SETF" it'' ' ?& aafcj!? THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THPKSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1886. 1 SB K rs.i ysv &. e v 8? at !- it lx A tea i & 4. T msn w & VtLc m I " l : A ISt l$i INTELLIGENCER I KVKRY DAY IN THE YKAR Bututav Ktttpttd.) , J I A WSM, riTH IX1U.1IU1 A tiail nm lAMOVT. DKttTHIDIITOAIlRIIMtRLAir AB ALL AtUOIWIHO rLACM. SAXrLl LI RIM L (XmMIMIOH AtLOWsn TO TBLirRO uuKKcvriim. ADVKRTI8INO BATES: IHln.l lln.l 21nT sin.i Iln.l Mu. I 4A Mn ' ISO 1ST .. JM 8 4.1 0 40 10 50 18 SO le 11H 1 IM St 3 23 4S0 51V ft K) iu BO 8 80 7 00 8. V i.i no 1700 20 On te 3( SRO 100 110 121 131 4 H 3.M 4 Ail 7BO Ink'i! 3Z3 4SO 10 K 3(0 SCO SOD eon OKI 15(10 Ofll 10 Oil 13 Se itt.... 7 00 1200 le iii urn n ri anon 110)1 24 no 31 HI 22 01 27 W enlhs. 91011 :m in .Will ."WW (ion wre IS 00 28 01) 2S00 15 09 M H' a in! oe i "IThe Weekly Intelligencer iWCWHCO Every Wednesday Mernine. ?-'. H,ATA,$l.oeroRBimoiTnii. ctras e tw. f.W.ADAoerTmiiTo miweKS oktiike rr H nil nnmiTrT seucitsd ree ivirv r a im jftii " Iff M AVD. OOCHTRT. ACS. awehiwulb i.shiu, ' WIlLIBCXIOTHIIRDTOTnRWAeTKBASKrr. A&ilt all Lxlttrt and Ttleeramt te t-J. mam rKPTRT.T.TnmNnnn. JalllHimn "-""-ir Lancaster, Pa ptlje Canmstcr UutdligcutYz . liANCABTKU, OCTOIIKK 21, 1KB. EST The Philadelphia I'ostenice. 9T$1 fFlia1qrwptiri rnnnrt. nn tltn nnnilnnt nf ptte Philadelphia postefflce . r?r. ... ..-.-,..,...--. . ...,. wnicu Dave ueretoiero ueen diligently rep- jsentingthat the oillce was v cry badly anaced. and utterly inefficient by reason the substitution of raw Democratic tka for experienced Republican officers. tie city of Philadelphia is oppressed with number of feeble Republican journals of ieater or less disposition te malicious inis- Trepresentattea of their political opponents. se that probably a general impression ski prevailed among the- citizens that jy the posteflico was managed badly hu Md only with an eye te partisan servu e ay -.inis inspectors- repeii,vvmcn mev r tandh In Hir innrnuls I lint h.ive luwn td- & , .-..- .....w..,.w. .v. g tnem a very uinereut tale, will show w them that comparatively few changes have twin mmlA fn ttin plprinnl ferrn nml lltfi! t the new appointees have been found by the $H inspectors te be intelligent and efficient. The cemplamU that liae been made gi against the oflice are declared generally te ft uave ukvu ui u hi vi. 11 uuiinicicr ami sucu uh "S" would be caused by a delay of trams or eiuer occasion mat, ceuiu nei ue prevmeii against, and which happened as frcquentlj .under the old management without cans- fp 'lng comment theu as there was no partisan ena te begaineu by abusing the patina ter. And some wt-11 founded complaints had their origin in the malicious endeavor et lime old empleyes in theefhee te bring its management into discredit by miMt.uluifr and misdirecting the new clt-rk aid t,m pericg with the cairiers' p.icks l ,, ie ie emmended that any clerk found gun of such practices should be diamived. The recommendation does net go eneush. liflt any such things aie but le.isenably sus pected te be done in the office there should be a wholesale cleaning out of the infected quarters. Testma-ler Ilamh li.ubt'in i-rs p.iticnt under the exeeeumnly ungeuereiis and malignant attacks that liae Ken made upcu him and uiusi etij jy greatly the con fusion te which this report puts his fees. It is net only a complete Mudicatieu of himself, but it puU i.,u thi- Hrpubln'.in friends of his malignant as ailauts the re sponsibility for the complaints against the posteulce which they have been indus triously making. Their chickens lntt come home te roost. We have never, in ourexperieiice of journalism, seeiuinj tlnng te equal the mean malice of the Philadel phia Prtts in its tieatmeutef Postmaster Harrity, whom it well knew te be a jeimg man of high intelligence, hemu ami character. He came into the man agement of a great administratis of fice, without much experience in bumes administration, and was entitled te ep ct at least decent consideration until he an opportunity te get the swing et it. Per haps he may be proud that lm was tieated se harshly; taking it as a tnbute tea vigor that was jusily feared. A 'ctv Verk Variation. New Yerk city is having avauatien in the usual struggle between its Halls pre sented te it iu the coming mayoralty con- since Abraham b. Hewitt h,is the nomination of all the Democratic factions, save one et inconsiderable, consequence that has offered its election machineiy te Henry Geerge, the candidate of the "United Laber" jarty, whatever that may be; and what it may be is net very clearly uudcrste d. Mr. t.euige lj a writer, talker, and theorist. who sees all the evils that oppress the laboring classes and lias patent reme dies for all, that would make a commotion in New Yerk if he should get a chance te try them as major of New Yerk, of which there is small chance. But that a man of Geerge's views should be a candidate in , New Yerk for mayor, net brought out by a Hall, but a spontaneous product seemingly, is significant. The times aie gieatly changing , old , things have passed away and new issues are dawning. It is perfectly cle.u that . there will need te be wise management of me penuiug issues between money and latwir in llplnrr ,,e nnf i-lrrlit e..l -. , . . i,.v. "...;, iu uuw usiikeuiu 11 jj , anil we g wui ee apt 10 nave a rough passage into peri as we read the weather indications , though we may be as Inexpert at the busi ness as the Wusliincteii weather inn Kfft whom the government keeps te tell what l 8 weather will net be. Seeing the I'iuch. Blaine sees where the shoe is pinching in .Pennsylvania and at Pittsbuiv h,i e.,ia praise for the Knichts or rni,m .'i fe,,, Joined In the cheering for I'ewderly which l:'A!fmS,nelahi3crew,l8li,rteil. lie sees II ., ' Vtlte Democrats litive ,.......:... .... . , .u,, ,. "upicii mis Eirei.g V PMltlen and he would like U stem it from &,tbem. IC Heaver lgul lieen ns ..,,,, the thing might luwe lice,, .1,... ' '' But Beaver feaied th m..,,.,r .....'. B j 1, 1 1 1 .. ""Iiiin-IIUC'IB rf and did net de it und Illaiue cumnt de K ier mm. lie failed te remember that It Is in Hearer's opinions that the voters re Intwcated at thi3 election, and net tJBlna'd particularly, who may have a bance te make the haues two vesrs imnm 2k this contest for governor of Pennsylva rviik Beiver will net receive the votes of the K r element, whose champion he has never shown himself te lc, and Brether Dlalne cannot put iiKin him a sheep's clothing that will disguise his leal hostility U the interests of lauer and Ins deo dee deo lien te the ether side. The Cost of tJuv. A piopesittou is made te the Philadel phia councils by a New leik cempam te put an acceptable illuminating in the gas holders of the city for from twenty te twenty-five cents per thousand feet. And it Is said that it Standard oil man has de clared that their sort of gas can be made for fourteen cents jut thousand feet. There Is nothing new in that. It has long been known that the wt of manufacture of illuminating gas is cn small. If it was net for the cost of distri bution and ndmlnistiatien. the leak ace, dividends, and surplus laid away, the price of gas te the consumer would le very small. As we have heretofore said it has long been fiirnMied bv the government at West Point, made out of coal that costs five or six dollars a ten. for seventy-five cents per thousand feet, which covers all the cost and leaves a handsome surplus Phila delphia's gas should net have cost her ive- ple who own it, fltty cenis per thousand feet at any time during the p.iat twenty j ears. Turkej wlih ltusvla. Tuikey seems te have come te au under standing with Russia, since lier represen tative in Bulgaria, is backing up Russia's demands The situation is a strange one If Turkey trusts herself te Russia it vv.U be a clear cue of the lamb 1 ing down within the lien in the end. Uu'gara's pluck arouses admiration. !:e ret uses te lie dictated te by Tuikey anymore than by Russia, and proceeds te held her sebranje or legislative council te decide upon her course and upon her prince, just as inde pendently as though she was net beset by these big bull dogs that .tie barking at her side. Peer Beater! The Republican journals are having much te say about ' Blaine's triumphal march." Peer Beaver ' He comes along iu small type somewhere in the profession aud gets upon the speaker's stand. But it is Blaine's march, ai.d if Blaine did net take care te mention te the iieep'.e that Beaver was running fet governor they would be in danger et ten. el (ids it. As allUnce of Russia mm Turkey would tie like (bat of the II n aa d tUe lamb, but it is doubtful w bulbar tbe bird wruuld rest quietly in&tde of lue bear. A PuLnn's worth of Bt,n-r's p,'.i- orders cui only buy ninety ceut-- r.rth i.l Krawi's nai.s. Yet we are tel t l'.t lie u.uu like tbeiu a-i well as cab. Tde bishop of Meath Iu prch-bed a xw xw ertul 8rmen in Dul'liu wnntiK 'be Insb tne mlighu-ra that tlieir mi rt:' are beumt te recoil upun tbems.-Ut h I iieuue tbey fater. Till is 11, m kind n rHv"uiii lb a i neeile'l by uiauy m Am .1 i q ik us mui.b .13 iu Ireland, ler our labor, ni; men are ilew (e 'earn that a Itttle v ielence does tbem mere harm than can be balam-ed by years of pa'.ient labor. It is bteuse (be leaders el ibe Kinubis et Laber bave discountenanced all violence that they ccinui iml the reajiect of all, feu el tbeir enemies 1 m becauie e' violence of a lew hetbeils i!ii liny lest a larj;t bhare el the pepuUr svuipttby In their rccent ntrujrsles with tbeir employer. Tbe success of Israeli's policy sbeuld !-rve te emplM-ue tbe vast urorlerltv of pilot, jutient work ever turbulent demon- btrutlnr, in tllu re.lhl.nn ,1 .. ... u M'k.n the lrWh have lett etl una-nlikbt raid-, and the people et Bellast 11 1 rietel a little mere, It will be leunj tbal many eneiinei et heaie rule have buried (be In', het, an 1 msny trieudaet Ireland Hlw ;e!re ere mlent will be beard defending hfr Ibe proverbial puirimiy if Pit uiakes ferebearnuce en his ptrl a v .riiie sure of its full valuation bv ethers. A Hissian physician climi-, te have dis covered tuat 1 f the hands ,: held iu reld water for half an hour anv x 'eas et blu'sl in thshead will be withdriwn, and that the most olntmate nasal hemorrhage may be Hteppcd in thia way. PEBSONAU Aiivm M.vnii., who ( UjMis te 1 the sole w tide siirvivorel the Custer ma-sfie, yes terday asked Lleiiteeanliieiit ral siieridaii te ecure for bun a pieilten as m'wi r in VV ashuigten. Itl.v. Die I'mnii W I'.ivitiv, reiter omeritusef St. Luke's lVe't-taut i:,,icepal church, BvKimere, has tiled et miermittent tnver, aged ti7 jearH. Dr. Kaukin was one et the host known clergymen in Maryland, be ing noted ter Ins scholarship end bis ritual istic Ideas. Miss I.l iv (, el Divenpnrt, lewn, was ettered a new silk dress te walk through a graveyard at midnight alone. She started out with the greatest kind ,. nerve, walked half way through anil then uttered n " who-eop" and laintnti dead away. She will wear calico (tils w inter. rATIII n Clll'sTlM.lM, i.iih ,.f tl e most prominent Catholic priests ' I: tin i.ere, and pastor of tbe C'liurch of tbe I'lenaeuUU) Cnn Cnn ceptien, died V ednesday mht, 111 iheT'ith ye ir of his age. IIn wm el ueii.x i,,rlb. His father wai the marquis l 'leuitmiaiu et Venue, who hgured -e r miueuUy during tbe war of (he rnpiiblic Mi-ss Klla WiiLfcLEH 1 i.i , v nays ihal for (brie or tout 1 enieciitivc vears i-he centji IKwm every month te eat h r,ithe three lead, ing inagazmeh Century, H.i.jr,', and the sWfaitrif. Only one out, it tin, iHiinber wai Hisepted. The Situ thinks i:,t iieul.l have htuck te It, w hleh usetl te print every beauti lul production (hat aba sent it, aud pay for them, tea Sam Je.m:s lulls a story 01 an old eegre who is uiade temy et him ami Sim Snail. "Sam Small preaches de g-stpti just like any body else. But Jeum, be's gm mj m.-athy with us Hrfir cullutl lelks ji u ,,, jn stelo a watermelon or chicken vvier,, ti.eru'a plenty mere left, Sam June, i.ver sava itiij thing nlHiut It. He's get nym : l."ur these higlitalului' sins, tlen't he make tl e devil couie right en the slip?" (ievliimiU I'.vi iiseN hasapK)liited Anion It. Little, id I'Mladelphia, te liedelega'e trem Pennsylvania te the convention 10 i, ,P,i at the Continental hotel, Phil 1 telpim, 011 December U next, te mltipt uiei-urei l,,r the centennial anniveisary et (he adoption or the Inderal constitution. Adjutant Oenerat tjuthrievvasapp-iiiited le represent the mill Uty nnd Clniiii'iit il. Wall wrlght, el I'hila ilelphij, the civilians, at tin. tltlifitleii et the Birlheldl statue al New Yeik en thu 'la h install L HenUItTO. iNOKHbOLI., Ills siltl, csnnet recover from his illness ami that ihe threat trouble with which he is aileclisl roeiubles that which killed Ctneral (.rant, ami is re garded by Jna doctors as Incurable, nml 11 jt they have told lilm he. The ej erallen, w I Icti was jiorleriiied In Philadelphia last sund-v, was net successful, und It is thought he win tire only as long as he can light U10 di-easa His ktreng Physique is hi Ins favor l.e 1-, veiy chtertu! and um genial as ner, but hi, wile tays that this is ler II. e Mi n nf lis family and that at heart he realize the fatality of the A liJKV I'llit lleni Ihu Denelt Kiee 1'ien,. TJ10 ether day as two well-knewn eiilzens w ure standing teutliur iu Urn oerrnlor el the posteflico one happened te noilce tlmt ,1 pos (al card held In (he lingers of (be oilier was dlreclfd te the holder. Vl,y, he-v does his come T" was asked, e loll wrlt ,,. erstoyeurselH" lu,lsca-e, y,, WKs llttx."" ";ll"al',fu''n, "Well net se very, bee the ether aide." He held it ,, aUll the ether read : IineTIIKK HbANIC: There will lie a meet lug or the I. O. O. 8. IL, Ne JS7 at U10 tali en the eveulug el October 10 te transact upeclal biisliiras. Members net present vtIU be lined f 15. J. t'.viiKr, Secretary. Ye, but 1 den t exa.-tly ctch en,' pfv teted the limoeenU Oh, you ln'l" well, I eet tbe c-Ards printed lnyeBlf. Tbe noelely Isallamvili. VMi.nt wn( te poteiK cr au evening 1 dirivt 0110 ! the ls"ils te uiv boiife. When 1 leaiti lieiue no wile hand It te me with a altrh I Iter te Ay n( home anil stand (be line hi ft . (ui( she won't bave It (hat wax. IImI' all. 111 v Iilelid-'Si-et tlist (be aiiie eheinels mrked by liuiidrpiU a ,illicr. and our I'oer, delinleil whim haven"! tunibinl te the ra net jet." ,ltilr llren W alrriiirleil suiry rietnllif Vikuaw li.II,r Mj- latliei is (le tuii-it vateriiielen grower in (be 1 untry Mebrn mltiire wa his delight. I rl 1 arly reiueml er one crop. Just tpiure the melons began te get rtpe in) father ixlli d It, a k Hill and lue aud siid; ,:I waiit j ui b v te understand cue (hlng. II nun liiv n .' uiMlen t am going te measure the true k (1 at I titid 'ii (he patch and (hen meaure let. and (lie owner 1 I (be fee( (hat crropend wuh (he trm ks eiiali ge( avslitp ing that he can neve- lerget. ee (hi bii kerv ' peindng (.1 a long and cruel looking sniu-h wimh be had placed above (be dlimigroem dixir. "Wed. ifiKheref vm Hants le cak'ti Ihl svslicli pitch in." Bill shrek bis head and inuliereil iha( he didn't want it that he would rather I killed by a steer (old ltuck a lew e k before bad thrown Kill against a tiee and kmsked etl the bsrk (ban tele cu te ideie with inch 11 witch .and 1 assured my ;ern parent that e far a I w as tsmcerued he might reat in pe.iee. Hill w as (he mil j nigre w e had, and although he vva (snupedi'd te gn 1 1 ct un b every Mir day, riding en the scat liehind tbe bug'gv and wulieut 1 tl.irt ismld bear every word et the sermon, vet (hat K-y with "ail his careful training vvas tiultiml te be a thie'. The net dav atier the pr vlsuiatien was issued 1 went en and !. 'kd at (he melon patch. There, Iv ing 111 (he su'i, stripeil aud (empting. 'av a lsaiui ill uieleu. All, if there uere anv(bu g (b; euld make 11 cu(bein boy lerJel biiniir it waa a waiermei ,n. I trembled, l"r 1 ki. 1 1 'ull uet prveiit myselt tri m s'lai'iig t e. t theu UsiawKil s"j(ch cauie up 1 0 e ut An ltustriuk me. I went tet'ie h u-e :,, tut, theiabin and get Bui's sii 'ts What an enormous toot the rasi-al had ' 1!,ok iweree large that they wniild iml uv en my teet, but 1 overcame this gret 0 aw la. k by stutliug them with km 1 ','isd armmd and e. tared the pa'ch tr. m a n cut il K-ket A ram bad fallen the dav ti-vre and I made deci ded tracks ir th" l vel g'eund I get (he melon, stele ca s 1m1 and, although K was n.'t rii-e, 1 mere than half of it. Then I re(uriiel 1 1. shoes." Thai atternixin while Bid a id 1 were in tne yard 1 saw uiy father, car u v i u "junta small suck, entr the gate. His ! werean unusually stern expresiiien and 1 -cw (Ua( iheie was some thing wrong. " 1 den t think (hit mu h measuring is needed en thu'i -s' 11, ' :1 be, glancing atlhe;kk. 11 . '. re are shoes ' ' In de cuem. seli 11 Bring them he.B. He brought the shoes. 1 be .d geuileniau applied tbe measure and said . r resU dirt en tbem, I see "' Bill's lai-e became a study. hew it come nn Ur, mariter. 'em sense last Sunda.' ' Yes, thai's nil right, Jn'in, me," "letch me that switeli ' pian I; new Ain't were turning (e -vi v neart smote me, but 1 bn ug' t the switch. Then Bill began te dxree 1 never did see a fel low get hi iij'. If Inte uuanj' d. fit rent shapes and it seemed that every shaiw was better uited teth s wiu b. I had tesu rt. I - uldn't help it. I kert out of Bi'.'a way a much as possible, ter be seemed te leek re reachfully at me, but hedklnet ac-useiu" of oeliver eeliver nig him up te the enemv, and I had begun te persuade luysell that Bil. h I stolen the melon, two dnvs la'er 1 came te grief. Bill and 1 wereaga'ii Iu thu yard when my father en'.erid ij (ate, (?rrv.ig a sniall sii k. '.! l.ti, ' ,'i l r,h apercsched, vv here are v 1 or s'i " " In the heue. r ' " Hrlug tiieu here " 1 get my ju, . ureal C.far ' there was fresh heiI 011 tLeui C uie en, uniieen," sid (be old gemlt u an. I haiided hiui mm shoe and dnup t t'i ither e:u-. "Bill," said he, alter meis .-rg the h , "bring me that swi ih ' U 1 emiu 'cd with delight and l-riiuht the w ,,'b. " Pip, ' 1 l-i d, 1 a' mi wh 1 me , 1 ain't d me nuihii,' O'i ' I danced, 1 tapered and 1 the awnch at evry turn. In my ngeny I caught sight of Bill .-landing at Urn mruer et tbe heu-u and netlug iike a glandered ber'. Bill kept out of mv v I linn an. I al,l I ut !' al eveiiinc I met mm anu a-Kee ' Bill, hew ill 1 vr 11 i ir mv "'men ' ' " Hew did yer w'-- umm Put gT8in 'ten ' V all, I tui-k er p r r c'j i't stutt au" put jer shoes en de en,1 e '11 iii keii vve'?e erbeut evca new. e , I t-'. i jerwhut'ser fack, Jehn, It eii'( il iter tixl id me, ea-y I e one e' de 'n'uited by de sauus." Autuiuu 111 ihn euth. 1 rein the M jnUeanry AJv.'itistr The forest trees pe,nt upward te (lie moun tain, brown and bare, but pregnant wrh its weight and wealth ..1 pre ui ere, and tbe mountain leeks tiew n uiju 11 e hil.- and tt.e valleys, where the cet'i n hfuls are white unto tbe harvest, an 1 -(he wr.he.-cd Lannes of the corn arej'nl." 1 1 ss lb in hi I 1 L tie et sv 1 p L'l t tl lue el t -1 y 1 it I II - llilli-iijs, e il, , ,. r l'r Itu'i s 1. 'Igh . He hi il alle ' IU tla.,ri , 3JJ e 1 s I e-t'e (,f ni U in t '-If a de iler It va'len Oil without Ul r ,j pt rs, et In a luiitll ilea 01 a. taei d den t I, ij- - ti unj prl 1 . i ling it pert. . ir Imam. 1 I, CI -j lOits a bet' e d t utb 1 1 1.-1 ipen ge' pa kage. 1 ua.uc Th. 1 I, 1. injiiui l-i K-d -' 11 Cei.gL Lure, and neli cm he ail. I; n , t n hiltlrcn, fKl IAI. HIITItka. itAPin Titv.Nsir. 1 he latest tntl u -t fei hi el i-i,u I Imn-lt li iei a peisen trt.ul I, d with lk hi iditht le take a diwe of Kr I i . i. . p, , , pr, ., ,,, ,, ina what a rapid transit trim tt.e ulrlluiun takis for IU depiutuie. sec advcitucu.cut In another column decJe-ljJ(ij llAMUSLleX I.IVKH TSLLSTS for iICK heuaaTht erptd ilvt r. mil 11 , i. 1 ,11 t l,,.e,.i,m small and e'ky te swallow Out pill , a e. Pi'te., Xc Uy aildru-gi,ta. ft-is.,,, ar 1. 1 l',s llui kln .rnlcs alvn in liet Sim In 'hi trnrll Mr c hul- -ini, 1 iu is, ti tirti'ini , r.-t' son. Cbupned 11 neli, 1 1 1 Eruptions, una pn.ii hlil tins, c-ej m. at, 1 irf 1 UHt t ir, -. l'lt,.H ,,i 1 ' iwiuiiuti 11 I. if 1 Hull, eti te ,, , 1 ti t stt Is WH--UUI1, ,ir lie ney ixiuiiqi a I I li i i, , , ,(,, M.t box. rer sale hj U. u (. . uruii, In , ifii.L'lJ7 and 1J3 herth cue. n sue. i. ihii t-u i, ra ULlhrLK'H Nlijill-,, that terrible cough ! Mem ler you liirwiiii.j II u cik 137 Vnrth (ueen Ktreei. rtile ml-, lalile l,j L l.el-i Ihn rellit tlj hrau, Dl Jxktst, Ne K1IIM:V TKOI'IILKi A Cast) of Stall Veirs SUliidlng Cured VVIUl SU Ituttlcn, Iu a Jinn 00 Vturs ul Age. Allsstewk, Pa , Slay s, isffi. lUSDiLie lliTTSiui Ce. c, nu 1 had been troubled wuh m kldiiujaioraiiuuiberef )ears, used almost even thing without much benefit until I tried Dand.'leD Ultten. 1 used six bet 1113 und am iltMwl te nay 1 uui ntliely rid of the kidney trouble, hi ,Ues u aj stem betng Umed up se that 1 I, el like j. dlnViuut person I cheerfully nuiuiiiit -d lUeiaiiie te all affliclcsl iu uu way. J VCUlIilLsLIIl.n.. t Ii iMmd IU 1 u, l.Th.8 , 'm".'".' """' l"eHe he puziltd aid bafllid the iniiltt al ,,ii,.,. man nasal e.Ulin W (illu net iiuuicdia tly la al It Is uiutiiin the most dNt i.inj, Ham-cm and di. gu .ting Ills thi He,h Is heir le. ami tne reieia .no very lew ei no c-. , of i n, ti ellr et hiuulccaluih by mi .. n.0 ,,,u iiiUBj ly. Cieam lliiiu a lew j,ui, i,e n succeaef tnls pieparuileu has be, n most gi out tun and i pi l.hig. . i j d. ed A w S-mtl llli (.lie. Sir. I) f. W llciinnen, et HeiMe CaM. Kv sua iikiS! '"I m?S' eai. badly mill, lid' with I hihlsle, also Diabetes ; the pans wen, ulmest uiiBiidurablMandwouldieuieUiins nl u.est threw him liuetiinvul.l ,u lit, t.l. d Kluoirle Hitters aud girt relief Iren, nut bottle and alter takluix flXM .h''i"Vw'u un"r'y cured, and had gained n Hush elghti en isiunus ay he pesltlv tly he lev e he would have dled.'had It net he. n fe the relief ulTtirded by hleitrle Hitter held at J liy coins a bottle by II 11 CiKSbran. DrugBuit Nos.lS7uudiai.Seuh (jueen uJ'l.lz?r' l . (U) ' C uiilltiii. We would caution the Public te beware of Dealers eiturlng hemp II Us tin at lesa than the i.'gulai Prliu, sec'iutr and II, us etlt iitliues Iml. bilious ei Infenei itith lenuroeldas ibeguiiulni) In enltil le enable them te aril cheujily II II I echhm, druggist, -Ne. 1J7 North yuteu stieetls out iiKtuiL iur i,aucusier. bample bottle given te yeure. eiviwil.t w The Cxrltemeiil Nut llier. Thu rush at II II i inhnm, di ugglst, Ne. 1J7 Ninth ijiiiun atmit, still eentiiiuea en account of eii,eus alllleietl with Leugh, I olds, Asthma, llrtint. lulls nml Couniiiiiptleii, lojireuuiou bottle el Kemp's lltUaui tin the lhusit and Lungs, which ts Beld en ugiiHiaiit. eund Ugly ingentiie sntiauicllini It u siuiul irtl family lemedy. I rice Miiuih, and Ji rriuf merex elS-lwdAw AUK vim 1UII. imserublu by Indigestion. Contlnaileii, DUriness, U, el Appetite, "el l,,T,bi,,inti BilU0"' Vltilllferls ap'i'tllve'ciw H0rtucui!iuAU:CCK:1"'",',,n,Sl!l't' W jfitmtui, 13IIYSICIANS AND DltUOUlSTS Ulll' OMMKM) BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! ASTHE BEST TONIC. 1 hi- uiOslKlue. cetunlntnf iiimi Hh ut M'fi rlnlile Ienics, ,11111 klv and ni ''iriy im ri' lMSCkl'sl.V, IMMUKS1IHN,, lVtPlltK IllAHIP 'I 1 ,VUI t cllll.(.s and t KV Ml.Hlul Ml IIAI.UIA. llv rapid ana thorough atiiilU1len w lth thii bleed, It iraches ev erv part of the stem, purl fles and etiiichcsihetiieslastriuiiith ns theums. il. and nerve, and leurs and luvlgerntes (he sjstetn. V One Appetiser Hest (onto known It will curv (he worst el l'vspepjls. re moving all dlstieiislng uvuintetns, such as las(. lug the teixl. Uelchlug, Heat In the stomach, lW'.ettmin.etc (tir euly (ren meduiiie I'ltlslll net blacken 01 1 11 in re the teeth It Is invaluable for dlieases jiceuUr te wouien, a,i,l te isll persons w he l, ad s, dentarv llv rs. Vn intaitlng reuicsty ter dlsi 1191 s el the Liver and k idue s. I'trseas leiffertng from the riTeets of over work, nervous troubles. uss et sp,n tlte. or de bility, experience iiulck lillel aud reuewed energv by Its use It dotes net cause HcadAihe orimHlucplea tnmtien OTUkK Iren luevln inn de His the only prepanitlen et livn thst causes no Injurious eticcts. Phj slclans aud druggists ii.ieiuirnd It ns the best. Tiy It The irenulde has lTade Mark and iressed red Ums en wrapper Take no ether Made only by 11 new . 1 cnr.111c.VLCU , in naeiT, Mil in uiiTivii.vw A YKR'S t'HEKRY l'ECTOUAI.. It Saved My Life," Is a n uiinen c ipivsslen. often heard from ih se w he have rcallied, bv persensl use. ire curative powers of Ayers chert v IVt'.-rs . ! isniwi shy ei O'igh In pi ils of A yer s c rrrv Pectoral, helievtng as 1 de that, but fei rs ue, ( should long since have dlisl fruui Ijub truubas t, Uianden. I"al. stlne. Tex vs. At'Oul six months a;e 1 had a severe llemer thsge el the Lungs, brought mlti dlstrelng i etitb w hlch deprived me of sipep and r, st 1 had used various enngh bsUa,s and expecter ant wlthoutebtslnlng relief 'a adtled n.e t Irv Ayer's Oherry Pectoral. 1 did e, and am hsppy tesay thxt It hlpeJ in) ateiKe Uv continued use this lueduine ci led my cu Mb. and, 1 am satisfied, saved m lite Mr h Cebnrn. 1 second street, l.erll. vtass 1 hire used vj er's cherry Pectoral fir evet a veai. and sincerely bnllev 1 heu d have ten - mv grave had It net beet, ter this medicine. It has cured me of a dangerous atTfCtleu el thrt ,j ks h i which t had almost deapiired of ev r f it11n a remedy O. A. McMi .leu, Wmdjei, fievlnct, of Ontario Avers Cherry Pectoral save I my lire Twe vesrs age I took a very st, ere cold which i t cd en my lungs 1 consulted phvslclans, an 1 t.k tbe remedies they prescribed hut fa! ed te eMaUi relief until I began using Avtr cfcerrv I'nteral Twe bottles of this -t. 11, lue r. u p.ete.v nstercd my health -Lure 11 Allen, VN est Lancastar, Ohie. Ayer's Oherry Pectoral, Pretmrcsl byllr J C Aver A Ce Sold by ail Druggists. Price il , olMeJl 1 owed, Masa six belttes, 15 riisr wuejj. rjUb North End Dry Goods Stere. Is Selling aa Excellent Stiil of Camel's Hair Uinleiwenr lOR DOLLARS. j w nrn.NE, Ne. iii Nti.ih tj iei,u sireel uewiyd CSALIi DHLSS C.OODs NEW FALL DRESS GOODS -AT THE NEW YORK STiffiE. TKICOT CLOTH SLiri.M.s Are the most popular goods t f be ieat . n We eSTer the bsst pesalblu val .lue In sal the new- saades ana mixtures. Thlity eight Inch Tricot Suiting Ns; ajird. my Inch Tricot suiting. 7"i mil Kifty-fuur In saperflne Trlti,. sal. lng, 11 -j s .id. A Special Uxrgxln, ALL WOOL CLOTH bllTI.sOh, fifty Inrhus wide, all colors, '"C a Mini, and blLK AND WOOL MIJ.TIKE3. In Plu "-tripes and Checks are very desirable. We offer Jj dlfTeient colorings, ss Inches wide, at 'ec. a yard. 1 INE KKKNCHSKUGE 511TINO-, M lm-hiu wide, only 75c a yard. ALL-WOOL DIAOOVAL si lTINc,. elegant iiualliy, beautllul colors, M Inches wlde.;5c a yard. A 1 Weel aud Silk and-VVeul eTHIPES and CIILcKs aud 1'L VIDa for Cen. .nation Salts. TUIMMISO VELVETS. TKIPEU VKL VfTS, liUOLADED VKLVEI- at Cewcst Cltv Prices. WATTcScSHAND, (J, S and 10 East hing Street, L V.VCASTEIt I' A. J.R MAItHM A CO. CARPETS Wa ten 1UE Fall Trade! LARGE LINES OF ALL GRADES, Special This Week! All our Volvete (Prioe has been 81.35 tbiasoaBer.) roduced te 00c. Mociuette(ton patterns , prlce haB been SI 50 this soaBen) new 31 25. All our 2d Quality Mequetta, DOe. Bedy Brusaela in abundance, 90e te 81.10. Tapeatry Bruasela in abundance, 50e. te 75e. WALL PAPERS, de. Up. J. I). Martin ifi Ce., Cor. iViwt !tiM & Prime S.8., (OtllselU1 "leVMns lii, iie.) I ANCSSTril. HA, GiUAVIlLV'.S PLAIN (JAVUM)ISH f Uravely's Klua cured Smoking 'lobacce Seil of North Carolina, lurlque and all the standard Jlniuds of Chewing Tobaccos, at llAKhl.r.i's "Yellow trout," Ne. -ii North Cjuecn Street, (rermerly Uartinau'a) PcTpers MKIHVAI T Hi: SWUT Nl'KOlKH.' COMPANY. 1836. SWIFT'S s s s A REMKDY NOT KOK A DAY, UT FOR HALF A CENTURY, RELIEVING SUFFERING HUMANITY ! s s s s s s s s s s S3 AN INTERtSTINc. TflEATlbE ON OuOOD AND bMN APPLICANTS IT SHOULD BE HEAD DY THE sWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY c.u.iK T tHK I.KAUINi. It OAK Het Si:. CHILDREN'S COATS. I'i A'l es fum. lrtu te s teen Years, u 1 .irge and REMARKABLY Tetl.iy und Te-mono w - Hi.i g the 1 JOSEPH L. THE LEADIMG 130, 138 and HO NORTH jeifKLimr, ,tf O Z. WHO-VDM, JEWELEB. REDUCTION .Nitkti links S..0 teiuieny Jl.i, .Nukn A mu I hki i l ., (t,riueil il si Nick.e Milking ticKki il '' t uraeiiv i.'isi . I ht-D.iv W.ilnut ( locks ? 1 no. formerly it e0 K clit-lMv W.tlnut Alitrm Clocks i, . ., formerly l.5n , French Marble ( locks iltj en. tuimerlv iJn isi aster silver Hunting Mem Wind Watclies ile i, iermerl ii: De . Ladies bold Ch.itel.iin Watches ile 5e fernierl) il5 71 ; ladies' (.old HuntiuR C.tse W.itclies istem windi iJeisi, feimerly iZS Iul'tes' l. old Meeve llultens iJ is), fennerlv iitv Cents' Geld sleeve Buttens I,. is. feiiner'v Indira' t, old Cellar Buttens tide- , formerly 7ec : Ctents' Geld Cellar Buttens 7'k: . ferinerl) V , "solid Mer lins silver :?oeus and Ferks il 50 per e.. formerly 1 75 Uegers Bres.' Tea Soeus per half dez il no, formerly $1 70 ; Rogers Bres.' Table ismns and Ferks per half de :J 'O, fermerl i ! in. Diamond Jewelry nnd all etlier goods proportionately low. tCT All Goods Kngmred Free of CliarRc. Veu aie inviteil te examine tlite goecb, which are all fully warranted H. Z. RHOADS, rVHITVKB H KINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT. W fc AKE Ol'EMMt CUNSIA.MLV NEW PATTERNS OF GOODS l.V OLlt Chamber, Dining-Roein, AU the Xew Weeds in .rt Mih Pi Nht 1 Chain airt Veiy L-tllf r Otld M..rsr lu1 s In I'dii-iL 1 ft xl can I N - tali and svi Hi-1 in Alnaja a nleaauiu te show HEINITSH'8 FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 27 & 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. TUCMhH. .ID K rUKC'KI.IM. llttfAIi), Wdt.r- lAI'AN OOAT Alse (fan Cell uruli 3 l)V bit, 1 A I I UR A CU a KASTMtN UOI1ES euiirunleed imt Te le-e their balr, from flu te 1e A linu Asseitinerit of flush Lap Kebcs, Irem 12 up te US lhe Ileal Del'ur llnrsu lllanket In thcclty, KRECKEL'S, .SO 5 EAST KINO STUEET, I.ANCA8TKK, l'A. HUfTJl Jll.d 1K.NTS 1'LUNISHING hlOHK. E. J. ERISIAN'S Gent's Furnishing Stere, NO. 7 WEST KING STREET. - tstoiceiieu Every Evening except bunday evt nlnys HlHril AND LHjtlOHB. A MKKICAN WINK.S. GRAND DISPLAY -or- American Wines. The following Is from (he report of the Judues en w lnes at t he Lancaster County Agricultural Association fair : We desire te make special mention of II. E. Slaymaker'slarKeandelegant exhibit of Domes Demes tic Wines, pieduied by the I'leasant Valley Wine Company, of Khelins, Steuben county. New Verk Thulr Special Great Western Extra Dry'.and lirnat Western Extra 1)1 y,Chainpai;ne8, I'eit, .Claret, Dry und Hwect Catawba Who, nuiuu Nuuiiiiiuui, vtiuipaiu laveruuiy wiin llfl. ported Wines It. KIIANK liitENEUAN, A.IIIESTAN1). 1 11.1.1AJ1 A. AIUItTlliS, MY tS.(W TKKTH ARE AS (lOOI) AS can be purchased In Lancaster ler 115.00 Call and nu convinced. All work warrautcd (liw udmlnlsUired, W L. KISIIKK'S Dentist, apl7 1yd Ne 13 Xnrtb llueeii Street. 1DOTK IH MAKlNfl OAI3INET PHOTOQRAPHB AT 3.00 l DO J IK. AT NO. Hsj NOIiril UUKKN BTIIEET. tsnuua Lancaster, Pa SPECIFIC. 1886. s s s s s s s s s s s s DISEASES SENT TREE TO EVERYBODY ADDRESS ALL ATLANTA GA 21 lvdlw n.trr tit S ink Jnzmn Wet, It it . Mm k LOW PRICES. Sppcinl Children's Days. tt'.c l..ts RAU &CO., CLOAK HOUSE, QUEEN 8T , LANCASTER. IN PRICES. Jeweler, Ne. 1 West King St: LINE. Library and Parler Suits Very Trelly nml Attravlhe. t' . Se tie it pawI. te make a auieitleu, and U.e whs' ti hav uerv IIUUKH. nilAMi OPK.MNt.. Fen Dersinith's Art Gallery H 111 be opened te the public till" evening, when, can be etn ene of the largest and finest collec tions of Art Goods ever bfern shown In this city, embruclnif the highest works el artlnheida and Water Coloia. DUESDEV ( IHN V. 1 LEMISlI DKI KT, CLOISONNE, KOI AL UOOilEIl KOl Al. I A1KNCE, IfcllKAterrA, ITALIAN I VOK i WAKE ANe, a lur t ullcclien el llKON.h GOODS. Ne. 46 EASTKING STREET, (Opposite Court Ileute) aiiKA-tfd LANCASTEK, l'A. UCHUUl, SUPl'LIKH. JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nea. IS nnd 17 North Queen Streot, LA.NCA3TKK. l'A., OIIii, Wholesale and Itetall, al hew l'rlcei SCHOOL BOOKS UbfcH IN LA.NCAB'IEK CITT AND COUNTY. Old Itondera Ezohanged, SCHOOL SUPPLIES; Lleutd Hlatlnir, chalk Crayons, Copy Heeks of All hinds. Writing Inks, Bteel Tens, Slntes Nelscles4 hiatus, Slule l'enclls, Dluwlng Ton Ten ells. Composition Heeks, Writing Tablets, Lead I'enclls, Kchisii butcliels, Companions, and everythlng olse in the line el Scheel Stationery, SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK. MAVUIJfMMT. VrAOHlNKKY.iJte. te STEAM HEATING Litest and Most Improved NGINES Tmtiea, I'erUbli ir Sliliear;. Mew or sccena-IUna BOILEEa, WATKH TANKS, HEPABATOK8. Micumi or uaraia (Veu inch as done ana kept in M&ohlne Sheps. CALt en us 1DDUU, Ezra F- Landis, WOKIC8 ra7 NOBTH OnEBBY BTBBET, Lakmbtir 1'a. n7tfdw IttWHKrilllMHItlHIl MIKMIIt. JOHN l SCHAUM .V SON. Steves, Huaters and Raugea Al LOW IIUCK.s. Call and sen (heHcliainu I iiiu evrd W'tmight lien Celd Case lladlallllg Portable Furnace, lbelle.tluinae.iln (be Markeu Uanntautuied KlClllslyely l,y JOHN P. SOHAUM & SON, 24 UOUTIl QUKKN ST., LAMASlK.ll. I'A. - J ut it-it Ivcd a let of New SSc. (Hobes riMIH "NOVE1.TV ' 1 IHNAI'i:. Fer Sule by A. 0. KEPLER. THK CKLKItltATKI) "NOVELTY" FURNACE liMiC llui I'lllSt OIlV.Vlll II .llh. V.l, ....SI. decidedly the Ivst HOT AIK rl ItNACli In the market lull and see llieui get our iKSTIVtu NI.VI s, and i-iauilun carefully befere purebst lug elsenhiue N I W li 1, Ki,K sieik III Steves, Hoaters & Ranges, Ul the Latest Designs aud Patterns Guns, Pistols and Ammunition & Specialty. II VltDW AUK. ill. VHS, I'MNIS, OILS, llr.LHMJ, Ac -reruis havliift MToVKHei rL KNACKS liireal win tl well tt hsru lauie attended te betele i ltd i either A. C. KEPLER, Ned 40 it -12 North Queen St , I'lluuUw LAMT-TKII. I"A jlLIVV v IIKKM- VI (, CARD. We Would like our flll'Ilils tltld ClLStem- ers te v .sit our store and ivxaiuuie our large stock ut Moves, Heaters nnd IIaiirm, we have the tmeet line of rixhIs ever shown in tins i it) nnd our prices are the lowest en tine geed.,. Our New spiare Mxjve " The luirel, is having a gieat mIe aud gtviiiR reihI satisfaction, we will net l ahle te till all our outers. The "Therms" Parler Heater i.s eipiallv popular haiulseine. dm alile inn low pncisl dur '"New l'llnn " Range is winning friends wheiever it gee.s lui ' Tiiuniph " ( ellar Hcatei. while il is se1'! al alieut the puce of inferior goods, is without ileuht the host Cellar Heater in the niaikel. Years of experience in the Heating Business gives us great mlvantnge ever anv ether heuse m this city. Our new stleet -'wni Heating saves one-third the fuel. All W"ik guaranteed. FLINN & BRENEMAN, (.iti.Ai iil.ui.m; M.vitniuisi:, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, I.A.SCA9TKII l'A. w M. A. K1KKKEK. AL.UUH C. HKKH KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse), lnvlte7all llousnkeopers te call and Inspect their stock of HeusefarMsMng Goods. A ce-nplete Linn constantly en band. COOK STOVES and KAM1K1, l'l KLO It STOVES, llEATEKSand rUKNACES. SUMER COOK STOYES. AfUtr carefully exuinlnln tne lnttiita el all etlurt-O te the Unde, hu havu uolecutl THE "ARGAND," rer GASOLINE, and THE ''DANGLER," Ter COAL OIL, As the lit st, when all points are censldeietl, te otter te our pattens. Call and eU us vu levn le show our goods, and are net offended If you de net purchase. Kemember, we aru ugcuu fur The " Splendid " Heater. Manulactuied by ruller A Wanen Company, Trey, N. 1 , Hlilih has no rival In duiablllly, fcconeiny of fuel and control of gas New Is the Ume te exnmlnuuud become postetl for Autumn purchases. KKMEM1IEU 1I1K l'LACE 1 40 EAST KING ST., (OI'I'OSITE COUKT HOUSE I ap sptb3A CU4X.. B. H. MAitTlX, WU0C1SCLS AKO BtTAIL 01ALIB la All Kinds of Lumber nnd Geal. a-YAHD: Ne. U) North Water and I'rtnce Streets, ubeva Lomen. Lancaster. n3-lvd "rAUMaAUI)NKTlH"tWKKKKKIKi COAL DEALERS. Ornui Ne la North (Juuen street, and N-. MM North l'llr.cti street. Vabuhi Ne.lh l'rluce aticet, near Heading Depot. LANCASTEK, l'A augivifit R KMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has inmeved his Cml Offlce te Ne. 1S5 NOKl'll QUEEN 8TKKK.T (llrlmmer'a New llulldlug), whero orders will be received for Lumber and Ceal, wntiLRjtica An bitiil. mst-tfa ii. v. n. coiie. glABT KNU YARD. 0. J. S WARR & 00. GOAL. KINDLING WOOD. .... . nuirvlltf BIHIAIIK lint V, , a... and omen eeiinncuid with Tdopheno Excliange aprl3.1vdMAr.K - P LAYING OA.RI)H A 1'UI.L, LINK OK Deu-berty's Celebrated l'laylng Cuids, Ivery Clilns, Ac Curd) from te up. Gilt Edge Cards al '2&Q , at UAUKI.Ki . Yellow Krent," Ne. 21 North Queen Street (rermerly llartman'a) UTOitAdK ABD- OOMMISSIOIl WAREHOUBH. . . . ., . UAN1KL MAYKIl. aoes-iya e.I6Wctchetnut8U(iL h A i 1 1