Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 09, 1886, Image 1

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Katlner II, (I, Itutli, el New llnuvllle, Till.
Iliet'eiulililnn. of I'enpernltu., Kepler
mill nil the Ileal of ttm A.triiimmei..
A fewdaysagnn llghlly built, clean cut,
IntelUctiinl looking men entered the Intki.
I.KItlNiT.niilllcnatid modestly laid a small
bundle nt manuscript en the editorial table.
Thochler copygrluiler picked It up iituler
the Implosion that It was nu niitiiiim uaiii,
lint was nenrly shaken oil III" t'lialr when he
liMiml mi iwriimil that Hi" manuscript In
question contained tlm announcement of a
new uiul wonderful astronomical theory that
proes(l te demolish the conclusions el
CeiKirnlcii", Kepler, Nowteu ami all the rest
of tlm elit fogies whom modern selentMts
have lioeii nccutomed te regard as demigods
hi their pattlculnr line. U Hush,
el New Danville, Poquea township, laucas.
toreminly,(ror that It the iiame el thu daring
nebular who m begun tlie new eruicvle fur
truth) wi Hunt miulest about hluiseir, mill
It iai only by mjiue admit questioning Ihose
facta could Ik) elicited regarding 111 til.
He is a native of l'equea township anil oh eh oh
tnlueil hia education at the Mlllornllle Nor Ner
mal Hchoel, graduating thorn In Isn't, I'er
three ) ears niter that hu taught iiiathetiiatlua
In the Nermal school, when his health tail
ing, he nhttidnued nchoel work, Ixnitttit a
farm near Ins old home and has UhI the llfe
of nu agriculturist ever since, lie has nlwnvn
lieeu regarded as ene of the iiiimI nagacleus
members of tlie county agricultural aoclely.
ImhI Juuuary while lying en a sick ;ihx,
sullnrlng Irem an attack el sciatica, Mr. Utish
picked up hit innthematlcn tern llttle recroa recrea recroa
tleu. An old (liNCUaslmi or the prolilem of
IIkIiIh that he had at Mllloravllle came hack
In him, and this stimulated lila Investigations
until he lilt iieii what, IT It proves te he true
will class his uauie with these of thu greatest
of astronomer. Mr. Hush hat lieeu twlce
married, and with hi. wlle and ene child
IImi en hla New H.111MII0 rami. Tlie an
noiiiicement or his discovery glven Isilew li
In hia own language. Hestalm thit he has n
work or IOO (tages of manuscript, devoted al
most entirely te demonstrations, which will
piove the truth or the preposition he makes,
and which he will someday gtve te thu pub
lic. Mil Hl,lMCH A.MIV.yfK3IKM.
I'ii,itltlin. Ily Vttiltli lie Kspetl. In Kumli
tli A.lnniuiultal Werlil silly.
The presrixw or lutollectiial de oteiiiivnt la
in no iiiHtaucti mero evldcut than in the ad
aucoiiient el nilrenumlcul vlunce , and 110
ether aclinice la mi w oil cilciiUted te cnlarn
our conception el the imuieiinlly, U'.iuty and
harinouleUH atnhtilty erthu luudlcraftoiUeil.
AROa upon bum the phuuimiuiin el the htM.
iihwe!ii watchnt anil lutorpretrnl with an
IH'rstltloiiafear. I'er lenrlwn couturjea mero,
ilntlm; nliueal ulth the coiiiuitmceinont of
the t'lntitlan urn, the new abiurd notion
prexallinl that the earth 1. the cuutre or the
iiuUcnte, nbeut which the myriad hetla of
hwuuuly IjeOkm porferiu thitlr dally com no.
KiauilniHl In thu llht of adv-niicitiK acluuce
the meMiuiunU el the plauuL. .lMlluiii;ed the
cerru.tnevi or thin bellur, and luMted lintw
tl ration. Itaeeina atraiiKe that In apltu el
the ruiiowued Intollcctief the hu.itluui anes
the solution of no renaiicuuua a problem
should remain for he late u H.'rhnl hi the sU
tuenth cenury.
Copenitctl'S though Kit'atli" a.tatsled I13 the
doctrliieof curtain (nuek writura, injy truly
Ira regarded ai the lather or modem aitiono aitieno aitione
my. Ily him woderhotho plauer the solar
Kjnlein, that tlie ami l.thoceiitroaUnit which
theplanuta rmeHa Semewhat later, Kep
ler liirulaheH the law aT eipial nrea. In uual
llmua. Hut greater Uiantheae and elder man
these, though later dl-overod, la Newteu'a
law or uuheraal gra itatieu, by the aid of
which the iiiystorie. et heaxeu may be 11 11 11
ceuiih1 inlllleii. boyeud the limit el the laat
The natural order in thoileolupiiiunl et
mathematical uatrouemy la that the law
el ,ril I'tiii-tt aheilld proiedo. Kepler's
law and the ayateui et .'opernlcut are but
the natural ellaprluR of unl graltntleu.
Ily reason of the linerse order et ilevelo ilevele
ment, (ra errura hae beun committeil and
JHjrH)UiatiHl te tlie preauut, much te thoeui.
liarraHameut et mcUiuce, chief anions which I.
the doctrine that thu heavenly bodlei iiiemi
In ellliwes, purntwla. and hyertKlaa. Kei.
ler iu lila taws announce that the orbits or
the planets are elliptical and that the still oc
cupies ene of the loci. Newton acceptM ami
endeavor te ilouienstratotho i-errivtnevi and
enlargra by Bhewing the ea..ltilllty 111 the
caoef great velocities of jurulHilic and by
IHjrtKilic erbltx, in which ceuieta wlilchaie
net iHirlodiearo aupitesml te move. All el
thi. it It proposed by demonstration te prove
The challenge, then, which in extended te
all who ehoeao te accept it, la, tliat the lavva
et Kepler pertaining te the form of orbits
and the relation of the periodic time te tlie
mean distance together with allot Newton's
demonstrations and enlargement iiKn the
aaine are faulty. It Is obtervod, then, that
only ene el the three Kepler laws Is ac
cepted. A brief nytiepiis or what It la pro)e.ed te
ghe in exchange for thu adopted de. trine la
all that the limit of n new 11 pa per article w ill
It will be shown by ifcinoiis'rnrien, and
net by oMcrt'dien, as Kepler did, that the
form of all orbits la nrcufur and that the ceil
tral force may occupy any position in the
orbit from contre te circumterence, oxclud exclud
lug only the clrcuinlorunce. That tlie poal peal poal
tlen el the central ferce with reforeuce te tlie
centre of thu orbit, -in ether werda, that the
ucceutrlclty or 1111 orbit depunda upon thu
relation between tlie cenlrirngal and con cen
trljiebd forces of which It (the eccentricity)
la the direct mid exact measure ; that the
tleijrer of ceetnlrieitfi determines the amount
of jHriifiM cc(riu((ierceat tho;)criicfieii
of an urblt,
I'altig what la called the non-eccontrlo
urblt, In which tlie central ferce occupies the
centra or the urblt, as the unit of comparison,
the law and formulae are derived which
establish the relation nnieng the eloments el
any orbit; viz., tlie olecit, area, period and
It will alHe be shown by theso demonstra
tions that If any planet woredoprlvodorabout
0110 feurtli el its centrltugal momentum the
coaaeipjeuce In one-halt of u revolution
would Isj precipitation Inte the sun, which I.
also radically opMsed te Newton, who deus
net con cede the JMMslbillty or proulpltsllen he
loin; as h rumiiaut et centriliigal fuice ro re
iiialna. Conscious that the burden of proof mid dis
proof rests ujMjii tlie author, lie la prepared
te ahew where Newton, who accepted tlie
correctness of Kepler by mlstakliigareiiiffiiiC
lern I'driuuir, passeu wmilii a hair's breaillli
or the truth, mid thou by violation of nu
axiom arrived at conclusions upon the merits
el which resta the present doctrlne or orbital
motion j the merita or the ellipse, tlie parabola
mid the hyperbola, ai applied by Nowteu te
erbita, all rest upon a common foundation
and must ahare a common late. It will be
ahew 11 that the only condltieu In which the
law or gravitation appllea te elliptical motion
Is when both recl are occupied by equal
forces, and that only as a special caae, which
again dl8iialllles Its application te the aetar
Ily a generalization cyclehUl equation,
which represents tlie )ric effiny jiebii upon
the mcdiu et the generating circle, the abse
Inte and relative motions of a primary nd
Its Bocendary about the huh Is expressed In
general terms which satieties the conditions
or tlie l'roblem of Three lledlus.
The iiiiiieuncuiiKint that the orbits of the
comets hveii areciicular. inay te the educated
appear unworthy of netii e ; but wheii vvu re
member that hu Inr as ebtcrtutvm i t-1
cemed, it is iuipes.lblu te dlstiugtllsli bo be
tweeu small audleim of coule curves do de do
Bcrlbed upon u large scale we should at least
be open te conviction In the faieef satis fac
tory demonstration.
With this auueuncemeiit as a foreruunor,
the author Is prepared In the near future te
present te the puulte the demonstrations by
which he has attained te theso mid various
ether Hlgnlllcant conclusions.
II. U. KUHir,
New Danville, J'j.
A F.w Felntera.
Ker Iho better understandlDgef the uulliat-
ed lit astronomy, lhoe general facts are laid
down 1
The anclenta bollevml that tlm planet" re
volved In clrclea around the aim, but Hip
iwrclius dlaoevorod (hat the nun took aeveral
days longer te pasa thieugli ene hall or Its
courae than the ether ntul no established Ibe
tlieery of the ocuentrle.
Kepler, when cngBKfsl In a atudy or the
mollmiaef Mara, found that no circular orbit
liowevor ecceiitrlc would represent hlsobser hlsebser hlsobser
vatlen,Bndartor long calculations ileleriulnml
that Mara meved In auultlpse having the nun
In ena focus, and that all the planet moved
In the aame manner. Me then announced
the following laws:
I. Kach planet moves around the sun In
an oil Ipse, having tlie huh hi 0110 el Its
II. The radius vector Joining rw'h planet
with the huh, moves ever equal aieas In
emial times.
III. Thoaquareuf the tlmoef revolution
of each planet la proHrllencd te thoeuho of
It mean distance from the ami.
On theso three laws model n astiuueiny I.
Copernicus Improved 1111011 thoalmple and
aclentllle thoerloa or lllpparchus, by xtill
further aliiiplllylng thorn through the aiib aiib
Rllltltleii or the Btui for the earth as thu contra
ul thu MyHlem.
Mr. Hush, el this county, new pnisie. te
overthrew the llrst and third et Kepler's
laws and re establish au eccentric th eery.
Vtuli, Mahr and Kerntiiifr rruiiuiiLi Tlinlr
Opliilniia ul tlm Itutli Timer)',
Professer J, H. Slahr, of l'raiiklln and M ir
ahnll college, was Interview d by an l.vii:i..
i.iiii:nci:k res)rter who aubmllled Mr.
Hush' proixisltieiiH. Alter careful perns d
llie professor said that a. till. Is simply an
announcement, ami no argument was etlvied
there N net much te be slid atmut IU " I
will venture, however, hi use a epular ex
pression and say I think he ha. bitten oil
mere than he can chew,"
ltexirter It he chew It he will be the
giuatest man of our limes. Will he nut
l'ref. Ntnhr " He most cnrtaliilv will. He
writes clearly mid seems te have a knowl knewl knowl
inlge el hi subject, but he attempta nut only
te overthrew the conclusions of Kepler
and Newton, lint also the many cMlciilatieus
founded en thorn and the fact that the e
Uljllshed laws have enabled astruueiuura te
calculate the orbits ofremot, with such no
curacy a. te predict their return has ntrengtli ntrengtli
ened theso laws.
l'mfosser Ktahr thought that Mr. Hush
went tee far In saying that se far a. obser
vation i. concerned it I Impossible te ills
tlugiilsli between small sections or coelo
curve described upon a large Hcale," ler
with any llirtxi points vve ran construct thu
curve, mid It Is done with great accuracy In
the case of comets.
I'rnl Krr.luirr I. ul Ihe H.ine Opinion
The ropertcr called upon l'roles.or ICeinh
ner, whoagreosl with I'rortwmer Ktahr and
added that Mr. Hush had undertaken en
tirely lisi much, that thu hv stem he neught
te overthrew rested net aloue en Newton's
vurllicatlen but en thateriiuudreds el ethers
who had secured thu "a me results by dlller.
out metliesls overand ever again. At the
aauie time it was or course o.sible that Mr.
Husli had discovered aemethlng. "The
most fatal error In hii paper," said the pro pre pro
lesser " I hi stateinent with regard te the
ditlictilty in distinguishing botweou amall
aoctieusot large curve. 'I list 1. den? con
stantly mid with such accuracy that Iu oti eti
serving the tusstge el comets around the
sun acurveilrawn Irem three points Is proved
and corrected by. fourth 111 that compara
tively short distance."
tiviin ah it hunr.ui .iifl.iie.v ..
Uh.t Wuniati'. Helping llantl Ha. IIeua In the
l.utlteraii Church.
The fsoveulh annual con volition of the
Women's Heme and I'orelgu Missionary
aoi'lety, of the Kastern synod of l'onnsyl l'ennsyl
vanla, lwgau It sessions iu HL Jehn's I.uth
ernu church, this city, Tuesday evening.
The attendance was net large, but the pro pre pro
(cedings were Intereatliig.
The sorvlce which oiKiued at 7 :lj, wa. con
ducted by Hev. Sylvanua Stall, pastor el .St.
Jehn's Lutheran church, who read the lull
liturgical serviie of thu Lutheran church,
astlsUst by Hev. J. . ltumple, of llalliiiiore.
Alter thechelr had rendered mi appropriate
anthem, Hev. J. A. Clutz, of lliltimere, sec
retary el the beard el home and foreign
missions, addressed the audience at length.
He 1 n HKiakeref greit pewer.and presented
a ery enceurnging account of the auieunt or
missionary work horetoloro done by the
Keciety, and el the vast Held or labor yet te
be tilled, esiieclally iu the great West, North
west ami Southwest, states and territories,
from the small beginning of the society
tltoie have arisen 400 auxiliary socie
ties, with a membership el ever 10, 10,
euu. I'reni April, 1Ss5, te April, ls;,
fl'1,1-- has been raised ler missionary work.
New home missions have been raised in
many cities during the past year, from New
iwrt, K. 1., iu the Kvst te hall l'raiui. in
the WiwL, and this fall there will be 0110 e
tablished iu I .os Augnlev, California. Toe
subscription te the JMiienur.v Juunml, the
organ et the society, have grown te 11,000
1'aithful and zealous missionaries areat work
al nil points, but their number must be in
creased, and they must be sustained by the
material help et the friends of the cause In
the old mother church and the synod.
I'ref. I-. W. Haas conducted the music and
presided at the organ. At the clese el Mr.
Clul.'s address Mia Mary Jul merman saug
11 nole, " The King of Lords my Shepherd Is,"
oueol fioutied's best compositions. It was
very linely rendered.
A collection was taken up fur the mission
Tlie uorvlces worn closed w 1th a low re
marks by Hev. Stall and a benediction.
Thursday Melulug'N hr.sluti.
At 9 o'clock the convention was opened
with devotional exerclses led by Mrs.
Melcher, of liurham, l'a. At 0:J0 the dele
gates te the convention prosentod their cre
dentials, which worerolerred ten committee
011 credentials.
An nddicHS of welcome was made by Miss
Kniiiia Sener, of this city, mid was responded
te by Mrs. A. Wulliuger, of Philadelphia.
The president of the aoclety, Mrs, H. C.
Kuthraull, of Lebanon, read her annual ad ad
dress, which contained a concise detailed
statement or the work or the society for the
past ear and 1I11 noeds for the present mid
Thu reHrt el the corresponding aocretary,
M. H. Alhle.ul, Harrlsburg, was read. It
shown that tlie area of mission work lias been
extended during the past your, and that pre
gress lias iKieu maiie 111 an uirocuens.
Mrs. Ida Soiiginaster, treasurer, preKented
her report, showing that (1,1 10. IS had
Iweu received by her as treasurer during the
llrst year, which Is (171 mera than vvns re.
coived the preceding year.
Tlie auuience sang itiuse uiki irem
whom all blessiiigs Hew."
HeM)rts of the organizing committee wero
next read, from which It appeared that four
new auxiliary societios had been formed dur
ing thu past year three or thorn being Iu the
Kasteu coulerenco and 0110 lit the Lebanon
conferonco or cyned.
An able iianer entitled "Our Werk" was
read by Miss Mary Allemati, et Steelten.
ThoIeHowliigcoininlttoos were appointed
with Instructions te report this alto r neon :
Committee te nominate nlllcera.
Coinmltteo te audit treasurers accounts.
Comuilttee en resolutions.
Coeimlttoo te take charge of and make
Hale or goods Bent home from India.
Mast of the goods from India are samples
of needle-work niade by the girls iu the mis
sion schools of India.
A paper en the " Hospenslbillty of Chris
linn women as regnrds nilsslennry work,"
written byMra. V. C. Cretl, el .Schuylkill
Haven, (who was net proHeut), vva,s read by
Mrs. Charles Ksslch.
"Nearer My Ued te Thoe" was huhb by the
convention, prayer was otleted by Hev. J.
A.Uutz,aud the couventlou adjourned te
- e clock, p. ua.
l'ockelbeoka Found.
Yesterday While Charles Hleeln wan en.
gaged cleaning up the dirt, rubbish, Aa,
irem the ground In McOrann'a park, he
round live pockelbookg, which had been
oencoalod beneath a leg en the grounds
Keur or them are almost new. Tuey wero
likely stelen during the fairaud hidden after
being rilled of tuelr contents.
lift Kile. Het Shet al Ihilh the IIIk I'arlle.,
Hut In I'ailltular hierli. Ilin Itrpulill
, an. .Heater. Teiiiierance Kecnrd
In m f.lren.e Cae A..Allrit.
The llrst Prohibition meeting of the cam
paign was held 111 the court house Wed
nesday evening, it was called toerdorliy
1. H. flood man, with about three bund red
people present. Mr, (loedinaii announced
that the usual custom would be followed of
einlng the meeting with ptayer, Hev. Hill,
colored, was then Introduced, and the audi
ence rising he niade a braver ul considerable
ohxiuetice and length.
The HMjaker of the evening, Waller T.
Mills, el the editorial stair or the New Yerk
I We, was then Introduced. Mr. Mills Is a
Riiialt man with a strong voice and a large
head, thu latter evidently containing brains
in littoral quantity. He steed upon a chair
the better te address hi audience, and by a
Mew or words mid lads that wen truly won
derful, he held them nil, with few excep excep
tlen,uiilil III peroration closed at ten o'clock.
He quoted Illshep Fiwter as saying that II
nil the men nppesetl te tlie saloons could be
brought te Maud oil one side, and all the
mini Iu favor of naloens 011 the ether, the aa aa aa
loens could net fland for nu hour. He an
nounced as his opinion that a large majority
el the xsopIe were opposed te tbe naloens
mid that tuey can be brought te stand to
gether and take possession of the country
ler the overthrew et saloons. Weel the Pro
hibition party are the geese In the head el
Heck, and the ethers will fellow along after
iisnllern while.
A jeung man sitting Iu his elllcu Iu the
upper Meers of a building listened te a
speaker In the street belew, who hnd placed
11 beard across two barrels, and from them
was addressing a crowd of thirteen men ; and
the young man lelt pity for the Hissaker who
was ae loelish as te think that he could ac
complish anything by such Insiimlllcant
work. Hut that man en thu barrels waa
Chase, mid In three years he was governor or
A row men canmakea pith that thou
sand will fellow. We have broom corn
enough, but what we need is te tie it up In n
broom, and put a handle te It, Thore are
plenty or men who agree with us, but they
need te be united en tills issue.
He thou proceeded te the consideration or
the three artles bolore tlie people, lle
found laiilt Willi the Douiecratlr pirty'a ox ex ox
cesslvo supply or principles and then asked
what they were. Net receiving a reply he
proeeodod te dwell upon the vast number el
planks In the Democratic platforms and par
ticularly tiiwn the fact that 111011 witli oppo
site opinions tieii Important mibjuct might
be found In that (urty. l'ree traders aud
protectionists, mill sliver mid silver, all
united. Then the canie reasoning wan ap
plied te tlie Hepubllcaii party with disastrous
ellrct. PIvocenLs wasollejisl fornltopubll fernltopubll fornltepubll
cau iirlnclpleaiid silence followed.
V .MOMII1KI. p.vmv,
Tint iurty marshals In its hestn the high
tarltl New Yerk Vi'miir, and the tree trade
Chicago Tiihuw. The Hilver king or the
West and the anti-sllver banking lntorestsor
the hast. Jehn Sherman, w he nneers at pro
hibition aud Ilayird, prohibitionist j lllaine
a HKllsmaii aud hdmundsu civil sorvice re ro re
fermer. Hut a light 011 any question that
puts all the rrletids iu ene camp, aud all the
loes In nuotlier would be fatal te both these
parties. Tlie Prohibitionists me men of ene
idea, et ene Idea at a time. The ether parties,
the speaker alleged, were en both Hides
of every questleu, and the only real ques
tion U'tween them Is ene of spoils.
He reminded his bearern that 11 resolution
brought bofero the Hepublicau state couvon ceuvon couven
tlou upholding the constitution was voted
down. He then argued that inonejioly would
be unable te erganl70 the state legislature
and take possession el the courts unless it
could hnd purchasable votes, mid proceeded
te demonstrate that the saloons he debased
lneu by 1110.1ns or liquor thai their votes were
niade easily purchasable. "As long as a sa
loon remains It will supply the votes te be
bought, and se leug money will be the deter
mining factor iu jour pelltliw." rromeut's
platterm had but cue great plank and that
related te slaver. Like the Prohibition
party a pirty of ene ldea, bread enough
ler great men te stand nu.
The Kepublican party was a party of
ene Idea and, that idea attained, the
soul of that pirty lias gene aud it is a
party without any soul. It I dying mid
will seen be dead. He then graphically
depicted the contusion that would fellow
attempts te determine several things nt the
saine time In a debating necielr, a public
assembly, or a court . and hi assertion that
thu Prohibition party bad selected tbe chief
H)lltic,il criminal and preisxed te secure his
trial tlrst provoked uproarious applause. Men
who buy their way In te ollice cannot betrusted
after they get there, mid the saUxms make it
(siaslble ler them te get there.
The Democrats have no Prohibition plank.
Tlie Hepublicau have one, but have w rltten
iuiuss It "This is net our Blab." Quay is
endorsed by the liquor men aud Keller, the
piesldentel the Liquor Dealers' Loaguo,sup Leaguo,sup Loague,sup
jMirls him. Mr. Heaver told the speaker that
be did net knew whether tlie Republican
candidates intended tu adept ihe opinions of
the convention. Heaver vvns a geed man but
he was en the w reng Hide. Vete net for men,
but principle.
lle thou produced copies he haduiidoel
politieus ler naloeu licenses made by Heaver
and Uephnrt, attorneys. Heaver was a lorn lern lorn
perauce man j eh,yos, personally he was. Hut
the geed moral character of the applicant ler
a I Icen he must be proved. Mr. Mill investi
gated the court records for the character et
the llrst or tliese petitioners ler liceusuand a
terrible list or his otlcnses was rend ;
seventeen arrests were made in thir
teen j ears el a cltl.en whose geed
character Heaver proved. Tlie best ele
ment of Snow Shoe opposed this, but Heaver
vv lib the aid of tbe saloons, bias ceded. When
asked about this Mr. Heav or slid that it was
purely a matter el business.
Wolle'H stability en the liquor quostieti was
eulogized, and then tbe saker took a vigor
ous Issue with the Hepublicau parly en their
treatment et the negre whom they have told
tu disregard public questions and vote blind
ly ler the parly that gave him the ballet.
'I'liev bnve tint dared te put a colored man en
their ticket, mid the leidiug colored men of
the leuntry, North and Seuth are becoming
The Hpeech vvns liberally applauded mid nt
Its conclusion expressions et approval were
heard en all Hides
The meeting wits (lieu dissolved with the
request that Prohibitionists would remain te
orgaiile mid arrange ler a meeting next
week, but owing tu the lateness et the hour
net many remained. Anether meeting was
Hgieed upon for next Tuesday e veiling.
run i.ocvi.e.wirAHtv.
It vvns announced that Jehn M. Palmer,
colon d, Prohibition candidate ler congress
man at-large, will visit tliisceuiily at an early
dale and speak at several points te be hero here
niter lixed.
A club vvivsergatiiud with Mr. (irayblll nH
president pre. tent.
Messrs. lioediuan, Mills, Leenard and
Crawford havogeno te l'airmeunt, whorean
all day meeting will be held te-day.
Muriiliig Anuuemrnt fur a llurne.
This morning Councilman Heliert A. Kvans
drove out te his farm near tlie old factory.
He lelt his horse, which was hitched te a two
sealed phaeton, standing lu the yard. The
animal frightened ntsome object ami ran out
et Iho yard mid lu Hecklnud Htieet toward
town. At thoceruorofMiddloniid
HtreetH the herse foil heavily te the ground
cutting ami bruising himself severely. The
harness was badly lern, and although the
wageu was well shaken up it was net damaged
a ureal deal.
l'reiecutrli Fer Cot.
Alderiuan Harr, last ovenlng, heard Mai Mai
garetta Hoevor, ou a chaige of being incor incer incor
rlglble and beyend the control of her mother.
The testimony showed that such waa net the
case, and ihe alderman very properly dls
missed the case. and imposed the costs of
proseo'ition en ihe mother.
rmnr neon riumun miuutmu.
Mill Defeat. Ollne In the Match el Flflr lllrd
Kach The HKeep.take admit.
The two days' pigeon sheeting tournament
began at McUraun'fi park Wodiiesday attor atter attor
neun, and probably two hundred iorseiis
wero irefient. An admission feo of twenty twenty
flve routs was charged, ami a great many
lsiys scaled the fence, as thore wasivorylllttle
ollert niade te prevenl them by the ofllcers
en duty. The tlrst contest and the ene lu
which the greatest Interest waa manifested
was the match between Jacob F. Hill, the
iirofesslenal gunner of Iteadlug, and Jehn II,
Mine, of this city. This match waxfurdOOn
nidunt fifty blnla each. It was nhet under
Hurllngham rules, which allow the gunners
te sheet with both barrels, he that lu case of
miss with the llrst theycan use the second.
Ily the rules n bird that falls behind the gun.
nor, olther hit e net, is counted a miss. ly
mi agreement made between Hill and Cilne,
the fermer steed at thirty yards and the lat
ter at twenty-eight The boundary was
eighty yards. The birds wero geed, but slew
te rise, en account of het weather. The
nceru shows that the sheeting was
very geed and, although Mr. Cllne
was deleated, he made an excellent
Hcore. Cllne missed his llrst bird, but thou
.settled down te work and killed fourteen
straight. Ills sheeting was much better at
the llrst twenty-flve birds than at the list.
Twe el his birds dropped (lead Just 11 ceuple
of feet out or bounds. Hill missed his sixth,
eleventh and fourteenth birds, but then be be bo
came steadier and killed the next sixteen.
That was the longest run he made, aud dur
ing the remalnilnr of the match he lest four
mero birds. In the match each gunner used
both barrels twonly-eno times. Cllne killed
twelve birds by sheeting the necend time
and Hill llltoen. Tlie full Hcore was as fol fel
lows. Ulna..
( 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
j 1 muei 1 u 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 oeio-u
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
( 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 l 1 0 1 0 1 1 1-IJ
Fer thoBweopstakes match thore was eleven
ontrles. Kach man shot at Hv e birds under
Hurllngham rules. Theso entering piid Ci
each. ThoBcero was as follews:
Andersen. . 1
l.awience 1
lllniirhlli 1
I 1
0 .1
(lard tier,
lleck ....
Shelly ..
.. t
. 1
1 1 r
I 1-1
1 1-1
This gave Keitnrhl third money, with six
ties for first aud three for third. A sheet oil
at three birds each for tlrst money, resulted
in Hlnnershll, (ioedman and Holnnsen each
killing nil. They divided the prlze. Theso
who tied ler Hocend mouey shot nil at six
birds each aud Lawronce wen by killing
Te-Oav'm bhuutlug.
This morning the sheeting was ngaiu
iH'giin. The gunners nhet at woven birds
each at twonty-llve yards rise, lng Island
rules. The result w as :
haul cute, llc-idlug . ..,
Illmirrshttz, ltuaebig
till. Iteming
UarieM, Itcaalng..
llaiulcll, KeuaiilL'.
Kotilinen, Iteadlug
(JcKslinan. Mationev Cltv
e. a
11 j
I 1
1 I
1 11
1 1
0 1
1 1
I 11
1 1
1 1
i.raluun. iteadliiR I u
llreli.t, Itcaillng I 1
rerry, UeaaiDB .... II
Hiimershltr., Harrow, IXindell and Kobln Kebln Kobln
eon divided llrst money. Hill, tioedmau
and 1'orryHhet at three birds eacli te decide
the winner et second money. Hill missed
his tlrst blid and the ethers killed all three,
dividing the prize. Uraham defeated Hrebst
in a sheet oil for third money, the former
killing three straight.
Charles Franclscus, of tills city, and Dr. V,
M. Ferry, of Keadlug, shot a private match
at four birds each, l'raiiciscus kilted but
ene and Ferry the w hele tour.
The As.eMers' Hunk. Shew That the Olit Uicsril
Ua 37,147 Itegl.iered Vutem.
All the registry books el the county are ou
filelu the commissioners' ollice, mid Irem
them it appears that the total number or
veten registered Iu tbe city and county is
J7, 117, which would Indicate a population el
1S5,73j. The largest election district Is the
eth ward, city, with 1,1 111 voters. Lphrata Is
next with l,lJ7,aud Warwick third with 1,1 S3.
In Maner township there are four voting ills.
trictH and the registry iu that township is
Following I :i list et districts with the
number or voters registered iu each :
Adamnteuu 1
lUrt no
Brecknock tin
a-nmrveu s
Clay tfil
Cocallce East. (,-1
KkiiIIce West .. ;s
letcriiu. it-
mwuid . .. -e
MWiinl TJ
JdWavU KiJ
Lonestega.. .. tn
Conov t'J
Denetral, Kuit.
Mavtemi Ks
Sprlngvllle mi
IlncelnS. II -:?i
Denegal, West Jul
Druuiere i-!
imimeie, hast 4til
Kail au
Kail, Kast Tene Hill tn
Blue Halt 401
Karl Went. Ml
lalen 311
Mtzabetb l
hllzabcthtuwn -'
Kphrata l,li
Fulton I'.-)
llriiiplleld, i:.i?l.
Laiullsvllle 3.H
UehruiiituHn.. .
Heinplielil, West.
.Meuntvllle ...
Neithwestcin .
bllver Springs
I-unpetci, Kust.
liuipeter, West.
1st Ward ....
M Uunl ....
id VV aid
(ttiWalit . .
1th Wind.
(Ill Waul. . . .
7th VV uril, .
-th Waul
'.nil VV aid
I.ancastel lvp ..
I.oaieck. I'ppci .
I.lttle UlitUlll.
Maiihehii lei.
1st Waul
M Ward
3d Ward
Manhehn tvvp.
lndlaiitenu .
1,14 I
Mlllcisvtllu. ..
MI. .le but .
VII. .lev tvvp., I).
Mt.Jey twi
PcqilOl. .
I'lovHienie 0."
It 111I10.
S onion 11 Ill
spotting Illll 177
Htilckhn'ss. II '.'07
I'nlen Square .110
ndahuiy 911
I'aiuljililge U7
(Ian t"J
Miiisbiirg ber.
1st Waid
3d Ward
Slrusburg tvvp...
WuSlllllL'ten hoi,
upper vviiiii ns
l.ewci Wind "a
Thu Court Heme I Ire.
When the In ii:i.i.iui;nci;ii went te preas
011 Wednesday nllorneou tlie lire at the court
heuse hud been extinguished. Men vvuiu at
en co put tu V.01U te up the water lu Iho
loll te pieveut It getting through tu the lies,
celng lu thu main court room, aud they bug bug bug
coedod lu their ollerta ; net u drop of water
went through, The trilling damage dene by
the II re will be at ence repaired.
llerk. Ceuuty l'air.
The llerks county fair te be held iu Head
ing during the four days commencing q'ues
day, Koptember -1st premises te be unusu
ally line, and there will be u great many at
triwUve icaturu.
Dr.rAHTATr.n uiiAiti.Knrus.
Till. I. the Mew Taken by ,liur II, Hnutni.
tedbthe Noleilllelj' 1'repln-t, el Clnclu.
nail The Kplrlls Trjlng te llls.t a
1'a.Mgaln IhnSurUcenrilie lrtli.
CiNfi.vff vi r, ()., Hept. t. James M.
Hwormstedt, the noted holy prejihet of
Walnut Hills, in 11:1 lntorvlew te-day states
that the receilt oarlliquake was caused by bad
spirits In thu bowels of the enrth. The spirits
are Intelligent ns men, and have complete
knowledge of tlie uses el dynamite, gun
powder, eic. They have beeu trying te blast
a tssage te the surface of the earth and thus
es?ape from bondage. The oxpleslons Inci
dent te these operations have caiised the
oarthquakes. I have foroteld this phonemona.
It Is a sign of the eud of the Christian age.
Other htatcs will be destroyed within two
years and all the wicked people will dle ntul
the ethors will go te l'alestiue.
iiu.tini 10 Ital.n WSO.OOOJur (jharle.ten.
Hosten, .Sept. 0. The executive commit
tee, by Mayer O'llrieu, chairman, has Issued
ncirciilar ler distribution nmeng Ilostenlnns,
stating that prlvate advices bIievv that the
uewsruiKir reports of the Charlosteu needs
are net exaggerated and calling for the sub
scription iu Bosten of at least teO.OOO te tlm re re
Ueflund. Semileg Meney tu the Sudeier..
HiFrAi.e, N, Y., SepL 8. Se far (1,100
have been subscribed hore for the Charles
ton Hullerers, and of this sum (1,000 has been
sent by oxpress te the mayor of Charleston.
More inoiiey will be sent te-day.
lien- They Will Collect 111 lUlllinurn.
Hvi.TlMeiti:, Hept. J. A movement was
set ou loot In Kaltlmore yesterday te make
an envelope collection, which will enable
every cltireii te contrlbute something te tlie
greit weik el relieving the distressed In
habitant of Charleston. .Sixty thousand en
velopes have beeu printed, which will be
distributed by the lsdicc, who will loavean
envelops) at nearly every heuse of the city.
The family or Individual contributions may
be soaled up In the envolnpe and put Inte the
nearest street letter-box without stamp. Tbe
lotter-carrlora en thelr rounds will gather the
oneloie.saud put them in the custody of the
city iKistmastcr. Halliuiore has sent (17,000
te the HtillerurK.
Alevaiuler Leaving I'er (termauy A Town's
lrevotleu In the leietel Itutcr.
Lenihiv, .Sept. 'A A dispatch from Seila
says that Prince Alexander, accompanied by
Mm. .Stambulell KaravoletI and nearly all
thu Bulgarian ministers, have arrived at
Turn-Severlu. He was recelved by the
Keumanlan troops who lined thu route Irem
the depot, The prlnce took an allectiug
loave et his ministers and the ollicers or the
Bulgarian army, who accompanied him.
The prlnce will go direct from Turu-Soverln
te Darmstadt.
A Town Decurnte lu 111. Ilunur.
Loniiev, .Sept. 'J. V dispatch from Selia
states that the town of Lein I'nlanka was
handsomely decorated yosterday Iu honor of
Prlnce Alexander. A number or triumphal
arches wero erected ou the prominent
thoroughfares, cireat enthusiasm pre vailed
and the pnnce was frequently cheered by
the lepulace. The vlce president of
the national assembly delivered an ad
dress of welcome te l'rluce Alexander, In
which he said that Bulgarians would nover
forget that they owed I'rince Alexander
everj thing and that they would continue te
consider him their ruler. 1 11 conclusion the
vlce presuleut said that it was tlie hepe et
all Hulgarlans that the prince would spcedlly
return te Sella te ngaiu assume the reins of
government. The prince in reply said that
he was happy when thu Hulgarlans were
contented, that he was ever ready te assist
them when lu need of his aid mid that he
hoped te kca them seen again.
Ilulgarla Ma) Hare e rrluce.
l'Aitls, .Sept. 0 The Lc Malm declares
that Bulgaria will have 110 prinoe iu future,
but a Hussiau general will command thu
troops mid a regeucy will li formed having
tlie tern biance el an Independent govern
ment. I reiirh MlnUler te IKIpt.
I'Aitts, Sept. 'J.r-The Juurmil Des Dehats
in its issue of te-day avs it learns that Count
Daublgney, the secretary or the French em
bassy at Louden, will be appointed minister
te Kgypt Ter the purpose or cemb.Utiuir
Luglish lutluence iu that country.
ter the Heller el Irish Tenants.
Dliilin, hepL 'X Tlie Catholle blsliep of
Mnyuoeth has urged the goveriiment te adept
temporary measures looking te the relief of
teuauts in erder te preveut outrages.
HerM' Well Known Here the Winner The
.Many I'rlze. el I'. U. Illllrr.
At the state fair Wednesday the llrst run
ning race was wen by Holermatloii, the herse
which Silas Wright had entered nt the lair
here last week. He niade the half mlle Iu
M , and M. Jehn Lynch's, J. J. 1). was soc sec
ond. The mlle rnce was wen by's
Armadale, of (ettjHburg. Time, ISl and I, A.
I'lirtuunte I'. U. Miller.
At the state lair iu Philadelphia fornpples
best collection, twenty-llve varieties, tbroe
eacli : First prire, $0, was awarded I. C.
lliller, Conestego, Mr. Ililler also took the
f.i hocend prize for host collection or ten
varieties of the same. In addition Mr. Hillei
took theso prizes : Yerk Imperial, llrst prle
( ; Hnuibe, llrst prize f 2 ; Perter, host three
siiecimens, Hrst prie JJ.
Peaches, ten varieties, host six skh 11110ns,
hrst prue, (in, P. C. Ililler. Alse Late Sus Sus
quelianna, llrat prie (J ; Stump the World,
second prize (1 , Old Mixun, second prie, (I ;
any new variety variogated, llrst prie (-;
best geuernl collection, second pilze (10.
llaulel M Ktigle'. succe.
Daniel M. Liigle, of Marietta, who was nu
oxlilbiteratour county fair and Is an exhib
itor nt State Agricultural lair at Philadelphia,
has bad six of his exhibits of live stock
judged and carried six premiums, namely :
1st en Storm King, I -year old stallion ; 1st en
HI Houryli-year old stallion ; 1st ou Allow Allew Allow
ance 1-year old colt ; 1st 011 breed mare and
colt ; 1st ou U-year old lllly ; mid -d en 1-year
old filly. In competition with Storm King
was thocelobrnled stallion Kxpectatieu, who
took 1st premium last v ear at the National
herse show nt New Yerk.
Kiideavnrlng tu (let I'owiei.leu of n llapllat
Church at UurUouvllle.
A suit in ejectment was outerod lu the
court of common pleas this morning by W.
A. Wilsen, attorney ler the Pennsylvania
Baptist Goneral association, against William
Crawford, The facts of the case tire that in
ImH, the plaintllls purchased u let of ground
In the village or tiordenvtllo and erected
church, a congregation wits established and
nourished feru low years when the member
ship loll ejl mid dually became se small that
services w 010 no longer held iu tlie church.
The delenrinut was chairman of tlie Isiard el
trustees when the congregation disbanded
mid has kept isissossleu of the premises. Thu
allegation is that he touted the bulluliig, re
ceived the rents mid will net givu any ac
count el them. Frequent demand was made
et him ler the projierly, and he refuses te
glve up possession. The trial will ue doubt
De an Interesting 0110.
Hearing Continued.
The hairing et Ollicer Hellly, charge J. with
committing mid aggravated assault and bat
tery en Sylvester Hwelgartet the fair grounds
a week age, was continued this afternoon, te
a date net yet tlxeJ.
It I. AMiimlni- Alarming Rlrength In Ihe Mat
el TainnelepM,
Matvmekas, Tainuolepas, Mex., Hept 9
The re volutien against the general govern gevern govern
iiient is assuming nlnrinlng Rtrengtlt In tills
Htate. A prominent rederal olllrer given
this ostlmaleof the strength el the pronun prenun pronun
clades. Matnlce Cruz, 300 J KICoyeto, ase .
Juan Kasnles, lnej Manuel Valapena, 150
I'onre Davlila, 100 i Juan Hennandez, te.
In all 10,000 well inounted, and who are te
win v lotery or fight te the dealh. The federal
Bdmliilstratlen wlnka nt the revolution
as ngalnst friendly atate governments
hut Hliewa no quarter te robeln
against the ' goneral government. They
must win or dle. The actlve revolutionary
ntrengtli in the Nuove Loen, mid Coahulla is
fully as great as In this state. The belief
that a goneral revolution Is Itnmlnent Is
gradually forcing Itself 011 the minds orevon
the most conservative political ioaierH. rpia
concertod nctlen of the local revolutionary
1 eailers in the frontler Htales plainly Indicates
that they nre acting In harmony under the
dlrecllcii el en able chlef. It Is asserted en
geed authority thatthe nauie el this cuieti.iln
will seen be niade public
Te L' the Iii.urgentik
Nkw IjAUHDe, Moxlce, HepU 0. Captain
Oarcla 1'orez, commanding n company or the
10th cavalry, lelt hore yosterday te Jein the
Itli cavalry, under Cel. Agrla, which lelt
Oilorrero Tuesday. They have onlera te ox ex ox
terniinato Coyote's revolutionists. Colenol
Teran, with n cavalry company, arrived hore
en the Mexican national train at 7 o'clock last
ovenlng, and will Jein the chase at Coyote.
It is reported that the revolutionists are
camped is miles southwest of here. Thore Is
a feeling of unouslueHs throughout the city.
The 1 reuble llettreen Twe liullaiiiaii. That
Ended In a Tragedy,
Four Wavvi:, Ind., SepL !. The soquel
of the late tri-state rouuleu treuble culmina
ted last night In the sheeting or Dr. J. V.
Yeunge, by b'cett Swann. Since the reunion
closed a bltter quarrel has been kept up be
tween the Interested partles, and the last
movewosby Dr. Yeunge going te Detreit,
end furnishing a newspaper with an aceunt of
alleged social misconduct by Swann. Vhen
the article appeared Swann went te Detroit
with his lawver and commenced a suit
against the pajKir publishing the stery.Iaylng
his damages at (.10,000. On Yeunge's return
from Detroit last ovenlng, when he alighted
from the train he was met by Swann, who at
ence openod lira without a word of warning.
The bullet passed ontlrely through Yeunge's
body, and ledged under the skin, and there
is great danger of luterual homerrbago.
Swann vvns arrested and Is new lu Jail.
Heath ul Iho National Heard el Health.
Washington, I), c, Sept. it. The nation
al beard of health, which has ler soveral
years had 11 precarious oxlstence, has at last
bowed te the will or Congress and abaudoned
its lieadq uar ters iu this city. The appropria
tions commlttce or the last session of Con Cen
greas positively recused te appropriate for the
further maintenance of the beard, conse
quently its secretary could net under Iho
law contract debts iu the shape of ollice rent,
fuel, messcuger service, etc. The acting tec tec
retaryer theticasury has also called upon
the president of the beard for a return of the
government property used In the ollice, and
the desks, book cases, chairs, and ethor arti
cles of furniture w ill have te be accounted for
te the secretary et the treasury.
leuk. he tiles a FUherle. (Jueatlen.
Wahiiinoten-, D. C, Sept. 0, Acting At
torney General Jenks In an opinion sub
mitted te the acting secretary of the treasury,
decided iu the case of a Canadian vessel which
carried passengers from Clovelend, Ohie, te
Chicago, Illinois, by the way of Windser,
Canada, whero the veyage was temporarily
broken and resumed tn the eame vesel for
Chicago, that the vessel having made sub
stantially a continuous veyage Irem Cleve
land te Chicago, is thoreforo subject te the
penalty previded by law. line or (2 for
eaeh passonger carried. This settles n ques
tion which has excited n geed deal of intorest
en the Lakes and In Canada.
Itie Canadian fishery Trouble.
IlAt.1r.1x, N. S., Sept 0. The trial et the
David J. Adams case has been set down for
the ild Inst. The evidence will be taken be
fore a commission and the case argued bo
lero Chlof Justice McDonald. It Is net likely
that a decision w Ul lie given for soveral
weeks after the case is heard, aud the trial el
the Doughty will probably net begin until
alter the Adams Judgment has been Hied
The trial or the Highland Light at Ciiarlotto Ciiarletto Ciiarlotte
town takes place ou the 13th Inst. The
ew ners are endeavoring te get an extension
or time.
Tu Take u Itrekcu Hustuem.
Bosten, Sept 0. There are reports that
I!. (.. A; i:. Wallace, or Kochester, N. IL, will
take the buslness of Cleutinan A: Bingham,
beet and shoe manufacturers, Bosten, and
make the creditors a cash otlerfer settloment
Cieutman A. Bingham have, it is said, been
selling goods at less tbau paying prices, and
the feeling in the trade is that the failure Is
principally te be explained in this way.
Natural Ca. Held. Out.
CBitiioGeuno, 111., Sept. y. The natural
gas well discovered hore Heme tlme age still
continues te grew iu strength. A recent test
showed the pressure te be 20 pounds te tbe
square inch, ste.un gauge measurement, aud
the gain te be live pounds. The Hew is con
sidered of Hiillicient strength for lighting the
tow 11, and the laying of gas pipes te dwelllng
ami business lioues w ill be beguu In a low
A euarittitlne Agatu.t eII01v Fever.
Al hi in, Texas, Sept 9. Governer Ireland
vesterdny Issued his proclamation declaring
quarantine from date against llllexl, Fiseand
all ether places that are new or may hence hence
lerth be inlected by yellow fover or ether
iiilectieu diseases. Persons in clesed cars,
pissing through lufected towns as the rata of
M miles an hour, are net excluded by this
proclamation Irem entering the state.
A bheraliig Murder.
Ltni.ii Hei'k, Ark., Sept 'A News of a
slieckiug murder In St ene county was re
ceived last ovenlng. Giles Meller, a stock
man, a resident of Missouri, was waylaid
while buying cattle, shot three times and left
for dead oil the roadside He was found by
a lurmer who happened te pass along the
read. He cm net live. He was robbed et
The " Hey I'reactier " HI.
DitcATUit, lib, Sept l. It was reported
hore yosterday that Kev. Themas Harrison,
the " boy iireacher," had died lu Mllferd,
Mass. Later Information was that Mr, Har
rison Is threatened with paralysis, butlsstlll
.1 llulil IJelUralluu., Sept P. lnttat Jrelaml, Mr.
Parnell's organ, Hays that L'ugluud possesses
no iiewer by which she cau collect the Irish
landlord's tribute Iu the lace et an organized
lovel-headed people.
WxaniNaTew, V, O., Sept P. -Fer
Kastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
Dolaware aud Maryland, local rains,
nearly bUtlenary temperature, northerly
I wind?, bocetnlug variable.
Th Nteeml Cente.t UeiwMn th
Seem, te Indicate That th
VeMl Would Aialu He
by the rut Yankee Hallet.
Hvniiv Heek, N. J., Hept .TI second
conlest between the yaehU Majllewcrana
Galatea is taking place te-day. At 0:10 . tu,
the wind was east 10 miles an hour, fog
was setting in again se that the yachts cannot
he neon.
Saniiv Heek, 10:1". a. m. The (HUtea
IasseU out In tow at 10:18 and the Mayflower
at 10i '
Numbers el steam and sailing ynehls.
stoambeata ami tugs are following them.
Wind easl, V.0 miles an hour) weather
cloudy and hay j Scotland lightship barely
Sandy Heek, 11:0.1 a. m Wind east, 21
miles m hour. Light rain and foggy,
Sv.ndv Heek, 111 a. t Woather nUny
and leggy, cannot soe the yachta but from
the nolse el the whistles the yachts, are min min
lescd te have star toil al the moment.
Sandy-Heek, Hii. p. M.Weather eletr.
lug, cau soe the yachta still around the Hcet.
land lights.
SANnv Jloeu, 11:11) i m. Galatea leads
the Mayllower alwut KM yard butthe May.
iiewer Is well te windward. Beth are point
ing for lloekaway under mainsail gatr ten.
sail stay-sail and gib.
11:50. Mayflower near the whistling buoy
outalde the bar, points well up, seems te
overboul tbe Galatea.
ll&l A. M, The Galatea went eir buoy out
side the bar ; shu crossed tlio.Mayilewer's
bow, who followed suit 20 seconds later.
Beth are new en the pert tack.
12 m. Last sight or theynchta in the fog
alter they tacked Mayllower scorned te be
closing up 011 the Galatea ; wind -- miles
Sandy- Heek, 1:10 r. i. Feg se heavy
that nothing can be seen. A tug signals te
the Heek that the Galetea still leads.
Sandy Heek, 1:20 v. m. A tug beat
Just came In from oil shore reports that when
be lctt the yachts the Mayllower was about
el a mlle ahead. Itetn were en their sec
ond starboard tack standing toward llocka llecka
way Beach.
Sandy Heek, 2.-U0 p. m. Feg Is new cloar clear
inR away ; wind east, 1 1 miles an hour.
Sandy Heek, 2:30 r, m. The tug Me Me
Calden, Just arrived, reports Mayllower three
fourths of a mlle ebead. Betli yachts new
en the star Isjard tack; still very foggy.
Steam Tug In Trouble,
HuiH'Ai.0, N. Y., Hept. 0. The Canadian
steam tug Harvey Noelou arrived hore en
Tuesday and was llbolled at the instance et
the Aetna Insurance company for greis care
loseness lu running a schooner ashere four
years age, wblle towing her Inte this pert
Sometime during the night or early this
morning the crew put the shipkeeper ashore
and started out et the harbor at full speed ler
Canadian water. The allalr will probably he
iuvostigated by the pert efllclala.
Killed by a Sener Care-In.
HAnnisBUrui, l'a., Sept 0. Shortly be
fore neon te-day the walls of a newly made
sewer in Cherry avenue, near Third street
caved In, killing iustantly a young man aged
23, named Wm. B. Huber. He was at work
In the sewer when the sides caved in, being
cf a sandy nature, burying hint out of tight
He leaves a wife.
The Connecticut Republicans.
HAnTKonD.Cenn., Sept 9. The RepubU-
cau Htaie cuuvcuuuu. mei ueru uj-uuy. nenft
ter O. II. 1'latt was selected as chairman.
Hen. P. C. Leuiisbury was nominated for
governor en the first ballet.
A Solitary I'e.tmuter.
Washington, D. C, Sept 0. A fourth
class postmaster was appointed te-day In
Pennsylvania : S. A. Bream, Uigler.
A Venerable Ilrldegroem,
The Hen. Augustus O, Wilcox, oue of the
eldest and wealthiest dry goods merchants
of New Haven, Conn., was married Wednes
day te Miss Ilertha C.Payne at the West
Haven Congregational church, the Dr. Jeseph
Andorseu, of Waterbury, elllclatlug. The
church was beautifully deceratedwlth Hewers
and was crowded with friends aud relatives
of the bride and groom. The bride were a
brown satin gown, elaborately trlmmed with
rich lace. She carried a large bouquet of
roses. Mr. Wilcox Is 72 years old, and his
bride Is 20. Fer seme time she was a cashier
in the store of Wilcox t Ca, and while there)
bocame acquainted with the senior partner
In the ilrm, the elderly gentleman who made
her his wife. The wedding gilts are many
and valuable, and the groom's present te
tlie brute was a cuecc iorMu.ueo. hit. mau.
Mrs. Wilcox have geno te Saratoga te--i;iB
their noneymoon.
Cemilliuenli te VUltlec K. el V.
The Norfolk, Va., Landmark el September
8 notes the arrival of Inland City Division, t
Ne. 7, K. of P., el Lancaster, in that city en
Tuesday. "Ou arriving at Castle Hall Past
Grand Chancellor Walter A. Edwards, in
a short speech, welcomed the vlslung
Knights and Sir Knight Cemmander M.
M. Barten, et the Inland City Division,
delivered au appropriate response. In the
afternoon both divisions paraded and
marched te the Ocean View railroad dopeL
whero the visitors took the train for a snort
visit te the seaside. Inland Division is offi
cered as fellows : Sir kuigbt commander, M.
M. Barten ; lleutenant commander, Jacob
F. Kautz : sir knight lierald, Henry
lZckman. It numbers .forty-six meuthers
present, and is compeuod of splendid c
spoclmens of physical and Intellectual man
hood. The band consists or 18 places. Its
mombers are neatly uniformed, and Its
music Is inspiring. About SO persons in all
are enjoying the excursion, and we may
here remark that Lancaster, and Indeed the
outlre Keystene state, is worthily repre
sented." flood Fl.hlue.
Ambrose Ilitzer, Joe Kautz, Al Gast and
Jehn UuUuagle returned last evening front
a two days' fishing excursion te macKwaier, jfti
Timer ,nin,lit II Imss. 1.1 nnin and 22 catAth. .TJ
Frauk It Howelland a friend spent ye
, . .!. u . ... Cl.fa Wmi.-
leruay en mu numiueuiuiiin uwu -, w-.
i.A. n.i n.iINl.ilnl...a W It .TAtlArlfUillXHl '
Harry Urlmmer caught 3d at the same ruae w
ou Tuesday. v
m if -
Attalueil Ills Majority. 'ft, j
Henry Dana O. Knight, asen or Mr. Lewl&
ivmgui, e. ura .imui " .
the telegraph sorvlce or me a. n,
a,.,A,l l,Ta tualnrltv WAflnfifldaT. A IIS
ni lila frlBinls rnnalrcd te tbe-Amllyi
..u tn l,a uranltii, anil neJd their HMUMMtft I
biuu iumi....--;------, j-
the new citizen ami vewr, eujujiuej wawj,
tntAiitv of the heuse until a late neur, :W
. .AV
OfllcUU en Trip, t K
i .,,,,!.. imnii lililillnnml - -
Commlssleuera Myers and Uartman went te'
1'hIIadeipma this morning te ioek at e et;. ;.
In that
When they
return it
concreto pavementa in that city M,1
.lnn.ln.l ...I..., .I.iln nfMnlutlnu, ta In tf tll lJ ? A
uwiumi num eji vh mumvv ,, -B.y rr-
be adenteu for the balfsquaroeu Dukestwet. V-
from Ka-st K lu g te G rant. s j
Excursion la me tieauuira. kri
This mernlug the Heading railred r ,,$?
.,,in n TI,lt,lHlnhIii and AHeHH J
City. About ene hundred Lancjater ptenM'
lelt ou the apedal. f
Ueld Ver Court,
i.. ir xfAatuuiknn. whnlacbarMd wttk V
assault and battery inUlfS.Wjjt
Felix Sehleslnjter, naa bees fci J imW
Alderman Feidney te asawtr at ectUT, -
" fk