Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 25, 1886, Image 1

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The Ureal tilth l.eailcr Nay lh 1'irssiit tlu.
eminent trill duly l.iut ear ur He ami
That Ireland Hint Noen Hate An
Alltoiiemnus tint-eminent.
Mr. Parnell van luuilly cheered In tlie
Heuso of Commens Tuesday night, en rising
te rtHUiue I he debate en tlie address In reply
te (tin queen's speech. Hesald lis believed
that IT llie country had been given three
mero weeks te consider the liemu rule bill
tlie Teries would net new be neon Installed
ou llie treasury,, booth. 'llie Irish party
had every toeimt te be satisfied with the
present position. A majority of tlie Liberal
party had declared In fav or of lilah autonomy.
The Teries had only profited from temporary
Liberal hesitation. After llie present gov gev gov
miimeiit had exhibited themselves ler ny ear
or se, a spectacle for Ged and man, lu nti at
tempt te govern Ireland Liberal hoaltatieii
would vaulah. 'I he I r Nil had every reason
te have patience. TbuirH nvi tlie winning
cause. If llie government speeches More
liiteuded te exasporate Ireland they would
fall te have that olleet. At tlie same
time there would Ihj conalderabla dllUculty
with tlie rout question. He regretted that tlie
government had net appreciated tlie gravity
of tlie occasion. 'I he royal cemuilssniier
would be unable te report until tlie pinch of
winter was ever. If the system of dual own
ership waste be replacttd by a syalem or
single ownership there would be rink te the
Liigllsh taxpayer. Mr. Parnell Maid tin had
only aKreed te tlie adoption of tlie land pur
chase act nf lbS because he then balloted
that n settlement of tlie national question
would conie currently, nud because the Con
servative government had aunt te Ireland
Lord Carnarvon, who was an avowed
Heme Huler. New tlie conditions worn
entirely changed. Mr. Gladstone'
purchase scheme would have safely
nettled the land question. Kvery
penny of the prlncial and Intermit
could have been collected through the cus
turns and excise duties, and the money
would have been as safe in the Hank of
England. II the government thought of
solving the Irish question without nettling
the land question It would find that it had
get held of the wrong end of a very thorny
stick. Cheers. The guveruiuenl must ro re ro
ilmerouta either at tbe expense or the land
lord or at the expense et tlie Hrltlsh tax
paver. Mr. 1'arnell doneuncod the dishonesty
of attempting te atlmulate Irish industries
by lllKJtal doses el English publle money.
Donald the Irish people utterly refused te
oil their national birthright for the mess et
pettage which thegovernuieutellerod. Car Car
nelllle cheers. 1 The waytodevelop the re.
sources el Ireland was te allow the Irish te
doveleii themselves. Cheers. 'I hey did
net want au lullux of utpttal, ler there wai
plenty of that iu Ireland. 'I hey wanted te
be allowed te help UiuuiheImm. ( Conserva
tive cheers aud laughter.) 'I he government
al'ewed the Irish te build barl-ers, drain
land and generally dovelop the resources of
the country, when they did net allow the
Irish te reup the profit Cheers. The Irish
imrty repudiated the proponed traud ou the
Hrltish taxpayer. Let tlie goeruuiont which
obtained olUce by mlsreproaeutatlon - he
would net a.iy Ijlng puraue tlielr own way
ana enuuiim vrnoiesaio aynieui 01 nriuery
anil corruption, t'huera,
Mr. 1'arnell here read but nmeuduieut te
tlie add res, and proceedod. lie said that
the Judicial renta were tee high. He accused
the goverumeut of encouraging landlords te
ovktbylbe wholesslo, knowing that aura
riancrimeatwaya follencd avktleiia. Why
did tenanta mibmlttliig te moonlight ralili
rnfiiae te gtvu ovldmii.e" Ilecauie, taking
Kcrrv aiaii example, the tenanta knew that
but ler moonlight raid lxmlKenmaroweuld
net loave a reef ever the heada of hia tenanta.
The Irish would be patlent, but the inclto inclte inclto
inenls held out by landlords who tried te
exact luipouilble rents would bear fruit and
might preduce otaaperatieti. The landlerda
would clamor lorceerclou aud lorce the tow
eminent te adept coercho moasure'. Yen,
hobelloml that coercion would conie, and
very novere (.oertioii, tee; coercion that
would net atop at criminal, but attack m1 1 1
Ical opiKinentH. if he might etrer b Biiggoa Biiggea Biiggoa
tleu, he would urge that Jtidiclal tenauclea
should be fixed at three jears, Instead of Uf
teen yean-, and that there abeuld be u revi
aleu el renU In acvordauce with prevailing
prices. Iu conclusion he aald . "'Uiulrlsli
will never Rubmtt te a geveriiment net their
own. Irish cheeri The queatlen of an
autonomous government will always be Ilxed
iu the hearts of the Irish people." Prolonged
Tlis Lai ci t luta ltall w-
Yesterday the OetrelU put iu yeuug Con Cen
wa3', late of Kauaai City, te pitch. 'Iho
Philadelphia club paralyzed him by the ecore
of 10 te - The ether gamea wero : At ICausaa
City: KauH-is C'lty 7, New Yerk 1 ; nt
Chicage: Chicago ltf, lloateii 0 , at fat. Leuis :
HL Leuia8, Washington I.
The Association games yesterday were.
At Baltimore : Athletic 3, Ilaltlmere 0 ; at
Cincinnati: Ht. Leuis I, Cincinnati 0; at
Staten Island: Mets 3, llroeklyn 3, (seven
innings) ; at Loulsvllle: Pittsburg 7, Louis Leuis Louis
villeJ. Decker, the new catcher el the Detreits,
wearauoglevos whlle catching.
het oral Keu thorn League clubs are oiler eiler
ing te Hell their crack battera.
llotlerd, of the old Ironsides, gees te
It is a bad time for the Detroit te make
experiments w 1th pltohere, us was shown by
yesterday's game. The Chicago poeplo are
uncomfortably closet
Wllliamspert dofeated Scrauteu by 15 te J
Although the Athletics had but two hits oil
Kllrey jesterday they wen the game by the
peer Helding of ISaruels men.
Ansen had two home runs oil Kadbeu me
The lJrandywlne, of Weat Choster, Is a
geed club, and they are seldom beaten. Yos Yes
terday the Yeung America, of Philadelphia,
downed thorn by tl te 8.
The Wilkesbarre and Alloeuas played a
llue game yosterday, aud the latter had but
four hits oil Htale. Denny Mack's men wen
by I te 0.
The Athletlus and lialtimure will play two
games this alternoeu. 'Ihey will only step
le change batteriCH.
M a Natita el Slarlettn.
Henry W. Ktter, who wai btiried in liar,
risburg te day, died at his home iu Phila
delphia ou Kunday. He was born at Mari
etta, this county, l'eb. 'Zi, 1M)7. He romecd
from Marlelut at an early age and Hsttled
in Harrlsburg, whero he married a Mlsa
hhallner. He was apprenticed te loam the
trade of tailor, but when the Union canal was
opened he roltueulsbod the tailor's beard for
the deck or a beat, following canallng very
successfully. He managed the Perry county
Warm .Springs hotel ler eight years and wasa
popular landlord, as also a uniformly geed
citizen. During the famous buck-shot war he
wasau active worker en the Hltner sUloeftho
con 11 let and with ethers occupied thostate
arsenal, thou In the capitol grounds, te pro pre
vent It from falling into the hands of the
crowd which had assembled In the thou old
borough. He fur as known, the doceased
was the last or that Intrepld band whose
courage at the time of peril shrank from no
responsibility or danger. Calvin Ltter, of
Harrlsburg, Is a surviving seu el the de-coaxed.
Th National MctkudUt VininMtla( tUIng
Alltntlxl 11 Ui Crewil.
The National Methedist lampiueetliig for
the promotion of holiness at Jeanna Heights
Is new fairly under way, and Is at trading
large crowd dally. Peunsy hauls, New
Yerk, New Jersoy, Delawarn, and soineof
(he New Kngland states are represented
among the ministers who are already lues lues
eut or who will arrive In a lew daya te par
ticipate. Itev. U. W. llrubaker, of Mlllershurg,
again led then o'clock praver nieetliiu luei
day. The 8 JO o'clock iraer meeting at the
stand was In (.barge el Iter. W. A. Lllley, of
New Joraey.
Iter. Jehn A. Weed, of Nerlh Attleboro.
Mass,, author of "Perfect Iivo," preached
the morning sorinen at 10 o'clock. He ex
plained lurtlier the true Idea el en tire sanctl sanctl
tlcatlen as taught by the National associa
tion, and hew It would lead te the llnal sal sal sal
vattonel man. Thequestlnuorssnctlllcatlen
as explained by the various milliliters seems
te puirJoBeuie, aud owrybedy who has net
rocelvod sauctlllcatlen Is Inquiring and trying
te understand the doctrine as taught by the
National association.
Keva. li L D. I'eppnr and W. U (i'Mi
lth of Philadelphia i Iter. A. Dllabar, Man
helm, ltev. J. W. llradlei', t t-'lirlstlaim ,
Itev. H. K. Mennlnger, el Melroy, Mllllln
county, nnd ether ministers participated In
the Bervkes or the remainder of the jay.
'Iho evonlug'sseimeii waapreached by Uev.
W. I j. Uray, or Philadelphia, who leek for
his text (lenesls y, 21, "Ami Luecli walked
with Ged." These rampmeMing ler the
promotion of holiness under the auiplces of
the association have bum held ler the pint
nluoteon years, during which sixty meetings
have lrten conducted iu nearly all the slates
of the Union. Itev. Jehn H. Inskln was the
Urst president, and continued te act lu that
capacity until his death lu llytl. 'I he meet,
lug will last until the JOlh.
VVattate en the Contention.
I. nth In the Times.
Mr. Wallace lu auothei place said . "I
liatenuthiug against Chauucey Illack, aud
wautte Hoelilm elected, but 1 waut le see
Democratic methods prevail anil net the
same old metheds wtitch disturbed aud
ruptured the party bolero the civil waacame
en. The palruusge of tlie federal govern gevern
luent is new at lloeil-tldo. Ttiey net only
have tlie custom house, survever's olllce, but
they have Uie mint. New, it is absurd te nay
thatluthocltyefPhlladolphia, with Us nearly
flighty delegates, only three could be found
forWalli-e. 'lliat delegation was made up
by thodlreU Inlluonceof the federal patron patren
aa" Hald 1: "It leeks very niU'haslf
Clevelaud would have n walk-evor for tlie
next nomination. " "It is a geed WBya oil
jet," said Mr. Wallace. "Tttovearalu this
country is a lei'g tune." hald I, " I had au
Idea that the Democrat would nominate
GovernorCurliu." " Well," said Mr. Wal
lace, " It wan hardly protialile that Iho old
Democrats would superi linn, since no Had
lieen their antagonist in otheryears " " What
de you think or the prospect In Ponnsylva Pennsylva
nlaT" "It is uncertain. The advantage, of
course, is with the Hepubllcvma, but there
may be labor inev onion ts prejudicial te their
candidate. The old Kepubllcau inaclilnv Is
net very earnest ler Heaver."
IjtlMir Ik fur alaifvetl btevensun.
t loin the I'h tlailelplita Tocsin (l.nber UrKam,
It ts altogether utinocessary for us te men
tleu In these columns who Maxwell btovou btevou btoveu
sou Is. He is well known as a llrm friend of
orgaulzed labor one who has made sacri
fices ou many occasions In order le de a ser
vice for Bome peer Individual, or ler the
bouellt of the cause at large. He Is a self
made lawyer. Onoer these who bus expe
rienced the "ups aud downs" of llie lu every
As te his nomination, It was net brought
about by any weight oilier than the demands
el organized labor for recognition, and his
election, if aoneinplishcHl, will therefore net
be considered a victory for the Democracy,
but for the working people et the stale of
Pennsylvania. Tlie ch mce is new presented
te the workers of the state te place In con
gross a mau who will champion their cause.
Heretolero the werkingtiieu of seme of the
districts have ekvUxl men pledged te advo
cate their Interests, but never et have they
had au opportunity te votefor a cengrevtsmau
throughout the entire state. It wu oxpect te
elect Mr. blovensen, hew ever, no time should
be lest In thoroughly ergaulrlug our torces
evor the entire commonwealth. Laber votes
will he needed at the next session of Congress,
and Pennsylvania, with her vast number of
w sue workers, should certainly &eud oue who
will creditably represent them.
With the rust Increase of organization all
evor the commonwealth, we see no reason
why the next cougressmau at-large should
net be ene who has already pledged his vote
lu favor of all labor measures Maxwell
KtoveiiBen, of Philadelphia.
II Asks by What llllhl fun-ilerlr Condemns
the AuarrhliU and Then (Ieta On te tilts
a Dcllultlen el Anarch; m II Hint
rll t'nilentauill tlis (Jnettlen,
It All (Irons out ul tlta Bale el a lletse 1 ur
alx Dollars.
The com plaint of conspiracy te defraud,
made by Arthur Green against I ted. Wil
lie in and Jehn Urban was heard before Al
derman Spurrier this lueiulug, aud the case
was dismissed.
The tacts appear te be that Urban placed
In the bauds of Wllhelm, who is an auction
eer, au old borse te sell at public outcry en
market. Wllhelm sold the horse te Arthur
Greeu, colored, for h which was duly paid
ever te Wllhelm, who tendered it te Urban,
who retuscd te accept It, claiming that
the sum was ridiculously small. Wllhelm
then otlerod te return the money te Green,
but Green refused te accept it aud Insisted
ou having the horse which he bad bought
and aid for. Meantime Urban regained
possession of the borse, aud Green was minus
both horse aud money. Hence the suit for
conspiracy. At the hearing this morning
the case was Hittledbythe alderman allow
ing Urban te retain the horse, and directing
Wllhelm te mv back te Green the fii he bad
paid for it, alter which the complaint or con
spiracy was dismissed,
Itutlrilne Men lu Council.
01 llie twenty-live mombersof the Nations'
Itulloriiie aud Oleomargarine association six
teen were in attoudaucent a called meeting
el the organization held in Chicago ou Tues
day. 'Iho bill taxing buttortue aud oleomar
garine, recently passed by Congress, was
denounced as au outrage. It was decided te
test the validity of the law should it be
attempted te euforce It.
A Washington dispatch hujh the models
for the oleomargarine tax stum pa will nut be
ready for ev oral dajn. The design is said
tc be simply a bull trampling n serpent
under feet in the centre, whlle around the
margin are tue words "Oleomargarine" au I
"Internal Hevonue." There will be three
varieties of stamps uoededlu order te operate
the oleomargarine law ene kind for retailers,
another ler w holesale dealers and a third for
Chicaoe, AUtf. 25 A morning paporcen-
Ulna a letter from A. K. Parsons, ene of the
convicled Anarchlst, replying te Mr. Illalne's
siieech at Hehage Lake yesterday and te cer
tain recent utterances el Mr. T. V. Pewderly.
In reply te the latter Mr. Parsons sas:
"Pewderlylscredlted with saying: 'Anaichy
Is destructive of civil liberty, and no honest
workman can allerd te Identify himself with
au organization which has for IU ebject the
destruction of llie and property.'
"What right has Mr, Pewderly te dellne
the meaning of anarchy unless he known
what Ills? In the name of tens of thousands
el American workmen I solemnly pretest,
lu the past ten ears I have been iw llve as a
labor organizer aud orator. 1 am a Knight of
Laber. In that tlme, from New Yerk lu the
Cut tebt. Leuis and Kansas City lu the
West, and from 8L Paul, Milwaukee and
Detroit In the North, te Loulsvllle and Haiti Haiti
mero lu the Seuth, I have addressed at least
!jl0,0ue worklngineu, and among all that
uiiuilKir In all these yearn, I challenge Mr.
Pewderly te Und a man who can truthfully
say that I, as a Seclaltat or anarchist, have
advocated or countenanced 'the destruction
or life aud property. Whoever says se lies.
A.NAHC'IIV 1)1.1 I VI I).
The foundation principle of socialism or
anarchy Is the same as that of the Knights of
Laber, v Iz. . The abolition et the wagon sys
tem and the substitution In its stead of the
Industrial system of universal co-eporatiou,
endlng forever the conflict of classes and the
Inevitable aiilageulstlain of the wage slave
system. 'J lie assertion that we use and
advlse tlie use of force is gratutleim and
untrtia. Hut we have declared that the ex
isting social erder is founded oil ferce aud
maintained by ferixyuul we have and de still
predict a social revolt or llie working leople
against this ferce system.
"I his Is anarchy. Its teachings mean an
end forev er te brute force , the reigu of eterual
prosperity. The labor movemeut means the
downfall of bosses, dictators and rulera, and
a ruler or dictator is no mere te be toleralod
In the order of the Knights of lber than out
of it , is no mero sullorable whether he be a
Pewderly or n Gould. Mr. Pewderly can ill
afford te malign his fellow-laborers, aud
w hen he does he,Iu the iiame of latier, his act
Is doubly despicable.
"Thospcech of James (. Hlalne, at Kebage
Lake, yosterday, is the real opening of
the national presidential campaign In 1S.1S.
He reads the signs of the times, and fe ro
te' Is the coming question, viz., the
labor problem. Hut I oplne that he
reckons without his host when he
endeavor te outline the protective larlll
question as the coining issue. That recket
won't work any Ien cer. It Is played out, Iho
liberty or labor Is a worthless thing wheu it
consists of a mere ch Ice lietweeu uelug
fleeced by it protectionist or a free trade ex
ploiter. 'Iho black lalorer el the Seuth is no
worse oil than tlie white brotherof the North
because of their reapectlvn political status.
Oh, no), it is the economic status which regu
lates the political, ler every one knows that
monopoly iu business regulates politics aud
Is uet regulated by It. 'Iho labor question is
up fur consideration and adjustment. Te the
hundreds of thousands who have heard and
kuevv me, I say, bovviue of false gods aud
false Issues."
1 III. k. Ol 1.
General Civinisilener Carlten, of the
Knights of Laber, Is pursuing Ills investiga
tions into the atrlrs of the Chicago assem
blies. He is in constant consultation with
committees, and haicspeclal lolereuce te the
expulsion or two assemblies which ailUiate
with the Central Laber union, until recently
demluated by Hpies, Parsons, et. al.
Mr. Carlten says that all the published re
ports or the investigation have been mere
guess work and are tar away trem the facts.
The investigations are uet regarded as of
general interest te the public aud are part of
the secret business of the organization. He
states that Mr. Pewderly voiced the sonti senti
uient of the organization when he declared
that Socialists, and Anarchists especially, re
ceive no sympathy from or alllllatlen with
the Kulghte. It is tlie purpoae of the organ i i
7atlen he aays, te upheld the laws, and he re
gards the verdict iu the Anarchist case as a
just aud deserved punishment ler iolatiens
of law a vv oil known te the violateis.
The KiTvit That the I'mhlliltlati al Child Laber
In Factories Is luting.
An exclusively announced In the Intkl
i.kibncuu yesterday, notlce wan served en
II ve prominent cigar manufacturers te cease
hiring children under II years of age after
Augnatai. The act of April 21, 1UIH, pub
llshed In Tuesday's Iniklmekmckii, limits
prohibition le the thirteenth year, and the
commlttee or the local assembly nay they do de do
slre that their notlce be amended accord
ingly. Al Abraham' and Jehn V. Heed ,t Ce's
factories, notice wad served en the children
as roquestod by the Knight's el Laber. The
members of Cigarmakers Assembly Ne. 7,701
deny the allegation of II. K Btetiman that
any of them are discharged empleyes of that
manufacturer. The ten Knights who worked
for Htehman nev or gave the latter an oppor
tunity te discharge them, but left of their
nwu accord. The Knights furthormero say
that whorever children under thirteen are a
main sourceor parental support, theKulghta
will help such families out of tholuudsef
the local assembly. They May they deslre te
cause no 111 feeling In Ihlaurusade. They
simply want tn proventchlldren from crowd
ing men out or employment and they want
te eulorce the law resieclliig child-labor.
The number of children lu the city who
Will be atlocted by the inove Is estimated te
boabeuttiO. More cigar manufacturers will
be notified this week. With regard te the
cotton mills, the cigarmakers will net act, as
they say it is out et their province. Any
Knight may, however, or his own accord
notify these latier of the previsions or the
law sflectlng the employment of children.
The local Knights say that none of their
members have children at work under
thirteen years of age. as It Is against the prin
ciples of their organization.
,iuiiff BHKHStAM Ultra i.Aitur.i: ai:
A rine IIBjr anil Much Knthutlaam Manlleated.
fCeM Makes a lllller I'arllMii Hrieecli
In Willi h lie (llerllles the 'Ml rami
Old Kepuldlcan I'arlr."
of the votes of Kd. Wilsen anil Jake Mally.
The second vete gave the place te A. Cap
Jiellar by four votes.
At 11:10 the convention took a recess until
L!0 p. in., the committees haying been an
nounced. Gen. Hobliiseu, has been reneminated for
secretary el state by Acclamation.
lamer Knd llemi
(linn llie Oxford 1'iens,
'llie net proceeds of the held at
Hothel M. K. church, roceuliy, was J77.W).
The key or 1). 1 Magee's safe al Whllu
Heck was lest last woek and an axe vigor
ously applied te the deer permltted the nil
ver aud geld te resume circulation again,
Mary King, of I'ulleu tewushlis reached
her 31st birthday en the 21st lust, and the
occasion was ombraced by ene hundred and
eight friends and relatives who came from
far and near te colebrate the Important ev out.
Hen of Veterans te Picnic.
The Hens of Veterans, el Lebanon, Hoad Head
Ing, Lancaster, Harrlsburg, Pinegreve and
Aunvllle, will Picnic at Mr. Qretna en the
I'rem Acress the Centliienl.
Majer A. C. Helnii hi arrived home Tues
day evening from his trip across the conti
nent. He loll this city ou July 23, was ab ab
eeul 3J days und in that tlme travelled about
10,000 miles. lie la dollghted with what he
saw ou bis trip and the hospitality w It h
which he and his Grand Army comrades
wero received. The major took copious
notes whlle travelling, and In the near future
will no doubt dellver one or his entertalulng
lectures ou what he saw and heard.
lralu Struck by a Sbuner of btuuef
Cuicaue, Aug. -). -James Stoveusou, of
the ueoleglcal survey at Wnshlugteu,arrlvcd
here last night en tbe Pennsylvania railroad
express. He says Hut when the train was
passing Davis, lud,, about fifty miles from
here, a shower of stones was thrown, smash
ing nearly every window en one side of the
train, and causing great excitement among
the passeugers. One missile was thrown
with such ferce as te p iss iu at oue w ludew
and out en the oppealle side of the ear. Tor Ter
Innately the passengers escaped serious In
Jury. One lady was cut about the lace by
fragments of Hying glass. Ne explanation
of the atlalr Is given, but It is suppesed that
the outrage was committed by tramps.
lu the Cuiinuuu l'ieas Court.
'Iho suit of Jehn H. Geed against Jacob
Geed occupied all el yesterday afternoon In
the examination of witnesses ler the defense.
The eise was argued this morning and given
lu the Jury at neon.
'llie jury this afternoon tendered a verdict
in lavur ul defendant.
The suit otLevl Keuscnig vs. J. G. Hush
was uttached ler trial at neon today. It is
au action te recover (JcHI iu a cattle transac
tion between tbe parties. After the Jury
was ompnnneled court adjourned until 2.J0
in leiti; Ji'iiei: I'Aiii.iiviv.
All of yosterday was taken iin by the do de do
feiiHe In tlie suit of Jehn H. Smith, osslgnee
ere. 1'. Hiukley aud wife, vs. Mary A. Hluk
ley. CouiiFel argued tbe suit this, morning.
The Jury found In favor of the plalntlfl for
J52. 15.
11. Miller, who failed te answer lohlsiiaiue
en Saturday as a defend aid in a surety el the
unce case, was arrested ou a bench warrant,
lie entered bail for his appoarauce en next
Wlir the Itecenl Urand Jury Did Net Tbiuk
It l'ruier te lleceinnienit II.
.Mr. I- M. Ktaufler, foremau or the grand
Jury that closed lis deliberations last woek,
was asked by an lNTi:Li.icii:NCi.nroporlorto lNTi:Li.icii:NCi.nreporlorto lNTi:Li.icii:NCi.nroperlorto
diy why the grand jury had net recom
mended the erectien ufa new Jail.
"Thore was no division or sentiment en
that point," Mr. btautler replied, "but It was
simply a ipaostleu or oxjiedioncy. Kvery
momber of the grand Inquest agreed upon
a condemnation or tlie present rattle-trap
Jail, but they were unwilling te take the
resHnsibility efsugKesting thoerectton or a
new building, 'lliat unwillingness was
chleily due te the lack el confidence In the
proseut county comnilssleiiors because of tbe
flagrant manner iu which they awarded the
contract rer painting the court heuse. If
there wero te be any mere such awards el
imnertant contracts without specifications and
net te the lowest resiouslble bidder, this
grand Jury wanted te keep Its skirts clear or
the jebbery."
Tlnv Mills' l'erjury Case Iteturned.
'Una Mills was heard by Alderman l'ercj-
ney, this illuming, ou n charge el having
commlUed wlilul and corrupt perjury. It
wilt be remembered that en Saturday lu the
quarter Mossieus court she testilied that her
husband had never inade any threats against
her, and that olio had net made a complaint
ler surely of the ieaee against her husband.
Al the hearing this morning at Alderman
Kerdney'sit was shown that Hliedid make n
complaint before Alderman Hirr, that her
husband was heard en a charce of surety of
the ;eace, in which slie was OAauiluedasa
witness, nud Iho facts she testilied te wero
taken dew u by the aldertu iu at the tlme of
the hearing.
?ve wltuosnes were called rer the defense,
and llie aldeiiuui roqulred the accused te
enter J300 ball for trial ul the August court or
quarter cessions P. D. Haker uppeared as
the special counsel ler the common wealth,
and Iho accused win represented by Jehn IX
Maleuc. Thohearingattracled a large crowd.
I Ifilitluc en tlie Mruet.
Het ween 10 aud 11 o'clock Tuesday night
there w as considerable lighting in the neigh
borhood of the Pennsylvania passenger sta
tion. It appears that a young man, w he w as
somewhat light In weight, was wulklug along
Chestnut street Willi a girt. They were met
by a mau who seemed te have a grudge
against the woman. Te aliuvv his bravery he
smashed her in tbe law. The companion or
the female was net nig uneugh le coiuiiete
with her assailant lu a tough and tumble
hght,Be he thought it bust net te de anything.
A hackmau who aavv the trouble went te tbe
assistance of the girl. He aud the fellow
who started the row were seen engaged Inn
bloody light. Finally another hackmau and
a hotel perter took a luiid aud the woman
whipper was used up. Quite a crowd was
drawn te the place aud there was consider
able noise.
Arretted ler 1ml licit inc.
Harry Metzgar aud Jehu In in were
arrested yesterday alternoeu by OUlcer
Ueechler iu the southern part of the city. It
was reKrted te the elllcer that the men were
under the influence et liquor, and were driv
ing at n reckless rate of speed, te the great
danger et pedestrians. They were heard by
Alderman Ferduey this morning en a charge
ofdrunkennessand disorderly conduct, and
a number of witnesses testilied te the facts
above noted. The alderman reserved his
decision until Tuesdty, when they will be
heard en a charge of violating meciiy ordi
nance, In drlvlngutn greater rate el speed
than seveu miles an hour.
Weaver llelrascil I'rem I'rlseu.
Night Watchman Weaver was released
from prison last ev enlng. His i ilher-ln-law
camotehls aid by entering GOO ball for his
appearance at a hearing te be held ou Mon
day morning.
A search was maile el ms uouse vesieruay
afternoon by Chlel Smith aud Otllcer Gil
for articles Btelcn ireiu the Grepo hetel re
cently, but none of the stelen goods were
A llutld lldUll.
The band connected with William Moero'a
"Our Jenathttli" company, which appears
In the opera heuse te night, made a street
parade id neon te day. 'Iho tuembers wero
all dressed like dudes and presented a Que
iipporauce. they were high hats with full
dress suits. Over their clawhammer coats
they had light colored double bicRsted coats.
Heme wero eyelusies and very high shirt
cellars. Hundreds ui small boys lullewed
thorn around the tow n.
Hale of Henes
Samuel II ass, auctioneer, Held at public
sale for Dauiel Legan, en August 2.1, at his
Hale aud exchange stables, Lancaster city,
twenty head nf Ohie horses at an nvornge
price of fflS'i.tU per head.
lly the abeve auctioneer ou Tuesday, Aug.
21, for Harry 0. Liutner, at the public heuse
of llorace Myers in Slrasburg, Lancaster
uiuiity, lift oe u head of Illinois horses at an
average price el OdJe per head.
lauies lllaik ()iieied te Wulle,
IIairi3burg Dispatch te Times.
The only bit or opposition te Welfe that
has se far cropped out Is being made by
Illeck, Tlie sentiment lu favor or his nomi
nation la se strong amonRthe delegates, how
ever, that the objections of tbe veteran Lan
caster Prohibitionist are net likely te have
much ellect.
Tne Notes Frem Nell.vllle.
Mr. Day-Id L. Hteuer, el Nellsville, whlle
assisting lu threshing at his rosldeuce ou
Monday, had his mlddle lluger el the right
hand caught In the cog wheels, taking oil the
Urst joint, Dr. K. II. Wltmer attended the
The colebnitloii of the Nellsville Union
Sunday school en next Saturday, which is te
be held in Mr. A. II. Leng's weeds, premise
te be very largely attended. The Kothsvllle
cornet baud will enliven tlie occasion with
music, and ethor interesting exerclses may
boexpeclod. A froe meal will be furnished
le all.
Alter Many llali.
Last April a thief entered the premises el
Mrs. Ilngelhart, In tha Seventh ward, and
stele a number of articles. Ldward lluz
zard was Biisivectcd, and when he loarned
that a warrant was out for bis arrest he skip
red out. He stayed away until he thought
the matter was forgotten. He returned te
the city yesterday and Olllcer Leman arrested
him. In default of ball he was commlUed
CliaiiKOul ltuute.
The moinbersof DlvislouNe. 7, Uniformed
Kank, Knights el Pythias, are busy making
final arrangements ler thelr excursion te the
Seuth. The original plan w as te return ireui
Haltluiore by way el Yerk. This pert of the
pregramme has been changed und the divi
sion will go from Ilaltlmere te Perl Deposit
and thouce te Columbia by the river read.
The ralrville bind, lb pieces, has been en
gaged for the trii.
Accldeut te a !ni.
Last evening Hdvvard Mcdeehan was driv
ing two horses hitched te a drug belonging te
William lloseureld, up North Queen street,
At the comer et Orange a wheel was brokeu
from Iho vehicle. Hesldes McGeehati there
was another mau and three women iu the
drag. Strange te say, none of thorn wero
Held Under Advlteuient.
Hugh Kelly was heard by Alderman A. F
Dennelly last ovenlng ou a charge of drunk
enness and disorderly conduct and defraud
ing Mrf. Mary Kemp, his landlady, out of a
beard bill. I'er the Urst named olleuse he
was committed le the county Jail for 11 ve
days. 'Iho ethor charge was held tiuder ad-
v lsouieni,
Ine Monotonous.
A woman whs sitting against the olectrio
light pole ut the southeast comer el Centre
Square aud Seuth Queen street the greater
part of this morning grinding an organ. One
lune was the must the machine was capable
of producing, evlduiitly, lur no ethors were
Admitted le Probate,
The will of the Key. W. T. Gerhard wasad
milted te probate yosterday alternoen. His
state is all bequeathed te his children, and
Hev. D.W.,aerhard, el New Helland, Is inade
CeLUMliUS, Aug. SS. Tha Ohie Heptlbll
cut convention could net have atked for n
mero glorious day. The fourteenth Itogl Itegl
tnent armory, whero the convention was
held, was beautifully decorated with Hags
and loepod festoons of the national colors.
Pendant bouquets' graced the hall, which an
nounced the place ofeachoftbo 21 districts
delegations. The news of the morning Is the
withdrawal of tbe candidacy et Clement
Hates, of Hamilton county, for supreme
Judge, This leaves the Cincinnati delegation
(elid for Judge Cox, and will probably (se
cure his nomination. Jehn Sherman
will arrive at neon and will have a
grand ovitlen. The convention was call ed
te erder at 10,15 by Chairman Lewry,
of the central couimltteo, who Intro
duced Key, W. 13. Monre, who inade a brief
but forvent prayer, asking for dlvlue guid
ance in the deliberation of the convention,
Mr. Iewry In seme oxtended remarks con
gratulated the Republican party upon its
prospecU of success In the approaching
campaign. He prophesied that cither James
O. lllaine or Jehn Sherman will lead the
Republican forces lu 1SS3. The applause
was net only enthusiastic but It was
also impartially divided between the two
names. Later when the name et
Jehn Sherman was inontlened In
the address it rocelvod an encere and se
scored ene point ahead of Mr. Hialne. Tlie
namosef Governer Ferakor and Lieutenant
Governer Kennedy wero also applauded.
Chairman Lewry Introduced the tem
porary olllcers: Kx-Oovemor and General
L'dward I'. 1'. Noyes, el Hamilton, and
Judge Miller, et Springfield. General Neyes
met with the most flattering and cordial
CHAIRMAN NOV lis' 81'Kt.t'H.
1 am under obligations te the Kepubllcan
state oxecutlve committee for the honor of
being called upon te preslde evor your tem
porary organization. I have reached that
age when, perhaps, 1 have a right te consid
er myself oue of the veterans el the Repub
lican army en the retlred list In titue of
Iieace, but reasonably well proservod and
ready for battle again in tlme of war. Real
izing as 1 ue ine luipaueuce wnu wuicu uuiu
gates te a state convention always llsteu te
long speeches, I shall net think of detaining
you long. It is a gratifying reflection that
the people or Ohie nev or tolerale Democratic
control in this state for mere than two yeara
at a tlme, and but for the side issues which
Democratic leadors are lugouleus te lnvent,
and third partieswhich they always oncour encour onceur
agoand aid, there would uet have been a
Democratic administration in Ohie duriug
tlie last quarter or a century. He thou re
v lowed the history or the Republican party.
The Republican party, be said, Is unaltora unaltera unaltora
blvermosed te the purchase aud sale rer
meney or seats in IhoSenale el Iho United
States as sheep are bought and sold In the
shambles or the butchers ; the atulllng et
ballet boxes aud forgery, aud falsification el
election returns, the unlawlul and brutal
lutorlereuce et se-called liellce, and
ethors, with voters at the jsills, te the
counting of latent fergery and Iraud by
judicial decision, bocause such iuiquity is
regular en the face or tlie returns, te the cor
rupt use of meney by rich corporations or in
dividuals te In!! uonce electiens and thereby
thwart the will or the people.
Referring te tbe administration, he bald,
w e have seen a man selected as a candldate
ler the highest ofilce In this laud without any
oxperlouco in national atlairs,wltheut a slugle
prouetincod opinion ou recerd regarding any
imnertant question or governmental policy,
foreign relations, tarltl, currency, banking
sybtems, internal improvements or any
ether; aud uudorthe false preionseof re
form, elec ted president of the United States
ever ene of tbe most brilliant and accom
plished statesman wbosegouius and achieve
ments have ever ndorned the high places of
publle trust. We hav e had a y ear aud a-half
et this administration the chief distinction
or which has been the yeteei by the
president of scores et bills granting small
pensions te our bullet-riddled veteraus or
tbe families of dead soldiers, alter such bills
had passed a Democratic Heuse aud a Re
publican Senate, and the approval el a bill
placing rilz Jehu Perter en the retired list
el tbe army with high rank aud large pay;
the submission, with hardly a pretest, te the
seizure et Americau lishing vessels by the
dependencies of a powerful nation aud the
litillT-lntrnrn vuuk nml friendly Blster renull-
He, Jer nu imaginary or exlreuiely deubttul
grlevauce, and lastly tue illustration oiuem eiuem oiuem
ecratlo civil service which reforms compe
tent Republicans out of etiice, and incompe
tent Democratic politicians Inte the places
which their predecessors had tilled with in
tegrity and ability. If there is anything
else which this administration has done
worthy of montleu, it has escaped my mem
ory. He then went ou te say that here In Ohie
we have seen political crluiea committed se
bold, brazen and infamous that when
exposed the publle seuse was appalled
at thelr euermity. We have seen
these crimes at first mildly con
condemned by the Detnecratia party, then
apologized for and at last detended and ap
proved. We have seen tbe whele Demo
cratic side el the Ohie Senate, when con
vinced that their etlerts le secure the
benellts of fraud and fergery were
hepeless, desert their public duties
and take retuge lu another state, beyond
reach of the process of law. We have seen
the purchase of a Unlted States scuatershlp
acknowledged and charged by mero than
half of the Democratic press of the state, yet
the seat is retained iu Bllonce whlle tbe bribe bribe bribo
giver and the bribo-takerlmvo been shielded
irem Justice and punishment by all the
mntlimls which meney cerruntly Ufced,
social iniluonce and technical censido censide censido
ratieu could command. Hut, notwith
standing, the nrocessiou of political crim
inals has already started for the Ohie
poulteutiary; uulortuuately It la march
ing lett iu lrent, but thore Is a guard lu the
rear, with bayonets tlxed, aud the tall men
will be along after u whlle.
What a lleyal Geed Time Ilia Lancaster Heys
are Having.
The Chosapcake camping club, of this city,
which is encamped at Havre de Grace, are
having an excellent time. Indeed they are
havlug inore fun than they had any reason
te expect- They arrlved Barely In the beau
tiful little Maryland town en Tuesday after
noon and were met by the mayor and city
councils. In the evening they were enter
tained at Bupjier by the mayor. Last
eveulng the club gave a party at the
pavilion, which was largely attended by citi
zens. This ovenlng they will go te the light
house, which stands en the bay Just south of
the town, aud they will be given a supper by
the lighthouse keeper at 9 o'clock. To
morrow ovenlng they will be entertained at
a party In their honor by the mayor and
citizens In City ball. On 1 rlday evening the
club will give a grand farewell concert te the
cltlens iu the park.
During the day many of the club inombem
spent the tlme tlshlng and beating In the
water el tbe Chesapeake The fishing Is ox ex ox
cellont, and the park, whero the club Is on en
camped, is a dellglitrul place.
The Perl Dopeslt, Mil,, correspondent of
th Haltimore tViei, noting the passing of the
club through that town, en Monday, Bays:
" They Bre neatly uniformed, and are a llue
looking body of men."
TUB itiyce allOOTBRB.
81 X UVnilBBlt VBLBUAtM IB cub r MB
lame Mack, el Lancaster, Opens WMk ft fer
vent Vntyer ler Dltlne (luldaar taWi
Chairman llarker Talks Knthtutaa. 5
llrally et Ilia I'arty rreepecla.
Whit the Members el I he gchuetzen Vereln
Did In Tuesday's Practice.
The regular weekly target practice of tbe
Lancaster Schuetzen Voreln was largely at
tended yesterday. Among theso present
were many members of the society with thelr
friends. The sheeting was very line. The
score was as fellows, out of a pessible 111
l'eter liemincl
leun T. Knami
I'blllii Lebzeltcr
Jacob Weltcr....
Ooeriro Itnlss . .
Hoeriro Klrcher
Jfciuy J. Kegel
iicury iircuer.
, 87
Out of n pessible 10S. Ds. S. T. Davis made
During ene of the intervals In the regular
target practice seme impromptu sheeting
was done (random shots, distance 200 yards,
bull ey e tw e inches) which showed surprising
skill upon tlie part of some gentlemen who
have net hitherto aspired te honors In this
direction. Centre shots wero made by the
following gentlemen : Wolfer, Knapp, lielss,
Demmoll and Hreiter.
Next Monday the annual king festival of
the soclety will be held at Tell's Hein. There
will be plenty of sheeting, and a rare treat in
marksmanship is premised.
Other fshoetlng Matches.
Te-day a big sheeting match is being held
in Heading. Te morrow a three day sheet
commences in Reading. Jehu Cllue will be
ene of the contestants, aud several ether
gentlemen will go evor.
llAuntsiiunu, Pa., Aug. 23, The Prohl Prehl Prohl
bltlenlsts of Pennsylvania met In state cea. ,
vonllen in the oiera house here te-day at 10
o'clock. The attendance la large, there being
about six hundred delegates representing
sixty counties, of wlileh a large number are
women. The exercises wero epened by
choir of lllty children Ringing a number of
pieces, after which James lllaek, of
Lancaster, otTerod a fervent pray or
in behalf of the cause for which
the convention had assembled, He asked
for dlvlne blessings en all proceedings
of the day, and that the ballet box In No
vember would npeak the volce of a free and
enlightened poeplo.
State Chairman Harker called the conven
tion te order and said the dawn of n rmllle
was coming. Frem overy point el the com
pass the cheering news is coming that tha
temperance wave Is rolling en. He lauded
the work already accomplished and apoke
enthusiastically of the prospects In the com
ing campaign. The history of the Prolilbl Prelilbl Prolilbl
Hen party was rohearsod.
Rey. S. P. Hun ter, of Choster county, wan
named for temporary chairman, aud I. N.
Pearce, el Philadelphia, as Bocrelary.
On motion the roll of countles was called
and the name of the dolegate te son e en the
couimltteo en credentials read.
ARera number or recommendations were
read and adopted the convention adjourned
until 2 p. m. It Is thought that the conven
tion will net clese Its labors before te morrow
James Hlack, of Lancaster, has written a
platform which will be submitted te the
convention te-night,
A Cullluiula I Irm Urines an Action Against
the l.sncaster Watch Factory.
A law suit involving a large amount of
money, was entered lu the court et common
pleas this alternoeu by J,L.Stelumetz. He re
presents G. Greenzvvelg, the surviving part
ner or Nesti Greenzwclg, a California firm.
T he ceriKiraticn sued Is tbe Lancaster Watch
company. The declaration tiled late this af
ternoon sets forth, that en the 22d of June,
1SS-J, the firm agreed te beceme '.the sole
agents of the Liucaster Watch com-
fiany, for tbe sale el their watches In the
'acftle states, Mexico, the Central Amer
ican Republics and Sandwich Islands
that they w ere ready at all times te carry out
their part of the contract, but the Watch com
pany iu violation thereof did sell thelr move
ments te ether firms, and they have sufJered
10,000 damages by reason of the breach
of tbe contract ou the part of tbe
company , that ou February 12, 1SSI tbe Lan
caster vVatch company contracted te de
liver 1,1)00 or their several grades, but they
tailed le de se, that the firm advanced te tlie
watch company at dlllerent times 10,000 and
iu addition the company ewes them (5,000.
Tlie declaration covers several pages of
manuscript and recites iu detail the several
breaches uf the contract, en which the suit is
brought. The Bherltl will roake sorvlce en
Mr. Hltner, the representative of the com
pany this evening.
The 1'rovlsleual Ueverumeut of IteumeUa
Oveithrewn and the Minister Arrested.
Loviiev, Aug. 23. Dispatches lrem Sofia
state that the previsional government which
had been formed te administer the affairs of
Reumella after the deposition of Prince Alex
ander, had been overthrown and the minister
of foreign affairs, M. Clenieut, the minister
of finance, M. CaukeU, and M. GreuetT,
another member of the previsional govern
meut, have been arrested aud that the
Karaveleir ministry, which Is In favor of
Prince Aloxander, has been reinstated. A
deputation, these dispatches further state, has
been sent in search of the dethroned prince
te persuade him te return te Iho palace and
rosume the direction of thenUairs of the coun
try. The Iteyal Prisoner.
Huuhakest, Aug. 25. The commander of
the yacht having Prince Alexander en beard
as a prisoner telegraphed from lien, Rus
sia, In Bessarabla, te Sofia, asking the provi previ
sional government for instructions respect
ing his royal prisoner, the cemmauder re
ceived a reply orderlng him te return with
Prince Alexander te Sofia.
Calling BalUbury te Louden.
Londen, Aug. 25. The government hav
lug received Important dispatcher duriug
the night with regard te the Hulgarian im
broglio, have telegraphed Lord Salisbury te
return at once te Londen.
A Urltlsh Annexation.
Londen, Aug. 25. The commanderof the
Urltlsh corvette Diamond, has aunexed the
Kermadee Islands in the Pacific ocean.
isefere Alderinan Deeu.
The complaints of perjury ana surety of
the peace inade by Mary Lloyd against Mary
Themas, both colored and both et Columbia,
were beard by Aldermau Deen this alter alter alter
neou. The complaint el perjury was based
upon the fact that Mary Themas had sworn
at a hearing before Squire Ev aus that she had
caught Mary Lloyd and Geerge Hurton in a
room togetlier Geerge being in the
bed and Mary uuder It. On the
strength of this statement, (made before
the hearing' at Squire Evans',) Mary Lloyd
was prosecuted by her husband for adultery,
and the grand Jury Ignored the bill. Alder
man Deeu thoughttbe charge of perjury had
net been made out acalnst Mary Themas,
aud dlsmlssed the complaint. The charge of
surety et tlie peate against her was returned
te court,
Heward T. Sweltzer, aged 22, hasdied near
Hothleheni irem the oilects of a kick In the
stomach by a horse.
James Wallace, inventer of the celebrated
plow bearing his name, died at Newmans
town, Herks ceuuty, from caucer et the
mouth, aged SO years.
Geerge IS. Themas, a West Chester nur
seryman, wasbidly Injured In a ruuaway
en Tuesday. He has a bad cut at the base of
his brain.
Houeath tlie ample shade of a cluster of oak
troes upeu the steep green swarded bill run
ulug down te Ridley Creek, two miles from
Chester, 100 deceud iuts of Jehn Sharpless,
who latided en that spot 202 years age, assom assem
bled Tuesday te colebrato the anniversary of
that event.
lll-CBIVtll W ITH Al'l'LAUbl..
When he doclared that the Republican
party Is unalterably oppesod te the purchase
and sale for money et seats iu the United
States, as sheep are bought aud Beld iu the
shambles of tbe butcher, the convention ap
plauded again and again with Irrepressible
Duriug the dellvery of his speech, the
scenes of the cenv eutlen w ere v ery inspiring.
On the stage appear the faces of many distin
guished Ohieaus, and en the very front of
the platform is large and elegant tleral
piece bearlng the word which Beems te have
become the orillamme of Ohie Republicans,
" l'oraker."
Gen. Neyes was in oxcellent form, and his
magnificent volce carried hia words te tbe
extremest portions of the lmmense hall. He
was constantly interrupted by applause and
cries of " geed," " geed."
When the applause which followed Gen,
Neyes' speech had uubalded, the convention
was cenv ulsed with laughter by a parody en
tho"Suwaueo River" admirably snug by
JehuII. Sarchltt, or Cambridge, Ohie.
Uaeli hit lu the very clevor political paro
dy was received vvllh uproareus) applause,
quickly hushed, huwever, he as net te miss
tlie next words of the song. Rospendlug te
au oncero Mr. Sarchltt Bang : Tit Willow
Uoedlo." This song was nearly us well re
ceived as its predecessor, aud Mr. Sarchltt
recelved the unanimous thanks of the con
vention. After tbe lllling or the usual com
mlttoea, the convention took a recess till 1.30
p. m.
The Urst vete en the Btate oxecutlve cenir
mltteeuhln In the Second district, was a tie
between Hadden and Cappellar. Hadden
says that the tie was broken by tbe cliange
bummer Leisure.
Patrick Cherry, the well known hackmau,
returned last evening from New Yerk, Leng
Hranch aud ether places. He had a geed
limn mill Haw lets el sights.
Jehn P. Heist, of Uager & Bra, has ro re
t in nod fromatwewoeks trip through Ohie
ami ludlinn. He is charmed with the tine
country tliruugli which he travelled.
Miss Anna Messursmlth has returned from
a three weeks' mingling in the social circles
et WilllaiuHperL
A Ijdy birlins the Niagara ltlver.
Miss Jeanuotte Larke, a handsome young
lady of Youugstewu, swam the Niagara
rlvorbelowtho rapids near her home this
allomeoii. Shu was accompanied by Wil
liam Wilkinson, and this distance was about
a mlle and a half. Miss Larke reached the
Canada shore with very little exhaustion,
mni KMimifl ixirfeetlv fresh, altheueb her
companion was very tired. This Is the ilrst
tlme a lady has accomplished the feat
swimming the river at this point.
Governer Hill Iteineies lllm Frem Uls Fat
I'lace In Neir Yerk City.
Albanv, X. Y. Aug. 25. Gevener Hill
this morning rendered his decision lu the
case of Commissioners of Publle Works
Squire. The decision remeves Mr. Squire
from elllce.
The governor denies the motion of Squire's
counsel te reopen the case, and approve the
order of the mayor removing Squire from
the elllce of commissioner of publle- works.
Ne formal opinion giving tbe grounds for
his decision is net given out by the governor
at this time, although he may boreaftor de se.
The governor concurs in the result without
Indicating whether It is based upon the vio
lation et the civil service law or upon the
Flynn letter, although it Is believed te be
upon the latter greuudc The formal order
el approval is as fellows :
Matee AVu Yerk, Ezccutiic Chamber :
Wbereas, the mayor of the city el New
Yerk, by an order made en the 17th day of
August, 1836, has removed Rellln M. Squire, .
from the office et commissioner of publle
works of the city of New Yerk, alter allow
ing him an opportunity te be beard, as re
quired by law, and said mayor has submitted
te me his reasons for such removal; and, '
whereas, said commissioner has been given
an opportunity te be heard before me. and
counsel have been heard In his favor in op
position te such removal, and counsel for
said mayor bave also been heard In favor
thereof, and the arguments have been duly
considered by me, new, therefore, It Is order-
ed that the removal of said commissioner of
publle works be and Is hereby approved.
Given under my band and the privy seat et the
state and the capital, In the city of Albany,
tills S5th day of August, In the year of our
Lord, ene thousand eight hundred and eighty-
six." David It. Hill,
lly the Uoverner. F.t'RAeiir, Acting l'rlvate Socretary.
New Yerk Street Car Driven.
Nkw Yenir, Aug. 25. There is no change
of I ui per tan co in the borse car strike situa
tion. The men and the companies are as
wlde apart in thelr views as when the strike
was originated. Cars were started out ever
the Hreadway and Seventh avenue line this
morning under police protection. The first
car went evor the read about 1O.30, and since
that hour several cars have beensent ever
the read.
A car has started, under a police escort,
through ahewling mob this morning. Stones '
were thrown, but no one was seriously hurt. jtu
A riMdl T.lvernoel Fire. , r
.. .. ,--- ----- -J,
IiiMHiroei.. Aug. 25. A tire broke en'
this afternoon in a number of large war. A-iPj
houses owned by J. M. Malladen, of Vf-rA
tune street. The llre is raging nereeiy aivsiy
it ia luttiavmi thn whole block occupied b-;s.
the warehouses will be destroyed. lUstiLS
.... '., , ... I tl1'!
buildings are luiiyiusuiuu. ,4 a
The two top iloers of the warehouses were v4
completely burned out before the tire WMphf
subdued. Tlie less is ueavy. jrfj
niadstene te Spend Vacation la Munich. VjFd
The Honest Teeiuanry of Lancaster,
r'lem the l'hiladulplila Inquirer.
Next te Philadelphia, Allegheny ought te
Ihi Dm richest county. Hut she does net
make that aiqieariuice lu this list. Somethlng
evor 1 18,000,000 Is her share, whilst the fat
farmers of Lancaster have cenfessed te ewu-Ingi-l,tKKi,tHK)
worth or taxable preperty.
I'oer family,
'llare is u peer lauilly al Ne. ueOUIgU
street, w he ure really In need of help. The
father aud mother are Blck aud there are live
children iu the family, who are without the
ueoessarles of life.
Cloud Fishing.
William T. JeiTerles,,went fishlug te Safe
Harber yesterday and caught thirty-seven
bass. One of them weighed ever Uiree
pounds, five were two peunders and nearly
all of tlie ethers were of geed size.
T.vtmv Ant., "t Mr. Gladatene. aCCOBI-'t-M
nanliri bv one of his daughters, and Ler Vis
Acton, started for Germany te-day e ioe 4
for Munich, where he Intends te speBdva
catien of three weeks. ,
Iluaslau Troops en tha Move. ' J
rtncitAKKsv. Aurruat 25. A useveiaeM et JS
M,,u.ii tmnivt toward Ilenl. Ressarabls, ! l
""-"" -.w- ,,
ported. jjj i
n n A. na Vmm.4
C- Kasleru New Yerk, Peawylvsjiis, KeJ
Jersey, Delaware aua Maryiaaa
n..r .nrtherlv winds becemlnK easel
weatuv., -- -
lightly warmer. f,
A Waaen VpMt. , ttl
Thin ofterneon the business wacea of i
t. Arneld was unset en OrasM street
North Queen by the berae wmtawm
tee short. Three men who, were) jJJJ!
seat were turewn neavujr kj mm
no one lujured. i.