p$ 3k ri"' T l-m W' ffFS ' tc wwi?r.i J'F- ' I-EH 1 - n "? ttix xgence I ' u VOLUME XXIII NO. (J. HARVEST NEARLY OYKU. tiijc TunAtmu vitur, mxatvr i.atk rt.AHTiNtla, UN TIIK I'UI.KK. II Kr.f Hamuli Frem Weriiia, liuerM inl Ituil-fereign Healer Her MmrrhltiR fur 'Ht mid Old lleml-SIte of Trmln hi Din Dlttaiit l.est Market. The Ijincaatnr county crop el ltWl In fairly well housed. Heme very Inte plantings re yet standing en llie Held neil am aullerlng rerralui hut as it whele llie crop Is safely hotised, and from nil quarter we loam that It li an exceptionally line olio no Mean, no grasshoppers, no worm", net much rust. If It cures properly, a the creii or 'Hi has cured, thore ought te be money In It Ter the grew or und the dealer. .... The crop or '8. has Hourly nil lioen ainplrd; liutoed n mtv large proirtleii el ll linn pasied out oTllie lunula of the packers, hiiiI It is generally proneunctd te Imj of n very mil isntnr quality. In meiiiii Instances thorn Ms complaint of melil In the tlllerH, iinil in these worn bought for two cent or pound, It U hllggoiled that H would have Mid both inner und grewni te have lull them en the llelil te tietiirmxl down iv uinuure. A number or buyer Irnni New Yerk nuil ether cities have been lit laineasler thn ihisl wk looking ler cigar leaf, but they nay they cannot llud what they want, and are aston ished te hear packets My they have sold out. Te them It In a in atery where nil the toUiceo ha gene. Pollnnlngare the only trans ic liens that have been reported till week: HMIcs.V I'rey wild 1I.0 ease of eht anil new, or nil grades, ami iKtught IOOimvis et 'W Ha vans, Siuiuel Moere, Jr., neli! I50 cues sued ll'llf. li liomliel V Mlre. sold HM easeml New New Yerk Mtate Havana, line goods, en private terms. The New Aerlt Vlnrhet Transactions In the New Yerk market dur ing the pant wcek hae lioen larger than they have been for the pant !le yours. Thl his resulted from the fact that l.lchtonateln l!re, V la, Iiami retired from lnilnpat nod neli! .1,600 of leaf telncc" te I'liliiiaen A Henvulmuin, their miccenmini In the le.il and clKariuamirititiirliiKliiialumn. 'llie new com pauy la aald te haxe ample capital, net only te keep up the reputation of the lieune, hut te eularKe Hand lucre me IU hunlnan Tlie T"I'M Jmirndl a.ija At lant olio of ttie kihkI old tlnie aalca hsn taken place. A down town lirm lament T.WHt cavm of need lent and act the market helllug. In former ilava a aide of X'" cimcn crtnttitt hut llttle Ulk, ill If niilIi vriit hut mi every day Inci dent of the market. New ,t thhig of lliln kind la aUCKO'lei; '"10 lemurallz.itieii In the leaf tluile han tieeu i completo Nliice Hiiinalrn took iionnetwlon or It, that aalen of a low htlildred casan ut u tlme were loekoil upon an ureat ewntn. Ilow Ilew Ilow eer, thin particular tranwtleii, imeIMm J,D00ca.nen, lian kUcu the market mi lnietiin that immeillHlciy rcilccivti en oilier ic.u mar keta, mid ImrnrKd a dturcoef coulUlmue In acini lear, lliuollectn or which weru uotlccntile at ence. Ilolderaer new ataleaeint enlxn.Hllv wcre miK'h elaled oer the iillalr, an 1,700 " in the triunjctlen cennlnted of '. male, whlle 1,M0 ImjIoehoiI te the 'M Miite i rep, all llaana)vvl. Tlie tkilaiicv, atMiut Jve can, m reef the l'annaylvanla Havana iuhI. Tlie prluca, howeer. are ceiijictured only, Itetli liuyera und oellom refuami; In iIIwiIku nrtlculars. The general opinion In the trde,and oei:lally thatofthelolllatodonoH, Inthitthe tuoera made n "ulj; streke" nild reallre a hcay profit. Mmle buoyant hy tills eent. the market almw ih! much animation aud aalea uerait.li)K 100 te 'JX)ca- took place 111 quick Hiicconlen nearly all tolmccen aeld w oreold i'rop,lheuRli many wero Hie reimr.a an m wxirt in iie tobacco, onpeeially atate tml, the exact truth et which theiiKh, could net be fath emnd. Sumatra -litii;etl aoiuewlml thin week. The rejection of ae oral leta et new humitra by maniil.icturera put a damper en moo. menta In new ateck and old rrceliml In creanel attention. Salea wero nUmtUTiO Iwlea el old and IK new. Prices, f 1.3) te f I 7.'.; the a orage flgurea ald for Hound Koedn are I Lift. linann Old tock remain "gilt edRO. whlle new continues utterly nci?licled. Heed old tobacco neil nt from?!. 10 te fl 10, stiert tcrappy ateck realize1) from tvicenta te f L !' M ecklf llrpurt. Saloaeraeod leaf tobuceo ruimrted by J. H. Oana' Sen A Ce., tekw broker, Ne. 1.11 Wuter atroet, New Yerk, ler tlie week ond end ond IliKHepteuiborti, ISsO: .WO caaea la. Pennsylvania Havana, p. L, 100 canesj 1SS1 Pennsylvania 8u(j)Ilc ; 1,700 cae.1 1S31 atate Havana'iSfj,llc, j 1.S50 caws Kiel atate Ilnana, p. U; M caaen Idttle Dutch, l-'c; 100 caaea 15 Ohie, eOO'jC; IW caaet lsV Macenaln Havana, ,W; M) catea KS5 Ohie luiiuer'a Hpanlnh, lia. Total, l,6Ti0 cane. The 7Imicce l.taf aaj : Tlie aample rooms of our T'ackers ami dealera have been the Nconeol llie Unco Monday. Moreoitt-ol-town buyera have bcen In the iimrket than hne ben here for many mouth", and this Indicatca a dealre at leaal te de biiiliuw, and leads many te think the long-leoktU-for and much talked'Ot rorUalef trade Is at hand. New Pennsylvania Is receiving much attention, and large holdera or It are Jubllaut ever the outlook. New Housateuio also limit favor with unjein, and aeveral hundrtd canes wero sold at remuiieratlve prices. Other kinds are taken where specially line lets are ollerod. The stock of old tobacco was In creased by about 1,500 cases through the B-llO by a cigar firm te Water street dealers, but that will hardly be au obstacle In the way or new goods. l'hllaUlliU Market. The bunluess In leaf tobacco sullable for ci gar purposes the ant wtek has bceu very en ceuraglng. A numboref goed-sied lets of the '8j crop as sampled have been takeu oil tiy the manufacturers. This Is net confined te any apecl.il atate growth, but a general dis tribution. Whlle the profits uiay net be large, still they are satisfactory. Old lear Hilda purchasers when ollerod, but the treu. bio new Is the withdrawing of stock from the market is bolievod te lie prudential, as an ndvnnced llgurels strongly suspocted In the near future. Hutnatra soils in llmited quantities. Havana has n regular, steady eale II up te the requirements of the trade in quality. llaltlmere Murketa. The demand for Maryland tobacco continues geed and tegular, Uoed grades nre readily taken at lull prices. Thorehnvo bteu hoiiie qulte large H.des for cximrt te I'rance and Uermanyut prices within quotations, wldch nre iiuchangid from last wnk. Lew and Interior grades coiiliniie neglected. 'I he de mand for Ohie has net lieen heavy, and Hales or only liWhhds have lioen rojKirted at pros, tnt market prices. Tlie WlMermlii rroepcit. The crop in Wisconsin mid the adjoining counties of Illinois Is light and uneven ho he vond all procedont. l.evv prices last year led ten reduced acreage, but owing te tlie.luuu nnd July dreuth thousands of acres prepared for the crop were net planted te tobacco, and large areas that weroset almost totally dried up What has survived la very uneven, mid will require geed woather until October 1 te iiiaturult. honieol the early set, however. Is very nlce whom it has escaped the hall which en August 1!1 largely damaged what tobacco had survived In the famous Junes, villa region. Klaborate returns from overy totiaeco town In the stale sliew that the acre age el lioieliHii'able lolincce August 25 was euly ene thud as last ear, probably yielding an avorage of B00 pounds te the ncre. against 1,112 lsuinds lit lhsfi. The crop el this whele iioclien Ih thoreforo placed at 20,1km) cases, against Ml, 000 ca-os lat jour and f I.IKJ0 c.ises Hi 1WI. Villi Ninekul and domed. Probably the eldest man In MassaUiuwtts Ih new living at Mlddleten, Uliarlei King, a Canadian, who la living with his son there, and who states His nge at loe years. uu m m geed health, and the past woek went te Na haut for it day's outing nnd enjeyed sort bathing, lie has all Ills faculties, and np np lears as young as a man of 70. He lias smoked and chewed tobacco ter uiuety years. His seu, with whom he llves, in 70 years or age. KaUne Tobacco. I'rein the Atlanta (Da.) Constitution. A goutleuiau In Athens camuionced the ii'e oltebkocoat feiutn yun of age, Wlwn Iwenty.twe year el age the oicesalve flew of anllm had caused Indlgoatlen mill stricture, 'or constant pain ncrens the breast, threatening life Advlawl by an liuneni pnyaiciau no oemiiioiiood swallowing all thojulceol thn tobacco (call It by whatoveriiainoyou ploise) mid for fortj-feur years has persisted In the habit The pain coaaed very room, illgeatleu was restored, nerves lecauin steady, for the last twonty-llveyenra no htntdache, allheugh he hail Jirnvleualy aullerpd greatly I has also Riiioked all the tlme and new, at aovenly-IHo his nerves are ateaily, and he can write as at twenty dlgoatlen perfect, vision geed, known nothing of iiauaen, oxcept In theillm reoolleo reeolleo reoelleo tlon or upward of half nceutiiry age, but has had no nae for a doctor for upward e! twenty. Ilveyeara, and It.allllcted with Neflenlug of the brain will net acknowledge IL He knows of ethors who have adopted this course with beneficial results as far as health Is concern ed without Injury, as far en he knewi", mentally or morally. New, tlie avorage reader would mitpose that the foregoing Is merely the Invention of a newsMKir rojxitter, but there nre ptrallel casea right here In Atlanta. One of the meat distinguished cltlrena or the town, Indied ene e! the most distinguished clllmis or tlie atate In his railing, has for years Imsiii In the habit et eating tobacco Instead or simply chewing IL 'lids gentleman Is slity-edd years of age, and Is In the must rehunt health, with a complexion aaclearnstliatelniiluraiiL aud an eye as clear as that of a hawk. He han noun el the ailments eDils age no (niliis, no aches, tut iudlgtidlnii. Ner Is this all. Sitting close at my ellsiw as 1 write In n gentleman who has I icon eating tobacco ler thirteen years. He Is ttyeung msii and ban imi n tiHleuiary llie ler many intra, inning little or no exerclne, and but llttle recreation In any shape. Hut his health In isirlect. Ills digestion Is geed and his aoiHJtlle Just what he would have It te be. He doesn't knew whalahendachela, and the only feeling of Insnltude he ever xerleiiced is when he drinks a llttle loe much buttermilk for din ner. lUiglanil Ne niiMikrr'a t'srsillie. Kiein tlie SL. Jaines Oa.utti'. Several reasons have Isstii anlgtiPd ler growing tobacco In Knglaiid. One that should have been obvious, hew ever, has been overlooked. Klther aiuekliut luimt he encouraged by making Hie loathaeuio plant a native et the soil, or Knglaud an a smoking country will sckhi Isj nnwlierit. The people who have never Itoen able te aee the justice or allow lug ethers a Llgar when they de net amoke IheinnelVKS will learn with surprise that the aversge Helglan suinkis four times as much as the avorage Hngllnhmin. There nre fiO lbs. et tobacco con-'emisl In Itelglum forevorylOOIiiliablbmlH. Helland, (Jermany mid Austrltcome next, nud France statins seventh. Of all the i:ureKtan countries Knghiud very nearly smokes last. Spilu, whlcli In the lowest lutluilinl, averages one pound wr head, nud England's averagu Is only 1 s lbs. per IM Inhabitants. If haln did net fritter away Its tluietiver cigarettes, Kuglaud would be the country that suiokes lennt In Kurepc AVl'KMlClt lit . UU! HUV fit .luiiirii II. VValllck'n Cat lie Itllig " Ueiliiwiy at Hi" irra lleue l.im i: mine Last ev enlng Jamen II. Walllck's company appeared In thoeiora houne te a very large audience. Kvery part of Ilia house was lllled, except the parquelte, and there but low seats remained unoccupied. This big bunlness was done In apltoef the fact that a circus was exhibiting at MeUranu's park. The weather was ple.nnnt, but the gallery gisls generated a giett dual of porsplrntlen, us they wero very tlghllv packed together. Tlie play was the "Cattle King," which Mr. Wiillai k Is giving thin year for the first tlme. The plece In of the naitsilleiinl ktud aud re volver?, lstwle knife, blab teptsxits, rein, and ether dime novel emblems are very plenty. The pioce is a geed ene of Its kind. It was well presented last evening, and the iiudlonce was se well pleased that at times the shouts from the gallery was almost deaf deaf enlug. Llttle tteya, who had scarcely reached thelr teens, almost fought with ouch ether te get n full view of the atage, and they would net mls nny of the "burnings atthoslake" " realistic iltielR," "games or poker," Ac., with which the play nbeunded. Mr. Wallack, who Is a ceed actor, plaved well the dual rele of Heb '.i.vfer and idrc Devtl DtcL, tioergo Itarr made a vll vll Hlneus looking Dem I'cdre and Mlas Mattie Underseil loekod pretty and did well In A'afAenue itxfen. l-'red Lyens, a re:il colored man, who has considerable or a repu tation as au actor, has been with Mr. Wallack ter several years. IUanpocIattles last evening was a feature of the show. His banjo play ing, singing, dancing, Ac, created much fun and 1-red rosjiended te a half dozen ou eu eu ceros. During the play the trained horses nnd donkey wero lutrodueed.Stneo thoceinpany's lam appearand) nere a une con nauieti iram has been added te the llve stock. The animal Is very Intelligent and performs many new and clevor tricks. 1-Ul.LMAN .C- OO.'S IKOr.s. I'lranlnc I'.ntrrlnliiineiit some Vnii"--Ir Tliat siieulU Hate Ilren llntliil lint Pullman A Ce. 'a circus niiraeted a'tuit three hundred people te stu their atteruoeli porleruuncoatMcUraim'g park Stenday af af af torneou. In the evening the audience was much larger, and the tout, which, however.is net a very large one, vv as almost titled. The display el curloslties was small, hut the ring twrformance was very geed. Thore was no riding, but trained horses wero Introduced. Itesides this thore were tiar perlernilng, tumbling, and the usual linoel buslness seen In circuses. Thoaudtetieo was ploased with the entertainment. During the evening a crowd of young fellows, who sat lu tbe crowd, preved a great anneyance te the audlence as well as the porferiuorH. They kept continually velllug ut the clown, pulling chestnut gongs and utherwlse actlmr badly. Nene of the youngsterH vveroevor eighteeu years of age, and they were a pretty let el siKH-'iiiiens of the brainless J etltli with which this tow li Is ae well supplied. The height of these yeunp geiitlomeu'nauihltlnuls,tobothought"tough." The circus pcoptewould havobeeu warranted in whipping them all from the tent last night and rispeoleblo people would have asslsled. A H:V HTATI'. lil.ANUKS. The statu fair In Philadelphia opened yes terdav. On Wednesday the gubernatorial oaudulnteH will be presenu Smedley Darlington has been nominated ler Congress by the Kopuhllcansef the Sixth Pen nnylv aula district, defeating Jaines II r.verhart, present iiioinber, hy a vote el 72 te In the suit of the city or Pittsburg egnlust Dr. Hosteller, toricevor dniuuges ter breach et contract en the part or Andrew Hnrtupee, contractor ler the new city water werks.fu compromise was elleeted ly Dr. Hosteller agreeing te pay iniii uy cn.vmv. inniuiimi who was surety ler Hartiinee, has paid te llie cilv allogetlier evor f 100,000. , Tlie Uepublleati convention of lailunmi county nomlnnted Themas II. Capp and Suiiuel M. Nell for the assembly, Andrew Light ler ussoclate Judge, A. W. Hhrgoed ler district atlorney, (Jeerge W. Hayes ler county surveyor and M. K. Sheet. for diree ter el tlie peer. J. 11. Uellman was IndeiseU for Congress aud Instructed te choeso Ida own coulerreos. Illtltu lamer llltl. A brauch, 174 iuches in letigth, en a ttee ofllenJauiln Kckinan, lu Htrnshiirg town- ship, hns2'J pears. Albert Siultli, el l'rovldenco township, has ralsed tlie third and last part of his tobacco shed, which is 12.1 fcel long and thirty lect vv ide. Mrs. Anion Ceblo. ori'ievldeucetowinlilp, made u strange discovery the ether day, when vhe found two apples growing en a grapoylne en the premlf.es of Mr. A. Smith. Leaving lllc IlebU lleliliul. Harry Lawseu, or the llrui of lllpple A Itwseu, stock dealers or IlraudywlneSiim. mit, Choster county, has absconded, leaving behind him debta contracted amounting, It la ld, te upwards of 20,000. m The Weddlug Seaeu li Apreaclilnc. r rein the 8hoe and Leather Iteporter. We suppose It Is In oruer te have a wed. ding cake at weddlng, but why net give the cues b a geed clubbing Instead T Then they vr euld kuew what Iiujci '" MOVING FROM CHAULKSTON. TIIK UKXKHAI. rXUItVH THAT II Alt PV1 l.UHKIt TIIK KAHTIIQVAKK. Te Arranga for tl Itxnuival of Hie Women ml Clilldrrn Frem I he C'lly-Hntailng In Hilra I'ttllre-ltellff Tliat I he Terrible hlierkn Have anl. Thore Is new a strong disposition In Uhirlosten te remove the women and chil dren from the city, te spare them lurthcr danger mid mulcty. The Seuth Carolina, the Savannah .V. Charleston and the ltlcb inenil A Danville railroads nre giving frce transportation, and about 600 anscs wero Is. sued te whlte mid colored people Monday. Many pannes wero for families of four or flve. 'I he lualiiobji'Cllve ttolnUare In iipir and inlddle Seuth Carolina. In Columbia ample quarters have been provlded for all relugecH, nud eilers ofahelter are coming In from many points. Orders for rations nre Isilug Issued. Meney Is given te no ene. Acting Mayer linger says the relief coin cein mlltisi Is new assisting about ene third or Charleston's rntlre tiopulatleu. Owing te the dlnturhed condition of the city aniithe nocesdty for Incroaned vlgllance 11 has been deemed expedient te Increase the tiellcc force, and Chief 1'renl lias Issued a call for recruits. Seventy men wcroenrollodaml n great many mere are wautud. The light rain which set in 4 o'clock Mon day morning made thousands or sirsens en cauiMjd In the streets wlnfully anxious. At davlluht the rain ceased, and the sun a- peated i later in the morning thern wero sev eral alight show ors, hut net enough In catine anv Iticonvenlcnco. The unual weekly bill of mortality shows a total or nlnety-elglit deaths In the city for the week ending en September I. Of these twKiity.llve were whlle and sixty-eight colored. The deaths calmed by the earth quake woie thirty eight up V the itli instant cloven et these being white tsiople and twenty aoven colored. Slme then there have been several additional deaths caused by the earthquake. At n mrms meeting of the Knights of I.iber the fellow lug rate et wages for mechanics and laborers wan agreed te, a raine of M cents having been made In each class: Hricklayera Klrst clans, .X',0; second clans, ft, Cari. ters llrsl clant, $.1 ; second clans i 50j third clann, fi Painters fi 2 i0 and . Plan terers f i.iO and W. Tinners -J2.j0 and IT. Ithorers f LeO and - vtixrwr.ncr. M.ani.k uktiikmim. 111" H.1I1I Itie Mum as VV III uiv I'uine Willi !ei rriiiemy antt Furie Cn iti iistev, S. C, SepL 7. There lsa general expression of gratification tills morn ing ever the altseucoef occurreiuoot earth quake schecks during the ulgliL Thosclon Thesclon Thosclen tillc gentlemen who did net depirt en the midnight train, are explaining the absence et quakes te mean that " the soaseu of Internal shocks" has begun, and that they will new come with less frequency, edect and regularity than heretofore. Most of theso wtm slept Indoors Lint nlglu retired utter the pressure of the tide at midnight bocaine full, and It was believed the critical moment el the night had panned. The Htaseu et nppro nppre nppro hensiou has net entirely p-issed, bow evor, al though less attention will be given heroafter te the earthquakes at Charlcsleu than during the past live or six days. The north Iteund coast line express, which left here at 12 o'clock last night, earrled away nearly all of the correspondents for New New Yerk and ether rutruiiellhiii iiewsptpers. fien. Itatcbelder, or the army engineer corps, and some et the scientists v he cnuie te In. vostlgate the damages, dopirted at the same tlme. home or the men who left w ero yet in a itorturbed condition el mind aud reuised te Is) comforted, The telegraph olliees have increased their capacity, and are furnishing llrst-class ser vice new. Manager Harris, nf the Southern telegraph company, alter mev lug out and In of llie regular quarter", has finally located his lorce In a frame structure near the cerner of htate and Chalmi rs stroets. Tilt. VIAVOIl MllIIVI.s Cn viu.i-.mif, Sept. 7. At llve o'clock this morning Mayer Courteiiny arrived from New Yerk. He was met at the depet by a number of friends. The members et the roller cemmittee say the number of people who are receiving as sistance is diminishing. A hum of industry In seen eveiy where. The streets are tllllug with people and r.irts have just begun te remove the debris which Is heaped up In such quantities as te bleckade alleyways aud liupode progress in ethor thoroughfares. A -It'll 1, 10 pv. Ciivlii.h-.ieN, Sept. 7. A very slight shock, lasting llve seconds, was felt hore at 11 12 iu 111. IIIncu.Iti the lUutluiuiihe. Londen, SepL 7. The cable dhpatch con tains llie scionttfle observation gleaued by Majer Povvell, of Washington, 1). C, direc tor of the Cutted Stules goeloglcal survey, of the recent earthquake shocks in the I lilted States, sent at the request et the llritish As sociation of SUenct', was read ut it meeting of the iiiembcrM et tlie goeloglcal section or that association te-day There was a large at tendance of scientists, aud 11 lively discussion el the data contained in Prof. Powell's ills pitch took place. Ouaklng In (iiece. Londen, SepL 7. A dispatch fiein Athens Htvs fresh earthquakes shirks havoisxiurreil at that place, and also at Uatavytaand elher places te-day. Selsiuic rumblings occurred yesterday throughout the Merea. i:nriliiiake ut i:aimillle, lutllaim, Lv.v.NsVti.i.B, Ind., April 7,At I. II this morning a severe shock of larthqtiike was felt lu this city, and lu a lew moments a large number of people had gathered In the streets, no illy nil in thelr night clothes. The shock sounded like the explosion of a quantity or tlv n unite at some dlstunce, and it was net until come considerable time had passed that tbecltieus returned te thelr dwellings, A iJtiH.inlrUu lu snintiiiali Mr. II. H. Allick, of this city, new In Savaunali, thus writes ten Lam inter friend under date of SepL I, of the leirible earth quake visitation in tli.it oily : Have bent you the pqwrs giving full ac count of earthquake. It was much worse than the DunerH luive itlctured IL List e lin ing ue li id another Hheck almost us bad os ihe Hist. Have net been te bed this week. People here are living en the si reels. It able te morrow will write you. What tlie night will bring us I de net knew, llmiiku In Hie 1 U. Ik II. The felh wing dispatch addressed te the Irish Catholic lleneveleul I'nleii, Lancaster, was loceived lu this city te-duy : Charleston returns thuuks fur donation of fJO.1 received by telegraph. Wm. H. lli'fniit, Mayer, pre tern. Itclurueil le Lellifie. William Derwart, seu el Mr. Martin Dor Der wart, of tills city, who has been spending his vacation with his pareuts, returned te cellege at Annandale, Duchess county, N. V., oil llie rani iiiue tins nun mu;. i uu usual amount el' geed wishes followed him li out u hint or friends, vvhe wuiu nl llie deisit te Buohiiuell. Clitrage ami Itosteu IJirls Meet. Chicago girl "Hew did you enjoy the minstrels last ovenlng, Minerva V" llosteu girl "Net very vv oil, dear. Thore were he many specimens of castanea vesca en exhibi tion. C G. "ludoed, and vvhtttare they?" IL G. " Well 1 Btippose you Westerners call them ohestnubO " Deed el Aulguiueui. Levi Weaver and w He, of East Lampete townshle.mado an assignment te-day of their properly for the beuellt of creditors te Aaren Wu.v ', ollUakame township. LANCASTER, PA.. TUESDAY DEN. HVTTKIVH UHAVK. Where llie I'leneer (lelil Hunter ljulellr lteiita III Hie Moravian C'eineler In l.ltlU. 8t. (Jee. In the Plltshiirg Dlspali li. L.v.Nt'ASTKit, l'a., HnpL !. Ill 11 corner of the old Moravian hurylng ground at Mtltx, eight miles from this place, there Is a slone vv hlch Is alwnys the first le catch the eye of a vliller. All the ether graves are exactly llke each ethor. Llttle parallelograms of earth, about two feet by four and raised about eight Indies ubove the general surface, mark the resting places of the dead. Them am no winding walks nor open hits e! lawn te soften the leek el prim regularity and economy of Rpace which porvndes the place, The graves nre ranged lu lines precisely straight and se clese togethor that the dead can touch fraternal elbews at the rosurrce. tlen. llesldes the flit, roctangulnrmeunds abeve each grave, and the peculiar arrangement of thorn, there nre ether features which atrlke the oye of the stranger ns singular. An un broken stretch orgreeu turr covers nil. Thore are no flowers, no fence marking oil family reservations. The iiatnes upon tlie stones, Indlcate that members of the same family are net buried side by alde. A bread, straight walk divides the graveyard Inte two equal parts. The men are burled en onesldoof it, the women en the ethor. IIusImihI Is seimrated from wlle and brother from sister. The separation et the aoxes is maintained even down te tlie youngest children. The Itey baby that died upon' Its mother's breast in the hour of Its birth lies apart Irem her, en the masculine sldenf the walk. The graves are precisely the same nre, whether or man or woman, elder or luTaut, und en each lies a lint, square slab of marble, alsiut thoslreef a family lllhle. One Is Just llke another, oxcept lu the Inscriptions and thn dlllerences that tlme and the woather and the mess hav e made. On many the names and plus texts and dates running far back Inte the last cen tury can still lie traced, but en many ethers the Inscriptions are ns illegihle and formless as tlie features el the dead benealh. v 1 ni:i'Ki:m.i t Mini it. Therelsnndllllciilty, however, in identi fying the solitary grave lu the corner. The mound abeve It Is twlce as big as any et the ethors, and 11 large marble slab cevers It en tirely. The Inscription tells that he who sleeps beneath was Hern Kelt S, 111, At Kiitnlern, nation ; Died June 1", l"i, At VVashtiiRten, It C. Ucqulecat in paiv Thore Is a long story or au eventful llfe between theso two dates. It Is the grave of Ooueral Jehn A. Sutter, whose mill race en the bank of the Sacramento was the sourceor Its mighty stream of geld that has Mewed rrem California. He who Is new first only In a very humble community, made the dlcovery that shook the financial conters of the world, wen half a continent te civiliza tion and created bonanza kiugs te be senators and thelr wives le be llie envy of the most docellotto and distinguishes! society abroad. Hurled along with theso who abhorred the war and could net tight 011 any account, he, in his llfe time, serv ed lu the armles of threo nations. Once thoewnorof land new worth 5100,000,000, he lived the last loyearsof his llfe dejsuideut oil an allowance Irem the state of California. He made millions und died n pensioner. Hewns alwnys a vv and erer. Hern in ltadeti In lMl.he grudtiattsi from the military school at Heme at the age or 20, and onlisted 111 the Swiss guard of the 1'reiich army, the succes sors et tlie famous luud of moucnaries who wcroHelalthrullv butchered in the marble halls or Versailles SO years before. After seven years' sorvlce he changed his colors and entered the nrmv of Switzerland, In which he serv ed till ls.il Then he put oil Ids iiuirerm, and shortly ctme te this coun try. Iu lNts, with Rlx i'oitiaiilens, he went ncrens the plains te Oregon, and down the Columbia river le aneeuver, whence he nailed 10 the Sandwich Islands. There he get an Interest In a trading vesse', Willi which he sailed te Sitka and the seal islands toward Hearing's stratL Turning south ward, al ler seme urotltable trading, he ar rived In the Hay or San Francisce July 2, lb.19. The appearance or the country ple.med film and he decided te remain. He made n settlement seme distance up the Sacramento river, built a grist mill, a btn btn uery and a fort, founded a colony and called It New Ilelvetia. His restless energy was still utiaatlslled. He took a commission as captain In the Mexican service, aud after ward serv ed as a magistrate under the same government. He took uoactlvepart in the war against this country, and atter the an nexation he was Alcalde, Indian commis sioner and dolegate te llie constitutional co nveutlen at California. Till: NL'llllllT IN Till. Mill. 11 Vi l IulSlscame the discovery that eurlched the world and Impoverished him. Marshall, a laborer, digging out the race te Sutter's mill, pickedup a rough lump of something yellow, and Sutler said at ence that It was geld. The mill race was nover finished. The laborer turned his pick In anotherdiree- linn ami set le werK te tug a loriuue ter niui- sBL The miller bought a shovel aud went te take tell of the yellow sand, l'he stream that was te turn the mill became suddenly worth mere than any grist that it could grind. The sequel is w oil kuevvn. The rushing tlde or emigrants overwhelmed the little colony of Helvetia, and vv tped out Sutter's imperfect title te his land. He made a brave light and a long one. He laid claim te U.I square leagues et land, in cluding that en w lilrlt the cities of Sacra mento aud Marysvllle new stand. After leug delay the commissioner of public lands allowed the claim, and arter mere delay the supreme court et the Culled States rovee-ed the decision. Then General Sutter carried his claim belore Congress, te go through the tedious oxperlonce of most peeple who take claims thore. He was still proseeuting It lu 1S71, when he happened te ceme te LitlU te drink the wholesome waters el Its springs. Tlie (pilot et the place aud the poacetut life of its peeple upiHialed te the restless old man, who waa beginning te get tired of his long battle, and he tit tde his home thore "until 1 iret mv claim threuch." he said. He was at Washington still getting his claim through, when he died, in Ivh), and was brought back te Lltit te he buried. His Moravian neighbors made room for him In the comer of their burying ground, although as he was net a member of their congrega tion he could net he buried with the trom trem trom beno, Wlien ,t Moravian dles, ntwhatover heut el the day or night, a man with u trom bone blewstt deletul signal irem the tower or the quaint, squat church. The trouibeno player also marches at the head of theliineral precession, playing solemu music. TIIK VAXSTATTtilt I OLIiHlfST. A llrrnilfnl TtekimI) lliat .Marred I heir Cele Cele ltriileu In Keadliit;. The feuith amitinl Velksfest Of the Can. statter Yereiii, iu Lauer's Park, in Heading, en Monday, was witnessed by ever 20,000 persons. SimjocIies were delivered, line niuste rondered and a splendid fruit column dlsplayed. Many Lincistrlntis were present. Iu the midst or the festivities llie poeplo wero slartled by threo pistol shots. A woman was found exclaiming, "My Ged, I'm shot!" whlle bleed poured from her face, and near by, lying upon the ground, wasayeungman with a bullet hole lu his forehead. Me was dead. The dend man was .Merris Sunders, about twonty-elght years old. He was a meulder bv trade and lliroe years age mar ried Elmira Hill. They did net llve happily together and she applied ler a dlvorce. San San ders met his wife al the park and they were noticed iu earnest conversation for a low mlnutes. Suddenly Stnders milled a pistol and fired point blank at his vv ife, but the ball struck liercorset and glanced oil. He Hied ugain nml this tlme the bullel outeiod her head. Evidently thinking he had lulled her, he placed the weapon te his own head, Indicting it wound that caused Instant death. The woman's condition Is regarded as critical, Te Break for rrolilltllleu. Walter Thuuias Mills, of the editorial stall' e! the New Yerk IWc, will speak en Pro hibition te-morrow (Wodnesduy) evening, lu the court heuse nt 8 o'clock. Mr. Mills is one of the foremost orators en the Prohibi tion plaLferm and Is noted for his olequonco and humor. or An effort will he made te ergunirea uiy Prohibition club at the adjournment of the meeting. SEPTEMBER 7. 188G. TO MARRY TUK DUKE. iti.uvicimi A TIIK AVIIAtllitVH (I AMR OF i.umxtN r.itiTvu. lie ta Alxiilt le I'lililluli n I.Ut it I l-aillcn Willi WimiIiI Make KIlRllile Matrlimnil.il 1'artiiera fur the lluke ut Portland Wheii thn iJtvr Hleiqiril lllni Hndileuly, Lo.niie.v, SepL 7. .liWcrnA'ocicfyrecontly Invited Its lady readers who wero w tiling te have the Dukoef Portland for n husband te n comjietltlon called the " l'ertland Shtkes." The oltject was te obtain a large number of naines or ladles who wero nultahle te occupy the position of Diichess el Portland for publication. The list el aspirants or or theso whom the editor deemed worthy e! belug tlie wile of the Dtike of Portland was te appear In te. morrow's odltien of Modern YerfcfjA T1'0 Duke or Portland, having hecome awnre of the aUiome, chartered n special train aud caine te Louden, whom he consulted with his solicitors regarding the matter. The re sult was that the solicitors sent letters aud legal notices te the proprietors, printers and editors, warning them that legal proceedings would be Instituted IT the list appeared In the paier. The editer sent a reply stating that It would net be published. TUB 31KX1VAX mjVAIIllLB Stere DeUlls of tlm Trouble Caused by C'i)et' lleTOlutteiiltta. Nijvv LutKne, Mexico, SepL 7. The stsxiial train enme In from Lnmparas yestor yester day.brlnging ferty-hv e cavalry asd mounted rangers. During the night the mounted pollce aud rangers in Sunday's tight came In by twos and threes. Hanger Marteras was captured and was about te be shot when ene or the Coyote's lloutenants recegnlzis! him asnformer friend and secured his roleaso. The cavalry, mounted pollce 'and rangers will probably combhie their forces te-day and go out te attack the Coyotes. The body of Luis Uarcie, ene of the mounted raugera killed in Sunday's light, was found within a tew miles of this city aud has just been brought In. It Is sup posed that he was wounded during the fight and died Trem the less or bleed borero roach reach lag home. A ceurier arrlved In this city this afternoon who stated that a body of thirty men passed La Jarltta en reute te join Ul Coyeto at that peInL 'l n-e Mexican Horrors. Mi.Mre, SepL 7. A courier Just arrlved from tiuadaljara repertH that 12 bandits en tered the houe of Den Meguel Tepez, a wealthy tltifen lu the suburbs, and stelo all the vnluahle Jowelry and uioney available and then stabbed Topez and his wife te death. In the same city two Mexlcans were fight ing when the son of eue or the men, only ten years of age, slipped up and stabbed his lather'H adversary se that he was dlsombow dlsembow dlsombew olod. The boy stabbed the prostrate man te the heart, whlle the father clapped his bands aud niter the deed caught his son In his arms aud smethered him with kisses. The boy Is in jail. klng the Aid or llrancert. Avstix, Tex-., Sept 7. Gov. Ireland ro re ro celvod late last eveniug the following tole gram which is the only information hore cn the subject: D vtnvvi i.i.i., Karnes Ce., Tex., SepL i. Gov. liiuLAMi: A row botweon two Mexicans and seme white men oneuosido and ofllclalsen the ether has Jut occurred at au election here, In which the sherlll, ene denulv and two citizens wero kllled out right, aud ene deputy shenU dangerously injured, ene deputy bherill' and county at torney weunded, and the Mexlcans oscaped. I am requested te ask you te send threo or four rangers te help us capture HpitaU (iar cLi and ether Mexicans engaged In it. Signed, U K. Oka vim, County Attorney. The governor hasordered the rangers sent as requosted. rreldentlal Appointments. Washington, D. C, Sept. 7. The follow ing presidential appointments were an nounced te-day : Thes. 1'. Tebiu, of Teun., te he surveyer of customs for the pert of Memphls, Tenn. Themas O. Mauniug, et Louisiana, te be ouvey extraordinary or tlie United btales te Mexico. Jehn Drayten, of Seuth Carolina, te be consul of the Cuited States atTuxpan. Charles II. Slnionten, of Charle&teu, S. C, te be United States district judge for Iho district of Seuth Carolina. Cel. Levi Miiluli Fer Congress. Ymik, l'.t., SepL 7. The Domecratlo con vention hore te-day nominated Cel. Levi Maish, of Yerk, ter Cougres", and Gerard C. Breun, et Lewer Windser, two years ege a Hepublican, for state senator. for legislature the following nominations were made: H J. llarnhart, I. C. Dellone, CapL li .. Strlue and II. M. Hurtner. The convention Is still in session at tills hour, (2:J0), and are vverkiug en the nomina tion ler sherlll. Dlil He Die or Yellow l'ercr. Nuvv Yer.u, Sept. 7. Prank Gelden, llro llre mau uu the atoamer Alve, died at the Ho He Ho ceptlen hospital last night ofyellow fever. Iu spite et overy symptom of the disoase being manifested, Including the black vomit, Health OlUcer Smith thinks that thore might have been au error lu the dlaguesis. The uutepsy which will be made this afternoon vv HI be Interesting. M'Xleu VV 111 tjuestleii Iteuili. Lomien, SepL 7. In the Heuse of Cem mens this altomeou Mr, Soxten gave netice that he would ask Sir Mlchael Hicks-Reach, chief secretary for Ireland, for an'oxplauatien regarding the statement publlshed in press dispatches from Amerlca that-a government ropertor fellows Mlchael Davllt through Michlgau, Liking short hand uotes of the hit ter's speech. A DcfnlcutliMi ei 1. 1,000. Cuic.voe, SepL 7. V suit iu the nauie of the government was outerod ugalnat Cel. W. IL Holteu, tlie defaulting pout peut pout etllco suporintendout, for fl0,000. This was a nocessary step lu the pro pre pro ceodlngs against Holteu's bpudstueu, aud attachiuents will be issued against his prop erty. The graud Jury Is net expoetod te take up the criminal case against Holteu bofero ne.vt mouth. His delalcatlen new reaches 1 13,000. Slartlu Irons a Common Vagrant. KAXsVsCiTV,Ma, SepL 7. Martin Iren the late leader of the Gould Southwestern strike, was "run in" by an elucer yosterday ou a charge of vagrancy proterred against him, but ou Iho suggestion of Chief Speera the charge was changed le plain drunk nud disorderly. I I I l'ollie Leasing llelfitt. HUM' VST, SepL 7. A number or pollce, brought here from the outlying counties during the recent rioting, left te-day. Others will fellow next week. Kefaic tlie lletlred Suhililr. Hr.itr.lN, SepL 7. The government has re re tused te gratit a subsidy te the protesed industrial exhibition. On Its Way te Irelaud. Londen1, Sept. 7. The second battalion of the Grenadier guards embarked at Woewlch te-day, ou its way te Ireland. TVKBDAX'H HKHH1UX UV CUVMT. The targe Amount nl Current lluilneu That Was Trausarted, Court met nt IU o'clock this morning for the transaction of current bunluess, Jacob It. Ilershey, Maner, was appointed guardian el llie miner min of Jacob 0. Kready, deccasad. Samuel MiisketuiiHS, who was stuck ler the costs In the charge he preferred against I' roderlck Cottier ler Rolling liquor en Sun day, was called boferotliocourtnndRontoncod, The assessors of the 2d and .Id wards ap peared In court and Rtated that the names of Win. II. Melxell and A! Tred Spoeco hail been accidentally emitted from the registry of voters. They wero dlrocted le reglster tnem und assess a tax against thorn, The llconse el the Coeler heuse was trans ferred from Jhiiiek A. Alexander te Jeseph I 'initie. Tlie prison-keeiior prosented n petition for the appointment el n oeuuiiilteo te Inquire Inte the sanity of Margaret liens. She was acquitted of barn burning en the ground of Insanity and this slop Is necessary In order te have her transferred te the state lunatle asylum, A similar petition was prosentod as te W. II. Saxe. This party went into a tiumber of houses nt Akren nnd threatoned te kill the Inmates. He Is violently insane and the prison nuthorlties wnnt him sent te the county Insane asylum. Albert Molllnger, the olected tax collector et Kphrata township, potillenod the court for a mandamus, lie nil egos that the beard el school directors have put the duplicate of school tax lu the hands of thelr troasurer for cellet lien. The directors claim that under n sjiecial law they have right te de se. The court granted a rule te show cause why a mandamus should net be Issued. Counsel for Isaau Itlttonheuso prosentod n petition setting lertli that his wife Margaret was divorced from him en August HO, en the ground or cruel treatment; that the dlvorce was procured through collusion botween blui blui seir aud wire; that she lived with him until tlie day the dlvorce was docreoil ; that he did net knew cruel treatment was allcced until artorlhedoposltions wero read. He prayed rer a rule te show cause why the dlvorce should net be bet aside. The court granted the rule. Court adjourned until Monday, Septem Septom Soptem hor 20, nt 10 iu m. Letters II runted by the Itrglster. The following loiters were granted hy the register of wills for the week ending Tues day, September 7 : Tkstamkntaiiv Sarah Ulrlcli,!doceased, latoef ML Jey borough ; William II. Ulrich, ML Jey, oxecuter. Mary Powell, deceased, late of Kast Earl township ; David Weldman, Kast Karl, exe oxe cueor. Abraham K. Snvder, deceased, late of Manhelm borough, Matilda W.Snyder, Man helm, executrix. Philip llice, doceasod,, late or Haphe township ; William Rice, ltaphe, oxecutor. Kllza Urablll, deceased, late of West Earl township ; llenry Weldler, West Earl, exe oxe cueor. AiiMiMSTitATieN' Abrahim Myers, de ceased, late or Pequea ; Franklin Mylln, L'equeit, administrator. Charlette McCalllster, deceased, late of Celeraln, township ; EmmaShultz, Celeraln, administratrix-. Kev. Dr. J. W. Ne vln, doceasod, latoef Iancaster township ; W. Wllborfero Nevln, New Y'erk, and ltobert H.Siyre, Hethlehem, admlnstraters. Mary Keser, deceased, late of Penn town- snip ; i;manuei . aaum, renn, aumiusiru tnr, c. L a. Adam Kener. deceased, late of Penn town ship ; Kuiauuei S. Salmi, d. b. u. c L a. Martha E. Illehl. deceased, late of Upper Leacock township ; Jehn Weill, Cicrnarven, administrator. Michael Connelly, decoased, late of Col umbia borough; Elizabeth J. Grande mid Michael Connelly, Columbia, uduilnlstra tcrs. Jauies Swords, doceasod, Inte of Maner township ; Adollue Swords, Maner, adminis tratrix. Elizabeth Miller, deceased, late el War wick township ; Jacob Miller, Ephrata, Levi II. Miller. Delaware, and Samuel II. Miller, West Eari, administrators. Jehn Wilsen, deceased, late of Kast Dru Dru mere township; James M. Wilsen, East Dru mere, administrator. Nelt-ri from marietta, M v in in t a, SepL 7. Her. Jehn E. G raham, formerly rector of St. Paul's church, at Man Man heim, preached his inaugural sermon en Sun day as rector of SL Jehn's P. E. church of this place. The publie schools openod ou Monday morning. The attendance was large with geed prospects for an Incroase In numbers. in we nigu i-cuoei severai new iexi uoeks have been added. The school beard held its regular monthly meeting last night. All the niouibers were presenu The elllcers are : Dr. G. W. Keicb, president; Thee. Hlestatid, secretary, and l'red'k. Waller, treasurer. Severai resolu tions were passed and reports read. The president submitted the following report et the nttendance at the public schools Monday, SeptemberO: High school : Prof. I. S. Gelst, principal; Miss Sarah Hums, assistant. Attendance, 57 ; male secondary : Miss Mary Turner, .10 ; remain secendary : Miss Ltzzle Lennex, Je ; Jehn Scott primary : Miss Jeasie Lowellvn, 6.1 ; central primary Ne. 1: Miss Mlllle l-'ryberger, C'J;central primary Ne. 2 : Miss Sarah Tumor, 11; East Prospect Ne. 1: Miss Mlnnie Erlsman, 39 ; East Prespect Ne. ans Allauetta urove, 2U. Kote mill tierlltzkl Heard, GoergoGorlltzkland Petor Hote wero taken from prison te Alderman A. P. Dennelly's otllce this morning and given hearings en several charges of felonious entry and bur glary. The charges heard wero the robberies at the Children's Heme, Jehn Trout, tenant rarmer at the Heme, and Mrs.S.M. Kramph's resldonce. All the charges wero fully sus tained and In default of bail the accused were remanded te jail te await their trial at the November sessions. Thore are still a num ber of charges against the same partles te be dlsposed et at Alderman Dennelly's, after which Alderman Spurrier will hear thorn lit the complaints made against them at that olllce. llilukvs lu a Truck ratch. Christian llriickhart, vvhe rosides near Saltings, had a truck patch of fitie water melons and cantolepos,Ac., up te it few nights age when a party of thlovea and destroyers visiled It. Mr.Hruckliartdlseovered the party ami shot at tliem with a rllle. They fled at ouce, throwing away a large let ofcantelepos as Ihey rati and managed te oscajie. Alter the thloves get away Mr. llriickhart found that they hail cut oil and left en the ground a number or cantolepos, whlle many ethors were plugged or cuL The whele crop was destroyed, and the large watormelona wero nearly all brokeiu Tiioewnor has geed cause le no tiugry. Church Deilltutlenat Yerk Haven. The new Evangelical church at Yerk Haven was dedicated en Sunday. The cere monies were impressive, and the discourses interesting te the large congregation. The church Is a beautiful lrame structure thirty two by forty-six feet, with arched celling. It has a tewer 87 feet high, iu which it Is In tended te place a bell. DruKgltU ami l'harmacUU te Ceuvene. Prem tlie l'rovldenco (IL I.) Jenrtiaf, of Soptemuer 1, furnished by Mr. O. A. Uein Itsh, It Is evldent that the annual conven tions of the National Hetali;l)rugglsta und the American Pharinaeeutlcal association te be held iu that city, en Monday next, will be very large. .Summer tenure. TheMb-HOH Hern, or Seuth Pilnee street, have returned from Tllusvllle, where they had been for i.everal months pasL OoergoF. ltathren has geno for a day'ii fishing in the Susquehanna, uear Marletta. bteamahlp Arrivals. Nuw Yenif, Sept. 7. Arrived, Ituly Irem Liverpool, Kulda from ltromen. r.HU WKATUKH 1NV1VATXU. CWahuinotek, D. V., SepL 7.-I'er Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland geuerally fair weather, slightly warmer wind, generally easterly. PRICE TWO CENT WHICH WILL BE VICTOR! TlimUAI.hAST VUKTMMt BatWMBHHUl OA1.ATKA AMt irrruu ii"ii The Ijltler la lha tlik.l jtn,..lu. ..'-!' 1 "- .. naanwt tlitnlest With lha rameua KagMh T11H' f llitlletlna Bhnw lha Amerlea J l"! niui rr e tic aum. 'j.,1 i &?' , v- Hay 111 nun, HepL 7, 0:13 a. m.-Tha a' , leek for the first of the Mtloaer the lateraw'' .;' tleiml yacht racea te be calletl te-day betwfwi's'i the Onlatea and Mayilower, U anythlnf fcnrt''4 premising, tin !e the present writing. TW- morning dawned cloudy and hary with eTery ' Indication of rain, and hardly a breath of MrV-L all I,,,. UIhma..!.. ...hIm 41.. .. 1V n.,i.iiK tinw vnuj uiuiiiiiiK iud uiiajrrmyj t& ' has been crowded with yachts. aUMmtxwla. '''m: j laiincues anu craius ei an uoscripilena. " The start was made at ledd:30. Maylleww, Is about ene length ahead, Thoeountoto W' salled ever In te-day'a race la the regular New Yerk yacht course, about 38 mile. 11:1a The Mayflower broke out horjlb herjlb horjlb tepsail nnd alie crossed the line and drew rapidly away from the Englishman. They are both en the starboard tack reaching for OwUhead. Mayflower draws away fresi Galatea constantly. Hands are playing and a gieat crowd of vessels are surrounding the yachts iu the rear. 11:15 a.m. The Mayilower has just takes the Galatea's wind. She has passed as though the Englishman was standing still. 11:10 .v. m, The Mayllewer has a lead of clean half mlle. 11:12 a. m Mayllewer has tacked te star beard, both new en same tack. The May May May iloeor Reems te be constantly Increasing her . . - ... . .. j ri lead. Tlie wind Is freshing up a little. The Mayilower en the pert tack crossed the Galatea's bow about flve lengths In the lead te windward. They are splitting lacks oil Heffman Island. Wind S. E., fair, 6 mllesan hour. At 12:27 the Mayilower tacked te pert Galatea tacked te starboard at 12 p. m. At 12J7 the Mayilower tacked te star board, and at 12:10 the Galatea te pert The Mayilower Is standing southeast and wilt seen make the splL Till! OAI.ATB.V UAtNlMU. 12:17 v. M. The yachts are coming near te Huey Ne. 10. The Galatea baa gained con alderably en the Mayllewer aud isnew about llye lengths astern. 12:53 r. it. Galatea tacked le starboard at 12:51 ; Mayilower tacked te starboard at 1253. Galatea went back te pert at 12 AS, having te de It in erder te make the spit en the nest tack. The May II ower la reaching for the spit ou the starboard tack, 1 3j$rM. The Mayilower ranges J ust clear the point et Heek from hore and the Galatea, 3 just getting In range of Naveslnk llghL The Mayllewer leads by a geed mite and a-halt Highlands 2;10 r. M. At 2:01 p. m., the Mayilower was passing Scotland lightship, about a mlle ahead el the cutter. Fenr Wadswertii, SepL 7.-235 r. m, The Mayflower turned the Saudy Heek, lightship at 2:30 and Is new bound In. Pert Wadswertii 253 r. m, Galatea turned the Sandy Heek lightship at 2:35:30. New Yerk, SepL 7. The official time taken en the judges' beat from the start was j Galate.i, 1050:11 ; Mayflower, 10:53:12. The Galatet blanketed the Mayilower, and from the shore It appeared that the Mayllewer was the ilrt ever the line. Feri Wadswertii;! r. m. The May May May iloeor apparently rualntalnsWfcer long lead, . and is making fast time toward the point of endlnrr. The crowd of steamers are beef near the Galatea, while tlie Mayilower Is go ing it unattended far In advance Beth yachts hive evcry rag of sail set that will draw. The Ciller Slaite Them Drunk, Ciinticai.ia, 111., SepL 7. Patoka, a small place eight miles north of here, has a pro hibitory law aud is known as a teinperaece town. P. A. Sheck, a grocer, living lu the plau.', w as recently arrested en the charge of selling clder, which, It was claimed, was con trary te law. It was a test case, and at a trial which has Just been concluded, severai wit nesses svvore that the clder sold by defeudaut had made them drunk. Doctors who were examlued disagreed as te the Intoxicating nrnmirtlennf tlie lleuld. but tbe turv returned a verdict assessing a nominal flue against y"l Sheck. jgja . iHS, Killed My a Natural Gaa Ulelosleu. 3 Warsaw, Ills , SepL 7. By au exploslea ir4i of natural gas In a 00-feet well being dug ifesWt flve miles from here. Yesterday. UtrfmtmT" Miller, a workman, was killed, Jehn Haps 1 fatally Injured and Hemer MuMahen and J Cliarles Hasklns fearfully burned. Miller ;:; was frightfully burned, the skin ever bin entire body peeling off In a few minutes afUr the explosion, which was caused by taking llghted lautern Inte the well. -.. -s r. St. Leuih, Sept. 7. TheDeinocratleprl-?'! rearles for the Ninth distrlet congreRieoaC?Jj, convention wound up last night In the kill-, ;. tng of Censtable James F. Hyan, a well- ' known local politician. He and Hill Gooley, uu employ e e! a theatre, get Inte a verbal row ou Market street, and finally both drew their revolvers. Gooley was the quicker and shot ' Hyan in the abdemen and made his escape, Beth were hard characters, each having bees coucerned lu several sheeting scrapes before. IllliteU KntgbU or Laber. Pkeiua, 11L. Sept. 7. The first anututl reunion of the Knights of Laber of Illinois) was held In this city yesterday with an atten dance of 1,000. HiKTeches wero made by Master Workman Hennet, of Heck, Island, and General Werthy Peremin OrllUth, el Chicago, also by Mr. S. E. Williams Patterson, of La Sails, state orator. Address of welcome was made by S. A. Klnsey, mayor of Peoria. Killed UU Wife. nuvvALe. N. Y.. SenL 7. Jehn T. Oliver. Ce years of age, shot and fatally wounded artyfe wlfe Mary, en Pennsylvania street, early UM,t j morning, uiivernuu uu iraiiuuuimiji j together for evor a year. Thia morning M" tfi' sj unver anu uer meiuer were qui waiKiug, j Wllu unvut muiieu up uwiiuu u y?mwwjj fired, tbe ball entering at tee base et mm' bralu. Oliver was arrested. His reaaeu fcr , the act was that she would net llve with Ma.' . ; Wbjr An IUInela County li OlaaV JIattoen. 111.. Sept 7. Thlshae M . most proepereus year for this oe ly, ItllneUj became a state. Sue Jaiya, of wheat, eats, rye, nay aad jfreMawa M knevvn. Tue corn crop wu Tbe acreage Is unusually large, stand away above the average. .r A catholle 1'rlett Jeuu Uie I Da i.las, Tex., SepL 7, Jaraaiab AMMai a priest In the Heman Catholle ekunk, kw' jeiuml thellaptlat church, Mr. haw km been ntteut threo years studying k K2 faith and making up his mind c lha art ' ln. II, l. in, u han(larl h SasT. MC - UauiitT, at the church te-nlghL 'ej&1 st-&. Killed WitB a uwb. ' ... t WrsT Union, Iowa, Sepfc ' ?' yesterilay Henry Smith, WyeaweM, UUJ AbndiamPock.alariaer, with . "? fatally Injured Mra. Teek a4 WlMaw .i,i a rmii.nl with xtlatiu IBM ) Inte the hoeae. SmWi thi wiwirJ fire the heuse. The ealy hum the de-! Is a quarrel abeat "T "7 done. i?l j- .tA &j ri1! i - ijy