Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 11, 1886, Image 2

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IMKfsi .mtwn coaxacriea.
Tbi -Weekly Intelligencer
'MHrinit.iiniwitiiTirfwm. ra.raji e raw.
'.'-ii.afcAiroA'cermmTO mun oi-mire trr
ij( -..'ifK ' t W. lta. tin, tin.) ln. tin.
HM 'mtgf:...iT, M Wf7tt?l 1001378
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Hh BJ".-.. 10M 1H IM 01S 080 841
jF INMII, 110 890 (00 080 780 840
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ES IMM4M1J-.... l 7 00 1100 1800 WOO MOO
ft hIPh,., BOUlOOO 1700 2200 2700 SI 00
-, MiMeBUu- aoe 1100 seen wee moo asm
ff Smthi .... am law wee moo moo oe
nkhWmYmt laeej gire, sacej moo, moo wee
rJ J.1'
;JMH.ui ,emmrr. all axomtkecs imra
,-'i,;irax a oexnasio te tm waatb jusarr.
.. 'jMrtiiaiLiMttrtmdTlf grant te
., vu iva rHTBT.T.TnnKnisiR.
-lataHtsaBcrBaUatng-, Lancaster, l'a.
s&tflrlx fVittfrtafev fttirtslltrtsMtiVY
(.rms-Bsa, JUllB,l,UftS,Br Jflllllniv.
.'&! . :
.tv.- - Clerelwd and His Tncatlen.
V fAU vieteuuiu sum, lur n prcsiueni, u
A"3fciue Idea of pleasure; but it will be ap
BfrftActated br robust men cenerall v as a very
c & 'asStttble idea, lie gees out Inte the weeds
' where be has Dlentv of. elbow room and
hyresli i'alr, and where he avoids a crowd
tt uiu taut nye wimuui, ceremony, pareus anu
-Mireae, fishing, bunting or reading through
v&tbedavs, and getting a solid sleep in the
& eel Blr bf the niehla. It is a
fKwnslble vacation, but net one of the usual
SjJHWiuential kind. But the president Is net
iet the usual kind. He is one after a mere
. .original pattern than anv we hare had
L since Jacksen, whom he resembles greatly
V j. in some or uie strong traits or. his charac-
j ,' ri jib u quiie a ueiermineu as .lacKsen
gT " s'nd as fend of liisewnway, and it leeks
fW M 4limtl. ltn n. nn 4 in
i " M'W"6" 'ID 11U3 iU 11U iU BbllJltS a
jjrxwss in Ills courage, resolution and
t sense, and if Cleveland proves, as
1-4 tf'there is geed reason te believe, te be as
i beuckuij acuaiuiD iu uia luuuuua iu viu
uicKery was, iie will achieve nn equal fame
and success.
There is no doubt that he has the Deme-
' cratlc party in tlie hollow of his hand, net-
witustanding the vigorous kicking that
ihas'lieen going en. The kicking is vain,
ilnce the president has the country's heart.
r-j s Ana me eiuces nave net Helped him or
i-jfkr. lu party. They have been a detriment, save
isgj ; in the fact that they have enabled the
president te demonstrate hia strength in
:' ' aeftaL'rablv cnntrnlllnrT them niminsf tim
Wy crraf. nih nnnn tlmm
&&'' Ttwlll lv. fi .-, n M.l r it
W&SH 'ijmu'a wtuJ "" el l"B eruer el statesmen,
ljt j44 1U Ah II.. V... - m i
iCA i. -j i wiuivu ui wc IJOU UA. UU
viaingemces for their censtitutents. It is
tei a horrid patronage, and generallv fatal te
f' these who have it, as is testified by the
W xnany congressman who have fallen before
the nominating conventions for the next
Ceugrcss. The president has been yielding
te the claim of congressmen te control their
local patronage, although It does net seem te
be strictly in line with his views of civil ser
vice methods te de se. lie may have had
a malicious Intent te destroy the impertu.
nate congressmen with the fatal shaft, and
whether se or net, it has se resulted. There
ms Congressman "Willis, for whom he re-
Bit? appointed the Bepublican postmistress :
with the result that air. "Willis' Democratic
constituents say they will have no mere of
him; and that ardent advocate of river
and harbor appropriations is likely te be
lest te the country.
f& ' . .,L V...
:. t .
A Ciiurchtewn correspondent of the Lan
caster Insurer, noting the fact that few
people from that vicinity attended the re
cent county fair In this city, says It Is due
te the Inconvenient way " our people have
of getting te the county seat. Heading and
Philadelphia are much farther in miles
yet' much nearer and cheaper by rail than
JLancister. The Berks county as well as
w.1,, - !"" ,u, me mmu utuci iirunizeu
., uui uwu, uy ieejie irem uussecuen,"
. This is all wrong. Every portion of our
big county should be made te feed into the
county seat. Lancaster should be made se
close te the remotest borders of the county
that economy, as well as local pnde, would
force all te purchase their wares' in this
city. The railroads that oppose themselves
te the natural growth of this town ought
te be made feel it.
Au Amiable Man.
Our very pacific townsman, James
Black, illustrated once mere his amiability
la the meeting of the Prohibition conven
tion at Harrlsburg, by keeping quiet his
aidmt friend Tatton, who had resigned the
chairmanship of the committee, even
though Candidate "Wolfe wanted Tatton te
tilk and tell why he did it. Messrs. Black
aud,ratten, wisely considering that " the
least said uie soonest mended," refrained
'i.t from raeetinz their limther ii'nife'a .,ni
' lsnge. Brether "Wolfe is net of tlipir
i Of Kma; "- " one et these fellows who are
$br always spoiling for a light, lie might
if take a lessen la amiability from Brether
?r, Blaak.
fi. Getting Readr.
Ji ' rpkA t.iwi a..t T i
j.uDiuea inn, x.uKiunu was un te anv
?,? clever scheme, like the secret building) of
Hwafie railways tiireugU the Afghan
its, baa eccurnxl te very few of these
sure been Watching the close game of
i diplomacy.
means of these strategic lines from
base Of flunnllea. thn T'nalli ran
?alwfn n tm tHA 41. r. i j x i !
,vwu ,u.VD mW m0 uiapuiea lemtery
.-?' rapidly as the ltusslan can ad-
by their new transX!njmlsin rnlln-v
It U deuhtliwa .. .,.. ..
tMlur cenmletinn ap n,. n ,..i i.,
Lit . ..-ifaaXBtli&h mmw;:".,.,11""
ga1ui spies had doubtless long age dis-
.' Jehn, Bull has been prime mover In rainy
ft shrewd diplomatic Intrigue, but for l lm
- te Mttaxe in the actual nknfnmmtnn
---J- ' . . .. . . t--r-- "
,r,HK war en uie siy, and preparation se
'aberate and expensive, is something that
appears quite lereign te his bluff and
-.-.eIamav natnra.
) . CeUBtlntr. SDCarentlv. en thn minnnrt nt
. i Eafland, Turkey la rapidly pushing he
!--. .utfimiucutj uuu me wet. pici Ire
- 'trf fw horrible panorama of war is already
p"v " """ euiv enitjtuig re-
eruits at Uie bayonet's point te fight for a
caiiae they care nothing for, ami te leave
the! families perhaps forever without sup
port or protection. Fer this conscription
lakes every man old enough te bear arms
and leaves but non-combatants at home ,
nd the religious fanaticism et the fol
lowers of Islam is net easily aroused for
the sullan.
KvKfOfART pretests te Ibe Delaware comity
conferrees against giving the congrcs'lennl
nomination te I)rliugteiu Tliore may tm
muftie yet,
Tim governors of tlie llilrtwm erlliint
talcnroteasombloln riillailelpliU en Uie
l7UiotSeptemlor, te arraiige lorcelobratliig
en the same day of next year the rentenninl
of the adoption of the "enteral coti'tltutten.
Thn centennial of the constitution I te b
celebrated In Washington in ISsO; the lx.
ginning of government under our oentltn.
tlen dating from the inauguration of "Wash
ington In that year. It 1 feared that the cen
tennial celebration business will be over
done by this attempt te erganise two rolelc-
lnga, within as many years, ever events se
nearly identical In character. It was llrst
resolved tohavethe Washington celebration,
and then thoNewJorsoyleglslaturoconre ed
'the idea of taking the wind out of the ntls
of that enterprise te turn a wind mill nearer
hmie, 3 ersey profited by the centennial of
1S70, and it Is characteristic of the Jersey
man that he knows a geed thing when he
sees it, but it is a strange spectacle te wit
ness thlsanxiety of ew Jersey te celebrate
the adoption ofacenstltntlon,to which It was
the last state of the thirteen te give n grudg
ing allegiance.
Mlt. Bi.ainr seems te rejoice at the bvl
eminence he has attained as the apostle of
Tni, irrepressible Wiggins, of Canada,
bobs up serenely with a mass of documen
tary ovldence te preve that lu March of 17")
he predlcted the recent earthquake ami In
May last repeated the prophecy In the col
umns of the Ottawa Journal. lie announce
that the worst Is net eer, and that the great
est strain will be felt between this period and
the middle of October. The Southern states
will again be visited by earthquakes, and
the trouble will extend te California and
Seuth America. He attributes the disturb
ances te a shifting of the earth's centre of
gravity, but fails te explain Intelligibly why
the centre shifted. But public faith In Wig
gins, never great, was shattered beyond re
pair by his unfulfilled prediction of a greit
storm ; which kept N'ew England fishermen
in pert through fear of Its fulfillment, aud
cost a vast sum et money te that Industry.
ItrsslA has offered te guarantee a Unita
rian lean of 20,000,000 reubles. Who will
guarantee Russia T
m m
The 1'ree Thinkers assembled in conven
tion at Saratoga have hastened te put them
selves en a par with the Anarchists In public
estimation by announcing their sympathy
for the convicted Chicago law-breakers. Mr.
Andrews addressed them in a harangue that
was composed largely of protestations againft
the judicial murder et the ' Anarchist,
although he assured his bearers that he hated
Anarchy. Absolute freedom he held te lie the
only condition of progress, and he appears te
carry this doctrine even te the throwing el
bombs, though carefully avoiding any men
tion of such unpleasant things. It a struggle
of mutual extermination could be brought
about between Anarchists and Free Thinkers,
the world would rejoice.
Tnn following notice in the Ji!l M-tll
Gazette shows that our Lancaster County
Rush is net the only new light that has
arisen te illnmlne astronomy and correct our
knowledge of the architecture of the sklcx.
Alexander Krapetkin, a Siberian exile, the
elder brother or the well-known Prince Km Km
petkln, shot himself at Temsk en Aug. C, at
the age of 4Z. He had translated Inte Rus
sian "The Principles or Uiolegy " el Her
bert Spencer, " Theory of Heat, " and for
.several years contributed te Kuislan j-erietii-
cals reviews or the progress of physical as
tronomy, much prired by Russian astrono
mers. Whenat Minusinsk, and later en at
Temsk,he busily worked at a great astronom
ical undertaking, in which he submitted te a
strongly scientific criticism all our present
knowledge en the strnctnre et the stellar
systems and the architectonics of the stellar
groups. The insuperable dllllcultles which
an exile te Siberia has te struggle against did
net permlt the author bringing it up te a date
mere advanced than 1679, and the work re
mained therefore unpublished Krapetkin
proposing te revise it as seen as he would be
liberated there being hope that he would be
liberated from administrative exile in Sep
tember this year. The prohibition te stay,
after his liberation, In any university tewfi of
Russia, Mhere he would have found the
means of revising his work, was one of the
black points of his fnture life.
Tin: Jivemnp Pest, of New 0Tk, prints
the following from Mr. Sedgwick, oncom
ing the charges nf Improper conduct In
Mexico, which calls for republication in jus
tice te him, since it is a Hat denlal of the
charge made against him. What is surpris
ing In the matter is that Mr. Sedgwick did
net make free use et the telegraph te make
this denial at au earlier period ; and that he
does net seem te knew even when writing
this note the whole length and breadth of
the accusation against him :
Sin: A week age I went te a ball and
stayed te the end, went home and te bed
early. Next morning my friend, Mr. Onl
rand, came te call upon me and Jound me
dressing, and we went out. All the elUcers
andmembersef the Jockey club, who are
the principal peeple or Uie city, have signed
a letter exonerating me from all improper
behavior at any time during the ball. The
gentlemen who saw me return from the ball
have signed a card that they observed noth
ing except that 1 went towards my room. 1
have Gulrand's statement in writing as te his
call in the morning, besides the statement of
the hotel manager that no hcene or row of
any kind took place in tue hotel, Bnd also
that I went te my room alter the ball. Ne
eye-witness has ever been produced, and I
only knew from hearsay what the stories cir
culated In the United States are. Secretary
Rayard has telegraphed me that my personal
denial of the scandal Is enough. Make any
use el this that you may think proper.
. A. O, ShDfiwii'i;.
City or Mexico, Sept. a.
It used te be said that Democratic sueess
was a menace te the buslnes or the country.
This " chestnut" has grown meuldy even In
Republican mouth?.
Semi: comment has been recently made en
the delays in the Philadelphia postal hen Ice
under Postmaster Harrity. The fact has been
seized upon by political opponents te make
party capital. Its slight tenure is at once
seen by the frank explanation from Mr.
Harrlty. He says that whatever delay has
arisen Is due te increased business and de
creased clerical service. A comparison of
the receipts for the llrst eight days of Sep
tember of ISSt, 1S35 and 1880 shows the in
crease in the amount or matter handled at the
office. The receipts from all sources during
the first eight days of September, 1831,
amounted te ?3S,791 'JO. This was increased
te J 11,310.01 in 18S3, and f 10,803.27 In lii
The increase In 1885 amounted te Cf per
cent, ever iel, and the Increase in lSbO was
equivalent te 20 8-10 ever the business ban
died in 1834. It is fair te presume that Post Pest
master Uuidekeper did net have anv larger
I force than was uecessary te transact the work
W"188t- While the Trillium nf Imnlnne
Increased 20 per cent, ever that year the ad ad
dlUens te the force have amounted te only 2
per cent Since Jul, i, 1MS there hM
.decrease of 33 per cent, 'in the "tcTef
postage, and an increase of loe percent
the unit or weight. Mr. Harrlty asked1 ter
Increased clerk hire te the ameuut of i 020
but the department decreased It ?7,0SJ. Tlili
explanation takes the burden of the situation
from Mr, Harrlty, and places It en tlie(de
partment at "Wathlngten,
Dn. CilAl'.t.f.s 1 Dana, In the J'erum,
discusses calmly the prebabllltly that In the
Inture business principles may be se applied
te the practice or medicine, as te roinevo all
permanently dependent classes, the business
principles consisting partially In the admin
istration el carbonic acid baths te theso werse
than ttscless te themselves and ethers
through crltne or disease.
Jehn '1'm.uii, son of President Tyler, lias
been npolnted chlet of the private laud
claims illvltnii of the gouernl land ollh-e in
Mns. A. T, fcvKwvivT carries a tinlqne
article at Saratoga this summer in the slmwi
nf n card case, with n small watch in the
centre of the outside, its use Is mere ebii
ens than Its geed tastn,
Themas bn'.vrvs tlie bicyclist, hssallsst
struck a geed read In Ids trip round the
world. At Lahore, where he was at last no
count", licglns the greitest tuacsidnmired
read In the world. It is tulles long and
Slevens will use 1,3M miles or IL
Victeria MonestM scimttve Is s.ild
te have been recenclUvl te her father, nod
strain she Is s.tld te have telegraphed te her
theatrical manager that she will turn up oil
Monday. Which of thoe rumors are correct,
the public kuews little and cures less.
UoiEnven Putivis has appointed
Timethy R. Thurman, or Reedvllle, MIlUlu
county, reElter aud recorder or that cenuty
and Jehn 1'. Urewn, et Leck Haven, photho phetho phothe
notaryor Clinten county. Ileth vacncla
were caused by the death of the Incumbents.
Titos. A. Ronr.rtTex, or the renrth dis
trict of Kentucky, is u philosopher. Being
defeated for a reneminatlnn in the Hemo Heme Hemo
cratle primaries by the lien. A R. Mont
gomery, he accepts the situation like a man,
and says: I am for Alex. Montgomery ter
Congress, nud hope his majority will be m
big ns mine was two years age." He says
14 there is nothing smalt about me but the
vote I get, and it was large enough for ordi erdi
nary occasions."
Liszt's last words uttered a few hours be
fore his death, w hlle aw akenlng from a state
or lethargy that had lasted ter hours, were.
(Jul v lent au theatre ?''' Au rovier,
Tristir!" And suddenly jumping lretu
his bed, he exclaimed excitedly tinder
man 1 : "They are pursuing me''t then
calming down, he said te his faithful ser
vant. Mlschke, hkewle in German ; ' Oh.
this is Mlschke yes, yes you are M!chke :
Don't be angry with uie for talking thus in
coherently you see, 1 am sick '" And he
let the servant put him te bedagaluery
quietly, alter which he enlv murmured a
word new and then. The last Intelligible
word heard was"Trlstau "
TUB A31V8EUBST U 111,1).
CrUp Jielei el rtiT and I'lajrrs Sew llefnre
the rnbllr.
rnderthotltle "Painting the Town,' Harry
Webber Is pirating Harrison tleurIajJs
"Skipped by the Light of tbe Moen."
The llrst six ulgbts of Frank Maye's sea sea
seu were rlayed In one-night stauds, and
averaged the largest recelpts for this class or
towns that "Nordeck" has ever known. On
four nights Uie tandlng-roeiu only sign was
hung out and this during one or the hottest
weeks etthe summer.
Davenport Debus will be one of Annie
Plxley's company this season.
Butlale Rill's Wild W est cl- ses the season
en Staten Island September js.
Ezra Kendall seems te le cxtchlng en
everywhere in " A Pair et Kids " this year.
The Clipper quartette has been engaged ler
the burlesque of " Little Jack .Sheppard."
Mrs. Geerge S. Knight Is new proprietress
of "Over The Garden Wall."
Frank Bancroft has closed his season with
the Rochester ball club, which he se success
fully managed dnnng the summer, aud has
gene teNew Redterd, (Mass.,) te resume his
duties as manazer el the Grand opera house.
Donavin, of Teunesean 'sme, Is conduct
ing the Hyers Slaters, Sami-ucasand Wallace
King, all colored, en a tourthrengh the West
in"Ont of Bendage," Thev are having suc
cess. Flit Raymond, who was with Starr's opera
company, lias made a hit In the iart el 1m
JartfiiMf In "The Gelden Hen."
II. K. DIxey will arrive from Londen in a
few days.
Martha Wren Cellins, wife of James Col Cel
lins, will star in soubrette parts. Her hus
band is new getting a cnmpanv together te
support her.
Mary Andersen Is livlng(juiellym Londen.
She will make n pilgrimage te Keine this
The Columbus Ohie, correspondent of the
Mirrf.r In his letter, speaking or Wilsen A
Rankin's minstrels, says "f.eerge Wilsen
waded through his antique business, and
demonstrated beyond a doubt tlist he is a
chestnut. His 'Oh ! pshaw and Oh ! girls'
act has had Its day, and the sooner he grasps
something of a mere recent date the better
'twill be ter his highness."
Matt Morgan painted a let of war pictures
similar te Uie " Battle et Gettysburg " and
has them en exhibition in Cincinnati, where
Uiey are the talk nl the ten n.
All the ten cent circuses will nuke for the
Seuth this winter.
Mullen and Magee are in " ales.
Lew Renedict advertises rera situation as a
Te-night Geerge Burten, the ex-hotel per
ter, embarks In a new business and one that
he will find somewhat expensive.
Simmons Slocum, minstrels, open at th
and Art It street, Philadelphia, en Monday
with a hne company. It remains te bn seeu
whether there la as much menev In It as In
liise bill, fT Lewis.
Matt l.eland, the circus man, will inanage
"One et the Ilravest," with old 1). It. Hedges
in advance.
Sim. Sethcrn, heceud m of the late li A.
Selhern, made bis American debut with J T.
Raymond, at I tlca, Ne etk, a few nights
Charle A. Mendum, late of the Arch street
theatre, Philadelphia, gees In advance el M.
B. Curtis.
Walten iven will be Louise A root's lead
ing man.;
J. R. Dyllyn, the line singer, is w ith Mest Mest
ayer's " We Us a Ce."
Jake Rndd, the comedian, lm oieiioU a
variety thealre in the rink building, Harris,
Pat Roeiipj's new play is said te be a great
success. Pat and his daughter Katie have
geed parts, and a singing quartette Is Intro
duced. Cheeiers A Kennedy, who, m days geno
by, worn known as the " Bidlale Beys" bate
returned te this country alter un alwence or
many years lu Australia.
Jlemlnlscences of BItiv iin i it.
enut MetrnivtfM Iluhin.r.1 ii,r.thu,.
MMInitnlnlil 1 -.! l , .. .. .-. "
Ne one living te-day is perhaps better
qualified te write or the rocelloctions et the
men who have made history In this country
during the last sixty years than Majer Ren
Parley Poere, the veteran Journalist, clerk
or the 1 nited States Senate printing records,
editor et the Congressional Directory, and
author or excellent snort stories In
the world or faction. The book abe e named
embraces Mr. Poere's reminiscences of the
great men who have lived and moved In
federal legislation for the laat three scores of
years. It dates back te the election of Jehn
wuincy Adams and Includes the excltinir
wuincy Auanm and Includes the exel
times In which these giants, flay, Web
Kerelt, Jacksen, Calhoun, Nan Ru
Polk, Housten, Seward, Htevcns, Deu
.Sumuer, Davu, Lincoln, Grant and a host of
ethers nourished. The first -volume abounds
with illustrations and autographs et the
eminent men depicted. Several extracts
from the work have already appeared in Uie
newspapers, and these have se w hetted the
public curiosity that the book will doubtless
uuiu a largu saiu.
InMcmerlflm. Kilirnr i.i.nv
Al'XJr.lwd, up,,
This is a monetrraoh en that iiriuM rmm.
genius et Ithaca, iew "i erk, cut down lu Uie
prime or a career that premised results el a
most benetlcent character. The work deals
with the early life and brief public career
erMr. A.rgar, and this Is teellngly done by
Prof. .Moses Celt Tayler, of Cernell Unit or er
slty, with whom it was a labor of leva
Tlie Curiinall A New llelUmt !Uilr,,i
from the Clarien.
Walter M. Franklin, of I auicaster, attorney
for Rebert M. Celeman, of Cornwall, presi
dent of the Cornwall A Lobunen railroad,
which oxtends lrem Cornwall te Lebanon,
accompanied by Samuel Sprecher, chll en
gineer, who assisted in the survey or
the line rer a railroad projected Iby
Mr. Colemau from Cornwall te New
Helland, visited New Helland en Wed
uesday and conferred with some or our
citizens lu regard te building tbe rallr&ui
from Cornwall te New Helland en the route
already surveyed and extending the waiue
. . , Mianu m Lancaster, the nro nre
wLi .J1"0 whlcU ''a,, ,)eon 'edk In 'Pn-
V.Vi iana be PreIcts are that it will
New1le0llaBH.W,th Un8 -,U I'. Kd
?uiJ ?iu? "UI httve ulrt oenuocUon by
radread with Ltueu sad Lancaster! ,fy
.Searthliie Fer Sunkru Trciuurr.
from the I'liUaOlphfa Kcceru.
The lug hurtle Millrtl down the Delaware
last week with a corps of dUers provided
wlUi armor ler deep-water diving. They w HI
make au oflert te locate the I'ugllsh sleep-of-war
De llraak, which was sunk oil CaM llcn llcn
lepeu en June CS, 1"0S w Ith a vast amount et
treasure en heard which has been estimated
as high as jte,P00,tX The specie was tAken
from three Srsinlsh galleons captured ln the
West Indies. When Uie Moen iipared the
shore a heavy gale was blowing and the pilot
ordered kaII taken ln. CpU Drctr lecaine
Indigunnt nt this and ordered the seu hl
This was done and seen after the scsscl
eauk, currying down the captain, twenty-lite
prisoners and most of the ciew. Tlie conces cences conces
slen ter the leoeven el the treasure was
granted by the secretary of the treisury te
tboInternntlenalSubiuarinecoiupaiiy, under
Kivtlen .i,ieb of the revtrd Htntutcs, the
money, hoc er, coming from the pocket el
a prominent Arch street pliyslcisn. Ten icr
cent of the bullion sived will te the property
of the getemmeiit. The position el the
sunken craft, which lies lu about vitenty feet
of water, Is oue mile and three quarters
northeast of the pitch or Cape Uriilopen,
threo-qusrterser a tulle from the Delaware
MotheraouotKlvevourbtoy optates te dull
Its lulndlmt im- Dn. 1Uji' ColleCnro.
Of aU remedtce, Dk. 1Um s l'lvsant l'lij-li Is
the only only one which cuml my babe cf con cen con
timllen. .leus auk. Trev, .v.
I'ersalebvH. Jl. tcchran, nruslt,Ne l..;uud
1 .North Queen street, Lannistrr, l'a.
" Xevcr put eir till to-tnenow what can be
done te-daj-.' Caire gout will at. Jacobs Oil.
si'-scr-ii. xuriars.
TUATirACKlNOCOLOtlcan t e quickly
cured by bhlleh's Cure.
uiensuure. i rusmntee It. ler
IXCeclmin, DmgKl.i, -Ne. IK North
fun uy Jl. ii,
ijueeu street.
The Impeudlng IMujer.
Tbe rerfnt Klnlfil nf tv.. -.-..1. nj.H.t..
shev thAt a lanre majority a wlUi Censuniii-
pawnUy AmniUsceuBh w hlchc-in Us cuml lu-
.uijunsv-euia) wiiiuiaacu llii nil np
by K emu's it
Nam ter the Thmat aiut
wuien is s
?h 1.4 ffllTlltlt twtit tr nsir.1 nnil h-Hbub
allrases. PrleeS) cents and ll Trtnt titt trtr
Fer salO bV II IE. Innhnm
tlrr tree
Aerth Qiatn street.
drafjtrUt, Ne 13;
.V.u "Ilil lOlT ceu;heu Shlieh's Cure
111 dm Itnm.AlalA -41IV
l'TlCOlO Cla ,CtS 1
and II, t"er Sla br II. It Cwhl-in. Ilrnmil.l
iu iLuiutjmaiQ rcuei
Ne. Ul North liueen stn-et.
North llueen stn.t.
-V ery ISftrrew lrnie.
)'V' l. ?.? n vcr5 narrow eeniH." until a
prominent citizen te k frleud. ! was eenaiitsl
llrtt- llrta Kii a...l
1. tei gale Uy II II. Oechntn. Druirirut. .In. 1 c.
North (jueen utreet. Lancajiur.
Bill LOU'S COUGH and Consumption Cure U
oldbyuserta RuarAntee. It cures Cen.nmp.
H2tK2r'ial0 "" J1' " Cochran, Druggist, Ne.
1SS North yueen street.
Wuiulerlul Cure.
W. D ljeyt A Ce. Wholesale and Druj.
SnV.ti'"Jf5Jl?!ri1 "yerr, Ulectrtc bitters ami
llueklen's Amlcu talve for two vein Have
never handled reinedles tht seu a well, or otve
such unUenuil satisfaction, a here have been
fSZtHSIS?."?1 c?na '"'ected by these medi-
J 'ii cli J-everxl cases of pmneunceU
Cpnsnuiptlen have Ikh-d entirely enred bv use
erafeWLOtUes of Dr. nine's New Dlsceverr.
taken In connection vlth IJeetrle Hitlers. We
guarantee them always. Sold l.y II 11 Cuchran.
Druggist, 137 and 1SJ North Queen struct, Lui!
caster, ra. 1 .
A "HD'?."?T'er Indigestion. LetmimiiU m. l)iT"
VVr'V'f ,."e?in-,t ever, Ague, tux t-elilen's
uiu uecx ionic. ie Kvdi.ed.ttr
liny revrr
I Iiht been a hay fever sntimr f r three
.rsi have elten hennl kit. Crenm IUI111
?,?;,'Shn.,5l!..ln. ".? JUsh. it term.: ,11a net take
SS.1.S.2 ilJL te . '.'' '"ny ,uack
A friend liersuadta me tit trv Ihe
lUlra. ana I Old m ti-ii
1th MeuOetful snectss. T
S. Oeer, Syracuse. N. i
nlSiUXClmm?.n ' V Cream Rum te all hay
ever sntrerer. lit. mint opinion asurecurv-.
1 as alDlcte.l ler is years, anil never before
'e'va,rn,a',lcntr,;Uef--'' - II. ilalilii. Jlarsh
tiem, t. au.i-.'
DisDSLTOs I.rviB Psllits for slcls headache
erpld liver, blllensncs and Indigestion Small
and eay te swallow. One pill a Cese. Price, J.
Uy all dniggl jm. leM-SmdTu.lh.S
j ,a the scalp Is nnnnyeU wlih dnnUnnr,
(i'i.??n 1 s''Phur soap wtlil Inuna Infallible
Hill's llalr Uye, black erljrnwn, fllu c nts
CATAUUHCUKED, health and swte' breath
secured, by hhlleh's Catarrh I'rlce w
cents. Naial Injector tree, for sale by II. B.
Cochran, DrnggUt, Ne. 1 North Queen street.
A Case of -Miiny Vears s,tnllnij Cured lih
Six Ilettle. In a 00 Years et Ace.
ailxstews, l'a., May e. isss.
Dakdiue.i DrmtRs Ce. Gents I had ben
troubled -with my kidneys foranumberef years,
used almost everything without muchbenent
unUl I trled Dandelion Hitters. I used six bet
Ues and am pleased te say I am entirely rid of
the kidney treulile, besides my 33 stem bung
toned up se that I feel like a different person. I
cheerfully rocemmond the same te all afflicted
In this way J ACO 11 M I M. II LIT..
A elite, I'uihlng antt Iteliseln
II. II. Cochran, Dnigglat, III and in North
Queen street, Lancaster, l'a, (an ulwujs be re
lleU ujien te carry ln stock the purest imd 1 en
troeil, and sntafn the reputation orb. lug ac
tive, pushing una reliable, by receraineuaing
articles with well established tneitt und such M
nre popular. Having the ajency for the cele
bruted llr, Itlng'tNnnr l)ceieri for consump
tion, colds and coughs, will sell it en a positive
gnarantee. It wlllsnrely cure an, and every
nilectlen of threat, I tings, and eheit, and In enler
le prove our elalm, weaskyeu lecull mid ifeta
Trial Uottle i'ree. "i,
will Imnirdlaielv
Croup, Whoepln
Plnir COULTh and UmnrhlHr
sate uy 11, 11. u
Queen street.
sale by II. 1!. Cochran, Dnigglst, Ne 13; North
llueklen's Arnica halie.
The llest Salve ln the world ler Cuts, llrnlses,
Bores, Ulcers, Salt Kbeum, iruver bores, 1 inter.
Chapped Hand, ChUblatns, corns, and all Skin
KrnpUeus, and positively cures 1'lles, ornep-ty
required. It Is guaranteed te glve perfect satis satis
tactien, or money relunded. I'rlce 13 cents per
box. rer sale by II, it. Ceenran, DruKKlst, 187
and IS) North Queen street. Lancaster, l'a
The greatest discovery of the nineteenth cen
tury Is llr. lslle' Special l'rex rlptlen ter sick
headuche, which Is the discovery nf an eminent
physician and usrdbyldiu ler ever thirty vears
befere giving It te tha public, aud It stand te.
uuy witanui, u rivui. i
Itead advertisement In
another column.
1'reiu Cleveland, Ohie,
Cemes n letter signed T. Walker, -uylng
'A' .ut
ii UIUIHU4 nu 1
Jlloetl JUttert ter
una ireneral debll
age commented taking Jlunteck
1 ter protract! a case of lumbge
debility, and new am pleasea tu
state have recovered my appetite and wonted
strength. I'eel better Hllegether." ler sale by
II. Ilceihran, Dnigglst, 137 and 13 North Queen
street, Lancaster.
Net u Case.
Notareso et rheumatism, net acaje or mm
ralgla, net a case of lameness, net a case of pain
or sprain net one has filled te go when at
tacked by Tttemat' JCcteclrie Oil. for sain by II.
Jl. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 North Queen
struet, Lancaster Can't be Cured .Must lie Knilureil "
This old ndsge does net signify that vc must
suffer the miseries of dyspepsia, when a medl
cine wlih the curative properties of II unlock
Jtloed llMert Is available. It Is one of the most
substantial and rellub 0 remedies sold te-day
rer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1)
North Queen street, Lancaster.
" hpent Kilty Dollars
In doctoring for rheumatism befere I tried
Themat' Jicleetrle Oil. Used a 60-cent bottle et
this medicine, and get out In one week. 'or
burns and sprains It Is excellent " .lumen Dur
ham, East l'embreke, N. V. Kersale by II. Jl.
Cochrun, druggist, 137 and IX) North Queen
street, Lancaster.
Is the most cffectlve l'aln Destreyerln thn world!
Will meet surely tiulcken the bleed whether
taken Internally eaapplled externally, and
thereby mere certainly UKUKVK PAIN,
whether chronle or acute, than any ether pain
alleviator, and It Is warranted double the
strength of any similar preparation.
It cures pain In the blue, Iiuck or JJewels, Bere
Threat, Ubeuinatlsm, Toothache aud A Lb.
ACHES, and Is The Great Itellever or 1'nln.
be In every family. A toaspeontul el the Panacea
In a tumbler of hrt water (sweetened, if pro pre
ferred,) taken at bedtime, wUl 11UEAK UP A
COLD. acenUabetUa.
Are you disturbed at night and broken of your
rest by a sick child BuUertaK and crying with
tbu excruciating pala of cutting teeth t II e,
fi?wttAm,?inSlJ'.,,i.,ibet.Uu ' Mn'- WIN8I.OW-3
SV.V,1"40 BV"''. ll wUl relieve the peer
i'sJHS. uirerer immediately depend npen It (
there Is no mistake about lu There Is net a!
wotijereu earth who has eyer used It, who will
Pi!1 J?" ""!? ence tImt H will regulate the
bowels, and give rest te the mother, and reflet
and health te the child, operating like magic It
Is PerfeeUy salu te use la all cases, and pleasant
U the taste, and U the pryscrlpUen of ou of the
eldest and best female physicians ln the United
BUles. Beld every where, as cenU a betUe.
nljSi-S&'X 111 M
FINGER MARKS ami dust en chairs, etc., cannot be removed
by the use of a chamois alone, se if your furniture has a dingy
appeal aticc you can easily icstere its freshness by washing with
Ivery Seap and fnlr-uwvi water (under no circumstances should
het water be used) ; use a soft brush te wash out the carving, etc.
Dry with n soft cloth and then rub well with a chamois, and your
furniture will "leek like new."
There are man) whiteseaps, each represented te be "just as geed as the 'beryV
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuin. Ask for " Ivery" Seap and insist upon getting it.
"Pyrlsut IrK, I r Prectf r A ( sniMc
re 11: .1.1 r,r.
it iu:vr.
JC Twe one-story houses,
lint sirveL
sepU-tld AlTl.i
Ne .; west Chest
JJ UlllCK IIObSKwUhSAcrcsori.ind,cerner
1'rtnceand James streeN. 1 here is a stable and
tobacco shed en the premises, l'cvuesslen given
immediately Apply at
pillVATl'. HAIsf-.
I Ull.l. II.W K
A Cnr-Lead of Canada Horses
r Irst Class and Heavy Dralt
Alse, en hsnd some WK.STEKN IIOUSLj tlrst
Class DrlYersandlnr Uenertl (arm Use.
C1T UKS1DKNCK, will be sold by public
at the (trape Hetel, the very desirable resUlcnce
of the late A. W . Ilussel, deceased, Na 315 North
I.lme strwt, Lancaster, l'a The let Is 0. teet
Irentby 133 feet te a street the main bntldlng
Is, b 33 fret, containing r.ntrv. l'arler,
Library and Dining Itoem, en the flrst tlenr:
4 Isrge Chambers en the ecend fleer, and 3
lloeuis en tha third tloer. 1 he back building Is
25 by S3 feet, and has Urge Micben, Pantry and
Mere room, en the first rtoer, t Chamber and
Hath room en the second Meer, Stationary W ash
Stand, Kange and Het nud Celd water, Closet,
ftc The heuse Is heait-u with ene of llest's
lurnaces. It has a handsome j ant, with splcn.
did Irult Trce.s, U rapes, Italu Hater Cbtern
en I'erch, Ac
Alse, a let S3 leet by II, wlihaT we, story Urlck
Stable. 13 by W fisjt. In rear or aliove preperty.
but net en same let.
I'ersens wishing te see the aliove properties
can de se by calling en the premises or te either
et the undersigned,
JOHN ll. llUuSKT.. 10 North Queen St..
UKII.l' KUS3EL, W North Lime St.,
Ksecuters of the Estate et A. V. Itntsrl, De-
eeascd. ttiigiliedtsd
llxKRT SncBiirr, Auctleuer.
The nnderslgned.execuloref the nstate nf I'.ev
W 1. Uerhard, deceased, will .-ll ulpnlillc sale,
at the Leepard Hetel, In the city el Ijuicuster,
the rollewlng described vuluib.n city property.
Ne 1. A valuable city property containing
1 feet, w; Inches lreni en Eat Orange
street, and extending In depth along Christ
ian street 171 feet, 3 Inche. meie or less,
according te deed. The Improvements erected
thereon consist of aTneunda-ktr-stnry HltlCK
DUELLING IIOL'SK, with hall ana entry en
first and second ltoers, ami a large two-story
Urlck Usckllutldlng attached. Ne.3l ranlUrange
atreet. Iht Urst ileur contains four rooms,
second has also four rooms and lUth Heuse with
het and cold wabTt Uilnl deer eentslns three
rooms. Thereareanunibei or Fruit; mes of ex
cellentquatlty in the let. Ibis prejierty Iscen
trelly located and Is very desirable us a business
stand or suitable for a professional man, being
located en one of the prlnctpal streets and only
half n sqnaroeastef North Queen street and IK
squares from Centre bn,uaie.
Ne .', A Let of Ground en the east side of
euth Prince street, containing Z feet, 2 lnches
front en said Seuth I'rlcce stn-et and extending
In depth luu feet te u 11 feet wide alley, upon
which Is erected a. two-story UulCIv IIOL.sE,
with a small Itack llulldlng attaibed. Ne. :.!,
and new eccupleil by Gettlelh Wenninger. Any
person wishing te view the above properties be
fore, day or sale can de se by oil lug un the per
sons residing thereon, or Milium u, Wilsen,
t-q , Ne. SI North DnUefrrt.t
hale te commence at I o'clock-p in , when con
dltlens will be made known by
D. W (IKKIIAUD, Kxccnter.
Hrt Siicrxrt, Auctioned.
Alse, at the same time and place, will lie sold
at public sale, a Three-story 1IKICK DWELL
ING HULbK containing ball and six rooms,
situated en the east side nt Seuth (Jueen clreet,
Ne Jl, new occupied by I'hlllp Thran. Let
contains J) feet front and extends In depth lt
feet ten 10-feet wide allej ; tl) dram ul the treat
Conditions will be made known en day of
sain by Dlt. JKKOUKZ UEU1IAUD.
II hurt Bucbrt, Auctioneer.
Edw. Edgerley,
Marlret Streot,
Rear or FoateQlco, Lanoaster, Pa.
My stock comprises a large variety or the
Latest Style Ungglea, l'haitens, Carrliigns, Mar
ket and Business Wagons, which I eUer at tha
very lowest figures, aud en the most reasonable
te run.
1 call special attention te a few et my own de
signs, one el which Is the hDUKULKl CLOaKD
I'UYBICIAN COUTH, which Is dectdedlr the
neatest, lightest and most complete l'hyslclan's
Carriage In the country,
I'ersens wishing te buy a geed, honest and
substantial article, should bear In mind that
they take no risk ln buying my work. Kvury
Carriage turned out ln eighteen years a geed
one that Is the kind of guarantee I have te offer
the public. All work lully -warranted, l'lease
give me a call.
One set et -workmen especially employed ler
that purpose
Latest Styles Trunks
Over Three hundred different si res and styles
te choeso from at prices ranging trout Ml.oe te
SJ30 0O.
Second Fleer, U and 5 K. King St.
INU8 AND 1'ACK.Elta' WABTK, Dry and
Clean, bought for cash.
.I.B. HOLlNfl,
Ne. in t'earl Street, New Yerk.
Uelerence rred. achutle, Me, 111 J" earl street,
MtiMferk. fbblllya'
Will open at the above hall, preparatory in
their Ilrt Annual Tour throughout tha United
States, en
Although a New Troupe, It comprises the best
selected talent thst could be secured ach
arUst edapted te his specialty lu the Wlustrel
20 ARTISTS. 20
AND 1) V.SUJ5 MKN. Ktc,.
Net le be Kxctlle.1 In their Line of Uustness.
l'roprteler ami Mansger.
tdvance AgcnL sept it
Wv 11. OiRDiMO. Advance A iron t.
OVA WKRK, i.J()lS.I.(l
hi ri'OUTED I1Y
And a strong Cemjianj will appear In the fol
lowing liepeiiolre
MOVDAY. SKl'T la.lunalSsralegH.
T.yj",',,.1 " D-Clouds and sunshine.
THUKSDAY, 18-Unee.ual JJatch.
KIUA, . ' 17-Clvll Stamage,
aATUUDAi ilATI.SKK.SKl'T. IS.lwoUesel.
' NlOHT.SEl'T 18-Love Chase.
UtMLUVKD SKATS .... ..... MCKNls!
New en sain at Opera Houseonicc alO-sta
1NG 87 Tens Hard llroken Ceal, B Tens Hard
Nntteal, free of slate, for Court Heuse, will be
rccelved at teunty Coinmtssleners' Grace, Lan
caster, Fa , tintU neon. Monday, September 11,
Attest faxicKORUsT, Clerk s6-td
Sealed proposals nre Invited for furnishing
innnat supply of Ceal 01 the follewlnx irredes
an am
ler the Lancaster County
ixiiiisaeusu ana net-
U) Tens, mere or less.
1, Ly kens V alley Kgg
s. Medium Steve.
1C0 Tens. lUuranrlA...
loe Tens, mere or less. Hard Kgg.
-. ions, inuroeriess, iiare 1 ea.
M Tens, mere or less, Hard Urekeu.
M North ilaeeu street, en or belore September
ii proposals 10 ee hanaea te 11. h. Myers, Ne.
10, li-;.
mere or less llroken Hard furnace Coel,
eenal te Stanten.
1C tens, mera or less, Hard Nut.
"0 tens, mere or less, Ly kens Valley Kgg.
Tobe delivered in the cellars or the Millers
vine State Nermal Scheel upon order and under
direction of the Steward.
lllds received until o'clock p. m. of Septem
ber 13, lMC, at tbelUnklng Heuse or Iteed, MC
lininna Ce. The committee reserve the right
te reject any or all bids.
HON. .1. M. HTBllilA.N,
WMiid ceimnlttee.
Felding Dress Pillows.
HeiTmeier's Fnrnitnre Warerooms.
They are the nicest thing out and 1
received another let et them.
0 have J nit
Lancaster Watcheg
In (lelil. Silver and Nickel Cases will no sold at a
Oil" A ItKDUCTION. Alse. Klgln, WftllhaiS
(Aurera rer which lain Sole Agent), and ether
1- Irst Class Watches, liest Watch and Jewelry
Jtepalrlng. '
TCenect tlme by Telegraph Dally.
1MX North (jueenst, Kear I'cnn'a. it. u, Depot,
Spectacles, Kyeglasscs and Opucal Goods. A
kinds of Jewelry.
clear filled or choice Ne. 1 Havana, are
recommended te levers of a genuine Havana
Cigar, i.t
M AUK LEY'S. Yellow KrenV
.-,., ..,. w?-a North uoen Street
(roruerly llartman's)
'rera Your Disordered Kidneys,
Black Barren Mineral Spring Water
Is a Prompt, rfflclent and Cheap Itcmedy.
Its Tenly and Inylgerant l'oweri make It an
excellent Dyspepsia Uemedy.
M'llB'i2't el 'nce,wriUng toUen.llerr,
or the u, s. Army, sa) s :
"Yeu need net come le Europe for Walors'te
9,Vr?,1.Pr.1I0.P.'l.u t have none better than
I'ersens supplied and vessels furnished.
1. S. UOOHM AN, Manager,
Ne, 37 Kast Urant Street.
for sale by JNO. ILKAUrrMAN, Druggist,
North Oueeu Street, Lancaster, l'a.
IlLAtJliUAUHaNSl'UlNUIlOUBK new open.
Apply te
fleasant Ureye, Laueaster Ceunly, J'i,
r jt w a n r mu rm mmmh tn.
'f-M. VV Address at enre.
. ... Ne.SU llwiulway, New 101 Ir.
the Only (lonulne. apsauuleisi
$1,000 u,:WAUa
Jr.0.'f..,,n.'"JM, .r Kidney Troubles, Nervous
tuis.J .',Mm, "nl I'hjsirnl Weakness that
sKW".0 ""HVK litllElts tails 10 euro.
Beld by druggist, W cents.
i...i -Ne' ll Netth litis 81.. I'litta , l'a.
circulars free. maMOUindru.TbASAw
r'"nK NrHtaUen. mill Unxlr Irinml.. .l.niil.l
r N.turill.-.-ir-""'? ."V"1."..1- " .."".'
and ai iteEPEL'J0 XalnratlEatlen this yesr
best. iSw lhf.y.".i ,llen ,w In session It Is
Ttm ollewiS. ! ",.'or attended te Ht once,
fievs has Wm,n sS"iUVl" '" Domecrntlo atter-
.heu1,dl!,fdtrtlLl,r,,.,i,w SrSU? " "1,0,, -"
II. r.JMvts, Seuth DukesttvetiW 11 iini.,t
Seuth Duke 1 street t Jehn AVcew& L.t AlJic
street! . , Montgomery. North ijike.lreet'f
Jehn . Malene, Peuth liaVostreot iu '
Fine Tailoring.
A I'ull und Complete stock or Imported au
Buitleg and Ovoreoatlni;
Ker the rail Trade new read! te select lrem
CU early te secure Den Btylrs
Ne. 43N.4UEKN ST., Opposite thn l'oslemre.
tnar.'7 lyd It
The Cheapest Clothing In the country Is hem.
I.enger Dellar's Yetlh of Wear In II, and a
isriil- lHfiA fv I,
Lewer I'rlce rer It
Wanamaker & Brown,
Southeast Cerner Hlxth mul Mnrket,
Junes tldeed
" BEST'S "
More square feel et lladUtlng Surface, mint
economical In luel, and the Ifest iteilills In
Ileatlntr Dwellings, Schools, Churches el sny
lieater In the market. 1'eaerNul Ceal for fuel
Estimates furnished ler Heaters, Including
Masonry, Het Air Pipes, lteglsters, etc. Plenty
of Lancaster referencn. Heaters guarnntctxt te
give entire saUsfacUen or taken out at our ew n
llelng both practical men In the business, we
ask a share el patronage.
Ksttiuates cheerfally lurnlshed for Plumbing,
Qui llttlng, Tin and sheet Iren Werk, Hoeting
Alse a lull supply et Tinware, Ac.
Prices te suit the Umes, Ulvnusarall.
is m n 1 n 1
We are new Selling en" our Entire
Sterk et all kinds et
Carpet und Merchant Tailoring.
Don't miss lids opportunity
Ne. 25 Eaat King atreet,
1.1W01STSS, 1'A,
Tha aearclty of tbe MASON FRUIT
JAR la eaussit by tbe atrlke of tbe
Ola aa Blowers,
We will have a few overy day until
tbe Btrlke la ended.
We will bave a supply of tlie
which la the beat and most oonvo eonvo oenvo
nlent JAR in tbe Market.
ifjrTry- It and be convinced.
Manufactured by
J. K. WRIGHT it OO.,
num-iya seuiau Uar.Bt,,,.j'iiuaeipiiia, i-a