JMf1 8VW? EW v -i'-" - fi - THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGBNCBB. SATUKOAY, AUGUST 21, 1880. ". "tVC L" Lr v P IJmLLIGENCER ttrMTjlUT IN Tnnu , imMUui mi. irrr UMtM. II II ITIttMIM l LA' AM All' AttetMM AC. uim LIMMAL ssjsjsBsetd AltOWKI TO levmcne. t if, lilsiisisay Jfceejll.) ;: 'v PTMWJBHttBAT: T lln. ln.i mS RK Iffl 4 44 BBS m id am age in 700 RHK"... iw im 400 in 7w flBwSiu-". w K loee is be ih HTwmu.1 n hoee um 1700 tow CEaesuk..... im 7W 1100 hee oe moo fwwaUiatha... 800 wee 1700 tee wee aioe KwMeBtti. ee iiw soeo moo mm wee Mmis..... 1 08 HOW WOO WOO 44 0tlr MOO tVtW 00 004600 moo wool wee H TJw WmItIv TntalllmrtOAr i.y PUM.IM0 EVERY WtDNESOAY MORNING. .ailjMATAISIOOrOlttZHOTin. CLVM OF TI, j (lieAirDAOerTruaTO rnaeiri smine vr ""timmmtimimmm touemD new tbkt fart ettbi V. tats ab oecwrar. Atx Airoirnien iiniu 3 i - nu. n ramtni) n tin vuti utiir, i ----" f aMTiM f IUmmmiIiI ' ?Kl --' .ara --.m . . .nTn -M l.'. hi. .. hi iv m r i:-4' Intelligencer Building, rj& m . . w -, Lancaster, l'. p tlK Lancaster JnteUtgctuer. LANCABTKK. AUQU8T 51. IMC Ab Announcement. Tlie halt interest in the Intelligen cer establishment, which since May, 1874, has been owned by W. U. Ilensel, has been sold and transferred by him te Rich ard M. Rellly and Rebert Clark. The purchasers hare for a long time been identified with the Ixtellieexcer its editorial management and business direction ; and the change of owners in- pal velves no change of policy. Kui' Ter the immediate present no alteration Will be made in the firm name of Steinman ilb Ilensel; all the accounts of the old Arm will be settled by the new. rem new until the day of the Pennsyl vania state election, Sir. Ilensel will de vote himself exclusively te the manage ment of the Democratic campaign. Seme Lies Disposed Gi. There are some 'lea nmnlug current new, cbleflyin "ifepubllcan newspapers of Jtt& poser sort, that may as well be jumped upon before they get much of a start. It is related that Mr. Wallace became a candidate at the suggestion or invitation of Mr. Randall ; and continued in the field at his solicitation, te be betrayed and v slaughtered. "We are net in the confidence of either Mr. Wallace or Mr. Randall ; but this story may be set down as a lie, . pure and simple. If Mr. Wallace was te become a candidate for governor he was net the'man te ask Mr. Randall's consent or wait upon his nod. ' It Is alleged that before the convention, about the convention and in the conven tion the whole r-wer of the federal office holders in the state was exercised for Mr. lihcknnd against Mr. Wallace. This is utterly untrue. Seme of the most con spicuous federal office-holders in the state, bjfere the convention, about the conven tion, If net in the body of the convention itself, were ardently urging Mr. Wallace's nomination ; and in the membership of that b jdy many of these who were as influen tial as they were prominent in his behalf had exercised the largest influence in their respective localities in the selection of federal appointees. Instead of " a ring of Democratic con gressmen dictating the nomination, it appears that the influence of the seven Democratic congressmen gave very few V0t3teMr. Mack, the representatives of the districts of Scott, Curtln, lioyle.Sewden and Storm giving him ery few etes Indeed and casting most of their strength for Xlr. Wallace. It is said that Mr. Wallace, Mr. Coxe, Mr. Scott and ether distinguished gentle men, who did net approve the nomination of Mr. Black in advance, will net heartily auppert his election. This is another false hood. Mr. Coxe announced his determin ation, before the convention ended, te give the ticket his hearty support. In answer te a suggestion in Philadelphia en Friday that bis friends should " try " te elect the ticket, Mr. Wallace firmly said : "Ne, net ij te elect, we icill elect it." Mr. Scott telegraphs from New Yeik that the ticket wilt win. What Democratic leader will net support this ticket with all hla might ' Give us the supposed name, and see hew quick he will prove it te be a lie. liut the " rank and file" are said te I discontented. Are they 't Who 'i Where? L " Uncle" Jake Zeigler, whose brew is sil vered with many winters of Democratic effort, is quoted as saying the people who nominated the ticket will be left alone te elect it. lie said no anch thing. What he did say was ALI II T m -:-.. E.-V ua ; -- a was ier waiiace. New I am for y Mack and the rest of the ticket. TVrsnn. ally I had but little choice, but I knew Mr. Wallace te be one of the best organizers in the country and we needed his executive ability. I saw Mr. Wallace te day, and lie assured me that lin ahmiM ilnavanr fritwi! In his power te secure the success of 1- the ticket, and I believe he will." The iktwifmanu vigorous young men who run 4lu nifH.i rt 11. "- euiuiu uuzuir, were among we most rtnt ""PPerters of Mr. Wallace. They cj"" " wet esieemea newspaper: "Mr. fc Mack's nomination will be entirely satis- . rlBBter tn IhA TkmiunlU nn., 1)1. .1. i. AvBDVnf nf tin TT.nnl.n --I. i Tr. vyr 7 " " """"""lu DtuOUJ. XIO J"" an earnest teacher of the political -ifc u sa'w believes in and has done mere vpbUy tbaa any ether man in l'ennsyl. &l?,ta i?k8ePthe Party from straying into ytkt paths of errors." C?S? P?1'11011 Pea of success are ,' based entirely en Democratic discontent. .Tbat fog will seen lift. . - &Y AaaadMaaWreBged. VuGwat injustice la behur done that vm. nand aggressive Democrat, Mr. Wlll- ImbV, Blngerly, of Philadelphia, by the MiiMun inai ne u against the election f Mr. Black because the Jtccerd does net l MarlUy te hla support. Mr. Sinarerlv WMttas Recerd, te be Blira hut hn la nnt f fe Mmrd, a4 It often deea net represent I pp iwjt MjHlSBt Yvv8 ItteM hh secret that Mr. Gingerly "w -i BtfOBfiy opposed te Mr. Wal- MMHtaueB inaa te Mr. Slack's; aMt he aMAa tfeeUre opposition te the tenner, and strengthened the latter by givtaf it out freely that, of all the likely candidates, Mr. Mack suited him best, as being nearest te his views of Important state policies. Mr. Slngerly, of all men, admires a Jef Jef fersentan Democrat, of irreproachable pri vate character and stainless public record, of statesmanlike grasp of public questions and Jacksonian braery in enforcing the law; wherefore we Insist that Mr. Slnger ly shall net be confeumled with his petu lant paper. m Here's a Funny Scheme. .Since the new marriage license law has gene Inte effect, making It necessary for these desirous of matrimony te pay for a license, there has been a laige heglra te Camden, N. .1., for that purpose. Seme Camden ministers, with mere thrift than geed taste, lme prepared printed blauks as an advertisement of hew expeditiously they can tie the connubial knot. The printed slip is filled In with the names of the alleged contracting parties. At the top of the slip is a pen picture of Camden, showing some of the principal streets. Underneath a heay dotted line is the Inscription : " Dotted line leading te the residence of Rev. ' All will agree that theso who fellow this kind of tactics are merely borrowing the lieryef heaen te sene the boss of the subterranean regions. m m A cargo of geld and Dr. tlelmes are re ported en tbe ocean bound for America. Deth will be welcomed eagerly. Tin: posteulce department has come out victorious from the contest with the TacUIe Mall Steamship company ever the carrying of the mails without special subsidy. The company has backed down se tar at te make an arrangement with the department en the old basis, thereby admitting what It lias all along denied that there was profit In that arrangement. The urraness and energy w 1th which the department lias performed the service without the aid el a company that had dared te demand n subsidy and te at tempt te win it by coercion are deserving of the warmest praise. m -m Tirr.Ri: will be a great many lllark Re publican votes cast next November. Maurick Thompson, the well known llterateur, has an Interesting article en " Pre cious Titles," In the cm rent issue of the Xew Yerk Independent. All will recognize the truth or Mr. Thompson's remark that there Is a eertaln Involuntary, and often abnormal Impulse which generates brilliant mental action consequently exceptional and inimi table creative power, especially in tbe direc tion of what may be called Imaginative lift. Nowhere Is this peculiar, individual char acteristic of genius mers noticeable than In the precious titles that have come down te us lrem the favored few. The quintessence of poetry, bewilderlngly suggestive and sub tle, accompanies these imperishable names given te tertunate songs by masters long age dead. Tim Australian wheat crop Is short, ours Is net j we scent prosperity afar. Net very tar. DisrATCiiKs from Mexico announce that 11 Cutting be released he will be escorted te tha frontier by troops and ordered Imper atively te quit Mexican territory, and that his release will net be In compliance with the demand et Secretary Bayard, but as a matter of policy he will be expelled en the ground that he Is net tbe right kind of a person for Mexico te harbor. Let them call It what they please. At last we can hurrah ler the Mack Re publicans. The weeds are full of them. m m Tin: abuses of the soldiers' orphans schools is one of these iniquities that will be reformed under the next Democratic admin istration in this state. Governer Fattlsen discovered them and Governer Black will eradicate them. The report of Gen. Leuis Wagner, inspector of these schools, shows a deplorable condition of affairs. At Chester Springs school he reports the bedding old and worn, tbe tableware and dining room furaltue peer and net well kept, no saucers, no napkins, no tumblers, bad discipline at tbe table, no basins, aeap, brushes, or combs in the lavatory, the boys' clothing In a bad state et repair, the school rooms net in geed shape, no Instruction In mechanical or agri cultural employments, as the law directs, and that the institution, as a whole, is in an unsatisfactory condition. The same criticisms are made concerning the arrangements at McAlllstenllle, Mercer, Unlontewn, Dayton, Hartferd, Whitehall, Butler and Loysville, while the Mount Jey school, with its rickety and ill-ventilated buildings, lis dark "play room," se-called, ranks low, and the false system of economy there practiced has worked the most damag ing results. 'J he Inspector advocates the entire reorganization of tub school and the reduction of the number of children. The act of 1S7 requiring Instruction In the usual branches of education Is entirely disre garded In a number of tbe schools. Certain branches are emitted altogether. Vecal imule is taught In only two Hchcels, military tactics are taught in only ent school, callsthsnlcs are taught In one school, instruction in mechani cal employment H ignored, instruction In agricultural employment is equally neglected. The Mercer, McAlllstervlIle, Mount Jey and Chester Springs: schools are suffering from lnsulllclent help. Reform is necessary and it wlllcome under Democratic rule. As a way out of the Mexican trouble let Oeronime be exchanged for Cutting. Dit. JesKPit Jastiievv, et Philadelphia, before tbe inombera of tbe American Asso ciation for tbe Advancement of Science, In nessleu In Bullale, delivered an Interesting lecture en centenarians. Of the 4,010 alleged centenarians tbe female sex claims 2,007 and the males only 1,40', that la, two of every three are women. Again, distinguishing be tween tbe several races, it Is found that the natives white claim only MG, the foreign born 363 and the colored race no less than 3,001, or which mera than two-thirds are women, se that mere than half of tbe alleged centenarians In the United State are cel. ered women. Allowing for exaggeration among the latter, the native male white ratio et centenarlanlsm te tbe whole country Is reduced from 4,010 te 8CW, or about 1 In 0.2,000. The somewhat remarkable conclusion la reached by the paper tbat wherever the people claim tbe largest share of centenarians there then Is tbe most illiteracy. i Frem the Tast increase of whirlpool cranks a plot ISBUspected te turn the whirlpool. Its name should be changed te whlrlfoel. PERSONAL. llex Chables a WeM-E has been noml neml nated for the legislature by the Union coun ty Prohibition convention. Qi:erqk W. Cjiildb entertained the American Florists' convention at his elegant home, Wootten, nearBryn Mawr, en Friday. Themas J, Skmuls, of Louisiana, has been elected president of tbe American bar association, and 1'rancU Rawle, et Phlladel pbla, secretary. RobebtBrewjjino says that Alma Mur ray, tbe lady who lately took en the stage the part of IieatTice Cenei, Is a "poetic actress without a rival." tins. Clkvkland's habit en tubing Jaunts U comfortably nttlng drew of brown faSffJS Sr?taL?nd bresd-brtmiMd white 2JL,.d.ef.nm,nK red entirely obscuring jUie aids el the crown. The preal dent had his usual luck en Friday, which was a salmon trout weighing live pounds. t?I.mB Al"xi" wb0M ilorleualyrtch MdUirilllng voice alt old opera love recall with sigh of yearning, new weighs almost 400 pound Is cry lame but Jelly, wears glasses and has an immense appetite. She alnga for charity aometlmos and preserves all the beauty of her romarkable style, though the tenes thcmsehM have lest their fresh ness. Cot.evRt. HmniNSON says In rtr)ier' Ilatar that there Is no bus'inww mere lrce lrem favoritism than la the literary trade. It Isn't easy te persuade budding writers of that fact, however. "I always suspected," said tohlmenco the husband of n lady whose book had just been refused publication bra well-known house," I always suspected that Mr. was a snob, but new 1 am sure of IL" Ann Serm v SrRrnKvs(Wlntorbetham), whose death occurred Friday, was born at Derby, Conn., 1SIA In 1SW she married Kdward Stephens, a printer. In 1S.17, hav ing previously Milted maarlne work, she moved te New Yerk, and since that time had written manv novels and contributed te several periodicals, Ol the best Known among her works Is "Fashion and Kamlne" (1S.M), which appeared In three French er er sleus. Omter Wfsiikm. IIelmkh was ban quetted In Londen by the l'hllemsthlc society and responded te a toast : In con clusion, he salds "The conrtesles I have re ceived will strengthen the bends between the Imperial mother And her mightiest eflspring. I trust that the waters of tbe Atlantic will never drown their mutual af fection. Farew ell I dear, dear England." Dr. Helmes subsequently embarked en the An ran la, which sails te-day. Sam Jenks, In a recent sermon at the I rbaua (Ohie) campmeetlng, is reported te haveeald: "1 would rather take the chance of a Prohibitionist for heaven than a non partisan Methodist. The only difference be tween the Hepubllcan and Democratic par ties te dav Is en the UrlU, and that ditleren tiated. 'e vv ant te get down from this Ko Ke pnbllcan tree. The Dew law Is In league with hell and tbe devil, and the Methodist who will fellow it up hasn't get any sense. That Dew law virtually ells outthebvb eutthebvb bath. The Germans are trying te take this country, but this is America. The question for your people te settle Is : Shall we turn this country ever te tbe devil, the Dutch and the drunkards T I hew the day will come when tbe preachers w ill take held of these things and thunder them lrem the pulpit like hell lire," .JUUX J J'i.VJSKTr One nr the l'remlneut figure Itetnre the ltecent Irlth CodtcdUeu. The convention of the Irish National Land League In Chicago was oneef thelargest con ventions ever held under the auspices of that organization, owing te Uie impetus given te It by the arrival of many prominent Irish politicians from Europe, and although there are disagreements between many of the members, nothing outside of purely political subjects will be likely te be introduced. Mr. Flnerty, who Is one of the brightest stars In the constellation of first-class magnitude, has much te say In regard te the Irish question. He sayB " we have no desire te force the hand el Parnell, or te drive the Irish people into war unprepared. All that we demand la this (and we will be satisfied with nothing less) tbat no leader of tbe Irish people, who Is sup posed te speak for them, shall commit him self or them as a final settlement, bills of re lief unworthy of tbe dignity of Ireland's national demand." Mr. Finerty's speech In answer te Davltt at the convention excited unlimited applause. Among ether things he said, which elicited much cheering was, "the Irish Americans wanted te lerce no policy upon tbe Irish people at home, but they would net surrender their own ; they, tee, had a long and terrible account te fcettle with England. They bad as ninny wrongs te avenge aa the people of Ireland them selves." Mr. I'iuerty's name had been fa verably mentioned In connection with the presidency of the Land League as Egan's successor, but he veuld net allow It te go tie fore the convention, as his election wenld neceaarily prevent him from taking an active part In politics. Mr. Flnerty was formerly a correspondent of tbe staff of the Chicago Timei, and represented a Chicago district in Congress for ene term. a yn STILT. JLXU TUJSH VJ Hi: The Cheaitake Camping Club te Spend a Week at nrre-!e-lrare, Mil. Mere camping parties havelelt this city the present summer than ever before. Nearly all have been large, but the ene yet te leave ranks with the best as well as tbe largest. It is the Chesapeake Camping club, which Is composed entirely of jeung men, who are anxious te cut themselves loose for fun. They will encamp for one week In the City park at Havre-de Grace, Maryland, having obtained permission te de se from the coun cils. The week will be Rnent in fishing en the Chesapeake bay, V isillng Baltimore and ether places and hav ing a geed time in gen eral. The club is composed of the folio w ing young men : Park K. Fralm, Hindis Norbeck, Henry Powell, Jacob ilerch'ereatb, Francis ilachler, Lern II. Bachltr, Jehn Burger, Ress Miller, A. N. Burger, M. 11. Hartman, Andrew Casper, Charles B. Welse, Frank D. Miley, 1. C. Hartman, Walter Herr, Lewis Norbeck, Jehn Kauflman, Geerge Hambrlgbt, Charles HolTmeier, Oliver Wil cox, Themas Cenlln, I". E. Ball, II. L. Bow Bew man, Frank Hambrlgbt, Harry iluckhi", I'. 1". Bard and G. !. Leng. Cooks, Thad Henry, jr., and Billy Reeves. Tbeciub will leave Lancaster en the 9-V train Monday morning. They will have a special car which will be run all the way te Havre-de-Grace e that they will net be com pelled te change after leaving this city. The car will have large streamera with the name el tbe club. They will take several large tenta with them and will be supplied with a full camping eutnu The members of the pirty will each wear n white helmet with the Ietters "Chesapeake Camping Club" across tbe front. The shirts are of blue flannel w ith tbe letter "C" en the breast. At considerable oxiwnse the club has arranged te Uke the Irenvllle band with them. This well known musical organization will furnish the musle during the week ami will drive homesickness away. The club will return home next Saturday night. Dreadful Floods In Tcxae. A storm has been raging at Galveston slnce Thursday. At2 o'clock Friday morning all communication by telegraph and rail had been cut oil. The water, as in ISS., extends twelve miles Inland, also cutting oil' commu nication with Virginia Point. Friday after after neon a telegram was recelv ed at New Orleans saying : " The city has been lloeded all duy. About two feet of water Is new en the strand going toward tbe beach. The water gets deeper and deeper. At 'the beach it is ever llOten feet deep. Houses are floating through the streets near the beach." At last accounts tbe water was subsiding. Six personaarere persenaarere personaarere perted te hav e been drowned. Telegrams from Sabine Pass, Texas, say that town Is cev ered with water te the depth of two feet. A dispatch from Negales, Arizona, says : News has been received of the destruction of the town of Sarle, in Senera, by Heeds en Saturday and Sunday. The place had a pop ulation el 700. Net a house was left standing. Ne estimate of the damage or let of lite Is given. m mm m Failure of aloutgeuiery Ceuuij Utntleinen. Isaac and Solemon D. Frank, dealing In cattle as Frank Brethers, West Point, Mont Ment Mont gemery county, have failed. Liabilities, se far as known, are about 11,000; assets about (1,000. The members of the llrm have been missing since Tuesday, The First National and Montgomery banks of NorrUtewn held about ? 10,oeu la notes endorsed by them, but some of this paper Is believed te be geed. HflVnrsl nntAM nrnaaM , lu rnn.l im.- .1 were building a large nublle hall at West Point and ewe l,60Q te the mechanic. aaLHaw r KKiauTB vr vrntiAB. The Oram! I.wlg-e Artjeurni Atter the Instal lation et iitw O Rtcer . The grand ledge of Pennsylvania Knights of Pythias, which has been In session In Allentown since Tuesday, adjourned Friday afternoon. At Prlday morning's session the following grand officers were Installed by Past Chancellor 11. O. CUne Past f,rand chancellor, Ed. V. O'Neill, of Philadelphia j grand chancellor, Henry vV. Metir, of Allen town ; grand v lee chancellor, Jehn II. Colten, of Philadelphia ; grand prelate, Themas Perry, of Wheatland ; grand keeper of nverds and seal, Meerge Hawke, nr Phlladalphta ; grand master of exchequer, Julius Meuutney, of Philadelphia; grand master at-arms Nvmuel Milliard, of Philadelphia grand luner guard, U N. lllslmn. of Warren : envnd outer guard, Jehn Clanle, of Lswrwice , grand trustee, Charles K. Measer, of Phila delphia; statetlermandeputy, Leuis Wacker, of Philadelphia. Alter the Incoming grand chancellor had appointed the general standing committees the following etllcers were nominated : Grand chancellor, Jehn 11. Celtnn, Philadel phia; grand vice grand chancellor. Themas Perry, et Wheatland, Pa. ; grand prelate. Samuel Hltlard, of Philadelphia; grand Keeper ei rocerus ami seal, ueerge Hawkea, Philadelphia; grand master of exchequer, Julius Meuutney, et Phila delphia, and Daniel lllsslnger; grand master-at-arms, L. S. Bishop, of Warren. Fer the olliee of grand Inner guard there are seventeen candidates and ter grand outer guard there are eight aspirants Fer sti sti preme representative the candidates are tieorge Haw kes and Jehn It. Carr, and for fraud trustee W. K. Hart and Jehn W. leebe. The election w HI take place next June. Wllllanispert was chosen as the uevt place of inee ting. New l.tect llim rem the New erk Sun. Ne better Democrat than the late J ere nil all S. Black, no truer patriot, no cltlren mere thoroughly Imbued with the American prin ciples which the Democratic patty has brought down from the days of the fathers, ev er lived In Penns.v ivanla or in any ether state of this Fnleu. Cbauncey Forward Bleck U tbe worthy son of an honored sire, but he does net one his nomination for governor of Pennsylva nia te the fact that he Is any man's son. lie Is ene of the coming statesmen of this gener ation. Ol independent mind, possessed of great administratis ability, forceful, elo quent, amiable, of lncorruptlble Integrity, wholly in sympathy with the ideas that dig nify and elevate the labor of the many, as dis tinguished from the policy that enriches and entrenches the few, he Is the sort et leader te lead the Democrats of Pennsylvania te vic tory In this one hundred and eleventh year of American Independence. If e can be elected. Like the rertmue WhIIisI yrem tedi of fle era Is the brrath that has been rendered agreeably oderoui with SOODONT, which communicates te the teeth a marble hlte ness, and te the gums a roseate tint. Ue It, and beautify your mouth. fVEOlAL KVT10E9. AHK OU MALIK mlerable by Indigestion, Constipation, Ulzttness, Less et Appetite. el. ew skin t Shlleh' Itallzer Is a poJltlve cure, rer sale by 11. II. Cochran, Druggist, .Ne. 1J7 .North cjueen street. M.Kllimi.LP. If you ana troubled 1th nervous or stck head ache, Ue net gire up yenr caie as Incurable until j en have tried Dr. l."lli' special Prescript Ien se the testimonials in another column. Ui -Iw A Bad MUfertune. Is te rale a nlce famUy of boys and girls and then have them carried Inte an early Knive by that terrible dUease Consumption lleed the warning and check It In Its nrst stare by the prompt use of Kemp's Balsam for the Thre-it and l.unis, warranted te cum and relieve nil cases. 1'rice 60c. and II. ler sale by II 11. Cochran, druggist, fi a 137 lierth Oueen street. Trial Hit fret. (j) TUK KEV. GKO II. THAI r-U, or Ilonrben Ind , says Beth myself and wife ew e our lives leSUILOirs CO.,SUMt'TION Cb UK." ter sole by H. B. Cochran, DruggUt, e. 137 erth Queen street. The l'opelatlon or Laucaater Is about 30,0(0, and we wnnld say at least one half are trouble.! with boite aircctlen of the Threat and Lungs, as thoe complaint nrn ac cording te statistics mere numerous than ethers. W e would tjvlie all net te neglect the opportunity te call en us end get a bottle el hemp's Balsam for the Threat and Lungs. I'rtce ficents and II. Trial slre free. Kespectfully. II 15. Cochran, druggljt, 137 .Serth Qnten street! 11 JTerlame back, ildeer chest, nse Shlleh s Por Per ous Plaster. Price 35 cents, ier sale by 11, It. Cochran, Drugglat, Je.ia .verth Queen stieeU KIDNET THOUIILllI A Cue or Many Tear Standing CurrU VV Ith Six l)etile,In a Man UO tun el Age. ALUCiTTOWK, Pa , May a, lisi. llmoiiiev BtTTxas Ce. Genu I had been troubled with my kidneys for a number of years, used almost everything without much benefit until 1 tried Dandelion Bitters. I used alx l.nt. ties and am pleased te say I am entirely rid of iuu niuney iroueie, Besides my )tem being toned up se that I feel like a different person. I cheerfully recommend the same te all allllcted in this way JACOB MU8CIU.IT. lebWindTu.Tb.S Hay Feer. Kly Cream Itelui was recommended te me by my druggist a a preventive te hay fever Have been unlng It as directed and have fennd Itasdlrected and have found it aipeclHofer that mnch dreaded and loathsemo dlseake. rer ten years or mere I have btena great turrnrer each year, from Angut9tli till, and have tried many alleged remtdles rer Its cure, but'a Cream Balm Is the only pre cntlv e I have everfeund. Hay fever surTerers ought te Viiejt of Its efficacy. f It. f u Alnj Alnj werth X Ce , puhltibera, Indianapolis. Iml nui; Matt Kxcellent. J.J. Atkins, Chief of Police, hnexvllle. Tenn , write- "Jly family and I are bencriclarles of your most excellent medicine, Dr King's Sew Discovery for consumption j having found It te be all tbat you claim for It. desire tettmiiy te Its virtue, ily friends, te whom I haven com mended It, prulse It at ev cry opportunity " l)r King's New IJIsceverv for Consumption Is guaranteed te cure Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Asthma, Crenp and every affection of Threat, I heat and Lungs. Trial bottles free at Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 1JU North Queen street. Iin caster, I'e. Large sixe, II Oil. (3) JlELlaiOUH. RELIGIOUS SERVICES ILL IIP. hildln the following churches en Sunday. In the morning at 10 30, In the evening at 7 j Sunday school at 1 13 a. in. hen the hour Is different it Is specially noted Oracb LunixRAir Cerner of Verth Qnren and James street. Uev. C. Klvln llenpt, pastor. Service emitted morning and evening faundav school at 'i a. in. ' Cubist I.uTHXRAN CHUEcn West King street K. L ltccd, pastor. Usual sen Ices ut 10 30 a, in. andGp m. Hunday school at 9 a. in. l'KisBTTiniiN M tty ekul CBcarn, Seuth Queen street. Cervices at the usual hours. All ure welcome. 8. S. meets at 9 a. in. Olivxt IUitist CutJRcn V. JI C A Itoems, Ilev. il. rrnyne, pastor. 10-30 a. in. and 7 43 n. in hunday school at a a. m. St. Jenn' KxrOBMXD (fierman) church, cor ner Omnge and ilulberry atrciu. Divine ser vices at i0J0a.m. and 7 13. p. in by the pastor. ltev. J ehn Knelling, D. D. Bunday school nt a a. m. 8t. I ckx's ItxreRMiD Marlettn Avenue, Itev. Wm. . I.lchllttr, pastor. Divine service at 10-30 a in. and 7 43 p.m. ltev. New ion J. Miller, em elating. Hunday school at On m. Skcehd KVAxaxuciL ( Kngllsh ), en Mulberry street, above Urange Preaching ut at 10-30 a. hi. andai7 13 p. m. by the pastor, bunday school At O 15 (U in. UNiTEiiURiminKviN CnnisT(CeTvANT)-West pastor. Preaching at 10-30 a. m and 7 13 n. in. we i.iii. i,iiuvuiu rjlii-vui, lbU . U.H.rllllK, bu nday school at u-13 a. l'rahe meeting at 0 je p in. Kirst KrreEiD Churcii. Kev. J. M. Tltxel. 1). D . rtaster. Hervlcea In morrow at in-si. n ,., and7lip. m. Sunday school nt 9a in. Tn v omen's Temperance Union will hed their usual praj tr meeting te-morrow afternoon at a quarter past 3 e clock, In the prison The chaplain, ltev. J VV. Swank, will lead. On Tuesday altumoen at S o'clock-, sham, the Union will meet nt Ne. 112 North Prince strict. St. Paws JI. K. CncRcn Sunday school ut OWn. in. Preaching at 10J0 a. m. and at J is p. in. by the puter lteceptlen of probationer Inte fun membership In the morning Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening at 7 43. tiiisT JI. E. CiiDRcu-iaJO a. m. and 6 p. m. preaching by the pastor, ti a. m. Bunday school. Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening at 7 13. VVbst JHssiem-M. K. Chapel, cerner Charlette and Lemen streets Preaching by ltev, . dray at 1035 a.m. and 1 (3 p.m. Sunday school at 1 A p.m. an. m. experlencu meeting. xTuyer meet ing en Thnrsday evening at 7 tV Bai-tist Cut Ren. Services nt V Vta. in. Sunday school at S p. in. All are lav Ited lest tttntla l'KKSBVTKR.Asr-l'reaehing In the morning by the luister.Ktv. J. i Jtltchcll, D.l). -Ne eve nlng service. EXACTI.YTHEItiaUTTHINa.-WUY don't ou cure your batkache with one or Bemeu's C'apclne I'lasters, Sure and quick. XSc. s ITOHAOB ABB OOMM1B3ION WABHHOU8H. DANIEL MAYKK. OMlya 0.UrTMtVheun(BueU irunr " d5 DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU HOW MUCH cleaner and nicer It is te wash the Napkins) Tew eh, Handkerchiefs, Tabic Linen, etc, by themselves, net with underclothing, etc., and with Seap that is net made of putrid fats, or questionable grease? De it with Ivery Sevp (99 per cent, pure), made of veget able oil, and use them confident that they arc clean and net tainted. A WORD OP WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented te be "just as geed as th'' Ivery' 1" lliey ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine, Ask for "Ivery" Seap and insist upon getting it. Copyright lOi, by Procter A Cmble jsjtr TirOUHNIMJ (IOODS. HAGER & MOMffip GOODS Priestley's Black Silk Warp Henriettas, Black Cashmere, Clarette Oleth, Etimine Oleth, Princltta Oleth, Nun's Veiling and Oamel's Hair; Oeurtaud's Crape and Nun's Veiling for Vests ; Black Thibet Leng and Square Shawls. HAGER & Nes. 25 and 27 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. N KXT DOOK TO TIIK I'OUIU' HOUS1-- FAHNESTOCK'S. Whlte Goods, I.ncea autl Bmbroiilerioa. Whlte Gmbrolderod Uobea, 83.60 up. Summer Unclorwenr, all elzea. Summer Hosiery Summer Gloves, Large Stock of theso Cleoda new In Stere, antt all Marked at Qulek Seiling Prices. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THH OOUflT M ET7.0KH A HAIHIHMAN. METZGER & HAUGHMAN ii w k e i.s stock a hjli. or BLACK FRENCH CHSFMERES. lll.ACK CASIIMEItKatUKc. 1II.ACIC CASIIMKUK at e. 1II.ACK CA8IIMKBB fctSTKc. lILACIv HASIlMUlKatJKic lll.AUK CASIIMKUK Bt tc. lll.ACK CA8IIMKKK at 75a 11LACK CASIIMKUK at i'.e. IILACK CA81IMKUK at lj. IS ACK L'ASIIHKUBM ILX -A 11I.ACK HKMtlKlTA ClerilS, DIAUO.VAI.S, TRICOTS, and a Knit Line or lll.ACK SII.Ki, at LOW PRICES. Metzger & Haughman, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Fa. Mi W AD VKU. TIHKMXNTH. Dit. w.u. i,evi:r,T,, OK.STibl, (iradnate et the University 01 Maryland, with Dr. K. K. lennif, He. 3 Kai Orange stroet, In. aster, l'a. inSMmwAtldced vr y ts.00 ti:kth AKE AS GOOD AH 111. can he purchased In Lancaster ler IIS (. Call nnd be convinced. All work warranted, (iaa administered. W. i,.ri3HKIt'8 Dentist. apl7 1yd Att (B North Queen Street, MADKIKA AND RURKRY AVINKH. MnUge, 7Si, 1S00, ISIS, ISli, IW, 1SH, liM, lsW, 18, AIUKIQAUT'SOI.D W1.NK8TOUK, II. KBLAi MAKKK, Agt MAItKLRY'S " YhliLOW FRONT" clear tiller Havana e cent Cigar Is pro nounced liy smokers the best In tbe mar ket, at MAUKI.KV3 1 ellew Krent," . .. Ne si North Queen Street, (formerly Hartman') UUJIOOI SL'l'l'Ll KS. JOOT BAER'S SONS, Nea. 16 and 17 North Queen Street, LANUASTKU, I'A., Oder, Who! tialu and Hetall, nt Lew Prices SCHOOL BOOKS Uied In iJincasler County and City. SCHOOL "SUPPLIES; INClVftlXl) Liquid slating, fhalk Crayons, Copy Itoeks i of All Kinds, H ritlnic Inks. Steel 1'ens, Slates ' Noiseless Slates, Slate Pencils, Drawing Pen ells. Compenltion lloeks. Writing TahleU, I.cail Pencils, Schoot Satchels, Companions, and everything else In tbe line el Scheel Stationery, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOK. aeJi euew. BROTHER. BROTHER, nOUSH, LANOA8TBR, PHNNA. 1.90 - .';' ADVEKT1UEURXTX CSKRK NO rURTHER, FOR TIlKKKISNONKllKrrKUTHAN Ruppert's Extra New Yerk Beer. rer sale exclusively at CHAKI.IK UOSTKtt'fl COBNKlt SALOON. Itearef the Central Market. Kresh from the Keg and Warranted Pure. JlynraK.M,rT,S A ni:w J.OT or ALL-WOOL TRICOTS His been Opened at tba North End Dry Goods Stere, h,akn,J:.a?evwte,,Mc8wh,cb J. W. 1IYUNK, nevs-lyd Ne. sh N erth Q u een street S1' l'EOIAIi HAHOAINH. STAMM BROS. & 00, Nea. 20 and 28 North Queen St. LA.SCASTKU, l'A. , A'.f,jr.Vn'e." rJne Teel, colored borders, Cc. eanh. Usual price, lue. each. Ten l)eeii alectrie Ueisaiuers, reenfercsid, 73e- each. , awontyrlve Dezon Oerman Ltnen Tewel. OouhleDamasL,6uc,apsui worth 75c. a pair. Anether Kilty Dezen Let of our Kameus (can't be matched) UnUundrted Shirts, reenlercad back and front fiee. each. Twe Cases Unbleached Canten Klannal. extra heavy, &c. yard. ' White Marseilles Quilts. Kxtra Hlte. J .00 each usual price, ag w s,&W.A!l-W0U Ceth, y.rt and. auar--AT TIIK- BOSTON STORE. KMW JLDrMMrfKMMttTM. A KT WALL PAFKH HTOKrT ftlLI.ASSOHTMRNTOr ART WALL PAPER, Mr hav a tnatrhlesi tteck of Wall Taper and Window Shades at matchless prices. Cema and e rer yeurseir. DONT rORHKl TIIK IM.ACK. IT IS AT 1 It K ART WALL PAPER STORB, NO.lMNOUTIigUKRN SlUKKr, 1.ANUA8TKH, VA. NtM.r?oT.!,U01w,e,O,li?1 ,he -""1 ''"" flliFRESD SIBBER, (r'ennarly stllh l'hares W. ry.j NO, 1B4 NORTH QUBBN 8TRBBT, t-AWCAnTKIt, I' A. T M-QIVhRRACO. IFAGTSI It don't seem peslbla. Vet It I a tact. We are making up te (Inter All-Weel Bull of twenty different style of geed at 110. Ill and IIS, tbat were lis, IIS and r. We admit at lhee price we loe money, bat the tock mint be reduced and we nwil the Cash. Whoever buj-s ene of these Suits still save nearly half the price eta Suit. Come and ca forvnurselrr Mill UTS. IIOS1KRY, Ul.OVK.S and NEUKWKAUCheap. JolmS.6ivler(S;Ce,, Ne. as Bast Bang Btroet, laireASTii, 1'a. J. U. MARTIN A CO. All the Ueinnanta and Odd, and Knds of stork that hare accumulated during the past season have been selected out of general sleck and placed en Kemnant Counter. Larue quantl tics of goods at less than one-half price. REMNANT 8ATINE8, SBBR8UOKBRS, BATISTES, OAUOOBS, aiNQHAMS, BHIRTINaS, TIOKINQ8, MUBUNS, FLANNBLH, OAMBRI03, HBLrriAs.j WHITH QOOD3, LINENB, ORBTONE3. BMBROIDBRIBS, AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF. Over 1,(00 ardj of ltnmntnts Press (1ek1 that were sold at 3c , "Wa, .15c , 15c and bv , all reduced te one price, evje. J. B. MARTIN & GO., Cor. West King k Prince NiX Opposite Btevsns Ileusa.) LANCABTBK. l'A) w GH X MARTIN. GJtINA HALI 7 REDUCTION -IN- PRICES. The sale of China, Glass and Queens. ware, at Cut Trices, continues, without abatement. The Uargaln Table has been replenished u number et times nnd new articles are added continually. Goedx never were offered se cheap. New is the time for BARGAINS. mUIT JARS we have in abundance. The Lightning Jar has no equal. Jelly Cups, Jars and Tumblers at llotteia Trices. 16ASTKINa8TBEET. REMNANT ITER. lieMertiii, IO.M0ATI, PA, ' im,