Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 16, 1886, Image 1

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I Jfntellxg
ftdssftlsMMSzylr. iu
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uitrirtnyii rim rrr-.trrt i. vaiikku
or At DKiiai.tN uunsri.iA.
One untie lein( ratio Leaders ul the Olden
Tlmn Mini TiHik Kli Acllin Tart III tlm
History nt III. 1'erleil ivitty,
Original I eller
Hundred of our city rotder ami net n few
Irem thu country, will rccogulre tlm puturii
Htiewn abote n that of tlm genial old alder
man e( the Rights ward, who ha sent
must ui hi tlme In his cesy ollhe for tlie pant
twenty years, meting out "distributive Jus
tire" te theso who have sought It or tried te
made it In bis court en Cabtwgn hllL Ami
jet we are Inclines! te lliltik that compara
tively row, even of hi most Intimate Irienil.
nre aware of tlie tunny Miiiilimlii Unit st st st
tonded thu squire In hi earlier llfe, or of the
versatile talent he brought te meet them.
That theso may net be lest te the world of
reader the Inti.i.i.mi mi.h emlhilm them
In It cnlumiiH
l'atrlck Dennelly w a born en the 2.1d el
Februsry, 110, iietr Ornish, In County
Tyrene, Ireland. Ill parent were James
hihI Uridyl t Dennelly. James came tn
America In ISIS and made hi way to'l.ebauoii
where he ehuinetl work nnd declared hi
Intention of becoming an American citlren
and in due tlme wa naturalized and became
a full blown Democrat. The late Henry M
Kelgart having met Dennelly In Lebanon
and taking a liking te him brought him te
Lancaster where he for a time engaged In buy
ing and selling horse and tending bar ler
Leenard Klchellz, proprietor of tlm "Hull's
Head" tavern en Fast King strict where the
Kxchange hotel new stands.
Having made money enough te bring hi
family te America James Dennelly sent for
them, and waited many a lemr month Imfore
he heard anything of thorn. I horn weru no
ocean telegrapli line in the day, no
stiainehlps te dnh across the oeau In a
week, no yacht. te contend for Iho chain.
plnnlilpef the world a last sailing tm-iili,
nothing hut mew Hailing hulk and emn el
thorn net sea-worthy. He Mr. Dennelly after
Bending the money te Ireland bad te WBlt
menttiH bofero be heard a word el hi family.
Plnally, en the Nt of Auguat mil, the
voyagers reached Lancaster. The part ten
aisled of Mr. Bridget Dennelly, her two
heiih, Patrick and James, and Henry Don Den
nelly, n brother of James, Hr. 'ihe party
came by stage from I'hllaiUlpbla and were
landed at tlm old Mage house, new the sl'e of
I. H. Kursk's grocery Mere, corner e List
King and Christian streets
Here they were met by lame Drinmilly,
wiiii 1111 utwii an long wining ler llitm
'I boy told bow they bad taken passage
aboard the brig Ardint, an old tub without
either Hjoeii or eomtert, and hew they had
been tossed en ocean wave ler hi ben
weeksln charge of drunken Hiller and nt
last were wiecked iin sunken re ks oil
CapoSvble, where they lay fir tedavand
two night , and hew they were llnally
rescued, and taken te St, JeIiiik. and theme
In another vessel te Phil idelphla ami theiice
te Lancaster by stage a above stated.
l'atrlck ha it wonderfudy vivid recollec
tion or all these incident, though they hip
(ened mere tlim half a century age.
On leaving the shige Ikiuiu the family wtre
taken te the tavern of Jehn Carrell which
steed In Kvit King street ner Midtlle, next
deer te where the new ilre-h mse or j
onglne nnd tnii k . imit stand-. After
bearding here for a abort tune Mr Dennelly
removed with hi family into a heiiti 011
Kat Orange Htreet en the bit new owned by
the estate of the late (.'lurk L. Wentz. In
the spring of fl be moved te Middle Htreet
near what i new bbipjam Htreet The lnm
wai an old ene and bad beeu uel dining
Iho ltovelutionary war a a I elted hiate
heHpltal. It is Htlll Rtimllng as one of the
landmark of eul Lancaster. In the next
year, ta, Mr. Dennelly built a heua en in
adjoining let and commenced atore keeping
and continued in tlmt biisine. until 1MJ
when he bought the property en erlh
Queen atreet abeve the railroad, new
owned by C. Illler, barber, and kep'.ataveru
there until Hept. '-7, 1S63, when he died, aged
U7 ycara. We have thua outlined the career
of the elder Dennelly bouauHe l'atrlck wa for
a great part of bin lile clenely ldentifled with
hi lather' intercatH.
l'atrlck received bU Unit Nchoellng when
he was e en years old from a man named
Dyke, who kept a little pay school oppeito
the l'rebbyterian church, en Orange Btreet.
In Initie went te school te an old man named
McNevIn, en Church atreet, and later te
llenry K. HeinltHb, uutle te Clmrlea A.
Helnltab, our popular druggist. The school
house was en the rear of the let 011 which the
residence of the late Kev. I). W. Gerhard
stands. Hi next teiclierwas Kdward Clark,
who kept Hchoel In the lrebyterian "hos1eii
room," an old stoue building in rear of the
church. I'reni till school he was transferred
toeuo kept in the "Quaker Meeting Heuse,"
new Odd Kellews' hall, Hnuth Queen Hirnt.
It wakeiit by Michael Kelly, 1111 exttllent
teacher, who hud but ene fault: he would go
en a spree new nnd then. On leav Ing Killy 'a
school l'atrlck went for nwhlle te I'ranklin
college, corner of Lliueanii Orange streets,
and he completed 111 schooling by uucu.iiinu
a tutor In the old LaucaMerJan school, corner
I'rlnce and Chestnut street..
UK I.KA11NS TAII.OUINO. illteen jears of age nnd wu
apprentlccd toWelf.v, Ilowmante barn the
tailoring trade. Tbla llrm had In their em
ploy at that time a niimber of Jours who
became famous In thelr line. Ann ng theiu
were Jehn Met7ger, Win. Oniuiif. Clnrles
Heisluger, Jehn Hjiurrlerand David A. Den.
nelly. Wolf te llewman's place or IuhIiiih
waen East King street, whero Williamson
A. roster's building new standM. Yeung
Dennelly reuialned with the llrm about three
jeara when be was compelled te loaveby
reason of 111 health. Although IB years, old
he weighed scarcely fifty pounds.
In lbJii be went te riillndelpbht and took a
position in the wbnlosale heuse of Oluclute
de Augell, but could net stand indoor work
and ielt the plate and In company w Ith rela
tives, named Treaner, embarked la the Irish
linen trade and uiaile a HUcctWul tour
through the Heutli. Hut thu liuanclal crash
el 18.17 came and the linen trade "went up"
with many ether Industrie and 1'itrhk re
turned te Lancaster.
111: oei.s hah; 10 1:1 lien
In the spring or 1KW lie went te Humpe,
visiting Londen, Ed in burg, Great Yarmouth,
Dublin and ether place or note iu (Jrtat
Hrltainand Ireland, and crossing tlie clun clun
nel spent seme time in Trance. lie set sail
from Havre en W return trip In November
18. 8, and had a very stormy passage, 33 days
beln taken In the veyage from Havre te
new Yerk.
llerore going te Kurepa Dennelly nnd
othera orgiiilzed a ilramatle company and
dubbed it the " Couuer Drauiatie AwecU
"-4 (.
linn." On his return rrein i;ureMibti rn
Joined II, and It wa kept up for several
yearn. I'd. Cenner, IIki idebrated actor In
whose honor thw association wa named,
often played In Lancasteraud vvasupHitled
by Dennelly and ether local talent.
In tlm spring of INI 1 D11111 oily went te
Pittsburg nud Inlneil nceinpaiiy el players
sometime acting iitsiu Iho slagn and some
tlmn piping hi Mute In tlm eicliestra.
About midsummer Im wi lit te St. Li Nam!
secured n clerkship In 11 store , but the store
was sisMi liuriuil ilewu, and Im wa ng 1I11 out
or a Jeb. He wint down te New Orleans,
but getting nothing In de hue line home tlm
following wlnler. 'Iho inn Iruui New
Orleauv te i'lttsburg took 1 days , the O'lle
river being filled with ke.
ill. hii nil 1 ui,
Hiigli Maxwell, oiiie iidltnr el Iho Lamas
ler Juurnnl, and Jehn IU Montgomery, ni ,
jiersuaded Dnuuelly te study law. He
entered Montgomery's ellh-e January, 1HII,
and wa admitted te tlm bir I line, 1KI7 In
the meantime he did (ounideratilo idlterlal
work en the Lancaster ii ml, then
under odltetlal control nl ( I letin I etsy the
t arter, nnd In lslj hubiiMine owner el the
paper, which wa then printed in a dingy
little (illicit ever llrenemnn's shoe stete,
Centre bquare, whero the Hair .t Six nk brick
building new Ht-uid. Dennelly sold out te
his father, Jamc Dennelly, and the latter
sold the establishment te ( el Janus Cam
eren, falterwards Killed nt the Hint Initie of
Hull ltuu.)
In this connection we may repet a story
that ha net l fere bum printed. 1 he Mexi
can war had been fnutht nnd both
parties, Whig and Doniei ratio, 1 liilmed
old (len. .vll 'I"ajlet, Iho here el
Hueiu Vista, n belonging te them
and many of "the bust worker' thought
him an eligible c.indhlale for pretddent. t ll.
lame Cameren wan Dem's rat, and bellov bellev
Ing (len. Tayler te be one, he Isiuulit from
Dennelly the ' whiti newspiper tuti tilling
te publish the laperlu the Interest of I ten
Tayler but a Tayler gradually detelnped
Inte a Whig, and llnally acoep'ed the Whig
nomination for prisldcnt, Cel. Cameren
quietly drepjHsl the matter ami the Lancas
ter Democrat wa ludellullely suiended.
it 1: nneMi. is "erri.vsivi. rviiriHw."
l'rem li?ll te K'jrt, a old Demwrat well
remember, there were bitter loud In the
Deni'icratlc mrty of Linraster unity, grow grew grow
IngeutofMr Hiii hiuau's uandldaey for the
prenleiicy nnd hi utteran -h relalive te
M111011 Cameren's elis'tleii te the t'nlted
.SUte Henatu. Many of the ablest men of
tlm party bec.ime alienated from Mr. I Im ban
an, ami rallying around Cel. Kiali I rarer,
the in knew ledged "War Herse of Demo
cracy, ' they did everything they could de te
1I1 feat lluclianan's aspiration. They were
suicessful in s and In K,i Dennelly w a
an arib ut Ilu lianan man, and liavlng a
facile (in in I a jiiiiigenl wit, he
and the late J 1 rank tin ltelgart and
n few congenial spun adopted 11 plan of
rklli ule as being the lest way of bringing
the opposition into contempt. Inn en of
humorous artlcles entitled " Wnr Herseaua"
they liri'd tlielr lnughter-proveklng s julbs
through Hie isiliiinii of the 'ni .SA 1, and
(In illy published them In pamphlit lerui
and had the salisfai'tnn at last In heeimr Mr.
Huchanan nominated and elf ted te the
ill. 1 11 1 v MIIOl 01 1 1 1
In Is! Mr. Dennelly wa appointed
register of quarterly return by Postmaster
Oeneral Campbell, and held the Knltinii two
years, when he resigned. In lsi7 hi old
rrlend Jehn i'ersy tlie Carter, who wa the
chief rlerk of the u itlenal Houeof Hnproieu.
Utlves, apimlntml him assistant clerk I hi
position he held until Cel. Jehn W. Ferney,
(who had gene ever te the Republicans) w 1
elected chlel clerk, when Diunellv resigned
and wa glviu a clerkship In the land illke
and subsequently iu the census bureau.
After 'Old Abe" bad become tlrmly
seated In the presidential chair hi first
busbies wa te "turn the rascals out,"
and he did it with unsparing baud.
Dennelly received nnlii m te quit.
He shook the dust of Washington from hi
sandal anil went into the rooting and teal
oil business in Philadelphia. Hut hi father
being uoweldaiidtt-elile, I'atrh k 1 imebai k te
Lane ester in lsivl ill lather died the hhiiie
ytar the (white w a nettled up, 1'itruk re
united from the old homestead and took up
a rmideuie III the I mirth ward In Im be
w a eb' ed alderman and servrsl a term of
II d ear-. Keinovluglliite the Lubtb ward
be wa there nominated and doted alder
lliau , ha been re-elected trem time te time
mid I still lu filled, having eerved n period
elJlyeir. Hi'invell reillawjer and a
cirelul Jusll 11 ami ha Inn slew te learn the
tn k by which Heme veunger nldermen
have brought their elllce Inte disrepute.
'le riHiipitulale, Squire Dennelly's nccom nccem
plishments it may be sild he wa a ge'Hl
tailor, a geed actor, especially iu comic puts,
a cirelul clerk and a humorous writer; he H
it kind husUiud and lather, Is a solid Deme
oral and a grand 'ery teller Olttu bin he
set the table In .1 rear by bis Dutch and Irish
stories, for be has "the sweet liermau acnuil"
at command a well as "the rich Irish
brngiiM." l'erhap one of the best etm plea
of hi liumer I the Irish letter, written ninny
years age, which we append .
A FlMOls imsit 1 hi n l(
Tl I I V MM It I l.V II UAH, I'.Mllsll ill It tl -
I V II vei 1 1. 1, Nl Ml Hur.-MiM ,11 , , 1 111
Ml, IN Till. Cm Ml 11 KlLhlVM, IN
My Ufa Xrjihni I bat n't sent you a
letther since thu last tlme 1 wrote te you, be
k ise we moved Irem our lurmer plai e el lit
ing and consequently I couldn't tell w here 11
Ititlhi r would Iludteu. Hull new, with pleas
tire, take up mt pen le inform you of the
dentil el your own living 11111I0 Kilpitli
rick, who died very siuldeuly lastvteik
alther a lingering Illness or six mouth,
Iho peer man wa In violent con
vulsions during thu whole tlme el hi sick
Hess, 1 Ing parlectly (pilot ulnt NpuliekN, all
the n ule talking inceharently and calling
rr wathur. I bad no time te Inform you of
hlsdtath sooner, except I had wroteyou by
the last pest, which went oil ten days before
he died and then you'd bad pnslnge te pty.
I nm at a less te tell what bis death
wniHvisenid by, but I fear it wa by his
lastsli kiiess, ter be wa never well ten day
thi glther during the w hole tlme el hiscontlne hiscentlne
liienliiiiil I iiulievn his death wa oeenslemd
by lii-i niiiig ts) much of rabbit Hohtulled
with piH nnd uravy or pus and gravy
schtutkil with rabbits I can't tell which.
Hut be that as it may, a seen h he brathed
In last the dockthers gave up all
Iieih) of hi recovery. 1 ctn't tell
you niiythlng about hi uge, ler you
will knew that in March next he'd have
been twluty-Uve year euld, lacking ten
iiiiuitb, mid hud he lived till that time
he'd bin it jlst six months de id. Hi prep
erty new revolve te bis next of kin, who nil
died sumo tiuionge, se that 1 expect it it ill
iHidlvided between 11, nnd you knew hi
property wa soinethlng very considerable,
ler lie had a line oslute that wa hew Id te piy
hi debts, and the rauialmler holestln nhorse
race; but It wn the ojilnleu of every ene at
the time that he would have wen the race, il
the herse lie run ngalust hadn't been tee 1 1st
ferblni. 1 never hiw it man, nnd the ilwk
thers.ill say se, that ebsarved direitieiis or
tuck medlciue butther than In did. He said
he's n lav e take bltther nllewuys a sugar
ctudy, It It had only the sanie taste mid lp
picacuhunan whiskey punch, If It would
only put him in thu same humor for lighting
Hut iioer soul, he will nlver ntu or drink
mere, nud you lutvii't a living lelatiim
lore In the wlde world, oxcet inyseli and
inur two cousins who were kill lu tbe
but war. I ctn't dwell en thl mourn meurn
lul subject and I shall eule my letther
with blink salinwax and put en It your
uncle's co it el nrin, se I beg you net te
break the sale whin you epen thl letiber,
and don't epen it till three or four days alllier
vou'verecavoil It, by which tlme you will
be preptred ter the sorrowful tidings. " our
swoethenrt Judy Alcdee, sends you her b
uiiknownBttetiio. When Pat Unnegnu r
rive 11 America nx him for this letther, and
flie deaVnt knew it Ireui tbe resi, tell bun
it's tbe ene that spaktw about your uncle'a
deitli and saled lu blnck. I remain veur
alloctlenalo Ould U rand mother,
Jluv O'Hoemoan.
Te Mhther I.irry O'iloellgan, lately et the
town et rullymucklehchrag, In tbe l'nrish nl
lUllyraggtt, neir Hallysciilugligutthery, lu
the County orkllkeuny, lu Ireland, new i 11
America, fernlnst the pump.
N. II. Don't wrlte te me again till you re re ro
cave till.
1'. H. When you coins te this place step and
don't any mere till my next.
Mr. Dennelly uiarricxlUutharluoGallagber,
by whom he had seven children, only three
el whom are new living. Charles Carrell,
papor-haiiKer, lu the employ of J. II, Martin
A Ce., Jaiun Huchanan, wIieiissIhU hi lather
In his nldormnnle work, and Clarence I. A.
Dennelly, clerk In It. .. Hheads' Jewelry
stere. J. M. J.
.WHHttitMT of wijw niriT KNTKttrn.
llm C'urrnnt llnlii Hint Wa. Tranurtril nt
Court Morning Nn.liin.
Alter the conclusion of the testimony for
thu plslntlll'in the suit of the administrators
or Harry Wise vs. Jeseph C. Walker, en I'rl.
day nlleriKMin, defendant's counsel moved
for n lien suit en the gieutid that sulllcient
testimony was net produced le warrant a
verdict In Taver or the plalutiir. 'ihe court
alter hearing argument granted the non nen
suit. Court met nt 11) o'clock this morning for
Iho transaction el current huslui.
'I he ruin te set nslde ll u In tbe execution
Issued by Klirabeth Itelll against J. II.
Schneider wai discharged, without argu
ment. An Issue wa granted te nscerbtln tbe
otviurihlpet certain proerty sold a. that of
I harles A. Iteece, lu which Cbarles Freed
man was named n plalntlll'Mid the Merrow
Manufacturing company a delendant.
'Iho (Killing place In the .Second ward,
Htrsshurg borough, wa changed Irem Iho
home of Istae Helm te that et Cnarles W.
The order te open Kranklln street wa
nmendiHl by tboceurt. As originally made,
lu opening the street, Iho prison wall 011 the
east would have te lw tern nway. 11m erder
wa he amended that tlie prison wall I al
lowed le stand for the present.
A motion te amend the sentence passed en
Jacob 12 by, etal., convicted el forclble entry
and detainer, he n te liiclude a w rlt of resti
tution, was argued at length The court re
served decision.
The court, en motion of I 1. Hrlnlen, at
torney ler Dtv Id Oraell, granted a uiaudii uiaudii
musexicutien against the city et Ltucaster.
The amount Involved I f ie, the reward
ellereil for the conviction el barn burners.
riu iiFreiiHrii
Ilil.hir.s Tntn.artf! mi VrUiny el Interrst te
the t'repls nl ltncater
i'liii Abi.i.pniA.Oct. 10. On Friday morn
lug thu Hufermed synod continued the dl dl
cusslen or the Wlchlbt college project, Indl
v Idu lis and charge pledgisl themselves te
glve$1,10Q New Helland charge w a down
rnrfUl, Farmcnv Hie, JW). Delegates stated
stated that Lancaster classi would probably
ralse GOO and I'hlladelphia tl,tXK)
though no pledge were mode.
A r( solution te Increase the salary of Pro Pro
feseor Oast, of the Laiic-tster theological semi
nary, wn relerred te the committee en soml seml
narlcs. In tbe atternoeu sestien tbe report
et the commlltee en the theological seminary
at 1 jtncHster w n preiented, stating that M.OuO
in cash subscription had been scs-ured, and
nmrii wa confidently expected. The com cem
mltti e en the college at Wichita presented a
resolution that a committee of ene from each
dassls lu thl synod Ih funned, the ereclal
duty of which will be te see that the fj,0e0
nportlenmont te the synod be collected.
Committee 011 tellgleii'i service reported
the various appointments fir the service en
the coming .Sunday at the dillerent churches
In the city. Among them are the following
well known lu Lancaster: At Church of the
Stranger, 10 ie a. in, Dr. I". V Oerhart;
'Irlnlty Reformed, Kev. Dr. Klep, D D, pis pis
ter, Kev. Warren J Jehnsen, at 10.30 a. in ,
and Kev. J. A. l'eters, at"J0 p. 111., at Urst
KefeniKil, Kev. Dr. an Horne, iaster, Dr.
1 .vi nirei, at 10 um. 111., nl consecration 01
Hethel ehaiiel, Kev J. II Duhb, I) D.
On Fridav evening preparatory service
were held. The synedlcal communion will
be held en Sunday morning.
Terrible Dentil nl a Valuable llurss
Iruui: Ilu I., Oot, ir, K. 11. Davis lest a
herse In n peculiar manner. A ptlr of ani
mals were hitched ten harrow nud at work
iu a field. Thedriver stepped te clean the
implement when the horse b&uauie tangled
and loll down. One of the animals
fell upon the up-turned teeth of the harrow,
fhev pi netraled hi body at dlllerent places
tausing h iirlble wound. The animal had
mint killed at once. One of the wound wa
sedeep th it the hersi's lung woreoxposed.
Wlnle riding along ihe rntd the horse el IL
D Weater filth ened at seme blcycle
riders, and Uir" the rider no hi head " Mr.
Weaver vva puked up unconscious and re
mained in tliatinmlitien for soma time. He
1 new In bed and Is being attended by Dr. J.
C McCemiell
Mr. Abner Cllne,whe wa tbe lirst resident
of lerre Hill, Hged M yetr. is seriously ill
ami I nut exectil te meter. Dr. Isaac
Inter and J. C. McConnell are attending
Camtlilale lltark Warmly ltrti-lted
Lleuten mt Oovernor Black, accompanled
by James M. Ikck mid Jehn II. Few, el
l'hil tdelphia, arrived 111 Leck Haven, Friday
alti ruoeu from Keuove ami were met at the
station by many prominent Democrat.. The
ptrty wero conducted te the Irwin house,
w here n receptleu wa held. Alter a brief
nst and supper the baud escorted the
stakers te the court house, which bad been
handsomely decorated. A large throng
gioeled them there and the orator held the
attention et the audience. Mr. Black made
a favorable impression en all who saw and
beard htm. A large delegation of young
Democrats, headed by FdlterDwyer, of the
Ktviote Ncu , accompanied tlie party Irem
Kenove, where they spent the day. At He
novo the candidate for governor wn called
upon by lour hundred vturkinguieu, who as
sured him el their earnest support.
DO I'rrseti Ivnimn In He tlruwneil
The latist report of tbe disaster at ."rtblne
Fas, lexa, show that "0 arsons are known
te be drowned, and ethers are missing. The
destitution among thu survivors is extreme.
Out et morn than L0 hou-es lu the village,
les tli tn six remain standing, and they are
rmiKil. Iho wave breke agaiust tlie light
house in solid walls hlty tee t high, tearing
out the wludews at ihe very top of the
strtii tine.
i-ertv buildings were demolished and tive
lives lest by u gale In the vicinity of butlale,
I'. qierls Irani Indiana, Illinois aud Michi
gan snow that the reteiit storm damaged
mid demolished building, leveled lence and
teleKiuph pole and upnuted tice.
Nute. rrum Celli ge Hill
Atn meeting of the member of the semi
nary, Messr. K. C. hclieldt, J F. Meyor, C.
A Sinteennd A. M Schmidt were elected te
represent the Kefermcd theological seminary
in tlm Inter Seminary Missionary alliance,
whli h meets nt Oberlln. Ohie, during the
latter part or thl mouth. Mr. K. C. Scheldt
will re id a paper en inlsien In Africa,
Dr Oerhart, I) 11 libs and Stahr are iu Phil
ttdelphia attending the meeting of synod.
l'lin observatory will probably be com
pleted next, week. Tlie dome Is new put lu lis
place nnd thu telescope will be placed in posi
tion lu a few days,
I utieral el stemal l.nng
Thu luneral el bamuel Leng, who died
Irem apoplexy en tlie.Mjlin lann near Wll
low htroet a lew day h Hgo, took place en Fri
day and was very largely nttended. Relig
ions services wero conducted by Kev. Ames
llerr, el the Moniieuitoeiiurch, and Kev. A,
11. hlienl.le, of the Kefermcd church. A
quarttltnotvecallstsfrom Lancaster furnished
tint inu-lc Tbe Interment took place at the
Brick Meetinghouse below Willow Street.
Iho Creui ttlnii suclrt)
'1 he Cremation society bold a meeting last
et cuing at the olllce et II. C. llrubakcr, esq.
Matters of finance were dl-cussed and tbe
iiiomtiers present tvereiiiiaiilmnuslu exprCHs
Ing their lal'h in the ultimate suet ess of the
society and tbelr readiness te glve auy liuau
cl tl aid deemed necessary.
Hetel Properly W llliiliaiiu.
On Friday alternoen the Iho Styer heuse
iu New Helland was ettered at publlceale by
It II. Hrubakeraud Geergo Htyer, oxecuters
el the estate of Jehn Slyer, deceased. Tbe
preperty was bid uii te J15.000 and then with-drawu.
FAttntiNti nre UVAUTKIl KmalUHH
vevhth in tiii uutNtr.
The Dl.lrkt Altnrner Held, the l(j ami If lie
Bam the I' Hf'trni tVlll (Jsl a
Trial hihI Tliniivtml. nf Dellar. Will
l.lkcljr I10 Hated i:cn
'I be arllcle in tlie Iniki.i.kiksckii en
Haturday last advocating the running of two
quarter sessions courts, en Iho same plan a
the common pleas court are conducted, has
been the subject or considerable talk during
the past week. The first wren who speke
en tbe subject ten ropresonlatlveof the I.STlii,
i.!ii:.N(i:u wa thu president Judge of the
ceurbi of Lancaster county. He sild : "In
my Judgment the article en two quarter ses.
slens courts was the most sensible that has
appeared lu any of the lectl papers for the
past year. Twe courts a'O needed for a
prefwr nnd prompt discharge of the quarter
sessions business and if the lNTM.i.t(
can accomplish their suggestion it will
be innre thin I have been able te de.
I have Intimated te the preper authorities
that two courts wero necessary but nothing
dollnlte was accomplished." The Judge then
proeeedod te show that the adjourned courts
could bodlspensed with, if the new system
was lu use, and without adjourned terms
the oxpense te the county would be lessened
hev eral thousand dot ars each year. In nlne
caoeutof ten the county pay the cost In
quarter session cases, and It fellow that if
twice the business could be dene each week
of criminal court, tbe county w uld save an
enormous suni iu wltnes fee alone.
TUB QL'VltlbltlV ItbTlllNS.
Thore are from 120 le J00 cases roturned
each term, and about one-half of tkosecaso
are dlsposed of at the regular term. Tbe
remaining cases go evor te the adjourned
term for want of time, but all the mme the
witnesses are In attendance at the expense of
thoceunty.and II tee two court system w a In
cllect the cmsi s of these for which there I net
tlme te try In 0110 court could be dlsiiosed of
In tbe ether.
Several promlnent attorneys who were
speken toeu the subject also favor the new
system. They complain of having te be in
quarter sessions during all tbe week and say
that If two courts were In ojieratieu they
would net be kept any mere from their elllces
than new and they would gain the tune out
of court, which they are new compelled te
put In attending adjourned courts,
The deputy clerk el the quarter sessions
court w a asked for hi opinion en the sub
ject nnd he replled that be wa In favor of
the new system. While il would cost a little
mere te run the elllre, an additional man
being requlred for the loner cfii'rt, the ex
pense would net be great. A genl man well
qualified say for instan e a young attorney,
could be i-ecurcil for f-i fir each week of
rpiarter sessions court,
'Ihore 1 but one man that can ttnd In the
way of sivlug theusind et dollar annually
te the county. That man I the district at
torney. New would be the time te make the
change. With the new district attorney It
could be started. v illlam D Weaver, If he
lives, will be the next district attorney. He
will enter upon the dutlis el hi elllce en the
tirst Monday of Januarv
what will, the inritii r iiiehmi de?
William D. Weav or I called upon te say
where be stand en this important question.
He asked for the elllce en the ground that he
was "a line legal scholar, a gentleman iu
ev ery respect and well worthy el thoefllee."
Se reads ene of the communication that ap
peared in the dally piper during the cam
paign. It i presumed that a man worthy of
the elllce will socendin t it that It will he for
the host Interests of the county. The best In
terests of the county are smaller quarter ses
sions bills and that will be the result II Mr.
Weaver favors tbe new system, lie will net
have much te lese. Hi fei s will be decreased
euly what be pty an nsslstant. He will still
uiake $.,000 a y ear out of the efllce.
If William D Weaver, the coming district
atterney, will after election sav te tee court,
"appoint nn assistant distr it attorney ami
give the twoeourts system a tr a ler ene year
at least," he will prove teat he s ile-erving
of the efllce and mere humus mitv bem stere
for lilm.
Itis a departure wbicn weu.d meet with
the approval of nlltaxptyers Auether big
advautage would be that there would be
prompt and speedy trials of case returned
te the quarter sessions muru and business
men who are dragged luteiuurt as wituense
would net be compelled te remain there day
alter day waiting le be called.
It would require about mi jurors iu evch of
tbe four criminal court week. That number
would admit oftwejurlts being out, and
there would still boa Huilb-ient number from
which te select two ether nine te keep the
court busy.
ilia OLVTiir.H ii rue stvlbn
While He Was An Inmate el Hie Workliemo
Te lie ImntlKatril
Christian Hauer called en Commissioner
Ilartmati en Friday aud stated he had
last a geed suit el clothes while nu inmate of
the workhouse. His story I that he was au
inmate or the almshouse and was went te the
hospital te take care el the insane patients.
Fer some alleged disorderly conduct he wa
taken bolore Squire Ionian, et Lancaster
township, and committed te the workhouse,
whero he was put te work breiklng stones.
When he went into the workheuso he was
tbe owner of a geed suit of clothe. When
his term had been serv ed and he w a roleased
he wai given Instead an old suit. He asked
ler his clotbes mid lie was net given any
Commissioner Ilartmati sitv Watchman
Kepperllng iu relerence te the matter mid
the only oxcuse he gav e is that the clothe et
Hiuer wero stolen, Hauer will meet the
county commissioners en MendBV and It is
thelr intention te iuv esllgate the niilter and
ascertain w here nnd bow the clethes were
stolen and vv here the watchman, whel ptld
for hi service, was when the theft was com
mitted. IllR HilLHU.ll) CtTjl'tM- CKVHUUKU.
Fer Negligence In can.lng Hie Ileatli of .luliu
SimuRler'a Little sun,
Charles Henry Spnugler, son el Jehu Spui
glur, who was hurt at tbe Vine street cross
ing of ibe (iuarryville railroad, died from his
Injuries nt 1 o'clock en Friday nf nf nf
torneon. Coreuor Henauiau wai notl netl notl
lled nud held an luquest. The Jurers
oiupanelod vvoreUoo Mulleck.Chnst, A. Oast,
J. M. Martiu, JelinG. Heed, A.M. Sourbeer,
and It. F. Hastings. The testimony or wit
iiessts aud the train bands was heard and
and was substantially a published en Fri
day. The verdict et the jury wa that he
came te his death by being run evor by n car
en the Lancaster A. Quarrytille radio id, at
the Vine street crossing, in the city el Lan
caster, while the employ e et the company
wero making a flying vv itch, and the jury jury
de censure tlie cempmy for making such n
switch nt any crossing In the city without
having watchmeu placed at such crossings.
Win. Berber Iteturn. Hume
v llliam Zecher, late or the A 1 toen a club,
returned te his home Iu this city last night.
This popular young player made n geed re
cord during 1 10 season, as he leads tbe short
steps ei tue .state Association.
MeTamany injured hi leg acaln In tbe
game in Alteena n row day u Hgo nud is
unuble te piny,
Awarded a I'rlre.
The New Yerk Technical Scheel or Design
seme time age aunetiuced that they would
award four prlrea for the essavs written en
practical subjects. Win, J, Wlduiyer, em
ployed at D A. Altlck's Sens' ceich works
was aw ardeil the second prize, a haudsome
sum of money, for bis essay, "Hew te con
duct tbe carriage business, en business
Kxcur.luu te Mauili Chunk
This morning an excursion was ruu ever
the Heading railroad te Mauch Chunk and
areunii the Switchback. Sixty persons lelt
King street en the special train at 0.10,
IU Varleiu Ctiurrhea That Will Held Special
Servlcea-A Until Itiibbrrr In Ilia Karly
MorningTewn Nntet.
llcRtilnr Coirenpnnilonco of the 1 "cntmeEscxit.
Cut.l'Miii v, Oct, 1(1 The 12at ;iennsyI
vanla eldership el the Church of (led, con cen con
venod at Mlddletuwn, have returned Kev. C.
I). Klshel, a pastor of the Church or (led,
Columbia. He will commence his second
pastoral year en Sunday, occupying the pul
pit iHith morning and evening.
In the Second street Lutherati church en
Sunday morning and evening tbe sacrament
et the Lord's supiier will lie admliilstored.
In the evening W. 1' Hvatix, pastur, will
preach en the subject et "Sunday News
pipers." Kay. F. J. Clay Merati has roturned from
thocenventlou of the Sunday school iustltute
at Chicago.
The work at the new St. Paul's church Is
belng pushed rapidly forward.
Werk Is also progressing rnpldly at the
new United Brethren church en North Filth
Held Iteliberx.
A robbery was committed thi morning at
the heuse of Jehu Hegor, en Seuth Filth
stroet, near Locust, between 1 a. in. nud day
light, One of the Inmates wascalled te work
at 1 o'clock and lelt the house by the deer of
the summer kitchen, which was lelt unfas
tened. The robbers must have had knowl
edge of this fact, as they gained ontrance te
the heuse In thh manner. Mr. Hegor had
left his coat and vest, which contained hi
watcn, in the lower lloer et tlie house, and
the robbers succeeded In getting these, also a
Inter edibles. 'Ihny did net vllt the upper
lloer, but left by the sime way they eutered.
The rebbers lelt no trace behind theui.
About tbe same tlme robber wero In the
cellar of the heuse of Masen McFadden,
living next deer te Mr. Hegor. Nothing was
socured. The cellar stairs wa full of drip
pings from a tallow candle, which bad been
used by the rebbers.
Will Ke.tliua Werk.
A breken pinion at the puddle roll of
the mill of the Columbia Iren company,
which caused a stoppage In thi department
this week, has been rep tlred and the mill will
roume work en .Monday. 1'enr new pud
dllng furnaces will be built at this mill and
work will commence at oiice in their orec erec orec
tlen. Town Nete..
Several Columbians left this morning en
an oxcurslen ever the Keidlng it Columbia
railroad te tbe Switchback and Olen Oneke
The Yeung Felks Gleaners society of the
Church ei Ged will held their monthly seci
able the this evening at tlie house et Jehn
Hall, 20i Seuth Second street.
The underbrush and dry weed en Furnace
Hill, lying along tbe Pennsylvania railroad,
a short distance abeve town, was set en tire
about 1 o'clock this morning by a spark from
a locomotive. The lire burned until alter
feu r o'clock.
Magee's Comedy company will appe-ir in
the opera heuse ou Monday aud Tuesday
evenings ofnextweok.
A cold wave has reached Columbia, mak
ing a declded change In the ntmospbere.
General Welsh Pest of lbs Grand Army
will be Inspected en next Tuesday eveulng,
by Herace L. llaldeman, or ChlcMes.
The New itace Track at New Helland fciarts
On a rre.pernu. Csreer.
A very successlul opening or the new race
track at New Helland was made en Friday.
Thore was a a large crowd present, includ
ing many levers el horse Uesh from this city.
Kverythlng passed oil very nicely. The New
Helland baud enlivened the occasioned. The
judges were Dr. J. II. McCeskey, Jehu Ko Ke
land and Dr. Henry Keimonsnyder.
Tbe ilrsl event was a pacing race, which
was epen te all. 'I here wero three entrle,
and tbe race wero best two In three. The
following I the summary :
C V bhullz.g it, Harry II 3 1 2
Vines Shacttei.b in Delly's 12 1
beniltr A llrubtker, b in , Mary M.... 1 J J
1 line J -V, J ,T,, J 101,.
The second was a running rice for horses
of Karl and adjoining townships, that had
never, run ler money. The heats were a
quarter of a mlle each and the results wore:
Hr Horner, blk m, Drllj 11 3 2
t.iergu tcket br:, Julius I d
Jacob Italr. l.udj 11 I l
Jehn I Hair, a m . VI hlte blocking 4 3
1 line tii and JJK.
lletw eon tbe horse races there was n deg
race between coach dogs owned by 1'arke
Fralm aud Adam Rurger, jr., of this city.
Te-day thore is te be trotting, running, pony
and uleycle races.
Johnny It Cemes In Third.
In Friday 'b 'JS20 class race for $100 at
Helalr, Md , this was the summary :
It llenlchell a Llzile It Jill
thark. Cox's I'eich Illow . . 1112
? K llally's Johnny ll ... I J 3 3
William viemtleld s Aster 3 I I I
1 Imc .' MX Jl4, S 31J.4, 2 3!
Pliny I.edRe I J u. et 1 I'ays a Fraternal
V (Ixneral Nules of the Order The
American Mechaulc.
BfCK, Pa., Oct. 10. Pliny ledge, Ne. LU,
K. of P. paid n fraternal visit te ML, John Jehn
sen ledge en the evening of Oct, 12th. Seme
thirty uieuiber, heuled by the Ceutreville
cornet band, lelt the hall of Pliny at 3 o'clock
en the afternoon of the 12th and proceeded
te Fairfield, where they arrived about flve
o'clock. 1 hey partook of a sumptuous supper
which had beeu prepared ler thorn by uiine
host of the Falrlleld hotel.
By Invitation of the members of Mt, John John Jehn
eon, they Jeined Mt. Jehnsen with a parade
through the streets of the village. About
thirty mombers of Mt, Jehnsen were in line,
and tbe two made a very creditable appear
ance. Alter the parade they preceeded te
tbe ball of Mt. Jehnsen where thev spent a
very pleasant evening. P. C, T. J. Shirk, of
Plluy, made a short Hiteecb, telling of thu
rapid growth of the order, the grandeur of
Its tenets, "Friendship, Charity and Honevo Henevo Honeve
lenco." He was followed by P. C. Weldley, of
Mt. Jehnsen, who speke of hew much there
was still et geed for the order te de, el the
men who opH)e "ecret societies, simply be be bo
cause they knew nothing about them. Tbe
spoaker thought that tl the principle of
the erder were engratted In the kaarti of
every one, the world would be happier. He
was lullew ed by Brether Knight W. II. Mi
Comb, of Pliuy, who thought the principles
upon which the erder 1 teunded was net
familiar enough te the people. He
thought that literary outertiiiuuiont et
seme sort would be et benefit lu
the ledges, te uiake tbe sessions mere
Interesting, and Hpoke of tbe geed de
rived from fraternal brotherhood. P. C. L.
K. McCluru speke et the beneiiclary leatures
of the erder, and udvised all te keep iu geed
standing. Alter spending seme mere tlme
In social talk they adjourned.
O L'. A. VI.
Nowceuuclls huve lieen established within
the last few weeks at Washington, I), C, San
Fraucisco, California, New Yerk city and
Hartferd, Conn.
An ellert will be made te mere closely unite
the senior and Junier orders in the neur luture,
but with what success Is hard te tell. Thore
seems te be quite a gap between them at
present aud has been for some time. Sev eral
ttlerts have been made te consolidate the
hoadset tbe ardors, but the dltlerenccs were
se great that It proved (utile each time.
J r. O. U. A. St.
Conestoga Council Ne. 2i has of late been
kindly romemborod by several of its mom mem mom
bera who have Joined the erder of ' Beno Bene
dicks." There seems te be n rule that eacfi
memtier who gets married present- the
council with a large cake, and a almost
overy wool; Heme member get married,
large cake have almost beceme a glut en
the council inarket, .Mr. Gee. A. Lollarcou Lellarcou Lollarceu
trlbutod his cake te the council last night,
which was recelved by the members lu geed
style, and many were the congratulations
extended lilineuhU "new move."
Friday ovenlng Kinpire council 120, Jr. O.
U. A. M., gave au entertainment lu their
council room for their own amusement. It
consisted or vocal aud Instrumental music,
recitations, dialogues, etc Among the fea
tures was the recitation by Win. N, Leenard
of "The Hum Maniac," which w as v ery geed.
The iiiembOM gave a farce eutltled. "TUB
Dutch Juitlce," which amused aU.
nut it nr riiit niiKutrr.
A Number et frupertle. IILpniiei! of Under
the. Inexorable Hammer.
HIioriirTeinllnson sold the following prop
erties nt the court heuse nt 2 o'clock tbla
aftorneoti :
A let of ground in Cnuesloge township,
containing 2 acres nnd a ene story leg dwell
ing house, as tbe preperty of Stephen Iiavl,
te Antheny Steckawilz, for $100.
A let of ground In Lnnoaster, containing in
fronton Marletta avenue 110 Teet with a 2
story brick dwelling house, Ne. U29 West
Orange stroet, also two double '1 story brick
dwelling houses, Ne. 722 and 721 Marletta
avonue, as the properlv of Simen Slngle, te
"nun .v. iieumau ler tow, subject ten fit.soe
A let of ground luKist Karl township, con
taining D aero and a '2-story frame dwell
lug beuse, cigar factory, a the preperty of
Josse M Hltrar, te Lemen Schaeller for Jl.ttST..
A tract el land In Clay township contain
ing 20 aero and a one-story leg dwelling
house, stahle, as the prejierty otdeo, Stohler,
A let or ground In Manhelm, containing in
front W feet, as the preperty et H. M. Swol Swel
gart, te Harvey Swelgart Ter tilO.
Ne. 1. A let of ground In. Maytown, Kast
Denegal township, 02 by 2M feet, with a two
story frame dwelling heuse, cigar lactery.
Ne. 2. A let of ground In Maytown, Kast
Denegal township, 02 by 2."0 feet with a two twe two
Htery frame dwelling beuse, stable, as the
prerty of Jehn Stum. Ne. 1 te Win.
Welclmns for 725. Ne. 2 te Harry Hquseal
Ne. 1. A let of ground en Seuth Prlnce
street, Lancaster, 32 by 217 feet, with a two
story brick dwelling heuse, Ne. 135.
e, 2. A let of ground In West Hemplleld
township, containing or an acre and a two
story rrame dwelling houe and stable, as
the property of Geerge P. Klugh.
Ne. 1. withdrawn at $17 . Ne. 2. le Tebla
Shugorsfer JO'JO.
Tbe following propertlesef Jehn L Jacebs:
i. L A tractor land situated 111 Kast Don Den
egal township, containing 07 acres and n two twe two
siery brick dwelling house, bank barn, te D.
H Case for f7, 100 subject te a dower of ?l,.
Ne. 2 Alotergroundsltuatodln Maytown,
10 by 250 feet with a two-story brick dw oiling
house, with bark building, te same for ?ca
a J. A let or ground situated in the same
village, 02 by 250 feet, with a two-story brick
tobicce warehouse, te same for 5100.
The Mtcnnerchnr Haiaar.
A joint meeting or the ladles' and gentle gentlo gontle
men' executive committees or the Micnner.
cher baziir was held in Mronnercher hall,
Friday evening. The nttendance was quite
large and everything leeks very favorable
mr n succesiul outcome of tbe bazaar, which
will open en Nev. 17th and continue until the
27th. F-ach sub-commlltee of the working
committee w a given authority te increa'e
the number or iu members if it be deemed
expedlenb The committee ou donations re re re
Iiorted progress ; they said they had been
very successful in ceiling donations for tbe
baraar, many of which are quite valuable.
Ilnjr Arretted for Train .lumplnc.
Frank Gahle and Henry Maynard, two
lads who are said te be in tbe habit or Jump
logon and en the car en the water street
railroad, were arrested yesterday for trespav
sing en the read, and sent te jail by Alder
mau McConemy for live days.
Jeseph Hetluian, n young man, and two
small boys named Phillip aud Delzelt, who
are scarcely ever ten years or age, were ar
rested ter tbe same otrenco nnd dlscharged
uiieii payment or cost, which nmounted te
evor i2 in eacli cae. The person who made
the complaint and the arrests was Fred
erlck Hellman, it railroad peliceman, who
lives iu the country.
This alternoen the Oable and Maynard
boys were taken before Judge Pdttorsen en
writs of habeu corpus and at once released.
l'at Ilueney a New lJay.
Friday ovenlng Pat Keeney made his Ilrsl
appoirauce in Lancaster in his new play en
titled " Pat's Wardrebe." The audience
was large, overy part et tbe building, except
the ptrquetie, belli.? full. The piece, which
was written by Flliett Barnes especially for
Mr. Keeney, i in three acts, which are brim
lull or music, At. Tbe play give great sat
isfaction. The Muulclpit Contention
The committee of councils who will attend
thu municipal convention at Heading next
week met last evening. Dr. Belenlus was
elected chtiruian and J. K. Birr secretary.
It was decided te invite the mayor and presi
dent of helect council te accempanv the com
mittee en Tuesday.
Mindly Scheel Contention.
The auuual convention or the Pennsylvania
state Sunday S 'hoel association convene in
Lew istew n ouTuesday next and continues
until Thursday ovenlng.
sale uf Ileal estate.
Jehu F Keith has sold at private sale te
Jeseph Stbmhl a two story brick dwelling
heuse with back budding attached, Ne. lli5
West Lemen street, ler $1,000.
An Answer tnTHrlUTMirlekers.
Fi em tlie Lilltz liccerd
In this campaign "rats!" ought be the
reply te tarlil every time it ia repeated.
A coming i:curtiuii te Uellssburg.
Next Thursday's excursion te Oettysburg
premise te be a Inrge ene. the train leaves
at 7 30 a. m. from the 1". K. It. station.
Iho Terrible (Ule In Luclauil.
Londen, Oct 10. The gale which eetlu en
'Ihursday throughout England and Ireland
eiutinuc unabated. Iho accompanying
floods have swept away many bridges lu the
province of Ulster, Ireland, nud the running
of trains has been seriously impeded. A
number of small vessels have been wrecked,
aud several lives lest.
'1 he great storm still continues. The trcep
shliiTyiie, thirty hours everdue, has beeu
sighted oil Plymouth laboring terribly, but
alie will probably reach the harbor in safety.
The btrquoTevlotdalo which sailed from
Cardlir en Thursday, has been wreckoden
Carmarthen bar. llur eflicers and crew con
sisted of 2 men, Nluoteen men Including
the captain and elllcers left the wreck in a
luat, but the sei was se heavy that the beat
was upset and only two men reached
Bhere iu safety, 17 being drowned. The ether
0 were rescued by n lilobeat.
lieu Oelan l'lace.
W vsuiMnev, Oct. 10 The president to
day appointed Benjamau Felsuui, of New
erk, te be Fuiled Slate consul atShefueld,
l.uglaud. Mr. Folsom is Mrs. Cleveland's
Hist cousin, nud accompanied her upon her
trip te Lurope.
(ion. (lour tie. Net ttlatn.
v vmumiien, OH, 10. Mr. Komero, hav
ing been asked what he thought of tbe re
potted assassli atieii of Kx-Prosldent Gon
zales, of Mexico, t,ald that be did net believe
the report, but te knew the truth be tolegra telegra tolegra
pheden the 11th te Presideiit Diaz, asking
lilm whether thore was any foundation for
report aud be received last ovenlng an an
swer te the cllect that the rumor was net
true, as General Uonzales was well.
Dublin Student. Aealn.t IMrnell.
Dciili.v, Oct. 10 The students of Iho
Dublin university today presented Ierd
Londonderry, the Viceroy of irelaud,
with un address or vvolceuio oxpros expros oxpres
slug joy at the defeat of the home rule
scheme. The viceroy, In reply, said that the
government would faithfully tullill.the man man man
datoef the country us expressed at the recent
parliamentary elections te maintain the
'J.M7I7 Vjipulnletl During tlie Year.
WAsiUMireN, Oct. 10. Iho annual re
port or tbe assistant postmaster gen
eral was uiaile public, te-day. It
Bhevvs that during the last fiscal vear 3.482
new iiesidmces were esiauiisued, Which wa
au Increase or 1 301 ever the year preceding.
There vv ere 2,717 appointments mude during
the year.
Pardoned by Hie I'reiblent.
Washington, Oct. 10 The presldent to te
day granted a pardon te liurwell Hedges
who Is nerving term of imprisonment in
North Careliua for illicit distilling.
bult tit a atuxevvi.r.
There Am Ihieiigh NeK.p.pen nTh
rieldie Adequately IteprauntttiiiCeurM
et tAhir-Menernt Matter Workman
I'etTilerlr en the Nth ,(,
lttoitvie.Ni), Vn., Oct. 10 -Delegate
Dewoy's scheme te establish n grand central
ergnn wn laid en the table this inernlnir.
Tlld tll.iat nlilnnltnt. .. I. .. . V
would crente a monopoly, sliice lta mippert
would be compulsory and thorn nre already In
existence a number of labbrnenii pa per which
depend tifien thelr merits for support, Th
report of the commltteo en revision of the
Inws was thou taken up and the
remainder of the morning session given
te It. . Werk upon the repert will
comiume most of the altorneon. Tim section
relating te the duties or Iho general efllcr,
was adopted. The convention Is new en the
section allectlng slate assomblles, making
each state a district, Instead or having h
number or districts in a state as- new.
Mr. Pewderly was ill this forenonn anil
did net attend tlie convention. (Irnnd Wor Wer
thy Foreman Clrililth presided. Grand Sec
retary Lltcliman says the convention will
llkely adjourn .tine die en Tuesday evening.
K. nl 1.. emrers Tnke the rieilge.
The next annual session of the general as
sembly of tbe Knights of Laber will be held
In Minneapolis, that place having beeu
chosen ever Bosten by 100 mijerlty. It is
the general Impression that the present sos ses sos
slen will end ou Wednes lay erTbursday next
All the elllcers elected hav e lioen Installed.
General Master Workman Powderly made
a short address, In which he said he bad mil
conbdencolulhnnotvly elected elllcers and
he belleved they would faithfully perform
the duties lmKed ou them. He speke or
the necessity et tebil abstinence, and ca"h et
the new elllcers announced that be would net
taste Intoxicating liquor in the next two
years. iv ni.etm.
Allan Who a. it W lines. Against Ills Neigh
bur's AssaMlns Shet by n Hluckmai.'s Seu.
BitevvNsv, Tex., Oct ia-T.ast night
. n?irys urut,r' l'en of a promlnent stockman
at no tane, came in and gnve himseir upas
the murderer or 'Ihoedoro Barriere, whom
he says he killed in solt-defenso. A
dispatch le your correspondent from Santa
-"" "'V"miiiviuuieii iiiursuayiill a. in.
, ,, dJ'!,B ue "lade a decJaratleu, In
which he said he came rreni bis field upon
tbe main read about 1 o'clock In the afior afier afior
neon, and when near the comerof theTurner
pasture ience, be wa halted by Harry Tur
ner, who steed In the open read anil was
then shot and wounded In tbe left brenst by
two meu concealed In the bush. As he fell
turner shot him In the lelt tblgb, and then
as a wagon came up tbe three lied.
Btrrlere walked a quarter or a mlle le the
heuse ei Kendeii, nt Ll Vetiada ranch, whero
,?.. ... 1 1'0"'" armed with a Wlnchester,
but did net fire a shot. Renden was killed
last night and Barrere wns the principal
witness aganist his assassin.
Ilylng at the lUle or a 1,000 liiy.
Chioaqe, Oct 10 A Sin Francisce spo spe
clalBays: "Private advices received in
this city state that chelera 1 still
raging ilercely in Cerea. Ne Idea can
be lormed of the extent of tbe i-ceurge. It
has mere than decimated the capital, where,
out of a-population or 200,000, the death rate
rules at tbe irightlulrate et a thousand per
day. About as many Cereans as there are
peeple In the state or Calirernii have been
swept away already aud It isbard te say where
the plague will step. Cerea is described as
nn appalling est spot. Thopeoploaro begin
iiiug te give ever tue task or burying their
dead, and the city 1 threatoned with pesisive
l.eulil llujs Twe lUllreails.
Kansas Citv, Oct, 10ln an interview
last night Jay Gould said that whlle en his
Kansas trip he had purchased the Denver.
Memphis ,t Atlantic, and also Senater
Plumb's read, the St, Leuis it Fert Snelllng.
He also soemod gracious toward Kansas City,
andaf eraninterviewwithn beard of traSe
cemmittee, Socretary Mlller deciared that
the projtesod boycott pledge agtlust the Mis Mis
seuri I'jeillc would net be circulated.
Discriminating Duller.
T.-W-s.;l.,?aT0-v'ct' 10 -Acting Sec-eary
falrchlld has notified collectors of custom
that under the president's rocent procla precla procla
matien, the dlseilmluatliig duties Imptteed
by section 2,50lorthe rovlsed statute will
be roviyed Irem October 23th, In addition te
ether duties imposed by law en all goods
imported Inte the United States uuder the
lllalne's seilietr lle-ciime n Jesuit.
r.e,V-V ,Kl'Acisc-e, Ctl, Oct. 10 William
l.illesple Valker, nopbewerJamesO. Blaine,
has entered the order of Jesuit fathers si
Santa Clara. He Is 10 years old and ha been
a student at the college for a j ear. ForBemo
tlme be has had an Inclination te a religious
lile eung Walker's mether was the favor faver favor
IteslstororJamosG. Illalne. Shewa burled
en theday President Cleveland was inaugu
Killed Herseir and Tour Chlitlreii.
Le.s dex, Oct. 10. Mrs. Leador, the wlte of
a Camberwell butcher, quarreled with her
husband. She took a train te Fulbam whero
Bhe threw herself and flve children iute the
river. One child euly was rescued.
A Father's Ilreailtnl Iti;e.
Nevv Uavk.v, Conn., Oct. lO-Whllerusli-Ing
at his wire te assault her, last night, Jehn
Landrigen had his leg selzed by his nm, 10
years old. He kicked the boy ever and then
poured ever him a kettletul or boiling water.
The boy was preLably fatally scalded.
Arrived In riilltilelplili.
PlllT.ADnr.rniA, Oct. 10 Hen. James G.
Blalne arrived bere nt 1 o'clock and ws
quietly escorted te the Continental hotel
ii:r,t.eit vi-iiiu TAiy.
James Parly was killed by an explosion at
the Ohie powder vverku, Youugstewn, Ohie,
thi morning. '
Oillcer Pat O'Brien was knocked down nnd
terribly beaten In Chicago this morning by a
gang ct roughs. He is still unconscious.
Halm .t Ce's. large planing mill, with a
large amount of lutnber.w as burned In Pitts
burg tbW morning. Less f 25,000; partial in.
The president has appeinted Charles IT.
Orover, of Kansas, an Indian agent, and
1 rank IL Ooedyear, of New Yerk, u railroad
CWasuinuten, D. O., Oct. 15. Fer
Fasten) Pennsylvania, New Jersey and
Deluware, fair weather, northwcsterly
winds, slight changes in temperature
this evenlQg nt the Loepard Hetel, at seven
o'clock, Jehn If Weur, executer of Jehn Wehr,
will soil a let of ground Se. CIS Seuth Qucen
street, with one-stnry frame dwelling and ether
The Itartlle- Ten Lter Company. On Monday
the HurdleA- Ven Leer drntnatle company open
In the epera heuse In " A bruve Weman." Tbe
company will remain here ler four nights. The
Atlanta Constitution says of the opening plcce i
"The play glistens with many rare situations
and bright passages. The powerful character
are Mr. James M, llardteas Ivte -Bicrlelpn.and
Miss Sarah Ven l.c-erm Lillian Jltlt. ltljuu
littonse melodrama, and called forth some fine
scenle cuVcts.
The " Jldicfc Jluuar " Te night. Tide evening
woaretobivotba "black Hussar," whleh will
be sung by McCaull's excellent epera companr cempanr
The plece has never been heard here, bat Ite
reputation, as wflluslbat of tbetronne, 1 tell
known. A large number of leatebxve already
been sold.
At the Mnkt.the attraction offered by the
msnagcnient of the Lancaster rink; en West
King ttreet, for this evenlnc 1 a ple-catin con.
test between a whlle and colored beyr At we
Moiniierehor link Hiram Croeue wUI elnff,
Jeseph Klluennd Ed. Troyer will kle rce
and there will be dancing after 10 o'clock.