EwwjffWMpww"" m ww si' ' if! OUJfvftemw xj d AtlTUMNII WKKDH Or IIKOWN. Hew blank theskr, hew sad the day I The btlght stream wanders uieurnliilljr riul silent hmlKO and woodland gray, And fields that cold and empty Im. I,i) I straining 'Ralnstcenlendlng unlet, Thn windmill spreads IU searing sails, Like wings that seem te fly and lly ill never reach tlm sky. TheinlnUtipiUn lliesmi ilropidewn And nakrd nil thn plain appears And autumn In her weed) of brown Murk hew she steals away In team. -Julie h HVfArrtlf. Mlanl. Ilauk Wades Attiers, f mm tliq Bt. Paul Ulebe. A pretty lltlle atery In lehl of Minnie, which la aalit te 1)0 trim In eery detail. Whlle at Hosltle ene afternoon with two of her laily friends alie oenclmlod te K ellt en the sound for a low heura' crab llshlnK They didn't want any male escnrt, and con sequently they kept their proieaed trip a ecret The afternoon .clouted for the eiour eieur eiour Ien came, and with net andapeara they tin barked in a beat, and Mlnnle LieIiir ft ext oaraweman, the trio waa aoen out en the water, Jabbering away falwut everything but the object or thelr lentiire. 1 hey were get. ting along awlmmliiKly when their Unit came teJatamtatlll. liking ever the alde they found that they were atuiik test In the inud ofarjeyatorbwl, ami the tide was going out and they were a mlle and a half Irem aborts there were the lirlghest prospect for a live-hour vigil. Thecaae waarendered mere critical from the faet that Minnie km billed te alug at the eara heuse that night and it looked Tery much aa though alie would net be able te koep the eiiKagoinetiL It waa a dilemma, and all Iho Ingenuity of the three women wan brought te Uar en the ce, but overy mlnute the water went lower aud the beat stuck lanler. They at last gate uptndeapalr. and aottled down te wait till the tide Hbeilld lia the lieat out or the mud. They at thore two heura In Uie het aun and Uielr faces were well burned, when their at tention wai altracted by a about, and turning they rat the old, weather-beaten keejKir et the orator bed alltlng net oral hundred ynrda away In hla beat grinning at thorn. They beckoued te htm, and, leaving hla beat in Ueen water, he relled up hla tronera and. wading ever te whero tholadlea were, trled toaheeotr their beat, but It waa no use, it wouldn't aiove. Yo'llhavetoraot hjartlll tlier tide llfla yer eir," aald the old gentleman. "Well, we Just won't," aald Minute, ox ex dtedly. "Yer will if yer don't wade," aald the old man, with a bread grin. TheladlM ahuddored and loekod at each ether despairingly. Hut Mlnnle waa equal te the emergency, and bending evor te ro re ro tnevo her aheea and Mocking, "he aald : ' Well, I'd awlra before I'd alt hore in this aun another half hour." When the dreaalug of her feet waa re moved ahe tucked herakirlH tip and, taking the hand of thn old ibiliermau, alie stepped overboard. Mho aank half te her knew in mud, but ahe gritted her teeth and atoed llke a martyr, and waa aoen aafely laudeil In her oacert'a lieat. Encouraged by the example orthellttle alnger, her two companlena went through thoaame performance, and nit hour later Uie three wero aaluly atewed away In the privacy of thelr room nt the hotel, paint ing thelr almeat bliitered facet with cream. Mlnnle didn't eatch a crnb, but ahe caught the audience that night aa usual. m - The Latest rreneh Oanctr. Frem the I'all Mell Uaiette. The econe at 1'reuch watering-place la thla aummer enlivened byanontlrely new tlgurn, The Aemme cAif, v'lav or jijeiutr tiai had bin day, anil the world has grown tired of tLe "heavy" "well of olther nex. It la, therefore, only natural that the "jepurchlc." the creat ure of the preaent season, la recelvluga warm welcome, and lias already an enormous num ber of folleworr. The porcupine leek which unfortunately hanga about hli name, the "copurchle" ox ex plalua away by announcing that the word la compeMxl of tiie two word ;iur and cAic, the prolix co being adopted for the aake of euphony. The part of hla apparel by which the latest French dandy It easily distinguished la hla headgear, n wblte llannel cap and a navy blue ribbon. Anether peculiarity en which he prldea hlmielf lathe bright-colored acarf which he winds round hla waist, te contrast with hla wblte llannel treusers, A dark Jacket and a pair of yellow leather shoe com plete the toilet or the copurchle," who ap pear te be a medley or tbe proud Andatn alan and the comfort loving Ilrtten ; and who, te make the change cempletu from the garrulous Aemin, du monfef former days, drawl out hli sentences In a aleepy way which la cenatdered tlie supreme distinction of this new monster of fashion. I Mould That I Were Ilrad I" cries many a wretcned heueUe te-day, a. weary and dUheurtvned. she forces herself tn permrm tier dally task "It don't seem an If I could get ibrnegh the day Tlili dreadful back ach, ihrae trlKQttul dretdtlnK-dewn noiuiuleon win kill uie I H Lhere no rullftT" lrs, madam, there 1. I)r l'tiirce't " favorlte l'rcucrlptlen " U an nnfatllnK nunudy for th complaints te which your sex In llabln It will rotero you te bcalihazaln. Try It. All druggists. eft-W.BAw Champien oarsman of America, Jehn Tumor, endorse BU Jacobs Oil ferinuscular pains. "The Bwfctest thlnu that ecr row betldea human deer" was lltlle Mar, until she took te haTlnsr heilaehf. Ter a ttme fhe lout her beauty, but one bright day her papa bought a bottle nl Salvation Oil, and te' she Is ru sweet and pretty as ever. Cheap and Inferior rnruus l'Uter will Inevl uvbly disappoint you.andare net worth even the few cenu aaked for thorn. Among the numerous porous plaster offered for sale lien son's Capctne I'laatera alone merit Implicit con fidence They ha e wen thelr great popularity with the people, and gat nod thn voluntary en domement et the medical prefi xslen, by their unequalled curative power, and by that only When purchasing be en your guard trgalmit worthless Imitations under mlsluKdlng names, auch aa " t'apslcln," "Capsicum," Capucln," " Capstctne," etc , as certain huckstering druir gists may try te palm them off en you In place of thogtmulne. It Is hotter te deal with none but reputable and honerablo druggists. Ask (or ISonsen s, and bee that It beers the "three Heals " trade mark and has the word Capclne cut In the centre. UVMVIXJ. HUTJVMM. (ilad te Hear II. Fer several months 1 endured a dull pain through my lungs and shoulders ; lest my spirits, appetite and color, and could with dim culty remain from my bed. Mr present health ful condition Is due te JIurtlecK IlloeU Jlillen." Mrs. K A. Hall, Ulnithamten, N. V. for Hale by II. 11. Cochran, druggUt, 137 and IT) North Queen street, Lancaster. Mr, Geerge Dedge Speaks. -. This gentleman lives In Emporium, Pa, and V 4 says, " One of my men, 6am bowls, whlle work- Inglnthe weeds sprained his ankle se bad he could hardly hobble te thoheuso. Used 77iemai' KcUclrlc Oil and was ready for work tbe next morning I hae nuer yet seen se geed u med icine." Ker ealebyll. II. Cochrun, druggist, 137 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster. (towing Wild Oats Hew many waste thelr llme and resources In foolish experiments, with nasty worthless mcdl clnes tlutt can never de them a whit et geed. If yen are sick and want help get a reputable re medy of established merit. The curalUe vir tues of "burdock Illoed lUlters" have nnvtr been quesllenid. Ifer an enfeeblcit clrculat Ien or a weak stomach they arn splendid. Korsule I'.7.11, ,.1' Cochran, druggist, 1J7 undlfJ North Queen street, Lancaster. What We Can Care, Let's Net Kndure. I f we can cure an nche.er a sprain, or a pain, or a lameness, or a burn.er a braise, or a bite, by using "Themas' tclectrlc oil," let's de it "Themas; Kclectrte Oil" Is known te be geed. VM!7 "i .or "a' by " ' Cechnin. urug. gist, 137 and 133 North Queen atixet, Lancaster. A lUptist Minister's Esperleuee "I am a jtaptlst minister, and before I ever thought of being a clerrryman I graduated In niedlclue, but left a lucratlve praltlce for mv present profession, forty years uge. 1 wts for many j ears a sulferer from nulnsy. 77lema' Ecttctrie Oil cured uie. I was also troubled 1th hoarseness, and STAeinas' Hcleclrle Oil nlwms relieved me. My wife und child had diphtheria, and Iiemai' titlrctrla Oil cured them, and If taken in tlmeH will euro seven times out or ten. I am confident It Is a euro for tbe most ebstlnute cold, or cough, and If any ene will tukeu small taspefiit unit half till It with the OK, and then S lace thu end of the spoon In ene nostril and raw the Oil out of the spoon lute the bead, by sniffing aa hard as they can, until the Oif falls ever into the threat, aud practice It twke a week, I don't cuie hew ollenslvo tbclr hend may be, It will clean tt nut und euro thelr ca tarrh, for deafness and earache, It has denu wonders te my certain knewlt dge. It la the only lnedlclne dubbed pateut medicine that I hae ever felt llke recommending, and 1 am try unx unx leus te see It In every place, for I tell j en that I would net be without It In my housnferuny j-onslderutlon. i am new suffering with a pain like rheumatism In my right limb, and nothing relleves me llke rAowispA-c!ffre Oil." Ir. E. IT. Crane, Cerry, Pa. .'SI8?.10 by l- ' Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Uueen street Lancaster. Frem UyraeeM, N. Y. .v" i'e,i wc2lc an3 hvngutdt had palpitation of V& heart and numbnossef the limbs. )?irr ecA ZKoed JlWcrs haye certainly relieved me They are most excellent. Mr. J. mT Writrht. Jer &.!1. a- u- Cethtmn. drugg ,tV lF and 1W North Queeaitrect.LaecMter.Ya. Runl" rpUK HWIKT Ht'KClKlO COMPANY QQQ Tried in Tried in tbe Crucible About twenty years ngu I discovered a little sere en my cheek, and thedocler pronounced It cancer. 1 bare tried h number of physicians, but without receiving any permanent bono bone fit. Among the number wero oneol two specialists. The medicine they applied waa llke ft re te the sere, causing Intense pain. I saw a statement In the papers telling what B. B. B. had dene for ethers similarly afllleted. t procured some at once, lie fore 1 had nsed the second bettle the neighbors teuld untlce that my cancer was healing up. My general health had been bad ler two or three yours I had a hacking cough and spit bleed continually, 1 had a severe pain In mybrnuL After taking six bottles of 8. S.B. my oeiigh ten me andl grew stouter than I had been for several year. My cancer has healed ever all but a little spot about the sltn of a half dime, and tt Is rapidly disappearing- I would adrtte oyeryono with cancer te gire r. H. 8. a fair ttlal. MHH.NANCr J. MiCONAUmiBY, Ashe Weve, Tippecanoe Ce., Ind. riSBOANV 1, 1WW. Bwlfl'a HecHle Is entlrtly vegetable, and seems te euro cancers by forcing out the Im purities from thn bleed, 1 realise en Illoed and Bkln Diseases mailed free. sll lydAw ! K HVf in Hl'KUll 10 CO , Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa. MKlllVAU JTOOIVH HAltHAPAltlM,A. DYSPEPSIA Causes Its Victims te be miserable, hopeless, confused, and depressnd In mind, very Irritable, languid, and drowsy. It Is a dlsrnse which does notgetwell of Itself. It requires careful, per slstent attention, and a remedy te threw en tbe causes and tone tip the dlgestlvn organs till they return duties willingly. Heed's Marsaparllla has provenjust the rcjulri.d remedy lu hundreds of cases. " I have taken Heed's Harsaparllla for dyspep sia, for which I have suffered two years. 1 tried many ether medicines, but none proved se satis factory as Heed's Harsaparllla," looms C'oec, Ilrush Kloctrle Light Ce, New Yerk City. Sick Headache. " Ter the past two ) ears 1 have been afflicted with severe headaches and dyfpepsla 1 was In dured te try Heed's Earsaparllla, and havu leund great relief. I cheerfully recommend It te all." Mrs, E r. Arnadlb, New Haven, Conn Mrs Mary C.Bmttb, Cambrldgcpert, Mass., wai a sufferer from dyspeptla and sick lUadache, Mho took Heed's Harsaparllla u.-.d teund ttthe best remedy sbe ever used. HOOD'S SARS1PABILL1, Beld by all druggists. II I six for U. Made only by L C, HOOD A CO , A potbecarles, Lew, ell, Mass. 100 DOSKS O.NK DOLLAH. UTOMACII AND MVKKl'AI). Fer Iudigcsllon.IiillenfltieKH, 81CK HKADACHK, or any of thn symptoms of a disordered stomach and liver, use HOLMAN'S Stomach & Liver Pad. It will give tone, vigor and elasticity te your wheles stem, remove all Malarial Taint Frem the Illoed. Prevent Fever, Small Pox and all contagions dlVASOS Warranted te Cl'ltK and PIIKVKNT CIIOL. KltA 1SKA.NT0M, COLIC, MKA1LK1, and all CHILDREN'S DISEASES. SAl-K t KA3II.V WOlt.N I ItKI.I A1II.K I tut. lkwis inn nts ucndrxd witiusss. rctTO", Arkansas. After carefully watching, for a period of four months, tbe effect of " Hoi Hei man's Agnnand Liver Pad," In at least esm litis. nasDCASis under my Imniedlatn observation, I have no hesitancy In recommending It as a safe andsx-idy euro In all rases of ague, biliousness and Indigestion In all cases of enlarged and lnrlamea splet-n. it Is par excellence Ker all diseases arltlnK from a disordered condition of the liver, 1 cheerfully recommend Its use. cry truly, JAMK U. I.LWIH, M. D. Asrllowareof Hogus and Imitation Pads. Ask yeurdrugglsts forth" (lenulne Hei man's Pad, and take no ether. If he does net keep them, send UU) te the BOUJAN PAD 00 , 120 Willum St, Nw Tork. aur3mdU,WA3 rtLi, hats. F ALL DllESS TKI.MMINGS -AT- ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, 13 EAST KING ST., Lar-casTiR, Pa. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, -ANU- SATDRDAY, OCTOBER 9, OUIl 8TOItE WILL UK CLOSED. Will open BAIUUDAY KVKM.NU at 6 o'clock. THIS WEEK WKOPK.V SOMK NOVKLTIKS l.S Dress Trimmings, 8UC1I AS All ltead nimps, of the latest designs, In dlf ferenl widths. Chenille Mess Trimming, without bead pond ants. lllackrhenllle fringes, elrgantquallty,at3;c., 50c and 75c Cord Ornaments, lu black and colors, at 50c , T5e, nnd 11 oe llruld Ornaments, at 25e, 37c and&Oc. Trimming braids, In black and colored, all widths. Lucn llrald lu all widths and colors. A large stock or black f punish Lace at 10, 11 and Via a yard ; special bargain at 'Jki. black Hpanlsh i. tilpure Laces, ut Si, 5U and Sic a yard ; finest quality. black 611k KsLiirlal Laces from 23c a jard up. Kxtragoed valueittM toTie block Spanish rieuuclng, at SO, (Wand 7e , and lilack Kscurt.il rieunclng, 90a, tt U) nnd $1 SO a yard black Spanish bklrting, all silk, ISInches wlde, riiOuynid Hpanlsh Uulpure.tVlnch skirting, i73 a yard : bei-t goods. lilack Spanish Net, it luch wlde, all silk, 11.00 a yard Kscurial Bklrting and Netting. lilack Chanttlly Hklrtlnir. all silk, excellent qunlltv and beautiful pattern, $3 OUa i ard. lilack lleadid Net. Hack beud Dress fronts. 111 te lleud Dress t routs. Khe Whlle Oriental Laces at 13, 19 and Xc a yard. lilack Dress Silk at 87a. and It te a ard. buruhbllk, in ail colors, at 7Scaurd. KXTUAOUD1NAUV 1IAHUA1N. Colored Silk Yolrel llibbens, Fust Ktlge. Nes. LB, 7-SOe., CSc. nnd 65c. a piece. NEW DIIE18 UUTTONS-ALL TDK FALL COLOUS-LAUUE AND SMALL. KID GLOVES. The t-est 50e. Kid aiores In Lancaster , all carefully solected and warranted te be perfect. Four-Iluttea Kid Gleves, Stitched Mack, 76c. flvoUeok Lacing Kid Uluvts, 75c: black Asserted Tan and Dark browns. Try our Ladles' Flborlane Cellars nnd Cutis, la Wblte, Kaucy Hid Mourning. NEW RUCHINGS. lng.,at,linaa0'.1aey0a,rUN0WCre,,0L1Sa8Il,,C,' CardlLVHhdirJ?a7, 8Uk Hamlkerchlefs. In apiecel ' ' d' Cream D'l White, at We. A large stock of .Hemstitched Silk Handkei. T0-M0RR0W WU OPKN A LAIIUE STOCK OK LADIKs BiU AUK BUAWLS at Very Lew Prices. Elegant Large Shawls, In brown and grey can. tres, plain and plaid, at W and Wc. VeryLarire biietWc.and1.2S. " LA.DIES1 JERSEYS, AH Weel. tee. Kxtrarine Quality, coat back, vest front. l en. Very tluest, pleated back, at ll.a(erih 11.73.) the Crucible nnnivAL. e utiuuha rumi:dies. ECZEMA AND EVKUY SPECIE'S OK ITCHINQ AME liUHNINU DIBKASP.a CUUED 11T CUTICUllA. EC. It MA, or Salt Hheum, with Its agonizing Itching and burnlng.lnstantly relieved by a warm bath with Ceticcba Sear, and a single application of CtrriefRs, the great Skin Cure. This reiieated dally, with two or three doses of Iutiecr KaseLVasT,' the New Illoed Purifier, te keep the bleed cool, the perspiration pure and untrriutlng, the bowels open, tbe Hvnr and kidneys active, will speedily cure Eczema, Tet ter, Itlngwerm, Psoriasis, Lichen, Pruritus, Suald Head, Dandruff, and every species of Itch ing, Scaly and Pimply Humors of tbe scalp and Skin, when tbe host physicians and all known remedies fall EC7EMA. I gratefully acknowledge a cure of Eczema, or Mall Itheum, en head, neck, face, anas and legs for seventeen years I net able te walk except en hands and knees for ene year i net table te help myieir for eight years I tried hnndreds of reme dies i doctors pronounced my caae hopeless) permanently cured by the Ctmcmt Kxkidixs. will Mcdonald, Ne. 2M2 Dearborn Street, Chicago, lit. KC.EMA. Heme flre months age 1 had the pleasure te inform you et my improvement by the use et tbe timer a Kixiwim tn my case or severe Chronic Eczema Erythematesa, and te-day cheerfully confirm all 1 then laid. I consider my cure perfect and complete, and attribute It entirely te your remedies, having used no ethors rKKNAN E-iB.NCHAIlDO, Se. 3.0 Penna. Avenne, SL Leuis, Me, ECZEMA. 1 have suffered from Salt Itheum for ever eight years, at times se bad that I could net attend te my business for weeks at a time. Three boxes of Ccticdra and four bottles of ItaseivriT have entlrely cured me of this dreadful disease. MIL JOHN 1II1EL, Wllkesbarre, Pa. CUTICUKA HESf KDIKS Am sold by all druggists. Price . Ccnctnu, M centu ltmeLVKKT, L(W! Seap, 23 cenu. Ferria Datd AKDCnaxtcALCo.lleston. Bend for "Hew te Cure Skin Dlseiues.'' nn a wvTIKY the Complexion and Bkln by DunU using the ctniccai eexr, I OAN'T BREATHE. Chest Pains, Numbness, Soreness, Hacking Cough, Asthma. Pleurisy and Inflammation re Moved In ene mlnute by the Cutlcura Anil Pain Plaster Nothing like It, At druggists, Scents. Petter Drug and Chemical Ce , bosten. Catarrh Dangers. Te be freed from the dangers of suffocation while ljlng down i te breulhe freely, sleep soundly and undisturbed , te rise refreshed, head clear, brain active and free from pain or ache , te knew that no poisonous, putrid matter defiles tbe breath and rots aw ny the delicate ma chtnery et smell, taste and hearing , te feel that tbe system does net, through IU veins and arteries, suck up the poison that Is sure te un dermine and destroy, Is Indeed a blessing be yundall ether human cnJeymenU Topnrchase Immunity from such a fate should be the object or all aftllctcd Hut these who have tried many remedies and physicians despair of relief or cure. SAxreRD's Uadical Cckb tneeu overy phase of Catarrh, from a simple bead cold te tbe most loathsome and destructive stages It Is local and constitutional. Instant In rellevlng, per manent In curing, safe, economical and nevor never fatllng RAHI-ORD 8 ItADtCAL CCTtS COnstsU Of OQO bottle of the Uadical Cure, ene box Catarrhal Solvent and an Improved Inhaler, alt wrapped In one Eackage, with treatt'O nnd directions, and sold y all druggists ler II 00. Petter Drce A Cusmieal Ce , Uosteh. OH! MY BACK, MY BACK! Wtak Hack, I'atn. Weaknessand Inflammation of the kidneys. Sheeting Pains through tbe Leins, Hip and fldu Pains, Lack et Strength and Activity n lle ed In ene mlnutnnndspeed lly curnl by the Cutlcura Antl Pain Plaster, anew, original, elegant and Infallible anttlote te pain and Inflammation. At druggists, 23e:nve for II (, or poauige free, of Pettsr Drce amd Chemical Ce., IUmtejt. ecll lmW.SAw nouns. A KT DIU'AUTMKNT. Q. L. FON DERSMITH, Bookseller, Stationer & Art Dealer OIL AND WATEIt COLOltS. CANVAS DltAWlM), KNUlNKKItlNO AND AOUICULTUliAL SUPPLIES, MATHEMATICAL 1NSTIIUMENTS, PASTELS AND CHAYONS. ACADEMY UOAHD3.01L6Kfc.TUlllNQ,DRAW. INO ANDTIIACINU PAPEKS. Drawing and Painting Materials and all kinds et fancy Articles ler Decorating. Ne. 46 EASTKING STREET, (Opposite Court Heuso) augU-tfd LANCA8TEH, PA. CUUOOIs SUPi'IilES. JOHN BAER'S S01TS, Nes, 16 and 17 North Queen Street, LAN OAST Kit, PA., Ofler, Wholesalo and Ketall, at Lew Prtees SCHOOL BOOKS USED IN LANCABTKU CITY AND COUNTY. Old Readers Bxohanged. SCHOOL SUPPLIES; Llauld Slating, chalk Crayons, Copy ltoeks of All Kinds, Writing Inks, steel Peus, Slates Nolseless Slates, slate Pencils, Drawing Pen ells. Composition Heeks. Writing TableU, Lead Pencils, school Satchels, Companions, and everything else In the line et Scheel Stationery. SIGN OF THE BIQ BOOK. OUA. r 0. MAKT1N, WneLSBALl AMD B1TAIL DBALU IB All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. -Yabd: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince StrecU, abeve Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd DA.UMUAKDNEBS A JEFKKKIE8. COAL DEALERS. Omca : Ne. la North Queen street, and Ne, bM North Prlnce street. Yards t North Prlnce ttreet, near Heeding Depot. LAN0ABTKK. PA. anglB-ttd REMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Ceal Oltlce te Ne. ISA NOliTH l)Ufc,KN STUEKT (Urlmmer'a New ItuUdlnsl. where urdurs will be received for Lumber and Ceal, WIIOLSAALa AstD RBTAIL. "tfd M. V. H. COUO. JjlAHT KND YARD. 0.J.SWARR&00. GOAL. - KINDLINCr WOOD. .SfiSSi ! M C.K?TBK BOUABK. Beth yard prl?lydliriie,W pll0n xchn N" W KALTj AND WINTKll WRAPa Fall NEW FALL DRESS 0-4 Bultlnee, 4-4 and 0-4 Trloeta, PlfttdB, Frte OotnblnatleM. Oaahmera oeraa, rrenen bvtbwi, crenea uiaffenaia, trenen uaanmeree, novel uomninauuue, BLACK GOODS. Oree de Zodlae, Oorkaerewa, Dlagenala, Freneh Borgea, Mourning Olelba, Freneb Foute, NEW FALL AND WINTER WRAPS In Prise Oletb, Aatrlean, Plush and Bouele. JAOKBT3, in Mew Cleths and Shapes. NEWMA.BKBT8, In Stoekenatt, Bouele and Whipcord. Misses' Jackets and Newmarkets, Children's Havclecks and Cloaks. SHAWLS. JOTJVIN'8 KID OLOVBS I The Beat Imported. A full line, In Black and Oolerod. Dress and Undresse. Plain and Embroidered Backs. MERINO UNDERWEAR. KNIT UNDERWEAR, BILK UNDERWEAR. HOSIJBBT, In Merine, Cotten, Oaehmere, Weel, 8Uk. Novelties In DRBB8 TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS. HAGER & BROTHER, NOS. 25 AND 27 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, FENN'A. HOVMMMVlUHMHIlfU UUODB. w K HAVE A IiAROE HTOUK. Or THE BEST REFRIGERATORS IK THK CITY. TIm Pieree Dry Air Befrigerater. UJ.RDKN HOSm, WATKR COOLBHH, 1CM CRMAM rRKEZKKH, And afallltnoefUOUHKrUUNISUINO GOODS The ianrest stock of OAB riXTUBKS in the city. Special attention paid te Uag-fttUng, Tin Hoefing and 8 pouting We hare lust received another let et these Be GLOBK8. JOHU P. SCHAUM & SOU, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCABTElt, FA. rpHE " NOVELTY " FURNACE. Fer Sal by A. 0. KEPLER. THE CELEBRATED "NOVELTY" FURNACE Toek the KIIIST PHEMIUM at thn Fair, and Is decidedly the beat 1101 AIU rUUN'ACK In the market. Call and see them, net our TKST1JIO MIALS, and examine carefully bttore purchas. Idk elsewht.re. NKW AND LAltOE STOCK Or Steves, Heaters & Ranges, Of the Latest Designs and I'attems. Guns, Pistols and Ammunition a Specialty. UAUDWAKE. (1LAS9, l'AINIS, OILS, 11ELT1NO, Ac Kg- Persons having STOVES or FUUNACE9 te repair, will de well te have same attended te before cold weather. A. C. KEPLER, Nes. 40 & 42 North Queen St., ellmdiw LANCT8TEU, I'A. CUilN N & BKENEMA. STOVES I THE SEASON FOU STOVES IS AT HAND. THE PLACE TO BUY THEM 18 AT- HaYE YODR HEATERS LOOKED AFTER. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 163 North Queen Street, LANCABTEK PA. w M. A. KIEFFEK. 'ALDUH U. UEKR & Breneman s. M KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invite all Housekeepers te Calland Inspect thelr stock of Heusefuniisliing Goods. A Complete Line constantly en hand. COOK STOVES and IIANUKS, l'AULOU STOVES, UXATEUSand YUUNACES. STTMMER COOK STOVES. After carefully examining the mortuef all offered te the trade, we have selected TITE "ARGAND," Fer OABOLINE.and THE gl DANGLER," rer COAL OIL, As the Hest, when all points are considered, te offer te ou r patrons. Cell and see us. We love te show our Reeds, and are net offended If you de net purchase, llemember, we are agents for The " Splendid " Heater. Manufactured by Fuller A Warren Company, Trey, N. Y.. which has no rival In durability, economy of fuel and control of kes. New Is the time te ezamlneand become posted for Autumn purchases. UKMEMIIEU THE l'LACE I 40 EAST KINO ST., (orresiTJc ceuut house. i apuaw mm vemr,' Dress Goods ! FABRICS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE. Hair Lines, BngllBh OheekB, BruTilah Tweede, nellah Ohevletn, Beuretto Btrlpee, Beuretto Htrlpee, Velvet Btrlpea, Plain Volveta, Freneh Whlp- N EXT DOOH TO THE COURT UOUHE. Ladies' Goats, Ladies' Wraps, Ladies' Jackets. ALSO LADIES' SEAL PLUSH COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS, All Sizes. Our Btoek or the Abeve Goods la very large, embracing all the New Nov elties of the Beacon. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuso, Lancaster, Fa. jyTETZGER A HAUOHMAN. LADIES' AND ImDREFS COATS -AT- Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere. Seal Plesb Goats, Bencle Jackets, Newmarkets, Children's Coats, FOR FALL JWV WINTER. Our stock of Oeatswas made oxpresely for us by tbe Best Makers of New Yerk and Philadelphia. METZGER & HAUGHMAN, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Fa. VURMTURE. H EINITHH'S FURNITURE DEPOT. WE AUK Ol'ENlNO CONSTANTLY NEW PATTERNS OF GOODS IN OUlt LINE. Chamber, Dining-Roem, Library and Parler Suits lu AH the New Weeds Yery Pretty nnd Attractlye. ThcwoNIce Polished Chairs are Very Comfortable. Ne treuble te urike a eolectloti, ana tbe Odd Library Tables In l'elUhcd Weed can't be tmrpavied. Call ana see them. Always a ploasnre te show what v, e have new. HEINITSH'8. FURNITURE DEPOT, NOB. 37 Sb 29 BOtJTH QUEBN ST., LANCASTER, PA. CARR1AUB A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES I Philip Doersem'8 Old Reliable Carriage Works. 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NEAULY OPPOSITE TBS LEOl'Alll) HOTEL), LANCASTEK PA. Nene But Firat-Gl&sa Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Dsed rlUCES TO SUIT TUE TIMES. ALL WOUK GUARANTEED. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. I have new en hand and for sale cheap the One-Man W apron, auttable lertrack purpose, one Light tension Tep PhtBten, two Light Jump-Seat Carriages. (ties, both slde bar and end springs, lluslness end snrincs. llUBlnrsa which wlU be sold tit the MOST KKAS(JNULE which will be sold at the most UK asen l chase or net. Ne treuble te show the work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. BTDOWT FORGET TUB rLAOE.SM Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 Lirm ixavjULNaa vuxvAicr. E: XTKACTS FKOM TUE THI11TEENTU ANOE COMMISSIONER OF PENNSYLVANIA. HAitRisDuna, rA., AuausT s, me. MUTUAL LIFE. Dec. 81, 1835. Insurance In force.... .t3M,w:,sJ7 oe " Admitted Assets 1W,1,77J UO Payments te Policyholders fll40i,et)u 11 Premium lncome U,7b8,tu2 ou Dividend Paid Policyholders J,18J,w.l Dividend Paid en each 1,000 ins MM " Ne. of Poltcles In force 1-ii.HAi Ayerage Dividend te each policy.... iia 31 Death Lesses Paid $S,IW0,tl ou Death Lesses lteslsted tJi,1bi 00 " Expensosef Management lia Percent, Andlnordertoexposo the true lnwardness of the Northwestern's PllOQUESSlVK DIVI DKNDb, we uuete lre:n the Insurance cominlsslenera of Pennsylvania Lift) UoperU for the year stated: .. NOr4TMWbSTtlilM, Jmuranci I i 1876.., 1877.., 1B7S.., 1B79.., 18S0... 1SS1.. 1BS1.. 1683.. ltt., 1SJ5 Cemment en the abeve record ts unnecessary. . J,.,i.i,,wm..Tn lint In order that the tailing off In divldends may net be attributed te the Northwestern s TON- T1NrKorrScrYn"emau0uBotiSl! rtlnllnurance address or apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent Mutual Llfs Ins. Oe., of IT. Y. 60 N. Duke St., or te Rebert Helmes, District Agent, Reading, Pa. TORN KEMOVEB. YICT0RIA CORN REM0YER. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the meat obdurate corns, hard or soft, without vain. Sold by Uoe. W. Hull, Ohas. A. Locber, Jehn B. Kauffman, Dr. Win. Werm ley. And. Q. irrey. Chas. J, Bhulmyer, and at BEOUTOLD'a DUUO 8TOUE, aecia-ua we, iei west orange su HUMUS. (ollewlns nrst-class second hand work : One Light reur.i'&ssenger uniir, ene xirsvciasB JSX' ne Alse. Secend.Tland Ten and Trettlnir lluir. Wamiu. Snorting Wlic .:. :i " .i ... - - - .f -T uhi aau BiarKUb wagons. 1'IUCKb. 0170 us a call whether you wish te pur- EAST KING STREET. fCT-lydAw ANNUAL KEI'OKT OF TUB INSUK- NORTHWESTERN. I110,710,KU 00 rt,2w,fue oe riut?.?i oe U.7SS.015 00 778,Kea 7 0J 60,100 115 51 tl,049.0O 00 (59,000 00 16.6 Per cent. DMdendi 1WU l'oliciiheldcri. tS-23,459 8?J,K7 ui;i-i 7i.t 7sH,JtW 7UJ.6U f.ii.Krt n,fi 727,133 77i,W3 In Force. 67,403,191 W,tl,M7 01,111,011 6I,1HNVI U.9i)7,Ul frcmlum Income. r2,5B5,805 1,081,378 1.WM978 l,b70,W5 1 m.Ufl Z,G3.1I3 3,aU,J13 3,370.77(1 3,7S5,IU5 8J.355.1J1 tU,0H3,(UI W,79.t,9M 110,710,601 QUKE QUARANTEED. RUPTURE. euro guaranteed by DU. J, U. MAYKH. Easoateneoi no operation or delay from busi ness: tested by hundreds of cures. Main office, Sll AUOU B'f ., PU1LA. Uena for Circular. fJO-lTdAw e and U- a. nu ;? uarsiMtve mertviiw m Kee and 10-09 a. n,, and lflN I vtictntMii OOLUMMA. A ANDIIKANOHIM.AMD Ml m Ann HltAnuiim. Ann .. LAWCA8TEKJ01HTLlNKH.lt. On ana anjir RUN DAT. MAY MIUl TUA1N8 LEAVE HEAUINtt rer Columbia and Lancuster at 7.m,M a-tnnM mM m in u . i s rer Unsrry vllle at 1.M a. tn. and MO p. ' V v for Chlekles at 7.11 a. in. and li.ne p, V v, TBAIN8 LEAVE COL'' JUV rer Heading at 7.90 a, m.,lLr jMBIA-Ij-rer lbanen atUMand . - TUAINBLEA" -0p.,n. ". v rnr ljincMteraf EUUA&UTVtt.t.a's tnjii aim n.iii 1 1, ii . 'f . ...l a. .(M.a.. 7T"T Ki SSSK." ' .&?'u.':Vi!!. " -m LF -ri!i P.m. p:.n ." aTitKET (LaneMtr.k t?uMAtt&3&&'Ai fet LaneMter at 7 x a. m.. laa ana uwV W -or tluarrTllle Vt TM aTm,' i or uunnrn n t tan m - CITDAT TKATJrg. 4X TBAINB LEAVE BKAD1MU jet i.ancaswr at 7. a, in, and tee p. in. rorjuanTTUIet.onp.ni. J TUAINB LEAVE QUABRTTILLI 5 -et Lancaster, Lebanon and Keadlng at 7J0 TUAINR l.livr ma m ...T ....: rer Heading and Lebanon at .eea.m.aaal, p. m. wr Fer guarryvllle at S M p. tn. TllAlNS r.RAVR PlllvniT r... rer Beadlng and Lebanon and 8.1B a. m. p. m. "i rerquarryvllleatMSp.m. ,4' .,. TIlAijjs I.KAVE LEnANOW. "S tte"ffiir.".ScMw.J and,Lebannn"i'.,,"u.",,"?"?.".ml.J .., .-v , wuiDii nijiui i"iinrnii T A. M. WILSON. BuperlntendW - I III.' PENNSYLVANIA KAILHOAD HOHM -. IPA,"?.1 Laeastr and le.iveandantTC -, miUBUianH IQllOWSt -njj. WE8TWAIID, raclfle Express!.., News Kxprcst Wav lnHnnirr4 (Philadelphia. ,-ESi .( &i .p. in, 4 JO a. in, 4 30 a. m. 7-fnn tn B-23 (. Mali train via Jit, Joyt IU( I OT Qnarry vllle at 9 31 a in , m and l& ML 1 1 IVtA,yr:,,K"'0KST rtKTiLaneSjfcl' Mta.M. IWBa.Bl.f'; 1 ... wnu a I ui II J ....... Niagara Expruas Hanover Acceui rastl.lnet rrodertck Acceui Lancaster Accem , Harrliburg Accem..,. Columbia Accem...... Uarrtsbnrg ExprpM.. Chicago and Cln. Kx.,1 Western Express...,, via Columbia 7.tHn Tn via Celumbia1 9M a. BL fe 2.-00 p. m. - 2 10 iv tn. '? it ana. m via Cnltimhla viftMU joy, 250p.lt. i in p. m. 1 40 p. m.; 6 40 p m. 8 50 p.m. 10-O5 p. m. Leave Lancaster. :2 20 a.m. 6-05 a. m. 8 10 a.m. 8 M a. m. 9 00 a.m. 12 58 p. m. 2-en p. m, 7 je p. i 7 inn i in-ixfT i 12.10 a.m. &J? Arrlre sf , EA8TWAUD. Phlla. Express!., rast Ltnef Uarrlsburg Express.. Lancaster Accem ar,. Celnmbla Accem Seashore ExpreHS , Phlladelnhla Accem.. RnnA.v Clall t'liua. j4j. .;.r rr 'x... IvtaMtJew iv-au a. bu , It'U p&zm UayKipreast 4 46p.m. 8JWp. rK Harrlsburg Accem... 6 45 p. m. 9-45K a. fA' The Lancaster Accommodation leaves lUrrlaT ' Day Express'! Hint p m 4 45 j). m i Z iVfe barg at 8 10 p. m. and arrives at Lancaster at I v?-. .,-. . .. . . ":. j. no naneita Accommeaauon leaves comm ,e;,,' bla at B 40 a. m. and reaches Marletta at 6M. Alas, .XS leaves ueiumuia at U'5 ft. m. and 2:49 p. BL. .,)' reacning uanetta at 12OT and 2.5S. Leara. ,L " Marietta at 3 05 p. m. and arrives at Columbia i ri- 5ln almn I no rn at a It .. nH,Hn- - a u - m iQThe Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at V 710 and arrives at L,nnCAsterat8O0cennectlaa" JjliJ with HarrlBbun? Express at 8 10 a. m. -4'i, Tha Vrailerinb A .. .,i. .a .?B Ing at Lancaster with fast Line, weat, atfcH'V l. in., win run lareajFa wj rroaencK. ?p ' Thft W IWill a 1-1 t IP innnmm(u1,.lln boa - H. Celnmbla at 12.-2S and reaches Lancaster at UN W. p. m. fl' uanevcr Accommeaauon, west, connecuai M f Lancaster with Niagara Express at (M0 a.Dju,lJft(, will run threuRh te Hanover, dall v. excent Ham; l?-i-' ajr- .. . m rut Line, west, en Sana ay, when flagmC , ww ewu at iuw uiimuJWU, UUUltOVIllU. rviWA'" bartr. Mt. Jey, KllzuTiethtewn anrt MirfilletewaHj rrhAfltlll trdlna ehlnh ntn il.lli, fin flnnHi .fi' viit . ...... )wn, ceutcsvuiu. i'araev ai- Tinoemj wain? wmce runaauy. un uunsiff ,.; Ht If nil train vust nma he i rf rnlnmhU "ti' the Mell train wHst runs by way nf Columbia, w. m, nuuiiiuuuunu wjsuilKur &KVU CUA8. E. PUOU Qoneral Manatter. rUHXlTUHK. C1URN1TUKE WAKEKOOMf?. UUY YOUltSKLP A JPAIIl OP THOSE , 'W, Eelding Dress CALL EAULi" AT Hoffmeier's Furniture Wareroemi,$l They are the nicest thing eutand we have lust recel ed another let of theui. 28 BAST KINQ STRBEfT. RAKE OI'l'OHTUNlTi-. The Bargains Still Oentinue -AT- WIDMYER'S PDRNITURE STORE. Decided Bargains are etTcred te make room ftrJrlS alterations new being made. New Is the tlm. te r UUJi I UlbU tt f riinmlwtr ni P.irlnp Hulle '"?!' DINLXfi ROOM OR KITCHEN FGIffllTOIlMs Jt AHU OAVl SlUMClXs WIDMYER'S, BABT KIN a AND DUKB STS. WOpcn Monday and Saturday Evenings. sepuj-lyd WAXJ, VAPMH, c AN'T J1E Ui:AT. OUlt ELEGANT LINE OF AND OUtt Very Modest Prices Are the things that can't be beat by any house In tbe city -VK INVITE INSPECTION.- ART WALL PAPER ST0R1M NO. IM NOUTH Q.0EKN STKEET, LANCASTEB, VAi -... -- -Ki. . Y Y Y T"4 Y v HLttlKV ZLKtmK! M3 Stere epen overy Monday ana Satardif uvauijJB. - - . m MINKS AMU UUUUMS. A MEHIOAN WINEa W all Paper & Window Shades, GRAND DISPLAY m -Olf- American Wines, The following Is from the report of the JudgM en Wines at the Lancaster County AgriaulMBW , Association rair i We dvslru te make special mention of Slay maker's lartte ana elegant exiuuit m lln H Imu. nrmluced bv the PlSAMOt Wlne Cerap my. of Kbulms, Steuben c New Terlc. Tbelr Special Ureat WenUirst Dry ami Ureat western Eiirirjr,..uu teri, lijurei. ijf um V. . wmen we censiuur, w""i'Vr."r. nerted Wines. WILLIAM j A.miiA An?- w i- ti , y K- .'&. m esa s4 Vi -ja48 m S1 .3r t m ! '6U irv r