:-i" 3S' ,- ,c.5-i?T,4 -J1' u-'A' MO LAJ90ABTEB DAILY CTTELLIQBNCEB. FKIPAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1888. i ,7 , ' - i Sggf 1W&V& mm itiftd CT-l Wfjjjfiwra MikMsH. iiwrtl hi wis tj tOt IrrtLUttESCIS, , Ml OAcw Heffman ar- iBMa;lr, tailor, llTlnmn mr BMllcteva miacbier, t la a MMMgtr train en the K. itMeflMrMtaaaptM te r- limffl of clgartntker stir Amt m4 declared that Keif. I Ml In amated. Tbe officer l and took him te tbe office tr. or Aaren, followed by a The aecueed care ball fur a Bast MendaT at the efllce of DCraM, in tows. .. . Mraek hf a mea. ft an empleye at tbe tnrnacM of I Hill Iren Ore company, met wrare accident yesterday after- llMIl waiting at that place. A large 1MB ItapoalUen and strode ueary Katraral Incbea long. Tbe atone aaa with anch force tbat he was ataalbla and ha remained te for Doeter Beratheisel cave the man I attaauee, putting aererai stitcnw in IMsch ' Ml Frem a Tre. WiUMk. of town, received word tec of a aerere accident happen I ne I brother, Andrew WitUck, at Elisabeth- i tuaeoenty. Tbe man bad fallen trem yeaieraay, ana oreaen uein 01 nis ir- . rftsmlc at Wild Cat. gMMst forty membera of the Yeung Felk's f-f Ht. Jebn'a Lutheran church, are tapieale te-day at Wild Cat Falls, nlckera lelt town In the early train. I' Will return home about !) o'clock this The day will be spent in a pleas- I""1 Town Nete. AM FrohlbltlenlUi will epeu their cam- ' Mtaa by holding a meeting in the armory . WH arenlng. Walter Themas Mills will aHVar an address. 1 Heroine In Ram" waa presented In epera house last evening by Florence JMMuay and company, when a fair audience present, xne piay gave general satis- israaias instrumental soies, songs anu l bv Mis Blndlev was very fine. ,'- TbapubUoBcheolsof town will commence 'thaaUf tarm en Monday. September 20th. S time la rapidly approaching when tbe aummer vacation will end and the Iren start for their schools. The pupils MOOC boeka. v commencing te hunt up their school ' A laree Party was held at the home el Wll- Uaaa Bard, at Irenvllle, last night Tbe party - West from town te tbe place in a hay wagon. Tbe music for the occasion was furnished by Cbarlea TJlmer and Jehn Wesley. Tba river at Columbia fell about three taabai during last night. ; ' - Ceasplalnt has been made by Mr. K. K. Malta, at the office of 'Squire Evans, against aararai rolling mill empleyes for trespassing ea fcla grounds. Officer Witttck wilt arrest tJMt trespassers. '. SXela afternoon the Columbia Hed and Gun 5eb will break camp and arrive in Harris brg about nine o'clock. The club will come - rteaae from that city In a car attached te a straight train. H-umt evening The Unllermed rank of KaJchta of Pythias, of Lancaster, passed ..'through town from Norfolk, Va., en their moraine five Indian clrls were in and attracted considerable attention. -, ? The Columbia club will net play a game el ;ballen Saturday; a club could net be se- ,:'-curea ler tnts aay. jranre and ebbzitzkvs tbevixleh. Tweatj Casas Thus Par Heturncsl Against Kach A Dezen Yet te lte Beard. !TKi . . . ,fV. ueenre uerlltzkl and l'eter Kete were bKHlffht from prison this mernlnir anil taken jSJte the office of Alderman A. F. Dennelly for Bearings en the remaining charges against at that office. Tbe cases heard were tmmm. m fejkerae stealing and larceny from Isaac B. pJKapensaade ; robbery of the bouse of E. H. &i 1Ahlaj anhUiw mvA lavnann TintAl siOrftTer'fl. Tbe alderman ret urn ml all the tin number te the November term 54' of tbe quarter sessions court. This makes 20 A. F. Dennelly against these defendants. The testimony in the cases heard te-day pointed strongly te their uullt, ..-After the hearing Andrew Yackley, who was a witness for the commonwealth, was arrested en a cnarge ei receiving stolen goeas. The article which it U alleged he received, knowing it te have leen stolen, was a hand aw. According te hts own testimony be &j jIkviieu but? can uuuj uciiit( anu iwkt7, '-.and eflered te Bell it lerasttui much less than ' Ita vaiua tie was neiu ler a beanng. Alderman Spurrier will dispose or a riezan v : . r . .'..: . r . ';- eaaes against note ana uerutzki next week. Blarletta Neim. Mahietta. Sent 10. The Salvation Army ftVji - . " &ji aeems te have taken a new start. Within the last two weeks the attendance has in 'JlJ iii il nvAallv flnit tfiA nntntw. rtf nnnvttrttt t,Hjz yw -e...j w v "..."v. w. v-m.w.. KjjtT as aise grown very large. se,r- jr. J. jjenner uramir, et Aiecnanicauurg, dt-. la Tlaitlneat CeL James Dullv's. 'IK . -.V . -. . .'. . . t. ei asra. vicier uaiaeuian. wne uaa ueen vi9ii- i.ijk Jfc .- . -. . . . s J'BK town ler several weens past, nas re- KS-"turned te her home at Wayne. it . ' Denegal Ledge, Ne. 108, K. of I., will celf. jU.l eraie uieir anniversary en juenuay, Kept. i;i. j.-Quite a number of guestaare extected from 'iz- Xaaeaater, Columbia and Mt. Jey. It'L.IV 'Thfl PhletrlAfl rnltlntr Tnlll will fiiwn nn Kv-'iv Monday, Sept, 13, under the management of - aar, n, i iteiuneia ;, a large eruar is te ue -L. All uf anH IhanrruinAiitB ara frn-wl fV,- a .t.iu. &"?! . UAmiiM ImalnANjL l?jS'rZa j w -n. -n. . .... s,--3; asx, na jura. win. mniev anu ineir son Wa Wiiawrlgbt, of Newark, N. J., are visiting ki t i mm w . mt rw. : r, i n l -RnL RurtAn'a niinl-trla mlnstrAln nrn IiIMimI .t.'te appear here en Tuesday. Sent, 1 1. BjK A number of our townspeople took adan- rtagaerthe excursion te visit the state fair PfSy tbla week. ,'M Walter T. Mills, of the odlterlal statfef ;),$ The Voice, will apeak en Prohibition in ,!, uareera woeub, near aiayiewn, ou saiuruay ife'; afternoon, and in Central hall. Marietta, in m&y tbe evening. M-fU f ir-. ..-. . w- .. .... l j. i: iiiei.art, u. u. a., ei inn place, was V married last evening te Miss Dera Stevick at 1- the residence ei the bride's mother, lmme- ' dlately after the wedding the nowly-married Vilt-ilA atat-tnf ,n fhnli- -urArrtlir,(v Imar gS) ..wyw m-w, w. ... mv. ,.uu...uk wt. Katleg Oulj a Ilablt. Frem tae New Yerk Tribune. Sgf Judge McCue, of California, new in Wash- sfr ioKten, told a friend a few (lava atte that he F?V timA TklvAl lha fiwH nmtilam anfl thai ht svr --'. "- "r " "" " "" oeuia live in Wasulngten en ten cents a day. pg Asked for an explanation he said : " I ? Hn.,lt l,,V1 .-.I,t of ahiMll 1 t nlnlnfllf ami nln M.. iiiHiaj luiuvuiaiauuu, 11 u ut-.- OUU UIB.17 fiv breakfast. I go te tbe dairy around the 3. corner and buy a cup of cotfee for S cents B.'v ana Willi tueetuer & cenu i get live Mary. I'-eland biscuit." 'Well that exhausts veur 10 cenbL IihIdh. 5t hew de you set your ether meals ?" lit ; "1 am cemine te that presently my friend. -LKmi ue impaueui anu you Huau nave me tf whole story. My breakfast is eaten ulewly If."! mmtii wall miMalArl. Tt rranflmlli, laafa ....a ,. AtQ about 4 o'clock In the alternoen. At t T;,Uia time the gnawing of hunger lx i,.raina leaaaen iweii. ima ia wnere mvnis ' i mvarv nniDH in. i aiwavatrn nrnviniwi wun . aeveral pieces of alum. H'lien I beelu te iret : aungry x piace one ei niese uita ei aiuin in rweuiuanu auew ii te siewiy uisseiva a 3iiect la that it contracts the threat and iatomae.li ud the sensation el huntrer (1U- a.r..u.n' repeat mis uese until ueuuuie Mail aaieep nae a cm u. uentiemen. jia tell you that eating is nothing but a t anar aii." k, ;'. SopDesea te be Steleu. ir'.Xt Thursday afternoon when Jereme !Wlmiiiltb. opened the deer of his stable at ; tbaearaet of Marlen and Cherry allevs he fatHM a baadkarchlet en the iloer, carelully Wiaapia around aemetblng. Upeuexamlua OeaiKateuBd a watch in the handkerchlef" fha wainh la a allvarlnn. ri.,. .i., . ., :. a fttaiiuivaa thnhT,.,7irm? ".""". v .atala tt,aad intended te go back for tt at ' dark. A colored boy wai seen leiterlnc In 'if taiAirb.lnllir nr lhAhla lull lie .,.. .". I'sl te put the package In the stable. Mr. Ven. fc.;:i.aermlth Is ready te surrender the property ions owner, p Uefere tbe Majnr. h , Tbeuia Q'Nlel, ayeung man, called a', the 1 y'iatloe house yeaterdty anernoeu, and said r ha was tee sick te travel any farther. A per. ;;Bilt wai procured for him and he was sent te Vina county hospital. ' Twe ledger and eue drunk were dls ttarged, and one drunk waa left go In pay. ' went et outs, and premising te leave tow u at PMAOTtOAI. COVHTT FA I It. Tbey Wenld (let a Llvelr tloein, tt loin. a Women Would Couk at Them, Frem the Scranien Truth. There appears te be a dcslf e en Hie irt el manager or county fairs throughout the country te make these gatherings mere prac tical as educators than they have been In the past In years gene by thnfalr that could rival Harnum In the matter of getting up side-show wonders usually acered a tlnancial success, while lamentably larking in legiti mate attractions. The llvc-legged calf, I he two-headed woman and the talking herse were really regarded as being el mero Im portance than the agricultural exhibit, while the Inevitable horse-trot ws a bit of rural jockeying net equaled outside the antics of the circus. Attractions should, of cour-e, and deubttew will continue, but the main purpose of tbe county fair ought net te be lest sight or. One of tne features or a lair at Huren, Dakota, a few days age was w hat was called ' Matrimony Day," at which a prire was awarded te the Unit wedded pair. At OreanscountyJalr,aeeordlnRtotheNow "Yerk H'erfif, a prize of JeO was given te the girls who In the nhortest time provided ' the best cooked and inet tatelully arranged meal for six perseus." Our contemporary sayss"Nopreloslonal cooks were allowed te compete and girls under sixteen were al low oil twenty-live points. The meal was te consist of broiled beaf-steak, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, baked seet potatetw, stew ed tomatoes, bread and butter, baking powder biscuit, asserted cake aserted fruit, apple pie and cetlee. Three Judces ere ap pointed te partake et each meal." This Is cer tainly somthlugneel ata county falr,tmtnet at all Impractical. II matrimony is te be en couraged by these gatherings, it H no were than right that cookery should reeele some attention, since the continuation of wedded oust anil uemestic narmeu y, ui many caw, depends en well cooked meals. It tbe pro moters of ceuuty fairs can eucourage geed cooking they will de much te win the geed will of many a dyspeptic who ewes his tnlsery te wretchedly cooked meals. As an attraction at a county fair, the live-legged calf Is nowhere beside a galaxy el pretty cooks competing for the prire. A vtiltter elTthe Truck. Yesterday afternoon the shitter which Is stationed in this city, while running cars upon the siding at the Glebe hotel, Jumped the track. Anether engine was secured and an ellert was made te replace the shifter upon the track. After working for some time It was found Impossible te de the work. The Farkesburg wrecking train was sent ler and it arrived in the eeuiug. Tbe men w ere put te work and it took fcoine time be bo be fere the shifter was placed In its right posi tion. A man named Mtrickler, employed en tbe shifter, bad his feet injured by having a heavyjack fall upon it- Thore has been quite a number et accidents of this kiud at tbls siding. There Is tee great a cure In tbe track, and' it w 111 have te be changed te prevent future aceideuts. ltetarn of the Kulfihtf. Inland Division Uniform Kank, Knights of l'y thias, of this city, left Norfolk en Wed nesday evening, en a steamer of the Bay Hue. They stepped at Old Point Comfert for a lew minutes and then ran directly te Bal timore, where they arrived at s o'clock yes terday morning. They marched te Bar num's hotel where they took dinner and spent some time taking In the sights of the city. They lelt for home at 2:10. coming by way efllavre De Grace aud Pert Deposit. They arrived in Lancaster at 6:15 last even ing and, beaded by tbe Falrvllle band marched te their ball, wbere they dismissed. The Knights speak highly orthe geed time they had en their trip. An Old ISIulr. Mr. Yaroe M. Neesan,ef Oroemlab, Persia, who lectures at Yeates' institute en Saturday evening, has in his possessleu a wonderful Bible. It U the New Testament in parch ment, written in SyriacTOO years age by Bah Nab, a Syrian priest. Mr. Neesan received it lrem his lamlly in Syria seven weeks age. It was written in Mesel, opposite ancient Nineveh, the capital or Sjriu, which latter country Is new governed by Turkey. It Is bound in walnut cevere, with a back of Syrian cloth, the manuscript Is excellent,and it is the only one of its kiud In America. It will be exhibited in Saturday eveulng's lec ture. Death of Sirs. Alary W llerr. The death of Mrs. Mary K. llerr, w ide w of the late Benj. G. lierr, occurred ou Wednes day, at the residence of her daughter, Ne 1131 East Orange street, In the seventy-second year of her age. Her sun iviug children are Mr. Thee. W. llerr. formerly et this city, but new of Colerado ; Dr. A. J. Herr, of West Orange street; Mr. Allan A. llerr, the real estate agent, and Mr. Frauds L. llerr. She was an exemplary mother and a strict mem mem beref the Mennonlte church. Tim funeral will take place lrem ft'll East Orauge street, en Saturday afternoon at one o'clock, with services at the house and interment at Long Leng Long enecker's meeting-house. All Alleged False rretenne. Samuel Curtis aud Jehn Carrell had a dis pute about a horse, which Curtis purchased, and Carrell entered suit for fale pretense against Curtis. Carrell claimed that Curtis made certain representations which woreuet true. Curtis claims tbat he can make geed all the representations he made, and be waived a hearing at Alderman Harr'H te day, and entered bail for his jppcarance at ttie November sessions. l'rellmlaarr Injunction (tranteri A bill In equity was tiled this morning by Augustus Steinwandel. It set forth that he Is the owner of a property ou Lew street and Andrew Kray, who owns adjoining land, is about erecting a dwelling house two lncnes en nis lanu. judge ratlersen this afternoon granted a preliminary injunc tion restraining Kray lrem proceeding with the building. Alter the Injunction had been sered the parties had a ccmlereuce, and it is probable that they will arrangu their dllllcul tlea. lteturned Frem Their Trip. The commissioners and ceuucilineii re turned last night from their trip te Philadel phia and Camden. The street committee will decide at Us next meeting the style of pavement te ue nueiueu ler uuke street. l'leanaut KIiIIiie l'arty. A ridlug party et ladies and gentleman of this city made a pleasint excursion te Litilz last evening by way of l.andis Valler. After enjoying one of Mr. Sturgls' Unions wallte suppers, they returned by moeiillgtil, well pleased with the ride and the read. An Outrageous Charge. Martin I. J. Griffin, secretary of the I c. B. I; that recently met, In Lancaster, w rites te the Philadelphia Times that of the f'JIe lor ler warded te the Charleston sullttrtra, the Western I'nlen Telegraph company charged " ler lb) transmission. I.es uf a llere. I'rauk It. McClurg, of the lirm el Hey A McClurg, lest a valuable herse last uighl, the animal dying of indlgestieu. It was insured ler $1.51. l.eltrr Held A lotter addressed te Sadle Miller, Phillips burg, Centra county, Is held at llie Lineaster olllce ler postage. ItKiu MacSay's adverttspincnt. IIh nirern Great ltargalns In 'leas unit Cuirtus. lie In nil Ing " Surprlsu" Heller Precess Heur at Sue. a quarter. hj Parties who are going te participate in the triennial conclave of the drand Ceuiiuamlery at St. Leuis, will be furnished K T. carls ut.rm ut.rm ut.rm sonable rates at the l.sTKLLiiiEsccn Olll e. "cull nnd soe Bjiecimens. CL'lti; OF l.lVKK C'IMII'I.MM' IOIVA TAtLS, llAlitllM CO., ItPWA, I lilies 1 1 have been uslug .Allcock's 1'uieus 1'luteu for four yeara, and think I could net get along w ltheut thtin, 1'era long time I nua uMkted with a pain under my i Ight shoulder blad.i; 1 also had considerable (tlfilcully In breathing. I applied an Allcock's Pereus l'litslcr en my luck, and one en my chesU J lepl cliinflnK Uiem every lour day., aud at the end of Ihrea w eeks was entirely cured. It. 8 STKVKNS. Alnuteiuenia, Italy lllnairy 7u-l(i.ThH evenlnir m,, tlorence lllndley appears In tliUeUyinThe Heroine In Hags," and she U supported by an excellent company. Of the piece thu Kew i eik TVItune says: "It U a truly great play, one abounding Inhuman Interest llie author hat succeeded lu blending thu humoreui wllU thy pathetic, that out) leaves thutheatie without the soeso of mlcry which uinally attends the pro duction of pathetic plays." Of MUs Waaler the New Orleans JHtayunt sarai "llnr acting li almost abeve crltlcUin, her Introduced (pedal tic wettwll new, novel nnd hlfthly nmnMng." Burlen't Mintlrth. tlwirxe llurten has worked hard te bring a geed treuini of coleivd minstrels together, and husays he ha succeeded, lie wants te ha e his troupeprrirm In this city before taking the reed for an extensive tour, se he will open here en 8atuiilay evening In a pnv graimiie that will surety rle-ise. llehasatull band and orchestra, besides clog dancers, song and dancetnen, banjelita, etc. IMUe Jlinten Sett IIVrA. On next Monday cvenlng Mls Ltlllc lllnten wlltepenavrek s enuagMncnt In the opera houe. Mls lltnten l better known In Lancaster tbsn nnynctrvs that visits us, and she Is quite popular. Her com pany Is much better than last season, Preparatory sertlce. services preparatory te the communion will be held In the 1'rcsbyterlsn church this ccn at 7K o'clock. Itev. Jas. Y Mitchell, 1) D.pss ter. tIKATtta llieiits In this city, en the th tnst., James llughcs. In the 15th year el hlsae The relatives and friend el the family arc re spcetfully invited te attend the funeral, trem the reldonce of his aunt, Mrs. I. 1). Kelly, Ne. 217 Kast Orange tn-ct, en Saturday met ng at fo"cleck. High Mas at St Mary 'a Chun hut 9 o'clock. Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. It' HmvMiR,-In thu clt v, en the 9th lust., Jeseph llrlmmer, In the T-th year of his age The relatives and friends of the family ave respec'fully Invited te attend the funeral, from his late residence. Ne. 14. North Prince street, en .Saturday nfteruoeu at i o'clock stt-std Hsrb. tu this city, en the th Inst. Mary Kmma llerr, widen of the late liciijamlu llerr. In the 7M year or herage. The relatives and filendsef the himtly are re specttully invited te attend the funcml, from the residence of her daughter, Ne. 101 Kast Orange street, en Saturday, September 11th. at 1 o'clock. Service" at the house Intel ment at Lengeneckcr"s Meeting Heuse. s'' Jtd VULITIVAU. TI1K ST.VTK TICIt:i. (nMfrner LlIAUNCEYr llI.A(.h.ef Yerk. 7.irtirriarit d'errrsnr It. lltJUCE KltKKTtS of Luzerne Auditor iinxtrat 1LL1.VM J. ltUENNEN.et Allcgheuy Secretary cf Jut rriaf AfiTrs J. MMl'sO.V AfKICA, et Huntingdon lnirettmatnU-lAir :r MAWKLI.S1K KNSON.et Philadelphia County Ticket. tr CVntfrrji.-COL. LOW Mi UDN EUS. Stair btnaler (M i-K III LI Anembly (.'dl-Dlt II. II. UI.ACh. UK. A.S.MILLblt. - (3d)-KUW.lAlNTKIt. OKO ALTON. II N. ItOHLKK. i)utrirUerrifj JNO b MALUM.. JVwilrnieri-JAC SNKATH It J. 11AUNLS. iVuuil u;rcen-OEO. 1'O.M J. V WlsK. County Siiruyvrt It. W 111TE .9auA7;r.i. Cliluutelphla friKlnre Market. I'HiLiDitPBii. Sept ID Heur iiuict. Sales of se barrels. Minn, eakers, NSill ri l'enna family at s.1 7M3I ; Western at lVti:'' Pat ents, II Z0QS 10. ltyetleur(iuletat.IOJ 40 1 p. m, call W heat SepU, t,c , Oct,, sesjc, Nev , s?c : Uec . sue. com Sept., l.vic: Oct., yiVc;Nev, feUc , Dec, 4.c OaU-sept-, V: Oct., x,c Nev, 35A4ct Dec , aiiKc MewlerK lndure .slarket, Nsw Yerk, Sept. te Fleur market firm but dull: rtne, 12 uw: b5; Superrlue, K Anil no, Common te Heed Extra wetcrn, I2 7iii3 70; Uoed te Cholce Extra Western, W Wit 70; City Mill Extras, It WO 65 for w est Indies . Minn. Extra. U IV35 te Extra Ne. 5, t! RS3 M. (Jeed te ancy Extra State, S3 30Q3 7.' , Common te fair Extra Ohie :7is33 70 Wheat Nat Ked state en Spet,31Srtf U : Ne. 1 White, state, s.-c ; Ne Ne 2 Lea, Winter, Sept .Tic , Oct., 4c Nev "KSc. Cern Ne. 2 Mixed, cash, 5 e , M-pL, 50J4c ; Oct, M'ic; -Vev .:, c uats Na 1 nhlte State, spot, v(JJ;t; ; Ne 2, de 35c. Uyednll llarley nominal. Perk dull; New Mess, tnssflll :,). Lard-sept, 17 W). Ocl.li.i7J, Ne . i. -i. Molasses dull; 17Kc. ter 'M test txilling stock j l'orte ltlce. SisJS-c. Turpentine steady at iic Kcwln dull : strained te iroed. 11 "Mil C5 Petroleum dull ; refined In cacs, sic. Batter Market dull s New Western Creamery. lsXO--c Cbeesedull : etale.6Ke-'ic . Western, 7600. Eggs Arm: State. KHttlM: Western. 17c Sugar market dull . tteOned cutleat, 6 3-16:; Crushed, 6jc Granulated, fie Tallew flrmt prime city, iKc rrelghts nominal i gruln te 1 tvcrpoel, sSc Cetfee tlrm ; fair cargoes at H.e Hlcedull . Carolina and Louisiana, common te fair, SXQIc; llange. n, CiftlXc umcjige Marxet. Chicase, Sept. 10, 9 30 a. m. Market opened : Wheat Oct. 7'JC, Nev, ss3c; l)ec,slc. Cere Oct., 4 1 He Nev., 4i,c. Oats Oct , Kc. Perk OcL, llute; Nev , f in u Ijird Oct., lb 65. Ittbs ncpu W . Oct., 17 v:ii. cLceiatt. Wheat Sept, 7nKc ; Oct., 77;e ; Nev , 7-f.c ; Dec, tl!,c Cern-sept, Hie; OcL, 11'iOllJtc ; Nnv.lJKc. OaU Sspt, iVe : Oct.. -y,v , Nev., JTJic Perk "epu, IIU57S ; Oct.lHifiiK. Nev , flu 15 Ijird-Sept., 15 2.S ; Oct., f; iK i Nev., In Ou. Ktbs SepL, 17 05 : OcL, 17 074 eraiu anu I'rovlslens rnrntshed by S, K. Yundt, lireker. Ciikaue, Fcpt o.ie o'clock p. in. Wheat Cern. Osts. Perk Lard. September 0 2Ti(4 10 57K 7 K October 7-', 4li ?S 1U 70 t bJk November 7'.m4 mx 27i 10 4J1, .... December M'i May e7!. 4UX s:y, liccelpu. Car Leta. Winter Wheat J Spring Wheat ss Cern lie Oats p.s Ujo li, iUrley lis OH Ctty Crude OU t.l'i Head Kecelpts Heica 15,e Closing Prices 2 o'clock p. il. WheaL Cern. Oats. Perk. Lard September. 7tv 3 2J'IU57K 7 ::K October 77'; 4 lii- .S 10 C-.' t i.JW November 7-fi i:X 2?i le 15 i V) December M1, i, 55 May 67', 4-.',, ay, OH City Crude OU t: Bloc markets, yuotatlens by Lieea, McUranu A Ce., bankers, Lancaster, l'a. SIW TORK LIST. II A. U li M. 3 P.M. Canada Pacific "I i i'i'i C C.C.I MK '' "H Cel. Ceal X Central I'aclilc, 4J llj, 41)4 Canada Southern .. Mi CM., St L. A I'gh. Uenver A Ule Grande "n Oel.Lack.A Weetern lJ",'i Uy. M' tie 11 si; J xiy. ErleSd ...I .ew Jersey Central M-v K A T 82; 3.'H Ml LOU A N I5W US 45K L'ikeShere 7?i t &? Michigan Central . . tri): Missouri 1'actflc ill ill ili Northern Pacific S. I. 1'rel itfii. i;i ew? N. w niAi llti 1H.S New Yerk Central HOJi 1K llex hast Teun Coin Omaha is is l?x Oregon Trans ii z Sl OntarleA Wcjtein . . 111 acire Mall 07i 67" 573i lechritcr A PltUeurg " 1 it- t'aul uiK W. HJ Teies PaclSc... lis Ilk IIS Uulonl'eclUc fyJ :)' u$ Waeash Common luji i, nj' Mahiih I'reiurred SS j.ij x.i MTestern Union rviegisph.. 1.7J' ;k 67i rtostShero lulj? rUILAPKLl'HIA LIST. Le.hlh Valley 67!i '7 57 11, n Ai-hiu :: m PunnsylvarU 67K w,'a f.75 "eadlnir.... 13 13 15-3 1J 1-lt, Lehigh NavUatlea . Sik Uesumvllle je Philadelphia A Erie Northern Lent Prtepfe's 1'uiisenKer K'd'a tlsu'UM'tx's f. SK "i taj; cji.t m lleuseliulil Market. UA'nv. Cieameiy flutter Putter W , Dutch Cheese V lump 1-OVU.TRY. Spring Chickens, y pr Chickens ft pair (live) " y piece (cleanisl; MISCXI.I.Al'Betn Apple lliittert 'Jl hKsyt dez,.,., Heney M It.. Ijird t ft TBOITf, Apples VKPlr llaiiauas tilez . SiHMne. ..13(tl3a ...Hllde ....(W(s ..704JH wiq ,...luoe 1 SBO .. .. lie lr 11 ,. 8i;c .itic'C l.tva HtefK aiarketa. CaiUAop,Hept.9.-Tbu Orexerr Ji.urnal report i.attin Iteceipu, u.txie bead 1 shipments, 2,!u ii!iLi,lm,k.ct ,u" cents blither and stronger JhlnplDg steers. MO te l?u.) lis, 3 40 atj.1 mockers mid leedura ul i Witi Si 1 Uii. ".";.'"!? '? at II 25J w iSitk at f.'eu OiS5 through .Texas cattle, steady 1 cows. It 7S3 let steers, $iwfl3 tot Western ransers, Btreuger; natives and halMireeils at $ltis3l 71I cows, K'.sm! Sales m Northern mngers-ia Wyoming, l.tMea, Itw. 110 Colerado lexans, llegsltecelpts, 17,0X1 head shipments, MX) head) market strenir nnd .Sc hUheri nuiKhand mixed. M1M,H m, puekliic and ship ptiijt.ll 7HftM light, (I ,tlset skips, riMsit 3 i.V Sheep Hecelpta, MO head; shipments, loon i market was stradvt natives, tJ tefft J W etern, M liH3 H Texans, II 7.l.' 7 i lambs, Kast Lissrtv Cattle receipts, Ml head i shipments, Ssi head t market slew; prime, MPixl tiM.ittii m Keisi tiiici,.it comuieii, si i1g stockers nnd frislcrs, MiHjl SS shlpmenta te New erk, none. Hew tvcftpie, XCO head t shlpmenta. S.l1 head: market slew, Philadelphia at It ma itO; Yorkers, II Wl 7i Kmsers, II 'AMlt ttf) shipments te N ew X erk te-dsv, 10 carloads. Sheep rwetpla, S,'.MU headi shttunenta, 0i head t mnrkcl slew prime, llttl 25 fair te geed, M.VsJJMi common, l.'dJ lambs, iu N'eir erk Storks. Nkw eaa Sept. ta Wall Street, 1, top m. Meney leaned at 54JS per cent. Exchange quiet at II s-iSfll 4S' tiecrnmcnts steady. Currency 6 , II 25S btd t fs coups. Hi) bid i i.V coups, no bid The stock market this morning opened quiet and steady and without ch-inse. During the morning nelhlnc worthy of note transpired and the market was almost stagnant. At the tlmeet writing prices are about at the opening. LllCAl Se-2RS SUll IMIHIS. He ported by J, It. Leug. Par Ijvsi value, sale. Lancaster 6 per ctnt., lsi im 107 " M 1A liw Ui; " Schixil lean .... HO lnf " t - In 1 or s years lm li " In or ii years lm l(rt. " InlOeriiyears lui UO klanhetm ItoreiiKh lean In) lit: Skill 5TOCSS. nrsi National Hank rarmers' National Hank fulten National U.mk Laucaster County National llank .... Columbia Naliemd Hank Christiana National Hank Enhrnta N atlenal Hank rtrst National Hank, Columbia rirst National H.nk, stresbunr First National Hank, Marietta rtrst National Hank, ML Jey LtUU National Hank , Manhelm National Hank Union National Hank, Mount Jey.... New Helland National Hank Hap National Hank , Uuanrvtlle National Hank MUabethtnwn .National bank. , Northern National Hank norm stock. Ulir Srrlnir A Heaver Vallnv no a M 115 Ml 141 M It ) ll IV. IIW 115 Ml I'M lit) IV. Ill) lJt) UO 2ULW liX) IS). Ml 159. Ill Its) " N) livi IS?..-) 1U) 110 Mt 110 H) no UU 137 25 P0 13NJ 21.50 J) 23 31 24.06 3 211 25 21 3 40 . r 11 25 4,S.U5 22 2S H) SM ltO 7U .V) M X 75 50 .25 UridgtHwrt A Horseshoe CelumbU A Chestnut 11111 Columbia A Washington CouestegaA Htg Spring Columbia A Marietta Maries n A Kltznbethlewn Lancaster. Kphrala LatuiLster A willow street strasburgA Millport MarlettaA Maytown Marietta A Mount Jey Line, Ellzabethtnwn A Mlddletewu Laucaster A' ("rultvllle tuicaster A Lltltx . East Urantlywlne A Wayuesburg ... Lancaster A wuihuustewn LaucasterA Maner Lancaster A Manhutm Lancaster A Marietta Lancaster A -New Helland H1SC1U.A NIOtS BTVCXB. Quarryvide IL IL. MUlcrsvllloStreetCar Inquiring Printing Company Uasltghtand uel Cempuny Stevens Heuse (Hends) Columbia UasCemimny Columbia Water company Susquehanna Iren Company Marietta Hellew-ware SteTeus lteue MlllersvUle Nermal Scheel Northern Market Eastern Market Western Market Lancaster City 3lret Hallway te.... Uas Company Hends Columbia Horeuuh Hends. Lancaster A Susquehanna. l.ancHster A New lianvllle , yuatTyvllle It. IL, 7 Beadlne A CelumbU IL ll..ys 25 107.Ni V) lkt SIAO 21) W 100 1.13 &2S .VI 25 HO lern 25 1 , 10 10 10O 205.25 UU 210.10 W l.tS 25 50 hi li te M 5i fS Ml HO no mi 30 HO 25 11 llO 111.75 M) lea.75 -VAMP AD yjUtTJaSMUXTH. IJAKINU POWIIKK ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS pewdrrnever vanes. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeneas. More ecrw comical than the erdb ery kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low ttist, short weight, alu.n or phosphate powders. Held only in tarn. Kotal Hackh 1'ewma Ce., Its; Wall Street, N'ew 1 erk. mar"-lvdA w w ANTKD A C.OOD GIKI.. AI'PI.V at the INTKLLIIIISIZR Office it W ANTKD A GIRL AIIOUT l.i YKAKS oldteosslt with housework lis a small family. Apply at this office. itd J KCTl'HK I1Y VAKOOM N'UKSAN.ef Oroemlalj, Persia, At 1 KATES INSTITt TK, fiATIKDAl, SEP TKMHGll U.atep 111, Admission 25 Cents 10-2t TIIK YOUNG WOMAN'S CIIKISTIAN Temperance L'nleu will meet te-morrow (Saturday) evenlnir, at thu residence et Sirs. James llUck, North Dnke street, at half past 'o'clock. All ladles anil gentlemen Interested In temperance are Invited te attend. ltd AA, FISHING TAt'KI.K MAUKhD down te close euL It will pay you te buy Tackle new for next season at the marvileusly low prices new offered. Heds, Lines, lUskets, Halt Kettles, etc, at bargains. KllAILKi s KAsT END i'llAUMALi. opjieslte Eastern .Market, (ratlcy'sisarnapartlla Compound curea lltvcs, I'lmples, Hletthes, etc 50c. Mr large Lot Let Uea. Jy21ydltK,MAW A A 1. I5AKINU l'OWDKU. We Sell the Hest TEAS AjND COFFEES In the Market 'I 111 A A 1" HAKINU POWDhlt. T AT C Is thu title of anew unci Inteiestlng Souvenir that we give new, Tht Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Cempaur, sl02ta N'e. Ill North (jueen StreeL R KAI) THE INTELLIGENCER. CON 1'AINB ALL TIIK NKW3 ! IOUEM03T IN KNTEUPUISE UNKIJUALLKD IN 1 KLKGUAP1I NKH3 UltltillTESTIN COUUESPONDKNCK1 KLLI.E4T IN HOME NEWS' ILI.USTHATIONS PKKFKCT' ltd COMPLETE IN KVKItYTlllNU MAMCIOUN ADVKKTiSKMKNTS OP Hillous competitors have no effict en prices at Clarke's Tea and Coffee Stere. Customers can buy all the Straight Orade Surprise Reller Precess Fleur 'llIKi HANI', roll 45 Oeuts u Quarter HTANDAttl) UKANUI.ATKfi KUIMIt, Oc. I Ixlitiet tic Hiiirsrln theclty lllbtlrailu Teas und Celli tsut Hoitem Prices A,f CLARKE'S, Ne IS WKST KINO HlltCKr. 1.VNCAS1KU. WAHT KND YAKI). (W.SWARR&OO. GOAL. KINDLINQ WOOD. Oltlces Ne.ai CKNTItK HOUAItr:, Heth yard aiidoiUcecoiineclud with 'ielepheuu fcicuauj;e apri3-lydUAr.lt XA'tr ADrititrtKKMxrr. TWO tllHUM WANT A NITTATIONTO strip tobacco tltst class snippers. Apply at 418 M est Oraiifie stivel. W-Ild II Ol'HKKKlU'KUS TAKK NOI'K'i: I Buy Your Ceal New. It will advance In Ihe near futuru. 1 he best place te litiy gevsl tlrst-class coal, clean and full wclnht, Is at titOUOK SCHULMYKIt'S, u ll Ksst King stnet. Ne nis North l'lltue Street. augJO-ineedU KVAS'N KI.OVUL "Prove all things mid held fast te that which Is geed." Levan's Fleur. IKASONAlll.i: MKDICINKS. " Stitch In tlmesaves nine." Ker Sumuier Cem plaint take COCIIKAVS IlLACKHKIlttr COItDlAL. or tin iiu.-s .1 vi iiuv uiMiKii, or LOt II HAN'S DlAttltlltKA M1MU1IK. rOK RAL OStV AT OOOllRAN'SDItUO STOUH, Nes st A in North vjueen St., tjvnraster, l'a. ntajS-ljeiHlu Sl'l'01hl 1 1. HKt'Al SK Dr.SKKVINll. Tux Lam'Vbtkr CeMvimtAt Cel tKiiaepeniHl ou Monday, SeptemlH'rbth, with the larxcst at tendance since Its oruanUatlen (euiie iu In structlen has been thoreiii:hl ivvlscd ilurlui; the iast year, lueaiiiiiii ami I'Rii-rti vi Hisms eihu te applicant t very evening lrem umi until eiientutr of Kventntc Sessions, .Monday, October Mh. Call persnnally If yeucanand ou win pet a eeucr lnctvei wnata course 111 a mm m s i eIIcrc menus "pclat Instruction tn Pi n maushtp aud Ailtlmictlc If deslnnl. Aildri ss vMfd 11. C. WElDLhlt. RKDULTIOM I Te these In want "of a summer suit et Clethes, Pautaloenlnus or Vestlnirs can save money by calllmr at Hescnsteln's TatleriiiK l'ar l'ar ters, where'ii lieneml lieductlen has lieen made. A Uoed Summer Serge Suit ler lis, trimmed with 1'onwreeMlk A Nice English Serge Suit In Htue and Hlnck for Jn Kleiraut r.vutnloens ferM. Patent Mraps nre Perfect lltllu. A. 11. K0LNSTK1N,37 North Uueen St. N1 ener. The crecen'men of Lancaster tllv ateheieby notified that SA Mil KL OL AtlkK. of Ne S VV est Ktmr stun?!. Mill net be supplied with, nor under any consideration be ullustiHl te sell our 11 SURPRISE" Reller Precess Fleur. ald Clarke inav have about one barrel en hand, vihlch ends the sale of Surprise Hellei 1 lear for any ether 1 Itfure but marketable price. m. ju. jyiuuKit;, Manutuiiuter burprl-e Heller rieui. Id telmutna, l'a. sei. tfd TTt'IiTON OPERA llOlSI- ew u-:i:h.un.iXMM. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1880. THE DIsrlM.LIMlKH ACTHE9S, MISS L1LL1E 111NT0N. -sii'i'eiirKD in MISS SALLIE HINTON And a strong ( einpany will lowing ltepertelre appear In the fob MO.VI) V . SEPT 1 1 t un at Saratoga TUEslltl, " ll-Lleiels and MineMne A KIISKSllAt," 15-M 1' Tlll'HSDAl. l.-llneeiial Match Htl DAI, ' 17-Clvll Marrlace, SATI'ltDAl MATIVEK.SKPT. H-'lvtoKejes " NIGHT, SEPT. 1-Love Chase. AHMIH'tON 10, and WCKNTS. HfcSLKVKU SEATS 30CK.N1-. New en sale nt Ojieni Heuse Oflice slO-std R KDUCT10N IN bllOKS. Great Reduction -IN SHOES. Ladies Hest I'eMile Ilutten Shoes, fl.15 and 11.50. Ladles' Geed Olevo Tep Ilutten Shoej, It a, II Vlund UW Ladies Lancaster Kid llntten Shoes, riwnnd ti'M. Misses' Hest Pebble Scheel Shoes llcel, II 10, tlUandllM Misses' r tne Kid Ilutten Shoes, Heel or Spring lleel.lt n, 11.50. II 7X ( hllds' Sprtng-llecl Shoes, .'Si,G3c nnd 7ic. Ladles' Opera Slippers, 7Jc. and II. 00 Women's Heuse Slippers, 50c euttu' and Heys' Scheel Shoes, 11.00, 11.25. Heys' Klne Ilutten or Lacn Shoes, ll.5uandri. Men's (feed Lace Shrx-s, II taand II W. Men's line Call Lacuund Ilutten bhees, i.j and f.'.M. JOHN HIEMENZ, NO. 51 NORTH QUEEN ST., junclllydr- (I.NgUlUEK HL'ILDINO ) rriiwii a imeTiii:a HIRSH & BROTHER Call Attention te luelr Line el Fall and Winter Novelties uuriuii -fOlt- MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN, -AND- Our Superb Stock, -OF Plaid, Checks, Bread-Wales, Corkscrews, Meltons, Whitneys, Etc. IN OUU Merchant Tailoring Department. AN KAHLV INSPhUllON 1 INVITED. HiTsh & Brether, ONE-PRIOE Clothiers and Furnishers, ceuntt Neirrii quiccN btukktanu OKNTItE BgUAltK. 4-bteie Uu4ai,veiy day utfip, m, Eutuiday allup,ui. KAnlir Alenn Cleuiine 0 111 mkw AnrmuTMitmnKHT. tyANTKI) -A COOK. APPLY AT NO. T MINOinil lll.'KKHTIlkKT. 2-lld TMP0HTK1) IN HOTTI.KS-l'lNi: old inian whisky AT ItOIIKKH'H LIOUOIl SlOltE, MJCKN 1HK Kijll MtK, Uincaster, l'a, jaOeii r7siiAi:i'i'KU's ' PURE RYE WHISKY. RU2Jldlt DUKE sritKM' l.tQUOIt STOItK. CUllltY l'OWDKU, I1AY l.r.AM-1, ) Mustard Seed Tiiriuerlc, and a lull line of the Hues! iiuallty of w hole and Ureuiid Spices, iilltable lm preserving, can lm had at HUHLKVS lUtM) SIOHK, test hliiR street, Jl GKUIIAUT, Fine Tailoring. A Full nnd Complete stock et Unpelled and Demestic Hultliitf anil Ovcroentluu; Ker the Kail Traitn new nmdy te select Hum. Call eal ly te secutii llest St) tes. H. GERHART, Ne. U N yU EEN ST., Opposite the PiMtollli-e mar27 ljdlt Cl'KClAl. lt.VHUAINSt OIIKAI' SALK OF TEAS ANDCOFFEES. A Speclst Supply Just received In Imlk 1 ie leetetl by Hie mini competent connoisseurs. l rNT "TICkKT" COFFKK for tft CF.N1S. SU.UKNT "11CKKT ' COFFHK ter I 'J 0F..MS. Kitm t.iadea of Coffee, at, is and, Cents Sold en their Merita live PiMindsi.f KXTHA ItlO COtFEK lel KOe. -AT MacNay's TEA AND COFFEE STORE, NOS. Ill 117 MlKl'll yl'EKV S1IIKK1'. liUAM'I .VTt-.H si U lt, it. . SOU Hill IE SI l. Vlt. Ik 0111 1 hull e or the most bcaulltnl tiutediaids In the utv All OimhW Deliveied Fiee Cen- nectid with Ti tcphone Exchange. STUAUIHT OUADK OF "SURPRISE" ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR, Only SO Cents' a Quarter. (cpietld w ii.i.iAM.seN a resrint. -IOH- Beys and Children. We aru nrvparetl tenupply all out pKtiens wilh Fn! t leihliiK for IViyuutl Chtltlrtni In SulUer O1I1S l'tiuts. 'Ilit ojHertinoni H no cemplti. tLu btsl nnd prcttlf-jt patUTim urealuAatbn tlrst chern, thrrfen thi early t ller will hdv thfl alnntnt;e of thu lariat ftlrctleti. Prlccu feri HIl.OKK.N S MM, U1T will ntiiRe from $. r. U) ' 1 tie fl-hiutM nre 1'IeiUtM iml Itvltea 'luntc with runcy l:ucklt. -TIIK- BOYS SUITS 1 111 be worn Straight rout, acW Crtit 1'Knt.i n littln wuier than leruit rly Tht? re aer" bftmWemu ( ut tv waj .sick Ceat matl for thoe who tin net likrftii) eIIum itylr, Imt thetrnttiht Frent ack Ceat Is the lashleii. l'lKe; for lle) li te lyearMer aAu, M) te Jt. Gent's Light Weight Overcoats, S6.00 TO $23.00. NEWbllL.fc.SlX NECKWEAR, Cellars and Oufls, AND- EUIL DRESS SHIRTS, WITH MAUIIOW PLEATS Oil KUKNCll PlyUE ritON'TS, COLI. s-lts a si. turrs te match GEMT'S FALL STYLES IN Fine Silk Hats. FLEXUILE FELT DEHBYS AND- Seft Hats. Beys' Plush and Velveteen Hats AND ri!ii.iiii:.vM'iM'Y roi.es. Beys1 and Children's Shoes LIUTION Oil LACK FKONTS IN KID, 1'EIIIII.E, OOAT OK C'Al.r' SKIN. ANKATOllII.D'dMD SHOK, ll.iil. A O0OD, 8TI10NU rUIUILK OOAT HOIS' hllOE, II Si. Xi l?netnp KIIIIOUII v rueiw, 32, 34, 36 & 38 E, King St,, I.ANOA3TKII. l'A. run HALtt. F IOH ItKST, Twiiimn nlerv LieuBi'S. Ne. SI West Chest nut utri.'t, MjpW tfd Al'1'l.Y AT THIS OrriCK. OK HUNT. A DOUIlt.K TWO-STOHV 1IK1CK 1IOUSK wIlliSAcruDOf L.nnl,cernr l'rtnceHiul .himcs hticclH. TliiriilsuBtttiiluaiiil tnlmcce Klu d 011 ttii)reraliO. l'oseslon glvea Imnifdlutuly. Apply ut augsstld 3JJ KABTOKANMBST. TJKIVATIJ HALli I WILL, HAVE A Oar-Lead of Canada HerseB I IV NEXT8ATIMIDAV, L 1ml tluaj and llenvy Dratt. AI1.0.011 Uundnome WESTKKN IIOU3tS-Hul. Clan DrlverHBiid lertlfimnil nrm Un. UKOKUE UUOSb.MAN. OUI'llANH' COU11T HAI.K. Oil HA'IUUDAl, HKl'TKMIIKU ll,li0.Bt tlie I'leuKli tavern en West KlnKftrcct, l.Hiicas tei city, llie nnderiilttnedHdiiiliilatruter of Henry llurklu), deceid, will mpeau ul publle lale by l, f ,,., .it mh t,ri1r,if ltillri,rinnB' ..(,nr. nt I.HI1. ra-ster county, all tSat One-Story 1IIIIUIC DWKI.I.I 1.NU1IU JUSE,oiialetorplceofKround licleiib'UiK tlinifte, Nes, Hi und U Maner tri-et. 1 uncuHUT euy, nieiuurinir in irem - tU'et afenwttid, 31 Icet, und extending In dentil 101 rent. Thli prejierty la dejlrauly located i.ii (joed trull tnej, aud lJ In Ml reiwcU a very dc u.i.ini..i..i.i.t4.i.iMtii. lu.eufaid day. when lunus and conrtltlen will Imiiiidu known uy " ii4ii ",'. TZTt I.11UUH1UO, I Adiulalatruter. I bp4 Ctd FALL WEIGHT IT V .rnenn A it II K r. It K NTS, "KlUlrON UlT.ltA IIOI'HK. 1'rlJny, S3opteniber 10, 1000. 1 UK LIIAIIMINtl l.llll.K SOUIIIlKriK, FLORENCE J. BINDLEY, (llaby llludley), An IIAIIIIIEI.LK, In llittlcy t'smpbell's (Heal Sensational Cemeify fsraina, HEROINE IN RAGS. llt,,J,.,.'"ti,,l,. ''V Hie eminent young actor, IIKN1U TA 1.1101 T, and a Oraiul Meliopelllau ,',lM .- 'ar'eed ul miiKnltlcent scenery! LlrKant sliiRi, Apiielntuieutsi lleiiutlfiil Cos Ces tiiiues' Slaitl nK i,i,,n,t iniricalu Median, leal Mlictst ihe Acme of Sei-satleual Insplra. 11.111 the Mini llnl.iue and Nevel Dramatic. Piviluitlnnef the Ak) ! II I U KS , M x 7 C K N 1 S. Iiescivcd Seats at Opera Heuse. sep7-it If Jil'l.TON Ol'IMlA UOl'Hi: BURTON'S GEORGIA MINSTRELS! VV III upon ut ilia above hull, pre punitery t" their l'lrt Aiiuiuil liMir tliniiiKtxMit the l'ullid Strttes, Oil BATUIWAY, BBPTBMUBn 11, 1000 Altlinimli Ne 'I loupe, II comprises the lwt neleited tnlent tint 1011I1I be neciuwl eneli urtlsl ndiiited te tits apiclnlty In thu Mlustiel Profession. 20 ARTISTS. 20 CONS1ST1NU or 81 KND MKN. CUM DANCKKS, BONO AND It VNCK MEN, hre., Nnl te be t.vitlleil In their I.lueef lluslueas. ADMIssle.N-iJ A JJ t ENTS. 11EO. A. lllMtlON, I'ropileter and Manaeer. M 11. (HiuiKMli, Aavanee Ai;enl. nep? 41 1880. HTATK l'A IK. 188CJ. INCOIU'OIIATLD 1851. Wiil ANNUAL EXHIIUTION PennsylYauia Agricultural Society llreaJ Street and .ti Aiemie ; inn ruiA Sei1cmliur ttlh le ISIli, IiicliiiUe. Kntrld Kree. Coiupetittett epen te ny, KXCURS-'OfllCKErS ON ALL UAILROAuS. Buildings and Grounds in Oom Oem Oom pleto Order. D. W.SKII.EU, A. M U.IIKLM, llecldlng secietaiv. I'lvaldent El.lllUDUE Mi 1 ONKhl, Cori.xpeinlliiirSi'C'r. aURI-lSldeedAltw mir tmimti. N Flannels and Weel Dress Goods, Tim will flint Ileal IhmhIs und llullein l'rlca AT Tll North Eud Dry Goods Stere. J. W I1VKNK. nevMyd Ne. iii North Queen alteet. N Ji:V ATrilAfllONS -AT STAMM BROS. & CO, New. 20 nntl 20 North Queen St. l.ASCASTKIt. PA. FALL DRESS GOODS. Striped und 1'l.ild Vetclllra. Tricot lletha In l'laln and fancy Colera. JMack Dress (.oeils a Specialty. Ily keeping a Variety and at I,ew Prices we hee te inake our DHU'jS HOODS IIKPAKTMKNT THE MOST ATTU.U 1 1 K IN '1 UK CI VI . BOSTON STORE. WA the cleslUK movement Is ceneraleur Steru will nut be op 11 uxicpl Slmduyiv enlllK". N i:V I'AI.I. HOODS. THIS Sl'KCIAI. HAt.K or TWO IIUNDUKD l'IKCT.S Black Prencli Cashmeres, OL'lt OWN IJIl'OUTATION, Haa been an Immenae Success. These oetla nerubeuithlby us lx months aire when prices Here the lowest uver kueiMi, and mu aru new xellliiK theiu from Sc, te l.V:. a yard lesa than any Importer can land them te-day. Wonre confi dent tbul no better vuluu haa iver been eilcred In thla or any ether market, and we cordially In vile I allcs who have samples from ether titles te call, exainlne and cemparu qualities and pilcea. Ihey were mnde by the beat mnnnlac turer, djedaud tlnlshid by the best dyers, and isiiiiu In ull ahadea lrem Jet te .llrluhl llluw lllack. AL.I. UOOI. KUKNCll CAS1IMKUKS, lOlnibri Ide , J7Xc. a yard. Al.b WOOL, KUKNCll CABIIMKKK8, 10 Inchea n Ide ; UK. a yard, Al.l. WOOL KUKNCll UASIIMKUH.a, ISIiiLbw wldu i bee a yard. ALL WOOL KUKNCll CASH I! KllKS, 10 Inches wlde ; tf.'Xc. u yunl. ALL, WOOL KUKNCll CA81IMKKK.S, 10 Inches wldu; t7ca yard. ALL, WOOL KUKNCll CABHM l:UK3, 10 Inchea wldu; 75c a yard. ALL WOOL KUKNCll OASIIMK.llKS, Winches wlde ; b7Jc, a yard. ALL WOOL KUKNCHICASHMKUta ID Inches wlde , ll.iu a yai il. EEW YORK STORE. VJflTT & SHAND, Noh 6, 8 nnd 10 East Kleg Btroet. VAIlUlAllrif. GTANDAHD UAKUIAOU WOHK. Edw. Edgerley, CARRIAGE BUILDER Mtirket Streot, rtenr or Poateffloo, Lanoaater, Pa. Mv ateclt comprlaes a large variety of the 1 ni,t Mtvln 1IukK'"i I'liaalenn, CarrluKiw, llnr. k.and luislneaa Wa'ena, which I elfer ul the very lowest figures and en the most leasonable Wlll special attention te a tow el my own de tins, one et wlilcn Is the KDU KKI.K VCI.O.IKll rflialCIAN COUl'K, which la decidedly the neatest, lltthieat and 1110s; complete l'hyalclan'a Carrlane In the country. l'oraens wlahluir le buy n geed, honest and aubat&nllal article, should bear In mind that they taku no liak In buying my work. Kvery Carrtave turned out In elirhtoen yeara a geed one that la the kind of goaiunteo I have te otter the public. All work fully warranted, l'leai Ktve me a call. lIK.l'Alltl.NO I'KOMl'TI.Y ATTKNllKD TO One sit uf weikuivu especially employed lm thai purpose a -. ms. -M. .faBBt tfeWminlsfafl1n tabatiift