vmw aeen. F lAlili- lrC. i M PS Lf.t E"C A TR ssr. 1 10 IENOBR, Lancaster, l'a, mcastctlntdliacim iflUUtOASTXB. SKITKMUEIl 21, IS8C iK Hftmn and Fnrelcrn Ttnllirnru Many andcliverse accounts have been wnuug mhte me wnicreL mie, 01 me rein MTO merits and demerits of European rall ,imy systems as compared with the Ameri- '?,. .Net long nge Mr. Klcliani T. Kly jtew Americans that they were f.ir behind -y?1 ..1.1 m 1.1 l M . .. . ,- trure uiu wuuu in ra miv in.iLiprs. i nnt ?.KEtifrtisu and Trench trains tn:uln Iwftrr fcft :Ume, and had better accommodations tlian Eft. . . i ..... ... RTrfUHie American, ana that the rigid govern- rty'T uKBUiwrvisieu preveiucu undue exter- kep wuu uy pewpritii corporations. .Mew comes 5r.V '.Tl, Itr-. .l !. L? "'"" wiuiiver, who 11,11 oeceme a rsill lxwid magnate by n kind of natural oveliv Sbe tells us that the government control or 'V- uennany is a lauure, that the Zks tnlns never ran en limn. ami. with n fpn- ivi? XOeotieng. are VPrV slniv. Tim IrntirTect jjdjKeint he made is that if any Injustice is rtSi done tllPrn Is tin nmui.il linliicl (Ik, rrm- rfenunent, Re1" i The truth nf flip mat Ipr inntr ilnntittnca 3 w nA vam4 Ih 11 1 .1 .It-il -i s i . - nt " iuuuu iu me uruau uistincuen ei classes ft-i . lliaf. nmiilta In ... 1.1 ...V1 l.n.. l.! &L few swift and well appointed trains for fife iwui'ie ei we.iiiu ana line, ana peer --. . w.vu.u. mv uvim , uiii III UIC bread extent of Europe there are many railway systems, and Mr. "Wanamaker speaks only of that Germany which may be the worst of the let. At anv rate we are vviile nnsikn nml fullv sat aware of the defects of our avstem.nml the IS, sooner railway manacers realize the im- Psv Iterative tone of the demand for imnreve- few Bent the better. The Ameriran twnnlp m,- will net be satisfied se long as there is the . slightest doubt of their position in the mat- Iffe muau iiiugTCS, auu, Claiming HIP lbest of mechanical and inventive genius, ,. no we uuuuu iu low li e nunu. liip. nnrp. can de it, and if the rider don't push te the front there will be a howl from the grand stand. t)irtTfrlp4 in Al:n.l.n. -HicHSew Yerk Tunes has performed a most notable public work in sending an ex pedition for exploration purposes into Alaska. This enterprising newspaper fitted out at great expense, an exploring part) under the command of Lieutenant Schwatka, the famous Arctic eiplerer.and it Is gratifying te be able te ieiert the big success of the undertaking. In a letter te the Tuats from Sitka, Lieutenant Schwatka gives a graphic de scription of the St. Elias Alps, and in par ticular Mount St. Elias which was as. cended te the height of 7,200 feet, a teat never attempted before. These hardy ex plorers penetrated a region never before trodden by man. and enceunterpd placicr gjgS-60 miles long and 1,000 feet thick. A river J&X Wall fllaVMTPrfeil H.ef tiqa 1 miln nrwl n ltnlf ., hu ..u,w . V.1.-V. .lli.w lW3 . 11.I1D 1.11(1 .1 liail In width and which was appropriately named Jenes river, after the liberal projec tor of the enterprise. Someof the curious facts gathered b the exploring party are worth noting. Alentr thp rUpr KinVa flUpil willi Inviriid. ftem the. glaciers, could be found fine prairie land with heavy grasi, btraw berry patches leaded with fruit and many pretty clumps of evergreen trees. The ceueral belief that mosquitoes have their home in New Jersey lias been dissipated by the Alaska narrative, for mosquitoes and gnats were everywhere most ter.Tienting ; een en the ice of the wide glaciers, miles from vegetation. President Cleveland will have his name carried down in the geographies of the future by the title of Cltv eland Teak, given te one of the newly discovered snowcapped ranges, and Secretary Whitney will enjoy a similar distinction. This expedition will be most benenel.il in enlightening the people of the United States concerning one of their newest and least known possessions. It was purchased from Itussia in 1SC7 for $7,200,000, when it was in a fairly prosperous condition. Then it was overrun by nd venturers, the reaction came and its last condition was worse than its first. New it Is taking a second forward step. The knowledge that it lias a geed soil and climate; that its fishing and fur Interests nie of large and e er In creasing magnitude ; and that, finally, the United States are ready te develop this ad dition te their territory will stimulate iui iui mJirratien thither that will evputnniu- . , . . , , , , t , v curing ieaiusku suusiannai prosperity. hJ urana Armr Beunlen. We publish elsewhere the nrntrminnm nf ;Mk reunion te-morrow in this city of the jjiuiwiu iuuij iujui vi uiu ceuniy. n prom n itwa te be a noteworthy gathering. f r eucn re-unions as these have their bene- Mil results In kppnimr nllvn II, q n.a -,f IpatrietUm, and in teaching the rising gen- !'.'! 7 ---vu imuiui iimt nave , grown out et the dreadful fratricidal con- Mitui wweuvy-uve years age. The brave if , "" .uu6m, uamiB nauen mluht IrfSUTa have the beat right in the world te fe-'C bold a reunion, and the iKTi-itm.., in extending its best wishes, hopes that it may be a happy one. ," Smith's Impeachment. I'hllidelDliIa's common r.nnnrll l,v , mi. f &"Vef; 40 yeas te 3S nays, has decided te Im .HcU Mayer William IJ. Smith, of I'hlU. rmvii.i iui luiaucuiuuuur auu uiaiauiniUlS- 4 tMtiea in office. There was a vigorous cf. -r", feri lumiU) te dfat tliU nrllnn Imtlnnn TTe te eer- Ti Is a? fatal m Ky lx?iiove'.(nt Northern lee- er the lmpreHien lli.it tlm Seutli- le lmve recn oil an uinisiHlly Urce lare of the geed things tbnt the cenenil rq ernuiPiit has hail In Its jener te give. away. The Memphis Appeal produce some llmirei that nre crtlculnttil te create Hmiitrary liu. presslnn. Wlille the Semlierii itates lup. receded only 13,305 V1 acre- te aid in build ing railroad, the Northern Utps lme re ceived 32,4sS SOT or JM 11 4,Vi aeres mere than the Seuth. Ter like huihwpi oue nomlnallySeutbern corporation has received 0,51,000 acres, where Northern coreratiotis have had 139,311,000 or 1JO,S2I,000 acres mero than the Seuth. The North has get 4,40e,(Nj acres ler canal j the Seuth has get none for such works. Ter rivers harbor, canals, rmds, railroad and interml iinproe iinpree uienta generally in th North, the federal government has contributed VjiWI.nlO; for like purpee In the south, only $22 iVi, 17 1 or $;7,iOI,M7 less Ne gecrniupiit iKind have bcen lsiied te any Southern railroad, while te Northern railroads the KmenmuiU ha Nsued It benda te the enormous amount et $7Sy,73i It further clinehes these re markable facts by the statement that the Southern state have reeped but iMel tli. acres of the public lands ler fhelr Irenwhoel, while for their Rclioel the Northern stale have Ret 70,213 ,"v)l iiere-i or i.177",05 aeri mera than the Southern stairs. I nole Sam should remember thee flaure, m behalf of the Seuth, the next time he opus his pocket book. To-Meunow will be a preit day In local Grand Army cui-Ie. Let us hope that the weather gevt will smile upon It. Mrt. rAUNLLL liegan his peccli en his land bill Monday by aclearaud treujt state ment that must hae surprised hlsader earles, whee verdict en the measure was of couremadeup long belore the tenor et it was known. He sale, that the last election conveyedacemuiandtothellousotohow'that itwas as willing and able te prmllefer the needs of Ireland as an Irlih Parliament would be. This Is a way of looking at the de feat of the home rule bill that doe net eem te have occurred te the opponent of that measure, but the eildeut ImpesMbiliU that the overworked Commens should de any such tblntr, even If e dispened, is the strong est and most U9ed argument ier home rule, and Mr. ParueU's application of it Is only part of the policy of keeping the unanswer able point constantly in the loregreund. There have been many adverse comments en this bill, but these appear te have been caused by the application of the rlid tests of a permanent measure, te one that is only designed for the temporary relief r f the pas antry. Kent Used prier te lvi, and which the tenant is unable te piy, may, by this bill, be abated upon application te a court; ;Mr. I'arnell answered the objection that It would be difficult te ascertain whether a tenint was able te pay his rent, and that the w bole pro cess would take many month', and se be tee late for relief or the threatening dhtre, by referring te the sureess of the act et 12, when similar difficulties w ere e ereemn, and the Inability of 200,000 tenants te jny the rents demanded by absent landlords was determined. If this measure falls, and it failure seems Inevitable, there will bone btrrler between the Irish peasantry and a winter of torrible eutlering, for the rents fall due in November, the potato crop Is peer, and Ceneral Hulleris contriving measures te enforce the eviction. Alfheij HaiinV black rnoiiktache saved him from being appropriated In New Yerk by a woman who claimed te hav e been mar ried te him eighteen years a'e He tallied in des-riptien with the mining husband, ex cept In the color of hi hirsute adornment under his nose. PERSONAL Gistavcs KkmR, pieitmtnriiii l'hlla delphla park commls-feu, died in that city en Monday from paral.) sl. Frank Gnerr, of Keckville, Chester county, ate n plate or Ice cream en Saturday evening last in half a minute. Inter he wagered te eat three laraegiOKercakes in one minute, and while eating the last one choked te death. Jehn U, MEiEnhas bon nominated for associate ludgn by the I.4lanen county Democrats. Other noininaiien were: Kncenn Uhler and Collin Dean, for the legislature ; Jacob K lir'ii.eehi, (or district attorney; William Zullj, director et the poer;(ieorge W. Mys, ceumy surveyor, and Jeseph S. Brotherline, William il. Kline and D. H. firuber, delegates te the state convention. Kt-Co.NeitL'sMAN MtTiiii.Kn I favored by the congressional cenferrte of Northamp ton county for Kepre( ntatlv e Sew den's pla"e. The Democratic county ticket was a lollew h : Kdward II. I.aubaeh, for state senator ; Wil liam H. Themas, J. W. ricxJK and llirhard thapman, for asend)lv j Jt-tlersmi Divls Ilredhead, for district attemev : Newberrv hulninr, for hheritl"; rharlea A Uiich, for clerk et the orphans' court; Matthias Itus. for peer director ; Jehn fyhultz, for coroner. anil Mllf,,1 11 k!,...ii x. . . ............. ,4. etiiuu, mr .uimi5sieneri clerk. Cenvpritlmi of Vuliintfrr I Irriniii. The state convention e! the vnluntecr flrc flrc flrc menoU'ennsjlanlameetsliiAlioii.aio.day, and en Thursday a pvrade w ill take place, In which a large mi in be r of Onmim, i'i tKe part. Thirty bands are t.xiec-.ed u im r.r s ttent. The ilremeu have tieen Puking for ward te this event for the last year and have had committees at work collecting money and making preparations te cuturtain their brethren en a grand scale. Kiery hotel has already leased out its lodging acce nmeda. tiens ler this week. IUHh and private build ings have also been drafted into service ler lodging purne-ea and several locileomianliM have erected temporary building In which te fted their guests. The buaiins men of the city have their building haud-euiely depu rated and arches are erected evor mau v cress streets. mewing Hit, W'hUtlM en iliectiCftiiut Oong Krem the Hae l'arlc Gazette A Hyde Park drummer waa in Hie cars en his way te Lewell one day this with, and his companion was a member tf tLe guild irem New Yerk. The New Yerker made himself agreeable, and the houreriuoio time belwten Bosten and the city of looms w a consumed in telling their mutual expo unite mi the read and lunny stories. Ti.e nun n u Getham started a vonerable ehustiuit, vuieu the Hyde Parker slid Ills hand under ids coat and pulled the little bell. The New Worker was equal te the occasion. He opened his valise, drew from It a huge organ pipe, and with one blast startled the w hole imt. 'l kfiftn till fnr liifat unl, .v .. .u...... If l.n ald. it U net the first time I Inve had ec- w.wu ,u UN) Ifc," l'etin)lam lUUreu.i, 51,.rSi,, ArticleaermerKerand conselluatlon have been illed at the .lal0 deparlment' ila r U burg between the Hanover Junction, Han ever ic Gettysburg railroad cemjuny and the Daehman Valley railroad company, thename or the consolidated correrallnn belDg the Haltlmoreillarrlsburg rallund oempany: The president is A. W. Klchelterger. The fiffice or the consolidated company will be at Hanover. r re and TTu the next were swept nt n the lull. nun get ilrasuetl in, and n wvte sttMiixsl by aenie (vketl Hie ii he lean w alieut 200 fee', and t v aived his clinging te the tie of tee mturt-rwt. woman w n va taneu c ,n the luck of n heiisn wa ratutt't and iipi through n doerwav ami it.t be niner id the trout room, and w hen the d em Uve work ceased people, attracted bv her crle, intitul her Mantling In the corner covered te the neck with rubbish ami boulder, which te closely encircled her tint the ue of crew liars null picks for halt an hour was required belore she could be extricated. Inn slmll ir w ay in about lllly beuse everv thing mi swept out ami the space cevu pled by earth piled up te the eeinps- There were heartrending scene, in vny men, women and children be ing lelt withe.it clothe or teod. Ktletts te mitigate tLeir dlslres were at once made by the mayor and ether. On s.mday it wa seen that three str ts were blocked te a depth of six feet, and throughout the day hundreds of navvies were at work clearing them. A relief fund is te be started, and a mere than lifty tamilie have every scrap or furnlture destroyed, a large amount will be required," lleae llfineluliftl lija tiunrl shApd Cleml. Thntnoles rf Ule was caused bySvturday night's tornado In .Toilet, Illinois Is ex plained by the la-t that cenHnt Dishes of lightning se Illuminated the ky that the tunnel shaped cloud could be plainly seen as it came whirling tow irds the city with a renr like n hundred hvomelive blowing oil steam. Seeing it approach, people lied te the cellar. Twelve houses were demol ished, and a number of ethers were moved from their foundalleu. One he.ie was turned completely upside down. V large elevator was wreckid, and tree and tele graph pole were tern up,5 twisted oil and leu Inte various shape. Along Fourth avenue great hole were scooped out or the hard gravel mm, ami eve wltntssps sav this was timid l.y hall of'elettrie tlrts which bounded along the ground. A horse and wagon hltchett In front of a house disap peared in the tornado, and no trace et either hasben diceerd siiica. TholeIn proper ty Is estimated ai J7"i ml) A STItVMiKU. Came te my heart- wide tloerono fatelnl Jay A pOe brown atrnneer, wlih af ice of wee And i re my itnpetueu heart ceii'd but him go, Tnc stranger's h ind en mine In pretest Uj Avolccet mournful in lmlycilcd N.i ' Deny me net. t tinii art nngi utie s , Loek In lay face mv name natl Uncage knew, Ist tnlhvhate thou tlrlttia frtend awaj. 3Iy name Is rain, and 1 am born et Leve." My heart leaped op the sicrllvgule prove. Hut stepped before thfl witness of ttieaecycs. "Ah, ferthst saving kinship, It replies, " He welcome, tbeuanilfiM. 1 am mere blest Thau crew nt d king te have then ler ray guest "' iVewi Jojeti 7'rrinicr(jif. VIr Lnnn2e Ituck, liancreft Sllch , waj cured of chrenlcrhfutnatl.ni uy St Jicoes OH sald hsndsouie Tem te smiling ell, " Where did j ou II nd that mystic spoil Thst het er 'round your every smile. And weula my throbbing beirt beguile " Queth lauirhlni; -Veil, " 1 ou 'Illy be , In seOKOh T, the creaai of Jn. al'KOl.iL .VVTIOES. AKK HiU MAtIK tnlscpible by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Ixmi or Appetite, t. ew Skin T Shlleh's Vltaltzcr U a jwnttive cure, or sale by H. H. Cochran, Drngglst, Ne. 157 .North CJueen street. A niMEDv for liidUflstten, Consumption, Dys pepsia, VVtikne-,, itiir, Ague, i tc Coition's i.liiuld Beef Ionic sle Iwdced.xw- ruur-t'lltlis. Of our Ainerlr-in people are nillkli it with sick headache in cither Us nervous. Iitlieii or con- f:estie form, cuusttl ly lrnuiar bnblts, high ivln, etc , and no lvmnly h is ttir tenituered It until Dr Leslie () lal l'i, -eiijitlen wu dli dli cevered Civ e it a trial. !si udtt rtuement In another column. (3) "IIAChMtTVCK "a lasting unilf-sgnnt per. fame. Price Sand fit) cents eraeby li.it. Cochran, Druggist. .Vix 1J7 erthyuien tlreet. Itncklen s Anitrrt saUg The lt.st Salve In the world ter Cu', ItrnUes, Sere, L leers, Salt Khuuin, t.iver s,lre. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Cern, and all Klein Krnptlens, and positively care I'lles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give ., rfi ct satis faction, or money refunded I'rlc, iV cunts per box. Jersilebyll.il Cecnran, DruirgUt, 137 and 133 enh QaitfD itiret, LamsLater. l'a. TIIK IthV eKO II THAI Kit, of llourben Ind., says ' Ittith myself ma wife ewennr lives teSHlLOirscO.SsUlll'nuS CLIth " lorsale by 11. 11. Cecnran, Druggist, Ne 137 North Queen atreet. Dandkliet Liveb I'xllbts for sick headache erpidllvcr, blllousnessandtndlestlon Small and easy toawallew. One pill i dose. I'rice.isc Ily all druggists. fSS-"!rndrn,lh,S A IteinarKalile Oueit .Man Is he who attends te the comfort of his family and will net let his little enej sufftr with affec tion of the Threat and Lungs, w hereby their lives may be endangered, but who should at all times give them that severt ten ri u.edy, Kemp's Italsam Price Se cents and Jl Trial tiie frte r or sale or II IS. Cochran, drugglat, JJ7 North Queen street, (j) roll I)i SiI'KI'alA and Llvrr Complaint, you have a printed guurantt en every Ixitlle of nhl nhl leh's V ftallzer It never falls te cure ter sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne 4S7 North Queen streeu The Verdict rnanlniuns. Veu are ftellng depressed, jour appetite Is peer, v ou are bothered with Head icht, jeu are flageiy, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want te brace up. Ilrucenp, but net with eilmu lanu. spring medicines, or bitters, whl h have fur their basts ery cheap, bad whlskj, and hlcu stimulate you ler an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than Ufen. What veu wantlsnnaltcratlveth.it will pnrtrj vourbleesl, start healthv uctlnn of I tver and Kidneys, re store your vitalltj , and give renewed health and 8trcnth Such aim dirlne you wilinndin Elec trie Hitters, and enlj n cents alKdtleutll II Cechian'a Drug bteie. 17 and lja North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa (ji rorlameback, side or chest, use Shiloh's l'er eus I'laster. 1'rlee Actmu t'er sale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne.L North Qnetm stieut. The Mystery nulretl. It has always b en understood that consump tion was Incurable, but It has recently been discovered that hemp's Ililamfer the Threat and Lungs Is giving mere relief than any Known riniedy it is nuarantccd te relieve and cure Asthma, bronchitis and Ceuehs. LallenII.il. v.-uiun, uruKxisi, ae ii; .(,rtn Queen street, and get a trial bottle tree of cost Large slze W cents and II G) K1DNK1 TIIOLIII.KS A Case of ataiiy iear Slnndlng Cured With bli Dettles, In a .Man no ears et Age. Allk.ntewn, l'a., Jiay g, lass. KistisLiet llirraBa Ce. bents I had been treublt d with my kidne) sfer a number of j ears, until almost ever) thing without much benefit until I tried Dandelion Hitters. I used six bot tles and am pleased te say 1 am entirely rid of the kidney trouble, btstdes my sjstetn being toned up se that I feel like a different person. 1 cbterfully recommend the same te all atlllcted 'VrL'iVW . JAceujiLHciiLiiz. lebn-Jmit J u,lh,s SHILOH'S CATAItllll UEMKDV.-si posltlve euro for Catarrh. Dlptherla, anil Canker lleuth. NerthaQun16'c!et;OCbnl,, " 1S1 an ! nt'S' '"".V M'l'etlt", Dizziness, and all 8mptems pt Dvsi.p8a I'rtce lu and 75 cenu ier bettla. j'er sale by II II Cochran Druggist, Me. U) North Queen' .tree" ecataa l.vrltcuieut In Ten.. ' Ureat excltemint has been caused Inthevl. coveryet Mr. J K Corley, who was se helpless he could net turn In btd, or raise il" head everybody said he was dying of Censuiiintlt n A trial bettle of Dr. hliigV J&w iVlseevSrv wis sunt him trlnding r. llei, he bought a iS "t tuuiiitnuoxel Dr. King's NeWbl.ife lMil, thy the time he had taken two boxes of ruts and two bottles ei the Discovery, he was well and had pained In flesh thirty six pounds Trial Jtettles of this u real Discovery for Con sumption free ul II, II Cochran's Drug store, 137 and te North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. (J) . II sy I'ever, 1 havu been a periodical sufferer from hay rever (a most aonejlug and loathsome nlllic iJ?.n.,,?,UC0 thesuinmei of ItfTS. ana until 1 u.ed reAer nnVi'i"., Vlni' , ueYtr uul I" and any "Liever season.-1,. M. Ooergta, lilusrhuuiteu, sliSwdeeaftw Its" condition of the liiuugh which nourish hen, in c iieincncoef age hair becomes wcik, thin and "Hale Viger will strengthen It, i eilglnal color, immune It lapld and Berons growth, and Impart te it the lustre and freshness nf veuth. 1 have used AVer's tlalr liter for a long time and am convinced of its value Whcnl wa17 v caw of age mv hair began te turn gray. 1 com lnenccd ustnir the Viger, and was surprised at the geed edicts It produced It net only re toted the color In inv hatr, but se st undated Its grew tt that t h we new mere hatr thu cv er before. -.1 vv kdaatds, Coldwater, M!. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. Seldbyall Drugnlsl and IVrfiimer lr Via. aKKstrrKRise from debility and less of nppetlle. If jour stnuu'h Is out et elder, or your mind confused i tske A er's sarar.vtllla This mcdUtne vrlll res ero physical force and elasticity te the vtem, mere surely and pccd Uy tli m any tonic j ct discovered for six months 1 suffered Irem liver and steni ch troubles. Vly tetnl did net nourish me. and 1 becsinn weak and very much tinaeHted 1 took six bottle of Ayer s"arsaparllla andvMs cured. Julius U. I'almer, 'prlnnfleld, Mas Ayer's Sarsaparilla l'repard by Dr. J. C. Ayer A Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold b Druggist t'rlce, II sli ttittle. i. sKtesii 'IK .s.il.f. pniVAii: sAUi 1 WILL 11AV K A Oar-Lead of Canada Horses UY NKT RATI It 11 A V. , tlrst-Clas and Heavy Until. Alse, en hand ome VV KsTI- UN IWItsKS-rtrst-Class Uilve'rsandfer'jrnernl farm Use. UhOlll.K tillUssMAN. T3U11I.1C SAhU OlTllCBSDiV, Smtkviiiib x, lVSs Thounderslgncd.execnterof the estate of llev VV r Uerhanl, deceased, will sell at public sale, at the i cop ml Hetel, In the city el Lancaster the following described vatuible city prepcrt), viz Ne 1. A valuable city property containing is feet, sjj inches Hunt en fast Urungti stnet, nd extending tn depth along Christ lsn street 17i feet, Js, Inches, luiue er less, according te deed The Improvement i rected thereon consist of alweand a hvll-slerj UKICh I'VVM.LlNi. Hl)lTK, with hill and ertry ou tirst and second fleer, an. I a large two-story lirlcfc lktck IluUdlnK attached Se Jl ttstOrauKu street. The llrst deer cenliins f nir rooms second has also four rooms and bath Heuse w 1th het ami cold water, third tloer contains three rtiems There nre a numner or lrult;ines of ex cellent e,uallty In the let Ihl-pnpertv Is cell t'allr lecatilaud Is very desirable as a business stand or suitable for a professional man, being located en ene of the principal streets and only halt a square east of North Queen street and IS squares Irem Centre Niuare ve a, A Let of Ground en the east side of "enth 1'rtnce street, containing J3 f,Mt, ; inches front en said .south l'rlnce street and extending In depth lue het te a 14 fiet wile alltv, upon which Is erected a two-story lit, ILK flelr-lv, with a small Hack llullding attached, Ne S3a, and new occupied by dettlelb v t untnger Any person vvlshlng te view the above properties be' tore day of sale can de se by c-vlliug en the per sons residing thereon, or William 11 V UsOn, esq. Ne 21 North Duke street t-ile te commence, nt 7 o'clec k p m , when con ditions will be made known bv 1). VV OhltlfAIiD, Lxccuter llE.tnv Snrnzr.T, Auctioneer Alse, at the same time and place, wilii sold at pnbllc sale, a Three-story UKIcH ll ELL IVU I1DUSK containing hall and six rooms, sltuateden the east side et setiTh Queen street. Ne Oil, new occupied by Philip Ihran. Let contains Ju feet front and extends In depth 115 feet te a 10-fect wlde alley ; Hydrant nt the front deer Conditions will be made known en dav of sale by Dll. JfcitOVIL iiEUIlAKD. Hcsrt Shcbsrt, Auctioneer septl,7,ll,lI.ls.21,CS,A30d trjXKH A.l) LIQUUltn. A MERICAX WINKS. GRAND DISPLAY -Of American Wines. The following Is from the report of the Jndces en v Incs nt the Lancaster County Agrtt ultural Association hatr Me desire te makn special mention of II. E Playinaker a large and el gant exhibit of Domes Demes tic Wines, produced by the l'lcasant Vallty Wine Company, of Rhclrns, Steuben cennty. New Yerk. Thetr Special lreat We-tern hxtra Dry and Ureat Western hxtra Dry, Champagnes, I'ert, claret. Dry and Swett Cutanbi vvine, which wa consider, compare favorably wlih Im. ported W Incs. WILLIAM A JIOltTON, It. t ItAMv IllthNLMAX, A. 1UKSTA.ND. 31l.tOKLI.AS EUVH. CTORAOK -1SD- GOMMISSION WARBHOU3B. DA.MKL 11AVKU, Se. l West ( lieattinl strenc ded-lvd mOIJACCO PAUKERb' SAMPLE CARDS ON HAND AND l'fllSTED TO OEDBli AT THE. "Intelligencer" Office. A, II. KOSENSTEIN, j.uruiii inu TAILUU, Mr selection for the cemlnir season Is new ready, comprising ene of the nnest stecK ever shown In this city The stock Is entirely new nod well worth your Insptctlen. ty prices are moderate, nnd workmanship nf the best. The reputation or the hnuse for fine work will be fully maintained. Having secured for the com ing season the services ei Mrst-Llass Tailors,! can guarantee the very best of work. Sole proprietor for the l'atcnt btrap Panta loons, warranted net te draw up when sitting down, nor bag at the knee. A. II. lIoh.NSTfclsr,ii7N'erth Queen 8L TT QKKIIAUT, Fine Tailoring. A Full and Complete stock of Imported an Demestic Suiting and Overceating Fer the Kail Trade new ready te select Irein. Call early te secure llest styles. H. GERHART, He. 13 N. QUKKM ST., Opposite, the I'o-telilce. mar27-l)dll ITK HAVE ON HAND A 1'l.VE ASSORTMENT OF Beveled Edge, Gilt Edge and Rough Edge CARDS I flultable for Invitations, Address Cards, etc, which will be printed te order nt short notice und upon the most reasonable terms. ENVELOPES TO MATCH. " Intelligencer" Office. 16 tfd T-VON'THUKFKK ANY LONUEH Frem Veur Disordered Kidneys, IJIack ItiirrenJUnernl Spring Water Isa I'rempt, KtttclcntandC'bcapltcinedy. Its Tonic and Invlgerant Towers inake It an ejcellent Dyspepsia Iteuiedy, Dr. ltegnault, el France, writing teUcn. ltetr, cf the U. n. Army, says i " leu need net ceme toKnrepa for Waters te Cure Dyspepsla ; we have none better than HLACK IIAIIIIKN rll'HINO WAT Kit." l'ersena supplied and vessels rurnlahed. I'.b. UOOIUI AN, Manager, Ne. 37 Fast (irnnt StreeU Fer sale by JNO. II. KAUFFMAN.DniggUt, North Uueeu Bin et, l.ancaster,1'a. 1ILACK HA Kit UN ni'UIMJlIOUBK new open. Apply te M1SCII)1!T1K HOMllKltOKlt, l'leasant (Jreve, lncster County, l'a. unrliefimri npaia i'ai'kh ih ikintku with INK Manufactured by j. k. wmanT & oe mrl-ly0 Wthnd Hare Btf fhll&delphia. l'a HAGER & llnve New Open nml Novelties in KAl.l, AND W1NTKK Wit Ai3 lu Krlne Cleth Aetrlcivn, Plush nml lloucle. JACKl-rris, In New Cletli mid Shnpee. NilWMARKUTH, In Utockenott, Uoucle nml Whipcord. Misses' Jackets find Newmarkets, Children's Haveloeks and Oleaks. SHAWLS. JOUVIN'SKIDOLOVEai The Heat liuperted. A foil line, In Ulnck and Celere, Drossed nnd Undressed, Plain nml Kiubrelderled Uncks. HEH1N0 UNDKKWKAll, KNIT UXDKUWFLVH, SILK UNDEUWKAlt. H03IF11Y, in Morlne, Cotten, Civehniere, Weel, Silk. Noveltloe lu DUK83 T1UMUINOS utid UUTTON3. HAGER & Nes. 25 and 27 West King Street, Lancaster, P& M fcrr.OKH A HALHU1MAN. THE HEADQUARTERS FOR Blankets and Comfertables LOWEiT PRICES, METZGER & HAUGHMAN S CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. N TKXT DOOM TO TUK t'OUKT UOUHK. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS! ljtr;e Stock new open suitnble for Karly l'.ill ami Mid JWlntcr. Alse, Shoulder bhftwls in great variety, from 10c. te 41.00. ANe, I'M autl Win ter Wnirs in Large Assortment. LADIES' DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT I Lis been enlarged and will be supplied with new additions almost dally throughout the season. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer (e the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. HVUJ. fAfJSM. c AN'T 11 B 11KAT. Ot II KI.EOA.NT LINK OK Wall Paper & Window Shades, AVI) OUll Very Modest Prices Are the thlngi that can't 1 bent by any heuse In the city. WWE 1NMTK INSI'KCTIO.S n.a ART WALL PAPER STORE, SO. Ill NOllTIl QUEEN ST1IEKT, LANCAS1EU, PA. ALFRED SIBBER, ui- Stere open every Monday anil Saturday owning. UUOOMMJXS. HIGU GRADE COFFEES. Fine old (ieTcmment Java and Mecha CeiRst., the best In the markeU Our Jura lllcn fleil CoOee siR'jilts (or luclf ; rich and rraKTant, 2Sc. per pound. Very line 1'lantatlen Ille Coffees, enr beat only sue. per peund: one very popular at lie vve want you te call and try our wKp. Coffee The excellent qnallty of our Ceueea nnd tine Teas Is making irienda fast and Ann. Our dally sales show a steady Increase Krush lteastcd evury day, A full line or fancy Groceries, l'lease give ua a trial order. (JEO. VV1ANT, auirx-ivfl Ne. 113 Weal KIne SUeet. AT BDHHK'S G. A. R, and American Flags, Decorate Your Hemes FOU OUll COMUADES- HEUNION AND l'A- i:ai)k, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22 We have nil slim American Flags. We have the O. A. 11 t lnic with U. A. It. hmblems, and the words" WELCOME COMUAUES'Ma large letters. WELCOME THE DKr KMIKllI Ol' OUll HOMES. We will Aid Yeu In Decorations. ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 PJAST KING STREET, l.ANCASTBIt. FA. VAHr.UMKS, OTANDARD OAKRIAOE WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CARRIAGE BUILDER Market Streot, Rear of PoatefUco, Lanoeator, Pa. My stock comprises a large variety of the Latest Style UugKles, Fhaitens, CarrlaKes, Mar ket and llusliiess Wagons, which 1 offer at the very lowest figures and en the most reasonable terms. 1 call special Attention te a few el my own do de slirns, oneef whlchls the EDUE11LEVCLOSEU l'UYSICIAN C'OUl'E, which Is decidedly the neatest, lightest and most coinplcte l'hyslclan'i Carriage in the country. Tenens wishing te buy a Reed, honest and substantial article, should hour In mind that they take, no risk In buying my work. Evury Carrtage turned out In eighteen years a geed ene that Is thu klud of guarantee I have te eiler the public. All work fully warranted, l'lease give me a call. UEl'AIIllNU FllOMFTLY ATTENDED TO, One set of workmen especially employed ter that purpose TVTY t&0 Tr.KTH ARE AH GOOD AS Ilk. can be purchased tn Lancaster ter lisue.' Call and lie tenvlnccd. All work warranted. Ues administered. W.L.FISHEIt'a Dentist. ap!7 1yd Ne. Ci North Queen Street. TnE UXDERSIGNKD WILL RE-OPEN his course et Instruction In the German. French and Italian languages, lu the early part of October nnit. l'leute apply at hU studio, NO. 7 EAST KINO STHEfcf. sri Und LEON VON OSSKO. BROTHER Invite tuapoctien of Dress Goods ! BROTHER, rVHUlTVHB, -pUKNITUHE WAHEROOMH. I1U1 lOUIWELF A ;l'AIK OF THOSE Felding Dress Pillows, CALL KAELY AT Hoffmeier's Furniture Warerooms. Tbey am the nicest thing out and we have J nst rcculv cd another let of Ihein. 26 EAST KINO STREET. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. The Bargains Still Continue AT- WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE. DccliUd lUrgalns are offered te makoruem for alti rations new being made. New Is the time te buy a nice Chamber or Parler Suite, DINING KOOM OR KITCHEN H'llNITUIlE AND SAVE MONEY. WIDMYER'S, EAST KIN a AND DUKB STB. SjJ'Upen Monday and Saturday Evenings. sepUMyd WOTIOHB. pillHMAN'H. OENTLEMEN'a Balbriggan and Qauze Undershirts. THE 11K8T-; White Shirts! NECKTIE'S. FLAIN AND KANCY HOSIEUY 8CAUF FINS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, 8USFENDEUS, AT ERISMAN'S, NO. 17 WK1T KING HT . LANCASTKll, I'A MJ.VUMKMY. JlAOHINKRY, 40. FOE STEAM HEAXINO Latest and Most Improved EN6LNKS-Truliei, Perltbli ir SUtieitr;. New or Becend-Uand BOHiEB8, WATFH TANKS, BEPAOATORB. Mieams or Uhtaib wen such asdoneane kept In Machine Sheps. esxl ea ei aDOUu, Ezra F. Landis, WORKS-C37 NORTH OHEBRY 8TBBBT, Laneabtxii, Fa. 7tfdAw A I'RESlfARIUVAL OP FALL AND W1NTZII GOODS J list received this day at BJJCIITOLD'S C1IK AF HiiiriM iATita overalls. Knit Jackets, ceimrs, Cuiri 'NMkilsr; flanakerchlels. Suspenders nmi Hin? cuieds irenei-ally. All Cheap for Cash. V. S!lPcIwu!w.ng (one and Sand ler sale vmr MOfiuf. IN "" "" Flannels and Weel Dress Goods, Yeu will nnd Hest lloetls nml llottem l'tlcci AT THM North End Dry Goods Stere. J. W, IIYHNK, nevMyd Ne. sn North (Jueen itrtnL JJJW vr.NTUur-s. STAMM b0S. & 00., Neb. 90 and aa North Queen Bt, liioiileYOVCI,tUnH,t,l,,,Jrlho LRr8Ms AHOll. QUILTED LININGS, IN ALLCOLOUS, Krer shown In thl. city, Ilavlun teiihiii,s l.lnlna.lmtn llrst hanufu VnabftXtoeffS? them at plcs less than avorlwtero heard et. ANUTI1K11VKNTUUKI3 WOOLEN YARNS. HAXONY, 7RP1IVH, UAnllMKUK.tiKltVtAN VV OUSTEll, QBUMAN. TOWN WOOL, Au., At prices which wuvrlll warrant the Lewest la the city. BOSTON STORE. I Stere. eien Monday and Saturday Even Inns J H. Ill VI. Ell A CO. auk SE1.L1NU err Their Entire Stock -OK DRY GOODS. Pllksnml l)rc (Ieh1, ladles' Trl. ret and Cleth Hnltliixs, lllack nnd Colere.1 cahninru shawls. Skirts, lllaukcts, Mannils. Nearly all our stock U newtind dcntmliln. but every tiling will lie sold at lktrRaln Prices, FOR CASH. -Our store 111 be open Saturday and Monday evenlne. Jelm S. Qivler & Ce., Ne. 26 Euat Klng.Stroet, LmejiBTis, Vi. "JJEV I'Alilj HOODS. FLANNELS. - FLANNELS. WATT & SHAND, Nea. O, O and 10 East King Slrcet, Am new slielnK an luunonse Stock of All Weel WHITE FLANNELS, Medicated Scarlet Flannels, All bought for cash last spring; when wool wm away below the cost el production, anil new soil. Insc at from live te ten cent a yard under man ufacturcra lenwt prices. III.ANKET3I ULANKETSI WHITE DLANhETS1 SCAKLET 1ILANKETS COLOKEI) ULANKETSI UanKlnK In price from 7Jc. te HHul a pair, and considerably under the present cost et product tlen. EVEItlTHISU NEW AND DESIItAHLE IN BED SPREADS, MARSEILLES QUILTS nnd BED COMPORTS. -AT LOWEST CASH FlIICE3.-t -AT THE- HEW YORK STORE. J. II. MARTIN CO. Gossamer Rubber Clothing. lluylne direct from the Kactery we offer neclal llnrcalns In these iioeds. und en all guaranteed xoeds we sell them en a trial of mi days, and It net satisfactory dunnc that time, can be returned and money retunded. LADIES' ELECT11IC CIIKCIC OOSSAMllt, Entliety New Pattern, 1 1 tw Apiece. QUAUANTEED. LADIES' KLECTUICOO'SAMEIt, Oeld Cheek Check Lining, 11.7 Apiece. UUAUANTEED. LADIES' Et.ECTKIC G031AMEIIS, Check Lin. lng, l'atcnt llcluferced, L6u Apiece. GUAUANTEED. LADIES' KLKCTUIC GOSSAMEU, Plain Lin Idk. Hest Quality, tl.. GUAUANTEED. LADIES' ELECTHIO G03SAMEUS, Second quality, II UJ. GUAUANTEED. LADIES' ELECTHIO GOSSAUEUS at U Cents Apiece. NOT GUAUANTEED. LADIES' 11LACK GOSSAMEHS ntWc,75e., 11.00, 11.25, I1.M. 1IKST QUALITIES GUAUANTEED. Children's Gossamers, ALL FUICES. MEN'S ELECTRIC COATS, At 11.10, 11.25, II JO, I2.U), 13 0U. UMBRELLAS. We purchased a large stock et Umbrellas at less than manufacturers prices : Vt Dezen Umbrellas At 5c Apiece. 25 Dezen Umbrellas AtWe. Apiece. 10 Dezen Umbrellas A'.'ElSSJ lODozen Umbrellas ...At liue Artec. 10 Doen Umbrellas, Imitation Coin Silver Han dies at 11.25 Apiece. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., (Opposite Stevens Heuse.) LANOABTKU. p. KVAN'B KI.OOR. Prnve nil things nnd bold fast te that which Is geed." Levan's Fleur. .. -.. i .? -tt j -iidea.fajfefjjhixj; m&g&ixi . qVAW&- l . , iaiijUii'-.' .wtWi