' ,31 jvJ - jff LAWOAFTMR DAILY !OTatlIif1 Lv v'-'lf TnW"1"WT'wi W 4 fef H L- 7 ) U i i A . f- EVRYUICK. lilt prayer nrUll Tenchcd by the tuneful Plea, Tbe Lord of Heath relaxed hla Iren held, And out el the warl shadows, deep Bud cold, Blole tb lest wHe, I he fair Kurydlee. He felt nor neil urnn In the old embrace, llegiis.ed tne smile upon nor unseen face, And Jejlul tut nid hint from tlie drendtul place. A little patience, and all had b(n well 1 A llllle fnltb, and bale bail chaniced te bliss I Wu It tee much that he slieiild ak for this, WhOAutevn had dared lhoiecidescontnf Mell t Had r.ufd the rurlrs and the leiMiir. of niu, Thn rrek of Itirinunt, rltliiK hlKh and IiIreit, I'reaKiplna'atad weeand rlulo'a're' It iretnni n llttle IhJnR te hee nuil ink That the glad wife. Jintieued Icein 11. intend, Blmiild go iiniiiih"l"B where her Oiplieui hit Hut net for woman' atieiigtli tee hard the task. "Why deat thou turn thluoryeannnjr liuiu inef Am I grown ugly Dien, mint te ae t Unkind' Theu lovett net Kurydke t" Was It because an abort a time ti stayed Among the dead that aba hadnntKrewn wUef He petty deubta and fuara and Jealousies Vanity, tolflthness, the slain and shada On mortal lere, aurvlve the poignant thruat Which, winnowing aeuta from out thelr hinder. Ing dust. Should wake the eyes te sec, the heart te trust , If we came back te thoie who leve ns se, And fain would plead with Hvaen for our lo cal!, Should wu come back having lorgelteu all The wisdom which nil spirits need tnuatknew T Would the old faults revive, the old scars stltig, The old capacities fiirsullttrlng (Julckun tollfuevnu In uuriiulckunlnR O I lovely my Hi! with luslthlameiiilUR alulnt I will net think that audi doep wrong tn tie, If OMirlt cri given toeno again Te earthward turn In answer te Levu's plna, 8 in uly t'weuld com" In hushed and rpwuent guise. With gentlest wlidem In lar seeing eyes, Illpened for lllu by knowing Paradise 6'unin L'oeltdgr. Yaklng Cam of Fruit. In hla last atniual add row, l'rualileut Harry, el the Wenteru New Yerk Horticul tural nociety, aalil that he hail neon larRO or er chanla neglected, ami producing npnlea that were brought Inte uiarket, small, brtlined nuil wormy, net gathoretl by hniul but ahaken from the troe, and aeld for a row centa a liusliel. The men who inlmnatiHge tlilia de net attend horticultural meeting nor take the periodicals. Tliey cannot allenl the tlme anil luouey. A great many apple are leat for want or tlinely proiaratlen te take pretwr care of tbeni, or te procure unrrela te put thorn In. What would we think of n larmer who would neglect te ike arraURO incnta for cutting hla wheat at the proper tlme? lle lurther added that n MKr jiear wan worm) tlian a peer apple, unit lie had iwen a great many that would be dour at a dollar a buahel. Yet line, well-grown, woll well woll aeloctoil ixiara, preperly put up, had aeld In New Yerk all through laat Norembor ami December at M..'0 te f! a buthel Aujeua for W, and Ijiwrouceandolhorsfor f;3.0 te fl. They were In prlmn order, wrapped in neil iter, and lucked In clean, new kega and Ikixeh. At the hiiiiiii time, taxir iienm could net bSHeltl. The teechlnga el ttioxe facia are obvious. riirlng Clever Hit. Tboexpenao of aoedlng aeveral acrixi of clever every aprluR, where twolve te twenty pound of aeed or ucre la used, la ipilte a tax toeno whom) Income laamall. Hy allow ing from half an acre te aiiacroef cloer te liocemo partially rlK bolern cutting, drying it well In the bunch liofero hauling te the barn, placing upon a high acalleld and kcejv Ing until very cold weatlier In the winter, and threahlng oil the heada with a Hall, or t reading 11 oil with rattle or herses In the barn tloer, raking the ntraw c.irefiilly from the chair and packing the latter away in a large bin or barrelling It up for uhe in the aprtng, weveral dollars' worth of aeml can be kaved, and at the aauie time the clever at raw ran be led te the ateck and will nearly all be i'ten. A few roeta and a little grain gtveu wheu feeding it will keep theanltualain geed coudltleu. A better catch can gen erally be obtained hy aewiug the seed in the chart wheu It la UireHhed. Frem twelve te twenty buahelH of geed chull will boeulll beeulll cient for an acre. The clever heaJs w HI gen erall till beat where the growth la net tee rank ; hence In selecting a piece toaavefor seed, take that portion of the Held upon which the yield will be but a ten or a ten and a half te the acre, rather than tlioae iwrtleua which will yield two tens of cured hay and upward. The (loed Things of I.ltn. 'That'a what 1 call a gee-i dinner," re marked Hebby, an he leaned back In hla chair with an ulr of ropletlou. " Hebby," n.ild hb mother, " I'm ashnmed of you." The minlster, who waa dining with the family, laughed heartily. " Hebby appreciates the geed thing of life," he said, " like the reatel u-." " Don't you think It was a geed dlnner T" asked Hebby of the minister. " Yen, Indeed. I enjoyed It very much." " Ma aald (the thought you would, becauae ahe didn't auppoae you get very much at home." Altdlawuea orlewor lienel, Incluilliig plle tuineia, rudlcully cuiud Heek of particu lars, lu cents In stumps. World's Dispensary Mr1lcal Association, J Main Ntruct, lluirile. Tenth couie painlessly II IIk. IImii'i Toething Letien be bathed en the gums. Cures tootb teotb toetb acbo. Price, ilcerita. Dr. lUKU'a lllarrbesa Mixture for children will net euro ovary case, but It will euro mere than any wedlclnn ever put In ene bettle. Price, 2.1 cents, for sale at 11. II. Cochran's Drug Stere, Nea. 137 and 133 North Uueuu street. auglluid&w CUItK OK A HPKAIN. SIalkixin Cairrna, Watke Ce , n, y February v, l&sj. Bomejeari agul badly strained my stomach plckingcberrles, and have suffered greatly evor since. Nothing has been se beneflclal ns All cock's Plasters. They entirely cured me of that trouble. I have, been alUlcted with a lame ankle, but these l'lasters seen enabled mil te walk, t commend them wbouever 1 have an op pertunlty, as I have found thorn very useful for evor ten years. Allcock's Plasters have nln ays done me the greatest service, and 1 nui every day mera and mere convinced that no household should be wltheutthein. Mm. ScsiK A. Hills ai'MCiAZ. Mexicsa. Why He Denncast? True, yen aru Inn miserable, condition you are weak, pulld, and nervous. Yeu cannot sleep ul night, nor enjoy your waking hours ! yet, why loie heal t: ilcl at the druggist's u bettle of Jlurileck llloetl Jllllcri They will lestnru feu te health and iienee of mind, for Hale by I. II. Cochran, Druggist, 137 unci 1W North ijuccii street, I.ancasLur, Hpeaka lllglit l'i. "Have tried 77ieni(ij' h'clcctrlc Oil torcieup aud teldii.und tlml It the host remedy I Imve ever used In my family." Win. Kay, Sle Ply mouth Ave., Uutrale, N. Y. Kersule by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 uud 13J North (Jueeii street, Iiecasler. Mrs. Luugtry And ether famous women huvu wen a reputa tion ter facial beauty. A Unucoiupluxleu mukus ene handsome, even though the lace H net of perfect mould. Jl unlock Jltemt Hitlers net dl- ectly upon the circulation, and se gtve the skin a Llenrnuss and smoothness othervtiso unattalu able, for sale by II. JI. Cochran, Hrugglst, 137 and 1?J North (juueu street, liUiiutater. Ile It With t'leaaure. Wangler Ilres., druggists, of Watei loe, Iowa, write: "We can with pleasure say that TYieiimi' J.'etcclrlc Oil gives the beat satisfaction of any liniment we sell. Everybody wbe buys wilt have no ether. This remedy is u certain euro ler all aches, sprains, and pains. Korsnte by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North tjuueu stieet, Lancaster. A Olsrgymau's Testlineuy. W. E. Ultlerd, pastor M.K. church, Ilethwell, Out, was for two years a suirerur with dyspop dyspep slain Us worst form, unllllas hu stales "life be be carae an actual burden" Three bettles of Jlur Jlur ileek Jlloeil Jlllttri cured him, and be tells us In nreceut letter that he considers It the best family medicine new before the country for uyaiivjiiui uiiu iiver ceinpiainu rnrsiueny ii. 11. Cechrau, druggut, 137 and 1W North Oueeu street, liitncaster. Threw Away ills Urutches. " Buffered from rheumatlsiu se badly hud te use crutches, but threw them away alter apply ing Themas' JCcltetrle Oil te my ifinb. 1 new feel belter than 1 have for years." r. I., eilibs. SKI Elk street, Buffalo, N. Y. Fer sale by a. u. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IX) North Queen street, Lancaster. Til l'opulatleu of Ijanrsuf r la about 80,000, and we would say at least one half are troubled with some affection of the Threat and Langs, as these complaints are ae cording te statistic mera numerous than ethers. We would advlae all net te neglect the opportunity te call en us and set a Cottle el Kemp's Halsamforthe Threat aud Lungs. Price se cents and IL Trial also f roe. Jteapectfully, 11. it, Ceubna. OtvnUt, W North tjueen stnst. a mumvAu B KOWN'H 1H0N UlTTKHS. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! WILL CURE HKADAOlli:, INDIUKHTION, HUiIOtJHNKHS, DYHI'Ki'MJA, NKHVOUH I'HOSTHATION, MAI.AUIA, CIIUil.SANDl'KVKHH, TIHKOKKKLINd, (IKNKKALDKII1I.1TV, l'AINH in Til Kit AUK .fcHIDKH, IMl'UHi: HLOUD, CONHT1PATION, FK&tAIiK INKlHMlTlliH, HltKUMATIcJM, NKUHAIiUIA, KIDNRYANDLlVBIt THOUULKR 4wrOKHALKllYALL HUUUUIST8. The (Irnulne hai Trade Jlntk and crossed Hed Lines en wiapper. TAKE NO OTHEn. (2)iiil7lydAw G UA Y'H Hl'KUIKlU MKD1UINK. THBUUEAT RNULI8U UEMKUY. An unfailing euro for lmpetency, ann all Dis eases that fellow I-ess of Memery, Universal Lassitude, Tain tntbellack. Dimness of Vision, 1'rematuru Old Age, and many ether dlea llxat lead te Insanity or Consumption ana a Premature Urave. . , , fc,h . srrull paitleularaln our pamphlet, wblcnwa deslrw te send free by mall tueverynne. -Th) Spocine Medicine Is sold by all i dnigglsu at H per package, or six packages, for or will be lent free by mall en tberoce'Ptef thomenoy, by aldressliig the agent. 11. II. VOCIIUAN, Druggist. Hole Agent, Nes. 137 and 1W North tjueen atieet, Lancaster, I'a. On account of counterfeit, we have adupted the Yel.ew Wra,T-r , tnj-enuln-. apw-lydAw Uutrale, N. I. OHN JtKMOVKIt VKHDUIA I'OUN lLKKOVKlt. Wannnted te erndtcatn complately and In a short tlme, the most nbduralu corns, hard or aelt, without pain. Held by Uoe. W. Hull, Chaa. A. Lecbnr, Jehn 1(. KaulTiuan, Dr. Win. Worm Werm loy, And. u.:rrer, Clmi. ,1. Hhuliiiyer, and at UECHTOLD'H DHIIU STOKK, decld-lyd He, 401 Weal Orange BU E XUAUKTKD VITALITY. EXHAUSTED VITAnTT THKRCIK.VCKOr LtrK, thn great Mellcal Werk of the age en Manhood, Nurvnus and Physical Debility, Promature Decline, Krrorset tee tli, and the untuld mlturlea consceuont thereen. )iagea ve. 1 prescriptions for all dhciuies. Cleth, lull gill, only 11.00, by mall. Biviled. llluatratlvnsample lien te all young and mtddle-imed iiitiu ferlhn next tMdays. Address lilt. W. II. l'AUKItlt, I lluinnch Hticet, liestnn, Mass. myl7-lyeedAw CUHKKOIlTHKDK.G Puck's Patent Improved Cnshleued Ear Dnuns perfecUy riaure hearlni; nod perform the work el the natural drum. Invisible, com fortable and always In ihmHIeii. All conversa tion aud even whispers heard distinctly. Hnd for Illustrated book with testimonial, rilKK. AddrPHS or rnll en r. IIISCO.V, U llreadway, New eik. Mention this paper. lunotO-lyeedAlyw ATAHHIl-llAY-KKVElu"" "" CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM Gives Kcllef at Once and Cure. COLD IS HEAD, CATAUUU, HAY rKVEll H03K-COLI), DKAr-.VKSS, HEADACHE. Net a Liquid, Snutf or Powder, freu from In jurious Drugs and Intensive odors. A rtlcle Is applied te each nostril and la agruuable te use. l'rlce U cents at druggists by mall, reabdered, m els. Circular sent Iree. KI.Y UUOTIIKlLa, Druggists, Owege, N.Y. Inir-alyeeJAlvw e UHK UUAHANTKKD. RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by Dlt. .1, 11. MATElt. Kasoatenco! no operation or delay from busi ness ; testtMl by bundrodsef cures. Main olllce, 101 AUCH BT., l'UILA. Bend for Circular. fJHvdAw JtllUVATlOXAL. S WITHIN C. SHORTLIIHIB'8 AOAD EMY roil YOUNG MEN AND HOYS, ME DIA, PA., 13 miles from Philadelphia, med price covern every expen.e, even books, eta Ne extra charges. Ne Incidental expenses. Ne ex amination ler admlsilen, Twelvu experienced teachers, nil men, and nllgraduate. Bpectal op. pertuultlet for apt students te advance rapidly, bpeclsl drill for dull und backward boys. Patrons or students may select any studies or cheese the tegular English, bclentl II c.llnslnejis. Classical or civil Engineering course, Bludmita titled at Mill la Academy are new In Harvard, lain, Princeton and ten ether Colleges and l'elytcch nloBchnels. 10 students sent te college In 1SHJ, IS In InM. 10 In Ions, lu In Ihmj. a graduating class every year In the commercial depaitmeut A Physical and Chemical Laboratory, Gymnasium and Hall Ground. 1,5W VON. added te Library In 1N53. Physical apparatus doubled tu wtl All students beard wuh the prluclpHl IUijs can room alone. Media has seven thurches alula temperance charter which prohibits the stlu of Intoxicating dilnks. for new llluatrutcd ilrcn lar address the I'llnctpelnud Proprlctei, BW1T111N CBHOUTLlllUE.A M, auKlvliiid.tw" (Harvard Graduate) Media, Pa. LANfASTHH LEGE. COMMKHUIAIi COL- BEGIN A NEW CAREER. Resolve te Miss lie Nail Trn Tears Successful. Examination Quoatlens for Thoughtful Youth aud Meu nndWomeu. tVhat niu you doing 1 What can you de thoroughly and well De you desire promotion f Deynudeservult t What valunble survlce cuu ou render in ex change runt higher salary T Aim j ou n neat, rapid, legible business penman T Ate you iiuick and accurate In business calcu lations T Are you an Intelligent, trustworthy conuspon cenuspon conuspen duut T Aru you u systematic, reliable book keeper? Are Jeu nn clllclent clerk t Are you gaining ground mid securing an Inde pendence t Are you out of employment? If se, why T De jeu knew why It Is that persons who are discharged from olllce or ether employment usually pay a visit te the llnslness Cellegu De you knew when out of work you cannot successfully compete with ethers unless you me thelr se pel lets lu attainments I It you can nnswer the above questions sntlshic sntlshic terlly, go en your way relelclng. liui it these questions perplex nnd trouble you.make prompt arrangements ter training, cither day or evening, at the Lancaster Commercial College. J-Send ler New Catalogue, List of Sluduntfl, lteleruuces aud Tostlmen ii nils. Auuruas, II. C. AVKIKLEH, Friiuiiinl. MtAVHIXMHt. fe STEAM HEATING Latest and Hest Improved INGINES-Tnetivi, FerUblt or Stilieciry. Hew or second-Hand BOILERS, WATKB TANKS, BEPABATORB, MxeHias or Baraia Weu sneli at done aud kepl In Mochlne shops. 04LL OH Ol ADDXaSS, Ezra F- Landis, WORKS 687 NORTH CHERRY STREET, LAaaiaraa, Pa. n7-tfd riN MARIANI, MARIANA WINE, The Qrsat Nerve Remedy. Wholesale and Id tall, atKJClfJAKT'a OLD YUNE 8T0BK. , . . sUsATMAXJBB, Agent, A : 'Me.jHsHKUbi Street. sTUMsWVJurjiJum meet SjN.s., sj i Vn Ay nm,, TITK HAVE A IiARQB STOCK Or THE BEST REFRIGERATORS IK TIIK CITr. Th( Pierce Dry Air Kefripriter. UAHDKN J108H, WATKK VOOLHHH, 1U H VHHAM rKKKKKKH, And atullllneefltOUBKrUIlNtBIUNG GOODS The largest ateck of OAB rlXTUHESInlhe elty. Special attention paid te Oaa-f Ittlng, Tin Boenng and Bpeutlng . .t.. We have Just recelved another lolef these 25c ULOUE8. jehitp. seHira & seu, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, I'A. F L1NNAHRKNEMAN. PRICES MHRKDD DOWN en ; Weed and Iren Pomps, TERRA-COTTA -A.ND- Iren Moter and Drain PIPES. FLINN & BRENEHAN, Ne. 152 North Qttoen Btroet, LANCABTKU, l'A. -yy-M. A. K1ISKKK1C. AliDUH C. UERR KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (OpixMllu Court Heuse), Invite all Houseknepors tn Callland Inspect their htuck of Heusetiiriiisliing &oeds. A Cntnplete Line constantly en hand. COOK BTOVKSana KA.NGK3, PAULOK 8TOTE8, HKATKltSana KUHNACK3. SUMMER COOK STOVES. Alter carefully examining the merits of all offered te the trade, we have selected THE ''ARGANl," rer GASOLINK, and THE ,l DANGLER," rer COAL OIL. As the llest, ben all jielnta aiu consldeted, te ener te our patrons. Call and see us. Ve leve te show our goods, and are net offended It you de net purchase, iieincmuer, we are agents for The " Splendid Heater. Manufactured ly ruller Warren Company, Trey, N. Y, which his no rival In dunililllty, wconemy of fuel and control of gas. New Is the tlme te uxamlne and become postal for Autumn purchases. ItEMKMIlKll T1IK PLACK I 40 EAST KING ST., (Ol'POSlTK COUHT HOUSK.) ap28-tfdAw VAitniAer.it. STANDARD OARRIACIK WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CARRIAGE BUILDER Market Street, Rear of FostefBoe, Lnnoaater, Fa, My stock comprises a larne variety of the Latest Btyle Huggles, Phmtens, CarrlaKes, Mnr ket and lluslness WaKens, which 1 offer at the very lowest figures aud ou the most roasenablo terms. 1 call special attention te a tow of my own de signs, ene et wlik'hlithe K1K1KUI.KVCI.03KU PHiSIClAN COUl'K, which Is decidedly the neatest, llebtest and most comnlete Physician' Carriage In the country. Persons wlshlnx te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, sbeuld bear lu liitud that they take no risk In buying my work. Every Carriage turned out In etghtoeu yours a Ked ene that la the kind of Kuamnlee I have te offer the public. All work lully warranted, l'loese give me a call. KKPAlllING PltOMPTLy ATTKNOKD TO. One set of workmen especially employed ler that purpose COAL. T H. MARTIN, WBOLiaALa anu bitail diaiii la All KindB of Lumber and Geal. -Vakd: He. IX North Water and Prince atteeta, above Lemen, Lancaster. nS-lyd rAUM(JARDNERH A JKKFKHIKH. COAL DEALERS. Orriea : Ne. la) North tjueen Btroet, and Ne. W.I North l'tluce struct. Yards : North l'rtnce stieet, near Heading Depot. LANCASTKlt, l'A. auglMld TOKMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Ceal Office te Ne. 1U NOUTIl UUKKN 8TUKKT (llilinmur'a New Hulldlug), where orders will be received for Lumber and Ceal, WHOLdAL A0 BKTAIU m8-tld M. V. U. COHO. VU Mi IT VMS. F URN1TURK WARKROOMH. LUY YOU118ELK A JPAlll OF TUUSK Felding Dress Pillows. CALL JCA11LY AT Heiftneier's Furniture Warerooms. They are tie nicest tAIng out ana we have lust received another let of them. 10 HcYST KINGt BTRHHT, cwTMiirm.: vsvaa a. WhSHiia'4i -pRHPAHU tOli TUK VAllU Special Announcement ! DURING FAIR WEEK, HcBlnnlnROnNKXTMONDAV, BURGER & SUTTON, Mtrebul Tailors and Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Will have an especially Attractlre Line of CLOTHING -ANH- UEN'I'H FUKNIH1IINU UOODH, Bultalilofernll Classes and Conditions. Otlll COUNTKr rillBNDS ute particularly invited te call iltnlni? Fair Week. e knew no have the KOeds te suit thetu. BUK&ER & SUTTOS, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCABTKU, l'A. M" KRS A RATHr-ON. IT IS HARDLY LIKELY That you'll L'ntl ns nice a sleck of Clothing new as you could have tloue a few mouths age UieassetU mciit Is net as geed new as it was then but unruly the prices are lower. If you want nice Sulla, at low prices, we have them, and if you are content with Uie assortment the prices are right. Ten Dellar Suits down te Eight. That'a a twenty ier cent, reduction. All goods reduced in like proportion. What's the U90 In buying cotton goods when you can get geed all wool goods for very little mere money V AVe don't want you te think that we are the only heuau selling at low prices; but we de think our work is better made, mero substantial, nicer lluished than the average ready-made Cloth ing. HO. 1H.EAST KINO BTRHBT. Ii. UANBMAN A URO. New Goods, New Prices. Facta Only. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT -OK L. Gansman & Bre. Having bought Junte iuuntittes or Heeds In the Plece.sultublofei our Custom Department, we are prepared te meet the wanlsef the peeplu A Few Sample Prices : All. Weel Suit te Order ut fin i. Alt-Weel Cheviot bult te Order at 111 00. Ail-Weel Casslmere Suit te Order ut I15.0U. All-Weel Worsted bull te Order at 116 el All-Weel Check Worsted Suits te Order at lis. All-Weel Kngllsh Worsted bulls te Order lit tte. Finest AH. Weel Imported Worsted Suits te OrOer atfS.OO ana $Ju.en. Pauls te Order, iiuallty strictly All-Weel, nt (I OU, 11.30, II 00, S3 110, fi lJ, 17.00 up te 110 00. Scheel SulU in large quantities at the Lewest Cash Prices, from 11.75 up. llelore purchasing your Kail Heeds please pay us a visit. As for Quality and Fit uoguimiu ueguimiu tee. Prices Are Hard te lie Beat Elsewhere. An investment et Klve Dollars will be equal te Ten Cellars In proportion 1 1th prices of ether Meres. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MKIiCH A.NT TAILORS, llANUrACTUKKUS Or MICN'S 1IOY8 AND CHILDUKN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (lllsht en thoSeulhnust Cor.el OruuRO St.) LAN OAST Ell, l'A. -Net connected with any ether Clethlug Heuse in the city. UHUVKUIEB. HIOII OHADKCOKKKES. Pine old Government Java and Mecha Cetrees, the bestln tbe market. Our Java men ded Collce speaks for Itself ; rich and fruKnint, 25c per pound. Very fine Plantation Kle Coffees, our host only sue. per pound; ene very popular nt 15c. We want you te call and try our 12KC. Collce. The excellent quality el our Ceuves und line Tens is inaklui: friends fust and firm. Our dally Bales show a steady Increase, fresh Uoestod every day. A lull line of fancy Urocerle. l'lease gire us a trial order. UEO. W1ANT, amrW-lTO Ne. 113 West Klnic Street. AT BUKHK'H, Genuine Maple Sugar INS POUND 1UUCKB, AT 13 CENTS A POUND. HAM AND DRIED BEEF. Driodlicet chipped and by the piece Oysters In ene nnd two pound cans, Mustaid andSplced Uardlnes, Pine Imported Sardines, urouea aiacaercuu lumuioenui-u, itreueu eui men, Fresh salmon, rresu Lousier, cream Cheese, Plcnle Pineapple Cheese, Bage or Union Cheese, etc., ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 43V Telupheuu connection; Q.EOHQK EUNtJT, JR., Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, 11K31UK.NUE-N0.6JJ WEST KINO ST. SHOP-EAST OKANT ST., Opposlte station Heuse. All work receive my prompt and personal at tontlen. All kinds of Jobbing attonded tout short no tice ana en reasename terms. Iirawluss and Eitimaies iurnisnea. e 271yd EXACTLY THE RIGHT THING. WHY don't you euro your backache with ene of liouseu's Capclue Plaaters. dure and quick, 3c. MYERS & RITili MAT, G RBAT UEDU0T10N. FIFTY DOZEN DRESS STRAW JffATS, At 1 5 Cents Apiece. -AT- W. D. STAUFFER & CO.'S. aWAlse, Full LlnoeITHUNKSandTKAVBLlNOSHAOS at Kzceedlncly Lew Prices.- g. a: r. caps New en hand for the lleunlen In Replomher. Society Uoeds riirnlahcd at Short Mettcn. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Nes. 31 and 33 North Oaeen Street. JBWXLKHt, V. XT Z. KUOAD8, JKVYKLEK. Watches, Diamonds. My Repair Dept. la Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine ard Complicated Watches, Musical Bozes. Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism. H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. rVRMlIVBB. TTEINITHll'a FUKN1TUHE UKlfJT, Te Keep Goel and Comfortable During tbe Het Months, It la noeoesary te And some Ooel Rotreat. Te be Comfortable In that retreat Yeu Need a Geed Easy Rocker, Settee or Chair, And you can find tbe Largest Assortment at HEINITSH' FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANOA8TER, PA. IAWB IXaUXANVB CUSU'AXY. TfiXTKACTS l'HOM THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL KEPOKT OF THE INSUR ANCE COMMISSIONER OF PENNSYLVANIA. Dec.31,lss5 Insnrancu In ferce Admitted Assets l'aymontste l'ollcyheldurs l'remlum Income , Dividend Paid l'ollcyhelders... Dividend t'ald en eacli I,ua) Ins. rte. of l'eucles in force. Average Dividend te each policy. Death Lesses raid Death Lesses Hcslsted Expenses of Management Andlnorderteexposo the true Inwardness of the Northwestern' I'UOGHKSSIVK DIV1 DKNDS, e quote lieut the Insurance Company, of i'euusylvanla Llle lleperts for the year stated : NORTHWESTERN. Iniurance in force. 1'remlum Income. 1370 t G7.493.19t ri.5M,S05 1377 li4,41,M7 i.Vi,3ll 187!) 01,111,014 l.'.ls I.57S 1S79 ei,'iiks i.hv.vts 10 r. !7,lPl 1.87U.'h 1A41 7I.MI.TIH S.irj.UU 1SS2 8.1,113,1-1 ',,CJ0.US ia icj,tKi,iui s.Ma.212 1V(4 '.M,?Jl1,SH2 3.370,770 11 110,710,01 U,7-OI3 Cemment en the nuevn rocenl Is unnecciiary. Itutlueidvrthnt the lolling etr In dividends Tl.NE r UND, would odd that this fund aggregates 45J.ajs.!. Fer lurther lulormatlen ou all mutters pertaining te Insurance address or apply tn JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent Mutual Life Ins. Ce., of N. V. 60 N.Duke St., or te Rebert Holmea, District Agent, Heading, Pa. VAKUIAUB WORlla. A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! Philip Doersenfs Old Reliable Carriage Works. 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NEAULY OPPOSITE TUB LKOPAUU HOTEL), LANCASTER FA. Nena But First-CIass Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used P11IUE3 TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL WOUK GUARANTEED. BUGGIES, PMTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. ji 1 have new ou band nnd for sale cheap the , V uun 1, U.UUM1U .U. B..l bUVHl ...U IV1 n Vai;nn. suitable for track nnrnose. ene 1 One-Man 3, ene tension Ten Phiuten. two Lluht Jumii-Seatcarrlaues. Alse. Sccend-Tland Ten and Trettlnir Hue Carriages. . ilness Vngc UI.K PUICl sles. both side bar ana end snr th side bar and end springs, Business which will be sold at tbe MOSTUK ASON AllLE chase or net. Ne treuble te ahew tbe work, PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. ri)0.Y'7 FORUKT THE I'LACJt.f Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 uevamruMKiauinu ueuva. OHIKK'H CARPET HALL, CARPETS ! CARPETS ! UKOPKN1NU Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Best Selected Line of Carpets ever ex, hlblted In this city. WllrONH, VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of UOUY ANU TAPESTHY imU8SEI.H.TllltEE-PI,Y, All-Weel and Cotten Chain EX.TUABUPE113, and all qualities of IN QUA1N UAUPETS, DAMASK, and VENETIAN CAltPETS. UAU and CUAIN clul'KTS of our own manufacture a speciality. Special Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM UAUPETS, AUearull Llueef OILCLOTUS. &UU3, WlNUOrt 8UAUE3,COVEULET8,0., AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and Water Ste., Lancaater, Pa. fahXUmdAw Histca ANU LlQVOUa. BRANDY 1 HRANUVI1 At this seaseu of the year every laniliy should have a. lietUv of Reigart's Old Brandy, a eafe and sure euro for Cholera and ether sum. uer treuble. liElUAUT'3 OLD WINE STOKE, U. E. BLAYMAKElt, At. MINERAL, WATERS, APOLLINA1US WATEU, he Queen of Table Waters, Hawthorn Spring Of S&rateira. at UEIOAUT'S OLD WINE BTOltK. " U.E.SLAYMAKli:Agt MMt M9 "'"'" r"'1 " "' " " '"'" "l.N,.W LHncMter, Pa A Full Line of the " Birth or Menth Stones " Mounted te Suit Your Particular Pan cy . Jewelry. irAitnrsnujie, pa., avqusts, use. MUTUAL LIFE. .. .fy.SW',337 00 ...,li(M,4Ji,;?j (m .... $11 402,04!) W) .... lll,7rw,rj oe .... l,lSJ,0i! 00 .... tSKl XORTJIWEaTERX. 1110,710,F1 Ol ril.iW,IH6 00 r2.ta7,7!l () $.1,T?5.013 00 77l,503 03 47 01 6(1.110 $15 54 11,019,004 00 30,UM 00 16.6 Per Cent. l-H.SS!' 111 31 ti,WU34 W iJiJSl 00 113 l'erCent- Dividends raid 1'oltcyhelderi. $,4M S7'J,K7 9I9,! 7U41S4 78,aJ 7(M,0I1 ii."i;,uj 67S,R."!I 727,1-a 77S,&U may net be attributed te the Northwestern' TON following first-class second-hand work : One Light JjIkul r uur-i asseiiKer ifiK.euu rirsb-ciasa u Llttht reur-Passenger Dmg, one First-class iltes. jvise. oecenu-iianu tvacniig, HiertIn(r Wacens and Market Wagons, 1'UlCKS. Uive us a call whether you with te pur- EAST KING STREET. m-lydAw TlOi'E IB MAKING OAUINET PHOTOanAPHB AT 113.00 A DOZSK. AT NO. ,108w NOUTU QUEEN STUKKT. laul-tia Lancaster, Pa T UIH l'Al'ER IB PRINTED WITH INK Manufactured by J. aCWRICtBTsfcOO., tnarW-l rd KtU and Ban 8U,, PWlattalpata, r waioafcaaiiea.wiljiu,!8r . , RlAinSS4S2l,,n,,uA KAILKOAB On MflMr etJNIIAr. Vlr smk.iaa nxii AIFTSLKATE HKAD1NU 'or OelvmbtA U4 iAncastar at Iiilm.. Mai : bee. ana Men, i M T,w m nm wm " OOLU Will A S?5 faS8'" t T.J0 a. M UM and l0 n. M, IHAlNBLBAVBQOAstHIVlI.LR Ll "dtn at a. a. m. and a.jBa.tm. ITorlslisnen at 38 p.m. "- fI!lo?,,,nl',,t7.a.m.,ineanaio a, am. SjJVUy!!!0 Bt "-'I . m., 5 00 and R.S8 It. M. W- ;y TUINOB STltiilCT (lAneaVtaT.) Stnr fW.-,r,I. -J V5."1-' "" "" I ' Muarryvme ai 7:w a. m. PjTDAT tbadw. TBA1NS LKAVB BKAOINd S2E ncaster at 7. a. m. and 4.00 p. m. 'or unarryrille at .oep.m. ""'"" TKAIN8 LKATK QUAttttYVlLLB rm Lancaster, Lebanon and Hendlniat 7.10 a.t TaAlNSLEAVKKlNO 8T. ( lAncaater.) rfilu10' na Lebanon l 8-M-m.-nd3JIB 'or Qnarryvllle at 8:M p. tn. T11AIN8 1.KAVK ritlKCEST. (Lancaiter.) 'or Heading and Lebanon and 8.18 a. in. and 4.04 p.m. ret y uarrrvllle at M3 p. m. . TKAINB LKAVK LK11ANON. l JjancasUir at 7-W a. m. and 8:18 p. m. 'ore.uarryvllloatSp.ir.. i.iAnri0l'Srw.l,en.,lt WMUinMa, MartetlA June. il?J?i . ncaster J"nctlen, Manhelui, Keadlnc and Lebanon, son time tables at all stations A. 11. WILSON, Superlnuindent. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD HUI1KD UI.K. Ineirectfram June 13.1&HH. Trains LBAva Lakeabtib and leave and arrive at l'hlladelphla aa fellows : Iiave Lu&vh WK8TWAHIJ. 1'acine Bipress) News Kinross) Way 1'asseiiKerl Mall train via HU Jnyl Ne.2UallTraln...,.V. Niagara Express. Hanover Acceui Fast Llnef 'roderlck Accein Lancaster Acceui Ilarrlsburg Accem,... Columbia Acceui llarrlsbnri; Bxpress.. Chicago and Cln. Kx.,t Western Express) Philadelphia. Lan caster, iir'p. m. 4 JO a.m. 4:30 a. m. 7.-00 n. in. r.-Aia. in. 65 a. in. RJOa. m. 0J1 a. in, 9.15 a. m. 9.50 a. m. 9J0 a. in. via Columbia 7:10 a. in. via Columbia 11:50 a. in. 2:oe p. in. 2:10 p. rn. 2-JiO p. m. B.30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 7:40 n. in. via Columbia via nt. Jey.. .iu ri ill. 4-40 p.m.; 5:40 p ln.t 8.50 p.m. 10:05 p.m. Leuve Lancaster. 9:31 a. m. 0 05 a. in, B:lea.si. 8.55 a. m. 9-00 a. m. 12.sp. m. 2-05 p. in. 3:00 p. m. 4:45 p.m. 10:45 p. in. 12.10 a. m. Arrive at EASTWAUD. Phlla. ExpressI Fast Llnef Harrlaburg Express., Lancaster Accem ar Columbia Accein Bnasbera Express Philadelphia Accem. Sunday Mall Day Express) Harrlsbunr Acrem.., Phlla. 415 a. rn. 8.25 a. rn. 10:20 a. m. via Mt Jey 11:45 a. m. 3:15 p. m, 5:00 p. m. 6:45 p. m. 6:50 p. m. C45 p. in. 9:13 p. m. xoe Lancaster Accommeuauon leaves uai Iarrls. burg at 8:10 p. in. and arrlves at Lancaster at 938 p.m. The Marietta Accommodation loavesColum bla at 6.40 a. m. and reaches Marietta at 0:55. Alse, leaves Columbia at 11:45 a. m. ana 2:45 p. m reaching Marietta at liOl and 2 55. Leave. Marietta at 3.05 p. m. ana arrlves at Columbia at 8:20 1 also, leaves at 8:35 ana arrlves at 8:50. -nThe Yerk Accommodation leave MerlPttAal 7:10 and arrlves at Lancaster ut 8.00 connecting' with llarrlsburg Express at 8.10 a. m. The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect. Ing at Lancaster with rest Line, west, at 2:10 p. m., will run through te Frederick. The Frederlck Accommodation, east, loavea) Columbia at 12.-28 and reaches Lancaster at 12:51 p.m. llanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Expresa at 9 JO a-m, will run through te ilanover, dally, except Sun day. Fast Line. west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downlnglewn, Ceutesvllle, 1'arke burg, MU Jey, Ellxabethwwn and Mladic town. true only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train west run bv way of Columbia. Js 11. WOOD, General Passenger Agent. CI1AS. E. l'UUII General Manager. hAaawAaB H IGH A MARTIN. REDUCTION -IN- PRICES. The sale of China, Glass and Queens ware, at Cut Prices, continues, without abatement. The Bargain Table has been replenished it number of times and new articles are added continually. Goods never were offered se cheap. New is the tlme for BARGAINS. FltUlT JAKS we have in abundauce. The Lightning Jar has no equal. Jelly Cups, Jars and Tumblers at Bettem Trices. 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTEH, PA, VAMABULa &0. K OSE llROS. A 1IARTMAN. V. HI. i"'j tu n nLUann. m .inn ania ihh J5!??ir.t V m.. lus ana tm n. m. GMAELL HighMHrtin, $4.00 PfiRflSQlS'i utDUCEurre $3.00. $3.00. VKUYIIIEST SATIN ! ALL INE fllLK U Tlie Manufacturers. Rese 6ms. & Hartmu, 14 EA8T KiNQ ST. pi,V s TORAHE Mi .- ffl nnuuraarrtu wiBnnnU' UUBUBUKtWn f..w.ii .,( OANUb MATJHLi deeHTd Ne. 1 Wet Cbwtamtj I 1 -a Ii 1 IK.4 i;fi'ja s. '1 , i 4 ' "A 4T 1 , J . V f- I .? W -, -1 i l4atgaiiuastite L . .w,ttK fc-..fc Amjte.giB&ivstx,ih..hAtet fe m JfaA&iti&&Ml&tiBi&