Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 26, 1886, Image 1

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The rreiiiltienl renpls Among (ha Kspected
visitors Thirteen States mid Canada In
lie Itrpresented- Una lJilr Delegate
III the It l( List of Mala tlrelhren.
Tim delegates te the national convention of
the Irish Catholic Bonevolent Union have
Iweii elected, lull the names el nil Imve net
been retried te the secretary, The president
of the union la lien. A. Al. Kelley, lint lie
will net lie here, having sailed en Saturday
last for Caire, Lgypt, te entorupeti his duties
asjudgoel the International court te which
he has recently been appointed by President
Clovelund, Thn presiding ellleer of llie
convention will be Maurice F. Wllhore, of
Philadelphia. Tlie ether nllleers el the
orgMilzitien are Martin I. J. (Irlllln, or Phil
adelphia, secretary, aud Her. Jtues Henry,
of SL Leuis, Ma, treasurer.
Among tlie delegate ell 'toil nre Judge
Dennis Dwyer, or Dayton, Ulilej Hen.
Michael Gicunnii, a prominent lawyer, oillter
ami new pejlmsstcr of Norfolk, Virginia;
Hev. Fathers .McDonald, of St. Leuis; The.
J. Harry,or Philadelphia; Fathers McAuany,
Summit Hill, !.; 1. J. Page, Seuth Bethlo Bethle Bethlo
hemi James Heury, Plqua, Ohie) Jeseph U
Harry, l'ert Deposit, Mil., and Hen. Jehn
Breen, ex-mayor of Lawrence, Alass. Thus
far delegates have been reported Irem thlr
Iwu states and Canada. In the Hat la ene
lady, Alls Jennie 1". Hensel, of Gloucester,
New Jeraey, The delegate will meet en
next Wodnemlay morning at 9:30 at llie
Stuvens house, which hat been designated
by the secretary ai the headquarter, and
proceed In it body te St. Alary' Catholic
church where mass will be celebrated by
Hev. Dr. P. J. AlcCullagb. If the health of
Bishop Shanahan will lrmlt he will be
present at the mass and deliver a brief ad
dress of welcome After mass the uiomberH
will preceetl te Fulton oiera house, and at 12
o'clock thocenvontlon will be called te erder.
On tbe evening el the tint day or the con
tention a banquet complimentary te the
members will be held at Alietinorcher hall,
which A. C. Hahter will prepare. The con cen con
ventlon will probably visit tlie county lair In
a body, by Invitation or the fair managers ou
the second day or ita sessieu.
Following Is acouiplete list of delegates
thus far ropertod .
Philadelphia, Jas. I). I lewley Society Ne.
2 Jehn J. Henry, Jelm J. Tierney, Themas
Jas. I). Ilewley SocJetv Jehn I). Lyens,
Hugh Kedgers, Jaa. Muldoon.
National Catholic Ne. W James J. Mur.
phy, Owen Kelly, Patrick AIcFadden, Daulel
buir, Jehn L. Murphy.
Huh IX .Society Kit ward -VMurphy, Pat
rick Hilly, Jehn W. Harry, F. N. Ileus, W.
J. Kelly.
Hev. The. J. Harry Society Kev. The. J.
Harry, alternate Jehn J. Wall.
rather Jerdan Society Charle W.Naully,
Jan. McCallerly.
SL Jereme Society Jas. Tebln, J llron llren
nan. Philadelphia National Catholic, Ne. 155
Win. 1". Orady, Jaa. A. Hrady, T. K. Mc
Cann. Daniel O'Ceunell Society Thomaa H. Caa-
Hev. FrancN J. Quinu Society 1'. J.
HU Cecllla Seciety Jehn L. elh.
Archblahep Carrell Society I. J. Havca,
T. O'Neill, Thea. Morrison.
St. Oertrude Jehn J. Wall.
St. Menica Jehn A. Dupre.
Archblahep Hyan E. J. Mnllniuux.
l'ather Hurko Society I. F. Coeke, Jere
lulah Ienehan.
Shamrock Society II. J. McClenkey.
SL Ann's Thea. J. Caaaerli'.
Kev. Theu. Kelrnau Society Wm. F.
Fallen. . ....
National Catholic elSL Vincent de Haul
Jaa. J. Neville, Wm. Lawlewt.
M. F. Wllhore Seciety Jehn J. Wall.
Jehn I Carrell Siclety-I. Dougherty,
F. J. Tiiiunena.
Mary Star el the Sea Timethy J. Keeuau.
CelumbUH Charletj Fay.
St. Clement's Daniel Dougherty.
Tacony, SL I.oe Kev. Jan. A. Slrahau.
Manayunk, SL l'atrlck's J. J. Ward,
Alex. McKernan.
Helmc-Hburg, SL Dominie'ft Kilward
SL Mary'H, Klk Ca, St. Patrick's Society
N. J. Tierney.
Plymouth, SL Patrick' Jan. Deylo.
Allegheny City, SL l'eter'tv Jeuu S. Coh Ceh
snne. Choater, SL Mlchael'-Jas. O'Deherty,
Jehn At HewerM.
Immaculate Conception Jehn AtcGold AtcGeld
rick. Cerry, SLTliemas Society P. Hunt
Lancaster, SL Hernard's Jehn A. Ceylo,
Kichard M. Kellly.
SL Allchael'a William J. Wldmyer,
Theinintr. AIci:illgett, Augustus Stemwan
deL l.oeXHI O. Kdward Hegener.
UBrrisburg, SL l'atrlck'a Illberulan W.
C. AlcFadden.
Catholie Heuellclal W. C McFaddeu.
Yerk, SL Patrick's Win. Chambora.
Autrim, SL Patrick's Dennis llegan.
(Jlrardvllle, SL l'atrlck's P. J. Curley.
Summit Hill. Y. M. C. II. U Hev. Father
MeAnany, F. X. Cannen.
Jeseph's T. A. II F. X. Cannen.
Haneer, St. Jeseph's U P. Shultz.
Seuth Hothlehem, Kmerald Hev. P. J.
l'ege. ... ...
Hlalravllte, Sts. Simen and Jude J. M.
Seuth F.asteu, St. Henmrd's Jehn J.
CJreensburg, Lee XIII Wm. II. Conway.
Williamsport. SL Patrick's Mark Phillips.
New Castle, HL Mary's James Harman.
Ciinden, St. Jeseph's Henry J. Kloster Klester
man. , ...
Gloucester, Our I.ady or Ieurdes Allss
Jennie F. Hensel.
Piqua, SL Patrick's Society Kev. Jas.
Dayton, Illberulan Society Hen. D.
Wilmlugten, SL Mary's Society Jehn II.
St. Paul's Seciety A. F. Leveli.
Illshep Decker Chas. W. Grant.
Immaculate Conception Wm. Howe.
Portsmouth, SL Jeseph's Society Patrick
J. Hiley.
St. l'atrlck's P. O'Connor.
Norfolk, SL Patrick's lien. Michael Glen.
lticbmend, Catholic Jehn Murphy.
Alexandria, Catholic AI. JJ. Harlow. Alter
nate U. J. Dennelly.
AlfirtlUBburg, St Patrick's. Josepli K.
Providence, SL Mary's Society. Jehn
Pnrt neneslt. SL Jehn's Hev. Jas.
Haltlmore, Hibernian Jehn Hbca.
Westminster, SL Jehn's Charles
Worcester, lrUh Catholic J. Tluien.
liiwronce, Irish Hen. Jehn Ilreeu.
Auburn. Knights of SL Jbuieb J.
Shehan, or P. M. Henen.
Jellersenvllle, St. Augustine AI, Cell.
Dubuque, Catholic J. Mulkern.
KL Leuis, H. C. T. A. B. Heclely-llev. O.
Kingsten, Your Irishmen's O. II. Assecla
t!en, Jehn J. Beban.
Yen list I
rrem the Kulton Democrat.
Won't we Black BWTers eyer
rullnr at ItarUngten-Tlis Cum sin! Ui
The fstlure l the Hote auieinallu car brnke
nt the recent oemietitUo toils inade at Bur
lington, Iowa, has been nMumouted en atsome
lenglli lu railway and ncleullllu Journals.
The Jltitlwny Jtcvicw says that the Wealing.
heuse company had tlie ad vantnge or a long
exporleiico and ample capital, whlloueno el
Uie ethors came te the tests properly pre.
pared elther as te equipment or Hxperlcnrp.
Air. AI. D. Harter, president or lh Hnte
company. In a circular Juil lsud te llie
stock linfilers, says he leeks 'for n very fatly
success for the brake."
It. At. Aguew, vlce president or the Hote
company, speaking or the Inllure In n bitter
te Air. Itartersaysi "It was net n l.illure in
the ordinary seuse of Hist term It was net In
any sense a rallure lu principle or in Its Hi no
tional working. On the contrary, se far as
concerns Us prluclple nt construction snd
functional operations, its practical working
justllles snd renllres our fnlleit expecta
tions." Air. Agnew gives as tlie nole slid
only cauMi or failure 'theweakuess or on en
st ruction iff the mechnnlsm." Tlie remedy Is
te ".rebuild or reconstruct thobrake, making
it stronger lu all the parts which showed
woakness or insulllcleul strength te with
stand severe work." ,. ,
Air. Aguew alds s " I leel inore cenlhlence
In the vatue and substantial Intrinsic, merit el
our brake than liefore I went te Ilurllngte.i
Air. II. C. Hepkins, geuetal manager, and
Mr. It. K. Llnhaiii, englnoer, agree wllh Mr.
Agnew, tlmt tbe cause el the tail nre m n
want of greater strength In the brnke levers
and some ether part or the muclmulsin, and
that the romedy Is te strengthen thorn.
run no is a VHVMcicir im.kki'
The UiHiipanlim of .lake lluxard slid I'sler
lints In Ilia TelU el the Itw Tlie Nniner-
nut Clisrgr ler Vflilrll n Voting ln-
tr t'rlinlnsl U Held.
Heme months age Jake Huwud, 1 oter
Hele, Geerge Clerlltiki aud low ethors
formed a combination te rob and plunder,
aud for the short lime they Imve been In the
business they have committed n series el
robberies which will send thorn te llie poni peni
tenllary ler a long term of years. The llrst
,rilm umiir captured was Peter Hele. His
muuhk x ririAwn "ttvu jesatiiah."
Hen an Actur X SVurrleil lljr Clieitimt
tleliK In the Opera lloune.
Latteteulng Aloero V. Vllau's ceuipiiuy
spjeared in the exsra heuse lu the comedy
entitled "Our Jemithan." The wnather was
very warm,hut the audience was etfslr size.
William Moere, the head el the company, is
an ex song and dance man aud. was ence a
member of the tlrm of Teuick V Aloero.
There ll very llttie in the play el last ecu
lug, and it can net be stld that Its pri-wenta
lien was a lltlterlng suci-ess. The prin
cipal character Is Our Jonathan, n wholo whelo whole
soulixt and eoceulrlo Yankee. Mr. Aloero
did seme geed work lu the character ;
his singing and dancing were clever sua
madenhlL He does net seem te have the
exact conception el the character, hewever,
aud some of his ellerts te I hi funny went cal
culated te make an audience weary. While
he was getting en seme el his funny business
a boy lu the gallery pulled a chuxtuul gong
ou hi in. This seemed toralse Moere's Irenud,
Instead of letting it go uunotlced. he de
clared that the man who rang the gong had
net er heard the gsg lfere, and a.s for him
self he considered the gong the biggest
chestnut ou tbe tree. Tlie Instrument
was kept quiet after thaL Alls Vivian acted
thoivirtel llctlina well and her singing was
geed. Ueorge Hanker whs lair as. Vharlts
J.ushinyten, tramp. He does tne much of
the business of William Hoey (of "Parler
Match" fame) when he steals the articles
from the stage ene at n time. Hels taking
tee much when he steals another man's
busiuess and should step It, The ether
characters in the company were pasxaute and
the majority of the audleuce were pleased.
IUm lull News.
Tlie American Association games yester
day were: At Philadelphia (morning) :
Athletic S, Baltimore I ; (altorneon), Ath
letic I, Baltimore i!; at Leuisville: Pittsburg
7, Loulsvllle 2; at Clucliiuatl : SL Leuis ft
Cincinnati 3; at Hroeklyu : Brooklyn '-',
Alets 1.
The Lengue games yesterday were: At
Detreit: Detroit II, Philadelphia 5; at Kail
SAsCily! New Yerk 0, Kansas City J; at
SL Leuis : Washington A SLLuuls 0 ; at Chi Chi
caeo: Chicago e, Bosten 1.
The Athletle and Hiillluiores played two
geed gauiett yesterday. In the soceud Kil Kil
rey aud Miller were pitted agaiust each
otber. Four hits were made oil the former
and tive otrthe latter. Or these oil' Kilroy
Orler had two a single and a home run.
Crane pltched a geed game ler Washington
vesterdav, aud the SL Leuis hud but two
Thoslngle run of Bosten yesterday was
made by Sutten, w he w cut all the way round
Yesterday the Alloenas sired up O'Don O'Den O'Don
neil, el Wlfkesbarre, aud made uluuteeu hits
with a total el twenty-nlne oil him. The
Mountain City boys wen by 11 te 13. The
Scrauteu club was shut out bv Wllllanispert
by 13 tell. Scruuten euly had three hits oil
I'lirtli, Wllliamspert's uew pitcher.
Haulau and Thompson each liad home
runs oil Dally yosterday, and Dunlap inaile
it three. bagger with three moil en luses.
Barnle talked or Uring Scott Ter weak bat
ting. In yesterday's game he had two three
base lilts anu a ueuiiiu.
Yesterday the Pittsburg wen their third
consecutive victory from Loulstllle.
Hendersen, of Brooklyn, has proved an
enigma te the Mets, and yesterday they hit
him safely but three times.
A gentleman of this city who saw .MeThiii
any lu Brooklyn, a few days sge, siys 'ie Is
looking well and will seen be abhi te play.
Pittsburg is still lour games behind Louis
ville ler second place.
TltB irOHI.ll OF riHATlVS.
lteiMilillcan TlrksU In Ohie and lows.-
Threush His Kvjrateua NUtte.
The tlepublluan stale convention or Ohie
met in Columbus Wednesday. Govorner
Fnraker was permanent chairman. James
H. Hoblnseu was nominated by acclamation
for secreUiry of stale ; Marshall G. William William
en, for supreme judge; II. II, Hunter, for
clerk of supreme court; I'M T. Tsppan, for
scIkkiI commissioner, and W. AI, 1 1 aim, ler
member of the Ixwrd or publle works.
The Kepuhlican state convention of Iowa
met In Des Moines Wednesday, and renomi renemi
nated F. D. Jacksen for secretary of state,
and N. T. Twembley for treasurer, and Cap
tain Lyens Ter auditor, aud A. J. Baker for
attorney general.
The Domecratsof the Fourth congressional
district of West Virginia, in session at Point
'leasant, neminntea J. i:. noggever busiaxi
IIEATKN nv inn itn.
lfen an OU-
Aidc-Ilutter Mlirrr Uatil
noaleua lltitbsnil.
I jtit everling Geerge W. llolUel, Ne. lit
North Priuce street, appoared at Aldermuu
Deeu'B olilce aud uiadu complaint against his
wife, Kllubeth Helt70l, for assault aud bat bat
lery. Geergo was considerably " under the
Inlliieuce," but he bore sue h uumistakable
marks of having been assaulted that the al
derman Issued h warrant fur Airs. Heltzel's
arresL The parties appoared at the alder
man's elllce about 7 o'clock, when Airs. Bolt Belt
zel made complaint or surety of the peace
and drunken and disorderly ceuduct against
her husbaud. This euraged him terribly,
andhocursed Ills wlfe aud hoaped upon her
overy ejilthet he could think or. In default
of ball the alderman cointnitted him for h
hearing, aud thou Geerge emptied tlie vial
of his wrath upon the plump magistrate.
Mrs. Beitzel was discharged.
The facts el the trouble appear te have
been that Airs. BeiUel, who Is au industrious
woman, was at home, making catsup aud tomato-butter
; Geerge cauiu home drunk,
commenced abusing and threaleniug his wlfe
and finally knocked togethor two or her glass
fruit jars mid breke thorn, aud threatened te
smasli uii everything olse, and whip her. Te
defend herself she seized the applo-bulter
stirrer and belabored ner drunKeu iiusuauu
with It, skinning Ids head aud arm aud back
and driving him from the premises.
This mernlnir Airs. Beltzel called at Alder
man Deou's and withdrew the BUits against
her husband ; but the ceuduct el tlie latter
was se very bolsterous and his lauguage se
vile when in tbe uldermau's elllce that that
etllcei feels au inclination te punish him. He
Is holding the case under advisement.
frriiailng ler Neit Week's ralr.
The entries for the racea at next week's
fair have closed, but as the secretary has telo tele
graph advices that several have been mailed
the list will net be ready for publication be
fore te-morrow. A great many horses from
dltlerent parts of the country have been en en
tered and ameug them are the best animals
that have ever been seen hereluslmilar races.
The runulng racea premise te be unusually
attractive, as there will be a number el en
tries. Prof. KIub's balloon, lu which he intends
te make au ascension from the fair grounds
en Tuesday next, arrlved here this merulng
from Cincinnati, together with all the
iiaranhernalla nocessary. The weight of the
balloon, basket, netting, auch or, Vc,, Is bW
The fair grounds are beginning te present
a very lively apiwarauce, and many persons
are aireauy nam ui iteu mnauiK j'.whiu j'.whiu
tlens ler their displays.
I'lgeeu Matches.
A pigeon sheeting match between Frauces
Helue'hl and Wltllan W. Brooks, for a purse
of (2. took place at Lebineu yesterday and
was largely attended. The match was ac
cording te Leng Island rules, 25 birds, 21
yards rise. Heina'hl killed 18 birds and
Brooks 17.
Te-lay the three-day tournament at Hold Held
ing begins.
arrest, altera het pursuit, participated In by
a hundred farmers urmed with shotguns
and ether weapons was tnldln the Intkm.1
(iKMCint, en August l.". Tlie soceud ene
captured was Geerge Oerlllzkl, and thocause
of Ills downfall rum, led te his urrcsL
Olllcer Alerrlnger waseu duty at the sl.v
Hen heuse en Wednesday artorneon, and he
received n telephone mosage that Gerlltzki
was ou Locust street aud he could be caught
Hsu olllcer went Ter hlui. The policeman
left the station house, went te the point dos des dos
Ignated, found Gerlltzki asleep en a step en
Iiecust stroel, near Fiollierg street, and ar
rested him. He took him te Alderman A. l
Dennelly's elllce aud from there te Jail. Gor Ger
lltzki was strongly under the lnfluence or
liquor when arrosted. He had nothing te say
yesterday, but during the night and this
morning talked freely.
He claims that he came te this city te gite
himself up and did net make uny ellert te
conceal hlmselt yesterday. He was tlred or
being heunded and chased tre.u place te
place, knew he would be captured sooner
or later and concluded te coiue te the city,
surrender hlmself te the K)llce nnd pay the
penalty for Ills ellensvs, and If he had net get
drunk, he concluded, he would have gene te
the station house earller in the day. He ad
mits being guilty el a Urge number or the
charges against him and will sate thoceuuly
the trouble aud expense el trj lug him.
Gerlltzki Is the son or a ery resecUble
citizen or the Seventh ward, but has been
wayward ly foryears. He has given his
fatiier a great deal of trouble aud was helped
bv him out el a uumlier et scrajicn.
"Tbe lint tluiohewas brought befere the
court was lu August lSd5, when he aud Peter
Hote wero Indicted for enlerlug the vault of
Iwreuce Knapp, and stealing thorefrom a
keg or beer. Ills deronse when the case was
called for trial was that he went te tlie vault,
where his brother-in-law was employed, te
buy the beer, but as no ene was about, he took
the beer and intended te pay fr IL The
defotiBe was tee thin, and the Jury promptly
convicted hlui. He aud Hote were sentenced
Ie undergo an lnprisonineut of six months.
They wero roleased iu February laL
u:eih one or the nu...vr.p-u
Beth he and Kote lived In the eastern sec
tion oUheelty.and their loatleg place was In
the vicinity of Jehn, Hist King and Allddle
streets. Here they made lUe acquaintance ei
Jake Buzzard, who lived en Jehn slreeL
Jake, who rwelted his criminal educatien
en the Welsh mountains, culllvated the
acnualutance et Gerlllzkl aud Hele ami it was
nei long ueieru iuu mu uvn "" ....-....,.
They tiegan clese te home, and among their
llrst operations wero the burglaries at the
Chlldreiislleiueand Airs. Kramph's. ltwas
followed up by thieving at West W lllew,
Nellstllle and ether ieints, and linallythe
authorities began te suspect Jake Buzzard
and had a warrant issued te search hlsheue.
That search resulted In tlie llndlng or a
large let el goods which were Ideiitllied as
having been stolen at the Kintnabove inen inen
tieuetl. Buzzard heard of the search and he
at ence skipped out, biking Uerlltzkl aud
Hote with him. They went direct te the
Welsh mountain, where they remained
quiet ler seme weeks, without committing
any therts. They tired of this life, hewever,
and when they took te tlie read robbery
alter robbery was reported te the police.
They did net appear te conllne their tulevlug
te ene locality, but travelled the county from
eue end te the ether.
Ou the night or August II, the rami of N.
S. Fisher, near Blnl lu-llaud, was entered
by thleves and n lmre stolen. The thelt was
committed bv K'lte, Gerlitzkl and liuzztrd.
When near the Welsh mountain they aban
doned the team, but were seen te de se and
the (armor who saw them gathered a losse
and pursued them. AHer a long ami het
chase, lu which shots were oxchaiiged, Hote
was captured, but lierlltzkl end Buzzird get
nwa Afterwards Gerlllzkl again went te
the mountain Hud for a chatige he went te
Tyrene He werked for a woek lu a pipe
ractery, earned f7 and with ibis money he
Hays he imld his way te Lancaster.
the omabeeh ae.mnst him.
A light punishment ler each of the charges
against hlui would put him behind prison
bars for nil ordinary lifetime. The follow
ing is a list et complaints against him at the
olllee or Alderman A. F.Dennelly: Burg
lary at the Children's Heme, burglary at the
heuse el K. AI. Bachniau, Netlsville ; burg
lary t the heusa or K. 11. Hohrer, in the
Bm vIIIaimi: bnrchirv at the house el hlain
Harulsli, burglary at the house of (.oergo
Aleck, burglary at Airs. S. AI. Kramph's
rosldeuco, city ; stealing the horse or Isaac II,
Kspeiishade, burglarv at the heuse or Martin
Ureenburg, stealiug the borse and carriage el
Kzra Krider, stealiug it set or harness Ireui !
I). Heldelbaiighaud burglary at the house el
Daniel Graver. .....
At Alderman Spurrier's are the billowing
charges: stealiug ahorseef J. 11. Alyers, or
New Danville j stealing a set or harness aud
reckawuy rrem Abraham Miller, olthe saine
village: the loleulous entry el Jlj-ers' out-
hoiise j stealiug a team from II, AlcCallister,
tlioleleulousoutry of the premises el Jacob
Harnlsh, and the robbery or J. L. Wetzell's,
At Justice Harpcl'a he Is charged with
stealing a horse from G. K. Krb, mid a buggy
and harness from N. S. Fisher.
SAV HE wild, ins ceNVicri:i.
The olllcera who have charge of the cases
say he will be convicted of all the above
churges and a uuinber of ethers. The evi
dence iu the cases before Alderman Spurrier,
it Is said, will be very tftreng. Hote aud tier-
.j .... .... I... .........I fv.i.n V'-li,littivll l, wlinri.
IllZUl tail OU UffliW Hum ..(,.. ...v, ,-..v.v
Mr. Wetzell's store was robbed, te Safe Har Har
eor, where thpy crossed the rlter aud paid
the parly who lerried them ever with jewel
ry. which Air. Wetzell idcutillns as having
been stelen Irem Ills place. They can be
followed te New Danville, and will be iden
tified as the parties who abandoned the teums
stelen lu and near that village
The policemen who wero put ou the case
have doveled u great deal of lime and ex ex ex
iieiiHoiueudeavorliig te capturothese thieves.
Whenever they heard el their being auy
place they went te that point designated only
ie lnoeluisappeiiiiuieiiiBiici uiwinpuiuimeui.
They are ceulldent that before long they will
I... uhln in ronert the capture of Jake Buzzard,
the chiet or the gatig. That celobrated out
law, according te Gerlltzkl's statement,
is also getting tired of iKilng chased all
ever ihe county and Is also considering the
propriety et imitating his brother Abe by
walking te the city and presenting himself
ut the prison doers. He might aswell, ler he
w ill be caught, The hearings In all the abeve,) i..hs have been ilxed for Saturday,
Tim imllpe have correboratlvo testimony
that Gerlllzkl Intended te surreuder himself.
Chier Smith rocelved a telegram from a
friend yesterday merulug that Gerlllzkl was
theu ou the read te this city aud that he in
tended calling en his sisters, al ter which he
would dellver hlmself te the authorities.
He did net get te Ills slsters, hewever, for the
reason abuve stated he drank tee much and
was unable te travel that far.
Gibsen, the present member, ou the 3Sth
The North Carolina Domecratlo slate con cen con
veutiou met In Halelgh Wednesday aud nom
inated W, N. II. Smith for chiel Justice,
Themas 8. AHie and A. H, Alerrluiati for as as as
Boclate Justices. Theso are the present su su su
prome court Justices. The convention
adopted no pellticlal platrerm or resolutions.
Jehn K. Phllllls, of Kans,is City, has Iiecn
nominated for Congress by Iho Domecratsof
tlie Fifth district.
The Hopublicansef the First congressional
district of Atinueseta have re-neminated J.
Gllllllan by acclamation.
There was a split lu the Hepuhllcan con
ventien el the Second congressional district
et North Carolina, which met In Halelgh One
faction re nominated James H. O'Hara
(colored), aud the ether J. Al. Abbett, a
white man.
The Domecratlo convention el the Klghth
legislative district met In Scranton, Pa.,
aud nominated AI. E. AIcDenald.
Democratic Featlrltlea at I'lltsburg.
The fete cuamisjtre of .the Handall club, or
Pittsburg, at Sllver Lake Wednesday, was a
pronounced social success. Fully two thou
sand persons, composing thoellte el Alle
gheny county's Democracy, wero present,
and a most oujeyablo nfternoen aud evening
wero spctiL The nllalr wai entirely non nen non
pellllcal, although speeches wero made by a
nnuiber or the leading Democrats or Western
Pennsylvania. Considerable dlsapolnlment
was felt bocutse Chauncey F. Black and
Samuel J. Handall were net preseut, as ex
pected, but Chairman Hensel was en hand,
which, Iu a measure, couileu8atod for the
absence of the ether gentlemen. Air. Handall
sent a letter expressing his regrets aud
sbiting that business; which could net be
postponed prevented his coming. The day
was spent In speech-making, toasting and
danclug, and in the evening there was a
grand display of 11 re works.
Te lis N'utlrleil In I-amaaler.
The couunitlee appointed by the recent
Democratic state convention toelllclally notify
Candldate Black and his associates en the
tlcket of their nomination, consisting of Con
gressman Krmontreut, chairman j Kckley B.
Coxe, Charles F. AlcKeuna, Geerge A. Allen,
Jemos A.Stranahan, II. W. Scott, B. J. Alc
nraun, A. II. Collreth and Dallas Sanders,
have decided that the formal coremonies or
notification shall take place iu Lnca.ster, en
Thursday, Septemberi Tblstliueand place
was llxed bocause ei tbe expected proseuce or
the candidates at next wcek'B big county lair.
a aArri,n TitAysAUTiux.
UAituimwnii vunimNTiurr.
Kev. Jehn II. Hecter, a Xrgrii I'reaclier, hn-
tliuaes IlieCrmril hy Ills llrilaratlena in
KnvoreltlieTlilnl 1'artr-llxir, rainier,
Alin Colored, Deliver au Address
fitimmm or albxahdmb.
In Willed Lel Seuiteiili: sml .1. II. are
Iho rartlrs lutrestcu.
The suit or Levi Suusenig againBt J. G.
Hush,et New Danville, occupied theatlontien
or Judge Livingston's court ou Wednesday
afternoon and this morning. According te
plalutltl's testimony en April 1, 1SS3, he con
tracted with Hush lur his rat cattle. Hush
agreeil te deliver them about June 15, IbSS,
nnd was te recolve li', ceuls ier ieund.
Plalntltl' advanced hlui f-00 en account efthe
cattle en the day the contract was made.
When the cattle wero delivered plalntllT
refuaed te recolve them en the ground that
they wero net In the condition bargained ler
and he brings this suit te rocevor the f 3)0
The derense was that the cattle were in as
geed condition as Air. Hush could put them,
and when Sensenlg rofused te accept them
he sold thorn for the best prlce he could get,
6', cents.aud inconsequeneoof thodlllerence
In prlce for which he sold them and the price
according te the contract the '-00 was
Plalutill was represented by S. IL Koynelds
and J. Hay Brown aud he deiendant by 11.
AI. North and Win. A. v lisen. jury euu
In the suit or Heed, AIcGrann A. Ce. vs. S.
AI. Kpler, the plalutill" sullered a nen-sulL
The two suits of Levi W. Grell vs. H. L.
Sliluip, were disposed eh In one case a vor ver
dlct ler ?'J,000 was ronderod lu favor of the
plaintiff", and in the second a verdict was en
tered in favor of the deieudauL
Uaiuusui're, Aug. 23. In the Prohibi
tion statu convention here yesterday, a per
manent organization was formed, with A, A.
Stevens, of Blair county, as chairman. There
were Oil delegates present, or whom 10 wero
wotnen and IJS clergymen. There wero four
colored delegates.
The second day's session el the state Pro
hibition convention opened with Gi'i del
egates present, togethor with a large number
of visitors, illllng the opera heuse from top
te;bottom. After the singing and prayer,
ihe convention proceodod te business.
A number of resolutions wero introduced
and adopted. Air. Hunter, chairman of the
committee en tlnance, ropertod that the com
mittee asked for ?10,000 te carry en the work
successfully. The roll of counties vvascalled
and the amount of money pledged wastd,
319, part of which was paid In cash.
Hev. Jehn H. Hecter, a colored minister
or Washington, was called upon te address
the convention. Ills ad dress was warmly
received. He said the colored meu were de
termined te join the ranks and wanted te
light the demon that was werse than slavery.
He told a story with a moral in which the
colored race were beginning te be disgusted
with the old parties. Beth Democrats and
Republicans had taken them aleug for com
pany. He believed the convention has
started out aright, and by giving him a
chance te speak they wero giving the ceu
ventlen the proper " color. '
Hev. Palmer, auether colored man, also ad ad ad
drossed the convention and spoke for a short
time ou the Issues el the Prohibition cam'
Aller ether addresses, the convention ad
jeurned uutil '1 o'clock.
At the afternoon session the commlttee en
platform reported, and the platform was
adopted by acclamation.
The proamble doclares ler the total aboli
tion of the liquor tratllc It arraigns both the
old parties as being false te all the
trusts glveu Inte their hands by tlie people
The peeple are asked te abandon all ether
parties and come te their roscue. it advocates
the reformation of thedruukard and adoption
of measures te protect the church and home.
It doclares as being the only party willing
te be dofeated in the cause of prohibition or
triumph in lis triumphs. They raver
thoenforcomont of the laws in reference te
anti-discriiuluatieu. They demand that
American labor aud production be given the
preference by the American people. It ad
vocates arbitration between capital and labor,
Charles b. Welfe was nominated by ac
clamation for govorner by the Prohibition
ists. B. A. Batker was named for Uouteuant
governor ; and Charles L. Hawley, for audi
tor general.
Hev. Jehn Al. Palmer, (colored) was
named for secretary el internal allalrs.
KntliusuMin In Ilulgsrl Ovsr the Downfall et
the l'rotlnlensl (levsrumtnt,
Lo.vneN, Aug. 20. A dispatch from Hella
says there is great enthusiasm throughout
Bulgaria evor the downfall of the previsional
goveruniont appointed te admlnister the af
fairs el the country ou the dopealtlon of
Prlnce Aloxander and the overthrew of the
conspirators. Numerous towns are gaily
decorated with Hags and bunting and there
is general rejoicing among the peeple.
An Order I'rein the r.
Londen, AugustSi!. A dispatch from Kenl
states that the czar has ordered Prince Alex Alox
aneor te be ferwarded te Kissonell' If he doe)
net adhore te the tonus of the abdication,
which, it is claimed, he had slgned.
Te I're, eed te (lermanjr,
Vienna, Aug. at. A dispatch from SL
Petersburg states that the czar has erdered
that the Priuce Aloxander be allewed te pro
ceed te Germany via Odessa.
Hate of Illseunt Advanced,
LeNDON,Aug. 31. The Hank of England
rate of discount has been advanced te 3' per
Hew Alexander Was Denoted.
Londen, Aug. 'M. The latest dispatches
from Soils, with regard te the manner in
which Prlnce Aloxander was deposed, say
that it was eirected by a single reglment of
military cadets who also arrested tbe com
mander or the Alexander regiment who was
at Slivenliza at the time. The previsional
government seeing that the poeplo favored
Prlnce Aloxander, resigned and liberated
tlie coiumauder of the Aloxander regiment,
who, upon gaining his liberty, at ence arrest
ed the leaders of. the conspiracy. Thopewors
have recognized the Alaravelell government,
which is In favor of Aloxander.
Alexander Ie lie Atked te Come Ilack,
Londen, Aug. IM. Sir J. Fergusen, under
secretary of state for loreigu allalrs, stated in
the Heuso et Commens this evening that the
gev eminent had received a dispatch from Hella
te the ellect that the troops loyal te the do de
posed Prince Alexander entered that city en
Tuesday with the ceuscnt of the powers.
" The exact whereabouts of Prlnce Alexan
der," he continued, " is net known, but tolo telo tole
grams have been sent in all directions, with
the hope of reaching him, Inviting him te re
turn te Bulgaria."
jrjtir xekk.
I'ruinlu-neus (Untitling liana tijr Sent Varies-
men tuttie r.mirt toilet Car Threagk,
Car l'xel ami se lladlr Damaged
as te He sent llack.
k i
Kxcetlent brtirr -iliat Were Made at
hcheeuerk iVedlienda.
On Wednesday the North Kud Kllle club
held their regular target practlcoatScheeuock
There was a large attondauce and liftoeu per
sons took part In the match. The sheeting
was the tlnest evor seen en the range. The
sheeting was af.'-iOO yards, ami out et a pessi
ble 75 lue lOUOWlllg scores w urn iiuud
Try te Wreck an Kxcurslen Train Containing
300 1'eenle.
Juliet, Ills., Aug. al As an excursien
train rrem Aurera, Ills., was nearlng here
yesterday with 300 passongers, the engineer
noticed an obstructleu and stepped Just In
tlmoteiulssiL The obstacle consisted of a
pile of timber three feet high. AHer
the train bauds had cleared the track the
traiu Btartedagalu. Itwas seen brought te
ahaltonce mere, the engineer having dis
covered aunther obstruction ahead, which
preved te be a feuce pest that been firmly
planted In an upright position between two
tles aud protruded Irem the ground about
18 inches. Later en two uiore pests were
eucountered sticking up between the ties
and the cuglne ran upon one of them bofero
the .traiu could be stepped. This delayed
the train for seme tlme. The obstructions
w ero all feuud within a mile of each ether.
There is no clue te the person who placed
them there.
New YenK, Aug. 31. Tlie street railway
troubles were ronewed te-day, the aspect
oiaiiairseemg very luroaiening. The Broad
way and Noventh Avenue company began Ie
run out tuore cars this morning and the
police reserves and the force of Captain
Kllltlea's precinct wero en hand in Increased
numbers at the railway depot at Seventh
a von no and .Will stroeL A renudstnan and
five patrolmen were dotatled for eacu car
with Instructions te club any ene who Inter
fered with IL Tlie drlver of a wagon ob
structed the llrst car at the crossing at 41th
street and the mob attacked the car and threw
It elT the track a wild scene for a few mln mln
utes and thousands of parsons woie attracted
te the spot. Squads or pollce came down and
began some promiscuous clubbing. Several
arrests wero made, and the triangular square
at the Juncture or Broadway aud 7th avenue
was ctearedwitb tbe uxcoptleu of the crowds
that lined tlie sldowalksen Soventh avenue
side. Captain Kllllloacmne down from the
depot and took charge et the pollce and seen
restored order. Several Broadway cars came
down and passed along, while the desperate
and angry mob watched for au opportunity
te obstruct thorn. Stones aud bricks were
hurled at several of the cars at intervals, but
no serious injury was done te persen and
properly. The car which was upset was tee
much damaged te make the trip aud was
sent back te the dopeL The policemen ou
beard fought for all they wero worth, but
they wero getting tbe worst el the enceunter
when tbe relnfurroinents arrlved. The drlver
and couducter ran for their lives.
At neon the company had about a dozen
cars running. Inspector Steers has laktn
charge el the depot. He has flve captains and
-00 policemen uuder his lmmodtate com
mand. Alere trouble is fearad ou the Third
avenue railway, against which the old em em
peoyes and the Broadway meu have a dis
like bocause they believu the Third Avenue
company sent Its drivers te assist the Broad
way company.
With the exception el a few little scrim scrim
mnges, everything was quiet In the vicinity
el the Belt line stables at luth avenue and
fWh slreeL A low " scabs" had te be res-"
cued by tlie oltce, but.further than that, all
w as as Borcue els the summer's day. A large
ferce of pollce arestattoned at the stables.
Tlie executive commlttee of the beard of
directors met In the directors' room at the
stables and began a conference which has
net yet ended. Ne action will be had in re
gard te operating the read, until their de
cision Is had.
Firemen te Ge Out.
Cincinnati, O., Aug. 23. It has just been
reported that the Uretnen en the Louisville .t
Nanhville railroad will go out ou astrike this
artorneon, and the Knights of Laber have
orderedtho brakemau te fellow. Nothing
dellnlte has been learned concerning the
a ic
, xJ
Died Werth 15,000,000.
Bkoeklyn, N. Y., Aug. 20. Joremlah P.
Hoblnseu, whose wealth Is estimated be
tween 12,000,000 and ?15,000,000 died sud
denly at 3:30 this morning, at his home in
this city. He had been sutlering from a car
buncle In the back of the neck for the past
two weeks. A alight action of his, while be
was under treatment, allected his heart, and
death followed Instantly. Air. Hoblnseu was
the largest owner of rivorslde preperty in
Brooklyn, having te a large extent created
this city's prosperous water frenL He was
also ene el the largest property-bolders at
Narragausett Pier, H. I. The doceased was
born Iu Seuth Kingsten, it. I., and was 67
years old.
luutugardner ..
I'arpenter, I ...,
Carpenter, VY..
4 5KJSAAS.SS44 471
,.SS3SiUSStl53l i r
UMiMSSMUl 3-07
. MilllltSSSilll 5-M
..45505SISS125 5-ftJ
..51231113334 134 4-6.1
,..J5424344JSSSS5 B-tiD
,.. 044J ! 3 33415335 5-57
... I HMSU5I 11134 4-35
. .Sai5335l434 13 455
... 2 1 .1 J I 4 4 5 2 5 5 3 1 4 555
... I ,1 4 5 I I 2 a 4 4 4 5 J 0 3-31
. J,iUJSSS4810il 3-52
... 03 4 3i 43'J 135 3 5 02-4:
lllected A. C. Leenard l'reslclent.
special te ihe Intbllieknceii.
Hauiusiiuue, Aug. 20. The HSox-seldler
delegates new In the Prohibition convention
have organized a state Soldiers' and Sailors'
Prohibition League aud elected A. C.
Leenard, of Lancaster, p:esldent for the
The Illinois Democrat!.
Si'itiNOFiur.D, Ills., Aug. 2d. The state
Democratic convention astembled at neon to
day aud was called te erder at 12:15 by Soua Seua
tor Duncan. Chairman Oronderf, iu his
opining address, praised the administration
of President Clevelaud, alluding te it as hen-
est aud efllclent. He predicted the success
of the Democratic party iu the cemiug state
Tnre Colored Men Hanged.
VicKsnune, Alias., Aug. 20. It hasjust
been learned that night bofero last an armed
mob of negrees rede in from the country and
surreunded the county Jail at Magnelia, this
state. They breke opeu the doers, meeting
witli only formal resistance, and took out
two colored men Jehn and Loander Nelsen
aud hanged them from a bridge at the edge
el the tewu. The men had been arrosted for
the brutal assassination of a man named Col Cel
lins. There was no questien ei their gtillL
Tne Killed In a ltallnajr Collision.
AIaiivsvillk, Ohie, Aug. 20. At 10:30
last ulsht, the " Cannen Ball" train en the
Boe Line track, ran into a freight train
standing en the cresslug of the P. C. it SL L.
read, while running forty miles nn hour.
The accident happened by tbe air brakes
failing te work. Freight cars were thrown
In every direction, tearing down the target
and killing Charles Phillips, city .night
watchniau, and Samuel AI. Laugdeu, as
sistant sergeant-at-arms of the Ohie Heuse of
Kopresoutativos, who was returning te his
home from the Hepublicau state convention.
They were all horribly mangled. Laugdon
leaves a wlfe aud eue child.
sit. Jiijf Nete,
rrem the 8 tar.
Peter Stautler has returned rrem a 500 500
mlle bicycle trip te Baltimore Washington
and Luray.
Hev. Peter Nlssly, el List Denegal town
ship, who 50 years age hauled grain te Phil
adelphia aud Wilmington evor the Phil
adelphia turnpike, drove ever It again a short
tlme age, the llrst time slnce his youth. He
is new 85 years of age.
In the cellar or Adam F. Heet, or Aleunt
Jey, has spontaneously grevvu up a low days
age, something that exactly represeuts a
tidy. There are several et them and one or
them is about four feet iu diatueter. As it
grew about the tinioef the death et Airs.
Lichty, the superstitious are ceupllug theso
tacts together.
Au liiter-MuiiuUlpal Convention,
Heading dispatch te the Ledger.
Au inter-municipal convention of dele-
gates from Heading, Scrauteu, Lancaster,
Harrlsburg, Lebanon, Allentewn, Allegheny
and ether cllies of Pennsylvania has been
called te meet at Heading, commencing
Tuesday, October liitli next, te draw up a
number of bills for passage by the legisla
ture, which meets lu January nexL The
deslgn or the proved bills is te precure
imirnrinltv iu legislation for all the cities
named. At present almost every ene ei
theso cities has a dlllereut plau ler conduct
lug Its departments or city goyerumonL
(Quarterly Contentious el tV, C.T. V.
The quarterly conventlon et the W. C. T.
U., of Choater county, was held Tuesday at
Oxford, aud was largely attonded by dele
gates and workers from all sections el the
county. Airs. Kichard Darlington presided.
Jeseph Walten, or West Chester, and Airs.
Black, of Baltlmore, msde stirring addresses.
1 .alienator, Baltimore, Wilmlugten and Phil-
A Liquid te Cause lastlug.
AIilan, Aug. 20. Giovanni Succi, a gen
tleman residing hore, aged 45 years, professes
te have discovered a liquid, a small quantity
et which taken Inwardly will ouable the
persons Bwallewlcg it te last for a period or
rrem thirty days te two mouths. Slguer
Succl In support of his theory agreed te rast
30 days under the inlluencoet the liquid, and
began his task en August ISth. A commit commit commit
tee is watching him ulght and day te prev out
his taking nourishment.
Wants te Knew VVIijr lie Was Discharged.
UitK'Aiie, Aug. 2A Allen Tuell, a distri
buting clerk in the mailing division of the
postelllco, who was discharged en Tuesday,
declined te accept his pay yesterday. He
says he has iulluentlal lrlends In Washing
ton, and proposed te test his superier olU elU
cer's right te discharge him, as he claims,
without ether cause than that he is a Hopub Hepub
licau. He has been in the postelllco slnce
August 1, lbSL. He glves it out that he de
sires seme belter reason than has been stated
aud Intends te llnd out about it.
Engineering Werk Destroyed by Fire.
Londen, Aug. 20. The engineering works
at Bosten, Lincolnshire, beleugiug te the
Great Nerthern Hallway company, wero
totally destreyed by tire te-day. Huudreds
et hands are thrown out el work.
Hu miner Leisure,
Airs. Theodere Facer and her daughter
Blanche, of Philadelphia, nre visiting A. C.
Hove, or this city,
Gee. AI. Fester aud family has goue te
Columbia for a week.
lleury Draciibar is al Schaullers untei,
Atlantic City. N. J.
Dolegato W. II. Kellly, who was lu attend.
ance at the recent convention of the Irish
National Leaguo In Chicago, as a representa
tive from the local brancli,came home yester
day. While making a business trip te New
1xe'K,xur. Aiexauuur iuciiiauvny, ei vt ll ll
inlitrten, De!., viMted frlemls In this city.
delphla wero represented, q'he keeping et
cider lu prlvate laiullles w
I wan denounced.
Ceutlcted of Ijtrieuj.
Some weeks age Alary Heameusdorler, el
Lobaueti, stelo a dress and Jersey from Mary
Mlnulcli, or that city, aud then lied te Lan
caster. Olllcer Barnholt arrested her in a
heuse en Church ntreet aud bauded her ever
te the Lebanon police. Yosterday she was
placed en the stand In tbe Lebanon criminal
ceurL The commonwealth preved the lar-
ceny, and Onicer Barnholt testltled that tbe
girl aumuieu ner gum ie mm
Iiev guuiy was wiiuuruwu
guilty outered, She was beu
days lu prueu.
TAt'i'isu riteji tiii: wniis.
Geergo A. Steere has been olectod presi
dent efthe tire eugiueers in sossleu at Provi
dence, K. I. ....
A freight tratu en the C. W. .fc 11. railroad
crashed into a Cincinnati saloon this morn
tin? and caused 15.000 damage.
At Woodstock, Aid., Cardinal Gibbens con
ferred holy erders this morning en a class of
27 graduates, at the Jesuit collego.
Names for the uew steel cruisers for the
navy have been selected. Oue of the 1,000
ten vossels will be named "Newark," the
ethor, medelled alter the Japanese war ship
Nanlwakau, will bocalled "Charleston," and
the third vossel will be called "Baltimore."
Cennemara, Becky II., Lucky 11. aud L'na
B. wero the winners of the raceiat Saratoga,
N. Y., te-day.
The Mew Commissioner of Public Works.
Mayer drace, or New Yerk, appointed
Goueral Jehn Nowteu, U. S. A,, as com-
luisslouer of publle works, yu:e Squire, re
moved. Gouerul Novvten's salary as chief
of ouglneera is new J5,500 with allowances
amounting te probably TOO mere. As a
lirlmidier iceneral en the rollred list his pay
will be (4,125, aud as commissioner of public
works lu New Yerk his salary will be 18,000.
A Mastodon's skeleton.
Klkhaht, Ind., Aug. 20. U. Cuip, a far
mer living six miles south et here, some
tiuie age unoarthed several huge
bones of a mastodon. Slnce that tlme he has
continued his researches lu hopes of finding
the whole skoletou. His labors '.have been
rowarded by Uudiug a foreleg which has the
enormous length of fourteeu feeL He has
hepes that he will eventually llnd the re
maining portions.
Lettery Operators Arrested.
INDIANAI'OLIS, Ind., Aug. 20. AI. C.
Nlxeu, and J. W. Aiilteu, lottery operators,
who wero ludlcted iu Colea county, Ills., for
attempting te operato a scheme there and
who lied te Indiana te oscape prosecution,
wero arrosted at Peru, yosterday, by aUnited
States marshal and brought here ter trial.
The.v promptly imve ball lu $2,000 each
is claimed that they have made 5100,000 by
their operations.
Terribly llurnetl aud Scalded.
II Aiiitisiiena, Pa., Aug. 20. This morning
about 10 o'clock while Wm. Newbauru was
cleaning the tire under ene ei the bollers at
the rail mill of the Pennsylvania steel com
pany at Stoeltou, a portion of the Hue in the
boiler collapsed, causing auch leaks that a
large part et the het water in tlie boiler was
suddenly discharged through the 11 ue and
the flre deer or the boiler upon the unfortu
nate man, the het water and coals driven out
with it, scalding and burning him te an ex
tout bolleved te be fatal. He has a family of
live children.
Fined Fer Helling Adulterated Butter.
Chicago, 111., August 20. Before Just tee
Klstler yesterday, Llndskoeg and Freiberg,
who keep a grocery at Townsend and Oak
streets, wero lined f25,rer selling compounded
aud adulterated butter. It la claimed by tbe
oleemargariuo poeplo that the present prose
cutions are Instituted by the dairy and but-
termen te boom the butter interest, and that
many manufacturers of butter use leaf lard
te the exteut of at least 15 per cent Inspector
Hew e says that all dealers in oleomargarine
aud butterlne will be persistently and
vigorously prosecuted te the full extent et
the law.
Ordered te Leave Kiusla.
Odessa. Aug. 20. Ceuradl, the American
who was recently arrested at Simferopel, In
the Crimea, has been released aud ordered
te leave Hussla Immodlately. He was set free
at tbe request of United States Allnlster
Lothrep.who interpesed In his behair with the
authorities at SL Petersburg. The charge)
agaiust Cenradl was that he baptised person"
iu the Lutheran faith.
liileute Heat lu the Northwest.
Sr. Pvii., Alinn., Aug. 20. Intense heat
has prevalled ever the entire Nerthwest for
the last three days. At Devll's Lake the
tbormemeter recorded 100 degrees yester yestor yoster
day. At Winnipeg and SL Vincent it was
105 and at Grand Ferks 103U. At Halleck,
Minn., the mercury touched 101. The grass
Is very dry and prairie llres have been rag
lug lu that vicinity. It is ropertod that a
number of farmers have been burned out.
Ilia Injured lu au Accident.
Windseu, VL, August 20. Inquiries
made this morning show thatSeuater Kvarts
tnl,i.laa urn turn ArtHlinlvn HTClIn WOUHllS and
,, I a sevore sprain and Injury te the left leg. He,,,. .'$
" I is quite comfertabio arter a geed night's $
y I ainen. AIlss Alatthew's Injuries consist efse- :
vere bruises, but she is net seriously hurt. A
Air, K. C. 1'OrKIUS' ueuy win hi n ve ,u uuews ';v?
te-morrow. i
. it..., 1-i,ili&1inMl .
Klmiiia, N. Y Aug. 2G.-TU0 body of 1M?Z
ltev. James C. Beecuer, who oeiobshw
Binclde yesterday, ha been embalmed
will be kept soveral daya. Ne word has
been received from any or tne lainiiy,
fell u Distance el 1'erty Fet.
A man by the name or Smith, while ou u
scaffold eniraired iu painting the St. Alary's
I (?atiinl(n eliureb. Lebanon, loll a distance of
Tim nlna of I an font in thn irreund at neon Wednesday.
and a plea of I strange te say the man was only slightly
tenced te thirty I brutted and rosumed work shortly after. It
I w ai a miraculous oscape.
Ilellast Nen- Oulet.
BiiLFAST, Aug. 20 Thecity is quiet today
aud the euly ovidenco or last night's rietlug
iu the Shauk hill read is the numerous
broken windows aud the huge paving stones
with which the streets are strewn. The Hev.
Dr. Kane, the gmud master or the Orange
grand ledge of this city doclares that the
magistrates are criminally dorelict iu their
duty lu parleying with the lawless mobs.
Said He Was UUd Ie Hang.
Hiohmenp, Ind., Aug. SW. Bales was
hanged at 12SW. He made a speech, saying
that lie was guilty, was glad and ready te
die. Death rosulted from strangulation In
12 minutes, 20 aoeouds. He was brave te the
very last.
Oerman Natural t'blloaeptier 111.
BKIU.IN, Aug. 20. rrolessor Herrmau
Leuis Helmholtz, the distinguished German
natural philosopher and physiologist, Is
seriously 111 at Interlakeu, Switzerland.
Conservatives Urgently Buinmeued. t
Londen. Aug. 20. An urgent whip has
been issued by tbe government for the 4
in.,.iiiee of all the Conservative) members ei.-.
Parliament In the Heuse of Commens f"
ulght te doieat Mr. Parnell's tnoiien or wsw
amnmlment te the address. ".'"'' .
Treasurer Jerdan's Coming lleelfm-Ueii, ir
Chicago, August 24-A specUl trew"
Washlugten says : "Obscurely word ,
undoubtedly authenUe utterances olUeialVjr
given out, leave no room te doubt tfc
Treasurer Jerdan's resignation Li only atfV
terefafuwdays. , . ;
. Jk UnVvHIll ' ' '- "r"
Londen, Aug. 2d-Hlr Jehn Harteppl
boenadjuugeu a i-""f"
WAHIIIKaTOrJ, P. O., Aug. W.-.I
, Kastern New Yerk, KaaMf rm
vanla, New Jeraey,5Delwre"M.l
laml, fair weather, seutneriy wiswt
warmer, ;
rt'",, .1-