S53RfrMtt,r "''' V? '. "'TnJwr- rt i .Jf I .? -T '&1 iaiiii" i$ tf , -V Ski 1 ? a- -.' s 5 t?. fe ,S- & 2- V. A l r Jtteg. (ED IK ITS CRIB. f3iNM-r4-M0 caixu jftexr mvMtm a memmimtm batb. :ynm nv wit Match u oeimbc or 7 IMtta OB CMkN rir m IU Hetter ft tria nuM jHt la tt nick of ttmt-NMriy Browse la lb Biter. l lttlrCompeadMcorliiTULtaisciii. . Columbia, An. 28. A. terrible burning vf i fcwKMt k d in Columbia en Tuesday :' III flute. Mwf'. "" T '" - fj'-'" "r ; jMrtfJtMU, living en Cherry street. The -" 'ltttWwM hail procured a match In some "H i atr hleh ahalvnlliwi vhlla Itrlni In liar ; te. the upper lloer et the beuse. The at fire te the bed clothing and the of the child, and they were seen In a The beat from the burning material started the child te crying which was heard by the mother. Mrs. Maul I ran up nUlrs and found the bed clothing In flames. With the aarittance of some neighbors the fire was seen extinguished. The cries of the child were beard Justin time, as the smoke el the fire would have seen stilled the little girl and fatal results would have occurred. Br Bern thelsel was hastily summoned and reuilered all possible aid te alleviate tbe BuOerlnns el the child. The Injuries consist or terrible burns about the lower limbs, but they will net result In any serious manner. The paranta are at a less te knew hew the child get the match, as these articles are always ept out of the reach el the children. A Marrow Escape. On Tuesday, Mr. M. Bachenbelmer, ac companied by Mr. Harry Waller, of Sunbury, Pa. i went out en the river en a fishing ex cursion. The beat was rowed up the river towards the steamboat landing, at the bridge. The water at this place is about fifteen feet in depth. Mr. Waller steed up in the bait and attempted te take held el the cribbing, at the landing. When he caught held of the legs he trled te pull the beat te the landing, but be pushed the beat farther from him and felt into Ibe water. Mr. Waller net being able te swim, had a very narrow escepe from being drowned. The only part that could be seen was his hands. Mr. Bachenbelmer seized a fishing red, which the struggling man managed te take held et. In this way he was pulled towards the beat. In the con. fusion et the time, the beat was nearly upset and was half full of water. Tueesoape Irem drowning was very close. Met With Peer Success. Werd was received in town yesterday te send police assistance te the farmers along the Chlckles creek who bate been troubled te a great extent by tramps. The three po lice efllrars went te the place where the tramps were encamped, but the men had left for ether places. A number of fires ami ether slgnslndlcated the presence of tramps a short whlle previous, They must hat re- uuute ei me coming of the police. When tramps are arrested by the officers for dlUurblug the fanners considerable trouble is bad te get the farmers te appear against them. Itecevered II U Beut. Nearly two weeks age Jehu W. Michael had a four-eared sklU stolen from the Wal nut street wharf by hat leg the lock en the beat broken. After considerable trou ble the beat was found In Marietta and se cured by the proper enner. Seme person had stolen the beat and took it up the river, where It was sold for three dollars. The purchaser had repainted the beat Bfter he bought it A man In town is suspected el the theft aud will most likely be brought te account for the act. Seme Personal Point?. Miss Emily Wilsen has returned home irem a visit te Canandalgua, N. Y. Themas llarklns is a guest of Hugh North, MlasSallle Marlindale, of Philadelphia, is visiting in Columbia as the guest of Miss Grace Murphy. , Miss Mary Yeung, of l.utherville, Md., is the guest of Misses Welsh, cu Chestnut street. . Miss Amelia Wilsen has returned home from a visit te the seashore. U. M. Upp, telegraph operator at the dis patcher's efil ce el the Pennsylvania railroad, is oil duty by rpaseu of sickness. William 11. Given, esq., left town today for a visit te Saratoga. J .When Rev. J. . Shefluer, pastor of the bt. Jehn's Lutheran church, returned home from his summer acatfen, he found his home liberally supplied by previsions, etc., donated by his congregation. William McDivitt, living en Walnutstreet, attained his majority yesterday. A large number or his frlends assnmbled at his home last night, aud spent the ttine In a pleasant manner. An elegant bamiuet nai much enjoyed. The Town lu Uriel. Several streets about town are being re paired by the supervisor, by the use of lime stone and gravel. The Hed and Gun club inspected their teats, eta, yesterday afternoon, preparatory te their departure for their camp in Union county en September 1st. A surprise party was given te Miss Lillian Yeung, at her home, corner becend and Walnut streets, last night. An enjoyable tlme was bad by the tiersens present Workmen am busily engaged every night at the new stere or Messrs. Haldeman, en Locust street. The work is belng done bv the means of an electrle light Blackbirds are very plentiful en the Islands below the dam, and this kind of sheeting is much enjoyed by our local sportsmen. The physicians of town will attend the doctors' picnie te be held te-morrow at Yerk Furnace. Kuglne-HOet the Pennsylvania railroad waa standing en the siding at the warehouse this morning, when a large feigbt engine ran Inte it by reason of a switch being turned te the wrong track. The platform el the 410 was somewhat damaged by the accident. At the Parki. The Fester street Lutheran Sunday school, or Uarrlsburg, held a picnic at Penryn yestor yester day. They had 2S2 persons and a line time. Te-day the Order of United Friends et Lebanon and Lancaster are at the rark. The attendance is large, and the Germania orchestra, of Lebanon, is furnihhins the music, " The excursion of the Presbyterians te ML Gretna yesterday was the first one that was run te that place from this city this season. Tho'e who participated were pleased. On Saturday there will be a soldiers re union at ML Gretna, Kebert H. Celeman will furnish an ex which will be roasted, and be has given ISO towards defraying ex penses. Acsldent te a Ce it. Yesterday a valuable Helstelu cow belong beleng lng te Harry Hartman, who resides lu Hast Lampeter township, Btepped In a muskrat hole and breke one or her less. The limb was set by Dr. Hhaub. 11 earing Continued. A. M. Shlssler, charged with lalie preteuse and forgery, was before Alderman A.r. Don Den nelly ler a bearing this morning, but the case was continued en account of the absence or testimony from Philadelphia. Still Urine. Klmer Sergeant, the Marietta boy who was struck by a locemotlvo yesterday, le still liv ing, although in a very bad way. Areiusineau. -!!,0,!"" ,,enaWicm" Taiilgltt.-'lhe comedy which will ee given at tha opera home te night .t.e ,hV .,5 7cry l'Ilar. The troupe Is 52lgvfa U ,uclulles VYltlltm Moere. ML, MmbeVe?? 0lll0'wll0W"l introduce it numeet of new songs, 4c. cldents, excltlnc !Uuu0ns and realluie 9BUu sssssjr for hMf ft e"i5 Friday Ettning't CVmcily. Nancv r-.i will be presented by Arthur Uehan,Lm,?" en rrhLy evening. The party ", y serlcs, lutludlns vulvet plush lirUere; S" trie., oriental rug...draplnB., Ac. T'e hotel scene la the second act L cry naturtl.wlth rial doers, 4c. "uiiiu i'q. lieaiuiy iledy and a Clear Head. -- ..-..,"-...., m..u uiiifiusncvs torment Ibe body, the head cannot be clear 1 t These disorder react upon the brain most hurt'. fully, and produce a cloudiness In the organ of .".. thought net experienced by a healthy man 1 - Happily these brain oppressing maladies may ,-" ' fce autlrelr dttpelledby that peerless alterative fffc an! Invigorates the brain and nerve', while It regulate tbe etgan8 of digestion, as as ilmllatlen and bilious secretion. It expels the morbid humors which poison the system thteugh the bowels and urinary pestages, and cserts a powerful Invigorating influence as well, lu calbartln action U never Irritating, Intent or painful, buteven, natuial and pregiesslve. As an appetizer and shop promoter, the Hitters Is unrivaled) It mitigates the lnnrmltles et age, relieves the ailment pocullsxtetho gentler six, aircsU premature decay, and tmlliU up an en feebled physique. ugl.teA MAMKKT8. Ohleace Market. Csiuabe, Aug., ?M30a. m. Market opened t Wheat Aug , 7ic ; Sept, T?e : Oct, 'XG'i x Nev., gi'Uc Cern-eepl., 4l;ci Oct, tc Nev.MWfl'iC- Oats Aug, WC( (Sept.. Sb'sei Uct.ffc. rerk Aug., fJ l 8ipt., W l'l Oct,, ! .67K .67K Nev.WBTW. l.ard-Aug $r.Scpt., 17 9)! Hit, M 77K Nev.,W87H Utbs Aug., VJ)i SepL.tiiM Oct., wan Mewlera I'rtMtaee Starket. Kiw l'eaa, Aug. a. rieur maiket Ann but dull; Fine, 11 iai no j aupernne, tl lia: Hi; Common le Heed Kxtra extern, tJ fiJH70t Geed te Choice Extra Western, 14 PnS5 rt): City Mill Kxtras. W WH fA for Wit liulle i Minn. Kxtra, tJNiQS tOi Extra Ne. 5, f' (i.yjj nV Geed te fancy Extia State, t2uQ3 Ce i Common te ralr Extra Ohie I2S0J3SX Wheat Nat Kodstate en spot, MflMs: Ne. 1 White, state, slot be. Ne. a Ked, Winter, Sep , 6)Ke t Oct. u.c. Cern Ne. Mixed, cash, MKc s Sept., Sl'ic Oats Ne. 1 White a late, stiet. It, n.Ade S3Ke i le -t, 3-i'(c. Bye dull. Jterley nominal. l'erk dull s New Mess, f Drill M- Lard Sep .(713 i Oct, 17 2). Molasses firm! 17c, for SO Ust beUtnK stock : Perte Itlce, 30fl i-c TurjKintlne firm at 31623c Itesln dull t strained te geed, tl I'Wl (t2f, Tetreleum dnll t refined In cae c. freights nominal i grain te Londen, :c. Butter Market dull) .Sew Western Creamery. UStf-Jc Cheesedult; Wetern I holte. .',( Fgggfirm; Slate, 1,817c ; Wt-stcin. lt,8 sugar nuvrket firm t Keflned cutleaf, t-n fltl 6-lbCi (Iranulated. 6Kc Tallew dull: prime city, t'tc CoiTeo steady i fair cargoes at 10c Ulredull: Carolina and luUUua, common letalr,3HOIc; Umige.u, iiXc nnux and rraiuiem Furnished by S. K. lundt Uieker. Cuiciue, Aug 13,1 o'clock p. ui. n heat Cern. Outs. fork. Lard. August il; ..: . . September 7i 4." 17 bl 7 M October in 4'i &!, a 7U t-1) .sovetneei .i iv. A) 9 7 J 9 57s December May . Winter Wheat., Spring Wheat.. Cern Oats Kye Barley Oil City CruduOtl w1. t. uccelpta. Car Ixits .... 113 il .... -; .... :m j .... te Head. 14.WM Receipts Hogs. Closing Prices 2 o'clock p. in. t heat Cern. Oata. fetk. Ijird August 7X tl a 9 t'l 7 re September. 7ss 4iW 9 . 7 a 9 711 6 77V .' ;s t J7S October te, 44' J November six b. I'eveuiuer ci .... .... .... May ?l 4'-5i j:', OUClty Cmde OU bl IJtb stock Slarkeu. Csit!Aii,Aug.!l.-Tho)reifT'JouriuitreiorU Cattle Kecclpts, 6,700 head; shipment, JIXe; market active, prices about steady shipping steers, XC te limits, 13 ;0fl3 ?u. Blockers and leeders at r: 3HJJ 7:cei, bulls and mixed at tl NtJ3 S3; bulk at It 41HJJ OU; through Texas cattle, K'A S3 tJ; Western tangeis Arm at ijte Hogs Ilccelpts, l.oeu head ; shipments, 3.5O0head. Market slew, closing weak: rough andrnUedat(3J6l 5; packing and shipping. MTOai 0 7; light weights. t)7S8l", skips, 1M sheep Uecelpts, 4,aw head shipments, 6eO head. Market weaker and prices steady , natives, I2.KG3CO: western, ri fllti; Tcxani, 4UOW3 00 lambs at l OOflS 2J V Kots EAST IiIurt Cattle receipts, 731 head: sliipmenii), l,VJ7head; the market was aitlreal Monday's prices ; no shipments te New 1 erk. Uegs rvcetpts, 1.3C0 head : shipment, l.ea) de ; market was firm; t'hlladelphlas at ISuntJ 5 10; Yorkers, (I nj a); shipments te .New i erk te-day, none. Sheep receipts, J.W) head: shipments, s,um head, the market was slew at Mondays prices. new Tors Dteeas. Nw leax, Aug. 2X Wall ctreet, l-sep. m Meney leaned at .WJ10 per cent Exchange clestd steady at tl ti&l S3; Governments firmer Currency 6's. tlM .bid ; t's coups llftif bid; 4fs coups HOJi bid. The stock market this morning opened weak en sailing et tome of the Vanbcibllt's grangers acdErlei the prices declined ',', te 7, percent during the first half hour for all, except the Omahx's, Mhlch were strong and advanced Ji per cent The general market continued weak and lurthcr declined en the prespeiM or a stringent money market At Ihe time et writ lng the prices are at the lowest point. Stock Markets, limitations by lteed, McGrann 4 Lancaster, 1'a. Ce., bankers, saw VORK LIST. Canada Pacific. , O C. C. 1 Cel. Ceal Central Pacific. Canada Southern Chi., St Ik I'gh. Denver 4 Ule Grande. Del , Lack 4 tteeteru. Erie Krteil 11 t. Km. 5IK T.U. 4JJi ( 1' 1HX li!j 11". 3I Jiyl 3es 4i 43 i li-K -TVi 11 S.-J4 IU, 113 , 6 46 4Si 3lf 3l(J 'M &4i iiii 31K it ii 5I M 3.1 S1U 1WX MX bl 67 JW ax M VAi : e-i6 n 7-lti 51 h .. . ia wiii vj" New Jersey Central Wt a. & .. .. el LOU. A.N nx Lake Shere teJ; Michigan Central ML.nurt Pacific. 1vji Northern fadfic ilii N. V. rret ; N. W lujf New Yerk Central le East Tenn Cem Omaha ;.: Oregon Trans 3lJ Ontarle4 Western t-acinc uan Bechester4 Pltuennr. K Bt fanl tfij; Texas raclfic u? Union Pacific u Wabash Common Wabash t'ratened 31 Waal Hhnr. 1.... ll)li 57 5iQ rHItADILriUA LIST, Lehigh Valley IL.N.Y. 4P6IL Pennsylvania tteadlnr. ., !r-'i Lehigh Navigation 51 uesienvuie Philadelphia Erie Northern Cent People's fasseuker .. U'd'gOen'lskl'tg's c f. OU U)l aouseneld Market. DAIKT. Creamery llutter llutter Wtk Dutch Cheese ft lumi roetTsr. SpilngCblckens.ia pr. Chickens f pair (live) " V piece (cleaned' ..... - "'SCXLLABSOIS. Apple llutter V jt Kggsfldez Heney 19 ft Lurd W ft VRCITB. .JOC .isriisc ..ttJiec .. .tacec ..TitTIl oec ....K'Q'.Oe .zvc 13C .sic ll)C appieswKpr. . iiRlic i 7l5c ..5ai.x "JJC .anav . .tii ivc Uuiianas fidez Cocoanuts, each Lemens dez Oranges fldez Huckleberries i lit VSUKTABLKK. Cabbage ft head , Uwls V bh .., Cauliflower, ir.hd Sweet l'otutees VKpk Turnips y K pk...... l'eaiwXpk Ner Potatoes, ) pk Cucumber W dez Tomatoes V) W pk Heans tlMpk.. bquahes Vdez Onions Kl'k ' -New Cem Vlez Cantelepcs w aiermolens Eggplants ..... 'UlCnAMUORAIK. Eleur Wbbl Kaucy Heller Heur Wheut ' Oats Cern , Hye ...3J10C . iWtinc .1CJ1C .. ..Kmj .. -fl'Je .. G4tT.EC ..loejeo 4t3'c Jee Sle .aeflijc ...3(10c ..SlflWe ...54J.03 S4 7S 50 ..:iv uV: MBW AUVKUTSHKllKXTH. A flNL'STOOKOK . . , 4Mftimet,iuijAUIt A itl wn lutiri ji a Ti: . "" "" """' iui iitu fmr. it tint oil ut thelJiixu.iuKjrci:ROfllcc. bend In jeui elder" J14I rjKAND Ol'KN Allt UONUKUT THIS EVENING, -AT- Masnnercher Garden. - tadlcauiidUcullu'jianiiiuliivlUd. 11 KM 1 1. 11 HUM ANN, Prep. gKEK NO FUHTUEK, lf'eit TIIEUE X8 NONE UETTEIl THAN Rupperfs Extra New Yerk beer. for sale exclusively at CHA1U.IK UOSTEU'8 COUNEll SALOON. Hear of the Central Market reth from the Keg and Warranted Pure. Jiyaudu.u.w.s THB IiAMOABTEB DAILY INTELLIGENCE!. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST tXKW AD VKKT13KMRXTH. OAKINO PUWUKH. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS powder never x aites. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. ftteie eco nemlral than the ordinary klmU, and cannot be sold tn competition with the multitude et low test short weight, atuit or phosphate powders. Beld only tn earn. Ker.it lUaimi l'owesa Ca, 106 Wall Street New i erk. mav?7-lvd4w F EMAU: Ui:i.l WAKTED. OLD HANKS l'KKl KUUKII Hcgliter names at the t atch ractery ltd WANTEl)-AUOlTSKlTKMHKR15Tll, n nlrl te de general houeerk , geed recommendations rciulicd. ALLAN A 1IEKB, augS3ld41tw ,Ve. Mi East Klug Street. WANTED riFlEEN Cll.AR MAK er. at the Eagle Cigar ractery, Silnnga, Lancaster County, 1'a. augSS itd SPONGES-SPEC I. VIj UAIUtAlNS IN Herse, Carriage and Harness Sponges and Chamois, ritAlLE 3 East End Pharmacy, Opposite Eastern Market Fraltey's Hitter Wine et Iren Is the best tonic for weak stomach In warm weather rralley's Liver l'llls ter headache, (onstlptlen and J el low skin are the best tresh it hole mixed Spices for Pickling. Jyl-lydKF.MAW D issoLurieN or rAHTNr.usiui. The nartncrihle hcretoleie eiUiiml- tietween It. S Kautlman 4 Oliver F Lced, doing a Cem merclal Printing lluMness under the firm name of Kauffinsn 4 Leed. has been dKielved All outstanding lndebtednes of the nrm will be settled by the underslgued. and all person owing them will make payment te him. be will continue the business at the old stand. Ne Z Centre Square (Jd fleer). Lancaster. Pa. S.aug-;j-:tdH As U.S. KAL'rrMAN. pitlVATK Ss.VlTu 1 11 A E NOW ON HAN 1) A Oar-Lead of Illinois Horses, Ursl Class and lleaty Dralt Alse, en hand some WE9TEIIN HOUSES First Class Drivers and ferOeneral rarui Use. GEOIlOE GUOS9MAN. G ET YOlMt Priiitlus Dene for the Fair. A fine stock of Advertising Catds the latrU out Jnstreceiedat the INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. Prices Reasonable. L'cnd In your Orders, ltd Kores.vij reusKWEifAN iTuiTa iT. ING. healed proposals will be received by the Street Committee up te Monday etcnlng, August CD, '. at 7 o'clock, for the building ei the follow ing sewers Asewcrtoextond from Duke street te Chris tlan street, en East King street Alse, for the grading of Eremeut and Cherry streets. riaus and specifications can be seen at the City Itegulater's office at the Station Heuse. ah bias must ue accumpanlea with name el proper security. ine Commitlee rcsnrves the rlaht te leleit an or all bids received. Propenals te be addressed te " Strtet Commit tee," and deposited lu "trcet Committee Bex. at hmeltz's Grocer-, corner of North yueen and Lemen streets, lly order of STUEET CO.MJIITTEE. EmiisS.SMrLTj Clerk. augSJtdWrs S WITHIN C. bUOKTIiinGE'S ACAD. EMI tOU Ot N'OJIEN AND IIOS. ME DIA, PA., 1J miles from Philadelphia, rixed price covers every expene, even books, etc. Ne extracharges e Incidental expenses Neex amlnatlen for admission Twelve experienced teachers, all men, and all graduates. Special op pertunlties for apt students te advance rapidly Special drill for dull and backward boys. Patrons or students may select any studies or cheese the regular English, scientific, Uuslneis, Classical or civil Engineering course. Students fitted at Media Academy are new in Hanard, Yale, Princeton and ten ether Colleges and Pelytech nlcSchoels 10 students sent te college In l3, 15 In lsSt, 10 In lsss. 10 In lss6. A graduatlngclass every year In the commercial department A Physical and Chemical Laboratory, L,ymnaslum and Hull Ureund. 1,V1 vels, added te Library In 1S&. Physical apparatus doubled lu U&. All students beard with the principal. Heys can room alone. Media has seven churches and u temperance charter which prohibits the sale of Intoxicating drinks. Fer new Illustrated circu lar address the Piinclpal and Proprietor. bWlTUlNC.SHOItrLlllUE.A M, aug231mdiw (Harvard Graduate) Media, Pa. NEW ATTKACTION.S ! STAMM BROS. & CO., Nee. 26 and 28 North Queen St. LANCASTEB, PA.. Are showing an Immense Assortment of New Fall Dress Goods. Pretty Nev cities in 8TUIPES AMJ PLAIDS, Wc.,73c. te fl.il a lard MPIece3 ALL-WOOL CLOTH, Yard Wide, 37Xc a Yard. SO Pieces ALL.WOOL CLOTH, Yard and Quarter Wide, snc. a lard. Anether Let et these FAMOUS t ASH POP LIN'S.Sc a laid; City Price, O'iC a lard. AT THE BOSTON STORE. J. b. OIVLKKct CO. New is the Timcj te Get Bargains. During September and October will maae te order, out of All Weel Heeds, Uoed Trimmings, Well Made, tits Guaianleed, HUM'S AN 1)0 VEUCOATS At the Lew Price of tin, 112 and f 13; hermer Prices, 113. lis and tJu 'they are Cheaper than Ucndy.Madu Goods. Cewu aud seoeur iliirgalns. JohnS.Givler&Ce., CASH STOKE, Ne 25 East King Streot, l.AKOiSTSS. Pa. rON'THUI'I-'EK ANY I.ONUKK Frem Your Disordered Ktdnejs, Itlack Harreu Mineral 8iirlrj Water Is a Prompt. Etnclentand Cheap Itemedy, lUTenlcand Invlgenmt Powers make It an Xeellnilt llvannnalM It. " Ur. ltegnauli, el France, wrlllng te Oeu. Iteir. Hflhnll U Ar.nt. ........ "Yeu need net tome te Europe for Waters te EVI?.,.i?I,ePala wu have uone better than IILACKHAKUKNBI'KIMU WATKIt" Persons supplied and vessels furnished. P. 8. GOOD UAN. Manager. ... Ne. 87 East Grant Street rer sale by JNO. It EAUFFMAN, Druggist North oneen 8trit, lncaster, j.a7"'"'ua,,l AnpiA te UAUUKN B1'U"U HOUSE new open. MlSSCHKlSTIEltOMlIEKaKlt, unelMmTa 0reveljucaier County, Pa. HKW JkUrKHriHEMKXTa. COUi'KK llOUHK, .Nes.33antf37 t t.RTKl.Ml ST., lAuiA.t t, Pa. irsl class accomtuedstloni at inoilerste lnlcs. Gid8Ubllng,iitc J03. I'M III. 1.. nugil lwd Proprietor lOHHAlii: OU KEN 1, " C house. Ler and maiii.k. Ne 4l cst James stteet, 1 Hicnetu.l'a. lu lu lu qulroel .103 I'MIILE, augJIlwd tiviH-r llene. Y NW TEKril' A HE AS UOOlfA8 inn be purcliased lu Ijiualer ter IIJ.0U. Call and lm convinced. All neik wtttranted. Uas admlubtervd. W. L. risll Klt'3 I'eiitl t aplll)d Ne-lU NeilhymtniSUvet. MAUE1HA AND SIlKlim W INKS. J image, 17VU, lu, 1MJ, lsl l.i, 1MI, l7t, AtKElUAKT-aOLUHlNESlOKE, II. E.SLAMAhEU. Agt Bt,.UHAVKIA,'Sl,l.AlNCAVEMllSll and Pest lue Cured Irglnla Smoking Tobacco Lone lack and Allen 4 Ulnter's l'etl .jue Cern Cob l'liws. 5 each OEMUTII SLlUAHSTOUK. Etabllshed 177U. Se. 114 East King 8tnet !t'lilJ-W4StM SPKCIAI, NOTICE. On all Scheel Tax teiniltilnit unpaid alter SKPTEMHEK 1st UNK I'hK lKT Will be added. , u. M AKSII a l.l., Treasuter, aug:i-Otdll Nl lentrv-'iuatc. F" INEWH1SK1ES. Distillation of ltS 1$73, 1, 1 ate net e-juMleil in the country, AtKElQAUT'SOI.l) UINESIOUE, 11 E 81.A1 MAKER, Agt afiiJi. te the l'l'liTTTcr 1 am new prepared te de hltswasblng, Heue (.leaning, Ac Have bad 30 jcara ex perlente Prices reasonable 1.tlV,ttlt,1. 1.11.. II .1 11,11, Ne ( Ea t t'ulteu htieet, Lancaster, 1'a. lnd Wl (U'.VKANTKK Ot'K .V. CICAHS, llraud. "MIA Querida ' and "Gelden Lien ' clear Haxaua tiller, band made IlEMUTH'S ClIHIISUIIlK, Established I77J. Ne. HI East King Stteet febia-iVAStfd -fAKKLEY'S "YhLLOW KKONT" AVX clear tiller Havana S cent Cigar Is pro nounced by smokers the best lu the mar ket, at MAUKLEY'S " Yellow Irent," Ne. il North yueen street (Formerly Hartman's) TDUHECCAS. HOLUKOOK'S SLIIOOl lOK C1IILDUE.S, will reopen en 3Ienday, 'eptember 6, lv. at ..' EAST OUANUESinEET. Jtd AS MEDICINE USETI1E TINiai' OALIFOUNIA BRANDY In the Maiket, al KOHKEKS LigilOliSlUKE, a J CCN1KI sgu Altr, Lancjuter, Pa. T EVAN'S KI.OC1L LEVAN'S FLOUR Always Uniform and Reliable REDUCTION i Te these In want el a summer suit et Clethes. Pautaloeulngs or estlngt can save money by calling at Ue.ensteln's Tailoring Par lors, where a General Reduction has been made. A Geed Summer Serge Suit for tie, trimmed with Pongee silk A Nice fcnglUhScrgeSelt lu lllue and lllack for i). Elegant Pantaloons ler f'-. Patent straps are Perfect rilling. A. II. KOSENSTEIN, 37 North Uucen 8t CTHAK.HTt.KADE Ssl'Rl'RlM; ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR, .ft CENTS UUAIITEK, AlCLAKKE'S TEA SlOItE, 3s Most King St. iWTolepheno connection Geed DfllUcred FKEE. Standard Sugars at Lewest Prices mKUNKS ! Till NKb! Latest Styles Trunks ATIvUECKELM. Over Three hundred different si zes and st lea tn cheese from at prices ranKlnf Irem 1 oe te S30OO, BRIDAL TUUNK8-OHBAP, AT MECKEL'S TRUNK ROOM, becenil fleer, 3 and 6 E. King St. aug?l Jind PLHEIC HALE OF A VALUABLE tin UES1DENCK, will be aeld by public sale, Om Satcreat Evxnise, Septijibir13,1w4, atthe Grape Hetel, the ry deslrableiesldcnce of the late A. , Huel, deceased. Ne 31S North Lime street. Lancaster, Pa The let Is w lcet front by la feet te a street The main building is 33 by 32 feet centalnlnir Entry. Parler, Library and Htnlng Keem, en the first floer: 4 large Chambers en the second fleer, and 3 lloems en the tbtid fleer 1 he btck building Is abySS feet, and has Urge Kitchen. Pantry and storeroom, en the nrst fleer J ChamDersaud Hath room en the second fleer, stationary t ash Stand, Itange nnd Het and Celd water. Closet, Ac. The beuse Is heated with one of llest's rurnaccs. It has a handsome jard, with splen did t rult Trees, Urapoe, itain ater Cistern en Percb. Ac Alse, a let .15 lcet by 4J, with al we Story llrlck Stable, J3 by'2s feet. In icaref above property, but net en same let Persons wishing te see the &ee properties can de se by calling en the premises or te cither of the undersigned, JOHN It. UUSSEL, 119 North Queen St. GEO. P HUSSEL.Jij North Lime St, Executers of the Estate et A. W. ltusset. De ceased, augllcedud IIemrv Surntr.r, Auctioneer rrtHE lancaster County Fair AT- 3IcGKANN'S PAKE, August 30th te September 4th, WILL EX THE UNEST KMIIBITIO.V Of BLOOUEU LIVE STOCK, ISIPKOVEO IMPLEMENTS, KAKM ANUOAHKEN PBODI tTS.ANOMAN- trAClUUEl) ARTICLES, K er brought belerj the People of Lancaster County. TAST TKOTTIXG and KUN'NINO HACKS, with IIAKIJSOPMU8ICandarledamusemenls dally. GKANU SPECIAL ATI It ACTIONS. Monday, Aug. SO Inflation of iialloen. anesdsy, Aug. 31 Grand Iialloen Ascension. Wedneaday, sept 1 hand Tournament Thursday, Htpt S Address by A. K McCluin and Candldutcs ler Governer, and Cavalcade el Premium Lite Sleck. Erlday, Sept 3 Indian Scheel from Carlisle. EACUItSION TICKETS, geed for the week, will be sold by the Pennsylvania ltallread Cem pany at all stations as fara Downlngtewn, liar rtsburg, Yerk and Pert Deposit, and by tbe Heading ltallread Company dally excursion from all stations ; also, a special evening train north from King street station each evening ul 0,30. Uemember, Speed Premium Entries close Wednesday, Aug, '.Sth . all ether entries, Satur day, Aeg. '.Mb, and don't fall te enter for the Liberal Cash and Grand Special Premiums. '1 he management guarantee the best of order en the Pair Grounds, and have fixed theprlce of admission at the low price of 2.1 cents. Street Cars direct te the Kalr Grounds ; fare. Scents. uugmtdll IT SE NONE HUT " BEST'S " HOT AIR EUMACES! MADE Or HEAVY 1110. V. Meie square feet of ltadlatlng Surface, most economical In fuel, and the llest Hesults In Heating Dwellings, Schools, Churches et any Heater In the murket Pea or Nut Ceal for fuel Estimates furnished for Heaters, Including Masonry, Het Air Pipes, Keglslers, etc. Plenty of Lancaster reference. Heaters guaranteed u give entlre satisfaction or taken out at our own expense. lining both practical men In tbe business, w ask a sham olputrenagn. Eitltnates cheerfully furnished for Plumbing. Gas tilting, Tin aud Sheet Iren Werk, Hoefing. Alse u full supply el Tinware, Ac. Prices te suit the times. Glve us n call. EVERTS & OVERDEER, COUNEll OE EAST KING, JOHN AND MID Dl.E SlllEETS. mavl-8mdU.W,A8U CTOHAUK AUD COMMISSION WABBHOUSB. DANIEL MAY Ell, aeej-iya No.ittwetChiiautauct. DLOrtllAIJ. Sl'lll.NU Ul'KNINU AT II. (1EH IIAKT'8, FINE TAILORING. .TJ,..,J,,B',,t ",, '"e31 Complete Asaetlment el t IN K OOLLENS for thnSpitug liadote le leund In the city of lmncnstvr. A Chelio l.tne of Hprlng Oretrealluss and PnittAUHinlngs In all the Latest Patterns. I'llces Lew, Heat W etkmauthtp, and all goods Wairanted as lepivsented. ii."gerhart, NO. 43 NOIllH gUKEN BTKKKT. -Optcwlte the Postefllco. limr7Mj dll pnrr.viu. iektmi. i.uh. Special Announcement ! DURING 1'AR WEEK, lleglnmuse" MM MONDAY, BURGER & SUTTON, Mtrchinl Tailor auJ Clethitrv NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Wilt hate an Etecialty Attractltu Line et CLOTHING -N1- UEN'l'S FUKNISHIM. UOODS, Suitable for all I lasses aud Condltleus. Ol II COl'STKl HtlENDS ate partlcularly Iultcd te call dutlne t t Week. e knew no hae theguedi te suit them, BURGER & SUTTON, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, l.ANLASTEK, PA. IIIWHKrVHXIilll.lO uuuua. E HAVE A LAHUE STOUK or the iitsr w REFRIGERATORS IN THE CllV. The I'icrce Dry Air Refrigerator. WA'DA'A HOST. WATKK COO LICKS, 1CK CKKAM FKKEJEKS, And ft lull line of IIOU8KKUK.N1SIUNU GOODS The largest stock etUAS riXTUUKSIn the city Siteclal attention paid te Uas-rttllng, Tin Uniting and Spouting We h e Just tecclved another let el thote Sc ULOIIES. john p. semra & SON, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANUASTEIt PA. F LINN A HUENEMAN. PRICES MARKED DOWN -ON- Weed and Iren Pumps, TERRA-COTTA AND- Iren Moter and Drain PIPES. FL1NN & BRENEHAN. Ne. 152 North Queen Streot, LANCASTEK, PA. Ty-M. A. KlEFKElt ALDUH C. UEKK KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40 East King Street, (Opposite Court Heuse), Invite all Housekeepers te Calllandluspect their stock of Heusefiiriiisliiiig Goods. A Complete Line cetmlAntly en hand. COOK SlOVEHand KANGES, PAHLOIIS10VE8. HEATEUSand rUUNACES. SUMMER COOK STOVES. After carefully examining the merles of all eSvred te thu trade, we have selected THE "ARGAND," rer GASOLINE, and THE lf DANGLER," Eer COAL OIL, As the iiest, w hen all points are considered, te offer te our patrons. Call and co ns. We leve te show our goods, and are net offended If ou de net purchase, itcmember, we are agents for The " Splendid Heater. Manufactured by Euller A ' Warren Company, Trey, N. Y., w hlch has no rival In durability oconemy of fuel and control of gas. New is the Ume te examine and become posted for Autumn purchases. UEMEUIlEll THE PLACE I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COUKT HOUSE.) apJS-tfdAw HOTJOHB. E UlSMAN'H. GENTLEMEN'S Balbriggan and Gauze Undershirts. THE II EST White Shirts! NECKTIES, PLAIN AND KANCV IIOSIKUT, 6CAUE PINS, SLEEVE LUUTTONS, SUSl'ENDEltS, -AT- ERISMAN'S, M, II W9X Him ST.. A-AHCASIJtU,' VX 25, 1886. TMIMUMO LAVXH. 17A1UI.V1NH. Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KING STREET, 1.ANUA31EU, PA. Have Opened Te-Bay," A I I'LL LINE OF Blttuk tind Oolerod Volvetoona, Ulitek mid Oolerod 811k Volveto, Bilk riuahea nnJ Moleoklns, IN All. HES1K.MILE UOLOllS AT LOWEST MAUKET PI11CE8. Itlitck SMiiili ami Ksciirliil TRIMMING LACES, Nuttings aud Skirtings. Black Silk Ghantilly Lace, Nettiutf aud Skirtiug. A New Article. 1 AlllES' Willi E AM) 1'ANCY Paper Cellars and Cuffs. Ptaln. Coleied, Slrlpcd and l'tald. They leek cAucllyllku Linen Counts and ata made Kevcrslble. ONLY 25c. A BOX. Centaiiuuri tour Cellars and Te Pair el Cuffs. EIDERDOWN, IN ALL LOI.OK9. Eltanl Fduq Colored Drapery Cleth, 1 It TEL" IE.STB A Al.l). Special Bargain 1 SiluiulCliiHrcn l.uek Out ! One Thousand NOTE l'APEIt PA IIS In 'leu Illileicnlblylcs, only rive Cents a Pad. the Hundttd Large SUe only 1 en Cents n Pad, InSli OliTerunt Styles. Next Friday WILL HE OUH !ELONl BARGAIN DAY. - W'Arcn reu. hakuains. UU00KHIK8. H1U1I Ult.VDi: COFFKKH. tlne old (levnrnmenl Java and Mecha Coffees, lhabestin the market. Our Jam Blen ded Coilee speaks for ltselt t rich and migrant, Za. per pound. Very flne Plantation Ule Coffees, our best only a.per pound tene very popular at lie. We want you local I and try our liKc. Coffee. The excellent nuallty of our Coffees and nne leas Is making friends fast and nrm. Our dally sales show a steady increase, rresh Roasted every day. A full line et fancy Uteccriea. Please give us a trial order. GEO. W I ANT. autfM-lTd Ne. US Weet KincStreeL T BUKBK'a, Genuine Maple Sugar IN S POUND 111UCK8, AT 12 CENTS A POUND. HAM AND DRIED BEEF. Dried Beef chipped and by the piece. Oysters in eue and two pound cans, Mustard and Spired Ssrdlnes, flne Imported Sardines, Urelled .Mackerel In Tomate Sauce, Ilrelled Sal Sal eon, fresh Salmen, trcsh Lebster, Cream Cheese, Picnic Plneaprle Cheese, Sajje or Urccn Cheese, etc., ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 1UAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. 4- Telephone connection. KliVVATlUHAU LANUAKTKU COMMiniOIAIi COL LEOE. BEGIN A NEW CAREER. IUsclv le Mik lh Neil Ta Ytars Sttctsafal. Examination Questiena for Thoughtful Youth aud Men andWomen. w hat are you doing T What can ou de thoroughly and well t He you deslre promotion 7 De youdeserve It T What aluableservlcn tan yuu render In ex change for a higher salary T Aruyouancat,iapld,leKlblebuslnospemiiaut Are you iulck und accurate lu business calcu lations t Aie jeunnlnlelllKent, trustworthy tonospon tenospon tonespon dcntT Are you a systematic, rellable book keeper t Are en im ('indent clerk t , . Aie you gaining greuud aud securlng an Hide Hide Hide pendoucet ., . . Are you out of em ploy men 1 7 Ii ee, why 7 Ue you knew why It Is that persons who are discharged Irem office or ether employment usually pay n visit te the llualness College 7 Ue you knew when out of work you cannot successfully compete with ethers unless you are their superiors In attainments 7 If you can auswortheuliovoiuestlons satisfac torily, go en your way rclelilng. Jlut if theae questions perplex and trouble you, rouke prompt arrangements for tialnlng, either day or evculng, at the Lancaster Commercial College. aVSend for New Catalogue, List of Students, Itefuicnces and Testimonials. Address, H. C. WEIDLEB, Principal. reu balm utt it max. lit I VATE HALE OP VAIitJAIlI,E l-'AHM - aiiuuLu in 4iii.t Hinugui', iidim wuiiiji Pa., containing ZSi acres. ImpreTOments : Lnrtru mniisleii heuse and farm beuse. II larire barns and shedding having stable room for 73 head of cntL'e and 300 sheup 1 fountalnsef spring water at houses and barns I several flne springs en property. Seil Is all sorts, very rich and pro ducts e, and especially adapted te dairy pur. poses, roriiertlculiirsuud Inspection et place call upon -ATUISKlNB WKAVEU, (Uesldlngen farm), Ilrumfieldsvllle. llerki co , Pa., Or 1). 11. MAUUEU, Ksu., auglS-'iwd Ueuglassvllle, Ps. TOOACCO GUTTING8, HORAPS, BIFT INOS AND PACEEUS' WASTE, Dry ana Clean, bought ler cash. J.S.MOLINS, I,. M iiui.iuiiwiiiuini.iieii IU(S. Iteferonce-rred. Bchntte, Ne, ill Pearl street, Kw lern. leWT-lya mm AMVHKMKHTI. ptUTON Ol'P.UA llOUHK. UN USUAL EVEN II TltUI!MA Y V.VKXIXG, AUQ. ii, im. Hut tlme lii this city of thu Uteat New Vetk and Londen Buciess, Bound te SuccBfiit Under the liluuj;innent et HENItY DUEL PAHKRIt. IhejiUy willlnMitiHluced In this city with all iiaerlKitialsuuiiety which marked Itssuvriws. the in prcHiuetleii at Mbhi'i Uatdeii, Nuw Yerk Lily, and with a ast et iiiiustml exceltenen reilMtlHIUASMJIANllANHOUCHESTKA. tul AIIMIR'HION ... ,,....... ., v Ne m'KNTH HE-4KKVEII SKATli .,"'." " SrENTS New en sale at opera heus'eV n:iM ' m7i-onei7: iia Vieijn v FRIDAY BVENINQ, AUG 37, 1800. EVENT "VOT.ESPKE0"83 ARTHUR REHAN'S Luuipany of lie; eanled Comedlstis, In AUUUD. riNKALrs Latest and Mctflesl Success, "NANCY & CO." Dliect from Italy's Iheatru, Nuw Yetk City HESEIIVEH SEATS 7ScanaiI.re. HiitnetseaU Mill open Monday mernlim, Au KUsl IS, at opera house eillcs. aJUtt P 1'11-ONerKH.V HOUSE WeJiiOHtliiy Evenlnir, August 3B, '80. They Are Coming at Last, Thu Great Moero & Vivian And "1 heir Html Company In "OUE JONATHAN," A HKAUTirUL PLAY. Musically Entrancing, Excruciatingly funny, comedy, Pathef , Sensation and Adenture. Alse their (.tent Hude ltrass llnd and llruiu and tlfn Cerps will PnradeatU UAUUUSTK. 1)0. TFOKUKTVA l',I.Vl IMffi PIUCES . and Ml CENTS. llKSt.lUhll SEATS . ..73 CENTS. Vlllgiam new eennt Opera Heuse OfHce. augil-lld imr ueuiib. A NEW LOT OF ALL-WOOL TRICOTS las liven Opened althe North Eud Dry Goods Stere. J. W. 1IY11NE. nevMyd Ne. 321 .North tjueen street. rjOl'HKKI.KPlNU (lOOIKS. wnr & shand, 0. 0 mid lO Hast Klu Btroet, Aie new showing Elegant Lines of TAIILE LINENS at Ilemarkably Iw Prices. 3) Pieces rull Width LOOM TAIILE LINENS only 17c ajard. JU l'lecei ltAMASKTAUI.EI.lNK.N'S,ae a Vard UKA V DAMASK TAIILE LINENS, Wc,,3;c, 1. a Yard. One Cae Ileme-Madc, Hand ,wu HEAVY TAIILE L1NE.V, 37c. a Yard j l'ual Ptlce, UK, ELEOANTCKEAM TAIILE DAMASKS, Sue a lard. Our Own ltiiportallen el I1LEAU1ED OER- 31 AN DOUIILE DAUASKS, Ten New Patterns, 75c, a Y'anl ; t'ermcrly Kild at II. CO. 11LEAC1IE1I DAMASK NAPKINB, tl.n a Dezen ; Regular Price, II JO. H Dezen Ili.EACHEDJlOJtlE TO WEL8.1JWC Each . Ileal Value, 17c Anether Cnse of Ihose famous IIIOCIIET QUILIS.tUO Each Thought Chesp at It a. HEW YORK STORE. J.H- MAKT1N A CO. All Ihe llemuanU and Odds and Ends of stock that have accumulated during the past season have been selected out of general stock aud placed en Uemnant Counter. 1-nrge quanti ties of goods at less than ene half price. REMNANT 8ATINES, 8BER8TJ0KERS, BATI8TB3, CALICOES, QINQHAMS, SHIRTINGS, TIOKINOS, MUSLINS, FLANNELS, CAMBRICS, HELITIAS,! WHITE aOODB, LINENS, ORETONES. EMBROIDERIES, AT LESS THAN ONEHALF. Over 1,(100 Yards of Uemnauls Dress Uoeds IIIIL iv is 111 SSIlltl hi ran . .si reduced te one price, .c. J. B. MARTIN & 60., Cor. West Kiug & Prince 8U., Opposite Stevens Heuse.) LANCAS'l EK I'A) HUTKr.H. Ql'KN ALL THE YEAIt. (f THE MANSION," ATLANTIC Oil X, N. J. The largest and most promlnently located Hetel. Elegantly furnished and liberally man aged. Thoroughly lighted, drained ana vcn tflated, Open all the year, CHARLES McQLADE. WSiepby't OichMtra. Je7-teia REMNANT WTER. i 1 i V -i-ir