THE IiAJfOAJTIB DAILY ItTnCLlilGgNOJR, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1886. ' ' ' '4 "'- ; s l A ItAUIIKUIItS IIKVKNIK. rnr III" 1ntuii.iihc. Min'sdri-antil In costly lacr, ftim'x lull of aim and grate MmraMsexpreaalvn alanr-ua, Klin deles en nil round dniiCM, . ilia piflly rlly Kill I lliirujesnietirlitlitandliiitrry, , llfirllii nnillkn kclwrry J ., -llrr will I very trim and neat, Ami well otied are lirr Itttle feel, 'I ha pretty city gltl I Kin- strums en the piano, lliui ill in rmm I lie " Mlksdn," ln. inner Ui(1Ih1 I.nt In, tut Rim ran paint en satin, 'I liu liri'tty city Kill I Mre'll lllm lieraumincr bonnet, nr iiln n ronetipon It ; lint what Indrrd Is allecking, Him rnnnnt darn n tecll iiff. The pretty rity girl ' Mm nothing known et baking, lit bread, tircolleo making i OfAnakespeaiv, ri.penr Mlllnn, Ol Worrtawerlh, Helmes or "HUml, "llinpretty city Kltl ' In knowledge, superficial t In maimer) nillilrlal In spuch, a constant potter f pretty clilt ami chatter, llmiiratty rlty Kill ' Mie gladly would illirevtr V '-, ' In eiy man alovert ' . rernli, 'tweuld tin se handy lohaTelinu'iuctaand randy ' The pretty city gill I Mm dntea en lull and party l'l cuclire and ocarle i Hut when It cornea te ae lug TLe thine It net worth knowing, The pretty city iftrl ' I grant tnAtsneI,rery fair. That fashion, sty la and leeks are llinre, 'Hi it ahela Nraeeful, dainty, irwMif. rieui crown of head te nole of feel The pretty city girl ' Hut whrn It conic te living With aurli n human bring Hew reuhl a fellow spend hit I Iff Itli inch n creat urn for n wife 'I b pretty city girl A lltnn J tuscina vub ntm faix. AlUutt Hint inn Are Wearing and doing In w inr Htima Tluialy Illnta en th Naltjeft nf lliimvalle ICrenuiny, Fer the l.Nlin ir.. (R t'cwtimir for Malting nml ler ilay roco reco roce tlom will l.e oeiuliliiatloiia of doth, with velM'Uiul rnr trimming's Cleth prNeml' nates in all audi costume, the velvet being uaetl only as roverao vest, cellars, culTs and panel. I.OHK Hwvel furs will be Used for triinimiiK audi ilrowes, anil rontrastltiKCelorn are romtiieiiUoil In the rum, auch an light fei, rhtnclillla, aiul riuvnen urn, en the dark Itltie cIeIIik. I'oriiiilcterroiliiniwi Mack l'enilan liiuib nucl A St radian v. HI be iumxL There are aln combination ilriwe of silk aud Sel Net, tn be worn net only In the house, but out eut out ileors as well, when onercxl by a lenfc hand some clenk, Maden! anal fur or nonie of Uie elegant cloths new shown. WliUeaurali and Japanoee crape veaU are tn Ihi nHthertxl In Hiicli droHsea. Itlue, dull roil ami holletropo rolern are llketl for these combination ilrewiea. The leiijf oIeaK te be worn with ttieae ilronaei lias no referenre te the ilrtet In color, as It mint conceal Iten entirely. Ilennetx. net liabs ate worn with IIiohe olet anil allk costume. TVII.OH 11 IT1. The new Kngllsh oleth te I hhU for tailor anlLa tlila acaaen N a finely trtlltxl vroel,, aoller than aerge, yet of light weight. The eutlre anlt will be couipeaeU of II, trimmed with either braid or lur, and will ba meat aeen In blne and brown auadei The new cigar brown nre aeen In thU cloth, and the caprlce at prenrnt la te trim ilrorvwef these abode with black braid. Illue Uraaaen of heavy cloth trlinmed with white military cloth, nre worn new and will be worn hrougheut the wlnter. The reverae cufla and whlt veal are aecu en tlioaegewni. ,Oilt and allver brnlda are uaed agalu te trim blue dreaie. itvlirk Jet?. Kar-rlngn are new seldom UMd exeept en lull drew orCAalena. The pnlnted Huaalan bang hai entirely aup. ercndtnl the l.angtry. Plaid will Ihi worn till autumn, and atrlpra will be fashionable. Navy blue and brown predominate In all thoclethe.'i ahewn. I'icet edged cloth I mil da en the nevelty for trimming cletli dreaxea. High narrow twws of grea-graln ribbon re main the general fiublen Ter trlinmlug hat and bonnet. Dull red will be naed again, but navy blue and brown wilt le the favorite colon. Nuw face velli are Mallnes, tulle ilntted with chenllloeroUo line dots woven In the net. ltiicheM, frills, and bU feUU are ahewn la great v arlety for edglng the neck, and sleeves of autumn drewie. J-t deg cellars made of several strings of cut jet boadsare pretty te te worn with black silk (lret-e. The vratofthemomont la made of kid, In tnnatlc, gray, or white, or mere Inexpensive onntareof pliiue. The large Allknde pins with balls or orna ments at the end, are seen In the hair and new lKHineK and considered unite the thing. Hlk alecktngi liave had their day. The ones new ahewn are dark colored grounds with contrasting btrlne", blocks, dots, etc The open-work fabrics which are all de rived mere or Iehh from etamlne, have taken audi n strong held en popular taate that during the coming winter there will tie silk canvaa te be worn ever velvet and satin skirts. Warm and gay drone for young ladles are of red cloth braided In black, while for alternoena In the lioute and day receptions there are white vlciinn cloths braided with whlteaud geld, making most exqnUlte tol tel tol letteK. ITiarut Itarlpe Cern Omolette t'lte egg, three table spoonfuls efcriuui, threo ears of corn grated, a little salt. Ueat the eggs and .cream to gether until very light, or until a froth forma en the top. tli mn mis In the grated corn. Melt a smalt plece of butter In a pan, pour In the emelette, mid cook slowlyjen top of the steve. When dene turn In half and serve Immediately. i'eaelt bavarian Cream One iiuart of canned peecbex, or ten very rlpe ones, ene large cup of sugar, ene pint of cream, half a box et gelaullne, halt a cupful of cold water. Mash the peaches and rub them and the Juice through a slove; then add the sugar, oak the gelantlne two hours In cold water, whip the cream te a froth. Put the peaches In a baiu'O pan en the ntove and, let them slmmer twenty minutes, stir often, add the goiauue ie uie net poecnea aim remove irem the lire Immediately. Plane the saucepau In a pan of Ice and beat until the mixture begin te thicken, then stir In Uie whipped cream, mix thoroughly and pour Inte a mould 'ami set away te harden en the Ice. Kerve with whipped cream or euatard flavored with al mond extract. Angel Cake. Wliltiw of eleven eggs, three-quarters of n pound of pulverTed sugar, the same of Heur, one teablospeonlul cream or tartar, Hnd ene of vanilla extract. Hirt the sugar, Heur, and cream of tartar te. gether nine tunas. Beat the egg-whites te a still froth, te which add the vanilla, mix in the sugar and Heur and beat until ready te put the mlxture into thoeveu. De net grease the pan ( bake for forty minutes in a nioder nieder nioder ate even, the case must bake slowly. When done turn ever and leave It until It falls out of the pan. He particular te use a new pan, or one that has never been greased, Ued Star Cough Cum U eillcacleus and magi, cal. Ne poisons, l'rtcc, 25 cunts. aVJCOZAL MUTIVMS. Wlbf. YOU HUrrKll with Dyapepata and I.tter Complaint T Shiloh's VlUIUer liiniArau' trnd tocmuyen. ter sale by 11. II. Cochran, Urugglat, Ne. 137 North Huoen streeu; (lalUnt llcacuea. Thcreciiit be something hrrela Inaraedlclnu iih vtcllus In Individual. 1 1 unlock Jltefil Jilt lev have uttiictcit muny a gallant rescun umeng the auirerlm; Hick. Thousand have nscapnd thu lnlaerlea of ilyapepala und nnrnus debility through the me of t lilt nemlerful modlcliie. ft UemphatlnUly thu beat atemacband bleed tonic In Urn world. Cochran, drug. gist, 137 and 13D North tjutien street, Lancaster. Called te l'reacb. We feel called upon le preach a few gospel facu-racta thatnruHerth knowing. We want uvcrybodyle unjey all that Is ponilble In tlU wend. Wawuntall Uiote who am aunerlng front rheumiiUjin, neumlijla, and alll achei, tpralna and twins te knew tlrnt' ITiemtu' AVfrr(e Oil '. "..".,. "K ",,u "pienaia cure, rer taie n II. II. Cecbruu, Urugglat, 1JJ and 13U Nert! uwu e.iuui, A.uni;iu,iur, CttOUP.WHOOI'lNOCOUenarid llrenchttla VZ. ... K" vQ'rAwruuuy onuen suuru. rersals nmetOAL. i WOMKN NKKDINU" HKNKWKI) Strength, nr anflerliilf from InflnnlllM peculiar te tliclr icx, should try BRQWIN'S IRON 'BITTERS ! 1'IIVSICtANH ANI IIKUU018TS HK.COM MKN1I IT, At THE BEST TONIC This medlntnn oeinhlne Iren with pure TCfe. table tonics, and la liivalualila for 1Hkm pecu liar te ivetuini, and ail who I fad sedenUry flvin. It Knrlcbsana 1'urtars the llloetl. Blluiulad-a wia Appmiw, nirenguiens me Muscles arn Ah hjenrca In fact, thqrtmglily Invigorate. i Ulnars the cetnnini en, ana uiaaus ins .am IIIIHIlll It deca net blacken the teeth, rnie tinndacbn. or.preduoe coiiiUputlen-aK elhtr MAt ife.! ' i . 'Msv KLRinrtVjUrsD, 74 rarwelt A Iran virilt' 3 I Ira. lltn. t, ma., !, unnnrnatoei line. 'jn, IBM I i " I have uea flrnwn'a Iren lllttera, and tt ha bean mera than a doctor tn mn, having cured me hi the weakness ladles have In nre. Alse enrnd inn et I.lvrr Ciniiplalnt, and new my com pin i ion lsclnar and geed, llus alie been benuflclal te my chlldrnn." Mms. Unuai C. Ilatanev, Kant Leckpnrt, N. Y., "'.' ..' ' baveaiirremd untold uilsery from Ke luala Complaint, and eeiUd obtain rellef fnun nothing except Ifrnwn" Iren Sitters. The KnulnlaVitra4a Mark and creaned red ! .?.,.n..,Tr"CP,r'..Tl'k0 "" etlmr. Made only by IIKO VN CllKMlUAb CO., JJaltlmern, Mil. (?) mar.aij.lAw MVMN1TVMK. TJAR0AINH1N FURNITURE -Ar- $ WIDMYER'S, (hennerly wldmyer & lilrksccker') EAST KINO AND DUKE STS. The large ateck en hand limit he redurrd te make room for NEW GOODS. In order te de thu Prims will be Marked flown, laku advantage uf this llndnctlen and call early 10 BKCUUK iiAKUAtNt. tlOOII, riKHT.Cf.AS3 WOKK. IIOS'TMISTAKKTIIK I'l.ACK Widmyer's Old Stand, EABT KINO AMD DUKB BTS. -l'nrenal atlrnllen given te Undertaking a Deretofere. sapw-lyil j. jr. WimiYBIt: UMU0M1UMM. HIOII UUAUK COFFRRH. rind old Clerernmnnt Java and Mecha Corrrea, Uie liestln the market. Our Java Hlun dna CorTne spraka for ltaelf t rich and fragrant, fc. Pr tHiund. Very nne l'lanutleu Jlle Cerrnen, our beat only ac per pound; ene Tery popular at 1 1c We want you tecall and try our IJHp. CetTbn. The excnllent quality or our CufTuM and One Teas is making Irtends but and Ann. Ourdally sales show a steady Increase, rrwh U(uld every day. A full Una of fancy Qrocertea. lMoaie give us a trial onler. OKO. WIANT, aarivO Ne. 113 VTest King atreeu , T HUKHK'M. Genuine Haple Sugar IX 1 l'OU.VD I1KICK3, AX 12 CENTS A POUND. EAM AND DRIED BEEF. Dried tleef chipped and by the plece. Oratnrstnoneandtwe pound eana, Mnatard anifHptcnd Binllnet, Inn Imported Hardlnes, Urelled Mackerel In Tomate Baucn, llrelled Sal Sal eon, rreah Salmen, rrenh Ixihatur. Uream Cbonse, l'lcnle l'lneapple Cheese, Haire or Oreen Cbeose, etc, ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, bAHCASTXU, VX. - Telephone connectton: COAL. T a MA11T1N, WSOLBSAtl ISO SBTAIL DBXL1B IH All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. .WVADt e. e North Water and t'rtnce Itraels. atxrve Lemen, Lancaster. lUMrd TDAUMOARDNKHH A JKFKKKIEH. COAL DEALERS. Oieii Ne. 1W Nertn Queen street, and Ne. M North l'rlnce alreeu YaaeB i North l'rtnce street, near Heading Depot. I.ANOAaTKIt,lA. augiMrd pK.MOVAIi. M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Ceal Office te Ne. 1M NOUTIi yuKK.N 8TKKKT (Urlmmer's New llnlldlug), where orders will be received for Lumber and Ceal, WBOtSSALI ASD E1T1IL. ms-tfd M. V. It. COHO. TTJ1A8T KND YAH1). 0. J, SWARR & 00. GOAL. - KLNDLLNCr WOOD. Offlee -. Ne. 20 CKNTKK BOU AUK. Beth yard and olBce conneetod with Telephone JCxcbange aprl3-lvdMr.U n WALL rjLVMK. AHT WALI, HAPKH HTOKK. NOW 18 TIIK TIM K. TO itUV Wall Paper & Window Shades, rnr tliortnievorwana tlmouhen aellltla money would go go far In PAPERING A HOUSE AS NOW Special liates for a short tline only, te make room ter intended enlargement of store. CALL AND KXAUINK (1001)3. ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. lit NOHTU qUKEN BTltKKT, LANUASTKK, l'A. MLFREDSIEBBR, (rennerly with l'hares W. l'ry.) WIMM3 AN11 UQUUIU. L MEKIOAN WINES. AS. GRAND DISPLAY -or- American Wines. .Xne following ta from the report of tha lndu en Wlni-aattbe Lancaalvr County Agricultural aaoclatlenratr. ., j7TK. "Unmi ewe otalre te raaHe special tnsntten of II. K. Slaymaker's laree and elcgant exblblt of Hew tle Mines, prodiiced uy the fleaaant Vati Wlne. Company, of llhelms, Btouben eeuntv New fork. Thulr Special Urcat Weatern Kitm Dry and Urcat Western Extra Dry.Ohauipajitics fort. Claret, Dry und Bwett Cutaviba Wine,! wlilcb we oeuslder, coreparu favorably wttb lint POtWd Wlnei. WILLIAM A. MOJITOH, J, rUANK llttKNKUAN. A.UUSXAKD, ' wAtxmAn. JjTKW VM.Ij MILTilNKnY. AIRIGff: Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KINO STREET, I.ANCAbl Kit, PA, WK AUK NOW IlKADV TO HHOW A KUI.t. LINK of SEW FALL MILLINERY. New Fall Hats, New Fall Bennets, Choice Birds and Wings, New Hat Trimmings, New Hat Ornaments, New Fall Ribbons, Oolered Astrachun Trimmings. A HILL I.INKOr Black and Oolered Silk Velvets. CIIOICK HOODS at hie. nUnl COLORED BROCADE SILK VELVETS, Atlixea lard. ULAOK imOGADH SILK VELVETS, At H,(i, ii.ii, l in, 11.71. '.en, jjie and Upward VELVETEENS, Frem c. a Yard Upward, In 1ILAUK AND CO 1.0 Its. ElRlileen-lnch MOMSKIN FLUHII, At All Colen. Twenty-Inch MOLESKTN PLUSH cry rine Quality, tn All Slwdea and Colen, At 11.2) a Vard.i Twenly-Feur-Incli Metesltiu Plusli. Ileal Quality, at $IA1 a ant. AFUI.L LINK or DRESS LINING ON HAND. ULUTIIUtU. imeTm;K. HIRSH & BROTHER Call Attention te their Line of Fall and Winter Novelties -IN doing -reit- MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN, ANll- Our Superb Steckj -or Plaid, Checks, Bread-Wales, Corkscrews, Meltons, Whltneys, Etc. IN (Milt Merchant Tailoring Department. AN KAtlLYlNsrr.Cl'ION l9INWrKI. Hirsli & Brether, ONE-PRICE Clothiers and Furnishers, COBNBK MOUTH QUBEN 8TKKBTANU CKNXitK BQUAUK. Stere clo-ies very day ut 0 p. ui. riaturday at lu p. in. MUX1UKA. OKiSMAN'a. UENTLKMKN'S Balbriggin and Qauza Undershirts. -TUB 1IKST-: - White Shirts! NKCK1IKS, PLAIN ANI1 jTANCY 1IOS1KUY BCAUr l'INH, bLKKVKtUUXTO.NS, SUai'KNUKKS, -AT- ERISMAN'S, NO. 17 WK8T KINO ST., LANUASTBU. l'A THE UNDEILSldNKD WILLlti:.OI'EM Ids ceurae of Instruction In the German, French and Itallau langnages. lu the early part of Uetetier next. Please apply at hi studio, HO. lit SAHX KINO SXKK1. Mpfltnd L1C0N VO.V OB9KO. Reauy-Madc CLOTMUrU. I TSUItaKK t HU1T0N, THE PAIR IS OVER, , And this reminds us, as tnucli as anything, tliat The Fall Is Approaching, And tlie peeple will aoen-almoat liolere they are aware of It nwd HEAVIER CLOTHING. Tfaa place tnect your rALl, CLOTIIINd (If you don't want te taVe advantaKenf the O rent, llarftaliis new ntrerml In Hulmiicr (Jlothlnit.te clean out that aerl or Keeda), -13 AT- BURGER&SUTTONS. i Don't forget the plare. Call early and laava ?enr orders for Fall Ooeda, U avoid the bat oemos with the n rat cool snap. ' If yen are around this way step In andace what we have cot and get prices, BUB&EB & SUTTON, Uertuiei Tailors and Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTKll, l'A. T OANHMAN k HKO. S.W. COIl N. QUEEN JOIUNGK STS. Fall Opening -er-Mfu's, 1107s' ami CliliarenM CLOTHING. Man's Bulu at W.M. Men's Wonted Hnlu at 11-'i. Men's A 11. Weel Casalmere S11IU at (.: ml. Men's rine All.Woet catalinere Buiu at 17 '. Jlen'aAll-lVoel Wonted Suits at tivi. Men's AU.W'oel Checked Suits at tlO. Men's rine Imported Worsted Hum at Jit tn and tli. BOYS CLOTHING. Iteys'HulUatrLVi. Ileys'Kxlni Mtrenir Scheel bulls at Xf. lleys' Woolen Hnlts at l lu. Ileys' All-Weel suits at S3 UL Ue' rine Uress salts atsd.rjo.17re. Hen and riw. OHHiDRBN'S CLOTHING. Children's Suits at II SO. Children's Bulls at ti 01. Children's Hulls, AU-WoeI, at Kn,fJ.ii, tl.V) and uea Our stock la an unusually large one, mostly of this season's manufacture, representing all the JAtesl Btyles. l'rlces biter in the season nre dexllned te be much higher, 4-Tale this opiterlunlty and rje direct for Hlg Uargalns te L. GAMSHAN & BRO, MKBCIIAXT TAILOltS, MAN VT ACTUKKUS Or MBN'S 110V3 AND CHILUUKN'S CLOXUUt'U, 68 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Right en the Southwest Orange. St.) LANCASTXU, PA. alar Met oennocted with any elhci Clothing Heuse In the city. w ILL1AMS0N it VOSTi:K. FALL WEPT SUITS -KOK- Beys and Children. We are prepared te supply Ml our patrons w 1th Fall Clothing for Beys und Cnlldreu In Suits or Odd l'auta. The asaertinent is new complete, the beat and prettiest patterns are aluajathu rirst chosen, therefore the early callers lll have the adTantage of the largest xeleetlen. l'rtces JerCUil.Uh.EN '8 KALI, SUITS wlllranire from ti-'il te lu. The raahtena are Pleated and Itelted Tnnle with tancy liuckle. -TUE- BOYS SUITS Will Im worn Straight Frent, .aclr Ceat. Pants a Itttle wider than formerly, 'lheru laniery handseme Cuta-wny Sack Ceat made for the-.ii who de net Ilka any ether ityle, tint the straight Frent Back Ceat Is the Fashion, l'tlees for lluya 11 te la years of age, M.00 te f.u Gent's Light Weight Overcoats, $6.00 TO $23.00. NKW bTlLESlN NECKWEAR, Cellars and Oufl's, A .Nil- FULL DKESS SEIRTS, U ITU NAltKOW I'LEATH (lit FltKNCII 1'IQUK KUO.NTM. UII.1.AH4 ANI CUfFd IO HATCH GENT'S FALL STYLES -IN- Fine Silk Hats. FLEXIHLE FELT DERM'S -AND- Seft Hats. Beys' Plush and Velveteen Hats -AKD- CIULIMIE.VS FANCY l'OI.OS. Beys' and Children's Shoes llim'ON OU LACE FU0.M3 IK KID, 1'KllllLK, UOAT OU CALr' HK1N. A NK.AT CHILD'S Kill UII0K, ll.CM. A (I0I1D, ril'HONd l'KllIILK UOAT iiO3' SlIOK, li. Williamsfln & Fester, 82, 94,86 4 38 E, King St., LAN.CA.rrKK, PA. Mvtutttvmm, JTJKINITHH'H KUKN1TUKK IKPOT. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT. Our Pull Opening beglnn Jen Mendny next, Augutt UO, laatlng till Satur day, Soptember, 4. Yeu may think tin a Httle early, but we would rather lead than fellow. We will be plonsed te have you call and bee our window display, and ntlerward lr you have tlme tnke a walk through our large wareroetns. Yeu auk, what will we show ? We answer everything In Fur niture, new nnd attraotlve, and thoTeforo hepe te rocelve a visit from you next woek. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, NOB. 27 & 20 SOUTH QUBBH ST., LANCASTER, PA, JBWXI.KBT, AO. H, Z. KII0AD3, JKWKLKK. Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept. Is Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine ard Oempllcated Watches, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism. H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. B ATM, XTKW STVr.RH. THE NEW ARE W. D. STAUFFER & CO., LEADING FASHIONABLE HATTERS, llarelhe Largcatann I'rctttfit Assortment of NEW KAI.L STVLEd cer Htienn In I.ancaiter ThOTO ' WILCOV " BOSTON 1IEAUT1KS prettier than ever Only place In Lancaster yen can getlnein. SCHOOL HATS AND CAPS for Children, In all tlie Latest UotlmbleStylesnt I.OVVKST ntlCKS. Alse.TltUNKS anil TltAV KLINM J1A0S.I ALL UOUK-i und Ul.OVKS. UKAnQUAIiTKItS FOR G. A. It. GOODS. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Nea. 31 11u.1l 33 North Queen Hlroet. 0ABB1AUB A MOTTO THAT ALWAYH WJN8. HONEST WORK! Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NEAULY OPPOSITE TIIK LKOfAUU HOTKL), LANCASTCK PA. Nene But First-Cl&s3 Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Dad PRICES TO SUIT TUE TIMES. ALL WOBK QUAUANTKKD. BUGGIES, PHOTS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. I have new en hand and for sale cheap the following nrst-class second-hand work : One LUht One-Man VaRon,aultable for track purpose, ene Light Four-1'aiseneor Unig, ene jrtrst-class Itx Itx tensien Tep Phffiten, two Light J nmp-Seat Carrtiges Alse, Second-Iland Tep and Tretting Bng Bles, lieth aide bar and end aprlnirs, lluslness waorens, Sporting Wagons and II arket Wagons, which will lie sela at the MOST liKASOK AI1LE l'KICES. tilve us a caUwnether yen wUli te pur- cnaoeruoi. Autruuuieuiiuiawiauwurx. PAKT1CUL.VR ATTENTION PAID TO BEPAIBING. ATDO.W'T FOROKT THE PLACR.-91 Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 LUtB IKHVBAKUB VOXPAITY. piXTUAfrs niOM thk tuikti:i:ntu annual kepekt ok tiik inhur- ANt'P. COMMISSIONHK OK PENNSYLVANIA. 1C&31,1& limuranre In fnrre Aamitieit Aaieta l'ayments te Policyholders I'remium income Dividend l'atd Policyholders DlVUInnil Paid en each 1,000 Ins..,, Ne. of Policies tn torce Areruze Dividend te each nellcv. Death Lesses Paid DiMlth Ijhh KesUted Kxponses et Mauugeumut And In order je oxiwse the tnie tnwardncs-i of the NorthwcateniM I'lleflKKSSIVK UIVI DK.NDS, we nuote from thn lninrunce Commissioner of Punnij-lvunln Lite UeiKirls for the year siuieu ; NORTHWESTERN. iiKuratirr , .... ... . 197il.... 1S77 . 1S73.... HTU ... In.... ISbI.... 1S32.... liUSJ.... 11.... 1K Comnient en the nbove record is nnnecesaary. Hut In eidur that the tulllnir e:r lu dlvldcndaiuav net lie attrtbiited te Uie Northweatern's TON- TIN K FUND, would add that this fundaitgrcKate., 4Ai,sw.i5. Fer further lutormatlen en all matter peitalntng te lnsiirance address or npply te JAMES 60 II. Duke St., or te Uobert LTolmeB, UOVBBWUMMiattiNU tJOUVA. S UlKK'rJ OARPKT HALL, CARPETS ! UXOPEN1NU OW SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade tha Largest and Best Selected Line of Carpets ever ex. Blbltedln thlsclty. WILTONS, VlCLVKl'S, all the Trading Makus et MOOY ANOTAPKSTltr BUOSSBLS, TIIKKE-PLY. A II. Weel and Cotten Chain KXTUA SUPKUS, aud all qualities of IN UUAlN0AUPK18,UAMASK.andVKNKTlANCAUPKTS. KAU and CUAIN ClliPKTSef our own manufacture a speciality . Special Attention paid te the Mauufecture of CUSTOM CAstPBTl. Alse Full LtneOIOlLCLefilS.&UUS, WINDOW SUAUK9,COVKULKTS, AC, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, der. West King nnd WINBH ASH LlfJUOKS. TkrllAAill'H lAilVOK 8TOHK. AS TO QUALITY tvrn ran glve you better valnu than any olher Uouse In the trade. We carry the largest stock of OLD WHISKIES, OLD WHISKIES lu Lancanter. Meney refunded for anything prevlnc nns&Ustactery. Jyyd3 MILLER'S LIQUOR STORE, 3J cKNmKauA. - A Pull Line of the " Birth or Menth Stones " Mounted te Suit Your Particular Fancy. Jewehy. VAVS, v. FALL HATS HERE. Lancaster Fa WUKHB. HONEST PRIOES! EAST KING STREET. m-lydAtr iTARRisnuna, va., awuvsts, ma. ItUTUAT. 1,1 FK. NORTH WESTKR X. vsfiK.VU 00 iio.7ie.8ci oe rii.w,nw ui riW7,7W (J t,i,;to,el5 oe 1778,503 01 47 HI M,ll) 115 M 1 1, a w.i n ei aj,uu) ice Per Cent. iu,ii,. ;j (i HliriOUOO U,7bS,0OJ ll , 4),lt,0I ai pi l-I 1JI.SXM (31 71 ts.' Oil r7U 01 Wi 1'orC'enl. DMiUiull J'alit Policyholder!. 4SJ5.4.W STJ.T.'7 Ul'J.&iM 7i,lSl ".sH.Xi 71,811 ti75.!fM W7,li5 77S,&tU ti Ferte. r.7.4'w,liil I.I,IH,'I7 1,1,111,011 Ll.tMSVH iit,'k,7,iXl 74.HU.7til M. kV,.l.'l I'lemlwn Jnrevir, ri,5C5,S0fi 1,W4,B7S L1liU197S l,S76,a 1 17J,Wi A&J0.1IS'J.'.'ll .17,770 lf.',lJ,l'll US,?!!,'1! 110,710. v,l H. MARSHALL, Ageut Mutual Lift. Ins, Ce., or N. Y. Dlstriet Ageut, Headlng, Fa. qARPETS ! AT- Water Sta., Laneaater, Pa. BSBBBBsLat VasTssTsLssTsVafsssel aB sVsXBsam saw v TAnOAflTnt AMB sTsstSaV AtTi S " rnr 1 Mlaaauia,n "r.r7T.mV? SB M( lit 14 .uaisieara al neanaissw Me.M.1 RKAD1NO A OOLtTMBlA KM I . vun.unan.a -j let Columbia me LsmeMtM at M)ia.He $5 neon and Me p. T " ' ' m S? 1,m.and sMOivm. V aS rorChleafMatj.MiTiSai'oorlS. V- 1 Wet Letmnnn at 1J.36 and S.40 p. in. V V AV i TKAIS.I.Blviniiiuiivkii - ,.vi'S Fer Laneaater at . ana 7.15 a. m. and tM . fct , Fer Keadlnir at 0.90 a. m. and 9 tt. A ... " " mLJ- rerLabannnatiaip.m. '" -fc.r .T i ..""'. ainu Bl'KKT tlAneaatav.l . iY? a 7, a. tn, U.M and me p. m. M i Fer Mlisnen at 6.40 a. m., in. 10 and l).l . SI rorvinarTTTineaian a. tn., a 10 and KM .m. t ri.iiriiJ..rivi:v.,i?.yiL,,5r nrniuiingai7!ea.nsiiMiand or lbannn at dT a. mH 1180 and Ml h. m. OX J narryvlj lie at 9 SO a, m.. 4.W and Rlit n, sa, m . . TltAlMS LKAVH LRIIANON. my. luiuuinriui aim ID., 1UD anaTSUPiSB, for gnarryTUH at IM a. aa. tPITDAT TKAIKS. TUA1NB LRAVsl HRADINH Fer Ijuicaster at 7.3) a, sa. and 4.00 p. m. Fer unarryvllle at 4.00 p. re. TUAINH I.V1VC m "iV w rer Lancaater, lbanen and Ueadtng at 7.10 a,ss ( jT?! TUA1NSLK AVE KINO ST. ( lAncasUr.) ,,3 rerueaatng and Lebanon at 8, a. m. and IM"M urvjuarryTinoaiejup. m. v, THllVfllVIVVllDtkinBa ...4' TV -..... A.nn. Mam a. iMiitnasvr.j r? ur iHxiaing ana Lebanon ana 8.18 a. in. alt .Mi ..'..rr ...... iyfi Ttt atnia . tvm i viiiwitw .Jl- rer I.ancMUir at 7.U a. m. and S U u. u. ervuarryTineat3.t3p,rru V?, Fer oeuueouon at Columbia, Marietta Jnrf UOn. iAtlfHIllAP Jtin.llAn ain..l.alirt Wulun7. TrStlli4tB and Lebanon, aen Umn InhlKa t &ll aiiillnna . -.'.'II A. M.wilJON,MarerinUnamt &? TffiNNHYT.VANl k ni.vetn nniiirrt -) ' XT ULK. Instrectrmm.lnnnls.lRiM. ""? Ji; Trains LiavaLiifeASTm and leaye an arrlTs) V v riitinuuiatutiftaa lutiuwas vv liavn -, fr WEHTWAKI1. I'aclne Kxpresal Mews Erpressf.. ....... Way t'aaaengert Mali train via ML ,ley all TnUnf. ...... Niagara, Kxpress..,,,,. Hanover Accem FastLlnef, Frederick Accem Lancaster Accem Harrlsbnrg Accem,... Colombia Accem. ..... Ilarrlabnrg Kzpress.i, Chicago and Cin, Kr., Westurn Ripress RASTWAUI), Philadelphia. ji-jip. in. 431a.m. 3ua.m, 7110 a. m. 8 je a. M. w.31 a. a, 9-iBa. is, 9-Dea. m. 9-Jfla.m. 00 p. m. via Columbia 7.10 a.m. via Colombia ll-w a. in, Wa Columbia fcwih lu. :',r Ttasiu Jey. v.u p. in. 6 top m. 8 w p, in. 10-09 p. m. Leave I jui caster. ,191a.m. eiesa.m. 8 ion. ai. B.Ma.m. 1MB a. m. 2 us p. in, 3 stAp.m. Mttzzr wi 7:40 n. m. ',S.3 !?? M.J Arrtre at ' , I'UUB. raua, Kzpresst. ....... Fast Ltnui ir ... m. ?vrj llarrliburer Kxureaa I""". ". feS 3 Lancaater Accem ar., Celnuibla Accem Seashore Kinross ..... vs&is'ys 8,1.1 p. n. i Philadelphia Accem... Bunaa? Man.. Dav Krnreaal BHP.H, rap. as -a Uarriabunr Accem. ...I 8 4.1 n. in. n.45t. dud. in, tiThe Lancaster Accommodation leaves Harris bnrg at a:ie n. in. and arrtves at Lancaster at -JS puu v Thn itartetu. Arnrmmndatlen leaves Celnm bis, at 6 te a. in. and reaches Marietta at 8:5. Alse, laavna Ualnmbla at 11:41 a. in. and 2.43 D. UL. reaching Marietta at 12:01 and 2:SS. Laves) Martetta at 3-05 p. tn. and arrives at ueinmuia I SSI T also, leaves Ba ana avrrivus v e.tnh The Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at8-00connecUiur with liarrlabnrff Irtnrai at 8 10 a. m. The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west. at2d( U. Ul, nil! . u.a MMUUn " auuu. a.. n. w.. . ,n - MAAkA MHMaa.AWB tO-U f ttp UOIUUUIU) ) &.. MW 1.OTWJIIW lilWIIfcOWi w .inw 2 ltfv Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting ar$P j Tnraafer with Nliurara Kxnreca at S--30 a.m-.'i.Ww; wui nan through te flanerer, dally, exeept Baa- rJ;: tm.t l.inA. nit.'mi Snnflav. When SajnMsL'' wlUstenat Sowningtewn. Ceat4vlllS.'arlissvliy h-nrg, Mt. Jey, KlltaTethwn and Mlddietewn. m .Keenlj,titttns which ran dally. Oa V, JSB,WOOO, tleneral Passenger AgeaU tiji CHA..i'U" usaanu biuuke.. HDVOATIOXAL. OW1THIN C. HUUKTiiiinje-n avaim';v VTf. - i miiaa fmm Plilladelnhla. VStAt Drtce covers every expense, even book. tMe. M -1 u extra charges. e ineiaenuu expenaeau jaw amhiatloniee admuMioiLjrBivepi teachers, all men, and allgTMdareg-Jtft4SM nortunltles rer apt, siuaenia u butbbeb i RnAiiiirfiifnriiuitandbaekwaratMnraJ or students may select any studies or oheoatt j m..i.i. if ii ii n i in 1 1 n . ITurilnmn rlssatsal .w,i fnelnMrinif rAiiran. Btlldentji flttad I Media, Academy are new In Harvard. Jfalj, , Princeton and ten ethor Colleges nnd 1 elywej.4 ' nlc Schools. 10 stnrtente sent te college In MVf. ( every year In the commercial department. Av4 a Pbyalcal and chemical Laboratory, Uyinnaslnsa', if Iii.iiiiiniin. i Mm -ml a. aildad teLlbmrv IB ,ir. S liKJ. Physical apparatus doubled tulfflj. AUWM itudenU beard with the principal. Meya ejg. J tetoperaneocbartor which prelilbiu the sale el 3 TT. ... . !. Vas nil or lit nut lilt tA n.rtiiln r'ciX laraddress the Principal and Proprietor, - augO-lrad w illarvara G;raduate) Media, P.' 4 -igl HUOKS. Q01IOOL HOOKS Uclallcd at Wholcsale l'rtces, at ' FON DERSHITFl'S Opjioslle the Court Heuse. New lloeks glven In oiclianije for Old OnesasV: pari pay. The I-arcest and Cheapest Line at TabMh (lendinemntatTleal. Coninealtlon and VAfm.r- andum Heeks, Pencils, uulers. Ink ftnaPeesvg. f !milna. Hlate4. etc.. etc - i Wa liavii n inwinlplAn wn IntAnd te alva te iss every purchaser. Come and get them, boys andrt,;? girls, from Mm Fen DersnUtli, Uie Bookseller, tz anirU.tfil V ,? (JCUOOL HUPP.L1E3. j JOM BAER'S SOUS, : Nea. 16 aud 17 North Queen StresHr LANCA3TEU, PA., Oder, Wliolesnln and UetaU, at Lew Ptleea SCHOOL BOOKS m U.1K11 IN LANCASTKIt CITV ANJ COUMir.V . ) OKI iioauera Mxcnanscea, 'e SCHOOL SUPPLIES, M Llnuid Hlatlnr;, chnlir (intyens, Copy nooks jj or All Kinds, Writing Inks, Steel Vena, Slates TA Noiseless ulates, SUUi Pencils, Drawing Pen. K", vifa. ' I'nmtuvitltnn Itnnlra. Wrlllnf fablets. LtAJ Pencils, Scheel Satchels, companions, anafj1! every thing else In the line et school stationery. JM BIQN OP THE BIG BOOK. jEACjavjur. vk i (V-VMSJNyyV V s" fffSVWa-aytsiVV" niTAumnKitiiWii ..:',- . . .---.--. yri iM. As.??a rei STEAM HEATI m rr. DOHJCBS, ;WATjnVV-8, HtsPJJUl r rr T A. uimm nr Umn Waas auch aaaasuaaA' epl In Machine Bneps. ..f OAUOaOiaepnaa, (;'? EzraF. Landis. - 'v innsm un unnim rtmsauw MrUMt1. ': , w tf fvu-pi LABOAtTO. PA. wS QTOKA.UB V ',V,' OOMMIHsilON WAWaHOUsW. .; I14H1KL MAfsUa. .' aeeiyd HaUWartCMstiM ft- Tlry fS.00 TEKTH A81B moeo IOC W ;?JT3srss; wurraal LIU MIU aJU twniPai i - 4- . , tiaawtaijiastj)!"!... '.,,,,-, V, aiT-ir 1 Jw UM i m , 751 v..'M -t-'rJ tt i1& '1 r--'" . ,K A-r iVJ