- tm ? t " i: THK MYftTKNt or uric I walk through tbe streets, t leek up at tha sky, I knew no lnnre than a babe nt the breast i I tremble mid thrill with vague unrest Te get nt the heart of llfus mystery. What iloe It avail thai my theughta go out through the trackless wnstoef a star gemmed aMCO, If they bring nothing buck te my dwelling, (iln en Hut flgiiicntMif error and llguiontsel deulill Hew de 1 knew that the vanillic it anil dead llavnhiillded them homes en thalcalui azure nca? What In thn fallli of another te mat Ycf.hewcan 1 lira It Ultra net by bread t Oh I net for myself theso hopes and Ihese foam, 1 think of the Uvea that went out long age 1 think uf Urn grave tliatnte tuuliir tliesnnw, " And recompense nook ler the value of tears." 'the lips thM have kissed and the hearts that havn bled rer nther tern hearia. Anil I hey wlmlnade rh)ine, And all the great nutathatmai rung chimes Ihioiighlhe Invmorihe raco-lfcey have dlcu. Are they dead t This tKjdy, te Inlrlcatel Hear de we knew That thn fair human llower matured by thn Impregnate by lere-may net yield the hltth O a soul hrmigh the pang, of Ita Infinite wee I y0ni the llotten Ttnnterlpl. lUantlfylng tha Hklii. rrein the southern California Practitioner. lullie workemllaoaaoaof the akin wilted by I'rofcwer von 'Ioihsmeii, Dr. Ilelntlch Auapltr, of Vienna, tnakea the fellow Inu. el Mirtallena upeu tliti Biitijoet : AtieaHhy Integument li net mictaaarlly beautiful. Kvpii If nil roiititrertiout concern ing diet, roMiIenccH, aliutwpliorle anil clima tic conditions, ote., are carried out, ttie com flexion la often oitremoly bad. Thegeneral condition of health liaa no lnlliionce upon the tieauty of the complexion, though It Iihh upon the health of the akin. Cleanllncn la n tine qua non of the beauty of the complexion, though It deea net play a great part In the health of the akin. " .... Water l aervleonble te the akin In only moderate amount and at moderalo teiii'rs turn. Very cold or warm liatliM, when uaed te oxcesa, diminish the elestlcliy of the akin and lta pewer of realstance te oxternal Irri tant. Distilled and ae-CAlled aef t water are mero auluble ler washing, ami leas Irritating than hard vtater, The hard amla seim are uaually preferable te the aoflpetaah aeapa for tellut nurixnet). The quality of soaps dependa upon the qual lly of tbelr cenatltuentM and the thorough therough thoreugh neas of their aaponllleatlon. (Jeed mmm muat net contain Irce alkali or any foreign irritating aulnlance. 1 he addition of mndiir mndiir ate riuantlllOH of iwrfuuiOH doe net materially limine the iiualltv. Nimble, finely ground powileia, audi aa aUrch, magnela,etr.,are entirely lunoctieiic, and often act aatiaelul protection agaluat ex ternal Irritant. Froeucnt application te alcohol aUlract the water el the akin, makes It dry and brittle, and liimlra lla nutrition. ThU la alae true of gljcerlne. All toilet Wixihen con taining alcohol te any couslderuble extent aheuliV lie avoided. Thla la true te a hIIU (creator extent of ether additions te wattiea, audi as eorreMvo sub limate, mineral acldx, certain motallle halt, etc. Campher ftcU merely as a bleaching per der. This la alae true or Ix.nrelu realu, aulphur (lowers and aubatance.4 con talnl u g tan n le acid. The tine of aweet amelllng oils and fats should I xi employed te a greater extent than Is new done ter toilet piiriep. This is particularly true with regard te the growth et the hair. The nutrition of the scalp should be increased by the rational applica tion of fat (for example In the form of oil baths by means et the application at night of a sponge soaked In oil upon the acalp) and the greater use of xlmple pomades. These aheuld be applied te the roots of the hair rather than the shafts. Substances should be ne!dcd or sparingly used, which abstract water from the skin and the roots of the hair. 1'amlllar With Human Nature. ' I suppose," aald Duniley, after he had registered, te the hotel clerk, "that when a guest has no baggngehls personal appearance has mere or leas te de with making him My In advance." Oh, yes," replied the clerk. ' In this business we seen lu.irn te nun h man up. Will you have your trunk sent te 3 our room, Mr. er Huntley ?" "Ne, 1 haen't any baggage, 1 only ex pect te be in town a day or se." " Four dollars, ploase," Heb Tayler' Tribute ti the fair . rrjni alteccnt Speech. ' I went te thank the ladles for their pres ence here te-night, and X want te say te thorn that I am their worshipper ; I want te Hay te them that Kilen was lonenemo until Ged Almighty took from Adam a rib and madea woman, and evor sluce that time, rf?ed blesa her. ahe has been te man a minis verlngnugel, te wie away the tear of gnef andlaorrew, smooth the wrinkles from his brew, te scatter Hew era In the pathway el Ilia life, alie Is the embodiment et all that la beautirul ; and I pray she will use her Inllu Inllu ence In the political world In her own way and pleasure te ploce her humble servant In the gubernatorial chair." Tn Nineteenth Century Club la auerganlza tteu that will consist of an equal number of men ana women. It Is hardly te be uxpicttd that they will agrcenu all stibjecu ; but it can ur- Iirlie noeno te learn that Dr. Plerce'a " Ueldcn iledlcal Olicovery," U unanimously pre neunced the uient successful rnuieily extant, for pulmonary conaiimptlen, ua liu herii demeti Htrutedln nundrvOsef csei It pcltlvnly nt riwis the dldcajie and rvateren health and strength. If uiltnlnhuercd In Its enrlytuges. Ilyldrugglats. iiiJllu,r.tr Immediate relief and prompt cures effected by Ited Star Cough Cure. Ne narcetlcu. Mether de net give your baby opiates te dull IU mind but uau lln. lUab'a ColleCuru. Uf all reinedles, Dn. IfAND'a Pleasant Physic ti the only only ene which cured my babe cf con stipation. Jehn Waus, Trey, N. V. Fer wile by II. II. Cochran, Druglat, N e. 137 and Ul Norh Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. tepl-lmdAw Warden A, A. llruth, of the Blng Hlng, New Yerk, Bute I'rHen, says llrandreth's l'lllsnre the medt TtUnable cathartle he ever used, ile lUii In en a great sufferer train rhematUm and bleed poisoning, but obtained very little relief from mcdlclne or doctor! until ha commenced using llrandreth's Tills. Ua took illty rills In ten da) n. They net only cured him et tliouina tlieuina tlim, but gave him a vigorous appetite and purlded tku bleed completely. BVKVIA.L MOTlCXa. A Werd or Cantlen. ltallrcad men, mechanics, commercial trav elers hasu billUts, larini'ra. and ethers who labor out el doers, am peculiarly liable te acci dent and Injury Ihemai' J.'ctectrle Oil for bruleej, burns, bites and unrulnH. Uone of the rlnest applications yet dnvlsed. torsaleby 11. 11. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 139 North tiuecn street, Lancaster. Cau't Hay Uuengli. "I cannot speak tee highly of II unlock Jlloeil llllteri , they have bean u great hlvislng te mu Cured me of bllleunness uud dyspepvia from which I had suffered for yours." Mr. J. Marsh, llank et Terente, Out. Fer stluby II. II. Ceeh ran, druggist, 137 and S1 North (jueun Btreet, Lancaster. Thunder It Down the Agm, That for lamoness.fer rheumatUm. for anhes, for pains, and for sprains Dr. Ihemat' Eclcctric Od a poaltlte ana reliable remedy. )r. 'lhemas' Kclectrle OH can be purchased et any drugglkt. fortaleby 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and LKJ North Queen street, Lancatter. I'eitnuuter Bam'l A. Ilanltt, Of Monterey, Mich., delivers himself In this wise: "for colds), burns, ero threat, and rheu matism, Z7ionia'cfccfreO(tcaunot be beaten. 1 Bay keep it up te the standard, and It will sat Isly the people. I will send for a new supply Boen " rer sule by II. ll.;Cechran, druggist, 1J7 and 130 North ljueeu street, Lancaster. All Admire a Haudseme Face. A pure, clear Bkln wlllmake any fuce hand some. Manifestly anything which strengthens und enriches tbe bleed will dlrcitly affect the whole person. All eruptions nt the skin disap pear when Burdock Jltoed Jilttert arc employ ed. They urea M'KOtnble remedy of Inestima ble value for sole by 11. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IS) North Queen street, Lancaster. Honesty the licit Policy. In advertising a medlolne It Is host te be henetti deception will never de; the people won't stand It. Lt the truth be known that Burdock Bleed Jlitttri euro scrofula, and all eruptions of the skin. Ihls mcdlclne U sold everywhere by druggists. Ker sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 134 North Qucen street, Lancaster. 8LEErLEB8 NiailTB, made mUerable by thatterrlbloeough. .Bhlloh'sCurelstho remedy jMrncMfc. JTOOD'H HAUHAl'AMI.tjA. HOOD'S SARiAPARILIA Combines, In ft manner peculiar te Itself, the liral hlixpd ptirlf) lug and smmgthenliis! rimn rimn dlnsefthnigebiblu kingdom, eit willflnd this wonderful remedy elTnotlye whero elhnr inedlnlnes have failed, 'liy.lt """'iii.. Jjl! purify your blend, regulate Ilia illRiislInn, and give new lireand vigor In thn 011II111 Ixxly. Heed's Harsapalllladld me grrftt kihkI. I wns llrodeutfnmi overwerk.anrt It timi-iUiiiiiip ' iillS, U. K. HIMMUNn, Cohers, N. 1. I surrernd three years Iniui tilntsl poison. I leek Heed's Knrsapsrllla and think I mil cured." 100s ',UU"M1U) M', J( )Avi4, llrockpert, N. V. Furlfles tlie Illoeil. Heml'a Harsaparllla Is chsrnoterlned by three perutlarlllesi I't. thn romMmiffen f remedial agents) '.'d, the prnpr(nt ; lid His prerni of sneiirlnK thn active medicinal iiialltles I hn re sult It a medlolne of unusual utrength. eDrctlng euros hitherto unknown- Mend ler book ton ten tnlnlug nddlllenal nvldome. " HihhVs Barsapsrltla tones tip my aystein, purines my blend, sharpens my npiietlte, and scums tiMiiakn inn ever." J T.TII0MT8O', lleglslernt Heeds, I ewell, Mass. "Heeds Harsaparllla limits all ethers and Is worth Its welHht in geld." iiakkiN(jten Ne. 1W Hank Hlreet, New Yerk City. Heed's Sarsaparilta. Held bv all drtiimlsts II i six for V. Made only by I. U. HOOHA CO , Lewell, Mass. 100 D03K8 (INK 1)1)1, 1.AII, Wemiin Ni:i'.i)iN( ki:ni:wi:d Btrength, or aullerlng from lnllrmltles peculiar te their sui, should try BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! I'lUHICIA.NH AND DlttlUUlBId MKN1IIT. KKCOM A8THEBE9T TONIC. This medicine combines Iren with pnru vego vege Uiblti tonics, and Is Invaluable rer lleis pecu liar te Women, and nil who lead sedentary lives. It Knrlehes and Purities the llloed. Humiliates the Alinatlln, Blrengthrns thn Muscles and Nerve-lii fact, thoroughly lm Igerates Clears the complexion, and makes the skin It doe's net blacken the teeth, cause headachn, or pnxluie constipation all ether Iren nit-eff-etnrt de. Mas KLiunnn lUinn, 74 rurwell Ave, Milwau kee, Wis , ssrs. undi r ilsle el Dee SMsM: " 1 have u(d llmwn's Iren lllttnrs, und It has been mera than a dnriiirte michavlnircuredmn et the weakniss ladles havn In llln. Alxe cured 1110 nt Liver CemnUlnl, und new my complexion Is clear and geed. Has also been benellcl il te my children " Slut. Louisa. C. llaetKis, Kiwi LecktHirl, N 1 , sas " I ha suffered unleld misery from o e o uiale Complaints, and could obtain relief from nothing except llmwn's Iren Hitters. Thegenulnehaslrade Mark ami crossed red lines en wruppnr. lukn no ether Made only by IlllOW N CltbMlCAl. CO., lUltlmere, Md. (T) inarlt-lldAw E XHAUHTKD VITALITY. EXHAUSTED VITALITY THKSCIKNCKOr LITK, tbe great Medical Werk of the age en Manhood, Nervous and Thjslcal Debility, Premature Iiecltne, Krrorsef leuth, and the untehl miseries consequent thereon. 3u) page Sve. lAprrsciiptloiislerall dtsmse Cleth, full gill, only II '. by uinll, sealed lllustratlvnsample lu-e te all young and mlddln-Agnd men for thn nnxl 90daa. Addrees lilt. W. 11. TAIlKKIt, 4 Ilultlnch Hlri-nt, llosten, Mass. myl7 lyeedAw c ATAKUH-lIAV-KKVKIt. CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM (lives Kellef at Once and Cures. COLD IN HKAl). UATAItKII, HAY rKVKlt UOUK-COLU, HKArNKSS, 1IKADACIIK. Net a Liquid, Bnulf or Tewdnr. Kree from In In lurleus Drugs and oilenslve tlders. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agrueubla te usu. Trice 90 rants at druggists by mail, nltnd, u) cts Circular sent live. KLY IIKO 111 Kits, Druggists, Owego, N.i. InlriHyoeilAlvw G KAY'U Hl'EOlFIO MKDIUINE. THKUUKATENULISH KKMEDV. An unfailing cure for Impetency, ana all Dis eases that fellow Less of Memery, Unlvorsel Lassitude, Tain In tbe Hack. Dlinni ss of Vision, Trematuru Old Agn, nnd many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Tnimature Urnva. SW-Kull iiartlcularsln our pamphlet, which we doslre te send free by mail toeveryono. rThe Specific Mcdlclne Is sold by alt druggists at It per package, or six packages for fc or will be sent free by mall en tbe receipt of thumouey, by addressing thn agent. II II. COCIIltAN, Druggist, Sole Agent, Nes. 137 and 1S North Qneun Btreet, Lancaster, fa. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the lellewYt rapper I the only genuine. THKUllAY MhDIUALCO., apSi-lydAw llutfale.N.V. c UltKKOKTHKDKAF. Peck's Patent Imnrnved Cushioned Kar Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform the work et the natural drum. Invisible, com fortable and always In position. All conversa tion and uven whispers beard distinctly. Send rer lllusttnted book with testimonials. KltKE. Address or call en V. IllSUJA, cil llrtsi.lway, New erk. Mention Ihls panar. unelOi)iHHlAl w 10KN KKMOVKI' YICTOUU CORN HEKOVER. Warranted te eradicate complstely and In a short limn, the most ebdurate corns, haiil or soft, without pain. Beld by Uce. W. Hull, Chas. A. Lechnr, Jehn 11. Kaiitrinan, Dr. Win, Werm ley, And. O. IKrev, Chas. j. shulmyer, and at lllSClITOLD'3 DllUU HTOItK, flecliHyd Ne. let WestOrunge Su 1UHK OUAltANTKlCl). RUPTURE. Care guaranteed by lilt. J. II. MAVKR. Kaseateiicsi; noeMinitlonnr delay from busi ness 1 testeil by huudredsef cures. Main eltlce, B31 AUU11 ST., 1'lllLA. bend ler Circular. na-ivdftw TO II. MAHT1N, WauLSSALB lid) KSTAIL DSILSB III All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. U-Yahu! Ne. au North Water and Trlnce atreets. abeve Jjemea. Lancaster. n3-lyd T5AUMQAUDNEHS A JKKl'KKIES. COAL DEALERS. Orriua: Ne. IS North Qneen street, and Ne Hi North Trlncoatruet. ViKes: North Trlnce stroet, near Kvadlng Depot. LANCABTKU, TA. auglMtd pEMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Ceal Offlce te Ne. 1M NOItlll QUKKN BTIIKKT (llrlmmer's New llulldlng), whero erders will be received for Lumber and Ceal, WHOCBBALB AtTD B1STAIL. m8-tld M. V. It. COHO. XftAHT END YARD. 0. J. SWARR & 00. GOAL. KINDLINQ WOOD. Office: Ne, SO CBNTHK BUUAUK. ISeth yard and offlce connected with Tnluphoue Exchange aprl3-lydMr.U TJIVNHS, JtV. rpRUNKHt TUUNKHI Latest Styles Trunks ATKHECKEL'd. Over Three hundred different si res and styles te chtswa from at prices ranging from ill.oe te JO oe. DRreALi TRUNKB-OHBAP, AT KREOKEL'S TRUNK ROOM, Hecend Fleer, 3 and BE. King St. uugiUmd ?MZMM9. vf -! k itfrm -r.J)-L' r --rr------ ----'-- ty,' mu lltlMMKI) HATS FOR FALL -AT- ASTRICH'S Falace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KINO STREET, LANUASTBIt, TA. (llncnHKTTRMIIKIllsllliriaef our most ex pert Milliners have bven busy TRIMMING WITS IN ALI.TIIK LATKttr STYLES, And we ale new prepared te show a Large and Kine Assortment of Trimmed Hats and Bennets, NiiLh as never before have been seen at this time of ) car. OUllABHOUTMENT or WINGS AND BIRDS Is also mera exlenslvennd varied than ever be bo be fere, and we Invite all te call and Inspect our Vtiiiairry a very large sleck of EXCKLLKNT QUALITY Black and Colored Silk Vel vels Which we are selling at 88c. a Yaid. We claim thateurSIlk Velvets areel a superior quality te any ether sold at that price. SEND FOR SAMPLES ! ! ANKWLINEOr BEAD GIMPS IN 1ILACK AND COLOUKD. 1ILACK IIRAD TUIMMIVU at 20c and 83c. a Yard. IILACIC HEAD (11MT, WITH TKNDANT8, J7c. a Yard, COLOUKD JKT HEAD TltlMMINU, All Celers, 40c. a lard. THE LATEST AN 1) THE BEST. Our New RTHIPKD NOSI'AltElt. BILK FIN ISHED VEL'I KTKKNS In All Celeis, atHKcu lord. LOUDLHOl IN DIIAII. NA Y, IIIIOWN AND BLA1E, 73c. alnrd. EIUEUDOWN In Light Illue, Cardinal, llrcy Cream and Touch. A NEW DRESS TRIMMING. COLOUKD WOOL COVEUKD HALL TIUM M1NO, 111 All Celers, 30c. a Yard. This week we have opened our first Invoice of WOOLS AND YARNS. Kive Hundred Pounds of IMPORTED SAX. ON Y, llest Quality, such as Is generally sela at I He, and 20e. a Hunk. Having secured thts wool early In the Spring wn are able te tell It at loe. a Hank. UKIIMANTOW.N WOOL, 10c. a Hank-Twe Ouncts, THE BEST KID GLOVES In this Market ter the Trice. Our 3 IIUTTON flee. KID GLOVfcS are ac knowledged tn be cejually as geed as anyUlove told at One Dellar u Talr. TRY OUH NEW FIllh'HLKM: CMMiAKS I'OK LADIES. tWilte and Colored (all the Latest Styles) They are a big success: only 23n. a llei, con cen talnlnp I Cellars and i Pairs et CulTs. Each Col Cel lar nnd Cults can be worn en both sides. COME AND SEE THEM. SJ-H'e beg leave te Inform our customers that our Htere will hn cloned en 1 1IUltsDAY, SET TEMIIKIt 30th and BATTJIIDAI, OCT01!ER9tt), and would kindly request thorn tourrange their purchases accordingly.! WTE HAVE A liAKQK KTOOK OT THE BEST REFRIGERATORS IN THE CITY. The Tierce Dry Air Refrigerator. UAKDK.V UOMC. WATJCK COOLKHB, 1CJS OJiJtAM FKMCZKKH, Andarulll!neefUOin)ErUUU3UINQUOODS The largest stock of HAS riXTUHEStn the city. Special attention paid te Ues-r Ittlng, Tin Roeflng and Spouting We have I usl received anether let of theso 25c, OI.01IK3. JOOP. SOHAUM & SON, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, TA. w M. A. KlEFl'UK. ALDUHC. HEKU KIEFFER Si HERR, Ne. 40 Eeet King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse), Invite all Housekeepers te Calljaud Inspect thulr Stock of Houseltedsliing &oeds. A Complete Line constantly en hand. COOK eaeVKSand RANGES, PARLOR HTOVE9, HEATERS and FURNACES. SUMMER COOK STOVES. After oarefully examlnlng the merits of all eileied te the trade, w u have selected THE "ARGAND," rer GASOLINE, and THE ,( DANGLER," rer COAL OIL, As the Dest, when all points are considered, te etTer te our patrons. Call and see us. We love te show our goods, and are net offended If you de net purchase. Remember, we are agents for The " Splendid " Heater. Manufactured by ruller A Warren Company, Trey, N. Y , which has no rival In durability, economy of fuel and control of gas. New Is the time te oxaiUne and boceino posted for Autumn purchases. REMEMUER 1HE PLACE 1 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.) ap)-uaaw irZfeiJtsa. TirATCIlES. Lancaster Watches In Geld, Bllver and Nickel Cases will be sold at a tilth AT REDUCTION. Alse, Elgin, Waltham (Aurera for which I um Sole Ageut), and ether r-Irit-Class Watches: Rest Watch und Jowelry ikvimiriHK. 1 4dCoriecttlmabvTeleirranh Datlr. ' L. WEBER, 159X North Queen St., Near Tenn'a. U. B. Depot. Spectacles, Eyeglasses and Optical Goods. A kinds of Jewelry. irtoeompMlad by wM djaat- i, ; jnencenc " ww u niinimera w - . -. .. a I I.asia svlin tlBVA D Hifli.lhUi erl()rf without buii ViS,'siiii L7ben tbe werld-leKA"-sW e unworldly 7a':-ib if eir. Inctcd, prcssin wayei And this reminds us, Neltber 4Ll'4pent, The Fall Is Appi&Sg pJ."s. Anil thn npenle will seen almost belore tutjieTsj r are aware of It uoed HEAVIER CLOTHING. Tbe place te gel your KALI, CLOTHING (If you don't want te lake advantage et the Great llargalna new otrerrd In Hummer Clothing te close out that sort of goods), . -IB AT- BURGER& SUTTON'S. Don't forget thn place. Call early and leave your orders rer ran uoeas, te avoid me rush tnal comes witn me nrsicoei sna; rslcoelsnan. If you are around this way atop In audsce what we have get and get prices. BUEGER & SUTTOS, Merchant Tailors &sd Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, TA. L. OANHMAN A 11 HO. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. A Rare Opportunity for Early Ilnyers In our Custom Department. Every article marked ut the Lewest Cash Trlcea. WE MAKE TO ORDER : All-Weel Suits at 112.00. All Weel Cheviot Suits at HW. All-Weel Worsted Suits at lis oe. All-Weel Checked Butts at 117 00. All-Weel Worsted Diagonal Bults at 118 de. All-Weel Imported Worsted Bulls at f.0e, 122.00. r eeand 128.00. All Weel rants te Order at HOO, mm, 11.00, $5 oe, w.w, 17.00, as oe and n w. Largest Assortment, Geed Workmanship, -AND- ROOK BOTTOM PRICES. L. GANSHAN & BR0 MERCHANT TA1LOR8, MANUFACTURERS or MEN'S HOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Rlghl en the Beuth west Cor.el Orange St.) LANCA8TER, TA. VNel connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. AT EKS A KATUFON. vJT. -A-. Xu. Theso members of the GRAND ARMT who waut te bn outtltted lit a lery small cost, should seoeur Blue Flannels AT $13.00. These Suits are made te order at this prlce and are positively fast Celer and Guaranteed te Kit Nicely. Theso persens w he want te use their Suits for general use can hae two eeta of Changeable Buttens. Anether Grade of Flannel, REGULAR NAVY, TO ORDER, AT 818.00. These goods are Full Middlesex, and are net surpassed by any In the mar ket. Our capacity In the Merchant Tailoring Department Is One Hun dred and FHty Suits per week, and there Is no danger of anyene net get ting thelr Suits at the premised time. MANUFACTURING CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 HAST KINO STRETCH. LANCASTER, TA. hooks. IIT OUl'AHTMENT. G. L. FON DERSMITH, Bookseller, Stationers Art Dealer OIL AND WATER COLORS. CANVAS DRAWING, ENGINEERING AND AGRICULTURAL SUTTLIES, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, PASTELS AND CRAYONS. ACADEMYUOARDS.OILSKETCHING.DRAW. ING ANDTRACING PAPERS. Drawing and Tainting Materials and all kinds el fancy Articles ter Decorating. Ne. 46 EASTKING STREET, (Opposite Court Heuse) augM-tfd LANCASTER, TA. ViOUOOL SUPPLIES. JOO BAER'S SOUS, Nee. 15 and 17 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, TA., Oner, Wholesaln aud Retatl, at Lew Trlcea SCHOOL BOOKS USED IN LANCASTER CITY AND COUNTY. Old Readers Exobanged, SCHOOL SUPPLIES; Liquid Slating, chalk Crayons, Copy Reeks et AH Kinds, Wilting Inks, Steel Tens, Slates Noiseless Slates, Slulu Pencils, Drawing Pen cils. Composition Reeks, Writing Tablets, Lead Pencils, Scheel Satchels, Companions and everything else In the line of Scheel Stationery. SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK. fTUIE BEST."-HENSON'H OAPdJNE X Plasters are admittedly "The Rest" for local theumatUm, and neuralgia. S3c. MYEM RATH MMBIVAZ. .YHPEPSrA IS A DANOKUOUH AH cemnlalnt. If neg- ell aa distressing It tends by Impart T it tends by 1m: ipartlng nuiriiien, nna ee- a the tene or it Rapid Decline, the tene of (he system, te prepare the rhyilclang and DrarKlila Kccemmcnd Tried BROWN'S !' ITTERS ! r4 These NIce pslaln odd t.llirarv Tables inn Cell and sce them HEINITSH'8 PBhureNic. I'm ,V J&SaKUrs no InflsBBBBBBaUnR BBT 51 LLT?i. S aTP K .-sk at J t rw NOB. 27 As SO BOUTH QUEEN ST., SKHtkmii.ltnntlae en llloed and Skin Diseases mailed free. f's,. THK8WIFT8TKCUIOCO,Ilrawer3,AUanU, ssssss-sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss"aa"",, " S-. - JKWWLKKT, C. H. Z. KUOAOH, JEWELEK. Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept. Is Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine and Complicated Watches, Musical Bexes. Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism. H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. UATB, N KW STYLES. THE NEW FALL HATS ARE HERE. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., LEADING FASHIONABLE HATTERS, Have the Largest and Prottlest Assortment of NEW FALL STYLES ever Shown In Lancaster Theso " WILCOX " ROSTON BEAUTIES prettier than ever. Only place In Lancaster you can get them. SCHOOL HATS AND CAPS Fer Children, In all the Latest DcslrableStylcn at LOW EST TRICES. Alse, TRUNKS and TRAV ELINU 1IAUS, FALL ROUES and GLOVES. IIEADQUuUlTEIlS FOIi G. A. Jt. OOODS. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Ne& 31 and 33 North Queen Street. CAJiUIAOJI WOHUH. A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! Philip Doersom's Old Reliable ferriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NEARLY OPPOSITE THE LEOTARD HOTEL), LANCASTER FA. Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used TRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BUGGIES, PHETONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. 1 have new en hand nnd for rata cheap the following flrstclass eocend hand work : One Light One-Man Wagen, suitable fertruek purpose, ene Light Four-Teasongor Drag, ene First-class Ex. tension Tep Tlueten, two Light Jump-SeatCarrlaKOB. Alse, Secend Hand Tep and Tretting ling. Hies, both side bar and end springs, lluslneeg Vt ngnns, (-porting Wagons and Market Wagons, which will be sold at the MOSTREASON VRLK TRICES. Ulve U3 a call whother you wish te pur chase or net. Notrenblotoshowthowork. PAETICUIAK ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. WCWX FORGET TJ1S FLACE.-V Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 L1TB LNSUHAXVH VOUfANT. E XTHAOTS 1KOM TUB THIKTEENTU ANNUAL KEl'OUT OF THE INSUR- ANOE COMMISSIONER Dee. 31, 1S5. Insurance In force. Admitted Assets Payments te Tellcj holders Premium Income Dividend Tald Tellcj holders.., Dividend Tald en each 1.OJ0 Ins Ne. of Policies in ferce Average Dividend te each policy, Death Lesses Tald oainLessc9 iiesisieu Expenacaef Ilanagoiuent And In order te expose the true Inwardness of the Nerthwestern's TROOUESSIVE DIV1 DENDS, we uuote from the Insurance Commissioners of Pennsylvania Lire Reperta for the year Btated: NORTHWESTERN. Sntunmct (n Feret. Frcmtum Income. 187S I 67,41,191 J,W5,S)0 1877 GI,ll(t,M7 'A.'.',3I1 1878 il, 111,011 1,'.WI,57J 1879 UI,99,NS 1,MA'J7S ISsO 01,".7,fl l,7a,(r:5 issi 7i.aai.7K 'J,l7y,5ijM lfaj tu,nu,iii j.cje.hs KvU HJ.IM.l'kJ 3,l9,2i: ik-i tf. v,?M,-s?: as;a.77ii 1SS3 J HU,710,6fit 3,7j5,ut3 Cemment en the abeve record Is unnecessary. Rut in erder that the tailing off In dividends may net be attributed te the Northweatern'a TON TINE FUND, would add that this fund aggregates (53,334 S3. rer further Information en all tnattera pertalnlng le lusurauce address or apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent Mutual Llfe Ins. Ce., of N. Y. 60 N.DukeSt., or te Rebert Helmes, District Agent, Reading, Pa. ueuaxruMfisuiKU uoedm. s HIRK'B OARPKT HAIiL, CARPETS ! REOPENING Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Rest Selected Line et Carpets ever ex. hlbltedln this city. WILTONB. VELVETS, all tie Trading Makes of RODY ANDTATESTRY 1IRUSSELS. TUREE-TLY, AH. Weel and Cotten Chain EXTRA SUTERS, aud all qualities of IN URAINCARTE1S, DAM ASR and VENETIAN CARTE1S. RAO and CHAIN CARPETS of enr own manufacture a speciality . Special Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CARPETS,. AlSOaUlU LtneOlOILOLOTilB.aUUB, WINDOW SHADES, COVEHLET8, Ac, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Ste., Lancanter, Pa. tabss-iwaftw TkEMOORATIONATUKAtilZATiqX XJ COMMITTEE-Keicliin born, CltUeus de siring NttturalUatlen, und their Irleims. should bear In mind that SATUHDAI.OCIOBER -d, will be the lastday for Naturalization this year s and aa Court may net then be In session It U bSst te have this matter attoiided te nt once, ahe following commlttce of Deinocratle atior atier atior iievs has been appointed tenttend te Naturaliza tion for their party horei and calls upon thorn should be made at tnelr law olllces i li. r. Davis, south Duke street i W, II. Reland, Seuth Duke street I Jehn A. Ceylo, East King street , il. T. Montgomery, North Duke street; JehnE, Malene, Seuth Dukentrcet, sl-td HE HWIKT Hl'EOlFIO COMPANY. in the Crucible About twenty ytarsagoldlscevored a llllloseroon my check, and thadec ler proaenuoed II cancer. I bave trled a number of physicians, butwltheiilrccetvlng any permaneat bene fit. Among the number were ene et two specialists. The mcdlclne they applied was Ilka lira te the sere, causing Intense pain. I saw a statement In the papers telling what 8. S. . had dene for ethers similarly afflicted. I procured soma at once, llefere lhadnsedthe second botlte the neighbors could notlce that my cancer was healing up. My general health hait been bad ter two or threo yenrs-I had a hacking cough and spit bleed continually. I had a severe pain In my breast After taking six bottles of 8. S. 8. my cough left ins and I grew stouter than I had been for several years. My t about the slze or a half aime, ana li is rapidly eyjicer te glve P. 8. 8. a fair trial. -. anin. ii aiiii i . BBS nit iiiaijiiii j -- .---!,- w - -w ...........,..u.,uu,viiia i-jvHitvv Wf UU. .VtrnlirolyvegolAblo, 4na 80ms "11 Ayjurem Fun Line of the " B or Menth Stones Mounted te Suit Your Particular Fancy. Jewelry CAl'g, JtO. Lancaster, Pa EAST KING STREET. BMydAw OF PENNSYLVANIA. UAItRISDUIia, rA., AUGUSTS, 1SSS. MUTUA LIFE. .tst&flw.'m oe ..ii(w,tji,7;j ou ,. tu teiuww . tll,7u,WlM ,. IJ.lSi.lriJ 0U IS hi iae,ss8 NOlt THWE8TXRX. fU0,710,CCl M r.M,23!,04 00 r2,U7,?Jl (U $J,7.015 CO 17 03 eo.ieo 115 M 11,049.01 O) aw.irne oe 18.8 Per Cent. li. 31 13,920,031 CO rji,w ee 13.S Percent. DiilJtmlt raid l'ollcyheldtri. 9I9.S02 Wi,18t 7W.41J 7wl,01l CMI.KH 67J,8- tr.,X) 778.5W CARPETS ! TOI1ACCO OUTTINOS, BO K APS, HIFT 1NUS AND PACKERS' WASTE, Dry and Clean, bought for cash. J. S. MO LIN 8, Ne. 273 Pearl Street, New Yerk. Helerence Fred. Bchutte, Ne. 213 l'earl street. New Yerk. febl7-lyd MAHKLEY'S Y&IL.OW FRONT" clear filler Havana 5 cent Cigar Is pro nounced by smokers the best In the mar ket, at MARKLErs "Yellow Frent," ;Ne. 21 North Uueen street. (Formerly Uartman's) . t. tJ sTbJ .days iBk. .. 1 H" Tried in thCrIUi lO . -..Wi, , .i cancer has healed ever all but a little disappearing. I would advise overyono n. . ABrus i.invn. ' iniiefiai tsirusj "v m.jm te euro cancers byfercltiR out the lm Ga. m cetwAxr. JNUAL REL'OHT OF TUB INSUR- WYJ.VANIA. 5&i-?4.. AUGUST 5. IMS. reachln?Jj?JJr7TirrJffv-. Marietta at TM"S -i m I i also, leaves A.- rrfcv5-. . The Yerk AcoemC.X C-.v. :iu ana arrives at Laui'v ;Mk with llarrlsburg Eipre.M irJTJKL. ThorredorlckAccoininodaiirtt' tng at l.atiraster with rant Ijfff- P. in., wilt run tiirenvh ti rminrii The Kroderlok Accommodation, oejiv wiuuufa ni, ,iw mm nfflcaea j.nn caarw p. m Lncasler with Niagara Expruts at W a, will run through te llanover, doily, oxcept .,a'r ,',no- wpst. en Sunday, when flame will slop at Dewningtnwn, Coulesville, Parke burg, Jfl, ,Iu,, Klltabethiiwn and Middle tewav ,Jaeni' ."nuns which run dally. On 8BSJ,V uu aiu limn mm runs ev way or ceiumDisw." ." " '7,","'i"ener passenger Agsfc) CHAS. E. TUUH Oonersl'Mananer. ' RKAD1NO A COLUMBIA KAITiKOAO: ANDIIIIANCIIES.AND LEBANON AMf unnuJUllluJUUli l.ir4KU.U. On and after SUNDAY, MAY aith.l88f. TRAINS LEAVE READINO rer Columbia and Lancaster at 7.23 a. m., 110t ii neon and RIO p.m. iri rer ouarryvllle at 7,21 a. m. and 0.10 p. m. i Fer Chlcklcs at 7 S3 a. m. and 12.00p. in. TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBIA Fer Readlni? at 7 W a. m., 1ZS8 and 3.W p. m. rer IObanen nt 12 35 and 3 40 p. m. TRAINS LEAVE Q.UARRYV1LLK Fer Lancaster at B.25 and 7.11 a. m. and 2JS p. m. Fer Heeding at ais a. m. and 2.33 p. in. Fer Iibannn at 2-13 p. m. LEAVE KINO STREET (Lancaster,) Fer Readlnir at 7.S0 a. m., 12.40 and 3.40 p. m. Fer I-obanen nt 0 40 a. m., 12,10 and & 13 p. m. Fer Quarry vllle nt 0 31 a. m., S co and 8.20 p. tn, LEAVE PRINCE STREET (Lancaster,) , rer Reading at 7.40 a. tn 12.50and 3"ie p. m. Fer Iibannn nt 6.47 a. in., 12X0 and 3.23 p. m. or (Jnarryvllle at 9 JO a. m., 4.re and 8.0V p. SI. -,' TRAINS LEAVE LEBANON, rer Lancaster at 7.20 a.m., 12.33 find7.30p.nl. Fer yuarry vllle at 7:'30 a. m. BUND AT TBAtlTS. TRAINS LEAVE UEADINfi Fer Lancaster at 7.20 a. m. and 4.00 p. m. Fer Ouarryvllle at 4.00 p. in. , TRAINS LEAVE QUAURYV1LLK j xur lancaswr, uionnenana i&eaainKa&i.iva.Bi TIIAlMHT.VIVHIMUn CT 1 1 ixinerf.. . Fer Reading and Lebanon at 8.03 a. m. and Ms 4 Tl. TTI. .11 Fer Quamrvtlle at 6 50 p. in. f. TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE ST. (Lancaster,) Fet Keading and Lebanon and 8.16 a. m. and CM p.m. ForquarryvIlleatB.43p. m. ... TRAINS LEAVE LEBANON. Fer Lancaster at 7 55 a. m. and 3 15 r. in. FerQaarryvIlleatSlSp. in. .d Fer connection at Columbia. Marietta, Jnns ,-?'. lien, Lancaster junction, jnanneim, ueaaissj and Lebanon, poe time tables at all stations. .v A. M.WILSON. Superintendent. 1.& UZiANDWAJtB. H IQII & MARTIN. CUE SPECIAL! Tbe ecarclty of tbe MASON FBTJIT ' JAB Is cauoed by tbe strike of tin QlftBS Blewers, We will bave a few overy day until; tbe Btrike la onded. We will bave a supply of tbe ) LIGITMM JAE, which is tbe beat aud meat oenvtvi . iTATil ,U.l.f l.-.. ?3 uieui u 4x1. iu tuu luarnub, , 5Try it and be oenvlnood. Hiffipmtiii! 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, TA, EDUCATIONAL. EVENING SESSIONS at TUB LANCASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE begins Monday, October 4th. Instruction In Boekexkfino, TBUAKtair aa AlUTnUKTK I Coilcge rooms open overy evening te a cants treui new till opening. Alargenui . . I J...ultn4 fnan.linljslAn nave eireimy ajjmw iui " ,j" Jv VvviDI KL' sStfd' ' Ne. WK East KlngHHiif.: -vitiiim n. KHOmTilDQE'S & EMYtORYOUNOMEN AND BOYS, DIA, TA., li nines irem 4unu1.au" price covers every esponne, even books, t enmcuHiKu ?" !"""""zr Tr amlnatlen for uamlssien. twelve exp i..rhnr..Hii infin.aiidallirraduates. Hn portunltles for apt students te advance ran Special anil rer ami unu lumwhiu uuyn. rm mtniiHr Kiil1I.1i. bcluntltlc. Ruslness. Cll civil KnL'lnuurlni; course. Studunta fltti Media Academy are new In Uervard, Y I'rlntvitnn and inn ether Cellcses and TelTV ntcschoels. 10 students sent te college la 1 Mn isxi. lain 1K.H.1-lu In 18SL AtrraduaUsca every year In the ebtnmerclal deparuaisnt-J Physical and Chemical Laboratory , UymnasM ana ban uroune. i?ri vei. "j w M"Sr A lSb3. Physical apparatus doubled tu 18W. A BlUUOnul ueatu wuu lua iiiiuwi, ww room alone. Media has Beven enurcnas) 1 temperance charter whicn prenimia "" n.r.iMifn,iirinif rnruew Uluitruteas i.rmiiimuiiie 1'iincleal and Proprietor, .v il swiTHiN c:biiortlidek.a.il,- aug25-lmdw lU&rvart Graduate) Me4,$$ TJOTK W MAKING . CABINET FHOTOaSAKW , AT3OAIOISJr. ' . AT NO, 101 MOUTU )OlaVr3Bnk ' .nltfd SzMf )anltfd XI MJ" . i' -0 te. ifa?atu,.--.ja- 1&u&l4 Hi&M Mrtu -.