XMtrwn'WLS- rf'nli-Mr, v.r-n'5.,wrTTmsf,w-.ir Tfr 'W S .,-..... ..- , . , ,. - - ',n-w-vr THE IiANOABTEI; OXlTiY INTMIliIOBNOBB, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1886. itf 1- n i ff , C&. fir- KWf IfU".' 'l &. Vi SSSJi MSA JS.-33 Wi $ Mr , r mv ff't . -r ,Vk - GENCER DAT IX nniTSAB Jteqrfrrf.) i i , trn txnxim A ti. nrr UMMl fSjMTSSfOAJll.LA. Ml tt iMOinn ru. !. it oemrssio aixewwd te iMML nunen oebotio. rJt '-: AUVTMHNO BATB8: I tin. AHwWMkv intelligencer f . . ",""w e tr" WMMHtO Every Wednesday Mormne. -I" ATiiB.MoMitzaerm. ctcss c t, HMe,ASD a corn-ass te non osmse ct roinmcaceuciTSDntoxBTmTrAKTOvTEi KOTATS ABB OOTimiT. Alt AHOHTMOTS LBTTSBS f Wilt BB C0B1UIBSD TO THB WABTS BASUT. J? TH1 INTKLLiaBKOBB, TsAsiUfeneer Building-, Lancaster, .Ps. i.p ss lje amastct intelligence. 'AS j'' jV&NCABTKB. SKl'IEUUKU S3, IS. 1? The Tariff as a Tartr Question. ;, 1. Maxwell Stevenson thinks that ttie tariff Jeetlonisenethat would be better dealt fyma u uivercea irem party pentics ; ana 11 ... i a. nulte common oninlen. Doubtless it k; .',. Si .. Uia.1 tin. Jln.l 3ln. 4 in.i HaTEm" I SO 15I1WISSI SOOI37S Kdui an in ass 44a am Kstbvi Kh l sin w 6( 7f" Ketii. ioe im ism bis e ssssf5B!! .. w in) H skmieiw BlfSki I 450 7 MHO AO 11 SO MM ML "weeks.. ioeo is ee non mm EsteM-. stM tee uoe isev McnHie HwVmSi". soeliooo noe oe 2700 ioe IKe Menth., eew noe seen ou J SP0 'BSmUM" 00 IS 00 88 CO SB 00 HB1 B) V-flise, as it is an economic question upon which men larRely take their stands net . ViJnBen their view of its merits but upon their .tia I... irA ..v I1.nl rt Anrl v luett ul lis ciicb unjii tui-11 iwibj. -tmv rthe party leaders are the chief eiTendersin .Ihis. Thev de net seek te have and te )S. maintain a sound and honest opinion upon 3 ww (arm, uui wuuuiver mcu viuw s, men '-'. srmrMninn Is nnt. in lw controlled 1)V the ';& Weaef party exigency. It is se with all ts laturbeen the snecial feet-ball of liarties '-tweause it is especially adapted by its .ys kaleidoscopic character te campaign & oratory, and as long as it is an issue it will - nr. in nrriiiTiiNi 1 min luuii iru 11 im i mm 1 business of nelitlcs te deal with all Issues. & and whether it is v, ell or ill that it should '&T Is net a practical question. Parties hunt ,j-: ier live issues vriien i"e gu ueiuru iuu jjiglf" people and cannot be expened te keep s?f J lie well if all issues could be presented te if the people in se simple and naked a form Mt that their yea and nay could be gi en with ,' a lull understanding of the matter. There !, is no doubt a great deal of ignorance tekITV abroad unnn Lirifrnnil t.ir nnpstlnns. nnri S f?:t t.hftl: n nnnnlif i1wisAn ntvn If. t-rttilil 1n 'J lllrAlw 4 aw At An IF If stt.1.1 l. wAmlnm.1 mT without party prejudice. But it is a ques- ffijj?. linn trliptllAr if. imiti1 tinf -u ntxwnr- rifihf Wg. than a decision made in a representative 5!.V aBAnnYlir nf i lin ruvnln Venn In fVinrrraea ''AS'Jy WHtwl; .. i-vvv. ..u u uuvv F. v IhA fUQfilta nf flm iltannoelnn mi thiea BrHvr . ' .'. ""- " -" -v. &fBt& MMica uaye uut uccii duuu iuuiue i;uut iul lH leg that they were duly understood, or if gEsST understood, that they were acted upon from an honest consideration of them. The people, though held by party prejudice, are pjjjmpriml as their representatives s, jbmt ue. in it;ir in uiu uinv ivuiu. jw is notable that when the vote is taken upon tariff issues the representatives arrange themselves In it en party lines. But perhaps this is uet te be complained of, either. Government is by party, and in the compromise of view's needed te bring men te act together, it is net likely that the resultant course will be a bee line towards the truth. It is likely te be ap proached in very zig zag fashion, and much like the slip-shed way in which we are get ting at the truth en the tariff issue. AVe will ceme out all right some day, and in deed are getting along all right new. The Republican party talk3 loudly for protec tion and the Democratic party leans toward tree trade ; but the Democrats are by no means for free trade, which is quite an in- mne idea in our present condition, and there is no responsible statesman of the irsL party who proposes damage te the present tv- Manufacturing industries of the country vy tnrewing me gates of its commerce open wide enough te let in foreign manu factures. They propose free ttade in homceepathic doses, such as free raw ma terials for instance, which would be a help te the manufacturers. It is, in fact, only Lte the degree of the capacity of the me tive towards a taking en" and reduction in duties that there is any serious question, however theorists and cranks may talk. That we will get down te free trade some day is most probable, but it will only be when the manufacturing industry of the country will call for it. Se that Mr. Stevenson need net be solid selid tius that the tariff question is net dherced from party politics, or be disturbed at its unintelligent agitation, and be content te knew that his party in its position favor ing a reduction of tariff aud ether taxation in a degree and with a speed that will carefully avoid damage te established in dustries, occupies a stand that the logic of events will prove te be solidly founded. This Is the position in which it is recog nized te stand, and thi3 Is the Issue, se far US the tariff is concerned, betw een the two parties; the Republican party maintaining a position In favor of a higher taxation and tariff. It is a difference in degree, in Tli . wwcu me logic is w hu us, as is easily seen ..V in i.hn slmnliell v nf tlin Uqtie : C. . The nemlexitv comes when tlm iiW u tn , . . - .-... -w ixl m expressed in legislation and when our L.,3attfnVj.Y.es are called en te decide what & .t aa IrW-'!" nun t . ivmi.Ia Kwaucuen 01 tarm auen.e -ui" "w -i! while saving our industries harmless. Tiiey ft. were net quite right te their taste in the 'si last Congress and lacked harmony and "courage needed for the work. Mr. Steven- ,mwu iudeuu uijuitiiiiiier 111 uie ui J Congress, te join Mr. "Wallace and Mr. 'Beckalew.as we expect, as new members, fiathaworket the revision of the tariff, in . Which we hope te see rennsyh ania breu clit ,ite line with the Democracy throughout ,,V the country, from which she lias absurdly , Strayed. Mr. Hewitt says that he found " the work of tariff revision te be Atlantean , -11111 whuuii ui uie jcaiuiuws 01 le-'ilera. , , JMUOusies inat weric sucn mischief must s 1m abandoned, or the leaders will be. Such -?,fally simple matter as the question of , proper rates of duties should net be above v tk powers of representatives who handle 4 Jt with Intelligence, courage and honesty. k Dsys Fsr Irelswl. rr "AH thoughtful students of the Irish s quesuee aav pku ueuviug mu iuvuuuiuk 1 x tM xerns wwarus ireiana, aua the letter elsewhere published, from Tar Tar ncll.te ntirgcrald, foreshadows gloomy days for the devoted sons and daughters of the Green Isle. The government has revealed the design of ltnplacable coercion en the co or u win ter that the rack-ridden Irish tenantry are ill.prepared te face. Their hostlle dec Wen means a large addition te the sum of hu man misery. Hut let us have patience. The wc.iV. tilings of the world nre often chen te confound the strong, and the I'ngliMi gov ernment may find itself wreck ed by its schemoef IriMi tjranny. And I.ngland : should rcmemlK-r that American means iukI American voices will stand Ivtvveen the oppressor and the oppressed. Hkav ku'h llrsl pun hs iiiIwxhI lircv. TittKxamtner apienred In n brand new dress en Monday evenlne which much en hances the Appearance of our esteemed con temporary. The benuly and solidity et the Lancaster press has been long noteworthy through the state, and any wovement leek ing te thelr Mill further olevaUon isentitled te all encouracement. The Kzamwtcr Is an nole oxpeundor of Itepubllcan principles w hlcli naturally leads It Inte frequent error, but Its methods tn the great work of journal ism are essentlally houerable. It Is as fair a fecman as It Is uncompromising In its Re publicanism, and it Is a pleasure te record this recent evidence of Its prosperity. lev nnntv Is cenQdent et his re election asgeneral master workman of the Knights et Laber ; which Is a geed tiling tot that or ganization. Asri.ciAi. meeting et the convention of the Kplscepal diecese of lUten will be held en Weduesday, In bt. Paul's church, t'eutre vllle, Md., te elect a successor te Illshep l.sy, the first bishop of Kten. This will be the liflh meeting of the convention slnce tUe death et Bishop I.sy, Septemler 17, Inm. Kev. Aleiander J. Drysdale,who was chosen te Oil the vacancy en August 20, died almost Immediately thereafter. A name that has been suggested for the honor at every meet ing Is that of Uev. Dr. C. 1 Knight, of this city, if the convention agrees upon him, it would secure a man v igoreus In body and mind and ene of the most progressive and cultured of the Episcopalian ministry. Dr. Knlgnl's selection would be a splendid mode of cutting the Gerdlan knot. rnvMsuv IJ. Gewes- would make a model Democratic candidate for Congress in Schuylkill county. Nvv vt. CoNsmiTTen Wnex has made an interesting summary et the condition of the navy, from which It appears that we have thirty -ene available wooden lighting vessels, ene of which, and the only one of the first class, w ill have te be condemned In about six months. The very best of these ships is al most valueless as a means of defense in case of wir; In fait, if opposed ten wooden iron iren clad,tiiey would be mere death traps for brave men and could be of no mere use than was the Cumberland when it sank with all en beard before theMerriuiac Thore U a re spectable ileet of monitors, hut net one of them is in condition for service, and even these vessels are tar behind the times In guns and armor. Thoefllccr says that there are three Seuth American, two Asiatic, and fifteen or sixteen European powers that outrank us In the efli clency of their nav le, but It Is a pity that he does notglve n list of the European powers alluded te. It would be quite humiliating te be brew beaten seme day by a power of whose cxlstence we were previously ignor ant and an examination of the map et Europe has failed te disclSse mere thau fourteen powers of any naval Importance. Congress has be far sanctioned the I uild lng of eighteen new Bhlps te cost about J20, 000,000, and this will bring our naval euttlt en a level w Ith that of Turkey, Helland and Denmark ; outranked only by the great pevv -ers. In four or live years this lleet will be atleatand we may net be ashamed of our navy, but a naval w arfare Is yet In a transi tion state, we must keep en building if we wish te held our own, and, by glv ing play te thogenlusel inventors, makeup in the efli ciency whit welick In the number of our vessels. Avei.va i.uv of Jersey City has wen un enviable notoriety as the heroine of a cow hide encounter in that town. It appears that a local ropertor had published the story that tM e w e.ilthy y eune ladies or that v iclnlty had raised checks given them by thelr father. A young man had argued with the reporter be forcibly that an action for assault and battery was the rasulL Though no names were mentioned it was known that the Mlsses Gannon wero the ladies accused and Instead of publishing a denial ev er his signature the fatherappears te hav e encouraged hisdaughter te take a course met unbecoming te any woman when her natural protectors are at hand. When the duel, with its hollow "cedo of honor" wasan established institution, s young lady neted for modest bearing and geed breeding was insulted by a man who was a famous duelist, n deadly hhet. She knew that her brother and father would be killed if a duel should fellow and he Bhe said net a word te any man but sought the rascal en the public street and administered n cowhide caress that all applauded, lint In these days when the duel Is a thing of the past the cow hide should fellow it Inte oblivion; nnd In a community whero law and order rule no violtnce can be applauded or sanctioned. Aud men should net allow thelr gallantry te cloud their sense or Justice The Amazons wero dangereus enemies because their sex w as a shield that lessened the strength of the blows that they parried, but it was been found that warrlerH must te treated as warriors In whatever guise they come. Se blows aimed at the dlgulty of jus tlee must be rebuked as sternly w bother given by nnn or woman. PERSONAL. CiiAinvrANlU-vsiu, isln Washington. Hen. V. II. MtUeuviicit, lnemlter of the lower house of the I'Jerida legislature, is vis itlug his relative, Mrs. M. A. McCerwlck, el this city. Justin- McCvutiiv nnd Mrs. Campbell l'raed are Jointly writing their new novel, "Tbe Ladies Gallery," en their visit te this country. Sicnr.TAitv Wiiitni.v, asked what he thought of the Democratic administration, said : Where the Old Man sits, there Is the head of the table, nnd all hands have found It out by this tlme." Jehn Estkn Ceeur, the nevelNtand liis liis terian, died at his residence In Clarke county Virginia, en Monday. He wrote many novels the scenes of which were laid in the Seuth. His last important work was a life of General Lee. KuvTlcrNVilvS. Weiwtma-nNj D. I)., yen;, tary te Archbishop ITyaO.nS ciiahcorler of the archdiocese, is apekeu of as being tbe most prominent candidate te succeed the late Bishop Shanahan in the diocese of liar rlsburg. Mit.CirAH.lt. Je.vf.v, editor or theChnr theChnr theChnr lotte (N. O.J Olisei t cr, projxvses te run for Cengress en the platform that he with a Georgia swivel plough and n two mule team will, for (10,000, terrnce the state capitol grounds, for w hlch work f 150,000 has been ujipreprlated. Guv. Goiiuen-, Democratie candldale for governor et Georgia, Bays : Tlie Seuth Is uet halt as pelltittally inclined as it used (e be, Y'eu knew our uoenlo are natural nellti- claua, but the nexwsitlen el our new condi tions have made them pay mere attention te tueir planting and gathering than In these days when they bad Homebody te work for ,iV,R?lV.i.,.l:reN,,lUOJW'uliir Science MuntMy.l Kht for the theory Uiattbecem lng man will be a toothless and hairless creature. He llnds, as the result erhls observations tin te the present time, that "in most et the Eastern cities fully 80 per cent of the men ever thirty years of age show unmistakable signs of baldness, while uearly 20 per cent, have spots en their heads Uiat are net only bald, but actually polished with gloss thst is supposed te belong toextrenieeldago alone." KhV. llew.vnn T. WiniUMHK'n resigna tion from the pastorate or Hie Helered Dls Dls clple llpiacepal clmrch, Philadelphia, has been rcnuestnl by the vestry of that lietly, Ixvnu-e he has violates! llie canons et the Protestant l'plsoeiwl chun li w hlch ferblil the marriage of nnviliiirch hhmiiIkt w he has re ceived a ilocreo of dlvnrre en any ethor Kreunds thau thst of breaking the Seventh cenunandnient, lr theiccend nmrrlftfie takes place while the divorced wire Is slllt alive, Thk iatk JtrteK I.vnt en, et Philadel phia, was prudent and pious man, as this ilaue of his will ahews: "I request my executer te Incur at my funeral no oxpense net absolutely required. My iwtate Is small, Btid my wile and ihlldren should have every ilell.r ter their support, lt no fln prlde dictate ostentatious ilipla, for after the soul departs from the body It "matters llltlawliat becomes et that imdy, e tliat It Is decently burietl. ded will pfetix t tlieiluM and en the resurrection dav gather together ami recon struct It according te his sovereign tile (1Mb chapter 1 Cor. )." iir.vfti tn unit The Camllilite of the I-aber r-rtj ler Vlsyer et eir verk. Henry (.eorge has been nominated for mayor of New . erk by the Usber party, and the'eentest Isdeslgned te be a particularly in teresting one. Mr. l.eerge, whoe works en " l'recress and poverty " or at least its theory of the nationalization of land, is familiar te everyone w he fellow s economic discusalen", counts en a desperate struggle, but he hss full faith in his party, which he believes w ill seen control a majority of the votes cast In the city of ew Yerk. At a meetlm; held in Irving hall, New "Verk, seme time back, where Mr. iieorge ad drowsed an audience of four thousand people, and many were turned away, he was received with great applause. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Central 1iberl nlen. In his address Mr. deorgeaald that In J England six hundred years age laborers worked but eight hours a day and were far better en then than their lellewa are new. The theory of Mr. tieorce Is that the soil be longs te the people Irrespective of the rights of these who happen te possess itas indlv iduals. During a reient visit te England Mr. l.eerge was rectived w lth ereat enthusiasm and his lectures were, at first, well attended, but the Interest in hlui and his peculiar views seen died out. As far as the labor question geea Mr. Geerge is mainly in the right, but he does net voice the sentiments of the Amer ican people when he advocates the distribu tion of property. In concluding his address at Irving hall, Mr. Geerge said : The work werk ingman labored that he might net Btsxve. The speaker believed that the world would be richer if man w orked less. 0110 hour's w erk would be en ugh. It that seemed preisx. toreus, he asked his hearers te think of the agencies waiting en xmn's Intelligence. The Intelligence that produced a telegraph could produce a social condition in which no one would le overworked and no one would le peer. He also said that the railroads should be run by the authorities and workmen should ride free, "aland together, but ask yourselves the itmscs of the things of which veu complain and determine what te de te remove them. Once make sure your right and then raise the cry of the I rench lie public 'audacity 1 audacity! !" Wuuteil An I-rtliiUkr. "Oh, Mls Hreun, who was that very homely jeunglady you were with this al al al torneon T"' . " That, sir ' That was my sKter." " Oh ah 1 I lieg ten thousand pardons ! I ought te have noticed the great resem blance' That is -that Is " Then he w ished an earthquake w euld hap pen then and there, j Met ICeuutrkahlt In Its effects, and most uelei In Us application the fragrant bOOIONT hxs become tb most pepularllentiMce in existence. 1H mini una praised by rv ery body W enderful conjunction Ked Star Cough Cure forcelils. St. Jacobs) Oil for pain-. ai'KOIAL HUT10E8. A rxvket for Indigestion, ( onsnmpllen, Djs Djs pepsla. Weakness, tever, Agm, etc., Lolilen's Llijuld Ikif Tonic slO-lwdtedAw AS LMOUrU.NAIh 1'hUiOS. The most unfertunatn rxrsen In the world Is one afflicted with kick hcidacbt, luittht) Kill he relieved at one u b) u-lnir Dr 1 cilic s Sp dal Prescription, bio udTcrtUcmcnt In another column. (i) WILL ou HUKH-MI with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint T bhlleh's V Itallzer Is giiaran1 teed te en re jeu. ter sale by II. II. Cochran. DreggUt, Ne. 1S7 North cjuecn street. lluchlen's Arulca Halve. The I'-mt Salve In the world for Cuts, Uralses, Benis, Clruns, Salt Khetim, faver Beres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Hkln Krnptlens, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required It Is guarantied te glve p rfect satis satis tacUen, or meney refunded. Price a cents per bei. rer sale by II. II. Cecnran, Druirglst-lJi and IS) North Ciueen street. Lancaster. Pa. CKOUPWHOOPIM. COUGH and Ilrenchttls lmnicdlaltly rellevidby ShllehsCure for sale by 11. U. Cochran, DruggUt, Ne. IS) North Queen street- BHILOIl'd CUIIK will Immediately rtillove Croup, Whooping Cough and llrenchltls. for sale by If. 11. Cochran, Drugglu, -Se. 137 North Queen Btrett. Tlm IinriendliiE Danger. The n cent statistics of the number of deaths show that a large majority dle with Censumiv tlen. '1 hU disease may temmence with an an part ntly harmless cough which can be curi d In stantly by Kemp's Jlalsatn for the 'lhre.lt and Lungs, which Is gu irauUi d te cure and relluve all canes. Prlce fm cents und 11. Trlnl n r irer wile by II. II. Cochran, drugplst. Ne 1J7 U..U WUIUU BllUUU w-iwuaiiw Vl WILL VOU entith vhnn Hhiini.i.f- will give Immediate relliit Price lu cu . &u ct . and II, Fer mle by II. 11. Cochran. Druirilst Druirilst Ne. 1S7 North llueen street, vu,nr'", 'ruggiai. A Very Narrow Kscape. "Vcs, 1 bad n very narrow escape," said a preinlucnt citizen tea frlc nd "I was con lined te my bed for a j car and my friends gav ine up lera censnmpttve's grave. uiilil 1 iMgnn using Kemp's ltalaam for the Threat and Lungs, and here lam, sound and h art y." Prlce Mw. and II. for Bala by JI. II. CiK.hrancDinggUt.Ne. 137. North Queen street, Lunyider. l ' ' 8IIIL0II'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us en a guanntee. It cures C'nnsumi C'nnsumi i',enJ.Jfr.aal" l,y " " Cochran, Druggist, Ne. IS) North Queen street. VViiK the bcalp Is annoyed with daiidrutr. (ile.nnN Sulphur 8e.ip will I,) found Infallible inn a jiair Kje, macK or ureHn, liny ci nts. slo-fwdeediw Jlrnce I p. "ion ure felling deprrssetl, jour appetite Is peer, jeu are betbend with headache, ) ou are rldgut j, nervous und generally out of sorts, nnd want te truer up. llrncuup, lint net Itli slim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for thulr basis very cheap, bad whliky, and which stlmulate jeu for an hour, and theulutve you In werse condition than betnre. VV hut you want Is un alteram e that will iiurlfy jour blCHHl, start heallhyactlen of the Llverand Kid neys restore jour vitality, nnd give renewed iiiaitnunii nirengin. eucnii meiucln Ine you will Unci ia Klectlle Hitters, und enlv u tenia a but' tie at 11. II. Cechruu'a Druuiblern, 1J7 and l-XH North Qiieeu btriet, Luncestei, Pa. (J) GATAUKH CUltKD. health nnd sweet breath secured, by Millien's Catarrh itamedy. Price DO cents. Njh1 Inlecter free. Fer Bale by JI. li. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 13) North Queen su-oet. THAT1IACKINO COUdll can be se quickly cured by Bhlleh's c'nru. We gu irunlee it. Fer Bale by 11. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. OTOKAGE iBD COMMISSION WARBnOUBH. DANIEL MAYKU, aeeHyft H0..W West ChesUut Hlrsst. MEntVAK SIMMONS' hIVr.lt KKOUIjATOK. St L 1 Ri If j our MrcrUeul or order, then jour whole system is deranged. The bleed Is lmpim tlm hnuilh etrentltit, oil have luudiclus leel Ian KuUl, dispirited and ncrv ou Te piv t nt a meie serious condition, take at once S. L IL If jenlendascdrntar) life or s 11 n"or with HUV HUV ney auVclleiit, avoid stimulants ami take 8 1 . 11. Sure te relieve. If jeu have eaten an) thing hsnlef digestion, or fist heavy after meals or sleepless nt night, take . U It, nnd jeu will feel ulleved and sleep pleasantly. If J en are a miserable siureti r with lenstlpn lien, 1J nn'p.U and Ulllemiuss, sttk lellt f nt once In S. L. It, It does net r quire ceullnuil dosing and cesU but u trifle It will cun s en U you wake up In the morning with a hitler, bsdtaste In jour mouth, takeS I. It Itrerrvcts tlm bilious stomach, awvetetts the Im ith mid Cleanses tae turrcd tongue, Simmons Ltvrltegulaterlsglen lthUcly and the hspplest nsulls te the most delicate In fand. 'or all diseases tn which a Isv vtlv e, nl ter-vtlvoerpurllvotsiuei3et It will give the most pertect satlsfictlnn. It Is the rheapfst, purest and beat Faintly Vledlelnetn the world. QH I MY HACK. Kvery Strain or Celd "Attacks that Weak Hark and.Ni.aHy l'nxtriUs jeu. 1'hjilclaus nnd DragglM Hecomineinl BROWN'S IBM BITTERS! AS THE BEST TONIC. Strengthens the Muscles Meudles the erv es hunches the llloed. uuvs N Viger 1'R. .T 1. Jlvtns, llkitneld lsl ss "llrewn's Itvn llitttrs Is the, Issi lmu viisll line 1 have known In m J!' s us pnictlie I hive found It sjHcHlly tienefii ls,l tn m rvouser physical vvhaustlen, ami In all d I il it itln all mentsthnt lOAr se heavily en the ttj-lim. I e It fns!l In my own family. Ma. W. . Urewy, M; Main slrcet (.evliu-tnn, Ky.sajs "I was completely hrekui down In health and troubled with lvuns 111 nij luck llrewn's iron Hitters enttrelj tutored me te health." Miss I.imi Hrbssa-v, "VUi! toete avenue, St. LeuU. Me , says "1 Buttered with splnsl w-ik nes. pains In my back and slis pU nights 1 tried every conceivable remedy without much benefit, tour bottles et ltrewns lixm Hitlers run e rviiev eu me, nna I cnveriuii) ncommeiiu It." The genuine has Trade Mark nd ciesed nsl lines en wrapper. Takoneother vhuleenlj b MtOWN C11KJ1U L HU (S) luilllineiv, Md. pLY'S CKEAM H.U.M. CATARRH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM Dives Kellef at Once and Cures COLD l.N HEAD, CATAKKII, lit. rKVKU. Net a Liquid, Snnff or Powder t rce from In jurious Drugs aud Orlenslve Oilers A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable, l'rtcu te cents al druggists Dy tnall, reglst'-red. tct.Clrcular tree. KL llltOS, Druggists Oseg, V JuljSHj-cedAlyw G KAY'S SPECIFIC- MEDIUM-. THEOltEAT F.NOL1311 UEJIKDV. An nnlaUlng cure rer Irapeu ney, and all Dis eases that fellow Less or Memery, Universal Lassitude, fain In the Hack. Dimness el V lilen, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a l'remature Orave. ffull particulars In our pamphlet, which we dealre te send (roe by mail toneryene. -The Sp'ClBc Medicine U sold by all druggist at 11 per package, or six packages ter t or will be sent frw by mall ou the receipt el the money, by addressing the agent. 11. II. tOCUUA.N, Drnggtst, Sole Agent, Nes. IS and 1JU North tluecn htrevt, lincaster, Te. On account of cenntnrfclts, we have adopted the Yellow V rapper ? the only genuine iiuuiui jir.wicM. co, apS-lydAw Hutrale. N. V . piXUAPSTED VITALITY. EXHAUSTED VITALITY THKSCIKNCKOr LIK, the great Medical Werk of the age en Manhood, Surveus and Physical Debility, Premature Decline, hrrorsef leutb, and the untold miseries consequent thereon. ) pages 8ve. 13 prescriptions ler all (Ureases. Cleth, lull gilt, only II i, by mall, sealed. Illustrative sauiple tree te all jeung and middle-aged man for the next Kldajs. Address Dlt. W . If. PAKKKlt, 4 Uulnncb street. Ilosten, i Mass. myl'lyredJkw TORN KEMOVEK. YICTORU CORN IlKHOYEi.. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the most ebduratu corns, hard or tett, without pain. Sold hy Uee VV Hull, Ches. A. Lechor, Jehn li. KaulTman, Dr. W m. w onn enn ley, And. U. Krey, Chaa. J. Shultnyer, andat ' liEUllTOLll'S DUUU 8TOKK, declMyd Me. tul West Orange St. B AliLKY MALT WHISK PERRINE'S 1'UltK I!l:l.Ki IALT WHISKY, inSPKPSIA.lNDH.KbTIO.Vand all wailing diseases can be entirely enrel by It. MALAUIA Is completely eradicated from the sj stem bj- Its use. 1'KUUl.NK'S PUKh IIAKLL1 MALT VVHISK1 revives the nnrglwef thoseworn with excesstv e bedllj' or mental cirert. It acta OS a SAKKUUAKD against eipesurt! In the wet and rigorous weather. S3-TAKK part of n wlncglassfuleii jour ar rival home alter the lalmrs of the da and the same quantity before your breakfast, lltlng chemically pure, It commends Itseir te the med ical profession. WATOH TBE LABEL. Nene genuine unless bearing the signature of the flrin en the label. M. & J. S. PERRINE, NO. 37 NORTH FRONT ST., PIIILADKLPH1A soptll-Ciiued uituvxjtina. HIGH GUADE COFKKEH. Vine old tleve.rnmcnt Java and Mecha CeneOB, the best In the market. Our Java Wen. ded C'otrce speuks for itself t rich and fragrant, ISic. rwr pound. Very fine Plantation Hte Coffees, our best only 3b. per pound; ene very popular at 15c Weaut you leeall and try our I'Xc CorTee. The excellent quality nl our Ceilees and fine Teas Is making friends fast and firm. Our dally Bales show u stoeily Increase. rresn ueastea every day. A full Hue et fancy Urecerlei. Please gfve us a trial order. KIT OKO. WIANT, Ne. 113 West King Street. angX-lvd AT HUKSK'H. The Queen Syrup Asadvorllsedat tliolate lair: It Is a geed nrtl de Try It Klve Pounds Hest Lump Starch forZWeiits. Six Pounds lioed C'urellua lllcu ter J cents. Soaps, Soaps, Seap?, Well reasoned Cincinnati Olive cheap, by the box t also, llabbltts, Miller's llerax und iiiliueu ether varieties. HONEY, HONEY, HONEY, Kine Comb Heney In two pound frames ler nice Heney bj- the quart, verj' hue Call ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, IsANCABTKII, rA. -Telephone Connection. jfjttticr. T 11IK SWIFT HPK01K1U COMPANY. Tried in the Crucible tO.iO. About twenty j ears age 1 discovered a Utile sere en tur cheek, and thodec ter proneuncod H cvicer. 1 have trhsl a nmnboret physicians, but without nssdv lng any ponuaneot lne. I1L Among tlm uuintier were ene et two spielallsts Thomedlclno they applied wn llke lire te the son, causing Inlenseiinlu. 1 saw a statement In the papers telling what ... had done for ethers similarly mulcted. 1 piocured some nt onee. llefore I had used the second bottle Iho neighbors could notice that my cancer was healing up. My general health had been bad ler two or thrve Jears-l had a hacking cough and spit bleed renllminlly. 1 had a sev em pslu In my brtvvsU After taking six bottles of . S.9. my rough left me and 1 grew steuterthsn I hadbeen forseveral jears My cancer has healed ever all but a little spot about the sle of a half dime, and It Is rapidly disappearing. I would advise e eryone with rancor te give 8. S S a (air trial. MUS NA.NU .I.MiCOVAtlUlllt., Ashollieve, IlppecanoeCo, Ind Kbhri art If. IvsV SwllfssiMclrlclsenllieI vegetable, and seenis te cute cancers by forcing out the Im purities trem the bleed Tnnltse en lllixnl and Ssln lllseases mailed trtsi sJl IjdAw 1 UK SH ITT Sl'KCl 1C til , llrawer S, Atlanta, Ua CLOAK T in: m: ci.evk uv it PEW GLOAKBilZUR Jeseph L. Rau & Ce., WW, 138, U0 N0UTH IJURKS STUKKT, 11.. O'W IX 1 It' ).11n WITH .1 .Nt'l'.'A'J COI.I.KCTIOX OF LADIES, MISSES' -VM- CHILDREN'S j Wait for OPENING DAY, which wilt be Duly Announced. JOSEPH L. Nes. 136, 138, 140 HATS, N i:v st i.r.s. TYYi FILL STYLES ARE FERD. W. D. STAUFFER & LEADING FASHIONABLE HATTERS, Wohive the 1-argcu 'tee of NKVV TALL RTV l.hS in trlir AND 8ILK II ATS ever Shown In Laneaiter. hole Agents for K.NOV, of .Sew V erk, and WILCOX, of llosten. SCHOOL HATS AND CAPS lerchlldren. In alt the latest stylesat UIWHI PltlCKa. UUI11IH'. COATS ter lien and Heys. UOl.l-s, i.l.OV KS.TKUNKSandTltAVKHMl 1IAUS S.-U1V t. US A CALL.tS W. D. STAUFFER & CO., (SI1ULT A ltllOS. Net. 31 anil 33 North Quwii Street. JBWMhBUr, JtO. H. . HIIOAUH, JKWKI.KH. Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept. is Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine ard Complicated Watches, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism. H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. UOUMMWUMJflMBIMa mOODM, s HIKK'H UAKFKT UALI. CARPETS ! KBUPKNINO Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared tn show the trade the Ity. WILTONS, VKLVJCTH, OUA1N CAUPKT8, DAMASK and VKNKTIAN own manufacture a speciality . Special Attention A1SOS J nil UDBOI UlilUbUf UOt aut hlhttealn this city. WILTONS. VKLVJCTH, all the Trad lag Makes of IfODV ANDTAPJtSTB UKUH8KL8. THKKK-PLY. All-Weel and Cotten Chain KXTUA 8 UPK 118. and all analltles of It SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. Weat King and Water Sta., Lancaater, Pa. mnvvATiuNAu TUKMDAY, WKDNEHDAV AND I'llI IA1 KVKNINOS for Instruction at the LANCASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Meet for organization en Monday, Oc toner tth. Kveulngs spent prenuihly here. Largest L'ass In attendance dining the ' Day (tensions " slnce the organization of the school. Jlest ltghled, best ventilated, Ixj.st heated and meat eosy-ef-ai cess school rrxims In the city. Large evening class already cm oiled. Apply te II. C. WKIDLKU. hStfd Ne. 10X Kest King Street. S WITHIN C. KIIOKTLinen'H AOAI). KMY tell YOUNG MKN AND ItOYH. MK DIA, PA., U miles Irem Philadelphia. Vlxed prlce covers every oxpenso. eveu hooks, ete. Ne extra chargt-s. Ne Incidental expunges. Ne ex amination ter admission. Twelve experienced teachers, all men, and all graduates. Bpeclel op portunities for apt students te tut van oe rapidly. Special drill for dull and backward heys. Patrons or students may Helt ct any studies or c hoene the regular Kngllsh, Scientific, Uuslness, Classical or Civil Knglneerlug course. Students fitted at Media Academy ure new In Harvard, iale, Pf nceten aud ten ether Colleges and Polytnch Pelytnch nil Schools. 10 students sent te college In 10, 15 in last. ID In JSM 10 tn Itufi. A graduating class eitry vear In the commercial department- A P lyslcal und Chemical Laboratory, Uymnaslnm and Hull Ureund. IfiM vels, added te Library In 1&I. Physical apparatus doubled lu lt&l. All rtudents beard with the principal. Heys can room nlone. Media has seven churches and u temperance charter which prohibits the sole of Intoxicating drinks, for new Illustrated circu lar address the Principal and Proprietor, 8 WITHIN C. 8HOUTL1DOK, A. M., augS-lmd&w (Harvard Clruduale Media, Pa TVfY 18.00 TKKTII AHK AH GOOD AH Its. can he purchased lu Lancaster ler 113 ou. Cell and be convinced. AH work warranted. Uh ftdtnlnhtUired. W.L.riSUKU'8 Dentist. P17 iyd ke. W Werth (jueen Street, Tried ia tbe Crucible 1IAC7 AK. OLOAKS, CLOAKS, OLOAKS, OLOAKS, OLOAKS, OLOAKS, Oleakfl, Oleaks. RAU & North Queen Street. CO., septa Bind VAVB, C CO., 3 OLD STAND ) Lancaster, Pa; A Full Line of the " Birth or Menth Stonea " Mounted te Suit Your Particular Fancy. Jewelry. CARPETS ! Largest and Hest Selected Ltne of Carpets ever ex. all the Trad lag Makes of llODV ANDTAPJCSTHY PKUB, and all qualities or IN. CAUPKTU. KAU and CHAIN CAUP1CT8 of our paid te theMannfactareef CUSTOM (JAJtPBTa. lUOB, WINDOW BUADXS.COVJlttlsKTa.sia, AT- jn&ttea CCLCX. T H.MAHT1N, WHOLBSAtS ABO KIT A It. DSAISS IS All Kinds of Lumber and OeaL SWY audi Ne. 4 North Water ana lTlnes BUeets. above Lemen. Lancaster. nS-lyd TAUMUARDNKRH JKKKKRIKH, COAL DEALERS. orttes : Ne. 129 North Queen street, and Na K North Prince street. Yards : North Prince street, near Heading Depot. LANCAflTJCU.PA. augl&-tta TJKMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Ceal Office te Ne. IM NOUTU yilKK.N Bl'ltKhT (Urlmmer's New Huildlug), where orders will be received for Lumber and Ceal. WHOtSSAtl Asm SITAIU rnS-tld M. V. B. COUO. jCJAHT KND YAItD. 0. J. SWARR & 00. OOAL. - KLNDLINa WOOD, anm i He. 9) GKNTRB 8QUABK. Beth TSJll and otnee connected with lelepheue JKxchingt) DMT UVUDB. r Flannels and Weel Dress Goods, Yeu will find Hest (loeds and bottom 1'itcfi AT TUB- North End Dry Goods Stere. J.W. IIYIINK, BOTMya Ne, J-JJ Nerthlluean street. J ATKNT FA !.! GOODS. STAMM BROS. & CO., Neb. 26 nnd 30 North Qttoen Bt Have lteeled Case alter Case of Latest Fall Goods, Our shelves am net only groaning under their Immense weight, but have nt timll) given nan). te reduce their weight we otter Iho following BPBOIAt. DRIVES. All-Weel Camel's llalr Suitings, sle. n yard All Weel Camel's llalr Suitings, In Cemblna Hen, J ard and a list I w Me, VV . a j artl. All the new colors In Silk nnd Weel Mixtures SUk and Weel Plaids and Stripes Tricot, Max eny, Creteld, Cashmote Tnllls, C leepatra and Haiquelle Suitings, AT LOU PlUChS. bosten"store. SsfSlore een Monday and Salunlay Kven lngs J. KOIVl.Kll.i CO. Closing Out Sale 1 JOHN 9. QIVLBR it (JO , Are I'rwlllrely Selling Out their Ku tile SUh k lurgaln us lu I i Kver Depait liieiil or i:i:ad cis. JohnS.Givler&Ce,, lr (loeils niiiH'itrprt Heuse, Ne. HO Bfwt Klnn Btroet, I.AHciiSTii, Pa. P S nlngs Stere open Alendty nnd ss.tnrdsy e J. li. MAHTIN .V CO. OPENING LADIES' Eall and Winter WRAPS, -1N- NowmarketB, Bouelo Jaoketa, Plttah OeatB and BftRlrvna. A LSO Misses and Children's - COATS. Havoleoka, Nowmarketa A: Jnokets. Large Stock. - LewPrict3s. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. West King & Prince SU (Opposite atevens Heuse. I Laneastku. pa. win ma aud liuvuuji. A MEIUUAN WINJS. GRAND DISPLAY or American Wines. The following is from the report nf the Judges en Wines at the Lancaster County Agricultural Association fair . We dslre te make special mention of II K. Blaymaker's large andeli gunl exhibit nt Domes Demes tie Wines, produced by the Pleasant Valley Wine Company, of llhelms, mention county. New Yerk. Their Hpeclal Uriat Western Kvtnt Dry and Ureal Western Kxtra Dry. Champagnes, Pert, Claret, Dry and Swut Cutauba Wines, which we consider, compare faverubly with Im- periea nines. wii.ijia.ii a. sieuitfjs. I!. ritANh llltKNKMAN, A.1UKSTAND. WATV11BB, TTTATUIIKH. Lancaster Watches In Geld, Silver and Nickel Cases will be sold at a UKKAT HKDUCTION. Alse, Klgln, Walllmm IAnrera for which 1 am Sole Airent). and ethor irst-Class Watches. Hest Watch and Jewelry Bens! ring. stsTCerrect time by Telegraph Dally. L. WEBER, IS0X North Queen 8L, Near Penn'a. U. 11. UopeL HpecUcles. Kycglassej and Optical (Joeds. A kinds of Jewelry. MOTiena. lKNT'H FuiiNlHIlINd HTOHK, E. J. ERISMAFS Gent's Furnishing Stere, NO. 7 WEST KING STREET. nJtZ,i,. XT Stere epn Kycry Kvenleic czcept Sunday I U .ti 5? ', -y r sVw