pW"tf3HamfyMygT il n sseA W . i I'' 4 f) TM OLD HCHOOL BOOKS. What pleaaaul memories duller round these volumes old and em( With cover, amliched, and bindings creased, ami puge thumbed and lern I Tlice are tin) book wn nwl te ion, 1 mid peer brother Will. Whun we worn boy together, In tlie ohftel llllllfll)ll llielilll. Well I recall Ui" night At lienm, when utile by aide wn sal IWuru llni fire, and o'er Iheae books Indulged In wlUprul chat, And heir, whim father chtdcd in for UIIIiik I line away, Our eyes bent te lliutnsk although they'd never been astray, 1 tin old lime prowl tm scribbled Iieik, the rati- Hen tnbawain ("Hlral nut this bonk, my honest tleiid")crnn. I'd roughly Ikiie mid 1 1 mm, llie Miiik, Urn blots, tin) luiicliuiiii spot. Iho numberless ileg' cars, the faded names, llie pictures, and, alas' the tnlnsnt Irani, Alltihn me back In mind today when cloud- lie the sky, hull grlet , e heit lived I sinllid lielure my tears were dry M hen, next te fatlm' angry frown, I feu red ttie nwful nod " . , Hiatjdoeimul inn, trembling, te udvance and humbly kluatheiwl. Hew bright these day' Our lltlle tain, our momentary tear, And e'en our pains, evanished wllh abuistef ne1)4 and lears, And every Jey seemed gieal enough te lulauce all.uiir wtwt What pity thai whim gtlefa ate real limy iaii'1 be balanced aet 1 hn ithoel house alnuils In ruin new, thulieya hate scattered wlde, A few aie old and gray llke lne, but nesrly all ll,Ollllll And brother Will Is one of tin se i his cully heart waa laid Down li the brook, nl father's aide, beneath llie willow's shnrte Tlit'te lKKikigeiualut and itiivr le ou, loine arelhlug things. KkcIi tciljaHety of the past, mid caihamc nage tiling!. Whene'er I alt, at eventide, anil turn tbclriagca o'er. They arem tnapcak In lenri that thrilled my heart In dant yore, Th schoolboy of le-ilay would laugh and threw thui) old books by , Hut, think yen, neighbor, could hit heart ion mint It ha wtrel ' A' M. Me Alpine, in the liriitum f invn .4 iiuiiir.iimwii jtraira must a tuaix. White uii lllaWeddlnK Tenr lie Heroine Crazy and Leaps te lilt Death. Au melting m-one wajt wltuoiiseil en tlie midnight ei prom train whlle running at a high rate or npeeil en llie I.obanen V alley railroad, ten tulle from Heading, I rlilay night. Tlie passenger worn auililenly start. IimI by h Hcuflle In tlie inlililluef tlie car. A veil ilrcwnl yeuiiK man naimxl Let! V. llrelMt arcwe abruptly, and In a loud olce exclalmed: "rmllroilef rldliiK'" llli beautllul yeuiiK wlfe iKfttile lilui KraiiH(l lilm by tlie cxat and aald . "HHUewu, e'll hoeu I ki at Heaillng." "Net a bit or It, (UiaaK" lie rcplled. " I'm KeIiik no rurtiier , bee tlie light Uaucicg out yonlerT,,j He llien maile n liasty meto toward tlie deer of tlie car, vtheu IiIh wlleaeUed lilm by hlNceatand tinploreil hliu te alt down. Tlie ether paaaengern In tlie car at II ml thought It inlRtit alinply tKi a persenal inlsuuilcrstaticl. In);, and they made no ellert te Intorlere. Auotlier lady of tlie party, a mlddle-aged woman, tiauieil Mn J. ( . High, l,,ft heravnt ami rau te tlie wlte'a awiatanre, Ilelli keIzchI the excltnl yeune man and told lilm te be M'atpd. lly a owertul ellert lie tere away from tlie Kraip r lilt Avlfe, but Mm. HIkIi kept held el Ida coat llrebst new bocame lurleus, and literally dniRKOd Mrs. Uigli te llie deer. Tlie luttir ahouted for aalatanc, but bofero any ene had the oeuraKO te Inlorlero llrelwt tere Ills coat, and thus cot away from the laily'a Krasji. He lil ler the deer, crying out nt the top or hlsvolce ; " (local by. Ilere abojeeca." KTtienext aocend he Jumped le the plat form, and In tlie next Instant leapvd eir Inte thedarkneaa, whlle the train wax Rpoedlug en at Ihlrty-tlve mllm per hour. Tlie yeuiiK wlfe tainted In ber seat, whlle her husband was being hurled IkmiIIeiik down a twenty-feet rocky oiutmnkinent The train waa Rpidlly atojtped, and the lctlin was feiinil dyliiK anions the beuldera. Ills facennd IxhIv worn horribly cut. He waa b reue lit te ftradliiK, where he died In HI, Jeaeph'a hospital next morning, llln wallet containing (., waa leat wlieu he Jumped, and waa net leund. He wan 30 years of age. and a handaome, well-built yeiimr man. He waa married te MKs (iussleLelller last Wedneaday In WcmI l'elut, Nnb., and tliey wcre en their wod wed illng trip te Slatlugteu. Ilia body wax taken Ihore, where hla parenta live. 'I he bride aayn alie llrst uotlced a oliatige In her hus band In Chicago. Hn had net been well, and had net eaten anything for three dayi. The excitement or his wedding inadehlin ery nervous. Ills mind gradually bocame unbal anced. He nwed and Hmke incohereiitly, and at last jumped oil the train. A. II. t C&ixaref, fleer walker for bturn llrelhers, Ji Welt Twenty-thllnl street. New 1 erk, together with his wlfe, was troubled with malaria for upwards or two year. They were both entirely cured by taking ene or twellrun druth't rills eveiy night for three months with out Interfering with their labor or household duties. The Same Human ature Many vain atteinpta am uiade te repeal the lemarkabletucccasef Ilenson's L'upUne Plaster. This splendid remedy is known, sold and ued vo'where, and Its prompt action and unrU ai led curattve powers have wen ler It hosts of friends, imitations have sprang up under similar sounding names, ani.ii ik "Cupslcln," " Capsicum," etc. Intended te dccele the care lets and unwary These articles poies noun et the vlrt ue.i of the genulue 'iberefem we hepe the people will astUt uh te protect what are at once tnetr Interenta and eura Ask for Uensen's Plaster, mid examine wluit Is Klven you, and make sure that the wertl" Capclne " Iseut In the middle of the planter luelf.und the ' Three Heal "trademark l en the taco cloth. Any roputable dealer will show youthosnfe yeuthosnfe youthesnfe gunrdt without hesitation If you cannot re member the naiEe llenten'a C'apclne l'laster cut this paragraph from the paper. (1) HVJCOIAL MUTJVXM. Ua Net Hove mindly, tiocatelully In purchasing medlclne Many advertised remedies can work grent Injury iirn wersu than none, llurdeck Iileml Jhtteriam purely a vegetable preparation ; the smallest child can take them. They kill dlsoase and cure tbu patient In asafeand kindly way. Fer tula by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IS) North gucen street, 1-ancaster. Depend Upen It Mether Shlpten's pronhesles and Louisiana elections are unieitaln things, but Thomai' J'c Ire trie oil can be depended imen always. It cures aetien nnd ialnsef every descrlntleu. Fin sale by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and ll North cjiieen street, I.ancastei. I'lmt-rate Kcldence. "Ollen unable te attend buslnesi, being sub ject te bulleus disorder of the kidneys Alter u long slege of tlcknnas trled llunleck Jlloeit Hit ten and was i el loved by lialf a bottle," Mr. II Turner, of Kochester, N. Y takes the pains te write. Per sole by 11. II. Cot hran, druggist, 1J7 and la North Queen atiect, caster. irorlame back, sldaer chest, use Bhlleh's 1'er. eus Plaster. Price ascents. Ker aale by 11, U. Cochran, Drugglat, Ne. 1JU North cjueen atieet. Hew Much Will De It Hew much of CTieniai' Ecltctrlc Oil Is icmilrcd tecuiat Omyu very little. A few diepa will cure any kind or an achat and buta trltloiiiero Is needed for sprains nud lamenesses, lthouma ltheuma Ham Is net no readily affected i an eimcu and sninctlniostweiiuiiceaani icijulleil Ne meal meal clne, hewever. Is se suie te cuie with the buiiiu number of applications. I'oraalehy II. IJ. Coeh Ceeh lan.arugglat, 137 and 13a Neith Queen etieel, Lancaster, ' A Newspaper Kdltur. O. M. Ilolcenib, of Illoemvllle, Ohie, rises te explain "llud that torrlble disease cuUirrh. for twenty years i couldn't taste or suiull, and hear lug Wtt fulling. Themat' Kclcctrla Oifcuied me. These are fuels voluntarily given against a former prejudice of patent medicine." Fer tutu 1... I, ft i '.uiti IV. II Amr.nlil IVY .....1 ...i -. .. u . ... vv....(.( u.uHB.a,a, mm ia-j rierm Queen street, Lunciiater. Don't Hurry, Ueutleuieii," Haldamaueu his way te be hanged, "theie'U bone fun till 1 gut them " Wn way te the dys puptlc, nervous, and debilitated, don't huiry thoughtlessly ler seme iciuedy or dulibtrul luerll, uuceriiiln of lellef, when you run get nt llie druggists for ene dollar llurdeck llloed Hit Hit rrtnliiuutsiiie te cure nnilceitiln tehunetlt. Keraalu by II, II. Cochran, dmgglst, 137 and ll North Queuu atieut, lJiucuster. llllOWN'S HOUSKllOLl) 1'ANAUKA. Is the most etfoctlve i'atn Destroyer In the world; Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally eiv'appllcd externally, and thereby mera certalnty UKL1EVK l'AIN, whether chronte or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It Is warranted double the tirengunei any similar pre naru lien. It cures pain In the alie, Back or ISowels, Bere Threat, liheumatlsm. Toethacha and ALL AUIIKS. and la The Great Itellever or I'aln. BUOWN'fl UOUBhllOLU l'AN AOKA " should be tn every family. Ateaspoenlnlofthol'anacea In a tumbler of hct water Iswoetened, II pre ferred,) taken at oedtlme, wUl JJitKAK 3V A 0L1). Sfioentsa botue, uai.iyaM,w,iw mmatvAtn iV-. t-W- Wni . B HOWN'H IHON IlITTKIta BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HKAOAUH1':, JNUiaUbTlON, iflIliI0U8Ni:S.S, HYHrKl'hlA, NKIIVOUH 1'ltO.STllATlON, MAIiAKIA, chujLHaniiki:vuiih, tiuuu fkkmne, ii;nkkam)i:iiii,itv, 1'AINH IN TllKllACK .VHIDKN, lMi'imi: ni.oei), OONbTIl'ATION, KKMALKINKIHMrril'.H, uiikumat1hm, ni:uuai,eia, kidnkyandlivku TKOUIIliKS. t-rOU BALE II V ALL HKUUUIHT8. ThedeiiulunhaaTmdu llutk and c leaned Ked Lines en wiapper. TAKE NO OTHBH. (3)ml7-lydAw YKH'8 1'IM.H. Constipation Is a unHnrsal and meat Irouhtesoino dlsordei. It cause llnadache. Mental Deproatlen, Impairs the Might and Hearing, destres the Appetite, and, when long continued, causes Knlargeuinnt of the Liver, Inflammation el the Jlnwidt, nnd l'lles Constipation Is sieedlly cured by Ayer'a l'llls, rnraiiumberur months I waa troubled with CrHtlvniicaa, luconseuuenfeor which I suffered from Leaa of Appetite, Dyspepsia, and a dls ordered liver, Uy eyes also troubled me. I was compelled le wenr a shade eer them, and, at times, was unable te hear cxpusure te the light. 1 waaoutlrely CURED BY USING three lien1) of Ayer'a l'llls. 1 have no hesita tion In pronouncing this medicine te be the best rathartle eer made. Jatnei Kccles, Poland, Ohie. 1 ailtTurcd fnm Constipation, and, cene luently, rrem llividache. Indignation, and l'lles, for years A) er's l'llls, which I took at the aug f:etlen of a friend, liave given me cfTcctual re re lef I cemuienced taking this remedy two luentha age, and am new free from Constipation, the lemeval el which has caused my ether trnnblea ledlsapnenr, and gleatly Improved my geueial benlth.W. Keeler, Amhursl, MaH, 1 auriered from Consttpatleu, which aasumed audi an obstinate lului that 1 Inured It would cause a stenpiif;Q nf the r-nwels. Twe boxes of Ayer's I'lll.i cutcd me, completely. D.llutke, bace, Me. Ayer's Pills, l'repared by Dr. J. C. Ayer A Ce , Lewell, Mast. Held by druggists and Dealers In Modlclne. altea LITOMACH AND UVEB l'All. Fer ladigcstleu, liilieasuess, BILK HKADACIIK, or any of the symptom of a disordered stomach and liter, use HOLMAN'S Stomach & Liver Pad. It will gire tene, vigor and elasticity te jour whole system, remove all .' Tulnl Frem (lie llloed. Prevent t'eter, Small l'ex and all contagious dUeiUCi. Wan-anted le CUKK and I'KKVKNT CIIOL EltA INFANTUM, COLIC, MKASLKS, and all CHILDREN'S DISEASES. SAKK' EASILY WOUN I ltKI.lAIILBI UR. LEVIS AD HIS UCSDnED WITXESSIS r'CLTew, Arkansas. After carefully watching, for a porled of lour uienths, tbe etrect of " Hoi Hei man's Agueand Liver Pad," In at least en I iicx liRsn casks undT my Immediate nbsertatlen, 1 have no hesitancy In recommending it as a safe and speedy cure in all cases et ague, bllleumicsa and Indigestion In all ctues of enlargeil and InllameU spleen, It la ar excellence, ler all aNeutcsarljIng Irxmi a disordered umdltleu of the liver, 1 ehuerfully reoemiuend ILa ue. Very truly, JAMKUU. LEWIS, M. D. a)aT-liuwar of bogus and Imllntlen 1'ads Aak ynurdrugKUU for the (iemilne llelman's l'ad, and take no ether. If he deva net keep Uvjin, send UuO te the HOLMiN TAD CO., 120 Willum SL, Niw Tcrk. augWJmdM.WAS G KAY'H Hl'ECIFIO MEDICINE. THKOUKATKNULISII KKS1EDY. An unrulllng cumrer Iinpetency, ana all Dis eases that fellow laws el Memery, Universal laisjiltude. Pain In the flack, Dlmneea or Vlalen, l'remutiirn Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a l'remature Grave. - nil particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te aend true by mail touveryene. 4)aT"The Bpectfle Modlclne Is sold by all dmggtsuatlt per package, or six packages ter 13, or will be sent free uy mall en the receipt of the money, by addressing the agent. II. 11. COCIIKAN, Druggist, Sele Agent, Ne. 137 ana IX) North Queen Street, Lancaster, l'u. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper: theonlygenulne. lUCUUAl aiJWlliJklJ cu.. apsi-iyaAw uuoaie. n. V. QDKE aUAHANTKEU. RUPTURfc!, Cure gnarnntei'd 117 lilt J. 11. iiavku Kaseat once t noeiHiiutUm or delay from busi ness t testiftt by hundredsef cures. Main office, Ol AltCIl ST., l'HILA. Send for Circular. fJMvdAw c UKKKOHTHUDEAK. l'eck's Patent Improved Cushioned Kur Drums neifectlv ri'stote hearliiK and Vnirfnnn tlie work el the natural dniin. Invisible, otnu etnu otnu tertablo and always In imittlen. All coiiveisu ceiiveisu coiiveisu Hen and even whlapers heard distinctly. Send for Illustrated Iioek with testimonials, rilhK. Address or cidl en f. HISCOA, tM llreiulway. nuw luiK, eiuuiuin inia puper. lunolD-lyeedAlyw iimiKH, QUI 100 1. HOOKS Iletalled at Wholesale I'llux, at FON DERSMITIi'S Opposlle the Court Heuio. New Heeks given In oxchange for Old Ones a part pay. llie Laigc3l and Cheapest Line of Tablets, (tuidltleieut slylea), Couiiieslllou nud Mniuor Mniuer uuduiu Heeka, Pencils, Uuleis, Ink and Pens, Copies, Slates, etc., etc. We lnve a low articles we Inteud togUe te every nurcluuui. Come nud gettbein, bejannd girls, fixnii Feil Dersiiiitli, the Loeksoller, BUgSJ tfd UOHOOIi KUl'l'IilEH. JOHI BAER'S SONS, Nea. IB and 17 North Queen Btroet, LANCASTKlt, l'A., OUui, Whelesalu and Hetall, at Lew Prices SCHOOL BOOKS USED IN LANUAHTEK CITY AND COUNTY. Old Headers Exohauged. SCHOOL SUPPLIES; Ltauld Slating, Chalk Crayons, Copy Heeks or All Kinds. Writing Inks, Steel l'una, Slatea Noiseless Slates, Slute Pencils, Drawing Pen cils. Composition Heeks, Wilting Tablets, Lead l'enclla, Scheel Satchels, Companions, and uveiythlng elae In the line el Scheel Slntlenuiy. SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK. R OTK lH MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT SJ3.00 A DOIIM. AT NO. ICfl NOUTH QUKEN BTUKKT, lanl'J-tld Lancaster, l' s TOR AG K OOMMIS8ION WAREHOUSE. DANIEL MAYER, aveiyd Nc.ia wett cheitnuv suwk 1UE 00MC0RT8 BOA at tn North End Dry Goods Stew Art) as geed an they can be made. If you want te buy any time It will pay you le examine them. j.w.lirilNE, nevtvlyd Ne. ill North Queen street. J. H. OIVIjEK A CO. Positive Closing Sale. LANOASTKK, HKl'T. 1, l.iOI. We commence te-day te sell oft our Entire Stock or Dry Heeds, Sllkt, Dress Heeds, Liidlca' Ceat, Shawls, Notions, Carpela, Fleer Oil Cleths and Merchant 1 alluring. We will inake Suits and Oveiceata le erder at very Lew Prices. Everything will be told al Uargaln Prices for Cash te close out the EnUre Stock, ar New Is veur chante for Uargalus. JohnS.Givler&Ce., Ne. 36 East King Btroet, LmeisTsa, l'A. N V.W KAI.Ii HOODH. THE SI'KCIAL SALE or TWO IIUNDItED I'lECKS Black rrench Caslimeres, OUIl OWN IMPORTATION, Has been an Immense Success Theso goods w ere bought by us idx months age when prlcss were the lowest ever known, and we are new selling them from 5c. te 15c. a yard lest than any imperter can land tbem te-day. We are confi dent that no better valuu has ever been offered In this or any ether market, and we cordially In vieo ladles who have samples from ether cities te call, examine and compare natalities and prices. They wero in ado by the best manufac turer, dyed and finished by (he best dyers, and cemn In all shades from Jet teIlrlgbt lllue-lilack. rilKNCHCASHMEUKS, M Inches wlde CTXcayard. K ItENCH UASHM EIlES, 40 Inches wide ; Mc a yard. KltKNCH CASHMEUES, li lnches wlde ; due a yard. rilKNCH CAUHUEUES, W Inches wide 1 trJKc a yanl. rilENCH UASI1MEUE3, 10 Inches wide; 67c a yard. rilENCH CA3IIM HUES, iO Inches wide; 75c a yard. ritENCH CASHMEUES, telnchea wide 1 S7KC. a yard. l'UENCH,UA9HMEltES 40 inches wldei tl.uuayaid. NEW YOEK STORE, WITT & SHAND, Nea a, 8 and 10 East King Streot. J. H. MAHT1N A CO. SHIRT DEPARTMENT The Leading Shirt In the Market Is the PEARL SHIRT, With Three Ply Linen Itesuin, reinforced, and madoef Wamsuttu Slusllu OverS.iMO In use In Lancaster CHy and county ILlMaploce or 13.10 perone hair dozen 75 CENT SHIRT Has a Loese Kdge llosein same as the Elghmle, and ce.ual te any Dellar Shirt made tn the aame way. 40 CENT SHIRT, Reinforced front and Hack, Extra Quality Mus Hu and Made te Wear. Pleated Bosem Shirts, Open or Closed Fronts, all SIiem, 11.00 apiece, Uegulur Price, II 37. Reduction in Percale Shirts. Tenly-Hve Dezen Percale Shirts made le sell for II .vi, Heed Patterns, Extta Cellars nud Cutis, mini ed te I Ou apiece. PERCALE SHIRTS W Uh Twe Cellars and Lulls, separate, alWceuta Apiece. 25 Dezen Calice Shirts, Laundilediendy leput en, at JS cents nplcce ; uoilhSeicnia, ItlCk LLK 8II1UTS. RLUATTA SHIRTS, TOURIST S SHIRTS, ULl K H.ANNKL 8UIRTJ, GAUZE UNDERWEAR. Tnenty-nve Doren llalbrtggan Shiita nt cents . icguhtr pi lee, te con la. QAUZE UNDERBniUTS, liKct". 15cls, acts., tects. , Wets, and 75cts. J. B. MARTIN & GO., Cor. West King & Prince S(fi, (Oppealte Slevens HniiHO.) I.ANUASTKIl, PA WAL1, VAVKH, AllT WALL. I'AI'EK HTOllE. NOW 1STHET1MET0 1IUV Wall Paper & Wiutlew Shades, K01 thete never was a ttme when tollttle money would go se fai lit PAPERING A HOUSE AS NOW Special Rates for a abort time only, te luake room ler Intended enlargement of store. CALL AND EXAM1NK (J00D3. ART WALL PAPER STORE, NO. 131 NORTH QUEEN bTREET, LANCASTER, PA. ILFREDSIEBER, (Keimeily with Phatea W. try,) nti MARIANI. MARIANA WINE, The Great Nerve Hemedy, Wholenale and Re tail, at UKIO ART'S OLD WIN E STORE. H. E. BLAYMAKER, Agent, 9,EtKlngI)trvt, ALL WOOL ALL WOOL ALL WOOL ALL WOOL ALL WOOL ALL WOOL ALL WOOL ALL W OOL mmrmam. M , Wysmi,-)J.aVvW KKSAKATUrON. BOYS' -AND- CHILDREN'S SUITS. PnreiiU and Uuardlaut of Children should examine our well (elected tleck of CLOTHING borero purchasing. Care has been taken In the Selection of Materials, In Securing Past Celers and In the Sewing, that we may offer te the purchasers or Lancaster county the 11EST CLOTHINU rORTHE LEABT MONEV. AIIOUT PRICES, we'te turelyjaway down. Abeulwlutt weaay el our CLOTHINU will be found te be strictly correct. Our boute never had the reputation el ml. icprcsenltng goods, and what goods are sold for they generally turn out te be. MANUrACTUHINU CLOTHIERS, NO. 13 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA L. OANHMAN A 11HO. New Goods, New Prloeu. Ftteta Only. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT -or- L Gansman & Bre. Having bought large quantities of Goods In the Piece, aultable for our Custom Department, we are prepared te meet the wants of the peeple A Few Sample Prices : Alt.Woel Suit te Order at 110.00. All-WoelChevlotSulttoOrderat 11100. All-Weel Casslmere Suit te Order at IIS 09. All-Weel Worsted Suit te Order at 110 ua All Weel Check Worsted Suits te Order at IP. All-Weel English Worsted hnlu te Order at tJU. Finest All-Weel Imported Worsted Sulta te Order at fJ3 Ou and t-W.oe. Punts te Order, quality strictly All-Weel, at 1 ou, 11 JO, It ou, 13 ee, H 00, 17 00 up te lie 00. Scheel suit In large quantities at the Lewest Cash Prices, from tl.75 up. ilelere purchasing your Kail Goods please pay us a IstU As ler Quality and 1 It w 0 guaran tee. 1'riccs Arc Hard te He licnl KlsciIicrc. An Investment of Klve Dollars will be equal te Ten Lellars In proportion w lth prices of ether Stores. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MERCHANT TAILORS, MANUFACTURERS OP MEN'S JIOIS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHINU, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Right en the Southwest Cor.ei Oniuge St.) LANCASTER, PA. WKet connected with any 0U101-Clething Heuso in the city. H msii a iikethi:k. F0K rEOPLf SllltKttii AM) SWING HIRSH & BROTHER'S Great Sale of Beys Cletliiii Possesses d't'cut Attructiues. BOYS' CLOTHING. Our New Fall Stvles of Heys' and Children' Sulta are new ready, and they are worth while every mother's Inspection. A grander usrert mentand prettier styles weroneverseen bofeie lluylng time has new come for these who with prudence of aforethought make their Pell selec tions whlle aascrtmenta are unbroken ; whlle floods are trcsh , whlle they've get the ttrae te oek.nnd wothe tlinote give them that nlcety of attention which we Intend they shall receive. Uuylng time this season finds us far better pre pared te meet your wants than did buying time one year age. And we're net aware that you then leund anything lacking, either In assert lnent, quality or atjle. He that as It may, this year's buying tlme surpasses all othet buying times In evtonlef assortment, in the excellence of goods, In the lowness et pikes. Hetter man agement. Improved facilities and 11 larger trade nre things that have done It. Novelties In our Custom Departments. Ne cities in our Custom Tailoring Depart ments. Our stock of new importations or Suitings an d Trouserlng is new complete In all that the word Implies, leu will t,ee scores et the latest de signs or hnglish ( osslmeres nnd cmkscrews, the Ian st patterns of French Worsteds, nnd all new shades and lulxtuies of Demestic manu facture. We bought these goods dliect fiein the Euro pean 11 anutacturur. thus euleylng advantages unknown te ether merchant tailors el Lancas ter, who buy their goods Hern othet than first hands. '1 he prices at which we aie new prepared te makeaultsand Pants toerdct nre most convinc ing testlmonynteursupurlor facilities. Nuw Fall Styles all around. In eveiy depart ment we nre showing advance hI)1es fei the coming teaseu. Thcie uie huudieds of new things In Men's, Heys'a and Children's Clothing Hear these welds In join mlud Nuw ltThe lluylng Tlme AT- lirsh & Brether's ONE.PRIOB Clothing and Furnishing Heuse, CORNER NORTH QUEEN STREET AND CENTRE SQUARE. ttUTiuna. -pilUBMAN'S. GENTLEMEN'S Balbriggan and Qauza Uudershirts. THE REST. White Shirts! NECRT1ES, PLAIN AND FANCY HOSIERY SCARF P1N8, BLKRVKkllUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, -AT- ERISMAN'S, NO. 17 WEST KING ST.. LANCASTER, PA T ilB TAPER IH riUNTKD W1TU INK Manufactured by J. K.WBIQHT&00., mariHya wu.aua ur,au PhUadtlphla, Pa MYERS (I RATION, rvtutttBMB.'WsaiMV VWH .twaiAe wSatt MAVi'f ,a Vtm'rfis1' H INITHU'H FURNITURE DEPOT. HEINITSH'8 FURNITURE DEPOT. Our Fall Opening beiflna ten Monday day, Heptember, 1. Yeu may think ub a little early, but we -would rathe x lead than fellow. We will be ploeeod te have you eall and sea our wlade, display, and afterward If you have tlme take a walk through our la tg wareroema. Yeu aak, what will we show ? We answer everything In Vur Vur nlture, new and attraotlve, and thoreforo hepe te receive a visit from, ytm next week. HEINITSH'8 FURNITURE DEPOT, NOB. 37 & 20 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. JBWMLWHr, tv. H, Z. IUIOADH, JEWKLKK, Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept. is Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine ard Complicated WatcheB, Musical Bexes, Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism, H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. 11ATB, G KKAT KKDl'OTION. FIFTY DOZEN DRESS STRAW HATS, At 15 Cents Apiece. - AT - W. D. STAUFFER & CO.'S. Alse, Full Ltne of TKUNK3 and TKAVKLlNaS BAGS at Exceedingly Lew Trices.-" g. a: r. Xew en hand for the lteunlen In September. V7. D. STAUFFER & CO., Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street. 1.1 yX INHUltANOK VUHIi-ANY. E XTKACTS FUOM T1IK TH1KTKENT1I ANCE COMMISSIONER Dec. 3t,18?5 Insumiice In fnrce Admitted Abbm l'ayinents te l'ollcyhelders l'rumlnm Income Dividend l'ald l'ollcyhelders..., Hlvldend l'ald en each l.UO Ins. ?ie ei reiicics in inrce. Avemtre Dividend te each policy. Dentil Les9t'S l'ald Death Lesses ltealstcd Expenses et Management And In order te expose the tme Inwardness of the Nerthwestern's FIlOUbESSlVK U1VI DK.NDS, e quotelroat the lnsurance Commissioners of l'cnnsylvaniaLlfoltcperts for the year ttuted: .. ..... .. NOKIHWtS rtHN, Iniurance In Force. 187(1 $ 07,40.1,131 1S77 M,IB,M7 U74 t.l, 111,011 1879 l,'JI',vi 10 Mt,7,Hl lsil 74,5n:i,7IO ih. ki.iy.,(;i ISA! IU.CN.1,0'1.1 l-4 inrnvjci IsS3 110,710,01 Cotinnent en tbe auove record Is unnecessary. Hut In order that the lullliiK off in dividends nuw net be attributed te the Nerthwestern's TON TINE rt'WD, would add that this fnndairgreirates tw.m.a. for further In tormatlen en all matters perulnlni? te lusurancu addresa or apply te JAMES 60 N. Duke St., or te Rebert Holmea, GAUH1AUB A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WJNS. HONEST WORK 1 Philip Doersenfs Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NEAllLY Ol'l'OaiTK TUB LKOl'AKD UOTEL), LANCASTKU rA. Nene But First-Glass Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used 1'IUCKS TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL WOIllf. UUAUANTEED. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. I have new en hand and for sale clieap the following first-class secend hand work : One Lliiht One-Man Wagen, suitable for truck purpose, ene Light Vour-rasseiicer Dnig, oue KlrsUilass Ex. tension Tep rhwten, two Light Jump-beat Carriages. Alse, Socend-lland Tep and Tretting IJug. gles, both stde bar and end springs, lluslness Wagons, Hpertlng Wagons and Market Wagons, which will be sold at the MOST UKASONA11LE FlllCKS. Ulvougacairnhetheryou wish te pur. chase or net-. Ne trouble te show the n erk. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. MTDOX'2 FOIWET THE 1'LACE.f Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 UUVHKrUUNIHHimi UUUDM. s: HIHK'H OAKl'KT UAL1 CARPETS ! UKOl'ENINU Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Hest Selected Ltne of Carpets ever ex. hlbltedtn this city. WILTONS, VELVETS, all the Trading Slakes el 110 DY ANDTAl'KSTItf liltUSHKLS, THKKEl'LY, All-Weel and Cotten Chain EXTUAHUl'EUS, and all qualities el IN. UltAIN UAkl'KlH. DAMAHK and VENETIAN OAUl'KTS. UAU and CHAIN UAHFETBef our own manntacture a speciality, apedal Attention i-laearull LinoeioiLUi.uiiio.uuuo, nuivun nuiuu,i;uv&ui,i;iD,iai AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King nnd Water Sta., Lancaster, Pa. UOTM.H. e VKNAiiUTUKYUAH. li THE MANSION," ATLANTIC C1TV. N. J. The largest and most promlnently located Hetel. Kiegautly lurnisnea una lieeiiuiy man. LOUU. Itieuauuy 11 avmi. Tnoreunniv tBatcd. Open all the your. gee. xneruuiiuiy iiguiuu, unxiiiei uuu yen1 CHARLES McQLADE. fWUrgptiy't OrcheiUa. e7-3ma ii'WWA..a.nWJ., next, Aufirust 30, laattng till Batur A Full Line of the " Birth or Menth Stones " Mounted te Suit Your Particular Pan ejy . Jewelry. OAVB, C7. caps Society Uecxla rurnlshed at Short Netice. Lancaster, Fa ANNUAL UEPOHT OF TUK INSUlt- OF PENNSYLVANIA. iiAitnisnuna, ia.,aueusts, isse. MUTUAL LIFE. . ..JU,9SS,."t37 CO .MlU,IJl,irJI) .. Sit UlifiV) (U . J14,7iMKrJ 09 ... t3,m,va ui ua 13I.&SJ 2i: 31 .. t5,W,H tKI 1J.3 1'erL'enU .VOJ Til WESTERN. fllO,710,fCl 00 rii.,iui3 no rAU7,?ji ou M.7A0I5 UI 1778,313 03 7ttJ se.inu tl5M J1,0I'.).(IUI () UJ.oneoo 10.0 Fer Cent, Divultmli Tatd rollcyheldtr$. S7W727 aisi.wi 7iri,18 7MS.913 76S.6I1 IWJ,K13 i75,fta K7.1J5 77S,fr3J Jremtum Income. .WI,805 S,J1K,JU 1.9cM,57U l,NO,97tl l.'CD.tUS 'J.lTU.Wi 2,(K0,1 3,0HU.21i 3,.i;0.77(l 3,75,015 H. MARSHALL, Agent Mutual Life Ins. Ce., Of N. Y. Dlstrlet Agent, Roadle?, Pa. WOnUB. HONEST PRICES! EAST KING STREET. UMydAw CARPETS ! paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CAIU'ETB, (et)&'nnw KATVUKB. vy-ATCUKS. Lancaster Watches In Held, Silver and Nlckel Cases, will be sold ut a UllEAT KEUUCT1UN. Alae, Elgin, Wallham I Aurera for which 1 nut Sole Aeent), and ether 'lrt Class Watches; Hest Watch and Jewelry llepalrliig. mr Cericct tlme by Telegraph Dally, L. WEBER, Wi)i North Queen SL, Near l'enn'a. U. B. Depot. Spectacles. EycglMses anaOptlcelOcKXls. a kinds of Jewelry, TKAV.1!M n. ttaM&&1 n .A-B0J.I2AT,1AY I Vi- "" LAV RSADt- s si'iVKri'.vi'i" &. iii;tv-.ts.s,"i"v Wet Mnt, i Jl nrfaVXf r, tf.ft PJM S TSSE& Vt'iltSl K ret unar Tllle t At aTTOa f Fer LAliftnnn m Ml m m. u. Jl ortjntj-yvine.tiyeirATlwXi a u nine liiAVI LiBbAHC lata -,-.. iusjr I.WKi IS nimtnuM, '& TOini . ...... i.'t Fer Lancaster at ?. a, m. aa loe m. m. V, Fer guarryvuiaw tee " " .-- aiaAvuaifiuajv t.. --... .,jt;,b" wi-wiava Feri T''Ua na Ibnea M kM?a?MCai 'or (inarryrllla at tfcM p. m. ' wS AINS hK AVK "" 8T. (LMSMMv) - ,.& . T8AIN8 LK.VVK I.KRANnlt. .. rer Lancaster at 1M a. m. ana 8, p. m. t FerOtiarrrvlllnKtiiun m. '""'" i ,i. Fer connection at Columbia. Marietta JaMk H?". '-""caster Jnncilen, atanhelm, KmBB ana Lebanon, ten timn thia n uu7T7 ' A. M. WlrjtfiM nHMH.iMMir, PENNSYLVANIA KA1LKOAD HCHBO ULK.Mln nffnrttmm iud .? .rrJif!rV,?Jiy." IeTana leitTtaaaantM t l'hUadelphla at follewt t v at Vf a lrfTe Philadelphia. llrMp.m. 4)0 a.m. .10a.m. 70 a tn. iaaa'pa! WKSTWAUU, P&clfle Krpre8(... tmnmitM, new! n.zpruaar. Way Fassenserf MaU train via ML Jey) u. amirinuniHi.,.! Niagara Express Hanover Acceui raatLlnet Frederick Accem Lancaster Accem...... Harrisbarg Accem.... Columbia Accem Hamsburg Express... Chicago and Cln, Kr.. Western Expresaf EA8TWAUD. l'hlla. Express! Fast Line) Harrlsbunr Exnress... via Columbia 7:0 a. m. . waaji Alfj. (has a. ylt Columbia ll:se a. m. wnv.m: via Columbia M0.jl"h p.'B.a' 7a0p,aVig. IMa.m." via lit. Jey, ie p. in. 4:40 p. m.r 5 10 p in.) B.M p. in. 1009 p.m. jMava Lancaster. 2 at a, in. 806 a.m. 8:10 a.m. 8 -13 a.m. B-eaa,m. IMS p.m. 2 09 p.m. soep.m. 4:4iit.m. I0-.4BP, .., 12.10 a. a.V'v' ArrlTS)' ,. l-nita. .-'. sstaw 1 10-Lr'A iM Lancaster Accem ar... .VS."-JTj.' a. u.a. wL-ta. ' -i ceiuutDia Accem...., Beashere Express Philadelphia Accem, Sunday Mall Dav Exnreasi ii:w m ruM U:lp.V v, Ilarrlsburs; Accem. 6:49 p. m. t-mW m.". i The Lancaster Accommodation Ksavea Harrla -.-. v. m burg at 8J0 p. m. and arrlyes at Lancaster atM: p.m. , The Marletta Accommodation leaves Celatt in bla at 6.40 a. m. and reaches Marietta at 61M. AlaA leaves Columbia at ll'U a. m. and 2:15 p. m, reaching Marietta at 12.01 and 2.99. Learwf' Marietta at 3 06 p. in. and arrives at Columbia M i 0ThA Ynrlr Amimiren1lltlnn InftVM MnrtntlAsA fj 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8:00 connectln A with llarrtsburg Express at 8 10 . in. ' The rnjflerlck Accommodation, west. conneeV ..',i lng at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, atXM '"Ji, p. in., will run through te Frederick. . ui., win mu uuuukji i-u x ruuencs. ,fl The Frederick Accommodation, east, laavm - me a reuuncK Accummouauen, easrv teaveaj - Columbia at 12.-26 and rcaches Lancaster at mfih p.m fe Uanover Accommodation, west, connecting at V. uanover Accommeaation, west, cennecunfr w , Lancaster with Niagara Exprens at 9:50 a.m;j( ' ;, will run through te Hanover, dally, except Sea-f ri- i aay. vati Fast Line. west, en Bnndav. when flairsreaY , will step at Downingtown, Ceatesville, fuikimri; en the J: It. WOOD, General l'assenger Agent. CilAS. E. 1'UUII Ueneral Manager. KDUVATIUHAZ. CJWITH1N C. SUQIITLIDQE'S AOAO.J? yj KiuruiiiuuflUMtn anu uuis.' , 1)1A, l'A., 12 miles rrem Philadelphia, rixec v prlce covers every expense, even books, etev Jlti1' exirucnargva. riu iiiciul-uuu uauuiiks. nuax.. nmlnatlonfer admission. Twclve cxperleue teachers, nil men. and all emanates. HnQfJurrrrn. . pertnnttlcs for apt students te advance rapidly. 'C i epini finii xuruuii uuu uucawnru ueya. rareaa or students may select any studies or choeM uw '(i.i regular Aiigiisu. Dciuniiuc, uuainuaa, uiwiaieau or; Civil Engineering course. Student fitted at Medla Academy are new In Harvard. Yalaw' PrlnrMrtn nnil Inn n1hninl1pfrn AnA P,ilvf4iAi.L- nlcSchoels. 10 studenta sent te college lnlMat'H j IS In Ml, 10 In ISS. 10 In 1SS0. A graduating elAM, m every year In the commercial (lepaitmeut., A-.. 'J rhysical and Chemical Laboratory, Uymnaatuia v nnd llell Ground. l,Sce vels, added te Library ltij? lSiSi. mysicai apparatus aoueiea lit IBM. jiuv-5I"I students beard with the nrlnclnal. Iievi can.A'r i room alone. Medla has seven ihnrches andajt-jLl temperance cliarter which prohibit the sale el'v 4 lnhilAAHnirlnlra Wtlinnr II I laa u tJ nltvill- VV V lar address the l'rlnctnal and Pronrletor. iliiUAiutiitifi uiiunaa K in uun aaa nil nil t. v Aw ,, !. j SW1T1I1N CSUOUTLlbUE, A.M., SbS augS-lmd&w (Harvard Qraduate) Media, ra. jS; ui-5iiurrs Aav,itcii. . -i.s WHAT MUST A STUDENT KNOW IN OUDEK Sri rmiuiiiiriTi. ATirliv T t Lancaster Commercial College ?1 3f a He must be a ceed nractlcal accountant, com. -'. .' potent te conduct the books of any ordinary es- SS-iS tabllshmenlt must be able towTlle a geed lctter,;. . in lerin anu mailer; iuubl unuersuinu uriinra"; tic in all its applications te business ; efpem rapia aaauieii nnu muiripiicauen ei wneiai ' numbers and fractions, interest and discount,;;, oxchange, averaging of accounts, partial payD. menu, purLiiurauiji suiiiuiuuuLa, uiu.s uiua Ms '. yt able te wrlte a geed buslness hand without un-w 't necessary nourishes, must knowthematnnelotav t& ei commercial law, especially mew reuuing u contracts, negotiable papers, agency, etc.. and t' j Uiu8i.uu iuuiuiai mm uiu luiuu ui uuaiueaai K iranerH In common use. '' 11 OW LOSO WILL IT TAKK TO ACQDIBETUIS KOWL M edukT uy proper application you can complete,., : thn rmmii In (1 mouths, altheuuh a vcar can bai ' spent prehtably at this Institution. Schools lav ryd suing llfe scholarships will " put you through "M,-l In the Bhei test possible time, te inake room for K',8 ether?, caring mera for your $10 than your sue-,'. i c!' ,... v e.., 4&l College lloems open te all appllcanU InUt vtfiji wceK, irem awiiiuui.iuj anu u p. m. r?nll nnd examliin nenuinullv. and veu can ucti jTi a hotter Idea of what a IIusinkss Celled. Ceca ',1 really means. . . ' Sj Testimonials Hern our Qraduales and ethers .f,: for examination. if -11 MCltOIDPIII A D IIICT IGGIien iV1? AI1MUKRS. tsl H. C. TIDIER, Principal. MACUINJUtT, Ty-ACnjNEHY, AO. TO STEAM HEATING 4 Latest and Most Improved MKS...TrMlie, Perlibli nMmij. NowerSecond-Lland K;J BOItamS, WATER TANKS, SEPARATORS. : MieaiHi or ltirAia Weax such a done aB"',' kept in Machine Sheps. CALL OH OB ADBBXM, t&l Ezra F. Landis, , Ys:vki WORBB-&37 NORTH OHBBBY f "' LAaeAinea, FA. qiKUNKSl TilUNKSI .A4 - j"-.- e Latest Stvles Trim 1'mI AAf ATKUECKEL'a. -3 fi'ft rivfti.Thr. IiiimlreA dltTnPAnt. at ,fM Add alalaak ,Ji n te cboeso from al prices, ranging from V1.W I ts ' H30.0O. v, - , BRIDAIi TRUNKB-OHaUJ?, , 'V., KREOKEL'S TRUNK KOOMf? Sscend FloeX 3 nad 6 B. Kbw W. $r ' .rniivnvi IMIIUnVM ' Ji At this season el ifa yar aruv fcaattf ,i ahounthaveauoiuuua ;, ., v- Rekrart'n Old Brwady, ,.,'.. a aafe and ure euro for Cbelwa aa4 nUajfwDia pier treaBMaj. ,-t .., s-, RKH1 ART'S OtD WW . --it u m. SVLAYMAKHK. Aak " ' H ...! ?R. m S1 ft.'i . -w. '. . "- r