iyK-w ja'-:--' ;6fi i -"ir '." t S :t .7 st ..'. :. ""k ' ! ,v': -44V "J rrmc Lancaster daily iNTgjbiflttcgB, Wednesday, October iu. 1896. ',-. ,-v'tfc Kr-wv. v " m ;i v ? ; INTELLIGENCER DAT Df TBI YKAB vrra mum tea, hit? LOTKMI IT CiRMIRA I LAB- AMetanw n-Acm. ixhtli AU. LI L OOtTSUMlOW ALLOWRD TO ions OOKBaOTtO. g AT ADVIllHmq BATHS:', jjP"' H ta. 1 InT'a'nrp in. I InTpfin. lifer. I e 7&Tn ji 3i.ir NM..... ) lift S 4 4A y. EUV.." M 10" 1110 450 6( 7MI HM..,,, 100 1KB 1HM ft 15 (' S4.1 Hm, 110 110 4 PM 6 80 7m 910 CHf l arm im se nan low HJIBhf.... fie 700I10B0 isbu 16 se UlMte., ire era low u no wen sage BtttKr... IN 7 0O litld 16 00 3000 2400 MV.,. BOO 1000 1700 CI 00 17(11 J100 KHb. tee uoe snoot moo nm asm nUpa..,, 90S 1800 WOO MOO 440 Mil) IWI;....., tq 00 acej Moej wool bow rttf Weekly Intelligencer Eyuv Weenudav Mernine. AtwuLUJIxeaitXBOTrai. cleim or m, AjtoAeorrrmaaro rawn ni or eCBSTCI) W BTB1IT rARTOTTH 1 AM, AHOHTKers Lrrrmiw IRO TO TBI WAIT! UI1R. tmUr$ and Ttlt grant te IKTEttiliiaENOBR, Hellaing, Lancaster, l'a. : Cawectcr 3ntclligcnt . ;T ULK0A8TXR. OCTOBEE. laK. - nr llfBnrttin ItaMim MputyicSffi Chairman Jenes lias under- suppress the presidential aspira- l Of Mr. Blaine. He realizes that his Ate co-operation with Mr. lil.thie, for tktt election of General Beaver, would he up Hucil te mean that the national Be- 'jpvMlcan committee leek with satisfaction TSfea the prospect of running hitu for the ,wtfclency. ;;.?iHta refusal te serve as chairman of the rmwjurg reception committee was based , seWjr en the ground tliat lie did net wish Jte encourage the Blaine boomers. The letders -who burned their lingers with ff Maine's blazes of enthusiasm in the Inst gv. eenpaign are wary 01 tue lire, ins a Stl. tWae. limtltK'inf. fant (lint ntHiiiittrli Mr. i'T "!"" "' '"" . """""-" rrBMse Is about te stump the state for Gen- &- ',m. DantTAi Tf"i Tm-ina D'ira nnf trr n-nnl jj tjiM xicctfci) au.& uvuui eja uuv vuu tiviu about the latter, and talks as though the Maine statesman was the only figure in ?. Um platform at all worthy of his consider- Jv.aKtVU feiThe conclusion is irresistible that the Reaairman or me ltepuuucan national com- ;""Htee, who has se frankly proclaimed --,, We disapproval of Blaine, also disapproves lft hie party's candidate for governor, sup- fs,aartft nnil evershadnwwl hv Ul.iinp. fM In all the large Bepublican meetings the . Maa 01 jjiaine u conspicuous, anu in me In-'s partisan reports of them we find the old JfMBfllar Incidents: the " son of tell" who Vigiaepeinenana or ine politician anu re- 'eeives as hearty a shake as though he vt ere Cvaoaereni. xue werus --greiuesi en- A.y4Hfclj iv1f n in wVd t Alr t-vrn 1 n m m 4 .nuBUViux niickiixi out tiuica iu mi uttuuui . of a recent Beaver meeting. Tliere are no iMaegreesef enthusiasm at these meetings, S'Vfri BMtllkB the children who were all thp liwil. F.x-T.-Z 7. . 7. . . V ' yj-.-ime emouen or inese wne ioek upon ;Daiae and Beaver, is always " greatest' ','X; The assurance that the Kepubllcan lead wrL mi i..i. .i. i i- ..... BUitKO UIO UillllU Ui ine of toil as warmly as these of is an insult te American sat, manhoed: is an Insinuation that some rea- hSM-A,v ' :.. , ,, ..... .. ;j wta may exisv iiiru uuieieiiL-a ueivieeu uie 0fii. hand shake due te a farmer and that given psa millionaire. If the Republican lenders ai?'did net rezard this as an exceptional con- F cession te the political equality that is the ""foundation of Democracy, tliey weu.d net ;-'i aweil upon it se iremienuy. "s A 1'niiKP Ter Itelelclni?. SJf --- Vm. . "Rlsflwhere will be found :in interestlni? j;fefc recital of the prosperity existing in the gy'iren trade and which premises te affect all ,juaus or eusiness ier niu ueiier. 11 is irem f?'Bpublican sources which makes it all the WuTBMti interesting. &$? It was a favorite campaign cry of our PjBjjBepublican friends in former state and ?M ''Rational battles that the owls and the bats iK,v:? weuiu roost in me biueku suicks 01 ine mie i" furnaces in l'ennsvlvania If the Democracy ieame into power. The absurdity of thLs j&;Matement Is apparent from the results that i yT.Vl.av tnNnmaA tlia Tlpnuvml In rpt.(r-.ittnn Ij.;'1'! state and national affairs Democracy 1 ,i5-its enthroned and from Iiepublic.tns un- kllllng testimony is borne that the country t 1 . . i- i. it. r E-J BJUV1UK aiUll Ui bliU JliHU Ul 1'IUlUDa IU pTTflKer befem 8SJ this is wuy the uemecratic heart re- Sx Jokes. The general conditions of prosper- K3s ii . . in I..-I..1 . it ivj snow niaw niepiiucipieaei oenerseu are Bfe safely enshrined in the hearts of the ieple. i& zzzzz f W AMU .llill O.U.A Wlf, wut.j SUUU11H im fe.' itemized statement of the bill for laving as out. caring for and embalming the body of '&? Gen. Grant. The Sun had told E. Helmes fyVe., the embalmers, that its mauage fc aeent would pay the bill, if net otherwise lf wevided for. The embalmers took the Hd Sun at its word, and after statins that t' n ...... . . .... - no ener uau eeen maue uy inese legally .: iftnu uiuniiiv uaunu Ln nav niirinii " kphl ii ferlte tbe fitm. The latter paid the hill, &r amounting te 500, and exhibits the receipt JF" of the embalmers in its columns for that Eft amount. RSa And only yesterday announcement was A-teaae or tue fact that Mrs. Urant had re. a? j. eeivea a total or 30u,uoe rer her share In the receipts of the sale of the book written , in the closing hours of his life by the dead j here. It is a sad sight te see the bill for tliA pmhfllmlncr nt f.hn frpnpral'fl rpm'tfua P? paid by a stranger. ,i. lVnnlil ll a Uln.lnl Mi.ni. f-., .. -v - -..... .uv. . It is announced in the New Yerk World ftthaf Hnn Alinn, U ITe,,.!!. ...Ill ........... . ,.w"" ""' " unm i" iH-tl-JiK wm nomination ier mayor 01 iev ierK f the united Democracy of th.it city. His eUetlen was a stroke of genius. Ne man s-m. me metropolis stands hhrher with Mm rileatathan Mr. HnwlH.. Tin Inn ,,,.,., ,.p HMa'alid the ceurncn In cri-roeu (t.. -lPNf Pf te Congress lias been most lion lien Me and his retirement therefrem will j, .,iW w rai icgiBiauen. v C jmii 11 may be that his city Las the first tain upon his services, and if he decidps foil accept the nomination, it will prebablv m wireugu iue iniiuence et that coubidera ceubidera tlaB. Ills candidacy puts a very large hole the boom for Henry Geerge, for Mr. it fills the bill for the labor people "exactly than any ether man new be- L'the New Yerk public. Fer, as the Mcv Yerk World says of him ; " Abram it, Hewitt's understanding of and sympathy tee maases hare been attested by the and liberal manner in which he has conducted his large enterprises, and by the efforts which he has made in Congress te relieve them of unnecessary burdens." The KpIrepnl Courrnllen. The action of the general Episcopal convention in Chicago, will attract wide attention for the strong ground it takes en the questions of marriage and divorce. A vast number of the evils of wciety may lie traced te the loew iihIIkhIs which have long prevailed in nutters iiiatrimeiil.il and the Kpisceiml convention shows wisdom and discretion in llie.vlgenms manner in which it handles this most Important of human relations. If marrlage was surrounded by mere safeguards, nnd thosacrediiesdef Us char acter was mere generally recognized, the newspspers would hae fewerdlverce scan dals and ether domestic infelicity te re port. The most scrupulous care cannot prevent sorue of these disagreeable Inci dents of married life, hut if the action of the Episcopal convention was generally followed by Its sister creeds, the sum of the world's happiness would be greater. Mr. ISi.u.ni: Is mistaken trim lulnks that ly coming Inte Pennsylvania lie will "Just an anchor te windward." WllKJf the Republican party limis Itself m the pelltiral grave which the JV&ti Ui-ljully asistlng us te prapAte ter the corwe uext November, our eHteeuied conteiujHirary will reallie mere fully the boenierang capacity of the campaign lie and the moral et the old couplet " He 1IkcJ a grave, he digged It deep, He digged k for hi, btettcr. lty hi own fin he fell therein : The grave he digged for another. lUun Aiimikal Knw vnn T. Nicneus, who died en Tuesday at I'emfret, C)iiu.,wlll be romeuibered as the CHll.int eemmaiider of the Winona, which vessel txire n promi nent part lu the naval battle- et l'arragut's lleet en the Mlssbslri'I. NIcbeH received the silrrcmler of Forts Jackmm and SL I'll 111 p. representing the adtulral, and later, haviug run past the Vickshurg luttvrles, en gaged in a (losperAlo centliLt with the famous ram Arkannin. Tun various channelx in which Mr. Illume may be useful iu this campaign are net ap parent. Km rr has built up a r putatlen for the manufacture of heavy gnus of great power, but it is net by any means untarnished, as a great many of his guns have burst under conditions by no means tring. During the France-German wariw) Krupp kuiis burst, and the Dukoef Cambridge reported te the British government that out of TO heavy guns employed against the fceutbnest of Paris, 30 were disabled by theetlectef their own lire, and the German commanders thought that U the French had held out for a week, the German batteries would have been tdlenced. Under thee clrcumsUnces we may feel proud el our heavy guns te be built in the uear future, If they burst less frequently than these of Krupp and equal the latter iu ieuetratieu and ruue. Of this there is assurance from men who have de signed tbeui with the advantage of all the experience of foreign inanufiiturers and all the Bcieutillc and theoretical knowledge that can be had. Foreign governments keep knowledge et this kind as secret as possible, and Americans hent abroad by our govern ment for thestudyef theematters have been treated with scant courtesy. We have the theory and will seen have the practice, Con gress willing. Heme employ eset Heaver's nail works are trjing te bolster him up by explaining the beauty el the store-order stem. Toe late ! Toe late 1 Fer violets plucked theemntner thewers W II! never inuWu grim iiuId. I Ar West Point there is a digram 111 the adjutant's elhea showing ttie Kvupiliunt of the parents of all cadett udmitted since. Isli The proertlons of representations are pecu liar. Of authors, artists, cooks, brewers butchers, distillers and saloen-keeiers there are new ene each. Of builders, musicians, overseers, politician", pelu-einauand printers two each ; of architects, barber, gardeners, journalists, photographers and stock dealers, three each ; of bakers, lumbermen, millers, presidents of colleges, publishers, superinten dents of school, surveyors, undertaker ann enlisted men, four each ; of nurserymen, five; el dentistSjbeven: efsecretarles.elKht ;of spec ulators and presidents and superintendents el bank corjieratioiis, ten each ;t uiinlngand real estate, eleven each j el insurance busine6s and livery keepers, twelve each ; of miscella neous and laborers, eighteen each ;of etllcers of volunteers, nineteen j of state rtlicers, tenty-two;ef meuiberseftViugrw, teuty three; of contractors,twenty-seven; of railroad ollicers twenty-eight; of engineers, thirty four; of unknown, thirty-live; el editors and school teachers, thirty-nine; el hotel-keepers, lerty-iiv e ; of agents, forty-seven ; of navy of ficers, llltj-two;ef clerks, tlfty-elght; of coun ty officers, sixty-one ; of V. S. civil elllcers, sixty-six; of manufacturer.-', ninety-three; of clergymen, 102 ; of no occupation, 17'J , of phy sicians, 271 ; of lawyers or judges, 155; of merchants, -103 ; of farmers or planters, S2C. It Is easy te understand why there should be a large number of sons et clergymen aud physicians, but the small number of the sons of undertakers Is surprising. Thkhb comes a wild story Irem Newark, N. J of a plot a few days age for the revo lutionizing of a Central American stala These states revolve he rapidly that there would ha nothing very startling ln the scheme if it did net involve the kidnapping of Win. II. Vanderbilt iu erder te realize funds for the enterprise. Accomplices ln this country and abroad were te il stocks short in anticipation of the event, then te buyheavily just before the millionaire was released by the plotters, ir the stock mar ket should fall te yield satisfactorily te this milking, then f 1,500,000 was te ba raised by the levying of ransom. The man who dis closed the plot says that he refused te gj into it becaue e he was convinced that it was managed by unscrupulous Wall street brokers. The scheme, he said, was en the verge of an actual kidnapping when the millionaire died. The public will believe Wall street operators catmble of any scheme however desperate, and there may hav e been a grain of truth in this story. Amajeiutv of I'lilladelphlaceuuclls' com mittee en railroads have agreed te rejiert the elevated railroad hill adversely. There Is a suspicion of jobbery In the result reached, the fctreet car magnates belug generally be Keyed te be behind the bill. PEIISONAL. WfcC'llKTAItV -V1A.N.M.NO lias retllrnisl If, Washington lu excellent health and spirits, Mlt.ai.Ansre.NK s still unable te leave his bedroom. lie is sin ering from lever. Ills condition is believed te be worse than Ispub- uujy uuiuiiuMi. Miss rAllr Ueuviun I'ktkrken aud Mr. llebert Harris McOarter, of Xewark, were married before a brilliant immp tit vat Went ten, the country seat of Gee. Y. Oiilld', en Tuesday evening, Mary ANimnseN has been spending the autumn with Mr. and Mrs. William llhick, amid the picturesque, doenery of OImii. which her he,t his be graphically and charmingly Immortalized. W mV1? C."-T' et Waketleld, Mass., dat JHiL?le,,ea b ninety ninth birth- Miss Susan IV. AmneNv is said te bn couslderlnBaneirerof the editorship et the the hU Louts Magazine, as it Is the flshtn,, since Miss Olev eland's debut in sfJi1.!0" lnent female fiffmifturj te wrtnctheedl" terial mangle or literary magazlueT Mrs. LEiAUDSTAUDFenn devotes cen.ld- erable time and money ln the cause or cslu. catien ln California, She has put In success, fill operation four large kindergarten, and her latest benefaction Is the establish, mentor anight school for the Jeekeyi and stable boys employed iu the stables of her husband. MAMO.N llAltl.AMl,perlnps, the busiest woman in the country Shu conducts a household department for a syndicate et iirtecu .per, does the editorial work In JUthuhiteil, Is completing a companion vol ume te " Judith, "te be called "In Old Virginia, " and a household manual entitled ' llnme-.Maklng and Housekeeping." Hr.NAien t)w l s does net seem te hav en poed grip en Maii'htlelt llepublicaus. Ala liepublican rally In llosten where he spoke, the immense audience ,hli atiglusl, hissed, ranir tin cheMnut bell, clus'risl for Jehn D. Leng, called for Tem Heed, of Maine, and gave ether expressions of dls dls taver. Twe or three times Governer Koblu Keblu Koblu sen, who presided, was obliged te advance te the front et the platrerm and request the au dience te allow blui te preside and net at tempt te take the meeting out of his hands. elrttlnc m ller. A "professor of horse training," who has shown great skill lu subduing and breaking the most ebdurate animals, gives the fol lowing advice: The question may arise, ler steady, hard work at moderate speed, will net a heavy-framed, strong-muscle animal, with slight intelligence, like the mule, return mere work for the feed than the one with the higher mental faculties and mere active nerves T Is net there a waste of force, of the jwwer dtvlred, from the nutriment consumed, lu the horse, with a highly developed, nervous constitution Mr., li.p.vseu advises te never select a vere having leug ears llued inside with long, straight hair. De net buy one that Is narrow betweeu the ears and between the eyes ; or tli.it his Mat, round eyes, m sunken orbits, and whose nostrils are short and thick ; for he w ill certainly prev e a beat of small Intelligence, hard te teach, incapable of remembering bihI liable te be obstinate, Just as stupid it'rseus are. And de net buy the hore tha' is narrow at the top of the head, bulging between the eyes, and has a sunken, dish-like face between them . ter he is sure te lw v icleus and treacherous. Hut takethe horse that his short ears, with short curly hair inside them ; that is bread be tween the ears and eyes, with a regular, straight tace and large thin nostrils : ier In him you will 11 nd an Intelligent, spirited, vet willing servant and falthlul frieud, if treated rightly." lie Knew Ills Dun. Fietn the Atlanta Constitution. This story briugs te mind ene that Is told of a Confederate guard w he w as once en duty ever ln Seuth Carolina. An elllcer was dis cussing war matters, aud remarked : " Yeu buew your duty here, de you, Beu tinel " " Yes, sir." " Well, new, suppose they should eieu en you with shells aud musketry, what would veu de T" " i-erm a line, sir. What ' one man form a line " 11 Yes, sir . form a bee line ter camp, sir." A M.VlUUKt) .VI N Ob, yes ' I uui a married tuan, I have a wile, and when I sought hi r Seme years age ler mine, and brought her Heme as a undo, lire nrst began Tebe worth living. I jnst thought her An angel, anil thanked heaven I'd caught her And de se still and yet. and 51 1, There Is another one who's wrought her shy witchcraft o'er me till there's naught her Fair face may ni t make me forget And te this dsy I've never fought her Seft sway, although you say 1 engutci " X knew yen think It's net quite right. Hut she loves me, tee Oh, I've taught her The elil, sweet lesion ' and I bought her My flrstloTegtrt vesternlght; Twm buta trine cost aiiuarter It was a dolly she's my daughter Fem Lift A Bright Particular Ki.il sur Cough Cure opiates. Ne poisons. '.2 cent Ne As a horse and cattle lotion salvation Oil has proven Itself an Infallible remedy. It has 10 celved the hn.irt Indersements el many old and weU-knewn horsemen. 1'rUe .3 cents a bottle. The National C'reilll I, .Se Mum solidly founded than the reputation of ilensen's Capctne Plasters They are known, appre ciated unlUMil In Ainenci-lta hn-pltals and Its homes. Physicians, pharmacists and drug glsUafflrm that for premptne-s et uctien, cer tainty and range et curative iiualltles they are beyond comparison. Once u-ed thilr unequalled excellence rccniutntnd tbetn The public are again cautioned against the (heap, worthless und shameless Imitations offered by mendacious parties under th guise of similar sounding names, such as "Lapsltln' "Capslum, 'Capn cln." "Capslclne," etc. Ask for lkmsen's, buy of respettuble druggists only, and make 11 per sonal examination. The genuine has the ' Three scats " trademark and the weid"Cap cine "cut in the centre BVEOIA1. NUT1VK.1. Da. IUmlr Werm Sivrct, Furely vegetable, pleasant te take, will exjiel worms if any exist, no purgative required alter using, l'rtce, 23 cents, by all drngglsta. bs-amd M W A F WILL veu SUFFKIl wtth Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint t bhlieh'a V ltallier U guaran teed te cure you. ter sale by II 11. Cochran Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. The Slysiery selie-l. It has always been understeinl that consnmp censnmp consnmp tlenwus Incunible, but It his recently been discovered that htuips llalsum for the Threat and Lungs Is giving mere relief than uny known remedy. It la nuarantevil Ui relieve und cure Asthma, Urnuchltu and Leuuhs Call en II II. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 .North Omin street, and get a trial belUe free of tesU Large size iu cents and II. (ij CUOUI", VVIIOOI'INCCOUOII and Urenchltla Immediately relieved by bhlleh s Cure t or sale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. LU North Quiam street. A Itemarkable Geed .Man Is he w he attends te the comfort of bis family and will net let his llttle ones sutler wlthatTio wlthatTie wlthatTio tlen of the Threat and Lungs, when l.y their lives may tie endangered, but who should at all times give them that sovereign remedy, Keinn'i lUIsaui. Price 60 cents and II. Trial tucrte. i or eale by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 North Queen strict. (ij Osb Bettlk KrrkcTS a CDEi. Mr. Oscar E. II. Kech, of Allen ten n, Pa., was bedfast with In flammatory rheumatism ln the winter of less. Doctors could de nothing te relieve him. lie commenced using Gress' lthcumatle Itemudy. Uy the time he had used hall a bottle he could leave his bed ; when he had finished the bottle he was cured and has net had a return of the disease since. In his own weids, "1 leel better than ever before." Price II, by all druirgisU. lebS-SmdilWJtr VilllliKLLAM TJMUKEI.LAS. "" ' DMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS. Uepalrlng and Netice. lttcevcrliig Kniiuatbhert ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, XO. 14 EAST KINO bTHEET, LANCASTLIt, l'A. TltVNKH. . K KKOKUL'S. ROBES. 11UFFALO, WOLF, JAPAN tiOAT. Alse the Cclebratea IM kit, 'l'A V I.OIC A CO.'b KAbTKUN ItOIIKS. Uuaranteed net te lesu ihelr hair, from f 10 te IM, A Hue Assortment et Plush Lap Kebe, Irem . 11 up te lis. TheUest Dellar Herse blanket In the city, KRECKEL'S, '0 6 t!ABT H1NO BTUKliT. LANCA&TKlt. PA. augil 3ma MMDIOAL. H OOP'S HAHSAPAIULLA. OATARRH 017RED. Catarrh ts a very univalent riljeaae, with dU trv.stnit ami etrensivn symptom. IIcshVs ar HnparlUa gle ivudy rellel aiul speedy cure, from the l.ict that 11 acts through the bleed and thus reaches ev cry part of the sy tern. I snuVred with catarrh flflism veare Toek ltmls harMpnrllla anil am nut tniublt-d with uttarrh, and my general health l much ts'ttur." I w l.ll.l.ls. l'i"tnl clerk Chicago A M Leuis luilread. " t suiTensl w tth catarrh for mhj wirs ; trlnl man) vrnnditrliil cures. Inhaler", etc , -pending msvrlj one hlunlHHl diillnrs without t'enettt. I Irtisl Heed's bursaparllla and mu grvall) tm previsl." ji.a AllltKt, Weriter, Mast. Heed's SiirRaparllta Is chmvetettted by ihnsi peculiarities i 1st, the rombiitedencif unaeilUl agents j sd, the iroerl(o id. the jre-m et securing the acllve medicinal qualities, 'the rvv ult Is a medicine, or unusual strength, ettecttng cures hitherto unknown. Semi ler Issik con taining additional evidence. " Ilcsxt's Harsanrltla tones ui uiv j stem. purintw my blixxl, shsrpeus my appetite, Hi.nn. tnmukn mil nrnr ' ana J. l'.TUUMl'SUM, Ueglsteret Deeds, Lewell, Mass " IIeihU Sarsaparllla heats all ethers and Is worth Its weight In geld," 1 nAKIilNOlUN'. Ne. IM Uank Stlvet, .New erkClty. Heed's Sarsaparilla. S-old by all druggists. t stx for l Made only by 1. C. 11001) A CO , Lewell, Mass. 100 DOSKS ONK D01.L.AH. JHOW'S IUON uiiti:k. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! WILL CURE HKADACHK, IM)USi:STION, luiaeusNr.ss, UYSI'El'MA, NEUVOUS I'ROSTKATlON, MAI.AKIA, CUILIJand FKVEIUS, TIHKD Ki:EIilNU, ISHNERAL. DKW11.IT Y, PAINS IN TUB HACK A SI DKS, IMVUKKHI.OOD, CONSTIPATION, FEMALE INFIKM1TI T.S, IUIEUM.VTISM, NEURALGIA, KIDNEY AND Ll EK TUOU1ILES. M-tOKSALEUY ALL Hltlt.tills The Genutne has Trade Maik and cres-ed lttd Lines en wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. Ciuii: lydJtw CTOMACU AND LIVER TAP. Fer Indigestion, Lilieusiii'.vs SICK HKADACIIE, or any of the symptoms el a disordered stomach and liver, use HOLMAN'S Stomach 8c Liver Pad. It will give tone, vigor and tli.-tii uy te your whole system, re tuove all Malarial Taint Frem the Bleed. Prevent Fever, binall Pox and all contagious diseases. Warranted te CUItF. and I'RKV K.NT CHOL EltA l.N FA.NTUM, COLIC, MLASLEs, and aU OHIIaDREN'3 DISEASES. SAFE KA3ILY WOll.V UELIABLE ' UR. tm) A!ID HIS UC.1DEHD WITIZSKS. Fultex, Arkansas. After carefully watching, fera period of fenr months, the effect of " llol llel man's Agueand Liver Pad. ' ln at least eik hi h. drsd cases under viy Immediate observation, I have no hesitancy In recommending It as a safe andspeudy euro In nil cases of ague, biliousness and Indigestion ln all cases or enlarged and lntlatncil spleen. It ts par excellence ter all dUeases arising from a disordered condition el the liver, 1 cheerfully recommend Its use. Very truly, J AMEs l. LEWIS, M. t. 4srlIewareef IlognsandlmlUtlen Pads. Ask your druggists for the Genuine llelman's Pad, and take no ether. If hude-s net keep them, send r.tu te the HOLMAS PAD CO, 120 WUlua St, Jfnv Teri. augi3mdM,WA3 e URE GUARANTEED. RUPTURE. Care guaranteed by UU. J, II. MAVEli. E ise at once: no operation or delay from busi ness ; tested by hundrudsef cures. Main office, SJ1 AUCU 3T P1IILA. Bend for Circular. KU-lvdAw (ILAtlIHAliK. H 1GU A MARTIN. ALL CHINA, ULAStJ, -AND- QUEENSWARE. During this Fall and Winter we will have a larger assortment, in all lines than ever before. All new wares, as far iui possible, we skill endeavor te ltave en hand as seen as they appear in the market. Our usual guarantee will accompany every sale. All articles net satisfactory will be cheerfully exchanged. Our prices, quality llng con sidered, are equal te any. Before purchasing Fancy or Staple Arti cles give us a call. 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCAHTKU. PA, WATVllKS. vyATCUES. Lancaster Watches In Geld, fcllver and J SlckulCasca will be sold at a UKKAT KEDUcrtON. Alse. Elgin, Waltham i Aurera for which I urn Sole Avent), and ether 'lrt-Cla4 Watches. Ileal Watch und Jewelry lSe palling. WCerrcct time by Telegraph Dally. L. WEBER, 1KX North Quegn SL, Near Pcnn'a. Ii. It. Depot. Spectacle. Eyeglasses andOptlcal Geed. A kinds el Jewelry. CDHA WMnrtin, 1IAM0H1. J UOALinVl.liLA.CO. FINE EMERALDS. Thu l.nge invoice of rine Knieittlds Im mi Unl by Mi'.tsrs. ( 'aid well A Ce. I'etittUtiM peciiiU'ii Slotiesef the iK'lii'.st and Peflest velvety color. Kiuer.ililsM'tiimur niul surrounded by Diamemls tuetliicu tlierlchesteffecttluit cut le attaiiit-tl. tlm light tr.itismitUsl from the Diatueiids entering and Illumi nating tl Ktuer.tld at all Us angles. ilivssre. Caldwell A Ce, furnish special dt hIriis for llnxx'hes IVn tlaiits, Earrings, Lace l'ius, Klngi), etc. J.E. CALDWELL & CO., 003 CHESTNUT ST., P1IILAHELP1I1A. ULOrlflAII. L. GANSMAN A BRO. Dictator of Prices. I'eMe tv our ClethtUi; cJtvt'U tti every purlieu lar, quftlltj, workmanship ttna prlii'. lU'tn tuftiiuliicturvr, we hae thu irtxxU at tlrst test ami knew the lutt"t styles. Ue Jtctate prlct Ter ether pcujile te copy tuitl lollew. Prices nuil Quality Tell the Story. I32S lluys a SUn' SnIL tl.M llnvi) a Man's VV In- Twin Salt. (3lU0 llu a Man', VV nelnn suit. H.50 Iluys a Man Alt-Wwil -ult .I ltuya a Man's v emted Suit I10O.) Iluva Man's line (.autmein Suit fllte Mu) a a Vlan'- All VVimiI cheiktnt Sun. 11110 liuysa Man's line Imported Corkscrew Milt. llb.00 ltuya a Man's I lnct Dresn SnIL Men's Overceau rolling at iiHriM',ll.C0, I.R J W, JtVO, ti i' till li, up te llSktu. llyeu de net watch closely you wlllaydeiI ble the amount ter thu cuime quality at ether place-. Hey' Suits and lley's Overcoats are selling lower than ever. lars'e luieitment te eelect trem. Children s Suits, all our own make, are sellluit at iwpular prices. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MEUCH ANT TAILOIW, MA.NUrACTUUEUS OK MEN'S UOYS ANU CIULUIIEN'S CLOTU1NU, 66 & 68 NORTH QDEEN ST., (Uttht en the Southwest Cor.el Orange SL) LANCASTER PA. eS-Net connected with any ether clelhlnj? house In the city. B URGEK A SUITON. JPJ? HAS THE COLD VVEATHEIt KE MINDElt YOU 1IIAT YOU WILL WANT A Fall Suit or Overcoat ? ir 80, WE AKE JUST IN TIME E1T1IEUIN UEADY-MAOE Olt MAUE TO OKDEU, WE AUK DIVING. EX CELLENT QUALITY AT LOW PUICES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL ANU E. AMINE OUlt STOCK, 11E10KE PUlt CIIAblNG ELSEWIIEUE. WK AUE POSITIVE WE CAN PLEASE YOU. BUKGER & SUTTOI, Merchant Tailors aed Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTEIt. PA. T5EADY-MADE OLOTHINO. HIRSH & BROTHER INVITE EVElli PEBSON te call anu inspect tueilt immense bieck op READY-MADE CLOTHING! -roll-Men, Beys and Ohildren. Hnewlnc that by thtlr Immense stock and extraordinary low prices, they pan and de undersell every store In Lancaster. lie It a Man's, Youth's, lley's or Child's fine, ileiUum or Lew-Priced Overcoat. Ile It Man's, Youth's, lley's or Child's 1'lne, Medium or Lew-Priced Hult. He It ln fine. Medium, or Lew-Priced Underwear, Woolen or WhiteHhlrts, Knit Jacketa, Hosiery, Gloves, or ln the New and Handseme Line of Neckwear which they havejust received. lie It ln anything In the line of Trunks. ValUus or ltubber Clothing. Or he it In the Handsome and Elegant Suitings, Overceatings or Pantaloenlngs, which we maketoyeurorder at tbe short est notice and ln the latest styles and best workmanship. WoUnew we can suit you, as our store U the headquarters In Lancaster for best goods. Call at year earliest convenience and tee for your own satisfaction. HIRSH & BROTHER, ONE-PRIOE Clothiers and Furnisbers, COli. NOltTU QUEEN ST. AND CENTKK BQUAUE, LANRASTEU, l'A. MY &00 TKKTU AKK AS GOOD AB can be purchased In Lancaster ler 115,00. Call and be convinced. All work warranted. Gaa aamlnlsUirud. VV, I,. riSIIEU'S I'entUL apn-iyd no. trj Nonh yucca BuceL irOKF JOHN ANDKUSON, MY JO. lOlIV ANIirUSON, tny je Jehn, J Mirn first I was our wife, (n every valiing day, Jehn, I vvcanetl of my life. It made veu umi te cc, Jehn, Neur shut net vihitc as snow, 1 washed them with out home made snap. Jehn Andersen, my je. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, cadi represented te be "ust as geed as the 'Ivery')" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualitici of the genuine. Ask for " Ivery " Seap and insist upon getting it. renjrljhl lvf. bj Printer A (,iuMe. CLOAK 11 I.ITTIii: M'KKt'U CONCKUN1NO CLOAKS ! ANU THE Jeseph L. Rati & Ce. We have come into your midst with the full and nineore conviction that an institution such .is we pruiiose te wUihlish would nil an unoccupied Held and supply a long felt want in this progressive city. Let these f.tcts then be clairly underjtoed This skill be a stere for the 8.1I0 of 1-idies', MLsses' and Clilldren's Wtarlng Apparel. We mean te stay with you iKirniunently , K'citL'se we Intend te make our selves very' useful te your comfort, your linpplnww and your jocket-beok. Our garments shall invariably be the HIST IX ALL UKSPKCTS, repre senting the production of first-class American manufacturers. Under no circumstances will misrepresentation be permitted ; guaran teeing everything we sell. Our prices are lived firm as a rock, from which there will be no devia tion the millionaire and the mechanic Bhall buy here under tiiial advan tages. Garments w Inch are net entirely satisfactory w ill be cheerfully exchanged. We have resolved te make this n THOKOUOHI.Y I'OITLAK STOIIK which shall and must at all times fully deserve your itulieuuded confidence. JOSEPH L. THE LEADIjNG CLOAK Nes. 136, 138, 140 rVHXiTVur- F UUNITUHK WAHEKOOMB. 1IUV YOUltSELr A Il'AIIl OK THOSE Felding Dress Pillows. CALL KAULV AT HeiTmeier's Fareitare Warerooms. They aru thn uicest thlnK out and we have Just rccolved another let et thorn. ilO EAST KINO STREET. A KAHK Ol'I'OKTUNlTY. The Bargains Still Continue -AT- WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE. Declded Ilarfnilns are elfmed te make room (or alterations new buliig made. New Is the time te buy a nice Chamber or Parler Suite, DINING ROOM OR KITCHEN FURNITURE AND SAVE MONEY. WIDMYERS, EAST KINO AND DUKB STS. V-Open Monday and Saturday Eventngs. sepUMyd ITALL VAVMH, AN'T BE UKAT. OUlt ELEGANT LIME Or Wall Paper & Window Shades, ANU OUll Very Modest Prices Are the things that can't be beat by any beuse ln the city. WWE INVITE INSI'KCTION.-U ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. ISt NOltTU QUEEN BTUEET, LANCASTEU, l'A! jlfred""sieber, u. .AH UtnAav nnil flHtlirdav evenlnB. AOJf Ah ' many a ti.urc), then, Jehn, ' Had veu and I theithcr. Hut new all that is changed, Jehn, We'll never have .tiiithcr; I'nr .tilicil with IvouvSeM', Jehn, Your shuts aki: white as snow, And new 1 smile tm washing day, Jehn Andersen, my je. ATT. A 11. CLOAKS ! NEW HUH Ol RAU & CO., HOUSE OF LANCASTER, North Queen Street. IIUUKB. "I HANI) Ol'KNlNU. Feil Dersmith's Art Caller; Will be epnid te the public thlsevenlng, where enn beet'un one of thnlarKeslaud finest collec tions of Art Uoeds ever bufore shown ln this city, iimhraclni; the highest works et art In Sepia and Water Celers. Ult E8UEN CHINA, FLEMISH DKI.rr, CLOISONNE, ItOYALWOOSTEU. KOVALKAIENCE, TEKUACOTTA, ITALIAN IVOHV WAHE. Alte, a larKO collucllen et 1IKON.E UOOOS. Ne. 46 EASTKINQ STREET, (Opposlte Court Heuse) autfB-tid LANCA8TEU, l'A. CCUOOL, BUl'I'IiIEH. JOm BAER'S SONS, Nes. 16 and 17 North Quesn Street, LANCAUTEU, l'A., Oder, Wholesale and ltetall, at Lew l'rlces SCHOOL BOOKS UBEH IN LANCAHTEIt CITlf AND COUNTY. Old Readers Exohanged. SCHOOL SUPPLIES; Liquid BlatlnK, Chalk Crayons, Copy Beeks of All Kinds, Writing Ip. Bteel Tuns, Slates Notselcss Ulates, ulale 1'encUs, Drawing l'ea. ells. ComKltlen lloeks, Wrltlnu Tablets, Leail I'enclls, Scheel Satchels, Companions, and everything else In the line el Scheel Stationery. SIGN OF THE BIG BOOK. VOJLU J U. MARTIN, WH0LMAL1 AUD UTAU, PSALM Id All Kinds of Lumber and OeaL AsTYard: Ne. 430 North Water ana rrtnee Btreeta. abeve Louien. Lancaster. BJ-lVd TJAUMOAHDNEHH k JEKKBKIKS. COAL DEALERS. Orttea : Na IS North Queen itreet, and Ne. Ul North I'rlncestreeL .. Yards i North lTlnce street, near Beading UePU LANOAl.X.U.rA. iMlvua RKMOVAU M. V. B.AOOHO has removed his Ceal Offlce te Ne. 1H NOKT11 OOEBN 8TUEET (Ilrlmmer's New llulldlng), where erders wUI be received Ier Lumber and Ceal, WOOLRSAU AKD MTA1U M. V. 11. C01IO. inS-tld XjlABT END YAItD. 0.J.SWAKR&00. GOAL. - KINDLHSfQ WOOD. Office t Ne. 30 CENTKK 80UAUK. Beth yard ana offlce connected with Tclophene Exchanire aprl3-IydMr,U J 1 , -I ' y i i -a ? X .iWilihWIWl -- . ?.- -' tvtj,. - -, .4i' - ..J.,- :.St,ti&3tMUt&'f