xfmisi h' A s. t ,e .- x I mew my !" "" ""ler reap Hi sew lug, Ana yet some ether mty Ami I may never even H It (trewing Biishnrliuyllltlu day I Mtlll iniul t sew-though Itfe leilli weeping, I cannot, ilmi) lint stay. Ued grunt a harvest I llieiigttl mity bs slteplug. Under tiie slimlims urny Farm ami Oarilrn mum, from tlm ilcriuantewn lulcgmpui Out Hre tfoeil Rr aiiiekliiR itcent, im lliey Klvoairneet llatnr, KeclnK n nuinll (iron longer 1 1 mi! in loiter than quick ameklng, as loeiuuoli liaatfzlvcwi the meat n strong liute Mid Injure. In aweetiie.. It Ih worthy of unto tlint kiiiiiacIi Ik tlie iiimt Mltitile tanning plant known. Large iiuatitlllm wero tallierml In VlrKlnlmliirliiK Ilia past season, and yielded Immlsome ro re tnniPi for tlia labor expended. Keeping the animal quiet promote tlm storage or lat, lint health anil the quality or the meat I host obtained When they are at. lowetl tn Ukn Pinal"" dally, irtliey cannot have the privilege of tutMaieir they aheillil at least tie allowed In the oeii air dally. A riiinarkalile liiiirnvliient in th appear appear appear aitoe ami llaver or imtiUry which liae been red in coon or ion two lielore klllliiK ha iweu nellcetl by careful raiser. Clean com and pure water have Imnn Inuml te be the only roiiulMte for rapid and healthful latum I UK Htene Icncpainay be eliirnlile the llrat low year after construction, but are illlllcillt le repair w lien they ence beglii le eriimble. In any case It la desirable te liaolenee that can be roinevoil at will, and thl In anethur ntreiiK argument against the employment el Htene for audi purpose. In the home, a geed width hetwoeit the eye, theeCH jirnmlmmt lint placid, with a Keed height from the oye te tlm ear, are hull catien of Intelllgmxu H the ferehead la prominent and. smooth it Indicate a mild, o(ualile toinper. A round, ntther Ieiik bar rel Indicate Kxl itlKealleii , a deuble loin, strength ; an oblique aheuldnr, aiire footed, newt. Willi Hat, hard bone, Ieiik In tlie arm, poed la Indlcated. A Western lady state that, a lier expert ence aa a lKMltry raiser, that ene bushel of corn, or It oqunaleiit In com mixed with ethor feeds, will preduce fourteen euiid el K)ultry In the form of growing rockurela. At thoHAine tlme It must be borne In mind that aomethliiK In addition le corn munt Im used as feed. Cotilliiea fowl in n yard with no ether feed thiin corn, and, as all the wnutK of the fowl HjHteni would net Im aupplled, it would neon dle of starvation in tlie midst of plenty. Kill your rooster for nrleii reason. 1'lrst, you are net he apt te liave llttle rhlcka running about In the fall. Second, Uie old rooster are no longer needed, an next neaKii you should get your young rooster from an ethor Heck, and the old ene you have are Just eating loed for iieumi at all, and are Juit In the way of the ethor fowl. Last, but net leant by any means, jour eggs packed for winter market will keep uitich tietter If no rmwler are allowed te run with the lieun. Clear out your old enea and try the experi ment. Kllui; Winter egfilAblcs it U tee lain te de nome thlngf ler our winter supply of vegotnble", jet a the proper preparation began in tlie tiprlng we may gle nome hlntH of value. Onion must bow oil rloued, neeured with out much front, and Me red In a dry cool place; ahallew boxe like old erange bexen, de well In a cool cellar. Hquanhcn well ripened, gatliered Ijofero neerelr(t and ntored Inn chamber near n lire, an aa te be kept warm and dry, will keep till midwinter or later. lleet, late aewn, no an net te get tee large, and pulled tiorere much front, te check growth and before the warm autumn ralnn bare ntarteil the new growth, Indicated by numereua llttle roetlotn If toped net tee clenely and atered In a cool cellar In barreln, with a few jiotatiienou top te present nlirlvel ling, will keep tit ler tine all winter. t'arreta noed net be harented qulte ill early, and w HI keep In tlie name way. i'arsnlM may Im left In the ground all win ter, le be dug an neon an tlie ground tliawn, but thin given but anhert neavm or tine. Dig a part before the ground freezett and atore In Imrrela. They are net Injured by ahrivelllng, aud by January will be tit ter tlne. The qual ity Improve In the cellar an much an In the ground, and next te the )obtte It in the meat generally appreed winter vegetable ; plain boiled, tnanlied, or fried, It In ulwnyn tooth teoth toeth nomo aud lieullhful. Turnlpn. Common Held turnii must be pullwl lielore much front, topped Llenely, and atered in barrels un beets. '1 heugh ImpTeted for Imniodiate uw by frentn their keeping qualltleM are injured and they njieedily bo be bo cemoacltand "pithy." The rock turnip, whith French and the yellnw nwoet turnip, allot the rutabaga family, will bear quite hard freezing without Injury. Cabbagen for wltiter une nbeuld In) pulled before the headn are touched by the hard front and planted In earth In damp cellar. Fer spring ute bury heads den n In a trench in a dry, nholtered place, wheru there la a geed drainage and tlie snow gUen protec tion. Celery in inore illlUcult te prenerve. l'ack etl upright In barrel or bexen with fresh earth or aand, nomellmon It keen well. Ite move any decaying outerntalkn and trim oil the part bf tlie leaven. If tee wet and warm it will ret, if two dry it will wilL l'acked upright In trenclien oevored with earth, ahollered with loaven and beard te koep wet It soinetlmon winters well and the greeu plantn cemen out beautifully blanched. Gardeners, el course, have npeclal focilitlen for keeping their egetablea an pits and root cellars but thene Instruction are for the common farmers or villager who cultivates it garden and denlren te boueilt by it the whole year. 1'otAteen, an well a all the above named, keep beat In the dark, lit a tetupera ture Just abeve froezlng, in a damp cellar. Mine liasantrcam of water Hewlng through it from the waste of the aqueduct. The huge, dnullc. griping, sickening pills are fast tn-lng gupuraudtul by iir. I'lurru's" l'urgn live rellvtn. sap:; n,Tn.tw Cafe, Speedy. Sure-ltixl tUr Cough Cure, say Heards of Health. Twenty-five cents. He Ment Itemarkalile InltactTccts, amliuestuselulln 1U application the fragrant bO.OIONT lias btcemu the most impular Dentifrice tn existence. 'J.'ls used and prulned by everybody. Mether ae net give your bnliy opiates te dull lis mind but me DuIIavd's ColleCure. Of all remcdlen, Uk. lUnn's Pleasant 1'hyslc U the only only ene which cured iny babe of con stipation. Jens W'ahs, Trey, N. V. Korstle by 11. II. Cochran, UniRt.it, Ke.7 and 1JU North (jucen street, Lancaster, i'a. epl lmdAw MfMUlAL JfUTlVKB. Tlm TraTellng 8alMUian Is an lrruststlble fellow, brim lull el sterlis, Jokes, courage, seli-auuruiicu and grit. Ilu U very taking withal. ISurdecL lllead Hitler t are a very taking medicine! lliuytukn evirywlnre, and are sold every n here JTersaleby II. It. Lmh run, druggist, 137 and 1JJ North Uueen slrcvt, Lancastrtc lie Careful of tb lUlilcs. If yeurchlldren are threatened with croup or any threat iltlllculty, upply a few drop of 77IOBUI.' Vclectrie Oil. It I the nlcnst uipill. cine for the llttle one we knew or Ket sale by II. 11. Cochran. druBBlst.OT and IS) North Qmcn street, Ijiueiuiter. "My anedUtlier's Clack," VVas ence a very popular song, but llke many ether sentlmenbil tunes It doesn't wear well. lr. TAemuj' Jicltctrie Oil utlt utur, It will away all aches, sprains, and pains, and repavs Its purchaser a hundred fold, for sale by ll. it. Cochran, druKKlst, 137 and UJ North Ouecn street, Lancaster. H-lllg Thieves 3. Dyspepsia and debility are two big thieves; they creep In and steal our health and comfort lielore we knew It Let us put a step te their In. vaslens with a bottle of Jlurileck liteml Jllllert. te be had at any drag store. Ker sale bv II. II Cochran, druggist, iJ7and ISJ North Uaeen street, lincaster. Worked Wanders. "Mydaughlcr was very badeir en account of a cold and psln In her lungs. Dr. Tliemut' AV. Uctrtc Oil cured herlu twenty four hours. One of the boys was cured of sero threat. This medi, clae has worked wendurs In our faintly." Alvah l'luckney, Luke Mahepar, N. . t ei sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 130 North CJcioen street, Lancaster. A Itope About Ills Neck, A weak stomach or enfeebled circulation Is like urepu about our necks euro strung up and uiistrungulteruately till existence beceim unbearable. Ilurdeck Illoett Ultttri will airest ail this misery. "Ilurdeck llloed Hitters" ale a been te the sick. Let us remember this tact rersalebyU. 11. Cechrau, druguUt, 137 and 1ft North (jueen street, Lancaster. Uackten's Arnlea Halve, The Hest Salve In the world for Cuts, llrutses, Beres, Ulcers, Salt Uheum, rover Beres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Hkln motions, aud positively cures l'lles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price a cents per box. Fer sole by 11. II. Cecnran. Druirxlst. 137 and 1 Werth Queen street, Laacaiur, JP5. umniOAh. KWtt HAHHAI'AKlMtA. fl CREAKING HljNGE Is dry and turns hard, until oil Is npplljMl.afler wlili li It moves easily, when Ihnjeliils, or hinges, of the body, ate sllltemd iviirtlm allied by ItlMMiiiiallsiii.tlieycniiimltm iniiyed without allying the miwt ei riu intlng iislns. Avers nnrHSpnrllln, by Its aetlen en the blued, relieve this iniumiiiii, and rolen tho-Jeliits logeo.1 working eidcr. AVer's sarmparllla has unveted. In mir city, many inet remarkiibln runw, a number et wh eli baltled tlie eirorts.et the inent expnM. enee.1 physicians. Were It nmeinary. I oeuld nlvetbii iiames of many Individuals who have been cured by taking this medicine In tny own cese II has certainly werkid weniuis, re lieving uieet RHEUMATISM after bdnir troubled with It ter years In this, and nil ether dlsenses mining trnui Imptini bleed, there Is no remedy with which I am lie qualnted that mbirds such ri lief as Avvr's Har mpstllle. 11. II, Lawrence, M. D , Itiltlmere, Md, Ayer's Hnrsiipnrllln ruiid me of (lout and Itheiiiuntlsm, when nothing Isn would. II has eradicated every trace or illaensii from my sys tem. it. II. Mliett, Miinng) r Until IW limine, Lewell, Mass. I was, during miny month, a sulfeier from chrenlu ltheiiuintlniii, I Im iII.iukii nnllrled inn Srleveusl ) , In sptte of all Iho reini dies I could nd, until I commenced using Ajur'n Hnrnnpa rllla I took several Unties of this pri paralteu, and wanspeedllytvsteri! te licalth.-.l. rrcuiii, Independence, Va. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.O. Aver A Ce, Lewell, Mass. Held by Druggists. Price, II six bottles, X illesSu H" OOD'.SHAIlHAl'AUIl.l.A. THA.T TIRED FEELIM The warm weather has a debilitating effect, epeclslly upon these he are w Ithln dimrs mint of the tlme. The peculiar, yet common, com. men complaint known as "that tired feeling," I the result, riils fiellnir can be entirely over come by taking Heed s Barsnpnrllla, which glvi s new life ami strength te all the fiinctjeus of the body. " I could net sleep i had no appetite. I took Heed's Hartapsrllla and seen began te sleep seiiblly i could gel up without that tired and languid finding t and my appetite Impreved'1 It A. SAsrean, Kent, Ohie Strengthen the SyBtem. Ilnnd's Harsapsrllln Is chtmclrrlsed by three iMTiillarttlesi 1st, the romblnnfferi of remedial HKcnt id, the proportion 3d, the precttt et lucurlnu the active medicinal iualltle the re suit Is a medicine of unusual strength, effecting cons hitherto unknown. icnd ler book ten tnlnlng additional evidence. "Heed's 8srsapsrllla tones up my svstem, purities my blnrnt, sharpens iny api)tlle, and bceius tmnuke ineevrr" J P. rilOSH'.HOrt, Ueglnternt Dels, Lewell, Miihs. " IIeihIi Harsapnrtlla bent all ethers aud Is worth Its weight In geld ' I. IIAIlltlNilTO.V. Ne lltank Street, New lerkClly. Heed's Sarsaparilla. Held by all ilnnTKlit tl six for .". Made only by 1. U. HOOD A LO , Lewell, Mass. tee DOShS ONK 1101, LAK, E xiiaihtj:i) vitality. EXHAUSTED VITALITY THKHCIKNCKOr LirK, the great Me. Ileal Werk of the age en Manhood, Nervous and Phjstcai Debility, Prematura Decline, Krrorsef leuth, and the untold miseries consequent thoreon. awl iiegti Hve. ISprtscrlptlens for all dNinses Cleth, lull gilt, only II e, by mall, sealed, lllustmlivosample free te all veung and inlddle-age.1 men for the next Wiln)), Address 1)11. VV. if. PAUKKH, lluiauch Htreet, jhMten, Mass. my 17-1 yeed A w G KAY'HHPKUXKIU MK0IC1NK. THK GltEAT KN(1 1,1311 UKMKDV. Anuntalllugcurnfer Impotency, and all Dis eases that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Lasiltnde, Psln In the lUck. Dlmui ss of V Ision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or consumption and a Prematura (imve 4vrull particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mall toeveryene. 4VThe Bpectnc Medlclne Is sold by all druggists at 11 per packace, or stx pnekagun ter t. or will be sent free by null en the receipt of the money, by addressing the agent, . II II. COCIIKAV, Druggist, Hele Agent, Nes. 137 and 1JU North (jueeu Btreet, Lancaster, Pa. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the fellow VV nipixiri theonlygennlne. tllKUUAV MKDICALCO, apai-lydAw Ilurrale.N.V. B AlU.KY MAI.T WHISKY. PERRINE'S PU11K IIAKLKY KAIT WEISKT. DV.bPKPSIA, INDUiKsTlON and all waning dUeMAesennbt entlrel cured by It. MAI.AU1 V Is completely eradicated from the sjstem by 11 u-e PhllltlSK'B PUItP. HVULKt MALT VMIliKY revives the enurgle of these worn with excessive bodily or mental elTeiL It act as a SAKKUUAltD against exposure In the wet and rigorous weather. 4-TAKK pirt of a wlnrglaiful en jour nr rlval home alter the labors of thuds) and the same quantity bolero our break Urn. KIiil" chumlcally pure. It cemiuunds Itself te the med leal profession. WATOH THE LABEL. Nene genuine unless bearing the signature of the arm en lliu label. M. & J. S. PERRINE, NO. 37 NORTH FKONT ST., PIIILADKLPHIA. ceptil Ouieed.v QOKN KKMOVEH. YICTOItU CORN BEMOTEIt. Warranted te eradlcate complately and In a short time, the most obdurate corns, hard or soft, without puln. Beld by Uee. W. Hull, Chiu A. Loeher, Jehn It. KautTman, Dr. Wiu. Worm Werm ley, Aud. G. ,Krey, Chan. J. Bhulmyer, and at llUClllOLDB DUUU BTOUK, declJ-lyd no. 101 West Orange St. QUHK UUAKANTKKD. RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by DIt. J, II. MAVKlt Ease at once noeiierutlonor delay from busl. ness ; tested by hundrudsef cures. Main office, 831 AUCH ST., PU1LA. Bend for Circular. W-ivdAw C UKKKOKTIIGDKAP. Puck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums perfectly restore homing and perferin the work et the natural drum. Invisible, com fortable and always In po-iltlen All couvorsa ceuvorsa couversa lion mid even whlspurs heard distinctly. Bend for Illustrated book with testimonials, rKKK. Address or call en r. HIBCOX, BUllreadway, Newierk. Mention this puper. lunolO-lyeedAlyw E ia"s cui:am HALM. CATARRH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM tllves ltellef at Once and Cures COLD IN UKAD, CATAUltll, HAY FKVK1I. Net a Liquid, BnufT orl'ewdor. Freo from In (urteus Drugs and otlenstvo Oders. particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 60 cents at druggists : by mail, renlstpred, 00 cts. Circular free. . ,, ,KLy. MllOSi Druggists, Oswego, X. Y. JulylB-lyeedAiyw WA.T011KB. Xy-ATOUKH. Lancaster Watches In Held, Btlver and Nickel Cases will be aald at .. UUBAr KKDUOTION. AlaeTKlilu. Walthsm (Aurera for which 1 nm Bele Akuui), 'ana 1 ether Ktrst-tlass Wutches. Kest Watch and Jewel rv lteiulrlng. sr-Ceriect time by Telegraph Dally, L. WEBER, 1WK North Queen BU, Near renn'a. It. U.DepeL BpectACles, Eyeglasses and Optical Uoeij. A kinds of Jewelry. 7riftxr0. B U110KH BUtaeN. THB FAIR IS OVER, And this reminds us, as much an anything, that The Fall Is Approaching, And tlm people will snnn-nlment bclorelhoy ate aware el II need HEAVIER CLOTHING. The place te get your FALL ULOTHINO (If you don't want le take advnntngnel the (I rest llargalus new etfered In Bummer Clothing te close nut that sort of goods), -IB AT- BURGER & SUTTON'S. Don't forget tlm place. Call early and leave your orders for rail floods, te avoid the rush that comes with thuflrstcoel snap. II you are around this way slop In and SCO what wu have get and get prices. BUBGEB & SUTTOU, McrthiDt Tiilers ltd Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCABTElt, PA. L. uanhman a ime. The Prices Tell. The Quality Sells. Are v mi going te lmv 0 some of these llargalus In 81) fish Fall and Winter Goods! Don't wait, get the first choice from our bright new stock of Men's, Heys' and Chll dr n'a CLOTHING. The Hest Assortment i all the Leading Styles ; Prices which will startle overybed). A Few Sample Prices: Men's All Weel Butts at ttOl. Men's All Weel CaMtmerebulU at MM. Men's All Weel Checked Suits atMUL Men's All-Wee I orated Diagonal Bulla at 110. Men's All Weel Dress Bulls at ill Men's All Weel VVorsted Prince Albert Bulls at 117. lle)a' Bchoel Suits at KM. Heys' VV oelen .Suits at iAOO. Heys' Dress Butts at 17 Ut Heis' All-Woot Casalme-re Suits ateii. Heys' Vi ersted Suits ut .0U. Heya' rine Checked Suits at 17 SO. Children's BulU from II up te fLOU. VV e advertise llargalns. WegtveUsrualns. We want jea te Investigate our goods and prices. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MKltCH ANT TAILOltB, MANUrACTUllEBSOr MEN'B HOY8 AND CHILDKKN'B CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QDEEN ST., (Hlght en thoBeuthwost Cer.nl Orange St.) LANCASTER, PA. UW Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse in Uie city. M YKlWAHATllrON. ISN'T IT NO TROUBLE te nm A SuitofClethes Just new, the assortment Is se larxe and the I'ltlCKI ftO LOW that anyone can have a Bult with a very small outlay. Our assortment Is as large as any one could want te select from, and our prlcs are Just about right. TAULKS LOADED WITH MEN'S SUITS, Youth's llejs' iieiI Children's Suits, In Same Quality and hriuully Lew lu Prices OUlt STOCK OP OVERCOATS embrace about riKTV DIKrKltKNT BTLKB and the variety of Celers and the way they are made, Is likely te please all who leek at them. srOur stock has net been stunted In any way, no trouble and labor being saved te Ulake It the Largest and finest In Lancaster. MANUrACTUKINU CLOTHIKHS, MO. 12 HABT KINO 8TRHHT, LANCASTEK. PA. hooks. AKT UHl'AHTMENT. G. L. FON DERSMITH, Bookseller, Stationer & Art Dealer OIL AND WATKU COLOH3 CANVAS HltAWINO, KN'UNKKIllNti AND AdltlCULTUUALBUPPLIES, MATHEMATICAL INBTHUMfcNTS, PABTELS AND CltAONB. NO AN II 1 11ACINU PAPEHS. Drawing nnd Painting Materials and all kinds et Fancy Articles for Decorating. Ne. 46 EASTKING STREET, (Opposite Court Heuse) augtfd LANCABTElt, PA. UUUOOIi HU1TUEH. JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nee. IS and 17 North Quoeu Streot, LANOASTEli, PA., OHer, VVbolesolo and ltetail, at Lew Prices SCHOOL BOOKS UBKD IN LANCABTElt CITY AND COUNTY. Old Rendera Bxohanged, SCHOOL SUPPLIES; l.tuiitd Slating, Chalk Crayons, Copy Heeks of All Kinds, Writing Inks, Bleel Pens, Slates NeIhuIcss blutes, Blute Pencils, Drawing Pen ells. Composition Heeks, Writing Tablets, Lead Pencils, Bchoel Satchels, Companions, and everything else In the line of Bchoel Stationery. SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK. MTEBS & RUffll, VtA ,sA- j W - F IOK THK KALb AND W1NTEK BKAjON. IMAGER & BROTHERS FOH THE FALL AND WINTER SEASON! OfTer a Large and Woll-Beleoted Line eC (lxthing, thing. MKN'S JJltKbN fill ITS. hl'blXKSS SUITS, OVL'lirOATfi, wir.v hi'irs, evjincuATS, CJULDltWS ULOTJthXa. UNDERWEAR in Merine, Weel and 811k ; Hosiery and Gloves. NEOKTIES Drees Neckties at Penular Prices. An Assortment that cemnrisea all the LatARf: Designs in Putfe, Tecksand Four-in-Hand. " Geld " and " Silver " Shlrta and E. & W. Cellars and Guffs in the HAG-ER Nes. 25 and HOVBKIVHKUUIHU UOVD. W1 E HAVE A LARGE BTOOK Or THK BEST REFRIGERATORS IK TUB CITY. Th Fierce Dry Air Refrigerator. VARDBNUOMt, WATBH O0OLBKB, IOM CHBAM FKKBZKR8, And afullllneefUOUSErUllNISillNt) GOODS The largest stock of UAH riXTUUKS In tha city. Special attention paid te Uas-rittlng, Tin Hoeting and Spouting Wehavojuslrecelved another lotef these 23c. ULOUKS. JOHN P. SCHATJM & SOff, 24 SOUTH QDEEN ST., LANCABTElt, PA. F ILINN A IIHKNEMAN. STOVES ! THK SEASON FOlt STOVES 19 AT HAND. THE PLACE TO BUY THEM -IS AT- Em YODR HEATERS LOOKED AFTER. FLINN & BREMEHAN, Ne. 162 North Queen Street, LANCABTKU PA. w M. A. K1EFFER. ALDUS O. HERB KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Uouse), Invite all Housekeepers te Calljand Inspect their Bleck of Heusefiimishing Goods. A Complete Line constantly en hand. COOK BTOVKSandKANUKS.PAKLOllSTOVKS, UKATKUB and TUUN ACKB. SUMMER COOK STOVES. After carefully examining the merlta of all offered te the trade, ve have selected THE "ARGAND," Fer QASOLINK, and THE DANGLER," Fer COAL OIL, As the Hest, whoa all points are considered, te Offer te our patrons. Call and see us. We leve te show our goods, and are net offended If ou de net purchase. Ucmeinber, vre are agents for The " Splendid " Heater. Manufactured by Fuller A Warren Company, Trey, N. V., which has no rival In durability, economy of fuel and control of gas New Is the tlme te examine and become posted for Autumn purchases. ItKMKMBKIl.THK PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COUUT HOUSE I apUdAw WAJJ, fAi-MU. QAN'T BE BEAT. OUU ELEGANT LINE Oi Wall Paper & Window Shades, AND OUU Very Modest Prices Are the things that can't be beat by any house In the city. WWE INVITE INSPECTION.- ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. 151 N011T1I QUEEN BTUEET, LANCABTElt, PA. flLFRED"SIEBER, a Stere epen every Monday and Saturday evening. MfTIHE BEST." BENSON'S CAPCINE X Plasters are admittedly "The UesV'fer local rheumatism, tend neuralgia. u. (fe Breneman's. nil ezernvim. ytjW S -" & BROTHER, 27 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. ami sjuum. N EXT DOOB TO THE COOBT HOUHK. FAHNESTOCK'S. Ket Open-Full Lines of BLACK CASHMERE. LUPIN'S Make.Justly celobrated for thulr Extra Weight and Urllllftnt Black. ALSO, HENRIETTA OLOTH. Aliaradea. LUPIN'S Make. Alse Deubleand Slngle HLACK CA8HMEBE SHAWLS, Lupin's Make, from the Lewest te the Highest Coit. rur Superior te any ethor Shawls Imported. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Nest Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. TlTETZaER it UAUOHMAN. THE HEADQUARTERS FOR Blankets and Comfertables - AT LOWEST PRICES, METZGER & HAUGHMAN S CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Ooepor Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. Z.LFB IXBVMtANOB COSttAKX. TpXTBACTS FBOM THE THIRTEENTH xu ANCE COMMISSIONER Dec 31, 1335. Insurance In force. Admitted Assets Payments te l'ellc J holders " Premium Inceme Dividend Paid Policyholders Dividend Paid en each l,0UO Ins... " Ne. of Policies in force " Average Dividend te each policy. Death Lesses Paid " Death Lesses Keslsted " Expenses of UanaRoment And In order toeiposo the true Inwardness of the Nnrthwestern's PllOUkEBSlVE DIVI DENDB, we quete from the Insurance Commissioners of Pennsylvania Life lteperls ler the j ear stated! ...... ....- .. IMUrllrlWtSltKN, In$urance 187H t 1877., 1S7S., 1B79., ISW . 1881.. 1M2.. 18SI.. lHvl.. 1SB5 Cemment en the abeve record Is unnecessary. Hut In order that the tailing etr in dl Idends may net be attributed te the Northwestern 'a TON TIN K rUND, would add that this fund aKKreirntcs --v),W 23. Fer turthur Information en all matters pertalulnK te Insurance address or apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent Mutual Ufa Ins. Oe., of N. Y. 60 N. Duke St., or te Rebert Helmes, District Agent, Reading, Fa. CARBIAUB A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WJN8. HONEST WORK I HONEST PBIOES ! Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Garriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NEA11LY OPPOSITE TUB LEOl'AUD HOTEL), LANCASTEU PA. Nene But First-Glass Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used PUICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL WO Hit GOAUANTEED. BUGGIES, PHOTONS. BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, I have new en hand and for sale cheap the following first-class secend hand work : One Light One-Man Wagen, sultable for track purpose,ono Light Kour-PassenBer Drag.one Iflrst-class Ex tension Tep Phffiten, two Light Jump Seat Carriages. Alse, Second Tland Tep and Tretting Hug. gles, both side har and end springe, llustness Wagons, Sporting agens and Market Wagons, which will be sold at the MOST liKASON A11LK PltlCEB. Give us a, callwhether you wUh te pu? chasoernot. Notreublotoshowtho work. PaRTICULAB ATTENTION PAID TO REPAUUNG. MfDOWT FORGET TUB 1'LACE.f Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 rUKNIXVUK. fEINlTSU'S IfUHMITUKE DEPOT. WKsAJJK OPENING CONSTANTLY NEtV PATTERNS Q GOODS IN OUU Chamber, Dining-Roem, library and Parler Suits In All the New Weeds Very Pretty ana Attractive. These Nlce Polished Chairs are Very Comfortable. Ne Uouble te make ft solectlon, and the Odd Library Tables lu Polished Weed can't be surpassed. Call ana tee thorn. Always a ploasure te show what we have new. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 27 & 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. OTOBAOB IWD COMMISSION WAREHOUSE. DANIEL MAYEU, aegly Ma.l Weet Cheitnut atmeu New Shapes. - ANNUAL, BEPOBT OP THE INSUR- OF PENNSYLVANIA. UARRISDUIt PA., AUQUHl'5, ISSS. MUTUAL LIFE. ..ITMWI.'WI 00 i. III,431,7?J CO ,. tmiM.WIU) .. tH.Tl.SWi .. J,lS3,Cri! Ul li r.l lai.ism ra 3i .. K.'UI.U! no ujn oe li3 PerCent. ItORTHWEBTBRIf. tllO.710.S51 00 r-t.si.eia oe tiw.rji ou U.TSS.OI.I no tne.ua oe 17 03 60,100 tl5M tl.043.OlM Ul t,IU)00 16.6 Per Cent. Z3iri(ltlci raid l'ohcvtieliltri, rK3,4X) B7J.727 7ft,9i 78S.3M 7M,(ill Ol!,S'J5 175, MS 727,1J3 77!i,SJJ In Force. Premium Income. r2.MH.IMS -.Vi,3!l 1,"I7S 1,N,'J78 l,S7l,,i5 2,17J,6b": 2.0J0.1M 3,0U12I2 3 370.770 3,783,013 C7,13,191 W,110,t47 1.1.HI.UU 01, ll'.VM B4, ,7,WI 7VUL7M b.t.iVi.lil W,(tvl,l'0 110,710,1 WOUUB. EAST KING STREET. R7-lydAw LINE. R OTK 18 MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS at 3.oe a wan, AT NO, 106 NOHTU QUEEN BTUEET, lanUtfd LancjLster.Pa T.AHOABTBli AirT wandlojOOa.niu.ajiai-eo.ijtiTi TlKAIIINIl a mr mix i 1.AMUABTEU JOINT LINE H. H? "iuVV'J .VRJiMlM Ji?""!S,.' Lneat at 7.-- 8aairaa'-AaKa-. ?; orlbanenatlJssanrfawnVtn, " LEAVE KINU BTUEET ILaneaatart . fl . . uimiim D.w, a. in , uie and M5 n. m. L v, ; i: ,i aiuKKT I Lancaster.! v ii Fer Lebanon at R47 a. in , U and &.M K m. W 1 rer guarryvUle at ;.- a. m. rn s:vs: ,:v. tzr "" p. . jf.f. 18 1 TJNDAT TKACTtl. vitAtsm v.vaw nvtniHrt s Fer Uncutsr at T.m a. m.and 4.00 p.m. 'tl reryuanyTlUeati.00p.nl. , TUAIN8 LEAVE gUAKKYVlLLE 4K Fer Lancaster, Lebanon and Heading at 7.10 a.M THAINB LEAVE KINO ST. (Lancaster,)' -Forlleadlng and Lebanon at 8.03 a. m.and Ml D. TTL. t,t ler UnArrtnHIln at r khh m TUAINa LKAVK PUINCJt ST. (Lancatnj w"unffanaLrCDrinenRnae.Wa.tn4 i ferOu&nTTlllnniRlIti i i r t . Tll.A1"8 LEAVE LEIIANON. fe3 , ....., ,,, IU( jj. , Fer Quafviile a't S ar1'- - V? oner ffl?r.,'?.5 J SS!"""?! l Marietta .!, ' .'. wwisi v iiiii:Litjii. mimnnim. Hnuna . na ijbanen. soe tlme VMXtm at all suileni. & i A. M. W1LHON. aapennUDOM.H Tl s .v . nWNWUVr.V isji a . ....-. r iittf I YA "AlUKUAU BUB.KU a ..grains tsevs iMMOASTia and leuveana tmts r..J usiis, UinurCLimTII .lllrin H 1HUH .. -f .. V.l:r. V? . . J'fly"T a t Philadelphia as follews: II. I'nilnnnlhliln n. nll . - .a WESTWAIlD. Pacific Express) New Express!.... Way Passenitert Man train vln MU Joyl Ne.2MallTnliif,.....; Niagara Express Hanover Accem Fast Llnef Frederick Accem Lancaster Accem Harrlsburg Accem,... Columbia Accem...... Ilarrtsburg Express.. Chicago and Cln. Kx.,1 Western F.xpressf EASTWAKD. Fhlla. Kipres-f Fast Llnef Ilarrlsburfc Express... Lancaster Accem or... Columbia Accem Seashore Express...... Philadelphia Accem... Sunday Mali I Jia vi 1 Philadelphia. Ijincaster, 1 II p. m. 4 30 a.m. AM a. in. 7 (life, m 1 Ri EB n-ia. m aje 9.11 a. B. ib via Columbia s.ia. m. 7 in a. m. via Columbia 11 Wn.m. vtiL nnlnmlilii .eua. m, 9-.VI a. m. imp. m. 2 10 p. m. 2:90 p. m, BJOp. m. 7.30 p. m. 7 40 n. m. vlaMU Jey -i3 p. m. 4 40 p. m.; B 40 p m. 8 se p.m. le-us p. m. Loiive Lancaster, ,'l'Jia.in. e-e.1a.in. 8 10 a.m. 85a.ui. 9 () a. m. 12A1 p. m. 2-as p. m. 3-00 p. 10. 1045 n. ssu 11210 a. m. Arrive at Phlia. 4 is, m, H-'lti fe. m. leai a. ra. VIAMt JOW 1113 a.m. a is p. ra. ri-oep. ua, 5 45 p. nu 4 Ui,m Bttp.m Harrtsburft Accem -vwihmi DWI1.1U, I'VWp. m, 9 44 p. ra. u ....mom.. ....uiuiiiiuuHuuii leaven Jt-UTW Burg at 8 10 p. in. and arrtyes at Lancaster at Ml p. m. The Marletta Accommodation leaves Cetnm b!aat6 40a.m and reaches Marletta ate 33. Alse, leaves Columbia at 1143 a. m. and3 43p.au reaching Marletta at 12 01 and 2 53. Leavea Marietta at 3-03 p. in. and arrives at Columbia it 1 no 1 eri: Accommodation leaves Marietta M ."X 710 and arrives at Lancaster at 8-00 conneeUiur Wi with llarrlsbnrtf Kznn.ia niRin. m. '" .w t.ii.miiB a,iieg, a, e I,., UJ, The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect- ..in m whummwi wua 10111, -.me, wesitatKlv p m., will run through te Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, east, leave Columbia at 12.26 and reaches Lancaster at 1KB p. m. Hanover Accommodation, west, connectln-r at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 8 30 a.m will run through te Hanover, dally, except Bnja. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flag-m4. -H-03 will step at Downln-rtewn, Ceatcsvllle. Perkeav $g A burg, iiu Je. Ellzahetht-iwn and Mlddlctewa. t 5& t fheenlv trains which ran rial I v. fin HnnM '. 5" tbeMall train west runs bv way of Columbia. JL? J. 11. wool), Ueneral Passenger Agent. , '",' .- I'll AH K. lMirill O.n.ml M..0.7 " J . j SSl . uuuu.. UHU.W., ,v ,J FVHH1TUUE. F URN1TURE WAKKKOOMS. 11UY lOUltSELF A ;PAIU OF THOSE folding Dress CALL EAULY AT HetTmeier's Farnitare Warerooms. They are tha nicest thing out and we have just v receivea anetner 101 01 tnem. . .t.-vj 26 EAST KINO STREET. s-nSS A RARE Ol'l'OHTUNlTY. esSS The Barprains Still Continue W$ -AT- WIDMYER'S: FURNITURE STORE. Decided llaruliH ure etrerefl le make room for Mtuinuuiis nun uvii uihuu( siun 13 iuq uaukj v mJT .I.H-SJ j, gr- Chamber or Furler Suite lI'J mmr, mm or KiraiFV FinmTrini mI AND SAVE MONEY. WIDMYER'S, EAST KINO AND DUKE STS. 440peu Monday and Saturday Kvenlngs. septts-ljd VAititlAUJia. OTANDAKD UAKKIAUK WOBIL Edw. Edgerley, CAEBIAGEBTIILDEB, Market Street, Rear of Posteffloo, Lanoaater, Fa. My stock comprises a large variety of the Latest Style ilugglee, Phmteus, Carriages, Mar Mar ket and Iluslnesa Wagons, which 1 otfer at the very lowest figures and en the most reasonable terms. I rail uneelnl attention te a few of mv own de. signs, one of which Is the KDOEULEVCLOSKB" PHYSICIAN COUPE, which U decldcdlF-tta Hj-J neatest, lightest and most cempieia i-nysicuai t-'ij Cunlfira In the country. M r. Persons wishing te buy a geed, honest aa g snbstantlal article, should bear In mind that jf the tiilcn no risk In buvlnir my work. Evarr, Carriage turned out In elghwen yeara agoeE'W the public. All work lully warranted. Pleas J EPAUttNO PIIOMFTLY ATTENDED TO. $$ n met i w.irkmnn iianeclAllv emnleved ta .-' .. that purpose MAOIIIXMMT. Tyj-AOHINKUY, 40. 0 STEAM HEATING fj Latest ana Meat ImnreTea el UQINKS-Titdiei, PertilU hSUUewj. New or Second Hand BOHiEBS, WATFB TANKS, SEPABATOJMW . r &lr S,. kfAcsiira or ltirAim Weur ineh kept In Machine Sheps. M 9.'i 1 OALLOaOBASDSHIi Ezra F. Landis.4 9 WOBKB-687 MCTB UIHMT11 la jraisw, !' n7lfa 'J" l&A l-fs'! s f ; 5iJ 1W. I m &i W.i ". "ni ,5s -?! . S3 rrfe m &A m m f M i'Ti tst $M -m fJS ?i .1 uZa i.Jt-tiAMttivu lit