" "TWSTas 1 !' 'VI' ''if""'M :z?r . ., VV. . &Jfa', -.i-; it V? jf 'St "" K. ' -rni. -"' " SVS!-' i4,.ir' NS T -) '.. THX LANCASTER DAILY IWTLLieJKOt THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1886. i & fJ i w siniim wwsw w r ' ABOUT TMI9 TIMIC UK KK. In her nalty flannel suit, beautiful with scarlet trimming, The fair nnd gentle maiden at the beach gees In a swimming. There's strong lnloret felt In yachting peeple speak of sheets nnd tacks, Andliibay windows nightly thore are lets of lltlle smacks. With thelr faces Iroeklespetted froineiposuro nml nun burning, The school ma'ams from vatatlen back futility ate returning. Thn student nhe'ii been slinging hash fur cash te purchase knowledge, lias Inlclnd up hli napkins and Is going back te college. 'lhaiirchln wliefm suvernl weeks has paused his time In clever, Is mourning o'er the knowledge that vacation's almost ever. J-Vem Ihr tlotten Courier, Wilt FAHQVHAM 111 fUH IILAVK. A rretiilimit Yerk ltinhllraii Will Huppurt the lcinecnille Nemlnte. TJm Yerk Age tliim report tlie siieech of A. It. rarqiihar, Yerk' lieavlunt luatiular. turer, at the revent reception totfdcreil te lien. Cuauncey 1 Illack, the Domecrnllu caniltilate for governor : Kouryeara nge 1 proDilned tosumiertotir distinguished neighbor and Irienil, Ohauncey V. HUck, for lloutennnt governor, becjuse 1 bolleteil him te be the right iiihu. New III the light of lila record during Uie iwt four j narc, and my deeper knowledge or liltu, I would mv. 1 nhall support him Uo.ume I knew that he la the bum man. Juat throeyoarn age, loving hands laid te rent all that was mortal of Juilge lllnck, hut Ills great Hplrll rultw us from his ashes. The seeil he planted Is bearing geed fruit. Twenty-alx year age, during the darkest hours of our natleu'a history, the strong arm of Jinlge Mark was strotched out te save ua. lledlii mero te s.ive us than te held up the waulug power of llie government, and delay the crisis, until the loyal ieople rese In their strength and majesty te meet It, than any ether man. And alnoe then, for a quarter of a century, the whele power or his mighty mind was duoted te the cause of the people, their freedom aud elovatlen. When he commencod his gre.it labor, workingmen who gathered together te dis cuss the best means ler their advancement and protection were treated as conspirator The ruloet moueiKiUes and rings was mi promo, and wheu Judge Illack announced In words of burning eloquence, that the geed of the whole pentile aheuld be the llrst care of the stalejUiat the oeroratlons were cbar. lercxl by the state for the beuellt of the people, and were necessarily under the control et the slate, his proesltlon, although sound law, was received with ridicule. 1 used te think hlui tee radical myself, but In common with the thinking people el the country, have grown up te his standard. Judge Illack, Pennsylvania's greatest cltlren, was net preiierly understood orappro erappro orappre clatod during his ltie, but his work gevs en. Xoenu else Is no titled by natural Inheritance, ability mid Inclination for carrying out the freat work begun by his father. I'hauncey Hack is emphatically the candidate et the people, There la nothing In his geed heart, clean record or platform thatnny Republican might net honestly and consistently superU I de net see hew he can fall te receive the support of every w erklngman In tborouiinon tberouiinon tboreuiinon wealth. He has always been their true and consistent friend. The eppressed are quick te nee their true friends nud will always cleave te them. They are net often Imposed upon by demagogue. It is but once In a hundred years that (?ed raises up such beacon lights as J ullorsen and Illack. Their principles and counsel, If fol lowed, set the world generations ahead, l-'or one I will net lene this opportunity and will premise te always vote with you when you nominate auch a candidate. Although a Re publican I have a right te speak, llelh my grandfathers were tnirsenal friends and warm supporters of Themas JoUcraen and Judge lilack was the dearest friend that I ever had In this world. In couclusleu, let me say Hint I will en dorse Chauncey 1". lilack for governor, and will reneminate him as the people's caudl date. Ifelected he will Im the governor of the whele people ;He roveres the law aud while trampling upon no vested right, he will use the whole (Kiwur of his great intel lect, trained by twenty-live yearn" et study, te purify the state government and secure equal rights aud the prosperity et alt of our citizens. (loud !rtleu, Ulitl li llll.f Frem the Sanitary Km. Among the numerous occasions of sudden contamination te which drinking-water 1 ex posed, oue of the most common and Irlghtfut Is the distribution of the eggs of the timia eehinoceccux from the excreta aud saliva of dogs. On the Downward Path, from the Philadelphia .New. An I read porter In New Yerk drinks kerosene oil foeely. We fear this jioer man Hen thoreud te U. m Chronic nasal catarrh positively cared by l)r. Sage's remedy. M T i W A fairy lest a precious charm Te keep the rosy guuis from harm, Te keep from teeth decay and dcatb, tesweetcn and purify the breath This chann the fall y lout a mortal found, AudBO.ODONT 'tis called en earthly ground. Teeth come palnles-ily it tin, Hand's Teething Letien be bathed en the gums, dues teeth ache. Price, 25 cents. Dr. IIaku's lllarrhaia Mixture for children will net cure every cane, but 11 will cure mere than any medicine ever put In one bottle. I'rlce, 23 cents. Ker sale at 11. II. Cochran's Drag Stere, Nes. 137 and 133 North Quoen'atreet. nugllindAw ctutr; of a .si'it.vi.N. JUcidem Csntbx, Wavse Ce , N. T February 28, 1S3. Seme j'Cars age I badly strained my steuiuch picking cherries, and have suffered greatly ever since. Nothing has been se beneficial as All cock's riajters. Tbeyeutlrely cured meef that trouble. I have been alUtcted with a lame ankle, but thsue Plasters seen enabled me te walk. I commend them whenever I have an op pertunlty, as I bave found thorn very useful for evor ten years. Allcock's flusters have always dene me the greatest service, and I am every day mera and mero convinced trmt no household should be wltheutthaiu. Mrs. tii'sia A. Hills arxuzAZ kutivks. Why lie I)ewnrt ? True, you are In a miserable condition you are w oak, palld, and nervous. Yeu cannot sleep at nlL'ht. nor enjoy your waking heurs: yel, why lese beartT (let at the druggist's a bottle et Murdoch Jlloed Jltlteri. They will restore reu te health and peace or mind. Ker sale by I. II. Cochran, DruggUt, 137 and it) North (Jueen street, Lancaster. Hpesks Itlght Up, "Uave trled Thenuu' Eclcctrie Oil for croup and colds, and llnd it the best remedy I have evor med in my family." Win. Kay, BIO Ply mouth Ave, lluirule, N. V. Kersiilu by It. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 und li) North Ciieen street, Lancuster. Mr. Laestrr And ether famous women have wen a reputa tion ter racial beauty. A tluecoinplexlon makes one handsome, even thnunh the lace Is net of perfect mould. Uurdeek Jlloed Jiilttrs act di rectly upon tbe circulation, and se give the skin a clearness and smoothness otherwi-ie unattain able Ker sale by II. li. Cecbrun, Druggist, 137 and IS) North (jueen street, Lancaster. De It With risasure. Wangler Bres., druggists, of Waterloo, Iowa, write: " We can with pToaure say that TTiemiu' Vclcctric Oil gives the best satisfaction or uny liniment we sell. Everybody who buys will h&Yoneothor. This remedy Is a certain cure lerall aches, sprains, and pains. Ker sale by II, II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13U North (jucen street, Lancaster, A Olercyman'a Testimony, W. K. Olflerd, pastor M.K. church, Ilnthwell, Ont , was for two years a sullerer with dyspep sia In Its worst form, untllln bestate-i "lite be be rume an actual burden " Three bottles of Jlur Jlur deck Jlloed Jtttttrt cured hi m, and he tells us In u recent letter that be considers It the best family medicine new before the country for dyspepsia and liver complaint. Ker sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, X37 ami 13U North Uucen street, Luucaster. Threw Away Ills CrultliM. Suffered from rheumatlsui se badly bud te use crutches, but threw tneui away after annly. Ing The mm' J-.'cleetrte Oil te my limbs. I new reel belter than I bare for years." K. L. Ulbbs. Sjfj Klk street, UurTale. N. V. Ker sale by II. I). Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13-J North Queen street, Lancaster, The l'opulatleu of Lancaster Is about SU.oeo, and we would say at least one half are troubled with some affection of the Threat and Lungs, as these complaints are ac cording te statistics mero numerous tban ethers. We would advise all net te neglect the opportunity te call en us and get a Cottle et Kemp's Balsam for the Threat and Lungs. Prlce Ueaavi and fi. Trial slre free. Kespectfiilly, , mitst, 1J7 North Uuven sticeu .. W mmnicAU PHYHHUANH AND MtUUUlHTH HKO OMMKND BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! AS THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iren with pure veg elabln Ienics, quickly and lemplntely Cures IIYHPKI'HIA, INIIItiKNTIMN, MALAIIIA. WKAKNKH, IMPUItK III.UUD, CIIII.I.H and KKVKll.nnilNK.lUtAI.UlA. lly rapid and thorough Hssliiillatlnn with the bletMl, It reaches every part et the system, puri nes and enriches t tin bleed, strengthens the inns eles and nerves, and tones and Invigorates the system. A fine Appetiser llest tenln known. It will euro the worst rae of Dyspepsia, re moving all dlstiesslng symptoms, such n Tast ing the feed, llclchlug, Heat In the Blemach, Heartburn, ete. ., , The only Iren modlclne that will net blixken or Injure ihe Ireth. It Is Invaluable for diseases pecular In wemen, and te all portions who lend sedentary llvm. An iinialllng ttimedy ler diseases of tbe Liver and Kidneys. Persons suffering from the effects of over work, nervous troubles, less of appetite, or de bility, expcrlonce quick relief and renewed cneigy by Its use. It does nut cause Headache or produce Cen-stlpatlnn-OTHEK Iren medicines ste. It Is the only jiropurallen of Iren that causes no In) in leus effects. Physicians nnd druggists recommend Has the tiesl. TiylL The gouulde has Trade Mark and cnswJ red lines en wrapper. Tnke no ether. Made only by llltOWN CIIKMICAL CO., Ilalllmore. Mil. (1) ml71ydw C1.MMONH MVKH HKOUJ.ATOll. ENDORSERS The following dUllngulshed iMirsens well and widely knewiilestlfy te the vafualile preiwrtle of Simmons' Liver Regulator : Hen. Alexander II. "lerihens. Jehn W. Ileckwlth, Illsliep of (leergls, (lenernl Jre. II. Derdnn, nil). H. Henater, lien. .1 no. Hill Shorter, m -Uev of Alabama. Ilev. David Wills, I). D , l'res't Oglethorpe liuhep l'lcrre, of M K. Church Bnuth, JiiilgnJas. Jacksen, Hupicme Court, Georgia, J. Kdgar Thompson, lien huti Hill, Hen. Jehn C Ilrrckenrldge, IlliHin Warnrr, late Cblei Justice of Ua., Lewis Wundcr, Assistant Postmaster, l'hlla., Pa., Anil many ethors from whom e have letters commenting upon this medicine as a meat valu able housebold remedy. tf you aru suffering and cannot find relief, pro cure at once from your druggist a bottle of Itegn Itegn Ister. Ulve It a fair trl.it and It wilt net only afford relict but permanently cure you. Boe That Yett Get tbe Qonulne. rRgrAKKD IIV J. H.ZKIL1N A CO, Philadelphia, Pa augl-eedAw E XHAUKTKI) VITALITY. EXHAUSTED VITALITY THKSCIKNCKOr LtrK, the great Medical Werk of the age en Manhood, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Krrorsef teuth, and tbe untold miseries consequent thereon. ) pages Bve. 123 prescriptions for all diseases. Cleth, full gilt, only tl.un, by mall, seated. lltutrallvesample Iree mall young and mtddln-agcd men for the next 00 days. Address 111. W. II. l'AUKKU, 4 lluinnch Htreet, lUwted, Uui, myI7-lyeedAw TATAUKU-HAY-KKVUK. CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM Gives ltellef at Once and Cures. COLD IN HEAD, CATAUUU, 1IAY rKVKK U03E-COLD, DEAr.NESS, IIEADACIIK. Net a Liquid, Snuff or Powder. Free from In In lurlens Drugs and orlenslvo Oders. AiMrtlcle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable te utte. Price SO cents at druirglsta by mall, reelstnrcd.mcts. Clicular sent tree. KLV IIIWITIIKUH, DruggllU, Owego, N.V. lulyiaiyeedAlvw c UKKKOllTHKDKAF. Peck's Patent unmoved Cushioned Ear ifnims peritMiiy restore nearing ana ierierm Uiuworket tbe natural drum. Invisible, com fortable and always In position. All conversa tion and even whispers heard distinctly. Bend for Illustrated book with testimonials, KUKK. Address or call en K. IIHCOX, 653 umadway, New Yerk. Mention this paper. lunolWyeedAlyw rT.HAY'8 81'KOIKItJ MKD1CINK. T1IEQUBATKNGLISI1 UKMKMY. An unfailing cure for Impotency, and all Dis eases that fellow Less or Memery, Universal esslludH, l'alu In the Heck, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura Grave. e-Kull particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mail toeveryone. The Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at 11 per package, or six packages for ". or will be sent free by mall en the receipt of the money, by addressing the agent. II. ll.COCllltAN, Druggist, Sole Agent, Nes. 137 and 1X1 North Queen Street, Lancaster, l'a. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper t the only genuine. THKGllAY MKDIOAI.CO., aplydAw lluffale,N.Y. rOHN ltKMOVKIt. VICreillA C0UN ItEXOVKK. Warranted te eradicate cemplitely and In a Short time, the meat ebdiirulu cents, Imnl or selt, without pain. Sold hy Gen. W. Hull, Chan. A. Lecher, Jehn It. Kaulliuan, Dr. Wm. Worm Werm ley, And.G.IKrev, Chas. J. Shulinyer, and at IIKCHTOLD'S DKUG BTOltK, CeclS-lyd Me. 401 West Orange St, tpUHK UUAKANTKKU. RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by UK. J, II. MAYK.lt. Kase at ence i no operation or delay from busi ness itcste.1 by hundreds of cures. Malnefflce, 831 AKC11 ST., 1'UILA- Send for Circular. TO-lVdAw VHUUMHIMB. HIUU UKADK COKKKKS. Kine old Government Java and Mecha Coffees, the best In the market- Our Javalllen ded Coffee spejiks for ltself ; rich and fragrant, 2Ac per pound. Very fine Plantation Kle Coffees, our best only sue. per pound; one very popular at lie. We want you te call and try our I2KO. Coffee. The excellent quality of our Coffees and tine Teas Is making friends fast and Ann. Our dally sales show a sUuuly Increase, rresh Iteasicd every day. A full line of fancy Groceries. Please give us a trial order. GKO. WIANT, kugkl-lvd Ne. 113 West King Street, T UUKSIC'8. Genuine laple Sugar IN 2 POUND 11UICK3, AT 12 CENTS A POUND. HAM AND DRIED BEEF. Dried lleef chipped and by the piece. Oysters In one and two pound cans, Mustard aiiifSplced Ssrdlues, Fine Imported Sardines, Drelled Mackerel m Tomate Sauce, llrelled Sal Sal eon, Fresh tjalmen, fresh Lebster, Cream Cheese, 1'lcnlu l'lueapple Cheese, Huge or Green Cheese, eta, ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST liJNQ BTREET, LANCAJ3TKU, l'A. AW Telephone connectien: UOTBIJ), rVl'KN ALL TUE YKAK. (( THE MANSION," ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The largest and most prominently lecuted Hetel. Elegantly furnished and liberally man. aired. TUoreuumv :oe. -Auoreugniy iigaieu, uruinea anu ven tuated. Open all the year. CHARLES MeQLADE. "llrephy's Orchestra. ie7-3md S' TORAQE COMMISSION WARBHOUSB.; OLOtmtKV. WILLIAMHON A KOHTKK. Our Beys' Schi AKE ACTKACTINO ATl'ENTION HECAUBETHKYAKK Neat, Streng and Cheap. BOYS' BHOBT PAHTS SUITS, 93. ea.60, 83. BOYS' I.ONO PANT SUITS, $3.50, 8-i, $4 60. ODD PANTS. BOYS' SHORT PANTS, COe., $1, 81.36. BOYS' LONO PANTS, 75e 81, 81.60. Beys' Scheel Caps. FELT HATS AND POLOS. BOYS' CAPS, 10e., 15e. and 25e. BOYS' BLUB FELT HATS, 25e 35e. and 60a. BOYS' POLOS, 16e. and26e. Beys' Underwear, I10S1EIIV, SHIRTS, COLLARS, Neckties & Suspenders. Special Attention given te BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. Of which we have a very large assortment of the best makes at Prices below the average. Williamson I Fester, 32, 84, 36 & 38 E. King St., LANCASTEIt. l'A. IILANIIirjHn. rrlOH A MARTIN. NAHALL I) REDUOTTUT3 -IK- PRICES. The sale of China, Glass and Queens ware, at Cut Prices, continues, without abatement. The- Bargain Table has been replenished a number of times nnd new articles are added continually. Goods never were offered se cheap. New is the time for BARGAINS. FKU1T JAHS we have in abundance. The Lightning Jttr has no etttial. Jelly Cups, Jars aud Tumblers at Bettem Prices. Wi 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTEU, l'A, rVUKlTVHE. F UHN1TUHE WAKKKOOMH. HUY YOUItSKLlT A ,1'AIil Or THOSE Felding Dress Pillows. CALL BAltLYAT Hoffmeier's Fnreitare Warerooms. They are the nicest thing out ana we have Just received another let of theui. 28 BAST INCr STREET. TTIXACTriYTHERlGnTTHINaWIlY XU Uuu'l y en euro your backache with ene of I Dvunvu's V'wiMuv i'JMlvm, Sure aaa quSvlt, SJv. Suits CMIMIJW. pUKl'AKK ten TIIK PA1K. Special Announcement! DURING PAIR 7Lj3K, llCKlnnlnnen NBXT SIO.VDAV, BURGER & SUTTON, Merchant Tailer3 aed Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Will have an Kie tally Altracllre Mnoef CLOTHING -AND- GENl'8 FUIINIHHINO GOODS, Suitable fet all Classes and Conditions. OUlt COUNTRY ritlRNDS are lmrtlculatly Invited te call darlne Fair Week. We knew we have the KOeds te suit them. BURGEE & SUTTOJT, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTK.il, l'A. M YK1W A HATlirON. IT IS HARDLY LIKELY That you'll did as nice a stock of Clothing new as you could have done a few months age the assort ment Is net as geed new its it was then but surely the prices aie lower. If you want nice Suits, at low prices, we have them, and if you are content with the assortment the prices are right. Ten Dellar Suits down te Eight. That's a twenty per cent, reduction. All goods reduced in like proportion. What's the use In buying cotton goods when you can get geed all wool goods for very little mere money 'i We don't want you te think that we are the only heuse selling at low prices ; but we de think our work is better made, mere substantial, nicer lluUhed than the average ready-madeCleth-ing. MO. 13 BAST KINO STREOT, H IIWlI .t IlKOTUKK Yeu ten Get A SUIT That your HOT tan wear during SCHOOL at a Very Jloderato Flgute. In Our Fall Stock, RECENTLY BOUGHT, We have made some Special Selections for tbe Beys which cannot bill te please them. TUE 1-llICKS AUK 1011 Small ltejs, 4 te 1'-', $1.50 und Upwards. Leng I'mit .Suits, S te 12, $3 and Upwards. Youths' Suits, 12 le 18, !?3.2r, - Upwards. Everything Kite In l'uiortleu. MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY MEN'S HEADY MADE CLOTHING INTIIKUItEATKST VAU1ETY. GENT'S FURNISHINGS OF ALL UESUKU'TIONS. r i irsli Bre's ONE-PRIOE HOUSE, COUNEtt MOllTU QUEEN BTUEBT AMU CENTUE SyUAllK. IWOKS, UUUOOIi SUIU'LIKS. JOO BAER'S SOUS, Kee. 10 and 17 North Queen Btroet, LAMCAbTEU. l'A., Otltr, Wbel csale ana lielall, at Lew Prices SCHOOL BOOKS Used In Lancaster County ami City. SCHOOL "SUPPLIES; Liquid Slating, Chalk Crayons, Ceny Heeks etAllKlmH Writing Inks. Steel l'eus, Slates Molseless Mates, blule 1'eiictls, Druwlni; Ten ells. Composition Heeks, Willing Tublets, Lead I'euclls, Scheel Satchels, Couipanlens, and everything else In the Hue of bchoel Stationery SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK. riN MAHIANI. MARIANA WINE, The Great Nerve Homed y. Wholesale ana He- nll ntltVifiA HTIfl t !.! ll'lWl" CTillll .., . . MYERS & RATHFON, H. B. SLAYMAKBR, Agent, Ne. U East Kins Street . BATW, G 11KAT KEDUOTION. FIFTY DOZEN DRESS STRAW FATS, At 15 Cents Apiece. - AT - W. D. STAUFFER & CO.'S. aVA!e, Full Line etlKUNKSnndTKAVMLtNUBllAUS at KxccedlnKly Lew l'rlccs.-M G. A. R. CAPS New en hand for the Hounlen In Boptcinber. Society Goods rurnlshed at Short Nellce. VT. D. STAUFFER & CO., Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street. .... Lancaster, Fa JKWKLKHr, t7. H, Z. KUOADH, JEWELER. Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept. Is Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine and Complicated Watches, Musical Bexes. Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism, H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. FIifJVTIVHiT. TTKINlTHirS KURN1TUHE DEPOT. Te Keep Goel and Comfortable Daring tbe Het Months, It In noeoesary te And soma Coel Uotreat. Te be Comfortable In that retreat Yeu Need a Geed Easy Rocker, Settee or Chair, And you ean find the Largest Assortment at HEINITSH' FURNITURE DEPOT, NOS. 37 Sb 29 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. X.1TB uxavHAifem veawAirr. psXTKACTS FROM TUB TUIHTKKNTU ANNUAL KEl'OKT OF THE INSUIU ANCE COMMISSIONER OF PENNSYLVANIA. MUTUAL LIFE. Insurance In force. tJ,i.t:,3J7 Admitted Assets fiw,ui,7?j te l'ayments te l'ollcyheldors til liii.('l'i r 1'reinlum Income llt.TW.W'i w Dividend lald follcyhelders J,lS3,eil ou Dividend raid en each 1,W0 Ins n r.i Se. of 1'ellclcs In force lai.&M AveraKO Dividend te each policy.... tti 31 Denth Lesses l'ald fcV.fJOUI 00 loath Lesses Keslsted f ,'J,75J ll Expenses of Management lis 1'erCent. 1)0C.SI,1&3, And In order te expose the true Inwardness of the Nerthwestern's 1'UOOICESSIVK DIVI DE.N1)S, e quete fre-ji the Insurance Company, of i'ennsylranla Lifa Ueperta for the year stated : NORTHWESTERN. Iniumnee in fbrce. 67.4T3.lSil &4,4HV47 (il,lll,'l lil.'JI-.WS fit '.1i7,ftl 74..'iOJ,74(l m,aw,i:i i,(K?,(F.ij 1M Ife77... . 1973 1S7U 1SS0 18SI lS8i lfSTI In-I. ' 1S Commenl en the nbove record Is unnecessary. lint In order that tbe tailing etr In dividends TINE rUND, would add that this fund aggregates $M,33.?5. Ker further lntoruiatlen ou all matters pertalnlng te Insurance address or apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent Mutual Lire Ins. Oe., of IT. Y. 60 N. Duke St., or te Rebert Helmes, District Agent, Readlng, Fa. VARBIAUB WOJtilB. A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK I Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works. 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NKAllLY O1T0S1TK TUB LEOl'AUD UOTKL), LANCASTKK l'A. Nene But First-Glass Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used l'KICES TO SUIT TUK TIMES. ALL WOHK QUAUANTKBD. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, I hare new en hand and for cale cheap the following flrsUcless second-hand work : One Light One-Man Wagen, suitable tertrack purpose, one Light rour-l'assencer Drag, ene Ktrat-clajs Kx. tension Tep Phaiten, two Light Juinp-SeatCarrlages. Alse, Becend-lland Tep aud Tretting Dug. gles, both slde bar and end springs, UUBlness Wagons, Sporting Wagons and Market Wagons, which will be sold attheMOSTlvKASONAIJLK 1'IUOES. UIve us a call whether you wish te pur chase or net. Ne trouble te Bbew the work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. HT-DOWI VOROET TJIE rLAOE.S Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 120 and 128 EAST KING STREET. rniydAw UUVHBrUMNlMlltlU UUU1IB. s HIRK'H OAKPET HALL, CARPETS I BKOPKN1NU OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the hlbltedln this city. WILTONS. VELVETS, IIUUBSELS.THUEK-l'LY, AU-Weel and Cotten UUA1N CAK1'E18, DAMAHK and VENETIAN own manntactnre a stieclallty . Bpeclal Attention paid te tbe Manufacture of CUSTOM CA-UPETS, Alse a Full Line Of OILCLOTUB. EUU8, WINDOW SHADES, COVEULETS.AO, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. Weat King and WIN Kit Attn LXUVUUS. BRANDY ! URANDY ! 1 At this season of the year every family should have a Ilottle et Reigert's Old Brandy, a safe and sure euro for Chelera and ether sum- suer troubles. UEIUAIIT'S OLD WINK STOKE, H. K. 8LAYMA1CEK, Agt. INEKAL. WATKRS, APOLLINA1US WATEB, he Queen of Table Waters, Hawthorn Spring el Saratoga, at ltl(JAlWB;OLl) WINE STOKE. H.E.LAKMAH.EU;Agt CAT, U A Full Line of the " Birth or Menth Stones " Mounted te Suit Your Particular Fan cy . Jewelry. iiARitisanna, va., august s, jsss. NOR Til WESTERN. iiiu,7in,Ki ei JI.ZU.OW oe $z.c.!7,rji no S3.7lM.0IS U) Ti3,SM VI 17 03 W,ll 115 51 11,013,004 en aw.oueoo 16.6 Per Cent. Dtitdtnilt Jiid I'oUcyheldcr: ie,;i 7Ji,Ht 76d,a 7W.6II IM),8U5 CTMfil 727,r 778.WJ J'rcmium Income. lJ,5f5.1,S05 2.WMI l,US4,57li 1,N,97S l,S7u,;ii 2,t?J,5(fJ ie-.'e.its 3,000,': I J 3 .77ll,77B 3,785,015 '.w,7aj,twi 110,710,(01 mav lintlientttitiutrd te the Nnrthwesterna Tfiv. HONEST PRICES ! CARPETS I Largest aud liest Selected Line el Carpets ever ex, all the Tradlnv Makes of HODY ANUTAPKSTUY lUl'i Chain EXTUASUPEUS, and all qualities of IN- CAltl'ETS. KAU and CUAIN CAUPETBef our AT- Water Sta., Lancaster, Pa. lebB-lmtw R OTK W MAKINU OADINBT PHOTOaBAPHB AT B3JOO A DOXS. AT NO.;i06jNOKTU QUEEN 8TEEKT. lanrj-tta LancasWr.Pa IJUlil 8 PAFKH IS PRINTED WITH INK HanulActarad by J. K. WRIGHT kOO., mwu-lt-a 9tk Mta Han fu ruiaatipbttt, fa T.AMUAtrrm amd mhyli AJjh a Tina iTAHLa. . ..&&54!!P.!'"A5i i.aaAeK Alt uuuuiuiviaruiiii.1. On ana atw BOjnAT. may Mtk.tMF, , '" THAlMSLBAVa ktAUlNtt Fer CelntnbU u( IsteeMtM T.Mft.mM nnnn nS sIak tm. Fer Ouarryvlll. at 7.M . M. Mfl MO p. m. Fer Chlokles at 1:U a. ra. amd lioep. in, TBAINS LKAVa COLUMHIA Fer Reading at 7. . m ., IIM MM 3. te p. a. Fer Lebanon at ll. and D.e p. m. TBAINS LKAVK OUAKETTILLK Fer Laneaslerikt . and 7.1 5 a.m. Ms . IS ' wi Fertlesdlnate.a.tn.anda.3Bn.M. :". VfhH JfePfeA .& Aft ffk-SlA . w LEAVE KINU BTKKKTfLaneMtW.I t neiuung at i.ju a. m ute ana s. se p. . Fer Lebanon at 8.40 a. in., ixte and M5 u. m. Fer quarrryllln at .! a. m., tl.ne and BM p. Mb LKAVK I'UINIlIt UTRtfltT M.nnulir.l Fer Heading at 7,te a. in.l2.Mand 3.(100. n. ..- Fer Lebanon at A . m.. 1XW and (Hp.il. H J . i. lorguarryvllleatn.a.m.,4.60and!i.nup.m, f- . TUAINS LEAVE LKUANON. ' ,' rm Lancaster at 7: Jn a. in., Vk and TS) p. Bt. vi ijuitujrvmun jrsua.ni. pwtiaTtbaute. tkain8 leavb rkadinu Fer L&ncaster at 7.ai a. m. and 4.00 p. u. Fer (Jnarryrllle at 4.00 p. m. TUAIM8 LKAVK O.UAUBTV1LLK Fer Lancaster, Lebanon and Keadlnc irtiiniii i.sivk kihii IT. I' -t7.10 Forlleadlng and Lebanon r' .n2J,ir' n. m. UB a. nt. and 9 a.m. and US Fer uarryrllle at 5:te 21vu?f. 8T- f.) rer Quarry vine at S.O p. m. - TKtN8 LKAVK LKUANON. an Lebanon, soe time tables at all stallenaT A. M. W1LBON, 8upenntandent. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAI) HCUKD n-.VhK-ln "feet rrem June 13,181. .,T.!n lav Laweasteb and leiveandarrlre at rhlladelphla as fellows : '"wn f,4ai vn WE8TWAKD. ractaoezpresat Newa Kxprrast Way rassotigert Mall trill n via MU Jey I Ne.SMallTraln.....V. Niagara ICxpress....... Ilanevr.r Accem Fast Line! f redbrick Accem Lan ouster Accem Jfavrlshurg Accem.... J-elumtla Accem .larrlsburg Express... fjhlcaire and Cin. Ex..) Western Express)..... Leave Lancaster, Ira a. m. iwaa. m, 63) a. m. 931. HI. 9-Ma. m. 9-M a. m. 9M. m. 2.-00 p. m. 2:ie p. m. 2e p. m. ntep. m 7 je p. m. 7:40 1). m. Philadelphia. ii:jip. in. 4:.tla.m. 4:.10 a. m. 7HH in. via Columbia 7:10 a.m. via Columbia 11-.M a. in. via Columbia viemu Jey., -13 p. m. 4.40 $. in.! .1.10 p III, 8.50 p. m. le.ns p. m. Leave Lancaster, 2 31a.m. 6.UA a. in. 8; 10 a.m. DM a. m. .() a. in. 12 58 p. m. 2-en p. in. 3KUp.m. 4:4") n. m. 10-45 p. m. 12:10 a. m. Arrive at A8TWAIID. l'hlla. Kxpresst Fast Line) Harrlsburg Express., Lancatcr Accem ar Columbia Accem Heashore Express Philadelphia Accem. Sunday Mall Way Express) reu. 4:15 a. m. R:3a. m. lo-je a. m. via Mt Jey ll:4.i, m. 3:15 p. m, &.uep. m. 6.41 p. m. 6i0n. ua. tiamsuurg Accem.. (1:43 p. m. 3:45p. m. The Lancaster Af.titnt,irwiniiiTi i..n ifaa bnrg at 6:10 p. m. and arrives at Lancaster at J8 p.m. . n Marietta Accommodation leaves Celum bla at 6:40 a. m.and reaches Marietta at fliM. Alse leaves Columbia at ll:l& a. in. and X45 n. mZ reaching- Marietta at 12.01 and 2.U. Leavea Marietta at S.-os p. m. and arrives at Columbia at S.-20J also, leaves at8:3Sand arrives at 8-.&0. The Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster iU6.-00ceniiectln with Harrlsburfr Express at 8:10 a. m. The r rederlck Accommodation, west, connect. Ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 p. m.. will run through te Frederfclc The Froderlck Accommodation, east, leaves Columbia at 12:28 and roacbea Lancaster at liSi p. ra llanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9-M a. m., will run through te Hanover, dally, except Sun day. Fast Line. west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downlngtewn, Ceulcsvllln, Farkesx burw, Ut, Jey. Kllzabethtiwn nnd Mlddletewn. tr no only trains which run dally. On Bundaf tbe Mall train wast runs bv way or Columbia. J: It, WOOD, General I'usseneer Agent. CHAS. K. rUOU aoneral Manager. VAHRB. t7. ivt- GHETNA l'AKK. MT. &11ETM PAEK, reu EXCURSIONS & PICNICS. This perk Is located In the heart of thn Seuth Mountain en the Line of the Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad, Nine miles south of thn city of Lebanon, wllhtn easy dlsbmce of llarrlebnrg. Heading, Lancaster, Columbia nnd all points en the l'htl oUelpbla A Headlng and l'euusylvanla Hall Hall reads. The grounds are large, covering hun dreds et acres, nnd are KltKE TO ALL. The Conveniences are A LAKOE DANCINU l'AVILION, A HI'ACIOUS DININO HALL, TWO KITCHENS, UAUUAdE AND COAT KOOH, l'HOTOUUAl'U QALLEUY, While the Arrangements for Amusement con slat of CUOOUKT AND HALL (JU0UND9, UOWLINQ ALLEY, 8UOOT1NO UALLKUY. FLY1NU UOH8K8, QUOITS, Ac, 40. Tables for Lunchers, Ilustle Seats and Uenchea are scattered throughout the grounds. A New Attraction ter the season of lStsi is LAKE CONKWAUO, Cevering nearly Tweuty Acres, en which are placed a number of Elegant New UeuUi, and along tbe bun ks of which are pleasant walks and lovely sccnery. 1'ertles desiring it can procure Meals at tbe I'ark, as the Dining Hall will ba under tbe supervision of K. M. liOLTZ. of the Lebanon Valliiv Heuse, These who wish te spend A DAY IN TUB MOUNTAINS can llnd no place se beautiful or affording se much pleas ure as MOUNTUIiKTNA. NO INTOXICATING DUINKS ALLOWED OS TUE PHEMUES. Excursions from all points en tbe Pennsylva nia itallread, will be curried direct le the Perk without change of cars. Excursion rates and full Information can be obtained upon application te Uoe. W. lleyd,' Assistant General Passenger Agent, l'ennsvlva nta Uallroed, SB Seuth Fourth street, rhUadeli phhuorte J. C. JKNN1NQ8, SupU C. L. Uallroed, Lebanon, Pa. uiav253uid BLACUIXmHT. M AOUINKUY, (te. e STEAM HEATINQ Latest and Most Improved fQ .. . .. .... "SJ& INailiKS-TrMUM, nrUW MSUUMir. Mew or Bocend-Uond BOILEHS, WATEB TANKS, 8EPABATOR8. '$ MAcrnma or UsrAia wesx sucb as done ant kept In Machine Sheps. UAIXOaOIAOOK Ezra F. Landis. WUtUitJ OHf numa uaiuwi ainmrn, LAiaUTU. PA. B7.mitfc,l vauasuiji e. R 08E IlHOa. dt UAHTMAN. $4.00 PRHSOLS: 'M UKDUCKDITO ' $3.00. - $3.00. VKUY:BE8T SATIN t ALL IINK BILK LIB i . . , hKi i ne ivianuTaciurer. -. Rese Bres. A Hi 14 EAST KINO 8T, riEOBOK KKNUT, 1., Carpenter, Contractor 1 UKSIUKNCE-NatVB W1MT KUrtl , ' SUOV-KASX UUANT ST., Oppas !l nuutws. AU work 0iTti J PfWi All kinds of Jobbing attends teat I tlceand en rcoseuault, teruu,' Estimates lurnUlwd. 'if: -! VJ J fa a i. j f fi ? ' &i4 73! :m Wri n m iXJ -ten 3M wj ."?li Hl f u J2. M m 4t i2 M Ctv f W: Wi j& & .V ilr-". tu ' -,- i iV its i H W &: J--, ??' OtJl.L-' " JVaT,-, i.''riiiVl:'afn(ilri"lrWirtMl