"fsr1 WMM v.ti-- uaukjwmm ki':mm ? h - A HKftr-MBKIt VIOl.V.T. for darn the prat woie heeds et cloud, Ihoslepos wurorlledliielillly uliil WeiaUl Ills tlie hiiiiitner's shroud, And with llm brooks -.te inimiimt ulinuli Will suiislilnn Inn ur loine again At lint tlin tu'st ln"1 lireuiilil in mm Bereno, warin.rluudlen, cijslnlilny, An tlieuiili Hopteiulini, liavlnit blown A blast et tempos!, iiiiw Imil tliiuwn A lpiiinllel le Urn favored Miiy, llipkwnnl tn Spring our fanrleittnw, Aiul.mreli'incif the course of Tlum, Tlin blmnny days began anew. Than, m u luippy dieaui comes tine, Or in a peel limit hi ihyiun Unit wondered nt, half iinliolleU'il I tomtit lliee, friendliest uf Iho Aim ms ' Thun Hummer' Jeys riiuin h.ick, green-leaved, Allll tt llllOlllml llAll, a title lepf lured, riml learned hew truly thay wure euri. Ilinrvlnliitl Illil tlin Autumn bring 'J'hne terual ill e.iini, till thou, Mho tin', llliltt clliuli In thy Imagining t Or was It that tlit) thoughtful spring lllil ceinu again, In search el timet Ilelitrt 1'iultruveit Johmen, In The Vtnturv- VULUKKt. IXIIKUxVl.l. US I.A WYKHM. A KlMiiMlenMiiinllig Inllirl Hub IIm Net an Hiatal,! Opinion ulllm i,rulslai, Kinin the Husten Herald. "Tlie lawyer In morely a aert of Intelloc Intellec ttnil struiiipeL lle In iirepiireil te rvcolve blu fuim, nml niake Uie Ixml of eltlwr bMe el ntiy rasp. He Is u aert of a liuntlar In the realm of inent.'illty. It Inn fottmmle thlnir for tlie lawyer that, wliimusur ninAil Inreimtiiil who luw tlie peculiar faculty for leirat neiiilro neiiilre intuitu mid controversy! nt tlie aaine tlme (iiieiikIi feels Hprlng Inte tixlsltuicu te jilve lilmnKiKKl living. It In IHiiMrated In Iho iilery nl tlie man who nlinlteil Ter tlin ministry nnd occupied the pulpit r,,r n number of year uIIIioiiIhuci-eh", anil tliun studied med. lciiienml practiced thin profession ler a until until ler of yearn w itlieiit fniccnxn, nml thou Htmlled law anil, oiiterliiu upon Uh practice, inaile a fertune at It. I!" declared lie had fennil iiien nuite willing te pay for having llielr own way thun te In) guaranteed llielr neuln or te koep thelr IichIIem wheliv My Ideal of n great lawyer lit that great KiikIIsii iiltortiey wins having accumulated n fertune of Xl,WM.OW, Inlt It all In u will te inake a home fur Id loin, declaring that he wanted te glve It hack te the iivople from whom hutoek 1L" " Your opinion noema ti Imi morn novenion jour client than ynunelf," I .ild. The colenot IhiiIkmI an he nald : " I nover want te knew much nbeul myclieuta. I nover want te knew whether they are K"l"y or net. I de net nen enrote knew what they can prove. What I want te knew In what thoethor fellow f.m prnve, knew that I inn icudy for htinlneat." Then I Ctfiuent In ltaie nl Ctfiliiitlleu At the recent menllii); In llulhile, N. Y., of the AmerliMii aannMatlnn lorthe ndvauro ndvaure ndvauro mentet nclenre, miiiie of the delegaten din din cunned In an Infurmat way it nulntllule ler crcmntlen. Otie of the n-kuitNti, wlione uaine in net rotiiembertHl liy l'nifotner l'ohl l'ehl man, Iho local noreolnry, prejxined cemcutii lien an neuixtlilUK Imltnr than Incineration or the prtwnt iihhIe of Interment. Ills plan wan te Inn e tlie body vncAnei! in conietit and thin It wan bollevcd would de nway with a celli it. Itn ikIvhiiUik" were tliene . It would de away with all sanitary olijectloun and would net Intnrfore with thu rltiul of tlin chitrchen, for both ItliiliopCexo, i;picep:illau, and lllhliep Hyan, Heuiiin t'atuellc, liam declaiftt th"innlen ivn Inline oppeKtnl tocro tecro tocre matlon. Ilalnpl'oxe In ail Inlorvlew niyn that he can nwi no voisltle objection le CO CO CO liionutleu, and llinhep ltyau Mien the H.iinn. inldliiK that cementation in Imineiniiralily Imtler th in cremation." A curietin feature of the Rute, mnde known by ImiulrliM, it that rabt lufent romnterlpis burrow Inte tlie graven and make Ihelr licitn In the celllun. An old Kiao-dtKRer tiald that he had killed liiiu liiiu dredn nl ratn and that they worn regular Khouli. He wan much ple-tned with the Idea el a commit cetlln which would deimay with any molmtatleu of the dead by rain. "They will eat through nnythliiK," he Mid, " ex t'J'pt (done, coment or metals." Tliff (len. Frein the Chlcak'O Tribune. The young man had taken her hand and wa-n pleading in linwvtletieil tenen an they Rat together en the heU. "Irvue," aald he, "tlimigli 1 am net the nn.neer of great wealth, I can elltir you the dovetlon of a heart that In yeurn alone a lere that la an beundlenn an the oceiti anil at eiulurlng an lh evurlaitlng hilln. The aim of my llle ahall be te mlnlnter te your happb nenn and te ableld you Irem every stormy blast. Your nmlle Khali tw my huatun. UH in my laucy'a wanderinga " At thin moment the ullvery tone or a little gong wan heard. The young man paused, turned xile, and aald In an agoniretl volce : "Oh, Irouet Atnuch a moment an thin, when my llle'n happlnean In trembling in the balance, cn you be no cruel and no heartlenn an te pull a chestnut gong en ineT" Mntlier'a Ninllen Are tlin sunlight of llmnv. There would be fewer cleuitt and brighter unthlne In many toiinehokls irevvry dltpintt'tl alTennt; woman realized what a been Ur. I'lerce'n " I'avorlle Prescription "t for all w enk ncmit'M and lualadleH te which her sex In llable. Ne laity who given thin wemlerlul retneJy a trial will be ilUappelnleil by the result. It net only acta premiiuy upon an (iinciienaiuaranRumnnin, uui uy lu rare nertlnn and tonle prtipertu-n ntrenglhens anil repalrntbe whole feiulnlnnsyc lew rnce reiuscu loeneuoiiar. jiyuniggwn. Tu.VAw Mether de net glve your baby opiates te dull IU mlnil but ute Ph. IUmi'h Colle Cure. Of all icmcdlen, I )ii. I U mi's Pleasant l'byslc It the only only ene which cured my balxi cf con stipation. Jeun Waiix, Trey, N. 1 . epl-lmil.tw A. II. C. CiAH,re' iloer walker for btern llretherv, Ji Went Twenty thlird streut, .New Yerk, tegether w Ith his wife, was troubled with malaria for upwards of two yean. They weie lieth entirely cureil by taking one or two lirau lirau dreth's l'lllseveiy night (or three, months with out Inlorferlng with their labor or housoheld duties. arjsciAL Monena. IKj Net Sl.ite lllliidly. Uecaiefully In purchasing medicine. Many advertised remedies can work great Inlury aiu worse than none. Jturtleck IltoeU tairian purely a vegetable preparation l the smallest child can take them. They kill dlsnane and euro the patient In asafeand kindly way. Korsale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 17J Nertli liueen stioet, Lancaster. llepanil Upen It. Mether Shlptnn'n prepheslet and LeuLdima eleeltens mil uncertain thlncn. but 77ienms' JJe- Uetrle Oil can be depended upon always. It cures aches uud pains of every i r ue iloscrlntleii. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1X1 sale uy ii. ii. t.ecuran, nrugg: North (Jiieen street, Lancaster. First-rale Kvldenen. "Olteu unable te attend business, being sub led te serious disorder of the kidneys. Allet a long slegu of sickness tried Jlunleck lllwtt Jtil Icrt aud wan relieved by half n bottle," Ml. II Turnei.ef ltechuster, N. Y., takes the pains te wilte. yiirsule by II. H. Cochran, diugglsl,lJ7 and 13'. North (Jiieen stivut, Lancaster. or lame bark, sbloer client, Hue tihlleh's Por Per ous Plaster, rrlceixt cents. Fer nalu by II, 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1JJ North Queen slitet. Hew Much Will Ha It Hew nnich of Tliemai' Kelcctric OU It lmiulred toeurer Omy a very little. A few diens will euro any kind of auucue: unit Imta trltloiuero Is needed for sprnlnt and lameiie-ises. Khoutna Kheutna tlsmls net se leiullly alluded ; nn ounce and semetlines two ounces are leiiuded Ne uieol uieel cine, however. It se sum te euro with llm aaine number or applications. ForBUehy ll. II. l.'och- an, druggist, 1.17 and 1JU North (jiicen stiecl, Lancastei. A Nen.iaper IMIter, O. M. Ilolceinb, of llloemvlllo, Ohie, rises te explain "Had that terrible dlsuaae catarrh, for twenty yearst couldn't tasle or smell, and huar Ing was tailing. Thomai' Keltetrle OU cured me. These ani lucts voluntarily given against a former iirejudlce of patent medicine." Porsale by 11. II. Cechmu, druggist, 137 and UJ North guimn all cot, Lancaster. "Dufi't Hurry, tlentlainen," Bald a man en hit way te be banged, " thure'll bone lun till 1 get there." We say te the dys peptic, nervous, and debilitated, don't hurry thoughtlessly for bemu remedy of doubtful merit, unceilalu el lellef, when you enn get at the druggists for ene dollar Hurdeck Jlloeil Jtil. frrialuieslsi.ru te cme ami curt tin tebenellt. 1'urenle byll.lt. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and U'l Nsirthtlueun street, Lancaster. K1UNKV THOUHLIM. A I'u. of lllaiiy Yu Utandliie Uuril With HU llettlem In a alu U0 Yearn el Age. Allkntewk, i'u., ilay fl. isss. Uandilien HirrBRa Ce. Uenta I I had been troubled with lny kldneys fera number of yearn, used almeat overythlng without much be mint until X tried Dandelion Hitters. I used six bot tles and am pleased te say I am entirely rltl of the kidney trouble, besides my system belnir toned up se that 1 feel llke a different person. I cheerfully rocemmond tbosame te all allllctid IntlilBwav. JACOIIMUBCULITZ. lebWmai'UjTb.B MBBlOAt TYVHl'MI'SIX 1H A IIANUKUUUH AH J J Well aa iltttrrmitn cmiiiiIiiIiiI. If ne. lectefl, It Kindt by Imparling nutrition, and do de priKslnir tlmtnnuer theayaluui, In prepare tlie way of Itaplit Decline. riijslclnns and liriiKglntn Itrremmrnd BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! AS THE BEST TONIC. It iiulckly and completely Uuren Dyspepsia In I lis fnrum. Heartburn, flnlchlng, TIIiik tlin all r reed, me, 11 enriches and purines ihe blend, sltnilllales tlie apH!llte, and aids the nssimlla- lien in num. . . ,, IIkv.T. 4. IteaniTaa, the honeroil pastor of the first Kalertiied Church, Hull I met n, Md , saya t ' Having ued llrnwn's Iren Hitters for Hytpnp. sla and Indigestion, I Hike uieat pleusmn In recommending It hluhly. Alse eeiislilnr It a anlendld lonle and fnvlgnraler, and very atrtingthenlug." IIek. Jessrii 0. Herr, dudga of Circuit Court, (.'lliitnu Ce.. liul., SMs 1 bear most thnurrul testimony te the ulucflcy of llrewn'a Iren lilt trs for llyapeiinla, and as a lonle." Man. O. A. Nebwat, Merrill, Wis, sayat t aumired for two yearn with Dyspepsia. Used many dlflcrnnt remedies without beunnt. My physician advised me te try llruwu'a Iren Hit ters. Thrre bottles cured me." The genuine has Tnule Mark and rrnnscd led Mum en wrapper. Take no oilier. Made only by HHOWN CHKMlCAh CO., ll.illtinete, Md. (I)iiiIS lyilAw C1MM0NH' lilVKH UKdlM-ATOll. -TAKK- Simmons' Liver Regulator I TIIK HVMl'TOMB or MVKIl CUMl'IiAINT A rea bitter or bad tntteln lueutli.palu In the buck steles or Joints, elieil mistaken for Khnii. mntlsiui sour stomach, less of appetite, bowels alternately rittlu and lar, hrndticlm i Ions of memory, with n palnrul sensation of having tailed te de something whlchuught te have bevit dunn i debility, low spirits, a It.lek yellowish apponranre of the sklu and eyes , a dry cough elten mistaken ler Coiisuinptleu. Hoinelliuan many of them symptoms nttnud the disease, at ethers very low I but the l.lvei, the largest iwgan In the body, In itenenilly the seat of the disease, and If net regulated In limn great sulTerlng, wretchetlncsn and death will ensue. TIIK "HAI.TIMOIIK KI'IHCUI'AI. DlbT." MKTIIU 'Hlnininns' l.tver llegulater Is nc kunwlcdged te luie no elilill as a l.tver medicine, containing these Peuthuni roots and herbs which, an all-wlsn l'rnvtdenie has placed In ceimtrles w lie i u Liver illtii'e n pitivall " auglM'tiilAw piXUAUSTKl) VITALITY. EXHAUSTED VITALITY TIIK HCIKNCK. Or LIKE, the grtiat Meillcal Werk of the age en Manhood, .Nervniis and l'h)slc&l Debility, I'rcu.atum Decline, Krrorsef leuth, and the untold miseries censcuuent thereon, an pages Bve. 13 prescriptions for all disease. Cleth, full Kilt, only tl.ne, by inall, stsiled. lllnstratlrnsaiiipln free te all young and mldiltwii;ed men forth, next HO days. Addiesa Dlt. Y. II. 1'AIIKKK, I HulMnch Htreet, Ibnten, Mass. uiyl7-lyeedAw (OATAMUIHAY-HKVKU. CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM Ulvea llellut alUucu aud Cures. COLD IN HKAD, CATAltllll, 11AV fKVK.lt HUSK-COLD, DKAr'.VKSS, HKADACHK. .S'et:i I.t.pitO, Unuir or Powder. Kree fiein In I ll r tens Drugs and Oflniiatte Oilers. A particle Is applied te etch nostril and Is ogreuablo te ate. I'rlce 60 cenU at druggltta by mall, realstered, no cut. Circular sent Iree. KI.V HIIOTHKUS, DniBKlsU, Owege, N.V. Inlyaiyoedtlvw G KAY'S HI'KCIt'IU MED10IN1- THKIlltKAT KNUI.IHII HKMKDV. An unlallinir cum for luipntency, and all Ills-easi-a that fellow lws of Memery, Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Hack, Dimness of Vision, Preti.aturu old Age, ami many ether dlseata that lead te Insanity or Consumption aud a Prmnalnre Urnve a-riiU)wrtlciilnrsln enr )inphlet, which we desln. te send Iren by mall toeveryene. aT'The Ppnctric Medicine Is sold by all druggists alii per package, or six packages for A, or will be sent Irce ny man en tnn receipt or uie ) money, by aildresslng the agent, Jl. 11. l.Ml.llll.A. Druirelst. Sole Afrent. Nes. 137 and lay -Serth (juueu Street, linLaster, I'a. On account of counterfeits, wn have adopted the Yellow Wrapper: thu only genuine. TIIEUHAV MKDKJALCO., apS-lydAw HulTale. N.V. rlUHK QUAKANTKKn RUPTURE. Cum guaranteed by Dlt. .1, II. MAYKI1. Kasoatencei no operation or delay from bust ness ; iesum uy nuuuruusei cures, Main office. 831 AllCll ST., 1'lULA. Bend for Circular. fJO-lVdAw riURK FOR Till-: DKA?. v Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Kar Drums perfectly lestore hearing the work et the natnral drum. Invisible, coin, fortable and always In position. All conversa tion and even whispers heard distinctly, bend for Illustrated book with testimonials, CIIKK. Address or call en r. 1IISCOX, tAIHmadway, New Yerk. Mention this jiaper. luuelo-IyeedAlyw tOKN REMOVKH. VICTORIA C0I1N UKMOVEK. Warranted te oradtcate complctely and In a hurt tlme, the most obdurate corns, hant or soil, without pain. Sold by Hue. W. Hull, Chaa. A. Lechor, Jehn IL KaulT.nan, Dr. Win. Worn Wern loy. And. O. Ifniy. Chas. J. Shulmyer, and at liKcirreLD's dhuu steuk, fleclS-lyd Ne. 01 West Urange St. VUAL. r W. MARTIN, wneLWALs Aan kstail dsalsb in All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. 4VYARD: Ne. 4 J) North Water and l'rlnce Streets, abeve Lemen. Lancaster. nX-lvd T3AUMUJCKUNERS A JKFFE1UKS. COAL DEALERS. Orries: Ne. 139 North yueen BtreeUaud Ne. li'i Nena l'rlnce street. Vaiii: Neith I'rtnce street, near Heading Depot. LANUAHrKIt, l'A. au&16 lid R KMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO hai ltunoved hla Cenl OIUce te Ne. 153 NOItTH yUKHN bTHKKT (liriminur'u New llulldlnir), wheru orders will be roculved ler Lumber and Ceal, WllOLmALV AND R11TA1L. 1114 till M. V.U.C01IO. E AbT KNU YARD. 0. J. SWARR & 00. GOAL. KINDLLNQ WOOD. OltH'.i: Ne. 50 OKNTHK HOUAItK. lUilh yard aud nillce coiiueotoa with 'X'uluphoue huclmne aiirlS-lydMAr.U nor him. e VKNALLi TUK YEAR. (( THE MANSION," ATLANTIC CITV, N, J. The larxcst and most promtneutly lucaled Hetel Kleuiintly lecuntly furnished anil lllimully liinn riiisniui nun nun Iglitud, ilniliHHl auinl. 'Iheitiualilv ;ihi. uy iieiiiuu, uiiiiikhi unit Mill' Ulauid. Open all ihe J ear, OliARLES McQLADB. "llrephy's Orchestra. Je7-rmd QKOUUK KNHT, JB., Oarpenter, Contractor & Builder, HE3IDENCE-N0.33J WKST KINQ BT. BUOl'-EABT QKANT ST., Opposite ataUen 11UUBO. All work receives my prompt ana nerienai it. tentlen. All kinds of Jobbing atienaea te at short no- lice una en reiuuunuiu mimj Drawings una stiautt3 lurniehea. oil lyd , &.!:-4 ' iirt-.i..?rMift mK oemfohth uerD T T North End Dry Goods Stere Are) iu geed a they can be innde. If yen waul le buy any tlme It will pay you te exaii.luetl.ein. j.W.i,YHNK, nevUrd Ne. Sti North Queen ttreet. "M"BW ATTRAUTIONH -AT- STAMM BROS. & 00, New. 20 and SO North Queen Bt. LA.NCAhTKll, l'A., FALL DRESS GOODS. Striped and I'lald Novelties. Titcnt Cleths In Plain and fancy Celers. Muck Dress lioetls n Hpccinlly. Hy keeping a Vatlnty and at Lew Prices we hope uiwakoeur DHKBS (lOOI)fl DKI'AHTMKNT TIIK MOST ATTHA011VK IN TUB CITV. BOSTONSTORE. -As llm closing moveinent Is general our Btoie will net bi open oicrptSatuidayevenlngs. J.8 OIVLER A CO. Positive Closing Sale. LANCA1TKH,8K1'T. 1, ImI. We (omiiience te-1ay lesell eir enr Kntlre Stock or Dry Uoeds, Silks, Dress (loeils, Ladles' Coats, Shawls, Notions, Cai pels. Meer (111 Cleths and Merchant Tailoring. We will make Suits and Ovoreoata te order at very Lew Trices. Kverylhlng w III b sold at bargain Prices for Cash te close out the Kntlre Stock. ss-NewIt your cliameter Ilargalns. JohnS.(jivler&CeM Ue. 25 East Klug Streot, LAKOABTSK, l'A. N KV l'AIilj IIOODH. TIIK 81'KCIAL BALK or TWO IIUNDKKD 1'IECKS Black Erencli Cashmeres, Obit OWN IMPORTATION, Hsu been an Immense Success. These goods werobeuKht by usU months age bim prices were the lowest ever known, and we are new selling them irem fte. te 15c a yard less than any Importer can land them texlay. Wonroconfl Wenroconfl Wonreconfl donttlial no better valuu has ever been ettered In this or any ether ln.irket, aud we cordially In vieo laSles who have samples from ether cities te call, examine and compare nunlltlea and prices. They were made by the best lnauuiuc iurer, dyed and flnlshcd by the best dyers, and come Hi all shades from Jet tellrlght llluo lllue IH.ick. ALL WOOL rilKNCHCASHMKUKS, 40 Inches w Idu 37Xc a yard. ALL WOOL KHENCH CASIIMEKK9, 10 Inchen wlde; 3"c.ayanl. ALL WOOL fHKNCH CASIIMKHKS, Winches wlde t Mc a yard. ALL WOOLfUKNCH CAS1IMKKKS, 10 Inches wlde ; BJKc. a yard. ALL WOOL ritr.NCH CASIIMKHES, 10 Inches utile) Ctc a yard. ALL WOOL KKKNCH CASIIMKHES, 40 Inches wlde; lie. a yard. ALL WOOL niKNOH CAhllMEltKS, 10 Inches wlde; M)$i,ayard. ALL WOOL t'HKNCH V SHMKIIES te Inches wlde , il.eeayatd. HEW YOM STORE. WyiTT & SHAND, Nea O, 0 rtnd 10 Eciat King Streot. J. H. MARTIN ,V CO. SHIRT DEPARTMENT The Lending Shirt In the Market Is the PEARL SHIRT, Willi Tbroe-fly l.lneu lSesum, reinforced, and madenf Wunijiitlii Slimlln. OverJ.nn In use In Lnnca.itnr Cliy and County. II.IW aplece or 15.10 peronehalf dozeu. 75 CENT SHIRT H.m a Loedo KilK" Ilosein same a.i the KlRhmlP, aiiile'iual te any luilliirSlilrimiuliitii the sanie w ay. -10 OB NT SHIRT, Itutiifnri'ed Kient and Hack, K.Atra Uuitllty Mus lin and Made te Wciir. Pleated Bosem Shirts, Open or closed rrenle, all 8lre, fl.m aplece; Hi-Kill ir l'rlcc, ll 37. Redaction in Percale Shirts. Twenty-Hve Deen I'eicaloShlrlsuiuilelosnll for tl W.Ooed 1'alteins, KxtraCellaraniulUutlij, ii'duced te ll.eu aplece. PERCALB SHIRTS Willi Tne Cellars and Cuili.sepinutt', atoeceuu Apleeu. 25 Dezen Calice Shirts, Laundiled leady teput en, at JH cenU aplece; WOllll&OLCUU. 1!ICULKB111IIT8. KEUATTA hlllUTS, TOUUlai'SHIIlUTt), HLl K FLANNEL filllHTi, GAUZE UNDERWEAR. Twenty tlve Down Unlbrlirjjim Shirts at 12 cents i uvular pilce, W cents. QAUZB UNDBRSfllRTS, UXcls., 15cts., ct3., liicb". , Mcts. and 75cts. J. B. MARTIN & GO., Cor. Went Klug it rrlnfe'stM (Oppeslla Btevcus Ilouee.1 LANOABTttll, l'A TT1N M.V1UANI. OK MARIANA WINE, The Great Nervo Ilemedy, Wholesale and Ho He tall, nt UEIQAKT'S OLD WINE BTOllK. H. B. SLAYMAKBR, Asent, Ne. W ILt.il Klug OtKOl. B UR0KR A 8U1T0N. THE FAIR IS OVER, And thin reminds us, as much an anything, that The Fall Is Approaching, And tlie pteple will soen-altnosl boferothoy am aware of it need HEAVIER CLOTHING. 1 he place le get your KALI. CLOTIIINU (If you don't want te lakn ndvnulage et the Ureal llaigalun new ellenil In Mummer Clothing te clese out I hat sort of goods), -1H AT- BURGERS SUTTON'S. linn'L ferirel. llm nlnee. f.all carlv Vail early and Inave your orders for Fail Uoeds, te avoid the rush that comes Willi tlie nrsicoei ana If you are around thin way step In andsce what we havogel and get prices. BUBGEB, & SITTTOI Mcrchuit Tailors and Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCABTKII, PA, BT EWS A RATIIl-'ON. BOYS' AND- CHILDREN'S SUITS. I'aients and Uuardlans of Children should oiaiulne our well selected stock of CLOT1I1NO befere purchasing. Care has been taken In the Selection el Materials, In Securing Fast Celers and lu the Bowing, that we may offer te the purchasers of Lancaster county the I1KST CLOTHING FOll THE LEAST MONKV. AH0UT 1'ltlCES, wo're surely Jaway dew n. Aboiitwhatwesayofoiu CLOTHING will be found te be strictly correcU Our heuse never had the icputatlen of mis representing goods, and what goods are sold for they generally turn out te be. MYERS (6 RATHFON, MANUrACTUHINi. CI.OTHIEUS, MO. 12 EABT KINO STREET, LANCASTEII, l'A. L. OANSMAN V HRO. New Goods, New Prloea. Faeta Only. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT -ei- L Gansman & Bre. Having bought large ruantlttcs or Uoeds In the I'leco.sultable foreur CUHtem Department, u e are propated te incut the wants of the pouple A Few Sample Prices : All-Weel Suit te Onler at 110 00. All-Weel Cheviot Sultte Order at tlloe. All Weel OsMinore ssult te Order at H5 1. All Weel Worsted SiultteOrderut JlbOJ. All Weel Check Worsted Hulls te Order at IK All-Weel Kiigllsh WorsteitsultsteOrdoratri). Finest All-Weel Imported Worsted SulU te OnJer at r CO and le.i). 1'anU te Order, euillty strictly All-Weel, at f 1 00. H80, 1 w, K oil, tti, 17.1") up te 1 10 oe. Bchoel bultn in largn iiuaulttles at the Lewest Cash l'rlces, from J1.75 up. Holero purchasing your Kail Goedi please pay usavlslL As ler Quality amlHt woguaran weguaran Ice. Trices Are Hani (e Ue Heat Elsewhere. An Investment of Klve Dellar will be cnual Ji Ten Lellars In proportion w Ith prices of ether Tite res. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MEBCIIANT TAILOU3, MANUFACTUIIKHS Or MKN'8 110V8 AND CUILDUEN'S CLOTHINO, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Hlght en thu Southwest Cor.et Orauee St.) LANCASTEII, l'A, V Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuso lu the city. WAl.I. I'AVZU. KT WALL l'Al'KU HTOKE. NOW IS THE TIME TO UU V Forthero neverwaua tlme ulien se little money euld go se fur In PAPERING A HOUSE AS NOW Special Hatea for a short tlme only, te make room ler Intended oulargeuieul of store. CALL AND EXAMINE t.OODS. ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. Ul NOItTH QUEEN STUEET, LANUAbTEH, l'A. ALFRED SIEBER, (Iformerly t:1Ui Phares W. I'ry.) VUMNITVitJi. F UKN1TUKK WAltKHOOMS. UUY YOUUSELr A ,1'AIK Or THOSE folding Dress Pillows. CALL KAIILY AT Mriiieier's Furniture Warerooms. They are the nicest thing out and we have Just received another let el them. 20 EABT KING STREET. MARKLEY'H "YAKA BEAUTIES'" clear filled of choice Ne. 1 Havana, are rccommended te levers of a genuine Havana Cigar, at UAKKLEY'8. "Yollewrront," Ne. 21 North qucuu Btiwt (formerly llartuian't) Wall Pancr & Winuew Shades, rKINITStt'S FURNITURE UKPOT. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT. Our Fall Openlng beglua Ten Monday next, August tiO, lasttnp; till Satur day, Boptembor, 4. Yeu may think ua a little early, but we would rather lead than rollew. We will be ploaeed te have you call and bob our window display, and afterward If you have tlme take a walk through our large warerooms. Yeu aak, what will we show ? We anawer everything in Fur- nlture, new and attraotlve, and tnoreloro nepe te roeolvo a vlelt from you next woek. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 37 & 30 SOUTH QUEEN BT LANCASTER, PA. JKWJtt.Kltr, XV. H. 7. 1U10AUS, JKWKI.ER. Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept ia Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine ard Complicated Watches, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. Z.IVJJ IKHUHAKVK VOltl'ANT. E XTRAUT8 1RO.M TUK TUIRTKKNTU ANCK C0MM1SS10NKR Dec. SI, Mj. Iniurancii lu ferce. Admlttctl Asiu'Ih , " l'ayinnntate l'ollcybeldura " l'rninlum lnceinu.... Dlvldend l'alil l'ollcylielders DIvldeDil I'ald nn enub 1,0x1 Ins... " Ne. of 1'ollcle In ferce - " Averace Dlvldnml te each policy. Deuth Lea?ci l'ald ' Death IXM904 ll3lated Kjpcnsoaet Managument AnillnordiTteoxpouo the trne lnwardnens of the Nerthwestfni'i l'KOOKKSSIVK UIVI I) ENDS, no nuote Ireaa the Insurance Cotninlsslenora of l'cniuylvunla Llte Uojierts ler thu year staled : . NOKTHWtSTfcRN, Imurante fu Force. i U7,1I3,1'J1 i Ul,tir,-ii7 r.i.iii.eii IilHSMM (,I,'.7,(H 7l,rru,7l'i , M,3.VIJI , tU,0KI,O'il iM.T'J.T.'Ki , no,7ie,f;i IrtO... 177... 167S... 187J... 18B0... 1&S1... 1WJ... 1W3... lvl... 13... Cemment en the abeve record U unnoceaiary. Hut In order that the Inlltne no" In dividend TIN E t UNI), would add that this fundUKgreuatcj t5.1.KV.. Fer lurther luturtnatlen en all mutlers jiertalnlng te Insurance nddress or upply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Asent Mutual Llfe Ins. Ce., of N. V. 00 N.Dukat., or te Rebert Holmea, Dlatrlet Agent, Readlng, Pa. CJUtitiAUJs A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK I HONEST PRICES 1 Philip Doersenfs Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NEAHLV eri'OSITE TIIK LKOI'AKD HOTKL), LANCASTKK l'A. Nene But Firsl-Class Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used I'UICES TO SUIT TJIK TIMES. ALL WOIIK UUAKANTKED. BDGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS YAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, 1 have new en hand and for sale cheap the following nrst-clas second-hand weife : OneLIght Oue-Man WaKou.sultablelortraek purpeiu, ene Light Four-Pnisengor Drag, ene rirst-clnss Ex tension Tep Phuilen, two Light Jump-sfeatCurrlages. Alse, bocend Hand Tep and Tretting Hug glee, both slde bar and end springs, Huslneis Wagons, b porting Wageua and Market wagons, which will be sold nl the MOST HKASUNAHLE l'ltlChe. Ulve us a call whether you wish te pur chftKU or net. Ne trouble te nbew the w erk. PUlTICULiUl ATTENTION PAID TO KEFAIIIING. fV02 FORUETTUB rLACK.-S Philip Doersom's OU Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 UUVSBKVUS1SUIHH UOUVM.; S1 UIKK'H OAHPKT HALL. CARPETS ! UEOl'KNINU Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largeat and Hest Selected Line of Carpeta ever ex, ltedln this city. WILTONS, VELVETS, all lie Trading Makes of HODV AND TAI'ESTU UHSEI.S, TIIUEE-1'LY, All-W'oel and Cotten Chain KXTUA SUl'EItS, and all qualities of IN- hlblted iiiuiv nt ipkth ham Ask mil VKVKT1AN own jnanntacturoaspeclallty. Special Attoutlen Alse a run unoeiuiiiUi.uiuD.uuuiii uiauun AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL Oer. West King nnd Water Sta,, Lancaster, Pa. uiiuvauiea. TTIGU OHAUK COFVK1SH. XX line old (lovcrnineut Java and Mecha CeiTeea. the betln the markat. Our Java llleu- ded L'oireo speaks for ltselt; rich and fragrant, i'jc per pound. Very nne l'lanutleu llle Coffees, our beat only sue. per pound; ene very popular at 16c. We want you te call and try our 12HC Coffee. The oxcellont quality et our COUO03 and Hun Teas is making trlunus fait mid nnn. Our dally sales show n sternly Increase, rreatt lteasted every day. A lull ltne el lancy Urecurtes. l'lease gire ua a trial order. GEO. WI ANT, angX-lvd Ne. us West Ulng Btiwjt. AT BUKHK'S. Genuine laple Sugar IN 'J l'OUND U1UCK8, AT 12 OBNTB A POUND. HAM AND DRIED BEEF. Drled Heef chipped and by the pioce. Oysters lu ene and two pound cans, Mustaid amluplced Burdlues, t'lne Imported barillnes, Urelleil Mackerclln Tomate Buucn, Hrelled bill moil, t'resli Balmeii, Kresh Lebster, Cream Checse, l'lcnle l'luespple Cheese, Sage or Ureeu Cheese, etc., ATBURSK'S, - NO. 17 KA8T itlNG STREET, LANCASTJCU, l'A. - Telopheno connectlon: TJUNE WHISKIES. X! J 111, filiatien of 1&. 1875. IS). 1B82, are net ounaUed tn the country, At UElttAHT'B OLD WINE STORE, H. K. HLAYMAUEU.lAut. A Full Line of the " Birth .or Menth Stonea " Mounted te Suit Your Particular Pancly. Jewelry. ANNUAL RKl'ORT OL' TIIK 1NHUR- OF PENNSYLVANIA. UAnnixnuita, rA.,AuausTs, issc. MUTUAL LIFE. ..IM,MJ,3.T7 W ..tie,i3i,;r.) i ,. HHUiOI'J l ,. tll.7C4.fNK 0 .. f J,19J,l'i! I") I4U3 t."J3l . 13,.XI,(I W rj-AiW oe 11J 1'erCcnU XOKTllWRaTEUX. Hlo,7le,fiil n 2l,2m,(Wl w rJ.117,791 ( H.TVii:. no t773,5l Vi 17 03 60,100 flSM 11,019,004 HI $30,1 me 00 16.0 1'er CenU Z)lriflllilJ i'ald I'olicyheUlert. VCS.439 7'J,7i7 WJfir.l 7ffi,l"l 7N,'i 7CVJU i.-n.wn fi75,Sii 727,135 778,Sa3 lrcmiupt Income. $.',vji,ses A-iri-Hl WUTi I,Nj0,'.i) 1,"7S!W 3,ll.'J12 3.370.771! S,7M,U may net be nllriliulcd le thu Nertliwestern's TON- nouns. EAST KING STREET. Ii7-lyd4w CARPETS I 11 qu CAI IMIU'RTS. I1AU and CHAIN GAUVETB of our paid te thoMannlactureof CU8TOM CAUl'KTB. oiiuwiwiiiuueioib.i lbiVJmaAn VAUiUAur.a. QTANDA11U OA1UUAUE WOKK. Edw. Edgerley, CAREIAGE BUILDER Mftrket Streot, Rear of Posteffloo, Lancaster, Pa. My stock comprhes a large variety of the Latest Style Hugtcius, FhaHeus, Carriages, Mar ket and Husliiess Wairens, which I eiler at the very lowest enures and en thu most reasonable terms. 1 cell special attention te a few of my own de. signs, oneof which Is the EDOEULEYCLOSED rni'SIOIAN COUPE, which Is decidedly the neatest, llRhtest and most complete physician's Carriage In the country. Persons wishing te bny a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear In mind that they take no risk tn buying uiy work. Every Carriage turned out la eighteen years agoea ene that Is the kind of guarantee I have te offer the public. AH work fully warranted. I'leese irlve me a call. B UEI'AIUINO PHOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed ler that purpose -nliANnYl 11HANDY 1 1 XJ At this season of the year every family should have a llettle of Reigart's Old Brandy, a sale and euro care for Cbolera ana ether sum. uiur troublei. UEIUAUT'B OLD WINK STOKE, U. E. 8LAYMAKEU, Agt. MY faOO TEETII ARE AS GOOD AS can be purchased tn Lancaster ler I13.. Call and be convinced. All work warranted, Uaa odmlnlstered. W. L. riBUKU'B Dentist. apn-lyd Ne. it! North vtucen Btreet. m MkkAdll.l .Oartlmrs Mlti tKAinN(l A OOLUMfclA MAT WnV f lltanu.,,. J7l'l. - fl rori,iiicklejat7.3S.m.audmiop.w. ' rM.,,..2!lA"'8,'KA COLUMBIA "Qr .3 Fer 1 anSi )5?Afy QAHRtYIM, Sf "" Fer lbannn nt a in ... ' ...-.11 Ir " fSMi".H!.w.wijSKB: . m: r ' lftAlSJ IKAV,LKlANON,'P-"f' V -wi Nunuvuiunbwft,))!, wv BUNOAT TRAIN8. f, i TUAIN3 LEAV KKAD1NO KKAD1NO Fer Lancaster nt 7.W a. in. and LOO e. in. for Quarryville at l.oe pTin. ' TUAINS LKAV qUABKtVILLK V T Ad aAmb ftt- .. A . .. ?.: T m vi miiiwivi! ixinnnen ana ueaaingat 7.10 t,M ilullJIOljKAVKlllHU RT. fl ..n(tii.l. t . nj l,-..l . ...-- --- ".!. ,CJi, ii ra Joennon ni b.ub a. m. and JJ Sj ; ui Muniryriue ai 0:00 p. m. iiV M T11A1NB LE AVE riUNUK ST. (LancMtef.) M '3 ' " "" "loanen ana MB a. tn. ftna.H jJSS-j rer Quarryvllle at 5.13 p.m. jajl THAIN8 LEAVE LKUANOW. ?&i eri,ancaMirnt7-,aa,tn.andS:Mp,in. iXil rorQuarryvllleat3.Sn.m. -SKd or connection at Columbia, Marietta Jen Uen, ljincaaler Junction, Manhetin. KeadlM and Iibnnen, tee tlme tablm at all stations A. M.WlLaoN.BuDerlntondont. PENNHYIiVANIA KAiriKOADSOUKD ULK. lnonectfniin.lunal1,lHI. .T.!,.l:P,.L?T I'AROARTKn and leu ve and arrlv at 1'hlladelphl.iaa fellows) , Iute Ltiavn , 1'hlladalphla. Lancaster, lira p.m. 1:2a a. m. 4:30 a. m, (i:'ffl a. ra. i a. m. Gun a. m. 7.00 a in. an e t WKSTWAltD. Pacific Kxprmsf Naurs Exprenst Way 1'nssenKnrl MaQ train via ML Jeyj xiii. Ainu jiiiiinT. . Niagara ETpreii ltanover Acceni....... rast Ltnef frcderlclc Accem LancastorAccem Harrtdburg Accem.... Columbia Accem HarrlsDiirg Kxpn-ss... Chicago and Cln. Kr..j Weslern Expresst F.AflTWAllO. I'hlla. Express) rast Line Harrlsburg Express... Lancaster Accem ar... Columbia Accem..,,,, ScMhera Kxpiess 1'hlladnlpbla Accem... Sunday Mall Day Express! via Columbia VM. m. 7:111a, in. ff-.aia, te. via Columbia Wa.m, ii:iKj ii. in. 'z.iti n. uh via Columbia 2:10 p. m. vlt Mt. Jey.. SOp. m. :iu j,. in. d:.iu p. nl. 4:10 p. uuj 7a) p. m. tr.W p in.l 7:10 p. a. v ae p. m. 10-15 11. in. - lO.Ki p. 111, 12.10 a. Ul. I)ave Arrtve at lvncaster. I'hlla. 3.11 a. in. 4'(aa,m. 6.n a. m. 8.23 a. m, 8:10 a.m. 10.20 a.m. Wmh. vlaMtfTey 9:00 a.m. 11:4.1a. m. 12ASp. m, 3:13 p.m. z.0A p. in. rkie p. ra. 3.00 p. in. 5 u p. m. 4:13 p.m. e.Mp. m- liarnsuunr iiccem.... 6 H 11. m. 9:4Sn. 6 1.1 p. in. -9:13 p. m. I The Lancaster Acrommedatlon leaves if arris, burg at 8U0 p. in. and arrlyej at Lancaster at 9Ht p.m. Tl.e Marietta Accommodation leaves Celnm blaatC:(Oa.in.andreacbnsMarlettaatCJXS. AlsOt leaves Columbia at 11:43 a. m. and 43 p. ra., reaching Matletta at 12:01 and 2:55. LcaTM Marietta at 3.03 p. in. and arrives at Columbia at trJ) ; also, leaves at 8:33 and arrives at 8M. The Yerk Accommodation leavos Marlettant 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 80 connecUntr , with HarMabnrg Express at 8:10 a. m. The ITrederlck Accommodation, west, connect ing at Lancaster with rast Line, west, at M p. ra.. will run through te rrederlck. The Frederick Accommodation, east, le&vw Columbia at 12.-23 and reaches Lancaster at list p. m Ilinover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9M a. ul, will run through te llanover, dally, except Sua day. rnst Line. west, en Sunday, when flagged, Mil otepnt Downlngtewn, Ceatesvllle, I'arkear bnrg, ML Jey, Ellzabcthtewn and Mlddlotewn, tl Ue only trains which rnn daily. On Snndaf the Mall train wnst runs bv way of Columbia. J: It. WOOD, General I'assonger Agent. Cll VS.K. l'UGU General Manager. KDUCATIVNAT C1WITUIN C. SIIOUTLinOE'S ACAD- -S J KMYfOll VOUNGMEN AND HOYS, MK DIA, l'A.. 12 miles from Philadelphia. Fixed prlc covers every exjieii je, even buults, etc. Ne uxli 1 charges. oinilleiitaloxpciues. Ne ex amination ler admission. Twolve experienced 1 etcher, all men. nnd all graduates, ti nodal ed- portiinllles for apt kludeutM te advance rapidly. iftO 1 apeciai anil ieruuii anu uucawuru uuyn. mu or suiaems may select any siuuies or ec ivnul'ir Eni:llb. bclentlllc.Uuslne5S".eh liivil, engineering euurnu. efcuuenis uueu a x Af.tlti .1 nmlninff urn nnnr In llnrvjltHl Yln. J: Princeton and ten olber colleges ana 1'Oivleen.,' i,f mccnnuil. lu siuuenis suui. uf cuuegu in xeas1 nti ISInlbil, 101nlS85,101nliWl. A graduating claM (.'-." every year In the commercial department. A ,,' I'nvtical ana Chemical 1 Jioenuory, uymnasinm 02 ami i ill Uieuncl. l,5oe vels, added te Library In ', IMA Physical apparatus doubled lit ls&j. All'i?;; stuilenti lieard wl;h the principal. Heys can f( room alone. Media liaj suven eburrhes and a J.i tompi'rance charter which prohibits the sale el Al Intoxicating drinks. Fer noir tllustrated clrcu- j laraddress the Principal and Propileter, S! S WITHIN C.allOKTLlDUE. A.M., m angivniiJ.tw (Harvard Graduate) Media, Pa. .;.;; JSUUICH. ocneor. hooks Hctalled at S'holesale l'rlces, at . F0N DERSHITH'S " Opposlle Uie Court Heuse. New Heeka glven In exchange for Old Olies aa part pay. - The Largeat aud Cheapcst Line of Tablets, (100 dlQurcnt styles). Composition and Memor andum H00S3, l'euclls, Uulers, Ink andl'ens, Copies, Slates, etc., etc. We have a few articles we Intend le give te every purchaser. Ceuie anil get them, boys ana, girls, 1, xreui F Feu Dcrsmitli, the lloeksello aetfi uciioeri SUPPLIES. JOffl BAEE'S SOIS, i Nea. 16 and 17 North Queen Street, LANOABTElt, l'A., Oiler, Wholesale and Uelall, at Lew Prices SCHOOL BOOKS USED IN LANCASTEII CITY AND COUNTY. Old Roaders Exobanged. r.(-ll(-vOI OI1DQI ICO. !S DLinuuL eurrLibiii . Liquid Slatl nr.MIKiniM. Ulng, Chalk Crayons, Copy Boelwi-;. , Writing Iuka, Steel l'niis, Blalea fe-1 ates, slate l'euclls, Drawing l'en 5(J Noiseless Slates, ..tin Composition Koelia, Writing Tablets, Lead Pencils, Scheel Satchels, Companions, and every thing elsu lu the line of Scheel Stationery. SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK MAOMJXMMX. JTACU1NEKY,0, 7C- STEAM HEATINQl Latest ana Meat Improve ' RNQlNKS-TrMUei, FfltUlU wSUtimry.; .? . New or secetta-IlAaa B0ILEB8, WATEB TANKS, Hi , '&', Mieuim or Kbtaii Wew roe kept In Machine Shep CAIX0(AD8UM ji rm Ezra F. Landiti Biftv iv? 2a WOS(XH-637 NOBTU OEQBUIT LilOMTM. rA. & W; !. f m v TOTE IS MAKING J.V . - ri A TITKTS.TP PHriTIHIllAFI 21' AT4MAI0. tLA-fT .... .... uniiTii unveil nam ':' s T011AOK M.VW- ' kV OOMMISBIONWARiatOOT rl, 1 atei-ira 1 i-;. -,,, 1 Si ,." j ! a V j -h te i-Sfy