THK IANOASTflK DAILY INTEUilGlfiKCEK. SATUKPAY SEPTEMBER 11, 1886. ! $ ' 'r-t' &" Btli. z ' ivk v E;VV ' WW &') & Rl Hs $. V J pa. fc& lAi U HTIOK IN COLUMBIA, MAT WAM ABBMMUBD Ml -ijLsurAiarm talbbt. Caaepalga Clnb Wdiip la m of OMetn. Butm About Tew. rOflmspondencaef lTtLteiirciR. VMBtA.Sert. 11. Editor Walter TIiep. if UMNair Yerk Voice, waaadvertlal ; la Iha armory laat night en prehlbl- ttmtdM aet com About fifty people Mean. V. a. Geedman and fO. Xtoaerd, of Lancaster, made Mefca te the meeting en tbe aue- 'of prohibition sad gave an outline work being done In Lancaster They Mated that Mr. Mllla waa un- Fittoteswpnamt ea account of aicknees. rtMapealcara bad cenclnded an eiien IMMUtoernalzefa Prohibition club In jjj Culaaibla which waa aoeompllabedl by the or unan oeurueer, aa piwaramw in. Hurn.aaaacratarv. A paper was i ebeiilatad imenr the people wbe bad Twain ail mil about ten aurnera were aecured a nacleua for tbe club. Tbe meeting War attended by both Republicans ami PeaaecTata with a number for beyi acattered . aceoeg ua crewa. ftjttjry roeisjaaryiituT, 'JOBHJJ. tiieiz, oenuucior 01 crew ad, drawn by eeRtne is a aw, or me rennsj iva ftla railroad, waa hurt at an early hour thla .K'WerBltifr, while en his train coming west, r ' . The train bad received orders te run en tbe -TsMdle track at Kagle 'station, and the con- ''doctor attempted te Jump from the train .rArhlle It waa moving very alew. The ballast flMMl been removed from net ween tbe ties and MM caused Mr. uietz te atumbie anu uts ien - 'The Injured man waa brought home en en Af'ftlMKaCffla The Injuries were given at- t-vrienUea by l)r. Craig. ;- - The following elllcers were elected last night '' Hhawnee Kncampment, Na ts, 1. e. u. r'., ' ;jT 'tnaerve for the ensuing term : Chlefpatriarcb, f pwai. K. Maddenj high priest, Armer D. A:"! Hell t senior warden, Chas. S. Filbert ; junior v'1 waraen, e. .uuiies; treasurer, uee. . '.'Si Hell reed or; trustees, Jehn B. Fjslileman, H. In tba Church. Jn the Trinity Reformed church en Sim ilar at 10.15 a. m., andT0im. Harvest Iiema thanksgiving exercises will be held. The church will be suitably decorated with fruits and flowers and a special service ar ranged for tbe occasion. The Church of Ged will lie clesed en Sat urday morning. In the evening tbe church will observe tee ordinances or feet-washing na the lord's Supper. Itev. C. 1- Grituths has returned home from his summer vacation and will conduct the regular services In tlie Methodist Epis copal church. Tbe Sunday school will be held In tbe arternoen. Rev. C. D. RIshel will preach this even ing In Washington borough, at the opening et tbe Harvest Heme service of the Church et Ond. Town Metes. Five boys working at the Susquehanna rolling mill, were arrested yesterday by Officer Wlttlck for trespassing en tbe grounds or Mr. E. K. Smith. The boys were released upon warning net repeat their act The Red and Gun clnb returned home bout twelve o'clock last nlghL The mem bers came from tbe camp en a special train te Harrlabnrg, and then home, with their car at tached te a freight train. The store lights et the commercial circuit failed te born very geed last evening. The machinery at the plant is being overhauled te-day. The Spy el this week states that a strike Is in progress at the Keeley stove works, for an advanee of ten per cent In their wages. Thla report is net correct, as tbe men are still at work. The president of the beard of di rectors denies tbe report The annual session of tbe colored ledges or Odd Fellows' will be held In Columbia . next u ee!, . The meeting will be held in tbe armory. On Wednesday a large parade will take place. C ATT LB DIM BASK. Further Information Concerning th AlarmlDg Klne Infection In the Lener End, Dr. Weber, veterinary surgeon, returned from tbe southern end of the county last evening. Resides the cattle reported dead yesterday, he says that one head of Ell Clendennin's herd of ten cattle, bought from Smith Bnedgrasg, died yesterday, and that one of Truman Smith's herd of ten reported safe yesterday, has also died. Twe mere cf Mr. Hnedgrass' steers have died, making live in alt Mr. Snodgrass la almost prostrated with grief ever the calamity that has befallen him and his neighbors te whom he sold the Infected cattle. He has the reputation of being a very careful cattle dealer. Bis last year's stock was said te be among the best In the oeunty ; and this year he was determined te de belter, and bought lu the west 03 of the best steers he could find. His unfortunate experience with them has been already told. The disease Is aald te be splenic apoplexy and it la believed by many te be contagious, bnt an encouraging circumstance Is that no cattle have died et the disease except these that came east lrem Chicago. It Is believed tbe disease will net spread. Beading's One Hundred ana Ttilri! AnuUcrury The Klappert Hall club, of Reading, cele brated the ene hundred and third anniver sary of the incorporation of Reading as a borough at Flying Hill, that clty.J Congress man Jehn A. Hlestand, It. Frank Eshleman and B. Frank Rreneman were tbe LancAS trlana present Congressman Ermentrout responded In an eloquent strain te the toast, "The City of Reading." "Our Guests" was responded te by General Jehn F. Hartranft, General Simen Cameren, Judge Donaldsen, It K. Jamisen and Colonel J amen Yeung. The Flnnnclal, Industrial and Educational Interests or tlie City " was responded te by HenryS. Eckert, Reading; "The Uerks County liar." by Richmond U Jenes, Read Read leg ; " Tbe Roreugh orFettsvlllo," by Masen Weldman, Lebanon ; " The City or Leb anon," by Jehn W. MiBh, Lebanon ;" The City of Lancaster, "by 11. Frank Eshleman, Lancaster. The closing toast or tbe day, " The Klapper Hall Club," was .responded te by Geerge F. Ilaer, Reading. Illll In Kqultj Filed. A bill In equity was tiled in the court et common rleas this morning, by Stephen Griasinger, Samuel Re.ver, Geerge Geyer, S. H. Stacks and Renjamln U. Gantz, managers of the Camp U1U cemetery of the United Brethren In Christ, against Jehn lloetn, Tobias Gaucher, William Haluea, Jehn R. Myer and Jehn Keener. Tbe bill seta forth that the plaintiffs are the beard of managers of tbe above corporation, that prier te Sep. tember 12, 1885, the defendants were the managers, and as such received large sums of money for the sale or burial lout which they refuse te hand ever te plalnUHs, their successors. I Karl Cletlug Movement Succeeding. It la gratifying te report that the early closing movement in the Lancaster stores premises te be successful. Nearly all the atarcbanta bare agreed te close at C u m. except en Monday and Saturday. This agreement will probably be for tbe whole yaw round. Moen cake reset Thla U the evenlntr when the Chlnran nr taw city will have their moon cake feast. Jeal before partaking of the cake every Chi Daman Is supposed te go eutalde and ga"e upon the moon for an hour or ae. Most Be IUdhea4ltary. A bright little girl who aaw three sisters with hair of rich auburn remarked te her mether: "Seems te me, mamma, that kind of hair must be redheaditary in that family." m bets Than aa Half Crep el Oalens.. TIM oaiea crop In Orange county, N. V., which baa been attacked by the peat that ap Maredlaat year (the onion weevil) will net Mever 800,000 bushels, it usually ylelda M0,MO bushel, Bad His Head Cot CJurlM Selvert, little son of Jeseph Sel ves of North Queen street had an agly nole eet ta the back of his head yesterday by be- A OBBAT XI31K BXVr.VTBO. The National lUiur elj"lh Lancaster Mh-u-nercher en Net ember 17. The National liafaar or the Lancaster Mien Mien nercber will open en Wednesday, Novembor IT, and continue for ten day. The ladles commlttee has organ Ired by tlie election of the follewing: l'resldent, Sirs. Henry tier- hart; secretary, Mrs. M. Uersuel ; treasurer, MIm J. Klebl. Tbe following ladles have velunteered te net as principals or pavilions : Nei 1, fancy work and art, Mrs. Ueerge Klebl t Ne. 2, cblnaware and glaM, Mrs. It, M. Uelenlus : Ne. ", linen embroidery, Mrs. V. Vatter ; Ne, -I, cigars and tobacco, Mrs. Ueerge M. llerger ; Ne. r., Martba Washing ttm, Mra. Klsber j Ne. II, soap and cologne. Mi. J. Welfer: Ne. 7, fancy and worsted work, Mrs. r. Welier; Ne. S, books and stationary, Mrs. William Wehlaen ; Ne. '.', Chinese teas, An., Mrs. William Halt ; Na 10, cake and Irult, Mr, Harry Drachbar, restaurant, Mrs. Henry (lerbart; Ire cream, Mrs. Geerge l'lolller; central fleer iallleu, Mrs. M. Ueraliel; ltebecca at tlie veil, Mrs. Clara Ream. An executive commUteeet three were ap pelated te visit members of tlie Miennercber in regard te their contributions fertlltlerent tables. The committee consists or Mrs. 1L OerharL Mrs. M. Clcrshel and Mrs. U. KleliL The nations te be represented by the pact pact eons are as follews: three Americans two Germans, one French, one Turkish, one Chinese, one English, and an Irish. the enxuxiuva catebvii.ljk. Ha Has fteerended Upen Lancaster tike an Army With lUnners. The obnoxious caterpillar Is rampant In Lancaster. He strips each twig and branch bare of Its leavea and veils them with fes toons el cobweb. Tbe apple trees appear te be tlie worst sullerers from tbe depredations or the pest and next the pear trees sutler. Tbe caterpillars also de great damage te tbe quince and plum trees, but strange te say they never touch the peach. Upen theappreacb eta citizen armed with a torch they promptly curl up aud drop te the ground. One gentleman reports tbat be took his life In his hands by craw ling out en bla back roer tbe better te reach the cobwebs en a tall pear tree, and alter baying burnt them all he went down stairs and found a precession etcatterplllars already beginning te crawl up the trunk et tbe tree. On feeling the heat they Instantly curl up and drop, but the tall does net seem te hurt them, it has been suggested tbat tbe spar rows have decreased In numbers or late aud that the caterpillars, their natural feed, have tberefore increased. Hut en this point opinion lsdhlded, some asserting tbat tbe sparrow has been decreasing, that the places that knew him knew him no mere; while ethers aver that places tbat knew him little new knew blm much mere; and It is whispered tbat the sparrow has sickened en the caterplllar.that his diges tion has been Impaired by an oxeccsslve in dulgence In hl9 favorite reed and be has wisely sworn oil. The common opinion seems te he that the sparrow as an exterminator of Insects Is n lalluru. Out of Town. Byren J. Brown, a representative of the state council of Red Men will leave te-morrow arternoen at 2 o'dleck for Detroit, -Michigan, -where he gees te attend the meetlng or tbe national council. The representatives from the East will have a special Pullman car en Fast Line. Miss Annie Corcoran, of this city lei t to day for a trip te New Yerk and ether points or interest Mr. Felix J. Slmsen, who for the past tvte years has been In tbe employ et liau'l A. Mayer, leaf tobacco dealer. West Chestnut street will seen leave for Galllen, Alabama, wbore he has accepted a similar position. His brother. Dan. J. Slmsen, lrem Baltimore, has accepted bis late position. ay It I "Net Practicable." Ceuncilmeu Geerge M. Berger and Lewis Nell were seen by an Intellieknceu re porter te-day about tbe recent action of the tire committee In declining te advertise for Eropesals for new beaters for tbe englne euses. Reth say it Is net practicable te advertise for heaters, that If they de se an old-style and undesirable ene might be lelsted en them. They say they are plainly under the exemp tion of tbe ordinance of Feb. 12, 1S75, In which advertising for proposals Is only en Joined "where tbe same Is practicable." Prosecution Wlthdrann. During fair week Martin' Garner, or Ore gon, while standing at the court house corner was robbed of a silver watch by Edward Uanagan and Jehn Keener. Tbe thieves were arretted by special Officer Burns and locked up rer a hearing. This morning they were taken from prison te tbe office of Alderman Dennelly, or the Eighth ward, for a bearing, llelore the hearing, however, the prosecutor withdrew blssult and theajcused paid blm (10, the value or tbe watch taken, and paid the costs at the magistrate's office. .t weuas revitn nBAii. Shetien te Milt a, -Neighbor and Never Cemes Uark Allte. FAinvtLi.K, Sept 11. Ou Thursday even ing Mrs. Sheely, au aged woman or Terre Hill, slarted te walk te a neighbor's beuse. She was net seen again allve, and her dead body was round shortly aiterward behind the barn or F. Keller. Apoplexy was likely the cause of her death. Ilr. P. .I.TImlen In Pair Heallh. A Yerk correspondent recently furnished us the news or the death or Dr. 1. J. TImlew In au account or the proceedings el the West minster presbytery. We rejoice te learn from the Marietta llttjwttr that the reverend gentlemau Is far from dead, and U enjoying fair Health at Gap. Ui Iteasi at the State Pair. Next Thursday will be a big day at the state lair. Among the attractions will be an ex roast Letter Carrier Harry Yackley lelt te day for Philadelphia, and be will superin tend the roasting of the big animal. taw Suit about a Plceeu, Benjamin 1'liillips lays a complaint against Jehn Kuhn, charging him with tbe larceny of a white Antwerp pigeon, a very pretty and rare bird, as Auttterpa are seldom white. Kuhn declares the pigeon te be bis own. Al derman Deeu will try and tlnd out te whom the bird belongs. Pather Haul Ciiinlug Howe Te-night. Rev. A. F, Katll, pastor or St. Antheny's Catholic, church, who for the past two months has been traveling In Europe, has arrived lu New Yerk aud will reach Lancaster en the 7:10 train this eveulng. Died In Mnuburt. Jesse Hellman, aged about 70, died this morning at the residence of his son-Iii-law, Samuel Kclileruacht. in Strasburg. Deceased was well-known and respected In the com munity. He will be buried en Monday at 1 p. m. ' llutter Stelen. Twenty-flve or thirty pounds or butter were stolen lrem Hershey's farm en the Old Factory read last night It was Intended for this morning's market, but the thieves saved the farmer the trouhle el brlnglug it te the city. Lecture Postponed.' The lecture by Walter T. Mills, I'rehlbl. tlenlst, announced te take place at Marietta, this eyenlng, has been postponed en account or sickness. Pell from a Htep. Mrs. Drepperd, et Na 0 East German street fell from tbe front step this morning and was Injured Internally. Dr. L. A. War ren attended thu injured lady. Marietta Leeking; Dp. ilarrlettaC'eir. l.ltllz .Express. There were 103 kegs or lager beer sold Marietta last week. in Cheep Kxrorslen te tbe Lebanon Pair S?n?i5T: ,Ptfniuer "th. Pare ler the round trtpcmly 85c. Trains leave LancasterlKlnir Admission te lulr, iic. - fntutumra nam titi b - " sitvuiaia. 7..H,W,l54Hw Amusements. Burten', itlmlrth Jle.r.f0..Thls evening llurten'e minstrels appear in the opera house for tbe nm time, and the show, which is comnesea entirely of colored people, should de well, it Includes a band, orchestra, dancers, sluiccm etc, and there will no doubt be apleaslng enter', talnment Mil Ulnien't Engtgvitnt,-Uln L111U Uln- toncpensliorwoekcnRairemont. at low price. In the opera heuse next Hik. The Cernell .Vii gays et Mtsi Illnten ' M!j M!lle lllntim Is the chlcl attraction, nml U nbl jecetided by her 1 icr, M l sail le, he ha ch'irml iik volce ami iiiUe a llltle dramatic ability. Ml Illntnnhi wen a host of admirers during her stay In Ithaca, and we trait that ere Ions ske will play a lrtiiru engagement." DKJ.TIIH. HorreAM. lu Strasburg, en the 11th lust, Jesse Heffman. The relallt cs and friends of the faintly are re i pccltully Invited te attend the funeral, from his son In law, Samuel Kchternacht, Strasbtirp, Monday afternoon at one o'clock. STitTER. In this ctty, en the 10th Inst.. Klanna, wife of the late Jehn Slaiiter, In the 4ld year of ln'ragc The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully InWtrd te attend the funeral, from the rosldence of her father, T. llacli, .VaM Kast .lames street, en Tuesdaj atternoen atSo'cleck. Interment at I.Hiicmter cemetery- illStd Mvirs In this city, en the 11th Inst. Mary A., wire of lleury ItoKer Hjers, In the Mth et licrnKO. A precious one from us has none, A elee we loved Is stilled , A place Is vacant tn our home hlch never can be filled. The relattvcs and trlends of the family are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from thorcsldeuceef herhusuand. Ne. lit North Mul berry street, en Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Interment at l.ancaster cemetery. MAUKBTB. rhUadelphla Produce Harfcei. PHiLicsLrBii, Scrt It rienr quiet Sales er.sO barrels. Mlnnbakers, (3S0 60; Penna. famlly at 13 7WI ; Western at W vQi W Pat ents, it !'a!t in. Bye Heur dull stM Z-OS . I p. tn., call w heat Sept, SSc ; Oct, s s Ner , 7ic : Dec , sic Cern-Sept, 4;c( Oct., nc: Nev, tee; Dec, 4.C Oats-Sept, Jlc; Oct, SIC, Nev, SSJje; Dee., S"c Nswluri lre4luce Market. Nsw Yerx, sept It rienr market Arm bnt dull; rine, 12 uai ; Superfine, tl ,-vOJ (Mj Common te Heed Extra western, riTiKJlTO; Meed te Choice Extra Western, M WGt TO; Ctty Mill Kxtras. It C0O BS ter West Indies; Minn. Kxtra, f0O5 ttl ; KxtraNe.2,t2 65J3 ! Uoed te Kancy Kxtr State, 1 aJ "J ; Commeu te Pair Kxtra Ohie, ri T0O3 TO. Wheat Ne.1 Hed sUte en SpetSlHcC1' ! N'e. 1 Whiter state, s0 ; Ne. Ne. 2 IWd, Winter, Sept ,!ic. Cern Sp.SM!xed,cash. 4C; Oct, Wc Oats Na 1 White state, spot, itSc -, .e. I, de 35c ltyedull. Uarley nominal. Perk dull: New Mess. Ill 25311 V Lard Oct lu M Dec , tn 7 L Molasses dull; KVc. for Sfl test boiling Stock ; Perte Itlce, SejtX-. Turpentine dull at ,5v;c. Hesln qnlet t strained te Reed. II OXf I L7S- Petroleum dull ; rvOned In cases, sc. nutter Market julet; New Western Creamery. 2114c. Cheese dull s State,JjO',c: Western. Sft9t.c Kggs dull t State, lT,SUl?c; VVestern. KsJITc. SnKar market dull 1 iieflned cutieaf, fJ.';c ; Crushed, r'.e Uranulatcd, CR4 1 15c. Tallew dull ; prime city, 4l-,c. freights nominal ; frrala te tiveroel, :,Hc Cotfee strenir t fair canrees at 10ic Klccdiill: Carolina and teiilslana, 10 fair, SK'dlc i Uaniroen, 4'iO'Kc. common ClUOMte Market. CaiCiOO, Sept II. !"ii. m. Market opened; Wheat SepU,75S6TCc; OctMJc; -Nev., Te; DccwWc Cern Sept. SU.i4c ; Oct, tHJc; Nev., 42.jc. Oats Oct-, ai'ic : Nev , J7?ic Perk Sept. liuee; Oct., lit) S7K ; Nev., tin 4i tard-Ocu, si.bjw. Ulbs-Oct, 1; 10. CLOSISS. ;v,c; Oct, Wheat Sept, c ; Nev., 7S?;c ; nee, eic Cern-sept, H"4c; Oct, 4.1JQ04c ; .Nev.,41,c. Oats Sept, 2l),c -. Oct.. 25'.c : Nev.. .Tic. Perk Sepu,lluH; Oct,llu); Nev., HOGS. Lard sept, aj se, Oct, l. KK; Nev., Jets Ulbs-Sept, 17 17S ; Oct. 17 Su. nrsm and Provuienj. Furnished by S, K. Yundt Iireker. Cbicaoe, eepuil.ioe'clockp. m. Wheat Cern. eats. Perk, l.arfl. September 7 .WU . 7 October mi 40W ,1J lu -A t, a November 7;J1 li S7'10fc5 .... December M.i May tfAi 43; 3-JK Uecelpu. Car Ixita. Winter Wheat tn Bprtng Wheal 10:1 Cern CM Oats Sie Uye 1: Barley ll'j Oil City Crude OU CV! Head. Uscelpls-UOKS 3,1(0 Closing Prices 2 o'clock p. m. Wheat Cern. Oats. Perk. Lara September. 73i 3j sij 10 77K 7 J' October 77H 4V, k'J 10 je e 57,W November 77; 4ltJ m 10 a e 41 December Sl'i May nAl 45, SIS Oil City Cruaa oil r.ii Stock Markets, notations by Ueea, McOrann A Ce , bankers, Lancaster, Pa. LentghVallny ... 57 H,N. Y. A Phtla i Pe.nnsylvi.Dli ; 17s; tjJ HeAlag 13 1-lti Ihlgh NavlKatlea MK UestenvUle a Phllslelphla A Krle Northern Cent Peeplu's Paaaeneer tt'd'g Oen'ls M't's Cd ;'i ou u;a isJ KBW AUrBRTIHKMSXTH. C1U1CKEN tROQLETTE LUNCH THIS J evening at the Miennercher Hetel, ltd hMU. HKKMA.N.N, Proprietor. P IO HON POT-PIE 1'OH lT'NCH TUIM K K.NI.VO at Itahter's Eagle Hetel, corner North Queen aud Orange, streets, ttecbeater and ttleker lletr en tap. ltd A. C HAin Kit, Proprietor. w ANTED-ROLLKRS ON CIOARH AT raclorr.Ne 40SSOLTH WATKK.ST. x.peienceu nanus preierrcu u , tv.. . - . . . . t C J. RAND SET-OUT TONIGHT. J Orntind lleit Lunch at the Southern Vt change Hetel, corner Seuth Queen and Middle Stmetj. ltecheater and Sprcnirer's lleeren tap. It JOHN H.JkmUKK, Prep. LUNCH-OENUINE TURTLE HOUP 'lo-Niein, At the Central Hetel, undur techer's Hark rlne .Merris i;ivorC'ee Oysters ut 1123. Puml lies supplied It CLHA M K113. ANTED-- IMMEDIATELY -TWO Millwright and Beveral Canienlers. Nene but rlrat-class mechanics need Bpply. HAItllV t. JlAlh'lN, Millwright and Mllirurnlsher,,lli Seuth Duke Street. na ARKLEY'.S ' YELLOW FRONT" clear filler Havana S cent Cigar Is pro nounced liy hinekera the lust tn tbe mar ket, at MAUKI.Krs "Yellow front" Ne. 21 North Queen Struct (formerly Hartman'a) gF.EK NO FURTHER, FOR THF.ItE 13 NONK 11KTTEK THAN Ruppert's Extra New Yerk Beer. t or sale exclusively at LI1AUI.1K HOSTEK'8 COBNKll SAtOON. Uearef the Central Market Fresh from the Keg and Warranted Pure. jiysuau.ii, ws O A.AAR I iiiK All) setiivn or Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, H'KST hINO STKKK1, Will open a llazaar, a Pair and Pestlral, In the ltlnk, en that street, en the 2d of OCTOBKIl. te continue one week. feittticli 110 cAaiiciiiy and no etm-. Admls cents, 'the best 01 goods and or enter tainment are premised. Come all and Bring jeurfrleuOs along. aepl-3wdSAw BUY YOUR UNDERWEAR NOW AND save money. We have It In all weights aud at prices less than It can be sold later In tbe sea son, as prices have advanced en some kind al icady since our stock was bought. W e are soiling u geed HKKY AND WHITE 8IIIIIT AND DKAWtKS ,0,rS9t1,iea?.n and upwards, tesultall classes. Alsehhrti, Pants, vests, Overalls and Notions generally. At IlKCHlOtD's, k.-.,,.. i. ,.We'M North Street. Near the 1'oateUlcu, QLARKE ALWAYS AUEAI). " sunpnisB proees3," 30 CENTS, OU W'K Witt (UVEA gUAUTKU OK Tilt rtOUK A WAY WITH 2 lbs. Tea or 5 lbs. Coffee. TKA.U'U) WCNT3 A POUND. COi-1 KK2SCICNT3 A POUND. CLARKE ALWAYS AHEAD. SKWAD rXRTlSKStKXTS. CHICKEN CORN KOIN' FOR LUNCH at Ihot'eoner Heuse this evenlntr. ltd' JOSKt'H UMUtK, Proprietor T V NCII-(Ut.VNnLUNCU AT KOK1I I J LKIl'S 1.10.V inlaw KK, thutch ittvel, tills ceiilli(f, ltd ITTfM'll t "l. NCH'i THIS' (sATl?lT J V.W leveiilnirat Se.11.1 North Queen street. tiansen s, iiciu'samt iehlcr's iueren ernuenu ltd C. UATIKSD CJAL'KK KRAUT LUNCH THIS (.SAT- O UltlA I evening at Kxcelsler Hall HI C VOHT. c 1I1CKKN CORN SOU!' LI M'H Square Restaurant (under lllrsir stertv) Fried Usters, 1 !!i Cakes, Deviled Crabs and Oysters Inetery stjle. S'prenger's lleer en tap. It OR RKNT7 "" " Pleasant Itrxnns, furnished or unfurnished tall at -N. K. CO UN Kit IMtl.NCK NIT 11" TN IT1NG LUNCH TO-NIUT-VH'.NNA L Sausage, lleiisted reWtne and Celdslavt, lMlt up 111 ll arliui t j In, at the I'eitinan Ileil-iv Uetker'sand Philadelphia leeren tap eren lap .vt. ItKH.M, Prep. ltd TJR1VATK FAMILY NEAR THE CKN- a. tre tre wants two adult tnwrders. Innulre at the 1NTKI.I Oil II K. sllStdS.tW ir-NTKD-A NEAT, RKM'KCTAHLK it Blrl tn assist In the housework tn a small family must come ell receintnended, at thts oltlce. Apply im TTOr LUNCH HOT LI CC11 JlJL I Come ve nil earl v and partake heartllv of frauer Kraut, and drink refreshing beer drawn from the kec nt Ittssl.NOKU's Maner Hetel. Nes. SIT and 219 West Ulnp street, opposite tan caster Kink. It FARMERS AND OTHERS IN WANT OK Empty Whisky lUrruls for Cider can get them In lets te suit ii mm J. W OII.PIN A SONS. ort A e , lUHImere, Md sll-lmdAw "COR -C Stv SALE A UOOD OKCIAN. OLD Stvle Piane, bhen- Case. Counter and Shelving, Chtld's Carnage, ltedsteads, Inranses, Ac, ut the Second hand store, NeilN Prluce street opposite the epent heue. II. C -HENCK. (uvhIs et every description bought and sold STANDARD CORN REMEDIES RUS sian Cern Cure, 10 cents a bottle Mennen's Cern Cure. 13 cents a bottle i Acorn Salve and Hansen's Magic Cern vlve, H cents a lev. Pei sale at HL'lltKVS IHIUW STOKK. .W it hlng street ESTATE OF JOHN HENNER, LATE of the city of Lancaster, deceased tet ters of administration en said estate havlnpbecn granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate tay ment and theso having claims or demands against the s.ime lll present them for ettle ment te tbe undersigned, residing In the city et Lancaster. CAROLINE 1IENNEU, Administratrix, Attemcy. ai-etd ESTATK OF DANIEL MCLAUGHLIN, late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted therete are requested te make Immediate pav ment, and thoe having claims or demands against the same, mill present them without delay for settlement te thu undersigned, resld lng in Lancaster ctty. Pa. MAltUAIlET MiLAUUHLIV. J. II. II. Waunir, fcieculrlx Attorney. nngiifits NEW CARRIAGE Cbrutea ilJ FACTORY, Virien Strut!. Alt kinds of Carriages, lluggles, lluslness, agens, etc., made. ;wclal attention paid te repairing, llest of workmen employed and satisfaction guaranteed JeliMImd:) UEOKOE V EllElt, Proprietor. N EV FALL HOODS. New Dress G-oecls. WATT & SHAND, Nea. 6, 8 and 10 Etvat Klnfit Streot, Are new showing their Mrsl Iivntceel Uew Fall Dress Goods. CASHMKUKS KKKNCH SEKI1E'. CLOril SL'ITINUS. !AAON StITINl.i In Stripes, Checks and .Mlitnre TKILOTJ, HOMESPUNS, t.WVAi'- Cl.OTIH. Novelty TrimmiDg3 at Lewest Prices, TWO HUNDIlttl) PIECES All-Weel BUCK FRENCH CASHMERE, Of enr own Special Importation, at prices considerably lower than Urn mime goods can be bought of thu Importers b thu cue te-day. IEW YOEK STOEE. - Stere tlll be open Mendiy and SaUirday Evenings. S' OMEOFTIli:SI'i:ci L FEATURES r 111- Mi D ,AII.Y AND Wr.r-KLV, which during the rait twelve mentlis have greatly enlarged its circulation and Inlluence, and given it even higher diameter In Pennsylvania journalism than it enjoyed during the former ninety years of its career, are its Lecal Historical Articles, IHograi'hi IHegrai'hi cal Sketches, Literary Itevlewa, Short Stories, Notes of Men and Thing3 by Special Contributors and Vivid and Picturesque Views of Current J.ife in the Community. Tiiese notable ar ticles are Specially Prepared for the IXTr.LLlGEXmt. They are net "Original " in the sense of being pat ented by syndicates and manifelded for use iu all the newspapers of the country which cheese te buy tliem at the low rates effeied, but they are written for and printed in the IXTKL. I.IOKNCKIt only. The Illustrations which have become a feature of the INTL'LLIOKXCEH, ure net the worn-out cuti of abandoned publications, the imaginative works of amateur artists, nor of a kind te fit any text; but the JNTl'LLIUKNCEH'S Weed-Cut Illustration are faithful representatieas of men and things pertaining te tlie news of tlie day. They are prepared at great expense by cemjietent engravers, and the best test of their fidelity ami accuracy is i com. parlsen of them as published from day te day with the familiar subjects kuewn and seen by the patrons of the INTPLLIGKNCKK. mm NKHT AUrMKTIBKMBKTII. WE GUARANTEE OUIl U CIGARS llmnds " Mla Uueilda" and "llelden l.len . clear Havana niler, band made. IIKJIUTII'.I OK) AU HI (tit K, l.stalillshed 177J. Nu IU Kast hlnK Stlvet lebtlWAStld ALL FISHING TAt'KLKMARKhT) down te clese out 11 will pay yen te buy Tackle new ler ncniisen at the nianeleualy low prices new offered. Iteds, Lines, llaskets, Kilt Kettles, etc., at bargains. PUAILK'S KAST KN11 lMIAUMAUl. opposite Kastern Market. Prllcy'iirapiti Ilia compound cures Hives, Pimples, blotches, etc. V. riir laree bot tles. Jyi lydltr.MAW BF.GHAVELY'S PLAIN CAVENDISH and Uest u Cured Vlratnla Smekln Tobacco. .lack and Allen A (I Inter's Pftl que. Cern Cob Pipes, 5e each. DKMl'l ICS CIO AU STOKE, Kstahllshed 1TM. Ne. Ill Kast Ktuir Htreet tel)U- AStfd A. .t i'. II.VK1NU l'OW lli'.H. e Si It the Pest TEAS AMD COFFEES lu the Market llt A A P 1IAK1NU POWDKlt T AT c Is the Mile of anew and lutereslInK Souvenir that no give new. Till Ortll ithal t & Pine T ,m . v. U ild' Na HI Neilli yiieuu Slleet. A W ELUKNOWN 1IOTF.L FOUSA1.E, The Styer Heuse, NIU HOLLAND, PA., Delnirthe Urgest business In iJincaslerCeunty, will Iki sold at public ale by the executers, en the premises, Oc lOHKIt U, lvn.. K II llltUIIVKKII, t.Ktl. W. r hit, ttUK-;i-MdJK Kieruters, lincaster, Pa TKVAN'S FLOUR. " Prove all things and held fsst le that hlch Is geed." Levan's Fleur. s EASONAHLi: MEDIU1N F.S. " Stitch In tlmeeav m nine." rer Summer Cera plaint take COCIlltA.NM III. At hllKltltr CIlltDIAU or lO( HU.VN'S I .M Ml V U1NOKK. or tOCllllA.d Ul.MtKIKl.A .M11'LI!K. ri'R 9LK ONLV AT coennAN'aDRua store, New. is; a I M .North Queen St , Lancaster, l'a. tnajA-lyeedlt ORl'HANS' COfKT SALIi On SATl lttA, SKl'TKllllEH tt,l! the l'leiiKh Invern en vl King stret't, ljnrai tt-rclly, tlieundtnl;nidadmlnltratoret Henry HucWlu, deceased, 111 oxpee at public tale ly Tlrtucet an order of Ihn Orphans' Court or ln cnter county, all thtt One-Story IIK11K lnVKLI.l.M) llOLsK.ena let or pleceef ground belonging thereto. Ne. It J mid lit Maner trret, Lancaster city, iiiea.urlnK in front en Maner street arereald, 31 feet, and eitemlluR in depth 181 feet. Thti prewrty It desirably located. Vim KOed frutl trees, and H In all respecta a very de slrabln home bale te he held at 7 o'clock p m en ald day, when term aud comlltlem Kill l made known by WILLIAM II ill CMOS, sepl-Gtd Administrator. s PKCIAL 11AHUA1NS. STA1M BROS. & CO, Nea. 20 and 28 North Queen 8t., Arc Offering an 1 SIM K.N 3 1. ASbOKTMK.N'l of Blankets and Comforts AT SI'KU.W 1IAUUA1NS. Woolen l!lanket at le-n thin manufacturers prlcei len Riles Comlerts, Sue each i worth Tie. New Fall Dress Goods. Hn Invite theladie te ply our toie amecUI visit and lk through aru l ery tnteresllni; DKEbS HOOD'S llh'I'AIITMK.NT. BOSTQisTSTORE. OKl'HAN.S' COl KT .s LK-KHTATK OF Dlt. JOHN I.. A1I.KK. DKCKA3KD. On Widshdit, (). tebkr 13, l-,, at the iAipaid lintel, V.x-l Klnc stri'ut. In the city of I.ancaiter. the undi-rstKned, OTecuter of the will et Ilr Jehn I. Allee, late el nata city, deceaeed. In pnnuaiira .f an enler of the Or pbant' Court of l.rtndnti i e.miu. In proceed preceed Inir In partitions, will e(Ke i pnbiu ulethn following real estate. ' i-e i i tul ,t ceased, In tald city l'nrpurt Ne 7, a let or 1. 1, en nl litml, situated en the southeastern Hid. of Leeu.t street. In nald city, containing i ACItKS mid tee hundred and thirteen thousandths of an Aire. Shlppen street runs through the seilllm intern )Krllnn et this let its whole length and Lew street runs across It. The property will he enered as a whole and in three parts, that frentlngnn Locust street and the two fronts en Lew street. l'urpart Ne. f, a let of laud, e. J3 Seuth Queen Street, tentninlni; In imnt 34 fet VK Inches and extending or lint width eastward te Lhnrch strcut, with a One-siery UOL'dll CAST HOUSK aiidoiherliupievemenls thereon. l'nnart.Ne ", lerul l.iu'l. Ne. 2l'J south Queen street, containing In Ireiit 12 Uct 2i Inches and extending of that width eatward te Christian street, with a One-story ritAilK IIOU-K en Seuth Queen street anil two Twe-story 1SUICK UOUSKs en Chi I Jtlan street, and elher Improve ments thereon. l'urparts Nes. 8 and 9 w III he etTered tegethet and separately. l'nrpurt Ne. 10, a let of land. Ne. 31 Kast Ger man street, containing In front en said tut lierman street 30 Irct, nnd extending of that width te Church street, with a one-siery BU1CK HOUSE and ether Improvements thereon Sale te commence at T e'cIck k p m., when at tendance will he given and lerrus made known by M. AUO ATLBK, Kxecntoret Ilr Jehn L. AUee, deceased. IlisRr Suchdkt, Auctioneer. slls.Wdts e KPIIANH' I'OIKT NALK. KHTATKO' lilt JOHN L. ATLKK. UK. Ox WxnsjsnAV.OcTenia6.lii.-c, At the Leepard hotel, Kast King street, in the City of Lancaster, thu uiiderxlgned, executer of the will of Ilr Jehn L Allee, late of said city, deceased, in pursnanre of an order of the Or phans' Court of Lancaster eunty. In proceed lags In partition, whl exp.90tn public sale the following real estate, late of said deceased. In said city. l'nrpurt Ke 3, theThree Story I111ICK I10USK, with two-story Ilrlcklluckilulldlng, Nes. pa and 1C7 Kast King street, a let of land containing In front en Kast King street, thirty-two rteUslx Inches, and In depth one hundred andslxty-nlne fctt and six Inches, This property has been oc cupied as a physician's office und residence for about thirty ycuri, and possession can be given ut ence, l'urpart Ne 4. the Twe-Story llltICK IIOLSK and Ilack lluildlng, situated en tbe northwest corner of Kast King und Llme streets, In said city, and let of land containing In front ou Kast King street, thlity-twe fiet, nine Inches, and in uepiu aiuiift A.ime streeLonenunurca anu sixty nine leet. nine Inches, with a lStlck liake Heuse lirick stable and ether Improvements thereon. l'urpart Ne. 11, a Let of Land en North Chris tian street. Ne. 116, containing In front thirty, two feet, lour inches, and In depth fifty leet, six Inches, with two two-story llrlck Dwelling Houses thereon. " Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., w hen at tendance will tw given and terms madeknewn by ,. WM.AUU.ATLKK. Kxecutnr of Ur. Jehn L. Atlee, deceased. iix.iRvSHCBiRT, Auctioneer, sepll.WASdts CHOICE LANCASTEK COUNTY TO. 1IACCO KAnM AT l'LIILIO 8ALK. UN TUCRSDAT, SXFTIVBIR SO, 1684, Will be sold at publle sale, ut the public bense ofliart-ilerr, In tha village or Heck Hill, Lan caster county, l'a., a Farm, situated en the old Safe Harber pike, about one fourth mile from the village 01 Iteck Hill, two and a half miles from Mlliersvllle, and about aeven miles from Lancaster city, containing m auwu ana 7 l'KKCHKS OF LANO. strict measure. The buildings thereon erected consist or a Large Twe-Story Jlrlck 11WKLLINO HOUHK.wltb a Twe-Story llrlck Kitchen attached. Beth build ings are covered with slate. A large Uank Uarn, with horso-pewer and straw sheds attached. Twe large Tobacco Houses, with capacity te cure and bulk I J acres of tobacco, tbe one house ...a ,... u aI. ...v.. i9 Ot.l hn.Hli.ini1. Aun..,.. with hydrant at barn. This house Is also used at present rer packing and storing leat tobacco. There are also u Cem Crib, with Meer, a fig-sty. Oven Heuse, Smoke Heuse, several never-falling wells of water, with pumps therein, and cistern at the house. The farm also contains a medium sited rrame Heuse und Ham. with cistern, sui table for retired lauilly or tenant i running water through lann t fields nicely divided, threeen each side, fronting en the pike. There is a rlne bearing Apple Orchard; also a young 1'eacb und Apple Oichard, lately planted. The whole farm Is under geed fencing, Is In a high atuM of cultivation, and Is situated among someof the best farms Hi the Union. Adjoins lands of Uavld II. Miller. Jacob shenk, Jacob llurkhart, Jacob '. Warfel and Mrs, Kllzabeth Wartel. The whole larui Is tillable. from fVOUl te I10.U0U of purchase mnnnv. nt a per cent., can remain In the farm, if se desired by the purchaser. Dewer Interest reduced, by release, le ft percent. This Is a ery desirable and convenient farm, hut can be greatly lmpre ed In appearance by a lltUevxpendltuiuet meney. Any person wishing te few the farm, ran de se by calling ou the undersigned, residing thereon. Sale te commence at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, when conditions and terms will be made known by H. 11. MILLER. bahth. jaws, Auctioneer, UStaSAsW BBWAB TBB H AGKR A llHOTUKIt. Jhall (arpetsi Wilten Oerpeta, Bedy Brussels Onrpeta, Mequet Carpets, Wilten Velvet Oarpets, Tapestry Brussels Carpets, Three-Ply nncl Ingrain Oarpets, Hall and Stair Carpets, 6-8 and 0 Inch Borders, Raj nml Chain Oarpets, Pungab Rugs, Smyrna Rugs, Velvet Rugs, Tapeatry Rugs, Cocea Matts and Matting, Linoleum and Fleer Oil Cleths. WALL PAPERS AND CURTAINS. Standard Makes, from tha Lewest Prlced te th Beat Quality. HAGER & BROTHER, Nes. 25 and 27 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa, JKXT UOOK TO THK COUKT UOUSK. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Large stock new 0n suitable for Knrly Pull nml MI1 Wlntur. Alw. Sheulder Slmwls In variety, from HV. te 31.00. Ale, T.ill mid Win ter Wr.tusln Litrge Assertmeut. LADIES' DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Has Wen enlarged nml will be supplicil with new additions nlmest daily throughout tlie se,uen. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer le the Court lleuw, Ijincnster, Pu. TVjri-rrzeKK a hauuhman. THE HEADQUARTERS FOR Blankets and Comfertables LOWEST PRICES, METZGER & HAUGHMAN S CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Ooepor Heuso and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. VA'H" AH milTtUKMKST.S T KCTL'Ki: IIY IAHOOM .VKK.3A.N,e( Oroemlah, l'ersla. At YKATKSMNSTITL'TK, SATU KUAY..BKr TKM1IKH ll.ut 81). in. Admission JS Lenta. slO-it TJIOll SALE-THK 80KKKL HOltSK Al Hetel l'renerty. Nes). 49 and Bt West Kln( streeL Alse, the three-story Stere ana llwelllnir Ne. i North Queeu street, will be sold at private Sile. Inquire of 11 C. KKKalll. Att'y for Kstate of Jacob I. K ready. sl-WAStfd SrCliEhSH'L HKrAU.SK DK.HKKVIXO. Tns LANCASTtKCoMMtacULCeLixuiopened en Monday, September Cth. with the largest at tendance since Its organization. Course of In strnctlen has been thoroughly revised durtnir the past year. Taoaecuu and I'mi-nciL Kooms ejen te applicants every evening from new until opening of Kvenlng SuMleni, Monday, ucteberetb Call riertenaily if yen can and you w III get a better Idea or what a course In a llnsl ness college means. Special Instruction In l'en mtnshlp and Arithmetic If dmlrrd. Address JIM II.U. WKlULEIt. r Flannels and Weel Dre33 Goods, Ven will find llest Uoeds and liottem l'ricn AT Till North End Dry Goods Stere. J. W. IIY It. Hit. nevB-lyd Ne. K2 North Queen street. gl'KOIAL HAKOAINS 1 UltKAT HAI.K ur TEAS ANDCOFFEES. A Special Supply Just received In bulk; se lected by the meat competent connoisseurs. 25-CKNT "TICKET" CUt'lTKK for IS CKNTS. JU-CKNT "TICKKT" COrKHK for I VttHTS. Irresh Ueasted Daily. Kxtra Urades of Coltee.20,25 and 30 Centa. Beld en their Ueriu. rive founds or EXTlt A UIU COrriCK foreoc. -AT Mac Nay's TEA AND OOPPEE MART, NOS. HSAllINOltTH gUKBN STmtKT. UltA.NULATKO SUdAlt, (let SOrT Will TIC SUUAU, Oc. Your choice of the most beautirnl tinted cards In the city. All Uoeds Delivered free. Con nected with Telephone Kxchange. HTltAIUIIT OKAUK OT " SURPRISE " ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR, , Only 40 Cenls." a Quarter. seplO-tfd M"E KSAHATHFON. TOO WARM. THK WKATIIKH.IL'ST NOW IS TOO WAItM TO TALK A1IOUT WINTER CLOTHING. Wc are ready with them notwith standing. It will net ba long lyitll we'll need Winter Clothing, and our steck: has been prepared accordingly, loe much baa been said about Cloth ing. 1'eeple are tired reading abent Clothing. One thing we have te say quietly H-THK 8TVLKS II Bit K AUK UOOD ANU THE fUICKS AUK HIUI1T. This Is aa much aa we can tell you In a whole column ; and that's Just what the people want GOOD STYLES, LOW PRICES And less talk about small matter. Its an Important matter, however, te knew where te get geed value for your money, lllght here, we say, and we'll prove It If you laveruswltba cull. JIAXUrAOl'UltlNIl ULOTllIKitS, HO. 12 BAST KINO BTRMT, Li,KGA9XBl, FAt MMS k RATION T1IBMBHTW, JTaTSr ABrBBTIBKBKNTll. w 'ANTED A COOK. AI'I'LY AT .NO. VtlNOHTII DLKKSTItaKl. sMfd TMrOKTKI) IN IIOTTLKS -I'lM, OLD IIU8H WHISKY AT UOIIItKK'S I.IUUOU HTOItK, aCKNTUKagUAUK, l.anrasler, l'a JAUOlt K HHAKI'KKi.'.S PURE RYE WHISKY. ang:71ydtt 1IUKK STUKK I l.lQt'OK 8IHIIK "DEDUCTION I Xt T 'e these In want'el a summer suit nl Clethes, rantaloeiilnxs or Vestluxs can uvn money by calllns; at lleseiisteln's TalletliiK 1'ar lers, wberefa General Keductlen has teMi made. A Uoed 'Hummer Mrge Mult for tit's tilmmed with Pongeobllk. A MceKngllsh Scree Suit In lllun and lllark fertJU. Klegant I'antaloens for til. latent Straps are I'erfurt Klttlni;. A. 11. ItOSKNSTKIN, 37 erth Uuedn St. N OT1CI- The grecerymen of Iincastiir tlty arc hereby notified tbatSAUUKI, CLAItlvK, of Ne. !a West Kin if street, will net be supplied with, nor under any consideration be allowed tevdlunr "SURPRISE" Reller Precess Fleur. Said Clarke may have about ene barrel en hand, which etuis the sulci nl Surprise Keller Heur for any ether llgure but marketable price. M. H. MOORE, UanufacturerSurprlse Keller Kleur. seiiC-tld Columbia, l'a. T B. MAHT1N A CO. We Are New Ready -WITH OUK- FAII CARPETS -and- WILL papers. Our Line Was Never Se Large. Our Patterns .Neter Se I'ntt)'. We have watched the market carulully, fel lowed the trade sulci up closely, and new have a line of goods at prices nover before mentioned In connection with Carpets, and what is mere, there Is every presptct or an early Increase In prices, rer thn present we present the fellow Ingriuotatlena UOyUKTTKS, HAUT10K1) ANI HII1TII AlAKK, 11.00 Up. 110IIY HllUaaKLS, bSc. Up &i I'atlems le Select Frem. TAl'KbrillK.9, 4V. Up All News the llest Makes STINHON'S. SMITH'S, lt) liUUY. 750. and W)c. 1NUKAIN3, ALL-WOOL riI.l.lNU,Sc.anil tee. INUKA1NS, K.XTKAaUl' and 50c , llest All-Weel, Bbc. Up. WALL l'Al'XHS-aeld, lie. Up : Blanks, Cc. Dp. All In Immense Assortment. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cjr. West Klug & Frlnce KI., (OppeilU IttTemnouie.) LaNCABIIB, rA tLjkamB&ifim)H .L