Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 29, 1886, Image 1

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    " -'- -"'.k' , V -'.. .'v. - V . 't' ,i4SHklMAAaMMJKllA
Itetltftl ill Marine Under Iherreeeut Ailniln.
I.lrstleii DMtir'i Failure lu lleregnlretlis l tb tale-le Dee Nut rur
Enforcement of Ilia Uanriltutlen.
W. V. Hou.el, chairman or tlie Dem Dem
cratle Etatocemmltloo, spoke ler two hour In
the court house Hi Htreudsburg, Menree
county, en Tuesday night, te " '"'K0 ,),'" ,),'"
emtie meeting. He mll he lil " Intended
te leave tlie eommltteo headquarters thin
campaign ler stump stroking, a that duty
could be left te litter pomeiis who had volun
teered for the service later In the campaign,
when the voIeim of Wallace, Randall iitul nil
tlie party loailera would Im heard In unison
for Domeeratlo principles nnd Domeeratlo
candidate. Hut, falling te secure Hiiy ether
speaker for thin early engagement, he had
come with Hpoelal gratification nt the uhance
te talk te the poeplo of a county which poll
ed It avote uearly four te 0110 Domeeratlo.
Criticising lloneral Beaver's attack upon
the federal administration In his recent
"opening" speedi at Pittsburg Mr. Heuse!
said that Cleveland's administration had, In
the words ut the I'euiiNylvatila platform,
" given confidence te the business Interests
or the county, inirged the deartmnUi of
corruption, checked oxtravagance, discour
aged class legislation and moiiuiiellitN, ele
vated the civil snrvlee from the nrllau do de
Istsement te which It had lioen riHluced by
previous administrations and ha tnade the
jioeplo of the United States feel an assured
conlldenco In the orpetulty and Ralety or
the nation." Who venture te galusay
theso prepositions hlle a lltn. Tlie ro re ro
lerU from overy section tell of re re re
Ktoredlmnluom conlldenco and enlarged pros.
?rlty. The governmental revenues of 181
wero M.1d,43VZ7.0il, against M-3,G90,"0u.(W In
18.s", and the net ordinary nxHiiulltiirei only
f,,2l2,K1,lW' against f 2tia,.7l,iau. 1 1 of the
preceding year. The per capita federal in in in
jiondltures of the wist year worn (1.15, the
leant figure since 1sj0 and n reduction from
ft.fiT of the yenr borero 1 lu the Internal rev
enue department, where the most sweeping
changes han been luade by the new admin,
latratleu and the official force entirely reor
ganized, there wasau Increase of collectloua
Initie tint flacal year et f I,IS1,7JI.I7, at a
- decreaami oentot collection off lXi.OOO. Frem
the lit of July, KnI, the clew of tlie lant I1ikI
year, te Hoptemlmr 'Xt, laat Tliurmlay. the
KOvenimeul'H balance Nlieet KhenaaKaln et
f-SOHOjOCX) receipt ; and, barrlliK the payment
of the extraordinary Alabama claim, the ex
peudlturtviareKreatly reduced evor the cor cer
re"H)iullng period of lant year.
HTATi: IHSl'llH.
HorerrliiK tonlate l.iHiie", Mr. lleuwl wild.
Mr. Quay'a "old ticket" In at Itaeld trlcka.
One would auppoae that the loiteu of 'SI
inlnlit have taui(ht evon theae lourbeut
aemethhifr. Then they endoaerod te held
their obnoxious poaaeHalon of the atate K"V K"V
erument or I'ennaylvanla under a cloud of
dUHt evor roderal quedtleua net In Ihhiie, just
ai they are new attemptlrifr te riven er It.
They wero defeated then, and they will I mi
defeated thla tlma .Self-reipectlnc voteri
roaent auch a tranapareut otlert te defraud
them of their Hull raKen. It I an limult te
their Intelligence which they will net bnwik.
When they ank Oeneral lteaver what kind
ofatate Rovernment liela KI"K te clve uh,
whether Quaj'la te run thomachlneby (Juay
metheda, whether lioem bill and riot bllla
are te be pained and nl(ned, whother)oltlcal
cenvlctn are te be pardoned and whether
ring and combination are te "rule u for
their pleaaure and plunder us for their profit,"
a they did provleusly te I.vrt the "old
ticket" answer with a dreary yawp about
tue tariff. ThlainipeNOw ujien no one, but It
Justly Incennes IntetllKent and earueat poeplo
te be se Indecently trlllwl with by tnen nsplr
Iuk te the hlKhcst plai-ea lu the mite. Heaver
ha nothing te de with the tar I II and never
will have, except a a private cltlren, lu
which capacity he will no doubt continue te
labor for protection en nails and llkowlsecou.
tlntte te abserbthO waxed of III. men by mean
of ntcre order.
The retreat et the " old tlcket" te tlie old
bole liehlnd the Urlll, from which It was he
Ignomlnleusly blown by the cyclone of four
yeara age, 1 a confession of It pitiful weak
neaa upon all the real question 10 be passed
upon In this election. Ilehlnd tliiseld tlcket
are the same old manager, the atiue old
Influence proposing te regain the power lest
In 1&- and then te prostitute the state gov gev gov
erninoiH In the same old way, with the radio
Heavor4evoruor and the nulecrat Quay huh
a ter.
Will the poeplo let thorn allnk behlnd the
Urlll and cheat thorn nut et their votes T Ne!
They must come out uen the ejhjii ground
of atate Issues and take U10 vel diet pre
nounced iihiii tliem in 1MZ. I'ennaylvanla
will net have the corrupt governmont et the
ring slie has ae emphatically repudiated and
especially will alie net have It thrust upon
her under absurd, transparent and false pro pre pro
tencea, UKAVr.H hCOIUUl.
Loek at the tlgure which Mr. Quay'a "old
tlcket" candldale for governor prosents wheu
he comes te diacusa the all Important state
quoatlen of requiring the transportation com
panies of Pennsylvania te ebey the law of
qpwttthe state. Yeu would have net bolieved It
had you net heard It at Pittsburg. Hut ler
the cruel necessities of the "old tlcket" con
spiracy against the honor and dignity of this
commonwealth, even Heaver would never
have oensentod te make such a spectacle of
himself. Less than a year age, lu a apoech te
hla neighbors at Hellotento, when they wcre
aroused by a lawless assault upon their
local Interests, Heaver pretended te entertain
considerable respect ler these part or the
constitution which prohibited that eutraga
Hut new, when the puppet show I set en the
beards and the string are pulled and thoeld
ticket begins te dance he has nene I Think
or it, fallow-cltlrens 1 Think of it and hang
yourheads In shame I A candldale for gov
ernor of Pennsylvania Is afraid te declare
himself In favor or enforcing the constitution
et our own stite regulating our own corpora
tions and securing te us our own douiestlo
rights upon our own highways. Why, why
dare he net declare for the poeplo
ami the people's rights umler the
law of this froe and independent state?
llecause he dare net ollend these who
etlend against the law and oppress tlie peo
ple ; bocause they own the men who nomi
nated the "old ticket," and the "old tlcket "
la In the Held exclusively for their behoef
and benellt. Take thorn lrem his back and
he would have no support at all. Aud se he
races about en tlie speeches of last year, tle
ignores tlie constitution, which it would be
his special and sworn duty te oxeuute if
elected, and In the awful oath he would take
en the steps of the state cipltel thore would
be net merely a mental but an ex
press and pronounced reservation as
te the two all-important article com
prising seven pages of that sacred instrument
Intended le protect the peeple against cnror cnrer cnror
ate aggressions. And what doe this Hull
abasing citizen of Pennsylvania proeso in
stead T He proposes that the statehood or tlie
?;reat commonwealth whose chief magistrate
ie propose te be should be abandoned ; that
the regulation of her own domestic oorMra eorMra oerMra
tions within her own limits shall be abdicated
te the general government, and that we shall
leek for our own home rights upon our own
highways te the representatives of tliose dis
tant poeplo who profit by the wrongs te
which we are subjected.
This man, who would Ihi goveruor of your
state, Iguortsyeur constitution, drops Hat en
his belly and crawls abjectly te tlie feet of
Federal power, Imploring It te Invade our
reserved rights, te take charge of our domes,
tle aflalrs, and te grant or net te grant, ae.
cording te Its soveroigu pleasure, the relief
which under our. constitution the governor
aud general nssembly et our own state are
bound, yea, oath-bound, te extend.
This, goutlemon, Is the attitude or tlie "old
ticket" en 0110 ei the clilef Issues, and this is
Heaver, net simply as he spoke, but as he
wrote himself down at Pittsburg. It is
pitiful and sad. hut the necessities of the sit
uatien were great. Huch a ticket en such a
declaration ought te receive no vete at all In
the state which they thus prnpose te strip of
IU sovereignty aud humiliate bofero the
Continuing, Mr. Hensel criticised Heaver's
attempt te dodge real Issues by the tarlu" cry,
wateu had been lavekd te elect the new
disgraced and Impeached major of J'hllft
phla. IMllllcal NnlMi
(lenerals lleaver and Usborne wero at
Heaver Kails, Tuesday oveuing. During the
formet's apoech he was vigorously applauded
when referring Ui his opiKiuent, t'hauucey
R lllack, hesald : "Therel no man whom
I held lu higher esteeui than I de Mr.
Hlack, but the principles he advocates are
net what the poeplo of this country want,"
Poace again relgnssupreme In the Prohibi
tion ranks In Luxorne county, ltlcketl and
Nichols, tlie iHlltor.ef the Wllkosbarre M'alrh
JFtrt, will work with tlie majority of their
party In the luturn, and In till week's Issue
of the Il'i(ci Fire Wolle's name will be
planed at the head of the ticket.
Prank llurd was nominated ler Congress
Tuesday by the Democratic convention of
the Tenth district.
The ltepubllcans, Tuesday, reneminated
Colonel (). U Jacksen for Congress from the
Tnenty.fetrrth Pennsylvania district, and
Hnbert Hmalls from the (Seuth Carolina dis
trict. 'IU TIIH l.ll It All KM).
What MM Orcuirnl Kemntly In Hinlllnllln and
Itanllii.tllla anil Wliat Is Aiitlrlitel.
Accident, anil ItirtilenM,
Hmitiivim.i:, Pa., SepL i.HJ. Martin War War
fel has a mvere carbuncle en hi neck, which
completely disables him from work.
Oalen Miller, who ha been at work lu the
Cornwall mine for Mr. HebL Celeman, is at
home new with his grandfather, Martin
Warfel, assisting him te de his work, because
et hi disability.
The Church of (led Suuda v school at .Stene
Hethel, held their annual children's plcnle
en Saturday, -ith Inst.
Hiram (lecheuaur, atene mason, whlle at
workatChrlNtlanaaltempted te turn ever a
large stone, which caught ills hand and
smashed hi linger lu 11 Irlghtful manner. A
doctor of tlie place drimsisl Id hand aud it I
Improving. Themas O'llrlen mashed his
Cern rutting I In progress, aud the usual
number or cutting accidents are hapenlug.
Charley Miller being oneof tlie Injured by a
se ere cut in the leg. And Mr. Davis Klnzle
cut himself soseverely that the chopper
reached te and euetratcd the bone.
Mr. O. dreir, Hmithvllle, landlord, Is Just
convalescing from a severe hjII of sickness
and his usual cerpulency lias doertod film,
leaving sulllclent siar room In hi clothe
te accommodate another man.
J. O'llrlen Is building an addition te his
turn. Wm. Swnlgert and J. Klilnehart 1
doing the carponter work.
Mr. Adam (iocheuaurl building a ploeo te
hi barn for wagon room.
Wm. H welgert i erecting anew house upon
In property between the Colen heud and
the Hickory Grove school Heuse.
I.hikIIs .Ntlller Is lu Maryland working en
Lobzelter's saw mill.
Mr. O. (IrelJ, liotel keeper aud herse
dealer, whlle delivering a herse, met with a
series or mlshan. He had the animal tied
by a reK) halter te the rear axle when the
herse becoming unmanageable succeeded In
twlce UHflltlng the wagon, the tlrst time
spilling the oecunt eul The second tlme
they being prepared Jumped from the vehicle
and thus averted a secnnil spill.
Miss Clara Heeil, or Wilmington, DeL, I1.1
been en a visit te wme frieud at this place.
IUwllnlll smt Vlclnllj
Kavi.!Nhvii.i.k, Sept. IT. The schools of
this township oiienod with an unusually
large attondance and a full corps of teachers
ready te de a geed winter's work.
The beer exses which had been removed
surreptitiously from tlie Hawlinsvllle hotel
cellar hae been found lu 11 corn Held about
1 mlle from town, near the read, minus
bottles and beer.
Miss Maggie Klnley, ex-teacher, has re
turned te iier home at tlie Cap from a visit
te Mr. V. S. Clarke, or tills place.
Hurry iireneinau has se far recoverod from
his late attack of typhoid tnboableto report
for duty at the telegraph otllce et the Head
ing & Columbia railroad.
W. .Swolgert, blacksmith et Drytown, ha
been oryjew with the typhoid fover.
Ml hurra Huber has been uullerlng for
Heme tlme with a sere arm, caused from u
broken arm when she was a child.
Your correspondent had the ploasure,
through the courtesy of Mr. J. Galen, te
spend some tlme in Lis study. Mr. Galen is
a devoted student or goolegy and botany
ami has ene of the Quest collection of
coins, stamps, fossils, old papers. documents
and relics. He has been at the business for
ten year and i an untrlng collector. Many
thing were obtained through the medium
of exchange aud trade, a Mr. Galen 1 in
communication with many person In thl
liomisphere a well as in the Old World.
Mr. Galen like all men et talent pursue their
work at home unnoticed but by puople at a
distance, aud for that reason plenty of lolksde
net knew of the vastneosethlscollectlon. He
Is very courteous, and persens coming there
te see him cannot help but lie pleased, a hi
llueut explanations add Interest te many al
most unnoticed things.
Headers or the In rKt,r.tOKNt nit should be
evor en the lookout for agreoable surprlses
from that source, as it Beams they cannot de
enough in their minds te please their many
patrons and readers. .Seme time age ttiey be
gan by sending out a single page supplement
onSaturday'scheckfullotthoniiiy. Interesting
kind of matters and en Saturday S-'ith, their
readers wero treated te a two page supple
ment or an olght-pjge paper running evor
with dellghttul reading. ' What will be
Chicago' l'riiieseil Kxteiiftleu.
The preposition te widen the boundaries of
Chicago se as te Include the Important
suburbs of Hydepark, Lake and like Vlew
Is again seriously dhcussed, and It Is proba
ble that before the taking of the next fed
oral census all tlie outlying districts, extend
ing nearly te the limit of Cook county
north and south, aud the Desplalnes rlver en
the west, will be included within the city.
The lines which separate the towns men
tioned lrem Chicago are imaginary, but
their existonce cempels the maintenance of
four distinct Killce Jurisdictions, taxation
bureau and legislative beard. If tlie
boundaries et the city are extended te the
extreme lines mentioned, the city torrltery
will lie eighteen mile long by eleven mile
wide, giving the city u present population of
about WO, 00U
Traits Fur iJtnranter.
Frem the Lebanon Times.
Messrs. Copland it Kckert, the well
known and popular caterers et Penryn
park, last Friday afternoon gave a dinner
te a number of their friends a a fitting
termination of the clew of tlie season at
that beautiful summer resert, en tlie
southern slnpe of the Cornwall hills.
Te these gentlemen lu a great measure
Is due the continuous prosperity of tlie
park, ler their culsine waset the host, their
geed cheer proverbial and their gentlemanly
conduct made it a pleasure te visit Penryn.
They have net only dene their duty lu that
respect, hut they have Incidentally lead te a
better cultivation of friendly feeling botween
tlie people of Lebanon and Lancaster counties.
We hepe te soe thorn thore next soaseu.
I'nr Whom Will Ilia Miner Vete?
Frem thoCemicUuvlllo Courier.
The recognition In his loiter of acceptance
of tlie wrongs el labor, and especially of that
labor employed lu the coal and ceke ti'gtens
of thl section of the state, 1 net by any means
the llrst ovldence Chauncey V, Hlack has
given or his warm personal Interest lu the
cause of that large majority of the people of
our commonwealth who literally earn their
bread by the sweat of their brews. Net only
does he'ncognlze these wrongs, but he earn
estly urges their correction. Here Is u man
who Is net afraid te speak out against the in
terests of capital. The miners and drawers
of the ceke region should make tiote of this.
A lteperter Cenlilileil,
Miss Matule Uarrlsen cowhided Geerge
l.euhart, a local reporter of the Jersey City
Journal, in the olllce el the beard of public
works en Monday night- He had puhllshid
an article accusing her and her sister of rais
ing checks given te thorn by their father, aud
was thrashed en Saturday by ene of their
frlends. Mr. Lenhart is a sonet GeorgeH.
Lenhart, who dled recently In Mauhelm
township, Yerk county. He reslded In Mid Mid
dletewn, Dauphin county, until eight years
age when he became editor of a taper In Wit Wit
Ilamspert. Prem thore he went te Jersey
City lour years age.
Outbreak nl the Hataj-M Frem lleaerra-
lluii In Nurllinet Territory Men, Women
anil Children Murdered and Heuse
"turned Military Called le Anion,
CiilfAde, Kept. 2!). A dispatch from Ot
tawa, Ontario, te the Tribune says
" Werd was received last evening from the
Crew Creek agency, Northwest torrltery, by
the department of mounted jsillce here, that
the llloed Indians from that reservation
have gene en the warpath and are devastat
ing the vicinity lu re onge for tlie killing of
six of their number by thoGresvontres. They
left their rcuiomitlen, se the report stales,
Monday morning, after n war dance, and
wontseuth te Hudsen, N. W. T., wherettie.v
came en a small sottlement of whites, seme
10 lu number, of whom 10 were wemen and
children. These wero all kllled and scalped,
the besieging party carrying etr the scalps as
tmphlosen poles. They then continued en
their way toward thoGresventres sottlement.
Along their tracks wero many farm houses
of settlers. These wero all laid In ashes and
the Inhabitants l'Uled and scalped. Net less
than lnowhttes se far have fallen victims te
the red devils' knlves. Among theso killed
are two lteman Catholic missionaries at the
Crowfeet agencies, whose Isxlles are said te
have lMKn terribly mutilated.
All the whltoset thoiesorvatlon, including
the Indian agent, have been kllled. After
leaving the agency, alieut 30 miles toward
the Amerlcan berder, the Crowfeet fell In
with about 0) Orosveutres, and a dosperato
light ensued. The killed aud wounded en
each slde cannot be estimated correctly, but
It Is bolieved the Crowfeet lest nlne killed
and thirty wounded, whlle evor fifty of
the Orosventres tribe fell, and ene hundred
and tlrty jkhiIes wero captured by the attack
ing parly as well as a large amount of cloth
ing and ammunition. It is estimated by the
department that at least ti',000 worth of
property belonging te settlers have been
burned and otherwlse dostreyod, while U10
less of llfe cannot be accurately calculated.
Twe detachments of mounted police have
been sent te put down the rising, but It Is
thought the whole foree of 1,500 men will Ik)
needed, a the Heckles and Canada Sioux
will join the revolt. Crowfeet, the chief of
the rebellious trlbe, I new en his way here,
aud cannot, therefore, be oxpectod te use his
inlluonce le qulet the Indians. Mr. Caren,
mluisler of militia, wilt te-day call out at
least 'J,000 Infantry and cavalry te go te the
scene or the trouble and assist the meunted
police. In the meantime, until they reach
there, hundreds or lives may be aacriilced
and any amount of prejierty be destroyed.
A goneral rising of the Indians en account of
the gross mismanagement of their afialrs by
tlie elllclals I feared.
Ilelh Charlie, et a Ueuble-IUrrelled Uun Fired
Inte a Man.
MKTitOfei.1, 11L, Sept. Sit. J. Frank
Ilurden, a lawyer, was shot and kllled yes
terday by Caleb Jenes, hi former partner.
Lest spring the wlfe et Jones secured a di
vorce, charging her husband with cruel treat
ment. Shortly afterward she married Ilur
den, between whom and her It was rumored
thore had been loe great intimacy. After
ward It wa said she and Burden syste.
matlcally auneyed Joue. Yesterday Hurdeu
wa passing along the street ope.lto a stere
where Jenes 1 employed, when Jenes
walked out with 11 double-barrollod shotgun
and coely shot Ilurden In the head. The
wounded man loll and Jenes walked
quietly evor and emptied the second barrel
into the prostrate form of his victim, who
died two hours later.
Jones, en belug arrested, said he foil as If a
great lead had been Ukeu nil hi mind.
tmn. Mii.r.v HiAfr ihmuhev.
A htreet I'uraile, llanriiet mill Hall at Albu.
iueriiir .N.s .Mexico.
AMivquEliQli., N. M-, HepL 2J. Gen.
Miles and stall Including Capt. Lawten, wero
present at the great demonstration which
was successfully carried out here yesterday
In their honor. Thore wa a street parade In
the afternoon and u banquet and ball lu the
evening. In a speech after the banquet,
Gen. Mlle said :
" I have llttle patlonce with theso who a
short tlme age said hostile Apaches could net
be subjugated, and since It has been ac
complished, they belittle the etlbrts of the
galluit men by claiming that It was net per per
lerined In a proper manner or that it was an
easy task. Anyway such unjust Insinua
tion, it they have any welght, would rob
worthy men of their hard earned victory and
tarnish the laurels en the graves of the
Hew I'ty Hay Waa Celebrated.
Mkhvi.n'h CeiiNKns, N. Y., Sept. '). Yes
terday wa pay day en the works of the new
croton acqueduct. At shaft two a nogre ball
was held, which toward early morning be.
camu a veritable riot. One negre was fatally
stabbed and his assailant arrested aud ledged
in Slug Sing. In the general melee several
ether ucgroes received dangereus cuts and
broken heads.
At shalt :t the Italians colebratod the day
by getting drunk and havltig a goneral row.
Tlie proprietor or tlie saloon at that shall, also
an Itallau, wassoerely cut lu the abdomen,
and it is foared he can net recover. I! is assail
ant wa also arrested aud takeu te Slug Slug
Jail. The nauie or the parties ure unknown.
A Constable Kilted by a Detective.
Kvansvii.i.k, Iud Sept. 1W. News has
been received hore of a murder committed
yesterday alternoen at Hlrds-Kye, a small
station ou the Louisville fc St. Leuis air line
railroad, prom particulars learned it Is sup
posed that Themas dimming, a constable,
attempted te arrest Alfred II. Kayler, who Is
said te be an lowadetoctlve, wheu the latter
drew his revolver and tlred at Cummlngs,
tlie ball passing through the abdomeu. The
wounded man was taken te a house near by,
where he died in lltleeu minutes. After the
sheeting Kayler ran Inte the woedsandmado
his escape.
Condition nt Illinois Catlle.
Ciuoaeo, Sept. 'Jll. Letters of Inquiry aud
udvicoarepeurlng In en the city veterinar
ians and live stock commissioners regarding
the pleuro-pueumeula outbreak. Governer
Larraheis or lewa, yesterday visueu tue
I'hamlx btablcs,but declined te go the rounds
with the doctors, the sight or the lllthy
place aud one wliltl' or the sickening
ortlers, convincing him, and hoi new de
termined te strengthen the quarantine al
ready existing lu lewa against Illinois
htrlker (lain Their Ilemaid.
Cnii'Ade, Sept. 28. Thestrik, of the box
makers ended last night, the employers con
ceding an advauce in wages ef15 per cent.
A Trea.ury DeiMlrlinent dlecliluii,
The treasury department Ins decided that
tobacco partly stemmed, relleji into packages
and tied at the ends Is sulllcently manufac
tured te be dutlable at the nite of 40 com
nAe of
per pound.
llearlus Continued.
The hearlng of Jehn 8. Nlssley, charged
with carrying cencealed deadly weapens,
which was te have been held en Tuelay,
was coiiwuueu uum next woek.
Mr. Louisa Handenen, Mr. Kather A. Ileyle, of
Thl Cllyi and Henry R. Celin, el Meuntvlll.
At an early hour this morning Mrs. Louisa,
widow of the late Mayer Sanderson, passed
away, surrounded by her children at her real real
dence, Ne. 21!) Kast Walnut street. Who bad
been In 111 health for seme years, and the
cause el her death was goneral debility. Hov Hev
oral yeara age she was obliged te undergo a
sovere surgical operatlen,and she never fully
rocevorod from It. She was the daughter of
Henry and Annie Smith, and was born In
Cumberland county, near Shlppensburg, in
I80.i. She became a resident of this city In
IHI!), slnce which tlme she ha resided hore.
During her whole llfe she wa a momber of
the Methodist church. Of her six children
ene dled In infancy, and theso new living are
William II., Alfred, a clerk In the olllce or
the socretary of Internal allalrs: A. J., a clerk
In the commissary general's olllce at Wash
ington, I). C, and Misses Annie and Mary.
Mrs. Haudorsen was well-known In this
city, and until age and Infirmities came upon
her was active lu geed works. Her less will
be deeply foil, and although the members of
her family were Informed of her critical III
ness they yet hoped that she would be spared
te them for sorne time. The tlme of the
funeral has net yet been arranged.
The Widow of Hie lAte Clee. H. Hejle.
Mrs. Esther A. Heyle, widow of the late
QoergoH. Uoyle, died rather suddenly this
morning at her home, Ne. 012 West King
stroet. Mrs. Heyle was in the 87th year of
her age and was In consequence of her great
age physically Infirm, but her mind was
clear almost up te the hour of her death, and
she passed away as if going into a pleasant
sleep. It may be mentioned as a coincidence
that the death et her husband, which occurred
many yeara nge, was equally peaceful, he
having geno te bed in apparent geed health
In the evening and been found dead In the
morning. Mrs. Heyle was a momberef 8L
James' church, a pious and dovetod Christian
and a warm-hearted friend and neighbor,
Hudden Heatb Frem Heart DUease.
Henry 8. Celm, tollgale keeper en the
Columbia pike at Meuntvllle, dled very sud
denly this morning, from heart disease. He
hail net tieen well for a week or two. He get
up this morning and while dressing himself,
fell te the fleer unconscious and died in a
few minutes. Mr. Celin wa a tailor by trade
and wa aged about 00 years. He had lived
In Mouutvlile many years and had been
f;ato-keepet forniero than a year. Mr. Celm
eaves a wlfe and daughter, the latter being
the wife of Jehn P. Gable, of Mouutvlile.
They Agalu Appear In the Opera Heme le Dig
The Loonze Hrethers appoared in the
opera house last ovenlug for the second lime
and thoaudlence wa large. There was a
change of bill from the previous night and
the drama entitled "Tlie Deg Spy" was
presented. The entertainment wa fully as
geed as the oue en the previous night, and
the audience was pleased. The Ieonze
Hrethers appoared In the leading reles, Victer
assuming no less than three separate char
actors. He acted very well and his sudden
change from black face te whlte face was
wonderful. Harry Loen70 appeared as Jee
Make, the land shark. The trained dogs,
"Tiger" and "Llod," peiferrucd their parts In
a way that secured for them thunders of ap
plause. The wbole cemiany was seen te
advantage. This evening "May's Dovetlon
of the Manlae Mether" will be play oil.
Wlggln Frightened.
Te a reporter in Ottawa, Ont, en Tuesday,
Wiggins said: "I feel a confident that the
storm will occur as 1 de that I will go te
heaven, it is due en the meridian efUalllax
at. 1 p. m. The wind will be south
east at Halifax aud northeast at Quo Que
bee, and the approach of the storm
will be indicated by remarkably high tides.
The greatest strain will be between the
hours et 2 and I p. in. We shall possibly feel
them In Canada, but the worst strain will be
south ei the 30th parallel, and will be espe
cially felt in Central America, north et the
Rie Grande, aud probably in California. If
the storm does net come 1 am annihilated as
a prognesticotor. One final word te the
American peeple: My storm will be ou
Heath ul a Valuable Herse.
Ou Monday a cattle dealer uamed Yarnell,
el Dolaware county, came te Lancaster. He
hired a very valuable herse from Cyrus H.
Celvln and started ou a business trip. Yes
terday he dreve from Coateville te Leaman
Place. Upen arriving at me latter piace me
herse was taken very sick. The animal
gradually grew werse aud dled In a short
tlme. The weather wa very warm aud that
Erebably had something le de with the
erse's death. Mr. Celvln has been very
unfortunate with hi stock, having lest a
number of horses in the last two years.
Sale el Ileal Kiiate.
Samuel Hess, auctioneer, sold at publle
sale en Tuesday for Henry D. Stehman a
farm with Improvements, situated In Cones Cenes
toga township, containing 10! acres and 12
perches, te Henry M. Stehman, fer?209.S0
per aero or J21.020.18 ter the farm.
Henry Shubert, auctioneer, sold at publle
sale last eveniug ut the Cooper house, the
property belonging te the estate of Henry
Wolf, deceased, situated Ne. 123 West King
street, te Henry Yeager, jr., for ?2,000,
City l'retttbltluiii.ts .Meet.
The Prohibitionists met last night in their
regular weekly meeting. Twe new names
were enrolled. Rev. M. Prayne made an
address which wa full of instruction and
was well received. The committee en room
secured a hall in Coiitre Square where the
league will held Its future meetings. A com cem com
mlttee was appointed te arrange for a meet
ing at the time et opening the headquarters
en Prlday evening, October 1st, en which
occasion Leuis Heauchamp, of Ohie, will ad
dress an open air meeting In Centre Square.
Net te Ue Abroad Fer a
Frem a lteman l'aper.
The vlllagoerLadls, In the Tyre), has for
generations ebserved the rule that its maid
ens must net take husbands outside their
own village Nevertheless lately Calherine
Sclirau, regarded a the most beautltul girl
In tlie whole district, accepted tlie proposal
or a suitor from a distant place. The youths
of Lad is resented this as a personal Injury.
Six of them seized her, tied heron a cart and
led her through the village, the ether youths
and boys jeerlug and singing derisive chauts.
ltebbed Their Companion.
Benjamin Hrewn made complaint en Tues
day against Emanuel Stetler aud llenjamiu
Able, bofero Alderman Spurrier, for assault
and rebbery. He alleges that the accused
accompanied him te a band festival at Kast
Willow, en Saturday of last week, that while
there he drank tee nnicn anu weniiosieep,
and while asleep he was robbed el K, a silver
watch and a knife. Stetler and Able were ar
rested by Olllcer Leman, and locked up at
the station house for a hearing.
(Ictebet h In be Arber Hay.
A circular has been issued from the school
department te teachers, school directors and
ethers apprising thorn of the selection of
Thursday, October 8, as Arber Day and asks
for their aid and onceurugomeut In carrying
out its objects. In the opinion of the super super super
lutondeut of publle Instruction it will eventu
ally de a vast amount et geed te the common
wealth at large.
Frem the Pittsburg Chronicle.
A well known east end geutlemau recently
received a note from a man In Allogheny
which read thus : "Dear sir : 1 have seen
your advertlsemeut for a cook for threo days
In the paper. When you get what you want
please send the rest et the girls te me, as I
don'tcare te advertise."
A Geed t'leture.
In the window of A. Rhoads' Jowelry stere
there is a well executed crayon picture made
by Hubley, the photographer. The subject
Is Miss Ida I. Yeutz, deceased, daughter of
Ueorge Yeutz, of the Speedwell stock farms.
cusrxsTius TUHURHUW.
l'recexdlnf of the IlarrLburg ConTecatlou of
the Central Fenn.ylianls lllece.e or the
l'reteUnt !lcepl Church The
MlnUtsr New In Columbia.
Celumuia, Sept. 20. The Amerlcan Hun
day Scheel association wilt held the secend
annual meeting In HU Paul's P. K. parish
te-morrow. The following Interesting pro pre
gramme has been prejiared for the occasion :
10:15 a.m., holy communion in therhurch.
Armery hall 11:1.1 te 12:15 p. in. mlnutes;
annual report ; discussion, 12:15 te 130 p. in.;
luncheen, 1:30 te 2:10 p. in.: model lessen,
teacher, Hev. Chauncey Iangden, X). D.,
rector of HU James' parish, Hed ford; sub
ject, "The Teaching or Advent Sunday."
Text, "The Collect, Kpistle, Gesjiel ; 2:10
te 2:30 p. in., discussion; 230 te 3:00 p.
in., method of catechising in the church of
the Nativity, Seuth Hethlehem ; 3:00 te 320,
P. m., discussion j 3S0 te 3:10, p. m., the pro
posed voluntary examination pf Sunday
school teacher, the Ilev. P. J. Clay-Meran ;
3:10 te -1:00, p. m., discussion : 4:00 te 1:20,
question box, doxology, prayer and bless
ing. Persens desiring te ask any questions
relative te Sunday school work, will wrlte
them en slips or paper and deposit them in
the question box during the morning sos ses sos
Blen. The questions will be answered in the
altorneou from 1:00 te 4:30 o'clock. The as
sociation inltechest will be placed In Armery
InSt-Paul'H P. H. church en Thursday
evenlng, at 7 o'clock, a speclal Instltute ser
vice will be held. A sermon will be preached
by Uev. Wm. H. Oratl, recter of St. Jude's
Sarish, Philadelphia. Subject. " The Elder
cheiars' Place in the Church.'1 The servlee
wlllclose In time for the Yerk train.
Meeting el the ll.rrlnburg Convocation.
The Harrlsburg convocation of tlie central
dlocese of Central Pennsylvania openod their
session in Columbia last evening at 730
o'clock. The opening sermon was delivered
by the Hlght Hev. N. 8. Rulison, I). I)., as
sistant bishop. This morning at 1030 the
holy communion was colebratod, followed
by a buslnesa meeting. The corner-sfeno or
the new St. Paul's church was laid this attcr.
neon by Right Kev. Hlshep Howe, assisted
by Rev. Rulison. Thl evenlng at seven
o'clock, a missionary service wilt Ik held,
and addresses will be inade by Rev. Rulison,
Hev. Albert Hums, recently returned from
China, and ethers.
Clergy In Town.
The following clergy are present in town
this morning : RL Rev. N. 8. Rulison, 1).
D., assistant bishop of Central Pennsylvania j
Rev. Dr. Langden, Bedford ; Rev. L. P.
Baker, St Stephen's, Harrlsburg ; Rev. J.
Graham, Marietta ; Rev. U. Vandyne,Gettys
burg ; Rev. !'. H. Almen, Mechanicsburg ;
Rev. J. Stoddard, Steeiten ; Rev. J. Reebler,
missionary te deaf and dumb.
The following will arrive during the day:
Richt Rev. M. A. De Wolf Howe, D. !.,
Pasterlus, Lykens ; Rev. U. II. Herghaus,
rhainhershurp-: Rev. W. C. Leverett,
Carlisle ; Rev. Albert Bunn, M. D., mis
sionary for China ; Rev. W. H. Oratl, St.
Jude's, Philadelphia ; Mr. Thee. 1'attorsen,
lay roader.
Slowly Improving.
James Lyens and William Sherry, the vic
tims of the terrible cutting affray el last
Monday ovenlug, were visited this morning,
and their condition Is slowly Improving.
They are doing as well as can be expected,
under the circumstances.
ISIectlen el Officer.
The following officers were elected last
night at a meeting of Chlquesalunga tribe,
Ne. 39, of Red men: Prophet, Harry SI.
Sample ; sachem, Win. A. Glesser ; senior
sagamere, C. C. Shure; Junier sagamere,
Albert Charles j trustee, Daniel Retbelser.
Town Nete.
Beuclcault's Shaugbraun company ap
peared in the opera house, last night, te a fair
audience. The company presented the play
in a geed manner.
Gen. Welsh Pest, O. A. R., will go te
Mountvllle en Sunday, October 3, when a sol
dier's burial plot win ue ueaicateu.
Satisfactory settlements will be made be
tween the Columbia band and the three ex
pelled members, who had a hearing last
night, at the olllce of Squire Frank, for re
fusing te turn in band property in their pos
session. The eccontrle el the electric light engine
was broken lest night about eleven o'clock
causing the enclne te shut down and the
lights te be shut ou". The lights wero out
during the heavy storm.
The hoirse attached te the wagon of William
Mullen ran oil from the coal wharves yester
day. One of the wheels of the wagon wa
St. Peter's and SL Paul's societies of the
Catholic church will go te Lancaster next
Sunday te participate lu the dedication of a
Catholic church In that city. The societies
will leave en a special train at eight o'clock a.
m. and will be accompanied by the Werth
Infantry band, of Yerk.
A heavy storm passed ever Columbia last
night lasting until live o'clock this morning.
Thore is a decided change in the weather to te
day. A large glass deer of C. W. Mlnlch's butcher
shop, ou Union street, was broken this morn
ing. .Memerial 10 Ur. Atlee.
An exquisite work of ecclesiastical art
produced by the Gerham manufacturing
company, ha Just been placed lu St- James'
church by the sons of the late Dr. Atloe.
It consists of a large slab of beautifully
veined marble placed in the east wall of the
nave, upon which rests a plate of polished
brass. On each cerner of this plate is a me
dallion In repeusse work, with the symbol
of ene of the Jhely evangelists the ex, the
eagle, the man, and the lien done, like the
ether details, and lettering, in black and
red enamel. Above the centre of the plate is
the Atlee heraldic crest, and below, a Mai Mai
tese cress in raised work, of red beaten
cepper. Tlie inscription is as fellows :
Iblxty-throe years a Vestryman, tlfty years Hec Hec
eor's Church VVarilun. of tills lmrlah. Zealous lu
the laltb ; eminent In his proleaslen ; untiring
in well doing ; lovely In his life.)
The congregation et St. James' are te be
congratulated en this new enrichtnent et
their beautiful church, aud memorial of
their long honored and beloved warden.
CI r eat Hebrew Holiday.
When the sun sets te-day and three stars
have appeared In the evenlng sky the Jewlsh
New. Year at 5,017 will begln. Then the
orthodox house c worship will be open for a
short service, and "tw-juorrevv the regular
religious exercises wilt be held about 10
o'clock lu the morning. It is a great event
and the children of the patriarchs all eyer the
world celebrate It a they have done since the
Moslae era. After au interval et ten days'
comes the most solemn day of the year, Yem
Klpmir or Atenement Day. Then the entire
Hebrew nation, scattered as it Is ever the face
of tbe earth, will fast and bow lu prayer and
humiliation for 21 hours. Pive days later the
Joyous harvest festival of the tabernacles, or
Succoth, will begin and continue for eight
days, closing with the festival et Slmchut
Terab, or rejoicing of the law. Thus tlie
entire month of Tishrl, the fifth month el the
Hebrew calendar, is almost entirely given
up te the memory et the most solemn as well
as fome of the meat joyful events in the
history of the Hobrew nation.
Vlen el the i:athiuake.
S. 11. ahm ha en exhibition at his stere
ou Seuth Queeu street.'a number of views of
prominent buildings of Charleston, as they
appeared atter the eartbquake, They are
wertit inspecting and can be seen by all who
call at tbe store.
Letters Held.
A letter addressed te W. H. Hay, lleyn-
..... Tli. la I.aI.I h. ,1... T .Ana,.... ...... ..! .
for better directions, there belug no such
office in this atate.
bishop of Ceutral Pennsylvania ; Rev. C. P,
Knight, D. D., St. James', Lancaster ; Rev
J. Pratt, St. Jehn's, Lancaster , Rev. A. C,
Powell. SL Jehn's. Yerk : Kev. H. C
Owing te the Itelie! That the Government Will
Have Trouble With Iletgarta.
Londen, Sept. 29. The .S'fanifunl'
Vienna correspondent telegraphs that he Is
Informed by a friend that feelings of uneasi
ness and depression exist In St. Petersburg
te a great extent, owing te the fact which is
new recognized as Inevitable that Russia
will have te deal sternly with Bulgaria,
which country Is new mere hostile te Russia
than ever borero. The czar la extremely
averse te armed occupation or Bulgaria and
reluctance en the part of Russia is also shown
tonamlngacandldate ler the throne, made
vacant by the departure of Prince Alexan Alexan Aloxan
der. Iteientlng KuHla' Interference.
Sofia, Sept. 2'j The regency council have
pested notices containing their pregramme
for the coming election te the sobranje.
Goneral Kaulbars, the Russian envoy,
threatens te rotnevo the notices. The poeplo
are loud In expressions of rosentment against
Russia's nete of which General Kaulbars was
the bearer. Tbe friction against the regency
council and General Kaulbars Is Increasing
dally and completo rupture with Russia may
occur at any moment.
1'ruMla Impelling Hie Vele.
Hnnux, Sept. 2a The expulsien of Peles
from Kastern Prussia continues and large
numbers are compelled te take their departure
dally. The Cologne Gazette montlens the
case of a Polish woman, the wife el a Prussian,
who was compelled te return te Russia be be bo
caueo she was a Russian subject. This, the
Gazette says, is only one case out of hundreds.
Bad Accident In a Comedian.
Vienna, Sept. 29. Uerr Pischer, an actor
whose perforinance of " Ke Ke " in the
" Mikade " has been regarded hore as ene of
the best bits el burlosque acting ever seen
hore, has ruptured a bleed vessel aud is con
fined te the hospital. In addition te this
allllctleu he has become Insane and Imagines
himself te le n real " Ke Ke."
Te HeiUe the May I.w.
IU:ni.iN, Sept. 29. Negotiations are In pro
gress between the Vatican authorities and
Ilaren Ven Schleezer, the Prussian represen
tative, for a final revision of the May laws.
8.",O0O Iteward for an Ktcaped Murderer.
St. Pr.TP.nsnuna, Sept. 29. The Nihilist
chief, DegaJelT,whe murdered M. Sendelken,
commissioner of police, some time age, has
escaped irem prison. A reward of (5,000 has
been offered by the government for his re
capture. Francs Selre Ilrltlah Fishing Hosts.
Havke, Sept. 29. The Prencli authorities
have sobed two English Ashing smacks at
this pert for violation of the Trench laws.
Alderman Spurrier' Court.
The case of nulsance against Emanuel
Hombergor was dismissed for want of ovl evl ovl
deneo. Margaret Shindle has bcen held for a hear
ing Priday evening, en the charges of surety
of the peace and assault, preferred by J. If.
Alderman Spurrier last evening heard
Henry Scheld and Mary Scheld en a charge
et drunkenness and disorderly conduct, pre
ferred by Mary Hoever, of Heaver street.
The alderman considered 10 days imprison
ment In the county Jail a suitable punishment
and lie committed them for that time. Henry
wa also committed te answer a charge of
having inade threats against Mrs. Hoever.
Hae Hall.
The League game yesterday resulted as fol fel fol
lews: At Philadelphia: Chicago 8, Phlladel
pliiaO; at Washington ; St. Leuis 5, Wash
ington 2 ; at New Yerk : New Yerk 3, Kan
sas City 2.
Yesterday the Scranton and Wllkosbarre
club played again and the former wen by
10 te 2. The Wilkcsbarre boys could net hit
Jacob's pitching, while O'Donnell was hit
very hard.
Heb Carutbers. the St. Leuis pitcher, has
retired from tbe diamond,
and fears that he may die if he continues te
The Chicago club has been doing very
badly In the East.
Meeting of Lancaster Claul.
lineaster classls of the Reformed church
convened In speclal session this alternoen at
2 o'clock In St. Paul's Reformed church, this
city, President JJ. S. Slahr, Ph. D, pre
siding. Dovetlonal exercise wero parti
cipated In by theso present. In the
absence of the stated clerk, Rev. Warren
J. Jehnsen was elected secretary pre tern.
The resignation of Rev. J. B. Shumaker. D.
D.. pastor of St. Paul's congregation, was
read, the rolatlea between pastor and people
dissolved and Dr. Shumaker dismissed te
Philadelphia classls. Tlie request of the con
sistory te have the privilege of tilling the
pulpit by a supply chesen uy themselves wa
grauted. After prayer and benediction the
meeting adjourned,
A l'etrllled bhark Toetb.
Benjamln S. Scbindle, et the Xcw Kra,
received te-day from his friend, Edw. L.
Huber, of Charleston, 8. C, a petrified shark
teeth of onormeus size, taken from the phes-
Ehate deposits at Buferd, 8. C, where it bad
een for untold ages. The teeth ia heart
shu(ed aud is about four and a-balf inches
wide across the base and live lnches in length
from the base te the point of the teeth. It Is
completely petrttled, 1 as black as coal and
that part et it which protruded from the gum
is covered with a line black enamel, and the
cutting edges of the teeth are serrated as
evenly as a tine saw. What a terrible mouth
it must have been te contain a whole set of
such teeth 1
l'rlvate Wedding.
Prank G. Paine, a member el the firm of
Heckle it Paine, hardware dealers, Colum
bia, was nmrrled in this city this alternoen,
te Hallle A. Skeen, daughtoref B. F. Skeen.
The wedding wa private, only the families
of tlie yeuug couple being present, and the
coremeuy was perfermed at the resldence of
the bride's parents by Rev. Charles Rhoads.
This eveniug the nowly-marrled couple will
loave for New Yerk aud ether cities en a
bridal trip.
Movement of the Commlf.leuer.
Tlie county commissioners went te Kden
township en Tuesday te leek at the site for a
bridge petitioned for by a number or citizens
of that township. The commissioners have
decided net te build the bridge this season.
The commissioners aud their clerk went te
Harrlsburg today te consult with the auditor
general In refereuce te the atate tax assessed
against the county.
Twe Sheck, nl KrthaaKe at Hlltabetlitewn.
Special DUpatch te the Intklliqenckk
KmzaiiutiitewNi Sept. 29. About 11
o'clock last night two shocks of earth
quake were felt at this place. The
shocks followed In clese succession, and
scarcely had the dull sound dled away when
the buildings swayed sufficiently te ca"SS''
doers aud windows te rattle.
Death t Mr. l HcManu.
Werd was received hore te-day of the death
of Mrs. Patrlcieus McMauus, whlch;occurred
at her husband's residence, Ne. 3212 Spencer
Terrace, Philadelphia. Deceased was about
65 years of age and a very estimable lady.
She leave bosldea ber husband several
young children. She resided in this city for
many years aud has many Iriends here.
Bishop Edmund de SchweinlU, of the Mo
ravian church, will visit the congregation
here en next Saturday and Sunday. He
will attend and address a love-foast of the
Ladles' Heme Mission seciety en Saturday
evenlng ; and ou Sunday morning will preach
the sermon, besides participating in the ether
services ei the church i
en during the day.
Prohibition at Mllleritllle.
There will be a Prohibition mass meeting
Thursday evening, lu front of J, F. Warfel's
confectionery, at Mlllersvllle, Pa. Mr.
I Heauchamp, a very able political speaker of
I Ohie, will address the meeting.
Theiuvands View lb Bedy teHardajr tmtt
day NertlcM In the Pre-OMki
Itequlem Mass Rang By Arehbtahap
i Clergy Frem Far And Near
Thousands Witness the Leng !
csulen te Ihs (Irars,
Special Dispatch te the lirrxLLieiKcsn.
llAitiusnuiui, Sept 29. Yesterday i
neon at 2 o'clock at Sylvan Height the
vlcea commenced, at which Fattier '
J. McBride, fadmlnistrater of the dle
officiated. The serviced were appr
and very Impressing, after which.
precession moved toward tbe pre-cthtdr
accompanied by his relatives, IU pruawi
20 sisters, arriving shortly after 3 e'c
when his body waa at once place4 place4 place4
posltlen te be viewed by all who daalfl
Until 11 o'clock last evening, the hear1
clese the church, many thousand! of pen
nan geno te take a lMt leek at his
which lay robed in reval nurnle. en m MkCl
directly In front or the threne he one
upon ; at each cerner btoed a guard attired kB-.S
appropriate dress, te urge lingering loekf- !
ou te make way for the oncoming; mutt!!
tudes. The body w as thus protected and
'lred and placed In au iucltue position With v
the heed about IS inches above tlie feet,
could be caJlly seen Irem a distance 111 ttMt,
cuurcn, meugn all were permitted te
ciose uy bis body ; going thereto by one
and departing through anether. Many wfctv
nave been taught by him, and loved hint m "Y5B
long aud well, wept at the sight of their j'M
bishop , and were he te them a brother, has- iM
lian.l nf father irrAsfni- ( I I.aI ba-bm. .2
.. w. .H.uw., hiv-tut wuii. tue nuuun
net be.
The funeral obsequle took place from the '
pre-cathedral at 10:30 a. m. te-day, and wen,
witnessed by onormeus crowds. All day
yesieruay anu mis morning trains brought:-
iu visitors from the outlying towns, aadJ
clerical laces were conspicuous en the eltjr '
stroeta. nil
State street was filled at au early hour WlthS
tnese anxious te take a last leek at tbe face of?
the dead prelate, and thousands passed, ta'
anu out el the sacred edifice up te the UM
of the celebration of the renuleui mass. Thmi
dead lay upon a handsome catafalque, nr-'"iS
rounded with llowera. In full eplscepailfi
robes the face wero a peaceuu expression, i
If lu sleep.
Tbe pontifical roquiem mass was celebrated fS
Uv MibI Tfnv 1 T Unan ami. 1.11. m. a "53
Tll.lllAlr.l.lM -tll. ta 1vlArfn..M r Tfe I
vllle, as deacon, and Rev. Kech, of ShameklH,'''
sub-deacon. Hev. McCnllsn. nf ltaltlmnra. Tt
was master nf ceremonies. Tim ATAmtsssi V1
were of a most Imposing character. The Ai
singing was by a choir of priests from PhllM Mj
- --"--- rj
At the conclusion of the mass Bishop Sj
O'Hara delivered a tender and beauUiel'Ss
eulogy et the deceased. The absoluUe:l5
of the body wa then perfenBeaJ
by Bishops Conrey, Gllnieur, . Pheiegi 3
tuiu uuaiiy uy Arcuuinuuu nyau. -lamit
the remains were taken te the heare
in wailing anu me Clerical precession. a.M
parted front the church, proceded by the mi 'A'
ter of coremeules and cress-bearer. Thmh
followed the priests, walking two by two.
Next came the bishops and! finally tneraa
blshen. The nrocesslen moved ud Stale A 1
street, the priestly choir chanting athjr)y
made In the let adjoining Uie Tre-catheareU'Uji
The following bishops were in affl
besides tbe archbishops : O'Hara, of Ben
ten ; Watterson, of Columbus, O.; Kane, of v''
Wheellnir. W. Va.:iPhelan. of PlttabnraMF?
rnnrnv f Alhetiw T V an1 nilmntiw v yj"
Cleveland, e.
Thn fnnaril waa a mnur rviinninnenl anAAie. .
de. and State street was packed with peeri J3
ai U1V UU OOI TJWW. 1UO (juiuiuui SHlK't Jt
ether state dignataries were in aUendsnee, i
and overy denomination In the city mB'j
represented in the crowd that followed th'
geed man te the grave, . : is
wero cf the grandest description. Tbe prisi
clpal design was an Immense base of fleweci
work, abeuttbree and a half feet square. The)
fuinlr. nr ltlrplmat flmila la fVini ftxat alv ftiftkaat 1
In tbe shape of a bishop's mitre. The dealgaT
la made of whlte carnations, choice resea, S'
etc. On tbe front of the mitre are three oval
figures, formed of purple Immertelles, the (
ceiure one ueing amiuiavure crown. ua-;
tbe richt of the mitre Is a shenherd'a creek. :
eight leet In size, and en tbe left band aide a Vv
lartra trcniu a minAph nlfwA rt HnMl Irlll.' -
1UM VTIV3 IUU uueiiuji u, lug DUWHHf J
BlA.iu.jr jt luv )iiuuiuivuiji auu una pimiia.
at the bead et the catafalque. The second
large and beautiful piece waaadeslgn rente '
senting "Reck of Ages." It is three teethlgfc.'
twenty inches in width, in Imitation -eC;
rock work, and a number of steps leedUMt
u n te the font nf n beautiful iresa. Thav
was the tribute of the late Bishop Shanahea'sS;,
fvtamla 1 1, n .natnlmra rt fl.A f'lllwn.. HlikHM.-fn
Fire Engine company, Ne. 3, of thla eltf.-ai
auuiudi uunuiiiui uwiku niu ).)
column, three feet six inches high.
mounted bv a snow whlte dove with nt-
stretched wings ; and a pillow thirty lnehea'fl
wide, surmounted by cress and crown, aadjv
en tbe pillow in purple immertelles tae'-i
loners --1. 11. .-.,' was mu inuuie ui ietijss'-;;
lrem Mrs. Wm. H. Emmlnger, of theV
United States hotel. X very nrae and been
tiful floral barn, en an easel, made et they
rarest bloom te be feuud at this season of the;S
year, was iue gut ui uraucu nuiiainy ui ewwryu
ten. A inagultlcent cress two feet in height,
uie iriuuieui nr. jiiuu AiecK. f-n
A beautirul deslgn was the one contneptea s
by Master Edward Kerns, of East Harrie-Yj
burg. Jt was a liandsome ploeo of Uerel-?
irame-werK, eujii lucues, .uruiuuuimi ujti
beautiful crown, the whole resting en M
easeL These and ether handsome pleeej
showed their exquisite workmanship and
spieuuur 01 uuiuriiig iu nuvHuiitKe, nueu uiq
rays of nunureus ct wax tapers ieu ujxju ?i
1'oiterUcea Fer Democrat.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 29. Tbe pre!-. ,
dent te-day appointed tbe following name
nostniasters : J. N. Davis,- Knexvllle, Ieweti
Jas. Brady, -Washington, Pa.; Gee. 8. Me
iiauiaiO) a u, b v... .., ... ., -. AM
land, tela, Kansas, .
lleduced Rebate en Sugar.
Wasuinoten, D. tt, SeptauTha
ury depart inenthaSjX ."lured a reduoUea
the relt-tKuiwance te be made en ex;
sugar irem 282-100 cents te 200-100 eeuta
pound, te take effect November 1st
Twe Hound Settle a Bet-Te.
Clevklahd, O., Sept. 29, Le BU
"the Marine," and Brady, of Buffalo.
set-te in Curry's saloon this mernlng ''
fight was a one-sided affair, Brady I
knocked out in the second round.
Nearly Unanimously,
Bosten, Sept. 29, Oliver Ames was
inated by accumulation at the
Republican convention for governor.
receiveu uie veies euv ei a iuuu ui nru j. r
New the Oeutest U Keded.
Mahulkhkau, Mass., SepU 29, The
between tbe Mayflower and uaistetu
m '
WAsniNOTOjr, D. u, (eff4w
fk Eastern PennsyUMie, ew,
nri nai aware, fair weather, mm
tlenary temperature, avtkwmlmlfJfWfBi
,. 7V A
V "'it1
- i&Siki&a&'iZLv. e,u,
t. ,. V-Am iiAIAM-
JVeBWbw 'iji-Jf-.-eH-
,. 1 c;jv-.-iitt .-r..ei-V