r(., ' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1880. . The Intelligencer j,.. ... TORY DAT IN TUB YEAR m m, tin veuAm a ta, rrrrr ik mom. pw.iTweTeAMiM"tK. , AM Att AWOtMM rum -. UHUL (jOin uuiKie iu MIMHm ,wmMewnu. ADVWnSINO BATHH:; TrTTs fiTT in l Mn! , -pnqrgT! i ma n Mil .n i ( w . . , mt IMiri!.! . ion 1 IW 51 BO' HI , ' MraliursT?.... 110 (IU 8M 7eu 9 40 t w"ks ire am loot, isse wen &. A. OMHen.,... be 7 lw wen wen moo ' te Months". 5oe le in t7 0 KW 27 oe siiw I5itm"hir. oe 18 a. mm moo w OnaXmSeH...... 15cojeo ft oe Mwewwa) t ' The Weekly Intelligencer PUBLitHED Every Wednesday Mernine. HOATAl,ll.00FoiiMiweirrB. cim or th, 150l,ADAOOrTriUMTO MMOlffl IT sonKBsnniDnre selicimd ruen ivaur pabtettb a STATU AD OOCHTET. 1U AFOKTMOCT LTTKK Witt M 00iaD TO THK WAT BARKltT. Addrtil aU lAtttrt and Ttltgramt le TOT INTBLUGENOKR, Intelligencer Building, I.ancasicr, I'a. strength of tills te take tlie state out of the hands of the Cameren and fulled. He comes in new under their yoke te help their ticket, which they consider te be In leril, nnd In gratitude they take him te their besoms and publish their reconcilia tion. 11 is tee late, tee l.vte for Beaver; tee late for Bl.tlne. The election of Black te the governorship will dispene of both. Bl.Une will cling te the liope of the presidency while life lasts doubtless, as it is the went of all the old nags U de; but Ills phjslc.il, menial and menil icsetirces have bten tee serietiMy exhausted te make him new a possible president. His day lias none, and the mere lie parades his present condition the mere widely spread is ita advertisement. Tub Dmnecratlc state nclinlnMralinn hm been telliily omlerseil by llie supreme court lu HioSetitli I'enti rallre I ci-. It takes ft Democratic administration te enforce rtwpect for the constitution. TnnF.B M.i1de Btatetmeii In this state Maine, l'fje auil ltoutello are lien ling about the tariff ; meanwhile the public I (Illicitly Ignoring sucli bUKftbetvi te inquire Inte the remedy for suppressing railroad discrimination and store orders. Ne ene can expect Imported orators te s"pe-ik en slate issue. CI)C jtewastct Intelligent LANCASTER. OUTOUBU 19, 1HM. HeusnKEcrF.ns will te Interested In the Information that one el the liet crops of raisins' and currants ever cured lias been pro duced this ear in the Mediterranean cenn try. And the prices of these fruits, will probably be lower during the holiday eaen than for several years, w hile the quality v ill be better. Under the Constitution. The supreme court at Tittsbur has sus tained the Dauphin court in the Beech Creek and Seuth Pennsylvania railroad cases and has dismissed the appeal taken by thePennsylvania railroad .without ,hev ever, accompanying Its decision with an opinion. The decision is made upon a motion for a preliminary injunction, but the argument was made upon the merits, and there is no opportunity for any ether decision upon a final hearing, should the Pennsylvania rail road's attorneys ask for It, which they saj they will de and doubtless will for pur poses of delay, if for no ether. The Importance of the decision as thus rendered can hardly be ever-estimat d. putting as it does the great railroad cor porations of the state under the contiel of the constitution and making It impossible that there should ever in the future be a consolidation of the independent lines of railroad that new exist or that may here after bebuilt. The very plain purpose of the constitution is te prevent such consolida censolida conselida tlon, and the law will net tolerate any ef fort te evade the spirit of thU supreme mandate. And we may even assume that auy conspiracy te that end would be apt te bring the con spiring parties within penitentiary walls. The vigor of the new constitution lm3 long been suppressed threngh-the control which the ipeliticians of the Republican party, which has been the governing party of this state, have held of the law-making ixwer, and the control which the railroad mag nates have had of them. It is a fact net te be challenged successfully, that the Re publican party has been under the control of the railroads,through their control of Us leaders. It is se te-day ; and a most netr. ble fact te be observed in the royal tour of Blaine, new progressing, is that he and theso with him have no word te say of this absorbing isstm of the restraint of corporate power, but Blaine needs te go thirty jears back and declare that the issues of Buchanan are the issues of Black. In the senility of his age this delusion has ceine upon him, that the people of Pennsjlvanu will accept such a declaration without con tempt. It is only since the Democratic party chose a governor for Pennsylvania that re spect for its constitution has been com pelled ; and since then it has grown apace, until new that instrument U no longer derided, but has come te have made itself a force te be re spected and obeyed by the most iewerful and the most law defying institutions et the state; and this has come without lega tion te help It. "We have waited in vain for Republican legislatures te jiase laws te enforce the constitution. Its defense has came wholly from the Democratic state ad ministration, which stepped forth through the attorney general te bring under the bend of the constitution the Pennsylvania rail road in its brazen effort te defy the prohibi tion of consolidation which it plainly made. The Dauphin county court steed true te what was the undoubted spirit of the law. and Its judges have given the people a profound confidence in their upright Intel ligence. The supieme court has obtained a like confidence in sustaining their deci sion, though the decision may net, and probably was net, unanimous. It is right te remember that the judges of the Dau- phiu court and the majority of the supreme court an) Republicans ; and that the Re publican party can net in its masses, but only in its leaders and pjliticians, lie charged with bubservieucy te corporation influences. The great mass of the ;eople, of all parties, are hostile te these influences; but the Republican party in this state is se held and bound by its leaders that it is there voice which it always expresses when it is in power; and It would be well, there fore, if these leaders would in their ad dresses new te the people, explain wherefore it is that they have done se little te enforce the constitution by the laws; and perhaps Mr. Blaine might mere profitably have paid attention te these later issues in the can vass than te have gene back te the Buchanan-Stevens era for his thunder. PeVLTRV-RAlstxa has lecnlved mere at tention than usual lii m-ent iais in the West. A New Yerk authority predicts a large supply this season. The ptice or grain lias been low ter saetal years and will be still lower in all probability this year, and every small farmer raises as large a quantity el chickens and turkeys as it is possible for htm te care ler, because it has ln devel oped that mere money cin be realised from the grain fed te chlckeus iind turkeys, even whfn sold at the low prlcrseftbe pat two beasens, than can be made from a direct sale or the grain. With the exception of Maine, New Kn gland will have none of Illaine. Pennsyl vania Kepubllcun alone worship blin, be cause they have no man of national proml preml neuce within tbelrewu borders. A railroad 550 miles InjiK from Wlnnl peg te Hudsen bay is being pushed with vlgerandis backed by large caplu), sltheush, by the report et a gnvemment coiiiinWlen, the route te Europe, of w bich It Is te form a link, wilt only Deopenler a little ever two months et each year. Yet during that time It will form such a cheap outlet for grain that there Is geed reason te nope that It w 111 de such an enormous business as te cernp'nsste ler ten months el idleness The projectors of the read are working In the face of a storm of ridicule, but the laugh may be en their side before another year gee. round. The Pltt-sburfc- reat Is authority for the statement that next w eek the police, of Pitts burg aud Philadelphia win be Instructed in a quiet way te netily etery siiecn-keeper and beer hall in their re-pcctlve eeats, that If they vote for Beaver they will receive the distinguished consideration of the authori ties ; but if they vote for Black, they will be harrased by all the prosecutions and perse cutions within tbecompasset the law. When a party reaches the desperate necessity et intimidation, It is time fur it te be tern up root and branch. lNIs.sachusetts the death rate from typhoid duriut the past year was 3 9 per 10,000, the smallest number of such deths In twenty six jeaif, with the exceptions of 1S79. In I-kw the average death-rate. Irem typhoid was U 4. The rate of death Irem scarlet fever was less than half the average rate for the past twenty-six years, and whoepiuc cough, reup, diphtheria show a marked les-ening of the rates. Something In th smitary Hue can be learned from th Bay state methods. Fifteen years have pa'smi sin the great Chicago tire. Says the Chicago rribunc "It is only necessary te compare the Chicago of 1SSC with that of 1ST I te real izu that the uses of adversity may Indeed be w eet." Mr. Maine's Appearance. Mr. Blaine has appeared before a Lan caster audience after the expiration, as he says, of thirty years; a gray-haired man new, and a great deal the worse maul- lestly.all around, for the wear of the years thataregene. lie had nothing that was fresh te say te his Lancaster audience, but went back te Stevens and te Buchanan, and the most remarkable declaration that he made was that the present candidate for governor of Pennsylvania represented te-day the precise issues which Buchanan Impersonated mere than a quartet of a century age. This, with a claim that the Republican puty increased the wealth et the ceuntrv from seven thousand te fifty thousand mil mil liens of dollars, and an invocailen te the Republicans of Lancaster te come out and vote, was the sum and the substance of Mr. Blaine's addiess. lie will net add te his fame by his tour through Pennsylvania if he has no letter feed ttai this te offer its people. He has bean a te -ver of strength Ju the Republican put lu this state, largely because lie Is rwunylvaula born. lie attempted en the PERSONAL. Hkniiy (ti:onei: challenges Hen. Abram S Hewitt te debate the issues in the New Yerk mayerality election. (ioviiRXeii IIi:nry I.i.ei i) was married iu Cimbridge, -Maryland, mi Monday, te Miss Mary K. htaplerert. Tiierunl make a short wedding tour before going le Anuaells te reside. Mrs Charles T:. 1'isii, of Nmw Castle, Pa , has become Insane ever her huse-md'a trouble with the Yeung Men'a Christian as sociation or that place, bU resignation having been requested. Rkv. Gee. W. MalI.m-ehux, of Phila delphia, is oppe-ed te the marriage license law because it takes out et the slate 25,000 that would etherwise go te the Pennsylvania preachers. Miss Mary Andersen Ins suesrribnd In Dublin f2,&00 ler the lennlt nt the. sutlerers by the Charleston earthquakes. The stun rep resents the net proceeds of her prfeni)atices during the past week for the beuent of the suflerers. IIeMKRGREKNU,the peet-lawyer, of Hemes, dale, whesa "What My I.eer. Said" was at tributed le Herace Greeley fir several years, has wen the 1,500 prizs etlered by J'eutA'a Cuuijirimeii for the !st serlil story. Twe years age he wen the tlrit prlza (.tiered by the Scranton Truth. Congressman Cellins, ofMassaehUHetts, has lormed a law partnership with ex Con gressman Kppa Hunten, or Virginia, Jell Chandler, formerly or Missouri, and Charles Thompson, of Washington. Messrs. Hun Hun eon and Chandler will attend te the business of the firm in Washington, and Messrs. Col Cel lins and Thompson will represi-nt it in Ites Itos ten und New Yerk. Kkv. Dr. Gorden, the eminent It tpttst minister, of Ilosten, was one day re. rntly walking through Quincy market, where he is an iufrtquent visitor, ami was uiirecog uiireceg nlzwl. Noticing some attractive I., king rlshesuta stall, be asked what they were. "We call 'em Baptists," said the marketman. "And why de you call them lUptists ? ' pur sued the minister. "Because ihev generally go te the bad verv seen alter w6 taie 'em out of the water !" a BLVtwtsii renxveu siABitr.r. Thr Or Fnur llunilmt Cs Pel'' tlrtr. Mat et Trails at limaiil l'ulul. There has been n lull In the tobacco trade el this city for a week tsl. The only sales reported are JOO cues of M seed leal, by It H ltrubaker, and l.H) cases Havana sped by sktlesA 1'rey. Very few dealers from abnstd are here, and It Is believed new that trade Is quieting down In New Yerk, there will net le much of a lnxmi until the 'sOcrep Is icudy for hand ling. It Is y et en the p-ilcs and is said te be curing tlnely. Ilie New Yetk M irkel Frem the U. s. Toimcce Journal. A ttdy Imt net u brisk market Is le be recorded this week. Cheugh a geed deal et Inspection of new leaf has been going en city manufacturers, win appeared In the market lu numbers, the transfers hardly range above 'J ,'s.W ctses, about ene-h.ilf of which were ne tolwres, New Yerk 'late being In the majority. Dealt rs are a little Impatient about till, 'utter all, teunerary con traction, forgetting that ler several ears pat a week's transition uuiiilwrlng iMW ca-es would have been hstled ith delight. There Is niiiiSh gnashing of teeth In the market In pickers' quarters at the operations In 'Sfl to bacco new going en In the Heusatnulc val ley and New Yerk state. The malerlty et New-Yerk pickers areas yet ma"tlve en 't tobacves, but the adventurous lew buy lug up crop at what seemingly are high figures, net saying anything about "the doubtful veracity ef'the repe'Ls, acts like a red 11 ig en a spir ited bevli e. It is galiiuir, oleeuro: but com petition does net oensultthe convenience nor inclination of competitors. 'rera thP Tot.cce l.e.if . Cigar I.eat. The curreut fek ha been an "off" one. There was a decided falling off In the number of silesandlii the amount sold, flayers seem reluctant te pay the prices asked, notwithstanding packers say thev are very low, and admit very li'tle predu lleus. atenic ha almost disappeared Irem tl e mar ket, 6,000 of the T.OeO caes Having pa-ed Irem nrst hands, stste (Big Klatsi has dwin dled away until new the larger portion of it has been sold. Thequu-k disposal of thee goods seems te have inspired some packers with the belief that thpy are w-iirr.tuted In bu vlng pell mell of the it5 crop, but the ma jerity show mere C"iiservattin and are cou ceu cou teut'te bide their time. The lss,. Wi-ennMn Is selling, but at low price e mpsred with what the growth of that state brought two or three years ae, when it ranged from 15 te J5c In price. These Interested may truly siy, "Thee were geed times." Trie Ks'i Pennsylvania -.'ill elicits attention even though tnanv pass adverse comments en it it is net claimed by the hnlJers et it that It is a fancy crop, but that It is a geed serviceable one. "" The trouble is," said a holder te us "that buyer are tee apt te place Sumatra as tbelr standard ei exr-eilence, and If our de metic tebaiYsi '.does nc t come up te it they sav It is joer." Havana Havana rll'ers have been old te the extent of OX) bales, at from tsVteJl. Business is almost entirely confined te eid goods. A few parcels of l"-M tobacco have eeen old ler clear Hivana purposes but net enough te form a basts ler prices. Old Beuiedles i new held at V aud upward, and these who 'old last spring at 00 and C3c have fallen in their own estimation. New goods thus far received are very green and uncured. Sumatra. Fine goods are In geed demand. Sales, .an bates, at irem JLi" te Jl ijO. There has been a great deal et looking around with limited buying. The imoriat!euthis week have been very heavy, l.T'O bales having ben received. The recnt arrival have net lulfilled the general expectation that the te bacce would prove better than that pre viously received, and buyers are beainuing te realize that the best thins for them tu de Is te take the best they cm get here and net wait further arrival". The new goods show little Improvement In the matter of color, but the excellent burn of them overbalances thatdefeit. We hear of one let of Toe duty geed selling at J I sO. (Ian' Weekly ftrpert. Salesef seed leaf tobacco reported by J. s, Gans' Seu A Ce., tohicce brokers, Ne. 131 Water street, New Yerk, for tne week end ing O-teber 1, l;t': ITS cases 1SH, Pennsylvania, ll(j 13c. ; 2e0 cases 1&33, Pennsylvania Havana, 10(j,lTc.; iJO case-, lsse, state Havana. 12(321c ; ?J cases 1M, Little Dutch, p.t.:.e0 cases 1n5, Little Dutch, 9c.; -Jno cases 1SS5, Ohie. 5'Q, 6' jr.; liO cases lsse. New England Havana, l3,2ic.; 200 caes l-s. Wisconsin Havana, t(310c Total, 1,061 1 ses. I'tiiliilrlptils Market. Anether week of encouraging business In the handling et manufactured hart tobacco is plainly observable, and the demand takes in 1111 kinds and brand. Tue holdings of jobbers at present are neces-arlly light and they in turn mu't replenish often. Prices show- no change, but rather lend te an ad vance. Fine cuts are moving slew ly. Smoking tobacco has a very steady demand. All grades are favorably Rlbvted. Cigars. The requirements of the trade for reliable brands continue excellent. As a result manufacturers are well pleased. SnuU". A very encouraging eutlix k. Receipts for the week .1 690 bx, S.11S cad dies, 5,102 cises and 305 pa.ls of tine cut Seed Lear The business of handling leaf tobacco suitable for cigir purjie-es has cer tainly been much larger and mere satislac tery this year than for a long time, ler the reason that all kinds aud grades are needed, se that no sbvek which is seuud Is neglected. If it i, the fault lies with the h"iderin net etTerlng IL The crop of 'si leaf is moving oil the market very steadily and in a much larger quantity than usual at this season of the year. It Is true, pn.es are low, but this will gradually regulate Itself by the improv ing demand. Sumatra dally Unds admiring buyers. Havana S'hew up quality aud sales fol fel low. Ibtltliuere Markst. Receipts of Maryland tobve are falling off. The demand continues poed for all de. slrable grades. Prices for geed tobacco con tinue Arm, though we note no advance en account of frost reerts. There Is no change in the market ler Ohie tobacco, and we note sales of 160 hhds for Italy and 0'J hhdsfer detnesUc ue, the latter nir cured tobacco. .'tJtme.si, NKI.MNO Mrenuth. or ullcrlnir peculiar te their sex. heula try HKSrWKD from Infirmities -iir O M K X BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! 1'IUMUANS AN1 Illtl Ul.hU MKMUT. UECOM- Kllll It. U.K. VAI'l'AIILK HKAL KSTATi: AT Pltl- .TKSAI.K. flie uuilpr.laneu will sell liu ai in en es.y terms. MtiiaiceT in the Mtth Klcrtlmi Ulstrki, ivcll re., Mil , iMolnlles twin lllltig sun. (snulsilng nt tsj Allths, id I'Klli HEs ineiicniauiiiii rrulllvatleu , liacri's meadow ; bulaniuln geed IIihIkt l.O. llKMMilfKseN, ei-!wd ltlslng sun, Md ASTHE BEST TONIC. 1 ht medicine combines Iren 1th pin-e eg tatle tonics, and Is Invaluable, for lMeae pecu llnrie 11 uini'ii, mill all who lead nMenlarv lles. It Knrti he and 1'iirlfles the lllixxl. Stimulate the ppetlte. Strr-iigtheii the Muli and Nerves In fart, thnrtiughly Invigorate Hear the complexion, 'ami umkes the skin meet tl. It dev net blacken the teeth, rane headache, or pnslnce consttuitleu nil ether Iren mtttl ctnea de. Mrs tLiZiBKrn lUmr, Tl Karwell Ave.Mllwau- ke-1. 1 , sv. under date el Pec 35, ! " t hsve used llrewn's Iren lllttei. and It hs been meri' than a doctor te um,n ma cured tn et the eakties ladles have in life Alse curisl meel Liver Complaint, aiidnen my coinpleiten Is clear and geed. Haa also been beneficial te mv ihddren " Mm. I.eiisa C. ItavetHis. East Lockport. N. Y , .js " 1 havesutreredunteni inter frmi k male teuiplalnts, and could obtain relief from ll in mn K excvpi orewns inni Hitlers The genuine Ms Irtule Matk and crescd nd IImes en wnippsT. Take no ether Madeeuly bv I1KOWX Cllk-JUCAL CO., llaltlinere, Md (7) luarS-tydAw YIHt'S CUKKKY PKLTOKAL. "It Saved My Life," I a common expression, often beaut from thne who have realized, bv crsenal u-e thecurtte powers of rer' theTy I'ectenl. "I cannot hv enough th pr.i's of Aer s i herry l'is?ieral. tH'lleMna a 1 de thsj, but for Its n-e, 1 should long since have died from lung troubles fc, Ur iden, ralistine. Tew. About six months ape I hsd a scere llcuior llcuier llcuior rbigxei the Lungs, brought en bv a dttrvslng i eugh. which deprtvid tne of irep and ret. 1 b.il ued arteus cough bil-aius hiJ exacter am-, nlihoutebtaliUugrellel. A friend advised tne te try Ayer's Oherry Pectoral. 1 did se, and am hippy te say that It helped uie at unci U continued ue this misttcluu t ared my ceiih.'and, 1 am satisfied, saed my life. Sirs. S. t-'UTn. ls-icend street, Lewell, "las 1 hive u-ed Ayer's I herry Pectoral for ever a ear. and -Incerely beltevn 1 sheu'd have been In mv grave, had It net been ter this medicine. It h.L. rated me el a dancereu affectten et the 1 ines. ti r w htch I had almost despaired et ever ilclluilun MKlllVAU Tlll S 1FT 81'KOlKtO COMPAXY. Tried in (be Crucible A Windser, rlndins a remedy I). I'rmincu ei iintarie. Airs Lherry Pectoral saved my llfu. Twe ears uge I took a very severe (. 'ild w hlch st t ed en n.y luugs t consulted ph)sictans, and t.sik th. remedies they prescribed, but failed le entaln relief until I began ulng yer s Cherry I'ect'tral Twe bettu's el this trvdlclne c mu plete.y restored my health. Llme M Allen, n est Laucasler, Ohie. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by llr J.C. Aver A Ce. Lewell. Mas. Sold by all Druggists. Price II , six bottles, IJ oisteil pi LK' SAM'.. lis ltxniv, Orient 2s, Isst, M 111 be sold at public sain at the Keystone Heuse, tti the Clly et Lancaster, the following lleul Kstate, le wit All that rettaln 1 et or Piece et (imtind, situa ted en the south side of Kat Kriilerlck stieet (Ne ilf.i I ancastrr. Pa containing In fnmt en said I leder.ck stieii, b fis-t, inote'er less, and extending In depth ll feet mere or les.nn which, t erst list a .New Twe-story llUlt'K DWKLt.lVil llm Ik, with two-story bilck back butldltig, with balcony, containing six rooms, witn naiiwnyseii nrst and second stone, a bathroom tlttid iti tvady ler use, tnuit and Kick dormer windows In attic, n dry cellar under whole hou-e.largocupboardnndstik with water In kitchen stationary rauge with Uiet and cold water, gas m whole house, hverj thing new and pietty, never having been ureupUd Will bu sold en very eayteiuis Mem Is an epertuntty for a man of meilerate itirans te possess his own home. Persons wishing te view the premises befole the day of silo will please call nt .Ne. 21s) Kaat rredcrtck street. S.ile te beitlti at " e"clock In the evening when coudltlens w til be made knew n by r. A. 1SOT1C. Jen llltsr, Auct. ectlatrd prHLiusTux OS !-VTrnOT, NOVIMUIKtl, 1S.-U, Ity li tin' of an eider of the Onihans' Court of Lancier imuiiij, Pa , the undervlgned, admin tstrater el the estate of Jehn .McUine. deed, will eviHwe te public sale nt the I eepard hotel. Last Mni! street. In the city of Uincastei, the fellow in described real ptte. te wit All thit certain let or pie e of ground situ ated en the north side el Kt Orange street (Ne. Til), tn tberttv of Lancaster, I'a . contain lug in fronton said Knst Oruiice street li Vet, mere or le, and extending In depth te Matim street Civ teet, meie or les, en w hlch la en ted a luriii suli-tantlai double two story HU.ll K IUIEI.1I.Mi llOb-sK. frenttnu en sifd Orange street about Si feet, w Ith a depth of il fei t. te wnicn is aiiacnea a large xwe-inry itrica hack Ilulldtng, KbySl fisit. The house has timutl ful bay window, with plate Kltss and walnut tuelde. shutters, a large circle head front disir, granite -tone step, laive balcony, ,xc. The flrt steiy has a (ante double parlor, sitting room and large dining room, wlthu convenient Iihe tuent Mil hen. 'the n.irler and ..Ittlnj nstin each have a - sunnvlde " heater, w ttti registers te second fliwir tncisisl In polished slate man tels ; also gas throughout the entire house Most of the tnstde woodwork Is besutilullx grained In walnut. There Is also a large hu. nd winding suit wav, with heavy walnut rail Ing running te third fleer The eiend fleer h-is four nice large rooms and a hallway, sta ttenarv closets. Urge finished atttc with four dormer windows, and throughout Is well 1 ml out and convenient for bed chambers, ,ti there is also en ihc premises a clstein and pump nnd necessiry outbuildings, the whole let 1 filled with a variety et the best ktnO nl fruit trees Just cowing into flrt class beailng condition thi- is an i bgani oppertuult tot penen desiring a nice ci -i. fruiDle home tn a pleaHiit location a'e te Is-fciln at Te'i lock in the .evening, when tenns and conditions will l inade known b ii:a.K a iicLvsf: JeIL I,. IIainu, Alia elU-tfd ie. Tried in the Crucible AtMiut twenty jiMiisiigoldlsceveied u lllllii sonieiiliircheuk, nnd thodectot ptoneiinced II cancer. 1 have tilisl a tiu'iiber of physicians, but wlllmut ivcelvlng any perinauiinl bono bone fit Atiieug the nuinbei wele oneol twespeclsllsts llm inedlcltu, thuy applied was like, lltn le the sere, causing tiilonepalu. t saw a statement In the paper telling what 8. P. S. had done for ethers luiliarly afflicted. 1 puxured setuu at encsi. llelore 1 had used thn HL't-iind belllj the lielghtiers csitild notice Unit lu laurer was healing up. My general health had bietibad tortweor thn-e jearti 1 hada hm king oeugh nnd sptt IiIinhI continually. I had a severe pain In my tire 1st, After biking six buttle of S.S.N, my cough left me and 1 giew stouter thin l had been for several jcnis My cam or has healed ever all but n llttln sHitnlieiit the site of ahilf dime, nnd 11 Is lapidly dUilleatlng. I would advise oyeryeuo w Ith cancer te gives. . a. li fair trtal. .MKS. NA.NC J. McCO.VAUMHKY, Ashe tltevp,llipecantHiCs lnd. unlit crv 10, ISstl. wlfi,sSiH-cttlclsentliiily vegetnblp, and seems te cine cancels byfuicliig out the Im purities from the bleed, lrcnllsiteu IUihhI nnd Skill Diseases lualled titsi. sll IvdAw TllKSWirrsi'KCIHOCO.. llrnwerS, Allnntn, (la. rUUXITVMK. H KINITHH'S FUHX1TUKK UKttVl". WE AUK Ol'KNl.NO CO.NSI'ANTl.V NEW PATTERNS OF GOODS IN OUlt LINK. Chamber, Dining-Roem, Library and Parler Suits In All the New Weeds Very Trelly mni Atirartlrtf. Th seM,.. PelKhed Chairs are Very CoiuferLiblu. Ve tmiible te make, a selectlnn, and the Odd I i isrv t ii-iis In Polished Weed can't he urp'd. Call and ce thetu Alwavs A pleasure, te show wtut we have new. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 37 Je 29 SOUTH QUKHN ST., LANCASTER, PA. jr. r.i.r.ut, ,tc wji.xsii.iKtr, llAUHlAIIEfl. PSTAHLISHKD ISIS. S. W iauci, W. a Altick, H. R. Alwi. D. A. ALTTGTS SOUS, (?DCCCisers te I. A. Altick A Sens ) Whelesa'e Manufacturers et Carriages, Buggies, Phjetens, AND McCAULL wagons. Nes. 42 and 44 East Orange Strcet, LANCASTER, r A . -A.VD- Oer. Weat Bread any Broughten Sts., SAVANNAH, GA Mi- A large and varied stock w 111 be carried In both our hepo-lterles, which will lie sold at the LOWEST I'ltlCKS. ectli:mdiltw H Hill A MAKT1N. UNA H All U . KHUAIXX, JhWKLKlL REDUCTION IN PRICES. 71 Oil a TitAltf MADE 3111.1. lUtS. Autumn Leaves. Krem the Hartferd l'ebt " Ab, theso autumn leaves, Fanner Hob Heb Hob lnaeti," Bighed his city guest. " What lovely tints of color, ami wlMtati addition they are te the charming Hcenery you must se enjoy." " Yes, miss. The leaves aru a gettin' u geed ileal of jailer and red en te 'eiu, that'a a fact. It's about time te gather" "Then you really flud time tu gather au tumn leaves? " Oh, yes, indeed. We rake up a lew cart loads every year for beddin' for the hehaes." Anether ieuhetlc dream smashed. lied Stir Cough Cure-It bilngs glad tidings ; its curative cUects are wonderful. We have heard many of our old Irlcnds say that Salvation nil cur. d them of ihetimutliin The.e who hvu net tried U should de se Our druKglsta sell 11 ler twenty live cents a bottle ull the time. Why suffer with a bad enld when one bottle of Pr Hud's cough Syrup will cure a cough of the worst kind. Iir Hull's Leugh syi up Is 8eld for 25 cents per bottle by all druggists in the United Muted. OTANDAKD OAKK1AOE WORK.. Edw. Edgerley, CAERIA&B BTJILBER Market Streot, Bear of Poateffloo, Lancaater, Pa My stock comprises a large variety of tfie Latest S-j le buggies, I'hietens, Carriages, Mar ket and lluslness W agens, which 1 offer at the very .ewest figures and en the most reasonable, terms. 1 call special attention tea few of my own de de de jbcns.onaef which ts the LDOEHLEVCLOSKU PU1SICIAN COL-PK, which is decidedly the nuatest, lightest and most complete Physlclsa's Carrlagu In the country. Persons wishing te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear in mind that they take no risk In buying any work. Every Carriage turned out In eighteen years a geed ene that la the ktnd of guarantee I have toeffer the public. .VII work fully warranted, l'lease give me a call. liKl'AIllt.NO 1'ltOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially etrpleyed ter thatnarpore WE AUE OPENING ALJIOs NEW LINES Of GLASSWARE -IN- Nickel l locks sh'.. feunerly i it . N'tckel A l.trm flecks 1 I", formerly i 1.00 , Nivkle Mrikin Clocks J 1.50, formerly J.'.OO ; Kight-D.ty Walnut Clocks J.t.oe, formerly Jt (si ; r.iclit-D.iy Walnut Alarm Clenks 3.ii, ferinerly l.&0 ; rrench M.irble Clocks jl'Mm, formerly j.VOO ; LMncaster Silver Hunting Mem Wind Watches ilium, formerly U.yi . Uaies Celli Cluttelain Watches 13.5n. formerly rl6.75 ; lellies' fielil Htintitic Case Watches istem wimU J-JO.Oii, formerly Ji'i tm ; I-tilles' Cielil Slece Iluttens i(n), termerl) .. i" , Gents' Oulil Sleeve Iluttens J.UMi, ferinerly Jl.eti . Iidies' (ield Cellar Uiittens w'c, formerly 75c ; Cient-s' tieltl Cellar Hu tleusTuc., formerly J'c ; Solid Stor Ster liug Nlver Spoons nntl Terks 41.W) jicr ei., formerly e 1.7,1, HeRers llres.' Te-.i Spoons p.r half de: 51 in), formerly l 70 ; Holers Hre-i.' Table Spoons and Terks k.t half d02 ?J m. fermerlv 1 1 le Diamond Jewelry and nil ether poeds proportionately low. J All (ukxIs KngraMil Tree of Charpe. Yeu are invited te examine these rihxIs, which are all f'dly arranteil H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 4 West King St: ItATlt, VAl'lt, AV. II ATS AMI CAPS. W. D. STAUFFER & CO. TboMewoatUATS, Warmeet OAPS, Crjitil, Colored, Dieenlcd and tu!, -I.N HMVIAL NOriVX. KAI'III TltA'lT. The latest and best form of rapid transit Is for 1kjieii tmublei with a sick headache te take u dose et lr Leslie's special Prescription and what a rapid transit train the affliction tukes for its departure, face advertisement In another column. dec-JO-l)d(l) Itefme Keck That I'auueit Out a I'uitune In Twe Menti,.. At Ishpeming, Mich., a man named Jehn J. Jenes, who was generally supposed te be a tramp, and who dressed like one, appeared two months ego, aud alter working for a while about dillereut mines, etlered twenty, live ceil la a ten for a pile of refuse rock at the Wintnrope Hematic company's mines, the money te be jiald ai the rock was removed. Jenert said he thought he could make a little something etT the rock. The company wai surpri-ed ene day when Jenes set a force of men at work herllug thu rock aud carting oil the ere. Jenes also bought ether piles of rock nt the Fame figure. It new transpires that the nvk pans out enu half geed ere, for which Jenes received ti.Ma teu. The Wlnthrepit ppw alone con talucd live hundred thousand Urns of rifc-k aud netted Jone's ever $l,tsm Odd Other pllea have netted bltu about f 1,000 UO0. 'I he work has been conducted under the, very eyes of the mill owner, who have regarded the. rock Piles a worthless and paid no tuttntleu te Jenoa. Ithln n faw iUjh the fart has leaked out that the Jenea of u iad lieen shipped larEUlr te Jollet, 111. The news came baJk from that point and has created a great sensation. Jenea appeared In hla own carrtsge mid is treated ttsu leading cltlreu. Il can buy no innrH andgenera! dehldtv. but rock pile ler tweutj live cents a inn. The I 'ersbreughtalMiulau nun Miserable and sleepieis nights are unknown when IIR. Hand's Colle euro soethoi baby te sleep without stupef j ing It with eptuui. Price, 3 cunts. -Se griping, Ur. IIami'h Pleasant I'hy.lc never disturb, sleep nor eratej till afu r biuaklast. Price, Si cents. Ker sale by 11 II. C chrnn, Druglst, Ne 137 and 1J9 .North (Jueun street, Luucusler, Pa. ectl-lmdAw HUUVBitir.a. HIGH OKADE COKFKK.S. Fine old Government Java and Mecha Cefftus, the best In the market. Our Java iilen ded Coffee speaks for Itself ! rich and fragrant, 2Sc per jxiund. Very fine Plantation Hlo Coffees, our bust only S. per pound; ene very iwpUiar ur IOC no sum yuu iut.ui nuu ity uur ;lc. Coffee. The excellent fjnallty of our Coffees and line Teas Is making trlenda fast and arm. Our dally sales show a steady Increase, fresh lteaatisl every day. A full line el fancy Groceries, rieaae give us a trial order. aag'JMvfl Ne. 113 West King Street. AT MJKSK'H. The Queen Syrup As advertised at the late Kulr j It la a geed aill de Try It. . . Klve Pounds ISest Lump Starch ler 15 cf nts. blx Pounds lioed Carolina nice for S3 cents. Sens, Soaps, Soaps, Well seisened rinclnnatl Olive cheap, by the box ; also, ltabbltls, Miner's llerax and a dozen ether varieties. HONEY, HONEY, HONEY, Call TABLK AND ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES. THE LATEST IS THE " Agata " and " Oscnra." THEsE AUE ENT1I1ELY .NEW AND MJVLL. TAKE A LOOh Al THEM r i Prottleat CHILDREN'S GOODB, Finest TRUNKS and TRAVELINO. BAOS, Meat Beautlful LAP aud FANCY ROBES, LarKeat Aesorttuent of FINE FURS and FUR TRIMMINOS, Meat Durable RUBBER COATS, HATS andMBRELLAS, Ever shown in Lancaster. Our Prices are the Lewest Possible, our Goods Strictly HelUble, and we ItCAUA.siTKE te please every customer. W. D. STAUFFER &CO., Ne.:1 iitnl 33 North Queen Street, .... Lancaster, Pa. OAKIilAUtl MtlHIln. n ir I MtVlDIDn, 15 EAST KING STREET. LAM.ASTEK. VilllUliLI.AN. Kine Comb Heney In two pound frames ler nlce lieney uy uie quun, very uue ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTKIl. PA. rTelejihone Connection, llarkleu't Arnica Sislve. The llest Salve In the world for Cuts, llrulses, ijeres, I'lcers, Salt Itheum, Kevur bores, 'letier, Chapped Hunds, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, und positively emus Piles, or no pay ru'jtilred. Ills guaranteed te give perfect satis faction, or money refunded Price St cents per box. Ker sale by II. II Cecnran, Druggist, 1S7 and IS) North Queen street, Ijiui-uder, I'a, HI.KKPI.KSS Ml.llTS, made miserable by ihut terrible cough, .shlleh'a euro Is the remedy for you reisiili'hy 11 It Cochran, Druggist, Ne 187 .Serth cueen stn ut lleur linn, "I feel new I was i filleted n Ith sick headache mi nuideck liloea nit- lumiMliiitf, liniirevi-rnitnt own era are ceiug about In Isrge iiuintHirs in my geueral health 1 ouiderthiu the be.t HtinnlinirtbebeanHiif n,fnke ,i7im, ,i...m. (?''illy inedlelne In the iiiarkut." Adelph Lallciz. mm ne field.. "I WVb.VI0.'." "'?F'5.8- e,i.,wuu,viiu viuivu svivvi, i.uuvaster tnlniug lields. MAVUMxmur. ArAOHINKKY,.iC. e STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improved KNfilNKS Traetioe, PerliHi r SUlienry. Mew or ftecend-Iland DOILEItS, WATF-H TANKS, 8EPABATOR8. 4cais or lliraiu Weix inch aa done anfl sept In Machine Sheps. CALL OH OS ADDI164, Ezra F. Landis, TTMIIKELLAS. UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS. f lie palling and ltctoverlng Deue al Bheit Nence. ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, XO. 14 HAST KIXU bTllEET, LA.VCASTEI'., PA. WOUKH-6.S7 NORTH l.AMiABTaa I'a. OHKRRY HTBRET, n7tld.tw f II A V ELY'S VJI I'LAIN OAVK.VDIHH Oruvelv's flue-cured Smeklnic Teba cee Seil of Mirth Carolina, Terl'iue and ull the btandurd llruuds of Chuw inir 'tobaccos, nt MAUin.KV'a Yellow rent," Ne. tl North Uuetm Street. (rermerly Uartman'i) TT 13 A X MISTAhEV IDK That the purpese of business colleens li only te fit i iiunK Men and Ladles le fill situations us clerks and bixik ki epcrs Ne young man tan aflerd te be without thn knfiwlrdKu that run be hcuulied ut aschoel making u sin-elalty of book Keeping, Corres pond! nee, lluslness Arithmetic, Etc It comes Inte dally use In the lives of niui chants, me chanics, manufactuicrs, farmers end profes sional men Itemove any doubt bylcullInK at rooms of LA.SCASIKU COitMEKClAL COL LbUK, Ne. 10K East Klnir street. II. C. WhlDLKK, l'rlnclpal. -pjON'THUI'FKK ANY LONUEK rrem Veur Disordered Kidneys, Muck Ilarren Mineral Spring Water Is a Prompt, Efficient und Cheap Itemedy, Its Tonic and InvlRerant Powers make It an excellent Dyspepsia Itemedy. Dr. Itegnault, et France, writing toUen.ltetT, ef the I'. . Army, says " Veu need net cotue te Eurepe for tVaters te Cure Dyspepsia , we have none batter than UI.ACK HalllthN SPK1NU WATKK." l'orseus supplied and vessels furnished. P. B. UUODM AN, Manaxer, Ne. S7 East (J rant blreet. rer sain by JNO. U. KAUFKMAN, DniKglst, North Queen Street, l-uncusler, Pa. ill.ACK IIAKUKN HI'Ul.SUIIOUHE new open Apply te MinSCIIKI'sTIE EOItllEllOKH, Pliuisliit drove, lainciuter County, I'a. nnelft-Arnd A MCTITO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! Philip Doersenfs Old Reliable Garriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NEAULY OPPOSITE THE LEOI'AltD HOTEL), LANCASTKIl I'A. Nene But First-Chss Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used l'UICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL WOUK OUAHANTEKD. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. JI I hrtvu new en hand nnd for eale cheip the tellnwlnir flnt-cliisn socend-tiand work : On Mtrht Onu-Min Wen, suitable (ertnick jirpe-Mit ene Light reur-l'ujnirir DraK.one rirstlau Kx is)ui. citrriaufrt Aidf). eicumjtianu ion nnu treiiinK uuk- l.i ai UnnHlm U'nimn. snl If art, si ll.ran..n. '"i"ri " UKUM9 auu .Ulsllllli HdKUIIB, tiui-im l(in l'hj'ten. two Llitht Jumn-seat iUA. imth mIiIe liar and end fmrlnus. Iluwiness Wacena. nnertinir aire ".' sifa.. 1 l- tliwliliif tsliV t III If IH'IltJ '.Im. H. u .. tf (Hi . ... t- -. wniCIJ Wilt UU Willi a. iiiu j.'t Aa nudti, 'wuu au 7 uue us a van nuu,uui juu irtsu J jUi- chase or net. Se treuble le show the work. PAKTICULAK ATTENTION PAID TH KEPAIKING. tl-DO.VT FORUKT THK PLAV&fm Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 nnd 128 EAST KING STREET. KMydAw Lirit 1NHUUANUR VUltfANY. XTUACTS IT.OM THE THIHTKKNTH ANNUAL HEI'OI.T OF THK INHUK ANCE CO.M.MISS10NKK OK PENNSYLVANIA. HAiinmnune, va., Augusts, ms. E NORTHWESTERN. Dec.3!,l3 Imurance In force .'i,'ftJ ("1 I IHO.TlO.Ntl m r.s,uie in s-i37.7JI ) t3,7V,OI3 W 17 01 M.HD 115 M 1,0I9,UI U) fj),( 00 1C6 Fer Cent, Anil In order te expose the true Inwarflncmi of tli Northwestern'ii 1'UOUHKSHIVK DIV1 liK.Mis, hu quetu frei thelnaurunce Commlsslenoriof l'eniuylranlu Llfultuperls for tlie year italwl: NORTH WESTERN, Insurance In force Admitted Annuls I'ayinentB Ut Pollcybeldura Pi-tunluin Income DlvlilunH I'ald i'ellcybnlittini Dlvhliind 1'uld en imcti 1,JI Inn... Ne uf PellcliM In force AvfruKu Dlvlduml te each policy. Deutti Lesses Paid Heath l.03ii't ItBBlstcd Expensca of Mununument , MUTUAL LIFE. . -!, J.TJ7 (1 ..I(X,31.T79 III ,. Ill l'ti.0l'il .. IU,7iAl W .. U.lSJ.Uil () .. Is G.1 PJl.HhS IX, 31 . is.wi.iru oe t'Ji,75.'tl li.3 1'orCent. iTOKAOK AUD OOMMISPION WARBHOUBH. DANIEL MAYEIt, ceiya Ne. 18 West Chvitnu. auoet, 1P76... 1877... 187H... 179... I8e0... ll... 111... lKftl... IS41. Jmumnee in Force. I C7.4H.1UI m,iii;,i7 ci.iii.uii , r,i,iHi R1,'.J7,H1 , 74,Vlia7IO 8J..'tV,.(JI I,il,i'J3 IsiHt 110,710,001 I'remtum Income. t2,V.8(l6 'Air.',3ll l,N4J,a7s l.rtii.'rw .irj.ur2 2,M),1U S,lliU,Sli 3.370,77 3,7ti3,OU DMiUndt rata I'oUcvheldtrt, JW2.W ih:i,.vi: 7NI,'Ji'2 IW.IIll 6-J,l'j5 67tfja Tll.lVt 77S.W3 Cemment en the nhern record Is unneensnary. . Hut lu order that the fftlllnK etf tn dividends may net lie attributed te the Northwestern 8 i"' TINE If U Sit, would add that this fundaKBreKatun LVLXM . Eer further tnlorinatlen en all mutters perUlnliiK te lnsuranca addrea or apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent Mutual Life Ins. Ce., of IT. Y. 60 N.Duke St., or te Rebert Holmea, District Aftent, Rettdlng, Pa. PLAYING CARDS A I'ULL LINE OK Dougherty's Celebrated I'laylnit Cards, Ivery Chins, Ac. Curd j from 5c. up. Out Edgu Curtis at Uc, ut UAIIK LEV'S," Yellow Krent," Ne. si North (.ueun Street (rermerly llartman's) AV HERE TO HUY TAt,E. Fer all TO REST ADVAN- Weel Mtdlcated anu ether kinds of Underwear and Hosiery, ke te llcchteld'n. Keranyklnd of Dress or Working hhlrt for Men and Toys, go te llcchtelrt's. rer dre, or Merklni; Pauls, Uurdluer JucUeU, llleusfs aud overalls, best In the market. K) ui llcchteld's. Ker Olevcs. Mils. Jp"w"',1i 5"J; peniler. Cellars. Cuffs. Handkerchiefs, and Sta ple uoeastier.urally, gote mjciITOLD'B, Ne S3 North tjuieu DtreCt, Near the l'Ostofflce. JAC'OII V. HHAEKKKR'H PURE RYE WHISKY. autT271ydll DUKE 8TUKET LIO.UOII BTOUE MV f&OO TEETH ARK AH GOOD AH can be purchased la Lancaster ter 115 m. Call and bu convinced. All work warruuted. Uas administered. W. L. riSHKll'S DentlsL ap!7 1yd Se. (B North Queen Btreet T30TK IH MAK1NU CABINET PHOTOGRAPH 8 AT 3XH) A DOIla. AT NO. 108 MOUT11 QUEEN BTUEKT, lanlV-tfd L&nCMWr, i'a r ( C