer, Geerge l'erd and S Humes Purler. Majer Mttthlel's luueral took plaie en Tuesday nlteruoeu, January 4, and wushI tended by the city council and all the c.t officers, tchoel directors, teachers, the beurb, bar, and county efficerc, clergy, beneficial bo be cletlts and citizens generally. nenisRT Muiienwj.Lr., Itebart Moderwell, the fourth president el the Lancaster school beard, was born in Lan caster, March 20, 1700, and aitd Januarj 1!, 1S59. On quitting school jeung Mederweii entered the store of his uncle, Wm. Klrk patrlck, en North Queiu street, where the Orape hotel new stands, and when Mr. Kirk Patrick relinquished business about 1SJ0, he was succeeded at the kiu.e stand by the ilrm of Kebert Moderwell A Patterson Andrews InlbSiMr. Moderwell eugsged in the com mission business en the uibeast corner el North Queen and Orange. Ou the 20:h ei February, 1S3I, he married Anna litchman, s daughter el Jehn lticuman, who at thai time wa prepi 1 iter et the liiaek Herse hetil, which occupied the slte or the prenent post pest cfllce (Kepler's building). About the time the state ejieiud the Philadelphia A Colum bia railroad, 183.V30, (uowthePenusyUauU railroad,) Mr. Med envoi I engaged In the freight business between Lancasturnnd Phil adelphia, bis office being en Kast Chestnut street, east oft he "North Amerlcan hotel," the alte of which Is new occupied by the Wester beuse, lie subsequently built the large three story brick building en North Queen street abeve C'histiiut, (new lined ass freight depot by the Pennsylvania rallre.ul,) aud occupied it as a family residence from 1345 until the time of his death In ISiO. air. aieaerw ell's llrt appearance In the Jboel beard was en Aiay tl, 1811, at which time be beoame a member ex-officle by vir tueet his being president r select council. On the 12th of October, 1312, he was cheser president pre few of the beard or directors, tin place et Prefldtnt Matblot.whe was Inlll health,) and continued te serve in thatra VKl7, MS!'1 'b" dcaln of Mathlet (Janu ary it, 1313). On the 11th of March, 1SI3 he waa made permanent piesldeut te till the va- b?d? 0onR1ib?r,M,rija,nlz"le of be beard May p, 1613, he wws elected president ler the lull term et ene jear, and rulete l biLy, lSIUnd 1S45, HeJvmi until ug tmrlng Mr. MoilerweU'a presidency the Oboelamado great progiess and manv lm pertant measures were passed. Te new acboel beuses were built en the Seuth Duke treat Jet, lu addition te the three previously ttCCt4u. The cow buildings were finished In June. 1843, at a cost of f 2, 109 SI, and lightning reds were placed upon the centie and two nut bulldltivrs. Tholemale hlth :liml. which hMi besu held In the old Mechanics' Institute, oe Seuth Queen street, (new Scbaum'a fur- f-' aitur reruu',) was removed te the middle loeeoi ueusu ou oeuui uune sireeu unis building at that tlmehad e very pretty cuiela Pjwa It, snd shortly afterwards Mr, h. C, Inngrlcb, a vet althy and llheral member of the beard, erected a pretty feunUln In front of the building. On the llth of July, l?li, the beard adopted its tir'tcorueratosnaJ. It Is rit the utial pattern, the din being about one and n-halt Inches in diameter. That there might be no mistake made about It, the following resolution, ellered by Jehn 1. Stelnman, was adopted : llmnlpftl. That Ihn seal tirecilied by the secreurv, I" the city or Lsncater. boadeptejl by this beard the said seal having the rl rl lewlng Inforiptleu around its mst-giti te wit : SKAL OF TttB DtRECTOnS or THE COM N .SCHOOLS OF TUC O. L.; and In the middle or said sl the Irent representation et the cen tre school houe and part or the two adjoin adjein adjoin Inirenrson the school let, corner or Duke and German streets. During Mr. Moderwell's term, the colored school caused much solicitude, bihI great difficulty was exerienced in getting enough pupils te attend te warrant keeping ltcjien. Outlieether hand the white schools were crowded, and prlvate bul.dlngs liad te Ck rented te accommodate the Increnslng mini 1st of pupil. A higher education was de manded In the high schoeljaddltlnnal s'tldies Aire Introduced, and after much discussion It was arranged that the high school bnj xheuld be admitted te Franklin cellece. It should be here mentioned that In these dajs the school term was twelve months In a jtar aud six dajs In n week, and that no re-rei-es went allowed' In lsll acommUteeef doctor, with Dr. Samuel Humes t ttntr hesd, reported aeainst allowing nctsscs dur Iiik the dally session! During 1S43 Ieuk dls ousslens were had en the question of corporal punishment, and It wa llnally agreed that the red might be used, but with great discre tion. One et the most important evints rf Mr, aieuerweu a presiueucy was me adop tion of a new aud welldlgested set et run for the ue eminent et the schools. Mr. M'iderwell tendered his resignation as president en the 18th or April, 1345, but the beard refused te receive it and unanimously re-elected him ler auother year. In Febru ary, Is 10, his term of office expired, he hav iiiK been a memlxr oftlie beard cx-ofl'me by virtue of bis Hire or prerldeut et select munctl. On tlie 17th of February, lle, Geerge M. Sielnman wa elected toucceed utm a president ; but en the same evening, there being a vacancy in the beard caused by the resign ttiea et (teorge Musser, Mr. Mod Med "rnell whs unanimously elected te the va-Mti-y. It aj'ears that iie did net accept the IKMlUen, as we fail te see his name ou the miuub-s ler some years. But In 1300 he wr aifaiu elected aud served until November 2, 1S.V1, when his resignation w as a.vepted. Frem this time ou he wa tu impslred health until the time of his death tu 15e0, a tiefore stated. Hi remains were interred Iu Ls.uc-i.ster cemetery. Cefiferntnc Welillnc Prcseutu Frem the l'hiliula phi i l'.ccerd Much has been said recently, and rightly tee, with reference te extravacance in inner als. The unwarranted display in the trap ping of wee and the stereetjped exhibition of titlier sorrow or friendship ut lleral trib ute have often areustsl criticism and leu te the inquiry whether wasteful and meaning less expemil'iire does net elteu detract from theS'ilemni'y or the occasion and Impover ish the Imm; wbtle net honoring the dead. If this rrilici-m can Jutly be applied te tuners! it can with equal Justice be applied te tusrr aes, these ether events which are inir.mtl.'d lute our social eceni'iuy. The poet tells us that Leaves lnvn tfce'r time te fall. And 0 iiets te wl'lier t ihe north lnd bresth, Vnd stars te set , but all. Theu nasi all teaaens for thine own, O, Death ' and, llke that of death, the marrying seen sat all times, although there is a popular ueller that the rule et Hymen generally covers the coming Mid the going of the mouth. With certain classes summer llirtt llirtt ilens are largely respen-ible for fixing the marriage season. The words that were lightly spoken at Cape May, at Newport or at Bar Harber beneath the witching Influ ence or wave or of moonlight. And tbeir tru"en lu that etner mero serious sen unce wbi.'h end with te "love, honor toil Wy . an 1 what was born lu comedy iuav Hud Its culmination In the fevere-t kind or tragedy. There are, uowever, certain periods of the jetr which appear t.ibe peculiarly sacred temarrisgts, one it ihem luingcle-e upon us, aud, therefore, it mav al-e he Hiicl that the season of preienti ha begun. Fer, independent of the lnten-jt bi-U always -.10111 te attach te two people Joining thiiLsel.es te each ether ler eetler or for worse, there ppar te be An unwritten law te the etlm-t that their irien N or rtoatives shall tvpres tuelr "Cant or Hppreval in some suinUritial wa. With tlie greAth et civilizuleu has conie ,11 increase in ceremony; but while we ti.lve i'irre-pendingiy mere prt-sents, the-e uiaiiitriutiet, of regard or htbctluu de net nateiue siguinciiKe which at one tune bu t-A te ihem. When a marriagM takes . ace something is ex;weteU of ouuiders. Tim tiriiial pre-ents are net inexpensiie gill" ; mej are generally displayetl, ami their list luieli iiea 111 Him newpipMr, and although e 111 iy i", 1111 time hear of some ene who proft-te.1 te object te this publicity, whether lie or -he l iloner or rei'lplent, we elten mill that tin very person Invited an inva--1 in I (lib privacy et the domestic circle. Oi tour, 11 is net te be supposed that nil ivhe gite mi cuch oceai-ioiiH are acluatud by a iielr ler notoriety, bemetiines in the wilderuew-i of gilt there is one, hnituH encu n it may i-, which shines " llke a rleb I'wei .11 an l.thiep's ear," the work of r tuir hamls, the ou'grevstli el the prompting et a tender heart lint in loe many cases these outward ih.-pla simply resolve tlieiin-elei into an aiHurti-euieiit or a cimiptliien. llesiiU this, taste does net (Hilar se erv ni'iterHlW, and what Is a bride te de with all tht butter Knives an 1 silver traspiens Hid diuv-liig-ca-es Hud v.uses and clocks whuli are heaped Ufmu her T The uurrinte ta'ile tc-lay is simply as u i.,.eUl counter In n bazxir. Yeung Mrs. Dtisy rejniee In the thought that she lias had one bundled aud hltv one presents, whlNt I or social nal, Mrs 1 em, lias only received 01.0 hundred and thirteen. The iiumtier touches her pride, aud she never bt stews a thought upon the sentiment which inspired the gilt ; the. donor is forgotten ill the lemiKiiHiy social triumph. The stereo steree stereo yped ' Oaii-H Ajar," which Is laid upon the urate', ami tliu 1 rench clock, the carvings en whicn ar mingled with orange blo.sem, are as 11 rule ej lally devoid el meaning and li;iii!ii-aii . und tile wedding present, in--tea 1 et imlng an expression 01 lrlendshlp ami art. en m, bei'emet a eei'lal tax which laily p oe", iiiell mero senselu-s and mere Ourdeuneiiie. At It I1.N HOsfc. I never sM."'t ach r mis asure thesn Jl e-ed 10 ihe silvei l,a9tn by my bed , N'et in the y'eil ids b e nn et re June, lu iiaiu wl. lie pctuli senie god must have bled rhiioe r -es aie 111010 sober rined than they, In t.irni leas tall, mere purely chasti). leu fair , 1 de inn cam te wear ihem In my brt-iit. Unci them loie thuirlrurancu lu my hair Hut just te hit e them near me en that stand, And itch Ui'jlr.iulut buauty telts end, And breathe tbutr subtlu parfuuiu 'twin the pali.n. Till puln and pleaiure almost seem te blend They were net tent by lever or by friend They hide no oet en nmsiagu la their hearts Tlcy itienliuiily fdr, toeswuetand true UnHt loieiveuletcrorhUarts. Plucked by u care'eas hand that only Jeyed In such 11 h.u rmt, and u, HkIuIv brought Te aland In side niu lu thU lonely huur, Lit lug ucmsera te my Ileat iheuuht. Saying, ' H'uarea thtnsand tlmi) mere fair Than thou, our life mera brief, seen weare genu ; 3unrlsehall ace thy face aaln, while we, Ourbloeiulugo'ei.aro wlihered and forlorn." Crying, arid with a voice that I must hear We, tee, aie lealy sprung irem earth, as Vet hath no teul steeped carthwau for our sake, Or any mortal broke a mortal von-." sighing, "Our beauty dlej and leaves no sting. Mliertenrde ' And canst thou suy the same-" WhlJiieilajf, And no wuie fair uud nun wire beticr. And lovt-deur beauty without grief or blame. "He who hath made tu fair made the fair, tee ; lleUhlSt. flmilMBlll,l.lr,tf,9 .l.in( .1 1,1 Asaddengititer wiud wupt through the room liluw w Id.) the lattice, rattled all t hi glass. A moment-it hid passed, and all was still, A heap of fallen re.e lent cs en the gi euud, Thebiru stalks In the vae theiu, en my faeu net tears, fai ansrlng fruuiahldlen weuud. What tliutliied u Traiun Frem tlie Omaha World. Hearding heuss CoekNow, haviuK had d for0.,e':H,, "'""' yU W'bUI Ue I'mT,,:r0u1nl,.Cr0b,e,,0 """ ! uiM""li WUat cnuW have maile yi mumf,ttln' 8t "'" th0r slcaky8veme, DKIFf. lM tee Crifimi I'ntoitef a month or two age, Prof. Charles Richardson had au article that sugsested te me a number or t ery pleas ant and uselul possibilities possibilities w hlch I am sure are also practicabilities, and against the reallzillen el which 1 am unable te tlud n slngle goevl reason. The suggestion, however, that struck me most forcibly of alt Is tlieonereutslned iu the following truth ful sentence : Few hes'elrles have yet dis covered that the most cllecllve, and also the vry cheapest, way te make guests couteutrel during a rainy Sunday or n loreneon of wait ing Is te put bctore thetn a little library of standard and popular books." That Is one or tlme original, novel Ideas which we no sooner hear expressed than we tall te wondering why lu all the world no ene ever thought of It betere. It seem al together absurd that lu this Intellectual age, among au enlightened people, aud lu a country which Is Justly called a "nation el readers," there should be every Imaginable prevision mule In our places of public ac commodation for the utmostcemlortor man's bodily condition, tlie saustactleu el his every pnyslcal appetite and desire, and yet none whatever, or next te none, for supplying the wants or mlnistcrlug te the entertain ment of Ins ratleual aud spiritual nature. I vets made te expenence this f ict met uupleasautly net terj lougage. I had occa sion te step at a hotel, a very geed hotel In a mero than ordinarily rebned community of about tweltete fifteen thousand inhabitants. All the appointments were first e'la"s. The tee us were very comfortable ; the table was au c v -el lent ene , the parlors were elegantly fiiriilhed ; there was nothing pertaining te one's bMlliy comfort that was net there or that could net be had for the asking and pat tug. an; thing te eat, or drinu, or smekr, there were barbers in the house, and boot blacks by the dozen. Yet it was a rvstltiss, uncomfortable party that stt around the beautiful open grate in which glowed and glistened the cheerful tire, while without a dismal, drizzdug ram stern was prevailing. VN hat was the matter with them I kuew what wa-s the matter with me, aud I rather think the same was the trouble with the rest, whether the were c luscious el it or net . there was nothing adequately and satisfac torily te occupy the uiiuu. 1 looked around for something te read ether thau the dally papers, whlcu had become old and stale long betere neon, and all 1 could find was a monu mental Hitile en the parlor table, " The Poetry of Flowers" In faded tilt, and a bound tolti'iieet ICiirper's Monthly of about the ji.tr l-l In the "office" 1 found a 'citj directory." and nothing morn. Hew glad wes'i wenld have been, hew materially it would hate contributed te our ceuilurt and contentment it in ptrler or etlice there had been a Utile shed tilled with a lew acorn of the tau'tard pt, essjj-ts, histories, or Hotels, placed at the dispe-il of the guests ! Hut there was nothing of the klud anj where. In ttct, I have ueter In mr Hie been at any hotel, tavern or Inn where there was anything of the kind. I'ltep Riciiardsen seems te have been a little mere leituuate In this respect He found a new hotel in Bosten which ' had the hsppy thought te effr te its guests the use ela email library," of which he says; "A handsome book-case, ornate enough te please these, wne like furniture only, was placed in Its principal parlor, and in it were arranced abiut one hundred volume. The choice wa of standard and miscellaneous werK," such as D'cken. Tbacker.iv, OeorgeHiiot, ti.nthe, TennvsMii, L'nw;l-ili)W, etc " Hut did this dl-playef iPertrv wares srve as an erna-ni'-ut n f re t, beins: neglected bv the busv or lien llterart' i r idready suuplied body of guei ; it i- napp"iiei mat tue lait time 1 stajed at this hotel. Tast Day was Included n nit- period of -ijeurn. That New" Fagiand Ft Day Is no longer a strlelly religious oeeaMon, I am willing te admit ; but tl certain! j- is a time wheu se j rumen at h itels are thrown upon their own resources te a laie extent. The shops are uearij" all closed ; one's Iriends are caruiulj net iu their t fin es or uual places of bust lie', and perhaps are out el town ; and, in gem rai. one t-ei like a memher of" the Sunt lu wi'iety.' Ter the aterate hotel t:uet the w hole day is hardly rxvut led bv a geed church s 'rt lm In the tu'mum;, even if It en reiuteretsj by s line dresrj- perlermance m the alternoen. Ou this particular Fast Day the -iri-ets were covered with the dirty remains of a late spring no a storm, and the kiei poured down a cnllly rain, f'nder suih c rcutiit.inces the l.ttle library of a hundred Volumes seemed like a neighbor hood el a butidred trieuds. i saw the ootu eotu oetu pint ut ihn ptrler suited bythetite. rek In ban. I, In che.'rli.l tii'nl, instead of peering through the dripting panes toward the cold sierm without, in the moeil of that unlortu unlertu nat bieckade'l gentleman repreented in a 'n''A ph lure, who was se reduced in his device ii r Killing tune that he wondered helleu nirepwuig his razor wouldn't amuse mm. I.MuiMLi the proprietor of that place "known hew te keep n hotel." I am sure he has leiind out ly this time tliaf, as a mere l'tiine-s venture, that case full el books has been a pajing thing. Why net? Is It het an esspnti u of the art of hotel keeping te make tun liou-e a'tracttve and comferuble In as many reelects as jwiilble ; te make perv pie feel thoroughly at home : se that L-uesti who are them will like te slay, and thce who bate b"ii there once will be glad te come again? New don't jeu think thes uue,ts who had the tedium et a rainy Fast Diy se pleasautij while I away among these uiiiiure.i hiauuaiu anu interesting boehs feel that way a geed ileal mero thtn the unfortu nate who with me were blockaded en a rainy day in that ether lintel where net a readable lioek was te be found " VA hat I would like te se, Ihorelere, lie ginning here at Ltui aster and extending out eter the whole county and state, la sufficient enterprise among our hotel keeper te add te their abundant previsions ler the bodily com fort or the traveling public also a littlopreyi. slen ler Its spiritual comfort. It would re quire but Very small Investment of money telurnl-h a hotel with a sufficienllv geed librarj-. It would hardly crwt mero than a new sofa or arm chair. And it would be just as necesstry as many ether appointments are new isannldered te be ; ler instance, the pic tures and brica brae that are essential te the luriilsblnir tr every tirsl-class hotel parlor. A netl Isxjk cash hlled with, ay, only tilt keikI volumes ler a Is-glnnlng, would net cost mere thau the pictures en the wall, and weuid de mere tuglte the room an attrac tive, retiued aud home like leek than any thing else. he will try It " Se cexvinckii am I el the great geed such hotel libraries would de ; se materially would they conduce te the mental culture, refinement of taste and general spiritual ad vancement e: the public, that I would even urge their Introduction upon the serious con sideration of our churches and benevolent asociatleiis 1 liellevelt would be In the ill net linn of Christian work, and within the legitimate) scope of the purpose or our churches, Christian association and Tract so ciety te supply our hotels with the needed books, in geed, substantial bindings, which could bodeiie at acemiaratlvely slight ex pense ; It would scarcely cost mere than de the tracts ami their distribution, aud jet would de, in its way, at least equally as much geed. Tue hotels themselves would without doubt second and support such a project, would at It) tat be willing te Itirulsh the required book-case it nothing mere. Or course the character of the books would have tu be careiully considered. Ou the ene iiami, an iiieiat ana literary trash would have te Is) cartlully excluded. This would net rause much trouble. Fer se long a we supply people Willi sound, wholesome liter ature el u quality equallj- Interesting and en lei tabling as Is the ma of Inferior stuil, ,...fc, .- ,iu.j .w ..iu luiutei uiiii iiei think or asking for the latter. Mere diffi cult, 1 tear, it glten into thn hands of ins tinctively iKinotelent organizations, would be the task et keeping out el iliese libraries books that urn uethiug but bound tracts, "geed -goody," or us Mis. llrewnlug de Huribts them, "Heeks, that prove (ied's bcbiisuedi 11 utel tuai man's doubt V.10. st'lslefliieat the ether side t e line. Sladu Ath lit by ukjcHeu moral hoeka, i.Xjpulttlll1tuIewU.V." Sncii nooks el course would defeat their own end, would destroy the usefulness of the li brary, causing it te remain untouched by llioae for whose benefit It would be specially On the whole, therefore, 1 am Inclined, te think the best wsy would be, It our hotel hetel keepsrs will net de H themselves, for some of our well-to-de, pnbll' aptrltM cltl7Pti who have the real geed and ineutAl aud moral ad ad tancementef Hie community at heart, te take the matter In hand, ami rear an abiding, living monument te their en it beutiteleiice In every hotel parlor el our citj by placing there such a library a I have been talking about. WllVnet Who will deit Once Introduced, tbi-n libraries could easily be msJe te support ihemsslve, eten te Increase themselves, her ary lintel guest who wauts te read is also willing te pty a trlile extra for the privilege. 1 ei a stiull fee, from ene te five cents, b i charged ler every book taken et! the shelve Fiieuh would be reallztvl net only te kep the tsneks m gecsl cointltlen, mill te replace hooks that mlgtit occaslenslly stray aw iy or be lest, but also te add new antl lreii works te the library from time te tlms , just as Is done In regular circulating libraries. If I were a liotel-kccper this library plan would be one or the very first enterprises I would luaugtirale, andl am positively sure 1 could make It pay lu ever respect Fer w list has been done te adtsntajje, and Is bt Ing done In ether placets, e m ls done again, and right heru at Ltticater. IPi.v iu f ' Aevtx 1 ask, Who will glte It a ftir trial I've ts. The lilrhrrt SI mi In the tt i'H.1 would be peer without t'edth The dilns ml . llenatre ceusumpittei wen d etehnnue all he I w Till for a new lease of lite He could h tve hid li for a nesr lease or life, lie ceu d hare It br a IDDg had he used Or ricrcej "ttellrn Mellcul iili-cutery" betore the dl ias had ieai bed lm last stages 1 tils wonderful piei smtteti la a Iiosltlvecuro for cousumptlen It tskeu In tlnie or all dl'case of the larctut and luns It un equaled. All dragg-lsts tt.-Aw Oh, give me teeth, sound, w alte and liett. Oh, give me breath thvt s put and set. Oh. uive me rosy, hetlttiiui nam". And 1 will meet whatever c nnes , tt hatever troubles tnsj bciaii. tt tth snZODOXT 1 11 u eet them a I Oi Iti.lh.sAw Miserable and s)eeiiess nights sre unknown when Dr. lUae'a Lellc cum toi'tbej baby te slet-p without stupeflnK It with opium. Trice, 25 cents. iOKt1p!n?, Dr. Hand's l'lisvint 1'eyslc nerer disturbs sleep nor operates ill. sfter breaktait. Price. 23 cents. for sale by It. n. Ccchran, PrnjUt, Ne. 1JT and li) erth wuccn trtet, Lancastei, l'a. ectl ltndJtw ttl'sprctable DriiKClst never dec.lve the public, bnt beware of the Cheap Jehn druggists who offer yena plaster cal.ed ' tapslcntti," "Cspsicln," ' Capncln "or 'Captdclne. and tell you It Is subitan lslly the saoieas the senutne llensen's i. ipclne Plaster, or even better. They ask less ler the Imitation, for tt cixta lest ; but as a i n dial SKeiit, It It ab solutely worthless The refutation et Itensen's as the only plaater pe-'rsaln,; actual nnd bnth curtitverjualltle tt th lesti't of uisnv vrar evpsirtnieut and boneiait'e dealings en ibii part or the proprtsters : and M" phlcis,ns, pha' mclsts and druggists ennere it at the liest ever rusde. Pre eet eure t aalnti deception I y buvtng of reputable dealers n it, and avoid n 1 1 takea by poraenal eiamlnmieii. Ihe genuine hss the rt ree seals" trudemnrlr, ami In thu centte li cut thu word Opilue " M.tt', DoNet lle Decelinl Hypecrliy U the compliment that vice rays tevtrtae. Imitation Is the cempilm-nt fal.ure pays tesnecesj The name net ihe character et llensen's Capclne t'lasteis I, imitated by unscrnpuleut parties, ithi make and trj te eli plasters variously cilltsl t apstc'ii.' 'capsi cum." "Capslclue." Capm In " plaster, with the manifest Intention te deceive. ?e cunning!) and boldly Is thl- done that ciri.t people ate doubtless sometimes bei;ul d Inte but lug such artl es in place of thn genuine ttuppui the nun tier who fellow this vecsl n decre every year threegh the rvf mil of ri',nitije des.lnrs te handle the ludtit en uesl, mean while be cautious. In the tulddie of th genuine Is cut or poreu3Cd the weid ' Cspcine, and en the lace cloth tt the Three "rait' inuleiraik Ask for lUmsen's then eiatulne (Jne beneu ls.worthadezenotanv ether kind. (.') DfBCIAL ftllTIVlU. AGKEAT DlsCOVEI'.i. The greatest discovery of the n.netceuth cen tury Is Dr Leslie's Speed. Pretdptluii for ..tk headache, which tt the discovery or an enitni-i.t nhylclan und used by hliu Ir irer thirty y.-trs bufere giving It te thu puluii, and It stand, tc . dty without u rival. Kead adreriUement In another column. CltUUI', tt IIUOPlMt LIU 1,11 and Urenrblllh IminedUtely relieved by hlJehi ere KersaJe by li. U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne U North Kneet JtreeU llncklnn't Anitn alte The Best alve In the wer'd for cuts, ltrnlet Setvs, Ulcera, alt Kbenm tever S'ires, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblain, corns nnd all -tklr Kruptlens, and positively cures riles or no pat required, tt Is guaranteed te give jicrfeci att att factien, or money refunded Price 2 centji pi hoi. for sale by H. It Cra-nrm, P-'igglat, LT and 1 North Queen stresd, lmcutter Pa Huts the SCalp li anion l.l ub dandr itT, (J enn s auiphur ;mip wllltu f i n.d 1'itilub.e HU1 i Hair te, blatk or bro in, nity cents s iMKdi-ed.tw Wetirlerf til Cures w I). Heyt A Ce, iVhehsslennd It.'tat Dnijr. rlfitsef Iteuie, t,a .say te haif l..n peliing l)r King's .Sew Discovery, flat Ic I. liters aad llucklen's Arnica alve ter two via'- Hi,, never huudlcd rvmedis that 4eli at, wn, or give such universal satlalacllen 1 l.ere h iVu b"en kouie wonderful cures effected l,y tu-nnisli cinea In this city, heveral cn.et of pronounced Consumption have beim entirely cuted bt i.s of a few bottles of Dr. King's v lUsrevery. taken In connection with t li-ctrlt Hitters tVe fuaranter them always. Sold by II. lt.iei.hrm, irugglst, li' and 1JJ Nerltl v c n stre t, I an caster. Pa. (i) "Jack shall pipe and 'sill shill dance ju,t as longeut In the open burn u-the jt ess- ihe free burn American cltlreii don't iei,r neuralgm with balvatlen Oil te the fient l"n. enl) ii cenu A Very Narrow 1-jicap. " Ves, 1 had a very narrow escape," said a premluent citlren tea trlend "lu confined te my bed ter a year and my frb .id-a ive re." up leru cen-niiiptlve's grave, uiiill 1 In gan using Kemp s ilalsatii fur the 1 hreut and l.ungt, and here 1 uui, sound und heiirty ' Pr'ce 6ih nnd it. for sale by II. I!. Cechnin, DruggUt, .Ne la7, .North tjui.en street, Ijincaeter. WHY IV 1 1, 1, VOL' cough when shur.h'a enre will give Immediate retlei Prlctt It) ctt , m) ctn . and II, for sale by H It. Cochran, Drtiggltt. Ne, lJI.Verth liueen street. Active, rustling and ftrliante. If. II. Cochran, Druggist, 17? und U) .Veith Quei n street, l.uncuster. Pa , cn alwtt I, re lied upon te carry In stock the pme-t nnd I ,st yoeds, and suntutn the reputaileu or b. Ing ac tive, pushing and rellabi", by reLeiiiuii-iiiiing articles with well-established u.erlt und u h us are popular. Having the aijem for the ceie brated lr King's Sew Discevert ler ceu-'iinp Hen, colds and coughs, will sell It en aie.it in guarunteu. It will nttrely cum hii, and tvi r uUuctlen of threat, luni;s, und client, andluerdi r te prove our claim, we ufc ou te uill nnd g.t a Trial llettlu t rei. (i) THAT HACK1NU COCUHcan be -e,uuk cured by Bhlleh's Cure, ttn guaruntu it ter sale by II. It. Cechn-u, Druggist, .Ne ij; Noun Queen street. roil DVSI'KPSIA and I.lver cmripintni, you have a printed guumntisaen ever butt1 el shl leh's Itallzer It never falla te enre ler sale by II. Ik Cochran, Druggist, .Ne. !; .North Qui un tnsst. Itrats His IVerld This Is what II. C Hebermsn a 'linpgl-tef Marlen, Oble.sajs "ll.enm.' leucine tin beats thu nerid. Reid nine bottle t,'rday and te-day. One mm cured of or thruat of eight yean standing. Isspendldler ihemna tlsm rer tale by il II let-tiran, diuggUt U7 and 1 North Queen street, l-uuewtir CATAKItll CUItKll, health nnd sweet breath secured, by SMIeh's Culunh Itetneily Price f cents, Kasal Injector Imu. for sale by II It Cochran, DningUt, Ne. li) North Queen street! I'erhapt no Inral dlseaas has pii'ziLd and batlled thu mi dlcul profession tuniu ttiau iuu,al citurrh. While net luunedia'ily In ul u i, among the most dlstrisuni;, imu.um, und ilia, gutting ills the flesh Is heir te und the leceids show very low or no cne of vadnal cur' et chronic cutanh by any of the u.t:ititudeer f tv' Ciemi iuiiu u te years u-e. J he sucj..sn e' tnls preparation has be.n Uiejt gnuililng und sarpttsltig. e4Jd,iMl4w ellll.OH'3 COUtill und Coiisuiiiptien emu ts old by us en a guurnuleti. It cinea Lonsuuii Lensuuii Lonsuuii tlen Kersule by II It. Cechmn, Druggist, si. IS) North Queen street. '"" ' ' . WILL YOU BUfKKI; with Dyapeii.m and I.lver Complaint t hhlleh'a Mtallier Is giitniu' ud te cum you. for aie by II 11. Cochran. Druggist. .Ne. 137 North Quisin stnt't SHILOIfB VlTALlZKIllswhut ou net a ter Constipation, Ce.s of Appetite, Dlzilnusa, and all syuipteins of Dyajmpslu. l'rlce te unj B cents per bottle, rer sale by II. II. ceehri n Druggist, Ne. tat North Queeu street. The IinpenillUsT IStujcrr. The recent statistics of the number of deaths show thutu large uiujnrlty die with Ceuuuii tlen This disease may commence with an up patently harmless cough which c in be cured In ataniiy by Kemp's llalsum for tfielhieut and l.ungs, which Is guaranteed te cure and rilleve all cases. Price lu cents and II. 7Vlel ilie free. NertS'tJalX. iV "V OCMt drugglit. Nit ' w North Queen strtxt. eJ-lwdAltw .si Kin (Mr. Y Kit's .S.VKS.vrAUILL Pimples, Beils, And CiTtiunele result from a debilitated, lm Impoverished, or Impute condition t,f inn Meed Atci's aisa,i.lll. ptvvcntt ami citrus thisn rruptlensand palnlitl ttnuers, by tenierlng their cause . trtnimW rltertusl way t truatlnr: I'etn, Ayet's Sarsaintrllla has prevented the usual reursn of t,nl, iv hun have paturd and dls. tressrd mniirrry season f rsetei it yetrs. tiee scnlrs. I lallit lllv, tltrn 1 was bndlv treuiile.t with t'ltnplts en the fsce , B'su, wl h n Oltcoieratloii eif thn (Kin, watch showed Itself In ugly dark patches Mi ettemai tieatuient did morn than teinpentrt geiil. AVerscarsapntllUvricctcd A Perfect Cure, and l hsve net Wn troubled since 1 . Iteddy, Ultnrs'reet, I ewell. Mans 1 was tieulMid wun liell. and toy health was mill ti Imivtlnil. 1 gin using Atn's !-arssivt rllln, mid, In dun Hint, th i ruptlens nil dl-ap-peared, and mv heilth was completely testeri'd. Jehn It Mains. Kdlier A nulrt i6irtrr, Albc luarte, N (. twst troubled, ters lentr time, with a humor which api'carvd en nit lie tu ugly t'itnples and llietche tier's ariaparllla cured niu I con sider It the brtt bleed puittier lu the wetld Lhatles 11. ?mlth, .etth Crattsbury, t Ayer's Sarsaparilla It sold bysll .tniv i. . ,-i , ,. e iiiedieine A .V l.,P A ... m ... I ........... sualed te take e kiLii freptred bv tr J C. Ater.t Ce., I-ewnll, .Mast Ptlce. II . ill bottles, St o.'.'leM c I'TICriU KKMF.DlKt. ECZEMA AM) KVKIl rKClE OK ITCIIl.SO AM lll'llMMJ DlsKASt LUIIK.D ll CI 1ICI ItA. ECZKM.e- alt ltheutn. with ! sgenlring Itching and burn tng, Instantly relteted by a sinn bath with cr-Tiiim muc and a single application et inutm, the great kln Cum. This repeat ddiilv.wtth two or IhriMi desivs of cniirut llrseLvssT, the Nsw Bleed l'ttrtrtur, te Weep the b ihhI chiI, tre perspiration pure and tititrtltating. the beweli open, the lit nr snd kldnet actlie. will t(Mdlly cure Kczetua, let ter, Itlngiter'ii t'snrlssls. I tchtin, Frurtttts, csld Head. Dsndrtitr, andevety species et Itch lug. seal) nnd Fltnp llu nit et the scalp and skin, when the bist phjslctins and all known remedies rail KCKMA I Rratefully itcknowi.'.igeacureof Ecrenu. or "alt Kheaiu en hesd, neelc, face, arms and legs for seventeen ear net able te walk except en hindsund k net for one year t net "able te hlp tnyulf fit tight tears , tried hundreds of reme dies , diH.teis pt, 11. Mimed tuy case hope ess, peniiai.ci.il cindbt the Ctntcrtu Kivrcivs. tt ILL SIcDO.N'ALD. Ne if.i Dearborn Street, Chtcage,,lll. KCZEMA. ome five months age 1 hsd the pleasnre te Intenn yen et tnv linprevetnent by the use et the CniiVRi KKVimts In my cse of eveta Chronic hixetna fc.iv thetnatesa. und tedav cbCLrlull) ceuttrin a. I 1 then said t consider my cure jierti ct and complete aud attribute It entirely te tour remedies, having used no ethers fcHtNAN kshNi.ll vKliu, Sc Fetins. tveuue, SU Leuis, Me, rt.hM t. I have suffer, d from tlt llhenm for ever eight yiars at times e bid th it I could net attetm te tn titltini ts ter wi.'k al a time three tioves of crTucr.A and lour bottles of Ursntvxvr have entirely cud'iic"f tu- dreadful disease. Mil Jcill.N lllltL, tt llkesbane. Ta ct'Ticritv iti:iii:t)tr.s Are sold bvali dnigglt l'rlce Ccriccm, fe cents. KsseLvitsT. i seir, a cents perTsa Dacu asp i tiitvu tt e e . te cu.e akin Disease. " Itosteu. end for M Hew DP TTTIK the Complexion snd 9kln by DCifAO using the crricrai anir. I CAN'T BREATHS. ChMt ruin. Niiniiine-, hofenf--i, Hacking Cough, Atbm.. iifiiM-iv nnO lnflrtmmtun r-ili-Ttcd tn en ii lniit-- I the i micnm Antt Ttiln PUs-tter fthln ilk it At ilrtigKUt, isrvnu. retur Drag antl ihrti-.tAl te, iioieu. Catarrh Dangers. Te be (re! from thi d inpers et autTocilten while lj.ntr Jwn f lr.Mihe frevly. lfvp ennt31y nml iinn'-Mi-1 m1 te r(!e refroihee, henrt clear, IithIh arm antl fr irem ptln or ache ; te bne-c thut n pol-eno3i, putrid nidttur flefllt the breiith anil reti away tiie dcllcate tni chlaery et -"tnif 11. ti- and hnirlnsf , te feel that the yHm dee net, threnRh 111 re In 4 Bnd arterlt-j, suck untb jvi!-mi thut H nr te m dennlne und dmtrny, 1 lndetd abieislrffbt) jend all ethrr bumnn pMejmpnu Tepurch-w immunity frit-Til mik h ii f-iiebeald ht thn ehje- t of nil ftflUrt.-sl lm the. he h-tvw tried mjny leuiedlc-i and jtaj)- iin dt-sputr of relief or cure. bAreRD -t Uj-tDirAi CtRrmn ever1 phi--ei Catarih, fiem a 1tnplti h-ad cold te th-Miieit loatbtsemn and d,trarilvr Ptapes Ii li loci and constitutional lnatant In rt-llevlnff, per manent in curlnj?, afe, eronenucal and ntMiir fuUli'i? "akferd i Kampal Cvnx rniT.l-t-i of one bottle et the Uudiinl Lute, out tt CnUrrhal ielvunt ind un Irupred Inbxlt-r, nil unpillt, ntin CHCtcrtkfA, with iriHt1 -"and dlnctienj, and i"ld . all druKM'"1' ' 1 "' rOTTXR lRtrt ( HUM I ,t ( O , IkTON 011! MY KAI'K, 31V HACK! tteak Itsek, I'aln. tVenknrssnnil Inflammntlnn of the Kldmvs, h'.ettnn pins thrench the Lulus Hip nnd lde Ptili s. Cm It ut btinnttth nnd Actlt 1 1 y reltevttl In rule minute und speedily cur d by the Cuticunt Antl 1'aln fluster. ne, rrietn' , ele;nt mid Int iliinie unti Inte ti psln m d lull iTii'ntttnn. At drurflsu, 25c : nve for Hut nr pestttcf free, of Piittsr Drce and Chemi, it te, IkMtes. ectl lmtv.NAw s sTe'.l Vt II M I.I I'.K I'AI). Fer Indigestion, ItilieuMiess, SICK IIKADACIIK, or any of the symptom et a disordered 3!injuch un tllter, use HOLMAN'S Stomach & Liver Pad. It will give tone, v Ip r and elasticity te yenr whole system, remove ill .Malarial Taint Frem (he Meed. Prevent Fever. Small 1'ev and all contagions dlseisen. Warranted te r I UK and IMlKt K.S'T CHOL ERA IM'AMLM. lUl.tc, llr-.ASI.K.-), and all OniLDRBN'3 DI3BA3B3. SATE' KAIII.t t-Olt.N UKMAUI.Ei DR. IKt.-IS ASOItlS lit DRIO WIT.SI3S8S. tCLTei, Arkansas. Afinr carefully watchlnir, for a period or in it months, the erred of lle. man's Airueund f Iver 1'ad, ' In at least one how hew DRSDctsics nndr my Immediate observation, I have nehelrancy In recommending It as a safe andupcedy cure In nil cases of aune, hlllensness and Indigestion In all cases of enlarKed and Inflamed spleen, It i pir excellence for all tllsenseaarlslut; Iruma disordered condition of the liver, I cheerfully recommend Its use. ery truly, JAM KM u. LEWIS, M. II. J-I'iwareef lleartis and Imitation Pads. Ak ynurdruKKlsts for thn (.enulnu Helman's Pad, and take no ether Jfhudeus net keep them, send Jiuote the HOLMi P1D CO , 120 Willua St, Sw Itrk. ttnni-3indll,tV.t;i E XUACSTEI) VITALITY. EXHAUSTED YITAnTY TUB SCIENCE OK LITK. the great Medical Werk of the aze en Manhood, .Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline. Krrorsef leutb, and the untold miseries consequent thereon. SO paces sve. 123 prescriptions for all diseases. Cleth, full Kilt, only fl.li). by mall, sealed. Illustrative sample tree tn all young and middle-aged men for the next 90 days. Address Hit. W. II. 1'AUKKU, i llultlnch Htnmt, llestnn, Mass, mylT-lyeedAw JULY'S UKKAM HALM. CATARRH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM (Jlvea llellel at Once and Cures COLD IN HEAD, CATAKItll, HAY TEVEB. Net a Liquid, Snurr or I'oder. rrce Irem In lurluus Drugs and Ollenslve odors. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is sgreeable. Prlc se centa at drugglsu i by mall, registered, tlcts.Clrcular free. . , ,KLY. '''""' Druifglsts, owege,N. 1 Jnly33-lyiied4lyw CURKKOHTI1K ni:AF. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Eur Drums perfectly resUmi hearing and perform thu ttnrk el the natural drum Invisible, com cem com feitabluaiidala'avslu tHisitlen. All uirrn. tlen and uveii whispers heaid dHtlnctly. Bend for Illustrated book with testimonials, KUKK Addrem or cull en f. III8COX, bMHreadway. Nowierk. Mention this patHir. innetn-iyeeajtiyw QOKM KKMOVKK. VICT0RU COItN REMOTER. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a ebon time, the most obdurate corns, hard or elt, without naln. Sold by Uee. W. Hull, Chaa. A. Lecber, Jehn K. Kauttinan, Dr. Wni. tVone. ley, And. 0. .rrey, Chas. J. Bhuluiyer, and at UKCUTOLD'S DUUU Bl'eitK. acl-ly0 Ne, iOl west Orange Bt, MmnteAu mm: swikt hi'f.oikie company. " 1836. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC. 1886. S S S A REMEDY NOT FOR UALF A CENTURY, REL1EV1NQ SUPFER.NQ HUMANITY ! S S S S S S S S S AN INTCRESTINCi TnCATISE ON DLOOD APPLICANTS IT SHOULD 0E THE SWIFT SPECIFIC 13 S JKtrmLMur, Jta "jTT Z. UIIOADH, JKWKIiKK. REDUCTION MN PRICES. XicU'l Cleckt Kie., formerly 1.2?; Xlekel Al.irm Clocks ?1 le, formerly sU.eti , Xickle StrlkiiiR Clocks 1.), formerly 2.00 ; I'.isliUD.iy Wnlnut Clocks $3.00, fenncrlt J I 00 ; KlBht.l).iy ".Viuiuit Alarm Clocks M.'X, formerly '.60 , l'rench Marble Clocks H (V, formerly A' 00 . l.tincfistpr Silver HuntlnR Stem Wlnu Watches f 10 00, formerly - 5t' '. l.a.lies' (.eM Cliatelnln Watches $13.50, formerly $15.7 i , Indies' Geld HuntlnR Cise Wittchea istem wind) $20.00, formerly IM.OO ; ljxdles' Geld Sleeve llutteni $2.0t), fermetly $ usi . CienLs- (.old Sleeve lluttens M.00, formerly $1.00 ; Latlles" Celli Cellar Nations Gw , formerly T5c , denta' Geld Cellar lluttens 70c., formerly S-Vs ; Solid Ster lint; Mlver Spoons ami Terks $l.txiter oz., formerly $1.75, Hegcra llres. Tea Sikxiiis iHT half de? $1 oe, formerly $1 70 ; Hegers Hras.' Tnble Stxens nnd Perks xr linir de $2.tVi, formerly $J 40. Diamond Jewelry nnd nil ether goods roertloruit(ly low. ty All Getxls 1'ngr.ivetl Tree of Charge. Yeu are Invited te t xnmlne these goods, which nre all fully warntntisl H. Z. RHOADS, Jowelor, Ne. 4 Weat KIhr St: WVHMTVHIt. grKlNlTSU'S KUUN1TUHK I)KlOT. H r. AltK UI'LMNU CO.NSTANTl.t. NEVy PATTERNS OF GOODS IN OU Chamber, Dining-Roem, Library and Parler Salts In All tlie New Weeds Very Frelty and Attractive. Theso virii fellshea Chslrs r :? Comteruhlct. Ne treuhln te raks it (election, s.na tt-e OJJ l.lbrarv lalvvs in I'ellitieJ Weed ciin't b urpss.l. Cult anil tse thuui. Alwas a rlixtsuru tothesr what vre have new HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 37 S: 20 SOUTH QUEHN BT., LANOABTEU, PA. CAHHLAUK WORlllt. A MOTTO THAI ALWAYS WJNH. HONEST WORK 1 HONEST PRICES I Philip Docrsem's Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, I.HKAKLY Ol'reSlTK TU LKOl'AUtl I10TK L). LANCA8TKH VtL. Nena Bet First-Class Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Osd 1'ItlCEa TO SUIT THKTIMSS. ALL WORK OUAIIANTKK1). BDGGIES; PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. I hve new en hand anil ter sale cheap tha tollewlnr nrjllatssocend-hana werlr One Llirht Onit-.VUii tt siren. suttiible tertrack ptirpmo,enH Ltuht Fenr-lsseniRr Druir. (inn rtrst-class Ki U-nslonTep Pha'ten. two Llk'ht Jump-SfStCarrH'ei Alse, Socenct Tlancl Tep ami TrettlnK Jlntr-Kti-s, het h ld bur ana nnit sprlnifa, llaslnfs ajnns, SpertlnK tVairens antl Markxl WitKeua. which will Nnr.lt) attheMOSTK.A.SONAHLK 1'KICKH. ulve ni a calf whether you wish U pur cimuornet, Sn trouble te show the work. PAUTICULiU ATTENTION PAID TO KEPAI1UN0. IWDOn FORUKT TUB FLACS.-V Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 Lira ixauHAHem vum-ant. gJXTKAtTS ri'.OM TIIK THIKTKENTH ANNUAL KKI'OIIT OK THE 1N8UK- ANt'i: COMM19310NKR OF PKNNSYLVANIA. ilARRTSDUItO, rA.,AUUUHTS, ISM. MUTUAL I.IFB XORTJtWEXTBK.y lec. 31,11 Insurance In force t3,96?,S37 CO 1I0,710,W1 Pi) " Admitted tMfU lrtj,UI.TV CU ris.53S.lM4 oe Payments te Policyholders lit vriOs'j ei 2.ta7,T9t ou " l'rainlain Inoemo ll,76M.tir Ul t.s5 04 (je " Dividend Paid Policyholders 3,lS3,i;i1 in tm,Ui te " lilvtaend rld en each l.Oue lnt n ta tlie " .Ve or Policies In force iau.e Ru,Itu " Average Dividend te each policy..,. r 3 IU W " Death txis'es Paid as,93,UU 00 U,r1li4Ui " Death Lesses Iteslated tf,1il 00 ; iiO.ie) Oil " Eiponsujet Management Us I'erCcnU 16.6 Per Cenu ..u.A""a '" orderteoxposo the true Inwardness of the Northwestern' l'UOUUKSSIVK IJIVl tut d W" ''""' tmj tllB 'I'francu Comiclstlepers of Pennsylvania Life lieperhi for the year NORTHWESTERN. iMrtdVncfi Jnturanei (n Ferre. J'rtmlum Jncemt. J'aid PMciheliltr i J 52 I 07,433,191 tlAi-l&a KiS.iM "5Z 61.I1C.S,7 A2,JH 07-J.W7 1S73 CI, 10,011 l.HSWS BI9..vri 'sT el,tUS,ius l.(,97tl 7Vi.lS 'swi m,ini7,'i i,t7ws ia:3ti issi jit503,74i 'ii7v,5ft! r7ms.eii l-.' Kt,VJ,JI 2tU),l4S Kri,!Mi lsa , tr.',ti,(i, 8,u) W5.tfi lsl VH,n.Urt 3.378.771. 727,135 ls llu,7!l,scH 8,7t,t4S 77,W3 Cemment en the above record Is unnecessary. . ..'li11 '.' order that the tailing off In dlvldenSs may net be attrlbnted te the Northwestern'j TO N TINK IUJII, enld odd that this fund aggregates i,SB. rer lurthnr Inlonuatlen en all matters pertaining te Insurance address or apply tn JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent Mutual Ufa Ina. Oe., of N. Y. 60 N. Duke St., or te Rebert Helmea, Dlatiiet Ajrent, Ileadintr, Pa. HevamrvmrxauniH uuuua. CHIKK'H OAKI'ET HALU CARPETS ! KBeriNwa or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared tn show the trade the hlt.tfl In Ihl. .1 .?.. H1LTONH. VKLVKT8. ul S""??'?i'"'i"-.'i t?Xi All.tvoeland Cotten KUUSSK1.8, Tllltf UUAin UAlirtia, IJAS1ABK and VKNKT1AM ?swM-A.:.aViSi ftnrfl.ni.i,i.iiti u...., ...:.zzr. m -"rrM v sjw-- "s1 wnoeioILCLOTilB. BUUB, WINDOW SUAUCOViitXKK, AI SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. Weat Klnflt and Water Bta., Lancaster, Pa, IshlnsaUj. VJ'IUKAdK COMMISSION WAIIBHOUSB. DANIKI. MAYKK, Ne lit Wmi Chestnut HlreeU llHftllVd QUKK QUAUANTKKD. RUPTURE. Care guaranteed by DB. J. II. MATB1L XtvMa at once t no operation or delay from busts muss tested by hundreds of cures. Main Otnce, Ml AUCU BTM rillLA. Bend (or Circular. fJMVuAw s s s s s s s s s s s s AND SKIN DISEA9LS SENT FftEE TO ALL RCAD DY EVCRYDODY. ADDRESS COMPANY, ATLANTA, (JA. , , :ilydw 11 LINK. EAST KINO STREET. 7-lydAw CARPETS ! Lanreat an a r.i te-. r ... . . ... the TnidliTilTkMTr mv .HnViPisTa? Chain EXTKA riipkhh ri .ii iTti. r in. (JAUPKTH usii .y'ri . r.sTV.IT.ufsV.; A DAY, HOT FOR S WAVOUB9. -CTT-ATOHEH. Lancaster Watches In Geld, Silver and Nickel Cases will be sold at tt OHKAi KKOUCTION. Alse, ElgtarWUlhkm (Aurera for which I am Sele Aent). and ether jririM-UM Watchei. im Watch and Jewelry Uepalrlng. ' sfrCerrect time by Telegraph Daily. L. WEBER, lMJsJ North Queen BL, Near Penn'e, u. u. Depot. 8rctlM.KyeglMseiaaaOpUcalOetl-, A clncu of Jewelry, I r r