Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 28, 1886, Image 1

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A Member ul Hi. .lark.en Itllle. at the Age
Of Klshlecu ,Uil Dun ullhelir.t In Vulllll.
leer ret the War et the Uabelllim Ment
SnttrMlul ul l-aniwyer'n Hue kuttrn.
Everybody In UmcaMer knows Jehn
The voutigstersol tlie present goueralloti
call him "old Jehn Hec," le distinguish
htm from two or llircu ether of tlie same
Tlie v elenitis or tlie lale war call blui "coin "cein "coin
rade Jehn Hees," because he was oue of tlie
first te volunteer when tlie rotieliloii btoke
out In In) I.
The old Jacksen Huiotneii, n low of whom
srejet 11 ltiir, respectfully italiite lilm na
M.leuL Jehn Hecm," because from the Mine
he u IS years of age he was oneol thuitiwil
active members ofllie Jacksen Hllles ami
when nfter that noted volunteer cemtiany
disbanded about 131') he was ene of theso
who assisted te roergnulzo It In 1ST?, atul win
commissioned second lloutenant el tlie com
pany July 1st, Ki.
Hut In these latter days overy Isnly kueH
Jehn Hcenns Iho eldest nail must successful
of taticnsler hucksters.
We feel Hiiro tlmt our thousands of readers
will be pleated te knew mero about him,
anil about bit family, ami honce Ihn 1 n rcr
i.uiii.nckii takca ikvwure In furnlnblng tlie
ilcilrnl Inlorinatleu.
Jehn lteanai lern hi .litincaiitcr, March
3d, 1 6 IP, In a lltlle ouc-Rtery brick house,
yet fitandlag In Church titrcet, near Jcllcrxeu
Ilia hilher, alae naiiied Jehn Het, w at) also
a IiatUe of tills city, and luhlstlay was tt la la la
moutcarfentrr. Ile built seme of tlie twit
hetm' III till city, l'orhapstlie host nkcI
ina of hli work new extaut U tlie winding
Rtalrway in tlie Ntate cajiltel at llarrisburg.
JauiM Heea, the grandfather et the auhject
of thUBketch, a Hessian hy hltth. lie
and hla four brothem euilgrnted te America
bolerotho Kovelutlouary war. James and
two of hla brothera entered tlie United 8tnUn
nerlce. The two brothers whwe names ure
net new lemouiberod, were killed during
tlie war, and at tlie clese of tlie war another
of the brothers, David, bottled In l'lillailol l'lillailel
phla. Jainea aud bl brother Henry rottirned te
Imcaster, aud Jaiwe carried en tlie liuck liuck
nterlug tninliiewi en Kaat King atroet, where
.Mrs. rtlr'a bandtome rosldence new
tuniK lle had four wgeua aud ran Ins
teams between tlie I.atiavster and lUltliuore
marketx, taking down butter, egg aud ego ege
Ubles, and bringing back ether aorta of pre.
duce. It Is en record that eight or ten
bushela of oyatera uiade a full aupply for
l.anciater ler a whole week lu thoae day a I
NowtUe hundred bushels a day waircely
aupply the demand.
In due course of nature ClraudfalherJameM
ltce. wMoalled te hU lant atixiuut, and later
en his 86ii, Jehn Kech, the carpenter, follow
ed him, leaving a wife aud family te how hew
out their own fortunes.
Jehn, the cldestef the children, as stated
above, was born March 3d, 1810. At an
early age he was apprenticed te Petor llniuer,
te learn the art and mystery of making Jack
screw. Ilruuer'a shop was ou North (ueeu
street where the Schiller heuse new stands.
He .Uid with Ilruner two years, and "left
him the day Mills went up lu a balloon." lie
next went In te Themas Cox's machlue ahejs
which steed whero the latorrleudslilpongliio
heuse new stands, en North Duke street
above CbOHtuut, where he served an appren.
ticvshln of four ye&rs aud bocaine an accom accem accom
pllehed machinist.
Next he obtaiued a situation as engineer at
James M. Hepkins' furnace near the lluck,
in Drutnore township, remaining lu that ca
pacity for 11 ve years, when he returned te
Lancaster and took a situation In James Pen
uell's machine shop, cerner Duke and Chest,
nut streets. While employed lu 1'eiiuell'n
shop he helped te build the steam engine for
Na 1 cotton mill a ploce of machinery that
is still runtilmi and doing elloctlve service.
On leaving 1'enneU's shop he went Inte
the market huckstering busiuess, and carried
It en very extensively botween Lancaster
and llaltimere. lie owned his own cars and
by special arrangement with the railroad
company had thein attached te the pascn
ger trains, se that his marketlng came and
went between the two cities lu about 3!$
hours, and thus was always fresh.
Af ter carrying en trade botween Lancaster
and Ilaltlmore for many years, he changed
his basenud operatod botween Lancaster nnd
Philadelphia, and for the past twenty years
has been Lancaster's eldest and most success
ful huckster.
As stated ubove Lieut, lloes was a member
et the Jacksen ltllles as long age as 1831,
wheu he was only 18 years old. The com
pany at that tlme and ler many years ultor ulter
wards was commanded by Capt. llambrlght,
and wuh Justly regarded us ene of the best
equipped, best drilled and meat rlllclent
veluuteer companies In the state. When the
native American riots breke out in Philadel
phia lu May mi, the Jacksen Hilles were
called out and did geed sorvlce In suppress
ing the Insurrection ; and when Ihu riots
were rouewod In the July following, the
Utiles again responded te the call of the gov
ernor and went te l'hlladelphlaata moment's
notice Lleut. llees accompanying theiu en
ueiu uccamuiiB.
When the Mexican war breke out In isitt,
the Jacksen ltllles were among the earllest
te eiler their servlces te the government; but
tbere were he many mero volunteers ellerlng
than could possibly be accented that their
services wero declined. Tills was a sero
blew te the ltllles ; they felt that they had
net been lalrly treated ; that less deserving
companies than their own had been accepted
and finally tlie company disbanded.
Till! "IllKtES" IU:01lOANIZKl.
In the summer ei 1858 the Kllles were re
organized, -with the following elllcers t
Capt II. A. llambrlght, 1st Lleut. II. !'. Cox,
2d Lieut. Jehn Hees, second -i Lieut, Gee,
W. McKIrey. These elllcers wero duly com
missioned by (lev. l'tckoren the 1st el July
and the company under their atile command
iwi regaluetl mucu ei Its old-tlme prestlge.
Wheu the rebellion was openod by the hr hr
Ingen I'erl Humter In ltsdl the Jacksen
llilles under the above elllcers immediately
tendered their services te the government,
marched te llarrisburg, were uumtured Inte
service ler three mouths and ul the eiplia eiplia
tleu oftheir term of service weiohenorably
A malerltv of the company seen after re-
enlisted, and formed a nucleus of what alter
warils bocame the 7'Jth lteglment. Lieut.
Hees having been disabled while in the three
mouths' Borvlceoould net Jein hla cemrades,
but gave tbem his hearty support, and dur
ing tlie continuance et the war and alter it
had ended ministered te their wants in many
ways, and does be yet.
Jehn. Hees is a Democrat by inheritance,
his grandfather was a Jellersen Democrat J
his faUiar Madisen and Jacksen Democrat,
and Jehn himself has been voting the Demo
crats ticket right straight along since tlie
tints or Van llureu, lu IHU), when l-aucajiler
was "the only Domecratlo clly." lle
never falls In eta at n national, stale or
local election, and his vete can always be
counted en tlie right side The Democratic
candidate if sometimes net unite as geed as
they ought te be, am always a llttle letter
than the opposition, and are entitled te his
Lieutenaut Hees never neught tlld'H,
though when his parly prtwvid him into the
survlce as a candidate ferclty cniucll rr etlitr
local elllces he never refused te sorxe, and
whlle lu the city's service, no Jobbery was
evor countenanced by him.
Iloremeiubors with a lively satisfaction
the geed old limes when Heah I'raer, "the
war horse of Demecrary,"led the pally te vic
tory ; when old Ad. Delict catne down Ireiu
"the glorious Northwest ward with his hun
dreds of hard listed Democrats, nrul Julned
"Weely Ksulz," of the Invlnclbln HnutliweM.
aud marching lu solid column te the old
court limiM', lu Ceiilre square, "opened tlie
IeIls" and saw that every Democrat get his
vote In I Andwobetlile therncklrfix Whig
Hint dared te object 1 1 1 Is goeso w as cooked
lu a twinkling.
And then the grand torchlight precession
b colebrate the victory I Ceal oil had net
been discovered and caiuphoiie was a ixitu
ix)iliid unknown. Hut penny dip wero
plenty, and lu every ene or the ono-stery
houses In I'rlnceaud Mulberry and Maner
streeU (they wero nearly all nmi-sUiry n
theso days) wero "brilliantly I luinlnate.1"
by dozens of these lllckrlug light, while
handkerchiefs tluttered from overy doorway
m the pretty girls who never wero a bustle
or a bang oueoursgod the inasnes is they
marchodeH with drums Iwallng, tirm touting,
llgs llimtlng, and banners of many n strnnge
dovlce. The multitude, Inuiled te a frenry uf
cuthu'iasiu, marched for mlksnver the town
olten keepluir up thelr revels till long alter
midnight. These were glorious occasions,
and Jehn llees was always a part uf them.
On the Ith of March, ISI.'i, Jehn ltces was
married te Maria I'.hler, a daughler el the
late (loergo Khler, of this city. Who was
bem en the 17th of Match, Ib'-V, and died en
the 3d of May, IbSl. Hhe was the mother of
thirteen children, six uf whom aru living,
namely : Mrn. Tlioedorn Wendllz, proprie
tor of the Chestnut stieut hotel j Audruw
I.olhley Koen, omi'leyeil en the I'eiinsylvanla
railroad ; Charles II. Kees, at home assisting
his lather In liuckHterliig ; Jehn C. Itees,
keeps the saloon under the Inquirer build
ing t Harry llambrlght Hees, employed en
the Pennsylvania railroad, and Hetty Hees,
single, at home with her arentn.
Mr. Hees has lour brothers and thrce sis
ters Audruw KliulU HeoMe, or Columbia,
Pa. ; David, eugagtsl lu business In the min
ing district of Idaho territory j William, pro
prietor of a hotel in Kuubury ; Mrs. Cathe
rine Celeman, who keeps a hotel lu Lowis Lewis
town j Mm. Mary Ditlendeitler, of Harris
burg, and Mrs. Husjiti linker, wifoel Jacob
taker, carponter, of this city.
Ou hti mether's hlde Mr. Hees relatives
wero lAilbleys, his mother's father being All.
drew Lolblev, one of the 11 rat butchers lu
Liucaster. Ills shop was ou North Queen
street, ou the let new occupied by lilun A
Ilreneinan'a heuse furnishing ostabllshmeeL
Andrew l.olbley lived te be S') years old aud
hli wife te be PA years old.
Mr. Hees alw ays had a penchant for secret
Becletlett. lle long age Joined ledgo 13, 1'.
and A. Masens ; Lsncaster encampment Ne.
U, Knights Temptar; the Ledgo el Perleo Perlee Perleo
tlen, aud Goodwin ceuucil Ne. 19, of the Ma
sonic fraternity. Alse Lancaster ledgo Na
67 and Washington encampment Ne. II, lu lu
deiiendent Order et Odd 1'ellews ; Metainera
trltmNu A Improved Ordoref Hed Men;
Couestega council Na 8, Order of American
Mechanlce, Iwsldes sevcral ether organisa erganisa organisa
teons that have ceased te exist. He said
with a stiiile a day or he had
ald many hundreds of dollars Inte these so
cieties, but never drew a cent out ! He has
Joined thorn In all their parades and fostl festl
valf, and two or threo voarxage was ene or
ttie Knights Templar who crossed the centl
nent te assist at the ceromenles et the grand
encampment at Han Fraucisca
Jehn Hees has been a hard.werklug man
from hlsyeuth up , he never hail many ad van
tages et a liberal education, blithe put the
advantages he bad te geed uhe ; he became a
skillful mechanic and engineer, and when
he began buslnens ou his own account
showed rare business tact. Hedealt honestly
with all. Ills word was as geed as hla bend,
and his bend was geed ter Its fac. He was
liberal te a degree, aud has coutrlbuted mero
largely te deservlng charities than have ether
men of larger wealth. He has beeu especi
ally liberal lu assisting young men In busi
ness, aud, mero's the pity, has sometimes
lest by It. As u friend and neighbor he has
beeu kind aud neighberly, and as a titlzeu
hebas ever given ltberal support te lurther
the city's Interests. Pity 'tis that all city olll elll
cers are net as honest as Jenu Hees.
Three Matcue. al the Pigeon Hhnittin;- Tuurua Tuurua
uieet ear Ku!iik.
Three matches wero shot Friday afternoon
at the pigeon totirnament at the Three-mlle
house, near Head lug. The tl rut was at se vett
birds, sweeiMtake, liurlingham rules, thirty
yards. First meney, f 12, was wen by 1 loose,
Hill aud Dande, who each made a clean
score, tioceud meney went te Jehn Cllne,
or Lancaster, and third te Cel. Waltz, or Lan
caster, and W. Lawrence, el Heading.
The second maNli wasshet under Hurling
ham rules also, the entrance being (10, fif
teen birds te each shooter ; llrst money, &.".,
was wen by Harry Dare, who killed leurteen
birds j sorend, fl7, by Ollver Hlunershltz,
who killed thirteen, and third money, 'l,
was divided botween Hill aud Dande, each
having killed eleven. The wind up of the
sheeting for the day was a match at seveu
birds each, twonty-seven yards rise, entrance
15 ; llrst money, 10.70, wasdlvlded between
Hill aud Dare ; second money, X'XTi, was
wen by Helmer, alter sheeting oil the ties,
and third meney, fit 18 was dlvlded laitween
Lawrence and Hlnnersbltz.
At the cloFeoriho sheeting a match was
made between Hill, of Heading, and Jehn
Clii'e e f Lancaster, te sheet In the latter city
en Thursday, Boptember l, for fJOO, under
Hiirliiigham rules.
KiuuUtlng William I'euu.
Friday at Hchoenbergor's park Thoodero
Heck and Themas Andersen did sumo very
peer sheeting at plgoeus. Out of soveu ileck
kill but two and Andersen one.
After the pigeon sheeting Mr. Andersen
gavuan exhibition with u Kteveu sheeting
ruie. ueorge vv. lienurick neui a stiver
dollar In his baud and Andersen knocked
It out with n ball from his rllle. He also
clipped ashea from cigars lu the mouths of
dillerent parties, at a d I Blance of twenty loot.
Other partiea also did seme fair Bhoetltig.
It is said that soveral mero pigeon matches
will be made hore. One will be between
Jehn IL Cllne aud Harry Gardner and the
ethor between Thoodero Heck and Jacob 1
A Lady Wliu Has Kutered Her river 111 Mnl
Week's Uer.e ltaces.
Hecretary l.enif, of the Lancaster County
Fair association, is very busy te-day taking
entries ler uext week. The list is unusually
large and it the woatber remalna geed the
fair will be the best ever held here. Te-day
a great many persons are en the grounds aud
all are busy preparing thelr exhibits.
The managers have made arraugouienta te
have Kant Walnut street and the New Hol Hel
land plke te the fair grounds sprinkled be
that It will be froe from dust all week.
Among the persons who have onteied
herses for the races is Miss Nelly Burke.
This lady la tbe owner uf a number of run
ning horses and some of them are very fasL
ijbe is a great levor of tlne animals and will
back theiu en the track. Thore are a num
ber el fast horses from a dlstauce lu the dif
ferent races aud line contests are expected.
Fair tickets will be ler Bale at J. 11. Leng's
olllce and KreUler'a fruit stand, Contre
Square, during fair woek.
I'rof.uer of Orthopedic Surgery.
Dr, A. B. Illnh, son of Herman Hirsb, of
this elty. has been ppeinted professor of
ouhep.odlo surgery in the Polvcllule at
Ths Flnatii Uoiiiinlltee ul Vuuncllt, Hating
IKrema Tlrul uf Ilia Trillins; of tb :
Clly HollcHer, Oclulude Hi Put III
ihltifry uf the Uw In Melluli.
The llusuce rommltleo met speclslly en
Friday evenlng toiiiakellnslsoltlemeutwlth
ex City Hollclter J. W. Jehnsen. All the
moinbers el the commltKe wern present.
Mr. Jehnsen prosenlod a statement or the
moneys collected by him Inim April i, I6S5,
te April I, 1BS0. rreui which It aiHtared that
he had In his possession fl.Wli&il. That
aniounlthecominltleo asked hi in topayever,
less f'-fS, which the committee projieses te
allow him esa tat oil. This r.75 Is made up
or the last quarter's salary, t7.r, and I'M) ler
his services Inn case lu which the city was
interested, which he; argued borero the sit
promo oeurL
Mr. Jehnsen declined Id settle ou these
tertus, lle claims some 100 additional ler
special services In the trial of causes In the
common pleas court. This amount the com
mittee said they could nottake the respon
sibility or paying. Thoylagreed, however, te
refer the matter te councils and If they agreed
te pay the bill they would net luterpone any
further objections.
A Dm'EIIKMCK'iir fcis.
The account prosentcd hy Mr. Jehnsen dlf.
fored somefSS with the account of Solicitor
Carpentor. This amount Is Interest en the
money lu Johiiseu's hands, which should
have been paid ever quarterly. Tills ?33,
hewever, the coiuiulllce agreed should be
deducted and the figures en which they
asked Jehnsen te settle wero his own, he
admitting that he has lu his possession
Jehnsen ioremptarlly declined te pay evor
the meney In tits hands until he was allowed
the full amount of his bill.
The ceiuiiiltlKO bold asossieu aller Jehnsen
retlred and the following resolution was
passed unanimeusly:
ie ruesKCtni: keii i:.miif...i,i:mi:ni.
licietveil, Hy the lluauce ixjinmltteve that
the city solicitor be instructed te Institution
criminal action for oiubezlotnent against J.
W. Jehnsen, late city solicitor, ler Ullure te
I my te the city certain inoneys collected by
dm during his term as city solicitor.
The committee feel as If they have been
trifled with by Mr. Jehnsen. Tlme and
again they demanded or him a settlement,
but he managed te hav e the matter pottpeuod
from meeting te inciting.
The Institution or the criminal suit will nut
lnterfere Willi the entering el a civil suit
against his bondstnen. The loud, howevor,
is only for 11,000 and the clly will in all
probability lese a few hundred dollars.
The criminal suit will be brought either
late this afternoon or en Monday morning.
It will probably be profened by Chlel Smith,
as the representative of the city.
Keeping up vVIUi w ntk ami litlUiilelplita.
from the llnrrisburg 1'alriiit.
Lancaster city Is without a base ball club
this year, but the poeplo don't proieso te
rest in obscurity uovertheloHS. The Imtkt,
lkikni i:n says the city solicitor Is a defaul
ter aud with pardonable local prlde writes
the liame of the tewu dew u ou the list with
New Yerk and Philadelphia.
two ruvxu rmmVBt.
I'et.r Kuteand l.eers" Oerlllikl Hate a Hear
ing Uefere .Ulermaii .. I". Dennelly.
This morning at 9 o'clock I'eter Hote and
Ceerge Oerlltzkl had a hearing before Al
derman A. F. Denntlly en several charges of
burglary, larceny, herse stealing, Ac There
was a very large crowd at the alderman's
olllce aud the liaveuieuts in front vveie tilled.
Among these present wero a number of
farmers who had been victims of the two
young thloves and thelr companions.
A large let of stolen prejerly such
such as dry goods, uieat, lard cans, beies,
apple butter, which were found lu the home
or Jake liuzzird In this city, was brought te
the hearing. Among the witnesses was
Huzzird's wife, who teslilled that all the
goods found In their house was brought
thore by Gerlltzkl and Hote, at dillereut
times, but alvvas at night. The Joreus w he
were robbed each Idonlltled some of tlie goods
as having loeuhteleu from thorn. 1C. M. llach
man. of West Willow, t entitled that his store
was broken ekii ou the night of May -1, and
he identltled a let el the goods found at lluz.
zard's home as his property. Oeorge Meek,
who resides some distance south of this city,
testified that en May 2 his house was broken
into and knives, forks, baskets, Ac, were
takes. A wagon hammer was also taken,
and It was feuud at Hachman's store, where
It had been dropped by the thieves who used
It lu etlectlng an entrance te the stele. Kllm
HarnUli tealifled that his heuse was broken
Inte about the same tlme in Ma'. A large
let of goods were taken unci he Identltled a
spice box and ethor articles found at lluz
zard's heuse as his preiwrty. Martin Green
berg testllled that ou the night of May the
thieves visited his home and stele goods. He
Identltled ene of the Jars (and some ethor
article. The evidence also showed that a
horse was stolen from F. D. lleidelbach, who
resides near the Old Factory, and a carriage
from Lr.ra Krelder, a uolghber. it
was pretty conclusively shown that the
team was used Ie haul thogeods stolen at Har
nish'sand ethor places, aud was then taken
back. When Ihu carriage was returned it
was coverod with lard w hlch had been spilled
from stolen cans. The ovidence against
the men was very strong, and it all dove
billed se nicely that it left llttle It any doubt
as te the guilt of the accused. They were
committed in default of ball te answer at
court en the abeve charge, and they will be
given hearing en a nuuiboref ethors at seme
Ullure period.
a vuur.eY.
Arthur Kehan's "Naury .V Cu." Kutertalu. h
biuell Opera Heu.e Aiulleuie.
The sweltering weather of last evening
caused tv thin audieuce te gather In
theopera house te witness the rendition by
tlie Arthur Hchau company or their rocent
New Yerk success, " Nancy .V Ca" It Is
quile a clever comedy, dealing with the ad.
ventures of a party or young folks who bo be bo
ceino Involved in the most Inextrlcable posi
tions as the plot unriiv els. A"cic W Keif a is
a young author who corresponds with a sup.
poseiimaie associate 111 1110 joint, construction
of 11 play. ItturnB0titthathiscorresH)iideut is
a young who, Sancy llrathtr, and when she
comes te New Yerk te soe the play put upon
the beards of the theatre, all kinds of com
plicated and embarrassing situations fellow.
These two parts were well taken last even,
lug by Mr. Frank Carlyle and Miss Carrle
Turner rospectlv ely.
lu the second act the Windser hetel room
scene, brought by tbe company, was qulte
effectively lutroduced.Tho company is a very
evenly balanced 0110 and has strong merlL
These who attracted particularly lavnrable
attention last evening were Mr. Kdward
Warren, as Skc& Macklow, Mr, Charles But
ler, as 2'i);y Jiacher, Mr. llarry Hotte, as
j:btnc:cr (Irifftng, Mrs. Clara Fisher Maeder
as Mrs. JIuhtitn Danger y, and Miss Lily
Vinten, us lhtisy, The play was very favor
ably received by the audience.
Applicants Who Were Kiamliied hy County
(Superintendent llretht.
This morning Cetiuty Supt. Hrecht
examined the following named applicants
ler toachers cortltlcates:
II. it. (iibble, Litilz ; Clara M. Fickes,
Maalersuuvllle ; Jeseph U. Dickorseu, Sails.
bury ; Mury U. Sharp, liueaster ; Ella S.
Weaver, Marietta; Heleu Holmensuyder,
Laucaster; Minnie lleuder, E. Earl ; Ella
Emery, Ballsbury ; Matilda W. Marple, Sal
isbury ; M. K. Bachuittu, Salisbury ; G. F.
Hutu, West Earl ; Anua Ijaverty, Lancaster;
11. ix. ivuiuier, i-equea; u. vv. Fasnacnt, vv.
Cocalice: J. O. Hehrer. Peutiea : Anna
Kvans, Salisbury.
The class was examined iu grammar, geog
raphy, philology and hygiene. They will
be examined this afternoon in ether branches
of study.
A class or fourteen teachers who have made
application ler prolesslenal certificates are
also belng examined by tbe ceuuty Bureriu-
HUAiitr uld vh anvil te wh.
A Corre.ped(lent Tells All Alieat This Charm.
ine VUUB In H" '-let n Part el
fAbcaetar County,
KlK. ITKI.LHIBMCISB A few Hues Iretn
this ancient village, I hawi no deubl, will In
terest the readera or the 1nti:u,iji;nckk. It
la located In the oestoru part of Lancaster
county, en the bank of the Coneslega creek,
In ene of the most rortlle districts In the
state. This town and township v as Bottled
by the Welch In 1729 or 1730, or as they call
themselves, "ancient llrlteus." They
named the township Ciornarveu after a shtre
hy that name In Wales, and built a church
here and called It Hatiger, after a dlocese in
the mother country. They were men of
wealth, education and character, and their
lnlluence was felt lu the Hum Infant state.
The leader of the colony was Nathan Kvans,
a man of proemlnont ability aud a doveled
metnber or the Proteslant nplscnpal church,
and did mero te establish thn church In that
section than any ether man. His remains
He In the Hanger graveyard, coverod by a
marble stab, lle died m 170.1, aged 87 years.
Thore has been a continuous record el the
church kept slnce 17211 te the present day,
excepting about seven years during the
Revolutionary war. Tlinlr pastor was
disloyal and they clones! the doers against
The Welsh were a brave slid patriotic peo peo poe
plo, ami, inheriting the instinct or their an
cestors, they leek sides with the colonies.
Among the most prominent or thorn were
Msjer Oweu Themas and Lloutenant Colenol
Jonathan Jenes, or the regular Continental
army, lieth are buried in the Hanger ccmo ccme ccmo
tery. There Is also a Methodist church here, the
one new occupied by the MethedlstH belng
built a few years age at a cost of about 3,000,
and a Prosbyterlan church built in lSI'i
The descendants or the early Welsh colonist
sold their farms and went lurther west. The
land Is new ewned by the Pennsylvania
Dutch, at least the major part of It. One or
two farms are ewned by the' Lincoln family,
distant relatives el Abraham Lincoln, 'lhore
Is new resldlng ou a (arm In this township,
an Abraham Lincoln, oue of the most influ
ential and esteemed citizens or this county,
ile Is new evor "Oyears ejd. Mayholive
long and happy, that tlie name or our mar mar
tyred president be iieriwtuated In se worthy
a soctlen '
Land sella hore from fl.M) te f'JIO an acre,
and If a man has a title deed te a hundred
acres of laud he can with a llttle euergy koep
the " wolf from the deer."
The whoatcrep has beeu oue of host evor
cut in the county, and Is ostluiated te avorage
thirty bushels te the acre. Millers ure pur
chasing It at from 70 te 7& cents a bushel, eats
are excellent, corn Is very premising, fruit Is
abundant, hut the best paying crop is tobacco
and thogreworsol the "weed "ure busy put
ting it away in their sheds te cure. The crop
Is oue of the host evor raised. Havana seed -and
there lsnotmuchelHOplantod--will yield
from 1,500 te 2,000 peuuds per acre, this at 10
cents per pound will return from ?10 te f'-W
per acre. 1'he leaves are very large, measur
ing 30 by 21 Inches. Among the most suc
cessful cultivators are Win. Hhlrk, Peter
Ferman, Oeorge Arters, Isaae Kaullinan,
Hubert Curtis, Jehn Cox, Win. Hymau ami
v liber vvninaii.
The poeplo el this school district adepted
the common school system, ery early, lu
1S-1I, hut have always paid low salaries and
seldom made a term evor six months. The
school bulldiugsarepretty geed. Thecentral
high school In Church town is a two-story
stone building and is a credit te the district.
The larmers lu this section are generally
Auilnh and Mennnltes. They are a very
Industrious class of citizen!), generally wealthy
and are noted for thelr thrllt and enterprise.
They are non-combatants, hut contributed
largely of their meney te assist tlie govern
ment during the civil war. They are a hos
pitable poeplo, hence this section is a paradise
ler tramps.
The Conostega creek dorlves Its name from
a tribe of Indians that were murdered by
the 1'axtiuig boys in 176U C a. A.
That U Luuil Enough te Keath the Ears or .Mr.
VVIHUm II. Falia, Ittpuhllcau.
Uimens ISTiiLLiOKsrEit. The issues of
the state campaign are new upon us. It is sup
posed that each voter nlms te support the
party et the best principles, moral aud civil.
I am a ProblbltieuiaL Mr. "William Fahs, of
your county, honestly, perhaps, stands ou
what he claims te Ixi the great moral princi
ples ei the Hepubllcin party, as It new ex
ists. Ile ence bolere ttccepfd my challenge
te publicly discuss these principles with me
as opposed te the principles el the Prohibition
party. He has reiualuedeilfiit. s it because
he Is afraid te meet the Issues? I herewith
renew by challenge and lay down the follow
ing prepositions which he as a Hepublicau is
bound te refute :
1. The Prohibition pvty is the only po
litically temperauce party.
2. The Prohibition party is the only party
which a true Christian voter can conscien
tiously support.
3. The Prohibition party is the only great
moral political puty new existing In the
United SUtes.
i. The present policy of the Republican
party Is Inimical te thn bes; Interests of the
home, the commonwealth aud U14. na
tion. 0. The Republican party has beeu false te
its pledges, and is opposed te Prohibition
and true temperance.
0. The Pennsylvania Prohibition state
platform is the only true and lair oxpenont
of the great moral and civil Issues.
7. The whisky iritluouce controls the Ho He
publtcan party.
Kach speaker te consume ene hour. The
discussion te take place at any city between
Lancaster and Altoeua, or iScranten, borero
the campaign closes.
I would suggest Han isliurg as a geed place
for the purpose. Yours truly,
Weitn 11. Mills.
HAitnisnriui, Aug. 27.
reun msTKits ritAnvr.ituisi.
dinner. That Hern Matte
Mar'MCeuveiit and bihuul.
The inlorinatleu lias been received by the
suporleroHS of the Sisters of Charity connect
ed with SL Mary's Catbolie church that,
under au erder receutly Issued, Sisters
Terosa Jeseph, Juaulta, Octavia and Teresltii,
of Lancaster, have been transferred Ireiu their
proseut est of duty te the mother heuse of
the erder at Mount SL Vinceul'H in New
Yerk, thore te await further Instructions.
Such translers are te be expected at any tlme
lu tbe sistorhoed, but tlie Sisters at 1 tineas tineas
ter have been se long uiulisturbeu that the
news of the event will be roeoived with no
little surprise in the community whero theso
geed ladles have se long and successfully
SIster Teresa Jeseph has beeu oue of the
most skilled instructors in SL Mary's
academy forade.onycars,und Sister J uanlta
has been her able coadjutor in that depart depart
ment. Sisters Octavia and aud Tereslta
olllciently conducted the parochial school. It
is a nloasure te aunounce tlmt theso ladles
will de replaced by equally able Instructors
uext week, aud the geed reputation that the
school has leug enjoyed will be well main
tained. Changes have also been made in the ethor
Catholic sisterhoods of the city and county,
Viz. : two atTSL Antheny's, ene at SL Jos Jes
eph's church, ene at SL Jeaeph'n hospital
and two lu Columbia.
I In neat Hume Celebration.
Kev. E. Melster will at lO.a. m. te-morrow
preach a harvest home sermon in St. Ste
phen's Lutheran church, corner of Seuth
Duke aud Church stroets. The church will
be handsomely decorated with all kinds of
coreals, fruits uud vogehtblos. lu the ovon evon oven
ing at 0:30 a children's festival will be held.
The thank ellerlng te-morrow is for tbe
latherles.1 and met hoi less children al the
orphan's home of the synod with which the
church la ceuuected.
I'ater Weed. In Trouble.
Peter Weeds waa arrested en complaint of
Charlette Gray, who charges him with hav
ing assaulted her yesterday, aud with being
drunk and disorderly. Alderuian Deenheld
him lu bail for a hearing.
Anether ClrcuV doming.
Pullman's circus, which exhibits at 25 cents,
will ceme te this city en next Monday and
pitch their tonus en McGrann's nark where
they will give two porlemuuices.
A Nnmlier of Cimbej. PrempUr lllila te the
It.ll.r of Tliu.e In Dancer The. I ml lnu
Itelleveil Ie lie a Hene Mealing Hand
Cemlne Prem the North,
Four llK.NTe.v, Ment., Aug. 23. Courier
advices have been rocclved Ireiu peopleliving
en the Mara, near the Peppen grade, stating
that the Indians wero bad and had lieen tir
ing en them at their cabins and that they
were out of ammunition. The mossage was
brought te town hy a Plegan, whodeiiartedat
ence ler the sceno of hostilities. When the
news was spread a number et cowboys
meunted thelr herses aud loll for the rollet or
the men.
Theso Indians are bupkspI te be a portion
of a band or about 00 Weeds who have
coine down Ireui the North en a
herse stealing expedition against the
Ores Ventres and Asslnabolnes at the Heik,
nap agency and purpose subsisting en the
way. It they have te steal or kill cattle te de
It. They have been heard Ireiu at various
points en the Marals. A party or lour tried te
get a herse from a halfbreed boy en IhoTeton
Thursday evening. They rushed out ou blm,
but the liey spurred his herse and escaped.
The men who weut out In pursuit will glve
the Indians a hard deal If they catch thorn,
aud as they have net yet returned, It is pro pre
suuicd they ate una het trull.
The UUtrniUiic Clrcum.laiice. elThelr Death.
Hwainpeil tijr a Hteamer.
Cincinnati, O., Aug. 28, Four young
men were drowned lu the Ohie river last
night under distressing circumstauces.
About half jiast soveu o'clock last ovon evon oven
ing n patty of six, consisting of
Frank Guy, nged 10 ; lMward Guy,
20; AValter Guy, 21, Goe. Glever, 21;
Hud Marsh, 17, and llarry Wilsen, started up
the river from the feet of Madisen street,
Covington, te Indlilge in selulugand llshlug.
The boys were all rosldents of Covington.
They set out in a small skill canable of com
fertably holding only three porseus, but the
lads had been en the river be eften that no
approhenslou of treuble entered their minds.
After having some sport with the net, the
party started for home. The river was dark,
lighted only by the lights ou the beats, along
the wharves aud jets frluglngthe streeta
en either slde et the Oh la They were al
most home and had Just passed under the
susonsien brldge when the steamer H. P.
Hatcholder came pulling up the rlver. The
little craft was caught lu the whlte cap
waves and swam pod in the middle of the
stream. Then a piercing cry for help was
heard by a few poeplo en shera In the dark
ness no ene could soe the struggling forms
In the waves, but Win. Hurgrat, an ompleyo
at Schmidt's beat heuse, aud Wul Bendley,
who happened te be en shere, Bprang te the
rescue, liurgral jumped In his skill'und rowed
hard te s.we the drowning boys. The up
turned beat was rapidly Hading down stream.
Twe shadowy forms held ou te the slde with
dosperatiou. Just as llurgraf reached the
ecene ene of the men roleased his held and
was about te dlsappear, when au ear was
reached out te blm, which he grasped and
was quickly drawn into the rescuers' beat.
Berkley came up u moment later aud the
ether boy was saved. The two lads wero
taken en shere and it was found that they
were I rank Guy and Bud Marsh. The ether
four had sunk uever te rise again. rituyi mtueKLTx
jt it 1 m k
Latfrente 31. Duiietau l'erfiirm. the
leal mnl Mill LUe.
NEW YeitK. Aug. 25. The Brooklyn
bridge police have ,)iecu ou the lookout the
past week for the appoarance of Charles K.
jllshep, the man who announced that he
would Jump from a balloon ever the bridge.
He has net arrived yet. This morning
Bridge Ofllcer James Fitzglbbens was ou
duty en the bridge at hall-past 11 ve
when a conductor en a car coming from
Brooklyn called te him aud said a umu had
lumped frcm the south roadway. Fitzglbbeus
climbed evor into tlie north roadway and
looking down saw-a man in a red shirt swim
ming toward a small beat which was being
rowed out te him. Decks in the vicinity
were crowded with people who had witnessed
the jump. As seen as the beat reach ml the
deck, the man who had leaped from the man man
slve structure was placed under arrest. He
gave his name as Ltwronce M. Donevan,
aud sild that he was 21 years old,
a printer by occupation and lived at Ne. 58
New Chambers street- The uiau appeared
nene the vvorse ler his Jump. Douevan's
legs had beeu tightly baudaged aud his
shoes had soles et lead. He says he made
the Jump ou a vvager of fiOO, but refuses te
tell who the parties are that made the wager.
It is probable that something is known
about the matter at the 1'ehce Gazelle etllce,
where Donevan is employed.
Donevan was born in this city, at 55 Frank
fort street. He stands 6 loot S iuches lu
height, weighs 100 pounds and is 21 years of
age. Ile j 11 m pod mero te the ceutroettho
bridge than Brodie did.
Donevan was arraigned in the Tombs po
lice court this forenoon, and held by Justice
Dully in ttie sum of f 300 for examination.
Attacking the btreet Car "Scab.."
Nuvv Yerk, Aug. 23. Old hands of the
Belt line railroad company made a concerted
attack this morning upon the men who had
been employed during the tie-up.. Five of
the latter are be badly hurt that they had te
be sent te the hospital.
The names el the InJured scabs are, Allen
Stevenson, Lewis Kellar, Win, Maughton,
or Washington, D. C and Frank 1'. Avery,
this city. Coraellus Murphy was arrested
charged with assaulting Kellar,
moody ami llrulnl I'rlze light.
ClxciNNVTl, O., August 23. A brutal aud
bloody prize tight took place about midnight
at the Highlands en the Kentucky Hlile otthe
river betvvoen Johnny Meran.'s " unknown"
aud Ed. Kouney, a local scrapper. The light
was with buckskin gloves ami te n llnish, ler
lifty dollars. Twenty dosperato rounds w cre
fought aud Kenny waa terrlbly punlsbed.
He was lett helpless and lnseuslble en the
lloer while the "unknown," whose name is
JlmSulllvau,was In comparatively geed con
dition at the end of the llghL
A Geneml Strike May lie Outereil.
LlMNusTO.v, Ment, Aug. 23. J
Bailey, oue or the oxecutlvo couimltteu of the
general assomblyer the Kulghts or Laber,
arrived from Philadelphia te try and accom
plish an adjustment ei labor troubles at the
Tlmberllue miuea. When asked as te the
Btatus of affairs, Mr. Bailey said : "We will
arbitrate the Tlmberllue difficulty aud if the
Nerthern Pacific still refusea te listeu the
chances are that a geuernl Ntrlke will be or er or
derod along the whele line of read.
Military Cadets Who Were Agalu.t I'rlnce
Uuch.uiest, Aug. 2s. The military ca
dots who jolned the revnll against Prlnce
Alexauder are belng subjected te ill-treat-ment
at the hands of thelr leval comrades.
Several of the cadets who formed a part of
thocrew of the yacht ou beard et which the
prince was conveyed te Henl wero terribly
boateu'eu their return by theso of thelr class
mates who espoused thocauseof the dorxwed
Terrible and Ue.tructlve Prairie Fire.
PiiaiRK, Dakota, Aug. 23. A torrlhle
and destructive pralrle Ure has raged lu Pet-
ter and Sully counties slnce Tuesday. The
Ure baa been fought day and night by men,
women and children, but could net be stop step
ped, l'otter Is almost a barren waste and
at this writing no ace ur ate lonses cati be
loarned. Sully is also dovastated. Horses,
cattle, Ac, wero liurued, and huudrodset
farmers lest all thelr crops and are lull pen
niless. luiprUuued Fer Life.
jjfeLiaiuf 1, a, t,, au. -n. isauu uriuiu,
accused of poisoning Christian Folie, was
this morning found unlit v of murder in the
second degroe and sentenced te Imprison
ment for llfe. A new trial will be asked
Hundred I'erl.h lu an Uartbiiuake.
ATrccxH, AugustSS. An oarthquake shock
has destroyed the villages of Pyrges and
Pbillatra en the Western coast of Greece.
I Three hundred persons perished. Tlie shock
wm felt in Naples uud ether towns of Italy.
DKpeilng of current llntlne.. and Sorely of
the rente Canes .faceb Rrhell's Twenty
one Menth' Sentence.
Court met at 10 o'clock thlsruornlngfertho
transaction or current biminess and the (lis
Ksal el a few surety of peace cases which
could net be disposed of ou account of want
of time.
Henry K. Furlevv, city, was granted n
renewal of his sold ter's license topeddle In
the county of Lancaster.
A tiotltlen lias lioen proscnted for a rovlew
as te the proposed opening of Grant atroet,
front Christian te North ((neon street.
Jlenry Usner was trled and convicted of
perjury at the June quarter sessions court
for having sworn that he was the owner or a
projierty worth a certain sum which wan net
true aud his counsel made a motion for a
new trial. Judge Livingston this morning
Illed an opinion denylng the accused a new
Nolther thontalntlirerdofondantappoar te
bosatlslied with the verdlct In the suit of
Jacob Kmlth, assignee vs. Mary Hlnkley, for
ceunsel or both parties filed reasons ler a
new trial.
In the suit of R. A. ltanslng vs. Klnzer
luinuer, jr., ami uoergo u. iienuer, en next
week's trial list, counsel for defendant tiled
au additional plea, at which plalntlll' was sur
prised and the case was continued.
A rule wasgranted te show cause in the
suitor Levl Senseulg vs. Jehn G. Hash why
the verdlct should net he entored without
The repert of the vlewers appointed te ox ex ox
amine the Jlird-ln-Hand turnpike was pre
sented. The vlewers repert that the turn turn
plke has beeu constructed according te law.
On the motion of counsel for the company the
court made an order allowing the company te
erect gates and collect tell.
Hurcly el Pence Case..
Henry Mlller, a resident or the Seventh
ward, wascharged with threatening te kill
Geerge H. Strlckler and Charles G. Htrlckler
ou the mornings et June 2d aud June 3d. It
appeared te be a family quarrel, aud the
abeve are a low or the cases that get into
court through It. The nccused dcnled that
be threatened te kill theiu. HocUlmed that
Charlus appreached him with a rovelvor in
ins pocket, and a scuilie ensued 111 111s onert
te gut the rovelvor away. He admitted that
he threatened te give the Strlckler boys a
thrashing. The court directed him te glve
securlly in the sum et JJW te keep the poace
for six months aud pay costs of prosecution.
Jehn Hlnehart, n young man 20 years old,
living ou Locust alley, was charged by his
father. Andrew, with having threatened te
kill lilm en a number el occasions within
the past threo months.
The accused donied having evor made any
threats against his father. ile tostllied that
his father prosecutodhlm seven times within
ayear, svvnre he would put him te Jail, that
he Is net altogethor of sound mind aud Im
agines a great many things, lle premisod
te leave his lather's heUBO at ence, if he was
discharged. The court dismissed the com
plaint with county for costs.
Jehn Jacob Deiso, of ML Jey, was put ou
trial for having threatened te knock the
brains out el Aunle Hrauiau, his next deer
uolghber. He donied having made the
threats charged.
The court ill roc ted the accused te enter ball
or ten mouths aud piy the costs el prosecu presecu prosecu
tleu. Jacob Schell, who pleaded guilty te the fe
lonious outryef the ML Hepe station and
three larcenies, was called for sentence. The
court sentenced hlui te undergo an Imprison
ment of oue year and nine mouths.
Adam Schwartz plead guilty te committing
au assault aud battery en a Columbia boy
named Metzger. Defendaut was under the
lnlluence of liquor and was teased by seme
boys. He caught Metzger and whipped blm
w ith a small stick. The court sentenced him
te pay a tlne of $1 and costs.
A New Castle Iuttltuted Officers In.talled
mid Members Initiated.
District Deputy Ashteu, assisted by ether
elllcers, en rriday evening icstttuted a new
castle or the Knights of the Mystic Circle, te
be known as Lancaster C.vstle, Na 120. The
institution took place in the ball of the
Knights el tbe Golden Eagle, Keplor's build
ing, North Queen streeL
Following is a list el tbe ellicers In
stilled : Pest commanders, Jehn J. llass llass
ler, Clayten Kaby ; sir knight commander,
O. II. Hhertzer; S. K. vlce com., Jeseph
Hatch, J. K. first lleuL, Jehn IS. Bushong;
S. K. chief of stall, Chas. IL HrehmjK. K.
ass'tC. of S., M. W. Balr; S. K. chaplain,
Kiuauuel Klllinger ; S. K. t r or, Jehn H.
MacMlchael ; X. K. roc. scribe, H. 11. Holten;
S. K. ass'tK. ., Win. II. Smith ; H. K. I.
G., Andrew Mehatley; S. K. O. G., Jacob
After the installation el the officers, thirty
candidates ler membership were initiated.
Thore were visiting mombers of the order
present from llarrisburg, Marietta, Wrights
vllle, Columbia and Terre Hill.
'llie eruer was iiisututeu aoeui cioven
years agu and Is growing repldly. The new
castle opens auspiciously and bids fair te so se
curo a larger membership.
The I.e. II. V. Convention.
The following additional delogates te the
Irish Catholic Benevolent Union convention,
which meeta here en Wednesday next, have
been reperted :
Philadelphia Dr. Moriarty society. H. B.
Ceylo, Jemos E. Farrell ; SL Columbia so
ciety Miss Annie L. Dennelly ; Key E. J.
Seuriu society James Mackey.
Media, Nativity society Emll J. Hall.
As will be seen by the abeve list, a second
lady has been added te the list of delegates.
Bishop Sbanahnu will net be able te be
E resent at the convention en account of ill
ealth. He has written a pleasant letter te
the delegates, which will be rend at tbe lirst
session of the convention.
Cel. A. K. McClure, State Chairmen
Uenseland Cooper have accepted Invitations
te be preaeut at the banquet complimentary
te the delegates. Other prominent gentle
men have been Invited and will be present,
among them Congressmen Randall and
hi. raid's haliliatli Scheel Festival.
The SL Paul's M. E. Sabbath school
leslival ou North Queeu stroet has been very
largely Attainted ter the iiast two evenings
and its success is most gratifying. This
oveulng thore will be seme chauges made te
acconimedato the large muubers that will be
present. The truit tables 011 the secend lloer
will be removed te the large lawn at the liack
or tlie building, whero thore will be ample
The loature el the evening will be acencert
ou the second lloer of the building. Mr.
Goeigo Kntitz, who is skilled in executlug en
Uve iiistrumeuts at u time, will give au exhi
bition et his art overy twenty uiluutea dur
ing tlie evening. Thore will also be ether
instrumental aud vocal miisle te onliven the
Netice te liectleu Supervisor.
Theso whose names have already been pub
llshed as having beeu forwarded for appoint appeint appoint
ment us United States election supervisors,
have roceived thelr appelutmenta. The
Philadelphia Jiecerd says : "Lancaster is
the only city in the Eastern district of Penn
sylvania outside or Philadelphia that has an
plied for the appointment of supervisors in
time ler the extra assessmenL The ether
clties entitled te ruporvlsera are llarrisburg,
ueauing anu t'oiisvuie, uui tuey can new
have no sujiorvisers appointed for the next
The Democratic supervisors and moinbers
of the cetiuty and city committees will meet
at the Domecratlo headquarters ever the post pest post
effico Ibis evening at 9 o'clock.
(Summer Lehmre.
J. II. Schuolder, of the Ftei6 1'i-csse, was
oue or the speak era at the dluuer at Itldgway
park, Philadelphia, ou Friday, of theGerraau
JOUll J, IJBKOr, jr., u miuiucu m.j.u m.
trip through Illinois and Wisconsin.
Mr. P. C. Holten, au Inquirer type, this
morning started en a two weeks' vacation te
Wilmington, nei.
Miss Mary Gempf. of West James street. Is
spending a few woeks with her slater, Mrs.
Tenuis, among the hills el the Susquehauna.
I'autil Through Lancaster.
Geueral W. T. Sherman passed through
Lancaster this morning at 8:10 en Uie Harris
burg express east.
ixantvvTiuNH uivbm te itirmmttAt,
Hmrmnvn vuli.bvteb.
It Uml lie flared in Vaekages el Net LM
Tan t'uuuU. and Properly Labeled anit
Itrsniled Alter the Pint Hay
nf Neit October,
Wamunoten, D. C, Aug. 21 The oem
tulssloner of Internal, rovenuo te-day Issued
the Instructions te thoeolloctor and the regu
lations for the oufercomont of the new
oleomargarino law. The regulations pro pre
scribe that all the oleomargarino and
ethor Imitations andcompeunds of butter In
the Unlted Htates en OcL 1st must be placed
In packages el net less that ten pounds and
be properly labeled and branded. When
the law geos into ellect a general Inspection
will be made by collectors and special depu
ties appolnted for the purpese In seme
cities and all oleomargarino found unmarked
will be sol zed and dostreyod. The onforoo enforoo onferoo
mont ellall U10 previsions or the law as te tax
stamps, labels, brands, manufacture and
sale, etc., will thou commenco In accordance
with the terms of the law.
The regulations state that collectors are
under no obligations te go tntoceurt te prove
that an article nelzed by ihera is oleeinnrgar.
Ine. They may proceed te onferco the law
against all compounds Improperly sold as
Tive el the Hulcarlan iTevlaltinal Government
That Depe.etl I'rlnce Alciaiuler.
Hen A, Aug. 23. A court-martial cenvened
for the purpese of trying the leaders of the
ceund' etat, which resulted lu the deposition
of Prince Alexander, has rondered a verdict
cendemlng M. .snkeir, mlnlsler or the In
terior under the robelllnus previsional gov gev gov
ernmont, and M, GrerslV, te deatb, and the
metropolitan of Tlnneva, Slgr. Clomeut, the
premier, te Imprisonment for 11 Te.
iiuciin.Iiir the Coup.
I'Altis, Aug. 23. A cabinet council was
held te-day at which the Bulgaria coupd'etat
was IhOBUbJectofdlscussIeii. It was asserted
that peurparlers had been issued proposing a
new conference el the pewers for the purpese
of adopting measures te rcstore erder In
Te Leave ler Hulgarl.
LuMiii'.itu, Aug. 23. Prince Alexander will
leave this city te-day for Bulgaria via Glan-
geve, a town 01 iieumania, en me uauuDe.
He ex poets te reach Bulgaria te-morrow. He
will be accompanied hy his brethers, the
Princes Frances Jeseph and Ludwig.
Making It Warm Inr a KuasIau Ceuiul.
BumiAnr.sT, August2$. The Kusslan con
sul at Kella has beeu compellod te ak M M
PangefT te furnish him a body guard te pro
tect him while passing through the streets.
Every window in Ills rosldence has been
broken by stones and he has been threatened
with poreenal vlolenco by the populaceon
several occasions.
Laat Day or the .Saratoga Itacet.
Sahatoea, N. Y., Aug. 24 Te day Is the
last day et the Haratega racing season;
weather clear and warm.
First race, purse, $100,1 mlle. L'strellal,
Hattle Carlisle 2, Petticoat 3. Time, 1:11,
Mutuals paid, 10.90.
Second race, relief stakes for year olds 1
and 5-Smlles, Mellle McCarthy's Last 1, Elk Elk
weed 2, Guenn 3. Tlme 2.-51U. Mutuals,
Third race, purse 500; all ages, 1 mile 500
yards, Jim Guest 1, Panama 2, Lady May
ward 3. Tlme 2:15. Mutuals paid, 22:10.
A Fire That Could Net be Controlled.
Auneit.v, Ind., Aug. 23. At 1:30 this
morning, a disastrous fire breke out in the
lumberyard of the Hutten Saw Mill com
pany, en Johnsten street, and before tholtlre
department could get water the flames had
gained such a headway that it was unable
te stay tbe destruction. The 11 re spread te
the dwelling of Mrs. Sarah F. Fex, entirely
consuming it, and also the M. K. parsenage
occupied by E. U. Campbell. The less or
the lumber, which belongs te Mitchell &
llammelsbery, will reach 515.000; insured for
25,000. Total less about 50,000 ; insurance
Te Fight This Aflerneuu.
New Yerk, Aug. 28. Herald and Sulli
van will light six rounds with small gleves,
at the Ilidgewoed base ball greunds,ln Kings
county, te-day. Tlie light will ceme oil' in
a 21-feet ring pitches! en the grass, botween
4 and 5 p. m. Beth the pugilists arrived In
town last night, aud are said te be In splendid
condition and each is conildent of dettig up
his autagenlsL
A Wagen Party Fall Forty Feet,
Dallas, Tex., Aug. '28. A wageu con
taining threo men, a woman and a number
et children was crossing abrldgoever Elm
fork of the Trinity rlver yesterday when the
structure gave way, precipitating the whole
party te the ground, some 40 feet below. The
men, D. Haberne, J. C. Control and Wm.
Thompson are all fatally Injured, and the
ethor persons are mero or les-s seriously hurt.
Beven HarneU te Heath.
City ok Mnxice, Aug. 23. Carles Felix
.t Ce, 's extensive lactery, near this city, was
burned yesterday, and seven operatives per
ished while trying te extinguish the Uamea.
Twe of the victims were Americana, Jehn
and Alfred Dubel, who belonged at Hlch Hlch
niend, Va. Soveral ethers were badly in
jured. Wauted for Forgery.
Buffalo, N. Y Aug. 28. Deputy Sheriff
Carlten left ler Indianapolis at neon te-day
with Jehn D. Cochran, who is wanted there
en a charge of forging a nete for 500. Before
Cochran left he explained that hla brother
would make geed tee amount and the charge
will net be pressed. Ile gave blmseir te the
police here.
A Girl Disappear.
ANDKHSeN, Ind., Aug. 23. Ida Etohlng Etehlng Etohlng
seu, the 17-year-eld daughter of Isaae Etch Etch
lugseu, of Lafayette tewusulp, has mysteri
ously disapeared. She had been keeping
company with Wesloy Klmmerllug, apromi apremi apromi
ueut yeuug man of the neighborhood.
Killed Uluitell Uefere Wile and Child.
Cincinnati, Aug. 28. Claudius Barbe,
aged 39, who carried en the business of cloak
making at 295 West Ninth stroet, shot hltn
selt dead this morning in the presence of his
wife aud child.
Killed 11 1 Paramour,
PirTSuuitOjPa. Aug. 23. About l'o'elook
this morning, Wm. Fraukllu, (colored). 25
years ei age, a plasterer by occupation,
killed his paramour, Loulae veuey, a pre
possessing mulatto girl, 20 years of age, at
the rosldeuco or the latter ou Maria street,
this city.
Killed liey Fer Ne Reason.
Hr. Leuis, Aug. 23. A special from Anns.
III., says Oscar Hambrick, aged 17, shot atul
killed an eight-year-old seu of Simen Carney
without provocation. Lynching is certain la
the event of the murderer's capture. '
m 4
CWashiwotew, D. O., Aug. 28. for
Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
Delaware and Maryland, fair weather,
southerly winds, slightly cooler.
Net Leu Than 0,900.
Frem the Uauch Chunk DomecraL
Yerk county, we venture te say, will roll,
up about 5,000 majority for Black next Ne- v,V
vomber. Next te Menree, Yeric is me .ruuirj -,
Democratle county iu the state properUoaM ip
te the population. ys
Salt ler Umie. -?..(
lUraiu G. Disiinger, et Mechanlesburfc ifl-'
has entered a suit against the Ponnsjrlvaate. ,
j M..ntrfnifiamtirMl It A ARlltnAA r -,
Uclals dellvered tnem te we wruug ixmij. a
A Very Uei IMy, ,"&'''
In cool shady outdoor places the tHeteajy
this afternoon marks from 00 te 88,1U
shade. In places exposed te the regsoMea ef
the sun, as at Zahm's corner, the wereerjr
rosetelOOftnaioaiaiuoeneae, V'
' m
1 .,
LlU. ifci- -
v..atAit-a,, ,a AfiJj.
- jj