,i& JfST 'wr&t ?K iV'tJ,rv;fl(,i.1.i .. r ' fr . -- ir - i jf -rik i i J,r '- ,W v &tJ TMB LAWOAflTTO DAILY PTTlCLLICrafCTB, I? A BROKEN SWORD i The shepman shambled from thn doorway out And reaohed It down Snipped tn the blade I 'Twas icarcely dear, I doubt, At half a crown. Usoless enough I And yet may still bu seen, In letter dear, Traced nn the steel In rusty daiuaskoen "pevrParui.nyr." Whose was It enc!-whO manned It once In hope Ills ratole gain t Who wu It dreamed hit oyster world should ope Te tbls-inialnt Pc reliance with mint stout Argonaut H nallcit The Western Beast rerebance but te some pllry Nym availed rorteiillng (hcciiu! Or decked by Beauty en some morning Inwn With silken kueL rerebance ere night for Cliui eh and King 'twas drawn I'erchance 'Iwu net t Who knows or carol t Te-day, 'mid felia and glerea It hilt depends, flanked by the favors of forgotten loves Heuiembcred friends And oft III legend lend In hours of stress A word te Hid) Orllke a warning oemos In putted success Ha broken blnde. Atiitin Debion. I VHIOAOO VUVMTB TUB VU1T. The Kapenses Fur Trying Hie Anarchists Amenut te i.l.oeo. A apedal dispatch, from Clilosge, 1IL, aaya: The coat of trying His Anarchist will be a heavy Ux upon the county. Tlie extraordi nary expense can easily be computed. The court summoned cloven btmdred men ter Juryaervloe who worn paid U per day for their attendance and who drew an average or H&Oeach. Thla bill la t.7eO. The Jury feai will amount te a total or f 1,100. 'llie hotel bill for the Jurera will be about tl.axi. llallltTa lu attendance upon the Jury during the sixty day el the trial have Inmirred an additional beard bill erf.150. Six of the prls prls enera have been confined te the county Jail alnce May; alx at coat et thirty centa er day, and Parsons haa bearded thorn alnce June 21. Thla oxpenae la pill te Friday. Whether the Jury oenvlcta or disagree, this Item will be atill further Increased. Tbe cost of employing a apeclal ballilTle summon the talcemen Is about MOO. A draughtsman was employed for ever a month in making stir Teva and drawing the plana used In the trial at an oxpeneo of MM. Twe Interpreter hae coat about flM), and alnoe the testimony be. iran the atate haa employed an extra steno grapher at 110 a day and baa been te a dally expenaoertao In telegraphing, (tin Itearding of wltneaewi and ether small item. This adda at least Ct.OOO te the bill. Mr. Ooergo Ingham haa len emplojeil te aatlat the state at a coat or 12,100. Ilia com pensation U said te be (.0 a day. The ex pense for wltneaNea haa been small. Only these who ceme from outalde the county ro re ro eelvo feea, and they have been lew In num ber. The fcea and transportation of wit nesses and the extra expensea Incurred by Captain Hebaack and hla detectives for car rare, bearding, witnovies, and giving amall sums te Waller, Hellger and ether intormera. will be covered by 1000. Mr. Furthtuan ami several detectlves have incurred oxpeuse billa tn trips te Omaha, Grand Kaplda and ether towns, amounting te about tlMX These Items cover pretty nearly all the ospeclal ox ex penaes of the trial, and their total ia H3,(W0. Judge Gary's salary Is .1,WX per year, or fSKJ during the two menlha of the trial, Htalea Attorney Grinnell and three aiulslant bate been Dusy loraeoui inree nienuis, anu during that tlme their combined salaries amount te t3fiZ Hlonegraphor 1'urcelldur lug the same time drew fleU. The tialarles of two clerks of the court must be Included. The court record writer will be occupied three months at a salary or $IS0, and thoceurt clerk two months at 2. About eighteen balUtls have been assigned te duty en the case te watch the prisoners and the Jurers, and te guard court-room doers. They recelve I,200 per year, and hare been en duty In this case two months. Their bill Isf3,tiua There Is, moreover, a chief balllir at f 1,600 per year, inU two watch men at 11,000 a year. Ihelr wages for two men the la 15$). Fer ever three months Captain Hcbaaclt and seme twenty detectlvm have gtveu most or their time and attention te this case. It is Impossible accurately te estimste the propor tion or their salaries chargeable te the trial expense, but It Is safe te say that this Item ought te add (2,000 te the account. Their total salaries for three months would be (6,40l Fer a month six policemen have been assigned te duty at the criminal court build ing, and thelr pay for that tlme la 00. These are about all the regular excuses, net Includ ing the cost el caring ler the court room and clernlngand lighting it. This, however, Is trivial. Theso regular Items amount te 111, 700. Added te the oapeclal exponse, and allowing ler numerous small items which cannot be get at Just new, the total cost of the trial up te August appears te be ubeut fSD, 000. Some of the ductals think the account will reach 130,000. Teeth ceme painlessly If Da. Hand's Teething Letien be bathed en tbe gums. Cures tooth ache. Price, S3 cent. Da. Hand' Dlarrhnta Mixture for children will net euro every cam, but it will cure mnru than auy medicine ever put lu oue bollle. Price, cents. TTer sole at II. II. Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and 1J3 North Queen street augl-lmdAw AN CNKITALLKD HF.COHD. Allcock's Pereus Plasters have. In the last twenty-five years, proved themselves the best safest, and most effectual remedy for Spinal Complaints, Incipient Consumption, Diarrheas, Pleurisy, Lumbago, Debility, Uheumatlsm Oeut, Hclatlca, Less of Viger, Dropsy, Paralysis, Leu of Voice, Hysteria, Nervousness, Indiges tion, Palpitation. Ten Have a Perfect Itlght, when you demand a Bensen's Capclne Plaster of a druggist, te expect te, receive one. Yet there are, we regret te say, a few druggists of the Cheap Jehn variety who will try te persuade yen te accept seme worthless substitute with a similar sounding name, such as " Cnpslcln," " Capsicum." ' Capucln," " Cepslclne." etc , Eredxed with the name " Jtorten" or " Uenteu." heap Jehn will offer you one of these wretched Imitations for half the price of the genuine, as he can well afford te de, Its real value being nothing, and Its cost but llttle tnore. Xlensen's ara tbe only porous plasters that can be de pended upon te cure every ailment subject le external treatment. They ere prompt, sure and thoreuirh. Protect yourself ruialnst decentlen tboreugn. bv buvlnir . - v ..-....-; jm .-' . mt..- uy UUYlDlf ur reiiAuiu muKKisui euiy. iuh gun ulne bears the Three nuals " trademark and i thn word " Catclae " cut In the centie. al6-M,W,Sw Bl'MCIAL MOX1CBB. Bems Doubt the Illble And the motives of IU authors, but uone who bave used them doubt tbe emeney of llurdeck Meed Hitter i. Tilts splendid bleed tonle U without a peer. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, drug gist, in and 1TJ Net tb guecn street, Lancaster. Threw Away S3SO. "Troubled with csthrau for eight years. Net quite two bottles of Dr. Themttt' Kctcctrie Oil cured me completely, arter spending ever 8350 without the slightest benent,' This Is what All- fust Trnbner, of Tyrene, Pa., says. Fer sule by I. II. Cochran, druggist. 137 and L North Queen street, Lancaster. Hew About tbe Deses. Many poeplo borens purchasing a modlclne naturally lnqulre the else et the dose and the strength of It. In using Burdock flood Ullttri a teaspoonful (or the llttle ones bud two tea Bpoensfula ler grown folks arnall that Is neces sary at one time. This magnificent medicine Is net only economical but very pleasant te the laste. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and Hi North Queen street, Lancaster. Proved a Dig BeneOt, "lias nut tlsi. Hal leal palnkllllng and heallng proper. or a uuy-cuut uoiue cureu me ex rheumatism andaoeld that had set tied In my iiiu.w. rAl as well as I ever did In mv Ufa." Otte J.Deesbury, proprietor Helland City Ifeui, Helland, Mich., speaking for Themat' KcUctrie Oil. rer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, U7 and 13j North Uuueu street, Lancaster. " My Mether Has been uttng your Burdock Bleed, Bitten as a liver remedy, and rinds them very olllcacleus." Chas. L. Alnawnrth, 41 Viincu llleck, Indlanapo Indlanape 1'. ,nJ? ',.'' ?f'0,uF a- II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and m North Queen street, Lancaster. A Fellceman Uraewi Up, I), F. Cellins, member of polio, seventh ward. Heading, l'a , talks this way 1 "SutTorea severely from rbuurnetlsm j nothing did me any geed till 1 ineu inuinai Acicc-ine vn. it isapiessure te recommend 1U" Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 1:7 and 139 North Queen sticet, Lan' cealer. A Very Narrow Escape. Yes, I had a very narrow escape," said a Rremluent cltlien te a friend. "I was confined my. bed for a year and my friends gave me up ler a consumptive's grave, until I began using Kemp's Balsam for the Threat and Lungs, and here I am, sound and hearty." l'rice Uie. and Jl. Fer sale by 1L li. Cechraii, Druggist, Ne. 137, forth queen street, Lancaster, cc mmmieAL. juxn . r-'-ii i'i m-m " " " m, YER'H HAltSAPAIlILLA. Scrofula Is one of the most fatal scourges whleh attttct mankind. It Is often tnheHted.lmt may lm th result of Improper vaoelnailen, tnerenrtal poisoning, uncleanllneu, and various ether causes Cnrnnte Seres, Ulcer, Absres, Can Can Can oereus Unrnera, and, In some eases, gmsclstlen, and Consumption, reu)l from a scrnfaleua con cen dltlnn of the bleed. This disease can be cured bytbeu-flnt Ayer's Barsaparllla ... ,, m I Inherited a scrofulous condition el the bleed, which caused a derangement of my wholesys. tern. After taking less than four bottles of Ayer'a Barsaparllla I am Entirely Cured and, ler the past year, have net found It mess- aary 10 use any nicuicme wnninvi-r a nu, uuw ir In iiba Hnv T n better health, and similiter, than ever belere. ). A. Wlllard, -JIN Tremmit itnwt, llmlen, Mrus. 1 whs troubled with Hcrelulnus eeres ler nve years i but, after using a fw bottles e Ayer's naraapsxiua, uin snrva neaieu, nnu t nnvn put geed health. KlUabelh Warnock, M Appleton klrtial l.nart.11. ilnaa e months age I was troubled wltb Scrofu lous Hercs nn my leg. I he limb was badly swel. len and Inflamed, and the sores dtucbarged large fiiiantltlesnf offnnslve matter. Kvery reineuy failed, until I used Ayer's Hsi-ssparllla. lly Uk lug three bottles et this medicine the sere hsve iminriiii atereil. I tlrely healed, and my health Is fully ro re laru gmterul for thn geed this mrdfclne in hi. tlr Ann fi,lr1nn. IU HillllVBltl has done me. Mr, street, New Yerk. ...... ....-., ..... . Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Pr-pared by Dr. J. 0. Aynr Ce., Lewell. Mass. Beld by all druggist. I'llcn, II I six bottles. tX uuglStell B HOWN'H IUON 11ITTKHS. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! WILL CURE hkadaehk, indiok8tien, iiiIjIeuhnksh, DYSl'KPhIA, NKHVOUH ritOHTKATION, MAIiAKIA, ciiiiir-8AMi Fuvnas, TirtKDFKKUNG, OKNEUAL UlilUlilTV, 1'AINS IN Tlf K HACK A HID1CS, IMI'Ultn ULOOD, CONHTIPATION, FKMALE INFIKMITIKS, ItHKUMATISM, NKUHAI.GIA, KIDNKYANDLIVKH TKOUHLEa -rOKBALKDr ALL IIHUQUI8TS. The flenulne has Truda Mark and crossed lied Lines en wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. (IjmlMydAw HUVItKtVUNUUinO UUUDa. w K UAVE A LA HOE HTOCK Or THE BKST REFRIGERATORS IN TUB CITY. The Pierre Dry Air Refrigerator. UAKDEX llOUK, WATXK COOLBKH, 1CK ORXAil yjiKKZKXS, AndafullllnoetUOUSKrUUNlaUINGaOODB The largest stock of OA8 riXTUKES In the ctty. Special attention paid te Oas-nttlng, Tin Uoellng and Hpeutlng We have lull received another let of these XC, UL01IK8. JOHU P. SCEAU1 & SOU, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTKlt, PA. TTJILINN A 11HENEMAN. PRICES MARKED DOWN en ; Weed and Iren Pumps, TERRA-COTTA -AND- Iren Moter and Drain PIPES. FLIMN & BRENEMAN, Me. 162 North Queen Street, LANCASTKlt, PA. w M. A. K1EKFEK. ALDUfcl O. UEKK KIEFFER & HERR, Ne. 40Eaet King Street, (Opposite Court Iieuie). Invite all llousekeepers te Callland Inspect their Sleck of Heusefuriiisliing Goods. A Complete Line constantly en hand. COOK STOVES and It ANU KS, l'AKLOU STOVES, usAiAussaa m ussauas. STTMMER COOK STOVES. After carefully examining the merits of all offered te the trade, we have selected THE "ARGAND," Fer UASOLINK,and THE if DANGLER," Fer COAL OIL, As the Hest, when all points are consldeied, le offer te ou r natrens. Cull and see us. We love te show our goods, and are net offended If you de net purchase. Romember, we are agents for The " Splendid " Heater. Manufactured by Fuller A Warren Company, Trey, N. V., which has no rival In durability, economy of fuel and control of gas. New Is the tlme te examine and beceme posted for Autumn purchases. UKMKMUER THE FLACK I 40 EAST KING ST., (OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.) ap&tld&w MADEIRA AND 8IIKKHY WINES. ,u Vintage, I7W, UOO, 1812, 1818, 1827, 1844, 1870, AtHKlQART'SOLD WINK STORE, U, , SLAiMAKKll, Agt MBBIOAU, QUTIUUUA KEMED1E8. Frem 115 lbs. te 161 lbs. Te Uin Cutlcttra Remi'dlM I Ovre My Health, My HappiHOM, and My Lire. A ilsy never posse that I de net think and peak kindly of the CtnievnA ItaMSDiss. "even years age, nil of a dncen lumps formed en my neck, ranging In alie from a cherry stone te an orange. Thoiargnencs were Irlghliulloleok at. and painful le Iwur t ieople turned aside when they saw me. In dlsgu-t, and 1 was ashamea 10 be en the street or In society. Physicians and their trestment, and all medicines failed te no any geed. In a moment of despair 1 tnea ine CVTiit'SA HBMSDUs-CmlcURi, the great gjin Cure, and Cuticura BeAr, an niqutslte "J" lleaullner.niternally, and L'lrrtoea BssetviiaT. tbe new Weed Purifier, Internally) thesmail lumps as I call tbeui) gradually dlsappej' and the large ones broke. In but two weeks, discharging large quantities of matter, leaving two slight scsrs In my neck W J? -Jf" 'J? story of my eufferlng. My weight hen was one bund red and fl tteen slckl y pe '"V .Ji'R" new is one hundred and Wr""0 i0,1' h.n,alb,J pound, and my height ti ' only nve feet five Inches. In tny travels 1 C.1"1 aAh8wUT,'CDT KSManrss, North, Beeth, Kast and WesU Te COriCTBA KSMSDISS I OWB XT HBALTII, T ICArM. asa. and sr ura. A prominent New Yerk druKKlst asked me the ether day, " De you still use trio CirricUR Ushbdibs t yen leek te be In perfect health ?" My reply was," 1 de, and shall always. I have never known what slekness Is stnoe I commenced using the Clticxba llaitt pies." Sometimes I am laughed at by praising them te people net acquainted with their merits, tiut sooner or later they will ceme te thelr senses ank bellcve the BStrie as theso that use them, as dozens have whom I have told. May the tlme ceme when there shall be a large Cdticura Burv Iily'llnusu In every city In tbe world, for the reneflt of humanity, where the Ccticuha Kbits nisi shall be sold u.ilt. se that thcre will be rarely u need of ever cntcrtnga drug store. M. HUHHANIIS, S10 rulten BU, New Yerk, N. Y. Citiccha Ubmbeiba am a positive euro for every form of Skin ami llloed Disease, from Pimples te Scrofula, held overy where. Price; CrricCRA, (eccnbif BeAr, 4S cents t Kbselvbut, ll.ui. Prepared by the Penss Dsfi AsnCiiBMi. cal Ce , llosten, Mass. Bend for " Hew te Cure Bktn Dlseasus." Bend for Hew le Cure Bkln Disease." TJTTUTPLKB, IIUclchcrwK Bkln Itlemtsbc and rlili lluby Humors, uae Curiccru Beat. Sneezing Catarrh. The distressing sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, the acild, watery discharges from the eyes and nose, the painful Inflammation extending te the threat, the swelling of the mucous lining, caus ing choking sensations, cough, ringing noises In the head and splitting headaches hew familiar these sympathies are te thousands who suffer periodically from head colds or Influenza, and who live In Ignerancn et the fact that a single application or BAxrorce's IUweal Curs fob Ca tarrh wilt afford riiinmrei(l rtltrf, lly this treatment In case of simple Catarrh gives but a faint Idea or what this remedy will de In the chronic forms, where the breathing Is obstructed by choking, putrid mucous accumu lation, the hearing affected, smell and toste gene, threat ulcerated and backing coughgrnd ceughgrnd ually fastening Itself upon tbe debilitated sys tem. Then it Is that Uie marvelleus cnratlve power of BAKrertD's HadicalCcre manifests It seir In Instantaneeus and grutnrul roller, euro begins from the first application. It Is rapid, radical, permanent, economical, safe 8AreRO'S IIadieai. Ccbs ceuilsU of one bottle of tbe liadlcal Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and an Improved Inhaler. Price, ll.ex. Perrsa Drce A Chixical Ce , Uohtek. ACHING BACKS. Weak Hecks. Pain, Weakness and Inflamma tion of the Kldneys.Bhoettng Pains through tbe Leins, llln and hide Pains, Lack of Strength and Activity relieved In one minute and speed ily cured by the CUTICUHA ANT1-PAIN PI.ABTKIt, a new, original, elegant and Infalli ble antidote te pain and Inflammation. At drug gttts.SSa; Ave for 1 1. no i or pnsbige rrroef Put- TBU DRl'U ASnCllBHICALCe, ltCHUlK, MASS. angl-lniV,BAw riHAY'H HPEOIFIO MEDICINE. THE OliKAT ENGLISH 11EMKDV. An unfailing enre for Impotency, and all Dis ease that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Lassltude, Pain Intheliacir, Dimness or vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Orave. W-rull particulars In our pamphlet, which we doslre te send free by mail toeveryono. rThe Bpoclfle Medicine Is sold by all druggists at Ii per packoge, or six packages for S3, or will be sent free by mall en the receipt of the money, by addressing the agent. II. II. COCIIUAN, Druggist, SeleAgent, Nes. 1J7 and 139 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Vellow Wrapper i the only genuine. THE QUAY KKDICALCO., apSMydAw liuITale. N. V. nATAKUH- UAY-FEVKK. CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM Otves llellef at Once and Cures. COLD IN HEAD, CATAUUII, HAT rKVKH U03KCOLD, DKArNESS, IIKADACUK. Net a Liquid, BnutT or Pewder. Kree Trem In In lurleus Drugs and oilenstve Oders. A partlcle la applied te each nostril and Is agreeable te use. Price M cents at druggists by moll, registered, 00 cts. Circular sent free. KLY UUOTHEltS, Druggists, Owego, N.Y. lulyZSlyeedAlvw QUKE GUARANTEED. RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by DH. J, II. MAYER. Kase at once : no operation or delay from busi ness r lested by hundreds of cures. Main office, 831 AKC11 BT., F1I1LA. Send rer Circular. fJO-lvdAw e UKE FOR THE DEAF. reek's l'ateut Improved cushtonea Ear Drums perfectly restore hearing and perform tbe work ei me natural arum, invisinie, com. fortable and always In position. All conversa tion and evon whispers heard distinctly. Send for illustrated book wltb testimonials, FREE. Address or call en F. UISCOX, 853 llreadway, New Yerk. Mention this papur. juuoIO-lyeedAlyw QORN REMOVER, VICTORIA CORN REMOVER. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the most obdurate corns, hard or soft, without pain. Beld by Uee. W. Hull, Chas. A. Lecher, Jehn It. Kauffuian, Dr. Win. Worm Werm ley, And. G. Frev, Chus. J. Shulruyer, and at UECllTOLD'S DUUO STORE, desis-lyd no. ei West orange BU OMUOBBIBB. HIGII QltADlTcOFKEES. " Flne old Uevernment Java and Mecha Coffees, the best In the market. Our Java lilen dud Coffee speuks for ltself 1 rich aud fragrant, SAe. rer pound. Very line PlantaUen Rie Coffees, our best only sue per pound ; ene very popular at lie We want you lecull and try our 12Kp. Coffee. The oxcelleut Quality of our Coffees and tine Teas Is making friends fast and Arm. Our dally soles show u steady Increase. Fresh Roasted every day. A full line of fancy Groceries. Plcase give us a trial order. UEO. WIANT, ang-JO-lvd Ne. 113 West King Street. AT UUBSK'S. Genuine laple Sugar IN POUND lllllCKB, AT 12 CENTS A FOUND. HAM AND DRIED BEEF. Dried Reef chipped and by the ploce. Oysters In ene and two pound cans, Mustard amlbpiced Sardines, Flnu imported Sardines, Ilrelled Mackerel In Tomate Suuce, llrellcd Sal. wen. Fresh Salmen, Fresh I.obster, Cream Cheese, Plcnle Plnoaprle Chuese, Sage orUreon Cheese, etc., ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 E&ST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Telepbone connection; G OODS 8U1TKU FOH WOUKINOMKN. Just received at roduced m Ices te suit the times at Bochteld'a Cheap Cash Stere, NO, ii NORTH QUEEN STREET. Anether let el these Extra BIze Working Bhlrts made te order. Gauze and Jeau Underwear soiling ou at re duced prices. Working Pants at te cents and up. Best slngle and deuble front Overlialls In thu market. New styles of Cellars. Suspenders and Notions generally, at r, s,-Heuci for iale or rent, temurtf. tUlta KB BOTTOM. YOU WILL FIND Men's, Bey's and Children's CLOTHING Marked Down NO Lew that It will lie greatly te your Interest te call and examine theOOODB and PHIUKR, ir In need or any mero MKD1UM or LIOHT Vf KlOllTS thl season. We MiDufactere All Our Goods, And Unarantee thorn rirsbCIass In Kvery Par ticular. WK If AVE A FULL LINK Ur SUMMER CLOTHING In Seersucker, Mohair. Alpaca, Drappotte and Linens at Prices Astonishingly Lew, Uoedsaa Jlepresented or Meney Kelunded. BUEGBB, & SUTTOS, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCABTKK, PA. Ii. UANHMAN A BKO. SINCE OUR BigReductienSale HAS 1IKKN INAUUUUATKD, The Public has neon convinced that CUBTOM MADE CLOTHING as well as KKADY.MADK can be bought chenjier at L Gansman & Bre. THAN ANYWHKKE ELSE IN THE CITr. OUR SPECIALTY. 8KKU8UCKKH COATS AND VE8T3 (Geed Styles) at LC0 and ll.il. MEN'S PANT8 at Me., up te 11.00 ; a Styles te select trem. ALL-WOOL CASSIMKBE SUITS, IS Styles te select from, at 15.50. MEN'S COUKSCUKW SUITS are selling In all Shades at 17.0). MEN'S riNK CLOTH DIAGONAL SUITS at3.W. Our Custom Department OrTers some llargalns In Light and Medlnm Weights or Pantoleonlngs which we make te order at lltdlculeusly Lew Prices from 13 00 te 15 tw. Theso goods are strictly all-wool, but mostly slngle patterns, which we clese entata sacrifice rather than carry them ever. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MEUCHANT TAILOUS, MANUrACTUUKBS Or MEN'S IIOYB AND CHILDUEN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Ulght en thcSeuthwest Cor.et Orange St,) LANCASTKlt, PA. j(rClosed every evening at 6 p. in., except Saturday's. ir EltS it It ATUFON. IT IS HARDLY LIKELY That you'll Cnd as nice a stock e Clothing new 33 you could have done a few mouths age the assort ment Is net as geed uew as it was then but surely the prices aie lower. If you want nice Suits, at low prices, we have them, and if you are content wi Ui the assortment the prices are right. Ten Dellar Suits down te Eight. That's a twenty per cent, reduction. All goods reduced in like proportion. What's the use in buying cotton goods when you can get geed aU aU aU woel goods for very little mere money ? We don't want you te think that we are the only house Belling et low prices ; but we de think our work is better made, mere substantial, nicer finished than the average ready-made Cloth ing. NO. 12 BABT KINO 8TBBHT. VUJ.L. JJ B.MAHTIN, WBOtBSALB AKD BBTi.IL DBiLBB All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. -Yakd: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince Streets, above Lemen. Lancaster. nHyd -OAUMGAUDNEB8 A JEFFEKIEH. COAL DEALERS. Omei ; Ne. 129 North Queen street, and Ne. 664 North Prince street. Yakda : North Prince street, near Reading Depot. LANCASTER, PA. auglMtd R KMOVAU M. V. B. OOHO has removed his Coel OOlce te Ne. 1U NORTH QUEEN STREET (Brimmer's New Building), -where orders will bu received for Lumber and Ceal, WHOU8AL1 AUD BKTA1L. mS-tfd M. V.B.COUO. E ABT END YAKD. 0.J.SWARR&00. GOAL. - KLNDLINGr WOOD. Offleet Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. Beth yard and office connected with Telephone Exchange aprlS-lydMAF.R WIKBB ANn Liuveua. B HANDY I HUANDYI! At this soeson of the year every iainlly should have a Bettle of Reigart's Old Brandy, a sale and sure euro for Cholera and ether aunt aier troubles. REIUART'S OLD WINE STORE, U. E. BLAYMAKER, Agt. MRU RATH 1 "DOTE 1H MAKINO OABINBT PHOTOQRAPH8 AT SS4W A DOZia. AT NO. '106. NORTH QUEEN STREET. janlt-Ud Lancaster, ra jMwmtjmr,. TT & KHOAD8, JKWKLKtC Watches, Diamonds, My Repair Dept. la Fully Equipped and Respectfully Solicit Repairing of Fine and Complicated Watches, Musical Bexes. Bronzes, Jewelry and any Intricate Piece of Mechanism. H. Z. RHOADS, 4 WEST KING STREET. rVMHlTVMB. H KINITBII'S FOKN1TOKE DEPOT. Te Keep Coel and Comfortable Daring tbe Het Months, It la neoetwary te And eorne Ooel Rotreat. Te be Oomfertablo In that retreat Yeu Meed a Geed Easy Rocker, Settee or Chair, And you can find the Largeat Asaortment at HEINITSh" FURNITURE DEPOT, NOB. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. 11ATB, R EDUCED ONE-UAIiF. SUCH BARGAINS -IN- STRAW lATS AND LIGHT DERBS Were Never Before Offered ! Reduced One-Half I W. D. STAUFFER & CO., LEADING Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen Street. J.1TM IXBVMAXOB OOKPAXT. TpXTKACTS FKOM THE THIUTEENTU ANNUAL IlEPOHT OF TUE IN8UR ANCE COMMISSIONER OK 1'ENNSYLVANIA. Dec. 31, 1SS5. Insurance In force IWC.WJ.W 00 " Admitted Assets tlM,l3l,77.U) Payments te Feltcj holders Ill (0-2,013 Ou " Premium Income 111,71,90-2 00 " Dividend Paid Policyholders 1,133,10 00 Dividend Paid en each 1,000 ins NO " Ne. or Policies In force ia).fw Average Dividend te each policy.... 2t3l ' DeatliLesses Paid 5.MOt 00 " Death Lesses Resisted rji,1K 00 ' Expenses of Management 113 PerCenU And In order te expose the true Inwardness of the Northwestern's PROGUKSS1VK DIVI DKNUS, we quete Ireai the Insurance company, of Pennsylvania Llfe Reperts for the year stated: . NORTrlWtSTtRN, Insurance in Force. 1570 $C7,l'tJ,191 1877 tU,UCM7 1S73 1.1, 111,014 1S7-J (,1,'JJSS IbA) C4 '.!7,0tl 1X81 7l,5UJ,;i0 1RS2 K1,3.V2I l&l W.OW.U'J.I 18M !W,793,tM-J ltJ 110,710,MJ1 Coament en the abeve record Is unnecessary. nut n order that the falling off In dividends may net be attributed te the Northwestern's TON TIN E F VND, wenld add that this fund aggregates i53,S3A25. F-: .urther Information en all matters pertelnlug te Insurance address or apply tn JAMES H. MARSHALL, Agent Mutual Life Ins. Ce., of IT. V. 60 N.Duke St., or te Rebert Helmes, District Agent, Beading. Fa. OAHMAUB WVH11B. MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WJNS. HONEST WORK ! Philip Doersenfs Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (NEARLY OPPOSITE TUB LEOPARD HOTEL), LANCASTER PA. Nene But First-Glass Mechanics Employed. Ne. 1 Material, and That Only, Used PRICE8 TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BUGGIES, PHJETONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS. I bave new en hand and for sale cheap the One-Man Wagen, suttable ter track numose. ene tension Tep Pbtuten, two Light J umji-Seat Carriages. Alse, Second-Hand Tep ana Tretun ffina. linth aide bai -nd and snrinirs. Business which will be sold at the MUST REASON ABLE chose or net. Ne trouble te show the work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. MTDOWT FOROET TUB PLACE.-? Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 BOVBBruMtriaiiiMO uuedb. s HIRKVS OARPKT HALL. CARPETS! REOPENING OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the hlbtledtn this city. WILTONS. VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of BOUT AND TAP BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, Ail-Weel and Cotten Chain EXTRA BUPKR8, and all qnalltles nu iiv -liir-i-H nitilnir uui vkhkti an daiiprts. lull and GIIA1N CARPETS own manufacture a speciality . Special AttenUen paid te the Manufacture of CUBTOM CARPETS, Alse a Fall Llneef OILCLOTUS.RUUB, WINDOW BUADE8, COVERLETS, C, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, der. West King and TTXON'T SUFFER ANY LONQEU Frem Your Disordered Kldneys, Black Barren Mineral Spring Water Is a Prompt, Efficient and Cheap Remedy. Its Tonle and Invigerant Powers make it an excellent Dyspepsia Remedy. Dr. Regnault, et France, writing te Gen. Reir, of the U. S. Army, says 1 Yeu need net ceme te Europe for Waters te Cure Dyspepsia; we have uone better than BLACK BARREN SPRING WATER." Persons supputa ana vessels iurnisueu. I. S. GOODMAN, Manager, e. 37 ttast urum e trcet. Fer tale by JNO. R. RAUrPMAN, DruggUt, North ennnn StrAet. Lancaster. Pa. BLACK BARREN SPRING HOUSE new open. Apply te Migs CUK18TI1C ueHuitRaER, Pleasant Greve, Lancaster county. Pa. unelWmd A Full Line of the HBkih or Menth Itents " Mounted te luit Tour Particular Fane.'y. Jewelry. OATH, AV. HATTERS. Lancaster, Fa HAnmsDuna, pa.,av ousts, use. MUTUAL LIFE. NORTHWESTER: $110,710,M1 IX) r2l.2W,04 00 f-2,6.l7,7UI f f3.7M.0IS 00 778,W3 0-J $7 03 60.101) 115 51 l,04'J,0O4 00 $59,000 00 16.6 Per Cent. DMdendt raid follcihelden. 019.V1J r.w.181 7H3,'J6S 76(1.611 675,!9 727,135 77ri,59J J'rcmiuni Income. tifies.Bea 2,2W,3U l.lHS7i l,8fi0.78 1.S7S.M5 J.179.56i 'A620,11S 3,009,'212 3.370.770 3,785,1X5 HONEST PRIOES ! following first-class second-hand work One Light Litf bt r our-Passenger Drag, one First-class Er- , seceua-uana lop ana xreiung Bug- Va agens, inr4 Sporting Wagons and Market Wagons, PRICES. Give us a whether you wish te pur- EAST KING STREET. RMydAn CARPETS! Larges t and Best Selected Line of Carpets ever ex. IIJ'I'JU-IIIUI Of IN. of our -AT- Water Sta., Lancaster, Pa. r-rrK-tma - -yiN MARIANI. OR MARIANA WINE, ffuWlUKAe B. B. BliAYMAKBB, Agent, Ne. East King Street. T EVAN'H FI.ODB. LEVAN'S FLOUR Always Uniform and RIU&1 ""' ' l-",rr afi-irir-rnJrui.ija.njij . . i,iii. . -Hjlj-j t .AMOAanm im " mum ea m anr erday. mat ajsautMl. "' , AlLfAYVklAUIW, , neon ana ait p. am, ,' t.! E?J ttuarrrYlIie Si T. A. . as M a, Bt, FOTCWckfssatT.a.l.anitpVBs. "t TBAINR LI1VI l;(11.tlWmiA ,v. EJ?amT.IOa.i,,lt.an.i.M. .. rer Lebanon at U.Mand iMivm. "" , AHAlUBLBAVSqUASKITILIdl ! wMnsnensil:BB,n, jn Wnr lk avk KiNKSTBaar (lAmmmUt,) X1 s""s " . m., ij.su anu s. sb wu 5?I?nen..tifc,l-WBndai8kka. , yuarryvllle at Ml aVsBj. B.00 and s.li , V wtSAV p?i?UK STREET (LanewtaV,) or Heading at , 7, a. m, lioeand $M p. sb. for Lebanon at 8.47 a. ml 1XW and . K as. I or tsnarryvllle at MgM ind 8.S . TltAIMM l.livil.vntunif w ji: M ser(uarryTllleat7dna.au j. mVKOAX THADW. TRAINS LKAYB BKADlNtt rer tencaater at 7.9) a. nu and 1,00 p. m, FergaarryvllIeatl.00p. m. TBA1N8 LKAVK QUAHUTV1LLB Fer Lancaster, Lebanon and lteadtng at 7.10 a. m TRAINS LKAVK KING BT. (Lancaster,) Fer Reading and Lebanon at 8.08 a, m. and 8.W P-tn. Fer quarryrtlle at t:M p. tn. TRAINS LKAVK ritlNCK ST. (Lancaster,) Fer Reading and Lebanon and 8.18 a, m. and CM p.m. Fer tjuarrrvllle at 5.U p. m. . TRAINS LKAVK LKHANON. Fer Lancaster at liA a. m. and 3:18 p. in. Ferqnarryvllleata.t5p.m. Fer oennecUon at Columbia, Marietta June. -J'. pcaater Junction, Manhelm, Heading And Lebanon, see time tables at all stations. A. M. WILSON, Superintendent. PENNSYLVANIA KAILHOAD HUHKD ULK. In erTect from June 18,1889. Trains lsavs Labeasttui and loave and arrive at r hlladelphla as fellows : Leave Leave WK8TWAHD. Poelfle Kxprcsst News Express! Way Passcngerf Mafltraln via Mt. Joyt Na 2 Mall Train!, ...... Niagara Kxpress..,,.,. Hanover Accem.. Fast Llnef Frederick Accem Lancaster Accem Harrtshnrg Accem..,. Columbia Accem llarrlstettra Kxnress... I'hlladelphla. Lancaster, ai: m p. in, 4:30 a. m. O0a.m. 7.-00 a m. iries. m, craft a. m. 6:a. a. Wla. n. 8-39 a. m. 8-sua. m. ihMa. m. 2:00 p. m. 2.10 p. m. 2:80 p. m. 630 p, tn. 7:30 p. m. 7.40 d. m. via Columbia! 7:le a. m. via Columbia 11:50 a. lu via Columbia via sit. Jey. zue p, Ul. 4:10 p. m.; s-40 p m.1 8 90 p.m. 10-eSp.m. Leave Lancaster, 2:20 a.m. e -05 a.m. 8:10 a.m. 8.5Ba.m. 9-00 a. m. 12.M p. m. 2-os p. m.- 3-ea p.m. 4:4AD.m. Chicago and Cm. Kx.. lets p. re. 12.10 a. m. TTesiera nxpressr. KASTWAKD. Fhlla. Kxpressf. Fast Llnef Barrlsburg Kxpress.. Lancaster Accem ar Columbia Accem Seasbore Express I'blladelpbla Accem. Arrive ai rhlla. 4:45 a.m. 8:a. m. 1040a.es. via Mt Jey 11:43 a.m. a:ip. m, 5Kp. m. 8:45 p. m, 6JWD.BB, Sunday Mall. Dav Kxnresst. Barrlsburg Accem. e:u p. m. 9:45 p. m. The ILncester Accommodation leares 1 burg at 8:10 p. m. and arrives at Iiftncaster at IhH p.iii. The Marietta Accommodation leaves Coluna bla at 6:40 a.m. and reaches Marietta at 6dS. Auw leaves Columbia at ll:ts a. m. and 14 p. m, reaching Marietta at 12A1 and 25. Leave Marietta at 3-OJ p. m. and arrives at Columbia M iwe ; also, leaves at 835 and arrives at 8:30. atThe Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8:00 oennecUn with llsjrtsburg Kxpress at 8:10 a. m. The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at WO p. m.. will run through te Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, east, leave Columbia at 1236 and reaches Iiancnstnr at lfct p.m. Hanover Accommodation, west, eennecttns; at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9:50 a. is will run through te Hanover, dally, except Sua- day. rai aat Llnsv west, en Sunday, when flagged. will step at Downlngtewn. Coatesvllle, Farsresv burg, Mt, Jey. Klizabethtswn and Mlddletewa. riin nnl v tnuns which run dallv. On Bnnda tie Mall train wnst runs bv way of Columbia. J: U. WOOD, General Passenger Agent. CI1AS. E. PUOU General Manager. fAMKB, AC. IENRYN PAKK. Peiirp Pert ON THE CORNWALL & MOUNT HOPE RAILROAD: . Te Churches, Ledges, Societies and ether se lect organizations contemplating excursion during tbe HEA80N or vm, tbe company beg te announce tbat every facility has been per fected for enabling tbe public te reach thl fa vorite resort, and no effort has been spared te make PENRVN PAUK mera attractive tban ever before, for the free nse of oicurslenlsta are provided BOATS ON THE LAKE, CROQUET, LAWN TENNIS AND BASE BALL GROUNDS, TABLES, BENCHES, SWINGS, DANCING PAVILION.BAND STAKD.LAHQK SHELTER HOUSE, KITCHEN, RARRRT ANn r.l.OAK llOIIMB. AND nnMtllVATnUY ON TOP OF BOUTII HOD!. "H TAIN. There Is also a REFRESHMENT AND DINi r INUHUUMin cnarge ei a competent caterer, . t.nmmnlflrnn lm timAnrnfl Rt TnndtirAfA ratJWI besides Pbetngraph Gallery, News Stand and 51 - , I..., .. T .MHAWS IIkmM, 1U. ,A Grounds. Arrangements for Excursions from all petat;' MM. IN .-. ..,'VW "A. -.. i CAML, vun nt;asiALii.nDBait eupu uernwau a nu uope u. ik Lebanon, nu Or C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pais. Agt, PbU. A Reading R. It.. Ne. S27 Seuth Fourth 8L, Phlla. mayis-3md c 1j-rT. OKETNA PARR. . 1YX MT. GEETHA PAEK, FOR EXCURSIONS & PICNICS. This park is lecaiea in ine noun, ui uut euuu. ;- Mountain en the Line of the -1 Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad,, Nine mUes aeuth of the city of I-eboneB, itMn hut illntiincn of llarrisburg. Readlnr,- Lancaster, Columbia and all points en the Phfl-X?7a adelphla A Reading and Pennsylvania Raa-,- reads. The grounds are large, covering bua-vT 3 Oreas 01 acres, ana are m nan j au. jj&- Tbe Conveniences are :5 A LAltOE DANCING PAVILION. & A SPACIOUS DINING HALL, "C-'r TWO KITCHENS, ftj'J MUUAUG AHU UUA1- UOUa. ' ruuiuuKAi-u uuhui,:; -whilA thn Arraniramnnta ler Amusement oea t. slstef -J.-; r-HlinllKT AND BALL GROUNDS. ! -'".-T;--rr7.-- . . BUIVLinu auiiCI. SHOOTING GALLERY, nuuivuiiisitii vv IfliyiiSttUOllSESs,. m m I&M 1 1 'i-ea n . ejm - ' ui Tables for Lunchers, Rustle Beats and Benebas) are scatured throughout the grounds. A New Attraction ler the Reason of 18s hi ,-f CONKWAGO. f. Cevering nearly Twenty Acres, enwhlc piaceu a numuer ui wbwiii .t rvt! iinn iii. hanki nf which ere Dleasant walk love"y scenery. Parties desiring It can prpewf Meals at the Park, as me uining " wim under the supervision et It. II. BOLTZ.OII Uuaes Vallt llecaa. Tnese wne whs ..., ihv IV tiik mountains esusi no place se beautiful or affording te moth yaMfeJ nre os MOUNT GRETNA. .,.T'i. 3 NO INTOXICATING pDRINKS ALLOW W,W j Excursions from all peinu ?? E22fllt nla RaUread, will be carried direct tetMfftjaJt . WltneutCiiangauiuKis. uii Exourslen rales and full lnformaUeaj obtained upon application te Gee. W. J Assistant general Passenger Agent, rni SS5K!!,a' BOUin 7TlfiMM)ail Vu, -. -8upt a M Li Knureaa. MMUMNI. tm. 3nyainu - WAXOHBm, .i Ty-ATCHEB, CLOCKS, Ae. 'Ar H WATCHES. CLOCKS. Ae. . ,?V SPECIAL SALE Of GOLD-rifUIDOJ (Bess's Manuueiure), buehu 'YfT watch, nlckle works, UJewi SimX ana soiling iiiiniiea rai iuseisiu imsnxauuuui at (Jretarealns In Lancaster Watches. MtwSSiaid elhera. Correct Ubm I best Elglna and ethers. telegra lowelrj raph 1 only pla JJJL.' wai ' '""-Vi uU Nertk I (NearP.K.B.BUtlen.f sw spoetaolea and Eye . TtOUU. 3RAUK AS i' tnumwwe Wi eeU-fl MWHl m JSP. Vfl 3 w 8t JIM 'm fit '. -m rm m -5S1 J. '4i 31 L,Jak-