jwqssjrw'ti'K' r.wHT$? ? wmBu'vniRnnwnT mwin uiMMniFaaEaiiiiMHauHWHnirniMM t., $' 'K je JUnMgta? v I t-.T"rS Sltf i v. - yvii'- .-- .; WWiW ft. J O c- ! VOLUME XXLH-NO, ,)7. LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY OCTOBER 14, 1886. PRICE TWO OBI fc WTW( ' vcwcwmw7'fr5.i snnHHiLMnB i nMimetti SM) w SOLDIKKS' ORPHAN SCHOOL. w. m. m. tuunmm i'jikbbmtb im VtViVlAL HBVtlHT OK Til MM. What Ilia HytMui Him Ceat Mm male Mince lu Introduction Iteurt nl the Head el lb Several HclioeU-ltuey llfHrt el t Mb .I07 Institution. TI10 following Interesting rejxjrt or Fro Fre Fro fetMer K K. lllgbee, superintendent nl ttie soldier.' erjihnita school n( tbe stale, em bracing tlie usual tabular statement, contain ing ll,tlie ticoesury sUllstlm, ha beflii pro pre pro Iared. It say I On My 31, IKS.), 2,S72 orphan Wero attending Ilia sclifxit mul homes, Wil of which number had lioeu admitted during the past year. On June I, IS.miI, 1,313 ap ap plicatiens worn im llle nml slnoe tlie sys tem ha geno Inte ellecl, l:i,7ll have Ixjen admitted. Tlie whele rout of tlie system sinew tlie school worn llrt started, im shown by llie annual reports iit te May 31, Itwl, WMfVJtt,l7.HI The highest amount appropriated In any oue year wa In 1S70, wlien fA3O,0ei) wa tlie leglslative apprnprla apprnprla tien. Ol tlie atuuunt oxKtuled last your the four avndlcate school received tlie fol fel fol lewing sums: Chester Nprlngn, M7,780.17 ; MoAlllatervllln, Jilton, S) I Mercer, f.1i CU0.I10; ML Jey. M7,C.ltI,&7. Tlie highest amount rivniviel by any Institution wa thai by tlie nolillern1 orphan Instltule at Philadelphia, fipiaiK. Of the J.CW children In the school thore are 7K Metho dists, "Jlx) ProMhyterlan, Ul.l Lutheran, luy ISapllsta, li9 KnlsKepal, K7 Catholics, M H. formed, 3'J Church oMJed, 35 I'liHed Hrelh. roil, II Plwlnlcw, ,'V1 Uvaugullcal, lli Dunk, ards, 1.1 I'll I ted l'roMbyteriaiiH, I) Cengrvga tlenal, h Krlendn, 6 Meralan, & AiUeutliilH, ft UnlversalUU, 3 Mouneulto, U Hwodeutior Hwedeutior Hwodeutier glana and 'JU) rrotentanta net ropreHontlng any particular iloueiulnatlon. Durlnir the year 11 children dltxl. Ortbochlldren In the achoeU 1,317 boleug te claiw one, whero the father la dea.l, and 1)15 belong te clawi two, wbere the father la living but pormanently diaabled by woundaer (lloane centractwl In the army. iiki'euth or firt'ivriiit or tiu: Mtnoei... Mra, II utter hill vUltinl oaeh uf the heIkkiIm at lout four tlme-i, mid couIiiiueh, a.iylng In all the nclioeU prupur attentlun bai been paid te tlie moral and rellglnui (net aecUrlan) training. The oducatlenal adantage.t, nhe ( Maya, onjeyod by the pupil In thone nclioeln In lxne that airerdwl lu the aNorHge tvhoeU (of llkograde. As te the fixnl, .Mri. II tutor found It geed, plain NubhUmtlal and well cooked, and tbe beda and leddlng clean and comfortable. Hhe objecta te touiieral ihiu Uhtniint, and aaya the nyntem of whipping Is unmanly, for It In inlllcted en tho.ne who liave no power of roniitance, and who could net be oxpected toexorcUo It If they had. lu ber opinion, tlie military drill la aomewbat Improved aud tlie healtli of the children hai been geed. Hev. Jehn W. Saver, the inale lnimiuter. repertn that hla dutlea wure )ierferiiiwl lu atrlct aardnnce with the requirement of his appointment. The health of the acboela U reuiarkablr goeil. Many of the building are without the appliance calculated te Btld te tliocemrort and conveulenceor the schol ars, but for Uunporaryie they will nimwer tbepurixjne. ltofureuce waa made te the clothing aud feed both of which la reiorted aa being plain, but geed aud aulmUutlal. The report of Oeneral l,eul Wagner I alae given In full. The auorintjndentn of the achoel all rejert oxcellont condition of aUalra. Manager Van Hern, of Uhnater Hprlnga, refera te the luiprovumenluido at the school, the geed feed and clothing, the exomptlen from slcknewi, tlie Industrie and the advancement made lu the lutollee tual Instruction. Principal Kllralieth Ambrews or Dayton school, and II. H. Heel, of the Harford school, andJaue II. Allen, or the Mauxlleld school, refer te thelr rupctlve school and report In detail concerning each depart ment. Principal J. M. Hherwoed, of McAllister McAllister vllle schools, says that the past or h.vt wlu ueaaed In wany rmHctR mero than usually geed results. Tbe pupils luue all iuhiIe rapid progress In the illllvrent branchei Uiey hate pursued. rrlnclal J. II. Smith, el Mercer adioel, naya the educational rixrerd shows raplil ad. vancenien during the year, Hitd the health record la simply remarkable. The children are ahlelded against oxpesuro and protected against vice and dlsuaxe. The buildings are In geed repalr, but de net present very llue appearance, T1IK MT, JOl HC'IIOUU Principal E. O. ICrelder, or MU Jey, U fully cenv!ncel that the lKyx aud girls el MU Jey school are as far advanced educii educii tletiAlly, aa well trained morally, n,s gwxl and pure rollKleualy, as well developed physically, and as humauely treated as any class or iKiya and girls In the state. The progress or the school has Isjen highly antla antla lactery. He says the children wcre supplied with feed and comfortable clothing, and the reed was abundant and of the best quality. The children were given Instructions in domeatle aud farm work. Thore I no doubt el this, as they did the ontlre washing for tbe Institution, and boys porrermod the manual labor that was alloted te hired men In the ether schools. The geueral healtli of the achoel, be Rays, was remarkably geed, It having escaped the usual attacks of the or d I nary disease or childhood. Principal A. (I. lluber, or the aoldiers'" orphan Institution, and Huporlntendent I'. O. 1'ugh, or HL Paul's orphan home and P. WUlard, of the Treasler orphan home, re port tbelr schools In oxcellont condition educationally and physically. Principal A. II. Water, or Unlontewn achoel, report the bealth and morals or tbe achoel geed, aud J. A. Moere, of llie Whlte Hall achoel, mention a. number or building improvements which have been made at tbla oxcellrnt Institution. The health of the children V geed, the byrMenie and sanitary condition geed, and the ventila tion ample. Religious and moral training have been carelully carried out. The boys bave been taught industry en the farm and In the garden, and tlie girls household duties. Ample clothing has been turnlshed alL. The oducatlenal facilities have been of the beat, and military tactien were taught with care. The report clones with n list et the xlxtoenors who graduated last June. Itctaltatlni; en hpalu. Prealdent Cleveland has buued n proclama tion revoking the suspension el the discrimi nating duties levied en the products of Cuba and Perte KIoe Imported into the I'nlted rJtatea under the Spanish Hag. The revoca tion will take etlect October 'r, alter which data the discriminating duties which wero uspended by Prosident Arthur In February, 1881, will again be euacted upon all such liuperbi. This action Is taken In retaliation ler the fallure el the Hpanlsh governmeut te udhoretothe oendltloua or the commercial treaty or February. I8SI. between the Uulted Mates and Hpaln, by which It waaBtlpulated that Ulucrlmluatlug duties aud tenuagu taxes should no longer be levied iiixin our experts and ships euterlng the perta el Cuba and Perte Hfce. Complaint has rer sotne months past been made by American ahlmiera and shipmasters or the manner lu which our commerco with the Hpanlsh West Indies has been hamiHjred by tbe Hpanlsh violation or the agreement, which has been strictly observod by the U nl ted States, and rer this reason the presi dent has uullllled that section of the tieity, which he Is empowered by law te de. drace Cheral HeciMy. A roll el members was epened last even ing at a meeting held at Grace Lutheran church, te establish a Cheral society. Prof. W. II. Hall, the leader or the Ceclllan," will conduct the work aud beginners will be a welceme as the most advanced singers. The first ulRhtel nractloe will be Oct. ilst, beginning HtH o'clock. Any oue may Jein wbowlshesto loam. Tlw elllcers elected are Mr. W. II. Mower, president ; Mr. F. K. Hener, secreUry j Miss Mary U SwarlzneU der, treasurer. Thick and Iraat ler lllack. rrem tbe lleadlng Tlmes. In two weeks rrem Tuesday next Penn sylvanU will be pouring her ballets Inte boxea te doclde who iUall administer the stute government forfeur years mid who hall make her law for two years. Tim .ImxI tleimisl UontKiillen, At the i;plceial coiiNentlou In Chicago Wednesday morning the standing (tern. in It tee en the prayer book, te which had Imkiii roferrod resolutions ollureil by a lay ilolegate rrem Centrnl Pennsylvania te the etlect that the convention inemorlallre the president of the United HUtes te appoint an oarller day for the annual thanksgiving, re ported thai. In vlew of the loug-establlshed custom of observing Thanksgiving day In Novembor, It was undonlrable rer the con volition te ask the civil authorities te tnake any change. On motion of Hev. Phillip Ilnxiks cordial greetlngs wnre sent In the as semlily of the Cungritgatliiual church new In session thorn. Alter deciding, by a vote or IK! te 112, te ml I the IsHiy "Cuiigregatlenal llretbrnn," thopranesed ctiatige of name was then called tiu The socretary reail together the two nwilutlenM the oue or Mr. Judd alxillshlng the nanie "PrelexUnt Kplscepul," and the one or Dr. Adam substituting that of "American Catholic" Dr. Dlx ruled that Mr. Jiuld's resolution took prix-odnnce, and a prolengod dobnte ensucxl. NdTKS FIIOM NKAIt I'l.AOM. Constables are searchlng for elllcers el the Quaker City Mutual Aid association, el Phil Phil adelphla, charged with swindling ixillcy holders. The strlke or steel riveters aud rnllersatid aawmakers employed by Henry Illusion ,t Hens, Philadelphia, was terminated Wodnoa Wednoa Wodnea day nlghL ftexirts received rrem illllerent socllen of Ilerkx ami iielghtxirlug i-eiuitles Indicate widespread dauiage by drought, which Is the soverest for ever twenty years. Very little rain ha fallen ler rtoveral mouths. At Conneautvlllo the sbtte Ixwrd of agri culture 0K)iied Its autumn meeting Wixlue day, and will remain In session until Thurs day evening. Socretary T. J. Kdge, of the state Ixiard of agriculture, will go te Chlcageat the refpiest et (Jovernor Patliseii aud the natinnat au thorities, te oxauilne Inte the cattle dlsnase. llrreril llresklnx" Aiming the I'UliKrinrn, (loergo II. Keller, writing from Kllzalieth. town, says: " We constder that at Cellins' station mero bass can txi caught te the nxl than at any jxdnt along the SUKiuehanna. At prosent they are catching se nmny that It matches the best et llstilng elsewheru and they cannot eeu enual the rocenis of a few men whom we will mention : On Monday last Jehn Trayer caught i, (lee. lllotehnr 39, Augustus Swan la, Ames lUrnhart 27, Jehn lluser 01. On Tuu-xlay Jehn Trayer caught until neon Mi, 0xx lllotcber 111 until evening, Jehn Iirickur 61, (loe. Yeikr 71. Such records aru bard te lieat cilsiiwlinni. They are lilting se Iree new that most any oue can catch a getxl string." W C T l' Cuu-riitliiii lit Wllk-lsrr. The twelftli annual couventlon or the Weman's Christian Tomieranee Union, of Pennsylvania, eixmed Wednwxlay In Wilkesbarra The president, Mrs. France I Hwlft, lixik the chair, and ever MX) dele gate answoied roll call. The annual repert was read, showing that 17 counties had county organizations or the union, and that thore was a total el bX local unions in the state. Of these 2V are new, with a total membership or ,30U The sum of (1,300 lu dues was received during the yoar,lea lug the lluunces of the union lu geed ilinie. Te Krit Camlj- Facterr. This morning the tamlllea living In the two two story brick bouses, Ne, lpj and 118 Nertlt Christian street, moved out and Oeo. 1). Sprecher, who recently purchased the hnuses, will at ence tear them down. In their stead a line large three story brick building, te be tisetl as a candy man u factory by K. M. Schoetz, will tx erected. The new building will be oue of tlie best and most cemplete rer Ita use In the cltv, and It will Ik tlnlshed Inside of a month. Mr. Scheetz has long been lu need el mero space for bis busl nes aud hla want will new be supplied. - - . , , , rrtrl!RO Kmten Open Te-morrow. Te morrow the season for sheeting ".uall opens. Pmfosslenal gunners of this city who have vlslted ev ery nixik and cerner In the county say this gauie is net as plentiful as lu termer years. Thore has been little stocking, and the majority of the birds brought here Iretu Virginia aud ether Southern xUtes have returned. There is net sulllcleut shelter for thorn during the winter, when the reeding places are snuvred iiuder for wcxiks. Unturned te Court. Martha Funk, a resldent or tlie Soveuth ward, was heard en Woduesday evenlng by Alderman A. F. Dennelly, en a charge of keeping a disorderly Iioiine. The ovidence showed that the heuse was the resert of dlsorilerly men aud wnmeu and a nuUancu te the neighborhood. In default or ball the accused was ceiumlttixl rer trial, but this morning she secured bail and as reiuvsed. They IlnMtrvs l'rle. Timi young Wdles, May Itiymend and Cera Menaugh, sumo time age tie ui,i the Flerin I'. H. church ought te have a li-ll. They appreached their tr'ntiiN, xuceerdlng In collecting (I2IV Thu Ixill was plactxl re cently, and Its sweet tones new let church men knew the time ler services. These ladles deserve much pralse rer thelr geed work. renilens Fer I'einiijlTaiilaus. Tbe following pensions were allewed te Pennsylvania people en Wednesday : Julia A. Hugh, Scettdale ; S. U Illalr, Fexburgh ; James Green, lUkorsville : U D. Kllsen, Wllkesbarre. Pensions were Increased te the following : J. Wray, Keyuoldsvllle ; A. 1) Pitts, li Charleston ; S. II. McCllnteck, liolleville ; J. II, Nelsen (reissue), ParadUe, li. lAX'kard, (restored) Twltte Creek. I'lt Ills IliigKy. Isaae lleiuny, lee iiiercliant, whlle driving rather c.irelesly ou Seuth (Juoen street, ran his biitfgy ueu a plle et rubbish in front el the premises of Albert Zurcher, Ml Seuth Queen, whero nouie improvements are belng made. The buggy was upseL Mr. Heinoy was thrown mid semewhat scratched and brulsed but net sorleusly hurt. Ilurlal of James H. Yeung, The luueral of James S. Yeung, who dled In Mlddletewn en Sunday, occurred en Wednesday aftorneou. A large number or people attemled from Columbia, Harrlsburg, Kunburyaud this city. During the after noon all the buslness heuses and factories closed their places out et rospect te the de ceased, and the luneral was the largest and most uuprosslve which has taken place lu Mlddletewn ler many years. Walking rartles In Marlella. Pedestrian exercise is belng cultivated lu Marietta te a great extent. Suveral walking parties have geno out te visit the surround surround leg towns and they seem te enjey the exor exer else wen at the oxpeuse of much boIc beIc boIc leathor. A Herman Iteimttllcan Journal Fiepe The Frcie Zeitung, or Newark, heroteroro the Gennau Itepubllcan ergau el New Jor Jer sey, has oemo out against the Ilepubllean nomiuee rer governor en account of the lorn lern lorn peranco plank in the platform at the late convention. An Excursion te Jllsucli Chunk On Saturday next a school teucher's oxenr exenr oxenr slen will be run ever the Heading rallreul te MaucU Chunk and around the Switchback, rhe train will leave King stroet ut 0:10 and the fare is very low. Might Accident at 1-enn Iren Works, The squoezor shaft at the works or the Penn Iren company was broken this morn Ing. As a duplicate shalt Is kept constantly en hand thore was very little delay, and the mill is again lu lull operation. Appeluted lutnecter, Tlie court te-day appointed William B. Car oils, lntpoetor or elections, for the Third ward, Columbia borough, in place or Peter Murr, who lias remeved from the district. BKAYKK IN A DKEP HOLE. run nreim uhiikh qvkhtium ai- nVMKS AN KNtlKKLY MKW VMABM. The Ailrtrens of lleittei'e Kiiiile)M Cams Much liifllgaallen Among His KulgliU el ljtlier Will Ilia Hester Mere Orders IU Tated n a Circulating Medium? The apology rer the stere order or "trade coupon" used by the Wolieionlo Iren and Nail company, el which (loneral Iloaver is president, sent out by David Halnea a mas ter workman of Laber assembly 2,333 el Ilottefonto, has aroused much 111 feeling among the Knight or Laber In that region. Thy circular Is signed by a number of the workmen el the llottefoulo Iren and Nail company, and, under an arraugoiuent with the Republican state oemmltteo, has been mailed toevory Laber assembly In the state In circular form and in large number. This circular says: It 1 a wicked aud malicious falsehood that any employ oel the company was ever of fered or evor received slore or ders In pay. ment for wages. The Heyt coupon system, In use at the store, Is the best system we knew of and is far suporler te passbooks. We are paid In cash en monthly pay days, and can draw cash at auy tlme during the mouth. The ceuwu system Is only used when woprefer dealing at the stere, and that Is entirely voluntary en our iwrt. The ay, tern avoids keeplng accounts by the werkliigmen. Our employers tuauguraled the system at the suggestion and request or some or our workmen. They have always txen witling te abolish it If the empleye had made the request. Te say this statement iKars any relation te llie ihIIeus slore order system Is a falsehood and slander upon u Knights of Iaber, as well as upon Goneral Heaver a an empleyer of labor." KNIOltTS Of I.AllOlt et'i'i:.viini). The circular Is the first political paper ever distributed te the Laber assemblies of the state, and it ha ellended Knight of Laber generally lndetxmdent or thelr particular views el Goneral lloaver's candidacy. Werd has been rocehed by mnmber of the assem bly in HoiieieniooiuiouiruuiarsuaviUKboen refused circulation among the assemblies, simply because they were a llagrant violation of the established law of the erder forbid ding the introduction of any partisan politics lu the assemblies. The partisan circular thu sent out ha called out a ceunter statement from seme llfty mombersef Laber Assembly 2,333, embracing both Republican and Dem ecrat, In which they doprecate the Introduc tion or politics In the order, and especially dissent rrem tlie statement that the as sembly could In any way sanction the use of stere orders In tiaymeiit of labor, and they arraign Maxter workman Haines ter viola tion of his elllclal obligation In signing and Issuing a political circular. On the subject of the trade coupons used by the Ilollelento Iren and Nail company, thu ceunter circular say: "Wofurtherdoclaro that the Invitation In that paper te Knights of Laber te apply te Assembly 2,333 rer a vindication of the pay system et the Ilellefonte Iren and Nail com lany Is entlrely unauthorized by any action of that assembly aud would certainly meet with the answer from that Ixxly that ene of the fundamental principles et the order Is that nothing but the lawful meney of the country should Is) used ler the payment of working poeplo and that the use or store orders ler that purpese Is a fraud upon labor anil a violation el the law. "In conclusion we assert, from reliable In formation, that this paper vindicating the stere erder syslem was circulated through the nail mill for signatures at the Instance of a Republican politician working for the Re publican state committee, and, such being the fact, It rati be looked upon only as a po litical scheme, and lis circulation among Knights or Laber can be viewed in no ether light than as an attern pt te prostitute thelr order te a political purpose. Any member or the erder desiring Information concerning the trade coupon nyntem can have It in plain terms by applying te the undersigned mem bers or I A. 2,333." The foregoing Is signed by James Scho. Held, J. A. Willi mis, R. Hutchinson, Harry Selbert, Grant J. Petier, Jehn Lucas, James Sharp, Jehn Hull, William lthe.idx, William titration, Win. Wolf, Jehn Davis, Jehn Wll Usnis and Heme forty ethers, and as It Is in the line of the clearly defined duties aud ob ligations or the Knights or Laber en political questions, It has tbe general approval of the members ut that large organization lu Ilolle Ilelle Ilolle eonto and throughout the state. Hie Itelleleute Circular Hlftnten-eil, Thu Wllkosbarre Xew.iilcalcr, the recog receg nl7d organ of the laboring men, contains Intorvlews with Themas Dullard, president of the Miners' and Laborers' Amalgamated association and William II. Hlnes, thoauther of the cempauy stere billet 1ST!), In which they say In sutistance that tlie circular letter sent out by thtrty-lhrue ilellefonte working, men cannot be approved by organized labor, that an unceasing battle has been waged ler years against the Insulting, swindling aud oppressive company stere syslem and the recent decision of the supreme court declar ing the cempauy stere act of lbSl unconstitu tional, makes It imperatively necessary that the werkliigmen shall stand united against stere orders of any kind. They say that Powderly's opposition te com iny stores cor rectly volces the opinion ut laboring men. II Net Klore Orders Triejr Are Taxable. The stere order dispute iu Pennsylvania has been trausforred te Washington, by an appeal of the Bellofento Iren and Nail com cem piny, of which Gflneral Iloaver Is prosident, Irem an assessment of the ten per cent, tax en the trade coupons or that company Uiat the law Impeses upon all circulating medium that is represented as money. When the partners made thelr public explanation evor thelr own signatures, they declared that the trade coupons are net stere erders but that they represented se much cash and were a convenient cash circulating medium tur the convenience et workmeu. II n circulating medium in the simllitude et money, they are taxable under the act et Congress at the rate or ten per cent, overy tlme they are Issued, and as the olllcers of the company publicly declared that they were simply cash orders, the collector of in ternal revenue for the district Invostlgated the subject and decided, upon the statements or the parties Issuing them, that they were a circulating medium and assessed the law ful tax upon them. When net! led or the tax, which was teu lr cent, en some feO,lH), the elllcers et the company appealed the case te Commissioner Miller, or tbe Internal revouue department, en the ground that the coupons are trade or store erders and net a cash circulating medium. The commis sioner refuses te give any Information en tbe subject, but it is known that the appeal Is be foul hlm, aud that he must decide either that they are a cash circulating medium and tax them, or that they aru slore erders and do de do cture that they are net taxable, lu vlew or the political proiuineuce glven te the stere order question lu several Pennsylvania con teats, Including governor and congressmen, it excites geueral Interest lu Washington political clrcles. Itaae Halt Nete. Ramsey, or the Loulsvllle, has slgned te pitch Uve games for the St. Leuis llrewns against the Chicago. He Is te get (100 per day uud (500 if he wins the the games. J(M) Herning, or Itosten, Is the best left fielder lu the League, His average UU71. Yesterday the Alhlotie uud Ilroeklyn club played a tie game. The score steed 3 te 3 In eight tunings. The exhibition games yosterday were : At Scranton : Mets 5, Scrauteu 3 : at Hazleteu : Philadelphia 12, Hazleton 2; at llaltlmore . llaltlinorei), Detroit i. The two " pboneniouals," Smith aud Kll Kll rey, weru pitted against each ethor at Haiti, mero yosterday in un exhibition game. The latter proved himself the hotter pitcher and tlie Detroit was badly boateu. A I'ertlueut uueiileu, Kns. INTULT.KIKNGXK. Who is tlie Re publican eandldate for governor this rail Is lt'nialne,el Malue," or Weaver? Hy the way the managers are booming the former In thelr death march through the state It leeks as though he wero the candidate or Is he morely the great boem-o-roug in this final struggle T Ceuntv. WUBAT AT hVH t'UtVMB. Heme Figure That Will He Head With, Inter net bjrlhs lliulmndmsu. The prlce of wheal at Chicago en Monday last was tower than It ha been fortwonty fertwonty fortwenty four years, the month el December, 1881, ox ex ox eoptod. The oxlremoly low price en Mon day was ea i cents a btuhol.InDecemberlSli, the prloe fell te m cent. Theso who search record of the wheat trade, going Imek te the beginning of the war, will net find wheat selling at these prices until they reach the month el May, lfi!2, when the prlce In Chi Chi cnge was 00 cents. In January of that year the price foil te 05, and In 1801 It was at ene tlme lOoents lewer. In 1872 the oxtremo prices were f 1.01 and $1.01, and In 1877 they wero almost the same, but In the Intervening years tbe lowest prices ranged between 80 and IM eenls. In 1878 the prlce lell below 80, but afterward the figures wero mero satisfac tory te the farmer until 18x1 when the liar, vestlng of an immonse crop (612,000,000 busbels) sent down thotirice te the llgures which we have quoted. The ran go In 1881 at Chicago was fromeOK te !! and last year It was rrem 72Jjf te Hi;. The low prices e! December, 188-1, wero due In great ineaaure te the sire of the crop. The crop or 1885 was only 3r.7.000,000 busbels, or 155,000,000 busbels less. This shortage was caused by the fallure or winter wheat. The latest reports or the agricultural bureau In dicates that the crop Just harvested amounts te about 57,000,000 bushels. The recent decline of prlce seems te have been caused by a falling eIT or the demand for expert. This demand we brisk In July and August, the quantity or wheat (Including flour) exported In these months having been about 27,000,000 buahelx, whlle In the corres ponding month of last year the ex perta were about 12,000,000. Theso large receipts In Kurepean markets, and tlie continuing large deliveries at our home ma-kets rrem first hands, with falling prlce he.'e, soem te have induced foreign buyer te suspend operations for a time, probably bocause they wero un willing te buy largely en a falling market. Hut It soems te be admitted that Kurope will require an unusually large supply of wheat lrem abroad this year, and for this reason It Is probable that the exjxjrt movemont will seen be resumed. Wheat at 70 cents lu Chlcace irives the far- mer very little for bis work, lu most cases the preducer at theso prices cannot rocelvo mero than the cost or production. If It wero probable tbe prlces would remain at this level for seme months, the acreage or wheat would be greatly decreased next year. A re vival of tbe expert demand will, hewever, give the farmers better return for his labor, and unless the estimates made by foreign authorities are all misleading, that demand must seen Increase. Still, It (would be well ler the farmers of the West te understand that the days of "dollar wheat" In thelr chief market are geno, In all prebabllty never te returu. A OUNBTAHLK IIU HVBT PAY. Fitly Cents Damages and CeaU Fer Illegally Helling Geed lis Had Levied Upen. IIHl'OIti: JUIIOK MVIJMSTO.V, lu the suit for dauuges against Ilenry Martin, constable of Provldenco township, brought by Jehn M. and Christian S. Howe, for the Illegal sale of gxds owned by thorn, but levied upon as their father's property, tlie Jury found In favor el the plaint-Ms and aasesseil the damages at 50 cents. The next case attached was that of the Koy Key Koy stene Horseshoe cempauy against Jehn Hecker and Kdwin L. Kcmheld, trading an Hecker .V Relnheld. This was an action te recover for bar Iren sold, but the dispute arose as te the prlce te tx paid. This morn ing before the trial had proceeded far, a compromise was affected and verdict by con sent was entored lu favor efplalntills for flS7.50. The suit of Matilda Hoelxir vs. Samuel L. Dlirenderller and .enas 11. Kby was attached for trial this morning. This was an Issue te ascertain bow much, II anything, Is due and owing by said tlrm teplat'-tiir. Mrs. lloeber holds a Judgment bend for f 1,700, signed Dif Dif Dif tonderllor t Kby, dated August 5, lv5, Willi Interest at the rate of 5 per cent. Alter prov ing the bend plalntlll rested. The delense was that Dlllendertler was iu business as a merchant tailor at Litltz in the spring of lSt5, when .anas l!by oxpressod a desire te go into partnership with Dltloiulorf Dltleiulorf Dltloiulerf for. Mrs. Hoebor, the mother of I'by, agreed te put f.',000 Iu the business for her son, In consideration of IiIh being a partner. Dillon Dillen Dillon deriler's stock then amounted te betveen 17,000 and f;s,000. It was decided that the business should be carried en in this city, and the stere room at the cerner of North Queen anil Orange streets was rented. Dll Dll fenderller .V. Kuy went te Philadelphia and purchased a large let et goods, the understanding being that he was te be a Eartner when his mother put $5,000 In the uslness. Mrs. 1 loe ber, however, advanced only f 1,700 and when the linn had been In business only a short time they wero unable te meet their bills for goods purchased be be bo caueo Mrs. Heeber rlled te put in the money she premised. Kby then, without the knowledge or Heeber aud te shut out the Philadelphia creditors, confessod a judgment for f 1,700, in the tirui's name, te his mother, and upon her execution the stock was levied upon and sold. It was claimed that there was at least $10,000 worth et goods which at sberlll's sale realized only 1,000. The defonse was unable te Introduce any testimony under thelr pleading and by leave of court the pleas were amended by adding that or no partnership when the Judgment was given. Plalntlll plead sur prise and the case went ever at defendant's costs. There belng no olher cises ready for trial te-day, court adjeurned until te-morrow morning at 0 o'clock. jciuur Lima lest ,ir uaiunk vabb. A Hetel Washed Away and a hrlioeuer Driven Out en the l'ralrle. A dispatch lrem Orange, Tex., sajs: "News has been received here Irem Sabine Pass of a terrlble gnle thore. The Perter house, containing a large number or persens, was wrccked and washed away. A beat was cap sized aud all hands drowned. Fight lives are known te tie let. The schoenor Silas was washed across the railroad track out en the prairie. A roller party is going there en the steamer Lamar. The schoenor Abordeen brought the news rrem Sabine Pass, and reports having rescued S. W. Pom Pem Pom eroy and brother and Columbus Marte in ;an exhausted oendlllon.lt is fuared that the worst news has net been heard. It will be itnpea, slble te get full particulars until tbe steamer Lamar returns." Reports recelved from Pert KadsBhew that the storm et Monday night played havoc with the sea wall of the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi river. Many or the heavy con crete blocks, welghiug several tens each, were washed from thelr foundation. Se far as Is known the Jottles themselves are unin jured and the chanuel is clear. THE WIIIES AHK DOWN. New Yehic, Oct. 11. Owing te the pros pres pros tratlen et the wires betweeu New Orleans and Galveston by the storm, no additional particulars of the disaster HtSabiuoPessare obtainable. V. M. O. A. Library. Kech momber or the Y. M. C. A. Is glven a ticket entitling him te admission te the li brary and te the lean or the Ixxiks for every dollar he subscribes te the association. As many of the members subscribe $i, $5 or $10, and have no use for two, live or ten tickets, it has been the practice or members for a year or two past te hand ever the sur plus tickets te Prer. R. K. Huehrle, city superintendent or public schools, who In turn distributes them among the pupils or the schools, enabling thorn te have the use el the books lu the library. The plan has thus far worked very well, and has been found te be a practical way In which te place geed books lu the hands or the young In place of the Hash literature that tee mauy of them read. I'ret Huehrle has recelved a number of tickets the prosent year, ami would be pleased te recolve mere. They will be promptly dis tributed, whero they will de most geed. A Caee for the Charitable. Mrs. David Ohie, whose home is at Ne. CO Campbell's alley, Is. In a dostitute condition. Her husband refuses te de anything for her support, and she worked te maintain herself until she was taken ill. With ene child and without the necessaries of life she Is new lying at her borne. SAVED FHOJl THE GALLOWS. LBW1B A. WKIIBTKU AVQVltlKU ABIBH nmmu twivk cunrivrxD. The repulses de Wild Over the Itcmilt el a Leng Harder Trial The Keiintlensl Btery uf Feal Crime Committed hy n Manked Man. Waiiuhn, O., Oct II. Ged's wlllls dene and Lewis W. Wolmter, the twlce convicted murdorer, walks lrem Trumbull's county seat of Just lee this morning a Ireo man and a community cry "anion. " The twolve Jurers (Hed from their room at 8:30 a. in. and as tlie welceme new was anneunced te the prisoner, the Webster family and the public, the scenes In and around the court heuse wero indoscrlb indescrlb indoscrlb able and teara and prayers for the Jury went heavenward. The horelo prisoner, who has been the victim or such cruel circumstances lay hi head upon hi mother'a breast and wept aloud. The city Is in a state el oxclto exclto oxclte monL Webster is new receiving the congrat ulations or a inultltude or friends and he apparently scarcely knows hew te roall.re the situation. wi:nrTF.ii'fl cntMK. I .owls Welir Welmter was tried for the murder or Perry Harrington, at Geneva, O., en Dec 17th, 1881. He was convicted twlce, sentenced the first tlme te be hanged, en June 0, 1885. and again en July 2, 1880. He Is 21 years old, Ofeet tall and line looking. A masked man went into the heuse or Harrington en Dec 17 and shot Mrs. Harrington twlce, and killed her husband. She escaped with a broken arm. She has Identified hlm as the murderer en overy trial. New trials have been granted en technicalities. When this trial 1 ever, the expenses Incurred at all the trials te be paldjby Ashtabula county will be evor $10,000. lie has been In constant confinement ilnce tlie murder, aud has learned te be an expert en the ban J a On hi second trial at Warren, tbe ladles showerod bouquets at htm. On the second trial he greeted Miss Hall, bis am an cee, every morning in openiceurt witn a kiss. The young lady was te be married just before the murder en her birthday. She Is a pretty blende and a dressmaker. She stands ready te marry Webster at any mo me mo utent. CoinmlMlened Hpeclsl Agent. HAntusuune, Oct. 1 1. Secretary Themas J. Kdge, of the state beard of agrlculture,has been commissioned by Govorner Pattlsen a special agent te prevent the spread of conta gious or infectious ploure-pnoumonla among the cattle iu the state. A l'reldentlai;i'lam. Wahiunotev, I). C, Oct. II. The presi dent te-day appointed Kdward F. Hudsen, of Lincoln, Neb., te bo.recelverof public men eys at Lincoln, Neb. Kuitalaii MhllUU Gathered la. Londen, Oct. II. The OJessa papers re port numerous arrests et Nihilists in South ern Russia. Twonty-elght Buspects are lm lm lm prlsoned In Relsln, and 18 at NIcealielK Cae Nettled. The hearing lu the surety of poace case pre ferred by Rachel Morgan against Geerge Hoever, which was te have been heard by Alderman Harr en Wodnesday evenlng, was settled. Yacht Launched. Wii.minoien, Del,, Oct. M. Win. H. Vanderbllt's yacht Alva was launched hore this afternoon. The event was wltnessed by a large crowd. IfllOUVlSO IT VI' PUB ItLAllUt. Heaver Ifl Nowhere In the aKitlmatleu el the Ijecal Itepubllcau Managers. The Ulatne Republicans of this city are making dOHjKsrate ellerts te have a crowd lu this rity en next Monday. The old mana gers who were always for the Plumed Knight and solid ngalnst Heaver, are doing all In their pewer te give Hlaiue a "glorious re ception." They care very little about Heaver, but no stene will be left unturned te furtber Hlalne'a chances for the presidentl.il nomina tion In 18S8. Among the prominent men In the movemont Is Lewis S. Hartman, who has always been a frlend of HIalne and Is anxious te show that the poeplo of this county are "fur" him. Lew also wants te be prothenotary and Monday will be a big day for his quiet work. Tem Cochran, chairman or county committee, who nees that Reaver's chances are very peer and that he must have aid, is making the greatest ell'ert or his I He. Kd. Martin Is almost wild, and be and Lew Hartman visit Philadelphia nearly overy afternoon. Harry Schroyer has no time for llowerser big pears just new, but keeps his herse en the galep around town all day long "making arrangements." Last evenlug as he was driving up North Queen street his horse slipped en the Belgian blocks In front et the Fraukllu house. Fer a time the animal steed en his bead, and he was no doubt wonderlng what caused the sudden rush In business. This same old nag will be seen en Monday with Harry and they will make a striking picture. The yew Kra wants revenge and they con cen con tlnue te assist the boom by trying te show through blustering editorials that the state Is solid for Jimmy. The young men are busily engaged trying te make thetnsolves believe that thore is a Yeung Men's Itepubll can club, and thore are se many managers that all cannot be previded with work, nvery candldate who expects te run in next year's prlmarles he been notified thut be must be en hand with repre sentatives lrem his district and all of that class are busy stirring thomaelves. The J'xtunmcr wants the all'alr te be a suc cess with hopes that It may be a beneflt te Iloaver. It la n very pretty mixture at pres ent, and the men engaged in the stir have many difterent reasons for doing se. A promlnent Republican politician who was denouncing lllalne last night said that if the Malno man was se anxious te soe Heaver olected he should have come bore In 18S2. Instead of that Blaine's frlends assisted in defeating Heaver, and tbey (are only trying te make a big show en Monday te help along Hlalne'a cbancea for the presidency. A Colored lllcycllet. The reglster el the Leepard hotel te-day contains the name or WHIT. Miller, orWash erWash orWash ingten, D. C, a colored bicyclist who had been en the read sluce the 3d instant. On that day he left Washington and reached Phila delphia the following Tuesday. lie then proceeded by easy stages te Smlthville, N. J., and thonce te Dowulngtewn. He left tbe latter place at 7:10 this morning aud arrived lu geed time for dinner. The young man Is Ehyslcally a geed specimen or his race anil e speaks In glowing tonus or his trip. He is a member et the National Cyclists' club, of Washington, compesod of colored riders, lie left for home this ultorneon. Anether Cremation. This afternoon another incineration took place at the Lancaster crematorium. The subject was Mrs. KUza P. Homer, who died at Ne. 001 North Twelfth streel'hlladelphla, en Monday, of old age. Deceased was born In England, and at the tlme or her death was 78 years old. It was the wish or her family that the body be cremated. The remains were accompanied te this city by W. 8. Stewart and H. S. and A. 11. Masen. They wero met at the Pennsylvania railroad station at 2 o'clock by Undertaker llelnltsh and the body was taken at ence te the crematorium wheru incineration foljewod. Fer it Hteveua MeuumeiiL Six hundred pupils of the Ninth ward school, Allegheny, announce that they are ready te give a penny each te a monument ler Thaddeua Hteveus. 1U Met Mended the Matter, rrem the Philadelphia Recerd, The olaberato explanation of the empleye. el the Hollelonto Iren and Nail company has uuv uivuuuu inin uiuuur tu-iuu ivusu IIBBVBHATB ATTKJtl'T TO XBOAVB. Tite Convicted llurglara Try te Del Away train the Law's Clutches In Vain. MifAVAUKin:, Wis., Oct. II. Adosperale oll'ert te oscape was made by Jehn King and Jehn Santry, two convicted burglars, yester yestor yoster day, when being taken te the house or cor rection. King and Santry, with thelr com panions Jehn Schullzand James Heward, were convicted en the charge of burglarizing Mueuer'a gun shop and sentenced te three years In the heuse of correction. The prise ners for that Institution are usually sent out In a cloth covered wagon with nene but the driver. The dosperato character of the four burglars Ijelng well-known, Deputy Sherlir Kenning was sent out with them. When the wagon drew up before the prison, the deer was opened and the prisoners began te alight. King and Hantry had been hand culled together. As they slopped down the culls seemed lu proper shaix). When they touched the ground, ene yelled : Ge " and llke a shot they wero oil In different directions. Kenning sprang after King and after a few shots rrem his re volver brought him te. Santry started toward town. Inspector McLaughlin, who was en a car, heard the firing and Jumped oil' In tlme te see Santry coming. A patrol man happening along Just then, the burglar ran Inte his arms. Mr. McLaughlin came up at ence and Santry was secured. During the excitement the remaining priseners were hustled Inte the prison whero they wero se cured. UIL IS atlOHlOAS, The Startling Manner In Which the Important DUcevery Wat Made. Manistee, Mich., 14. An oil fever has broken out hore and 1 raging violently. Speculators are pouring In. Property has advanced In price rapidly within ten days and the peeple are very much excited. A day or two age K. O. Fellers began work en a well In the centre el hi 100 acre piling and mill grounds, thlnklngthat salt might be un un derlaylng. The well had reached a depth of several hundred fcet when an accident made repairs nocessary. The tubing was drawn aud shortly after a rushing noise was heard when astonishment was exclted by seeing a stream of crude petroleum floating from the hole. The Hew increased until the output was COO barrels per day. Anether well was started and has reached a depth of 552 feet. Operations ou an extensive scale have been begun. The news reached the ears et several Pittsburg experts who came hore al unce and have been leasing land In the vicinity of the town. VVVBU JIT A MOCK MAMIIAUK. The Mais Frtuclpal or It New ea Trial for Cealmining Ulgumy. iNDiAN.vreLis, Oct 14. Adella HInes, a prepossessing and Intelligent young lady who was deceived into a mock marrlage with Jehn Loe lu July last, he having a wlfe and family In a distant part or the city, was upon the witness stand yesterday In the trial of Loe for bigamy. Shestated that the marrlage took place at home, with her mether as the only witness, and the ceremony was per formed by a well dressed man who was Intro duced te them as a Presbyterian minister in charge of ene el the Seuth Slde churches. After tbe mairlage he gave the witness a certificate and it remained in her possession until with a day or two of the arrest or the dofendant, but by whom it was taken she did net knew. There is an Intimation that the man who' acted as the clergyman in the bogus marrlage will be produced and be made te testify. eirx fr.usesa nitunxsn. The hclah Clumherltttn Struck ly a Ueal and Suuk In Lake Michigan. Cleveland, O., OeL II. M. A. Iirad ley, of this city, received a dispatch from the captain or the stoamer Selali Chamberlain at 1:30 this morning, informing him that the Chamberlalu had boeu run down by a New Yerk Central rallrnid beat and had geno te the bottom six miles east of Sheboygan ou Iake Michigan. The dispatch states that the second englnoer and four deck hands wero drowned. The Chamberlain was bound rrem MUwaukce te Kseauaba, aud had a crew of 10 men en beard. She was owned by the Hradley heirs, of Cleveland, aud was valued at $00,000. The names of the parties or the manner iu which the aocldent eccurrcl have uet been received. UavHCesuf I'ratrlea I'lrea. Winmi'Ee, OcU 11. A gentleman who has just returned from a trip te Southern Mauiteba says the ceuutry for hundreds of miles is as black as his hat from pralrle and forest tires. Throughout the municipalities of Argyll, Seuth Cypress and Seuth Norfolk great dauiage has been done. Very row rarmers escaped without less. The Tiger hills get a sovero scorching. Twe Icelanders were reported missing in the hills and it Is feared they have been burned. One result or the lire will be that stock will be cheap as many farmers will be coin polled te sell. A I'rtett'e Conduct Under Investigation. Huainekd, Minn., Oct, II. The grand jury Is investigating tbe case of Kev. Father Vaudray, of St. Francis Catholle church, charged by ene or his parisheners, Natalie Turgoen, wlthuudue Intimacy and wieldly conduct. The case is attracting a geed deal ofattentlon, many wltneases having been summoned en both sides. The church or St. Francis isdofendlng the priest. A Salvationist Hun Uut et Town. FltEEreiiT, Ills., Oct. 11. Will T. Mills, captain or the Salvation Army, was run out el Halleysvllle by a mob Wodnesday night, because he bad caused the arrest or three young men for breaking up the Salvation meeting last Sunday night. He lied te the weeds, and, tramping all night, reached here Thursday. I'urk Fackers Still On a Striae. CiiiOAtie, Oct. 11. Nocbange la the situ situ atleu in Packingtewn was ebservable this mernnlg. A feeling et disappointment at the fallure of the packers te koep the assig nation for a couferenco prevailed, and It was the goneral belief that the policy or the pack ers was Indicated. Cengreuman Hound Ite Nominated. U.viiiiimiuuu, Oct. 1L The Republicans or the 12th congressional district met here te-day and ro-nemluatod. lleu. Franklin Hound, or Sutibury, for Congress without opposition. Te War Agaluit Foreigner!. Oaiiie, Oct. 11. An Arabian paper here has Information from Massewah that tbe king or Abyssinia Is Inviting his vassals te propure te join lu a war against foreigners. WJSATIIKlt ltDIVATIUKB. Washi.voten, I). 0 Oct. 1L Fer Kastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Dolaware, rains, southeasterly winds, higher followed by lower temperature, Washington, 10 a. m. Special, Weatu eii HuliLetin. The storm central yesterday morning in the extreme northwest has moved te the southeast and has united with the storm lately central in the G ulf of Mexico. It la new central in Northern Illinois and la developing great euergy. It'wlll movetothe northeast accompalned by high southeast winds shifting te northwest ever the lower lakes and the coasts of New Kngland and the Middle Atlantic states. High northwest winds are also ludloated for Lakes Suporler and Michigan. WORK OF THE LABOR KN1 TiiBvmvBHautr thbebbaki fKAMLT ALL VBOaBK, h. vf a Many Candidate Leeming tip for Film the Kiecullve Heard-Dlaelptlnlag tier of the Order Who n ni. ,..! Information In the. Fret. Zi' At wodnesday afternoon's Msales fl ivnigiiu or Laber at Klchmend It wmiK. todlvldetheoniceofgoneralsoareUrT.n has been held by Frederick Turner, el delphla. Charles II. Lltchtnan. of Iti head, Mass.. was placed In nomination the olllce of secretary by James CampbelL i Pittsburg. Tlie nomination was ecoaesM inin u'lteiuy, or new Yerk. Tba only dldate nominated In opposition waa Jet jiucuanan, or ionver, uoieraoo. jji was elected by mere than 130 n Iroderick Turner wm nominated for j treasurer by U, F. Trevllllck, of I Mich., and seconded by James K. Qnl iiew iern. ine only candl ilv manilldelA in opinion was H. Heckmeyer, et jersey, air. Turner was elected hy- than 10)0 majority, , .uHiiuuug ier momuera or me exa i---"i men began. The following "' i'wu hi p'ninBiien : jeun w J E?w Jersey j Themas H. Harry, Mlehli W. F. Ualley. Ohie ; T. Jl. fticauira. Yerk; Tem O'Reilly, New Yerk j Je j.uuaimn, ivoierauo ; William IX. Ml juciinienu t ira li. Aylsworth, iJaltl ana ,ieun Howe, Massachusetts. Att, urinai oauei was taken, In which Mr. J lea in the number or votes rolled, with J Harry second. Some delegates wanted I continue voting, but a motion te adjeunv. until Thursdav mnrnlmr vcas mil enA mm- rled. There will be no eloctlen for seearal' Insurance socretary, the olllce new held bjrj?3 Hemer McUaw, as tbe otuue has been bel-,,i'..Jj isueu uy tlie adoption the constitution. of an amendmantte, tub heuk oFTnBceiirMiiTietrl0i Blauy of the Delegates Went te Be VAtetmd 'H5 the Kiecullve Heard -Why the Frees Ha- M$ erta Are Ne Meagre. Jlj Richmond, Va., Oct. 11 uefere tbeasj-v pointed hour for assembling lu conventtesi this morning a majority el the Knlchtieft Laber delegates were in the hall anxiously J awaiting for the work. The eeneral nrBewari were en hand nremntl v at n nVlmrlr. Th ta terest largely centres this inornlne- en thai eloctlen of the seven members of the execaivS uvoeoaruanu me goneral secretary eftaslSj. Insurance department Very little of peat-Kj uvu uui a great ueai ei negative caaTaaaiBK 1 1 has been In progress for these offleaa slnaa .33 the adjournment yesterday evenlng. Abeaj one-lhlrd or the delegates aspire te esa af ; these eight positions, but their namea mti sacredly secret. "wfe The matter of Increasing the compensate MI Ofthoefllcflni nrnmlana In nrnlln hula .via bate It is prebable tbe Balarles wlllibai doubled, but many bitterly oppose It ea leY; ground that tbey are nil presumed te be !$)' uurem oppeseu 10 creating monepouM MKIiJH salaries out of proportion te honest Inoen There Is no necessity, they say, or makhag - the creaturn areatar than thn kmuIm t fti'i leeks as though the move te Increase tba kair) "S arles Is Ollltn as well nrrrnnlrml as II.. I fei l . crease the efllces, pewers, etc 'J '?,K? Tlin tTnltml lVfinn fftrrnnnninlniitliilnf i.in.i1' I that the matter el delegates acting as neSwv rianercorresnendnntM or trlvlntr intnrmmtsm.i te ores renrnsnntntlrna tint In tha mmr iHiji! has been a prominent feature almost aranC day the past ten davs. When it tlrst hmm- known that delegates wero exercising tbatefi own uiscretien in the matter efglviagl nnwa Mr PmiMavlt. I.. 1.a ....! ........ ..... w..Uw..j .u tuu ujufni ituvu morn neveruiy 10 lasic xnera a very warm discussion. Many thought ( should be a presi committee, as at Clara." land, who would have rull power te give oaf.;; for publication such Information as It waa bai? lievcd the public should have. Otbca; wanted Mr. Powderly te act; still etbraj3 thought that every doleirate should by' his own press conser and de as hlsconselenoa'irp iiiuuiluui v aiudiL HHn'H IU1711 fii rnnnHMin.". tives In the convention llemnnHA.1 that nnft.i&i lntr should be sent te thn world of Hi a nrntSi ceedlugs. Fer three or four days these hlar,s$'! were put forward whonever the subject waaw breached, which was nlmnaf Imn.ltf Ta. eus delegates carried tnll.tilna tn Mr Powderly, claiming that this and nun u.iiq .if-tt'ini. tun urimin .., . and this and that clnletrnlii ws nlianlntalir? sendlng verbatim ronerta direct te rtka, uowspapers. Mr. Powderly, who was tkas, as new, giving oiHeniciat lniormatleu had been requested te de, was In het wte.yS fiuauy charges were prepared against aWMg adeen delegates, seme for " leaking ";tei correspondents, ethers for acting aa casratvO penaents. Tbe matter was relerred tern - committee. Reporters wero then appelatail te snauew tne suspected ueiegatea te I with whom they communicated and Trhelharj they wrote for the press. There were nujtaav eus charges Hied. This was a week agV About the same time charges et latex)aa tien were prererred against four of fivai gates, one or whom from a Westerns was about te be expelled and withdrew I the convention. He insisted en speakukji whenever he wanted te In the convttBMea,' and being very shrewd, well posted, aad a'lk nne parliamentarian, made Immense treuWf,: hv WAV nf nalllniv tlia nh.lp In nnl..' labUM ) -j j v-..B . UUM.. .v w.u, MH (.'& appeals from the chair, aud denouncing eatV? tain elucers and candidates as " dead bl en the order," ' loafers," etc. This rlnlriiaat"' ' baa net been In the couventlon for three daja'J.S although the cbargea haye been withdrawn, auu ue is uut) iu acu i uroe or lour 01 iBOa who act as newspaper correspendonta, bvr had a pretty hard read te travel, and i near being expelled. One of them, sentlng a New England newspaper,' proved guilty auu weuta nave eeen ext had it net been for the manairement of hla wire. Se far at least a week of the cnve-t;.31j "wu va ireuu u nu aiuiunk fOfpeiuai UX-W moll. '-e . 1 Levying en Sajtee Frenerty. New Yerk, Oct 11 Deputy Sheriff Me-: Gulness levied te-day upon Solemon Say las' ' property at V-ia Sixth avenue, couslstlneef a,: lnitchnr'n nRtaliltuliiiinnt ami lila rutranAmi i? preperty in his resldence Ne. 33 West fxMl3 Biruui w sausiy uis uruiuur a uau uuuu. ibpj is net likely te satisfy tbe execution. ' tf,? Ileleiued Frent Frlen en Hall. z'lM Lonuen. Oct. It. The case 01 Jaui Solemon, the husband of Lillian HnuiLj charged with bigamy, was again cane day iu the Hew street pence court. was niximtiil iu bis own roceunlzanoa Im I sumorjceoo. &i'M Ilenlttte Ueclde Te-ulght. ' -S New Yeitir, Oct. II Mr. AbramH. He the Tammany nominee for mayor, aald -morning that he would make kuewa k4a cisieu whether he will accept or deellM nomination at tbe meeting or the Democracy le-nignu . - r s . i, f Ueule That Her Vatnerlsl Duiiun, OcL 14 The daughter of thai Augustus Htoplerd Uroeke, denlea tba I published In the Evening Juif yatti that her rather was Insane. She aaya 1 father Is perfectly well, and that he la I the continent en a pleasure tour. 4.' Charging: Iutimldatlen. ,' -! Hr PKTKitsniiue, Oct. 11. The da 61. J'ctersburg la an editorial I neuuees thn elections of members? Great SebranJe of Bulgaria aa unlust The minority were i nraventlnsr a full and free exf nnnnlar nnlnlna. . H ', ..I.A.