wiKZ'n .." Ul WPWJI"pww "'wimpy iWWIlliHRHHiHM She S M&t: 'Hj- ' p t. V VOLUME XXn-NO, 305. LANCASTER. PA., FRIDAY. AUGUST 27. 1880. PRICE TWO CENTS. .- Stcr IF 1 v ' T1IK1IIG COUNTY FAIR. 1T1HW1HU HI Jim A MUVBMK, A HO !W MIHTAhKAIIUVrtr. The llmj Hteiiea ul ('reparation at Midtann'l Park rreperlnc fur tha Itallnuu Aiteii. Ien Many Kntrles ler All tha Hates Premise Hum Ktrllliijc lltrnW. Preparation are being undo for tliu open ing of the big fair, which take place next wiwk at Mcdruun's park. Already tlmre li a great deal el bustle un (he park ground ami hore and there evor tbe large enclosure luen cm Ih seen wrestling with big piles ul beards and mysterious masses or compli cated machinery. Tlie llve sleck la already .beglnlng tenrrlvu and by to-merrotv oveu eveu lug the place will present u much llvller ap ap ap poarnnce. Tu tbe Ien of tbe otltrance tlie canvas of tbe big tout for tbe oxblbltieiiol fruit and pre duce Is In place. In tbe main building the ouipleyoi of dlf. lorent linns et this city are arranging tbelr displays, which they oxpecl U eclipse tliose of former year. Near tbe conlre et tbe grounds Willi mi Uohret, of Cpurnta, Is erod ing inainmetli eating nlaud. Utber parlies nre busy at work un tbelr siuces and alt of tbein oxpec'tablg time. Hearts rocelrod from all evor the county show tbat a great luterest Is minlfe-sted oerywboro and tliere Is no doubt tbat It w III be a ureal suocess. INK I1AI.I.OON AtiC'r.NHIIIM, Prof King, who wlllmake tbe balloon us rctistuu from tbe fair grounds en next Turn, day, arrived in Lancaster en Thursday and In new Htepplng nl tbe tlrae. Tbe professor Is Iho eldest noreiiant In tbe Culled Stains and has made 2N) ascensions ludllleruiil parts el tbe country. Ile tiude two ery Ieiik till" iiioudllterout invasions. One was from tbe fair (rounds ul l'lymenlb, New Hampshire, across the Malno ami Canada wild te tbe Gulmrst Lawrence Tbe utber was Irem Chicago te tbe wlldorness of Wlaoeusl n near l.sku Superior a distance uf between WM and iVH) miles, en tbe latter trip tbe prolesser bad a balloon w bleb bold IO,Uii) Inel or gas. Ile wan nccuiii.iuied by n I nllnl States signal elllcr, mid afler lauding tliy worn lest In tbe wueda ler eight days. Tlie balloon wblcti tbe professor will uhe bore baa made thirteen trips te cluudlaud. Tbe last une was at Cleveland, Ohie, en July I, In nhlcti tbe professor went twenty-fit e mile. Tbe air snip Is 37 feet In dlaiuetur and W feet high when attached te thecal. It has n capacity of 2.'i,lXl feet of gas. Tbe billoeu 1 yellow with red atrljHjs anil scrolling ; en uiioalde It tbe iiame," KirIe'r liyrle," and en tbe utber li n large picture of an mle limetlm; ever a nest et ealelH. Tbe work of Inflation wltb city Kai wilt begm early en Monday uiernlUR, and Tumday a lotofhy letofhy lotefhy l hk en km will be tnadeun tbogreiimla. Tbe ascenilun will llkely be tnade botwesu i and I o'clock en tbe following day. Tha I'ullra I'urra. ihe loIlenliiK iwena bae been appointed te act ex x)llcenifii durlnc tbe fair, and nearly all baie bet-n been morn In by Ma) or Morten : ('lilef l'elur I.uti. Track otUi'ra--Jelin llerr, I'atrkk Hutin, JameH lliiniH, Peter ltitcble, Harry Keadmati and II. V lUdclllle. t-eucoelllcers Captain, Jehn II. lluaheiiK, I. CiinnluKbain, 0. I). I.andls, Henry Hut ter, llnnry Iiemier, It. 1". Hen en, l-'roderlck Seber, Henry Kihleinan, Jehn Hutcbinaeu, Abraham llrnbaker, Jehn Klmler, Henry A tile. Hanuiel Dunlap, li. llarH)l, Aaren KeHsler, Helster Moaaenkop, Cloergo Over deer, Geerge Nagle, Ooergo Oant, Waxh llewman and Mlcliaei;i'llzatrlck. Nlgbt otllcers Captain, Harry lUtwl, Harry Kautz, Hamuut Hartman, U 1. Kanll limn, C. Kautz, D. M. Kbarley, and JiMOpb llex. ygrr reeicn uavkh. TIib LUt New Wall I'lllnl Willi Heme try Flua llersaa. Tbore will be races ou four days of tbe fair next week, and they protuUe te be tbe meat luloreatlng ever Heen here, Tbe lists are un usually large, lu tbe 3:00 claw for Tueaday tbere are no leaa than thlrteen eutriea, wbile fourteen her-tea will atart In the -:t5 claaa. Tbe running nicea will bave seven atartera atlea.it. It will be aeen tbat tlie nerwi which will go bore coma from all part et the cenn, try, and there are many geed one. The Judgen for tbe week will be K. S. Kdwarda, of Newark, secretary et tbe National Tretting BHHOclatlen , Jeaeph Harnett, of this clty.aiid Simen It. Cameren, of Denegal. The full and completo Hat of horaea Is an fellows ; TUKSHAt. Lancaster county horses that never atiutut In a rucc Jehn M. Aimir, I.ltlti, union hi a, "lllaik .lenu (ieliliut." Martin Miller, Oioheii, enters . in , " l.ttl 1 1) " William ri, Ijincaster, enters g. s., "Mldle thlan " Isaac K Mearlg, LuauKk,enteis hi. g., t lelt lave." C. V. Kete, Lancaster, enteis hi. in , " l!e4ile It." Daniel U. Kugle, Marietta, enters b. a , " Storm King." Ne. i tiuttlng class 3 te . purse, ti). William Hegg, Klrkwoetl, enters b. in , "busle Vui. Armstruug, ltusieHllle, enlrra cb. g, "Hilly A.' .Inliu M. Aiuei, J.ltllz, outers tlk. ni " tVar wlcklltrl. Kilwanl II. MacUunlgln, Lancaster, cntei-s In, s . " Yeung MiilitleUiwn." " ir. Y. Ilclllngs, I'bllailelnhla, enters ib. g, "Handy " K C. Clark, l'otlalewn, enters b. in, "Miss Kelly." Kluier K. Smith, Phtladelphla, enters g. Ul., "Woeita." (!. M. Matlack, West Cheater, enters hr. g., "frlnai Allou." Ullllain. II. Btekeljr, rbllutlelpiila, enters br. g.. "Tem Itockferd." I. I). II. llrewu, llinUboie, enters blk. g, " Ktnden." .1. B. Aljcinatliy, Columbus, Ohlej enters b.g , " Itrd oak." Wash Wendruir, rblladclilila, outers blk. m., "Miiffgle II" W. it. Aruistieng, fair Hill, Mil., enters b. g, "Solitaire." WKDNESDAY. Tinttlng S.1A claaa; purse, . Hllllaui Hh, Lancaster, enters s. g, "tilth ant." Frank II. MailJonlgle, Lancaster, cuteis b. c "Johnny II." (1. M. Mallatk, West Chester, enters b. g , "Hei a Pease. ' W. K. Htekely, Phllailelphla, outers . g., "Illlly K " Ne. i running -One-half mlle; pursu, IUJ. Jehn Lynch, Philadelphia, enters b.g.," J J. I)." Bain u el Uerry, l'hllaaelphla, enteis s. ui "Llk." Hllas Wiight, l'aikeaburg, enters br. g., "Ho "He leiee." Daniel Legan, Lancaster, enteu bi g., "Kin iiey." Jehn Uppleby, Culpepper, Va , enters b in., " Kellne." Nelly llurke, Cambiidge, N. Y' euteiu s, g , "Marts 11." Jehn llurke, Westchester, b g, "fieieu Hill." TUUHSUAY. Tiettlug i.tlaisi purse, I-.hu. William Kiss, Luucaater, enters b. g," Illlly U." rrank U. MacQenlgle, Lancaater, enters b.g, "Johnny II." W. II. Btokely, Phlladelphta, enters s. g "llrlghten" Charles II. Smith, lladdenlleld, N. J., entjis r, g,"llluu Cloud." Ne. 'Jiunhlug Three i u a run J ofuiile) puree, Jehn Lynch, l'hilaJclphla, enters b g., "J, J, Hlles Wright, l'aikesburg, enters b. g., "lie feiee" Daniel Legan, Lancaster, enters b g., ' Kin ney." Jehn Uppleby, Culpepper, Va, outers b. in , " Kellne '' M. V. Hayes, West Chester, enters b. g , " Net Trtmble." Nelly llurke, Caiubildge, N, Y., enteis b. g , "Marls II." Jehn llurke. West cheater, outeis b. u, " t rexeu illll." ritlllAY. Tretting 2. t5 class ; Durue, taw. William fiss, Ijiiicaster, enters b. ir " Illlly I)." William HeKg. Klrkwoed. enters b. lu.. "Duilu H." William Armstieng, Uusselvllle, enters ch. g "Hilly A." n. II. Macaenlxle, Lancaster, enters br. s, Yeung Mtddletewn." H. W. Helllngs, l'blludelphta, enteis ch. ., ' Handy." K C. Clark, l'ottatewn, enters b. m., Miss Kullv " Klui'er K. Smith, Philadelphia; enters" g. in , "Woetta" O. M Matluck, West Chester, enters blk s " l'rlnce Alleu." W. it. fitekely, Philadelphia, enters br. g., Tem itockferd." J. l, U, Urevru, Ulrdibore, enters blk.g., Kin-den." J.H. Abnmathey, Columbus (Ohie), enter b. g , "lied oak." Jehn M, Amcr, I.HIU, enters blk, in , " War. wlckillil." Wash Woediuir.l'hlladultihla, entein blk, ti' "MbijkIiiH." W. IP. Armstieng, ralr Illll (Md.l, enters b. g "Belllalre," Nik UuiinbiKione mile dash uin, llm) Jehn Lynih, l'hllaillphla, enteis h. g., "J, Uanlel Legan, Lancaster, enters br, g, " Kin ney." Jehn Uppleby, Culpepper (Va.), enters b. tu , " Kellne." M. W. Hayes, West Chester, enters b. g., Nut Titmbln." Nelly llnike, Cainbrlilga (.V, .), enters s. g. "Marts II." Jehn llurke, West Chester, enteis b g,"Krciin IIPI" w. II. Armstrong, ratr illll (Md ),enteisbr g, " Ldlseii." rule uvkhthm ur railway. fiema Cogent Conclusions tjenrernlng n Itecent Magatlne Arllile. , Kntieiii lNTKi.t,i(ii;N(T.u: Tbe extract publlsliodlnthlievonlng'a lNTi:i,l.iut:NCi:ii, from a paper by l'ref. Hlcbanl T. Illy In Jlnrper'ijMiKjatinc, en "Kngllsb and Amer ican Hallwaya," nre neither without founda tion or Hignlllcaiice. Hotreata his nubject In an iinblaNed and tinoiulvecal inanner, and depicts In clear and coiuprebeuslblu terma tbe evlla of " lioedloaa waateul railway ceuiielltluii, catluiatixl ijt une bund red infllleiiH of dellara," tbe "noed. I,M4M n rimulltlirn ndit flnln fit tl.tlelial 10 Bourcea," tbe evlla arlalng from irallel and cemtHitliig reads," tbe "discriminations In charge" and "tbe reckleas prodigality el liti man ilie." .... TImwe grute subJecU. se ably dlscusted, wilt naturally cause tlilnklng moil U) rellect, and reHuslbln oltleent te seared ler tbe cause, which, I would iinbesilatlugly sug gest, la read lly te be found III tbe tee vaay lacllltiea nlbirded liiexerlmicMl and Irrespeu- sltiloauseiiiuroni ler organizing anil inmrH. rating taigus and linsubsUiitlal coin pan len. Tbe re.il aim or bouest aMcuaters Is te Inrraiwi and further tbe raiiilllcatlenaut our rallniads rather than te liatnm and hamper existing (Vir(M)ratlena. Kver sltice the Introduction el iiillwnys en this continent they baMi played such a con spicuous part lu doMileplug tbe resources of tbe country and Increasing tbe facilities fur commerce that they hae nut only attracted tbosieclal iiollce ufiMpltalists but hae ho-i-euio an lniJitaiit anil desirable aource el Imesttiient te commercial men and tbe ub lie generally. Most poeplo, lu tlie present day, are fami liar witli the marvelous power of tbe Iron Iren horse, with tbe Immensity of trallle it has creaked and with the facilities It atlurds for bringing distant friends and distant places Inte direct and mere froquent communica tion , though low iwople, )ier!iaps, bae anv concoptien of tbe dllllcultles which bave te be of erceui'j nod tbe Ubiileus outlay IiituU ed by tbe promoters of our liet.n rule companies, net only lu battling with tbe natural objects which inenace andluipedu tbe construction el our railroads, but also in averting opcnjelijeo tleus and tbe great prejudlce which Iseugen Iseugen dvred by suspicious el tbe genuineness of tbe enterprise, seme of them te well warranted by the startling frequency with which chronic incubators et mythical railways usurp tbe attention and appropriate the In vestments of a tee credulous public Tbere can be no greater enemy, even lu Wall street, te tbe progress and success el legitimate aud honest railway eulorprlse than tbe mere HIiccuUter'M read, tbe projectom el which never realize their Utopia but never fall te leave ethers te rocegulro tbelr felly. In Kurute companies gotten up by Irrospuu Irrespuu Irrospuu slble persona and without any substantial supporters cannot llve. Tbe promoters or a new mad must be pecuniarily reieuslble lerens and their names must appear en tbe iirosjectus as a " Previsional Committee " te income tbe lint directors of the company, if t he Miners sought te construct a read ate granted ; they are also chargeable with all preliminary expenses, and as au earnest of geed faith and n safeguard against mere adventurous apeculaters they must actually deposit S per eenU el tbe estimated cost of Iho read at tbe time njv pllcatlun Is made for such powers, whilst the privileges granted expire within a specltled limited time, usually llve years, thus preventing any Impecunious company from unjustly depriving u district of tbe bonellts of railway accommodation or simply banging onto a charter until It is bought up at their own price by some mere mighty comptrollers et consels and stocks. Uxlutiug and competing companles with any lucua jMmft bave tbe privilege of petitioning against an Intended opposing cenipauy and causing an Inquiry which elicits lacus and figures te prove whether or net thu trallle of the district Is sulllcient te warrant the out lay for un additional read, and show whether the earnings would be likely te exceed tbe OTpenditure and yield a return en Invest ments. " Needless wasle of railway competition " is consequently impossible, and the trallle which could only keep two or mero com peting companies in insolvency is diverted te the ene Nina lido read, with its feeders, best devised te serve the requirements el thu district The " needless oxpendlturo and waste el national resources " is in llke man ner averted, and tha prudent capitalist seeks te open out unexplored territory rather than te encroach upon und depreciate that uiiKli Is already invaded. Tbe flagrant and known " discrimination lu charges" se lully elaborated by Professer Kly might be obviated by the adoption in place et the many " I'oeU," and " Trallle Associations" of a general railway clearing bouse vteil with the power or uualterably llxlug all rates and et apportioning tbe pre rata of earnings of all through trallle te the several companies ever whose read such trallle has passed. This would also ellectually end the disastrous and demoralizing system of rate-cutting and rslliead wars. Tbe " reckless prodigality el human life" brought into quostleu in the urtlcle re. forred te, is tee serious te gouuheodod or mi liivestlgatedby the railroad managers, though tbe primary step towards lessening tbe sad sacrltice Is te reduce tbe number of crossings en grade. I might speak of the dltlerence of cost and sliced between Knglish and American rail w ays, but time and space allke forbid. Professer Illy concludes by Having, "te our railway kings we ewo nothing," anil 1 would add tb it it is only their exorbitant re immolation that lias Hindu Ilium such, thay bave been mere than amply rewarded and are iiiiblusblnglyable te bear the burden of tbelr title. They bav u doue mero for tlioni tlieni tlioni Ktjlveslhati fur tbelr country. Ci!Aiti,i:s M.uNav. Allg. til, iHMi. Ilase Hall Uriels. Tbe Association games of Thursday re sulted as fellows : At Philadelphia: Athletic 2, Haltimeru 0 ; at Htaten Island : Brooklyn G, Metropolitan 'J: at Leuisville: I'lttaburg;7, Louisville .'1. Tbe League games yesterday vvoie: At Detreit: Philadelphia 11, Detroit 10; at Kansas City: New Yerk l'J, Kansas City 7; nt Chicago : Ilosten I, Chicago 10 ; at tit. Leuis: Washington 3, tSLLeulsil. Only oue gauie was played ou Thursday In thu rjiala League, Altoeua defeating Kcran Kcran teu by the score of l'J te 3. Chicago leads Detroit slightly. The latter losing te Philadelphia and the perk packers winning Irem Ilosten, makes the clubs equal iu tha games wen, but iu these lest Detroit is one behind the champions. uarKiu uiaue a nema run aim ivve iripirs oil Conway . of Haltlmore, yesterday. Hart pitched well for the Athletics yester day and Haltlmore li ad but tbree hits. The Democratic Candidates Meet. The corridors of the Olrard house wero tilled last evenlng with the leading Demo Deme Demo cratle statesmen, wbile tbe candidates of the party wero in consultation up-stalrs In room Ne. II rolatlve te the opening of the cam paign. Lleutenaut Governer Chauncey P. Illack, the candidate ler governor, arrived in the afternoon aud took dlnuer with Chair, man W. U. UeuseL Messrs J. rJiuipsuu Africa, Maxwell Htoveuson and Cel. K llruce HlcketU, the ethor candidates, arrived later and a conference was held participated In by ethor leading Democrats of the city and state. Mr. Henael said that be had net yet fully determined as te whether he would eieu the pormaneut headquarters of the state coinrnittee at the Olrard house or at Heme ether location, ami would probably net settle that questleu Jbr several days. m Passed Through, nilmere'a "Devll'a Auction" car passed lbreutU Lancaster at 0 :-7 o'clock this morning. A LITTLE BOY KILLKD. THO Of ill I'LArMATKH 1'AtHVVLt.r iKjvitmn in rum avvidbnt. While Atltinptlng te Crawl lmn a l.ninlier I'lle en North lliika Htraat It Topples llvrr Crushing Ilia Skull and iiraakliig tha Nnk of Harry Iteiner, Ou Thursday evening a lorrlble acoldent, In which une child was killed and two ethers injured, occurred In the nerthern part of Iho city, lsrael P. Mayer Is erecting twelve brick houses en North Duke street, botween Clay and New atreets. At Ne. OK) North Christian Htroet lives the family el Henry Itolner, Boddler, whose shop Is en Duke strcet opieslto the new huuses. llotweon six and seven o'clock Harry A. and Itlcbard, two beiis) of Mr. Itelner, aged rosectivoly six and threo years, wero playing with Harry Hhade, aged nlne years, and Heme ethor children around thu buildings. In tbe rear nf tlie new houses tbore was a high plloef lieavy tliuber, hucIi as joists, Ac. 'I he children wero playing around Iho feo of Iho pile and finally thev attemnted te cllmbup tbe Hlde of it. Nuddeniy thetlm lair loll evor uixm thorn. The heavy pieces fell ou Harry Keiner, crushing him leneath them. Keveral pieces nle struck young Hhade. The ethor children wero terribly frlghteneiland began te scream , Iho father of tbe Reiner children was near by mid be and several ether men ran te the place. They found Harry fast under the Umber, with ene large plote across bis neck. They quickly uncovered and took I I til out. He was then alive, but died lu a low moments. Hisskuil rus fractured, his neck broken and he was covered with cuts and bruises. Ills body was earrled te his home. Dr. Hyuswansent for te attend young Khade, He w.vs found te bovery badly injured Internallv, and It Is feared that be may yet die. lilcbard, the younger of the Reiner heys, luul oue leg hurt, but his Injuries nre net at nil serious. Soen alter the accident Coieuer llenaman was sent for te held an inquest ever Iho (lead bay. He oittpannellcd ajurv veiisUtlug of I'harlcfi II. .Smith, James Lhriii.iu, Henry Hudyslll, Jelm Marlen, C'o-iper K Knight, and lloergo lluehl. They rendered n ver dict of accidental death in ait'ordaiice with the facts. Harry Shade, the Isiy who was se severely Injured, resides in Heading. He cauie te lncister seme weeks age ami was stepping with the family of Herman Rasper, at 150 North I'rlnce Htroet- Tills afternoon the hey was still alive, but lu n dangerous way. 'Iho physician states that It Is dlllicult as yet te loll exactly the extent of bis injuries. The lltlle fellow Is a seu or Michael (Shade, who Is a brulher In-law of Mr. Kasissr. Jiuitiiiaux'n jiit.L iivnnr.it. The I,u, Net X ary llaavy, Covered lijr lusur niua A ltluu. Aluarnajr Hull. Wiiitk Hec K, Aug. "A Thelight from a large II re was noticed en Monday night oil te the uerlheivst or this point, uud In tbe morn ing we received news that it was caiifcd by the burning or the Heur and grist mill lu Coleraiu township, known as Morrison's mill, new owned ami operated by Frank HhiillT. it was an old stene Htructure and net valued very highly, aud It Is thought all less will be fully covered by the Insurance et l,Mxi placed In the Soutbern Mutual company el Quarry ville. The less en contents Is very light, as ibis Is a season el the year w hen but iit'.le grist work Is done. Klwr Keecb, son el Milten, who owns uud operates the large farm aud creamery el tSpruce Orove, lately improved with large new buildings, was placed In an exceedingly unpleasant predicament in trying te handle afour-berso team and b fractious Alderney bull at the oame time. Said Ahlerney bull having arrived at the age of discretion, like all bulls of the get us Ahlerney, has taken into bis head te be boss of tbe ranch about tbe horse department at Charles N. Cellins' ; aud, having succeeded te his satisfaction lu his horse conquest, with rising ambition, en Friday afternoon proceeded te extend the boundaries of ids realm by trespassing into the Held or Neighbor Kecch. It is net deti deti nltely known whether he simply wanted te annex this Held, or whether he ebjected te any slanderous imuarks made by seme ene of the Keecb citizens and publlsbed only in the torrltery of Keech, but Master IMier has no doubt et tlie tact that lie proceeded in true Mexican bull ring style te force both horses te the same side of the tongue, aud te make bis leaders seek refuge at thu rear end of the wagon. Winding all ellerts nt picllicatieu or intimidation unavailing, and iu the encum bered condition of bis forces being unable te deploy for a successful tight be promptly coucluded te withdraw, uud this he did at lull speed w Itheut serious less ou either Bide. At present matters remain in statu quo. Premier Milten and Sir Charles nre using ill the arts known te diplomacy te preserve the honor and dignity et tbelr respective domains intact. Ily an unfortunate accident Jesiali Walker, f Wh Ile Heck, lest his most valuable horse en Tuesday morning; wbile playing in the Held he slipped, and tailing heavily breke bis front leg, necessitating killing him. UVHIUVH HMSTURS OF tlVKtVH. , Voting Man ltsrs Ills Xeltealut it Heliirns Willie lie la Inlusliiited. Kmiiiivii.i.i;, Aug. '.7. Master Ames Heecb, cut ills feet severely while chopping weed. He Is vi ry unfortunate, having somo semo some tiuio age uarr wiy escaped death by the bursting of a g ill iu his hands. He also lest complete contiel of Ins speech, and regained it iu the following singular way. Wlille at tending u plcuie ou Saturday evening last, he hecume Intoxicated, and meeting his father he remarked : " Daddy, daddy, is that you?" These wero the lirst audible words he bad spoken for months. Whlle attending the festival in Wettlch's weeds given by the New Previdence band, Aug "I, Miss Mazie Ciuibel, el Kawlins vllh, was se unfortunate us te lese u valu able gekl ring. It was highly prized beoause ul it belllg AgilL Mr. Henry Iteose is ou tlie sick list. Mrs. Harry Khinebart died Irem n stroke nl palsy. The Interment was lu tbe Hyer land burial ground Friday, 17th. .SbevvasOS jcaisel age. HAHUIK1) Ul.S JfATUKH'H IMJUIf. Ihe NliptlnU Orated n blisatlun In Camden, New Jersey, huilety circles. Tlie Philadelphia Heceni says a wedding occurred at Mauasquan, N, J., ou Wednesday evening which has caused n sensation at that place and has givett rise te much gossip in Camden, vviieru tlie parties dwell. Wash ington Perks, a young limn who net long sluce attained Ills majority, who realdea at Nil fte.'i Arch stroet, Camden, was marrled te his step-mother. The atlalr was witiiossed by a number of tbe Held and stall elllcers of the (Sixth lteglnicut, of Camden, new en camped at SSea (JlrL Yeung l'crk'H lather, Hicbard, was quite a luemlueut citizen of Camdeu during his life, ile made considerable money in manufac turing tassels, and was elected councilman at large en the lvepublicau ticket about seven years uga At I bat time he resided at the southeast corner el Fifth and Stevens streets. Shortly after the death uf his lirst wile he married a domestic, employee, in uis latniiy, vvhlcli gave great eiieusu te ins uaugu ters, who wero preiuiueut uieiiibers of Camden's best society. Tlie daughters left the parental home, and then Mr. Pel kit, with his young wile, Nettle, went te llve at Ne. eJli Arch streeU The ullalr caused u great deal of ndvorse criticism, ami much sympathy wits uianllested ler the Misses Perks. A low yeara age Hicbard PerkH died, leaving neatly all ills estate, about (30,000, te his wile. Sluce then the son has been paying atteutleu te bis father's widow. He had lived with bis lather at Ne. 535 Arch street, aud continued te live there ever Hlnce with his step mother. The two Boomed fend of each ether, and the bend el atlectien ripened Inte leve and resulted In tbe union of the aen aud stop-uietlior. The latter Is about 32 years of age. It was stated by a Camden lawyer that this marriage Is prohibited by the New Jersey I statutes ns being within tbe prescribed de-1 groesufniilnlty. Such a marriase lsprohl lsprehl bltcd by law lu thu stale. THBIH M MM Tit H HUH ION. The Matters Who Itad a tlala Time importing at Yerk Furimta. The Pennsylvania mid Maryland Union Medical association bold their ninth annual rounlen and plcnlu at Yerk Furnace ou Thursday. About tbree hundred inombers and guesU wero present rrem dlllerent towns in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and New Yerk. The following Is a Hill and com pinto list ! Henry Carpentor, (lea It. Welchans, Wil liam Cnmpten, J. Aug. llhler aud Prel. J. II. Kevinskl, Lsncaslcr j Alex. Thompson, Miss IrfiuOrllllth, S. J. Hoiise ami wlfe, O. W. Wenlz, Mrs. I). K. Hmiiiett, Mrs. K. Stabl man, Mrs. Hpangler, C. I- IjwIs ami wife, Jacob Hay, J, H. Miller and wlfe, J, It. Hpangler, Nlles II. Nhearer, Miss Jeannettn Jessup, Kenneth Mallow gall, James vV. Lilltnuru, Jehn V. Splutler, Jasper Hpiutler, A. V. Pelack ami Wlbi, li. Krev. W. 1'. Haceu, Mlsa Aunle llelaliau, A. )l. Lefovre and wife, J. V. Hnhbeck, Jr., and wlfe, C. II. Ntrech, Mrs. Kll Miller and Hen, I. C. (labie, Miss Aiinle Hupp, Miss Fannle Hartman, IK A. Hupp anil family, Miss llerlha I'rey, II. D. Hupp, A. Hartman, Mrs. Krben, (ioergo W, Wulser, Mrs. K. J. Miller, Hev. V. A. Hurnliaiii, 1). K. Oetwald, li C. Heck, .Inn. Hair, Kebort C. Hair, It. Yeung aud J. W. Kerr, el Yerk ; Alex Craig, J. C. Slener and wlfe and datighter, S. Atloe Hecklns, I). Hruuner, Mrs. Wright, .Miss Kauilman, (J. W. Hernthelzel, T. M. Livingston and wife, J, A. Meyors, J. II. Ilerr, J. H. McIIird and Miss Maggie Purple, of Columbia; lllanche Heed. S. I), Hlsler antl HortbaFrey, of Philadelphia; J. A. MiiHser, of ltmiKiter; J. (I. Weaver, of Strashurg; O, W. lie.ine, of Halnbrldge, S. Matt I'rldy and A. If. Kehror, of Mouutvllle; J. W, C. O'Neal and daughter.ufOeltysburg; Kdgar Parker aud sister, uf West Chester ; Miss Hannah Halley, or Virginia; H. Mow Mew ery, of Marietta ; II. 1'. Livingston, Jas.lt, Orove and Jehn Jehn Livingston and wife, el Hroguevlllo; A. W. .Miller, of Hirddn Hand ; J. D. Mevvery, of Creswell; W. K. Hlshep, of Harrlsburg; James U Kerr, J, C. Channel and wife, D. H. Cimk aud vvile, I'. J. Meyors and wife, II. Wilbur and datiehter, Jehn A. Thompson and lamlly, ami Miss Mnggle Iverr, of Wrighbvllle;Mrs. S. McDowell, or Oxford ; 1L .11. Smith, C. M. I'ulsen and M. D. Posey, of Cbancoferd ; Miss K. Hoyd.efScrttiitou ; I. Kellly Hucher of Lebannn ; I. W. Kailh, el Scballerstewu ; J. 11. Sensenlg, of Wltnier: Mrs. C. H. Or.ivcs and Miss Ida Shaw and P. T. Uraves, of Dallostewu ; J. L. .legler and wile, and Miss il. W. Pattersen, or Mount Jey ; J. M. Wltmer, of Conostega ; Jehn Merris and A. C. Matthews, ul Haltlmore ; W. 11. Mc Curdy and wlfe, or Delta ; W. J. Wentz. and wlfe, and Miss Hortle Wenlz, of New Provi dence ; Olive Montgomery and T. M. Hobrer and Miss Uensel, of Quarry vllle; 1. 11. Kirk el Wakelield; D. F. Shuro and family, of Shuro's Landing, Md.; Miss Maud Shuro, of Havre-de-Oraco ; li. J. Williams and wife, H. H. Prigg, Mm. II. L. Ceeley, tiea K Scott, W. Stump l-'orweod nnil lamlly, 11. Clay Whlteferd and wife, or Darlington, Md.; (lee. S. Dare, HuslngSun, Md.; Miss Carsen, Wil liam Hroemell, Miss V. IL Carsen and W. II. Neble, or Pert Deposit, Md. At tlie business meeting tbere was ,i large attendance. Dr. H. -S. Hroeuiell, et Pert De posit, the retiring president, delivered en ad ad dress ou "Specialties lu Medlciue," which was attentively listened te. Drs. lteland, of Yerk, Cnng, of Columbia, and Kouse,ot Yerk, were appointed a lotntnlt letntnlt lotntnlt tee te prepare a history el tlie objects et tbe association. A committee consisting of Dr. I erward, of Darlington, Maryland, lteland, or Yerk, and Zelgier, of Mt, Jey were apjMjintisl te prerare a memorial el the late Dr. Jehn L. Atleote be placed iu the history Dr. CariMmter, of tblscity,iiinved tochange the date of holding tbe reunion from the last Thursday iu Auciiht te the second Thursday erf-'epteniber. It was relerred te the cjiocu cjiecu cjiocu tlve ceuiuiittee. The election of otllcers ler the ensuing year resulted as lollews: Prexideut, Dr. J. W. C. O'Neil, Gettysburg , vice presidents. Dr. Henry Carpenter, Lancaster; Dr. U. C. Wbltferd, Darlington, Md. ; secretary and treasurer, Dr. B. J. Heuse, Y'erk ; executive committee, Drs. Alexander Craig, Columbia; J. W. Housten, Chester county; Geerge 8. Dare, Hlsmg Sun, Md.. I. Heilly Hucher, Lebanon, and S. J. Heuse, Yerk.- Tlie day was very pleasantly spent ami the annual banquet was given at Crey's hotel, en the Yerk county side, where till did tbe geed things ample justice. Speusler's orchestra, of Yerk, furnished the music durlug the day. Among the Gunners III Thursday's contests In the three days' pigeon tournament at the Throe-MUe house, near Heading, the record et Jehn Cline, el this city, was as follews: Hrst match, for soven birds, twelve enlrle, Cllne tied for second money, 11.01, with lour ethers; they shot oil and M-Cooper wen. In the second match at 5 birds each, C'line vv as among tbe four ties for second money, $1'J 'M, and it was divided between (ioedmaii, Cllne and M. Cooper. Te-day a match will be shot at JO birds each, ,50 yards rise, with both barrels, JO entrance money, ilurllughatu rules te govern. In a day anda halt's hunt in the lower end of the county, Jacob aud t barles Frauclscus and Herace Miller shot J- ground-hogs. Tu Spread Itellgleii .Imuug the Heathen. The annual meeting of the Society ler Propagating the Gespel Among the Heathen was held Wednesday e eulng, in Bethlehem, Bishop KdmunddoSchweiuitz, S. T. I)., of the Moravian church, presiding. Interesting lotters vv ero read from tbe Merav iau missions iu Alaska and Labrador, where the society is doing neble work. All the old ollicers wero ro-electod. Tlie ninety-ninth anniver sary et the soclety was colebr.itod Thursday en Calypso Island by n leve feast aud servlce ei song in me epen iur. itisuep ue rscuwei uttz presided uud delivered .tu address. Ilelltatiy Orphans lluinu Cetebratluu. Tblrty-tlve hundred poeplo attended the tweuty-third aunivers.iry oxerclsos or the Bethany Orphans' Heme ( Kofermod church) at Womolsderf, Herks county, ou Thursday. Ad Jressss were made by Hev. Themas M. Yundt, the biineriutendeut: Hev. L. K. Hvaus, or Pottstevvn ; Hen. Jereiuiah lless, el Holierloun ; Hev. Dr. A.S. Leliibacb, el Headiug: Hev. Dr. A. J. Dubbs and Hen. Hubert K. Wright, uf Allentewn, nud Hev. Dr. P. W. Kramer, of Lebanon. Over fiiOO vv ere contributed nnil pledged by visitors te tbe Heme, which has sixty-nine iumates. Te Teaih Natural Science at Alllleiaville. I'ref. II. V. Illtner, the huccossei- te the late Prof. Jehn S, Frniontreut, at the Keystoue State Nermal school, has resigned his posi tion aud accepted the professorship of natu ral science iu the Millersvllle Nermal school, at a greatly advanced tulary. Whilst his de partment at K utztevv n was ineniat philosophy and i;ngllsh iitoraiure, uoalselauglituotauy, ami lu this no met Willi sucii success that his work was known ivs the tluest botanical work tu any normal school in the state. His do de do parture will occasion u serious less te tbe school at Kutztevvn, uud he will be a very important addition te the leaching lorce nt Millers ville. bummer l.eliuie. lu addition te tliose mentioned yoster yester day, Mr. Charles F. Huchmiller went ou the excursion te Luruy. Mrs. William llarklus. of Hest Klug'.street, who had been visiting friends iu Altoeua ter some 1 1 me past, lias returiKHt te her home in this city. Miss Katie Jacksen, el Lancaster, is visit lug the family of Themas Habb, West Choster. Congressman lliestaud, K. J. Met! rami uud Dr. 11. li. Muhlenberg have gene te Safe llarlxir te enjoy the luss iislilng ter day, A Lancaster Hey lluti iu a Nailer, t'leni the f hlladulphla Pleas. Dr. Jehn H. Doaver, professor ut Iho Poun Peun sylvania hospital, has se many private patieniaat me viermau Hospital thai no was uuable te secure oue day's respite from work this suiumer, In spite et many invitations lie received. Ilitrglars Operating In Lltltz. Burglars arowerklug Litilz. Ou Thurs day uight the railroad restaurant was entered and the money drawer rilled, aud the same night au attempt was made te outer the utnrn nf llav.ln TaliuHi, Wlm tlilAnn. hn.1 - l - l ene nole In tlie front deer, and thou wero I frightened away. COMMON PLEAS COURT. A Mtri.lt THAHtlAVTMS THAT VAUHKD (JUITtC A t.AWHUIT. Verdict for I'liOiillrffer Feil Amount et Clsln Viewers Appointed In I'lirsuanraettltel'e. Illluns Presented During Last Week's litis (Juarter Kesslens Court. Tlie attention of tlie court was occupied this morning for au hour In the trial el n tnulecase. The parties wero James and Kdwahl H. Kauilman. The facta according te plaintiirs witnasse-j were that Ilrysen twas the ewner of n niule which he gave te Daniel Mtiler, el Mlllorsvllle, te sell In the summer of 1881. Miller sold him te Kauilman Ter 12.) and when Ilrysen domanded tho;inenoy for the mule from Kauilman he was told by Kauilman that he did net recognize him lu the transaction and rofused te pay him. This suit was then brought. At the conclusion or plaintiirs testimony counsel for defendant moved for a non-suit, en the ground that Kauilman never, knew that Mlller was an agen ter Hry seu and it a fraud wasporpetrated by Mllier, Kauflman was net lnlormed or it. The court overruled tlie motion. The dofense was that when Mlller sold tlie mule te Kauilman he represented lilmself as the ewuer aud said he had bought him near Hphrala. The price agreed upon was flZJand Kauilman gave Miller fj In cash and gave him credit for fl-Oeu a note Mlller owed hlui. The matter was submitted te the jury under the instructions or the court aud the court ruled that under the testimony and law the verdict must be in favor el the plaiutlir for the lull amount efhlsclalin. Tliejury round rerplalntlll hisfl.TI.IO. The Jurylu the Sonseufg-llesh c.xse round for plalntur Ter felCJ. In purmiance of tlie petitions prosented during the quarter sessien court vveek tbe following wero appointed viewers te-day: V loners Appointed. Frank 11. Uresh, Jehn McHrideaud James P. Watsen were appointed vlowers te change the reute of a read In ML Jey township irem a mint ou the Ellzabothtewn and Manhclni read and ending at n point en the Colobreok read. lsrael W. Metzgar, Hicbard V. Hegar anil Nelsen Welfklll, viewers te lay out a read in Hast Cocallce township rreni a point en the read leading Irem Koamstewn te Heading aud ending at a point en the raid leading from Denvorte the Heading read. Jehn K. Wiley, Adam Dennisen and Jehn lu Ulngrlch, viewers tochange the reute or a read in West Denegal and Ceney townships, and beginning a point ou the read running from ML Vernen te Halnbrldge, and endlng at a point near the Cedar Hill school heuse. Adam J. Heckatleld, Ames Uellinger and Adam Lefever, vlowers te report en the ne cessity of widening a read In West Lam peter township, beginning at a point en the Hoaver Valley aud HIgSprlngturnplkocem- fauy, and ending en the read leading from laveratick's mill te Lampeter Sqtiare. Will. II. Husher, Hicbard V. Kogar, anil Isaac K. Ovorheltzer, viewers te layout a private read iu East Cocalico township through lands et Goerco SwelgarL Isaac Uradley, Day vVoed and Jehn B. Hickwcll, viewers te vacate a part e! a read In Fulton township, beginning ata point ou tbe read leading treui Weed's mill te Pleas ant Orove and endiug ou the read leading te Penn Hill. D&vU A. Hrevvn, Themas P. King aud Jehn David Wllseu, viewers te vacate a read in Fulton township and lay nut In Hen there of a read from tbe house el Geerge Jeukins, te Intersect the read leading from Wrights dale. Jeseph IJ. Morrison, David Jacksen and Geerge Pierce, viewers te Vicatea read in Hart township, between properties of Philip Shubeand ending at property nt Milten Hot Het delbaugh, and laying out another read in lieu thereof. Sam Matt Fridy, Benjamin L. Getz and Hiram L. Garber, viewers te vacate a read in West Homplield township from a point Iu the read leading from Silver Springs te the Harrlsburg turnpike, aud terminating at a point In the read betvveeu the Harrlsburg and Marietta turnpike. Wm. Phillips, Jeseph D. Hastings and J as. II. Kerry, revlowers te lay out a public read in Celemin township, from a point en the read leading from Porryvllle te Black Heck Fording, and endiug at a point en the new Quarry ville and Klrkwoed read. Sainuel Slaymaker, city, Wm. Hendersen and Samuel Slecuiii, wero appointed com missioners te establish the boundary lines between .Salisbury, Leaceck, Last Larl aud Carnarvon townships. Sainuel Kvans, A. N. Cassel, Henry l'ck ert, Michael Metzgar and Chas. J. Kheads, v lowers, te assess damages by tbe proposed opening or Seuth Marshall street. Samuel C. Slayiuaker, Kmauuel P. Koller aud Samuel Slekum, wero appointed te ox ex ox nminetho Hird-ln-Uand turnpike, te ascer tain wjieiiicr it is properly constructed, Samliel Leng, Wm. McCombs, jr., aud Jehn Hurt, viewers te vacate part el read iu Drumere township, beginning at a point ou tbe read leading Iren) Buck te Liberty Square anil endlng ou the read leading from llawllns llawllns ville te Liberty Square. I. N. Keen, David Brown and Jehn C. Lewis, te report ou the necessity of an inter county bridge betvvoen Coleraiu township, Lancaster county, aud Upper Oxford, Choster county. Samuel F.vans, Liu'l. P. Keller and Jehn 11. High, te report en the necessity of bridge between liucaster and Dauphin counties, ever the Couewago creek. Thoe. A. K Inzer, Jeseph Oborheltzor and Heese 11. Davis, viewers te lay out a read iu Hast Karl township, from a point ou the read leading from Fairvllle te Koamstewn and ending oil the read leadiug Irem Pairville te Muddy creek. Dr. N. B. Kline, Monre e Keddlg uud Jehn Bear, viewers te lay out a read in Kph rata township, treui a point ou tlie read leading Irem Stelnmetz.'s meeting beuse, (Bethany church), and endlng ou the read leading from Kphruta towards Akren. CONlTHMMIONS AU-iOl.l' IU. Tlie report of roviewors of a read iu l'.llzabetli township, from a isjint ou the llar- risburg uud Dowuiugtevvn turnpike and leadiug from Clay te Penuvllle. The ro'iert of viewers of a read iu Colo Celo Cole ruin township, from a iieliit ou the read from Bartvllle te Oxford, uud ending at a point iu the roadlrem Klrkwoed te Andrews' Bridge. Acquitted lu Lebauuti. Jonathan Poiller, who was trietl here lest vveek under tbe uaiue of Jonas Feuler, and upon being acquitted was taken te Lobauen, was tried iu court there yosterday on'charges orreuulug the Cornwall suitieu, ei ine torn tern vvall it Lobauen railroad. The common wealth proved the rebbery el tbe articles from the station, and Special Olllcer Holl Hell mau, of the Headiug A Columbia railroad, testliled that a spoon, fork ami knife wero found at the heuse ut' sister of delendant, who tostihed that defendant had bieugbt thorn tliore. The defendant testified that he found the articles alongside of the read, and that he gave tbein te his sister with instructions te give thorn te the ewner if called ter. The verdict was net guilty. Manlieliu'a ljulet SI ml Nut Ua Disturbed, t'lem the Sentinel. William Dulllu, captain of the Salvation Army, was arrested en Tuesdny evening and pluced in the borough lockup for disturbing the peaceably disposed citizens or the tewu by singing, Bheuting, striking the tambour tambeur tambour ine, Ac,, en our streets, contrary te a bor ough ordluauce passed te " suppress vlce and Immorality." On giving ball for a hearing he was roleased atter about ene half hour's cuiillnomeut TlieBucker State Democrats. The Democratic state convention met at Springtiold,Illlnels,Thursday aud nominated II. J. F. Picker Ter state treasurer aud Prer. K. T. Oldt for superintendent of public in struction. Tlie platform of principles adepted by the national Democratic party at the Chicago convention was re-allirmed. Wk barter life for pottage ; sell true bliss for wealth or power, rer pleasure or icnewn; Thus, Esau-llke, our Father's blessing miss, Then wash with fruitless tears our faded ciewu,; TIIK VMUIUJllTtUlt VI.ATFOBM. lis Leading Feature Is Ilia Denunciation nl lleth old Parties. This Is the platform In substance adepted by the etnte Prohibition convention t First. That the whele system el Imports. Hen, manufacture, saleand supply of Intoxi cating liquors Is a state and national orlme, and asa lundamenlal object of our party or ganization we demand state and national prohibition of the same. Second That the administration of gov ernment aud the execution or tbe laws Is through elllcers cliosen by party, and party must be held responsible for unfaltbrulness In the discharge of Its duties ; thoreloro we arraign the Hepubllcan and l)ome:ratlo par par par tlosashavingbeen untrue te the people en the liquor question, as conspirators against the poeplo by the repeal or the local option acts, against their will and pretest, and by three successive legislatures elected by them roJeclltiK the iiotltlens of thousands of the host cltlzens of the commonwealth ask ing for the submission te popular vete of an atnoiiinent or the constitution forbidding the drink trade Tnlrd. That moral efforts te reclaim the drinker and te oducate en the nature and ollects or Intoxicants must net be relaxed, and woapprevoof all organizations having these objects specially in view. Fourth. The Prohibition party Is the only party which gives tlie citizen the oppor tunity el voting for public elllcers net In complicity with the liquor business, and re moves from the voter all moral responsi bility for the evils which the liquor system Indicts. Fifth. That we dopiero the fact that our government remains a partner te this trallle by Issuing permits te sell in tbe territories, District or Columbia, tlie capltel buildings, iu sbites where the tratllc is prohibited and te fill its treasury with the ts0,0O0,OO0 rovo revo rove tiiin from this polluted source, aud we de mand that Congress shall by law forbid tbe Issue or such tax receipts or permits in states, dlxtricls or counties where the liquor traffic is prohibited by law. Sixth. That corporation monopollsts,onico menopollsts,onico monepollsts,onico seeking and ollice-holding monopolists, with the liquor trading monopolists, new rerm a triple alliance iu the Hepubllcan and Demo cratic iiartles for Inllueiiclng the executive, legislative uud judicial branches or the gov ernment Seventh. Tbat we favor the enforcement by laws et section 7 el artlcle 17th or our state constitution which provides against "discrim ination in charges or facilities for transporta tion by abatement, drawback or etherwise," and against "any preference in lurnishlng cars or motive power" by transportation companles of the state. Klghth. That itu'wied contract and pau per labor should be forbidden. Ninth. American labor, skill and capital employed In agriculture, mining, manufac tures, comnierco and the luochauleartHshould have first consideration and protection against the competition of foreign labor and capital In our taritl and ether laws. Tbe suppression of the saloon would de mera ler the pros perity or labor and the security of capital than any ether romedy in the power of legis lation. Tenth. That we believe in the Christian Sabbath as an indispensable safeguard of our cherished institutions, Justified as well by na ture and reason as by religious precepL We demand tbe strict enforcement of all laws against its violation, and bold in abhorrence as inimical te tbe best interests of the poeplo the He-callod " Continental Sunday ; " that all corporations, public and private enter prises, and cblofaiiiengtbeiii tbedrlnk iratlic, engaged in secularizing the day, are violators of wholesomo laws and robbers of both health ami rest from thelrdependeut empleyes. Floventh. We denounce and repudiate the se called 8iibmissm resolution or the late Kepubliean Htate convention as deceptive and a sn.ire te catch votes. Twelfth. That the sectienal footings be tween North and Seuth Hheuld be obliter ated, but we despair be long as the Demo cratic, and Kepublican parties survive te rekindle old Jealousies aud revive old memo ries. Thirteenth. That our present heterogeneous law regulating marriage and divorce lu the social state are a shame te our civilization, and we demand a national law conformable te the divine law and uniform for all states, aud that all laws prometlvo of social purity shall be strictly enforced. Fourteenth. That disfranchisement as puulshment for acts of corruption of the votes cast at our elections, should be en acted. The I'ull Ticket. " Praisa Ged from Whom All Blessings Flew," wero the soul-inspiring words given in a grand chorus te the luug-metered dox dex dox elogy by a thousand voices as the dolegates te the groatest Prohibllteu convention held Iu this state completod their work in Harrls burg ou Thursday evening, and made ready te depart ler tlieir homes. Kverybedy pres ent was delighted with the success of tlie gathering, aud they all went forth happy at tbe choice el the following standard bearers ; Hen. Chas. S. Welfe, et Union, for gover nor. Hen. A. A. Barker, ei Cambria, for lieu tenant governor. Capt Charles L. Hawley, of Lackawanna, for auditor general. Hen. Jehn N. Emery, of Lawrence, for Hec- rotary of internal all airs. Hev. Jehn M. Falmer, of Allegheuy, for cougressman-at-lorge. Iaiial Prohibitionists Itemeuibered. Prof. II. B. Patten, who for some years past has been lecturer for the Prohibitionists of tills state, was made chairman of the Prohibition state oxecutlve committee. I'ref. Patten has appointed P. S. Geedman, of this city, secretary of the committee. The committee will lu a few days epen bead bead boad quarters at Ne. 1,103 Chestnut street, Phila delphia, hhut at a fleeing Unrgtar, Last uight about a quarter atter twelve o'clock as Charles IL Leenard was sitting at tbe rear window or the second lloerolthe residonce of his father, II. Leenard en the college campus, he saw a man enter the yard of the residence. He hastily sought his revolver, but the creaking of the lloer dis turbed tlie intruder and be turned te llee. Leenard aimed at the fugitlve and pulled the trigger, but the cap only exploded. It is ueneved tnere was another liurglar uear at timid, for a suspicious uolse was heard at tlie same tnue about the south window. The lleeiug footsteps also ludlcated tbat there were two intruders. Had they entered they vv euld have been given u warm roception. ltecJillluff the AluUleubergs. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Iniuxicr, writing Irem Trappe, Montgomery county, refers te the fact that en Saturday, August 1, tbe illtleth anniversary of the Sunday school vv ill be held, en which oc casion the antique oil 1 lice, still standing lu a geed state of preservation, must attract it great tleul et attention. This was erected in ITU by the celebrated ltev. Henry Melcbler Muhlenberg, who arrived lu this country Irem Germauy iu 1742, tbe lirst regularly unUiiied Lutheran mlulster. He was the lather et Gen. Peter Muhlenberg and tlie ancestor et tbe Lancaster branch of the family. lladly injured, Hubert Weldel had the mlstertune te fall evor a wheel at the Penn iron works en Wed nesday uight He was he badly injured that he will be uuable te work for seme days. l'lenly of Vlsti. Yosterday Majer C. M. Hewell aud J. E. Kote caught 3d line large boss, and a salmon weighing three pounds at Safe Harber. TAPl'r.D I'HOU THE WIHKS. Thogevornmout s revenue from the sea fisheries last year was f 202,137. A farmer named Mills cut bis wife's threat near Ypsiluutl yosterday lu a treuble ever a mortgage. Thowileof Wm. Vonstein, or Cincinnati, was bitten by u neg J uly 12 aud last even ing she wus Btrlcken with violent hydro phobia. Jobu Heech's sickness has been much ox ex ox aggerutod. Te-day he was able te be about at Alt McGregor, New Yerk, lira. V. W. Vauderbllt's first Child. Nuvvpeitv, II. I., Aug. 27. There is ro re ro Jeiclug at the Hall cettage te-day, a daughter being born te Mrs. Frederick W. Yanderbilt This is Mrs. Vauderbllt's first child. THE POLICE KEPT BUSY. Tltm aTKKBT CAM DUtM 1 nmw rOBK VHBrKllTBV MUM MlOTMa. Crowds or Kielted People Lin tha KeaU at the Bait Line llead-Oreen Hands eon. plaining of lleing Auaultad-Perml Western Nail Mills llaatiine. Nkw Yerk-, Aug. 27. The stroet cr rail, way troubles are net settled by any mean. Crowds el angry men line Tenth .avenue ler threo or four blocks en oither side or tha Helt line depot Squads or pollce are kept mevlnir about rrem tltne te tlme quell Inci pient Hots and prevent Injury te person and property, while two or threo pollcetnen ars scattered here and there along the avenue te koep poeplo moving along the sidewalk. The rosldents along Tenth avonue are hard-fisted working poeplo, and they have no sympathy whatover ler a railway corporation. They are a unit against the Belt line management, say they patroniie and maintain It, and It ought te de justice te Its ompieyos. Polieo Sorgeant Combes has 120 men on.the ground, squads patrolling about and reserves lying lu the depot rer oniergeuelos. Occasionally some luckless fellow gote a thrashing bocause the strikers aud tbelr al lies think he Is trying te get ajobenthe Belt Line read aud the pollce are called te quell the disturbance. Te day a "scab" was hung in elllgy In 55th stroet and tha crowd yelled llke pandouieuliim around If. A squad of pelice seen arrlved en thescone and dispersed the crowd. It was uudoiateod that Commissioner Donevau,of the state beard orarbltratleu.wbo se tiled tlie Broadway strlke, would meet the Belt Line olllcers at 1 1 o'clock, but it was known that a meeting of directors was an. nounced for that hour. This caused the crowd te keep quloter than usual bocause 1 knew negotiations ler a settlemunt were In progress. The fact was tbat no settlement could be made until after the directors' meeting. The Broadway cars started out as usual this morning under the new 12-hour schedule, but the greeu hands manned the first car out Everything passed along smoothly until seme of the old hands (eund that they wero crowded out by the new ones when a" kick" began, aud the police were called. The greeu men complained tbat the old drivers aud conductors kicked aud culled thorn about Pellen luspocter Steers thought the newly hired men did net require special protection and told them te take their places in the line. At 12 o'clock all was quiet en the Hrevdway line and the cars wero running regularly. TROUBLE BXfKCTEll. New Yekk, Aug. 27. The Belt Line direc tors have decided te start a car late this arter arter arter noen and serious treuble is oxpectud If they carry out their Inlontlen. Kalsed tha Iloycett. Sr. Leuis, Aug. 27. The traders assembly in this city has raised the boycott which ler some time has beenTesttng en the Bellefonte and the Kelly nail mills of Irenton, Ohie, the Cummlngs nail mills uf Chicago, and the Norten works in Ashland, Ky., en tha ground that tbose mills are new employing union men and paying union wages. TUB JIA1UTT lHSAVVBAKAXVm. The Yenng Weman Declared te be Undoubt edly Alive. LociANsrenT, Ind., Aug. 27. A corres pondent intorvlewed a detectivu yosterday en the Mabltt disappearance sousatlen -and has every reason te believe that Ames Groeo, the alleged abductor of the girl, has lately been captured by elllcers iu another state and is being held by them until assured that the rewards ollerod are reliable and will be paid. The reporter was shown a picture of Green, lately taken against his will, and It Is alleged that It was precured sluce bla disap pearance. The detective Intimated that tbe photograph of Ml is .Mabltt would be sent seen and that she is undoubtedly allve and had been urrosted with Croen. The informa tion cauie from an expert detoctive, but further details were rolused. These facts add te the prevailing Intorest in the case. bbqas with h at a t.i. aeatH. Hew Snlndler Gay, ei Pittsburg, Fall Frem tha rath et Grace. l'lTTsnune, Pa., Aug. 27. Special Ex aminers A. M. Spresser and Davis have Just completod the investigation of ex-Chlof Clerk Gay's accounts. They found that the shortage amounts te exactly (11,337. The examination of the books was very laborious, occupying ever six vywks. Each account of tbe 1S.000 pensioners in the district had te be gene ever separately and compared. The examiners found that the peculations began llve years age. At first Gay took small sums ranging from 20 a day upward, until within the last year when tbe embezzlements amounted te as much as (700 a day. There will be live or six charges or forgery brought against Gay. It is net thought he will be tried en all of them, but they will be entered te make certain, of conviction In case one or two should fall. Gay is spending his tiuie at the jail as hall boy. This trial will net take place before October or November. Starvation lit Taxas. Dallas, Texas, Aug. 27. E. L. Walker, county judge or Slevens county, arrived here te-day seeking aid te avert starvation there. The country, he says, Is entirely denuded of grass, without grain, and euly pest oak and mesquite leaves for stock feed. About one third of the population have exhausted all supplies and the remainder are mostly with out bread or meat and need outside aid te Have thorn from starvation. Cattle are dying In large numbers and unless moved te the ranges, none can survive the winter. Shack Shack ellerd, Yeung, Pale, Pinte, Throckmorton, Eastland and Bayler counties, he says, are but little belter oil". Three or a Orew Drowned. Nbw Yekk, Aug. 27. A fatal collision is reported as eccurriug at Hell Gate yesterday. The steamer Kebort Knapp cauie into colli sion with the tug Washington and three et the crew of tbe latter were drowned. The names of the men lest are Geerge White, Charles King aud Geerge Ellisen. Hay State Democrat. v il Bosten, Aug. 27. The Democratic tett'r?' committee has Issued its call for the state Ml- ventien lu Worcester, September 30, at lfry a. m. -W3 a ' J? ' Three 'ew l'eitmuUn, ,- Washinoten, D. C, Aug 27, The tel-' . lowing fourth-class postmasters were sppeiaW. $ ed today In Pennsylvania t A. S. Greve, at ) , Alrydale; J. li. Leedom, at Davlsvuie ( B. ..; V, Irwin, at Liberty Cerner, ; Increase el Uiuluvea Failure. j: New Yerk, Aug. 27. The business taJU ures throughout the United States aud Can. f ada, reported by telegraph during me paet seven days, numbers 201, aa compared with ISO last week and 157 tne ween proviewa, - leached HresUu. .K' Berlin, Aug. 27. l'rlnce Alexander ks reached Breslau. J& J WUATUBH VMUUABlLtTlKf. f d WAsntnuTen, 1). U., Aug. 9T. tk Eastern New Yerk, llaauni r vanla,New Jeraey,tDelawmreas4l land, fair weather, westerly wuMht, i .ittl.arlv allffhtlv warniar. v. r -i 11 i.' iV ja "v3 m M " i vY.J 'ivs i ... Y 4 ' I -. L. w, g.jsi&asftfeMt 'Atmim