biHPF-"- .w- --: 'r- (w-W ?ass'5,wrT.s2' Tra-wTrji'K, rr- - -- " rar' tv--v - OHTT l,'''n "' ,'"( t- ,. (i -jt i. -. T- w ' : r ' -:-: . THE LAK0A8TBB DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17. 1886. i! it VM w 6L Sfti w in' & W &' It. I' Jj 11 l& el? &: iF left 1."! V Krf lav Wb' jsrr t' tffltELLIGENCER rnnrnt day m thb tkab (m1 Jfctrp.) ,w I A wmb, mr muim a rata. n UVMTf. WtrtJtlTOAMI"- i Air Alt AMeuma tuen. "" I im UflMAL OOWIiSKW AttOWBD Mium tnmen oirswneir. AUV I 8 BATMB1 sin. The Weekly Intelligencer Published Every Wednesday Merninq. AiflOA Tii,1.00ostxweirnis, cicns or tik,, amd a. cerr ran te rxuens estrimi vr JLITM. P0MrosimKceticmKroiiYraTrAKTOTn tat awe cenrrnT. all aicohtmetb imin will n oenranBD te tb wabtb basist. Attdrttt all Lttttri and Ttlegramt te THH INTBLLiaBNOBR, lnbslllgsncer Building, Lancaster, ra. Cl)c atu aster Untclligciucr. LANCASTKB. AUGUST 15. 18 Bayard's Diplomacy. Secretary Bayard demanded the release of Cutting because the Mexican minister had informed him tbat tlie man had leen arrested for an offense committed in Texas, and tbat Mexico claimed the right te pun ish offenses against her laws, committed In American territory. The court se altered the charge as te make it appear that Cutting was tried for an offense in Mexico, and if that Is the esse there is no conflict of authority between the govern ments. This will doubtless be the claim of the Mexican authorities, and te estab lish its truth or error, as well as te obtain a reliable account of the proceedings, Gen eral Sedgwick has been sent te Mexico. He has no diplomatic responsibility, but his familiarity with international law will enable him te report Intelligently te the state department, and the selection of a man of such high character for the mis sion will reflect credit upon the adminis tration. The rabid partisan journals, who hare felt it their duty te And fault with any and every act of Secretary Bayard, have twisted their logic into a pretty knot in their efforts, first te convict him of weak ness in his dealings with Mexico, and then when they found his conduct had been strong and manly, te bring upon him the stigma of Jingoism. Finally, it was learned that Sedgwick had been dis patched te Mexico, and it was presumed at ence that he went as minister plenipoten plenipeten tlary and envoy extraordinary, and, as the sending of any such emmissary would have been a back-down after the peremp tory demand for Cutting'3 release, a howl was again raised ever Bayard's weakness. Even if this had been the case It would net be a display of weakness but strength, for few men have the moral courage te ac knowledge that they have been mistaken. But the facts are tbat the back-down has been en the pait of Mexico. Fer the court has evidently changed the charge against the prisoner se as te dodge the whole question at issue ; aud Bayard has caught them dodging. Geed Drinking Mater. The importance of geed drinking water en the general health of a community can not be overestimated. Filtration 13 the safest precaution, because the best sources of public and private supply are liable te contamination. These safe-guards are par ticularly necessary in warm weather. Cbas. P. Wingate, the well known sanitary engi neer, writes as fellows en this subject : "Few persons have any conception of the extent te which pollution in water exists. It may be said te be the rule, rather than the exception, in all thickly populated rural sections, and even in towns which have a public water supply. In Massachu setts alone, 393,000 cases of typhoid fever, with 40,000 deaths, have been traced te spe cific contamination of drinking water. The poison of typhoid has been carried twenty flve miles by a river and communicated te forty patients in one institution, through drinking of the water. The marked increase in renal diseases, which have become almost epidemic, as it were, in all sections of the country, among perrens of all conditions and of both sexes, is ascribed by physicians of experience, in a great measure te the sediment ceutalned in drinking water, which the kidneys, the fil ters of the body, canuet eliminate from the system. Hence the clogging aud consequent degeneration of these organs." The effects of drinking impure water are net sudden, but gradual. Hence the in creased need of guarding against them. A New Danger Fer Actors. Mr. Henry Irving, the actor, had scarce ly get his feet well planted en American soil before a Brooklyn journalist,!!. Cower Hese, brought suit against him for the re re cevery of a manuscript of a historical drama and the manuscript of a farce, both uemg vaiuea ai 51 ,we. In his letter te the plaiutiff Mr. Irving stated that he was in the habit of receiving about thirty manuscript plays a week. Un less he has an exceedingly careful secre tary, there is a likelihood of seme of these being mislaid or lest.. "Where 1,500 manuscripts are received per annum, the less of a dozen or mere would net make much of a break in the general , but it Mr. Irving is expected te pay for the lest ones at tberatoef $750 each, he will need te earn mere money than he has late y been making te save himself from bankruptcy. This manuscript evil may develop into neb , Proportion that eminent actors in self-defense will return bulky mail pack agea unopened. - Oppressing Laber. If capital Btarte in te oppress labor it seems well nigh impossible te preveutlt. There is strict statute law against paying etupiejes m store eruers in uiis slate, yet the Bellefonte nail works, of which Uen. James A, Beaver, the Itepubllcan guber. Mterial candidate, is president, by a tech Bleallty, are evading its penalties. The ige, however, Is se plain that labor will ' ihew by its vote In November what it tUaki of this manner of deceit, en which H will stamp ita vigorous condemnation. v Anether case In point has been developed "If tfcotavetflgatwninte the inner work HrW-Vf . ,4r 1 ,USW Tl n. Sin. 1 In. I Bin. "-. I'Mfflki 1" " J " tfrlji . te l be 3 t em ;u S C7flr 1R in in Slit w 8 45- k ' rtvaJESV.- no Bw 700 940 E aiuiVKK...... 1 ttn 4(10 6 60 SCO 10M !' -. wSWtttkS.... 1 4 60 7 60 1050 1350 1680 .!.- ffiw weeks.. sn son loeo isse wen aine ' aft Menth ISO 760 1200 in oe aioe 2400 '. ;Wr Months... aoe loeo 1700 2100 2700 sine ; ' 4fire Months., bee 1200 2000 en 3100 wee -'Ms Months .... oe isoe 80 nan 44011 6100 ' ' Tear 1500 2800 4509 MOO (W Wen ings the New Yerk Aqueduct job. There are 4,000 empleyes engaged en this work, and each of them is tcqulred te pay fifty cents a month for medical attendance, whether he needs it or net. The men say thataphyslclan'sattentlenisrarclyrcqulrcd and when given its subjects are treated mere like paupers than patients. But this Is net the worst of it. The medical assess ment amounts te ?2i,000 a jear, which leaves a large surplus after paying a few physicians. This surplus gee, It Is almost needless te say, te the Aqueduct ring. It is bleed money, wrung from the hard earn ings of labor. It Is little wonder that labor seeks organ ization for self-defense. The niiracle Is that such n plan of self-defense was net long nge put Inte operation. Irsuy man Interferei wllli the president's vacation, nhoet I1I111 en the ipet, m m Tlineld, old story. Wlll'am Ory, Jr.. treasurer of the Atlantic ml Indian Orchard mills, Hosten, has proved that the wage of sin li death. With the first corporation (Jr.iy was connected ten years, and with the latter eight years. Inthatbrlel tiiue he managed te embezzle (1,000,000. Ills moJeef Hie ex plains where the money went. He lived magnificently; owned a yacht and spent money like a prince. The weuder is that when men of meagre salary conduct them selves in this style they de net subject them selves te suspicion. l'ENNiYLWNlA'a Democracy aud tobacco crop never had liner prospects than new. Thkre is a vast dllterence in rich men. A distinguished few of them bold their money apparently as trustees for their less fortunate cUlrens. Mr. Jeseph K. Temple, of Philadelphia, is one of these. Ills name has been recently connected with several philanthropic enterprises, and new he has again shown his true Interest in the Philadel phia academy of tine arts by handing ever te that Institution securities amounting te fiv 000 as his contribution te the proposed eu eu dewmeut;tund of $100,000. TilKltc has just been added te the collec tion of ancient manuscript in the Berlin museum an historical novel en papyrus writ ten in the sixteenth century 15. C. The story which is uncompleted and written In the vulgar tengue el ancient Egypt gees bactt nearly a thousand years lurther te the reign of King Cheers, the builder of pyramids It Is the eldest known decumuut in the popular tongue. Wheevkii is uemlnated in Harrliburg, tbe trade coupon must go. Mb. Scdewick, our envoye Mexico, will lese no time in getting all the needed facts in tbe case and sending bis report te Wash ington. The ne esslty for such reliable source of Information will be appreciated by the people at large. There has been such an immense crop of contradictory stories ateut the troubles en the Texas frontier tbat tbe publie is beginlng te believe tbe climate of that region is fatal te eracity. It bas been said all along tbat only the lower class Mexicans were beleigerent, but the New Yerk llerahl publishes di'patcbes an nouncing tbat all classes in Mexico are eager for instant war. Jen U Sfi.LiAN will make Mitchell fight or drive him out of tbe country. Hew would it de te drive Jehn himself out ? When Assistant State's Attorney Ingham spoke for the state In the Chicago Anarchists' trial en Saturday he swept the courtroom with a verbal cyclone that wade the Anarch ists held their breath, and added much te his reputation for clear and convincing oratory. He asked and answered this que-itleu : "Was the bomb-throwing ou the night et May 1 the result of tbeceuspiracy ? If se, these men are guilty, and the law Is strong enough te protect Itself." Hew can any reasonable man doubt tbat the men who ere the avowed followers of Most, who Is an avowal con spirator, are also conspirators. "Yet the ways et juries are pait finding out anu no one cau prophecy conviction. PERSONAL. GE.VEn.lL Beeth, of the Salvation Army, will come te America In October next, Hen. Gloree A. Jenks U quoted as fa fa veriug the nomination of Hlack for gov ernor. Congressman Georue D. Wise, of the Illcbmend, Va., district, declines a renomi renemi renomi natien for Congress. Jvdee lUfiENMAN, of Beading, bas stated that It was his wish tbat his name be net presented te the Democratic convention, as he would sooner be president Judge of Berks county than governor of Pennsylvania. AnciimsHer Walsh, of Dublin, in an interview said that the land purchase ques tion would never be settleu except upon Michael Davitt's nationalization principles of Just compensation te the actual holders. Miss Mary Cecil Hay, whom the Lon Len Lon eon World describes as a " novelist of much quiet power, and a woman of a pure and simple life," dled a fortnlghtaje in England. Mere thau twenty of ber novels had been published by the Harpers. Tun Prince of Wales has declined te accept a testimonial or plate valued at $12,G00 irem the Commission of the Colonial Exhib ition. Artemus ard reported that when be was in Londen tbey ettered him a ducal cer. enet. "I declined te accept It," added Arte mus, "I told them te give it te the peer." Whether or net the I'rince of Walas request ed that a similar disposition might be made of the testimonial of plate is net stated. The tresident made the following memo randum upon the unsigned Morrison surplus resolutien: "This resolution involves se much and Is of such serious import thai I de net deem It best te discuss it at this lime. It is net approved because I believe It te be un necessary, and because I am by no means convinced tbat its mere passage and approval at this time may net endanger and embarrass the successlul and useful oieratleu of the treasury department and impair the con II dence wbicb the people should have in the management of the finances of the covern cevern inenL" NerxL avi'jsal tu Tin; 1-eefi.r. Senater Van Wjek Atkaa Vete On lilt C'aiiitl dacy Fer Hie Seimte. In 1875 there was Inserted In the Nebraska state constitution a prevision that at the gen eral election Immediately preceding the ex piration et the term of a United States colla tor from this state the eloctera shall, by bat bat let, express their preferences for some per per en ler the olllce of I'ulted States senator Ne action has been taken en this process up te the present time. Senater Van Wyck, whoUacandidateforro-olection, has deter mined te appeal te the people ler their ex pression el preferences under this proviso, and be has accordingly Issued his manifesto. This will be the 11 rst instance of a direct vote et the people for United Skates senator, and it is supposed that the choice thus made will be binding as a matter el honor en the legls lature. Senater Van Wyck's apieal is as fel- Te the electers of Nebraska : In a country governed by the people and Ter the people, the highest prerogative et the elector is the free and untrammelled choice el the publie servants who administer the gevedimcuL While the national Senate represents the sovereignty of the states each senator should be the true representative el the sovereign people of the commonwealth. This was the aim and object of the framera oreur state con stitution when tbey made prevision for the expression of the popular choice iu the selee- iiuu u a senator, ler leu years the prevl- ur lajiiauimien iias ueen a dead letter. Although a law framed iu conformity with the constitutional proviso was passed by the legislature years age and elllcers of election are required te make returns of the vote upon the electors' preterence for United States senator, no aspirant has as yet ventured te Sii7apeIle,feraairect expression of eou eeu eou en mrrPft!fe.renca- Without Presumption en my part that any man bas a vested right & .however meritorious or lafih. lul he may be, "l desire te appeal te the people et Nebraska ter a direct vote expresslnithelr preference for United States senator. There are doubtless ethers in this state mere worthy than I aw of your oenfldtneo and It will afford me great pleasure te meet any el thorn for a public dl vusslen of the living and vital issue of the day. The efllce of United States senator Is a ikmiMeu el great responsibility and the xple should knew the views el every man who desires te repre sent Nebraska In the upper Houeol Congress. I trust that it is net Inappropriate in this con nection te refer brlelly te my services In behMf et tbestatedurlugmyterm new drawlngtea cleu By that record let judgment be given. I have doubtless erred lu seme instances, as all men de, but even my worst enemies cau cau net point te any act that would Impeach iny personal Integrity or rellect discredit upon the state which has honored me. While I claim te have done only my uulv in the light lu which I was able te see it, and claim no credit for the faithful discharge or the trust committed te me, 1 enlv desire te exercise the right which I have lit common with all citizens te challenge my ixnnH'tlters for the senatorial padtlen te a submission te a popu lar verdict of their respective claims te the senatorial succession. A vreiiuur AllttwAnrc 7cmiu Iaiie la Ooed lleueVivpliir. A year or two before 1 was married I bearded ene winter with a very excellent family in a WeMeru village. The husband and father v a a geed man, but he had w hat hiswlft) called his "touchy pelurV'nud, geed and honest man though be was, some of these " touchy points " were a life-long source of stctud orrew te his wife, vt he was a geed and f.ilthlul w Ife aud mother, tidy, thrifty and ever watchful of the common In terests of the family. She was economical te the lat decree and most industrious. She seemed te me tD tie a model wife. Her hus band thought se, tee, and would have an grily resented auy Imputation te Uie eou eeu trary. He taught his chlldreu te honor and leve their mother, although iailiug, as It seemed te me, Iu manllestlug love and honor for ber himself at all times, but these times were only when bis " touchiest point " had been pressed upon. line day I accidentally heard the wire say te her eldest daughter, ' Ne, dear ; 1 cannot ak your father for money for you a new- hat. Yeu knew hew very touchy he Is en that pelut. I sometimes "lie awake hall the night trying te device some methed of scrimping or saving se that I netsl net say the word ' money ' te your father. Nothing hurts him se much as te be aKed ler a utile money. 1 dread te think of asking him for money for anything." 1 was engaged te Mrs. liaue at that time, and 1 made a solemn vow that she should have a purse of her own and that It should never go empty if 1 had anythlug te put iu it. We have new been married six years, aud I have faithfully adhered te that resolu tion. And there Is no "Hied sum" about it. Household expenses varv at ditlerent sea sons of the year and under various circum stances. Ten dollars will, perhaps, cover all tbe etiienses one week, and the next may be a "canning" era "company" week and several extra dollars w HI be required. In auy case, I resent the idea that my wife is a mere jensiener of my bounty ; I reject the imputation that she has net common sense enough te knew the value of money aud dare net be trusted with it. lam net a "woman's rigbter," In tbe popular sense of the term, but I thank tbe Lord that I am man enough te recognize the fact tbat my wife aud the mother of my children, bas rights, money spending rights, that I have no' business te interfere with. Uvery geed wife should have this right as a royal marriage prerogative. I regard Mrs. Dane as an eual co partner in the contract under which we have become a firm for life. We share profits and losses alike. There is no money drawer te which we both have free access. I have net the inclination nor the right te limit my wife in her daily expenditures se long as these expendi ures are within reisen. Most wiv es and mothers honestly earn all they spend. A woman who does her duty as a wife and mother earns mere than meuey can pay for. It must be very humiliating te a woman te have te humbly and tremblingly ask ber husband for the money she must have ter her actual daily expeuses. Any sensitive womanly woman must leel it something of a degradation te have te even coax, for money given grudgingly aud coin plain- lDgly at last. 1 knew of a woman who said once that the only way sbeceuldget money from her hus band for ether than tier actual household e Ienses, was by " watching her chauce " and slyly extracting bills from his pur-e when he was asleep or his coat was oil. Imagine a wile forced into such a degrading act as that 1 Women are elten compelled te practice mean, niggardly, cruel economy In order te make their expenses come within tbe limit nxed by inexorable husbands, who weu'.d furiously recent auy Interference with their own expenditures. 1 believe that this simple mention of the wife's allowance has wrecked tbe happiness of many a household. Men are se often blind and unfeeling and unreasonable in this mat ter. And of course there are women who must have a tight rein kept upon them be cause of their tendency te willul and weful extravagance. There is, I rear, little chance ter happiness in a home having such a mis tress ever it. But tbe majority of women can be safely trusted. Let tbe husbands et wives thus worthy trust tbem and this trust will net elten be abu'ed. Myown perseual experience has been that money Is saler with women than with men. Most women can beat a man "all te pieces" making a bargain, and the market man and grocers seldom get ahead et tbem, whereas most men are careless purchasers. - m A Tramp Here. Frem the HUsburg Dispatch. Twe old tramps, ragged and feet-sore, walked slowly down the Tort Wayne rail road track Saturday afternoon. Children who saw them coming climbed quickly ever the fence and watched them pass with half frightened eyes. Carelul housewives noted their presence with frowning eyes and kept a close lookout te see tbat tbey carried nothing away with them that they did net bring. Even the little dogs eyed them askance as they growled viciously ersaucily snarled and showed their lettli. Down by Jack's Ilun there was a little white haired baby running along the track. He was tee young te fear anyone, even a tramp, and tee happy picking up little pebbles and laying them en tbe rail te heed any danger. And right there, but a few reds away, was coming a train. The tramps saw it reds away. One of them also saw the babe. Dropping his dirty bundle, he sprang forward. It was a race Ter life. The tramp roached the child net a minute ahead of the engine. Catching the little one, he pitched it eir the track, when it relled down the bank, fright ened and dusty, but unhurt The train p was dead. Hardly a bone In his body was left unbroken. His body, mangled and tern, was taken back te Allegheny. The ether tramp came back tee. This Is the story be told. Tbe dead man, wbee name was Au gust Gelleib, and himself were Philadel phia dyers, neth men bad recently lest their wives, and were left entirely alone. They decided te go te Cincinnati and work at thefr trade. Tbey started with 30 cents, walking the entire way te Pittsburg, completing the Journey in 25 days. When they arrived in Pittsburg tbey bad 5 cents. Alter walking around town a few hours they started ler Cincinnati ever tbe Fert Wayne track, aud their journey ended as described. Henry Behring, the dead man's companion, was taken tu a restaurant for sunner. but could net eat, bis feelings overcoming him at tbe tragic death et his lermer companion, lie w as prevldeu with quarters at tne Allegheny Uwk-up. Female Ktnple)e. Mr. 11.1". Mitchell, ene of the befetiuformed men en labor statistics In St l.nnu 1. in dovetlng considerable time the last fe w w eeks vu me 4UUSUU11 01 lemaie employment In conversation with a JiejntliUean reporter be uu; "luonumuer 01 women engaged In ether than bousebold occupation in the United States is probably much larger than la generally supposed, and with its ever growing proportions, both irem natural in crease or population and theceutlnued crowd ing of the great army still seeking employ, ment into new channels net before appropri ated by women, may well create a desire te be better informed In regard te their num. bersand the conditions under which they perform their dally tasks. Tbe national bu bu reauel education and labor have recegulzed this, and are preparing te make an exhaustive investlgatlonef the subject during tbe ensulng year. A carerul estlmate places tbe total number of women thus employed en July 1, 1S.VI, at 3,000,000, and of these b00,000 are agricultural labor laber ers, mainly In tbe cotton fields of the Seuth; 010,000 are employed in manufactories of various kinds, while 530,000 iu the laundries or our country Insist that the ' Chinese must go ; i!$0,000ure uilliluers, aud 200,000 find em ployment as dressmakers j 00,000 earn their bread In the tailor shops and 090,000 are sales women, teachers, telegraph operators, tvne. writers, book-keepers, type-sorters and nurses, and many ether occupations find small -..... MHUiw.n n iifviiuwu. suuruarein round numbers2l6egfeuudepbyaIciaasln tbe numbers a livelihood. There are In United .States. The conditions under which these 3,01 10,000 iwfenu thelr labor are exceed. Ingly varied, for whlle many employera pay due regard te thelr health and comfort, many ethers give heed te nothing but the profit te be made, aud although ntime classes of tomato labor are honorable exceptions, the majority are shamefully treated aud miserably paid, aud It is te be IiehxI that a thorough ventila tion el the subject by the bureau will result in benetUtliigthe working women of our laud for surely the opportunity Is there," Tli l'rmlilent te the sehllrrs. President Cleveland, In his letter te the Grand Army of the Kepublle at San Fran Fran cice, says i " Please convey te these In at tendance my earnest wish that the occasion may strengthen the friendship and kind re lations of theso who by participation In dan ger became comrades, and tbat it may tend te the preservation el their common Interests. The nation's gratitude te the soldiers of its wars should never vvaue or lsiiguisb, but Its maultestatien should mt upeu motives worthy of the subject, and should he charac terized by Nlrtiiws and impartiality. 1 am sure the Graud Army of the Kepubllc asks no mere than this, mid while It may well re gard with watchful care the wants and the rights el its members, it will crown Its mis sion by demonstrating te the people of the land hew completely the American soldier with the cessation et centllct may merge lu the American citizen, and hew well prepared he Is In time of peace, by the exercise of his rights et cltlzeushlp, quietened by the risks and dauger of his country's defense, te fur ther protect her honor aud te promote her prosperity and progress." .Mut He SuM. Frem the N 1 . Sun Clerk (te art dealer) That J-SOVO picture doesn't seem te go at the price. Hadn't we better reduce it T Art dealer Yes. Cress oil that last naught I'll gt rid of Uiat picture if I have te sell It at cost A fllKl. Ml' (11KLS. Here's a girl of ulrU, 'On the ether side, T et h as v, hlte as pearl. IU oedln as she gees llreathet palm ami rwc Over petty te V hen her lips unclose. Little hates nnd spites. Loek, hew straight she fanciest rengs and uls, slights List, hew sweet sheVVhlch hwe made her talks: lire r.cautv, grace and Dark with dally strife. youth Crown her for a truth. .Who would c-sre. In deed, And atone her way r'ollew such a lead, t'rtendt rteck day by Though 'twere beauty d.v, own. Dropping at her leet Keckencd from fcer "hewers of praises throne sweet Sweet wents set te deed and snecterstlll are srcils flowering day by day lteauty, veuth Kasy tls. forsooth, With itiLh gilts ah ttieng our wty thes. Till te fellow w hole friends te please." gain and 5hn doth lightly tare, Is te et one's feet I In a warden sweet Dark-eyed Envy cries. Leeking sadly wise, Of all dear delights. As sue walks apart .Where from heaven's With a burning heart. heltthts I Friendly breezes bring lteauty, grace and.ltest and pleasuring. Alt these gifts. In truth. Once were Knvy 's ew n, Vet she walks alone. Walks In sullen pride Xera Verry. I.Ike the 1'erturae Waned Frem beds of Mowers Is the breath that has been rendered agreeably odorous with SOZODOXT, which communicates te the teeth amarblewhlte ness, and te the gums a reseate tint. V'O It, and beautify your mouth. SfJlUlAL KOTlVKa, CHOUr, VVIIOOriNGCOUatl and llrenchltls Immediately rellev cd by Shiloh s Cure Fer sale by It. B. Cochran, Drugg-Ut, He. lSerthyueen street Kicltenient InTexas. Great excitement haa been caused In the vi cinity et Tarts, Tex., by the remarkable re covery of Mr. J. K. Corley, who was se helpless he could net turn In bed. or raise Ills head . everybed said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle or Dr. Klnij's 'ew Discovery wsj sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bot tle and a box et Dr. King's New Life rills ; by the time he had taken two boxes of Tills and two bottles et the Discovery, he was well and had gained In llesh thirty-six pounds. Trial RotUesef this Great Discovery for Con sumption free at 11. II. Cochran's Drug Mere, 137 and LE 'erth gueen street, Lancaster, Pa. li) Leeks Honest. A clear, bright open face somehow leeks hen est A herse thief or burglar seldom carries such a face. Burdock Jilecd BMert give the skin a peculiarly tine texture and clearness. They strengthen and enrich the circulation and se eradicate all eruption or blemish. Fer sale by II. B Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and IS) North (jaeen street, Lancaster. . WILL YOU SUFFER, with Dyspepsia aud Liver Complaint f nhlleb's VltAllzer tsguaran' teed te cure you. Fer sale by II. U. Cochran. Druggist, -Ne. 137 North (Jueen street havrsl the lUby ' My baby, aj?ed fifteen months, was attACked with croup, but was cured with two doses of Thartxei' tltf trie Oil i have used this medicine for the elder children. Have tbe greatest faith Id It" Mrs. Daniel Mann, XI Seventh street, liutTule, N. Y. Fer sale by it. it. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and IJ3 North Queen street, Lancaster A Had Ilreath. Is Insufferable. We don't like It A person with a strong breath must net make himself very familiar with us. An impure breath Is caused by an unhealthy stomach. Burdock BlooilJIlt BleoilJIlt BloeilJIlt ten will correct this evil. They are the best stomach medicine known. Fer sale by 11. 11. lechran, Druggist 137 and li) North Queen street, Lancaster. Dandeuek livxr Pkllxts for sick headache erpld liver, biliousness and Indigestion. Small and easy te swallow. One pill a dece. Trice, 25c. liy all druggists. fetS-3uidTu,Th,8 What One Dete Did. S. S. Graves, et Akren, N. Y., had Asthma of the worst kind. Toek one dose of TAeiruis' Kleetrtc Oil and was relieved In five minutes. He adds " Would walk ten miles for this meclt cine and pay 13 a bottle ter It It cured iny w He el rheumatism like magic Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, 137 aud 1X1 North Queen street Lancaster. berved lllm Itlght "I have used Bunletk Med Bitter), and am happy te say that they have done me mere geed than anything yet. send a further (uantlty at once." This man was a sufferer from dyspepsia for twenty yeara. Ills name Is Alexander Leugh and he lives at Alpena, Mich. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 13) North Queen street, Lancaster. .Satisfaction Universal. "In the past three months I have sold ene hundred and six bottles or Themat' Electric Oil. Never saw a medicine In iny HI that gave such universal satisfaction. Cured an ulcerated threat for me In twenty-four hours; never failed te re lieve my children of croup." C. It. Hall, Drug gist, Grayvllle, 111. Fer sale by II. It Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 13a North Queen street, Lan caster. Hucklen'a Arnica Salve. The Hest Salve In the world for Cuts, Uralses, Seres, Ulcers, Halt Itheum, Fever Seros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Tiles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te gtve perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Tricots cents per box. Fer sole by II. IS. Cecnran, Druggist, Iff? and 133 North Queen street Lancaster, Te. Hay Fever. Kir's Cream Halm was recommended te me by my druggist as a preventive te hay fever. Have been using It as directed and have found It as directed and have found It a specific for that much dreaded and loathsemo disease. Fer ten years or mere 1 have been a great sufferer each year, from August 8th tUl treat, and have tried many alleged remedies for tu cure, but Ely's Cream Jlalm Is the only preventive I have ever found. Hay fever sufferers ought te knew e( lUetlicacy.-F. it Atnswerth, of F, II. Alns Alns werth X Ce., publishers, Indianapolis, I nil. aul7-'iwdeedAw F OH HOT WEATHER. 8AUTKUNK AND UEltUAN WINKS. HKIGAUT'S WINK STOKE. II. K. BLATM1KKK, AOI. Q.EORQK KKNHT, JR., Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, UK3IDKNCK-N0.633 WK8TKINUBT. BUOT-KA8T UUANT ST., OppeslU) Station IIeiuu. All work receives my prompt ana personal at tenllen. All kinds of Jobbing attended te at short no- tlceand en reasonable terms. Drawings and Aaiiuiaiua luruisueu. ei7Iyd rpuib PAPKK IB PKINTKD WITH INK Hanutactured by J. K. WIUQBTAiOO., maru-lia Mtn sua un Biv.TklualpkIs, ? JurmtiAC YKB'S SAHSAl'AMLLA. Scrofula Is ene et the most fatal scourges which atlllcl mankind. It Is nlteu Inherited, but may he the. result of Improper vaccination, mercurial poisoning, unrlrsnlinc-s, ami various ether causes Climnle Seros, lllctns. Abscesses, linn, cerens Humors, and, tn some ase, BinaclMlen, and Consumption, result Irem a scrofulous con dttlen et the bleed. This disease can be cured bythouseof Ayer's Harsaiwrllla. I Inherited sctntuletis condition el the bleed, which caused it deraugeiiient of my whole svs svs tem. Alter taking less than tour bottles or Ajer'sSArsnparllla lam Entirely Cured and, ler the ruist ear, have net found It utces sary te use anv medicine whatever. 1 nut new In better health, and stronger, thau ev or lietere. O. Wtiiard. til Trenunu street, Hosten, Mass, 1 was troubled with Scrofulous sores ler live years but alter using a row bottles et AVer's Sarsaparllla, the sores healed, and I have new geed health Kltzalmth v unlock, M Appleton street, Lewell, Mass. Seme mouths age I was troubled with Scrofu lous Seres en mv leg t'he Itmb w ns badly swel leu and Inflamed, and the sores discharged large quantities of intensive matter. Kvery remedy failed, untlll usedAver's sarsaparllla. Ily lk. lug three bottle et this medicine the sores have besm entirely healed, and my health Is fully re stored. I urn gmtetut for the geed this medicine hss done uie. Mrs. Ami O llrlsu, 1M Sullivan street. New Yeik. Ayer's Sarsaparilla TrepstvdbyDr .1 a Aver A fix, Lewell, Mass. Sold by all druggists. Trite, II sU bottles, tv auglJteU cr HAY-FKVKK. CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM Ulyns lttdluf at Once and Cures. COLD IN HEAD, CATAKUH, HAY HUSK-COLD, DEAF.NKSS, HEADACHE. Net a Liquid, Snutf or Tewder. Free Irem In In lurieus Drugs and Oilenslve Oders. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable te use. Trice SO cents at druggists by mall, registered. ii0 cts. Circular sent Iree. ELY' UIIOTIIKIU, Druggists, Owego, N.Y. uly231yeedAlvw QUKK UUAKA3TKKU. RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by Dlt. J, II. MAYEIt Ease at ence: no operation or delay from busi ness t teslel by hundreds of cures. Main omce, 11 AliCll ST., TIIILA. Solid for Circular. 0lvdAw CUKKKOKTUK I1KAF. Teck's Talent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums perfectly restore hcnrlug and perform the work et the natnrtl drum. Invisible, com fertable and always In position. All conversa tion and even whltpers heard distinctly, t-eml for Illustrated book with testimonials, FUEE. Address or cidl en F. HISCOX, sA3 Itreadway, New Yerk. Mention this paper. junelO-lyoedAlyw yjti.L. u.ira. B YHOAlNiS. ASIfflS Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTEIt, TA. Have Opened this Day -Ol It- FIRST INVOICE -or- FALL HATS, -IN- Cituteii, Union .Milan and Milan, -AT Ol'lt- Usu Lew Prices. In order te gain room ler NEW FALL STOCK tn our Millinery Department, we have decided te sacrifice w hatever Is left or Summer Stock at prices regardless et cost and value. tVK TlIEItKrOUE OFFKlt ONE LOT OF HATS At the Astonishing Trite of Only SEVEN CENTS. One Let el FINK all LANS rormerly sold at tl.W, 11.79 and til"1, at only 21C. APIECE. All our CHILDItE.N'S TUIMMKD HATS at 27C. APIECE. We have divided the balance left et our LADIES' TUIMMKD HATS In Three Lets, and will offer them as fellows . One Let at 87c. One Let at $1.58. One Let at $2.44. TIIKSK AUK HAKOAINS .VEVKU OFFEKED 1IEFOKE. All Our Choice Flowers, Sl'KAYS, 110UQUKTS, MONTU11K8, Ktc, AT HALF PRICE. 49 Call Early te Secure the First und llesl Cholce. MUTIUMB. misMAN5r " ' GENTLEMEN'S Balbriggan and Q&uza Undershirts. THE UE8T-: White Shirts! NECKTIES, JLA1N AND FANCY II081EHY, BCAltr riNS, SLEEVE LUUTTONS, SUBTKNDEItS, -AT- ERISMAN'S, NO. 17 WEST KINO ST., LANCASTEIt, TA MADEIRA AND 8UERRY WINES. Vintage, 17JJ, ltJOO, 1S1J, ISIS, 1827, 1844, 1870, AtUEIQAItT'SOLU WINEBTOltK, U,X,BLAYMAlUUt,AKt jjMr Jtf OUItNINil OOODH. HAGER & MOURNING GOODS Priostley'a Black Silk Warp Henriettas. Black Ooshinere, Olarotte Oleth, Etltnlne Cleth, PrincitU Oleth, Nun's Veiling and Onmel's Hair; Oeurtaud'a drupe and Nun's VelllnR for Vests ; Black Thibet Lenp; and Square Shawls. HAGER & BROTHER, . Nes. 25 and 27 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. VBXT DOOK TV THE COURT HOUSE. "" FAHNESTOCK'S. Whlte Ooeda, Lnoea find Bmbrolderloo. Whlte Hmbrotderod Rebes, $3.00 up. Stimmer Undorwenr, all bIzes. Summer Hosiery Summer Gloves, Lrtrse 3teck of thoee Goods new lu Btore, nnd nil Mnrked at Qulek BelllnK Prlcea. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT " rKTZUEK HAUOIIMAN. METZGER & HAUGHMAN ll.VVK NOW IN STOCK A FULL ASSOItTMKNT OF BLACK FRENCH C3S9MDRES.. 11LACK CASH MKHEnt USc 11I.ACK llASIIMEKKntUV. IILAC'K CASlIMKltEat$7r. SLACK C'AStlMKKK nt iV. 1ILACK CAMIMKUK HI 13c 1ILACK CASIIMEIIK at I1AU. ALSO ULACK UENItlhl'TA U.OTIIS. DIAUONAI.S, Tltll OlS.and a Full Line et 11LACK SILKS, at LOW Metzger & Haughman, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Fa. uuuamwuiuriaHiJtu uuusj, CHIKK'B OAKFCT HAI.L, CARPETS ! KKOTEN1NU OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. awn tn&nuluctare a specuvlltr. HrwclaJ AtUmtlcm raid tn the Manufacture el CUSTOM CAU.TKTB. Alse Tail Line of OILCLOTHS. UUUS, WINDOW SUADKS.COVKULETS, Ac AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Ste., Lancaster, Pa. UMHHrTAKB. jTTIGIl A MAHTIN. PA HALL REDUCTION -IN- PRICES -OF- Glassware, &c. Eight tlitys of the forty of cut prices are already gene, and se are many of the goods placed en the llargain Table. As ene line Is exhausted we place ether articles en the table. We will continue te de se until the tirae is up, if it takes the entire stock. We imagine some are saying " That they just advertise se, and when you want te buy anything you must pay full price, or the excuse Is just out.'" Well, you make a test of this and convince yourself that we are doing wliat we are advertising. Don't lese this opportunity for gutting Cheap Goods, n l n it i ppditin, 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTEIt, TA, G .00DS SUITED t'OK WOKKINQMKN. Just rAcwlvnil &t reduced nrlces te ault thn times at llechteld's Cheap Cash Slore. NO. t! NOItTll QUEEN UTltKET. Anether let et these Extra Slze Working Shirts re&Je te order. Osuze and Jean Underwear selling off at ra duced prices. Working Tants at 60 cents and up. llet single and double trout Overhells tn the rnarket. Tfew styles of Cellars, Suspenders and Notions generally, at llKCUTOLD'S. V. 8.-ll0UI for itfe w Mat. uiue- titiun.. BROTHER. HOUSE. LANCASTER, PBNNA. 11LACK CAHIIMKKKst.TIUc. Ill, AUK C ASM M KIIK at TsS 1ILACK CASIIMEIIK at 11.23 PRICES. CARPETS ! ilr -(wl. IMUKH. TOUN llAEH'S H0N8. NEW BOOKS Are eilerud at a llberul discount Ireui the pub Ushers' prices. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS lu Library Sets, Class Heeks, llecerds, ltawardi, lilbles, Testaments, Catechlsms, etc QUARTO BIBLES Contains King Junius and the Ilavlsel Versions of both Old and New Testaments tn parallel columns ; ulse, with the two versions of the New Tvstaiuuiit, or with the old Torsion of the Ulble only. In various styles or binding, at much lower prices than by traveling agents. AT THE 1IOOKSTOUK Or JOOT BAER'S SOUS, Nea. 16 and 17 North Queen Btroet, LANCABTK1L TA. VAUHIAUK8. OTANDAKD OAKK1AUE WOHR. Edw. Edgerley, CARBIAGB BUIIDEE Market Street, Rear or Fosteffloo, Lanoaeter, Pa, My stock cemprles a large variety of the Latest Style Hugging, Thai tens, Carriages, Mar ket and Uuslncss Wagons, which 1 offer at the very lowest figured and en the most reasonable tonus. 1 call special attention te a few of my own de signs, one of which is the EDUEULEV CLOSED T1IY81C1AN CUUTK, which U decidedly the neatest, lightest and most complete Thyslclan' Carrlage In the country. Tersens wishing te bay a geed, honest and substanUal article, should bear In mind that they take no risk in buying my work. Kvery Carriage turned out In eighteen years a geed ene that Is the ktnd of guanuitoe I have te offer the public. All work tully warranted. Tlease give me a call. KETAI1UNO TllOUI'TLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed ler thatpurpose MAVUSMMMX. TITAOIIINKKY, AO. FO STEAM HEATING Latest and Hest Improved KNGINES-TratlieD, Peritlli ir Mew. New or SocendUand BOILEB8, WATKB TANKS, 8EPAUATOK8. llienms or ItarAii Weak such as done and kept In Machine Sheps. tlALLOaOBAODkaM, Ezra F. Landis, W00K8 637 NORTH OBBtBT BTB1IKT, LAWASWk, r A. BT-tM m fwi