Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 11, 1886, Image 1

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volume xxra NO. 10-SIX PAGES.
M,- .Vjfr
sVBskSMSsNls w
lis t'ninrt Out nr His Mrlle Mllli Ilia Tills nl
iiIkIii llrailuelri nl 1 ale College Admitted
In His Ijinra.lcr llir In I HOI A Memlisr
nl linn nl ids l-argrst lliulnm
II. nun In lhs Clt.
.Ment of our rlty nml tunny ofeiir country
rnuilniH will U1IVIU7II ihe portrait of loergo
M. I rauklln, mm ufthi) prosent uieinlsir of
llm litinl me house of (loergo M. Steluuian
. l'ii, West King street, this city.
Mr I'liiiklln iHiinei of geed sleck. Ms
father, Hun. tIicm. I I'r.uiUlln, was attorney
KkikihI nr l'tinn) hauls mul lielil many
ether Important nlllce. His grandfather was
llm ilUtltiKUl-ihiM Jurist, Judge Walter
I r.inklln, who aNe In lilt day wnt attorney
general (if l'diiiM Unnli Ills great grand
father, riieninn franklin, nml liN gre it great
Krandiather, lliniry I'riiiklin, were also inen
(if il ihi in.'i i in, lung age,
Ilnli. is net alieut thoiie intent, gme Hint
reierenil seniors that we proeso te speak to te
iUv. wewlll conlliieourHohosclosoly te tlie
llle and chnracler of Iho young gontlemen
w limn pettrall li shown above.
ikimi: piusenvi. r.KMisiiCKsi i.i.
tin rgn Manr 1'rauklin was tieru In Inn
raMer, (in Iho I'i'.h nt June, KW. Ue rocelved
Ids primary education nt the hands or Dr.
Celt, n fornier usher of HL JanieV parochial
ncIioeI. WIhhi Ntilllclentty advanced boon beon boen
teie I llm l.t.icvder high school and grndit
nlnl nt Iho rliiHi of Kt, InKil he entered
YuloiMllpge, nml graduated In tlie class of
Kvi hile in coiIero tin connected himself
with the collti;e society " 1). K. IV' an or er or
ganlrilleii tint IxmsIn tlie iiicnibenlitp of
many nl the most illstlngulilied inen In the
A Hit Kraliiallnii he retuniiKl te liinraiter
nml I'lilure J 11 kiii tlni Ntmiy of the law In the
olllmef lili f.itlnT, lien. Tlnn. i:. rninklln,
nt that limn eim of ihe luml i1IiUiii;iiIhIhhI
iniiiiilicri nl the, ami wlioHeollIre anil
rmhUmrti ai In the luilttlitic new ixvnpleil
hy ItnlKart'iielil wlnoHteto.
Ilavlnc IUiIiImhI hit t-ourae of itiullm hihI
imiidl an oxrellont exniiilnatlnit, Mr. l'rank
hit waimliiilttiMl te the liar en the lr.'.li of
.Sttplcinl'Cr. 11, nml ntonce began the prac prac
llriiet tlie law.
" l 'III. IOMINii, i vtiii u Allll mi m. '
lint the war hail lirnken out ami hail hcen
raging m oral iiienths. 'I he Imttlui of Mull
Kim, anil Shlleh, ami the Wltilornen ami
many nthnr homiie litttlei hail lieeu funglil,
nml it wai eliliint that the rulxilllen reulil
nepr he put ilnn le- the iiimilier or Union
lreiM llien In the llehl. A call ler morn el
niittxir "as inade dy i'reililuiit Lincoln, ami
all nur Iho loyal North tlie rry Rnwe
" n're iiiiuiOL', I ather Alinihuii, threo
liiimlriMl theilHiiul MtreiiK "
In July, In,.; ('apt. Kinlcii I ranklni, who
hail wnwl In tlie threo tiientliH' ftorvice, wai
aiilhiirlreil te ratio a rrglinnnt In Lanraiter
i.ihtm-fer iiliie iiKiutlii. Many nl the laiit
jeiuiK inen of the ten rallleil te lili ntaml
uril, ami en the 1 tli of AugiiKt hli reglinunt
win iiiuiteriil into the sorlce of the
I'nlteil hl.itii, with the following Htall
Colomi -Kinleu l'riinklin.
l.leuL Colonel l.-lwant Mw.oiem.
Ait niliint Daninl llvlUlni.
(iinrtnriiiHitor.Iehn T. Maeilnnlgln.
Iho line oiliv-en noren gallant iet of mntt,
ami among thiim nene mero gallant than the
kiiIiJh t orenr kkoteli, lioero M. l'ranklln,
who hail thrown away Ills lirleli ami law
lioek", rop-ilreil te the camp ami unlliteU in
Cemimny A, conimamleil liy i.oergo .Miuser,
r. eihimiIikUiI lit llotitenant of
the company. Aller a few ilayHilrllllng Hidue
raw troein worn liilrrlinl en te Washington
te ili'finiil theiMplUtl Ireni den. I.oe'a threat
oneil iiii.iu 1L A low ilaya alterwarda they
iuemhI te I alrfax Court Heme ami lOveral
ethor ekv'(I pelnta nml siibse'iueiilly went
Inte camp near Falmouth.
When HiiniNliln waiglveu command of the
npiiynf tlie Potomac, he a-iMaulted ami wat
repu.'.il from l'mderlekHlinrg en the 13th of
DmeiuliC JSii Tlie 1M regiment was 111
line en thoiiztremo right, hut win net In
vnlMi.l in the tight. Un the night of the l.'th
it recreH'ciI the rler and retiirneil te camp.
Tills campaign was n torrllile trying one,
onliigte lien, lliirnilile'a iiiistnauagoment
and iuiilllcleiiry, but whnther In camp, en
picket or In line or battle I'apL I'nuikllu was
always Willi his moil oiu'eiiraglni; llieni and
hlmrlng their hardships ami their dangera.
On tlie iiltli et March, lU, I'apU deer go
Miihsei, of Ce. A., was dlm'lurged for dla.
nhllity (iloatnes.1) anil Iilouteuant 1'ranklln
was promoted te the captaincy, a msitleu he
held ncieptnhly until the regiment was
iniiMnred out.
Wlien Ihuhprlnget ImII opened the nntlre
army pnslied forward te Chanculloravilie.
'ihe lM reglinent held a cnnsjilcueiia iiliu'i)
hiiiI did geed NorlceH In tin) torrlble battle
that followed In which the I'nlen les was
1iI,(K) men. Tlie l'M regiment lest 10:1 inen
killed, wounded and nilsslng. 1)1 these 11
wire killed and 7 I wounded.
In Cel, Mc(ieern'rt elllclal rert of the
battle he says: I de but Justice te Ixith
elllcnrs and moil when 1 Hay they lioluued
thfliiiHohea with great callllIltry.,'
Tlie term ofaervlco of the reglment having
nzpired, it was ordend te repair te Washing
ton with the remaliiH of (leu. A. I. Whipple,
Hh dUhlen cemmander, who had been killed
in the Initie. Alter having attended his
Itinera), the reglment was erdered te liar
ililiurg, whole en tlie l.'th and ItHh of May,
Im!, It was iiiustered out of Horvlce. ami re-
turned te Lancaster, the gallant soldiers who
had fought an well being warmly welcomed,
and given a grand rocepllnti and collation In
tlie court house.
Aller belng iiiustore.1 out el the Hen Ice,
t'apt t-raiikllnaloiice Hottled down te the
practice of the law, but had net been Ieuk at
Ids books before he rocnlved nn appointment
from Majer (leneral Win 11. Franklin, a
captain iinrt siHs.iiitnntiiiljutHiitgoiieral en tlie
htali et that aiicompllsheit olllcer, who had
(0viu ordered In take command In the ilepart
iiuint.' t,,0(,ulr" ''"I'1, '"""'klin accepted
the coin?18'"1 tendored by his llluatrieua
iiaiiioanke, H."J wnt with him te Iila head,
iiuarlera In Ne:v Orleans j serving cm hU
wall until thoclesoo: the war and enduring
many danger tmd liard!'lpi lu the aervlce
111 thoKeutliHimU . ,
Ue accompanied (ion. JUuUm In Ida Unions
Kel HIvorexiMMlllloii, ene of tlie meat dlsas.
treiiH during the war. It aUrtCd March 1'
the objective jielnt belng Hhreoierl, an lm lm
liertant depot el Conlederoto cotton and
iithoraupplleH. After Intormlnable treulilen
the exnedltlen was abaiidoued. owing te low
water and ether unexpected troubles. If the
advance had been dllllcult the returit wax
iiiucli mero he. The beats wero every new
and then grounded, whlle rebel batteries
lipporeil them irem overy blull. Wlille
(Jen. Hanks' Inelllcleitcy was manifest en all
Hides, Iho courage and Ingenuity of Ids eUl.
com and men nhone out conspicuously, and
luey llnally get out of the trap Inte wulch
they bad beeu led. In thia memorable cam
paiKD, C'apt Fmnkliu, from liU position, was
miliject te the most onerous dulles and clan clan
eors, bul(MCied unhurt.
At the clese of the war, Cajit. I'rankllu re
turned te I.ancaiter nml practlced law for
Heme time, lu lhCdlie married MlviHarah M.
Ntemmau, lUugliter of the late (loergo M.
Hieliimaii,Hunlnr inemlier of the great hard.
warohetiHooMloorgoM. Htelniuaii A Ce. In
lstWIin lavninoHiiiemboroftho llrm as did
also his brolher-ln-lnw, (leergu Hteliilii.iu,
The ilnilli of ('. I". Itonnler nml the Willi
drawal of laaae Dlller, both el whom worn
long iiiemlieiH of Iho llrm, and llm hiiIme
iiienl death el (loergo .M. Htelninan, the
Hiuiler Inemlier of tint llrm, leaves the
nole huilne In the liaiula of (loergo Hteln
man and (loergo M. Franklin, though the
llrm iibiiie of (loe. .M, MU'lunian A Ce., Is
a'.lll retained.
Hisently the llrm tore down the old brick
building and all Hh annexes, which hud no
long nerved the purposes et their predocox predecox predocex
sotn, ami nroeriv'tlug en thnhlte ene of the
meHt iiiiignllU'etit and Hiibstaiittal Htrttctures
In thn city. Tlie building extendi from
West King te Ml III lit Htrent, a distance of 'iMi
lout, and has a front en K lug direct of It loot
and en .Mlllllu el(l loot. The rear part of tlie
building In llnliliisl and Is a IiumIeI of beauty,
Htrength and convenience. '1 lie Ireut part is
rapidly approaching completion. It Is mav
niveau Ixilltaa building tlmoted te hardware,
but it will nt thOHame tluie be a IliiOHiiocl IliiOHiiecl IliiOHiiocl
liien of orniimentnl arcliltocliire.
Mr. Franklin has been cloiely attontlve te
IiiisIiiims since he has been a memlMir of tlie
llrm, but lielias nevertheless round nper
tunlty te engage lu ethor enterprises. Ue la
nt present a partner of Thes. lUuiiigardner
lu exIetinhoejieratloiiH of the Juniata Hand
company, nn onterprlso In which thore ap.
jKwrs te lien mint or money. Ue Is nlae the
president of the Koynteno (late I.ancaater)
Watch company. Ue Is a director of the
Farmer' National bulk, of Kiucoater. Ue
has also large agricultural liitorenta, Uilng the
ownerof oneer the llneitand mint jiroillictive
f.irmaln Martle township, ami of Hit oxten exten oxten
slve plantation lu Htallerd county, Vn. Ue
takes mero prlde lu Ids agricultural pnxlucLs
than he does In almost anything.
IV -HIV1t. l.tKI..
Mr. I ranklln lias been a lifelong memlKir
of SU James church, and for many jnars
pvsln moinlierof the natry. Hels n inem inem
leor of Admiral Iteyuelds I'est, ln., mid of
thn liyal I.egleu, nn organlritleu compenod
of etllcera of the nruiy nml iikkIeIihI allirr the
Society of Iho Cincinnati. He is aim n mem
ber of Iho Msseulc brotherlKMnl.
Mr. I ranklln is a ltepubllcaii. He was n
niemlier of the Htnte com entleu that iiniul
nated (ion. llartratilt for governor, and took
an active Jiart in ether party coinenlleiiH.
He lias been n inember or both nolect ami
coin i neil council, and wns ler ouetir mere
ears president oriheHolott branch.
Mr. I ranklln a home, fermnrly occupied
by Ids lather, noruer I lieituut and Chariet te
itrwt.s, s ene nl the most delightful places
lu the city. It Is embowered lu a grove
of troesnnd ahrulis of overy doalrahle variety,
nml the grounds are adorned w Itli the rarent
Hener and fnllage plant. Here with his
wile and liny he " oiijevh llfe" alter the tells
of bustupssnre endej. lllseldeit ion (loergo,
aged In, Is new a member of the Junier class
or Lehigh 1 nlvemltv. Ills aecetid net!
William lluell, ngcsl IT, Is n pupil In I'hllllps
atadeinv at F.xeler, N. II. Ills lather Is with
hlin at Kxeler te-day and this givea usn geed
opportunity te "de him up unbeknnwn te
hlin." Iho llilrd seu Frederick Sleliiman,
nged 1 1, and the youngest Themas Finlen,
are at home.
lll.s Hall Nsni.
The I.e;igue giines el j-oiterday wore: At
Washington I'lilladelphla I, Washington 1;
at Chicago lletreit II, Chicago S; nt Kansas
City Kansas City ft, St. Leuis j.
The l'lttsburg, for tlie llmt tline thlsRoaseit
with Merris lu thn box, dofeatodtho Athletlc
lu I'lilladelphla yesterday by I te i. The
ether Association gaiiies vore- At Staten
Island SU Ixiuis'i, Mtts , at lUltlmore.
Italtlmnre (i, I.oiiIhvIIIe I, nt Brooklyn :
Hroeklyu S, Cincinnati I
Tlie Ubieties and I'ltlsburg each lm, but
llve tilts yesterday. The pitcher wero Mor Mer
ris and Miller.
Baltimore braced up j osterday nml tlefe iled
Iioulsvllle without an error. -
Tlie WIlkiHtiarreclnli neems te be going
back, and they have been defeated iuUoellon
lately. illunispert downed them by II te
7 y osterday.
The Scrantiiit club ins gradually laien
Htreiigtlienml until it Is probably the best
club In the Stale Aikh latlen. osterday
the teim defeated AlUHiua two games at the
latter'a home by tlni scores of 7 te 1 ami S te 0.
'I lie Altoeuas had but nix hlLs m both gauies.
Hoever, of Wilktwlnrre, rolused tn Hand a
Due ler violation of rules and loll for his home
lu I'hiladelphia. Ue is te Is) blacklisted.
.Oil tilt K.ll TOltACVU.
Tlin t'rnp .riiiiuil iiljriiu it l.nel linl, iIieiikIi
I lit Iviiiiw It.
HMMis,Sept. 10. -I'ernetis living around
I.incaster nml seeing tlie geed crops of
tobave that are rained lu thn bordering town tewn
hlilps Hoinetliiios think tlds is tlie only part
of tlie country in wliiili geed tobacco
can be raised. A visit te the lower end will
hhew that us gend a crop of tobicce lias
been raised lhore ns lu any parts of the
county. This Is particularly thocase around
Smyrna. A Miry geed crop has lust 1011
housed here. A few mniill patches pin yet
lm neon lu the holds. 'I'lie llavaun variety
lias been chiefly cultivated. 'Iho crop has
escaianl the hall ami some el the ether an
noying drawlwkH that havn vlslled hoiiie
parts of the county.
The standard of farming laud is much
higher here than 11 wns ten year age. This
Is owing te careful, Intelligent binning with
a froe usoet phosphates, i'iles of empty phos phes phos
phate lugs can be neon nt almost n ery larm.
The upper elid or Lancaster county must
makflsoiuendvaiicomeiit II It wants tn retain
Its boasted auperleilty much longer.
At Hie Mate I'.ilr
Theso 1,-incasler poeplo wero among the
prlre winners en Friday at the Philadelphia
state fair Cexch nml light draft herses,
Htalllens ever llve jcirs, lirst prle, "(,
Dolgarder, owned by S K. Nissly, I lerln ;
breed mare with, 11 n I prle TO, Kose
Vlley, owned by Dm lel (I. I.ngle, Marietta.
Among the harness nml Hiiddhi liome Mr.
Fugle1 1 lass ie took Ms mid prire, til) for
mares and) geldings for linn use, C'ir Alex
100K Hfn'enu prl7e, ? je.
The Ilrst ruiinm.' ra-e was for a half 1111I0,
audit was wen by Itoteriiiatlou In M mid
Jehnsen Miller, or LilIU ; M. I). Kendg, of
Maner, and Israel L. Lamll, of Lancaster,
dolegato lepreHfliitlng tlie Liucaster Agri
cultural Hoelety, attended the Htate fair I'rl lay,
Old t'liiintrjr IT nil I'el l'lii.
from the nslilngten i(!a ) I, izclte.
We have laien le.isllng overy diy lornnme
tlme back en tlie old country peach jiot-ple.
Let me give you Iho recipe, Mr. IMitnr, he
you can try It before peaches nre all gone,aud
lur the lionetlt ofyenr read ors, tee : Makea
hoen'ako nbeut 10x1 1 Inche, nccerdlug te Hlo
of lautily ; It takes ene that nbe Ter mine, 0110
Inch thick ; bake te n crisp brown, with plon plen
ty et lard ; while It Is b.iklng let your peaches
lioNtewIng with plenty el nugar ; when dene
nml yet het, npllt open nml lay In n large
diuh, crust dewu ; put en 11 layer of fruit, nml
than tlie ether hall en that, and lay en the
balance of the fruit and Jillce. Set aside till
you get through tlie Ilrst onurne. I get real
hungry ler 0110 new while I nut writing tills.
Try It nml repert, I lorget te aay hav e hoiiie
geed, cold Mwoet mill: te go w Hh It.
ltscist In His fjullege Circle.
JTinmthe ltotenncd Messenger,
Tlie cel loge t'lrcle, nleng with all ether
portiena of the community, rogret the with
drawal et W. l Heuse), os' , Ireni the I.s I.s
ikm.kii:nei:ii, ospecially int nheuld be fob
lowed by his permaiieiit romevnl Irem Lan Lan
caster. Ills great energy and oinlnent
ability doiibtles call him te 11 larger nphore
or activity, which he I he weil iiualilled
te till. We hope, howevor, after tl.e
campaign which he Is Hiiporlntend Hiiperlntend
lug Is oitiled that he may return te
tjincasier. in nnv meet we rnmiiinntiv
count ou his continued luterast In his (ifmn
Miifcr, ler whose properlty he has dene he
much, and in the cilosephla aeciety, of
which from Its Imginnlng aeven yenra age he
has been the chlef aupnorter nml animating
pewer, 1'ranklln ami Marshall feels honored
In nuniberlng hint among her dlstinguislied
alumni, and liucaster may well be proud of
hi growing popularity, which la net limited
by the boundaries of our graud old commonwealth.
III. tfilliin-VVeikiiifin nl (Irnillnc ! I'eiinnjl
inuln llallrnnil Vrt nt Kllralicllitiif.11
Slietsl III111 (liit-.Sii Iteiie llriiksn A
HI in'. Tsrrllils Full I'riiin f Trrn,
i:i,I7Viii:r 111 own, Fa, SepL 1 1. Yofiterday
nlmiil K a. III. n torrlble acclilent occurred
about otte mid ahalf miles west of this place
whero (louder Bres, contractors, are grad
ing and making a new line for the l'enn.
Hyhanla railroad, There Isa deepctit at this
point nml a iiumber of men nre engiged at
work here. It apjear, Ihat Alon7iCever, a
young matt aged about l'. was orderod te
tiiidermliin an cinbauklnenL. After engag
ing In the work but a row moment, the bank
caved In, and a great mans of dirt came
down, catching Cever, and covering him
deep. The ether workmen noticed It, and
immodUlely all ran tn roncue him. Aller
digging and nhevellng a tew mlnuten he was
resuHcliated alive, but neverely Injured. He
was romevod tn his home In Newvllle, near
this town, and a physician at ence aent for.
rr. 11. K. Illnugh, or tills Pisco, roialred te
the hoiine and upon examlnlng thn young
man, It was found that no Itenwi were broken
but that he sustained novero Internal Injuries,
which may preve fatal. At last account he
was aullerlng great laln,and It is bollevod he
will net rocevor.
I'nderiuliilng an eriibmikment Is the
(inlckeHt way Ie remove a large amount of
dirt, but it Is the most dangerous. 1 1 should
net Imi nllowed.
Tsrrlhls Kail Prum a Trss.
On ThitrHdny almut neon a torrlble accldent
happoned te Mr. Andrew Wlttlck, aged
nbeut 1 1 years, who fellow the
occupation of traveling knlle and nclssera
nhnrpfltier. The man was stepping
wltlfMr. It. Hhentr, who keeps a naloeu en
North Market stroeL. During the morning
he was itawliig weed and doing ether work
ler Mr, S. AlKiut neon heasked the propri
etor what he would give him If he
would pick the apples el the trce
lu the yard. Ue was told It was unnec
essary. Shortly aflerwards Mr. S. told hlin
ir he would pick Iho apples, he would give
him '-1 cents, his supper, lodging and
breakfast Heat ence climbed en tlie tree,
ami when Ma height of about -Ul feet, a limb
broke, throwing hint head foremost
te the ground below, Htrlklng with ills hands
and breaking his right arm at the wrist, his
loll arm above the wrist and also near the
elbow, the bone sticking out- He also dls-liH-ited
his JelnU near the left elbew, cut his
111) about iine Inch lu width mid nuataliied
ether brulst about the Imdy and limbs. Or.
J, II Aiigntadt was Monitor and he net the
broken tiarfi togethor. He millers much
pain and Is entirely helpless. It was at Ilrst
thought best te aend him te the hospital, but
afterwards It was learned that he had a
hrnlher in Columbia w hose name is William
Wlttlck, who is constable of that place.
Werd was cenveyed te him.
Oilier lloreuEIi etet.
Yesterday morning the remalns of Mrs.
Fanny llarreull, widow el this plat e, wero
Intored In the Mount Tunnel cemetery,
Klizabethteun. Hhe was a highly rospected
and deveut Christian. Tlie funeral fervlces
wero conducted by Kev. (I. H. Seaman and
llev. W. (i. Lallrel, of Lebanon, who had
lawn pastor here twenty years age. She was
lu her .i"th year, and leave no children.
Threo brothers nitrvhe her, and a large
uumhoref relatlvesnnd friends mourn her
Mr. I. II. Sluger, who was apjioiiited as
aistaut Irelght agent at Conewago, two
weeks age, has reslgned his pOHltteu, and
will teacli school during the wititer. Mr. II.
Chas. Wermlny, who was ticket agent for
the I'ullniau l'alace Car ceniiany, at Joraey
City, N. J., has accepted the ioallleii, and is
at iirosent nt Ids new pest el duty.
Un Thursday night about 10 o'clock onenf
the meet beautiful nights ever witnessed lu
tlie heavens was visible te the naked eye. A
beautiful meteor with a long tall or lire,
Htartisl In the far east and moved very swift
ly te tlie lar-ell nerthwwit. It appeared very
Alioutten days age Mrs. William etter,
of llachinansv llle, Dauphin county, a short
dlslauoe irem tills place, tramped en a nail.
A low days nge lock-jaw set in : Dr. A. C.
'lreichler, Irem bore, was sent for, and ro re
imrLs te-day that It will cause her death.
A large cattle hale Is being held this after
noon at tlie (Iroenawalt heuse by Longo Lengo Longe
looker A Ce. Many tanners are lu attend attend
auce. Mlsi F.tla Ilamaker, or Mlddlotewn is
visiting relatives Mild friends lu this place.
Mis Myra Itoeth, et Flerin, Is visiting Miss
Jonnle 11. Hildebrand at present.
A l'rohlbltleit meeting was held at
Pleasant Hill nchoel house, neulli or this
place. Kev. J. II. I'annobacker, el Columbia,
and ether prominent 111011 wero among the
A. A Sletens K.lrrlmt stale Chairman anil I'rer.
I. II. ration MUls OrsanliBr.
It took pretly steady billing in tlie 1'iohl 1'iehl 1'iohl
bltieu Htate commltlee In Uarrlsburg Friday
nfternoeii te prevent a collision botween the
(actions that soein te have grown up lu the
p-irty, but Chairman Stevens and James
Black were equal te the emergency. There
wero elghty-lnur members of the com cem com
iiiittee present, and the Ilrst thing
they did was te exclude reporters.
Kx-Chairman Baker, who was ill,
gave way te S. 1". lledwln, of l'hlladel
phia, who tonic the chair and had A. A.
Slevens toad the call for the meeting. A
loiter was read from Jeshua L. Bally, et
Philadelphia, declining the position of treas
urer, mid naming Hubert It. Corsen ler the
iiesltinu. Theu Mr. Stevon produced the
lotter of I'rofeasor ration declinlng tlie chair
manship of the Hite committee, and a motion
was made that the commttteo proceod tn or er
gauiii. (Julie it lively debate ensued en
lids, souie of the member claiming that
l'allnu ought te explain the causes that led
te his declinlng the iHwllien. Among theso
particularly anxious te have I'atten explain
wero Mr. luckettn, et Wllkesbarte, ami Can-
didate Welle. Mr. I'atten did net talk, now new now
ever, and Ihocenimilteo nccepted Ids roslg reslg roslg
natien nml elected A. A. Stevens by ncvla ncvla
illatien, Mr. Baker' iiaine belng withdrawn
almost as hoeii as it was placed before the
Again Mr. Wolle said bethought that I'at I'at
eon ought tn Hay something about his re
signing, but Chairman Slevens nml James
Black, of Lancaster, sinothered the tiling
overand talked the committee into n geed
humor by tlie Htateinent Hint the whele trou treu trou
ble originated lu a garbled interview,
and neither Mr. I'atten nor secretary
(ledwiuwas responsible Mr. Slevens said
thore was no tise in washing tlie dirty llnen
of the jmrty here, and thought the matter
should no nusneu 1111. a nen rnoveus,
lUidUedwIn gnve I'atten ,a geed character,
and Ihecoiiimitteoelocted I1I111 state organi
zer and the dangorefa row had passed.
H. C. l'eunei'k and Hebert It. Corsen, el
I'lilladelphla, wero named ler treasurer, the
vote standing, Feiineck, 1 1 ; Coren, TO. The
Utter was therefore elected.
The candidates and the chairman were em.
powerod te cheese a committeo of 11 1 toen and
helect Bocretarlos, and the meeting adjourned.
Twe Kellgteiu Nete. I'reul I. lilt.
Frem the Kxpiess.
The ronevatod Kvangellcal church nt this
place wlllbodedleatod October Id by Hlshep
Hewiiuui, or Ailentewii, nnd Presiding Flder
Stlrk. or Lobatien. Nearly overythlng I
roadyfertho occasion. The tint lloer will
be di Ideil by a mevable partition Inte two
parts, ene or which will lie used for the Infant
class of the Sunday school and for prayer
meeting. An Iren lonce will be placed lai lai
lere the church next week,
lu October there may be a conferenceof the
Moravian churches in this, the second dis
trict, at this place. The places outltled te roi rei roi
reaentatleu at such n conleronco are I'lilladol I'lilladel
phla, Lancaster, Litltz, and Yerk, 1'a. ;
l'almyra, Hlvorside and Kgg Harber City,
N. J,, and draceham and Mochaiilcatewu.
Mil. U the conference be held, thore will
probably be present from thirty te forty
ministers ami delegates. Lltlts can enter
tain tueui,
CommlMslensT nsrtx DUceT.r.
nrii.rralrants of ths Dig lea Mn.
The principal topic of conversation en tlie
street Friday evening, oapeclally among lie
publican politicians, was a battle which tock
place In Cuba Myers' Central hetel. The
principals In the light wero Streot Commls Cemmls
Hlnuer Jacob JterU and ex Streot Commls Cemmls Commls
nlnner l'eter II. I'ordney. Beth tnen are
well known ltepubllcaii politicians, HerU
lielng ene of tlie bomiea or the Ninth
ward, whlle his long-legged antagonist
li a worker in Aldenuan Smrrler's district
Hertz Is rogarded as a very noisy fellow and
rraiitiently boeomefi engaged In ipiarrels.
Jlela game, however, and net afraid te fight,
although lie always geta the went of hla
Imttlen. Kerdney la of a pleasant disiKMltleu
and net given te quarrelling. In Friday's
llttle racket the street commissioner was very
badly worsted, and te-day Is a much smaller
man than he was yesterday, In his own as
well as In the estimation of ethers. There
wero a great many reports en the town after
the fight occurred, and many of thorn oxig exig oxig
gerateil. It appears that yesterday altorneon a party,
which lncluded seme or the beat known Re
publican politicians or this city, partook or a
ilsh dinner at Mr. Myers' hotel. Among the
number was Street Commissioner Hertz.
After the dinner had been finished the party
adjourned te tlie barroom, where drinks
flowed very freely for a time. Among these
Initie barroom, who weronetmombersof the
dinner party, were Mr. Kerdney and H. I
Orefi, esq. The fermer was dressed In his
working clethes, and hrd cotne in te attend
te seme business. He and Mr. droll' be
came engaged In conversation. The latter
Intends being a candidate ter register at the
next Kenubllcan primary and he was proba
bly getting seme " pointers" rrem nig 1'ete
alxmt the state or aflalra In tlie Glorious Old
Fourth ward. Hertz, who Is 'agln" Grell
for register, llnally took a hand In the con
versation and began te Abuse droll'. Ue ac
cused lilin of all kinds of mean tricks In pol
itic, such as taking money rrem candidates,
Ac. droll' said that it he did get money ireni
jiellticlans be nover used It for his own ben
ellt as parties that he knew had dene. The
meti grew hotter and holler, and final,
ly came te blows, Hertz striking 'droll
flint. Mr. Tirell has been in ill-henlh
Ter hoiiie time pest and wlien Fordney
saw what was going en he declared that he
would net see a sick man hurt. Like a mad
bull Hertz danced around en the tile lloer
declarlng Uiat he feured no man In the town,
nor could any or thorn whip him. Several
times he struck at Fordney who did net neeni
anxious te have a quarrel, but wanted off the
blows with his arm. Finally he gave HerU
a push sending him across the tile fleer like
a big chunk et Ice en a beard. As seen
as he recovered, tlie pugilistic commissioner
again rushed for 1 orduey who a second
time sent him tobogganing. When
Hertz. roeovorod this tlme he ran at Kerdney,
catching him by the shirt and tearing it
Iwdly. Vete began te grew tired of the circus.
IIOHWUtighls long arms and struck Hertz,
a tremendous blew In the face with his open
hand. The florce representative rrem the
Ninth ward staggered backwards with a
groan mid roll heavily en the hard fleer. He
was picked up by some friends, when
he was found te be bleeding very freely
about the face, whlle his clothing was
covered with the crimson article. As
seen as he was put upon his feet,
Hertz, loll tbe saloon with the fight ap
parently knocked out of hlin. The only
damage te Kerdney was tbe tearing et bis
shirt, lie did net neem angry during tbe
light, and he said afterwards that he did net
wish te have the dllllculty which Hertz.
forced upon him. A number of friends of
Hertz steed around during the fracas, but
made no etlert te take his part. Nearly all
who saw the runs declare that It was Hertz's
fault and that he deserved all he get.
The Hereins In Kaj-i.''
Last ev enlng Miss Florence Itlndley appear
ed for the first tlme In this city. Thoaudleuce
which w ent te see her was small, and the v ery
het weather was the principal cause of the oo eo oe
plo'n ntwonce. Miss Hindley was formerly
known as " Haby" and was ou the variety
stage. This season she has taken the read,
under the management or Mrs. Kmma Frank
te "star" In Hartley Campbell' comedy
drama entitled "The Heroine tn Hags."
The plecewas originally written for Ktlle
HUsler and It Is really very geed. Mis
Hindley assumes the part et GabrielU the
lien or girl. She Isa bright little actress wlie
speaks nor Hues w oil and Indeed does geed
work throughout. A foature or her perlorm perlerm perlorm
ance was her neat song and dances and play
ing upeu ditlerent Instruments. Although
the Btar is very clevor, as much cannot be
said or her company, which has euly but a
couple of capable poeplo, whlle the majority
of the ethers are v ery peer sticks.
T!iy Wauled te Avoid Flic
rrem tlie Mount Jey Herald.
Un last Sunday, en Jehn II. Kngle's farm,
lour head of cattle, several of them very
valuable cows, worked their way botween
two straw stack that had beeu built the one
against the otlier. They were in seme time
befbre they wero discovered and It was
almost impossible te get them out. The last
one lu was dragged out with re, Initie
roscue the ether it was nocessary te work In
from the ether aide of the Black and when a
passage was llnally opened they were round
almost sut!noaled,but a liberal supply or cold
water brought them around all right, it was
a narrow escape.
An ftllter AtMlleil.
A Howmansvllle correspondent el the
I.ancaiter I'mrrrsoverely handles the edi
tor of the Jv-uiminer for Haying that "a sonsl sensl sonsl
bie man would as seen be king of Brock Breck Brock
neck township, or boss mugwump or the
Welih mountain, as a ruler of Bulgaria."
The communication thus cenclude: "If
we are lacking in some respecU, it would be
a bailer principle ler a puuusiier ami repre-
sentalhe te help us te a higher standard than
te prejudice the mind or the public against
us, and te class us with the thieving ihmipIe
of tlie Welsh mountain."
Had a llejal Time.
About ".' Lebanon hullo ter.k the 7-10
train ou the Cornwall reed Friday morning
for Mount llope, whero they were royally
onteruiinod by Mr. Heubeu Keilwr, who has
charge of the (Irubb homeatoad. A pleasant
day was spent lu the rustic surroundings,
the house being threw n oien by the host. The
laine.s nan tue opportunity 01 examining
the antlque furiilture and relics. They
neither desired nor wero they troubled until
yesterday aiternoeu with gentlemen, when
soveral surreptitiously Intruded 011 thelr
privacy. They rocelved royal ontertalument.
A lliuy 'Jenn.
'I'erre Hill Is booming at present. Thore
are In course et erectien six new heuse,
which Is M. Cllme's handseme rosldeuco
In the east eud, which, wheu completed,
will be ene of the liuest and handsomest resi
dences in Hast Karl township. The cigar
IniHineHS is brisk. Hands will be empleyed
in every factory in town and hands are
wanted. Mr. Sel Lessly will start a cigar
laciery witu ins cigar uex laciery.
1'rlRlit freiiipteil Hlin te bay Something.
Kiem the Marietta lleglster.
A lad of gev en, eon or Thes. McBrlde, of
West Marietta, foil Inte the canal in front of
Thutua A lira's grecery en Thursday or last
week, and was saved from drowning by Mr.
Jehn Thutua, who reached from the wharf
and threw him en the shere. As seen as he
could draw a breath, the boy asked, "Where's
my hat t"
m '1
I.iiii Hlin In the Hark el the Moen.
r'lflm tlie Mai let ta Kci;l?ler.
Why net "barpoeu" the man who fergets
te pay ter prlnted inaterlals furnished ler
church purposes ? We rpler this for solution
tn a colored member of a congregation In this
town whose use or the word hoetuh te be a
fanaticism with him.
True lllll itealD.t Jim Henry.
A true bill was found at Kllicett city, the
county seat of Heward county, ou Thursday,
BRalnst Jim Henry for birn burning. Ilia
counsel will make an ollert te have the trial
et the case by another court en the ground
that the prejudice Is ae great agaiutt him In
Heward county that he cannot get u Im
partial trial there.
ruirrM in eiucAuu.
Terrible Kifdeilnn That Hlnrllcil Ids o-israter
In Chart's el the fjike HUers A Mlrlilcn.11
Southern Tewtr llsllsusl tn lis the Werk
nl Strikers or Their HJiiipallilem.
Ciiicaoe, Hept. II. A few lulnules horero
the midnight hour last night a dastardly at at
eorn pt was made te blew up the signal tower
or tlie Lake Shero A- Michigan Southern
company at the Intersection et tlie Stock
Yards and Lake Hhore main tracks. T he at
tempt was made by unknown partles and
was almost successful. The tower Is about
thirty feet high, and Its use Is te turn the
olectrle switch and signal galoe. At the tlme
or the explosion the tower was occupied by
James Calvin, the operator lu charge. His
first Intimation that something was wrong
was en seelng a volume of Htnoke ascend up
along the sides or hi pest and 1111 the tipper
chamber, almost blinded him. He started te
descend the stairs te ascertain the cause, and
as he reached tbe centre going down, the ex
plosion occurred. At the same Instant, a hill,
slender man came out from a place lu hiding
near by and started west en tlie stockyards
tracks at a rapid run. The oxpleslon was
deafening. Calvin was lifted from his feet
and thrown violently te the bottom el the
stairs. As seen as possible Calvin rogalned
his feet and then ran te tlie contre of the
I'oilce Olllcer Cestello and Donevan, who
guard tlie Heet stroet crossing, heard the ex ex ex
plosien and hastoned te the scene.
OIUHCTH Ol' Hl'hl'irtON.
The first object that attracted The attention
of the police was a piece of gas pipe about "0
Inches long. The plpe had been nliattored.
A bundle or loeso substance, much llke cot
ton, from which smoke emanated, and which
continually spit sparks, was picked up clese
by. The deer leading Inte the signal house
had beeu opened and tlie explosive, with the
fuse attached, had been placed en the lloer,
Just at the deer, and ever the hatchway load lead
lug te the cellar room flve feet doep.
The oxpleslon blew out the entlre glass
front and shattered the hatch-way, leaving a
large aperture, The closets covering the
battery cells wero tern epen and Tully thirty
tour or the cells wero shattered. The air
pipes running through the drum, used In
supplying the air ter the signal were wrenched
apart, and Uie sorvice entirely ruined. The
damage In all will amount te seme thou
sands or dollars. In a shed at the rear or the
signal te wer was round a small bundle, In
which Is supposed te be another explosive
Oillcers Cestello and Donevan relused te
open tlie package and, with the ethor memen
toes, movedlt te the pollce station te be sub
jected te Inspection.
a mem: J-'iKNimii iiKsiaK susi-ec-ikd.
The mlschlet was undoubtedly done by
seme or the I.ake Shero strikers or thelr
sympathizers. The Lake Shere passonger
train, known as Ne. 12, eastward bound, was
due at the place a few moments before It took
place, and there Is every reason te bellove
that the Intention was te blew up the signal
tower and then threw a switch and allow
the passenger train te dash oil the track Inte
the freight cars that line the main track for
Te Deal With uuiadlan Seal VeusUas Ameri
can Vessels Were Treated.
WAsiuxoTey, D. C, Hept. 11. The
United States government proposes te take
the same course In dealing w ith the Canadian
seal vessels captured lu Alaska waters, as
was pursued by the Canadian government
In dealing with the David J. AdalMK, the
American vessel solved recently by the
British govern ment upon charges of violat
ing the llshlng laws. An Investigation bes
been in precress rer several days at
Sitka, and the report 1 dally antici
pated by the treasury dopartmeut under
which the solzures wero finde. When
this report arrlves it it shows that
the seizures wero made rer actual viola
tions et law. The docuuieuta will be for
warded te Oeunal, Alaska, whero the courts
will take charge or the case. Treasury de
partment elllcials say this Is a matter ter the
judiciary and net the diplomatic branch et
the government te deal with.
I'p te one o'clock this altorneon neilher the
state nor treasury department had rocelved
the report and demanded from Canada (or the
unconditional NUrronder of the captured ves
TheAIUnts te Mate a Week's Trial Trip and te
tie Carefully Impeded.
Wasiiinoiex, I). C. SepL 11. The new
cruiser Atlanta will leave New Yerk next
week for a w eek's trial trip at son, going in
the direction or the Uuireea.sU The purpote
is te test the vessel te her full capacity, and
with that end In vlew the liest fuel and well
trained tlremeu will be procured. Hugiueer-
In-Chief lering will be en beard te super
vise the ongiues and machinery. The naval
advisory beard may also be luvited te make
the trip. The vessel Is te undergo a
trip similar te the Delphin. If a storm
can be found it Is net the iutentlnu te avoid
It, and her porfermanco In both light nud
heavy seas Is te becarefully noted. Nothing
ha yet been dotermluod as te tlie Atlanta'
station alter the trial trip is completed, but
she will, of course, remaiu 011 the home sta
tion until her battories are placet! alieard. Her
guns are llulshed, but have still te undergo
the statutory test at the Ann:iell proving
grounds before they are placed ou beard, and
two or threo months will elapse bofero that Is
Haitian In Klue Condition.
Hosten, Sept 1L Kdward llanlau nr nr
rived from Trorenlo in line condition yester
day and began his preparations for his trip te
Hngland. He I determined te ferce Beach
te glve htm a race. He uays Beach prom prem
ised te row him en the Thaines and vveut te
Knglaud with the avowed object of doing no.
New, when llanlau has deposited a forfeit
with a challonge for the championship of the
world, providing he, Beach, holds It after bis
raee with (laudaur, the Australian says that
he will meet Uanlan euly ou the l'arametta.
Sleuey Fer Cliarlesten,
Hi'rKAi.e,Sept 11. The total subscriptions
up te date In aid et the Charleston sullerern,
la ?.1,S3S. A second romlttance or f 1,000 was
forwarded yesterday, and another of the
same amount will be sent te-day, A benefit
performance of " A NlglitOU" will be given
at the Academy of Music this evening for the
same object
Matt (te lteck te the (Jtile I'eiilteutlary,
1'iitl.ADKi.t'iu v, Hept 11. Kdward I'.
Carlln, the Ohie tickot-eMoavo man, was
brought bofero Judge Arneld for identifica
tion tills morning and given oer te the
custody of a deputy wardeu of the Ohie slate
prison te be relumed te that atate te serve
out his term of imprisonment.
Dew Drep " Ilrefis Dead.
NkV Yemr, Kept at The celebrated
racing mare ' Dew Drep " owueil by Messrs
Dwyerllres. and valued at f2",000, ilropped
dead this morning at Hheopsheud Hay.
lse New fuatniastera.
Wasuinoten, 1). O., Sept 11. Thofel-
lewlliu named fourth-class tttatmsstnrM
were appointed te-day In l'enusylvanla: II,
Scott, Baldwin ; a. a, Reynolds, J ustus,
A (l.neral Sheeting Scrtminsas In
Town With Fatal ltstulu.
a Texa.
Housten, Texas County, Ma, Hept 11.
Last Saturday, at the Somervlllo base ball
grounds, a game was In progress when a vio
lent dlnpute arose botween Jere Orchard and
Hlley Martin, members of the opposing
clubs. Frlenils Interfered anil quolled the
On Wodnesday evenlng a dance was glven
at tlie residence or Farmer Heed at whleh
most of the members or the rival club were
present an guesu. This dispute of the pre
vious Saturday was renewed and led te a
light In which nearly everybedy present
took part en ene side or the ether. Martin
tried several times te sheet Orchard but
his weapen snapped each time. Orchard
then lied with Martin in pursuit.
Sttddenly Orchard turned, drew his
revolver and tired threo tltnes. Twe balls
shattered Martin's right arm and a third
struck him betew the left shoulder-blade,
coming out at the right braait. At this
Juncture James Htogsdale, a Irlendjef Martin,
came up behind Orchard and shot him
through the body, the ball coming out at the
right breast. Htegsdale then shot .ell Mc
Casknll, a irlend of Orchard's, who was about
te sheet. McCaskell fell dead, shot through
the heart.
Leuis Haider, a Somervlllo druggist, new
took a hand In It and was about te sheet
Stogsdale, but the latter was tee quick for
hlin and Haider foil wounded tn the right
thigh by a ball rrem Htogsdale'a revelver.
Stogsdale then Hed from the heuse and es
caped. Great oxcltemont prevalls ever the
allalr and mero treublq Is likely te grew ent
or It. Jero Orchard and Martin will die or
their Injuries.
Charceit With I'ractlrlns Kttorllen et
Worst Kind 011 American Sailors.
CittOAOe, Sept. 1L A Washington special
lu the A'cwt says: "A letter from an edlcer
attached te the Asiatic squadron says charges
are new en their way te the state dopart depart dopart
eout against HebL R. Wlthers, consul gen
eral at Heng Keng, drawn up by American
seamen. It appears that the consul general
has been In the habit of turning oyer money
placed in his hands te bearding house
koepors with whom the sailors are forced te
retualn until they reshlp. The landlord, in
order that Jack may have as little money
as nossible te take away with him, keeps
him drunk until his funds are exhausted.
It is also charged that Mr. Withers extorts
a fee et f.'i when a sailor leaves a ship and (5
when they reship. One American sailor te
escape this fee asked and received protection
from the British consul general.
a ma arjsAL jjv detiiuit.
The Hoodie Game Practiced In ;ijrge Pur
chase by the City.
Df.tiieit, Mich., Sept 11. A sensation has
been caused here by the publication of
charges te the eirect that a big steal had been
perpetrated In the pnrchase of Belle Ialepark
and the purchase et a site for the Helle Isle
bridge. It Is alleged that whlle 1200,000 was
appropriated for tbe purchase of the park by
the common council, the Bum actually paid
for it was 110,000, and or the (30,000 set
apart for the bridge site only 20,000 was paid
the owner. It Is claimed that 100,000 was
made en the two transactions by person
connected with the city government These
familiar with the details of both transactions,
the lawyers In the case, and the sellers of
the property deny the charges.
The Chicago Tragedy In Which a Mether
l'layed the Leading Fart
Ciiicaoe, Sept 11. Mrs. Maggie Coma Cema
ford, of 5,051 Slate street, gave her two chil
dren corrosive sublimate yesterday, and took
a dose of the same deadly mixture herself,
intending te end the lives et all three. Her
husband died about six months age, since
which time she has inade every effort te earn
her living. She did what work she could,
but the pittance she earned was net enough
te keep them all in the barest necessities, and
yesterday she spent the last money she pos
possessed ler the poison, with which she pro
posed te commit suicide, A bar-tender who
lived in the house disoevorod the mother and
children writhing en a bed and immediately
summoned a physician. Emetics saved the
life et the children, but the mother died
shortly utter the doctor's arrival.
Air. Cleveland In Ceed Health.
l'uesi'ECT Heuse, N. Y., Sept 11. Num
bers of dispatches were received here yester
day making lnqttlrlea regarding the rumor
that 1 'resident Cleveland had been shot
On lug te a feovero storm which grounded the
wires all tlie messages could net be answered
until te-day. Mr. Cleveland Is in the enjoy,
ineut of perfect health, The rumor could
hardly have hail Its origin In this vicinity,
ler no such absurd statements were sent
irem tlie telegraph olllce horn or the only
ether ene IT miles away.
Who Killed Hlin t
lNDlvvvrer,!-., Ind.,Sept 11. LowisAn LewisAn LowisAn
derseu, M years of age, an old soldier
and a railroad man, was found
dead tliis morning lu an alley. A
heavy cut extended across his head,
ami otlier suspicious clrcustances point
te the probability or a murder. Andersen
yeNterday drew his pension money. His
geld watch and part of his nioney wasmlss
tug when he was found.
A Tliletiic Telegraph Operator.
Cur.vKNNK, Wya, Sept 11. a V. Harlan
night telegraph oerator for the Union
I'acllle railroad at Heck Springs, Wya, do de do
sertod Ills olllce yesterday and carried a Aay
two bags or coin and a large package of cur
rency. The amount Is stated at probably
fl,000ormere. The company eiler a liberal
row ard for Harlan's capture and the return
el the money.
Charged With Malpractice.
Ciiicaoe, Hept, It Dr. A. E. Palmer, el
72S Lincoln avenue, and Alenzo Blandln, an
actor, were arrested and locked up hvstnlght,
charged with procuring malpractice en Kilty
Hebol, a geed looking young actress or 2J
years. The doctor Is aald te have partly con cen con
fessod. Miss Hebel'a condition Is precarious.
Hlandlu bearded at the same place.
number. Won't Jelu the Knights or rjiber.
Chioaeo, Hept. 11. The International as
sociation or plumbers, at Its session here yes
terday, '.decided by an overwhelming vote
net te join the Knights of Laber. A
dolegatlon representing the highest authorl autherl
ty among the Knights, was 'present while
the subject was under discussion.
The Keglish Cabinet Mttlug.
Londen, Sept, 11. The cabinet had a alt
tluir of ene hour and a half this morning. It
is stated that the time was consumed In the
consideration or the Hulgarian question and
Mr. l'arneU'a laud bill.
Will tsy Dellar ler Dellar.
San Fiianoisce, Sept 11. It Is announced
te-day that Hed man it Ce., faney dry goods,
who failed yesterday, will be able te pay dol
lar for dollar, as their assets are the tame as
their liabilities, and consist et merchandise
and f 100,000 book accounts.
He Hest llang,
Jovr.sneiio. 111.. Sent 11 The Jury
brought In a verdict this morning that W. I
. s .. .a .a l. 1 .! sa I .a IsBnrvAa't .
Wilsen, who murdeied his wife, be banged.
It was an atrocious crime, aud the verdict la
satisfactory te the public,
. v .
- H
The final Contest Between the Te,'VM
Vnrtila-lt New Seems l'retty OettaW
That the America's Cup Will R. 4vs
main In the United (Mates, hA'
New- Yeiik, Sept. ll.-The second slisninn
te sail the race evor the outside cenns Ms
tween the sleep Mayllower and the Kulkss
cutter Ualatea te decide tlie possesnlonof sfc
America's cup was made te-day. ThawMhtsfV
was all that could be desired for a fast tWi ,
and m most yachting men declared. It wm
a cutter's day." rrem an early hour the hip
preaeuted very lively appearance s fcrah of
iieKipiiuiin,iruin me wmie wingeu ysjew j:,
tn tllA tmmanH ATrttlNlnn ili.m.M J&
The weather this morning 1 llghtlyK
cleildv With m. wind frnm iIia nnr(ltwii Klwi
tnir at the rata nftlilrtv tnMa. n l.mfw fntA;
CT - - --- - sij Miaw HUtMl ssT ty
ma U moderalu. VV
Til Varttta Htart Ss, f
u.sui iiuuk, nepu n. uu a, m, immri
yachU have lust started In the fellow!?
U L tfnnis Oa nir eu. -
order : Mayllewer, 112 25 ; Galatea, liHteV
wind 15 miles an hour, west te northwest ijp;
weather fair. ,
Handt Heek 12-iO v. m. The ywhta (
mauumg seiiuieast and nave gene about nm
miles ever tlie course. The Mayllewer te la-Jivi
creasing her lead and Is new nearly a mil e-M
ahead. Wind, west northwest Clear. 9p
Sandy Heek 1:10 r. m The MavilewarsEs
has Increased her lead and Is new n mile and M
l,.lr.l....l .nil Hi-.iiM .. !!
rui huviu) nun euuuiug Wllliuesil,
SAsnvUoeir, Sept 11 1:30 r. m. TW L"
wind continues strene from tlie nerthaaat.1
The yachts are new nearlng the stake beat M '' '
the turning point The Mayllewer is lncrea-V',nJ
Ing her lead. '&$
Sandy Heek, 2:11 v. m. The Galatea H
turned the otT-shere stake beat at 2:10, 10."j5J
Heth yachts are en starlxnrd tack. MajriS
flower threo miles ahead. Wind 12 mllea, M;
west northwest clear.
Sandy Heek, 2:20 i m. Mayllewer
crnnn nlvnt nn Hi a ntnrlinsrit Isnl ttAkl
yachts are new en the starboard tack aland-'i
Handy Heek, n r. m. Wind 11 miles weMt-'S
smifhlviist nteai Itnlll vntila am St. Ill M 7il
the sUrbeard tack. '" J
The Mayllewer carrles n working tepaal! ''
while the Galatea Is carrying a club termlL,."49
The Mayllower la 2 mllea te windward. S3
Handy Heek, Sept. 11. The wind tej?
rapidly dying out It has new moderated te, Ira
8 miles an hour west te northwest. .. ":'
The Town of Freehold, Mew Jersey, In (lrst ;S
Danger Irem the Flames, ."i'Sa
FnEEiieLP, N. J., Sept 11. A destructive Jj$n
nre DreKO out uere tnis morning anu is suit j
Durams uurceiy. xv is luareu uie iiuuimi
poruen ei me cuy wuiiw uesvreyeu. aihue $j
the bulldlnirs already deatroved are two-i
brlek stores of Clark; it Perrlne, and JefanJ
'TmwIwIs linlal nnnnalln the mil hflllu fl.,.vV B
tnplahntAt wiHnnniif tllA flnASt tintnlsln Nttsr
Jersey, and was only rebuilt two years fe.-J
V W HWVV. .. w w w. .HV HHV -..- . .-w.,.
' na nrnnniHriiiiHiii. hi. iiiniir armii,...- .i.'
Imrv Park. Ited Hank and Matawan have) '
sent assistance "S J
m- . .... i. . i ,. . .i. i ,;
uv lire auuuni in x ainua a bmjie. xwb wi-v
gin Is unknown. The fire la still spreading'';;
.H.t ..111 .U.W.I.L .. ILCmIh mAwmt 4S 33
Miu sill iJiuunuijr uisn wwu iwt ss.1.
steamer and six heaa carrlatres have tiut I
rived from Bordentown. ?1
The fire Is new under control. Tit lawns
will aggregate tCOO.OOO,
l'ronennced Fercerfea.
BesxxtN, Mass., Sept 11. Nearly 60 d
en the Union bank et I.endsn. and checka
Lloyds, Barnard & Ce., Londen, for amoeat' 4
ranging rrem & peunas te tuu peunus, wers)'.'
found in the possession of " Count" J. Tv'V
T Ittnn ivlin la tiAW flArvtnr e tcr iiiaiiI ttM j
sentence ler defrauding the Kevero lteuMb
Yesterday cable advices were received her
stolen articles have been found In LUtea'i
' &
Twe Strloe Indtctmentf. f:
Bosten. Sept 1L The strand Jury today,
reported two Indictments against Samut50
n Unatllnr Thn flrcit nnntalntt .n1
county one alleging that en May 1, 1S86:J
W jawa(ii s ..- . w. Avwnws.
DLeacnery. emuezziea con.eda. anu uie euwr?
charging him with having en the same dayrM
AU.UaH 1A ft.V. frnm Ilia Kremiltal.fu VBllrtiml T
UUUUUQU eJ-TV.VW HVIH W v weMu. .. m WS.W f
bank en a note made by him as treasurer of
T.wnll hleanhfirv. f
. yj,
A. Yeuue Weman's rleatlnE Beut.
HninciKi-OHT, Conn., Hert 11. "ThHifV
et an unknown woman was found no
en the sound today. There wfeVfibi
her Identity. A woolen shawl had
forced into the woman's metith. She bad sMw ,
parently been In the water several days. "-M
i . Washinciten, D. C, Hept 11. FCj
a, Kasiern rennsyivania, new jersey, ;k
Delaware and Maryland, rair wemmti
no decided change In tomperaturo, weaUrlT,,'
winds, becemlne variable. c--"i
i'ltw is DuauanBB cambb.
Thej Will Net lie Paid Until the Magistrate. .'
I'rsseut All Their little. J. ,
The county commissioners and Ceu!i
Solicitor Sbenck had a conference en 'r
dav altorneon, In refereuce te the payn
of the bills of the aldermen and cenaUblsW
for dlsmlsseil cases during the past Ufa
years, which the court has decUred th eatta .,
ty is liable te iay. It was decided that Uttv.
bills would net be examined or considered
until each magistrate files all hla bills. 1Um,
commissioners and solicitor claim that tM
bills cannot be properly examined until all; J
are before thorn. The magistrates are op
posed te thia plan. They claim that It wlltl
take them several weeks te make out Utair?
bills, as this labor has te be performed wham j
tney can get time, -xuey iirepunu m iumvm
their bills out as last as peasiuie, nanu uh
tn. end eiiwct te be mid at once, as tlieT I
In need of money, and If the bills of ball I
dozen menuis are paia at once, it win
thAin tn nav their nresslncr bills and I
can wait ler a llttle whlle for the approval (
the remalnder or the mils.
Solicitor Shenck does net consider It j
part of his d uty te examine any ei u
as the services were performed dur
administration ei ms preuoeeosw. -,
mlsaleners nay they will employ m
.luin.Kil.l M r. Shenck In tkaj
iT'yrzrzrzrr,'. Y3i
ueu ei uie uius. i j .
n ttlnrm BUBStTelS B !.""
Tne members of Geerge Burtea'a I
arrived here thia naoretng and ara 1
thn nrsne. Thev came from
ent clues, iquuuiue new imsi ttsbsssi
I'blladelphia, Baltimore, Harxiabeffj.
7 '. r -Z1..-.-- t tr w.
Ing, ijeoanen, f-imira, via emsh
Owing te the death of one of thai
laadePa children ha and several at
ll.t nnt At hArs, tlila niArntncr. Phhi i
Ing" a performance will be glVaa wlttiisW
opera heuae ercbaatra. A street parade Dm
morning showed that members or tkt afeMT ,
were a geed-looking let of colored
nml wfl 1 hand furnished muale fM I
parade, and one or the minstrels fare aja a
hlbitlen in tnanlpnlaUng a gun wWl
handled dexterously. u
KeteralDg te Ciiisgsv
Stuart P. Hamilton, lately of St
college, Aanaudale, N, y left uia
nn .. s-intrsln ter the Ossiaral 11
umisirr. Kew Yerk eMr. wbara
y, maw xetk enj. "S" j
uaoearaa la Usoterr. MJ
wUl Ylalt
uiui, r . .
-,t n