:mtSmMmfflM'&m I f VIIAIUTT-TIIK HKXTON. ' And who are you burying here geed man l" 1 asked of lli action sear And the old limn gave me ft rheumy stare A he pushed hack tlm links 01 his long white hair, ' Pray, who are ) mi burying horn t" Then tin gave his trousers nitilrk hitch up i Ami with hiiiul In ht withered or We bury 'email llve inetaud a halt Klre toot and a halt," with a chuckling laugh- rnur loot and ahalf In the clear." He spat en his hand and limit te hi work, Allew n I ii lhi grave, nml sang The whotnef hlssnng 1 did net catch Thin lilt nt en iUl time graveyard snatch, In a mumbling, rhythmical twang " The Devil, he said, New bury tnlne deep, New liury lulnndecp, new huty mint) deep, New bury initie ilnei oil knew I harvest my crop limn the bottom, and se, The deeper the lern dlltauce te go, Se bury inlite ikep, hilghe.' " "Anil the dear l,eril mid Take IimhI, geed man, Take heed, geed iiinu, Ukuhved, geed nun, Take heed and have j en care i And de net peer through the ennln lid, Ile tender, geed man 1 de en aa 1 bid, And bury thorn all with earn.'" -llrtutr Mutleekt InJ'ienrtr Iftn. An Interslew With Mr. l-aitgtry. Krem the Washington PihL ..,,,. The first interview 1 evor bad with the Joraey IUly wm a momerablo ene. 1 ww aent aa au amhaiwaiter oxtraerillnary toeiror her fil0 ler a column arltcle ler an lmior lmier Unt New Yerk wrledlcal. 1 met bar la IIie lobby el the Albomerle hotel, New Yerk, MitlwMlinmnteil uyu Irleiid or mine who liapiHined te be with her. ,,.... ' L'omeup te Waliaek'a at 1." "be aalil : 1 liave new an appointment, but will be thore thou at rolieantal." I went, atitl maile my way through the ilarkntma back el the alage. Hhe way In atroet twltittie ami wan at the foettlglil K'IK through the robearaal of "dalatea." Just aa I had arrlil at the conclusion that alie would rauk about tlie CT.OHOlli anietiK the liamlsoinew onion I knew alie canto up the alage te whero 1 hUkhI. I told her my errand. " I ceuld't write anything that anytxxly would want te read," ahe aald with a laugh. 1 luiiriniireil some thing bout ber ability belnjc no doubt efitial toiler modesty, when without netldnK t. ahe went en: "Hut you could. Yeu could wrtMsotnelhlilgaml 1 could sign H. Hew would that de ?' , , It wouldn't de at all I atmwored ; what we wanted, was, Heme akeli.li of lmrMelf and nor frlondaaudherKolutcoii the stage and all "Ab, well, yea; tben Mra. I.aboucliero hore will write It ; won't you dearT" That worthy cliaperotie aald alie would try, "anil we can fus It up together." "A htindred iwunda you aald," mused, the beauty, tlomurely. 1 cone'to.1 her ami aald ")h, It'a nethliiK I" lie broke out; "for a whole enluinii tee!" I aaaured her that no paper would preliably iy any mera , at any rate I wan net author ized, te eiler It. , , , . "And I R0tl2i," ahoeontlnitiHl, "for Just signing my iiame te a certlllrata of soap eHtenlay." I ploaded that thin would be dlllorent; "signing a nlce article all about ieur profea. aleu your home your lasteu ambltlena dlllorent from aeap. don't you aoe T" She opeued her biff, eycm and loekod with pathetic Iniiulrv at Mrs. IjitKiucherp, then (wick at me. "Ne, net n nhlllliiR lows" ahe aald , "what'a tlie dlllorencaT" I feared that alie waa bocemlnit twwlldereil aa te the qualltleH of thlnK nd turnwl aadly an ay. ApprtirUtleil el l.eii III Ida sooth rrem the llemphbi Appuil. Jehn A. Ikhh, who In Illiterate and therefore the prey of Ills brutal tondenclea, hla prejudice and Uie paaalena of hit lower nature, oaterday made a sixxicli In I'lttaburK that la the complete meanure of the man. It ia utterly unworthy or ene occupy. Inn a place In the I ill toil Statei Henate, whero there are at least a tow men of brains and ability. It la a speech wanting In the consideration that ought te be a senator's chief claim te his place, andofceurso Is utterly wanting in the elevation of character that a man occu pying se august a jiosltlen should ovldenco In all that he Bars aud does. Thore Is n great deal of sham, or proteese and of assumption in the Henate, which year by year grows less and leas democratic, henaters iwem te le overcome byaself conscious sonse of thelr pealtlin nuu lonatliemseUoH In thopettynoas of tlielr pretences and the "courtesies" or the Henate. Jehn shares In this tomfoolery, and liesldeM, Is urged by his Ignorance te fellies that axe a Usgrace te the polities of the country. He lias never forRetton, and can neer forget, that he was ence a pre slavery Democrat, llonce his abu-m of the Domo Demo Dome cratlo arty and his foerlsh osgermws te abuse the .Seuth ami the Confederacy he bo be bo trayed. Jehn leeks what he is a mouthing blatherskite, whose political generalship Is hts only claim te consideration by any et his ceuntrymen. Frightful VllMle. Ceiuutnptlnn carries oil Its theimandK of vtc limn ey year. Y, theuand of human llvv are biltix wnKtl that tnlnht be iftvixl, for the fact l-i new rstahllshed thil coniumpllen, tu ;tt early ahtKes, U curable. Hr. l'lorce's "Oolden llVdlcid llcenry " will If uied In tline.errticla permanent euro. It has no equal as a nimedy for brenchltu, reutths und celdi Itsetncacy luw bon proved In thousands of caaes. All druKXluts. sepiM,tiAw Thousand have to.nltlea te the cniency of "it. Jacob) Oil In curing rheumatism. MotheraonotKlvoyour bauy opiates te dull Its mind but uie Da. IUhd's Celic Oure. Of all romedlex, Dk. IIamu's I'luunnt l'byalclf the only only ene which cured tny balm cf con stitution. Jeuh Wins. Trey, N. V. Ver nala by II II. Cochran, Drunlut, e. 137and Ua North Queen Btreet, Lauciutcr, l'a. sepl-lmdiw Bl-MVIAI. MOT 10 KB. The Traveling Salesman Is an ImiMstlbln fellow, brim lull el stories Jokus, coumKe, selt aeiiirnnru and rlt. Ile Is very taking withal. Jlurileek Jlloed Jtllleri urn a very takiiiK lnedlclnii; thy tukn otcrynheru, and are nole every where rorsale by 11. li. cecn ran, druggist, 137 and 133 North (juecn street, Lancaster. lie Careful of the llatiles. If your children are threatened with crenp or any threat dllllculty, apply a few drepi or JTtemat' tkltetrie Oil. It 1 the nlcest medi cine for the Utile emwwn knew or. Fer sale hy II II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1S1 North Queeu street, Lancaster. My Grandfather's Cleck," Was ence a Tery popular song, but like many ether sentimental tunas It deesn't wear well. Dr. Thomai' JCclcetrle Oil ulll utur: It will away all aches, sprains, and pains, and repays Its purchaser a hundred fold, for sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 mid ISJ North Queen street, Lancaster. S-lllg Thieves-1. Dyspepsia and debility are two big tblevcs ; they creep In and steal our health and comfort before we knew It Letus put asten tethelrln vaalens with a bottle of Jlurtleck Uloed Jtuttri. te be had at any drug store. Ker sule by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137and IX) North gucen street, Lancaster. Worked Wonders. "Mv dauuhlerwas verv hudmr nti acennntnr a cold and piln In her lung. Or. TAemui' A'a Uclrle Oil cured herin twenty-four hours. One of the boys was cured of gere threat. This medi rlne has worked wonders In our family." AUnh I'lnckney, Lake Mahopac, N. . rorsalebyll. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 North (juecn stroet, Lancaster. A Hap About Ills Neck. A weak stomach or enfeeblnd circulation Is like a rope about our necks. We are strung un and unstrung alternately till exlstunce becomes unbearable. Jlurtleck Meed llitttri will arrest all this misery, "llurdeck Uloed Hitter." nru a been te the sick. Let us remomber this (act. for sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1JK North yueen street, Lancaster. Oki BeTTLi KrrscTS a CDs. Mr. Oscar K. II. Kech, of Allen town, l'a, was bedrast with In flammatory rheumatism In the winter of 1883. Doctors could de nothing te relieve him. He commenced using Gress' ltheamatla Itemedy. lly the time be had used halt a bettle he could leave his bed s when he had finished the bottle he was cared and has net had a return of the aigoase since. In his own words, "I leel better than evor before." l'rlce ft, by all druggists. IIUOWN'8 HOUSEHOLD 1'ANAUKA. Is the mostetrectlvel'aln Destroyer In the world! Will most surely qulcken the bleed whether token Internally or 'applied externally, and thereby mere certainly UKL1EVK 1'AIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It u warranted double the Strength of any similar preparation. It euros pain in the Bide. Back or Bowels, Bera T?,l!ea,,J Uneumatlsm, Toothache and ALI Ai)..,.l?StJl.S!..is..J.!?0 aret itollevor of l'aln. "liUOWN'SUeySKUOLD 1 AN ACKA" should pa In jvenr family. A teas poenful of the l'anacea t tumbler of hct water (sweetened, If pre- SSW ea. at Pe?.Vln"" wm ubkaJc Ul A COLD, aoeentia bottle. mn-lydJI.W.ASw mmnteAu jJJOOD'H HAKHAI'AKIMiA. " DYSPEPSIA Causes lis Mctllus te lie tnlnerable, hopeless, timfiiand, and depressed In inlud, very Irritable, languid, and drowsy. Ills a dl am which docs notget well of llsell. It ni"lrs careful, per slslent attention, and a remedy te threw off the cntisei and tone up the digestive organs till they return duties willingly. HihmI'b Harsnpstllla has proven J usl the rviulred remedy In hundreds of Clues. " I have taken Heed's Rnrsaparllla ler dyspep sia, for which 1 have aurTertid two ) eats. 1 tried many ether medicine", but noun proved se satis factory as Heed's Harsaputllln," 1ueMa Cook, Brush Bloctrle Light Ce, New letk City. Sick Headache. " rer the past two years I have been anilctrd with severe headaches and dysppptla 1 was In dncedte try HfHMrsHiirssparlllii.andliaveleuiid greatrellnf. 1 cheerfully recommend It te all." Mas, E r. Ass ins, New Haven, Conn Mrs Mary (J.limllh, Catnhildgnpert, Mass., was a surfarer from dyspnptla ami sick lUaduohe. Hhe took Heed's Marsuparllla a..d found It the best remedy she ever used. HOOD'S SAESAPARILLA, Beld by all ilrngghtt. lit six for Madn mil ly by 1. V. lluell A CO, Alxilhecartcs, irfiw ,Miu ell I0O DOMKH ONK DOLLAIt. A YKll'H HAllHAl'.Mtli,LA. R CREAKING HINGE Is dry anil turns hard, until nil la applied, after which It mown easily. When the Joints, or hinges, of the body, am sttirennd and Inlbtmid by Itlieiimatlsm, they cauti A Imi moved without causing the mixl excrnclitlng pains. Ayer's BiirsnpurlllH, by Its action en the bleed, rel fovea this condition, and restore the Joints te geed working order. Aynr's Harsapnrllla hns cirected, In our city, many meat remarkable cuies, a number of which bullied the cllnrts of the most expert, diced phjslctans Were It neresaary, I leuld give the names of many IndlMilimla who have been cured by taklug this inedlclnu In my own case It has lertaliily worked wonders, ro re llntlng meet RHEUMATISM alter being treublid with It for )eara. In this, and all ether dlaraaes arising Irniu liupuru bliMHl, thnre la no remedy with which 1 am no l n ciln ted that nlTerda such relief as Ar's Bur npntllla. It. 11. Lawrence, M. D , lultlmere, Md. Ayer's tarapsrllla rurml me of (lout and Ubnumatlaui, when nothing else would. It has eradicated every trace of dUeaan from my aya tern. it. , short, Manager Hetel UlIuioei, Lewell, Mass. I was, during msny mnntha, u sutTnrer rrern chronic Uheumatlsin. 1 he disease ultllctcd mn grlneiialt.ln apltn of all the remedies 1 could llnd. until 1 commenced mini.' AVer's Haraana rtlla. 1 took aevural littlea el thla preparalleu. aud waaapeedllrrnitereil te heallli. J. rrtam, Indeitendence, va. Ayer's Sarsaparilla l'repanid by Dr. J C. AyerACe, Lewell, Mast. Held by Druggists, l'rlce, II six bottles, 3. SlIUwJU UIMMIIWAHIt. TTI0I1 A MAHT1N. GKIN A HAIL CHINA, GLASS, -AND- QUEENSWARE. UnrhiK this Pall ami Winter we will li.ne larger assortment, in all lines than ier boferu. All new wares, as far .is ixs.iiblu, we shall entle.-n or te lia een liniul as seen as they appear In the market. Our usual guarantee will accompany every sale. AH articlcs.iiet satisfactory will lj cheerfully exchanged. Our prices, (itallly lieing con sidered, are cnual te any. liefoie imrchashig Fancy or btaple Arti cles glve us a call. 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTEU, 1'A, UMOVEHIKH, HlOlf OUADK UUKFKKa Finn old (love.niment Java and Mecha Coffee, the best In the market. Our Java Blen ded Cotree niHuiks for luelf t rich and fragrant, Sic. per pound. Very nne 1'lanUitlen ltte Cone-9, our liest only afc. per pound; one very popular at I5c Wewaut you teciUl and try our I2KC CotTee. Thu excellent quality of our Celleus mid line Teas Is making friends fast and firm. Our dally sales show a steady increase. i"rnsh Boosted every day. A full line of fancy Urocerlei. l'leusu glve ns a trial order. OKO. W1ANT, aug'JMvd Ne. 113 West King street. , T BUHSK'H. The Queen Syrup As udvertlied at the late Fair ; It Is a geed urtl cle Try It. fly e Pounds Best Lump Starch for 55 cents. blx founds Geed Carolina Bice ler '.3 cents. Soaps, Soaps, Soaps, Well seasoned Cincinnati Ollre cheap, by the box i also, Babbitts, Miller's Borax and a doien ether urletlua. HONEY, HONEY, HONEY, Kine Comb Heney in two pound frames. Call ter nice Heney by the quart, very line ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 HJAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. FA. M-Tolephono Connection. WAT V 11 KB. TITATCUKB. Lancaster Watches UltKAT HKDUC1ION. Alse, Khln WMlth,,,,. (Aurera for which 1 am Bele Agent) 'and ether Klrst-Class Watches: Best Watch aid Jewelrv Bepalrlng. -eweiry Bf Correct tlme by Telegraph Dally, L. WEBER, 1WX North yueen at., Near l'enn'a. u. it. Depot. Spectacles, KyeglasseaandOpUcaiaoeds. a kind of Jewelry, Mttrtiii, MMDIOAU e UT10U11AIIKMKDIEH. SKIN TOUT! J It KH -ANH- IILOOI) ltUMOltM. HUMH.IATINU rriiptluns. Itching and Burn ing Skin Tertmea, Uaithaome Korea, and every apcclea of llrhlug, Healy I'lmply, inher ited, Hcrofeluiis and Conliigleii lllaeasesef the Bleed, Mi In and Scalp, with Ixms of Hair, from Infancy te old nge, am positively cured by Cirri, eeaa, the great flkln Cure, and Citiccba Beat, an oxijulalte Hklu lleimllller, eiUirnallv, and Cutii i iu ItasuLvasT, thohew llloeil l'urlller, In ternally, COVKIIKI) WITH HOIIKS. I havrt Ix-eti nnilcted since laat March with a Nkln dlaeaae the doctors called Kcrema. My face was covered with sealis and sores, and the llchlug and biimlng were almost unbearable. Hoeing tour Cutichiia IUmsiuks se highly ree einmendnd, concluded te glve them atrlal.ustnir the Cuticsra and CUTlettn Her externally, and ItsseLvasT Internally, for fnur mnuths. I call mysnll eunxi. In gratitude fur which 1 make this publle statement. . . MUS. CLAHAA. rUKDKlllCK. Bread Beens, Cens. 80AM', TACK, KAI18 AND NKCK. I wasnnilcU'd with Kezomaen the Scalp, Kace, Kara and Neck, which the druggist, where 1 get your rcmndlea, pronounced ene of the worst caaes that had cemn under hla notice. He advlaefl meto try your CUTittaA Itsusnias, and alter five days' iianiuy scalp and part of my face were entirely cured, and 1 hope In another wees: te have my earn, neck, and Iho ether part of my fure cured. HK11MAN HLADK. lai K. Ith flTRSirr, "w Yerk, 1TCHIN0 DISKAESC1MIK,D. CltircBA stands at the head of lis class, espe cially la this the enaa with the Ct-riutRA Heat. Have had an usually grast sale this summer, owing lotheprenlencoor an aggravated lerm of llcli through seme localities in the country, In which the CtrriciiMA llavstuxspreved satisfac tory, W. L.llAUDlUU,DniRglit- Usioktewk, Kt, CUIIKI) IN TtVKUV CASK )our Cetici'ra Biveiiiss outsell all ether mcdl clues I keep Mr skin dlseaaes. My customers and patients say they have etlected a cum 111 OMiry Instance, where ether remedies have failed. II. W. HltUCK WAY, M. D. raARKLIM TALLS, N. II. CI1TICUHA IIKMKIUKH Are sold by all druggists l'rlce CmicraA, 60 cents; UcaeLvssT, il.UM Hetr. 11 cents. 1'irrrsa if sen ASl) tjiiBMioAi.i;e . iMMUjn. eenu ler "iiuw '.' te CureBkln Diseases nnn TVT1KY the Complexion and Hkln by ualnglheCLTici'RA coat, Ooestitutional Catarrh. Ne slngln disease has entailed mere suffering or hastened the breaking up of the constitution than Catarrh. The sensu of smell, of laate, of sight, of hearing, the human voice, the mind one or mere, and sometimes all, yield te Its de structive Influence. The poison it distributes throughout the "J atom attacks every vital force and breaks up the mmt robust of constitutions. Ignored, hecuuse but llttlu understood, by meet physicians, Impotent! vaa'Hllcd by quacks and charlatans, tho.e suiferlng from It have little hone te be relieved or It this sldoet the grave. Ufa time, then, that the popular treatment of this terriblu dlsense by lemedles within the reach of all paaacdlntehanda at ence competent and trustworthy. Iho new and hlthertountrled method adopted by Dr. Sanferd In the prepara tion of his HaiiICal Cms lias wen the hearty ap proval of thousands. It Is Instantaneous In atmnllng relief In all head colds, snoeting, snnf fling and obstructed breathing, and rapidly re iimves the meat oppress! e sj mpteins, clearing the head, sweetening the breath, restoring the senses of smell, taste and beating, and neutral Ittng the constitutional tendency of the disease towards the lungs, II or and kldueys. SAsreRns HadiealCcxs consults of ene bottle of the Badlcal Cure, ene box Catarrhal Solvent and an Improved Inhaler, l'tlce, ll.m. l'OTTxa Dace A Chimical Ce , Bosteh. KIDNEY PAINS And that weary, lifeless all geno sensation evor present with thote of Inrlamcd kidneys, weak back and loins, aching hips and sides, ever worked and worn out by dlaease, debility or dis sipation, are relleed In one minute and sneed lly cured by the CUT1CU11A A.NT1 PAIN l'LAHTKU, a new, original, eh gant and Infalll liloantldetn te pain and inflammation. Atell druggists, C no for 11(0, or of 1'ettib Urco Co.lkwres. septl lmW.SAw G KAY'H Hl'KCIKlO MKD1UINK. TUB UUKAT ENGLISH BEMEDY. An untalllnir euro for Imjietency, and all Dls eases that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Lassitude, l'aln In thu Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Urove rr ull particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by luatl toeveryeno. .tVThe Bpeclflc Medicine Is sold hy all druggists at tl per package, or stx package ter te, or will be sent troe by mall en the receipt of the money, by addressing the agent. II II. COUIUAN, Druggist, HoleAgont, Nea. 137 and IS) North CJueeii StreeU Lancaster, J'a. On account el counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper t the only genu Ine. lllKUBAl MKDICALCO, apii-lydAw llurrale.N.Y. ZtOKN KKMOVKK. TicrreitLi ceun uemeteu. Warranted te erndlcate cemplstely and In a short time, the most ehduruin corns, hard or soft, without pain Sold by Gee. W. Hull, Chas. A. Lecher, Jehn IL hautrumu. Dr. W iu. Worm Werm ley, And. u. ,r rev, Ctuu J. Shulmjer, and at llEClllOLD'U DKl'U 8TOHK, Qecl-lyd Ne. tai West O range 8U rUHK OUAHANTKKD. RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by Ull J. B. MAYKK. Ease at once j no operation or delay from busi ness : Utsul by huudrLdsef cures. Main ofllce, 831 AUCll ST., 1'UILA. Send for Circular. MMvdAW CUHK VOH THK UHAF. Peck's l'atunt Improved Cashlnncd Ear Drums perfectly restore bearing and perform the work el the natural drum. Invisible, com fortable and always In position. All conversa tion and even whispers heurd distinctly, bend for Illustrated book with testimonials, KUKK. Address or call en r. 1USCO.X, KM Broadway, New terk. Mention this paper. lunelu-lyoedAlyw OU-S. T5 n. MAHT1N, WnOLsUULI ASD USTA1L DSALS1 1st All Kinds of Lumber and OeaL WViid: Ne. i) North Water and l'rlnoe Streets, abevu Lemen, Lancaster. nJ-lyd rAUMOAKDNEKS 4 JKWKKIKS. COAL DEALERS. Orries ; Ne. li) North Cjueen street, and Ne. 604 North Prince 'treat. iards: North l'rluce street, near Beading Depot. LANUAHTEU, l'A. atiglS-tfd TEM0VAU M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Coel Office te Ne. 1H NOUTU UUKEN STUK.KT (Brlmuier's New Building), where orders will be received for Lumber and Ceal, WHOLErtALS ASD BSTAIL. mtfd M. V. 11. C0110. tjlAHT KND YAKD. 0. J. SWARR & 00. GOAL. - KINDLING WOOD. Otncu: Ne. W CENTBK SOU ABU. Beth yard and office connected with Telephone Exchange aprlS-ltdMftr.U WAVlt 1'AfMH. e AN'T HE HEAT. OUll ELEUANT LINE Or Wall Paper S Window Shades, AND OUll Very Modest Prices Am the things that can't be beat by any house In the city 4T-WE INVITE INSI'ECIION.-St ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. 131 N011T1I QUEEN STKEET, LANOASTElt, l'A. ILFRDDSIEBER, aivstore open every Monday and Saturday evening. MmHB HE3T. HENBON'8 OAl'CINE J. Plasters are admittedly "The Beat" for local iheuuuttljis, aud neuralgia, -en. MeuMMtntrimimm noeiw. -TtTB HAVK A IiABOK 8T0VX Or THE BEST REFRIGERATORS IN TUB CITY. Tin Piew.Dty Air Mrigertter. UAHDMNHOHB, WATKH VOOLMKS, 1VM VHMAtt rHHR',KK8, And a full lln OfHOUSBrUllNlSHINO UOODS The largest stock of GAS riXTUHRB In the city, npeclal attention paid te Oas-rttUnc, Tin Iloedng and BpeuUng . We haw J nil recel ved another let of these 36c. HLOUKS. JOHITP. SOHATIM & SOU, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTEU. PA. F L.1NN A IIHENEMAM. STOVES I HIE BEABON KOIt STOVES IS AT HAND. THE PLACE TO BUY THEM -IS AT- & HAVE YODR HEATERS LOOKED AFTER. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 162 North Queen Btroet, LANCASTEU l'A. w M. A. K1EFKKK. ALDUH C. HERB KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invite all Housekeepers te Callland Inspect their stock of Hoiiselteiisliiiig Goods. A Complete. Linn constantly en hand. COOK STOVES and itANUKS, PAULOU STOVES, UEATEUJiand JTUUNACES. SUMMER COOK STOVES. After carefully examining the mertta of all offered te the trade, we have selected THE "ARGAND," rer GASOLINE, and THE tS DANGLER," Fer COAL OIL, As the Best, when all points are considered, te offer te our patrons. Call and see us. We leve te show our Reeds, and are net effended ir you de net purchase. Uomsmber, we are agents for The " Splendid " Heater. Manufactured by ruller Jt Warren Company, Trey, N. Y.. which has no rival In durability, economy of fuel and control of gas. New Is the tlme te examine and become posted for Autumn purchases. UEUEMBEU.THE PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (Ol'l'OSITE COUUT HOUSE.) apS-tiaiw A KT UKPAHTMENT. G.L'.FONDERSMITH, Bookseller, Stationer & Art Dealer OIL AND WATKU COLOBS. CANVAS DBAWINU, ENHINEElllNQ AND AUBICULTUU AL SUl'l'LIES, MATHEMATICALINSTBUMENTS.I'ASTELS AND CllAiONS. ACADEMY BO AUDS.OILSKETCHINO.DBAW- INO ANDTllACINUl'Al'EltS. Drawing and Painting Materials and all kinds et fancy Articles for Decorating. Ne. 46 ETKING STREET, (Oppoglte Court Heuse) augS-tfd LANCASTEU, l'A. S' CUOOL SUPi'liIEH. JOHI BAER'S SONS, Ne8. 15 and 17 North Queen Btroet, LANCASTEU, l'A, Oiler, Wholesalo and Betall, at Lew l'lices SCHOOL BOOKS USED IN LANCASTEU CITY AND COUNTY. Old Roadera Bxohanged, SCHOOL SUPPLIES; Liquid Slating. Chalk Crayons, Copy Beeks of All Kinds, Writing Inks, Steel l'ens. Slates Noiseless Slates, Slate Pencils, Drawing Ten ells. Composition Beeks, Writing Tablets, Lead Pencils, Scheel Satchels, Companions, aud every thing olse In the line et Scheel Stationery, SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK. jreTiu.vA, TINT'S FUimiSHING STOHU. E. J. ERISMAFS Gent's Furnishing Stere, NO. 7 WEST KING STREET. 43- store open Every K entng except Sunday cvtutngir. line Breneiuan CLOAK T HK NEW CLOAK 1JAZAAH. PW CiflMBilZUR ! Jeseph L. Rau & Ce., 130, 138, 140 NORTH JUEEN STKEET. WILL OVKS IN A VV.W DAYS LADIES, MISSES' -AND- CHILDREN'S Walt for OPENING DAY, which will be Duly Announced JOSEPH L. Nes. 136, 138, 140 DMT auuex. N EXT DOOK TO THE COURT HOUHK. FAHNESTOCK'S. New OpeE-Eull Lines of BLACK CASHMERE. LUI'IN'S Make, Justly coltbrated for thelr Kxtra WelKhtand Brilliant Black. ALSO, HENRIETTA CLOTH. Aliunde. LUPIN'S Make. Alse Deuble and Slnfile BLACK CASItMXUK SHAWLS. Lupin's Hake, from the Lencsl te the Highest Ceat, far Superior te any ether Shawls Imported. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Fa. JlTETZOEK . HAUQHMAN. THE HEADQUARTERS FOR Blankets and Comfertables LOWEST PRICES, METZGER & HAUGHMAN S CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Fa. Lurm znbumameb aexi'Ajrr. -piXTKACTS FROM TI1E THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INSUR ANCE COMMISSIONER OF PENNSYLVANIA. Dec. 81, lbe5. Insuranceln force. Admitted Assou Payments te Policyholders Premium Income " Dividend Paid Policyholders " Dividend Paid en each 1,000 Ins.. . Ne of Policies In force Averaea Dividend te each policy. " Death Lesses Paid Death Lesses Ueslsted 11 Kxpenses of Management And In order te oxpejo the true inwardness of the Northwestern's l'llOQUKSSIVK DIVI DENDS, we quete from the Insurance commissioners of Pennsylvania Life BoperU for the year stated: ....... .. NOIil MVVtSI bKN, Inturanee in Force. 1S7.1 I 67,0.1,191 1)177 B4,tlR,M7 lPTS CI. 111,011 1879 61,01-, wi 1U (.l.',7M 1K81 7(..'U,7W ISM K.t,3.U,424 1883... W,tH),t'J-i 1KS1 W,7j.t,'K; 1S 110,710,Stil Cemment en the above record Is unnecessary. But in order that the falling off In dividends may net be attributed te the Northwestern'! TON TIN K r UN D, would add that this fund aggregates iM.iW.A Ter farther Information en all matters pertaining te Insurance address or apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent Mutual Ufa Inn. Ce., of N. T. 60 N. Duke St., or te Rebert Holmoe, Diatrlet Agent, Reading, Fa. CAUKIAUM WOUUB. A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK! Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NKAULY OPPOSITE TUB LKOPAUD UOTEL), LANCASTIH PA. Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used PUICES TO SUIT TUB TIMES. ALL VYOUK QUAUANTKKD, BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, HARKET WAGONS. I have new en hand and for sale cheap the following fl rat-class second hand work : One Light One-Man Wagon.sultablefortrack purpose, ene Light Pour-Passenger Drug, one first-class Kz tension Tep Pluoten, two Light Jump-SeatCarrlagHS. Alse, Soceud-lland Tep and Tretting Dug Dug gles, both side bar and ana springs, lluslness ngens, Sporting Wagons and Market Wagons, which will be sold at the MOST li K ASON A1ILK PU1CKS. Ulve us a calf whether you wish te pur chase or net. Ne trouble te show the work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. WDOJVT FORQBT TUB rLACE.f Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and. 128 TUMMTUMB. rEINITHH'B FURNITURE DEPOT. WE AltE OPENING. CONSTANTLY NEW PATTERNS OF GOODS IN OUll Chamber, Dining-Roem, In All the New Weeds Yery Pretty aud Attractive. ThoneNlco Polished Chairs are Very Comfortable. Ne trouble te unke a solectlon, and the Odd Library Tables In Polished Weed ain't be surpassed. Call and soe thorn. Always a pleaiure te show what we have new. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 27 & 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST.,' LANOASTER, PA. " - BAMldM. WITH A SUPKRI1 COLLECTION. OF OLOAES, CLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS, Cloaks, Cloaks. RAU & CO., North Queen Street. Bcpt25!md JIAItltlSDUna, PA., AUGUST s, isse. MUTUAL LIFK. ,..!i,Bfi2,337 00 i. f 103,431,773 00 .. 111,412,01.1 U) . IIl,7tVSf 00 .. J,lsa,ifii w It 63 12U.W8 ,. 3,i0,ll81 00 ri;isi m 12.3 PerCenU A'OKTlIWSaTSHN. 110,710.?C1 03 r2,37,7Vl iw K,3,043 00 778,KB 03 7 03 ee.iuu 115 M l,ai9,uet oe ,U)(0 16.8 Per Cent. DMilendi l'aidroUeiiheUlert. -T2S,4W l,v Wi,18l 7SS.A-2 7tH,ClI t,ny5 727.1.B 778,SJ I'rctnlum Income. r-',VA, i,iti,u l,UM.5T3 l,-1,97a l,7k,lS ?,7J,'1 2,(W0,1I 3SW,!li 3 37li,77'J 3,-i,Uii HONEST PRICES ! EAST KING STREET. m-lydAw LINE. Library and Parler Suits iifcifc ! 1 1 ' ': : i IjMViuW!hAi k a. fc . . l-"- lsfi$5l vi.TTT "?? .t ana !aTOjaa5ttaas RfPiNO. OOMJIIlilA CAKST'itf' .n.?M.dSioT,raeMMW i..,i L ter KeaaingatHSla. m. irniu Sr UBi iorihanenatti5n.m. "" -"fty W RKTfInea.tar. r or jebancm .atiieX mV, uu VnatTs ii Vr""K ';w "., ine and S-te bL m v i Fer Lebanon at am ... i .n-rilTi P- " T Wet On.i.iiii-rn ..'" lt-' n M P. SB, ret uuarry vllln at 9 SI a. m.. a m .. Kt f "E Jjobanen at 6.47 a. m", UM and t K. S. fSr.rur.e.t?tW "OP-" CNDA TRAUn. J TKAINS LAVB RIADINO rer Lancaster at T.ae a. m. ana 4.00 p, m. rerUuarryTtlleati.OOp.nl. TUAINS LKAVK QUAHBTVILLI WOT lJinrn1it rtlssiM sih4 u..4i.s . tkaimh T.VTv wr".'."?" I''"."' --'- ... BA, IMUDHWril It FOrBOftdln and Uhinim at n ..' p.m. TitS rer UuarryTllla at S M n. m. ,itZ.W TllllUe ttti..M.. .- Ttt J wn ii "w,."i rumum st. (Lancaster,) i bbl "oanen ane8.ua. m. aai Fer guarryrllleats.i.1 p. m. nr.TUAIN8 I'KAVK LKIIANON. fr Sssssr.!!". ?.w"" p- m Fer CODIinrltnn at 't.t.t. w..u. h&' ttliSSF" J.?ea rMTnheTmr'SeSoteS And Lebanon, soe tlme tables at all statlent "V ! A. M. WILSON, Huperlnundeat ' 2 nKVNUVI.Vi r. . ... .. . 'dJ Tr.ln. .ll!11 ,rm June 13.1880. .. i55.R.t?J." 1'eteb and leaveanaarrirsi . muwmmiH aj IQIIOWB I t 1a ' . s.ni W52TWAKU- Philadelphia. PaciaelCipresst UJnp.tn. imwa n i-iiiressr t:tn.rr, -,. - rz - " ?. Way Passengnrf 4 30a.m. 6.10 a!! -H S ;n'ii.'.."L v,,iV.?Lu5ib'a ?J3a.nu & ir?.n..T.er .Accem via Columbia iMa.inT 5"i"n?tv llWa.m. soeSu f n2,rt.ck Acce,n via Columbia 2 10 p. m. iAncastorAccem vlaMU Jey., iwep. m. HJ5iJ5i,?rit.Acce,n"" 215 p.m.' 6 30 p. t fi?iV2m!,a, Accem 4 e p. m,; 7 30 p. m, Uarrlsburg Express... Slop m. 7'40p . Chicago and Cln. Kx.,1 8Wp.it1 1045&S Western Kxpresst...., 10-nep.m. 1210a. T A8TWA11D. Lan-cts'&r. && Phlla. Kipressf :2-jna.m. 4tsa.ni. F.aiLI'.,ne'"i 605a.m. 825a. nt , Uarrlsburg Express... 8 10 a.m. le a. mi Lancaster Accem ar... 8Ja.m. vlaMtJe Columbia Accem 9one.m. Ila.m7 ?bprp Kxprea 12-Wp.m. 315p.il. Phlladelnhla Accem... 2.-05p.m. S-et. n. Sunday Mall soep.m. p. wu DayKxpresst 4 4.'ip.m. 8JS0p.B. Uarrlsburg Accem.... 615p.m. -945p.m. The Lancaster Accommodation leaves llarrhv. burg at 8.10 p. m. and arrives at Lancaster at KM p. m. ahe jaiuiuitn iiccommeaauon leaves ueinra hla at 6 40 a. m. and reaches Marietta at ex. Alse. reaching Marletta at 12 01 and 2 5S. Leave BMiDiw.i.uj it. ui. anu arrives ai Leiammiii 8-20 ; also, leaves at 8 33 and arrives at 8 5a - .uiKHvwuiluuuilUVU ,DHVU8 HU IUl.Ut MS 710 and arrives at Lancaster at 8tM cenneetlnsT with HarrUburg Express at 8 10 a. m. The rrederlck Accommodation, west, connect, Ing at Lancaster with rest Linn, west, atM p. m., will run through te rrederlck. TVlA sTtartH-tlr A n Aj-tan - nllnn f.Aa 1 n - m aw ..wv.iva UVVUUlUltniHtlUII, VlUll ItHaTOfJ Columbia at 12:25 and reachea Lancaster at UM Uanever Accem m oaatlen, west, cenncctlnff at will run through te Hanover, daily, oxeept Bea day. Stat l.lniv nmf n flnnsn sssrViAva nueis aa wuuua( ftiiuu UOHMOHa will step at Dewnlngtnwn, Uoatesvllle, Parke burg, Mt. Jev. Kllruliotlitewn and Mtddlotewa. trhe only trains which run dally. On Bunds tllA Mnll train vnat ran, he wnv nf PAlnnihl. j: k. wuud, uenerai rassonger Agent. CUAB.K.PUU1I Oeneral Manager. 17VH.H1TUUE. F UKN1TUKE WAREKOOMS. BUY YOUItSELP A IPAIU Or THOSE Felding Dress Pillows. M CALL KAULY AT Hoffmeier's Furniture Warerooms. - Tbey are the nlcest thing out and we have lust received another let of them. 26 EAST KINO STREET. A RARE OWORTUN1TY. The Bargains Still Continue -AT- WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE. Decided llargalns are eifcrcd te make room for if alterations new ueiug maue. ew is lae tune IO buy a nlce Chamber or Parler Suite, D1NLNG KOOil OR KITCHEN FU11NITURI AND SAVE MONEY. WIDMYER'S, EAST KINO AND DUKB STS. S-0pen Monday and SAlurtlay Evenings. scptu-lyd VAMMAUMB. OTANDARD OARHIAUE WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CAEBIAGE BULtDEa Market Street, Rear of Poateffloe, Laneaster, Ps. My stock comprises a large variety of tna Latest Style llugKles, l'hratens, Carriages, Mar. ketand lluslness Wagons, which I offer at tha very lewest ngures and en the most reasonable terms. 1 call special attention te a few of my own da. I.n.nnnl wlilch In tha KDU KUI.K V CI.OSKD PHYSICIAN COUPK, which U decldedly ttarV' neatest, lightest and most complete rnysicyurj Carrlage In the country. Persona wishing te bny a geed. Sanest aaC subslanUel article, should bcur in mind that they take no risk In baying my work. JtTan Carriage turned out In eighteen year a traps) one that Is the kind of guarejitee I have toefsr . the publle. AU work lully warranted. Plaaaa KKpluiINO PKOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed Mr that purpose MAVHIXMMY. TyTAOHINEHT, 0. STEAM HaATING Latest ana Most Imprerea LSQLSK-Tntliei, PerUlli hSUUm. New or Socend-Uand BOILEBa, WATKB TANKS, BEPABATOHB ' HAuaiaa or Uaraia Weik such as done I kept in Machine aneps. v. UAUoaeaADBana, , .y Ezra F- Landis, TunnwHAJr7 NOUTH OHKKMT swsssssw LAK0llT.l,rA, BTOJ r .( jg CM 9 aJWi Jm J8i iT iS &! 1.6 A?se Va ' ; ' - OJ