Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 14, 1886, Image 2

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tvyPuuHte Every Wednesday Morning.
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Addrtu all Utter and Telegramt le
InteUlgtncer Building, Lancaster, Pa.
CI)C Cmuaetcr 3utclligcnccr.
Te Whom It Mj Concern.
The Philadelphia Recerd takes Chair
man Hensel te task for saylnR that the
Democratic party " is united ami whoever
te nominated will get Its every vote."
"Chairman Hensel" has said no such
thing, which the Recerd falsely and
wilfully attributes te him ; in the same
Issue the Recerd quotes the cry words
upon which It comments from the Intel
ligence:, which did use them, llut the
Intellieencku isnet Chairman llcnsel's
organ ; it does net speak for him nor by
his authority ; it sometimes agrees with
him and sometimes does net, and in mere
than one instance it has very broadly and
distinctly announced its disagreement. It
has again and again stated that what it
says neither is te gain nor leso significance
from the fact that one of its editors and
proprietors happens for the time te be
chairman of the Democratic state com
mittee. Beepectable and intelligent newspapers
generally ought te be able and willing te
recognize this distinction ; and te none of
them should this be easier aud mere agree
able than te our esteemed contemporary,
the .Recerd, which carries at its editorial
mast-head the name of " William M. Mn
gerly, proprietor," and which, it is very
well known, often expresses sentinieuts
that Mr. Slngerly does net held individu
ally and privately disclaims. We should
be sorry te have the sprightly and vigorous
editorial utterances of the Recerd dis
counted by the fact that they are meulded
te suit the interests or humor the caprice3
of its individual proprietor, who is busy
with building houses, milking Helland cat
tle, running race horses, operating paper
mills, dabbling in all kinds of politics and
helping te strengthen candidates for gov
ernor whom his paper assails. The Intel
ligence recognizes the Recerd as a con
win distinct from these relations of Mr.
Singerly; and it asks the same considera
tion for itfcelf.
Chairman Hensel, like the Ixtklli
flENCEn, is of age, and can speak for him
self. Lut if be has any of the instincts of
a Democrat and a freeman, and any of the
regard for party organization which a per
son occupying his ellicial position ought te
have, Tie wlllllkely regard the "threats'
of the Harrisburg Patriot te the approach appreach
ng state convention, in the same spirit
that they are entertained by the I.ntelli I.ntelli
eenceu and every ether right-minded
Democratic journal. When our
esteemed Democratic contemporary, of
Harrisburg, and our still mere esteemed
independent contemporary of Philadelphia,
undertake te divide the great Democratic
party of Pennsylvania into two classes
the ofllce-belders and the disappointed ef-ilce-seekers
they show a lack of truth and
an oppression of ignerance which make
their diagnosis worthless. The entire body
of federal ofllce-belders de net constitute
one percent, of the party in this state; the
disappointed efflce-bunters de net aggre
gate atmestflveper cent. Between them,
their aspirations and rivalries, the Pennsyl
vania Democracy are net te be ground te
pieces, nor will they let themselves be tern
up by their dissensions.
The demand of the Puinet " that
the candidates en thefstate ticket must be
satisfactory te the element that has been
disappointed by the dispensation of the
federal patronage," is as ridiculous and
unpatriotic as would be a demand that the
candidates must be satisfactory te these
who were net disappointed in the dispen
sation of patronage. The great body of the
party neither get office nor was disappoint
ed in net getting it. Tiiey are Democrats
from principle -and net for plunder; and
for such the Intelligence! assumes te
speak, when it reiterates its confidence that
whoever is nominated by a majority of the
Democratic delegates.falrly chosen ,at Har
risburg next week, will receive ,the united
vote of the party, whether he suits the
ofllce-belders and office-hunters or net. We
have as little regard for the irapu dent
"dictation" of one class, as we have for
tbe impudent threats of the ether.
Iteuie and the Kuights or Laber.
Quite a noise Is being made ever the
condemnation by the Hely See at Leme of
the Knlghta of Laber In response te a re
quest by Cardinal Taschereau, of Quebec,
for a decision en the subject.
It is taken for granted that this disap
proval is binding upon all Catholics In the
United States. This 13 net correct. The
official promulgation of such an edict must
be through the American primate, Car
dinal Gibbens, of Laltlmere ; and until he
speaks, it is safe for the most exemplary
Catholic in these parts te adhere te his
own opinion of this great labor organiza
tion. The Catholic church Is unalterably op
posed te secret societies, in the fear that
they may lead Catholic members te a se
cret renunciation of their faith. Lut the
ostensible secrets of the Knights of Laber
organization have leaked out sufficiently te
glve prominent ecclesiastics data en which
te Judge of its principles and purposes;
and these latter have been endorsed by
ueh princes of the church as Cardinal
r2ttvttta nf Ttnltlmmn nn1 A vutTilklalmn
ijw, el Philadelphia.
k Therefore, it 'would be well for all inter
ted art te rush te a hasty conclusion re-
girding this question and in particular te
remember that the United States Catho
lics are numerous enough te liave a decree
of their own, when the occasion demands
As te Mnticrnaterlnl famllilntr.
ThelNTKLLinuNcnii is quite willing te
admit, if it pleases the Philadelphia
Recerd better, that Gee. A. Jenks would
make an extraordinarily geed candidate
for governor."
The fact that he holds n federal office,
which Is in nearly even- ether cuss a ml
rag te the Jlecenl, Is in our judgment no
reason why the convention should net turn
te him ; and possibly It is ue such reason
te nnj body else, except Mr. .Jenks , but
wehavotheery highest authority possi
ble In the case for si) lug that Mr. .Jenks is
net a candidate ; that be has authorized
the imperative and unqualified vv itlulravval
of his name It presented; that he will net ac
cept the nomination if conferred upon him ,
and that even if elected against his will he
could net honorably, and therefore would
net, quit his present position te take the
gubernatorial chair of l'enusvlv.itii.i.
It IS trilO the iNTKLLU.hM I K ll.H Slid
of ene of the prominent candidates for
governor, that the "lieutenant governor is
the natural succexr te the governor."' It
Is equally true that, with entire freedom
from factious feeling or personal prefer
ence, the n; has said of
another that Mr. Wallace's " Democracy is
unquestioned and his capacity undoubted.''
It could say many ether geed things of
many ether geed men if they were as con
spicuously presented Lut for the time it
iseueugh te repeat what we have s.ud be
fore " The state abounds with Democrats w he
would make geed candidates for governor
and geed governors. The otbce is ene of
great dignity, and demands geed sense in
its occupant, and we knew many I'eine
crats sufficient!) equipped w ith the needed
qualifications te till it with distinction. "
The party is muted. Whoever is nomina
ted will get its ever) vote."
iNevv who will net get ita every vote .'
Who are they, who will net vote for the
nominee ' And wh) Let us knew who
these preteuded Democrats are, who an
nounce in advance that they will rule or
ruin, and that they will defeat the ticket
unless they have their own way ' They, at
least, are entitled te no consideration at
Harrisburg next week '
I'ltlLADELl'iiiA Uiiuer dealers are combin
ing te oppose Sunday selling. This Is the
kind of prohibition that meets with Deme
cratle approval.
It la asserted In a report recently presented
te tbe Parliament et YlcterU, iu Australia,
that the disease in cattle known as " tuber
culcwU " is communicated te persons who
eat the meat or Urlnk the milk of animals
atlected by it. The researches tiudert.iken
In Victeria seem te have demonstrated that
tuberculosis in man is ideutiiMl with that
atlectiup cattle, and is produced by the same
bacillus or germ, livery case of tubercle, it Is
asserted, Is due te the growth and multipli
catien in the system et this low lerui of plant
life. Unless thoroughly cooked, the meat of
tuberculeus animals may communicate the
germ, and In uusceptible constitutions cause
the development of consumption.
Nkvv YeitK, monopolists hae put up
the price el egi; aud stove coal tweuly-Uve
cents a ten. I Ins is why w e grieve.
1 1' Mexico Ik te try American cllbeus ler
etlenses committed en American seli, she
can dralt them from her prisons te nil her
nrmy. Then she can treat them in the eir
hand manner which she knows se well vide
the following extract from a disp itch dated
Chalce l'scoudlde, Mex., Aug. 7.
"The leurtli Infantry lest two soldiers bolere
they reached Santa itesalia, one, it Is said,
from sunstroke and the ether was killed by
the colonel because he was tired of him.' ' new rumor, and the nauie el the ru
mor Is Jerdan. The gist of the rumor Is that
he will resign as United Suites treasurer, be
cause he and falrchlld cannot pull together.
Tun death of Richard lieetlgvr, the victim
of careless haudliug of a pistol in this city,
will be learned with keen regret by all ac
quainted w ith the circumstances et tbe har
row ing tragedy. It will ler a time point the
lessen et mere prudence lu the use of tire
arms, but seen It will be forgotten until some
fresh calamity makes It necessary te learu
the lessen anew. Te these who knew the
nature of young Hoettger's Injuries, the
bullet passing through his right Ue just
below the hip, it will be interesting
te read of a wonderful operation in
New Yerk en Dennis Mabeuey, wounded
almost the aame as the l.uicasier victim.
The man had been shot in the abdnmen,
and the pistol ball had pierced live of the In In
testiue. There was ue he(H) of saving his
life, except by the delicate operation kuewu
as laparotemy. The operatieu included a
long incision in the wall of the abdomen.
The intestines were then removed, placed lu
warm blankets, and the live wounds were
sewed with silk, after which the Intestines
were replaced. This operation was performed
by Dr. Bull, the only man vv he ever attempted
it. The latter's first attempt proved successful,
aud the medical profession Is watching with
Blaring eyes the result of the second.
Mus. Piiedkrick C. UiiutUTLY, or Phila
delphia, wile of the well known legal editor,
is dead aud her husband Is dying.
Beld Beb IsriKnsen. wauts te bet Mayer
Grace that Mqulre will Mtirvlve him In ellice
Urace will net put up the preilered f LOW
11 a.m. an is himself again, aud is rojierted
te have rowed dewu the three-mile record at
Worcester, Mass. The tlme Is glieu at l'':is
and 19.-C3.
COXtlRKssMAM Chas. T. O I'mittr, of
Vlrglnla,leund 210 Republicans holding olllie
in his district when the present administra
tion came iu. He went te work at once, aud
In ninety days all nut four el their places
woreoccuplod by Democrats.
hk. nieKi.i:s replies te me reeenllv pub
lished loiter from General Geerge (S. lea le
te Coleuol Benedict, of Burlington, t.,
dated March 10, IsTO, retloctiugupeu General
Sickles' conduct at the battle of Gettysburg.
General Sickles says the lotier must have
been written without deliberation, without
revision and without comparison with the
ellicial records, as it contradicts General
Meade'a own ellicial rojiert of the battle
uiadein October, 18k), and his testimony be bo be
fere the committee en the conduct et the war
in March, isei.
Mns. Hiiaup, after being away from her
home in Farmington Ma, for hull a century,
thus writes le her brother In Quitman Ga :
"I have Just eaten breakfast sitting in our
great-grandfather's chair, which came from
Bristel, Kng., mero than lOOyears age. The
het brown bread was served in adish70years,
old, potatoes in a lovely brown dish M years
old, ate my eggs trem a glass 50 jears old,
my plate, cup and saucer were i0 jears old,
spoons 70 years eld.l took my hat f re-u'-a c ml
fable 70 years, looked; at ttheJ high, old lanh lanh
lened clock mero than a hundred years e:d,
went out of the house W years old, aud look leek
ed at the lovely, lovely farm,ueu which our
ancestors had lived for mere ttiau lluyeais."
lias Charge et l'uur Vliurihet.
Hev. B. G. Welder, of Boyerstown, Berks
county, has been unanimously elected pas
tor of the Heamatewn, Muddy Creek, Berg,
strass and Centre Lutheran churches In this
county, constituting one charge.
Uled In California.
Dr. W. H. Ilruner, a natlve of Caernarvon,
Lerki county, has dled In California. He
went there In 1810, and aner being engaged
In geld mining for soma years, resumed tha
practice! of his protessleo. Mrs. Bcett Patteu
of Columbia, is a sister of deceased.
The beit picture of MrTttdcit that I have
seen ludeed the only ene that glvivs n
fairly accurate portrait of bis expression in
later life Is the lull page engraving In
V(inL Leslie's IIVci'v.
It liiuvvster w nuts te learn lien te get
inauulactorles here let her business men In
quire hew peme ethor towns lu the Bt.ite,
wllh less natural advantage, get them.
Where's that beard el trade 7
If you go down the Columbia .V Pert
Ippestt rallreid these evtuilngs and watch
the sun set behlnd the rlver hills along the
Yerk county shore you will ee picturesque
beauties that will mike )ou wouder why
people de net stay at home te we sights.
The I.vmitpr county dehvsttw te the
Democratic statu convention have taken a
whole house at Harrisburg, for the accommo
dation or themselves and the entertainment
nf their constituents. The second and third
stories orthe 1'etu tmltdlng, Ne. hi Market
S?ip3are, will bt the slopping place of the
Usncastrl.ius, and the spacious double pvr pvr
lers, second story front, the famous " l.agle's
Nest " of the legislative contest of KM, will
be the pi we where our tellen -citizens miy
meet next week. The round trip tickets
from here te Harrisburg. geed all w eek, w III
cost JMI 'or sale upeu orders.
Happening In Lebanon the ether day, t
spent an hour with Tather Chri-t, aforetime
assistant te i'alher A. V. Kaul, at SL An An
teony's here ; aud new hlmseh pister of the
large congregation of the Church of the As
sumptien in that thriving town. The opu epu opu
Hen of his pirlsh Is probably :2,eiV souls
about equally divided lu the uatlv ity et their
original extraction, as he smilingly ob
served when he pointed te the di
plomacy of the architect who had
put n statue of st, Patrick en ene side el the
altar aud et .St lteuilace en the ether . the
altar Is covered with statues and Is prebsbly
without an equal In ecclesiastic architecture
in the state , It alone cost fd,000 ; the church
entire represents about J lii.nOO expenditure,
and the parsonage, cenv eut, jnirechial school
aud ether buildings all in a splendid block,
well finished aud thoroughly equipped, are
worth, maybe, as much as (JCAOu). They are
located lu the very heart of the city, oppe
site the court house aud next te i lie spleiul id
new Celeman bauk aud railroad building.
Fer a yeuug priest 1 ather Christ bear
his large responsibilities wllh great dignity
and success, and aided by an assistant is new
building up a mission In Cernw iM.
bat an error it was, by the way, when
the Catholics of the lower end of this county
restored the old ht. Catherine's iu Drumore,
that it was net removed te and rebuilt in
tnarryvllle, Instead of at th out-of-the-way
site two miles below, where It was lirst
erected by individual iuuuiticeue'
I rather think, take it for all iu all, that
West Chester is about the huidsemest, most
tidy and met comfortable looking place el
Its sire in the state. I suspect, tee, that
West Chester knows It.
A newspaper story gees that Kussel Sage
and Mr. Tllden when they were young used
te get together at the end of every year and
cempare their Incomes. I knew two very
conspicuous men In Pennsylvania, either of
w horn perhaps can use sev en figures in count
ing his wealth, who did this ler a long tima
Alter awhile theyget te criticising each ether's
investments and a little chilliuess ensued.
They are respectively burning w ilh curiosity
te knew which has the bigger pile.
Since the pepularising el some of the
ether magazines the -.Kfaiifi. .lf.tiiA'y is net
much read in l.vncaster ; and yet for solid
literary features It holds Us own admirably.
Octave Tbanel's "hlx Visions of St. Augus
tine," of which a section Is presented te x low
by the iNTEt.LteKNrhit today, Is a very
clever piece of work. Agues Heplier, who
has menus uereanu is growing inie merary
popularity, has an article iu the August
number "On the Benefits of Suerstitien ',
David Dedge's relation of "Demestic Econ
omy in the Confederacy "' is better than
many of thecurrent war articles: and Mr.
Bishop's story comes en apaca A geed deal
of it is equal te Mr. Hew oil's best work In
"Silas l.aphaui." This, for mstauce. Is a
very charming bit et reciety observation :
"This luter-visitlng of school friends, new
that railroad fares are cheip, and the remot
est points are really but a lew days apart, is
one of the great North A merican agencies for
unifying civilization" said Barclay, as If
philosophically. "The bearding school
ought te be set upon a lelly pedestal of honor
as a leading factor lu the uiedlui-atum of
types and the settlement of race problems.
What Is the frequent upshot el thee v isits
The young stranger, llittered and feted, ap
pearsat her best. The young men re taken
with the novelty; some ene of them asks her
le marry him, aud she stays She has been
blown alar and taken root, just asthesf'eds
of exotic plants are blown by the winds te
spring up en coral islands."
I have soinetlme alluded te the manage
ment of the Kastern penitentiary in
this column ; te what I conceived te
be lis honorable, enlightened aud thor
oughly efficient system ; and an occa
sional echo of surprise aud Incredulity
has been evoked. Such report runs contrary
te soine false Impressions that hav e been cre
ated about the cruel system of separate and
solitary confinement in dark aud lonesemo
cells, and about putting a "bag" ever the
head et the convicts w hen taken around. 1
am glad te read the testimony of Kev. Dr.
P. S. Davis, concurrent with my own ob
servation, that all the stories about a cruel sys
tem at this Institution are Ill-founded. Be
sides ether things he says.
"The Impression created by the rejiert is
that in the Eastern penitentiary el Pennsyl
vania the convicts are led around with
their heads covered with a bag te confuse
them; that they never see a preacher, and
thatwhen their time is served they are put
out in Uie same blludlelded way. We knew
what we allirm when we say that new con.
vlcts are only led in this way te the olllce,
then te the bath rooms and alterwards te
their cells, and that this Is all te protect
the prlsoner Irem the gaze of otliers. The
writer of this during one of his lirst visits te
"Cherry Hill," saw a man led from his cell
te a room where he was te see his w ire. The
man had a veil ever his race, which led te the
inquiry, " De you expect by that means te
keep that man trem seeing the orseu or
what Is going en around him ?" " Ne," was
the prompt reply or the warden, "That Is
net my object 1 w Ish te prevent ether pris
oners from seeing him. He may le here
through misfortune and I de net wish any
rascal who leers through his cell deer, te be
able te go out aud say te his children, ' I saw
yeuriaiuer in tue penitentiary.'" That open
ed up the whele mystery of bags and veils,
and my observation for ten years since has
been that the custom Is a merciful one, aud
all convicts net lest te shame are thankful for
It, when they are made sensible of the do de
sign. At the Collulalre at Brussels in
Belgium, where the model prison or Kurope
has recently lieeu built, every convict is
provided with a mask which he wears con
stantly te prevent his fellow prisoner Irem
recognizing him. And Mnns. Stephens, the
director whose great wisdom Hint long ox ex ox
perloneo as head of the old prison at Ghent,
lias wen the listening car of all European
philanthropists, told the writer that the plan
wasa great help net only lu shielding the
sensitive who are anxious te reform, but also
lu preventing the professional criminals from
concocting evil.
At the Kastern state prison or Pennsylva
nia the convicts soe mero people, except
thelr fellow convicts, than In any prison iu
the world. True, they are screened rrem
the curious morbid guze et comers and
goers who like te have distinguished mur
derers and thleves o!uied out te them ; and
they are consulted as te whether or net the
visit el any iartlcular person will be pleas
ant te thorn ; but they can, if they wish, see
at any tlme besides the chaplain and any
outside minister, their keepers, the warden,
any diroetor, the members of the Prison as
sociation, and their relatives aud acqalnt
ances under the proper limitation required
by tbe discipline of all such instltutlenc.
Many people have a wrong lmprosMen et
this Institution, aud it is se ingrained that It
Is hard te get It out of them. The term " soli
tary centlnemeut," calls up te their minds
dark cells where men are Immured as in the
black hele of a slaveshlp, trem which the
light of heaven and the volce of mau are
rigidly excluded. And then come horrid
tales of insanity, which have no foundation,
In fact. This hi all a false idea. The writer
knows w hereof he Affirms vv hen he says Hint
there Is net a dark cell within the walls even
ter punishment. All Is bright and cheerful
as can be. the Inmates receive iiufn iilimt
frfiifwfN'.and the access te their fellow -men,
Is In marked contrast with the severity or
ether theories which pteteud le greater
There ate some geed Democrat aud ether
geed people w he are all wrong en the .iies
tluii el prohibition; and when people who
pretend te have studied pelltii-tal iiiivstlen,
get se nidlc illy wrong It Is espe.n!l.v pleas
ing te llnd a member el the cleric il prefes
Meil, who lsuaturally supposed te Wi mero
emotional than logical, stand up stiaiuhlupen
an Issue thst misleads be many w lin minister
lu his sacred otUce, A preacher w he is high
up lu one et the leading denominations et the
state writes me this ;
"As a uilulsier el the Gospel I have alwevs
been neutral In )l!tles ellli-ully, mid have
seldom, as a citizen, isken any part iu po
litical atlalrs, except te vote. Hut 1 have
studied political questions and have always
felt a strong attachment te the Democratic
party and its principles. 1 am jwrtlcutarly
humeus that the coming Democratic state
convention should take a lair and sipiarts
m inly stand 011 the prohibition .tiestieu;and
beg you te spire a low moments te consider
what I have te suggtst.
"1 am opposed te a piohlbilery amend
ment te our constitution
ill Because the subject should be dealt
with by the legislature in statute law. An
amendment te the constitution, once adopted,
cau be medltled only with dltllculty, no mat
ter what oxperieure may demand.
CJ) 1 ceusider that prohibition Is Impriu
ticable, and will make hypocrites and lavv
bieikers. ( I) I believe the principle le be wrong.
It partakes uf Mohammedan superstition
rather than or Christian liberty . or Chinese
or Turkish luterualism rather than el iner
lean freedom.
"Aud being opposed te siii li an amend
nient I am opposed te its submission te the
people as a step towards the wreug end.
On this question of submission a great
fallacy seeuis te have taken held of the
public mlud. It Is thought right for legis
laters, ineuteives net in taver 01 me uiueim
meut, te Met the people decide . ' indeed It
Is represented as an outr.igeeu popular rights
If the people are net allowed a vote en the
prohibition ameudmeut.
'All this is utterly foreign te our theory
el constitutional government
"That theory involves three principles (1 ,
That amendments te the constitution 1 or or
ganic law should be less easy than amend
ments te the statute law. " (B), That such
amendments should net Iks made In haste,
en popular impulse, but with ample time for
the " sober, second thought." (,.!, That such
amendments should net be made at all unless
they cm i. -111111 md the assent either of a con
stitutional convention, or of two-thirds of
each braucb or two successive legislatures , 1.
e., of a body of men, supposed te beer geed
judgment, above the average and with ample
tlme rer debate.
"Tbe idea thit when any cousiderable
number el per-eus demand an amendment,
it should, en that ground alone, be submitted
te the people, is fundamentally unsound.
The rights of minorities are tee sacred te be
subiect te a uiere uisjerity vote, without
checks and delivs.
" Besides I de net beliove that a majority
have a moral right t in ike amendments te
the constitution tyrannical aud oppressive
te the minority ; and such 1 regard as the
character of tha proposed ameudmeut.
" New, It fellows, I thluk :
1st. That a cltien who really favors the
prohibition amendment may properly vote
ler members of the legislature of the same
way efthlnklug. And that members of the
legislature of like mlud, may properly or
neuesuy vote ler suomissien.
-M. That ter a member of the legislature
who is ii..f iu lav or of Prohibition, te vote for
submis-ien (en tbe ground of "letting the
people decide"), is for him te shirk respon
sibility and te destroy the sale-guards or con
stitutional liberty. Fer It was Intended te
guard against rash amendments by rrevid-
I Ing rer submission, only when tne-thircts,
.t rt ara atinnvviul tint st Biiliintdlmi ii-liiiil.
.) niu T w 'sj u.'V vi -in wiij nnjiij uil,U
is a "dodge," but or the auiendmeut il-ell
3d. That for Prohibitionists te ask i indi
dates ler enate and afcsembly, te pledge
themselves te "submission," lrrosiective el
their ew n v tens as te the amendment, is te
ask men, ter thosakeot votes, te dewhatl
havosiekon et iu the roregolug paragraph.
It Is really an exceedingly immoral transac
tion and sieelally reprehensible iu professed
special Irlends el v irtue.
lilt. That the Republican liirty by declar
ing ler "submission" without pretending le
lie iu favor of prohibition, premises (sincere
ly or insincerely), te procure, ir It can, a leg
islature that will reneunce its constitutional
function, acten Jacobin principles and break
down, by Indirection, the guarantees against
rash changes.
"1 regard the position taken by the Repub
lican pxrty as cowardly, hostile te the true
meamrg of the constitution, dangerous and
perilously near te subornatieu of perjury ;
ler it is a violation of ene's oath te 'approve'
an amendment which ene does net approve,
when that real approval Is made a safeguard
against popular rashness.
"I desire te see the Democratic party repu
diating this great political heresy , reruslugte
imitate, this evil oxamplearxl manfully de
daring against sumptuary legislation and
all steps leading te it.
"But if the Democratic party does this and
no mere, it will be understood as favoring
the abuses or the liquor traffic This would
be wrong and perhaps fatal te success, 1
hope a declaration will be made iu favor of a
high licen.'e law, embodying judicious restric
tions. This is urgently needed; Is the best
thing that cau new be done, and If It Is net
done the demand for prohibition may bocemo
"I wish te soe the Democratic party of
Pennsylvania declaring en the ene hand
against legislation which is hostlle te personal
freedom and would brand as criminal acts
dene by the Seu of Ged when en earth, and
also ag-ilust the perversion and nullification
of the constitution ; and en the ethor band, te
declare for Judicious regulation, restriction
aud taxation of a traffic w hose abuse produces
se much evil, crime and mlseiy.
"I hope te soe a distinct pledge against
sumptuary legislation anu 111-uenest sutiler-
fugesand In favor of high llconte.
"Such a position is manly, consistent,
honest, Democratic It may leso some votes,
but will gain ethers. It has a future, it
will deserve success and be mero llkeiy te
win it than any truckling either te 'prohibi
tion' or 'free rum.'"
It strikes me he writes like a statesman.
Siniiii w.
On Hie Diamond Field.
The League games yesterday were: At PhlV
adelphia, Philadelphia 2, Washington 1 ; at
Detroit, Detroit 8, Kansas City I ; at Bosten,
New Yerk 9, Bosten S ; at Chicago, St I.euls
'J. Chicago I.
Tbe Athletics were deleated In Cincinnati,
by 12 te 11 yosterday and the St Louts beat
Baltimore by lltei
A great ga mew an played In Altoonayoster Alteonayoster Altoenayoster
dav and the people of that town went wild
ever the line playing of thelr team. Crewell
was put in te pitch and tbe Pittsburg uude
but ene hit in the game. At tbe end the
score was 3 te 0 In favor el A 1 toen a.
The Washington club paid Philadelphia
7iw ler the release or Jack Parrel, but the
player refuses te go te Washington.
The Chicago club took another step hack
wards yesterday by their defeat New Yerk
and Detroit both wen and the former Is
ahead et Chicago in games wen.
The Pniladelphia J'ress accusea Jehn
Kelly, who is the best umpire In this
country, of cheating tbe Athletics In yester
day's game.
Manager Mack was dissatisfied with the
umpire In the Wilkesbarre-Willlamspert
f;ameH yesterday. He threatens te withdraw
its team from the association and play Inde
pendently. A Illiturlau en the ''lllack Hene."
COtl'.MIllA, Aug. 13. KllS. INTKI.I.KIKN-
I'KH : I notice you print the story of the
"Black Herso," Lllzabothtewn. The"Black
Bear" was the Itedsecker tavern, lately
Beyer's tavern. The history of the "Black
Herso" I think gees back te ihe period when
the Paxton and Conestoga read was made,
about 17U7-8. A large iiumber of the most
prominent Indian traders resided along this
read between Couewage and Mprlngville.
The Harris', Heward's, Wilkin's, Smiths,
Wllbens, Stewarts, and Hughes were among
the number. The Black Herso was en the
wesl slde of the creek, new owned by Henry
A. Wade, Ham. Evans.
l)u the Track uf the Thieves.
Soveral nights age Wetzel's store iu
WrlghUville, Yerk county, was entered and
some goods stolen. On Thursday three men
were soiling goods having Wetzel's cost
mark en at Sale Harber, A telegram do de
scilblng the marks was sent Mr. WetzjL,
who readily rocegnlzed them and at ence
took measures te haye the thieves atrested,
OVJiKA UUVltK utvuerxsiKNTa.
lu iu
,HiluliiiiiU It Nun IUiiVi Willi ltl
I't-at In the MM r.
Pulton opera house was opened for the tall
and wlnler season lasl evening by Wilsen A
Rankin's minstrels. Although everything
has been quiet en the outside of the building
for the past few mouths, all has been bustle
and confusion vv Ithlti. Manager Yoeker has
madu some great improvements lu his al
ready convenient theatre, and It will new
rank with the Kst iu the state. The last
amusement season closed In May, but the
Improvements were nel begun until It was
cerUilu that Iho house would net K ikhhIisI
for use ugilu. The last entertainments given
In It were the commencements of dlllereut
school, Iho Dual oueol which was held lale
In .1 line. As seen as everything was ever
Mr. Nicker put his force el men te work,
aud the tesult of their laUirs was apareut le
these vv he v Isltcd the plsce last ev etilug.
One el the rooms tu which great Improve-
meilts hive lseii iniule Is the ellice, which,
Is lu the front et the building, lu this room
Harry U ll.utin.ver formerly carried en
printing, but alter his deith the whole sleek
mid llxtures were sold. Mr. eeker con
cluded that he would herealter occupy the
w hole room lilmsell, and he went le work te
make it as convenient as 1 essibln. The room
Is divided oil Inte several nputinents, and
Mr. Yceker'sevvn private eilne Is 111 the
northeast corner. It Is well titled up Willi
desk, tiblp. A"., and here reservi I sent
tickets will be sold lu the rear of the room
Is another up irtmeiit, which will be ler the
exclusive use et the bill pesters. In it Is a
large bible which can be used for ariaiiglug
paper, dating the lithographs and doing ether
wiirn. deivvccii uns iipitimeui ami .Mr.
Yeeker's ellice there Is plenty of room te the
private entrance. The partition, including
the dillerent nitrtuicuts, were put up by
Bert Rhluehart. They are hiiWhcd lu cherry
audlcuk very no it.
The auditorium has received a thorough
overhauling, and It leeks well. It was
scrubbed and cleaned up Irem the entrance
te the stages and repairs were made where where
ever thev were found at all necessary, lu
the aisles heavy new matting has been
1.1 1.1 11U I T ILH VUN Vlle.s.
T oef the greatest Improvements lu the
building will be new modes of furnishing
heat and light Mr. 1 eckerceucluded le use
the new Incandescent electric light, and he
will have it put lu as seen as the company Is
read te furnish It The wires Ac, have all
been placed III the building, and farewell
vv ill be given the gis tu a short time. Te Il
luminate the house well. I je lights will be
used. Of this number l are ou the large
chandelier In the middle of the room; 011
the gallery there will be three, aud six lu the
purquette circle. I he stitucs one either side
of the stage vv ill each have three. w lute 21 vv 111
lie used in thoteotlights. Arrant an -e box will
be used for these and they cm be turned en
lull or put jmrtl v out as dVslrect. The border
lights of the stage will lie composed el three
rows of twelve each and ene of four. The
lodgeaml ether rooms in the building will
also be lighted by electricty.
Anether great Improvement lu the build
ing vv III be the steam heat w hich vv 111 be used
this season ler the lirst tune m the buildlmr.
lann U. Il.uhler, who was the contractor te
put lu the healing appartus has been busy
tr soveral weeks ami he just linlshed his
work this afternoon. There Is no doubt that
the new mede will be a great Improvement
ever the old heater, ami the houe will be
rendered mere comfortable The hirguboller,
which c-ame from Best A Sen, has bccupWced
under the stige, lnsie It is Mxl Inches,
and the attu hments are all automatic A
pressure or mere than live sunds or steam
will uet Isj used at any time. The heat
will be distributed by cloven radiators,
six of which ure In the auditorium.
Twe of these, which are very large, nre di
rectly In Irent of the stige, oue being en
either side of the orchestra. On either side
of the building there is another Iu the par par
quette circle, while the ethers are near the
alceves in the Irent part el the house, There
are also two radiators in the oihce, two in the
store room next te f-prenger's saloon, and a
large ene iu the vesliuule. The stance dress
ing rooms and ledge rooms will be heated by
coil work. Iu addition te the three iu the
auditorium there are three indirect radiators
underneath the lloer. The radiators are all
handsomely bronzed, have sllvervalves, and
really are very ornamental.
By removing the old heater, under the
stage, space has been secured and
anew dressing room will beadded. But few
improvements have been made en the stage
as they were net necessary. The scenery is
nearly all new ly ii-ored and iu excellent con
dition while everything olse U lu the be-st
of shape. The whole house is in excellent
condition, aud it is well worth a visit
tub eiikvm urns ion lsvs?.
Mr. decker's force or euiplev era will be
almost the same as last je.xr. Benjamin
Yecker, seu or the manager, will return
rrem the West in a few days aud will take
rh.uge el the box ellice, Jehn Killiaii, Jehn
Xium, Wm. .ahm and Henry Smith will
act as ushers. The stage vv 111 be lu charge
of "Bert" Klnehart, who has tilled the isisl isisl isisl
tionet boss carpenter rer manv years, with
credit te himself and te the satlsf.ictieu et
Mr. flicker. He is a geed man and under
stands his business. He will be assisted by
Jehn Sinclair, Albert Iske, Pred Diehl and
Jehn Wise. Ver the present the bill posting
will be in charge of Harry Goedhart, who
has also ben with Mr. Yecker for years
and thoroughly understands the work,
l'eter Lutz and I.ewis Derwart will agalu
act as pollce elllcers.
Mr. Yecker thinks the prospects very bright
for a geed season and he will endeavor, as he
has always dene, te c-ater te the Ustes or his
patrons by providing tbe best kmds or enter
tainments. Although the season opened last
night the next show will net be here until
August 'Jb, when "Our Jonathan" will be
played. After that they will begin te coine
mero rapidly. The books show that a large
number of excellent tronres have tecured
dates. Among thorn are the following :
Kdwln Beeth, Pred'k Warde, R. B. Mantell,
Mille. Ithea, Italian's "Nancy A. Ce.," "A
Night Oil." "LIltloTyceoii." "Black Hussar."
Jane Coombs, Wallacks "Cattle King," Pat
Koenoy, Miners "Silver King," O. Doud
Byren, "Black Creek," 'The Devlls Auc
tion," "Remany Rye," Clay's "Adamiess
Kden," Klectric Three" (fallen, Haley and
CallGiij, Ac Among these who will remain
a week are a number of old faverites, includ
ing Moulten aud Baker and Starr's opera
couqianies, LUlie Hluteu, Ida I.ewis, Gray
A Stephens, Leonza Brethers, Louise Poino Peino Poine
roy, Hey Crewell, Atkinson A Cook, Louise
Arnetand ethers.
avr.uiAi, NOTICES.
CltOUr.VVIIOOriNdC.OUUH and llnin'chltla
Immidlalrly relieved by ShllohsCure rersale
ey 11. , cecuran, uruggisi, no. iu.siormcjuuen
Incitement InTeia.
dreal excitement has been caused In the vi
cinity el l'arli, lex., by the remarkable io ie io
cevcryof Mr, .1. h Cerley, whowes no helpless
he could net turn In ts-d. or rulie hi huad ;
everybody said he was il villi; of Consumption,
A trial bottle of Dr. King's New DUrevery was
sunt til m. rinding relief, he bought a large bet bet bot
Ue and a hoi et Dr. King's New i.lfu 1'ilU ; by
tbe time he lad takun two boxes of rills and
two hettlns et the Discover)-, hu was well and
bad gained lu Ui-sli thirty-six imiiiids.
Trial llettles of this liruat in-a-every for Con
sumption free at 11. 11. Cochran's Drug Mere, 117
and Isi North cjtucn street, l-ancaslcr, l'a. (1)
OATAItltll CUIIKD, health and sweet breath
secured, by Millien's Catarrh Ktuiic-dy. Price w
cents. Nasal Injector free, ter sale by II. u.
Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1JJ North CJueen street.
Are you disturbed at night and broken of your
id breli
: and c
reat by a sick child sui:
the excruciating pain of cutting Uietlit If
!. uv u hick cuiiu aunurinir anu crvinir v
UIV VAV.iUl.lUllll5 IHtlll VI OMfcllllK M-'eill I Wiyim
fouteiH-eniidLMitii bottle of Mrs. WINBl.eW'a
OOTIUNO untur. It will relieve the peer
little sufferer Immediately depend upon it J
there la no mistake about IU There la net a
mother ou earth wbe bes ever used 1 who will
net tell veu al ence that It will reirulata tbe
bowels, and Klve rest te the mother, und relief
and health te the cbUd, operating like manic It
la perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant
te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of tbe
eldest aud best female physicians lu tbe United
states. Held every where. BVtentsa bottle
11. K. BLAtMAKIfR, Aet,
Christian and Maries StrMts.
All kinds of Carriages, llumjlej, llu.Inesi,
VVat'en., etc , made, b)eclal ultentlen paid te
rcpulrlnK. Hest of workmen employed and
satisfaction guaranteed.
jciwmds uenuvVEnu, Proprietor,
V v xf&f9 -ss7 (s:ej
'" 'A5 "'.? ,777Z?
SAID I -ill te Ucllc: Said Hcllc te Lill:
"Oh! will you tell "Of course I will!
"What make's jour hamls se white, ""."is Ivery Seap, my dear,
"Se smooth and soft? "Use it, and your
"I've wondered oft "Hands tee, I'm sine,
" Fer mine arc such a sight " " l-ikc mine will been appear."
There arc many white seapt, each represented te be "just .is geed as the 'Ivery';"
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar anil rematkablt qualities
of the genuine. Ask for "Ivery" Seap and insist upon Retting it,
repyrljht Us,t, hy Procter A Csmhlc
ii.vjsi i.i ur; eka.
- jn.i.p.R's l.iqreu sTeitii
We can k'v ou belter value than any ether home In the trade. We rrry the largest stock of
In Uincaster Meney refunded for anything proving unsatisfactory.
jjias MILLER'S LIQUOR STORE, 3.1 ckntkk bcjuakb.
Always Uniform and Reliable
Clean, beuKbl ler uuh.
Ne OT l'earl Biwt, New Yerk.
ltehnmc,v red. Bchutte, Ne. 113 l'earl sureet.
New Verk tbl7-lyd
RNE tailoring.
Tht I.nri;i-st and uiimI Complete Amertment
et HVh vv'udl.I.K.S-sler UiijfciirliigTlHdotebo
found In ttie Lily of Lnucastur.
A CheiiH Line of bprlnn Overceatings and
l'auUil(s,nliis In all the Ijucl I'alli'ms.
t'rtcct) lw, lUtst VV erkuuUfthlp, and allROedj
Warranted iu reprewulud.
no south e.u.v.vriiKKr.
r-OpiHMlle tbu l'oetofflcti. inar.7-1) dlt
Stilled proposals will tie recelvtsl by Ihehln.-t
lemmltU-e up te MOMIAV KVKNl.M,, Alie.
I, ls,ikts o'clock, for the bulhUnset tbe lol lel lol
lewtug ".jwers
A -xswer te extend Irem leluiubla avenue
acreis Careline street, te c-ennect with Maner
Btret't sewer, at Derwart street.
l'lanj and seclllcallens can Ihj seen at the
City lleitulater's Olllce, at thbtntlen lleu-w.
All bid) must be ucceinpiinled with u.ime el
pieper ecurlty.
The committee rcaervis the right te reject any
oral! hldi received.
l'rope'ftls tebnaddresteil le" Street Commit
te ' and lunihsl te VV . M. Kiddle, i h.ilrman.
Ily order of
Ke-ms H. SatiT, Clerk. alJ-:t
Irem 1 our Iilserderc-d Kldneyt,
ISIivck Harrc'i Mineral Spring lVater
la a Prompt, EfnclentandCheapltcmcdy.
Its Tonic and InvlKenint Powers maku It an
excellent Kjiipepsl.iUc-mcdy
Dr. ltei;naui,et trance, w riling teOc-ti. lletr,
ef the U. s. Army, 8ii
" luu need net come te Kurope le" Waters te
Cure Dvsnepsla, we have nene batter than
l'eraens supplied and vessels furnished.
1'. S. Uliulill AN, aiaruiKer,
Ne. 37 Kast Oram street,
rer sal e by J NO. It. KAU1 I'M AN, Druggist,
North Oil) en Street, Lunciuter, l'a.
lil.ACK IJAKUEN Ul'UlNO I10USK new open.
Apply te
I'leasant Ureve, Lancaster County, l'a.
T b. lUVI.Kil.tCO.
Hamburg Embroideries,
White Goods,
Astonishing Lew Prices,
'10 CI.D3E OUT
Me. 25 East King Streot,
LiweJisrsa, r.
Whereas, the Honorable, Jehn II. Living.
men, ."resident, nnd lloneiahlu David W, Put Put Put
torsen, Ail'lllieniU Law Judire of the Courts of
Common Picas lu and for the county of Ijiuuih
til, unit Aaalxtuut Justices uf the Courts
of Over and Tennlnc-r and Cienerul
Jail Dillverj- and Ouurter Sessions of the
l'c-ace iu and for the county of Lancaster,
have issued their precept, le me directed, ro re
liilrliiK me amenj,' ether things te make public
proclamation throughout my bailiwick, that a
Court of 0cr and Terminer and a Ucncral Jnll
OcllveriMilMiaCeurt of (ienenil Quarter Hc-s-slens
oflhe Peace nnd Jail Delivery, will com cem com
iiieiu (i In the Court lleinn, In the city of 1-unuis-ter,
In tboCemmoiiwcultbof l'uuusylvuula,
( Dm leth ), Ism)
Inpursiiance of which precept public notice Is
heifby irlveii te the .Miivnranil Aldermen of Uiu
Oily of LincuKlcr. In the wild county, und all the
Justices or the I'eace, the Corener iinil Cen
Blahles of the said City aud County of Lancas
ter, licit they bu then and there lu their inn
proper persuns. w Ith Ibelr rolls, records and ex.
uminatlous.uiidliuiuUltlens. aud their own riv
ineuibninces, toilethoKO Ihlnes which te their
enices appertain lu their behalf te he done t nnd
uUeull theso who will prosecute airalnsl the
jirlneners who are, or llicn sluill he, lu tbe Jnll et
of Iho said County et Lancaster, uru te be then
and there te presccutu against tbeui as shall be
Hated at Lancaster, the leth day of August,
18sU ..,,..,..,. OEO, W.TOMLlMJO.N.
nUKlJ-UtUUw UheruT.
V lutaRe, 17J0, IHH, IstJ, lsl. 1CT, 1S1I. ISTO,
lhTJ, ls.-
II. K. HI.AlUAhKlt. Ant
rjeri-: 18 MAKIMI
AT JflO A DOZllf.
IsnlJ-lfd Ijinnuiuir. l'
Opposlte tbe Keystone Ilnuse and Northern
National Hank.
217 & 249 North Queen Street
NUN'S V K1LI.MJ, All Celers.
-SuwHteek UUIIIONH, All Celers.
I nil stock (JAU.r; UNiiKUWEAU.
ljirnn Stock DOMESTICS.
All CIckkIs nt Lew Prices.
leMly.l W. 11. llOWKKa.
" BEST'S "
Mere square feet of ltsdlatlne Surface, most
economical In fuel, and the Ileal Keitults In
llcallm; DucIIIuks, bchoels, Churches el any
Heater in the market. 1'eaer Nut Cull for fuel
tstluiales furnished rer Heaters, Including
Masonry, Het Air 1'lpes, ItcRlateni, etc l'ienty
of Lancaster reference. Heaters guaranteed te
elveentlrosallsfactleu or taken out at our own
llelnn both practical men In the business, we
ask a seurn uf patronage.
Estlinates cheurfully furnished for l'liiinblnir,
(iiis I tiling. Tin and hheet Iren Werk, Hoefing.
Alse a full supply nt Tluwnm, Ac.
Prices te suit the times. Olve us a call.
August Reductions !
AMEU1CAN 8AT1NKH llciluced te 10c; were lJc.
rilENC'H SAT1NK9 Heduced teODc , vvore3Sc.
TV COON SKKItSUCKEItS Reduced le 15c;
were !We.
CItlNKLKD HKEUSUCKEI18 lleducel te 10c
neiu l.'He.
I'llINTEI)IlAT18TK8Uc(tuceatel0ct were 18c.
All llcduced lu Thrmj Quarters ltegulur Value.
We are still runuluK at Cl'l' l'KIUKS.
TIIOMraON'eOLOVK riTTINUattl.3tt Itegu.
larl'ilcu, ILW.
WAItNKIl'd KLEXUILE III1 atine ; Kegular
HAL II. 1". C0118ET at 80a i Hegular 1'rice, 11.00.
Hit. BCHILLINU'8 COItlKT at We i Itrgular
l'rlce, 11.00.
OUIl OWN UOU3KT at BJe llegular Ptlce, 75e
IMl'KOVKl) K03KIIUI) COU1KT at Irto -, Itegu
hir l'rlce, rjoe.
11AIS Y C0118E1' lit ie llegular Price, -lie.
Cor. West King & Prince Sts,,
Opposite elevens Heuse.) LANCAflTJiit, ri
j j.-.. x