3S5V- E2EEZa522I2 5$ im m Wmr BAY H in TXAB rAMptftt) , m mcum a tia, rim fli iisi i iiiiiii w IA. 'AMsanaa rucM. iumtm ' iMui eemiMie Atumte te asm onwmetion. J V-w b"" . ihM ! "'i '"( '-i " Kh" i )i 5M MtW -'0 iM SOU 490 la 780 Hun. ten in m sis em tu K,.... I IM 400 SFV 7 00 940 KH is saej H 86 laM E; is 4SM 7 10 a) HI se law BISm.. in lad ioem isaa I70e 9DM MBC7... IN J4W WOO 1400 SC00 MOO MM.., M)W 17 W MOO 7700 8100 b, it moo moo moo asm HKT7.. hum moo moo moo moo ME.. mMOD 4U0 8000 650D WW Weekly Intelligencer Evcrv Wedncsday Morning. k",i.eiiOjrTa. cuius or t, tMnvLeerrraiTO rnaena bit-tire vt laoucmreraonBTaRTrAKTOTTna i Htm oetnmtT. all aboxtkecs lutim I osMMne te nta wat BAsarr. I U Vmtrt and Ttltgnmt te "jATmm XHTBLUGENOBR, r Banding, lAt taster, l'a. : fantestcr intelligence. 'ssAftOASTU. BETTEMHKIt 8, ISSC. L-.fi?" . .-:; -maw iiibhm or r.umunus. TV returns from the Arcrment election aplete enough te show that the al ight anat Edmund' return te the mb Come te naught. The icicle WUiesenta the G recti Mountain stptn ' In Hw Senate has scored as complete a ic trai ever did Jelin L. Sulllvau In his ! combats; and the victory has come -much apparent case te Edmunds as been accustomed te perch en the Jbewders of the Bosten slugger. 'fit wae stated that Edmunds was tore- ' mire .a severe walloping this year for his 1 Jattfteence te Republican success in 1SS1, and, in particular, because of the stony steny ktartedneu he displayed toward the man ; inta Maine. It was given out that Wtelnn's forces would be marshalled against l and a final quietus given te his dreams "'a atatesman. All these expectations die .Ihe'death when confronted with the cold , Met tfcat in Tuesday's election in Vermont ,Jbrty4we towns return Edmunds repre- HBtatlvea, from seventeen there is no re- Lfwt, four make no choice and three are aarti-Edmunds. vThna has Vermont reiterated her faith i Edmunds and flung defiance athisene- The result shows that the Green i Mountain Republicans approve of their .ennter's course in sitting down vigorously g, ,iSBuw aspuauens or Jir. isiaine; anu in ,- vwjj nmuaiDWU iMiilum UL tue sell -little people of the country in thorough . .unison with them. tA& - j.4 Eaglanfl's Frccarlens Situation. ! It begins te leek very much as though rsjtfce present English government in their .desperate anxiety te avoid a wreck en the ; Irish rock are in danger of going straight -!.''" til destruction en the llulir.iri.in nuick. V ( !Uula YYtlOelA l.na vlAn 41.A l.An Af Bulgaria from power and England has net 'given the slightest hint that she feels the iaffreat. The great triple alliance of the st nations en the continent treats England with contempt,and the English can .notfailteBeoitm tLat light, though they rj iutt a aiuw-uiiuiiuy j)txi)ie uuu iue iue.1 may net dawn upon them for a little . while. Hut wheu it does, wee te the party iisin power ! 7 ..England has net been in the habit in the ;paac or counting noses before a light, and ; ,if she can secure the alliance of France or yltaly, and Turkey, the present triple alll- tiance may be balanced. France at present K te strongly in sympathy witli Russia, as the -natural enemy or Germany, but French ..sympathy is subject te sudden revulsiens. i, ja xurKey is ny no means insigniucant as an "ally, for the Turks are still among the best )'ititf -iters in the world and are new well ;iuiihu uuuii wen uiucereu. "He will be a skillful statesman who can fecJMep England from drifting into the dan- -;i'tereus whirlpool of war that appears te be ; informing in the East. & . " " " (5r.i- aue jiaynewer's nciery. S The easy victory of the ilayllewer should sen as proving that vessel te be the yacht fleet, for experience S,has shown that a slight difference in the ,, conditions makes a wonderful change in Ljiw relative speed of yachts. Hut it was a .-jjnur race ana a grand one, it is said, and all of New Yerk harbor wjs wild with ex- cltement and enthusiasm. E, It is with great satisfaction that it is Quoted that although our merchant marine 'ihas vanished from foreign nerts. it has ISbeen kept alive in the coast trade, and re- -ff lalns se much of its old vigor that In inat- ., ters maritime we may still claim te rival, nil net excel, the Fnglish wlie beast the de- minion of the waves. Before our great war the shipbuilders of Jlmerica set the model for the world te j fellow, and our swift cutters were tlieinar- ,im ui me jjuu;u, wiiusu vesaeia, meueieu Rafter the breast of a duck, were safe and f flAavL'nrrliT riaw lint, aimq . m..! 41..-. ....... ..w.., .V,M u,w u.u , i.i.u tllUUUtV the English, whose vessels were net suf iently swift te compensate for their lack ! stability. It may be said that these tiials between gracing machines prove nothing of value in ;- marine arcniteciure, out tuey de, mdlrect--ly, by giving impetus te the study and per- faction of models designed with a view te -swiftness, which can then be modified for practical use. I'x - iV,v- Gkarlesten's SereAecd. eple are new saying that Charles all the better for the earthquake viaited it, rand that its tumble- Mings will be replaced by mere tial structures, and that, like Chi. and Bosten, after their big flres.it will all the better for the calamity that has vpenii. -""stir .. iButjtmuatbe remembered that nein- MsurftBsAe money pours into Charleston new. . ,,. ' the case in Chicago and Bosten, and the Southern cltv mut. ,.,.i mnuT in tfinr nnwn in tti-11 m tn .i...n Ki" "- "i -.... m 4VUUUU, F n lla IM 1VIA tMnittnlUn MA II L .. t$. wi. ! w,wu iviuuuuu luuiu ww uau are colored. These are the reasons whv Charleston is in very great need at present, 3 ana because or tnese tie will give twice Who gives quickly. 1 - Hy Legislative IneHcIencr. VTbeieisan article in the current Jfar jmtV about legislative inefllciency in which Ute conclusion Is reached that we shall net have abler debating and mere efficient leg. we get a beiter class of men Tfcftt m lout Uie situation. Hut hew shall It be obviated V Se long as the machine, system controls our politics, ambitious men must bow before Its dictates, mul these who are most subservient will st.uul the chance of readiest recognition. As merit is modest and its counterpart brazen, the latter hai the best chance in a free-for-all fight for legislative honors. This is wliywe have such miserable apolo gies for statesmen in Congress. m - - Just such a calamity as that which has visited Charleston stirs te new vigor the national jmlso-beat. l'ltTsnunu would net have Andrew Carnegie's girt for a public library, but Edin burgh will freeze tetbe quarter of n million ovation for the same purpose. The latter city hai outgrown the sordid query " will It pay?" The conspirators against the Prince of Bul garia haveglven their aide or the story el the dethroning of that ruler, and or course they representitas the result of n popular uprising caused by sonttments or gratitude towards Itussia and disapproval or the ceurse or their prince towards the czir. They try hard te paint the prlnce black, hoi the worst they can say of hltn is that he tmssurreunded himself with political refugees from Kusla ; but It takes be llttle Independence of speech lotnakea ltusslau a retugoe thst the claM cannot be regarded as dangerous Tlie as sertion that every regiment of the UutgarUn government but ene took the rath or alle giance te the previsional government the day alter the flight of Alexander is mere im portant i and, it true, Indicate., that there is a great deal of nonsense about the devotion of the army te their prince. The tone of tils address te his efUcers hinted at till1-, and It allerds a plausible axctise for bis abdication. U.n our lirst nage te-day wilt be found a crisp and brilliant sketch of some of the mero famous Eastern summer resorts from the pen or Charles Dudley Warner In the September 7urjcr'.. Few cities or its sire send away mere summer tourists than Lan caster, and thcrelore It is proUiOle that each of the resorts depicted will be receguiied by seme et the large circle or the Intkllii.kn ceii readers. Out or the wreck at Charleston this item has drifted te the surface : A girl baby, v he was born two or three hours boiero the earthquake, has bi-en named Kartli quakeana. It Is said that while the Apaches were In consultation with General Miles ever their surrender a terrific thunder storm caine up and Natchez, who had resisted the surrender because their forefathers had reught the whites for two hundred ye.rs,toek the storm as an onion of the displeasure erhis aucesters that he should think of surrender. Hut the storm was followed by a rainbow and, Natchez yielding, the whole band surrender ed, allies and Law ten are entitled te much credit for having accomplished what the most explrienced Indian lighters had de clared te be Impossible the hunting down or the most warlikoef the Apaches in their own mountain fastnesses. Tu k Klghteenth district of 1 llmei-j has dene wisely in reneminating William 11. Slerri Ben for Congress. lie is a man et ideas and the courage te ei press them, and such men are needed in federal legislation. Carrell D. Wrieht, who Is one of the best authorities en education in New Enu- laad, in an address the ether day en the sub ject et social science spoke of the need te en courage the study ei the various relations, social and political, of men In modern life, te facilitate personal intercourse and the Interchange el ideas between individualsln individualsln terested in promoting educational, financial, sanitary, charitable and ether social reforms and progress, aud promptly te make known te the public all theoretic il or practical re sults which may flew rrem Mich studies or observations. It Is a beneticlal work that needs no ajiolegy for rational men. IsniCATiONS point te a war In the IJal kanswlth possible ramifications ou the Af ghan frontier and the north of China, and an almost certain struggle wherever Turk and Tartar meet, lu this event the sympathy of a generous public islnveked forthepre,whe will scarcely survive the inevitable struggle with the complication or unpronounceable names that must fellow. When Messrs. Radoslaveft, Gueshell and Nieelaielt, et the Bulgarian ministry, have determined upon the future policy of that Kussian province, Duuleep Singh may have prevailed upon the peopleof Khatmandoe te start a reelt that will sweepever 1 ndia from K ishtwar te Serin gapatam and then thore will come aliter ter rible names from China, Kusaia, Turkey and India that will strain the Atlantic cable and the editorial Jiw In a maimer most fearful te think ujien. War is terrible any where, but among people with such terrible names it is simply fiendtBb. Tin: limits of newspaper enterprise seem te have beeu reached by the New Yerk Werlil, which en Tuesday faithfully dupli cated the yacht race between the Mayflower and the Galatea ou the front et its building. Filty thousand people watched the minia ture yachts moving ever their course and loudly cheered when they saw the American yacht stealing away from her llrltisli com petitor. GnuoMMehas surrendered as a prisoner of war and as a matter of honor should be treated as such ; takeu back te his reserva tion, formally released, promptly rearrested, tried and hanged. Justice must net be hurried, but allowed te march this man with dignity te his well earned deem. It is urged that he should net be treated as a prisener of war. Then he should net have lnen allow ed te surrender as such. Having se surronded self-respect demands that we should de neth leg te violate our honor even in dealing with an outlaw and villain of the very worst tvpe. Hut at the same time care should be takeii mat tue strong arm et the law re.t hruily ou his shoulder as seen as thu mllitur iiae dene with him. I'EIIHONAL. Thomi'ses JJi:i.u. ene or Pitthbtirg's most prominent citizens, hasdied or cholera mer- UUH. fJEoneKU. MtLi.Kit, a well known Phila delphia manufacturer, drepiied dead in Mew Yerk en Tuesday. l.KVI I. Moiiten is said te have been de cided upon by the Republicans el .New Yerk city as their candidate ler the mayerallty. Oe.v. James A. Heaveh was recelved with a narade of citizens of llellelente en his return Tuesday from his extended Western tour. Lieutenant Uuveuneu Hi.ack'n two sous nud the son of Colonel 11. llnicu Hlck Hlck etts, candldate for lieutenant governor, are en their way te-Concord, M, II., where they will attend school. ' Kx-PnnsiuuNT James K. I'ei.it'n widow celebrated the eighty-thlrd anniversary el her birth Saturday, lu Nashville, Tiitin. Many tokens or kindly remembrance were aent te the venerable lady by aduilriuc friends. Hahah HenNiiAltPT has become very bitter toward reporters and she hits them lit this sharp fashion : These fellow h state that 1 atn as thlu as u whlpiiiug pest, vet there are thousands or thorn waxing corpulent ou the fat of my bones 1 " SSSS!.nf unUay evenI"K Ust. He was a TlwJ.t8al;ell8l'-amt "' years of age. He was the father or lin ,.i.n.i..,.. cnf.dtreseV6XI' .."liX-. Krandl vrnal.im.i..1M,l i(.. . ..' ""u ""Ve, aud 108 L'orrU.e.1 t.l.A '"J-Bev survived him. 'seven et whom rrtEslOENTQevvEN, of Ilia Iteadlnir rail, read, was again iu New Yerk en Tueadrv and It was reported that he was in consulta tion with capitalists of that city Interested In his plan of reorganization. A gentleman acquainted with the plan oiTered by Mr. Gewen atatM that It wilt require at least 42,000,000 et cash te carry It Inte effect. Senater M Alies K, playing billiards the ether evening bolore a number or hit ail ail mlrera, tried a dllllcult shot ami ,utinKM making 1L He looked disgusted. "That was uiagnlllreut even if it didn't count, femoral," Mid a Itleinl. "Ne, sir," ald the Ittle man, agely, "nothing In uiagtilllcent mat misses." Mary ANiir.nse.N, new In tint KugllMi lake country, aays she is overworked. Con cerning her luture pregraiuiue Mm A ml or son said : "1 de net prvqxwe acting for a vear, as my health It at piesent net geed. The hard work of the pint lew seasons has been tee much for imv 1 shall go en the continent at the termination et my Mslt te the lakes." Ilit:suiKNT KontNves.ol ltretvn Vnlvor Vnlver Mly. in l'rovidence, 11 l In hit rtiert lust made te the corporation of the college, re commends lh.it Arrangement be made for giving yeuug women, under certain rostrto restrto rostrte tloua, the facilities which the university at fords for elitAlnluct liberal education. Villi Is a new departure for ltrone, which has been known as eue of the most censerva tive of college, I 111: BAHTKHS MIHIHt: II I It L. Lttiil of I'pactirK anil l.melr V nliieii HI1I ud OsliitJht hi the Mtthrti. Conc)einlciiceot the ItiUlmere miu If it were net for the kindly glow of the heart w hlch is produced by a god dinner it is very likely that Thackeray and Pickens would net havedecribed se heartily the geed things that delicti! thoeyo and lwlate of a lusty Eugllshmau. It Is net unlikely that the pympathetlr tie of geed fellowship which binds Kasteru Sheremen together, wherever they may le, Is a direct result of the poeds breakfasts, dinners aud supjwrs of the peninsula. It must net be snpiwed In ferentially that a tempting table l the only attraction or the Lasteru Shere, it is but a part el a genial and general hospitality et which the greatest charm Is the lowly and charmlug woman who presides ever the hou-mheld. It Is she w lie makes the meal se enjoyable, the varied and iitmnd'uit products or the land aud the water bemg merelv aids. Nearly every Intern hhere girl is a geed cook. She Is taught the art thoroughly e that she may intelligently instruct herser vanta, and if circumstances should require it, se that she may go into the kitchen her-t-eirnud de the cooking. The race of old colerel cooks w he ileurlslied before the war is fast dying out, and as the voting colored women hae net inherited their mothers' skill, the mistress of the house has been compelled te perfect herseir In the duties et the kitchen se that she may gie her servants a practical training. Kven when required te ait as her ewu cook the Ka-tcru here girl imds time for ether work, and ler enjoying herself and niakiug ethers happy, sue is expert with the needle, a fair musician aud a bright talker. Some are dashing horseback riders anu gracetut sKaten and daring swimmers. They can manage the sails el a small beat and can pull a strong ear, ami many of them can handle a plsteL The outdoor e.verci-e gives roundness and symmetry te a lithe figure, which Is usually surmounted bv a beautiful neck and face, for there are but few places in the world where lovelier women can be found. She Is fend of reading ami can con vene with sprightliness and originality upon the best works of L'ngllsh literature, mid criticise with Judgment the styles aud rnelhef' of dillerent author?. She will rre Inte the Kitchen looking as sweet and fresh as a flower, prepare a breakfast of fruits, egg pene or SOme ether kind of ilnllnlnim rnrn bread, het rolls, clear collee, sliced tomatoes and fried tailors or rock or perch or crabs, and return te the table as neat lu appearance as wheu she entered the kitchen, and se cheery and pleasing in uiaunerth.it each and every article of feed will taste the sweeter for being in her presence. At dinner you will Lav e fried chicken, delicately browned, ham baked with wine or sugar, roast duck, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, Lima beans, beets, egg plants, apple sauce, sweet and seurpicklts,curraut lelly, icecream and peaches, or peaches aud lieuuinerreim. puddings, pies, custards, cake and fruits. ler supiwr there w ill be sort crab-i, crocus, -Maryland biscuit, Sally Luun. honey and various preserves, with reaches and cream. The pre serves are wonderfully Une specimens et the preserving art, for iu this respect the East ern Shere girl is without au equal the world ever. Strawberries, blackber ries, raspberries, peaches, quince, pears, damsons, crab-apples, apricots, watermelon rind, rock melon and cautateupare all sub jected te her skill, and when placed upon the table they net only retain their ihver, but convince any man that nature ltsull has been Improved upon. In winter terrapins and wild geese, and ducks and birds, and oysters take the place el the fried chicken and the sett and hard crabs. As all the things mentioned above come from the land aud water of the peninsula, thH tables of the poor est families are supplied with them, though of course net In such great variety. II K AU3IIHKU Cl.KrKI.SXU. Ilewa Ijc1 Who tVanlel te e thfl i-te.hleut Had Ills Wl.li FuiiiiifO. A curious incident occurred the ether day during the president's morning stroll. A brlghteyed but roughly ilresseit lad met him near the lake, but had no idea that he was the president, " Kxcuse me, mister, but de you live at the hotel?" said the boy. "Y'es," replied Mr. Clevelaud, with an amusing smlle. " Well, I'm glad te hear It. b'po.e veu've seed Oovernor Cleveland?" "Oh, y&s ; I have seen him frequently." " Gell darned f you ain't just the man l've been aching te meet. Yeu see l've walked thirty miles te take a leek at the president. Jess as seen as I heard he was here I set out, and here I am, begesh." The siuile en the president's face still broadened. "My old dad has been vetin' up lu the mountings ferthlrty yeirs, begesh, but none of the fellers he voted ler get elected until he went for Cleveland. Since then our luck changed, begesh. Cattle quit dying, houses did well, mam gut the house insured and it ain't been struck by Ilghtnln' slnce, begesh. Dad says It's all lcause Cleveland's get a big neck bustin' wide open with brains. He must of had brains, else he ceuluu't get te the White Heuse, begesh. I've cum clean ever here te see the president, and etl you'll be se porlite as te point him out I'll be obliged. When you cum our way dad'll give you all the cider and fned chlckeus veu can drink, begesh." " 1 am President Cluvelaud." "There, begesh, you ain't, are you, though?" "I am the president," said Mr. Cleveland, with smiles struggling with gravity, "and 1 Bhall be happy" Some broken sntences, a scared lace aud threoer four gasps mlugted with dust and retreating roetsteps, and the young man from the mountains disapicared down the road read w ay. The lermldable reality et tlie oxecutl ve's presence was tee much for the young moun taineer. The quiet ease of manner or the president, together with his apiiarent unconsciousness el the public regard for htm, makes him a favorite with thu farmers and humors of this region. Said a gulde today : "I supiiose thathe can poll a heavier vote among the huutorsef the AdireudackH thau nny ethor statesman iu jielitical life." A Nt-EU. Halter' lll.e. 1 rein the Ualtlmere Atnerlcau. An unusual occurrence In the departments here is the steady and rapid rise of u jeung colored man who entered the secretary's eillce in the interior department as a mes senger seme jcars age, aud yesterday reached a third-class clorkehlp at Jl '00 per "I!!!?,"1' 'f.he young fellow, whose name Is vv llllatn IJ. Uaincs, was lermerly a waiter uud perter In the employ of James Worm Werm ley. The latter took a great interest in Gaines and through his Influence with public men succeeded in getting him a messengershlp In the interior department The young iellew was zealous and studious, and applied him. tielf te learnlug the use el the typowrlter se thoroughly that he was made a copyist at ?iXX) per year. Frem this last position he has Just lieeu promoted te n f(,.w clerk slilli. Nut I'artlsuu. Kiem the Husten Courier. " Isn't he beautllul ? sild the wifoef the politician, us she dandled hr baby boy, who smlled aud kicked every time she threw him up. " He is," answered the proud father as lie watched the play el the little feet, " but I'm afraid he will never be a geed party tuau." ' " Why net r " liocause he'a a kicker." evVr'rKmmr u,at mt a Bleew Th Menu nl Aiphslt Vattntil, Gen. M. U Meigs, of Washington, has written te Mr. II. W. l'llkta.eU'hlladelphla, n letter iu regard te the asphalt pavoment In Washington, taking the ereund that asphalt I aveinenta cost hut at rltle mere than granite deck pavement, and la incomparably belter in nil the qualities that go te the making el n tlrst-class roadway. The granite block pave ments laid In 1ST e cost H.7l -er square jard asphalt pavement, JI.Sj per square yard. The annual cost ei rep tire ei ine tvspiinu pavement en lVnusjlvaiiu avenue Ims ieen front 1', te i' cents per square jard, with a geed foundation of hydraulic cement, ssnd and broken stout. The asphalt sutface is durable, comfortable te drive Uen, and vastly mete favorable te health then any ether. Them Is nil Impression that asphalt pav ptueut Is net I tin best for heav y traffic but Mr. Fertile, an English civil engineer, com menting ou deit. Meigs' letter, shows that tuipresleti te le orreueous. Cheaiwlde, Lon Len Lon eon, w lilcli Is conceded, he sav , te liav the heav lest trallle or any street In the old world lias new been mvihI with asphalt for ten yours, and during that time lias never been closed a day ler repairs. It lias Um'ii, he sf tlrms, the ei)erieiice et lamden and Paris, that asphalt will stand mero w ear than either granite or iron. The virtues claimed for asphalt te put them briefly, are that they are uolele-is have no vibration, no dust, no mud, are easily cleaned, very durable, auil are easily repaired. .vu'i:i: v r.it.f-. .kt. 1 he sin ill boy takes Ids tiemclv Hue, A piece el common llneu twine. Then bends a pin And drops It In 1 he cool and gently bsMillni; brook, v. niching as large a string elitih As almost an.v one could m Ish ; V Idle there cliwi by. With fancy lly, 1 tic i it j angler ne'er a one can hook lYem thr Xrw Utiten Amj. As 1 Iipj Cnntuit resAttitjr make a porous pi ister li.ivttis nuythlug like the iiutlicln.il itiKltt!cs of ltcnsen's, the camp let lowers of the pharmtcetillcal profession pnv Out e tens of worthless plasters, and glvethem names wtitch resemble tu yrlntttist el the ecu nine, and, w hen carelessly spoken, sound Ilka It. ter example. Cheap Jehn drugKlst will eITer you Inish variously stltsl Capsicum," iiipsiiin," Ctpstclne ' or " Cspucln " pins ters. prefaced sometimes with the ns.me lien Ions or " Itiirten's." V e earnestly cuutlen the public against the hole trltieef thorn, nicy n abseluttilv useless us remedies ler disease. Te le sure they are cheap, tmt plain luustartl Is theaper and lust as eilicacleus. Ask ler lten son's, natch the spelling, and leek for the Three cals "trademark and the went l'p l'p tlne which Is cut In the centre el the genuine sers-M.VV.s 1VEVIAL UT1VCH. AUK Kill llAim mlseiuble by Indigestion, Constipation, lUtilness, Ums of Apt-etlle, 1 cl ow Msln t Shlleh's Vltnltzer Ls n iMlllve cure. Ker sule by II. It. Cochran, 1)1 usgUt, .Se. W Neith tiueeu street. Caution. We would caution the l'ubllc te beware el Dealers etlarlng Kemp's lUlsam at less than the rcuular l'rlce. .V) cents and f I, as oftentimes Imi tations or inferior artlclesare sold as the Kenulne In order te enable them te sell cheaply. 11.11. Cechmn, druggist, Ne. 15J North lucrn street ls eurageut ter Xancasler. baiuple tHHtle irtvea toyeur. el5-lif.tw KAl'llI TltANStr Th" latest and best form of rupi.t transit u for a person tnmblnl with a sli k- huulache te take n di of Dr. Leslie's f-p'clal l'rescnptlen and w hat n rapid transit train the affliction takes for Its departute. fcce advertisement tu another column. dec-AMjdd) SHI LOU'S Vtr.VLlZKIt li what yonueeerfor Uonstlivatlen, Loesot Appetite, Dlizlnur". and ftU symptoms of Dyspepsia. 1'rlce ID and 7S cents per bottle, ler sale by II. tl. Cochran, Druggist, N"e. lsu North Queen street. 0 IIettls ErscTS x Crnx. Mr. Oscar E. 11. ivecn. et Alleutewn, l'a., was bedfast within, rlamuiatery rheumatism la the winter of IsjO. Doctors could de nothing te lcllevehim. lie commenced using Gress- Kheutuaile llemedy. lly the time he had used hiUt a botlle he could leave his bed; wLenhe had finished the lietUe he was cured and has net had a return of the dueue since. In his own words, "1 te.il better than ever before." l'rlce II, by all druirirlsta. tebtf-JuidMVV ,tr Th lliclteiiicnt Net Over. .Ibe rush at II a Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 North Oueen street, stUl continues en mceunt of persons afflicted with Cough. Colds. Asthma, luentbltis and Consumption, toprecurr abottle of hemp's ll.1l9.1m ler the Threat and Luues, w hl h is sold en a guarantee aud Is gtvlnsenutu sall.factlen. It ts a standard tamlly remedy. l"rite cunts andll. Tnal liiejrte. eli-lwdjtw- blHt-0113 CATAKUI1 UEMKlM-a positive cure for Catarrh, Dlptherla, and Canker Meuth. r or aiw uy 11. u. ueenran, nrugirlst. Ne. 137 North Oui-en street. Dr. Uasslxb Werji bvacr, Purely vegetable, pleasant te take, will expel worms If any exist, no purgative required alter using. Price, 25 cents, by all druggUU. febi-JmdM Way flood Ketulta In Ktrrj Uiun. D. A. llradfei-d, wholesale paperdealcref Chat tanoeira. Tenn , writes that he was terleusly afflicted with a severe cold that settled ou his lungs; had tried many remedies without benefit iMinirinuuctsiiPiry llt King's New Dl.cevery for Consumption, did se and was entirely cured by usoef a few bottles blncew hlch llmehehas used It In hl tamlly ler all Ceuirhs and Colds with best results. I his Is the experience of thou sands whose llvtshavn been saved by this VVon VVen derful Discovery. Trial liettle frve at 11. 11 Cochran's Drug store. Nes. U7 and 1 ri North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. (5 SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by Uiat lerrible cough. hblleh'sCnrelsthe remedy for you. t orsaleby 11. ll.Cethran, Dnigglst, .Ne 137 North (jueen street. An llud te Hene Scrapie;;. Edward Shepherd, of Harrlsburjr, 111., gays "Having received se much licnent Irem Electric IMtlers. 1 led It my duty te let suITei-lutf human-Ityknew-lt. Have bad a running seru en my lc for elRht years ; my doctors told me I would have te have the bone scraped or leg amputated I used. Instead, three bottles of Electric Hitters and -men boxes linckleu's Arnica Halve, and my leg ls new sound and well." Electric Ulttres are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and llucklcn's Arnica Salve at S3c per box by 11. ll.Cechran. Druggist, Nes. Wand lyj North Ijueen street, Lancaster, l'a. (5j ISltOWN'S HOUSEHOLD l'AJfACKA. Is the most ciTectlve I'aln Dostreyerln the world' Will most surely quicken the bleed wheUier taken Internally er'applled extem&lly. and Usereby mere certainly UELIEVE Vain. whether chronic or acute, than any otlier pain alleviator, and It ls warranted donble the strength of any similar preparation. it cures pain In the Side, Back or llewels. Sere inreai, unenraatism. Toothache and all Itheuraatlsin, Toothache and ALL win, anu is inu ureal uelluver of I'aln. UUOVV-N'S HOUSEHOLD 1'ANACEA " h jjla be In every family. A touspeonlul of the l'anacea In a tumbler of hr t water sweetened, if priv fnrred,! taken at Dedtlrce, will UHKAK Ul' A ':OLD. ascents a oetUa mjn-lydM.W.ASw " IIACKS1 ETACIC " a lasting and fragrant per lume, PrtceilaiidW cents. 1'ersalu by II. U. Cochran, Druggist. Ne. 1J7 North (juten streeu llIK KEV. GEO. II. THAYEIl, of llourben Ind., says . ' lUith myself and wiroew-o our lives teaHll.OH'SCONSlMI'TlON'COHE." Korsale by 11. II. Cochran, DrnggUt, Ne. 137 North Oueen street. tOlt DlSl'El'SlA and Liver Complaint, you have n prliited guurantee en every bottle of bhl bhl leh's Vftallzur. It never faUs ta euro, for sale by H. U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137N'erthUuecn stieet. Iluckleu'a Arnica Halie. The llesl Salve In the world for Cub), llrulses, Seros, Ulicirs, Salt Khenin, 1'ever Beres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Krupilnn, and pealllvely cures 1'lles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te glve jM'rfcct satis faction, or money refunded. I'rlce i cents per box. for sale by II. 11. Cecuran, DruirUt,I37 and 13J North Oueen street. lavncastur, l'a. MOIT1KU.1! ilOTHKUSIl MOTHKltSIII Are you disturbed at nlKbt and broken of your nt by a sick child suffering and crylnf with 10 excruciating naln of cnlllnir teelh t it an. rust the goatenceundgetalxitUo of ilrs. WINSLOW'B . OOTHINO sntUf. It will relieve the peer llttle sufforer Immediately depend there la no mistake about it. Thei nnen lit There Is net a mother en earth who ban fivr imAd it. whn win net tll you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest Ui the mother, and relief and health te the child, operatlng like magic It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is Oae prescription el en of the eldest and host Uunale physicians In the United states, bold every where. SS tunls a betue maySl-lydU.W.BAw TON'T.SUI'I'KH ANY I.ONCJKK Krein Tour Dlsonlered Ktdnevs, lllitfk Jlarivii 31iiiernl Spring iValcr Is a l'rempt. Kltlclcutaud Cheap llemedy. ItaTenleand lnvlgerant Tewera make It an excellent Dyspepsia llemedy. I'r. Itegnault, el France, writing te Oen. lleff, of the u M. Atmy.auygi " 1 en need net come te Kurope ler Waters te euro liyspenala j we have none Uittur than 1ILACK llAllltKNHI'ltiNU WATKIl." 1'en.eus supplied and vessels I tarnished. 1'. H. GOODMAN, Manager, Ne. 37 Kast Oram Street, rorsale by JNO It. KAUH'ilAN, DniggUt, erth Ouceu Street, Lancaster, l'a. lILACKHAKUK.VSl'UlNOllOUaK new open. Apply te UISSCHltlSTlK I5OMIIEU0KU, 1'leasant Oreve, Lancaster County, Vs. nnel8s5ma lrumr D' tlKT tots the fibre ami invites purify blankets thoroughly, Vrofcsser Cernw.ill, of Princeton College, says the Ivekv Seap is an excellent laiiiulry Seap, of great purity and wen than average cleansing power. A WORD OK WANNING. There are nuny while soaps, each represented te be "just as geed as the ' Uerv'i" they ARE NOT, hut like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivery" Seap and Insist upon gelling it. Copyright ls$, by l'reclcr A Humble. urn TT7IAL.L, lKY l3O01S. HAGER & Fall Dry Goods. The NKWKvr UKU.SS rAlUULef rereign aud Demestic -Miuiufitctuie. Alse l'till l.mes of Cleths. Tricots, C.tshtueies, Serges, I'm Stilpua, Neat ChcckB mid Cem binatleu Dress tloexls. LADIES' WRAPS AND SHAWLS. FLANNELS for Men's Wear, Flannels for Utdies' Wear, l'lain and Striped Flan uels, I'mbreiderevl Flannels. BLANKETS from the Lewest te the Finest iju.iUt). HAGER & Nes. 25 and 27 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa, N EXT UOOK TO THE COURT HOUSE. Fatadetk's Extensive Dry Goods Estaisliiiieiii la new heavlly stoekod with goods oultnble for the nppronehlng Fall and Winter Sottseu. It having been purohased during the Summer nt low prices for prompt Cash, enables us te offer It at Iebb than regular prlcea. Por Per sons visiting the County Fair would de well te make a nete of thfa faet. Blauketa, Bed Oomferta, Flannels, Whlte and Colerod Qullta, Ladlea' Dresa OecxIb, Bilks, Shawls, New Style Cloaks aud Jaokets, Camela Hair aud Scarlet Weel Undorwear for Lndles, Qenta and Ohlldren. All the abeve In large quantities aud at less than Regular Prices. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOU TO THE COURT HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENNA. M irr.GEU A HAUOIIMAN. THE HEADQUARTERS FOR Blankets and Comfertables LOWEST PRICES, METZGER & HAUGHMAN S CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Pa. a hove hi kb. H1 IGH GHADK COKJ-'KES. Kine old Government Java and llecha Coffees, the best In the market. Our Java men ded Coiree speaks for Itself ; rich and fraxrant, Kc. per pound. Very line 1'lantalleu ltle Coffees, our best only 'juc. per pound; one very popular at lie We want you te call and try our iJJic Coffee. The excellent quality of our Coirecs and fine Teas Is making friends fast and (Inn. Our dally sales show a steady Increase, rnwh lteaated every day. A full line el fancy Groceries, l'leese give us a trial order. OKO. WIANT, anirtu-lvd Ne. HI West Klnv Street. AT UUKHK'H. Genuine laple Sugar IN 1 l'OUND KltlCKB, AT 12 CENTS A POUND. HAM AND DRIED BEEF. Dried Ileef chipped aud by the piece. Oysters In one and two pound cans. Mustard andbplced Sardines, tine Imported Sardines, lirolled Mackerel in Tomate Sauce, llrelled Sal Sal eon, I'resh Salmen, Fresh Lebster, Cream Chcuse, l'lcnlc I'lneaprle Cheese, Sage or Green Cheese, etc., ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST K.1NQ BTREET, LANCA8TKU. l'A. - Telephene connectien: TIIK UNDKUHKINIM) WIWs IIK-OI'KN his Lourteof Instruction In the Ucniian, t'ruucb and Italian languages, lu the early part of October nexU l'lease apnly at bis studio, NO, 7K EAST KINO STllKhT. sep'Mmd LKON VON 03SKO. T KVAN'H FI.OUR. 11 Prove all things and held fast te that which It geed." Levan's Fleur. neAr. the moth." Te cleanse ami wash them with Ivekv Seap. UUU'M. BROTHER. BROTHER, AT- rUH BALM UM MEN I. FOIl HK.NT. Twe one-story heusea. Ne. J7 West Chest nut street. sept'J-tfd Al'l'LV AT THIS OKriCK. F IOH SALIC TIIK HOKRKL IIOlWi: Hetel l'repcrty. Nes. 43 and 51 West Klug street. aise, luuinicc-sioryHieroand Dwclllnir Ne. IS North Ouceu street, wlllbuseldnt nrlvntn sale. Inrjulroer II. O. KIIKADV, Att'yfer Estate of Jacob C. Kieady. OK IlKNT.-A DOIMJLK TWO-HTOUY llltICK 1101 SK wlth5Acresef Land.cerner l'rlnceand James streets. Thcralsastableand tobacco shed en the premises. I'ossesslon given Immediately Apply at augtld 334 KASTOKANOE8T. OKI'IIANH' COUKT 8ALK. On SATCKDAY, SKI'TKMIIEII II, lSMl.nt the l'leugh tavern en West King street, Lancas- terclly, the undersigned administrator of Henry ra tii llurklus, deceased, win expose aipiuiiicsaie ny vlrtuoel an order of the Orphans' Court of Lan- caster county, all that One-Story liltlCIC DWELLING ii)Uk. en a let or piecoei ground louse, en a let or n bolen gl u g thereto, Nes, 112 and 111 Maner slrcet. A.micunil t;it y. iiivuuiiuk ill aiumi. ou dianiii street aforesaid, 31 feel, and extending In depth 161 leet. This property Is desirably located, has geed fruit trees, and ls In all respects a very de de Blrable home. Hale te be held at 7 o'clock p. in., en said day, when terms and conditions will be made known by WILLIAM 11. 1IUCKIUH, sept GUI Administrator. TRVHKB, JtV. maUNKS! TKUNKSI Latest Styles Trunks ATKUECKKL'a. Over Throehundicd different sires and styles te choeso Hern at pilccs ranging from Hl.oe te 3UOO. DRLDAL TRUNKfi-OHBAP, AT KREOKEL'S TRUNK ROOM, Second Fleer, 3 nnd 5E. King St. augiiamd AKKLKY'S "VJKiLLOW I'KONT" clear filler Havana 6 cent Cigar Is pro nounced by smokers the best In the mar ket, at MAKKLKT'S - Yellow front," Ne. a North Queen utreet. (reraerly Uartauvn's ) HOVUKVMHMMHIXtt UUUfM. WTK UAVK A IiAltOK BTOOK OT TIIK 1IKST RDFRIGDRAT0R.S IN TIIK OITY, Th rierce Pry Air Hefrigtrater. UA A'DA'.Y IHWK, HA TKK VOULKKB, WK CMC AM rUKKXKKH, And l lull line. etltOUSKrUltNtHlllmlUOODS llie latK-est uteck of HAS riXTUHKM In the city. Spwlal attention paid te Uas-nttliiR, Ttn lUs'flUK and Speutliitf v it hav J list ivcelv ed another let of these SAO. (ll.OIIK.s. JOHN P. SOHAUM & SOK, 'M SOOTH QUEEN ST., LAN0A8TKU. l'A. TjMilNNA 1IUKNKMAW. PRICES MARKED DOWN Weed and Iren Pumps, TERRA-COTTA AND Iren Moter and Drain PIPES. FLIP & BRENEMAN, Ne. 1(j2 North Quoeii Btroet, LA NU AST Ell, l'A. -tyM. A. KIKKKKil AIjDUH U. llHKK KIEFFER cSd HERR, Ne. 40 East Kin Street, (Opposite Court Heuse). Invite all llensekeeei te Call'aud luecl their Sleck of Heuset'uriiisliing Goods. A Cotnplele I.tnn constantly en hand. COOK BTOV KS nud ItANOES, lfAULOIl HTOVE8, HEATEItb ana rUK.NACE3. SUMMER COOK STOVES. Alter carefully exaudnlnir the metiu of all eflervd te the trade, e have selected THE "ARGAND," rer OAbOLINE, and THE 4t DANGLER," rer COAL OIL. As the Uest, when all points ate considered, te ener te our patrons. Call aud see us. We levu te show our xoeds, and am net offended If you de net purchase. Iteniember, e aru ftgcuU ler The " Splendid Heater. Mannfarturfsl by Culler A'WatTcn Company, Trey, N. 1 , which has no rival In durability, aconemy of fuel and control of iras. N'owlsUie time toexamlneandbvcomu posted for Autumn purchases. UKIIKMUEU THE PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPI'OSITK COUKT 1IOU8K.) apil-tldAw ox.erjfi.vu. H llteH A KKOTHKK. fek riiei'Li: siikkivd and savims HIRSH & BROTHER'S Great Sate of Beys Clefc 1'esst'siiCH (Jrenl Attractions. BOYS' CL0TflING. Our New Tall Stvles of lUivs' and Children's Suits are new ready, and they are worth whlte every mether's Inspection A crander assert- menia nil nrettlerutvles were neverseen before. liuvlnc tlme has new ceme for these who with prudence of nforetheught make their Fall selec tions while assortments am unbroken j while goods are fresh while they've get the time te leek, and wu the tlme te give them that nicety of attention which we Intend they shall rocelve. buying tlme this season finds us far better pre pared te meet your wants than aid buying tlme enu year age. And wo're net aware that you then found anything lacking, either In assort assert ment, quality or style, lie that as It may, this year's buying tlme surpasses all ethor buying times In extent or assortment. In the excellence of goods. In the lowness of prices Hetter man man agemeiit. Improved facilities and a larger trade an) things uiai nuve uenu iw Novelties In our Custom Departments. Novelties In out Custom TuUuilng Depatl ments. Our stock of new Importations of Sultlmrs and Treusering ls new complete In ull that thu word Implies, lim will sen scores of thu latest de signs of English t'asslmercs and Corkscrews, the latest patterns of French Worsteds, and all new shades nud mixtures of Demestic manu facture. We bought these goods direct from the Euro pean manufacturer, thus enjoying advantages unknown te ethor merchant tailors or Lancas ter, who buy their goods from ether than lltst hands. The prices nt which we are new prepared te make Bulls and rants le erder lire most convinc ing testimony of our superior facilities. New Fall Styles all around. In every depart ment we me showing udvance styles for the coming season. Theio are hundieds of new things In Men's, lieys's and Children's Clothing. Heur these words In your mind . New Is The lluylngTiine -AT- Hirsli & Brether's ONE-PRIOE Clothing and Furnishing Heuse, COltNEB HOBTII QOKBN BTUEBTAND "" CENTIIE 80.UA11K, 1U1H PAPER 1H PK1NTKI) WITU INK M&nutactured by J. K. WRIQHT Si OO., tnarlHyd Mth.and Uue.Sta.i'.rhiiadelphU, ft, s- m 4 I m i vm. JSi3St?Jt2-SSV? -p's'- ?rs.i- . l?er'Fc'w&xin& f.-.r s r- p- iJrev fcNj i.' tvre'r-m &i$K4mt,im.,il'"fir-.iJn 'V .st' r