HHHBIIIBIIIB V. .frs V vX - V-W"-- KHSMtM v,a-v; ai'W"t vh-vy':; ' TBM LANOAKTBR PAIIiY INTgLLIMNCgB, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14. 188& K" h1" ' E?e- LIGENGER DAT IH TH YHAB tes-sUd.) MB, TT MLtAM A YBA, FI1TT MtrraanrrexuuBM la lab. .Alt AMeniM rutcm sunna UL OOmitalea AtLOWBD TO tauraen oemraorioa. "';, APTITamnO RATHB: TOT lin.llln.t lin.l 4ln. 6ln. if sr nil te ir.'l3oes7: 1H UB y... 8 00 if 1H fl tc 4 en tan 7 eon loeo use ijed IW uoe SOB 1700 IK ItC sw ie 300 wee i wi v uoe Weekly Intelligencer j,V EVEJIY WCONUDAV MORNINO. LtMOlDBUXVeam. curat e Tia, MMAeorrnnTe rami aimm cr ouemoroiiarBT rAirrivTHk au iiexruiira umn an te tiis waits karii-t. bmtrt and Telegram te IMTKUiiaEMOBR, Building, Lancaster, ra. : Xonrefitct 2ttteUig?ma. ffcABCABTKB. OCTOBKU II, IS. h'"1 '? Buer In a Bad Fix. r phase of the hateful store order ft., which finds its chiet champion in tPasjubucan candidate for goerner, 1 presented in the nuestien whether r;ie4'lbey are taxable as a circulating me- unis brings tue issue be plainly ue- tw people that all may clearly under- lit. If the coupons that are issued at . BMntt Bellefonte nail works are as poed AffMh. and pass as such, they are acircu Mitlug medium, and are subject te the 10 Jateent. tax imposed by the government fjf aa sbbi muu ui pnper. ,tdkt General Beaver and his partners ' 4bs haste te deny that the coupon that I SM 4 S CO 4K en. 7 6e SIM f 8 4-1 5 ml 7 ft' 040 1M 8 5" ION) loeej 13 wi iiw 1160 170 SOB0 1B0W 9)00 24 00 N00 WOO WW 100 MOO S8 00 89 001 4400 MOO HOW 8600 WOO KiMjr;tasue is such a circulating medium as Vi" Slaa-mrirTirrinr.prmtpmn1'it! hirinrr TIipv ' Wf that it isa private arningeinent between sMpteyer and empleye. The logical se- ' MBee, therefore, is that these coupons arc 'equivalent te cash, but are a restraint '.: vfee the holder te purchase at one particu- r.atere. ?Thkifl just the Democratic position en 'Ifce'subject. Ne man would part with a in exchange for one of Beaver's ten- C coupons, because the former is geed f all ever the United States, while the r k redeemable at its face value only - .at tfee store wherein supplies are furnished rs- m .Bwver s werxmen. te long ;is uits con- Lj ' 4UU0B of affairs exists, the Republican can- -v- aOMiw must earn me contempt 01 au non B" & uieaus or lauer. ffvf8ie empleyes of the Bellefonte nail jf'4'Wk are out in a specious circular under Knights of Laber aus declaring that the store order is a thintr of beautv. This : BM created great indignation among the . JCftlffht8 and its consequence will be the tttbriag up of the members of that erganl- sPa te mere pronounced hostility against :?the uenublicnn cand date. $1h if Ne man who pays his empleyes iu store orders, and net in hard cash, can ever E&fe. "hope te be governor of the great state of SiS TVwinavlvnnl.t. f ibe uuiicu niuica uuu ?iuiu iiy agreement wuii spam in aiarcn 01 C'iVIRftl thnnmdncts (if IIih ITimImI St.itps :iml '.' .UIaIa. fMm 41.n TTflA.1 C).,tn. . ,n l. suuiu uje uuacu ukice ncie Mi w j-raumiiteu 10 uuui ana 1'orte kice tree ireni gMfdtecrimlnating duties, and in return a like privilege was te be ;iccerdel te cargoes J from these islands entering American ports g&tuider the Spanish llag. rt. When making this agreement Spain iT, liail ttnruwl 4linf ilia traifi' tliin urtlat nti - ,HOU WUIOl WAAMW hllU bA.4bJ VIAV11 UllUli VUII jrideratien by the United States government r?.!weuld be ratified, ami en tlie reiectien of pihe'treaty by tlie Senate, she endeavored te 0$ Ignore the commercial agreement. Tiireugh FvT?kAra!jtfAnt. anil I iraTeQ tinnrt. atitt u';ia ati. mmTUvI tn fulfill tlin pniitrnpt rn tli nvtunl lufpeating notices in the ports of the two i? Wtand, but it was well understood that svSttieVere mere words, which the govern- eaMntwasnet anxious te see enforced. bp- ,r! - fc s&s.TheoiIlcersef the crown at the ports iu fclnZil .-l l.l l-l r 11 .VWHUUUIDUtlll bllCll DttlUllca 11U1U IIIO UU3" iiatfdues collected, and of course they cel- - ''llLt nl miiAli no iliaw ii a rliet In v-itit-n ;.. jjferagift te Spalnef lessened tariff, amount- rygijjUJg te many tueusauds or dollars, we have gh, neeivea netning whatever but premises. WsVr'ui the last days of his administration tM' granted se many favors te foreigners in ex- ?,- Change for se few, that their rejection by pi. the Senate has ahvas been regarded by 9TjineauieBii men ui uu pariiea as wise policy. The conduct of Spain in the matter of this Sss-: ... .-:..... ......... .. JlW'i :,mtSfVeuusuv la eviucuuu 111.11, nnu consul- ereu tue treaty be laverauie te uerseii mat she was willing te make the agreement its a part of the price- of securing it. Having been overreached in diplomacy & state department and nresldent. tlm nnk 5& coarse eien te Spain in order te escape Ep" from the agreement was te ignore the prom- -.f iseu maue in mat uecument ana let it ft Btand against her as a monumental lie. ?. Rtf. finnnlql. dlnlnmanv la nr.te1 fiw .lnmlf H-Aiftnd our dealines with her from the limn lp young Jehn Quincy Adams wen ills diple- lkex, wttie laurels down te tins latest incident 4 Wlef one long reserd of treachery and i tiMCMt. The president's proclamation amounts f& virtually te a declaration that having vand the word of Spain having proved At worthless, the trade is void. kM $ Pewderlr Vindicated. Powderly has lieen chosen te the Mr. ilp of the Knights of Laber by a y unanimous vote. It was a wise en the part of the Knltrhts fnr nf tklt thk number, none combine the requl- - 01 ncuiet in a mgner degree than tlie (ntttl roaster workman. He has been tried aaby Ore, and net found wanting. Be has shown he has the interest of ids aqganlzatien at heart, and tliat he is heart and soul enlisted in the cause et tlie ele- raUeu of labor. The most tempting polit pelit irMtl offers could net turn him from what jf ;jaceived te be his line of duty, and he haitte voted lils best energies te the con tuition of the organization with which he aaected. .It Ma fortunate thing for the Knights ttlsifeer that this type of man is at their Ip Gen. Beaver expect te go lute pewer by holding en te Maine's coat Ull, he will be Badly undeceived. TnK Hprlngtleld Republican notes that ler geed or ler 111, emigration and even Immi gration from one place te another within the name country are marked ami Increasing features of modern national Ilia We have become very familiar with It In the case of Ireland, Germany, and Canada 5 we new see H no less busy In Norway and Heden, and It has lately aflected countries as unlike as Italy and Russia, Itseenis that, neat teOreat Britain and Ireland ami Germany, and net exceptlngScandlnavIa, Italy new sends forth mere emigrants than any ether Eureieau country, though se small a part of them come tens. This emigration Is net due te extreme poverty, for these who emigrate usually have a little money left alter paying their passage. The reasons for it insy be found in the stationary condition or atlalrs in Italy, and the desire of the emigrants te better their condition, such betterment being impossible at home. They have heard that lu America a man's position In the social scale depeuds net en his ancestors, but en himself. In Tennessee's fraternal campaign the Ke ptlbllcans wear red roses as a party badge; the tyie who made It noses may net have been far wrong. 1 Jehn Tj. Sullivan .-lays he Is going te Europe Biid will ceme home " with a barrel of tnouey." It Jehn would stay en the ether side and send his money ever, It would be mere in accord with . the, .eterf5al atnesa of things., - TnKRKhas been much criticism In Eng land et the conduct of Naval Constructors White and Armstrong and Cain selling the plans of war vessels te the American gov ernment It Is said that Mr. White's skill in the naval construction was the property of the English government, having been acquired while in the admiralty olllce ; and that behad no right te sell It. The Ureail Arrew, an English paper regarded as an oracle tn such matters, beneveleutly says : "If any navy but our ewu Is te be benefited by Mr. hltesskill, experience, and accu mulated data, why let it be that of our American cousins, by all means. We have long considered it au International uilster. tune that the United States have se long neglected their navy, and we are strongly el opinion that nu addltteu te their naval strength Is most desirable in the Interests of civilization." WlM. some one please rite and lulerm an anxious public whether Jim Heaver or Jim Blaine Is the Republican candidate ler gov ernor of Pennsylvania 7 Intil the announcement of Austria that Russia would net be permitted te act as she pleased In Bulgaria there was geed reason te bellove that no matter hew unjust or tyran nical she might be, Russia would have her own way in that principality. That an nouncement was the turning print and the progress of" events has se clearly demon strated the enmity of Bulgarians te Russia and their devotion te Prince Alexander that there seems te be only one ceurse open te the czar the armed occupation of Bulgaria. This means war. If this course Is net fol lowed the Sebranje will be left as the actual ruler of the country, and It the ether powers de net Interfere they will undoubtedly re elect Prince Alexander. Why cannot the Chinaman be allowed te conduct his laundry In peace? The Nation al Laundryman'a association In session at Cincinnati have agreed that each manufac turer should net sell goods te Chinamen, under penalty of J500 for each sale made. Gkron-ime is 0110 of nature's diplomats. When Lieutenant Gatetroed had forced him te parley by walking straight into his camp alone and laying down his arms, the first question that heasked wa-i about the personal appearance of the chief who wanted him te surrender. Has General Miles "a bright eye or a dull one 7" That was an all impor tant point, for the savage well knew that a man with a dull eye would net think of coster consequences, but stubbornly catch hira aud hang him if he could ; while a man with a bright eye is a man who has a mind of his ewu and a will te fellow it. lie also wanted te knew whether Miles talked much. These were leading questions te help him te deter mine the character of the mau he had te deal with, and knowing that he richly deserved hanging, he wished te get as ge-xl a key te the character of the one who would held bis lire in his hand", as was possible before surren dering. Miles' recommendation that the chiefs life be spared shows that he was rightly estimated, but te the Apaches the exile may appear as terrible as death. Rbu-iikaiiku Democrats are the bet kind. Ex-Congressman James it. itelferd, of Colerado, has renounced the Republican party and Joined the Democracy. Tub Republican ship In this state is sail ing en troubled waters. The bosses see breakers ahead, and they have engaged the skipper from Maine, who steered the craft up Salt river in ls.31, te cast an anchor te keep the rotten hulk from foundering. It is useless. Blaine cannot step the tide. The Democratic lioed-gates have opened. PERSONAL. Gen. Jehn 1'atten has been named by tlie Republicans te contest with Hail, in Cur tin's old congressional district. Ex-1'estmastku Vkazkv, of Baltimore, is likely te be dWharred irem practicing law, en account of having misappropriated f.3,000 of trust funds. ' ' Dn. KciiAFi-aaya thore are mnre men In New Yerk city who wear the honorary title of doctor of divinity, than in the entire con tinent of Eure). Rkv. Staunton's trial in Brooklyn en charges el immorality has ended. The presbytery found tlie accused guiltv of the charges by a vote of li te d. Miss Ci.kvki.and Is te retire from Lit. entry Lfe after two mere numbers have been Issued. She is di.apieintfcd iu the mag azine, disgusted with Llder and net any bettir oil' us te her pocket than she was when she began. Her brother, the president, has always opposed this move. He is said te have ettered te pay the exienses of a three years' Journey en the European continent for berselt aud a companion If she would abandon her ambitious literary'prejects. He rocemmenuoua visit te the Hely Iind far Eastern countries. and I'eluts Frem ltradstreet'a List llepert. The total earnings el -t'J railways fur Nep Nep temberare f20,2M,One, against $18,121,000 in 1SS1. Fer nine months the aggregate Is 1 130. 130. 130. fX)S,000,or?5,2J6,000mere than iu 1S.S1, and fe'Jl.OOO mere than lh65. The New Yerk market was active, leverlsh and tnlluenced by a iilghly speculative feeling. Prices ad vanced irregularly, although toward the clese of the market a quieter feeling pre vailed. Henda wero linn. Meney was ex tremely llrm aud foreign exchange was weak aud close te the geld InijKjrllng point. The sales of dry goods, cotton, wool aud te some degree et lumber, have been semetvlmt checked. Hut there remains ceulidence en ull sides of a geed demand In tlie near future, l'ig iron is uew ?3 per ten hlgher en all grddes. Southern and Western furnaces are heavlly sold ahead, and a demand for 300 tens Irem a d07en consumers in New Yerk ter early delivery would put Ne, 1 up f 2 per ten. Kit this grade f 10 is new asked, with a probabil ity el W by January 1. Dry geiJs are llrm. X rim ClOUlS &rn hllrhnr un.l I, -..... ,., llfeUetl lhUnK are fractionally higher, tart stre"n?.n0.lr!ncr0hl"K- Wpe1 ' le r, ducts are depressed and lewi,r. 'n.1.2 ,r.. signOfagBiuin wheat, Uesptta thH ii. He Mers AnUte.1 Inimlsnttlen. Judgollrewn, of the United stales court, has rendered a doclslen en the "assisted Immigration law" points raised by the de fendants In a case (en trlat at Detroit, lu con cen con nectleu with the Importation of ship carpeu. ters from Quebec durlnga Mrlkelast spring). A dispatch from Detroit sajs! "In an elaborate opinion the court overrules all the point raisi-d by the defendant. The act In ntiestleu declares that for any violation of Its previsions the person, iwrtnershlp, com pany or corporation violating the same by knowingly assisting, encouraging or solicit ins the Immigration or luitnrtaticn of any alien or foreigner Inte the 1'nltisl States te perform labor or service of any kind under contract, express or Implied, shall forfeit and pay for every such otlemte the sum et l,U0O. The contention of the piosecu piesecu piosecu tien Is that the act H a valid exercise et the power et Congress te regulate com merce with foreign nations. The delendant claimed that this act Is net a valid exercise el the power of regulating commerce, Inasmuch as it forbids the encouragement and solicita tion et an act which still continues te be perfectly lawful Iu itseir, viz, the Immigra tion or alien laborers. The court declined te take this vlew of the case, and held that If Congress has the power te regulate comuierco it Is difficult te coucelve why Congress may net Inhibit the Immigration el any class of persons wiucti may seem te 11 uuaesirauie addltieus te the populatieu of the country. uepeaieu instances 01 mis Kinu 01 iegisaiiu.ii are te be found In the revised statutes, and, se far as Is known, none of them have been challenged as boyeud a constitutional pewer of Congress, but conceding that the contract only Is Illegal and void, and the Immigration lawful, there is no principle which forbids Congress from de claring that a certain method of procuring the immigration et foreigners shall be un lawful, and liKing a punishment upon these who adept that method. The decision then auswers the objection that Congress has no power te punish Craig's act, as it was done iu a foreign country. The court decides that the law is against the "assisting, en couraging, or soliciting aliens te migrate," and net te the contract with them. The Immigration must actually occur, however, or there Is no otteupe. Soliciting immigra tion without success would net be anetleuse. Even if the cause of action accrued wholly en foreign soil the action could be maintained If the defeudant was found iu the district, as it Is a civil action te recover a penalty or debt. In such cases the action may be brought wherever the defendant Is leund. lhe con clusion reached Is that the court has Jurisdic tion aud the demurrer is overruled. Hese CleveWntl te American Writer. "Let American writers abandon uuwerthy motives; let them sink forever that corroding jealousy and selfishness, which corrupts lhe brain as much as it does tlie heart, which de files literature as much as It does life; let them set their laces resolutely iu the direc tion et the 'it jHih!n as their goal, rather than the great quantity : let ihem cease te fillea l'elien of words en au Ossa of words ; et them sink this hydra verbosity In the quiet depths of thought; let work take the place of worry ; let patience take the place el hurry, and then will the seeds of a future of literature in America be planted, the charac ter of whose harvest none cin ueubt." The Flac " lusalt ' KiiUluel. Further advices have been received by the state department touching the action of the Canadian authorities In hauling down the American Hag en the schoeuer Marlen Grimes. The facts as eilicLilly stated are that the anniversary of the birthday of the captain of the Grimes occurred while his vessel was In the custody el the Canadian official, and he celebrated that event by hoist heist ing the American llag ever his vessel. The Canadian customs officers have confessed that a mistake was madeiu summarily lower ing the colors, and have expressed regret at tne occurrence; anu, as tue unmes nas been released, no turther notice is likely te be taken et the case by the department of state. An Invincible l'atr Bed Star Cough Cure and St. Jacobs 011. h kiie Would be The Queen el I!tauty must leek te her tteth, for a pretty mouth Is Indispensable te femalelov femalelev liness. Brush your teeth carefully with fra frant SOZODO.NTand you will be charmed lib the result, ter It Is without e a at as a denti frice. elJ-Tu.Th.SAw Never cive np tl- nfp. rr. Hull's Cough Syrup will cure you, as It has done ethers. Price S3 cents. HfKCIAI. X UT 1 0 JSH. CUOUL'. M'iiOOl'lKU COUGH ami Urenchltls lininudlately rellevi-d by ShUeh s Cure Ker sale by 11. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 133 North Queen street. A Kemarkjible Geed Mau Is he who attends te the comfort of bis family and will net let his little ones sutler wltu arTec Hen of the Threat anil Lungs, whereby their lives mav be endangered, but who oheuld at all times give them that sovereign remedy, Kemp's lJalsam. Price- 50 cents and II. TYiaJ Me free. for sale by 11. u. Cochran, druggUt, 137 North Queen btreet. (j) H'uss the scalp Is annoyed with dandruff, Glenn's Sulphur soap will bs found infallible lllll's Hair tiye, black or brown, fifty cents. blO-l(leeUAw "Jack shall pipe and Hill shall dance " Just as long out In the open barn as they plea-e. The free born American citizen don't tear neuralgia with Solvatien ull te the front l'rlce only 29, cents. Uamdslies Lima I'KLtrrs for slelc headache erpld liver, bllleuiness and Indigestion . Small and ea.y te swallow. One pill a dose. I'rlce.ac. liy all druggists. tebS-3mdTu,Th,S Geed Hesalts In liter Caae, V. A. Bradford, wholesale paperdealeref Chat tanooga, Tenn., writes that he was terleusly atlllcted with a betere cold that settled en bfs lungs; had tried many remedies without benefit. Itelng Induced tetry Or King's New Discovery for Consumption, did se and was entirely cured by usoef a few bottles. Since which time he has used it In hts family ler ull toughs and Colds with beat results. This is the experience of thou sands whose lives have been saved by this Won derful Discovery. Trial Dettles free at 11. 11. Cochran's Drug Stere, Nea. 137 and in -North Queeu street, Lancaster, I'a. (5) SHII.OH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure Is sold by us en a guarantee. It cures Coinurnn Ceinurnn HS'b i2rale by II. IJ. Cochran, DruggUt, He. IS) North Queen street. An Ked te Heur Scraping. Kd-ard Shepherd, of Jlarrlsburs. III., nays " Having received se much iKjiietll Irein Klccirle Hitters, I reel It my duty te let suiruringhuman suiruringhuman ityknewiL Have had a running sero en my leg fur eight years ; my doctors t)ld mol would have te have the hone scraped or leg amputated. 1 used. Instead, three bottles of Klectrlc Hitters and neven boxes liucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg Is new sound and well." Klectrlc lllttres are told at tlfty cents a bottle, and Ducklcn'i) Arnica Salve at Kc. per box by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist. Ncs. 137 and IW North Queen street, lincasUir, I'a. (J) WIIV WILL YOU cough when Hhlleh's Cure will give Immediate reilet. Price 10 cu 50 cu., .".Uv??16 hy " " Cochran, Druggist. Ne. 1J7 N erth llueen street. llacklee'a Arnica Salte. eI,!f,,t8alJe,m.,e',orldfer Cuts, Uralses. Seres, Ulcers, Call Uheura, Kever Seres, Tetter Chapped Hands, ChUblalns, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively enres Piles, or no pay required. It It guaranteed te give perfect satis faction, or inpney relundcd. Price -.2 cents per beJ-,f ?,r ""i.1? b " " Cecnran, Druggist, 13 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. T"AT I'ACKINQ CUUtill can be se ciulckly cured by hhlleh's Cure. We guaraiitee k ler sale by 11. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. KtlJNKV TKOUII1.KM. A Cam or Many Vears Su.11, ling Cured With SU Dettles In a Mau VO Vears el Age. ALtiNTOWs, Pa., iluy s, ISaS. D&KDiLies Hittkrs Ce. Cents : 1 had been troubled with my kidneys foranumburer years, used almost everything without touch bemflt until I tried Dandelion Hitters. I used six bot tles and am pleased te say 1 am entirely rid of the kidney trouble, besides my system being toned up se that 1 feel like a different person. 1 cheer fully recommend the same te all atlllcted In this way. JACOB MUSCIIL1TZ. lebO-SmdTu.Th.S OIt DYSPKPSIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee en every bottle of bh. lob's Vitallzur. It never falls te cure, ter sale by II. li. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. l37NerthQueun street. JUST AS GOOD, Don't allow anyone te make 3-011 bellove any ether remedy Is Just iu geed for nick beaduchu as Dr. Lellei Specl.d l'iescrlitIen, for It Is net truu. This Is the only lemedy In lhe world tlmt strikes at the root of the dlseib-e aud drives It out, UlvellatrUl, ..VA-1A"'",CU.IKI, health and sweet breath cenu Wiiai "1, , . Cu'urrh nmedy. I'rlce 60 MMBtVAlm SCROFULA Isoneotllie most fatal ceuraircs whliti ainicl mankind, itlstillen Inherited, but msj- belhc lesult etlmpnwr vaccination, mercurial poi soning. uiieleanllmB,,nd valteua ether ran'. Chronic Sen's, Ulcers, Abscwuw, Cancerous Humors, and, in sotne ca-e., Kin-xrlstten and Consumption, result from a scrofulous condi tion el the bleed. This disease ran K cured by thou.eof Ayvr'a Sarsaparllla. 1 Inherited a, seroraleiiscotidlllonnf the Meed, hlch caused a ilt-nuiie-im-nt nf ui Mrlioluss Mrlieluss Mrlioluss tern. Att.-r taking less than tour bottles el Ay vr's Sarsapartlla 1 am KKT1KVXY CVUKIl. and, for the past year, have nel found It neces sary te use any liusllrtne whateter 1 am new In better health and stronger thsn ever before. O. A. WlUarO,.No.'21jTnunent street, ltosten, Mass. 1 was troubled with Scrofulous Seres for five vears t but. atter using a few bottle of Ayir" Sarsaparllla, the seres hivale.1 and 1 hate new geed health Klltsbelh Warnock, Na M Apple Apple ten btrvet, Lewell, Mass. Seme months bke 1 wss troubled with screfu. leu Sertvs en in; leg. The limb was tiadlv swol len and Intlaiard, and the sores dlcharctHl large (luantttles et errunstve matter. Kery remedy 1 .ilert l.litll 1 lia.l Avnr1! Hnrsslvirlllil. ltV tak ing three iKittles el this imtltclnv the sertw have N-en eutlrvly healed and my health fully re stored. 1 am grateful for the geed this nusll ctne has done me. Mrs. Ann O'llrtan, Ne. I.w buUlvan Street. Mew Yerk. Ayer's Sarsaparillru lreparta by lir. J. C. Ayer A Ce., Lewell, Mas, sold by Ul.UrugKUts. price Hi six bottle. oSteft DYSI'El'SIA IS A PANOKHOl'S AS well as distressing complaint If neg lected. It teuds br Imparting nutrition, and ;de ;de presslng the tone of the system, te prepare the way of ltapld Decline. PHYSICIANS A DKUGU18TS KKCOMMKND BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! ASTHE BEST TONIC. It quickly and completely Cures lvpepla In all Its reruis. Heartburn, Belching. Tivatlng the Feed. etc. It enriches and purines the I loed, stimulates the appetite, and aids the asMuilla tlon'ef teod. Itxv. T.J. IIessitkr, the. honored p.tnr of the First Hcfenned Church, llaltlmere, Md.. says " Having uesl ltrewu's Iren Hitters for Dyspep sia and Indigestion, I take great plcAStiru In recommending It highly. Alse consider it a splendid tonic and Invlgontter, and very strengthening." lies Jessrn C. Srrr, Judge of Circuit Court. Clinten Ce., Ind says : " 1 bear most chis.'rful testimony te the etllcacy of Ilrewns Iren Hit ters for Dyspepsia, and as a tonic." SIR, C A. N'enwAV, MerrUI. Wl., ssy " I sutTcred for two years with Dyspepsia. 1'h1 many dliterent remedies without Iwieflt. My physician advised me te try Hrewn's Iren Hit ters. Three bottles cured me," The genuine has Trade Mark and cre.ed led lines ou wrapper. Take no ether. Made only by UKOWN CIIKM1CAL CO., ltalltmere, Std. (lUilldAw CLVTIIIXII. B URCIEK A BUTTON. AN AGREEABLE CHANGE. HAS TIIK COLD WKATHEil UK MINDKl) YOU THAT OC WILL WANT A Fall Suit or Overcoat ? ir SO, WE AHE JCST IN TIME KITUEIMN UEA.DY-MADK OU MADE TO OltDEIt. WE AUE GIVING EX CELLENT QUALITY AT LOW P11ICE3. IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL AND EX AMINE OUB STOCK, I1EFOHE PUll CHASING 1.LSEWHEUE. WE AUE POSITIVE WE CANTLEASE YOU. BTJEGER & STJTT01f; Merch&nt Tailors and Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTEH, PA. TEAUY-MADE CLOTIIINO. HIRSH & BROTHER INVITE EVEBY PEBSON TO CALL AND INSPECT TUEIB IMMENSE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING! reit- Men, Beys and Children. Knewing that by their Immense stock and extraordinary low prices, they can and de undersell every stere In Lancaster. lie It a Man's, Youth's, Hey's or Child's Fine, Slediute or Lew-Priced Overcoat. lie It Man's, Youth's, Hev's or Child's Fine, Medium or Lew-1'rlced Suit. ite It In Fine. Medium, or Lew-Priced Underwear, Woolen or WhlliiShlrts, Knit Jackets, Hosiery. Gloves, or In the New and Handsome Line of Neckwear which they bavejust received. l!e It In anything In the line of Trunks. Valises or Bubber Clothing. Or be It In the Handsome and Elegant Sultlnce, Overceatings or 1'antaloenlnKs, which we maketoyeurordorat the short est notice and In the laUst styles and best workmanship. We knew we can suit you, as our store Is the headquarters In Lancaster fur best goods. Call at your earliest convenience and see for your own satisfaction. ELBSE & BROTHER, ONE-PRI0E Clothiers and Furnishers, COB. NOBTH QUEEN hT. AND CKNTUE 8QUAUE, LANCASTKK, PA. M AVIUM Mitr. -njrAVUlHKHY,Ae, STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improved ENeiNES-Truliei, PerUbli ir SUtieitrj. Mew or Second-Hand BOn.WFtfl, WATKB TANKS, BEPABATOKft. UAOHim or Barani Webx inch as done and kept In Machine Sheps. CALL OK OI ADDKM. Ezra F. Landis, WORKS 637 NORTH OHEBBT ;8THKET, LAXCA-.TM I'a. aHfdw JsfjrDItMf T UK SWllT HPK01K10 COMPANY. Tried in the Crucible k.l About twenty ) cam no I discovered a little seivnnuiy cheek, and lliudocter pioneunced It cancer, t ha triisl a uumtair of phytlchtiis, but without revolving any permanent ta'no ta'ne ItU Among lhe number wemoneel two specialists, The incdlclne they applied was tike nr te thosetv, causlna lulvuseiialn. 1 saw a statement In the papers telling what 8. 8. . had done ter ethers similarly atlllcted. I procured some nt once, llefore 1 had used the second bottle the neighbors could notice that uiy cancer was healing up. My general health had bceu bad ter two or three years 1 had a hacking cough and spit bleed continually. 1 had a sevem pain tn my breast. After taking li bottle of 8.8.8. my cough lalluiaandl grew stouter than 1 had been for -everal years. My cancer has htvalcd ever all but a llltle ix)t about the site of a half dime, and It Is rapidly disappearing. 1 would advise oycryeim with cancer te glve 8. 8. s. a fair trtaL MKS. NANCY J. MiCONAUOIlKY, Ashe Uruvc.TlppocaneoCo., lnd. Fkbki'ahv 16, lSst Swlfl'a Specific ts entirely vegetable, and seems te euro cancers by forcing out Uw Im purities from the bleed. Treatise en llloed and Skin Diseases mailed free. sll-lyd.tw THE SWIFT Nl'KClMC CO.. Uriwer J, Atlanta, Oa. jBWMimur, eu H. A iUlOADS, JKWKLKlt. Watches, Diamonds. My Repair Dept. la Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine and Complicated Watches, Musical Bexos. Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. MJLT8, N KV STYLES. TFE. F5LL STYLES ARE HERE. W. D. STAUFFER & LEADING FASHIONABLE HATTERS, Ve hsve the Largest Stock of NEW FAI.I. STYI.KS In STIFF AND SILK HATS ever Shown In Lancaster. Sole Agents for lv.NOA, of New Yerk, and WILCOX, el Bosten. SCHOOL HATS AND Fer Children. In all the Latest Stvlf-sat LOWEST BOBES, OLOVES, TBU.NKSanaTBAVELI.su BAGS -UIVK US A CALL.-V W. D. STAUFFER &CO., (SHULTZ BB0S.3 OLD STAND.) Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street. .... Lancaster, Fa: HOuamruHNUBiiHi vuvdb. CHIKK'S OA-KPKT BALL, CARPETS ! CARPETS ! BEOfKNlNO OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te .hew the trade the Largest and Best Selected Line of Carrwts Mbltedln this city. WILTONS, VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of BODY AND TAI UUUHSKLS.THBEE-PLY. All-wool and Cotten Chain EXTBA SU1EBS. and all nnallUn ttBAIN CABl'ETS. DAMASK, and VENETIAN nwn w.nnf&ctnra & srtccljultv . Special Attention AUeaFnll LlneefOILCLO'raS. EUU8, WINDOW AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. Weat King and Water Ste., LianceBter, Pa. XVHXITVKB. F UKNITUKE WAREKOOSIS. BUY YOUBSELF A Jl'AIB OF THOSE Felding Dress Pillows. CALL EABLY AT Hoffmeier's Farnitare Warerooms. They are the nicest thing out and we haye J nst received another let or them. 26 HART KINO BTREET. A KAKK Ol'POUTUNlTY. The Bargains Still Continue WIDMYER'S FORNITDRE STORE. Decided Bargains are oirercd te make room for alterations new being made. New Is the time te buy a nice Chamber or Parler Suite, DINKG HQOil OR KITCHEN FORNITIIIIK AND SAVE MONEY. WIDMYER'S, EAST KINO AND DUKH BTS. sTsrOpen Monday and Saturday Kyenlngs. septs-lyd WALL l'AVBU. c AN'T HE HEAT. OUB KLEUANT LINE OF AND OUB Very Modest Prices Are the things that can't be beat by any house in the city, n-WK INVITE INSl'ECTlON.-M ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. IU NOBTH QUXEN BTBEET, LANCASTElt, PA! ALFRED SIBBER, ir Stere open every Monday and Saturday evening. rnUE HKST."-BEN80N'S OAPOINE X Plasters are admittedly "The Beit" for local rheutnatltm, aud neuralgia. 23c. Wall Pane & Window Suaues, Tried in the Crucible A FuU Line of the " Birth or Menth Stones " Mounted te Suit Your Particular Paney Jewelry. VAVS, JtO. CO., CAPS 1M11CKS. ltUlHIKll COATS ter Men and heys. BTer el AFESTK and all IHAIN ( nallUes el IN CAHFETS. BAU and CHAIN CABl'ETS Of Ont paid te the Manufactory of CUSTOM CABFKTa, aUADES.COVKBLKTS, Aix, tsb'is.2niijk. OAJtBiAuna. E iSTAUMSIlKD ISIS. S.W. Altick, W.B.Altick, II. R. Altiek. D. A. ALTICK'S SONS, (Successors te D. A. Altlclc A Sens.) Wholesale Manufacturers et Carriages, Buggies, Phcotens, AND McCAULL WAGONS, Nes. 42 and 44 East Orarjge Street, I.ANCA8TEB, l'A.. AND Oer. West Bread any Broughten 8 te., SAVANNAH, OA. -A large and varied Bleck will be carried In both our beisMlUirles, which will be sold at the I isi sela at in ectl'llmd.tltw i.uwr.31 i-uiuEa. OTANDARD UAKKIAUE WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CAERIA&B BUHDEE Market Street, Rear of Poeteffloo, Ijanoeator, Fa, My stock comprises a large variety of tne Latest Htyle Buggies, 1'hMtens, Carriages, Mar. ket and Business Wagons, which I offer at the very lowest figures and en the most reasonable terms. 1 call special attention te a few of my own ae. Igns.onuef whtcbtstheKDOEBLKYt CLOSED l'HYSICIAN COUPE, which Is decidedly the nsatest, lightest and most complete Physician's Carriage lu the country. Persons wishing te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear tn mind that they take no risk tn buying my work. Every Carriage turned out in eighteen years a geed one that la the kind of guarantee I have te offer the public. AU work fully warranted. Please glve me a call. BKPA1B1NU PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed ler that purpose VMHUBLLAB. u MURELLAS. UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS. VBepalrlns and Beceverlng Dene at Short Netice. ROSE .. BROS. & HARTMAN, NO. 14 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTEH, FA. ijr Muutia. mitK North End Dry Goods Store. Is Helling a Splendid Article In Ladies' and Men's Merine Underwear FOIl SO CENTS. J. W. IIYItNB. Niv 3il North Queen itrtMt. netMyd JWKW IUIK.SH (HM)DH." STAHM BROS. & 00. Mefl. 20 rind 38 North Qumq Bt, lmlte Special Attentlnu te Urn Latest In TOlCM el FALL DRESS GOODS. Mikade Cleth Suiting, U InchM wide, Xc a AiMVisd Canisls Hair Suiting, In combina tion, ynnl and a halt wide, fsjc. a yard, blue, gray and bmwii. ... , , . All the new and deslmble colors In Bilk and Weel l'lalils, Silk and Wisil Mixtures. WliidonuereStrtpod Suitings. Uuoke Btrlpcd Suitings. Imported Check Suitings, rialn Cleth suitings at very low prices. Velveteens, I'Hdn silk VelTets and Striped Velvets In variety. lllack Dress Stlka, Black Cashnieies, Black Henriettas. Special Bargains In Single and Deuble Shawls -AT THK- BOSTON STORE. - Formerly at the New Yerk Store. H. (UVliKK A CO, Te the Ladies I LADIES' AND CHILDBK.N'H COATS ABD JACKETS. Iteuieinber.wuarocleslngourentlro sleck of Dry Uoeds, bilks. Dress Uceds, etc JolmS.Givler&Ce., Me. 25 Bast King Btroet, l.icirrs,l'A. rSlem een Saturday and Mon day Evenings. (1..0AKS1 CLOAKS!! WATT &SH AND, t, 8 aud 10 lla.it King Street, Announce for Uvday a grand opening of New Fall and Winter American and ncan ana imported CLOAKS Contracted fereaily In ths season and new be ing heUI at extremely modenite prices. All the lmeet styles In euUlds garments, consisting of Jacket, Wraps juhI Newmarket. In Steckinette, Diagonals, lleucle. Frits. Astra chan, etc, uiaduhy the best manufaelururi and trimmed In the latest designs. Sjh-cUI attention Is called te our stock et Plain Garments In WRAPS AND SACQUBS, Made te our apeclAl order and the best value te be bad In the country. The Llttle Felks have net been forgotten, and woerfer upwards el thirty styles of ('HlLDKh.VS OUTSUiK (1ARJIE5T8 In all Size and Oualllle., from lte 15 years, at Very Lew Price. SEW YORK STORE. J. li. MARTIN A CO. OIL CLOTH, LINOLEUMS -AND- C0RTICENES. Fifty New Patterns of Oil Cleths Ilccelrcd In 4-1, S-C fi-l, 8-4, 10-1 widths, ranging Inprtcofrem'Jno. te Sue a yard. One let et Bcuiuant Oil Cleths from 10c. a 8'iuare yard up. CORTICENES. Acknowlcdied te be the best covering for fleer In use. Will lest a lifetime. New Pattern! LINOLEUMS. A LABOE STOCK AT LOW PHICES. FEATHERS. We have always kept the Best Grades of Feathers In the market, and the )iualltv we are handling new Is a superior one. Ne odor. Ne dust. Ne quills. Guaranteed te be best quality. J. B. Martin k Ce., Cor. West King & Prince SUb, (Opposite Htevens Uetua.) LANCABTEK. FA. XJOJUU t a MARTIN, WHOLKIAU ABO UTAIL DSALU 1 All Kinds of Lumber and OeaL 4VYakd: Na 420 North Water ana Prlne BUeets. above Lemen. Lancaster. PlT" rAUMQARDNERH ft JEFKKKIE8. COAL DEALERS. Omei: Na 129 Nerm Queen street, and Ne. VA North Prince street. ntkMr ttMAtT. Yaaee t North Prlnee street, near ueaainn Depot. LANCABTEK, PA. angli-Ud TJEMOVAU M. V. B..OOHO ,. rmeved hU Ceal Office te Na 155 NOUTII Siken STBltKT (Brimmer's New BuUdlng), where erdenwBl berecelved for Lumber and Ceal, WH0USAU ID KSTAU. ms-lfd M.V.B.COUO. E ABT KND YARD. O.J.SWAERtOO. OOAL. KINDLINa WOOD. Office t Ne. 70 CKNTUB BQUARB. Beth yard and offleeconneotea with Telephone Biehange aprlHyaMr,K v w. IU - M.yMs IhdlhSjfe.-, kia---&at(.;..- u il , "-V V-&Kstti V-lf - irK' ;&t&XiA8ft