"v- 1 '.'" .$i i, - - p '5' TB LANOABT1R DAltYIirrMliWWCttB, WTOKISPAT. ADOUBT g, 1888, .1 a r JS w v f ' UN HOME MUtTKHCITI-a. A llllle way below bet cbln, Caught tn ber besom's snowy hem, Heme buttercups are fatttied In, Ab, hew 1 envy them I They de net miss their meadow plate, Mur tu tbey uon.cleus (hat their rales A te net tbu heavens, but lier lace, Her blr, and wild blue ) 01. Thern, In the downy meshes ilnncl, Such street Illusions haunt thelr lest, 1 bey think herbrrath the flagrant nltnl, Anit ttfinble en Iter breast A It, Uusa te her liratl, Ihey hennl A captive K'crel slip Its it'll, And wlthdwlre stcre stKltlm ttlltt'd Te Und a veire and lull I -.Krtinl flrwiufrr AAcriiHin, (n Century, m - Jlltr, CHAHLKH VHKH.l.T. i'Uk t ma'aaamlL kwtMkatSa.- Il.reutlt Ite-KltUrd Treasurer et the tilth National League nt Ainerlra. Tlie Koeicmi1 C'harlen O'Rellly, who was clionen trc.nurer of tlie Irish National l.nml League In Iho thlrtl week e( August, IbNl, Is n Catholic , 'clergyman of Detroit, Michigan. He was born In till country, el Irish psront psrent ace, but hla neble unit ftilMioartetl devotion te tlie land et Ills forefathers, ban made lilm, nu Irishman rather than mi American. Ho He Iim taken a much lutorest In Irish nllalrs as any of lit brolbren who were born ami broil ( en Irish soil, no is tiecnieuiy a inermigu Irish Natleiullst of the most pronounced character. 1 1 In (iruuilncncu In lonncctlen with tbe management of tlie league atUIrs lcean at llie convention of l&M, which wan. belli In rhllailehihla, l'a. Allaire of the' I-aiul I.engue liave grown ami prospered wonderfully, ami iloelojol Uiyend all con cen ciptlmii alnce the league was iintt ergaultinl and calletl Inte exlstenui by the conduct e! KngUnd. Sir. O'Kellly was uiiaulmetisly ciioHen la till tlie place nt national treasurer In rblladelphla, ami In the following year he accepted a reiiotnlnaUen at llosten, thus nhewlng his ability te conduct, creditably, the trust placed In hlni. IK sound, liberal education and lonnhe 1m naturally greatly estoemed, both as a man nn erdalnei priest el the Catholic church, who holds the hon ored title el doctor el divinity. 10,000 AM fur r.tlrle.1 TlMllll. The fellow tug was sent from Detroit, Mich., ou luesilay bv Treasurer e'Hellly : "T. IlarriiiRteu, O'Couiiell street, Dublin, Ireland. Am mailing Malnney dralt for 3,000.' American League reads with Indig. nation of Uwoeduroaud ether heartles olc elc olc tlems and will de Its utmost te keep our Win Win dred in. their homes whlle waiting for Irish rarllatneut" The raTereiid Iroasurer wlshes it distinctly understood that thta transmission is from the surplus or tbe .League fuud reerted te the Chicago convention, in newUe connected with the parliamentary fund, but used in cases of emergency aud for the protection of evicted tenants. Ne funds will be held en deposit bore no long as pressing necessity reu,utrea thelr ube In Ireland. A.MIssr's ftepsriy. Jehn V'. Scbanck, of Jlatawnn, . J., gon gen eraily known as a miser, and who is dying, sent ler sonie el bis neighbors ou Monday, and, alter giving them bis will, wltb iustruc. Uena net te eien It till atter bis death, told them te leek areuud the house for bis prop erty. In the course of the Hcurch they lutiiid about 30,000 III coin nnd paer. Korue of the former ias coucealed In the barrels of old el muskets, el which be bad a collection. Ilundles of bank notes wero found among old Iren scraps. The house Itself was a cu riosity,; It Ls covered with three-Inch plank and thein ablngled. The nails holding the shingle en go through and are clinched en tbelualdb. The steps leading te the second atery.aru cut lu an Inclined trunk et a tree. Tbe house Is surrounded with an oak fence, the palings of which are secured te the rails wltb the belts. Thereare about ene hundred old muskets aud pistols in the beuse, Kcbanck having a mania for collect' Ing them. Thore was also enough ammuni tion for n Beige, In tbe yard Is ii geed-sired squirrel house, with a large riuautity of com Inside, and boles cut lu tlie walla ler the ingress aud egress or the animals, of which he uiade pels. Scbanck is se only two years of age. "Hepe en, hepe 'ever." Hew many delicate ladles there are who. while they attend te their dally duties, de se with aching heads, a sense of fullness pain lu the back and depressed spirits, who are "only keeping about," as the phrase Is. Heme day they ;ke Inte a decline," nnd have their children motherless. Te such we wauld av, " Chscr up." Tluifly use of Dr- riurre's tavorlte Prescription" correct all female Irregularities, weaknesses, and kindred aiTec aiTec aiTec llonseeslly, plvesantly and quickly. W S A W BPMOIAI. HUTlCKa. Wliy lie Downcast 7 True, you are In a miserable condition you are weak, palld, and nervous, l ou cannot sleep at night, nor enjoy your waking hours i jri-l wnv lese neariT uci ni inu eriiNTKisi, s a u of yfiinlcw; HlQetl Jlittcri. They nlll restore you te neuiin una iieace ei ininu, C(ir HAlfl liv II. 11. Cochran, Drngglat ijueen stceet, Laucester. 1J7 and IX) North Speaks Illcht Up, "Have tried I7iemriJ' Kcltctrle Oil for cieup und lelilrf.und tlndllt tbeibnst rainedy I bave ever used In my family." Win. Kay, 510 Ply mouth Ave, IlufTale, N.-Y. rorsule by 11. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 und KM North quoen street, Lnncitsier. Mrs. Laugtry Aud ethor famous women have wen a reputa tion ler facial bciuly. A line complexion makes oue handsome, even though the lace is net of perfect mould. Jlurileck Jtloetl Jlltlert net dl rectly upon thn circulation, and se glvu tbe skin a clearness and smoothness ethei wise unattulii uble. for sule by 11. II. Cochran, Druggljt, 137 and 13U North (juceu street, Lancaster. De It With Pleasure. Wangler llred., druggists, of Waterloo, Iowa, write- "We can wltb pleasure suy that TAemnj' Eclectrle OK gives tbe best hatlsfactlouef any liniment we Bell. Everybody Mho buys will havanoethur. This remedy I a ceilulu cure lerau acnes, sprains, anu pains, rersaluby 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 nud 13a North Ouuuu street, Lancaster. A Clergyman's Te.lluieuy, W.K. Ultlerd, pastor M.K. church, Ilethwull, UUki tlH IUI Lnu uuiibuiiuivi ,V11U uy.pejl fiir slain its worst fenu. untlllis be states "llle lie- uimeanaciusiuuraen " inroe uoiiiesor uur uur deck Sloeil HUttrt cured blm.andbe tells us In a recent letter that he considers It tbu best family mcdlclue new before the country for dyspepsia aud liver complaint, rorsule by II, 11. Ceihrun, druggist, 137 aud Uu North Queen street, Lancaster, Tbrew Away Ills CruUhes. "Suffered from rheumatism se badly had te use crutches, but threw them away after apply, lug Themas' Iklectric OU te my limbs. 1 new feel hotter tliaul have for years." r. L. Ulbbs, 3TOKlk street, IlufTale. N. V. Fer sale by II. II, Cochran, druggist, 137 and UJ Nutth iluceu street, Lancastci. IIUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACKA. Is the most effect! ve Vain Destroyer In the world. Will most surely qnlcken the bleed whether ix quicken ine uioeu wuuiuur y erkppllcd externally, and certainly UKLIKVK PAIN, 0 or acute, than any ether pain laaen imermuiy thereby mere c wholher chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, aud It , Is warranted douhle the st rengin 01 any snminr preparation. It cures imlii In the Shin, back ur liowels. Sere Threat, UhuuwaUsm, Toethachu and ALL AC1IKS, nnd Is The Great Itellever of l'aln. " IIUOWN'S UOUSKUOLU FANACKA " should be In every famll y. A teaspoon! ul of tbe Panacea In a tumbler of bet water sweetened. If pre ferred.) token at eedUme, will DBKAK VV A COLD. Hi cents a bottle. mm.lydM.W.AHw A Bad Misfortune, Js te rulse u nlce family et heys and girls ami ihnn have them cerrlei iai C Inte nu eaily grave by that terriDie aiseese uousumpnen, lieeu the warning and check It in Its first stages by the nremnt use of Kemp's Balsam ler the Threat and Lungs, warranted te cure and relleveall eases. Price Me. and II. for sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, Ne, 137 'North tjucen street. TrM rtHr, ' U) mUBiVAt, UYKIl'H IIA1H VIOOIU PERFECT HAIR Indicates a natural and heal Iby condition of the scalp, and of the glands through wbleh nourish, ment Is ebtAlned. When, In consequence of age and disease, the hair bcemiies weak, thin and gray, Ayer'a Hair Viger will ttiemtthen 11, re store Its original color, promote Its rapid aud vigorous growth, and (input t te It the lustre and freshness of youth. I haw used Ayer'a Hair Viger for a long lime, auilainoenvlnuednl lis Mtluu- When t was 17 yuan of age my hslr began tnlntii gray. 1 cem-tuenci-d using the Vlgei, and i surprised at the geed etTncta It produced. It net only re tnrul ihnpnlnr In tnv tintr. but eontttnulaled 'Its growth thsl I havi. new iimrii hatr than ever neiure.-J. w, snwarus, wjiunniur, m. 'AYER'S HAIR VIGOR, Held by all Druggist and t'crluiiivrs. w reti akk eurrssisu trem dublllty and less of apiietlte ( If your stomach Is nutel mdnr, or teurmtiidunnfuicd, lake Ayur's Hsriapirllla. This medicine will resteni physical loree and elasticity te tbs system, mom snrely and speed ily than any lonle jetilUoevnrcd. ' rersli months I ulTrHl from llveraud slom slem iipIi tteublcs. My feed did net ueiirlsli inc. and I became weak and very much emaciated. I took U Imitles of Ajur'd aisapmllla, and was curvd.-jutlti II. Paliiier, Bprlngllcld, afns. Ayer's SaTsaparilla, .I'tapared by Ir. J. C. Ayer A Ce., Uiwrll. Mas. Bem uy aruggm I'llie, 911 Bl IMlllO'P, w. aiiKirte-ai ,, A (JUKSTION A110UT 'Brown's Iren Bitters AXtiWJMJW. Thociueatteiihas probably been "kid thou ..,, iimrs .. i w ion brown's lien Itllters cure eVcrvtldiic Well. It ilwin'L Hut It docs c S any U seiSi for " hch a icputable ph sl cbui would tirtwcrlbelltON. pi)tciaiis ivtog ivteg ivtog iilialren as tbobeotrestotHlltengent known te the profession, and Inquiry of any lesillng chpuilcnl flrui w"1 substaiilluti) tbi assfttlen thai tunc ate mera preparations of Iren than of any ether subsume uil In medicine. 'Ibis .hn, rnnr.lllstlnilv tluit Irnn Is firknenledircd Lte Ix) tbe miMl luipertnnl factor In successful Pmi'dltal pruitlce. Ills, boeer. a remarknlde MCI, mat prier ie me insctveiy ei imi. e I HON IinTKHS no lHsrfcelly anturaelnryrein. blnntlen lmdeterbrcii found. IIUOW.N'H IKON III ITKK3 diMs net Inlure the teeth. cane bend. 5acbo,er,priliuo (onsllpntlen all ether tncill. .(IKeaMe. IIIIOWN'SIUO.S' IIITTKK cuirs In. Hrsncisla. alalarla. Chills nnd rovers, TlrcMt rvvireg, linn- Kt.BIIOll, J11IUUI1"V!, nimitiirw, 'JI aiana. unuisnnu rovers, iirci vwiing end Dclilllty, Pain In the Bide, ltack or l.lintn, Itlcadnchnnnd euralKla for all Wuvn ailments Iren Is prescribed dally, UUOtVN'H IKON HIT. TKK3, fieweicr, docs net emu In a minute. Like 'nil ether thorough medicines, 11 acta slowly. . Wli.(i lnbi.il liv mH Ihsfltit HVInvlilin of hmifl. ntls tenewed energy. The muscles then become tinner, the digestion huprews, the bowels ure k nnnci WOJve VilVld Jbrkhl ive. in ti-emrn inn cecci is nsiiaiiy merw Id and marked. Tbe rs begin at once te hteu i tlie skin clears up; healthy color remes te the cheeks t nervousness ill tap pears t functional dninrmcnts beeeme regu lar, und It a nursing mother, abuudsntsusle .naucu Is supplied ler the child. Kemember fjlrewn's IronBlttehi Is the ONI.V Iren inedl. iUnn that Is net Injurious. 7'Ayi(rlnniuii(f drug W' r'cemmenrf ir. fcien Itrnuiiiu aas i mim nrx nnii i-iuasuu im lIlniMen wnipjwr. TAKK NO OTIIKll. 10) IIIRI-ITIIAW Y.KA.Y'BHl'KUIKIO MKD1C1NK. the una at inuLiau kbhkiii. An unfailing cure for Impntency, suit all Uls Uls eases that fellow ls of Meiuer', Uitlversal Lassitude, 1'aln tn the Hack. Dtuiuess of'Mslen, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura Uravn. M-rtill particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mail loeverynnn. -The Biwclfle Medicine Is sold by all druggists at tt pir package, or six packages for aer will be sent free by mall en the receipt of the money, by addressing the agent. II. H.COCllltAN, DniKRl.it, Sole Agent, Nes. 137 and 1J North Queen Blrcet, Luncesler, Pa. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted me leuew wrapper i meoniyirenuine. THKUltAY MEDICAL CO., apM-lydAw Hurrale.N.V. rlOKN KEMOVKB VICTOBU CORN IlEMOYEK. Warranted te eradlcate completely and In a abort time, the most ebdurntti corns, hard or sett, without pain. Sold by Uee. W. Hull. Cbas. A. Lecbcr, Jehn 11. KaufTiuan, Dr. Wm. Worm Werm ley. And. t. irrey, Chas. J.Hhiilmyer,andat HkCllTOLD'S DUUU STOKK, declJ-lyd Ne. 401 West Orange Bt. riTJlfK UUAKANTEKl). RUPTURE. Cars guaranteed by Dll. .1. II. MAYKU. Case at once 1 no operation or delay from bual cess i testu.1 by bundredsef cures. Main office, 831 AHCH ST., PU1LA. Send for Circular. MHvdftw UUIKSWAHK. H 1QU ,t MAKTIN. CHINA HALL REDUCTION -IN- PRICES. 4. Tim wtle of China? Uhist and ware, at Cut 1'ticcs, continues, (iiitxn3 (iiitxn3 witlieul aUili'incnl. rcplcnlslietl Tlie li.tigiiin Table h.ts Ixh;ii miuibcr eC times ami new artlclea me luldeil ceutimiitlly. imverwproenercU be cliuan. New tluie Ter Goods is lliu BARGAINS. I'UUIT JAltS we liave in abundance. The Lightning .Itir hits no ciuitl. .Telly Cups, .lara ami Tuuiblore at Jlollem 1'iices. HisiiPurtin, 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCABTKU. FA, WAT v una. f AuaKiArreF LANOASTKll WATC11K3 In Oeld, Bllver and Nickel Cases will he sold at a UHKAT UKUUCTION. Alse, Klein, tValihsm (Aurera ter which I nm Sole Asent), and ether r Irst Class Wntrhes: Hest Watch und Jowelry UtMialrliiit cstahltshuient lu the city. L. VE1!KU,153K North Queen Stirut, Near 1'enn'a. U. B. Hepet Spectacles, Eyeglasees andUptlcalUoeda. All kinds of Jewelry. JOREASONAHLE OFKUR REKUSKI) roll ANY KIND or SPRING OR SUMMER GOODS. They must be sold te make 1X0011 FOtt WIN TKlt GOODS. Ladles' and Gent's Furnishing Goods a specialty, at llKCUTOLD'a, Ne. Gi North (Jueen Utri-eL Blgn of the Bhj Btecklng. w P. B. Hemes andChoice Building Lets In geed location ter eale a; low prices ana easy terms. MBBtCAU QUtlOUHA KEMEDIE9. Frem 115 lbs. te 161 lbs. Te the Cutlcura Itometlleii I One My Health, My IfapplRCM, and My Lire. A dsv never passes that 1 de net think and speak kindly of ihe Cutiei'ki Kawsinsa. Beven years age, nil of a dnren lumps formed en my neck, rariKlng In sire from acherry stone tean erniiKO. Thoinrgeones wnrelrlghtfnltoleolcai, and painful te Iwari people turned aslde when they saw me. In disgust, and 1 was sshamed te tm en the street or In society, Physicians and their treatment, nnd all medicine; failed jode any goe.1. In a moment of despair I trtcle CiTltlsx Itsiitutss-Cirrtcvn, the grel Bjn Cure, mid Citiccb Bear, an a'l'""" lleauliner. externally, and CtrriccaA "J-J" Tj the new iloed Puifrter, Internally I ihesniail lumps (as 1 call tb.ui) radually dlsappearea, and tin large ones broke. In about tw ewrn-k , new is one hundred and sixty one solid, healthy twinncn and mr height Is only nve lent five Inches, lii my7 travels 1 praised the t.cTictraA llsiSmss, North. Menth, knst and WesU Te CUTICCBA ItEslBDISS lows MV HEALTH, IT HAITI. uses, and mr iirs. A prominent New Tork drulst asked inu tbe ether day, "De you still use the C'lTlcvRA IUmxdiesi you leek te be In perfect health t" My reply was," I de, and shall always, lbiueimvcr known what sickness Is since I commenced using Iho Cutiecra'-Hskb-tuss." Seiiielliiifs 1 am laughed nt by praising them te ticeple net snualnted with thelr mellis, but soennr or later they will come te their senses ank bellee the same as thoae that use tbem.as dozens have whom 1 have told. Mny the time come when there snail Imalarge Cuticcba 8iip ply. Ileusu In every city In tbe world, fertius benefit of humanity, where the ctmcvBA llrss mas slmll In sold enlt, se that lliere will be raruly a need of evereulorlngadrugster. . SlOfultonSt.kew Verk.M.V. Cvticvba Kbmsuibs ure positive core for every form of Skin and Illoed Diseases, from l'linplps teHcnirula. Beld everywhere, l'rlte. CirriirsA, Mcents; BoAr.Mcenus Kbselvbst, II el Prepared by the I'errsa lc AXiiCmsi iial Ce, bosten, Jtass. Send for" Hew te Cure Bkln llUerues." Bend for ' lluw te Cure Bkln Diseases." PIM' I'f.KS, lllackhcads. Skin lllemlsbeu and llabr Humetn, uee udticcba SeAr. Sneezing Catarrh. The distressing snoeze. sneeze, sneeze, the acrid, watery discharges from thn eyes and nose, the painful Inflammation extending te. the threat, the swelling or the mucous lining, caus lng choking sensations, cough, ringing noises In the head and splitting headaches bow familiar thesa symA tides Are te thousands who sutler periodically from head colds or lniluenza,'nud ' who llvelu Ignorance of the fact that's, single application or SAsrones uadicalucsb vorca verca takik wtllarrordfnifaiianteuj relit. Ily this treatment tn cases of slmple Cutarrh Hives buta faint Idea of what this remedy will ,de In tbe chronic forms, where the breathing Is obstructed by choking, putrid mucous accumu lation the hearing affected, smell land taste gene, threat ulcerated and hacking cough grad ually fastening Itself upon the dobllltalodsvs debllltalodsvs dobllltaledsvs tnm Thnn It ! thnL thn fiinrvnllmia curative power of HmreRD'H ItAmciLCrRK insnllcets It-; sen in lnsi&nuineiiuB kjiii kiwiiiii ivuui. uuiu beclns from the first application. It Is rapid, radical, permanent, economical, safe. BARresD-s UakiealCcbb consists of ene bottle of tbe lladlcsl Cure, ene box Catanbal Solvent and an Improved Inhaler. Price, 11.0). I'ettbb Drtce A Chbnical Ce , Iksrreir ACHING BHCKS. Weak Hecks. Pain. Weakness and Inflamma tien of the Kldno)s,8heollng l'alna through the Leins, Hip and Bide Pains, Lack of Strength and ActHlty relics ed In ene minute and speed Ily mred by Iho CUTICUIIA ANTLl'AIN PLASTKIt, n new, original, elegant and Infalll ble antidote te pain and inflammation. At drug gists. 25c; nve for II te, or postage free of Pot Pet Tan Dbce AioCnzsitcAt.Ce, lkiie, SIass. augl l in W.I Aw OLUTMNU. "W ILL1AMS0N .t I'OSTEK. AKK- ATTllACll NU ATTENTION liECALSKTHKY AKK Neat, Streng and Cheap. BOY8" SHORT PANTS SUITS, 82, $2.50, $3. BOYS' LONO PANT SUITS, 83.60, 8-1, 84 50. ODD PANTS. BOYS' SHORT PANTS, 60e., $1, $1.25. BOYS' LONO PANTS, 76e 81, 81.60. Beys' Scheel Caps. FELT HATS AND POLOS. BOYS' OAP3, 10e., 15e. find 25e. BOYS' BLUB FELT HAT3, 25e 35e. and 60c. BOYS' POLOS, 16e. and 25e. Beys' Underwear, HOSIERY, SHIRTS, COLLARS, Neckties & Suspenders. Special Attention given te BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. 01 whu.li no have a vviy lariu assortment of the best makes ut 1'ilces below the in cruge. luiamsen 82, 84, 86 & 38 E, Kin, St., LANCABTKU. PA. Our Beys' Scheel Suits is Fester. T310R HOT WEATUKR. CLAUET, 8AUTE1INI AND UKltMAN WINKS. UKIOAUT'S WINE STOIIC. II, K. BLATUAKXB, AUT. mtmmwm. truvmi ss Vsm S W ssissv SWVsSiAsssXn '' UAHHHAJf BKO. L. BINOB OUR Big Reduction Sale HAS IlKKN 1NAUUUKATBD, Thn I'ublle has been convinced that CUSTOM MADK CLOTHING as well is ItKADT-MADE can lie bought cheaper at L. Gansman 8c Bre. THAN AMYWHKUK KIJ9K IN THE CITY. OUR SPECIALTY. BKKIIBUCKKK COATS AND VK3T8 (Uoed Styles) st it.ce and 11.23. MICN'8 PANTS at Goe. tip te llWIj SBlyles te select from. AI.I-WOOL CA8SIMKKK SUITS, IS Styles te select from, at SS.W). MKN'S COKKSCKKW HJlTfl are selling In all Hhades at I7VD. UKN'S riNK CLOTH DIAGONAL SUITS Btl&M. Our Custom Department Offers seme bargains In Light and Medium Weights of Panutoenlngs which we make te order nt Itldtculeiisly Lew Prices from Hun te SAIII. These goods ate strictly all-wool, hut mostly slugle iHittrrns, which we clese out at a sacrince raincr man tarry inriii ever. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MEHCII ANT TAlLOItS, MANUrACTUllKUS or MEN'S HOYS AND CUILDKEN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Illght en the Southwest Cor.et OrangeSL) LANCABTKU, PA. aVClesed every evening at 0 p. m., except Batiiidny's. M YElW&llATJIKON, IT IS HARDLY LIKEUY Tli.it you'll L'nil as nice a stock of ClethliiR new as you could liave dene a few months age tlionssorl tlienssorl tlionsserl mcnl is net 113 geed new as it was then but surely the prices aie lower. If you want nice .Suits, at low pi ices, we liave them, and it yen aic content with the assortment the prices are right. Ten Dellar Suits dewu le Light. That's a twenty ier cent, reduction. All goods i educed in like proportion. "What's the tise in buying cotton goods when jeucau get geed all wool goods for very little mero money? "We don't want you te think that we are the only house selling at low prices; but we de think our work is better made, mere substantial, nicer lluisbed than theaverage readymadeCloth readymadeCleth ing. & HO. 13 BAST KINO STRBBT. H IKSII A UKOTUEH Yeu Gun A SUIT That your BOY cau wear during SCHOOL at a Very Moderate Flguie. In Our Fall Stock, RECENTLY BOUGHT, We ha e made some Spicial Selections for the lieys 'ihtch cannot tall te plcaee them. TUK l'lllCKb AUF. VOU Small IIejs, 4 te 1J, tl-eO nntl L'inturds. Leur l'nnl Suits, 8 te 12, W ami Upwards. Youths' Suits, 12 te IS, f:i.25 .U'lmnrds. Kveijlhlng Else III l'lopeitlon. MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY MKN'S UKADi MADK CLOTHING INTIIKUKEATKST VAK1KTV. GEMT'S FURNISHINGS OK ALL DKSCllll'TlO.SS. fell Bra's ONE-PRI0E HOUSE, OOKMKK NOUTU UUKKM 6TUKKT ANU CKNTltK BQUAUK. uuuxa. UCI 1001, SUlU'IilES. JOILlf BAER'S SONS, Nee, 16 and 17 North Queen Btroet, , LANC'AHTKIt, PA., Otlm, Whul esale mid llulall, at Lew Ptlces SCHOOL BOOKS Used lu Lancaster County aud City. SCHOOL "SUPPLIES; IKCLVUIXO Liquid Blutlng, Chalk Crayons, Copy Heeks et All Kinds, Writing Inks, Steel Pens, Slates Noiseless Slutes, Slute Pencils, Drawing l'cu. ells. Composition Heeks, Writing Tablets, Lead Pencils, Scheel Satchels, Companions, aud MYERS RATHFON everything eise in tne line et school stationery SIGN OP TEE BIG BOOK. ttAT, G UBAT liBummeN. FIFTY DOZEN DRESS STRAW HATS, At 15 Cents Apiece. -AT- W. D. STAUFFER & CO.'S. Alse, Full LltioelTUUNKSandTKAVMLINaS 1IAU8 at Kxccedlngly l-ew Prlce.- G. A. R. New en band for tbe Ueunluu In September. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street. JBWM.BBr, JtO. H. Z. IlliOADH, JKWKLKK. Watches, T?l;i ern .rwi rl 43 My Repair Dept. is Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine ard Complicated Watches, Musical Bexes. Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism. mlt ia jlxjl j xrvi. H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. runmiVRB. H KIMTHH'H KUKNITUKK Ui:iOT. Te Keep Coel and'Comferlable During the Het Months, It ifl uoeoesary te And seme Ooel Retrofit. Te be Oom for table in that retreat Veu Need a Geed Easy Rocker, Settee or Chair, And you can Qnd tbe Largest Asaortment nt HEINITSH' FURNITURE DEPOT, MOB. 27 Ss 29 SOUTH QUEHN ST., LANCASTER, FA. LUll 1XHVHANVB COMVAKT. E XTKACTS FROM THE THIRTEENTH ANCE COMMISSIONER Oec31,lK5. Insurance In force " Admitted Assets Payments te policyholders " l'rvralum Income " Dividend 1'ald 1'ollcyheldors " Ulvldena Paid en each l.oue Ins.... " Ne. or Policies In force Average Dividend te each policy.. " Death Lesses 1'ald " Death Lesses Keststed " Kxponsesef Management Anil In order te exnese the true Inwardness DK.NH9, we quete Ire-.n the Insurance company, of Pennsylvania Lliu ltoperta for the year suueu NORTHWESTERN. Imurance in force. $07,11.1,191 (,l,llil,M7 i;i, iii.eii . ei.atss 6t,'.,7,Oil 7I.VVI,7tO M,l-t42l , t2,OS.l,Ott !H,"J3.083 110,710,MJl l"7li ... 1S77 1878.... 1879 ltWI.... 1881.... 1M.'.... 1883.... t'l.... 1883.... Cemment en the nbeve record Is unnecessary. Hut In order that the talllni; en In dividends TIN K f UN 1), m euld add that this fund aggregates I.3J8.23. Fer lurther lnlormatlen en all matters pertaining te Insurance address or apply te JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent Mutual Llfe Ins. Ce., of N. Y. 60 N.DukeSt., or te Rebert Belmos, Dlstriet Agent, Reading, Pa. OAJtXIAUB wuuua. MOTTO THAT ALWAYH WJNS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! Philip Docrsem's Old Reliable Garriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NKABLY OPPOS1TK T1IK LEOl'AHl) HOTKL), LANCA8TKB PA. Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used 1'IUCKS TO SUIT TUET1MK8. ALL WOUK OUAUANTKKD. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS One-Man Wagen, suitable for track tension Ten Phioten, two Light J ut ulna, both nlde bar and end snrlnire. iluslness which will be sold at the MOSTllKASONAHLK chasoernot. Ne treuble te show the work. PAKTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. WiJO.Y'7 t'OKUET TUE l'LACK.S Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 ueuaxrvuifiBuwu uuem, S1 UlRK'fc) CARPKT HAXL. CARPETS ! UKOPJtNING OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, We are new prepared te show the trade the hlblted in this cli ltv. wiLTUNS. VKLVEis. v. WILTONS. VKLVKTS. liKUSSKLS.TUUKK-PLY, All-wool ana cotton GKAIN CAKPK18, DAMASK and VKNKT1AW CAUPKT8. KAG and CUAIN CAKPKTBef en? own manulactnre a speciality. Special Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUBTOH GAKFJtTb. Alse a mil Line Of OIL ULOTUB. RUGS, WINDOW BUADKS.COVKKLKTB, ACm AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and H'ltiKH ANU LlUWlia. BRANDY! HRAnLyI! At this season of the year every family should have a Uoltle of Reigart's Old Brandy, a safe and sure euro for Cholera and ethor sum mer troubles. UKIOAUT'S OLD WINK STOIIK, II. K. SLAYMAKKU, AgU TajTINERAI, WATKRS. XXX. APOLLINA1K8 WATKU, he Queen of Table Waters, Hawthorn Spring of Saratoga, at UKIU ART'S OLD WINK 8TOUK, ' U. K. BLAYMAKHtllAgt VAT9, SV. BPSSSsStSsrsBlSs5 CAPS Society floods furnished at Bbert Netice, LaacMter, Pa A Full Line of the " Birth or Menth Btenes " Mounted te Suit Your Particular Fan c'y . ANNUAL REPORT OF TUE INBUR- OF PENNSYLVANIA. JTAiinisnnita, iu., august 5, use. MUTUAL LIFE. .Kcs.mj.v CO . ies,iii,;?j co ,-Slt bttfiW ou . ii,m,wi(n ,. X),lti3,(U3 ou $S R.1 ia,8ss tM 31 . tV5,il,031 110 tJi.752 00 113 1'erCent. XOKTIIWEBTERN. iiio.ne.fot oe t21,2,04(l 00 rifi37,79l UO U.TSVUU 00 $7 03 m.m 115 M tl,09,0O4 OU fXI.OOOOO 16.0 Per Cent. of the Nnrthweatern'a I'ROfltiESqiVK U1VI Dlt-idenclr Taid I'oliethelderii $823;459 879.77 J19,I1J . 792,181 788,2172 708,611 1)8(1,895 C75.829 727.13J 778,591 Premium Income. i.S3,803 2,i,Jll 1,081,578 l,8ii0.973 1,87B.'J23 'M?J,5i.2 2,621), 148 3,II,2IJ 3 37li77t 3,763,015 may net be attributed te the Northwestern 's TON WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. Jewelry ale cheap the following first-class secend-hand work : One 1 :lcpurpe80, one Light rour-Passenger Drag, ene JTIrttvclatu urup-Sent Carriages. Alse, Second-Hand Tep and Tretting rlnge, Iluslness AVngens, Dperllng Wagons and Market Wa llug- Wag wagensana Market, wagons. 1'ltlCES. ui ve us a call whether you wish te pur. BAST KING STREET. MMydAw CARPETS ! Largest and Hest Selected Llna or Carpets i ever ex. all ine Tretting aiaaes ei isulii atuj iatmiai all the Trading slakes el iteux AMU APKSTK Chain KiTUASurxus, ana au 1 SOB nalltlna nf IM. Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. leha-taidAw TOTE IB MAKINO CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT 93J00 A DOJSS. AT NO.'.lOOjNOKTa QUKBN BTKKKT, janw-ttd Laneaster.Pa T UIS PAI'KK IS PRINTED WITH INK Hannlacturad by J. K. WRIGHT 00,, marU-l d mb aae Ban Bt FkUaaelpkl. 1 ?jiSiS5 SIAi?n2a.22Lt,MA stAILrttjij -w MaaWWMVA gigQ "SMB. as. WM ' "' --' On M trsfsr Itmnir wit att'ui TRA1N1.KAV TkiADlJlBr" m stet Oelnsabl aa4 Tcit at tmswsbuIsUsi"' neon ana slrirJ "" " BBfcB,BBBi neon and Me p. m. KJ "f7Tlllsi at 7. A. Fer Csdekfa at 1M a, m. avansl MaSL assA latOn. . TKAIMB t,vivsnni.tiuiui Ci f S S252in " TAK 1 ir... ' ana a.sas, bb. Zfc" r M VABMl TSMUH V ' Kr sidin,r.riva? na.7J, -j: ? " : 1 i -Alja""---' v lsaaSftWBBW. s&smm&TXXwxmsm a or tJuarryrtii ,t ,9M a. m., l.oe and s,S p. , Fer IJinSffl?Ii?va IltAN01, f'neastflrat7.a)a.m., Raa and 7 JO ibl tn. rornarrrmiBat7aea7Bi. " - . TUA1MS UtAV KBADIKU ffilSSSSiff.eJ'WW p. . THAINS LKAVK OUAKBYVILLK rer Lancaster, Lebanon and Keadlna; at 7.10 a.n , .HAiNS AVK KINO BT. (Lancaster,) SrnK ftna Lcbanen at 8..m.na Fer qnarryy Ills at 8 50 p. tn. sr.?AIM8 LKAVK ritlNCK BT. (Lancaster,) 'er?aln8fcnd Lebanon and 8.18 a. tn. and KM iv. m. OK S4uarrjTrlle at 5.43 p. tn. '- CHAINS LKAVK L15BAHOW. i Foraarryvlileat3prn,." " "" tlen, Lancaster Junction, Msnhelm, lleadlna; ana Lebanon, soe Hum tallies at all stations. A. M. WILSON. Supertntenaent. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD 80UKD ULK. In eircct from June 1J.1SM1. TralnaitsBAjrai LAneASTsn and love and arrive at riiUadelphla as fellows I luive Leava WESTWAIIU. Pacltte Kzpresst News Kxprcssf Way Passonnert Mall train via lit, Jey Ne. 2 Mall Trnlnf.. ..... Niagara Kxpruss Hanover Acceui Fast Line)..... Truderlck Accetu Lancaster Accem Harrlstiurv Accem.... Columbia Accem Harrlsburs Kxpress... Chicago and Cln. Kx.. VTestern Kxprcss) l'hlladelphla. Lancaster, iirJ p. in. 4.10 a.m. 4:30 a. m. 7.-00 a m. i:.ia. m. 6-25 a. m. 6 JO a. tn. 031a. m. it JO a. nu n.Wa. m. lM a. m. 2.-00 p. m, 2-10 p, m. asep. m. ft:30 p. m. 1M p. m. 7.40 n. m. via Columbia 7:10 a. m. via Columbia 11:90 n. m. via Columbia viaMU Jey.. A.ijip. in. 4 te p. m.; 5 10 p m. s 00 p. tn. 10:ia p. in. Leave Lancaster. 2-.ii a. in. e.tsa,m. . 10 a.m. 8. VI a. in. 900 a.m. 12.58 p. in. 2 00 p.m. 3.-00 p. m, 4.u p.m. 10:t1 p. m. 12.10 a. ui. Arrive at EA9TWAKU. Phlla. 4'4Aa.m. 8:29 a. tn. vPhlla. Kxnresst Fast Line! Harrlshurg Express.., Lancaster Accem ar... Columbia Accem "ashore Kinross 10:30 a. m. via Mt Jey ll-.ua. m. s:iap. m. soe p. nu 5 45d. m. I'hiladelnbla Accem.. nrlnaay I Jail... Dav Kxnressl. ejsep.1 uarnsuurir Accem r, 13 n. e is p. m. 9.(8 d. m. The Lancaster Accomniednllnn Inavna 1 Harris. burg at B.W p. in. and arrives at Lancaster at -J8 p. in The Marietta Accommodation leaves Celnm bla at 8.(0 a. tn. and reaches Marietta at 6 M. Alaes leaves Columbia at Ills a. in. and 2.43 n, mu. Teaching. Marietta afliOl and 2.58. Leayea Marletta at 8.-05 p. m. and arrives at Columbia at 1.-20 s also, leaves at 8.35 and arrives at 8:90. The Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at B 00 oennectlnjr wUhIlarrlburgKxpresaat810a, m. " ' The rrederlck Accommodation, west, conneot cenneot conneet lng at Lancaster with rast Line, west, at 2:10 p. tn.. will run through te rrederlek. The rrederlck Accommodation, east, leave Columbia at 12.-28 and reaches Lancaster at UJ p.m. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Kxprexs at 8-.50 a. uu, will run through te llanover, dally, except Sua day. rast Llna. west, en Sunday, when flaggad, will step at Downtngtewn, Ceatesvllle, "Parke bnrg, Mt. Jey, Ellzabethtawn and MlddJetewiu trhe only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train wast runs by way of Columbia. J: It. WOOD, General Passenger Agent. CHAS. K. PUUII General Manager. VAMKt, AC. T. QBETNA PAKE. MT. GEETii PAUK, reu EXCURSIONS PIGNIQS. This park Is located In the heart of tha Seuth Mountain en the Line of the Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad, Mine miles south of the city et Lebanon, within easy dlstance or Harrlshurg, Heading, Lancaster, Columbia and all points en the Phil adelphia A Heading and Pennsylvania llall llall reads. The grounds are large, covering hun dreds et acres, and are K.ltKK TO ALL. The Conveniences are A LARGE DANCING PAVILION, A SPACIOUS DINING HALL," TWO KITCHKN8, ' 1IAUOAUB AND COAT ItOOH, PllOTOUltAPll QALLKIIT, While the Arrangements ter Amnsement con sist of GUOQUKT AND HALL UUOUNDS, 1JOWLINO ALLBY. SUOOTINO OALLEKY, FLYLNQ HOUSES, QUOITS, AC AC Tablra for Lnnehers. Hnstle Beataand llenches are scattered throughout tbe grounds. ANew Attraction ter the Reason or 18J Is LAKK CONEWAOO, Cevering nearly Twenty Acres, en which ara placed a number of Klegant New Jleats, and along the banks or which are pleasant; wains ana lovely scenei Ueals at the ery. .Parties desiring It can precura e.l'HrV. as the Dining Uall wlllba upervlslonef E.lM. BOLTZ, eltha . ,.., ii,.. , rin niinflrvlilnn Lbbasem Vallxt lleuss.' Theso who wish te .,. a iiiy.ih tiik. siniTNTAINS can llnsl no place se beautlfnl or allordlngse jnueb pleas- J: NO INTOXICATING DIUNK8 ALLOWKD OH TUB PltKMlSES. Excursions from all points en the Pennsylva nia itallread, will be carried direct te tne Perk without change of cars. .... .. . Excursion rates and full information can b obtained upon application te Uee. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Pennsylva nia liallread. SSI Seuth j'eurth street, PhUadel. Bbla.orVe J. C. JENNINGS, Snpt. C. 4 L. Itallread, Lebanon, V. maySS-Swa MACMHMMT. fViTAOHlNKRY, C STEAM HEATING. Latest and Hest Improved EK6.NES--Tru.iei, PerliMi r Mtuq. Mew or Soceud-Uand BOILERS, WATER TANKS, BBPABATORf MAcnisa or KsrAra Wei such asdenaaaa kept in Machine shops, CALL OS OB AUDBBM, Ezra F. Landis, , . WORKS-637 NORTH CHERRY STRWT, LAOASTB, PA. B7-U VAHABOLa AC. vinVS'iPffl fef jCS R 0315 BROS, it HARTMAN. $4:00 PIIEPS0: "$'& UKDUCKDITO $3.00. w.:r ........ .. .-.. .v rltr.ttS' ' vkkyzukst baa in iv ''H,"'"..""rr a The Manufacturer.!. Rese Bres, ft Hi 14 BAST KING BT. f3.K0R0B KRNST, JB., Oamenter, Contractor A 1 BXSIDKNCK-MO.W WT KIK W. BMOP-KABT QUANT 8T OppOSSS, D lieuatK a All wert receive mf pfassyta UQUOBt AU kinds of Jobbing aManssssT te tleaand en reaOBabl'lM l XiUmatet fumunea, Wf' le m tj M Si ii V AM M 4 .M w -r. m i t AH-'-'. -t .i-t.i1Aii?' ..jisJfeJ-. 1.-UT-',- j&r&&'j- .- I tu& r.niiAi-Miittlsililtssi mW. vm& .. . mk4m. ifu. K- ..Wi. iw. wUw'